#Huawei Technologies Co.
shamnadt · 8 months
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jsuhawellcable · 8 months
Jiangsu Huawei Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd
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mariacallous · 1 month
The U.S. secretary of commerce is recovering from a fractured tailbone, but she doesn’t know how it happened.
“I have no idea!” Gina Raimondo says with an exasperated sigh when I ask, before pointing to the donut pillow that she’s about to sit down on for our interview. She adds, “I’m only telling you because I don’t want you to think I’m weird.”
We meet late on a Friday morning in July in Raimondo’s office on the fifth floor of the Department of Commerce—one of Washington’s largest government buildings, located just off Pennsylvania Avenue and across the street from the White House complex.
For the past three-and-a-half years, the proximity between the two buildings has been more symbolic than ever. The Commerce Department has been thrust to the forefront of what is arguably President Joe Biden’s biggest geopolitical priority: winning the technological race against China and ensuring U.S. economic and military primacy.
That includes cutting off Chinese access to advanced semiconductor chips through ever-expanding export controls while also ensuring that more of those chips are made in the United States and allied countries; spearheading the development and regulation of artificial intelligence; and even looking ahead to the implications of advanced quantum computing through the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
As one individual put it at a recent gathering in Washington conducted under the Chatham House Rule, the Pentagon is probably “jealous” of the Commerce Department’s centrality to U.S. national security.
Raimondo acknowledged her department’s outsized influence but disagreed that the overriding sentiment is that of jealousy. U.S. Defense Secretary “Lloyd Austin has called me his battle buddy,” she said, adding that she sees herself as “connected at the hip” with the military and intelligence communities.
“We’re at the red-hot center of national security and economic competitiveness,” Raimondo said. “Some of that is because technology is in the middle of everything, and some of it, I think, is just the way in which I have managed this place.”
That centrality is why I wanted to sit down with Raimondo. I wanted to know more about how she balances the need to protect national security interests with the department’s mandate to promote U.S. economic growth and competitiveness—and her role in repositioning the department for those shifting priorities.
Raimondo’s familiarity with technology predates her political career. In 2000, she co-founded Point Judith Capital—the first venture capital firm in her native state of Rhode Island. The experience influenced her “a lot,” she told me.
“I like to be with entrepreneurs. I love it. I miss it. That’s what I did,” she said. She then lowered her voice to nearly a whisper, as if she was telling me a secret: “So many people in government just play it safe, worry about their job—you’re not going to get anything done that way. Don’t be afraid to speak up, don’t be afraid to try for something big. Have impact. Judge yourself on impact.”
Raimondo decided to take that approach into politics, being elected as Rhode Island’s treasurer in 2010 before becoming the state’s first woman governor in 2015. She served in that position until Biden named her to his cabinet—making it through the Senate confirmation process despite opposition from some Republicans who accused her of being soft on China.
It would be harder to make that claim now. Raimondo has been the target of Chinese hackers and memelords, who see her as the face of the Biden administration’s anti-China tech policies.
Some of them took that literally, superimposing her images on fake ads for Chinese tech giant Huawei’s new Mate 60 Pro smartphone, which was released during Raimondo’s visit to Beijing last year. The phone is powered by a relatively advanced 7 nanometer chip—designed and made in China—that was previously thought to be beyond Beijing’s capacity to build due to U.S. export controls.
“I was there. I saw the billboards; my face on the billboard with the Huawei phone—my kids sent me the [memes], saying ‘Mom, this is terrible!’ because it’s all over TikTok,” Raimondo said, mentioning another major Chinese tech platform that Washington is trying to ban. “They were not subtle.”
In keeping with Raimondo’s credo of judging oneself by impact, I asked what impact the export controls on China have had, and how successful the Biden administration’s “small yard, high fence” approach to cutting off Beijing’s access to critical technologies has been.
“I’m smiling, because yesterday I had a meeting with my team, and I’m pushing them hard to share data with me on the effectiveness of our export controls, and we have a little study ongoing where I’m trying to collect the data,” she said, “because that’s really the question you’re asking, like, ‘show me, show me.’”
That data is still a work in progress and hasn’t been made public yet, but Raimondo laid out her case for why she believes that the United States remains in the lead: China may have put a 7 nanometer chip in Huawei’s phone (the smaller that number, the more advanced the chip—the iPhone 15 Pro, for example, is powered by a 3 nanometer chip), but there still isn’t evidence that it can produce those chips at scale. And they’re a far cry from the 2 nanometer chips that will soon be made in Arizona by the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company—the global industry leader—thanks to subsidies from another big Commerce Department-led initiative, the CHIPS and Science Act.
U.S. artificial intelligence models are also more advanced than their Chinese rivals, which “wouldn’t be the case” if it weren’t for export controls on the chips needed to train those models, Raimondo said.
“However, I think it’s very dangerous to assume that it’s inevitable that we’ll stay ahead. I think that’s an arrogant viewpoint,” she said. “I feel good about where we are, but literally every single day, we should be on the edge of our seat.”
