clovariia · 6 months
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you both have your father's eyes.
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safereturndoubtful · 11 months
The Gloup Disaster & Unst Fest
Monday 17th July
In July 1881 ten of twenty six haaf fishing boats were lost in a storm just a few miles northwest of Gloup. 58 fishermen lost their lives, all from small communities, with Gloup being hit the heaviest. Haaf fishing already had a name for being dangerous, using just 30 foot long sixareen boats powered only by oars, and this was a hammer blow to the industry. The memorial lists the names of those lost, with a statue above it if a mother, with child in arms, looking out to sea.
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Sunday was a better day weather-wise, though the early July days of swimming in the ocean seem distant now. Maximum temperatures are about 15C. The route I put together today descended to Breckon Sands beach, which has decent sized dunes making access a clamber, the first dunes I’ve encountered on Shetland, though, like almost every beach I’ve been on, it was person-less. From there I followed the headland, that forms the peninsula of Gloup Ness, around; tough going with boggy ground after all the rain yesterday, and the various fence crossings. This is the most northerly point of Yell. The ocean side cliffs are much higher, about 50 metres, than those on the eastern edge.
At the few houses that form the hamlet of Gloup, is the fishermen’s memorial. This looked an excellent place to park up for the night, and on return to Breckon, I moved the van. The rain had given way to many flies, though not the biting variety, nonetheless troublesome.
With the tide out in the evening, Roja and I wandered down to Gloup beach.
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Unforecast rain came in the form of showers on Monday morning, only after we had started on a hike from the Cicerone book, south on the steep grassy side of Gloup Voe. The Cicerone book has been very good, and is authored by a guy who lived close by when I was in Bampton. But the description of this walk, was all wrong. The distance and the route on the map didn’t match by a long way, something I had spotted last night. The walk was ranked as easy, and described a track that was actually little more than a sheep trod, very narrow, and occasionally extremely exposed on the steep grassy slope (above). At the southern end of the Voe, I binned it, and put it together with a track I’d seen on the Walk Highlands website, and climbed up to Scordaback hill (below). Graham Uney’s hike in the Cicerone book was an out and back hike, following the east side of the Voe northwards for a couple of kilometres. This was fairly evident from the opposite side, if anything narrower and steeper.
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My thoughts are that Uney never actually did this walk, his description is so inaccurate. I will contact Cicerone and inform them, perhaps others have as well. It needs to be ranked as ‘hard’, otherwise it will attract walkers with unsuitable footwear and experience.
Despite the rain, up on Scordaback there were great views..
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After lunch we drove the twenty minutes to the Unst ferry and made the crossing. Though there is normally plenty of room on these ferries, which depart every half hour, I had booked. This week in the Unst Fest, with the Tall Ships calling in at the end of the week, and other activities, though mainly indoor.
Once on Unst I headed for the castle at Mu Ness. The showers were still frequent, with a strong wind, so I had opted the (very slightly) more sheltered east coast. On arrival I had a chat with the farmer, something that happens quite often. Rather than be offended by my presence, I am always welcomed, and they just want a chat, and let you know how proud they are of where they live. Roja and I walked down to Ham beach, stony, but as it gets more exposed, the stone size is considerably reduced. One day, maybe not soon, it will be sand.
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The castle though, which attracted several five minute visits from motorists during the evening, was quite underwhelming, as no access to its interior was possible. It dates to 1573, when Laurence Bruce, half brother of Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney, built it on being exiled from Orkney after abusing his position after several warnings for petty, though apparently very annoying, offences.
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freyjafm · 3 years
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 hi  everybody  !  i'm  𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐝  ,  but  you  can  call  me  later  😉  i'm  your  resident  virgo  ,  an  avid  tea  latte  stan  and  enjoy  watching  too  many  true  crime  docus  .  i'm  currently  a  full  time  student  &  part  time  worker  ,  so  i'm  not  always  accessible  ,  but  i  promise  i'll  get  back  to  u  in  3-5  business  days  !  i'll  be  playing  new  york's  rising  it  girl  ,  miss  𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒚𝒋𝒂  𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒅  herself  !  under  the  read  more  below  ,  you  will  find  her  statistics  ,  her  background  ,  and  her  wanted  connections  !  tap  that  heart  button  4  me  to  slither  into  your  dms  like  an  alaskan  bull  worm  !  ps  ,  i  don't  fck  with  discord  so  i  don't  have  that  .  :(
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freyja  sayid was  spotted  in  the  fashion  district  adorning  jimmy choo , with  some  airpod pros on . they’re  most  likely  listening to  wonder  what  she  thinks  of  me  by  chloe  x  halle . you  may  know  them  as  @FREYJA or as  that  aisha  potter  lookalike . their  twenty  second  birthday  just passed . while  living  in  the  upper  east  side , they’ve  gained  a  bit of  a  reputation .  they’re  known  to  be cunning  but  on  the  other hand  captivating . wonder  if  they’ll be  the  next  person  to  hit  the headlines .  +   (  freyja arm in arm with newest oil heir beau, weeks after messy break up with a prime minister’s nephew /  what seems to be freyja sayid poorly sneaking out the back of a club at 4 am /  what’s next for new york’s rising it girl, freyja sayid? )
first.  freyja  (  named  after  the  goddess )
middle.  blaire  (  named  after  her  maternal  great-grandmother  )
last.  sayid
dob.  19/02/99  (  22  yo  )
pob.   bern,  switzerland
height.  5′5 1/2 
orientation.  bisexual  &  biromantic
ethnicity.  half  white  on  her  mother’s  side  and  half  malaysian  on  her  father’s  side.
parents.  atalie  sayid  (  mother,  senator  for  the  state  of  new  york  )  and  amirul  sayid  (  father,  current  deputy  prime  minister  of  malaysia  )
siblings.  2  elder  sisters,  2  elder  brothers  (  5  in  total  )  all  in  politics  in  some  fashion  (  eg,  the  current  mayor  of  a  city,  chief  of  staff  to  a  diplomat,  working  under  senior  cabinet  members,  etc  !  )
career  claim.  jennie  kim  (  minus  ALL  musical  claims  )
youngest  daughter  born  to  the  sayid  family,  a  powerhouse  of  politicians.  her  mother  is  a  current  sitting  senator  for  new  york  and  her  father  is  the  current  deputy  prime  minister  of  malaysia.  they  met  years  prior,  during  her  mother’s  first  term  meanwhile  her  father  was  the  former  attorney  general  for  malaysia,  at  a  un  gala.  as  much  as  they  both  were  passionate  and  concerned  about  their  work,  love  never  had  a  timing  and  they  were  married  the  following  year.  all  the  siblings  have  relatively  normal  age  gaps  (  the  most  being  4  )  but  freyja  was  a  bit  of  a  surprise,  and  the  only  sibling  in  her  early  twenties.  the  rest  are  in  their  thirties,  with  her  eldest  sister  nearing  forty  soon.  that,  paired  with  the  fact  freyja  showed  zero  interest  in  politics,  allowed  them  to  have  a  rather  hollow  and  strained  relationship.  she  has  a  somewhat  stable  and  semi-consistent  relationship  with  her  older  sister,  the  second  youngest,  but  they  don’t  meet  very  often  due  to  work.  they  often  treated  her  like  the  ultimate  downfall  of  the  sayid  family.
