#Hwiyoung series
kgyeomiex · 2 years
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Pairing: Hwiyoung x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: There aren’t any, at least not in this chapter.
Genre: bits of angst | Fluff
requests - open
“Many things interested her, and nothing satisfied her entirely,”
One unexpected family visit turns into one big roller coaster ride. You were supposed to come to California to visit your grandmother, but one visit turns into meeting someone you couldn’t bear to be around… The more you wanted to be away from him, the more he showed up everywhere… Was it fate? Or a coincidence?
Previous Parts: 
Part 1
Part 2~
Although you happened to recognize the boys right in front of you doesn’t mean you were a fan... The only reason you happen to know at least one of them is because your sister practically shoved her phone in your face every time, she would see a new picture of her damn husband.
“Uh... I think she’s a fan,” you heard one of them whisper to the boys and at that moment you knew you had to correct the boys right away because off the bat they assumed you were another fan. They probably assume that you were trying to look for them however you were trying to do the complete opposite.
“Oh no, I’m not,” the moment you happened to blurt that out, you looked at their faces and they went from smiling to looking at you in complete shock. Oh, did you say something wrong?
“Oh uh...” You could tell one of them was completely speechless until suddenly one of them thought it was okay to speak up.
“I know it’s none of my business but why are you here?” Well, you had no idea how to even take that question but just as you were about to answer you suddenly felt your head throb and you felt yourself feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Um... I came be-” you felt dizzier, so you tried to take a step, but you weren’t okay. You almost lost your balance but instead of falling to the ground one of the guys was quick to catch you.
“Guys I think we should take her to the hospital,” one of them said in a very deep voice.
“I’ll take her,” you had no idea what was going on; however, you weren’t okay.
“I’ll come with you, after all, I did hit her with the door,” yeah, he was the reason behind your throbbing head. The two approached you and both grabbed a hold of your arm.
“Youngbin, where are we supposed to go?” So, one of the guys that were holding on to your arm was named Youngbin?
“Take the van and head back to the hotel, Youngkyun and I will get a taxi and take her to the hospital,” Youngbin says, and you continued to stand there trying to get yourself together however you felt your head spinning... Before you knew it you suddenly felt completely nauseous, you had no idea why, but you could feel vomit slowly rising and you looked at the boys as they spoke...
And before you know... Right there you leaned forward and threw up...
The boys all pushed back except for one... One of them grabbed the back of your hair and held it for you as you continued with your business. You were surprised because that was probably the sweetest thing a guy can do however you felt like complete shit at this point.
When you finally finished vomiting, low-key embarrassed by your action you lifted yourself and the boys looked at each other, and then Youngbin spoke up.
“Yeah, we better take her now, we will see you later.”
“Well, the good news is that you do not have a concussion, you will have a mini bump, but you are okay,” your doctor says informing you and you nodded.
“But wait... If I’m okay, why did I throw up and why did I feel dizzy?” You asked the doctor and he chuckled.
“Must have been something you’ve eaten because you're throwing up wasn’t caused by the bump. The dizziness is due to a lack of hydration. I recommend drinking something that has electrolytes. I will be back and will get you an ice pack, you should probably put it on that bump of yours and you should be good to go,” you just nodded your head and then looked over at the two boys who were on your side.
To be honest you were a bit shocked to see Youngbin and Youngkyun still standing right beside you. If anything, you were expecting the boys to drop you off and go on with their business however they did not seem to do that.
You lifted yourself from the bed that you were sitting on and you looked at the boys.
“You know you two don’t have to be here right...” You said looking over at the boys who were staring at you and one smiled.
“I know, but I feel like we are responsible for you especially because my friend here almost gave you a concussion,” Youngbin says smiling and although you were a complete asshole to him, you couldn’t help but suddenly feel bad.
Youngbin wasn’t a bad guy at least that you know of and right now you decided the least thing you can do is say thank him especially because he decided to bring you here to the clinic when he didn’t have to.
“Um... Hey, thank you again for bringing me here,” before Youngbin can say anything the doctor returns with a pack of ice and hands it over to you.
As the doctor was about to talk to you, Youngbin’s phone suddenly started ringing and he was quick to excuse himself.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I told the boys to go back to the hotel, and to be honest, I wasn’t expecting any of them to call however one of them decided to call me and that’s when I knew one of them must have done something for them to suddenly call me.
“What did you guys do?” I asked the moment one of them answered the phone and it wasn’t long until I could hear Sanghyuk panicking on the other side of the phone.
“Uh, we may have a tiny problem,” I wasn’t surprised by the response. The only thing I was worried about was the problem the boys got themselves into.
Aish I should have gone with the boys back to the hotel room...
“What kind of problem are you referring to?” I instantly asked a bit scared of what Sunghyuk was about to tell me however instead of him talking I suddenly hear Jaeyoon speaking.
“Our manager is coming to our hotel room! If Youngkyun and you are not back in this room not only, will you two get in trouble but so, will we.” What on earth do I do now?
I knew I had to think of something quick. I mean I know I can easily make the boys stall the manager, however, Youngkyun and I would have to go straight to the hotel room and have no time to drop off the girl...
At this point on I have no idea what I’m planning to do but I must think of something fast before I get in trouble.
“Alright I’m on my way,” I informed the boys, and it wasn’t long until I ran off to where Youngkyun and the girl were standing awkwardly next to each other.
They looked right at me, and I didn’t know what I was planning to do but I must think of something quick.
“Uh... Do you have a specific time you have to be home?” I asked Y/N and she just stared at me confused.
“Why...” Instead of answering her, I smiled and then smiled over at Youngkyun.
Your Point of View
How on earth did your life turn out to be this way? One minute you’re forcing yourself to be a nice sister and go to a concert to a group you didn't even listen to... Then the next thing you know your sister forgets the tickets and happens to sneak in... You get abandoned basically the whole night and at the end of the show instead of finding your sister, you found your sister's idols instead with a head concussion.
Why? Just why...
“Why do I have to go with you guys to your hotel room again?” You asked Youngbin confused, he awkwardly smiled and looked over at you.
“You see our manager is heading to our hotel room and if he sees Youngkyun and I missing we will be in so much trouble...” Youngbin tries to explain and although you tried to comprehend what he was trying to say it got you thinking.
Well, if their manager gets mad at the idea of them possibly leaving the hotel room, how will they react when they see me in their hotel room?
“So... It’s bad for you to be gone from your hotel room but okay for you to bring a girl over?” You asked and Youngbin's eyes widen.
“Oh no... I was just about to ask you... Do you mind hiding?” Wow... ONE CONCERT = Almost head concussion, meeting your sister's idol, heading to their hotel, and finally PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH THEIR MANAGER.
“Wow... I haven’t even met you for that long and I am already getting told to hide?” You said confused and to be honest a bit annoyed, however, they both looked over at you with pleading eyes.
Why do you have to be nice...
“Fine,” the boys cheered and before you know it you felt the car stop and you, at last, arrived at the hotel.
Just by the looks of things... Just from today, you can automatically tell that this is going to be one hell of a trip. You have a feeling that this trip won’t be like your other visits...
“Why did you bring her here with you?” One of the boys asked and all you could do was stay quiet and stand behind Youngbin and Youngkyun.
Okay first of all if it was up to you everything would have been different. You wouldn’t have gone to their dumb concert anyways. If you didn’t show up, then you wouldn’t be in this damn predicament in the damn first place.
Without even noticing you were so lost in your thoughts that you were looking right at the guy who commented.
“No offense,” you snapped back to reality and looked at him.
“None taken I guess,” you were offended but to be honest you didn’t even want to be there in the first place so who cares!
“Look, we didn’t have time to drop her off just to make it here before the manager does. So, the best thing we could do was come here and then see what we do after,” Youngbin spoke to the boys as they all continued to stare right at you.
Is there something on your face?
“She is some crazy fan doing this just to get closer to us,” one of them whispered to the boys. Did they forget you were in the room? Did they think you wouldn’t be able to hear that?
“You guys do remember I’m here, right?” You said looking at them and you noticed Youngbin hitting the one who commented on his head.
“Anyways if it makes you feel any better, I’m not a fan once again and don’t worry I don’t think I would ever be caught dead listening to your music so don’t worry about me,” you didn’t mean to be an asshole, but these boys have nothing to worry about.
All of the boys looked away and decided to keep their comments to themselves this time. That’s much better.
The boys continued to talk till they all suddenly got quiet when they heard voices outside their door. You looked at all of their facial expression and watched how they went from calm to panic in a matter of seconds.
“He’s here!” Youngkyun mouthed and they all looked at you and began to look around the room.
“Where do we hide her?” Whispered one of the boys and you watched as all of them were freaking out. By the looks of things, it must be their manager...
Instead of saying a thing you just looked around and found a room. If anything, you’ll just hide under the bed if it’s necessary, but you were pretty sure that the manager wasn’t going to look around the room for girls. Unless they’ve done something like this before.
As you departed from the boys you heard the whispering stop.
“Where did she go?” One of them suddenly asked.
“Who cares open the door,” damn who would have expected them to take so damn long. You stood and waited for the manager to be gone at last.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I have no idea where Y/N possibly went but one thing I did know is that I had to get the manager to not suspect a thing. I shouldn’t have brought Y/N back to the hotel, but this wasn’t planned.
Hopefully, everything goes smoothly, and I can return the poor girl to her home. What I still don’t seem to understand is how can she not be a fan and still show up at our concert.
My train of thought was gone when Inseong opened the door for the manager. He walked in and looked right at us.
“Glad to see you’re all here,” the manager says examining the room from up to down and even from left to right.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be here?” Jaeyoon asks as he smiles and puts his arm around me.
“Just have to make sure you didn’t go wander off, you have to get some beauty sleep for tomorrow’s show,” just from body language I could tell the manager was suspicious.
Did he see us bring the girl?
I watched as the manager looked around one last time and then began to walk to the door. He smiles and looks at us.
“Tomorrow be ready by 8, you have rehearsal,” from that point on without anything else being said he looked at us and walked to the door.
I felt a bit guilty about lying so suddenly but what can I do?
I watched as he opened the door and before I know it, I see him step out and close the door behind him. As soon as the coast was clear the boys all breathed out and began to talk about how relieved they felt that he left.
However instead of joining the conversation, I began to wander off and look for Y/N,
Where is she?
Your Point of View
After hearing the boys convincing their manager that it was just them in the hotel suit you realized they are terrible liars. If you were the manager, you would have guessed they were lying but hey it’s none of your business.
“Where’s Y/N?” You were about to step out of the room when suddenly you heard the boys talking among themselves. You stopped walking any further.
“I don’t know but Youngbin why is she here again?” Didn’t we go over this already?
Sounds like the boys don’t seem to trust you however you can’t do much about it. Right now, all you want to do is go straight home and sleep. You weren’t planning to tell your sister about anything that has happened, and you still won’t. It’s nothing to be proud of especially since you aren’t a fan.
“I told you already that we didn’t have time to take her back home, so I brought her here,” Youngbin says and instead of letting the boy continue with their conversation, you decided to cut in and go home already.
“Alright I’m ready to go,” you said stepping out of the room and all the guys staring at you.
“Where did you hide?” Youngkyun asks you and you pointed at the room and then looked over at the rest of the boys and smiled.
“Don’t worry I didn’t steal anything if that’s what you’re wondering,” since they are so sure that you’re a crazy fan you just had to let them know you didn’t steal anything; not like they probably believe but still you thought you should let them know.
“We weren’t thinking that” Youngbin instantly blurts out and you smiled.
“Look it’s okay if you think I have bad intentions but trust me all I want to do is go home... So do you think you can tell me the address of this hotel?” You asked them to look around the room.
After that incident, you were expecting Youngbin to call you up a taxi and you could go home but nope. One thing you can say for sure is the boys are a bit extra with the situation.
They asked a favor for someone that was their translator in the concerts to borrow his car and Youngbin decided to go drop you off himself and you denied him over and over but didn’t seem like he knew what no meant.
Eventually, you had to say yes just because he kept insisting over and over however you were expecting just the two of you to be in the car, but Youngkyun and another member decided to tag along...
This seemed like a never-ending cycle, all you wanted to do is go home.
Was that too much to ask for?
“How long have you lived in California?” Youngkyun asks as you all sat in the car in complete silence.
“I don’t live here,” you have no idea why they are even bothering to spark a conversation however you weren’t all that rude.
“So, you’re on vacation?” Youngbin asks glancing over at you from the passenger seat and you nodded your head.
“Yes, my plans originally consisted of spending time with family, possibly reading, and maybe going out on adventures on my own instead here I am in a car with a group my sister adores,” you began to babble on and they all looked at you and you awkwardly looked away.
Maybe you should have kept your comments to yourself...
“So, wait, you came to the concert because your sister likes us?” Inseong asks and you nodded your head.
“Then why isn’t your sister around?” Now here comes more questions.
“It’s a long-complicated story that I don't feel like going in debt with,” you said glancing at the boys they all exchanged looks with one another and then stood quiet.
You weren’t being mean to them on purpose... You were just extremely annoyed with everything that just happened and right about now, you need sleep.
“Here we are,” you opened your eyes and looked over at the house and then back at the boys.
“Thank you,” you were planning to just thank the boys and go on, but you started to suddenly feel bad about how you treated them.
“And... I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I’m sorry to complicate your visit and I hope from this moment on we don’t run into each other, so I don’t complicate your time here,” you said looking at the guys from the window and they just stared at you.
“It’s okay... Sorry about your head,” Youngbin spoke up and you smiled and nodded your head.
After this point on you didn’t want to see them again. Not because you didn’t like them but because you didn’t have intentions of begin friends or letting your sister meet them. You know how your sister gets and this is for their safety...
You backed away from the car and watched as they took one look over at you and then drove off.
Now you can go back to normal vacation and hope that you won’t have any incident like this happen again...
