#Hyderabad local news
mysticstronomy · 5 hours
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Combining different pieces from Big Bang cosmology could help explain an issue we have today.
The Hubble constant, the speed of expansion of our universe, is not observed with consistency.
These scientists suggest that not-well-understood quantum gravity could account for the gap.
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In research published earlier this year, physicists from the University of Hyderabad in India say they’re on the path to solving one of the universe’s biggest outstanding problems. Since Edwin Hubble realized the universe is always expanding nearly 100 years ago, scientists have used the “Hubble constant” in calculations on virtually every scale in the universe.
But today, estimates for the Hubble constant don’t always align, with a difference of up to 10 percent between calculations made using different methods. (When someone at NASA mixes up meters and yards and loses an entire spacecraft, that’s not even a full 10 percent deviation.)
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The paper appears in the peer reviewed journal Classical and Quantum Gravity. The journal has an ongoing, periodically updated “focus issue” specifically about this measurement tension, and the editors explain the problem there—scientists can’t say for sure that the different Hubble constants measured are actually different, rather than just observation or calibration issues.
But the authors of the new paper, physicist P.K. Suresh and his research fellow (referred to as just Anupama B.) say that most measurements taken now are reliable. Instrumentation only continues to improve—we’ve all seen those generation-defining, poster-quality photos of the far-out planets, for example. If the measurements on the local and faraway levels are indeed sound, then something is missing.
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It’s here where they introduce quantum gravity as a possible factor. This variable—which, to be honest, is another enigmatic “placeholder” in some ways—could close the gap in Hubble constant observations. That’s because, as the authors propose, quantum gravity could have affected the rate of change at which the universe expanded itself. When a constant can have a variable rate of change, it’s easy to see why researchers tend to drop the ‘constant’ label and instead call the fatcor simply H0, H1, and so on to designate which version of the measurement is in play.
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The researchers explain that during inflation—the rapid growth of the universe immediately following the Big Bang—there may not have been a single, uniform inflation zone. Instead, more and more scientists are theorizing around the idea of “multi field” inflation. The idea originated to explain another measurement discrepancy: the number of particles in particular places or times, compared with the massive speed of inflation overall.
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If a theory could help explain one gap in our codified equations for how inflation works, it makes sense to try that theory to find other missing pieces. These researchers used what is called the hybrid inflationary model, which describes two fields: one inflating and one rolling over like a waterfall. By accounting for quantum gravity, they found they were able to reconcile H0—the current Hubble constant—with both H1 (during inflation) and HT (during phase transition). Just one adjusted equation with a parameter for quantum gravity could draw a curve that includes all three data points.
Originally published on www.popularmechanics.com
(Saturday, June 22nd, 2024)
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iirulancorrino · 5 months
But Dallas? Haunted, uncool, materialistic, understudied, deeply second-tier and determinedly urbane at the same time. Try-hards in Bottega Veneta, their endless oil-and-gas money gleaned from other people’s sweat. Dallas is the America that America don’t want to show. And yet the city has a seductive appeal. When Nobel Prize winning writer and expert chronicle of empire V.S. Naipaul covered the Republican National Convention in Dallas in 1984, he wrote: “Air-conditioned Dallas seemed to me a stupendous achievement, the product of a large vision, American in the best and most humane way: money and applied science creating an elegant city where life had previously been brutish.” Naipaul was right. Like Jack Adkisson smoothing the edges of professional wrestling for his little family empire, Dallas loves to smooth the boundaries between country and city. Here you get a luxury car to cosplay city rich, then you get actually rich, then you buy a recreational ranch to cosplay country. Maybe only Miami enjoys money on as pure a level as Dallas does. I’ve seen men in stingray cowboy boots chatting through their manicures and heard a waiter in an expensive restaurant share a bawdy anecdote from their childhood in the Panhandle as they uncork the Krüg. One of my first weekends living here, I went to Deep Ellum, a neighborhood as essential to early blues recordings as New Orleans was to jazz. It was the peak of a Friday night. I saw a glistening new canary-yellow Porsche with paper tags and a license plate frame that read PORSCHE OF SHREVEPORT crawl down Elm Street. A young woman drove and her friend rode shotgun, the top down, their hair in the wind, sugar money and refinery money drifting in their wake. What Northern Ireland is to poets, DFW is to child stars (Selena Gomez; Demi Lovato; Kaitlyn Dever; etc.). Local Millennials and Zoomers will argue that Dallas is the progenitor of “bro” as an omni-race omni-gender pronoun. There’s exceptionally good eating here: Lao, Viet, Ethiopian, various sub-genres of barbeque, seafood from Sinaloa, pozole from San Luis Potosi, Iraqi bakeries, a half dozen steakhouses so thoughtful and so good that they make one reconsider the entire genre. AT&T Stadium absolutely rules. I’m the son of a Philadelphia Irish sports zealot and—forgive me father—when I was a guest at a Cowboys game, I bought Cowboys gear for my then-infant son and snapped up a Michael Irvin shirt for myself. I hit the Emmett Smith shimmy in a hallway. I regret nothing. Critics would say that Dallas was built to house the money. Yes, it was. As were Milan and Hyderabad.
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beasiannow · 2 months
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Meanwhile, in an upscale suburb of Seattle, Washington, the Sharma Sisters from Hyderabad are still running their successful line of clothing stores.
At first, a small affair known as The Sharma Sisters' Indian Apparel Boutique sold sarees, where they sold sarees, dhoti kurta, salwar suits, and other items of Indian apparel.