growing  up,  money  and  the  likes  clearly  weren’t  a  problem.  as   a  child,  she’d  tag  along  often  with  her  mom  or  dad  (  rarely  ever  both  )  and  occasionally  with  a  sibling,  and  hated  anything  that  wasn’t  sweet,  glittery,  or  one  of  a  kind.  helping  with  campaigns were  boring  in  freyja’s  eyes  and  she’d  often  sneak  away  to  go  doodle  in  the  bathroom  walls  or  play  on  her  blinged  out,  pink  nintendo  ds.  needless  to  say,  this  was  never  going  to  be  her  jam.  her  parents  role  in  her  life  was  rather  inconsistent,  but  not  on  purpose.  it  was  mainly  work-related,  so  she  was  taken  care  by  a  few  trusted  nannies  and  butlers.  her  siblings  all  moved  out  by  the  time  freyja  was  finishing  up  elementary  school,  she  was  used  to  being  alone.
not  much  else  is  known  of  freyja  (  everything  was  p  chill  )  until  she  enters  high  school.  she  enrolls  into  a private  and  elite  boarding  school  in  europe  and  instantly  becomes  a  hybrid  ;  both  the  social  butterfly  and  the  queen  bee.  the  sudden  attention  she  receives  and  the  feeling  of  having  people  under  her  thumb sets  her  heart  on  fire.  she  adores  this,  loves  it  even.  she  gets  what  she  wants  with  a  bat  of  her  bambi  eyes  or  a  little  whine,  but  no  one  really  can  say  no  to  her.  beauty  and  power  go  hand  in  hand,  and  freyja  sayid  masters  it  by  age  fifteen.  while  it  was  a  boarding  school,  her  parents  purchased  an  estate  for  freyja  to  stay  at  instead  nearby  with  her  nannies  and  butlers  and  security.  what  that  meant  to  freyja  ?  throw  the  sickest  summer  parties  before  school  started  and  the  best  holiday  get  togethers  the  first  week  of  winter  break  (  before  she  inevitably  flies  off  in  a  private  jet  with  her  friends  to  a  sayid  family  owned  villa  near  the  alps )  and  she  began  drinking  /  smoking  early  on.  the  world  was  this  giant  oyster  and  freyja  the  pearl.  graduated  with  honors  as  valedictorian  and  prom  queen,  voted  ‘  most  likely  to  rule  the  world  ‘  and oh,  how  she  is  coming  so  close.
after  graduating,  she  spent  a  few  years  travelling  and  partying  with  friends.  she  spent  less  and  less  time  with  family,  only  for  formal  events  or  re-elections  or  other  boring  shit  she  didn’t  give  two  cents  about.  most  of  the  time  she  showed  up  stoned  to  pass  the  time  away.  most  of  her  antics  were  able  to  be  paid  off  by  her  family  to  save  themselves  some  embarrassment,  but  sometimes  (  notably  about  a  rumored  new  beau  or  leaving  the  club  at  ungodly  hours  )  would  slip  onto  tabloids.  and  yes,  her  pr  manager  is  100%  always  stressing  out  over  freyja. 
her  influence  over  value  was  noticed  by  brands  by  age  19,  when  something  she  wore  was  sold  out  as  soon  as  the  pictures  of  her  in  it  went  viral.  by  20,  she  was  soon  modelling  for  major  brands  and  received  early  invitations  to  attend  fashion  week  for  brands  like  gucci,  saint  laurent,  and  chanel.  dubbed  ‘  human  gucci  ‘  and  ‘  human  chanel  ‘  due  to  her  fashion  sense.   hairpins  that  she  sported  one  spring  went  viral  and  were  soon  known  as  ‘  freyja’s  hairpins  ‘  ,  a  huge  tell  tale  sign  of  her  powerful  influence  over  value  and  selling  power.  had  modelled  for  magazines  such  as  vogue  (  internationally,  too )  /  harper’s bazaar /  marie  claire  /  elle  /  high  cut  /  w  /  cosmopolitan  /  and  billboard.  currently,  the  face  of  ‘  hera  ‘,  a  south  korean  luxury  brand,  the  house  ambassador  for  chanel,  collabed  with  samsung  to  release  a  limited  edition  version  of  a  phone  with  her  signature  color  ;  red,  known  as  ‘  freyja’s  red  ‘.  recently,  she  has  worked  as  an  editor  for  her  latest  magazine  release  (  feb’  21  for  vogue  )  and  last  year,  released  a  collaboration  with  ‘  gentle  monster  ‘  ,  a  south  korean  luxury  eyewear  brand,  and  was  just  named  as  the  face  for  a  popular  liquor  brand  in  sweden.  she  is  taking  a  small  break  until  summer  to  give  her  some  time  to  breath  with  a  hectic  life  before  she  goes  back  into  working.  basically,  her  face  is  like  everywhere.  
a  jealous,  vindictive  sort  of  bitch.  wants  what  other  people  has  because  she  wants  to  see  how  far  the  world  will  bend  for  her  and  because  she  knows   she  can  have  it.  has  cheated  with  partners  before,  though  it  has  toned  down  a  bit  now.  will  flirt  and  mess  with  someone,  not  caring  if  they  are  in  a  relationship  or  talking  to  someone.  often  goes  viral  for  ‘  sitting  pretty  ‘  and  really  loves  being  at  the  dead  center  of  the  spotlight.  at  the  same  time,  the  void  of  being  ‘  abandoned  ‘  by  family  makes  her  extremely  loyal  to  friends  (  yes,  she  picks  sides  after  friendship  and  romantic  breakups  )  and  her  chosen  family.  will  go  to  the  end  of  the  world  for  them,  often  spoils  them  with  matching  jewelry  or  shirts  to  go  on  cute  dates  together.  bad  day  ?  she’ll  get  a  lift  over,  make  you  pack,  and  head  to  the  sayid  family  jet  to  go  wherever  you  want  to  go.  a  good  ally  to  have,  a  terrifying  enemy  to  have.
something  based  on  ‘  drivers  license  ‘  lyrically  by  olivia  rodrigo  .
something  based  on  ‘  gone  ‘  lyrically  by  roseanne  park  .
something  based  on  ‘  love  somebody  ‘  lyrically  by  lauv  .
something  based  on  this  gifset  .  (  🎐  )  [  other  :  i  just  . .  love  this  and  want  it  .  HDHDH  the  bond  can  be  figured  out  beforehand  !  ]
something  based  on  this  post .  (  🍶  )  [  other  :  most  likely  something  toxic  or  angsty  !  ]
something  based  on  this  post .  ( 🍈 )  [  other  :  childhood  or  friends  attempting  to  test  the  waters  with  something  new  ??  PHEW  !  ]
down  for  anything  not  on  here  !  let  me  know  if  freyja  fits  anything  of  yours,  a  brand  new  idea  that  could  just  work,  and  any  of  the  more  ‘  basic  ‘  plots  !