We all know that’s not how life works…
To Be Continued 
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lost-inthedream · 2 years
Poly relationship with Yoo Taeyang and Hwiyoung
Because they won this poll and I'm feeling romantic
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Pairing: the boys x ng reader.
Warning: boy x boy suggestive/smut activity
Your relationship feels pretty balanced. The boys get along so well, their vibes are complementary and the three of you feel at peace together.
Hwiyoung uses to say the third piece of your puzzle is lacking when there are only two of you.
Going to the park is your favorite activity. You all ride your bikes, take ice cream and talk about the week. Hwiyoung is the first one to get tired and throw himself on the trimmed grass. Sometimes you have a last lap with Taeyang. Other times you follow Hwiyoung and lay your head on his belly.
They also like to work out together and both come back complaining that they are exhausted so you immediately start pampering your boys (even though you know they are two spoiled kids)
When you all lie on the bed taeyang will rug you from behind while Hwiyoung looks at your happy faces. "You don't need to pee, y/n. I won't let you go" Taeyang warns"
You go anyways, of course. You come back to a pair of koalas trying to tease you. "We don't need you anymore"
This goes nsfw under the cut
You don't necessarily get intimate all together. (Hwiyoung won't remember there's a missing piece if he's getting off real good ooops). But he's more inclined to wait until you all are together.
You are really good at convincing him into going to bed when taeyang is not present.
Having taeyang all pouty when he finds out you had fun without him is part of the plan. You and Hwiyoung wash his frustration away with rivers of kisses.
Of course Taeyang ends up naked in no time earning kisses on his cock too.
The boys also know how to have fun by themselves. Taeyang is the one who persuades his boyfriend, usually by sitting on his lap and peppering his face with sweet pecks.
To be honest Taeyang loves to be the one starting the game. He gets so touchy and whiny that none of you can say no.
Hwiyoung's back is the object of your obsession. Taeyang can relate. He gladly kisses the scratches you leave there with your nails.
Not gonna lie, your sex is pretty messy. Hwiyoung wants to go slow but Taeyang always speeds it up.
One time Hwiyoung tried to give you all a stip tease but he took too much to take off his clothes, in Taeyang's opinion.
You all agree that the best position is when you lie in the middle of them. You facing hwiyoung, your back glued on taeyang's chest. They alternates their turns to penatrate you.
Taeyang will grind deliciously against your butt when hwiyoung is inside. And the latter will kiss you passionately when it's taeyang's turn.
Taeyang likes to get aftercare from both you and hwiyoung.
Hwiyoung gets so talkative after you all are done but Taeyang only hums at his words. You keep asking Hwiyoung to talk more though.
Your relationship feels pretty balanced.
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honeydewtual · 2 years
You listen to sf9??? Does this mean I can request jaeyoon gifs 👉👈 aghshdjsjsjjs
yess !! and of course :3
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tyuninthemirror · 1 year
— lie to me: c.yj
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— pairing: idol!yeonjun x idol fem!reader — genre: angst — word count: 2154 — disclaimers: not proofread! mentions of eating and drinking alcohol, adding of minor characters (jungwoo) — synopsis: part 3 to bad omens. — series masterlist
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— author's note: this ends my bad omens three parter <3 no happy ending, but i think it's for the best :) on to happier yeonjun stories!
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A heavy silence hung in the room, broken only by the faint sound of Yeonjun's belt buckle as he froze midway through buckling it. A pang of worry and uncertainty hit him as your words echoed in his mind. "Maybe this isn't a good idea anymore." Those were words he never thought he would hear from you.
Slowly, he turned around to face you, his eyes searching yours for any hint of what you were truly feeling. You sat in your bed, sheets pulled up tightly around your chest, your expression unreadable. The dim light filtering through the curtains cast a soft glow over your features. Yeonjun's heart felt heavy as he stood there, unsure of what to say or do next in this unexpected moment of doubt and hesitation between the two of you.
"What?" he finally managed to let out after a long pause.
"I heard from Sakura that Yunjin is waiting for you to ask her out," you said, absentmindedly drawing circles on your duvet. "Looks like you finally get to be with her."
"And you're okay with that?" Yeonjun asked with a raised eyebrow.
Ever since that date with Hwiyoung a month ago, you've noticed yourself distancing from Yeonjun. Despite the fact that your little arrangement has remained unchanged, there is a distinct tension in the air whenever Yeonjun shamelessly flirts with Yunjun in front of you. Instead of feeling the usual distress, bitterness has taken root within you, growing stronger with each passing day.
The once pleasant atmosphere you felt when you spent time with Yeonjun now feels strained and uncomfortable.
You couldn't help but ponder: if this wasn’t Yeonjun, if you were to fall for someone else, would they do the same thing? Would they flirt with someone else while you lay in bed next to them at night?
You shrugged at Yeonjun's question. It's crazy to think you were the one asking to be used just weeks ago.
Yeonjun expected you to cry, to beg him to never ask Yunjin out. What happened to the girl who begged him to stay? But he should be happy, after all, this is what he told you to do.
And that's how Yeonjun found himself in a position of watching Yunjin, sitting across from him and talking animatedly about her day. He had finally plucked up the courage to ask her out, and when she eagerly agreed and shared her plans for a new place she wanted to visit, they ended up at an elegant Italian restaurant in Seoul.
Yeonjun smiled and chimed in with small comments as she continued her story, but something felt off, though he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. He was on a date with the girl he had been crushing on for so long, yet all he could think about was sharing spicy rice cakes and ramen with you at a nearby eatery close to their dorms.
Shaking his head, Yeonjun mentally scolded himself. This was not the time for such thoughts. He was on a date with his dream girl - this is what he wanted.
"I'm back," Yeonjun called out as he entered the dorm, taking his shoes off. A few seconds later, he heard footsteps run up to the entryway. He looked up to see Huening Kai's excited face turn into a frown, his shoulders dropping when he realized Yeonjun came back alone.
"Umm, where's Y/N?"
"What are you talking about?" Yeonjun asked, raising an eyebrow. "I wasn't out with Y/N."
"You're never out with Y/N anymore," Kai pouts. "Did she finally get with San?"
"San?" Yeonjun did a double take. "What happened to Hwiyoung?"
"Huh?" Kai responded in confusion. "Last I heard, Y/N told him she wanted to stay friends."
"Wait, so why bring up San?"
"Are you dumb?" the younger boy retorted, rolling his eyes. "Do you honestly believe that Y/N doesn't have people interested in her? They were all lining up to ask her out, but she only had eyes for you."
Kai's revelation left Yeonjun speechless. Sure, you were beautiful, but he didn't expect you to have invested so much in him.
"I think you're kinda dumb for rejecting her, to be honest," Kai continued, noticing Yeonjun's deep thought. "She's an amazing person and a precious friend to me. I just hope whatever is going on between you two doesn't ruin our friendship with her."
What Huening Kai didn't know was that it was actually you who suggested ending things, but Yeonjun's pride stopped him from admitting it and he let everyone believe he was the one who ended things.
Debbie Reber, the author, once said: "Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself." It took you a cup of coffee and good company to get you to realize that.
Sure, your heart still longed for the same man that knew just how to make you laugh no matter how tired you were and made you feel butterflies just by seeing him, but you came to realize that true love would be wishing someone to be happy even if it wasn't you.
Besides, did you want to continue vying for someone's love and attention, constantly trying to prove your worthiness when it should be a mutual effort? The thought alone was exhausting. It felt like a never-ending race with no real finish line in sight.
"Hey Y/N, Changbin rented a villa for his birthday party this Sunday, do you wanna come?" Minho asked just as you entered the studio to greet him.
"I think I'm free after my salon appointment," you answered after checking your calendar. "Who's coming?"
"The usual," Minho answered dismissively as if he didn't want to get into any more details, but you knew he was hiding something.
"Do you want to just say it, or should I have to ask?"
"About what?"
"Don't play dumb," you snapped, lightly slapping his bicep.
"Alright," Minho sighed. "It's just our close friends, the usual group. But Yeonjun asked if he could bring Yunjin."
You took a nervous gulp. Minho looked at you with concern, knowing everything that had happened and supporting you through every step of your healing process.
"Do you not want to go?" Minho carefully asked.
"I'm good," you assured him with a smile. "I can't avoid seeing them together forever. At least I'll have you around."
"That's my girl."
Yeonjun watched from across the room as you accepted a drink from Jungwoo. You had arrived just moments ago, yet multiple party-goers had already flocked to you like moths to a flame.
Yeonjun's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering if this was a common occurrence for you at parties. Did that many people approach you at parties before?
"Hey, man! Having fun?" Changbin asked, popping out from the crowd of people.
"Yeah," Yeonjun briefly responded, pulling the birthday boy in for a shoulder bump. "Happy birthday!"
"Happy birthday, Changbin!" Yunjin chimed in from beside Yeonjun.
"Thanks," Changbin grinned.
"I'm gonna go say hi to Ryujin, be right back," Yunjun announced, giving Yeonjun a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing to the crowd.
"Ooooh, things are getting serious," Changbin teased, nudging Yeonjun's shoulders.
"I guess," Yeonjun awkwardly chuckled. "Say, did this many people approach Y/N before?"
Changbin's eyes followed wherever Yeonjun was starting and saw you chatting away with Jungwoo.
"Dude, she wouldn't talk to anyone besides you when you used to come to parties together, no one dared approach her," Changbin answered. "Jungwoo's been begging Minho for her number for ages."
You briefly looked around the room and met eyes with Yeonjun who was staring at you. You gave him a small smile and he smiled back.
Yeonjun expected you to excuse yourself from your conversation and walk over to him, but to his surprise, you remained engrossed in the discussion, laughing at Jungwoo's jokes and playfully grabbing his arm.
"Looks like things worked out for you in the end," Changbin interjected with a knowing smirk. "You managed to get the girl and rid yourself of Y/N's attentions. Isn't that what you wanted?"
Before coming, you had set a mission for yourself to stay away and avoid talking to Yeonjun all night.
The night continued and Yeonjun wasn't as distracting as you thought. Though you felt him watching you some parts of the night, you spent most of the night with Jungwoo who made you laugh your ass off, you weren't sure if you were drunk or just high on endorphins.
"I'm gonna grab another drink, do you want anything?" you asked Jungwoo.
"Perfect, I need to go pee while you're at it. I've been holding it," Jungwoo admitted.
"Why didn't you just go?" you chuckled.
"Let you out of my sight for a second to have someone steal you for the night? Pfft, not a chance." Jungwoo scoffed. "I worked for this interaction."
"Kim Jungwoo, did you become an MC with Minho just to get close to me?" you jokingly accused.
"Damn, I thought it was hiding it well enough," he responded with a joking frown. "I'm serious though, I need to pee, I'll be a second. And another beer, please!"
You couldn't help but laugh as you watched the tall boy scurry away. Turning towards the kitchen, you feel a hand grab your wrist and pull you into an empty hallway. You quickly pull away from the grip and look up to see Yeonjun standing there with an intense look on his face.
"What's your problem?" you ask, irritated by his sudden aggression. Normally, seeing Yeonjun would make your heart flutter, but this time he was just pissing you off.
"Is Kim Jungwoo your next boy toy?" Yeonjun sneers.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I saw you sticking to his side all night, is he going to be your fuck for tonight?" he continues, stepping closer and trapping you against the wall.
Shock and anger course through you as you take a step back, trying to distance yourself from him.
"Are you that easy? Who's it gonna be after Jungwoo?" he adds, his words hitting a nerve.
You raised your hand and slapped Yeonjun. His eyes widen in surprise as he touches his cheek where you hit him.
"You're disgusting," you spat. "How could you say that to me?"
Yeonjun realized what he had just said, instant regret overcoming him.
"Y/N, I didn't-"
"No," you quickly stopped him. "I can't believe you would say something like that to me."
"I didn't mean it like that," he blurts out.
"Then how did you mean it?" you demand. "You're supposed to be my friend, how could you talk to me like this?"
"Y/N, please-"
"No, Yeonjun," you cut him off. "Stay away from me. I gave you so much, I let you go and I thought the least you could reciprocate was my friendship, but you couldn't even be a friend?"
"I know you've only had eyes on Yunjin, you look and give her more than you've ever given me. I thought you at least saw me as a friend. I guess not, I'm probably just no one to you."
Yeonjun doesn't know how to respond to that. He only wanted to talk to you and find out what was going on with Jungwoo, but his emotions got the best of him and he said things he didn't mean.
"Goodbye, Choi Yeonjun," you say before walking away. "I hope you don't regret losing me from your life."
Yeonjun watched your figure walk away, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything.
Tears welled in your eyes as you walked into the kitchen. You still had feelings for Yeonjun, but the way he spoke to you just now made you question what you ever saw in him.
"Y/N, there you are!" Jungwoo's cheerful voice breaks through your thoughts as he approaches you. You quickly wipe away your tears before facing him.
"Are you okay?" he asks, noticing your red eyes.
"I just yawned," you lie, grabbing two bottles of beer from the fridge.
"If you're tired, I can take you home?" Jungwoo offers with concern.
"Oh hi, Y/N," Yunjin's voice interrupts. You turn around to see her standing at the other entrance of the kitchen. As usual, her makeup and outfit were on point and she was as gorgeous as ever.
"Yeah," you smiled. "Grabbing a drink?"
"Yeah, I'm making rum and cokes for Yeonjun and me," she grins, pouring alcohol into two cups.
"Oh wait, Yeonjun doesn't like-" you start to say before catching yourself. Yunjin looks up at you curiously.
"Never mind," you say with a smile. "He'll love whatever you make."
"Really?" she giggles, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.
"100%" you assured her. "After all, Yeonjun treats you the best."