Not a business fated for grand success in your average upscale Seattle suburb.
Then, as fate or karma would have it, they came into possession of something they came to call The Threads of Karma Cloth.
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This, though super-science they didn’t understand, caused those who wore it (picked from a selected few) to become physically and psychologically attuned to the land of India. This, in turn, led to a much larger clientele in search of other less “esoteric” Indian apparel.
That's why they renamed their shops, which now had four in Washington state, to “You Are What You Wear Fine Indian Apparel.”
Which at last led them to branch out again with the opening of a shop in Boise City, Idaho.
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To run it, they hired experienced local sales manager Pamela Sheridan, whom they insisted she and everyone she employed in their name dress in East-Indian style while doing so.
Pamela played along, being a go-along-to-get-along sort of person; plus she really needed the job. However, she had to ask.
“I’m sorry, but isn’t this cultural appropriation?” “Not to worry,” said the Sharma sister, who had helped her get dressed in her first saree. Trust me, wear what I’ve given you, and things will work themselves out before you know it.”
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A week later, Pamela Sheridan was surprised to find this to be more true than she could have imagined.
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A month later, Pamvati Shiravadan was reassuring her four new Western women hired for the coming opening day that they, too, would soon be as comfortable in their new free sarees as she was.
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The four young ladies just hired, Vivian, Chloe, Lydia, and Willow, did not greet this news with much excitement.
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However, a year later, the four, now known as Veha, Kavuri, Lakshmi, and Wishi, were more than happy on winning the outstanding sales team with accompanying big bonuses.
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What are your oc's go-to orders when they go out together 👀👀
Ooh great question!
Honestly depends on where they go to eat but their go to places are the local pizza place or the Indian restaurant.
Lucy is a bit of a picky eater so she goes with what the most 'basic' options are, so here they would be a good old margherita pizza with garlic bread on the side, and chicken tikka masala with plain naan and onion bhaji respectively. And she would only order a lemony drink, like a lemonade or nimbu paani. She has not changed these orders in 10 years and she will never change them ever, they're perfect meals. Do not try to make her eat something new.
Adam eats anything that's got like a salty sweet thing or spicy sweet thing going on, so for pizza's he'd probably get a meaty spicy pizza and then ask them to add capers and golden raisins on top + he'd get a tiramisu dessert, and his Indian food order would be lamb kofta curry at the highest spice level with garlic paratha and then a giant glass of sweet lassi.
Harsha is like a big sweet tooth that his friends kind of hate, he orders a big dessert portion and then orders a savoury main. like he'll order 2 chocolate lava cakes first and then order a plate of lasagna. He eats the lava cake first and then eats cold lasagna, we hate him for it. and at the Indian restaurant he'd order chapati with mango shrikhand, and then get 2 sides of prawn fry and chicken 65.
Naz is vegetarian by choice cause the smell of meat makes him feel rather ill, but he'll order anything that's really eggy or dairy  cause he loves eggs and milk. at the Italian place he'd get a florentine pizza and ask for an extra egg, and then order a vanilla panna cotta. At the Indian place he'd get egg biryani with mint cucumber raita, and then wash it down with a mango lassi extra thick.
Shaz is down to eat anything tbf as long as it's halal, so most of the time she just orders the dishes of the day and then a random side and a drink. she's not really into sweet stuff. Her go to sides at the italian place are the dough balls with marinara sauce and garlic butter though, and she gets an orange soda. at the indian place she orders gobi manchuri and rose milk with less sugar. 
Daniel is vegan and also born in hyderabad, moved to england when he was 9 cause his dad got transferred by his IT company. He loves to eat food that's in pockets or something and is very carby. His italian order is usually a vegan mushroom aubergine tomato calzone, dough balls with marinara sauce, and a limeade to wash it all down. His indian order is usually palak paneer with aloo paratha, and a dabeli as a side, with nimbu pani. if he's feeling fancy he'll get a dessert but that depends on his mood.
Abigail is the one with the most unpredictable tastes because she isn't picky and wants to try something new every time, she doesn't really have any preference lol but she doesn't like eating the same thing in a row. So she just randomly orders dishes, but the one thing she does have a preference for is the dessert, she hates chocolate things so she usually orders a vanilla cheesecake at the Italian place, or a gulab jamun with ice cream at the Indian place. She's really hard to order for lmao.
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formulatrash · 1 year
hi :) wishing you well!
do you know if there is anything new in the FIA vs FE-Maserati-front-wing-gay-stripes possible-conflict?
nothing seems to have happened - the team have kept the rainbow livery, including in Saudi which is probably the place I would've expected it to become a Local Issue the most. but then they went to there and Jakarta with the all-out progressive pride flag car last year and no one beefed so there wasn't any reason to assume it'd be a thing now.
one interesting thing is I went looking for an image of it and although it's relatively subtle on the overall livery, I think the photographers have been instructed to try and catch, specifically, the rainbow bit - every press release on the Maserati newsroom (the car brand, not even just the racing team) leads with an image of it front and centre. this was the top photo for Hyderabad:
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I don't believe the FIA has stepped in about it at all. unless it's been kept totally under wraps by both team and FIA and I don't think that would be the case (as in, directly lying when asked if anything's happened) so I'm not sure what to make of that.
either they think Formula E is too obscure for it to be worth them coming down heavily on and tempting F1 drivers to do anything bigger or this level of representation is just fine. Maserati have made it clear with words that this isn't just an accidental rainbow and that it's key to one of their biggest partnerships; the Stoli group sponsor the team because they have the rainbow on the car.
