#Hybe America
eleni-cherie · 7 months
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SEND EMAILS AND PHYSICAL MAILS TO HYBE (templates & addresses here and against the cinema screening in Is*ael here)
PLEASE DON'T GIVE THEM ANY PENNY FROM YOUR MONEY! DON'T BUY MERCH, ALBUMS OR STREAM! 🏴‍☠️ CONTENT (do it the old school way: listen to your already bought CDs, reuploaded videos from non-company yt accounts or download songs w mp3 converters)
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bandzboy · 9 days
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this is so disgusting
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beautifulpersonpeach · 7 months
I’m curious BPP, what do Koreans think about the call to boycott Hybe (although most of the focus is on BTS) to get rid of Braun? Do they agree with it?
Based on what I’ve seen, most Korean fans fall into one of three camps:
1. They think this boycott campaign is the work of multis, mantis, and antis/akgaes;
2. They are somewhat sympathetic and might even want Scooter gone, but still don’t agree with a full boycott;
3. They don’t care.
The reality is a lot of Koreans have no real view about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and of those who do, the split between people for and against either Israel or Palestine seems 50/50, going by the chatter I’ve seen. Among the G20 nations, South Korea and Japan both do not recognize the Palestinian state, and general sentiment in Korea is largely more in line with the government in this case.
A lot of the people pushing for Scooter’s removal on the k-side are akgaes and mantis who have disliked him since he started promoting Jungkook last year, and that bias colours the arguments against him to other people watching this go down. While a few others have genuinely bought into the arguments and want to kick him out in any case.
But one thing that’s generally accepted or understood by most everyone on the k-side, is that kicking him out has more to do with satisfying the desires of that select minority, than doing anything to actually benefit the plight of Palestinians in Gaza.
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Hybe America is losing money, who would have thought? Under the expertise and guiding hand of Scooter Braun. How shocking and unexpected. Not even their July hit had enough impact. Tsk, tsk....
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peppertaemint · 11 months
Just saw Hybe America made a 30m usd loss in q3. Haha.
What I'd like to know is:
What does Hybe America do, exactly?
Why did all of Scooter Braun's clients leave him?
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transrightsjimin · 6 months
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I feel so bad that I've barely been on tumblr and didn't consistently post about it, but Palestinian and pro-Palestinian fans of artists under HYBE are going to protest HYBE America tomorrow (Friday March 22, 2024) to protest notorious zionist propagandist CEO Scooter Braun and urge HYBE to divest from zionism.
Scooter's Ithaca Holdings is funded by Carlyle Group which funds attacks on Yemen, he brought in a LOT of zionists into HYBE, has a history of using singers like Justin Bieber for zionist propaganda trips, he's a good buddy to abusers, ped*philes and a suspected murderer, and of course he infamously screws over singer Taylor Swift with rights over the music. Besides that, HYBE must divest from zionism as a whole and set a precedent for others to remove zionists from their position.
Unfortunately there's been a lot of pushback in the fandoms against boycotts and other actions initiated by Palestinian fans. That's why I'm really proud that the ARMY4Palestine team and the Boot The Scoot initiative was able to organize this protest and even have the Palestinian Youth Movement join in their protest!
ARMY4Palestine earlier also got support from BDS Korea and media coverage by a.o. Middle East Eye, Al Jazeera (and shockingly even actual good reporting on Koreaboo) and very positive reception from the general public, contrary what happened among ARMY, and Carats to an extent. So again, all the credit should go to Palestinian fans!
Also, they set up rules such as that masks are required at the protest (!!! we LOVE being covid-conscious and protecting your ID!!) and encourage glasses rather than lenses and to bring umbrellas against drone surveillance and potential gas attacks from cops. I'm just SO PROUD. This is the real shit!!
Idk if anyone reading this is still able to go but sharing is welcome. You can find more info through ARMY4Palestine and Boot The Scoot's twitter, and read more about their other projects together with other fan-led initiatives like LearnToLiberate, such as E-SIM projects. (Tumblr won't let me add links, sorry.)
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What's going on with Scooter Braun?
But Variety, paints a more nuanced picture...
Whatever's happening I still don't think it'll have a major impact on BTS, but if things get murkier, I'd imagine HYBE would need to step in and deal with the situation.