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taglist: @yxnjvnnie @hihello-pinky @rodricktrolls
214 notes · View notes
lizzyk137 · 2 years
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Full Masterlist
Guide: (S)=smut, (A)=angst, (F)=fluff, (SM)=sensitive material, (SB)=slow burn
TV Shows:
Criminal Minds:
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-Spencer Reid
-You Were My Happily Ever After (Part One) -You Were My Happily Ever After (Part Two) -You Were My Happily Ever After (Part Three) -I'll Be There For You (Part One) (SB, A) -I'll Be There For You (Part Two) (SM, A, F) -Genius Vs. Genius (Part One) (A, F, SM) -Figuring Out Parenthood (Part One) (F) -The Technical Analyst and the Boy Genius (Part One) (A, F, SM)
One Shots:
-Picture Perfect (F,A) -I'm Never Letting You Go (F,A) -It's A Date (F) -Misunderstandings and Realizations (F,A,SM,SB)
-Aaron Hotchner
-Just The Three of Us (F)
-Leroy Jethro Gibbs
-Baby's First UnderCover Op (Part One) (SM, A, S) -Baby's Secret (Part Two) (SM, A) -We're Having A Baby! (Part One) (F, A) -We're Finally Having Our Baby! (Part Two) (F, A)
One Shots:
-Annoyance (F, A) -The Wrong ID (F, A) -Drunken Calls (F, A) -Flirting With the Boss's Wife (F) -A Night of Brownies and Wine (F,A) -Nightly Routine (F)
Doctor Who:
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-Coming Soon!
Percy Jackson:
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-Claiming You (A, F, SB)
-Inseong Admits His Feelings For You (F, A, SB)
-Youngbin Comforts You After You Lose Zuho (F)
-Helping Jaeyoon Get To Sleep After A Tiring Day (F, SB)
-A New Form of Payment (S, F)
-Hwiyoung's Secret (S, A, F)
-I'm All Yours (SB, A, F)
Original Series:
My Roommate is a Vampire
-Part One (F)
His Complicated Mate
-Chapter One -Chapter Two -Chapter Three -Chapter Four -Chapter Five -Chapter Six -Chapter Seven -Chapter Eight -Chapter Nine -Chapter Ten
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Intro <3 (and Masterlist below)
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꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ Welcome to my blog ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
✧⁠*⁠。This is a multi blog
✧⁠*⁠。Not a writer anymore :)
✧⁠*⁠。Lawb ya
✧⁠*⁠。My sec acc is @p1ece-of-positivity
Hii, I´m a minor from Germany
If you want to, call me Bee 🐝
Yeah... that girl in the profile picture is me.
am 16 yo
I'm going to SOUTH KOREA next Year!!!
I'm a night-person
My fav apps Are Pinterest, Spotify and Snapchat, but I use Tumblr and WhatsApp very often too (c.ai too lol)
I´m a Kpop Stan ^^
My ult group is Ateez
Active since May 2023 (I guess...)
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But please don't mention
self harm
self critical being
pedo content
any fetish content
harasm or hate
If you don't talk about these things:
-> Feel free to DM, I won´t bite ❣️ 
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My fav Kpop Groups:
Ateez (OT8)
Boynextdoor (Bias: Jaehyun)
Stray Kids (Bias: Felix and Chan)
Enhypen (Bias: Niki and Heeseung)
BTS (Bias: Jungkook)
TXT (Bias: Kai & Soobin)
Oneus (no Bias)
Treasure (no bias)
Seventeen (Bias: Jun)
P1Harmony (Bias: Keeho)
Xikers (no bias)
The boyz (no bias)
iKON (Bias: Bobby)
SF9 (Bias: Taeyang and Hwiyoung)
BTOB (no bias)
ShiNEE (Bias: Minho)
Zerobaseone (Bias: Ricky)
82Major (Bias: Yechan)
Katseye (Bias: Manon)
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My fav Dramas/Series are (most of them are just shows i watched and rlly liked lol):
The Vampire Diaries (still watching and I'm a sucker for it)
Maxton Hall
Kingdom [Legendary war]
I'm not a robot
True Beauty
Sweet Home
One piece live action
My Holo Love
My demon
Throne of the Dragon
Mia & Me
Hazbin Hotel
Queen of Tears
My Fav Movies are:
20th century girl
Love and leashes
Pirates of the carribean
Lord of the rings/ the Hobbit
Avengers the endgame
Black widow
After (every movie of this series)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Three Nuts/Wishes for Cinderella (the old one, not the new)
Pompeii (the one with Kit Harington)
Confidental Assignment
My biggest dreams are studying in abroad when I'm done with school and seeing all my fav groups in rl
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My favourite blogs are
@il0veyoujk 💕
@sunny-117 💕
@wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday 💕
@itzystopkiddingmenowloco 💕
@atzgiggle 💕
@atzupdates 💕
@jungkookslipring 💕
@teddybearmingi 💕
@liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 💕
@daybreak-tkler 💕
@lunarleee 💕
@jihyosdaughter 💕
@sugary-sweet-anon 💕
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꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ Masterlist ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
(done, I'll not write anymore)
How Ateez members find out/react to you being ticklish
He doesn't deserve you (Wooyoung x Reader)
Stress reliever (Seonghwa x Reader)
Tk Fictions (Idol x reader)
A game afternoon with Ateez (Ateez x Reader)
Uljima (Enhypen Niki x Jungwon x Reader)
Zombies and revenge (BTS Jungkook x Enhypen Jungwon x Stray Kids Felix x Reader)
Hanteez (it's a really long fic, not only about tickling but it has some tickle scenes,, Stray Kids Han x Ateez x Reader)
Pass along (Stray Kids x Reader)
It's okay (Ateez Seonghwa x Reader)
I'm not ticklish (Txt Yeonjun x Reader)
Stress Reliever (Ateez Seonghwa x Reader)
Under the Christmas tree (Stray Kids Bangchan x Reader)
Big, dangerous dinosaur (P1h Keeho x Reader)
(Idol x Idol)
A ticklish massage (Leeseo x Yujin)
Tickletober 2023
Day 2: Accidental (ATLA Zuko x Reader)
Christmas Oneshots
Under the Christmas Tree (Stray Kids Bangchan x Reader)
Ticklemoments posted by me (?)
DannyPhantom exe threatening tkls...
Yeosang being tkld
Keeho (P1H) telling a tickle story
82Major mini tk moment in a Tiktok edit
Okay that was it..
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Love u all guys 🩶
52 notes · View notes
forjongseong · 2 years
aeropuerto // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader
genre: office!au, fluff, smut (minors dni) // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; making out; oral sex (both receiving); face-sitting; unprotected sex. // wc: ~10.4k
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 - la niña de mis ojos
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: a slight unfortunate event and an encounter with an ex makes you realize how much Jay actually means to you.
author’s notes: welcome to PART SEVEN of the series! wow we have come a long way and I really did not plan on doing so (which is great because the best things are the ones that happen unplanned)
the song inspiration for this fic is Camilo's newest release, I can't believe he released it and none of you told me and I was unaware. oh well. let's look at the lyrics, shall we?
If you are by my side I will not let anything hurt you, hurt you,
Seven billion smiles in the world and I like yours.
Only yours.
What I feel is already very obvious,
I hate the world without you
And I think it's already well known,
that I want to be your boyfriend.
They call me airport because I put you to travel,
They call me gym because I make you sweat
They call me end of year because I make you drink
I want to snuggle up with you so they say I am your baby.
Now tell me that isn't Jay??????
taglist: @duolingofanaccount @jaylaxies @hee-pster @thots4hee @axartia @spxrklyfairydust @nyanggk @end-hyphen @jayked @yoursjaeyun
(taglist is open, send an ask if you want to be tagged!)
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The schedule for this week was packed. Since it was already the last quarter of the year, which usually was the busiest time for your company, you had been juggling meetings and handling new deals, trying your best to split the work among your staff evenly. Some days, you wished you could be in two places at the same time, but lucky for you, Jay was always ready to be your other half.
You had sent Jay to attend several meetings outside while you tackle everything you needed to do in the comfort of your own office. You did not even leave the room to eat, having Hwiyoung deliver your lunch order right to your desk. Jay had scolded you several times for missing your meal, and you did not wish to disappoint him further.
Expecting Jay to return before sunset, you were slightly surprised to hear one knock on your door. You glanced up from your computer screen and saw the door that got pushed open. Jay entered carrying his briefcase and loosening the tie around his neck.
“You’re here early,” you said, pushing your chair back before standing up. “Everything under control?”
Jay smiled weakly and nodded, holding up an OK sign with his hand. He trod to the sofa at the center of your office and gently placed his briefcase on the coffee table. You wanted to check the documents that he brought back, so as soon as he let go of the briefcase, you made your way towards it. Meanwhile, Jay was looking for something to drink at your mini bar.
“Did Mr. Jung give you a hard time?” You asked, knowing that the company you had sent him to had a rather difficult executive member. Instead of an answer, you heard the clinking of glass before the sound of it shattering to the marble floor.
You rushed towards him as he slowly collapsed to the floor, knees first and miraculously avoiding the pieces of glass. You caught him just in time before his head hit the floor, and as you made him lie on your lap you could see the consciousness on his face slowly fading away.
“Hwiyoung!” You yelled, hands roaming around Jay’s arms to make sure he didn’t get cut. After seconds of no response, you yelled Hwiyoung’s name again, this time louder.
Hwiyoung barged into your office and within a split second after assessing the room, ran towards you and Jay on the floor.
“Be careful, there’s broken glass,” you warned, reaching out an arm to stop Hwiyoung from coming closer. “Get my phone on my desk and press 7 on the speed dial. Ask for Doctor Kim.”
While Hwiyoung talked to the person on the phone in a rush, you took off the tie from Jay’s neck and chucked it away before you undid the first few buttons on his shirt. Your hands were shaking as you brushed his hair back, feeling his burning skin against your palm.
Everything else that happened after felt like a blur. After getting help from Hwiyoung to have Jay lie on your spacious sofa, you waited for the doctor to come and when he did, Jay slowly regained consciousness. You were speaking to the doctor when he opened his eyes, and because you got distracted by him, the doctor immediately turned back and spoke to Jay privately.
Hwiyoung was by your side the whole time and when you turned to face him, you reached out to stroke his arm, hoping you could thank him with the simple gesture. He gave you a comforting smile before putting his hand over yours.
“He’ll be fine, Miss,” said Hwiyoung in a low voice. “It’s just fatigue.”
You nodded and walked over to the doctor as soon as he wrapped up things. After asking Hwiyoung to walk the doctor back to the lobby and get someone to clean the shards of glass, you staggered back to the sofa, sitting on the floor and placing a hand on Jay’s shoulder.
“I feel like calling a doctor was overkill,” said Jay. His voice was raspy and he was staring blankly at the ceiling. When he didn’t hear your reply, he looked at you and noticed you were holding back tears. “Boss…”
Your attention was completely shifted when the janitor walked into your office, swiftly cleaning up the mess and leaving in less than five minutes. After thanking him, you smoothed your skirt and sat on the floor again beside Jay.
“Can you walk?” You asked after you managed to compose yourself and forced your voice to not sound too shaky.
“I think so.”
“Good. We’re going home now.”
You dismissed the rest of your staff for the day when you walked by with Jay, your one arm placed securely around his waist. They all looked at Jay with concern as his lips still looked slightly pale, and before you left almost all of them said get well soon to Jay in unison.
At the lobby, Mr. Lee took over and helped Jay get into the car while you walked over to the other side. You insisted for him to lie down on your lap, bringing both his legs up and taking his shoes off. You instructed Mr. Lee to drive slowly and turn the radio down.
Jay was facing sideways as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. You stared outside the window and your hand automatically kept repeating the same gesture, until you felt his skin instead of his hair and you noticed that he had adjusted his position to face you.
“I really am fine, you know,” Jay whispered, making you stop stroking his hair by grabbing your hand.
“Shush,” you replied, pulling your hand away from his grip and brushing his hair back again. He then decided to close his eyes for the rest of the ride.
When you arrived at your apartment, Mr. Lee was about to help walk Jay with you, but he insisted that he was fine. You kept your hand around his arm and constantly looked up at him for any signs, and when you placed your chin on his shoulder, he leaned his head on yours.
You asked Jay to go straight to your shared bedroom while you walked around making a fuss—heating water to make tea, browsing your phone to order dinner, and getting clean clothes for Jay to change into. Whenever Jay offered to do something, you nearly barked at him and told him to not even lift a finger.
The bedroom door was left open and Jay could see you walking around still in your working clothes—your button-down and your skirt. The tight bun on your hair was steadily becoming messier as loose strands started to come out and cover your face. After securing an order for dinner, you placed your phone on the counter and walked back to the bed.
Taking the clothes you already laid out for Jay, you walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed, carefully unbuttoning his shirt. Jay saw your fingers trembling, struggling to even hold the buttons. He gently placed his hand around your wrist and looked at you.
Your eyes were focused on the buttons of his shirt as you bit your lower lip, fighting to hold back the tears.
“Look at me,” Jay demanded. His grip around your wrist tightened. You blinked as you shifted your gaze to his eyes and at the same time your tears fell. You started sobbing uncontrollably and Jay pushed himself forward before pulling you into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you said in between sobs. “You’re exhausted and it’s my fault.”
“It’s not,” Jay spoke right into your ear as he comforted you, rubbing his hand on your back. “It’s not your fault. Trust me.”
You continued to sob against his shoulder, letting your tears stain his shirt. Jay stroked your hair gently, consoling you when you were the one who was supposed to comfort him. You were still sniffing when he pulled back to look at you.
The first time Jay saw you cry was also the first time he kissed you. After that, you had managed to conceal your feelings as best as you could, not wanting to spread the negativity to him. While the two of you were apart, all of your breakdowns happened in private, so the only time he saw you cry again was right now. It broke him too since this time he knew he was clearly the cause behind your tears. He was better at fighting back the urge to cry, though, because you did not even notice the way his eyes had reddened.