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mommaofthedrama · 4 years
Burns Like Hell
Chapter four
Summary: Y/n Teller-Morrow is adjusting to life in Santo Padre, but when things start to go south back home, will she be pulled back to the toxic town she just escaped? Or will she actually finally move forward?
Pairing: Past Juice Ortiz x Female Reader, Angel Reyes x Female Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, smut in later chapters.
A/N: any feed back would be great. I don’t own the gif. Credit to the creator. Also i'm sorry, this one got long!
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I’ve been here in Santo Padre for three months now, I got a job in the office of the auto shop the Mayans MC owns. Which means I see Angel daily, also means my brother gets updates daily. Jax has called a few times since I’ve moved but anytime they have club business he’s sent Happy. Who seems more than okay with that. Happy may be to the rest of the word, a ruthless killer but to me he’s always been that “uncle” that listens and is the biggest sweetheart, so long as I tell no one about it. My mom calls just about every day. I think she’s having a harder time adjusting than me. It’s been almost six months now since my Juan was killed. It still stings but I can finally interact with people without forcing myself not to cry. So baby steps. Angel and I despite seeing each other at work, hang out pretty much every night. Well every night he’s not busy with the club that is. I have adjusted to the new job and all the members of this club.
As I arrive at work, every morning with out fail I am met by Angel, Coco, and Ez. This morning though, Angel was already talking to Bishop so I decided to head into the office to start for the day. Coco and Ez follow behind me. “So when are you gonna accept the fact that we are meant to be Precoisa?” Coco joked.
Ez slapped him on the arm, gives me a grin and says “I’m sorry about him. Anyway the whole club is going to Charming tomorrow morning, are you coming with us?”
I blink not really sure how to feel about this, “Well this is the first I’m hearing about this, so I’m not sure. I don’t know if I’m ready.” I explain
Coco taking a drag of his smoke, replies, “You gotta face those feelings sooner or later, or you’ll be mentally fucked up like I am.”
Ez shoots Coco a look as Angel walks in the door. Angel adds to the conversation with, “ plus, mi amor, it’s not like you’ll be alone. You’ll have us.”
I sigh knowing they are right and I should go home to show my family I don’t hate them so reluctantly I blurt out, “Fine I guess I will go. But if I have a shit time, I’m holding you three responsible.”
The three men laughs and in unison say “Deal.” Then angel adds one last thing before clocking in and starting work, “If you do have a shit time Mami, I will personally make up for it.” I narrow my eyes at him skeptical, As Angel sends me a evil grin.
“What did you have in mind?” I question.
He laughs with one foot out the door, “You’ll just have to have a shit time to find out”
Calling Angel an ass which he didn’t hear I start my paper work for the day. It was almost lunch time when my phone rings, seeing it was Tig, I sent it to voicemail thinking I could call him in a few minutes when I get on lunch. Then not even a minute after I bumped tig’s call Happy was calling, Happy never calls. Something had to be wrong. Swiping answer before I could even say hello Happy was already talking and sounded erratic. Almost scared. So I say “Hello? Happy, what’s wrong?”
Happy then let out a groan, “Tell me you’re coming home tomorrow.”
I laugh feeling less worried than I did when I first answered,”Yeah Angel,Ez,and Coco promised to make it worth my while if I have a shit time. Why does the big bad killer miss me that bad?” I joked
Happy sounding more uneasy than ever now replies with, “Something happened and you won’t have a good time. But you do need to be here. I do miss my little rule breaker but I don’t wanna see you like this.”
Anxiety now has my heart pumping and tears threating to fall, “ What happened happy? And Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Happy exhales, “The cops.. They.. Found.. Gemma dead.. In her rose garden…please just come home. Jax is acting weird and I have a feeling she would want you to take care of this anyway.”
The tears have already started falling at this point so all I could say is “ I’ll be on my way as soon as I can,” I hung up the phone, just as I did and started to completely break down, Angel burst into the office to go to lunch with me. He noticed my current state and immediately rushes over to hug me, and strokes my hair as I sob. He doesn’t ask what happened. He just sits there until I’m ready to say something. I wasn’t sure how long I was like that but bishop must have been called by Tig cause he texted Angel and told him to take me to Charming tonight, He also told Angel he and the rest of the club would be there tomorrow, and if I needed anything they would get it.
When I finally didn’t have anything left. I looked at Angel, “I ‘m sorry I, I need to go home and get packed.”
Angel nods and adds, “I’m taking you. Bishop said.” And holds his phone so I could see it. He then adds, “I’m not sure what’s going on here princessa, but I wont ask until you’re ready either.”
I smile and thank Angel. Once at my house I packed Quickly only grabbing the essentials for a few days. We then went to his house and he did the same. We loaded into my crossover and hit the road, Angel insisted on driving, said whatever was going on had me too emotional to be driving. And I couldn’t argue because he was right. I sat next to him in the front passenger seat, when I finally broke the silence. “They found my mom shot dead in her rose garden, I have to go make the arrangements,”
Angel looks as if I just shot his dog, “I’m so sorry mami, you’ve been through so much this year, you just cant catch fucking break.” He muttered sounding heart broken. But then he continued, “You know I’ll be whatever you need right Y/n? I know I make jokes about being your next boy friend but, whatever you need me to be, I’ll be it.”
Touched by his words and not really sure what to say, “I know Angel but I feel like it’s not fair to you.”
Angel puts his right hand on mine, and shush me “ nah mami, don’t worry about me. I’ll admit I have a thing for you but this isn’t about me. It’s about you, and what you need. What kind of person would I be if I rushed you into something you aren’t ready for? Don’t worry a bout that. Take your time. Fuck I cant imagine losing my spouse and my fucking mom in the same goddamn year.”
I somehow get out a “yeah..” before I put on some music so I can cry while I look out a window thinking about everything. I couldn’t help but think if I had never moved away somehow it might’ve made a difference. Before I knew it we were pulling into the parking lot of the sons of anarchy club house parking lot. Looking over at me Angel asks, “You ready? Cause I could totally drive around town for as long as you need.”
I shake my head no, flattered at the lengths he will go for me. “NO I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Lets get this over I guess.” With that we get out of the car and go into the club house Angel and I are met with the whole club greeting us with hugs and condolences. In the back of the room I see my brother and the lawyer waiting on me. Its almost five pm now so Angel and I must have made pretty good time. Walking over to my brother, Angel sits at the bar with Tig, Chibs, and Happy. Jax stands to give me a hug.
He whispers into my ear “How are you holding up?”
I pull away from the hug and mutter an “I’m alright you?”
Jax shrugs, looks at the lawyer and asks, “So what do we have to do?”
The lawyer starts going over mom’s wishes and such. I am only half listening because I cant shake the feeling as I watch Jax, that Happy was right. Jax is acting weird, and his and mom’s relationship was always strained for on reason or the other. After the lawyer leaves, Jax looks at me. “you look like you spaced out most that meeting, are you ok?”
Stunned by my sudden of set of balls, “Do you know who did it?” I blurt out. Knowing fulll well if he did, he would more than likely lie to me. You know club politics and all that bullshit.