(the Stoli group are the remains of Stolichnaya, the Soviet state vodka, run by Yuri Shefler who had to flee political persecution from Putin. they have been getting steadily more and more gay since the Russian crackdowns started and have straight-up said the reason they got interested in Venturi, now Maserati, was pride)
so, yeah. nothing new but I wonder how much eg: Lewis would be able to point to this if someone stopped him wearing a rainbow helmet.
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boricuacherry-blog · 7 months
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The woman who was found murdered in her Redmond apartment had recently moved to the area and loved to ride her motorcycle and was, according to her supervisor at a Bellevue software-development company, "a shooting star."
Arpana Jinaga was a 24-year-old software-quality engineer from India who was building a circle of friends, exploring the region on her motorcycle, and reveling in the freedoms the United States had to offer her. She had attended Rutgers University, won an international software award, and was a rising star at the Bellevue company she worked for. Described as outgoing and friendly, she would try anything just to say she had attempted the experience. She had, on a whim, joined a motorcycle club after seeing a woman riding one on the street. She practiced Tae Kwon do, volunteered at an animal shelter and fire department, and she'd done all of this within only eight months of moving to Redmond, Washington.
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From the Indian town of Hyderabad, Arpana's father was a professor of computer engineering and her mother a homemaker. She was close with her younger sister Pavitra and her family. Growing up, Arpana was creative, enjoying singing, dancing and gymnastics, described by everyone as a girl with a bright and bubbly personality.
When she was younger she entered a design hardware competition, doing so well, potential universities paid attention. She excelled in computer engineering, and in the specialty of embedded systems. She also sang in a band. When she was 21, in a microchip design competition against thousands of people, Arpana placed top twenty. Each contestant received their own design kit, and Arpana created a communications jammer with hers, attracting even more attention. In 2005, the Indian Express wrote an article about her, entitled "Young Inventors," in which she was interviewed on her love for computers and innovation. She dreamed of being a professor like her father.
Her father encouraged her to apply for the masters program at Rutgers in New Jersey. And she did, traveling to the U.S. to major in engineering. After arriving she began working at EMC as a software quality assurance engineer. In only 6 months, promoted to lead programmer, a testament to her work ethic.
In 2008, she was transferred to a new office in Redmond, Washington, a suburb just outside of Seattle - the tech town where Microsoft and Intendo were started - moving into the third floor of an apartment in the Valley View apartment complex.
Each floor in the complex only had about five or six rooms, but she quickly made friends there. This was when she bought a Suzuki motorcycle and began lessons on driving it and joining the Pacific Northwest Riders, a local motorcycle club. She also volunteered at the Redmond Fire Department and an animal shelter in Bellevue. She loved animals and would speak of one day opening one for endangered animals.
On the eve of October 30, she planned to host a Halloween party at the complex. Each room would have a different theme in the building, and her costume would be Little Red Riding Hood. Over a dozen people mixed with each other and people seemed to enjoy it, and at 9pm, Arpana and her friends were still having fun. She walked the halls with a glass of wine, posing with people for pictures. At around midnight, she had everyone come to her apartment to eat pizza. After that, they all made their way to the first floor and continued the party.
Just before 3am, things started to slow down. Her friend Jessica remembers a conversation they had shortly before they parted ways that evening. Arpana was telling her how lucky she was to be a woman living in the U.S., and how hard things were growing up in India. Jessica tried to tell her that things weren't always so easy in the U.S. either, to which Arpana began to cry, simply stating, "You have no idea."
Still slightly emotional, she retreated back to her own apartment around 3am, alone. But despite her leaving alone, for the next hour, her neighbor reported hearing what they thought sounded like consensual sex. They heard muffled moaning come from her apartment walls.
At 8am the next morning, her neighbor was woken up by what sounded like a growing sound that sounded like either someone having sex, or vomiting, coming from Arpana's apartment, followed by a loud thud - then the sound of running water.
When Arpana's family waited for her phone call that next day, they received no call. They texted her, and received no response. The family called someone they knew to check on her.
This person agreed and went to knock on her door, but surprisingly, the door just swung open. The door frame and the lock had been broken. When he and a neighbor entered the room, there were clear signs of a struggle. They walked into Arpana's bedroom -
and that's when they found her laying face down on the floor, under a sheet, naked, and covered with blood. When authorities arrived, the immediately knew this was a homicide. An overwhelming smell of bleach permeated the room, as if someone had tried to clean up, and Arpana's comforter was in the tub, soaking in water and bleach. Blood was still on it though. The rest of the sheets were missing. Police also found Arpana's tampon, which was presumably in at the time of the attack and was now on the floor of her bedroom. Bleach was on the furniture, and motor oil had been dumped all around the apartment, and around her body.
Arpana's body was taken for an autopsy, which confirmed she had been raped. Unfortunately no DNA was able to be gathered, likely due to a condom being used. She also had blunt force trauma to the head, several of her teeth had been broken, she had bruises on her stomach, thighs and wrists, and her own underwear had been used to gag her mouth. Duct tape had also been placed over her mouth. Death was determined to be asphyxiation, which was done with a bootlace. Her fingers were stained blue with toilet cleaner and she had bleach and motoroil over her from the waist down, as well as small burn marks. It appeared that someone had attempted to light her body on fire but failed, since motoroil isn't flammable. Her bloodstained bathrobe and bedsheets were found in a dumpster outside the apartment. Arpana's ID, her blackberry phone and her digital camera were missing.