Jay’s fingers brushed against your chin. “This has nothing to do with work, okay? I should have taken better care of myself. It won’t happen again, so don’t worry.”
You wiped the tears off your face as you nodded, slowly breathing normally again. A single tear ran down your cheek and Jay wiped it away gently with his thumb.
“You can stop crying now,” Jay whispered, his hand remained on your cheek as he leaned in to kiss your nose and then your forehead. You closed your eyes and held his forearm as he continued to leave soft kisses around your face. When he kissed your jawline and lingered, he playfully bit you, eliciting a soft chuckle between your lips.
“You’re beautiful even when you cry. That seems unfair,” he protested. He pouted as you looked at him, mimicking your expression. You yanked his hand away from your face in retaliation.
The doorbell rang and you instinctively stood up. You told Jay to change his clothes as you went to grab the order that arrived. The vitamins and other pills that your doctor prescribed for Jay arrived at the same time, so it took you a while to prepare everything on a food tray to later carry to the bed.
Jay walked out of the bedroom in the shirt and shorts that you picked out for him, and he brushed his hair back as he sat by the counter. You took the tray and spun around, almost dropping everything to the floor since you didn’t hear him walk out.
“You can just set that here. I’ll eat with you,” he said, reaching out to grab the tray away from you.
You had memorized the tone he would use to call your name when he was being dead serious. You sighed as you set his food back on the counter, pushing the tray towards him.
“Where’s yours?” He asked, lifting the spoon.
“I’ll eat later,” you said, turning your back to him to make tea.
“I should be honest with you.”
You turned around with frown on your face, questioning the meaning behind his statement. Jay massaged the bridge of his nose before he took a deep breath.
“I was skipping meals and not drinking enough water. That’s why I passed out. So if you’re thinking of pushing back your meal time, please don’t.”
You looked at him as the frown stayed on your face. “So you’re always telling me to eat while you’re not taking your own advice?”
Jay nodded, dunking the spoon into the bowl of porridge you had prepared for him. “That’s why I said it’s not your fault.”
You walked over to Jay and as he chewed his food, he spun his bar stool around to face you. You leaned in for a hug and he embraced you, all the while still shoving food into his mouth.
“I should hire a chef,” you mumbled into his shoulder.
“What did I say about being overkill?” He asked, dropping the spoon to rub your shoulders in an attempt to comfort you.
“Remember when you said you’d walk through fire for me?”
Jay put both his hands on your shoulders to pull you away from him. “Yeah?” He asked back, a puzzled look on his face.
“I’d walk through barbed wire for you,” you claimed, crossing your arms in front of your chest to make a statement.
Jay chuckled and almost choked on his own saliva. He aggressively placed both his hands on your cheeks and pulled you in to peck your lips.
It was a Saturday morning and you could vaguely remember Jay kissing you goodbye to leave for the gym. You had stayed up the whole night, talking to Isa and Yoon for more than six hours. Your loud laughing woke Jay up, and only then you realized the sun had come up. You continued to sleep for a couple more hours before waking up to have a light breakfast. After that, you turned on Netflix on your TV and lied down sideways on your sofa, watching a talk show that had been on your list for ages.
You heard the sound of rustling from the kitchen and you realized you had fallen asleep again. Jay’s back was facing you as he put the groceries into the fridge and some snacks into the kitchen cabinet.
“Hey,” your voice croaked as you stretched your arms and sat up.
“Hi, sleepyhead,” Jay smiled at you, putting away a shopping bag after he neatly folded it.
“When did you come home?” You asked, fixing your position on the sofa.
“Like, twenty minutes ago? I think. I didn’t want to wake you up. You seemed so tired when I left this morning.”
“Oh my God, what time is it now?”
Jay leaned by the counter and casually pointed to the clock on the wall. “Don’t worry, you still have a couple hours to get ready to go to the event.”
You sighed and rubbed your eyes. “You’re coming, right?”
Jay fiddled with a box of biscuits as he answered you. “Actually, love, I think I’m gonna stay in today. I overdid it at the gym and I’m just low on energy. I don’t want to be a burden. Is that okay?”
You shook your head and yawned. “It’s fine. Thanks for letting me know.”
“Okay,” Jay smiled at you again before turning his back to you, continuing his task.
“And you’re never a burden,” you continued. “Come on.”
Jay smiled really wide that you could see his cheeks rising up from behind. “I know,” he murmured.
“I need to go to the store to get the, uhm,” you snapped your fingers and scrunched your nose. “I forgot the name of the thing. I can’t think straight today.”
Jay crossed his arms as he leaned on the counter again to observe you. “Take your time.”
“I used to eat them for breakfast all the time, the cereal…”
“You mean Honey Stars?” Jay asked.
“Yes!” You beamed. “My mouth is watering just thinking about it.”
Jay reached into another shopping bag he had not gone through yet and pulled out a box of the cereal you wanted. “I got it for you already.”
“How did you know?” You brought yourself up with your knees and peered from your sofa like a meerkat.
“You’ve kind of randomly been mentioning them lately, so I figured you were craving them today,” Jay said, nonchalantly putting it away in one of the cabinets.
“I did.” You watched as Jay finished putting all of the groceries away. You then walked over to him and just as he turned around, you let him catch you in his arms. “Thank you.”
Jay kissed the side of your head and rubbed his hand on your back. “What time do you want to start getting ready? Do you have an outfit picked?”
You shook your head but tried your best to stay sniffing the crook of his neck. “I only know what color I want to wear. I’m thinking green.”
“Alright,” Jay spoke right into your ear and you realized how it had never failed to send shivers down your spine. “You can go shower and I’ll get your outfit ready.”
You ended up taking a shower longer than usual and when you got out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around your body, Jay was still picking out accessories for you. You eyed the dark green, strapless dress with an A-line skirt he had laid out on the bed and the open-toe heels sitting on the floor.
“You don’t have that many gold pieces, do you?” Jay asked as he rummaged through your jewelry box.
You chuckled as you walked to your vanity to open the drawer. You kept the pearl choker that Jay gave you in a separate box, and when you pulled it out, Jay followed the movements of your hands. Standing in front of the mirror and still covered in just a towel, you pushed your hair back and put on the necklace. You could see Jay gulping behind you and you flicked your hair once before turning around.
“The dress is strapless, so chokers work best. Right?”
You could feel the way Jay was undressing you with his eyes, knowing that the necklace probably brought back so many memories of the two of you in Greece. After a brief silence, you spun around and headed towards a different section in your wardrobe to get fresh underwear. You grabbed a black strapless bra and matching black panties, and as you tugged your towel to take it off, you felt Jay coming up behind you and snaking his arms around your waist.
In an instant, his lips were on your shoulder, leaving open mouthed kisses and leaving a wet trail as he made his way to your neck. His hands on your waist were gripping you so tight that you knew if you even uttered a word of complaint, it would be of no use. You sighed into his touch, your hands suddenly immobile as the grip on your towel was replaced by his fingers. With one slight tug, your towel pooled to your feet, and you could feel the heat of Jay’s hands against your body.
Jay touched you everywhere, grazing every surface of your skin and making sure not an inch of you was left ignored. He grabbed your breasts in his hands and gave it a squeeze before he ran his hands down your hips, all the while still devouring your neck and then kissing your cheek. He knew his ministrations were making you wet, so he wasn’t surprised when he palmed your core, eliciting a soft whimper from you as he smirked.
“You gotta let me have you before you go,” he whispered. “Please.”
You gave him an answer by turning around, cupping his face in your hands and letting his hands fall down to your ass. He squeezed you there and you chuckled, kissing his lips softly.
“Don’t make me late,” you mumbled, lips still grazing his.
Jay kissed your cheek roughly before he took your hand, leading you to the bed. When he climbed up the bed and lied down, you were puzzled. You tilted your head as you saw him get comfortable, lying down completely and letting his head hang over the edge of the bed. He was careful not to let his feet touch the pillows.
“Come here,” he invited. “Sit on your throne.”
“Are you…”
“Just please sit on my face.”
Jay’s position required you to stand close to the bed with your legs slightly open, and you were scared you couldn’t even stand up straight. After aligning your core with his mouth, you feel his hands gripping your thighs. Once he latched his mouth on to your cunt, it was over.
He started sucking, lapping, and kissing up your folds, making the lewdest noises echo throughout the room. You moaned as you felt the warmth of his tongue against your core, and the more he shoved it into you the more you craved for him. You began to grind your hips, creating a steady motion so he could easily slide his tongue up and down your slit, and once in a while in and out of you. Your whimpers and moans were also getting more obscene, and whenever Jay grunted into your bottom lips, the vibration made you roll your eyes back.
Your legs were shaking and Jay noticed it, reaching out one hand so you can intertwine your fingers with his for support. Your other hand traveled down your clit, touching yourself so you could reach your high faster, not wanting to put on too much weight on Jay. As you felt the knot build on your stomach, you struggled to get out the words, but Jay was quick to notice. He grabbed your thigh and squeezed it as he felt you clench and taint his mouth with your juices.
Jay held you up with both his hands on your thighs as he moved away from under you. As you tried to catch your breath, you felt Jay pulling you down to sit on the bed, and he made his way to kneel in front of you. You still looked dazed, drunk on the feeling of his pretty pink lips on your cunt, and when you saw his proud face—his chin wet and his lips forming a smirk—all you could do was caress his cheek.
You wiped the wetness from his chin as your breathing became normal. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” You asked, referring to the event.
Jay chuckled, placing his hand over yours. “I’ll be waiting for you here, my queen.”
You came back home exactly four hours later, staggering inside as you closed the front door as gentle as you could. You bent over to take your heels off and almost tipped if only you didn’t stabilize yourself by placing a palm on the wall. Surprisingly, the oversized jacket that Jay lent you to cover up stayed on your shoulders the whole time.
“Babe?” Jay called out from the kitchen.
You heard soft sounds of cooking as you made your way to the source of the voice. You were met with Jay’s eyes and you could feel your cheeks flushing in an instant.
“How much did you drink?” He asked after quickly assessing the situation. He wiped his hand on a tea towel before making his way towards you, taking the jacket off.
You chose to answer with your lips, immediately latching your mouth on his as soon as he got close enough. He chuckled as he chucked the jacket away and placed his hands on your waist, guiding you to sit on the bar stool by the counter.
“That explains the behavior,” Jay said, more to himself after he licked his own lips. “I don’t know if you’re hungry but I’m making pasta.”
“Starving,” you muttered, hands reaching up to your own shoulders to hug yourself. You started to observe the way Jay was handling the cooking. He was wearing a cream-colored, long-sleeved tee, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was also wearing his most used black dress pants that seemed to fit any theme of his outfit for the day. You assumed he went out to do something before coming back home. His hair was parted in a way that you liked, half pushed back while half his bangs almost covered one eye.
“How was the party?” Jay asked, his back turned towards you as he stirred the sauce in the pot.
“It was fun. I was with Taehyung most of the time,” you answered. You tapped your fingers on the counter and as you glanced upwards, you noticed how the lights were somehow shining too bright.
“Did anything interesting happen?”
You paused to think for a second before chuckling to yourself. Jay raised an eyebrow and glanced over his shoulder, waiting for you to answer.
“I got complimented on my scent,” you replied. “Whenever someone hugged me to greet me, they would ask ‘why do you smell like a man’?”
It dawned on Jay that the jacket he lent to you was drenched in his perfume and kept stored for quite some time in the wardrobe.
“My bad,” Jay said, smiling.
You shook your head even though he couldn’t see you. “I like smelling like you.”
Jay could not hold back the giddy smile that decorated his lips as he continued to cook. He turned to his right to grab the condiment rack and was met with your figure standing in the way.
“I can help,” you said, focusing your gaze on him and fluttering your eyelashes.
“Like what I’ve said a thousand times before,” Jay said with a low voice. He grabbed you by your shoulders and moved you three steps away to the side. “You’re a distraction.”
You pouted and decided to grab yourself a glass of water. You did not know exactly how, maybe you held it wrong because the next thing you know your favorite mug shattered to the floor and Jay almost slammed the pot he was holding back on the stove.
“My God, Y/N…”
He noticed that you hadn’t put on your house slippers, so he quickly picked you up by your waist and made you sit on the counter. You silently watched as he cleared the floor from the shards of glass and made sure he wasn’t stepping on any. Once he disposed the mess, he turned around to look at you and put his hands on his waist. The sight was so adorable that you started to laugh.
“How drunk are you?” Jay asked, genuinely concerned.
You shrugged, swaying your feet back and forth. “Just a little tipsy. Not so drunk that I will end up forgetting what I did tonight the next morning, though.”
“Are you throwing shade at me now?” Jay was now smirking. His chuckle expressed disbelief.
“I might be,” you said, smiling. “Can I get down now?” You pointed to the floor and pulled the skirt of your dress out of the way.
Jay nodded and immediately busied himself with his cooking again. You patiently waited at your seat, answering all his questions and watching as he cleared the stove and plated the food.
“Eat up,” he said, wiping his hands on the tea towel one last time.
You hopped off the stool and walked towards him, cornering him and making him lean back on the counter.
“Thank you,” you whispered as you rested your arms around his neck, pulling him towards you. “Have I told you how hot you look when you’re cooking?”
Jay laughed and rested one hand on your waist, the other playfully booping your nose. “You haven’t, but you can start saying it more often now.”
“How about I show you instead?”
Jay wasn’t even halfway into making a frown on his face when you placed your hand behind his head and kissed him. You did not waste any time building it up, immediately nibbling on his mouth and wrestling against his tongue. Jay furrowed his eyebrows as he let you dominate him, his hands hovering around your hips. When you stopped to catch your breath, Jay chased your lips and you stopped him by placing a finger over his mouth.