Determining the size of the yard—how many and what kinds of technologies should be subject to U.S. export controls to China—and the height of the fence—how strong those export controls should be—has been a challenge. It’s a tricky place to be in for a department whose official purpose is to be the “voice of business in the federal government” in a country that prides itself on the openness that fosters technological innovation. China, with more than a billion people, has been a coveted and lucrative market for U.S. companies for years, but it is also now undisputedly the United States’ biggest geopolitical rival.
Nvidia, the California company that designs advanced semiconductors that are essential to training artificial intelligence models, is making new chips that it can continue selling to China without flouting the export controls. And the Semiconductor Industry Association, a leading trade group, has urged the Commerce Department to “reduce burdens” on chip exports even as it praises efforts to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to U.S. shores.
“Excessive and unilateral export restrictions stifle the ability of American companies to compete with foreign competitors that do not bear the same export-related administrative and bureaucratic burdens,” the association writes on its website.
The Commerce Department’s initial export controls on semiconductor sales to China in October 2022 drew a critical line in the sand and set the tone for the Biden administration’s broader China policy. They were further tightened a year later to include a broader swath of chips, and additional restrictions are reportedly in the works.
“I struggle with this. It’s hard to know exactly where to draw the line,” Raimondo said. “I’ve tried hard to bring strategic thinking to the BIS so it’s not whack-a-mole,” she added, referring to the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, which oversees export controls. “That being said, China’s not standing still and technology’s not standing still, so when we learn that now they can take less sophisticated equipment or less sophisticated chips and maybe use more of them to do bad things, well, then we’re going to change.”
Could there be a point where the yard gets too big, and the fence gets too high? On the latter, it’s a firm no. “There’s not a point where the fence gets too high, because China is constantly trying to get around the fence,” she said. “Yes, the yard could get too big, [but] I don’t think we’re there yet, I really don’t. [Chinese President] Xi Jinping’s civil-military fusion strategy makes it hard, because everything’s militarized. He could walk into any company at every minute and take whatever he wants.”
Raimondo engages frequently with the executives and businesses working on artificial intelligence, chips, and other next-generation technologies—and by many accounts is popular with them—but she said that those conversations have increasingly been less rosy than one might expect. “It’s not easy for me to go to Intel, and Applied Materials, [and] Lam, and tell them I’m going to take away hundreds of millions of revenue,” she said, listing three leading U.S. semiconductor companies. “But sometimes commerce has to take a back seat to national security.”
That industrial policy approach, driven by technology and defined by competition with China, has set Raimondo apart from her predecessors.
“Previous Commerce secretaries have thought of themselves as the voice of business—I don’t think of myself quite as the voice of business; I think of myself as a force for economic competitiveness,” she said. “The dynamism of our economy directly relates to our ability to lead in the world,” she added. “It’s not a huge shift …but it’s enough of a shift to matter.”
Beijing isn’t the only place where Raimondo is the face of the Biden administration’s tech policies. She’s been front and center in building the global partnerships needed to help sustain the fight against China, racking up frequent flyer miles with trips to Southeast Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.
“I’m very purposeful about my travel—the team doesn’t like it because we don’t do anything fun,” she said. “I’ve been to the UAE [United Arab Emirates] for meetings without staying in a hotel … we fly, we do a lot of work, we get back on the plane.”
She’s also been Washington’s lead representative at new forums such as the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council, aimed at aligning trans-Atlantic approaches to tech regulation, and the Indo-Pacific Economic Forum, which attempts to do the same with a dozen countries in that region. It’s emblematic of another one of the administration’s priorities: shoring up bilateral and “minilateral” relationships.
Raimondo said those relationships are indispensable. “If you’ve got the best idea in the world, really the most brilliant thing in the world, [but] you don’t have buy-in from a broad cross-section of people and you haven’t built coalitions, you will fail,” she said.
Building those coalitions has become easier in some ways and trickier in others. While most of the democratic world is increasingly aligned on the threat posed by China and the need to reorient supply chains away from the world’s second-largest economy, everyone wants those supply chains to run through their soil, and many countries are heavily subsidizing industries such as semiconductors to make it happen.
I asked Raimondo how she deals with concerns about a so-called subsidy race to the bottom.
“Open collaboration and discussion,” she said. “We literally sit down and say, ‘this is how we’re spending our money.’ … I’ve been pleasantly surprised [by] the extent to which other countries have been willing to sit down with us because they don’t want to waste their money, either.”
A shared recognition of the realities of the chip supply chain also helps. More than half of all semiconductors—and more than 90 percent of the most advanced ones—are made in Taiwan, the small island off China’s coast that is an ever-more-precarious geopolitical hotspot. “We as a world are so dangerously dependent on Taiwan that there’s room for duplication,” Raimondo said.