Police were suspicious of one of Arpana's neighbors - Cameron Johnson. There were some discrepancies in his timeline to police, and police found printed out maps for pawnshops in his car, printed at 10am, but he claimed he woke up at 10am. He also said he went to Denny's that morning then drove two hours to the Canadian border but wasn't let through because he didn't have a passport with him. When asked about this, he said he was just in the mood to explore. Canadian officials, however, stated that he tried to "blow through the border gates."
One neighbor said he came home at 3am the night of the murder and saw a man at Arpana's door who was between 5'11 and 6'3, with olive skin - a description that matched Cameron - talking to someone in the apartment. But since Arpana's door had been kicked in, it's hard to know if these two incidents are connected.
It was also discovered that someone had been using Arpana's computer at 3:29 that morning.
To everyone's surprise though, the man police ended up arresting was 27-year-old Emanuel Fair.
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Emanuel Fair had been going by the name 'Anthony Parker.' According to Detective Coats, he was looking at photos from the Halloween party, when he noticed Fair, who was dressed as a construction worker, in the background of the photos. He stood out as the only black man at the party. He also appeared to be an outsider. He started sending the photos out to other officers, asking if anyone knew him. Turns out they did - there was a warrant out for his arrest.
Emanuel Fair had a criminal record. He had gang affiliations and had been arrested many times before for various crimes - robbery, gun possession, drug possession - and, what caught Detective Coats' attention - a rape charge.
Only four years earlier, he had been charged with raping a minor, after that minor called 911 and reported it. The 15-year-old reported him violently raping her at gunpoint. When apprehended, he claimed the encounter was consensual, which legally it wasn't, since she was a minor. He took an Alford plea and pled guilty to third degree sexual assault, where the max imprisonment is only five years.
Because he was considered a level 1 offender, he only served two years of his sentence and got out.
There was a warrant out for his arrest because he had broken his probation and failed to update his sex offender status in the registry for the second time.
After he had been released from prison in 2006 he was couchsurfing, and ended up on the couch of Leslie Potts, who lived in same complex as Arpana. Leslie had met Fair over MySpace.
Apparently, Fair and Cameron Johnson had spent a lot of time together at the Halloween party the night Arpana was murdered.
And it turned out that Fair's DNA was found at the crime scene, and specifically, on the duct tape found over Arpana's mouth. His DNA was also found on her neck, and mixed in with the blood found on the robe in the dumpster. He was also interviewed multiple times, and found to have inconsistencies in his story. Leslie didn't see him until the morning, so she couldn't confirm where he was. Also, he claimed to have been asleep between 1 and 2am, but during that time he had made 20 different calls to people. Leslie also said she found an empty condom wrapper on the table that hadn't been there before.
The tape that was found on Arpana's mouth had strands of her hair on it, as well as a lot of Fair's DNA - this meant it couldn't have been transfer DNA, and Fair did touch this piece of tape. It's also believed she was wearing the robe when she was attacked, which is why Detective Coats found it compelling that Fair's DNA was found mixed in with the blood on it. His DNA was also found on toilet paper in the bathroom. Cameron's DNA was on the can of motoroil - an amount of DNA that meant he had at some point physically touched it. A forensic DNA analyst stated that the evidence pointed to Fair committing the crime, and that Cameron might have been apart of the clean-up. Fair's DNA appeared to be the one tied to the crime though.
Fair was charged with first degree murder and rape, and transferred to King County to await trial. Detectives did not, however, have enough evidence to charge or convict Cameron with a crime.
Fair's defense attorneys claimed he was only looked at due to racism. They also questioned the legitimacy of the forensic technology used. This hindered the case going to court for several years, in order for detectives and prosecutors to prove the legitimacy of the technology. At the time it wasn't as commonly used [although now it is]. The DNA technology company refused to give over the source code that ran the program [he didn't want it stolen by other companies], so that held up the case going to trial for years. In the end, it was verified that the DNA technology was very reliable.
Seven years after Fair's arrest, the trial began, but it was a hung jury. They were deadlocked. Another trial was held. Because Cameron was possibly also implicated in the crime, Fair's defense attorneys used that as a cause for reasonable doubt that Cameron could have been the one responsible. This was enough reasonable doubt for Fair to get off. That, along with the fact that Fair's previous rape charge and criminal convictions could not be disclosed in the trial.
This case is still left without a conclusion, as a result.
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easyquickweb · 3 months
EasyQuickWeb: Your Solution for Low-Cost Website Designs in Hyderabad
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modyjeep · 4 months
Get Your Hands on the Latest Jeep Models with Jeep Sales Near Me
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If you're looking to get behind the wheel of a capable and stylish new Jeep, then you'll want to check out the latest Jeep sales near me. With a wide range of Jeep models available at Jeep dealer near me, you're sure to find your perfect match. Keep reading to learn why you should visit the Jeep Compass showroom near me!
One of the best things about buying from Jeep sales near me is getting advice from knowledgeable sales associates. Test drive different Jeeps Compass to experience their unique capabilities firsthand and the best features of Jeep workshop near me. Local jeep sales near me allow you to get a feel for different Jeeps before deciding.