Like a reflex, he grabbed your hand and kissed your palm. You melted, immediately rewarding him with a kiss on his cheek before you got down on your knees. Jay was confused for the sudden loss of your touch, but when he felt you palm his crotch, he froze. You started undoing his pants, and he seemed so unsure about it that he grabbed your wrist to stop you.
You tutted and placed a finger in front of your own lips, telling him to shush. You then leaned in and placed your head right in front of his cock. You kissed it through his pants and you swore you could feel him shiver. As you pulled his pants and boxers down in one move, you grazed your fingers against his hardened dick, earning a soft grunt from him.
Your next move appeared to have caught him off guard. The way you licked a stripe up his shaft made him throw his head back, almost hitting it against the top cabinet. He warily placed one hand on the cabinet, unintentionally flexing his biceps, and it just made you thirst for him even more. Noticing that he could not get any harder, you pumped his cock with your hand twice before putting it in your mouth.
Jay let out a shaky breath as he felt your lips wrapped around him. He couldn’t even open his eyes, too scared that the slightest movement might disrupt the whole pleasure. You started bobbing your head up and down, licking and sucking him in all the right places. Your lipstick began to stain the base of his dick, and when he opened his eyes to look at you he almost cummed right then and there.
There you were, on your knees with his dick in your mouth. Your pearl choker was still decorating your pretty neck, and the strapless dress that Jay picked out for you earlier was still hugging your curves perfectly. He absolutely loved the way the skirt of your green dress pooled on the floor, showing the stark contrast of elegance and pure filth.
The tight bun you had on your head was now a messy ponytail, serving as the perfect place for Jay to put his hand. He became more and more relaxed once you found a steady pace, and he tangled his fingers in your hair as he followed your movements. You started making the sloppy sounds louder on purpose, and you knew that it was working by the way his grip tightened around your hair and how he was now pushing your head against his crotch, slowly gaining the power to lead.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. “Fuck yes.”
Your hands were set on his thighs the whole time, so now that you sensed it was nearing the end, you slid your hands to his ass and squeezed him there, making him jerk his hips towards you. It almost made you gag, and to cope you raked your nails down his legs, letting him take the lead completely.
“I’m close,” he whispered. “Fuck, I…”
You stopped moving your head and let the warmth of his cum shoot into your mouth. You caressed his thighs lovingly as you waited for him to ride out his high, and once he was done you stood up with your cheeks full, limping towards the sink because one of your legs was asleep, before finally spitting his load out. You turned on the tap and rinsed your mouth a little before looking at Jay.
“I mean, I would swallow, but I’m working on an empty stomach and I just don’t want to--”
“It’s fine,” Jay said, seemingly already catching his breath. He pulled his boxers back up and buttoned his pants in an instant. “I’d love it if you’d give me a kiss, though.”
“Really?” You frowned, unsure.
Jay chuckled and pulled you into him, kissing your cheek aggressively before planting the softest peck on your lips. “Thank you,” he mumbled into your lips. “Are you still hungry?”
Your stomach rumbled before you could answer him and you both burst out laughing. He spun you around and slapped your ass before making you walk to the counter where your share of the pasta was no longer piping hot.
You were tidying up the books on your desk and putting them away to the shelves behind you. Hearing a knock on the door, you just waited until Jay entered the room. When you turned around, you saw that he was holding a garment bag over his shoulder.
“Your outfit change,” he explained without being asked. “For dinner with your parents tonight.”
You slammed the pen you were holding between your fingers to your desk. “That’s tonight?”
Jay nodded and hung your outfit behind the door. “Did I forget to remind you?”
Your phone flashed and showed the reminder for your dinner tonight. You then realized instead of setting the reminder for a day before, you set it for two hours before.
“Is it a bad time?” Jay asked after seeing your worried face.
You shook your head and sat back in your chair. “It’s okay. I just have a lot on my plate.”
“Let me.”
In a second, Jay was standing by your chair and listening intently to your instructions. You had your monitor showing a presentation, and your iPad open to a list of schedules and meetings with clients. After deeming that he was briefed enough, you handed over the iPad to him.
“Are you sure about this?” You asked.
Jay scoffed. “Please. Don’t worry about it. Just take your time getting ready and I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay,” you replied softly.
Jay leaned in to kiss the top of your head before gliding across the room and leaving you alone. He insisted on taking care of the rest of your work for the day because he knew how nervous you were when it came to meeting your parents. You sat on your desk for a while and zoned out until you heard two knocks on the door.
“Yes, Hwiyoung.”
Hwiyoung peeked into your room, not bothering to come all the way in. “Park said I should have your car ready in an hour. Just here to confirm.”
You gave Hwiyoung a firm nod and he replied by giving you the OK gesture with his hand.
Staring at your phone, your heels clicked as you shifted the weight in your feet. You were waiting for a reply from Jay, who had not responded to any of your text and calls for more than thirty minutes. The restaurant staff who greeted you by the door invited you to come inside and wait in the private room that Jay booked for you, but you insisted to stay at the lobby.
Eventually, you noticed a familiar car pulling up. You stood up and watched as your parents get out of the car, and before they could say anything else, you kissed your mother on the cheek and gave your father a side hug.
“Jay is in a meeting and he’s running late,” you explained. “Let’s just go inside.”
After the waiter escorted the three of you to your private room, you let your parents browse the menu for as long as they liked, thinking that it would buy you time and that you could actually wait for Jay to come before ordering. When they passed the menu to you, you saw the door slide open. Jay came in, slightly panting as he brushed his hair back. He greeted your parents and apologized repeatedly, claiming that the meeting he was in got extended and that he was caught in an unpredictable traffic jam.
Surprisingly, your mother beamed as soon as she saw Jay’s face. The way he was talking while keeping a smile on his face, and occasionally chuckling in between speeches, somehow made her heart melt. Your father just nodded along and avoided eye contact, and you were wondering if it was because it was the first time you had brought a boyfriend to meet your parents.
Jay secured his seat beside you and grabbed your hand that was resting on your thigh, giving it a light squeeze. You smiled at him before placing both your hands on the table. The dinner went on smoothly. You kept quiet most of the time because you were determined to just observe and let Jay lead the conversation, seeing how well he was able to converse with your parents. Your father and Jay found a similarity, and for a while it was the only thing they talked about, making your mother glance at you and raise her eyebrow. You grinned at her as a response.
The moment your mother found out Jay liked to cook, the mood completely shifted. She kept naming dishes and Jay admitted that he had attempted to cook most of them. The playful banter ended on the note that Jay was obliged to come over to your parents’ house and cook lunch for them. The idea made you chuckle, and you calmly continued to observe as the waiters cleared your table.
It was getting late, and you were the one who reminded everyone that tomorrow was not the weekend yet. Jay excused himself to the restrooms while you all wrapped up, and when your father asked for the check, the waiter mentioned that it had been taken care of. You walked your parents out to the lobby, where Jay joined you midway, and as soon as your parents left with their car, you abandoned good posture and immediately slouched.
Jay put an arm around your shoulders and brought you closer to his side, giving you the tightest hug. “Let’s go home,” he said, kissing your forehead.
“That went well, right?”
You glanced at Jay for a second but did not respond to his question. He frowned as he watched you walk straight to your bedroom.
“Was there a reason why you didn’t text me back?” You asked, letting your hair down after you took off your necklace.
“Like I said, the meeting ran late. I really didn’t get a chance to even look at my phone.” Jay followed you, loosening his tie and immediately unbuttoning his shirt.
“Did you at least wrap things up nicely at the meeting, or was it a mistake for me to send you? Because I know I could have ended it at least five minutes early.” You huffed as you reached out behind your back, struggling to unzip your dress. Jay was about to give you a hand when you finally managed to bring the zip down, instantly making your dress pool to the floor.
“I handled it. Don’t worry,” Jay said softly. “Is everything okay?” He asked as a follow up, noticing that your tone was unnecessarily mean.
You were in the middle of drenching a cotton pad with makeup remover, but Jay’s obnoxious question made you turn around. “You were late, Jay. You made my parents wait.”
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
“You could have texted.”
“I wasn’t in the right mind. Again, I’m sorry.”
You threw the cotton pad and your makeup remover back on your vanity and it made a loud sound. Jay frowned as he turned to face you. You leaned on the table, crossing your arms in front of you. Jay continued to undress until he was just in his pants, his belt half unbuckled.
“Why do you always give in?” You asked. You didn’t even bother changing to your bath robe. For some reason, you just had to pick a fight right now, in your underwear, after an arguably pleasant dinner.
“What do you mean by that?” Jay decided to sit on the ottoman by your bed, leaning forward and clasping his hands together.
“And you always do this too,” you sighed, starting to feel even more frustrated. “I complain about one thing and your immediate reaction is to apologize at least three times. I say one sentence and you ask me to define it, as if you didn’t understand me the first time. Do I really have to be spelling it out for you?”
“What would you rather have me do?”
You let out a single chuckle. Your mouth stayed agape as you could not believe that Jay did exactly what you just said he should not be doing. “Stop that,” you demanded. “Stop asking me everything and just do.”
Jay sighed before standing up and walking away. You only caught his movements through the reflection on your mirror, and you thought he was going to walk past you to go to the bathroom. He suddenly grabbed your wrist, making you drop whatever you were holding, and with one swift move he had your back against the wall, cornering you with one arm beside your head and his other hand firmly planted on your waist.
“Throwing a fit when you’re just wearing the lingerie I gifted you is not helping,” he spoke in a whisper, lips just inches away from yours. “I said I’m sorry, and I mean it. But if you’re not going to take it then let me just do.”
Hearing your exact words repeated back to you had an effect that you could not quite comprehend. The way you could feel the heat of his body against your skin, his eyes digging into yours, combined with his lips carefully grazing your chin—you instantly became a hot mess. His nails dug into your skin as he kissed you absolutely everywhere but your lips. Your neck became his blank canvas as he aggressively sucked your most sensitive spots, eliciting needy moans from your lips. You moved to grab his neck, but he yanked your hand away and pinned it above your head.
You whined in his ear as he continued to nibble on your neck, and as your other hand found its way to his belt, he was quick to pin it above your head too. Both your wrists were held up with his one hand, and he kept his other hand occupied by massaging your breast, alternating between the two.
“Jay…” you whispered, pressing your legs together.
Hearing you call his name made him press his body against yours a little harder, and you almost yelped when you felt his hardened cock pressing against your core. You were helpless, still having your hands pinned above your head, so all you could do was grind your hips against him. He hissed and placed an open mouth kiss on your cheek, even licking a stripe from there to your ear.
“Be a good girl and do as I say, will you?”
His deep voice almost vibrated within you and you could only muster a slight nod as a response. He let go of your wrists only to unbuckle his pants completely and pulling your panties to the side. Your hands rested weakly on his shoulder, and you took the time to observe his face.
You loved this man. You would do anything for him, and you would let him do anything to you.
You felt the tip of his throbbing dick graze your folds and you closed your eyes, indulging in the feeling. You were already soaking wet from the extensive ministration that Jay did on your neck and breasts, so when he slid his length into you he did not need to struggle. Your tight walls welcomed him warmly, and he clenched his jaw as he felt you wrap around him completely.
“Kiss me,” he whispered.
You pulled him by his neck and smashed your lips onto his. At the same time, he thrusted into you, lifting you up against the wall and hooking your thighs on his arms. You moaned into his mouth as you start to feel him pound into you, purposefully making your back hit the wall with each thrust.
“Wrap your legs around me and stay there,” he said after pausing to adjust your position.
You did exactly as he said and he took your hands away from his neck, pinning them above your head again. With your legs secured around his waist and his other hand digging into the flesh of your hips, he found a way to thrust into you even harder. You whimpered and bit your bottom lip, overwhelmed by the sensation.
“Don’t hold back,” he demanded in between thrusts. “Sing for me.”
Jay moved his hand and grabbed your thigh, keeping you steady as he pulled out completely. Your eyes fluttered open, wondering why your hole was clenching around nothing, and when Jay slid back into you with a force, you gasped and moaned so loud, throwing your head back and hitting it against the wall.
“That���s it,” he smirked, kissing your jawline. “That’s how loud I want you to be.”
Knowing that his moves were driving you mad, Jay let you rest your hands on his shoulder. Your fingers got tangled in his hair in an instant, and you had no reason to hold back the sinful moans and whimpers that your boyfriend was causing.
“Pull my hair, baby,” Jay muttered. He then latched his mouth on your boob as you did so, groaning against your flesh. Curses left your lips as you felt him suck hard, letting go of your nipple with a soft smacking sound and leaving trails of saliva around your chest.
Jay noticed that your grip was weakening, and you started frantically moving your hands around his neck and shoulders before finally resting on his biceps for support. He knew you were close so he continued to fuck you until your moans reached a familiar, higher pitch. You creamed on his cock without a warning and he smiled at you, kissing your cheek and whispering praises in your ear.
“That’s my girl,” he chuckled. His thrusts were getting sloppier and you were aware he was getting tired. You unhooked your feet around him and let him place you on the ground again, pulling out of you. “Take my cum, will you?”
Having regained enough strength, you immediately kneeled in front of him, taking his cock in your mouth as he guided it to you. With just a couple of strokes and a good suck, he groaned as he came in your throat. You felt the warmth coat your insides as you swallowed it all, not missing even one drip from his cock. You licked him clean and let him go with a pop before pulling away, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Jay was catching his breath when he looked down at you, still kneeling in front of him as if you were waiting for the next instruction. He chuckled breathlessly as he moved to grab you by the hands, making you stand up and face him. You look into his eyes with the most lustful and adoring gaze, and without saying anything else he kissed your lips, pulling you into a warm embrace.
You were huddled in a small meeting room with three of your executives, discussing a new project that you came up with. The meeting went on for a couple of hours, and if it weren’t for a knock on the door you would have went on.
“Boss,” Jay greeted you in a low voice.
“Do I have somewhere else I have to be?” You asked, checking the time on the watch. “Shit. Okay, we’ll continue this meeting later. Thanks, guys.”