It’s a similar story on artificial intelligence (AI), not just with other countries, but also with the private sector as well. One example is the recent $1.5 billion investment by Microsoft into G42, the UAE’s top AI company, which included an “intergovernmental assurance agreement” that the Commerce Department was heavily involved with on the U.S. side, according to multiple sources who spoke to Foreign Policy on condition of anonymity. That agreement mandated, in part, that G42 remove Chinese technology from its systems, including equipment from companies such as Huawei and Chinese cloud computing firms, the sources said. Microsoft is now reportedly backtracking on parts of that deal due to concerns around G42’s exposure to China. (Microsoft declined to comment, and G42 did not respond to a request for comment.)
Raimondo declined to comment on that deal but pointed to the UAE as an example of the sort of carrot-and-big-stick approach that the U.S. is deploying. “With respect to advanced technology, yes, we want them to pick a side … because the power of this technology in the wrong hands, in the hands of a dictator or autocrat, is too great,” she said. “I don’t twist anyone’s hand—you pick the UAE or wherever—we have the best, we want you with us, you should be with us, but these are the rules if you want to be in our ecosystem.”
Could that lead to the kind of resentment that often accompanies U.S. actions abroad or unilateral efforts to build a consensus, even with allies and partners?
“I would say yes and no. I’m in the thick of this right now with the Japanese and the Dutch,” Raimondo said, referring to the two countries that have a virtual duopoly over the equipment used to make advanced chips. Last year, Washington struck a deal with both countries to restrict the sales of that equipment to Chinese companies, but a proposed further tightening of restrictions will reportedly exempt key allies, including both Japan and the Netherlands.
“When I talk to my counterparts from Korea, Japan, Europe, they are sensitive to denying national champions revenue, and I respect that,” Raimondo said. “But don’t do it because we’re asking you to. Do it to protect the people of your country.”
It’s a message that key allies thus far appear to be on board with. “They have their own national security interests to do it,” she said. “We’re in the same boat. Now, it’s a little easier because America’s economy is bigger, and we have a lot of companies, but still, at the end of the day, it’s country first, profit second.”
It’s been an action-packed three-and-a-half years, and Raimondo has the customary mix of regrets and satisfaction ahead of the Biden administration’s term ending in a few months with the November election. On balance, she feels good and is happy to celebrate some big wins.
“When I started this job, the Commerce Department budget was $9 billion, and because of our work with Congress and the president’s leadership, it’s now like $150 billion,” she said, referring to the total funding for the Commerce Department appropriated by Congress in fiscal 2021 versus the total resources available to the department now. The latter has been bolstered in large part by the $53 billion set aside for semiconductor manufacturing by the CHIPS and Science Act, as well as major investments in broadband access and the creation of nearly three dozen new “tech hubs” around the United States.
Raimondo rattles those off as a checklist that she intends to get through by the end of this year. “The chips team didn’t exist when I got here, and now I have 200 people working for me on chips who are some of the brightest minds in America,” she added. “We’re never done, and I’m not saying it’s perfect, but as I assess we are more secure than we were because of our efforts.”
Her main regret is one that she has repeated several times throughout her tenure, including previously to Foreign Policy: the need for resources and funding commensurate with the department’s vastly expanded purview. The Bureau of Industry and Security still has a budget of around $200 million, which is the “cost of one fighter jet,” she said, repeating an analogy she has used in the past. The bureau’s budget for its core export control functions has “been flat for more than a decade, and we need help—we need more.”
As she continues to work with Congress to get those funds, the bipartisan legislation passed so far and the global alliances that Raimondo has built are what she hopes will prevent a potential second Donald Trump administration from unwinding Commerce’s most impactful policies, she said.
“When you have a statute, that’s more durable than an executive order,” she said. “And then, honestly, the other thing is [that] I’m moving as fast as possible.”
Would she continue to serve in another administration if asked?
“I love this job—it’s been an honor of a lifetime to serve. President Biden is an extraordinary leader, and I would be honored to stay in the job,” she said, “but I won’t work for just any leader. I have to work for someone I believe in and who’s principled.”
Our conversation took place two days before Biden announced that he would not seek reelection, instead endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic Party’s nomination. But with rumors of that eventuality already surfacing, I asked if she’d serve another Democratic president.
“Yeah,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I think it’s a fantastic job, and there’s so much more to do.”
But she prefaced all that with a clear response barely a second after I asked my question: “I will not work for President Trump.”
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This is the final weekend to back the Kickstarter campaign for the audiobook of my next novel, The Lost Cause. These kickstarters are how I pay my bills, which lets me publish my free essays nearly every day. If you enjoy my work, please consider backing!
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Could the United Arab Emirates buy Chinese J-20 fighters?
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/27/2024 - 08:48am Military
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Although Israeli approval has finally been obtained for the sale of the F-35 to the United Arab Emirates, speculations are arising about a possible Chinese choice by the United Arab Emirates, despite restrictions on the export of the J-20. The head of joint operations of the UAE Armed Forces went to Beijing at the end of April to meet with the commander of the Chinese Air Force, a meeting that symbolizes a rapprochement between the two nations that could suggest a future collaboration in the field of military aviation.