In addition to a test drive, onsite Jeep sales near me give you the chance to carefully inspect each Jeep model you’re considering inside and out. Check out features like available panoramic sunroofs, heated seats and cutting-edge infotainment. Seeing the Jeeps in person from local jeep sales near me helps ensure you pick the right one.
Don’t forget to ask about current offers, incentives, and special Jeep sales near me that could save you money off the purchase price. Your local Jeep dealer likely has exclusive discounts and flexible financing options not advertised online. 
So if you’re ready to join the Jeep family, skip the impersonal online shopping experience and head to Jeep compass showroom near me to discover amazing Jeep sales near me. Taking advantage of available offers at Jeep dealer near me, will ensure you drive home your perfect new Jeep at a price you love. Visit Mody Jeep Hyderabad, the best Jeep dealer near me for the best results.
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f1 · 1 year
Formula E reveals record calendar for 2024 but three venues are to be confirmed | 2024 Formula E season
Formula E has revealed its provisional calendar for the 2024 season, with 17 races taking place in 13 urban locations across the globe. Three of those venues are yet to be determined, while the planned addition of Tokyo still awaits confirmation from the Japanese motorsport federation. If all the races go ahead, it will be the longest FE season ever. FE has been working for several years on adding a race in Tokyo, and major progress was made last October when an agreement was signed for a race to take place. It gained local political support as part of a zero-emissions initiative in the city, and the track will use “roads around the Tokyo Big Sight convention centre on the Tokyo Bay waterfront”. Two demonstration runs of FE cars in Japan’s capital city took place in 2015 and 2016. There were reports another demo would take place ahead of the Tokyo joining the calendar next season. Should it receive ASN approval, then Tokyo’s race will be the seventh of the season and will run on 30th March, 2024. After assuming the season-opener slot for this year, Mexico City will kick the action off again for the championship’s 10th season next January, with a Diriyah double-header taking place at night time later in the month. February’s two rounds have no location next to their race dates. Following those the series will head to Sao Paolo for a second time in mid-March. The Brazilian city was first supposed to host FE back in 2018, but the race was postponed into the next season and then cancelled before finally taking place this year. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free After Tokyo, FE heads to Europe for a double-header in Rome, a race in Monaco then another double-header in Berlin. There is another ‘TBD’ slot on the calendar after that, then the season concludes with trips to Jakarta and Portland in June and then a London double-header in July. FE says it is in “advanced discussions with a range of potential host cities” for the yet to be determined rounds, with the indication that all of the candidates would be new locations for FE rather than returning venues such as Hyderabad and Cape Town which are included in this year’s calendar. Alberto Longo, FE’s chief officer, explained the logic behind the series’ venue selections for 2024: “The season 10 calendar represents our ongoing mission to create a dynamic schedule of new cities hosting races for the first or second time like Tokyo, São Paulo and Portland alongside established hosts like Berlin, Rome, London, Monaco, Diriyah and now Jakarta.” The FE grid will continue to consist of 11 teams for next season, which will be the second using the ‘Gen3’ car. If all 17 races take place it will be a new record for the series, which held 16 races last season and is scheduled to do so again this year. This article will be updated Formula E Browse all Formula E articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
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Title: The Betrayal of the Blood Lily (Pink Carnation #6) Author: Lauren Willig Genres: romance, historical, Regency romance, thriller Content/Trigger Warnings: murder, snakes, adultery, period-accurate misogyny, racism, neglect Summary (from publisher’s website): Whisked away to nineteenth-century India, Penelope Deveraux plunges into the court intrigues of the Nizam of Hyderabad, where no one is quite what they seem. New to this strange and exotic country- where a dangerous spy called the Marigold leaves venomous cobras as his calling card-she can trust only one man: Captain Alex Reid. With danger looming from local warlords, treacherous court officials, and French spies, Alex and Penelope may be all that stand in the way of a plot designed to rock the very foundations of the British Empire… Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-betrayal-of-the-blood-lily-lauren-willig/11103225 Spoiler-Free Review: Well, this feels complicated! So I want to say off the bat that I was a little worried going into this - more worried than I was when I first read it, mostly because of the setting: India. And during this time, India was being colonized by European powers, with the British winning out in the long run. Given how colonization absolutely fucked India up on several levels, I was concerned about how the political and social situation of India would be portrayed, as well as how any Indian characters would be depicted. And I will say: some of it I think was done okay, but some of it was not. In terms of the political situation, I think those were handled fairly okay, in the sense that the struggle of the Indian city-states against the machinations of both the British and the French to bring more of the subcontinent under their control was touched upon, but it wasn’t something that the novel went into with a lot of depth, sticking only to tightly-controlled specifics that were pertinent to the plot and the specific moment in history that the story was taking place in. That was fair, in my opinion: the author had a specific plot in mind, and used aspects of the history that would work for that plot, without getting bogged down in too many details - details that, I think, they might not be best placed to talk about, given that they are a white American and some things are just better told by Indian writers and historians. This whole situation therefore brought a certain depth the overall plot, which I appreciated because it also upped the stakes significantly. Prior to this book the plots had been rather simplistic; things had been ramping up starting in the fourth book, but this is the first one in the series that REALLY feels like a proper spy thriller. The complex, tangled loyalties of the characters and the equally complex and tangled relations between the Hindu Maratha leaders (Mahratta in the book), the Muslim Nizam of Hyderabad, and the colonizer British and French forces, all make for some fantastic moments of tension and intrigue throughout the book. I was, however, disappointed in the way certain Indian characters were used. One