The sound of feet shuffling filled the room until it was just silence. Jay watched as the people left while you tidied up your belongings before standing up.
“So is it on?” Jay asked, pulling your chair back for you. “The L/N Tech Awards.”
You took a deep breath before exhaling, craning your neck from the prolonged period of sitting. “It’s gonna be tough.”
“Why? Because the people in power think education is not important?” Jay noticed the projector was still plugged in and walked over to turn it off.
When you first proposed the idea of financially supporting your staff who wanted to pursue higher education, Jay was quick to agree with you. He even came up with a proposal, and went on to consult your CFO if the idea was possible. It was a noble gesture, but as it turned out, it was definitely not an easy task to execute.
“We’ll talk later,” you replied, checking your phone for notifications. “What’s my next schedule?”
“Your usual pampering session at the Dandelions,” Jay said as he scanned the iPad in his hands with his eyes.
“Are you serious?”
Jay shrugged. “It’s Friday. It’s the middle of the month. It’s your routine.”
You really thought you had an important meeting you had to attend when Jay came inside the room, but you were grateful that he stopped the session when he needed to, meaning that he was putting yourself first.
“Thank you,” you said to him, walking to the door. “I’ll see you at home?”
Jay nodded and smiled at you, and you decided to walk up to him and plant a chaste kiss on his cheek before leaving. The way he smiled so wide it caused creases in his eyes made you laugh.
Having your two best friends in town for the weekend was a once in a blue moon thing, and to make sure that you make the most of your time with them, Jay excused himself to go on an overnight trip with his parents to visit his relatives in another city. You picked up Isa and Yoon at their hotel, and the younger Mr. Lee was the one on duty tonight.
“Miss,” Heeseung nodded at Isa, who volunteered to ride shotgun so not to crowd the backseat.
“Before you try anything funny,” you said, tapping Heeseung on the shoulder. He looked at you through the rear view mirror. “She has a boyfriend.”
Heeseung chuckled and saluted you through the mirror. The ride to Taehyung’s jazz club felt so short since the three of you were talking nonstop. Heeseung even took the liberty to turn down the volume of the radio so you all could hear each other better. The second you reached the club, Isa and Yoon practically jumped out of the car, leaving you fumbling for your purse.
“We’re taking the girls back to their hotel after this,” you announced, leaning forward. “I’ll call you when we’re done? It’ll probably just be a couple hours.”
“Sure.” Heeseung smiled. “Do you mind if I just take your car for a spin?”
“Yeah, do that.” You finally opened the door and got out of the car. You then leaned to the driver’s window. “Don’t do it if you’re sleepy, though.”
Heeseung saluted you again and you swatted his hand off his face. He laughed out loud before rolling up the window and you turned to find your two friends waiting impatiently by the entrance. You walked towards them and they immediately took you by your arms on both your sides as you all entered the jazz club.
You were greeted with live music playing softly, and you could hear the chatter from the people who were sitting at different tables. Isa and Yoon immediately made their way to the bar as you scanned the room, hoping to see your friend, and your mouth curved into a smile when you saw Taehyung waving at you from the table closest to the stage.
Seeing that your friends were content with the drinks they ordered, you walked to meet Taehyung halfway and greeted him with a short hug.
“So nice to see you again, Noona,” he said, not waiting until he let go of your embrace.
You rubbed your hands along his shoulders like you were a mom seeing her son after a long time. “Glad to see you’re doing fine. I brought my friends here with me.”
Turning around and pointing to your friends with your chin, you watched as Isa and Yoon raised their glass to Taehyung, to which Taehyung charmingly replied with a gentle wave and a firm nod.
“Are you with anyone?” You asked as you glanced over at his table, noticing there were about five guys huddled around it.
“Yeah, I should probably tell you,” Taehyung cleared his throat. He then looked around like he was searching for someone.
“If it isn’t Miss L/N…”
Before turning to face the person behind you, you looked at Taehyung with widened eyes. He, in response, sucked the air between his teeth and gave you an apologetic smile. You spun around and of course your ex, who was also one of Taehyung’s closest friends, was the one standing in front of you.
“Mr. Kim.” You forced the politest smile on your face. You almost forgot how tall he was, having not seen him in years. Calling each other by your last names was a thing that didn’t seem to wear off with time.
He leaned in to greet you, and at first you thought he was just going to hug you like Taehyung did, but he kissed your cheek ever so lightly and you had to fight yourself from flinching. You could feel, and hear, Taehyung slowly backing away from the two of you.
“I’d ask how you are, but I know you hate that question,” Namjoon chuckled after finishing his sentence. He then briefly eyed your outfit before smiling. “You look good.”
You wonder why your appearance was always the first thing your exes would comment on whenever they bump into you. But then again, you realized it was the safest topic for small talk. You quickly assessed Namjoon’s outfit before returning the compliment. He was wearing all black, a turtleneck paired with dress pants, and a belt with gold details that matched his watch. You didn’t get a chance to eye his shoes, though.
“You too,” you replied, keeping things brief. You looked over at your friends in a desperate need to find an excuse to leave, but they were too preoccupied with their phones and talking to each other that they did not even notice you were face-to-face with the ex that you, arguably, couldn’t stand the most.
“I assume everything’s going well? With the company, I mean,” Namjoon spoke in a certain calmness that was somehow bothering you.
“Yes, as you can see I am still alive and not stressed,” you said, gesturing to your face. You were so proud of the makeup and hairdo that you just did and in your mind you were cursing yourself because Namjoon was the one who gets to see it, and not Jay. “I guess the gang is still going strong.”
You questioned your own choice of words as you looked at the table of six people, with Taehyung rejoining the group. Namjoon smiled fondly at his friends before looking back at you.
“Some of us have been busy here and there but we get together once in a while. Luckily Tae opened this club so we have a proper basecamp now.”
You chuckled at the comment and took a moment to listen to the live music. It created the sweetest and warmest atmosphere and you slightly feel guilty for enjoying yourself without Jay around.
“Did you come alone?”
You were almost stunned by how fast you responded to Namjoon’s question. He blinked for a second, obviously taken aback, but then he followed your gesture and saw the two friends you were pointing at. The corners of his mouth turned upwards, looking relieved.
“Well, I don’t want to intrude on your quality time,” he said, putting a hand on his chest and smoothing his outfit down. “I’ll see you around.”
You merely smiled as you let him walk back towards his table. You quickly regained yourself and safely found your place between your two friends.
“Was that just…” Isa squinted her eyes, focusing her gaze on Taehyung’s table.
“Were you talking to Namjoon?” Yoon asked, lowering her voice.
“Stop staring!” You half-whispered, half-screamed. The two of them quickly shot their heads back to face you. They couldn’t make out the expression you were making. Heck, you couldn’t even identify the emotion you were feeling.
“He looks good,” Isa said, still staring from the corner of her eyes. Yoon smacked her arm and she winced. “What? I’m just saying.”
“He does seem to be oozing a lot more confidence than usual, huh?” You toyed with Yoon’s glass, making her order a new drink for you. “Do you think he’s already dating someone new?”
“Why would you care?” Yoon asked you back. “Did you tell him about Jay?”
Your hands froze as you were unable to answer Yoon right away. Jay was constantly there on the back of your mind, yet you never got the chance to mention his name. Great, you thought. You once gave Jay a whole lecture about how men never mentioned having a girlfriend until they were asked, and now you were one of those men.
“What am I supposed to do now?” Your voice sounded unsure. For the first time in forever, you wavered.
“Pray and hope you don’t talk to him ever again,” Isa stated, shrugging as she chugged down her drink. “This is a great song.”
Isa was referring to the live music that had shifted into something more upbeat. People started gathering at the dance floor, gently swaying to the sound of the instruments playing.
“Let’s go do what we’re here for,” Yoon said, reaching out a hand to both you and Isa. “Have fun.”
Isa took Yoon’s hand but you didn’t. They both looked at you questionably before you shook your head.
“You girls go.” You smiled at them reassuringly. “I’m just gonna text Jay for a bit.”
Isa pouted at you and Yoon mouthed okay before dragging Isa to the gathering crowd. You swiftly took your phone out of your handbag and unlocked your phone. In the middle of texting, you felt a figure approaching you. You thought it was Yoon who came back to grab her half empty drink, but as you turned to face the person, you lost your balance and almost fell from the stool.
“Shit,” Namjoon grabbed your elbow, supporting it with his own arm. “Please be careful.”
Not again.
You wanted to be the one who started the conversation and steer the topic to the right direction, but Namjoon was just too eager to say whatever was on his mind, so all you could do was listen.
“Listen,” Namjoon cleared his throat. “I know you probably don’t want to have anything to do with me anymore, and that this conversation might seem like a nightmare to you, but I just want you to know that I’m sorry. For making it seem like you were the bitch in our story, when in fact it was me.”
You frowned as you looked at Namjoon. He was avoiding eye contact. He chuckled as he brushed his thumb over his lips nervously, looking away and just staring into the distance.
“I know it seems like a long shot, but I would just love to stay friends with you.” Namjoon fixed his posture before finally regaining the courage to look you in the eyes. “Even better, if you’d give me a second chance.”
You let out a single chuckle, not believing what you were hearing. To be brutally honest, and hoping no one would ever know, when you saw him minutes ago as he popped up behind you, you felt like you were looking at someone else. It was Namjoon, still, but there was this sense of… you did not even know how to put it into words. You were just certain that it was bothering you, and it made you feel guilty. Was he becoming attractive again in your eyes?
“Oh, Joon,” you finally responded, shaking your head. “I have a boyfriend.”
Namjoon stared at you for so long that you were getting concerned because he wasn’t blinking. “You do?” His voice almost came out like a squeak.
You laughed and picked up your phone, showing your lock screen. It was a picture of you and Jay in Mykonos, standing in front of the café that gave you a free drink. In the picture, you had your arms wrapped tightly around Jay’s waist as his arm was resting around your shoulder, his face leaning in to give you a kiss on your temple. It was a full shot of the two of you because it was the owner of the café who took it.
“Well that was fucking embarrassing.” Namjoon sat on the bar stool beside you, facing the bar and burying his face in both his hands. You felt bad but you still laughed at him, patting his shoulder in an attempt to console him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
“How could you?” You shrugged, turning to face the bar too so he wouldn’t feel to exposed if you faced him.
“You never post about him on Instagram.”
“You check my Instagram? I thought I blocked you everywhere?”
Namjoon fell silent for a while and you chuckled again. He then groaned and you found it best to just keep your laughter silent.
“I only follow a few people on Instagram on my private account. You know that,” Namjoon said, finally defending himself. You nodded at his statement.
“Well, I don’t post about him because…” Your voice trailed off. You had to think of the real reason why you had not been posting about Jay on any of your socials. Was it because you wanted to gatekeep him? Was it because you wanted people to think you were still single? Were you a bitch either way for doing so?
“I get it,” Namjoon cut you off. “Some people don’t like seeing other people happy, and I get it if you want to just gatekeep your happiness. I just wish you would have stopped me when I was in the middle of my speech.”
You laughed silently again, gently punching him on the shoulder. He laughed with you, wrinkles forming in the corners of his eyes.
“So who’s the lucky guy?” Namjoon asked. This time he was brave enough to look at you.
You smiled to yourself as you looked at your phone. “His name is Jay and he makes me very, very happy.”
The way your face beamed just by thinking of him was very apparent to Namjoon that you were indeed feeling the most content. His hand lay flat on the bar as he thought hard of the next words he was supposed to say.
“Well, if you’re happy then I’m happy for you too,” he declared, still looking at you. “Truly.”
You finally looked back at him and caught the way his stare was so sincere.
“Thank you,” you replied, smiling back at him.
You turned to face the dancefloor and spotted Isa and Yoon just swaying side to side, enjoying the music and taking photos of each other. You smiled as you take your phone and aim it at them, capturing the moment for them to look at later on. As much as you wanted to join in the fun, your heart suddenly ached for Jay, wishing that he was the one keeping you company and sitting beside you.