The United Arab Emirates Air Force traditionally has two types of aircraft, so far they are the F-16 sold by the US and the Mirage 2000-9 from Dassault. While the 67 Mirage 2000 jets will be replaced by the 80 standard F4 Rafale of a contract signed in 2021, the issue of the succession of the F-16 remains uncertain.
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F-16 Desert Falcon.
In November 2020, the Trump administration approved the sale of 50 F-35 stealth fighters to the Emirates, for an amount of 23 billion dollars. This decision comes after the signing, on August 13, 2020, of a standardization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, followed by the recognition of the Hebrew state by the latter in September. And although the media of the time rejoiced a future regional peace, the desire of the Emirates to acquire the American F-35 stealth fighter will initially compromise the normalization of relations with Israel, which is firmly opposed to the sale of the device to the Emirates, citing the policy of "qualitative military advantage" from which it benefits.
This policy, initiated by the United States in the 1960s, aims to ensure that Israel has the most advanced military means to maintain its regional superiority, so the sale was frozen by the Biden administration in 2021. Several reasons for this: Israel in the first place, but also the conditions imposed by Washington on human rights records and, finally, China, whose approach to the Emirates is viewed unfavorably by Washington. The United States is particularly concerned about the fact that China uses Huawei's 5G technology to spy on the capabilities of the F-35, while the Emirates refused to terminate the contract with the technology giant. Last but not least, the UAE are co-financing the development of the Russian Su-75 Checkmate fighter, derived from Su-57.
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Despite the abundance of petrodollars, the Emirates are struggling to reach the F-35 and, in turn, have threatened to cancel the contract. Pushed into the arms of other potential military suppliers, the Emirates' option for the J-20 then seems plausible.
Emirates/China Approach
Economically, the United Arab Emirates is the largest export market of the United States in the Middle East and North Africa. More than 1,000 American companies operate in the country and many others use it as a regional headquarters to conduct business throughout the Middle East, North Africa region and parts of Asia. The fact that the Emirates are approaching China is therefore not anecdotal. As The Hill reported last year, “the fabric of America's strategic ties with the Gulf region is tearing apart,” and it seems that the situation is only getting worse. If China is the largest non-oil trading partner of the United Arab Emirates worldwide, it is in the military domain that relations are evolving the most.
In 2021, American intelligence services discovered the existence of a Chinese military facility in a port in the United Arab Emirates. The Emirates agreed to end the project at the request of the United States, but construction would have resumed at the end of 2022. The Emirates also participated in the joint exercise "Falcon Shield 2023", with its F-16 block 60 and Mirage 2000-9 aircraft, offering several opportunities for China to learn about Western equipment.
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The recent meeting between General Saleh Mohammed bin Majren Al Ameri and Lieutenant General Chang Dingqiu of the Chinese Air Force illustrates this rapprochement between the two countries. Interestingly, the photos shared by the Ministry of Defense of the United Arab Emirates after the visit to China show a painting with two J-20 Mighty Dragon fighters, the real stars of this meeting.
J-20: an export candidate?
The recent acquisition by the United Arab Emirates of the Chinese Hongdu L-15A Falcon jet coaches and speculations around the potential interest in the Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter will go in the direction of rapprochement between the Emirates and China, especially since the UAE has renounced any partnership with Russia in the field of aviation after the poor performance of Moscow fighters in Ukraine.
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Chinese L-15.
The obstacles encountered in the acquisition of American F-35 fighters, despite the close ties between the two countries, led the Emirates to seriously consider other alternatives, including the Chinese J-20. Ironic when we know that the United States accuses China of having manufactured the J-20 using American technologies, acquired through espionage.
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J-20 Mighty Dragon jets.
At the moment, it is still too early to say whether the United Arab Emirates will end up acquiring the J-20 from China, given that this type of aircraft would be difficult to integrate with other means within its military power and that China does not seem to have the ambition to export it (favoring the FC-31). In addition, negotiations with China could also be a way for the Emirates to put pressure on the United States, due to the blocked F-35 agreement. For now, the sale agreement remains viable according to Daniel Mouton, a former employee of the United States National Security Council.
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J-35 jet, or FC-31, offered for export by China.
However, considering the regional crisis and other geopolitical reasons, the Arab countries represent a good market opportunity for China, which already maintains friendly relations with many of them and intends to become the main supplier of combat aircraft and drones in the Middle East. Unless the U.S. allows an increase in UAE power as a frontline army in the face of the Iranian regional threat, a threat shared by all states in the region, whether or not they recognize the State of Iran.
Source: Air & Cosmos
Tags: Military AviationChengdu J-20 'Mighty Dragon'F-35 Lightning IIUAEAF - United Arab Emirates Air Force/United Arab Emirates Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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This report analyzes key players, including their market share, market size, growth drivers, and company profiles. The purpose of this research report is to provide an in-depth analysis of the market overview, prevalent trends, demand, and recent changes that are affecting the global edge computing market.