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angelbabyjiminah · 3 months
I read someone talking about how if BigHit steps up, maybe Namjoon could be nominated for a Grammy. I just wanna say... don't worry.... hybe america exists for a reason. to literally have another homebase across the globe. they literally sent in "for your consideration" bids for each member's projects last awards season and they'll do it again. and recently they literally got iheartradio to fly all the way to korea for the weversecon festival. they get to work
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fromtenthousandfeet · 11 months
Send in the trucks!
I, for one, am thrilled that Jimin's Korean fans have sent trucks to HYBE and to media outlets. Most importantly, they are focusing on the company's poor treatment of Jimin and its nonsensical business decisions without dragging the other members of BTS. This should have been the fandoms' strategy from the very first moment the sabotage started, specifically when BigHit split the versions of Like Crazy. The most powerful tool the fandom possess is sowing doubt amongst the HYBE shareholders about the long-term viability of the company due to Bang Si Hyuk's poor decisions and petty grievances. Fans, stop being nice! Start using shame! Get the media involved! Stop engaging in useless arguments about who is the most popular, talented, whatever!
I said it in my first Tumblr post and I'll say it again. Where are Scooter Braun's legacy clients? When HYBE acquired Ithaca Holdings, they suddenly managed some of the biggest stars in Western music. Why haven't his clients been putting out music since his portfolio was acquired? All of the money Scooter spent on Jungkook/Seven/Golden aside, that company should have been making money off of his existing big-name clients. There's a huge story to tell here if any music journalist dares to dig into it. What about all the incentive stock his artists were given? Did they all start to bail on Scooter as soon as the stocks vested? Inquiring minds want to know. Sadly, modern media is so dependent upon corporate clients via advertisements and paid media play that they dare not bite the hands that feed them. SB is clearly one of their best customers based upon the endless media play we've been subjected to for months.
I'm so curious to see what happens in the next few days/weeks. Is HYBE going to make it? Their best bets going forward seem to be their girl groups and ENHYPEN - the creation and popularity of which Bang PD has nothing do with. Is there enough time to make them profitable enough to keep the company in the black? And what about this new venture into Latin America? Sounds like another Bang PD boondoggle.
I see that many Jimin fans on Twitter are thrilled by the announcement of HYBE America's pitiful performance in Q1-Q3, but to me it's bittersweet. The reality is, Bang PD, Scooter, and the HYBE executive team have squandered not just 10+ years of hard work on the part of the members and the staff, but they've also squandered the hard earned money, good will, and trust of the fandom.
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eleni-cherie · 6 months
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SEND EMAILS AND PHYSICAL MAILS TO HYBE (mail templates & addresses about 🛵 here and against the cinema screening in Is*ael here) + MESSAGE WEVERSE SHOP CUSTOMER SUPPORT (example)
🏴‍☠️ CONTENT INSTEAD (do it the old school way: listen to your already bought CDs, reuploaded videos from non-company yt accounts or download songs w mp3 converters)
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bandzboy · 1 month
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if you are thinking abt buying ppulbatu (which you shouldn't bc there's a hybe boycott but alas) but just a psa that apparently they are being produced/distributed by hybe america specifically and so the money is most likely going directly there which makes this ten times worse so please keep this in mind
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Bpp, what's your take over this Scooter Braun // all his artists leaving // HYBE situation? I just read that HYBE paid $1 trillion USD for Scooter's company to get Ariana Grande and if she leaves that deal is worthless. What do you think?
I’m watching this with interest, but I really have no idea what’s actually going on or how it’s going to play out (it’s been 24 hours and reports are still unconfirmed from all parties). Right now the implications here are all negative, obviously, but if it’s in fact true that Ariana Grande is no longer affiliated with Scooter Braun and by extension HYBE America, and Bang PD’s investment is rendered useless as a result, a big part of me would be a bit happy. To be honest with you.
I mean, I’ve felt for a long time that Bang PD’s business moves in recent years have shown an arrogance that’s disproportionate with the results. I’m very curious to know what kind of risk matrix he uses to filter deals and arrive at valuations. Because just like the SM acquisition he was attempting this year, and just like I said back then, Bang PD seems to discount intangible and social costs significantly more than I think is prudent.