Jax blinks looking annoyed and asks almost in a warning tone, “Do I know who did what?”
Now I was getting annoyed. “Cut the shit Jaxon. I know damn well nothing happens in this town without you knowing who and why. And if you don’t know when it happens you normally know within 24 hours. So do you know who killed mom and juice. I deserve to know.”’
Jaxon clenches his jaw grabs my arm and pulls me into the church room. “What the fuck was that?” he hisses to which I just shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms. He huffs, sits down and lights a smoke. “Yeah I know, the answer to both you’re questions but you thinking you DESERVE anything when I had to protect you from yourself is laughable.”
Now extremely pissed and tears ready to fall, I near yell “That’s fucking golden coming from the dude who went bat-shit and shot my father after his best friend died, which wasn’t his doing by the way.” I humorously laugh and continue my tangent “It’s not like you’ve been the poster boy on fucking grieving since your wife and Opie died so yeah I think I deserve to know who killed my husband and our mom you egotistical dickhead.”
Jax stood up less than amused, “You wanna know?” close to my face and also near screaming, “Your husband was a fucking rat, sold out the club. Then to add insult to injury he knew who killed Tara all along. Only told me shortly before I ordered the hit on him. That’s why he was stabbed I mad it fucking easy on him it could’ve been a lot fucking worse on him sweetheart! And as far as our dear ol mommy, she is the stupid bitch that killed my wife because she doesn’t know to to listen! Keep fucking testing me though little sister.”
Stunned at what I just learned, I slap the shit out of my brother and full on scream “Who the fuck do you think you are? You can just do this and fucking get away with it? You piece of—”
I was cut off by Jax placing his hand on my mouth “could you keep it the fuck down?”
As he removes his hand, I glare at him and hiss “why so you could kill me too?”
Jax’s face seems to relax almost looking ashamed now, “No I don’t want to kill you. I know you had nothing to do with this, and I plan on bringing my sins to the club but for now, this stays between us. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just trying to make my pain go away, but it didn’t, with juice I figured it was cause I didn’t do it myself. But with Gemma as fucked up as she is, she’s still our mom..”
Jax runs a hand over his face and now I know who the real heartless killer was, it wasn’t happy it never was, it was always hidden as family. “That’s on you and god Jax. I font know if we could ever fix this now.” I gestured in-between us. He shook his head, with tears streaming down my face I walked out of the chapel, grabbed angel and asked.
“You still up for going for a drive? I cant be in here.”
Angel nods and we head out knowing full well I’ve have to face Jax tomorrow for moms service.
To be continued…
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duckbeater · 4 years
People Think You’re Really into Church
My friend Neely also recently underwent a breakup, a hardship she finds comparable to something like a botched surgery. “I’m actually physically sore all the time now,” she said, “and I feel ugly.”
She had moved to L.A. for Luis. At first they only fought about money. Her work (she reports, irregularly, for the Times there) made them fight about other things too, like the environment and homelessness and certain irredeemable publicly-funded architectural projects. So they broke up.
“It’s weird, but I found out I have all this aggression that I thought was passion. ‘I’m very passionate about housing rights,’ you know? That’s something I would say to myself in the car. But Luis said I didn’t cultivate passion, I just stoked anger, and the anger was in me. Now he won’t even be friends with me. He doesn’t want to be friends with angry people. He says I wreck his vibe. I can respect that. But I don’t really know anybody else in L.A.”
I commiserarated. I didn’t really know anybody else in Chicago—why I was Facetiming Neely at her job. She was in some desert glen, a canyon perhaps, resplendent in bee whites, her veil open but still sun-shaded, so the contrast made it seem like I had a Stormtrooper on the line. I never quite got the full story on her apiary jaunts, but apprarently she was working (probably volunteering) at some sort of bee farm (bee non-profit?) and that day was painting the tops of Langstrop hives a viciously marigold yellow.
I didn’t know anyone in Chicago, I offered before averring, “I am, though... I’m having more sex than I’ve ever had in my entire life.” Not that I really knew these people, either, I explained. Not even their names. They were often wonderful, attentive, breathy, dashing, fashionable, curious, age-appropriate and obsequiously grateful men—and I knew them as either single letters (J) or emoji (rain drop, hand)—but had declined follow-up encounters just as surely as I’d declined remembering full names and taking down full phone numbers.
“You don’t want them to know you’re an angry person,” she said.
“I don’t want them to know I’m...” But actually that was it. Wow. I was furious. All the time. I was so piping-hot full of fucking anger, so lunatic with rage, I was spending a visible part of my commute crying in the car listening to music now. I hardly ever listen to music. I don’t like how music makes me feel, how it sucks at my feelings, and embellishes them, like tequila. Now I depended on it, at 6:30 a.m., to wreck me into a tantrum. So here I was, doing “Knee 5” by Philip Glass and Robert Wilson off the Einstein on the Beach recording, sobbing as soon as the baritone steps in to sing:
two lovers sat on a park bench with their bodies touching each other holding hands in the moonlight there was silence between them so profound was their love for each other they needed no words to express it
That image alone—of lovers, a park bench, the stupid moonlight—and the lovers’ silence, it brought me to a boil. I argued with the song. SILENT AFFECTION IS SENSELESS AND DOESN’T SUSTAIN ANYONE. LANGUAGE DOESN’T MAKE LOVE. LOVE IS MADE BY ACTIONS. IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE SPECIFIC AND ACTIVE WHEN YOU LOVE SOMEONE. The song didn’t care. Maybe it even agreed. Regardless, I was arriving to my building’s parking garage an hour later, so depleted by disgust and anger and impotence, by the feeling of complete failure, of five years destroyed, of my youth and beauty corroded, of the hackneyed cliché of my entirely normal situation, that I’d sit barking out sobs under the concrete ramps in the dark, until it was safe to stagger inside. What surprised me was that I hated it. I hated him. There was this new person in my life (despite the relative lack of people), and that person lived in my car and made a striking, humorless, dramatic and painful cacophony. I left him there, parked, every day, then inhabited him for the hour and half commute back home.
“People think you’re really into church now,” said Neely, “because of all your Instagram posts in churches.”
“Oh yeah,” I said. “I’m not. Into church.” I had been going to churches a lot. To sit in them, and to sit through services, and to meekly sing. “I like them though,” I conceded. “I like that they’re the very beautiful and very quiet.”
“You can like church, you know,” she said. Luis and Neely were a part of the Catholic Relief in South Bend, IN, their senior years, and lived among the Brothers and other devout volunteers for a time, until falling in love. They served meals together to the homeless, and volunteered on home-builds and river cleanups, and rock-climbed with the city’s under-served youths. I let them live rent-free for a few months at 1269 Woodward when it became untenable for them to try to keep fucking in what was essentially a gender-segregated Catholic co-op. She said, “For me, I’m not really, specifically into church right now, or prayer, but I’m really into everyday intentions, you know? Energy in the world.”
“Thank you,” I said, “I’m really not into that either. You don’t—we don’t—need to do—please let’s not with ‘thoughts and prayers,’ if that’ okay?”
“But!” shouted Neely, laughing, “You have all my thoughts! Aww!”