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dh5ryxhgbctgr · 23 hours
Single Mode Optical Switch Market Dynamics and Long-Term Development Strategies 2024 - 2031
The single mode optical switch market was valued at approximately $1.57 billion in 2023. It is anticipated to grow to $1.69 billion in 2024 and reach $2.98 billion by 2032. This growth represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 7.39% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2032. With the increasing demand for high-speed data transmission, the single mode optical switch market is poised for substantial growth in the coming years.
The single mode optical switch market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing demand for high-speed data transmission and advancements in telecommunications infrastructure. This article delves into the various aspects of the market, including its definition, trends, key players, and future outlook.
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What is a Single Mode Optical Switch?
Single mode optical switches are devices that allow for the control and routing of light signals in a single mode fiber optic system. Unlike multimode fibers, which carry multiple light modes, single mode fibers use a single light path, allowing for greater bandwidth and longer transmission distances. This technology is essential for applications that require high data rates and long-distance communication.
Key Features of Single Mode Optical Switches
Low Loss and High Efficiency: Single mode switches are designed to minimize signal loss, making them ideal for long-distance applications.
High Bandwidth: They support higher bandwidth capabilities, which is crucial for data centers and telecommunications networks.
Compact Design: Many single mode switches are designed to occupy minimal space, facilitating easier integration into existing systems.
Market Trends
Growing Demand for Data Centers
The rise in cloud computing and big data analytics has led to an increase in data center investments. Single mode optical switches are essential for enhancing connectivity and bandwidth within these facilities.
Advancements in Telecommunications
Telecommunications companies are continuously upgrading their infrastructure to support 5G and other high-speed networks. The adoption of single mode optical switches is critical for the deployment of these technologies.
Increased Use of Fiber Optic Technology
As industries transition to fiber optic technology for data transmission, the demand for single mode optical switches continues to grow. The benefits of fiber optics, such as speed and reliability, are propelling this trend.
Key Players in the Market
The single mode optical switch market comprises several key players that are pivotal in shaping the industry landscape.
Major Companies
Cisco Systems, Inc. A leader in networking solutions, Cisco offers a range of optical switches designed for high performance and reliability.
Ciena Corporation Ciena specializes in optical networking equipment and provides innovative solutions to meet the growing demands of data traffic.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. A global telecommunications giant, Huawei has a robust portfolio of single mode optical switches that cater to various sectors.
Juniper Networks, Inc. Known for its high-performance networking equipment, Juniper is a key player in the optical switch market, focusing on innovation and efficiency.
Challenges Facing the Market
Despite the growth opportunities, the single mode optical switch market faces several challenges:
High Initial Investment
The cost of implementing single mode optical systems can be high, deterring smaller companies from making the transition.
Technological Complexity
As technology evolves, the complexity of integrating new systems can pose a challenge for existing infrastructure.
Future Outlook
The future of the single mode optical switch market looks promising, with projections indicating continued growth. Key factors influencing this growth include:
Expanding Applications
As industries such as healthcare, education, and finance increasingly rely on high-speed data transmission, the demand for single mode optical switches is expected to rise.
Continued Innovation
Advancements in switch technology, including automation and intelligent networking, will likely drive market growth and enhance user experience.
Global Expansion
Emerging markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific and Latin America, are beginning to adopt fiber optic technologies, creating new opportunities for the single mode optical switch market.
The single mode optical switch market is poised for significant growth as the demand for high-speed data transmission continues to rise. With key players driving innovation and expanding applications across various industries, the future of this market appears bright. Stakeholders should stay informed about emerging trends and technological advancements to capitalize on the opportunities ahead.
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onedirectdeals · 2 days
Krysenix PG4 RGB Wireless Gaming Headset for PS4, PS5, PC - 2.4GHz 7.1 Surround Sound, Bluetooth Gaming Headphone with AI Detachable Noise Canceling Mic, 48-Hr Battery for Laptop, Switch, Mac (Black)
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: From the brand Batteries ‏ : ‎ 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 18.3 x 9.3 x 21 cm; 430 g Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 14 Nov. 2023 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Dongguan Huawei Technology Co., Ltd ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CN8GG24V Item model number ‏ : ‎ PG4 Country of origin ‏ : ‎ China Guaranteed software updates until ‏ : ‎ unknown Delivery…
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Brightband, a company founded by former Google executives, has raised $10 million to use AI to predict extreme weather
.top domain news:Brightband, A startup founded by a former Google executive, announced Thursday that it has raised $10 million in Series A funding, according to Bloomberg. The round was led by Prelude Ventures, with participation from Bain Capital's Future Back Ventures and Slack co-founder Carl Henderson.
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Founded this summer by former Google executive Julian Green and three scientists, the company aims to use AI technology to improve weather forecasting. The company aims to develop a paid product, as well as an open-source AI prediction model based on training from raw weather observations.
Amy McGovern, a co-founder of Brightband and a professor of computer science and meteorology at the University of Oklahoma, said in an interview that Brightband will initially focus on predicting the behavior of extreme weather, including heat waves and tropical cyclones, days ahead of traditional predictions.