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
another author’s note: another cameo surprise, this time by yours truly, leader of the world Mr. Kim Namjoon (lol) he is, in fact, the famous ex mentioned back in part 2. will he appear in more parts? only time will tell.
read the next chapter: falling autumn
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qveencrovvn · 2 months
infinite intro: ko haeun
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hello my name is bean. i havent been in a tumblr rp in a while and just looking to get back into writing. everything that you need to know about her is going to be under the cut, but a work in progress stats page is here. her bio will be officially written at another date. if you want to get ahold of me elsewhere, my discord is @jelly_bean.s. regardless, if you give me a like on this, ill send haeun your way.
tw: parentification, emotional abuse
hwiyoung and chungja were a match made in hell. their relationship was fiery and fast, but the burning passion was too much for them to handle.
neither one of them had learned their lesson not to see each other and the only time they realizes how poorly they messed everything up was when chungja fell pregnant.
hwiyoung couldn't let himself leave chungja to fend for herself over something that was partially his fault as well. he truly loved her, but at the same time couldn't handle her at the same time. and for her, his temper was a lot to take in.
they were stuck in a loveless marriage. while her father worked long hours at night and slept all day, haeun mainly spent time with her mother.
haeun and her mother had an atypical dynamic. her mother often pushed emotional burdens on a kid so young. since she was little, haeun has felt a strong responsibility to manage others' emotions to the detriment of her own wellbeing.
before debut
with the push of her mother, haeun was accepted into her first label when she was only fourteen. at first, it was just for modelling. she was a cute kid and she was shaping up to being a pretty teenager.
this started the cycle of getting so close to achieving her goal, only for it to be taken out from under her.
just as she was finishing her modelling workshops, she was cut last minute due a new direction being taken in the upcoming product, making her "looks" not what the company was looking for anymore.
then at sixteen, she passed an audition to an acting company, but she had little interest in doing romance web series. her notable lack of chemistry with most of the other male trainees outside a very select few made the company cut her pretty early into her training.
at seventeen, her step towards idoldom started with her acceptance into her third company, where they were going to train her and a few other girls to star as an fake idol group in a new series. that was until the company went under, leaving all the girls unemployed. her favorite part of working on that project was the idol elements to it such as the singing and dancing. this gave her a passion for what she wanted to do as a career rather than just going to whatever company would take her.
at nineteen, she was accepted into a large idol label. despite her reputation with the other trainees as well as the public, she was suddenly removed from the website when the new girl group was announced along with a few other female trainees, but she would be part of the few that didn't debut.
she finally landed in infinite at the age of 23, older than most trainees. haeun resolved that this would be her final chance, but couldn't deny how much longer a lot of the trainees, especially when she was finally selected for a final lineup for estella. seven years older than her maknae, a kid.
at first, she was concerned when they appointed her the leadership. she hadn't showed any interest in it outside of taking care of the younger trainees as they needed, being one of the few trusted adults that was not one of the staff. her babying habits started back then, even if she refuses to admit it.
she promised herself to do her best to make sure her girls have the best and most successful time as an idol.
post debut
haeun couldn't imagine not being the leader. as much as she loved singing, dancing and performing, being there for her girls have been the highlight of her job. she wrangles them like a mother duck.
pushes her girls very hard to be the best they can be and expects a lot of them and for them to take their job very seriously. if they are struggling, she will do whatever in her power to help them succeed, staying up countless nights and staying late to help any of her members with what they are having trouble with.
this comes with sacrifice as she doesn't take as much time for herself, making her one of the weaker links on stage depending on how much her other members struggled any particular comeback. what matters to haeun is that she is doing what she loves and helping her fellow members get whatever they want in order to be happy in their career as well.
at the same time, haeun is permissive with her girls outside of idol duties. countless excuses for their misbehavior on variety shows, cheating during games and highlighting each of her members' talents in interviews. as long as the girls dont break any company rules or make it obvious they are doing so, haeun does not care what they do and is very vocal if the girls are being pressured into doing something outside of their contractual agreements.
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yukiakaren · 3 months
Songs to listen to
1122/∞: Hwiyoung - It Is Love ♥
This post series contains all sorts of songs that I would love to share with you. Previous posts you can find here
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linohaven · 1 year
⠀𐚁 work in progress
updated as of 16th december 2023。
below are some of the plotlines that i'll be writing in no particular order。
#⠀。 ☾ to be sensation, ☽ — sf9's 10th member au, a series
current word count: wip
#⠀。 ☾ step out, ☽ — stray kids' 9th member au, a series
current word count: not started
#⠀。 ☾ champagne problems ☽ — nonidol!lee know x fem!reader, oneshot
genre: wip
current word count: not started
#⠀。 ☾ no body, no crime ☽ — skz x idol!reader, a series
genre: wip
current word count: not started
#⠀。 ☾ jealousy, jealousy ☽ — idol!changbin x idol!reader, oneshot
genre: angst
current word count: 905 rewriting because i hated the plot
#⠀。 ☾ home ☽ — nonidol!hwiyoung x fem!reader, oneshot
genre: wip
current word count: not started
#⠀。 ☾ the interview ☽ — detective!jongho x unsub!reader, oneshot
genre: wip
current word count: not started
#⠀。 ☾ the boy next door ☽ — jung wooyoung x reader, college au, oneshot
genre: wip
current word count: not started
with love, aini 𐚁
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goodnightjar · 1 year
A trace of the day left behind by SF9 Jaeyoon on a day in March when the sunlight scattered over clear sky spread like paint
BY 에디터 양혜연 | 2023.03.21
Translated by: lilbaekyooni
Jaeyoon pursues something that's invisible to the eyes, the belief that love surely exists, trusts that there will be no lies in that love, bets that's the present will perfect the future self. Wonders if there is an absolute standard to 'do well' to be good at something. He can only fathom the reality of the formless things he follows, as if he is following a path in the dark. But he doesn't doubt the existence of them. Instead, he just throws endless questions at himself. Sometimes he sinks into the abyss, entangled in worries derived from questions, but he never denies the existence of the things he pursues.
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Is there anything sort of 'It would nice if you ask me this' kind of story for this interview?
Wow, It's the first time i have been asked such question in an interview. I really didn't think of it (laughs)
Since this is the last interview before enlistment, I wish to leave a story that Jaeyoon wishes to tell today.
What would be good? I like the bright and light stories i have told through various contents but today I feel like it would be good to talk about something that's settled deep in my mind.
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I was going to ask 'gukguy*' Jaeyoon to recommend me his favourite rice soup restaurant; but i will ask you when we meet the next time. (laughs) With enlistment just around the corner how do you feel?
[note: *- gukguy - word play of SF9's Good Guy & Jaeyoon's favourite dish gukbap (rice soup) / gukguy like soup guy as he likes soup dishes]
To be honest before the date came out I kept wondering 'Oh, am i really going?'* It seemed like a long way off, but it only just hit me when the date came out. But it doesn't mean i haven't thought about it all; i had a lot of conservations about it since an year with our group members Youngbin hyung and Inseong hyung who enlisted first. And the conclusion was 'For the remaining time let's show our fans what we want to show as much our fan's heart desire.' I have spent every moment working hard to yield a pleasurable result to keep up that promise.I feel a lot better now. I knew the fans were anxious because they didn't know when I would enlist, but I felt really sorry until the very end for not being able to say anything.
(note: *-in busan satoori)
Did you get any advice related to military life from the members who enlisted first and E-TION of ONF, who is in charge of Pat of 'Pat and Mat'?
Since i was very curious about a lot of things, i ask this and that first. In fact i even contacted E-TION yesterday. Ofcourse advise is very helpful but it doesn't make sense as in the end i guess i can only know when i experience it. I'm just envious everyone is about to be discharged (laughs). Now rather than seeking advice I'm focused on working hard on planning what part of myself i would fill in during the time spend there once i enlist.
Did you make any kind of plans?
I want to do things that I couldn't do before during promotions, so I'm going to focus on reading and studying. First of all i'll take the book 'Dollargut Dream Department Store' that i received as gift from my sister. As for the other books, I'll go to the bookstore before enlisting and buy them. I'm going to learn languages such as English, Japanese. Meanwhile I felt sorry for not being able to study properly even though I felt like I wasn't good enough.
I wanted to get an idea for the pictorial concept, so I asked about your favorite movies in advance.I was surprising to hear the title of a romance movies gushing
Haha, That's right. Usually guys my age like SF or hero series but I like the romance genre. Movies like <The Notebook>, <About Time>, <One Day> are my favourite.
I noticed that in the list, there is also <Titanic>, which was released a long time ago.
Hwiyoung, our group member really likes movies, and asked to me watch <Titanic> with him. Since it is such a famous work, I thought it would be nice to see it at least once, so we watched it together. In the movie Jack's fate was really sad but my heart goes out more to Rose. My heart hurts by just imagining that I have to live out the rest of my days after losing a loved one right in front of my eyes. The scene were they first met was also very memorable.
What's the most memorable movie for Jaeyoon?
I like <The Curious Case of Benjamin Button>. I was so impressed with the movie that I once looked only for Brad Pitt's work.
What part of the movie swayed your mind?
The protagonist keeps getting younger, and the people he loves around him get older. In life the moment they share the same time of life is close to the blink of an eye. Watching the movie made me imagine how sad it must be to miss eachother living through different years. At the same time, I made a pledge to be good to the precious people around me who are going through the same time right now.
Your ability to empathize is extraordinary
I'm the type to have a lot of thoughts, as i often assume this and that and immerse myself in those i guess. However, there are too many thoughts; it does not stop at assuming the situation. There are times when the worry derived from this always becomes too exhausting like biting ones own tail is burdensome. I always make up my mind to reduce these thoughts but it's not easy.
I know how you feel because we have similar tendencies. Even if I manage to get rid of my thoughts, I wonder, 'Oh Am I allowed to live without thinking like this.' and worry about it.
That's right. If you worry a little less than usual you think, 'Am I living too thoughtlessly?' and worry about it. There aren't many people with this tendency, so I haven't talked about it anywhere but If i don't worry too much like this i often find myself wondering if I'm too lackadaisical
I can't help but be concerned it must be very tiring for you. I wonder how do you deal with stress?
As it's my natural inclination it's not easy to reduce the thoughts itself. So conversely i imagine very possible scenario. Should I says it's fighting fire with fire? To think about it endlessly until you can think of no more case scenarios. When you already assume the worst possible scenario you can deal with any unexpected issues that may arise. You tell yourself 'see its just this. the situation like that don't usually happen ,you don't have to worry a lot' and comfort yourself. But there are times when my worst fears came true. Then next time you have to be more careful with what you imagine. (laughs)
It's not a weakness. It's about being careful without making a hasty decision about any situation. It's not easy to be sure of something easily in the first place, but is there something you firmly believe in?
I think the answer that 'I still firmly believe' is more accurate I have faith in 'love'. No matter what form or method, love definitely exists, and I believe there are no lies when it's all about love. I think there were no lies in all the moments when I shared my heart with the people around me, such as the moments when I exchanged love with my parents and the moments when I exchanged love with the fans.
Then what may be something where lies can exist?
Values of things that are not necessarily proportional to the universal estimate. Something like money could be an example.A high amount of money does not necessarily mean that its value is high and vice versa. In case you misunderstand, i have no experience with such money.(laughs)
The fact that the name of the series for your own content is not named 'I am good' but 'I can do well' also seems to reflect your personality. The beginning of the series was small, but now it has become the content that symbolize Jaeyoon.
It wasn't started with a huge plan. During the pandemic the difficult situation of not being able to meet fans was very hard and i felt empty. I wanted to see my fans so much, and I wanted to convey my feeling, but the only possible way was writing and video. I planned various contents to communicate with fans in real time through video. I thought that the story would be richer if I showed what I was doing rather than just talking. Coincidentally, a lot of contents such as making Dalgona and Tanghulu were uploaded on video sites. So I thought to start by showing them how to make those while having a conversation
This is also a 'moment of exchange of love with no lies' with fans. You been saying that you can do a lot of things well, but I'm curious about what do you really want to do well.
First of all and Second of all and Third of all it's to sing
What is the criterion in singing 'to do well'?
You have no idea how long I've been wondering about the same. 'Does it mean to be good at it?' 'Is there a single ultimate point to reach?' 'Is self-satisfaction the criteria?' There was a time when i thought that absolute standards definitely existed. As I thought about it over and over again i started thinking 'Just as there are many colors in the world or just as we all have different appearances; the standard of 'doing well' as well might be different. As I progress little by little i keep asking myself; 'what's my own color'. But then when i hit a wall i start doubting myself 'What if there is an absolute standard'. To be honest it's a problem that I can't find an answer to now, so these days I'm trying to focus on and think 'Lee Jaeyoon the person is singing right now' Then, even if you hit a wall; i will have no choice but to overcome it and to learn from it and refine oneself one by one based on that experiences.
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As I said earlier, the goal of today's interview is to capture the traces Jaeyoon wants to leave behind. What's that something you want to tell us.
Superficially the trace before i cut my hair, if I speak ideologically its my today's time and thoughts. I think by keeping a record of one day in March that I spent, I have one more moment to share with my fans.
I am curious on what do Lee Jaeyoon as a person wants to leave behind lastly in his life.
Rather than wanting to leave behind, wouldn't it be what of me as a person that's left behind.? Suppose I'm 80 years old, I guess as a person all the things Lee Jaeyoon experienced for 80 years is what will be left of me.
What would that look like?
I received a lot of love while working as Jaeyoon of SF9. After exchanging such a precious affection, I think the inner me will be very rich. As I said before, I believe in the power of love
Jaeyoon's eyes sparkled when he talked about the things he believed in, and a shy smile appeared on his lips. Was it the concern his talks may sounds like 'chasing the clouds'. In fact, if he had only followed what he could clearly see, he would not have asked himself so many questions or agonized endlessly to find answers to those questions. That's If you just accept only what you see without doubt or second guess. However all things that have a form transforms and all that can be seen may look distorted to some. If there is something that don't transform and is non distorted its the nature of formlessness.
So, what Jaeyoon pursues becomes an unchanging buoy on the sea he sails on. Of course, on a day with strong winds, it may be shaken endlessly and sometimes be swept away by strong currents but the direction these signs point to is always straight and honest.❤️
©rti please do not repost without permission...♡
i have tried to convey jaeyoon's words well. but as i'm still lacking in translating; I'm sorry if you find any errors. thank you... :)
interview: ™2023 April issue of Singles Korea.
Jaeyoon who enlisted today; left 'One day Jaeyoon spent' as a small gift in hopes that Fantasy will not be saddened by the brief separation. - 23.03.21 Singles Korea
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restlessmaknae · 2 years
kids in the dark :: punk-rock bands series
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Rebel Rhapsody and Gen Z Tragedy. The hottest punk-rock bands of their generation in Seoul. But what’s their story? Read to find out!
The stories can be read on their own, but if you decide to read them all, here’s the order:
I. rebel rhapsody ft. Ten (Rebel Rhapsody-focused)
➳ Rebel Rhapsody’s lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist is the definition of duality, but you find yourself being drawn to his unpredictability.
II. calm in the storm ft. Juyeon (Rebel Rhapsody-focused)
➳ You don’t think too much into finding your little brother a drum teacher, but said teacher turns out to be a guy your age who’s also a part of a rock band.
III. like the night sky ft. Hwiyoung (Rebel Rhapsody-focused)
➳ You realise after getting to know your co-worker (who’s also a part of a punk-rock band) that everyone’s a bit lost sometimes, and there’s always more to people than you would think so.
IV. messy hearts, messy chords ft. Yeonjun (Gen Z Tragedy-focused)
➳ You just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; meaning that you get punched in the face instead of someone else in a literal band battle, but it’s not only you who’s hurting that night.