character felt like all he was meant to do was function as the “native guide/friend” to Alex, the white male protagonist, and I wish said character had gotten a bit more depth to them than they got. I also wish that some of the more prominent Indian female historical figures had gotten some airtime - in particular, Khair-un-Nissa, wife of James Kirkpatrick. I guess her not appearing was the author’s way of making sure they didn’t muck up their portrayal of her, but given that the famous poet and courtesan Mah Laqa Bai puts in an appearance (and one that is pretty well-done in my opinion), I think it wouldn’t have been too terrible to have Khair-un-Nissa make an appearance, however, brief. After all, there are chunks of the story that takes place in the Residency, and the whole point of sending Frederick and Penelope to Hyderabad in the first place was because Wellesley strongly disapproved of Kirkpatrick’s marriage to her. As for the romance between Penelope and Alex, I REALLY enjoyed that as well, because they are both fascinating characters. In Alex’s case, his complicated relationship to his father and brother Jack, as well as his own principles and ideologies, make navigating the political landscape of the novel’s setting rather difficult for him, but interesting for the reader. It’s also through his past that we get a glimpse of the racism that was prevalent during the period, given that some of his half-siblings were themselves half-Indian and therefore suffered discrimination.  And then there is Penelope. She’s loud, she’s brazen, she’s rebellious, she doesn’t think too much about consequences before getting into something. She is, in short, the ultimate Bad Girl, in the way that Regency women and even 21st century woman would recognize. But it also becomes very clear, fairly early on in this novel, that Penelope’s rebellious and frankly self-destructive and self-sabotaging tendencies spring from a deep well of trauma that goes all the way back to her family. I felt deeply for her while I was reading, even as I felt a deep urge to shake her too. But that just made her even more fun to read about I think. Anyway, this was definitely an uptick in terms of quality of the books overall, sliding into some genuinely dangerous territory for once, and while the Indian colonization aspect was handled fairly well for the most part, I still think that it could have been rounded out a bit more. Rating: four blood lilies
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harshchikucab · 2 years
Metro Cities of India
National Capital Region (NCR)
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National Capital Region incorporates Delhi and a few locale encompassing it from the provinces of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Delhi is the capital of India and a combination of different workmanship and culture. It has the number of inhabitants in 25,735,000. It is the biggest business focus of northern India. Delhi is the scene for a few career expos and fairs held consistently. It is likewise the base camp of a few center government services and divisions.
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Mumbai is the monetary center of India, and home to Bombay Stock Exchange, and India's film industry. In addition to the fact that it is known for its Bollywood films for being the focal point of a few major organizations, new businesses, and so on. Mumbai lies on the Konkan coast on the west shore of India and has a profound regular harbor.
Otherwise called the city of that never rests - Mumbai is one of the richest Indian metro urban areas. It has the number of inhabitants in 20,800,000 and is said to have biggest number of tycoons and extremely rich people among all urban areas in India.
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Kolkata prior known as Calcutta is the capital of West Bengal and the focal business and business center of eastern India. It is a significant extension to the immature north-eastern territories of India also. The city is renowned for Howrah extension and ages old structures, it has the number of inhabitants in 18,540,000
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Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu and home to numerous delightful sanctuaries and bastions. Chennai is viewed as the Detroit of India. Chennai is the metro city where PC, vehicles, equipment, fabricating , innovation, materials, calfskin products and different enterprises exist together.
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Bangalore has been named as the 'Silicon Valley of India' or the tech capital of India, because of the presence of part of innovation organization in the state. Karnataka's capital city is a notable IT center and a portion of the world's significant It companies work out of the city. Aside from MNCs, Bangalore is likewise home to numerous new businesses and Indian tech organizations. 6. Hyderabad
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Hyderabad is the city of Nizams and Pearls and joint capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It is likewise a significant center point of the innovation business of the country. It have predominant foundation including street, power, traffic, metro, wellbeing, great nature of instruction, effectively accessible ability pool and simplicity of carrying on with work.
Hyderabad taxi service
7. Ahmedabad
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Ahmedabad is an important economic and industrial hub for Gujarat and India. Apart from having good infrastructure it also have some prestigious higher educational institutes like the IIM-A for management, NID for designing, MICA for advertising and GNLU for law, among others.
Ahmedabad Taxi service
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tyrelelotyres · 2 years
Tyrelelo: Buy Tyres Online India & Buy Car Tyres Online
Are you witnessing an unusual drive lately while driving your car? Do you feel the car doesn't run perfectly balanced? One thing that can cause these issues while driving cars is uneven tyres. No matter how late you have changed your tyres with shopping tyres online, you can still witness uneven tyres when you don't follow some basic things.
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If you wish to buy tyre online, you must read this blog to save your new tyres from getting uneven. The brake edges of your tyres and the external edges are the areas that get affected the most. Professionals in this editorial have shortlisted some common reasons for uneven tyres and how you can prevent them.
Reasons behind the uneven wearing of tyres and how can you prevent them
Imbalanced wheels
Wheel balancing in cars is an approach that keeps your car's tyre in proper shape. In-wheel balancing, the mechanics make sure equal load gets forced in each tyre of proper movement and reduce the wearing. However, when you buy tyres online in India and also install them on your own, then you may fit them precisely, but your tyre needs balancing. Every time you change the tyre, it needs alignment. So, you should ensure the same to prevent imbalanced wheels in your car.