Over the past year, Google, Huawei and Nvidia have introduced machine learning weather prediction models that can make weather predictions in seconds. Brightband will attempt to make medium-range forecasts, which predict the weather 10 to 14 days in advance, using only information gleaned from historical weather observations, without any physics-based data, to make up for missing or unreliable measurements.
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digitrenndsamr · 3 days
Asia Pacific Smartwatch Market: Innovation in Wearable Tech Driving Industry Forward
Smartwatch Market Report, published by Allied Market Research, forecasts that the Asia Pacific Smartwatch market is expected to garner $28,596 million by 2022, registering a CAGR of 69.8% during the period 2016-2022. Increase in the number of smartphone users, technological advancements, and rise in demand for high-end devices lead the market growth to a significant extent in the Asia-Pacific region.
The smartwatch market has grown at a steady pace. Smartwatch leads the bandwagon for wearable devices that enables a user to easily switch to it replacing traditional watches and providing more usability, functionality, and convergence similar to smartphones, which captured the market around two decades ago.
Extension smartwatches dominated the market in 2015, owing to its usage simplicity and multitasking ability. However, classic smartwatch is projected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period.
Among the operating systems, Android based smartwatches dominated the market, owing to numerous embedded apps and Android phone users in the Asia-Pacific region. Nevertheless, Windows OS is expected to depict the fastest growth over the forecast period.
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Asia-Pacific Smartwatch Market Key Findings:
Extension smartwatch is projected to dominate the Asia-Pacific smartwatch market during the forecast period
Based on the operating systems, the Windows OS is anticipated to hold huge potential during the forecast period
China is the largest regional market for the sale of smartwatches and is expected to dominate the market space during the forecast period
The key companies profiled in this report are Apple Inc., Google Inc., Garmin Ltd., Fitbit, Inc., Motorola Mobility LLC., Sony Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Pebble, and Nike, Inc.
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tushar38 · 5 days
Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market: Opportunities and Challenges
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 Introduction to Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market
The Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market represents a strategic shift as companies invest in advanced technologies like IoT, AI, blockchain, and automation to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. These innovations are enhancing visibility across supply chains, improving decision-making through real-time data, and automating processes to reduce human errors. The demand for digital solutions in logistics is driven by e-commerce growth, increasing customer expectations, and the need for sustainable and efficient logistics operations.
The Digital Transformation Spending In Logistics Market is Valued USD 52.3 Billion in 2024 and projected to reach USD 102.0 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 7.7% During the Forecast period of 2024-2032..Key technologies, such as AI-driven analytics, IoT for real-time tracking, and cloud-based solutions, are transforming traditional logistics processes. As e-commerce continues to expand and global supply chains become more complex, logistics firms are investing heavily in digital solutions to stay competitive.
Access Full Report :https://www.marketdigits.com/checkout/631?lic=s
Major Classifications are as follows:
By Solutions
By Hardware Solutions
IT Equipment
By Systems
Automated Storage & Retrieval System (ASRS)
Automatic Sorters
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
Robotic Picking System
Automatic Palletizer
Peripheral & Supporting
By Devices
RFID Readers
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Barcode Scanners
Barcode Printers
Barcode Stickers
Global positioning system (GPS)
By IT Equipment
Enterprise Servers
Client Machines
By Software Solutions 
IoT Platform
Warehouse Management & Control System
Transport Management System
Enterprise Solutions
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
◘ North America (United States, Canada,) ◘ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina,) ◘ Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) ◘ Europe (UK,Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Russia,) ◘ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South
Key Players of Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market
IBM Corporation, SAP SE, Oracle Corporation, Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation, Amazon Web Services Inc., Accenture PLC, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Microsoft Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., HCL Technologies Limited
Market Drivers in Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market
E-commerce growth: The rise of online shopping has created a demand for faster and more efficient delivery systems.
Automation and robotics: Companies are investing in automation to improve operational efficiency and reduce manual labor.
Data-driven decision-making: Real-time analytics through IoT and AI enable smarter supply chain management.
Market Challenges in Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market
High implementation costs: Digital transformation requires significant investment in infrastructure and technology, which may strain smaller companies.
Data security and privacy concerns: As more data is generated, companies face challenges in securing sensitive information.
Integration with legacy systems: Transitioning from traditional systems to digital platforms can be complex and costly.
Market Opportunities of Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market
Emerging markets: Developing regions offer vast potential as they adopt new technologies to enhance logistics infrastructure.
Sustainability: Digital solutions can reduce carbon footprints through optimized routing and automation.
Blockchain applications: Blockchain technology can revolutionize transparency, security, and efficiency in logistics operations.
The Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market is poised for significant growth as technology becomes an integral part of supply chain management. The integration of IoT, AI, and automation is driving efficiency, reducing costs, and improving transparency across global logistics networks. While challenges such as high costs and security concerns exist, the opportunities in emerging markets and sustainability efforts provide exciting prospects for the future of logistics.