Getting into business with disgusting unscrupulous characters, and acquiring businesses with horrible company cultures, doesn’t seem to be a headwind for him going by the fact that he partnered with Scooter and was going to absorb SM Entertainment despite both entities’ long and notorious track record of being bottom barrel filth. To be fair, it’s normal in business to discount reputational risk when evaluating a deal, but Bang PD seems to either have an information disadvantage, or a massive inflated ego to go ahead with certain things he’s done.
It’s why I was so cautious about the SM deal when he was pursuing it. Though acquiring SM made pure business sense looking at the numbers, (the company was basically dirt cheap, many of the synergies were obvious and Bang PD did wisely backstop his fiscal exposure), he seemed to have no idea that acquiring a company like SM would be bad news in every possible way and would likely leave him with more liabilities than assets in the most realistic scenario. Or that he’d end up at par in the best scenario. I mean, imagine if he completed that acquisition and then the CBX - EXO - slave contract news broke, the FSS announced the multiple raids and inquiries on SM that followed, and he still had to comply with American SEC rules.
It would be the clusterfuck of the year. Like, it was bad news every which way you looked at it. The only thing that made me not worry is that at the very least, for SM he’d be paying chicken change relatively.
That’s not the case for his deal with Scooter, and like I’ve been saying, Scooter has always had very limited utility. The only time he proved worth the money was in 2020 and 2021 when he helped facilitate the promotions and distribution for Dynamite and Butter with many of the tools he brought out again for Seven. But in terms of A&R, Nicole did a much better job than anything Scooter has done, and she did it without a $1 trillion *Won acquisition.
When HYBE lost her to Columbia Records in May this year, that gave me pause more than anything else that’s happened so far.
Anyway, Bang PD could use the reality check. If this in fact turns out to be a gaffe, it would be one of the most expensive and embarrassing ones he’s made recently. And a part of me hopes it happens because he’s gotten very comfortable in recent years. Whatever good eye he had to find people like Nicole in the first place, he needs to find it again. The tannies will be fine though. HYBE is so cashed up that even if they lost 50% of their value, they’d still be in better shape than at least two Big 3 companies. Plus soon the boys will be doing the military service and will hopefully be shielded from the worst of the fall-out.
But we’ll see. :)
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With the amount of money skooter must have to spend on with everything related to the album it's no surprise they're loosing money.
Should have gone for someone who's actually very popular there and would have not needed all that push.
I was just thinking about that. Limitless budget for Seven and Golden and so far their third quarter looks like shit. I guess the market did see the results of the synergy between Hybe and Hybe America.
I wonder if there's a breakdown of the financial report somewhere...
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echoesofadream · 7 months
so fucked up how if i could only listen to one person sing for the rest of my life i would choose jungkook without a second of doubt and yet they still somehow made his album so bad i cant listen to it. like you'd almost have to put a gun to my head for me to listen to that whole thing again actually
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transrightsjimin · 7 months
Important message from HYBE America CEO Scooter Braun.
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JB , Ariana & Demi parted with scooter , I wonder what will happen to Hybe America now ?
So, personally, I think Bang PD knows what's going on... that's probably why he's basically moved to the US full time. My guess is he's gonna be more hands on with HYBE America (H-USA)...
Also remember, earlier this year Scooter sold some of his shares in HYBE (the main company), raising just over $14million. Add to this, one of the blind item accounts I follow on TikTok is suggesting there's some juicy gossip coming... could the sale of the shares and the resulting cash could be used to help fund a possibly future legal case.
Currently though, Braun is the sole CEO of H-USA so he does have a lot of power/control... but he's a very minor shareholder of HYBE-Main with only 0.8%...
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Bang PD and his brother Bang Jun-hyuk's company NetMarble own close 50% of the voting stock and have so much control that Scooter could easily be kicked to curb if he causes too much trouble.
I also think that HYBE didn't purchase Scooter's company for Ariana, Demi and Bieber, if they had we would have seen a massive push of their music, which we never got... no I think the ultimate goal of HYBE in America, is to replicate the HYBE K-Pop model in the American market, and for HYBE Scooter is a stepping stone to that goal. HYBE will most likely dump Scooter and takes his producers, songwriters and staff.
Well I guess we'll soon find out won't we.
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