“Thank you, thank you.”
“And with all the sex you’re having, maybe going to church is okay?”
“It’s definitely a prophylactic: I’ve not gotten pregnant one time. And the STIs—I can feel em’ just, falling away.”
Neely keeps her hair in two thick brown braids. She has freckles and ears that slightly stick out, and until very recently, confusingly, a top-row of braces that I’ve also never bothered to ask about. Women with braces in their late-20s (besides giving off that extreme Parker Posey-vibe) have always projected an air of fearless unconventionality to me, despite braces being, obviously, an expensive and prescriptive and primarily cosmetic ordeal. When she was thinking, she still touched her teeth as though they were braced.
“What are you doing with your anger now?” I asked.
“I’m giving it to the valley, you know?”
While scrutinizing her face I nonetheless forgot we were doing Facetime so she could see my consternation, which was radical.
“I give it to the valley, Evan! To the bees and the flowers and the arroyo and the brush!” She laughed at me. “I can’t figure out what to do with it. I was listening to myself on the phone with my mom the other night, and had this overwhelming sense that she hated who I’d become. Because I’d become this poor, boring person who just wanted to find shelters for 60,000 Americans, and implement a needle exchange program, and super-charge our food pantries, and develop a network of affordable health care services and career prep classrooms for families on hard times—and the obviousness of this, the obvious good need of this, of caring for my brothers and sisters, and seeing them warm and fed and safe, it was so stupid and boring and strange to her, because it was so impossible, and so we ended up spending like the next forty-five minutes talking about my sister’s big Fucking Expensive STUPID WEDDING!” On this crescendo she added an “AAAAAHHHHH!”—really giving her anger to the valley. “AAAAHHHH! It’s like, the things I know I could do, like write about these things, I can’t pay myself to focus on. I feel very... young,” she said, choosing the word carefully.
“I feel very, very old, Neely,” I said. Then I said something that surprised me: “I feel as though I am too old to have sons, now, that I’ve poisoned my timeline.”
“Your dick! Seems to work! Just fine!” she sing-songed.
“I think I mean that I had thought I had the family I was building. I had spent five years working toward the place where I could have a son. Or a daughter. I’m not sure what brazen sexist impulse keeps me making these patrician claims. I had thought I was coming home every night to this... place... condo, I guess... where the next day or the next year, I knew held greater peace. More success. Manageable strife, if ever strife.”
“You can start that again,” said Neely.
“I can start that again. And develop it over the next five years again, so I’m past forty when I’m a father, and an old man when my son starts his own family, and a burden,” I added, to seem more pitiable than I actually felt. (Or anyway to acknowledge how pitiable I was sometimes feeling.)
“I want to give some of your anger to the valley,” she said, “before I have to hang up. Gimme a little of that sweet sweet anger.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“No no, lemme have just a teaspoon. Let me whisper something to the valley.”
I thought for a moment and then said: “I’m mad that I’ve stopped liking kissing.”
“Evan is”—and she whispered this part—“mad that kissing’s no good no mo’. What else?”
“I’m mad that I don’t have a parking tag for my neighborhood.”
“No place to park,” whispered Neely.
“I’m mad that in addition to moving into a tower-garret-studio-apartment, with a broken towel rod and busted dishwasher, I left the cat, I left what feels like a piece of my soul, and I can’t hold that part of my soul anymore, and that part of my soul was the patient part, the part that could read in place for hours and sleep uncomfortably and carry heavy things.”
“Needs a new cat,” said Neely to the valley.
“I’m not getting a new fucking cat.”
“Needs a new soul,” said Neely.
We considered the silence that followed. The valley was quiet. My office was quiet. “Ugh,” I said, and snorted.
Neely’s bonnet fluttered back to reveal her wide forehead and braids. “That wind!” she laughed.
And indeed, I thought I had hated Neely’s valley thing, but then I did not listen to any music on the drive home.
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royvelasco · 6 years
Exploring Nami Island and More of South Korea in a Day with Klook!
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Finally, the day has arrived for me to use my Korean visa! I immediately applied for it months ago when I found out that I’ll be exempted with the financial document requirements using my credit card (Click HERE to find out how). And it’s not just for a single entry; I can go back to South Korea anytime I want in a span of three years! It means that I can still experience more of Korea despite of this quick weekend getaway.
My trip to South Korea was very spontaneous. My brother messaged me on Facebook telling me that he was able to score cheap roundtrip tickets to Seoul for the two of us and asking me if I can accompany him to this trip. I was overseas that time and was about to go back to Manila after a week-long travel to Myanmar and Thailand so another travel plan for the coming months was surely a great idea. I excitingly approved to his plan. But for only 3 days, how can we maximize our stay?
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Probably one of the most iconic destinations Korea has is this wonderful half-moon shaped island located about two hours away from Seoul. Nami Island is a must visit for tourists especially for K-Pop fans as it served as a shooting location for some well-known K-dramas such as Winter Sonata. I am not a fan and haven’t watch a single K-drama but seeing the beautiful pictures online of this island made me include this destination on our itinerary.
Since we were constraint in time (and unfortunately, it was continuously raining that day), booking an organized trip beforehand was a great decision. We went with Klook which we have been using for the longest time already. I actually have tried booking with them on their early years when I purchased our Hong Kong Disneyland ticket way back 2015. It was the cheapest I could find online and the process in redeeming the ticket onsite was hassle-free. Since then, Klook has been my “buddy” for most of my travels. ;)
Booking with Klook is just very easy. Just go to their site at www.klook.com, select the destination then choose your desired activities and items. Select the date and package quantity then you can go ahead with the payment. You can also download their mobile app for more convenience. Make sure to create an account so you can have access to amazing discounts they offer from time to time. As a welcoming gift, create your account HERE and get HK$25 off as soon as you sign up.
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The tour that we booked was for a full day visit to four of South Korea’s most popular attractions outside the capital. We found it the most worthy as we could be able to visit a lot in just a matter of day. The included destinations are interesting as well and picturesque enough to make your Instagram feed flooded with loves.
Good thing our hostel was just around Myeongdong as the pickup point was on one of its subway exits. We easily found our driver and we were immediately escorted to the car that we’ll be using for the whole day. I was quite surprised as it turned out to be a semi-private tour with only four of us in the group, two being me and my brother and the other half If I’m not mistaken were a couple from Malaysia. It was indeed a comfortable ride with more than enough legroom you could expect from a car and it also came with a complimentary bottle of water.
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  Garden of Morning Calm
Those who love nature will surely be amazed with our first destination for the day. The Garden of Morning Calm is a 30,000 square meter garden located at Gapyeong district, just east of Seoul. Considered to be one of the most beautiful gardens in the country and has also been a K-drama site, the Garden of Morning Calm houses an array of flowers and plants beautifully landscaped to spread the concept of Korean beauty to the world.  
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The Garden of Morning Calm has various themed gardens connected through scenic walkways. Beautifully maintained plant arrangements and flower beds can be seen all throughout the place. The garden has about 5,000 kinds of plants of which some are native to the Korean Peninsula.