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A/N: All of the stories are purely fictional. These bands are also fictional, they don’t exist in real life.
Series’ title was inspired by an All Time Low song with the same name.
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lost-inthedream · 8 months
☆ SF9 Poly relationship masterlist ☆
warning: This series includes suggestive or mentions of interactions between members
Yoo Taeyang x female reader x Hwiyoung
Youngbin x female reader x Zuho
Jaeyoon x female reader x Zuho part I, Part II
Youngbin x female reader x Chani
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rainytypology · 1 year
SF9 Jaeyoon MBTI Analysis
- ESFJ -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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MBTI: ESFJ (Fe - Si - Ne - Ti)
Dom: Fe (extroverted feeling)
A judging function that values and strives towards social harmony in order to reach a goal
Like most Fe users, Jaeyoon is naturally charming and kind, or tries to be despite his awkwardness at times. He seems to gain energy from others, having no problem with making positive connections (e.g all his flirty jokes to other members and other male idols).
Being an Fe dom and being an older brother naturally makes him a care taker. Even Youngbin has said Jaeyoon feels like an older brother despite being older than him. He's quite attentive to other's feelings, as Fe feels validated with positive results/reactions from others (e.g Sep center; with Yoo Tae, he noticed Tae was quite happy with the needle felting and even checked in to make sure he was genuinely content).
Aux: Si (introverted sensing)
A perceiving function that is focused on the internal sensations of the body. Prefers familiarity and internal structure
Jaeyoon is a very consistent person, as most high Si users are. Has a set workout routine, always makes sure to update with Fantasies, even consistent with the hoodies he wears during his lives (even members have joked about how he only has 3 shirts). Iirc, there was a period where Jaeyoon wasn't doing lives weekly as usual and when he finally had time to do so, he said it felt weird not doing live streams. High Si users do not like to stray from their routine.
Out of all the members, he was still having the hardest time adapting to their new temporary member line up. He has spoken the most about missing Youngbin and Inseong; their absences truly affected Jaeyoon the most. Even Taeyang joked on Weekly Idol that Jaeyoon should just join Youngbin in the military if he missed him so much. Si is not spontaneous and is slower to adapt, which definitely applies to Jaeyoon. During an Idol Radio ep for their Scream promotions, he talked about the empty spaces Youngbin and Inseong left. The ability to clear tension was easy for Inseong but not for Jaeyoon. Doing the ments was Youngbin's thing, not Jaeyoon's. Having those new responsibilities was likely challenging for Jaeyoon, who seems used to simply working in the background.
Tert: Ne (extroverted intuition)
A perceiving function that creates new ideas through connections and patterns in the environment
Since it's tertiary, he doesn't mind doing something different once in awhile.
04/03/22 vlive; He wanted to wear something different for the live instead of his usual hoodies. He couldn't decide though and ended up wearing a button up and track pants. He even gave an explanation to this sudden change. His "I Can" vlive series where he tries new activities is also a good example.
Similar to Inseong, Jaeyoon likes to liven up the atmosphere with his Fe - Ne. However, he's a bit more awkward at times because his dominant Fe can make him self conscious; Dominant/aux Fe users are often careful with how they present themselves to others.
Inf: Ti (introverted thinking)
A judging function that uses subjective knowledge to make the most logical and rational choices.
As his inferior function, it's likely where his slightly scatterbrained nature comes from. Having both Ne - Ti lower on the function stack, it may be difficult for him to organize and articulate his thoughts properly. The other SF9 members have talked about how slow Jaeyoon answers questions and how he sometimes goes off topic mid sentence. It is apparently common for Fe users to struggle with saying their thoughts in a rational, logical manner. They know how they feel but to put it into coherent rational words is difficult.
"The mind of Jaeyoon, who never thinks." - Inseong
I don't think he's an INFP at all...For sure, Hwiyoung is one. I don't see Fi usage in Jaeyoon and he's not flexible enough to have Ne in a higher stack.
He could be more introverted socially, but MBTI is not about behavior or social energy.
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth chart
Kpop typology list
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tyuninthemirror · 1 year
— blender: c.yj
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— pairing: idol!yeonjun x idol fem!reader — genre: angst — word count: 1863 — disclaimers: not proofread! mentions of eating, signs of cheating, adding of minor characters (lee know, bangchan and hwiyoung) — synopsis: part 2 to bad omens. — series masterlist
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— author's note: i'm back and kickin'!!! a bit rusty and short, but i hope you enjoy it!! alsoooo! do let me know if you think part 3 should be a happy ending or not XD
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As you walked into the JYP practice room, the sound of laughter and music filled your ears. You spotted Minho and ran over to give your cousin a big hug.
"Uh, hi, I'm here too," Bangchan chimed in, standing up from his seat.
"Hi Chan!" you exclaimed, giving him a hug as well. "What are you guys up to?"
"Just planning a special stage for our comeback," Bangchan replied, grabbing a bottle of water from the table. "Congratulations on your comeback by the way! Did you receive our bouquet?"
"Of course I did," you beamed, unlocking your phone to show them a photo of the beautiful flowers. "I posted it on my social media too!"
After catching up with your cousin for a few minutes, the three of you headed to the cafeteria to grab some food. It was a regular occurrence for you to visit JYP since you and Minho met up almost every week.
"So Y/N," Minho began, clearing his throat as you all sat down with your food. "Are you seeing anyone?"
"Do I have to answer that?" you laughed, glancing down at your plate.
"So you are seeing someone?" Bangchan teased, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. "Who's the lucky guy?"
You were just as close to Bangchan as you were with Minho, so it wasn't embarrassing to share details like that. However, when you didn't answer, both boys furrowed their brows in concern.
"L/N Y/N, please don't tell me you're still hung up on Choi Yeonjun?" Minho growled. Your eyes welled up at the harshness in his tone.
"Y/N," Bangchan sighed sympathetically, "I know he's a great guy, but you shouldn't waste any more energy on someone who can't reciprocate your feelings..."
"Easier said than done," you murmured. "You both know how much he means to me."
Aside from the other members of TXT, only Minho and Bangchan were aware of your arrangement with Yeonjun. Although they were friends with the group, they couldn't stand seeing you being taken advantage of in such a toxic relationship.
"He may have been your first love, but he doesn't have to be your last," Minho said, taking hold of your hand across the table. His heart ached for you; you were one of the kindest and most selfless people he knew, and it pained him to see you hurting like this. "It's not the end of the world if things don't work out with him."
"Why don't you try going on dates with other people?" Bangchan suggested with a small smile.
"Wouldn't that be unfair to the other person if I wasn't emotionally available?" you questioned.
"That's exactly what Yeonjun is doing to you," Minho pointed out, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, but..."
"Listen, Y/N, why don't you just go out for coffee? Not as a date, but just as friends hanging out over coffee?" Bangchan proposed. You thought about it for a moment; it didn't sound like a bad idea.
"I guess that could work," you nervously chuckled. "Okay, I'll try asking someone to go get coffee with me."
"Don't worry, we already have someone in mind," Minho mischievously grinned.
"Y/N!!! Welcome~" Huening Kai sang as you entered the VIP room of the restaurant.
"Kai," you chirped, hugging him, careful with the wine in your arms. "Congratulations on your first Inkigayo win!"
"Is this for us?" Soobin grinned, pointing at the bottle.
"Of course," you giggled, passing it to the taller boy. Your eyes landed on Yeonjun who was chatting away with Taehyun. When he meets your gaze, he winks at you, and your heart skips a little beat.
Earlier in the day, Kai invited you to join a small celebration dinner organized by Bang PD for TXT's first Inkigayo win. As you entered the room, you noticed familiar faces from Seventeen and other HYBE employees gathered together.
"Oh? Is it just us?" you asked, noticing that the seats were nearly full as you took a seat next to Beomgyu, giving him a side hug. It was your indirect way of asking if Yunjin would show up today.
"Yeah, just a small dinner celebration," Beomgyu responded. You hear the chair scraping and you turned to the other side to see Yeonjun sitting on the seat on your other side. He throws an arm over your shoulder.
A warm breath tickled your ear as Yeonjun's voice whispered, "Hey, miss me?"
Your cheeks flushed with heat as you nodded in response. You knew Yunjin wouldn't be showing up tonight by how distant and annoyed Yeonjun acted towards you when she was going to be around. But when she wasn't, he couldn't get enough of you, despite his previous warnings about "hurting yourself". You loved the attention and so did he, constantly seeking each other out like magnets drawn together.
You were sharing a 6 person table with boys, and you watched gleefully as Taehyun began cutting the meat on the grill.
"Are you coming over after dinner?" Kai asked excitedly. Besides Yeonjun, you spent a lot of time with Kai because of your similar interests in food and movies, so oftentimes you'd go to their dorms to hang out, and of course, end up in bed with the eldest member.
"Obviously," Yeonjun snickered from beside you.
"I can't," you scratched the back of your neck.
Five pairs of eyes look at you in shock. You've never said no to staying over before, not even when you had a schedule to get to at 4 am in the morning.
"Damn," Soobin whispered. "Are we in an alternate universe or did a clone come and replace Y/N?"
"Got plans later, Y/N?" Beomgyu asked, nudging your side.
"Yeah, actually," you nervously replied. "I'm meeting a friend later."
"But it's like 9 pm now," Huening Kai pointed out.
"Well yeah, we're just getting coffee," you explained.
Beomgyu's eyes widened. "Are you going on a date?!"
Yeonjun nearly choked on meat at Beomgyu's words. You? Going on a date at night?
"That doesn't sound too safe, Y/N," Yeonjun frowned. Beomgyu rolled his eyes at Yeonjun's remark. Though he knew about you both, he didn't like the arrangement. You were friends with all the members, and although Yeonjun was like their brother, they didn't like how toxic your relationship with Yeonjun was.
"I'll be fine," you waved it off, popping another piece of meat in your mouth. "Besides, it's not a date, we're just meeting for coffee."
You kept telling everyone that it wasn't a date, but you made it a point that if Yeonjun asked you to not go tonight, you would cancel your plans.
"Well, who are you meeting?" Yeonjun demanded to know.
"Hwiyoung from SF9."
"Yeonjun, calm your ass down," Beomgyu groaned, annoyed as Yeonjun continued to pace back and forth the living room where the other boys sat playing games.
"It's almost midnight and Y/N hasn't responded to my text," Yeonjun angrily muttered, glancing at his phone for the 6th time that evening.
"She's a grown woman, I'm sure she's fine," Soobin said, his eyes glued to the screen in front of him.
"Don't you barely text her back anyway?" Taehyun asked.
"He's just angsty because Y/N finally decided to see someone else," Beomgyu snickered. "Don't expect her to text you back till tomorrow morning."
Yeonjun glared at the younger boy, annoyed. He wasn't angsty, he was just worried.
"Hwiyoung though? They'd look good together," Huening Kai commented and the other boys nodded in agreement.
"She said they were just meeting up for coffee," Yeonjun reminded them, trying to keep his cool.
"Please, when you tell us you're getting coffee with Y/N, aren't you two at her place hooking up?" Soobin raised an eyebrow. "Is this any different?"
That remark shut Yeonjun up and a sense of dread filled him.
By the time it hit 12:30 AM without a word from you, he decided to call, even after the others warned him not to.
"Yeonjun?" your voice said over the phone. Yeonjun let out a sigh of relief when he heard noise in the background, indicating that you were still out in public and not somewhere alone.
"Hey, Y/N, just calling to make sure you're home," he said, playing dumb. He definitely didn't think this through.
On the other line, you freeze up for a moment. Did Yeonjun just call to check up on you?
"Umm, I'm still out," you answered after a brief pause, peeking over to Hwiyoung who sat across from you.
"It's passed midnight, will you be done soon?" Yeonjun asked, his fingers crossed. Now that he thought about it, he doesn't remember the last time he called first.
"Yeah, soon?" you answered, unsure. You glanced at the watch on your wrist, you were having a great time with Hwiyoung you didn't realize it was already this late.
"Will you come over then? You could stay the night."
A thousand thoughts ran through your mind. You looked up to see Hwiyoung giving you a small encouraging smile.
"Alright, I'll be there soon," you say before ending the call. You give Hwiyoung a sad smile. "Sorry."
"Don't worry about it, Y/N. I should be glad you even agreed to meet up with me," he chuckled, his contagious smile causing the corner of your lips to raise along with his. "You don't know how long I've asked Minho."
"He never told me," you shyly answered, a blush forming on your face. You felt like you were in high school all over again.
You spent the night getting to know Hwiyoung and eventually managed to open up about your feelings for Yeonjun, not wanting to lead him on. You were surprised at Hwiyoung's understanding of the situation and even encouraged you to take your time to sort things out. And though your mind was still in turmoil, for that brief moment, you felt at ease with Hwiyoung by your side.
"Will I get to see you again?" Hwiyoung asked just as you were about to part ways.
"Of course," you nodded. He moves closer to give you a hug which you gladly reciprocate, and you can't help but feel the difference between hugging Yeonjun and hugging Hwiyoung.
"See you soon, Y/N."
As the night grew darker, you found yourself in bed with Yeonjun. A mix of emotions swirled within you - guilt for betraying Hwiyoung's feelings, excitement from being in Yeonjun's arms, and a nagging sense of doubt.
Hwiyoung had been kind and understanding towards you all night, and you knew he liked you just as much as you liked Yeonjun. With each passing moment, the weight of your actions weighed heavier on your conscience. How could you have given into temptation when you knew it would hurt someone else? As you lay there with Yeonjun, you couldn't help but wonder if he ever felt guilty about sleeping with you while chasing after someone else. Did he truly care for you or were you just another conquest to him?
The doubts and questions kept swirling in your mind, clouding the moment and tainting the intimacy that should have been shared between the two of you.
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2idiots · 2 years
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