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tamanna31 · 9 days
Private 5G Network 2024 Industry – Challenges, Drivers, Outlook, Segmentation - Analysis to 2030
Private 5G Network Industry Overview
The global private 5G network market size was estimated at USD 2.00 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 54.1% from 2024 to 2030.
Private 5G networks offer businesses and governments dedicated, secure, and high-performance connectivity. This allows them to connect to more devices, improve automation, and deliver better customer experiences. These benefits are driving the adoption of private 5G networks in various industries, including smart cities that rely on private 5G for applications such as traffic management and security, among others.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Private 5G Network Market
Cellular technology, in the form of private 5G networks, is being used by businesses, organizations, and local governments across various industries. These industries include manufacturing, utilities, transportation, logistics, retail, agriculture, and those involved in smart city initiatives. The benefits of private 5G networks, such as ultra-fast speeds, improved security, cost efficiency, reliability, prioritized network access, and extended range compared to Wi-Fi, are driving their adoption across these industries. Thus, various benefits provided by private 5G networks are contributing to the overall market growth.
As an increasing number of devices and enterprises connect to the internet, enterprises may face low coverage and security issues due to network bottlenecks. Private 5G networks solve these issues by providing network connectivity in a dedicated space, providing enhanced security, improved connectivity, and improved automation with lower latency. These benefits can help enterprises deliver enhanced customer experience. Furthermore, private 5G networks support technologically advanced applications, including machine control systems, wireless UHD cameras, collaborative/cloud robots, and remote asset monitoring, which is driving the adoption of private 5G networks.
The rapidly growing smart cities in developed countries such as the U.S., Canada, Singapore, the UK, Germany, Italy, and France have surged the deployment of IoT devices for several applications. These applications mainly include transportation, public safety and security, and energy management, among others. To provide unified and secured connectivity for these mission-critical applications, several telecom providers are launching innovative private 5G network solutions. Continuous innovation is creating significant growth opportunities for the market.
Despite the high growth potential of the market, the deployment and implementation of a private 5G network is a tedious and highly expensive process. As the number of 5G users and network traffic increases in the near future, the need for standalone 5G infrastructure will become necessary. Building and maintaining a private 5G network can be expensive and requires significant investment in infrastructure and equipment, which is acting as a hindrance to market growth. However, key telecom operators are taking strategic initiatives and are investing in infrastructure, and research & development, which is expected to diminish this market challenge.
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global digital radar market size was estimated at USD 5.25 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.6% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global online trading platform market size was estimated at USD 9.57 billion in 2023 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Private 5G Network Company Insights
Some of the established players operating in the market include TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON, HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD., Deutsche Telekom, Nokia Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., and Cisco Systems, Inc. among others.
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson provides information and communication technology (ICT) services, including 5G and IoT-powered networks, managed services, digital services, and others to service providers across the globe. These services form the operating segments of the company and are based on the company’s customer needs. The company is taking strategic initiatives regarding new product deployments and geographical expansion of its facilities across the globe.
Nokia Corporation is a mobile and fixed network infrastructure provider that combines software, hardware, and services. The company is also engaged in the deployment of 5G networks. The company operates through three reportable segments: networks, Nokia software, and Nokia technologies. Through the Nokia Software segment, the company focuses on 5G, digital, automation, and portfolio integration platforms. Nokia Corporation is among the leading players with a vast product portfolio and strong global presence.
Key Private 5G Network Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the private 5G network market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
Nokia Corporation
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
ZTE Corporation
Deutsche Telekom Group
AT&T Inc.
Juniper Networks, Inc.
Verizon Communications
T-Systems International GmbH
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Vodafone Group Plc
BT Group
Recent Developments
In March 2024, SoftBank Corp. announced the service launch of its Private 5G (dedicated type). This service allows local governments, organizations, and other enterprises to build 5G customized networks on their premises with a dedicated base station. The service is optimal for customers who require low latency and advanced network solutions, making it suitable for smart factory applications.
In December 2023, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson announced its partnership with Orange. The collaboration aims to offer B2B customers the opportunity to deploy their own private 5G network.
In September 2023, Deutsche Telekom announced the launch of its new private 5G network solution, the ‘Campus Network Smart.’ The solution, launched in partnership with Microsoft Corporation, is part of Deutsche Telekom’s strong 5G private network portfolio. The Campus Network Smart solution is cloud-based, scalable, and incorporates a pay-as-you-grow model
Order a free sample PDF of the Private 5G Network Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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allthenewsworld · 12 days
Huawei Technologies Co. unveiled the Mate XT, the world's first commercial trifold phone, shortly after Apple's iPhone 16 launch. 📱🤳
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Priced at 19,999 yuan ($2,800), this innovative device combines a 10-inch tablet with a smartphone, emphasizing Huawei's leadership in hardware engineering.