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For the picture-perfect shot bursting with colors, one must visit on their springtime when the flowers are in full bloom. The garden is busy though during that period so have patience to get that desired shot. Don’t worry if you can’t come on springtime as the Garden of Morning Calm is still beautiful and open for public whatever the season is. Various festivals and displays are also held throughout the year.
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  Nami Island
We went to our second destination right after lunch (which by the way was already included on the package). I could say that Nami Island was definitely the highlight of the trip.
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This beautiful small island in the middle of Han River is a famous destination for tourists as it offers that K-drama feels we just normally see on screen. With trees tall enough to occupy the lens of your camera and its orange leaves during autumn, it would surely be a magical shot screaming K-drama in every angle.
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Unfortunately, we were there on springtime thus not seeing this picturesque scene. But nothing to depress about, as Nami Island is still as beautiful as it is whatever the season is. Trees were in full bloom that time with overly saturated greens everywhere. Colorful flowers can also be seen throughout the island. Delightfully, animals such as rabbits and squirrels were freely roaming around.
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  Petite France
After a decent amount of hours of stay in Nami Island, off we went to our next destination which was Petite France. It is a French-style theme park with a small replica of Eiffel Tower. You’re hitting two birds in one stone by being here as you can be both in Korea and France. ;)
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As projected, this theme park consists of French-style buildings painted with different colors connected through stairways and alleyways. This place seems to be dedicated as well to puppetry and the famous French novel “Le Petit Prince” internationally known as “The Little Prince”. Various images depicting these were scattered around the village-themed park.
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Don’t worry if you get hungry as there are restaurants nearby. For cheaper options, a coffee shop and a convenience store are located just across the street.
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  Gangchon Rail Park
We were already bound for our last destination for the day but our excitement was still soaring as we were about to make it a lil’ bit extreme. Our next destination was more than picture-taking; we need to muscle up and ready our tired feet (not complaining) as we will be biking along the countryside.
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Gangchon Rail Park is also now considered a must visit if you’re here in South Korea. One needs to cycle along the old train track using a two or four-seat bike passing through tunnels and rocky roads while seeing the amazing scenery of the countryside.
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Honestly, this activity exceeded my expectation. It might sound tiring but it’s actually fun. The cold breeze as you bike and the astounding view of the surroundings will ease the weary away. I’m glad that we took the package that includes Gangchon Rail Park.
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  It was dark already when we’re done with the tour. We were able to get back to Seoul around 9PM. It was indeed a fun day full of exciting activities. The places we went to were all remarkable making me want to visit them all again on my next visit. I was so pleased as well with our tour and will still book through Klook on my next travels. For sure, I’ll be here longer the next time and will check out other exciting activities South Korea and Klook have to offer.
  Book your tours through Klook for quality experiences at the best price. If you want to try the same tour that we had, click HERE to book.
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DISCLAIMER: Details like prices, contact information, etc. may change due to different factors. Feel free to comment down below for updates.
NOTE: I own all the images used on this blog post unless otherwise stated. Please don’t use these for any purposes, unless you acknowledge the owner. Thank you.
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suitcasetales · 4 years
A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On
What can I say? It is 2020 after all. With two trips cancelled and one of those cancelled a second time, we have been doing nothing but working, walking Cokie, saving money and (me) banking a lot of vacation time at work. With infection rates steamrolling in the wrong direction and a lot of folks’ behaviors and mask wearing circling the drain, the chances of any international travel for 2020 looks hopeless.
We both wanted to do something.....anything to get away for a change of scenery and so we began combing the internet trying to find an available beach house somewhere not too far away. On June 29, we lucked in to this one.....available and offering a 10% discount due to several available upcoming weeks and no surcharge for bringing along Fido. Sold! Even if we had never been to Emerald Island....sold! Even if we were four or five blocks from the ocean.....sold! Even if there was no swimming pool....sold! Booked, paid for and without travel insurance, we thought we were safe. And then there was talk of a tropical storm turning into a hurricane and coming up the east coast. Great. Thanks again 2020.  
I am out of practice writing my blog but since Emerald Isle is a new destination for us, I thought I would share our experience. Emerald Isle is one of many barrier islands on the coast of North Carolina. Due to the curve of the coastline, when you are on the beach staring at the waves (as one does), you are actually looking south. We are very near “The Point” where the island ends, the ocean waves flatten and the Bogue Inlet turns into the Banks Channel. From the top floor of our rental home, we can see the ocean and the channel. 
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We three joined the parade of folks walking out on The Point one evening for the sunset, a very popular thing to do here!
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It is not like we had a choice because this was the only small (relatively) house available but we think we really lucked out being on this end of the island. Our neighborhood appears to have a lot of year-round residents so it is quiet and very well cared for with beautiful landscaping. There is a shady public pathway from our neighborhood to the beach. 
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We see turtles, frogs, rabbits and several deer on our walks (or in our driveway).
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We experienced some of the other part of Emerald Isle when out for dinner. So I can’t stress enough how much we would recommend this end of Emerald Isle....and not so much the main area. The two areas are very different.
The beach itself suffered a lot of damage and erosion thanks to Hurricane Florence in September 2018 and restoration work is ongoing but where we have been sitting or walking, you would not know it. The sand is nice, the beach is wide, the dunes well established and the sea grasses healthy and picturesque. 
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There is only one small condo complex at this end so the beaches are no where near crowded. Although there are no lifeguards, beach patrol drives up and down the beach. At every public beach access, there is a rescue buoy on a rope, a whistle and a reminder to call 911 if these items are needed. Leashed dogs are welcome all the time and all types of beach structures are allowed.
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Before this trip, we had never seen this style of cabana before. They are very popular here and on the more windy days down on the beach, we never saw one blown down or damaged. Eye-witness set up and take down are easy and quick with just one shock-cord, one guy-wire and two bags to fill with sand to stabilize  A local lady told Janet two university students invented them and they sell for a whopping $249.
For those of you who don’t know, in March, we adopted another hound dog. Then named Jolie and extremely shy and skittish, she is now named Cokie and is now only very shy and skittish! Most likely she was a hunting dog and somewhere somehow suffered a broken back left leg, probably getting caught in a snare trap. When first found, it was too late to surgically repair her leg and they warned us she may need an amputation. However, it didn’t take us long to discover her insatiable appetite for hiking in the woods on trails. Her leg will always look differently but it does not slow her down. She has come a long way but it is often one step forward, two steps backwards. Now she hates loud and not-so-loud noises, sudden movements, vehicles (especially big trucks with loud engines), men, garbage cans, baby strollers, walking in our neighborhood, walking in towns......and, well, you get the picture.  
So, I say all of that to say that Cokie is with us on this trip. We have only managed to get her to the beach two evenings and haven’t tried more. 
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However, just a mile and a half up the road, there is a town park with trails. So every morning, we drive and hike in Emerald Isle Woods Park. 
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No lengthy trails there but we are usually by ourselves on the trail and she relaxes and enjoys it. If not for the challenge of how many people and vehicles would pass us, we could walk to it as there is a wonderful, paved 11-mile “bicycle path” that runs from The Point to the town border with Indian Beach. Anytime of the day, there are cyclists on it and in the mornings, joggers and walkers, too. It is a great asset for a beach town so if you come here with kids, bring bikes!