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Wheel alignment
Wheel alignment is another common reason that causes uneven tyre wearing. Again, when you buy tyres online in India and get them installed with local mechanics, you will misalign the tyres. In misaligning, your tyres don't fall in a line. This causes the edges of your car's tyre to wear faster. You must buy car tyres online, but you should also get them aligned after installing them in your car.
Improper pressure in the wheels
When your car's wheels don't have an exact pressure on each tyre, it will run abnormally. This may also create pressure on other tyres. This, as a result, creates uneven wearing of your tyres. Whenever you move out of your house, always check the tyre pressure at local stations. You can find them in gas filling stations. You should also make sure that you have the right PSI. You can check the owner's manual to find out the exact PSI that your car's tyre online india must have!
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Damage or bending of rims
When you are driving your car rough without ensuring proper speed on the potholes or speed breakers, then you may not only harm your shock absorbers, but you will also harm your rims. The rims will get unusual bend, which leads to reducing of PSI. Eventually, you will drive in lower PSI and exhaust your tyre. When you are buying a car tyre online, you should always check out the rim.
Worn out suspension
If you have a bad suspension, it can also be another reason for uneven tyre wearing. Suspensions can create impeccable pressure on tyres when they don't expand and contract on bad roads. Many users who have bought car tyres online in India have found the same issue. So, if you want to buy car tyres online, always check suspensions and then buy car tyres online.
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In conclusion, these are the common reasons that cause uneven tyre wearing. Now that you know the reasons, you should always check the above causes. Tyre lelo is a one-stop solution to all your tyre-related problems. Get free doorstep tyre fitment service when you buy tyres from us. Buy tyres online from tyrelelo & get free doorstep tyre fitment service with tyre balancing, tyre rotation and Nitrogen air services in Hyderabad.
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beasiannow · 1 year
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Greetings, American friends! We are Jyoti, Neha, and Priya Sharma, three sisters from Hyderabad, India, who have opened a shop that we at first called The Sharma Sisters' Indian Apparel Boutique; however, due to a most remarkable incident has recently been renamed.
"You Are What You Wear Fine Indian Apparel.”
The reason for this is due to our having, by the hand of Lakshmi: gained assets to a new type of cloth called Nīṅkaḷ aṇivatu nīṅkaḷtāṉ or the Threads of Karma that does what no other type of textile can do.
Do what? Some would say work miracles, but why don’t you come in and see for yourself?
For our grand reopening, we are offering a chance for new customers to come in and, for one month, pick out one item of Indian stylings such as a Saree, Lehenga, Salwar Kameez, Anarkali Suit, or Kurta and wear it home for a month.
If at the end of that month, you have not come to love it, keep it for free and forget about it, we, however, are sure that not only will you come back in at the end of that month to purchase it, but you will be ready to redo your whole wardrobe and look, and we will gladly help you bahan (sister).
Above, you can see just a section of our shop and four local ladies who came in and took us up on the challenge we are now offering you.
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Here is another section of You Are What You Wear Fine Indian Apparel, and yes, those are the same ladies as in the first photo. Did we say miracle? Don’t believe it?
Come in and find out that wearing is believing. It’s your karma!
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Two months later, the You Are What You Wear has started to make changes in the local female population around the locale of the shop. “क्या” (Kya or, more or less, “what tha!”) is heard everywhere so much that the sisters are thinking about opening another shop in another town. 
Right after they help found the first Hindu temple in the town were they live, the faith having it seems grown by 234% since they started selling clothes made from their Threads of Karma.
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gharpe3dvr · 21 hours
GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave: Where Modern Living Meets Serenity in Medchal
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Begin your journey towards owning a dream home at GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave, where tranquility meets modern living in the vibrant locality of Medchal, Hyderabad. Presented by GK Developers, this project promises an unparalleled living experience designed to meet the diverse needs of today's homebuyers.
Discover GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave:
RERA Number: P02200002549
Prime Location: Located in the serene yet well-connected area of Medchal, GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave offers a peaceful environment with easy access to essential amenities such as schools, shopping centers, hospitals, and major transportation hubs. Enjoy the perfect balance of tranquility and convenience.
Project Highlights: Discover what makes GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave one of Hyderabad's most desirable addresses. Each home is thoughtfully designed to blend contemporary aesthetics with functional elegance, ensuring a comfortable and luxurious living experience.
Luxurious Interiors: Immerse yourself in the opulence of spacious living areas, state-of-the-art kitchens, and elegantly designed interiors that cater to your need for comfort and style. Every detail is meticulously crafted to enhance your lifestyle.
Exceptional Amenities: Indulge in a wide array of amenities that cater to every age and preference. From a high-tech gymnasium and lush landscaped gardens to a refreshing swimming pool and dedicated recreational areas, GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave has everything you need to live a fulfilling life.
Community Living: Experience the vibrant community atmosphere at GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave, which is perfect for families looking for a safe and nurturing environment. Build lasting relationships and create cherished memories in this welcoming community.
Learn More:
For detailed information about GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave, visit our project page here.
Making Informed Decisions:
Our website provides all the information you need to make a well-informed decision. Explore the project layout, neighborhood insights, and the lifestyle that GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave offers.
Why Choose GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave?
Choosing GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave means investing in more than just a home; it's a lifestyle. With top-notch security features, leisure amenities, and a focus on community living, every day is designed to be enjoyable and stress-free.