Would you buy this ⁉️
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#phone #launch #iphone #tech #trending #china #allthenews
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marketers12 · 16 days
Navigating the Quantum Communication Market: Key Players and Competitive Strategies
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Quantum Communication Market Overview:
The Quantum Communication Market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by the increasing demand for secure data transmission solutions in sectors like government, defense, financial institutions, and healthcare. Quantum communication leverages principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantum key distribution (QKD), to provide unparalleled security against cyber threats. Key factors fueling market expansion include advancements in quantum technologies, rising investments from both private and public sectors, and growing concerns over data security in an era of escalating cyberattacks. However, high infrastructure costs and technical complexities may pose challenges to market adoption in the near term.
Quantum Communication Market opportunities, and challenges.
The Quantum Communication Market offers significant opportunities, particularly in sectors requiring ultra-secure communication, such as government, defense, and financial institutions. The growing demand for data security, coupled with advancements in quantum key distribution (QKD) and increasing investments from governments and tech companies, creates a fertile ground for innovation and expansion. However, the market faces challenges, including the high cost of quantum infrastructure, technical complexities in implementation, and the current lack of global standards. Overcoming these hurdles will be crucial for the widespread adoption and commercialization of quantum communication technologies.
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Quantum Communication Market Increasing demand for secure communication.
The increasing demand for secure communication is a key driver of the Quantum Communication Market. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, traditional encryption methods are proving vulnerable, especially in critical sectors like government, finance, and defense. Quantum communication, particularly through Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), offers unprecedented security by leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, ensuring that any attempt at eavesdropping can be immediately detected. This rising need for ultra-secure data transmission is propelling investments and research in quantum technologies, positioning them as essential for the future of secure communications.
Quantum Communication Market Growing government and defense investments.
Growing government and defense investments are playing a pivotal role in accelerating the Quantum Communication Market. As national security concerns heighten, governments around the world are prioritizing quantum communication technologies to protect sensitive data and communications from cyber threats and espionage. Defense sectors are particularly investing in Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and secure quantum networks to ensure encrypted communication. These strategic investments are driving research, development, and infrastructure building, with countries like the U.S., China, and members of the EU leading the charge in deploying quantum communication for military and intelligence applications.
Market Segmentation:
Quantum Communication Product Type Outlook
Quantum Communication Application Outlook
National Defense
Key Companies in Quantum Communication Market:
AmberFlux, ATandT, Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud), Atos, Fujitsu, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, ID Quantique, MagiQ, Mitsubishi, NEC Corporation, NTT Laboratories, Raytheon/BBN, Toshiba, Quantumctek Co, Ltd Source:
Quantum Communication By Region:
The Quantum Communication Market shows varying growth patterns across regions. North America leads the market, driven by significant investments in quantum technologies from both government and private sectors, particularly in the U.S. Europe is also a strong player, with the European Union actively funding quantum research projects and initiatives to create a secure quantum communication infrastructure. Asia-Pacific is emerging as a key region, with China making major strides in quantum communication, including the development of quantum satellites for secure transmission. Other regions, like Latin America and the Middle East, are gradually adopting quantum technologies, though they are still in the early stages of market development.
Future Outlook:
Quantum communication leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to enable ultra-secure data transmission, primarily through techniques like Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Unlike traditional communication methods, which can be intercepted without detection, quantum communication guarantees security by ensuring any eavesdropping attempt is instantly noticeable. This cutting-edge technology is becoming increasingly important in sectors such as government, defense, financial services, and healthcare, where data security is paramount. As quantum technologies continue to evolve, quantum communication is positioned to revolutionize how information is shared and protected in the digital age.
Browse In-depth Market Research Report:
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nmsc-market-pulse · 18 days
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭: 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐄𝐫𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞: https://www.nextmsc.com/under-display-cameras-market/request-sample
The 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 is at the forefront of transforming smartphone design, offering a seamless user experience by integrating cameras directly beneath the display.
This groundbreaking technology is reshaping how we interact with our devices:
𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬: By hiding the front camera under the display, smartphones achieve a more immersive and uninterrupted screen experience, paving the way for edge-to-edge displays.
𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Innovations in display and camera technology are improving image quality and camera functionality, even when positioned beneath the screen.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:
Leading smartphone manufacturers are increasingly adopting under-display camera technology, driving advancements and competition in the market. These players include Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Xiaomi Corporation, Motorola Mobility LLC, Vivo Communication Technology Co. Ltd., ZTE Corporation, Huawei Technologies, and others.
𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭: https://www.nextmsc.com/report/under-display-cameras-market
As this technology continues to evolve, it’s set to redefine mobile device design and user interaction.
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pc7ooo · 21 days
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Доходы Huawei выросли: компания отбирает долю рынка Apple в Китае
Huawei Technologies Co. отчиталась о значительном росте доходов в шестом квартале подряд, чему способствовало ее растущее доминирование на китайском рынке смартфонов. Выручка выросла до 239 миллиардов юаней (33,6 миллиарда долларов) за июньский квартал, что на 33,7% больше, чем в прошлом году.
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/01/468-dohody-huawei-vyrosli-kompaniya-otbiraet-dolyu-rynka-apple-vkitae-grss-337456630.html
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