Weather-wise, we got very lucky that Emerald Isle was never under an evacuation order due to Isaias vacillating between a Tropical Storm and a Level One Hurricane. A lot of places both north and south of us did issue evacuation orders. We undertook all the pre-storm advisements, securing the trash cans, bringing in balcony furniture, locking the outdoor shower, closing all window shades, making ice and pulling my truck underneath the house. We had leftovers for dinner and a 1500-piece jigsaw and then we waited.
The worst part for us was supposed to be between 4 and 5am; no doubt, it was going to be a long night. And it was. And I really don’t want to do it again. Even though we later learned when Isaias hit the North Carolina coast 100 miles south of us it was upgraded to a Level One hurricane, that was enough for me. I can not believe there are people who shelter in place and ignore evacuation orders for stronger storms. This house shook so much I was nauseous. I was only halfway joking when I said I needed my motion sickness meds! My mind raced with worst case scenarios and I thought I would have a heart attack laying in bed worrying. I couldn’t imagine falling asleep nor could I imagine staying awake all night. Mercifully, I did get about four hours of sleep. When we woke up Tuesday morning and stepped out on the upper deck, we were thrilled to see blue skies and sunshine. And the best thing, we had power!
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To my knowledge, Emerald Isle escaped unscathed. On our hike in the Park with Cokie, there were some downed trees but throughout our neighborhood and between our house and the beach, lawns and driveways were only littered with small branches, leaves and pine needles. When we went down to the beach after the storm, for the first time since arriving, the ocean/swimming safety status had already been upgraded to the most normal level. So, besides being sleepy all day, we quickly put Isaias behind us.....or at least we thought so until we went to dinner.
Sunday night, we had picked up a Low Country Boil from a restaurant back on the mainland in a cute little town called Swansboro. 
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Cokie was very opposed to walking around it then so we thought we would return one night without her. It never occurred to us that they wouldn’t have power so when we drove back over the causeway and then across the little bridge in to Swansboro proper, the scene before us was not that of a cute little town but a major Power company repair project in process! Needless to say, we had to backtrack and instead get take-out at Bogue House in Cedar Pointe.
On Wednesday, my younger brother, Michael, drove down from Bluefield to join us for the remainder of our stay. And as much as he wanted her to like him — and try as he might to get her to — this sent Cokie in to retreat mode. He talks very sweetly to her and has even petted her a few times but she still looks at him with such distrust. But having a positive experience with a man around is good for her and she finally ate a full bowl of food tonight albeit after Michael had gone to bed. (Small steps!)
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I need to wrap this trip report up but I would be remiss to not tell you we did return again to Swansboro where we had an excellent meal at Boro Restaurant. We sat outside and were entertained by fuzzy ducklings weaving in and out of the appropriately distanced tables and by a couple singing country music.
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Our other very enjoyable outing was to the charming town of Beaufort, NC.
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We would have liked to have taken a tour boat out to see Cape Lookout and its lighthouse but due to COVID-19, the larger boats were not allowed to make that trip. (Next time!) Instead, we took a smaller boat (us 3 in the back of the boat, a  family of 3 adults & 3 children at the front of the boat) on a shorter trip on Taylor Creek. Even though we didn’t luck in to seeing any of the wild horses that live on the islands there, it was nice having those views of the waterfront homes and restaurants with a little commentary to go along. In Beaufort, we dined inside at the Beaufort Grocery.
It is Friday night and we have to be out of this house by 10am tomorrow. The week has flown by and we wish we could stay for another. Cokie, on the other hand, is ready to go home although really, I think as long as she is with us, and the house isn’t shaking, she is content. And for 2020, that just might be the best for which we can hope!
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Seasons - Chapter 04
Summer: Arriving at Camp Half-Blood
Lauren’s POV
That old car’s back seat might not be the best places to sleep, and the vehicle’s unloads was probably broken, sounding annoyingly. But I’ve slept through something worse in worse situations. Welcome to Jauregui’s world, a demigod who was happy to sleep for a few hours in the back seat of a car.
Of course, it wasn’t part of my plans to be here in the middle of a totally improvised escape, rescuing what I considered the most clumsy human being on Earth. My main purpose was to get back to Miami, survive on my way, but only go back to Camp Half-Blood in early summer. But, of course, destiny had no generous plans for me.
I woke up hungry after all; I barely touched the previous night’s pizza. Apparently, Cabello loved it and I preferred to leave my second piece to become her fourth. A small pleasure that she would not have again. No, I’m not a bad girl, not to the point of not having considered the turnaround that that little girl was going through. She even had a normal life, until cross our path the day before and come across a dumb Laistrygonian, but strong enough to hit me one time or another.
I knew something was going on. Not something else, something big. I was feeling it throughout the month and had tried to alert Dinah. But it was useless, the surprise almost burst in our faces in catching off guard and forcing us to run away with our tail between our legs. However, if something was going on, involved that latina girl. A “old” demigod unclaimed, who dominated hellhounds with voice command. I never really cared about Camila Cabello, not more than enough to send Dinah have an eye on her, taking advantage of the friendship of the two of them.
“She is cute even sleeping.” I heard Camila’s voice.
I almost frowned, giving my waking state. My eyes closed, lost in my daydreams, probably still appearing to be in deep sleep. But just now I listened as they spoke.
“Lauren isn’t as bad as she looks,” Dinah said gently “She’s just a girl who had to grow very fast”
Almost I rolled my eyes, I hated those things that Dinah was talking about me. It was as if at any moment I could be fragile. And I wasn’t, I couldn’t be. If I was, I would be killed at any time. Yes, I fought for everything, fought with the world if it was necessary and thought right. If life wanted to screw me, it would be extremely difficult!
“I wanted her to be more… easy to talk to.” I heard Cabello said hesitant. “Surely I would have a lot of questions to ask her”
“Forget it Mila, Lauren is difficult anyway”
“Could you both stop talking about me?” I decided to intervene getting annoyed. “And go take care of your problems”
I sat, staring Camila, who was still looking at me from the front seat. She shivered, looked away quickly and shrugged. I was pleased, cause this to her has always been an advantage. However, unlike what Dinah said, my logic of life was simple enough: to attack before being attacked. It was working so far, so it seemed a good strategy.
“Where are we?”
“In any city in South Carolina, at dusk we arrive at least in Virginia.” Dinah said looking a little to the side and into the sky. Camila looked at her in a funny way and the tall brunette laughed. “Traveler god’s daughter, remember? I always know where I am. And not all of us develop it”
“Now that’s useful, you would never get lost”
I had to agree with Cabello, which was a rare thing to happen. Dinah Jane was a prodigy daughter of Hermes. Quick and very agile despite her size, she had a wordy easily deceived human, and has a natural talent for stealing and never lose her way.
“Let’s stop to eat something and I’ll borrow some clothes from a shop around.” Dinah decided and smiled platter.
“No way, Hansen!” I yelled when I saw her smile. “If you come to me with a Hello Kitty t-shirt I shove it down your throat!”