Living in Medchal:
Medchal offers a serene environment without sacrificing urban convenience. With schools, shopping centers, and healthcare facilities nearby, living in Medchal ensures a peaceful lifestyle with easy access to all necessities.
GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave offers more than just luxurious living; it promises a community and lifestyle that you and your family will cherish. Take the first step towards making this esteemed address your home.
Explore More:
Don’t just take our word for it—see for yourself. Ready to explore more? Visit our website or contact us for a personalized consultation.
Connect With Us:
Have questions or need more information? Our dedicated team is here to guide you through your home-buying journey.
Contact Details:
Phone: +91 94 94 94 0119 Email: [email protected] Follow us on social media to stay updated on news and events.
At GK Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enclave, tranquility and modern living converge to redefine your idea of home. Join us in creating a lifestyle that exceeds expectations.
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mykreatecube · 24 hours
10 Reasons to Choose Architects in Hyderabad for Your Home Project
Building your dream home is an exciting journey that requires careful planning and the right expertise. Hyderabad, with its rich cultural heritage and booming modernity, is home to some of the finest architects who can help you realize your vision. Here are ten compelling reasons why you should choose architects in Hyderabad for your home project.
1. Blend of Tradition and Modernity
Hyderabad is known for its unique architectural landscape that seamlessly combines traditional and modern styles. Architects in Hyderabad are adept at incorporating elements from both eras, creating homes that are timeless and contemporary. Whether you’re interested in a Nizam-era inspired design or a sleek, modern aesthetic, Hyderabad's architects can deliver.
2. Local Expertise
Understanding the local climate, building codes, and materials is crucial for any construction project. Architects in Hyderabad have extensive knowledge of these local specifics, ensuring that your home is not only beautiful but also functional and compliant with local regulations. Their expertise in local materials can also lead to cost savings and enhanced durability.
3. Innovative Design Solutions
Hyderabad's architects are known for their innovative approach to design. They are constantly exploring new trends and technologies to bring fresh, creative solutions to your home project. Whether it's smart home features, energy-efficient designs, or unique spatial arrangements, these architects can introduce cutting-edge elements that enhance the functionality and appeal of your home.
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4. Sustainable Practices
Sustainability is a growing focus in architecture, and Hyderabad's architects are at the forefront of this movement. They incorporate eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient systems into their designs, helping you create a home that is both environmentally responsible and cost-effective in the long run. From solar panels to rainwater harvesting systems, they can help you reduce your carbon footprint.
5. Personalized Design Approach
One of the key advantages of working with architects in Hyderabad is their commitment to personalized service. They take the time to understand your lifestyle, preferences, and needs, crafting designs that are tailored to you. This personalized approach ensures that your home is a true reflection of your personality and way of life.
6. Access to Skilled Professionals
Experienced architects in Hyderabad have built robust networks of skilled contractors, engineers, and interior designers. This network ensures that every aspect of your home project is handled by professionals, resulting in high-quality construction and seamless project execution. A well-coordinated team can significantly reduce the stress and complexity of building your home.
7. Cost-Effective Solutions
Hiring local architects can be more cost-effective. They are familiar with local suppliers and can source materials at competitive prices. Additionally, their knowledge of the local market can help you avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure that your project stays within budget. They also navigate the local bureaucratic processes efficiently, saving you time and potential delays.
8. Enhanced Property Value
A well-designed home can significantly enhance the value of your property. Architects in Hyderabad understand the local real estate market and can design homes that appeal to potential buyers, ensuring a good return on your investment. Thoughtful design elements, high-quality materials, and attention to detail can boost your home's market value.
9. Project Management Expertise
Managing a home construction project can be overwhelming. Architects in Hyderabad offer comprehensive project management services, handling everything from initial planning and design to obtaining permits and overseeing construction. Their expertise ensures that your project stays on track and within budget, reducing stress and allowing you to focus on the excitement of building your dream home.
10. Cultural Insights
Hyderabad's architects are deeply rooted in the city's rich cultural heritage. This cultural insight allows them to incorporate unique design elements that pay homage to Hyderabad’s history and traditions. Whether through traditional motifs, local craftsmanship, or cultural symbolism, these architects can create a home that is rich in character and deeply connected to its surroundings.
Choosing an architect in Hyderabad for your home project offers numerous benefits, from local expertise and innovative design solutions to personalized service and enhanced property value. With their unique blend of tradition and modernity, commitment to sustainability, and extensive professional networks, Hyderabad's architects are well-equipped to bring your vision to life. Partnering with one of these skilled professionals is the key to unlocking the full potential of your dream home.
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easyquickweb · 3 months
EasyQuickWeb: Your Solution for Low-Cost Website Designs in Hyderabad
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Hyderabad Web Design on a Budget
Consequently, EasyQuickWeb is about into the realm of affordability which makes it worth to take a shot.
In fact, you don’t need to expense huge sums to create a well-functioning website, as long as you find a right partner in the Hyderabad area. To get the best service possible, EasyQuickWeb is the place for you! We formulate individually tailored high-caliber, cheap websites that are so that they fit your business perfectly, including your pockets. Our Mission:
Top-Notch Design, Budget-Conscious Rates :
EssayTipz experts can create a fully personalized essay or assignment according to your instructions.
At EasyQuickWeb, our mission is clear: to be providing the best website design at the lowest cost. Our trained in-house designers are responsible for the generation of custom websites which reflect exactly your priorities, not only eliminating any unnecessary spending.
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