Dinah burst into a laugh. It was about two years we were partners, or friends, never did define the point where something turned in the other. The fact was that we were going to camp together and we lived nearby, quickly learned to survive with someone increased the chances of success than to live alone in a way where monsters wanted to devour you. Literally.
Hermes’ daughter parked the car in front of a simple diner, followed always talking to Camila, as I preferred to stay a little further back, not paying any attention in the dialogue between them. I ordered the most expensive burger and fries, along with a lime soda. I was just addicted to lemon things. Sometimes I saw Camila seemed distant, with that look of someone who had just drastically change life. So it was in those times when Dinah pulled any conversation to distract the girl. This time she told about her numerous half brothers and sisters human, her human mother had with another human. I knew Dinah had run away from home to avoid any of them hurting, but I also knew that she still loved them with all the forces and not forgotten.
I wish I could say that to my family.
“Here the money I got last night,” Dinah said taking the money out of pocket. “And while I’ll arrange some things, you could go in any supermarket to buy groceries and some basic things. I can’t go taking everything from everywhere or be caught at some point. I’m good but I’m not even a ninja”
“Can I go with you?” Camila asked sly, great, I didn’t want to stick with her.
“Mila, I’m sorry, but you would end up holding me back, I need to be quick to not be noticed,” Dinah said carefully and opened a huge smile. “But later I give you some basic tips, you will need one day”
“Let’s go” I said finally.
I got up taking the money and going on the counter pay for the things. Dinah came out with a huge smile and whistling as if it was the amusement park. Her side kleptomaniac it was very amused with these parts. Then left for Camila and me follow to the nearest supermarket and do basic shopping that Dinah asked. I was quiet despite seeing Camila’s unrest that followed beside me at a safe distance. I knew she wanted to ask something, or simply break the silence that I imposed.
But when it came to Camila Cabello, every care was becoming little. After all, who would be that girl? An unclaimed almost sixteen, clumsy and had tamed a hellhound, one of the ferocious beasts that the king of the underworld loved. She could be a danger in the future, for my survival instincts screamed that. I was lost in my thoughts until I hear a noise, immediately look to the side just in time to see that Camila had stumbled and began to fall forward onto the floor. Without thinking, I reached my arm grabbing her and pulling her toward me, preventing her from falling on the white floor and a little dirty place.
“You’ll gonna kill yourself someday.” I noticed promptly.
“I don’t doubt it,” the brown-haired girl gasped with fright. “But thanks anyway”.
She was close. Dangerously close enough for me to feel the smell of her and I knew it was natural, since she couldn’t have used fragrance in the middle of our escape. It was a scent of flowers, a spring like touch that seemed to bear fruit a strange effect on me. I let her while puffing, turning to push the cart thinking that I was right. She was a glaring sign of confusion. I focused my attention on the flashlights in front of me, trying to read the yellow notes the details on it. But my reading is never or would be good.
“You have difficulty reading too?” Camila questioned by my side.
“Most of us do. Our genes were trained to read old things. Incredibly, it may appear something written in Greek and we know what it means,” I explained without giving much importance, choosing the silver flashlight just because I thought the orange one is too large. “Hyperactivity is also common. We can’t stand still because we aren’t born to stand still. We’re warriors. Or at least most of us, you’re far from it”
“I know that, but you didn’t need be stressing it all the time.” Cabello grumbled pouting without realizing it.
“You can learn to improve, that’s why there’s the Camp Half-Blood.”
I pushed the cart to the area of cereal bars, it wasn’t tasty, but they were small, nutritious and could break the branch in moments of suffocation. I saw Camila attempts to try to start a conversation, but I ignored her. The less involved with someone, the better. Another life lesson I would never forget.
We arrived in New York next morning. Tired of staying inside an uncomfortable moving vehicle. Dinah and I drive all the way, as Camila and couldn’t drive. Believe me, I thought I’d go crazy in that car! Those two couldn’t stop talking at any time! Dinah knew how to respect my quiet way, but Camila? She was so annoying!
Why would I want to know what was the most handsome one in a boy band of the moment? Or what Ed Sheeran’ music was better? Or why shouldn’t watch horror movies because they’re terrifying? This wasn’t obvious? In fact, Camila loved the gayest boy, she like Lego House and romantic comedies. Unnecessary information about a person I did not want to keep in touch.
“We’re arriving on Long Island!” I yelled almost a sigh of relief. “Dinah, hurry up!”
It was late afternoon, the traffic didn’t cooperate much. When the hills started appearing, I was more attentive and more serious. Dinah slowed, also taking a more serious approach.
“Something happened?” Camila realized the tension settled.
“There are always monsters here.” Dinah said without taking her eyes off the road.
“R-really?” Cabello stammered wincing in fear.
“The place where is the camp isn’t really a secret, at least the base area, they’re not able to get there. But nothing prevents them try to eat in the middle” Dinah concluded.
We were close. No sign that something strange was going to happen and it was there where danger lived. I was extremely uncomfortable, as if I knew something was to come and didn’t know what to say. My instincts were screaming it. Then a huge shadow passed over us and Camila cried. Dinah braked sharply and turned the wheel, making the car slid down the road and almost overturning, coming to slightly raise the side and fall time with the weight of gravity. I was thrown to the ground, as I wasn’t wearing seat belts. I didn’t say there was something strange?!
I opened the door abruptly, jumping out of the car finally seeing an entire tree was thrown on the road. I searched in my pocket my black lighter and activated. The small object turned into a silver sword, your weight is perfect for my management. Dinah and Camila went right after me, Dinah with her silver dagger in hand.
“Oh my God, what’s that?!” Camila cried in despair.
It’s not God, Camila. Gods. Because if the Christian God exists, he hasn’t the slightest bit of mercy on us. The ground began to shake with every step that huge figure approached. About six meters tall, humanoid body, decomposed and torn clothes. Barely hair on the head, but that part of the body that most attracted attention was his only eye. In one of his hands, the monster had a wooden stick of proportional size to your body. He approached a fast pace, making us away instinctively.
“Cyclops!” Dinah exclaimed when he finally saw the best monster.
“DJ, take Cabello and go to the Camp” I said taking a deep breath.
“But Laur…”
“NOW DINAH!” I cried hard with her.
Dinah held a frightened Camila and began to drag her into a forest that predated the hill where lurked the Camp Half-Blood. The cyclops observed the movement and his pace and I advanced. Blood flowed quickly in my veins, my heart bombarding an adrenaline I needed for that battle.
“Here you stupid big one” I yelled to get his attention.
“Demigod!” he cried through dumbfounded.
“Why the monsters has no brain?” I grumbled to myself, despite having to thank for that.
“I’ll eat yours!”
He went down the cudgel in vertical and direct blow. I threw my body to the side and spun twice, seconds after the wooden gun hit the ground with such force that split on impact. If I was there, would probably have been crushed. I got up and ran again toward the monster, my right hand firmly holding the handle of the sword, while the left pointed to the ground. I felt that vibration known when I started using a particular skill. Air currents passed through my body, stirring and mixing up to my command. When I was a meter away from the giant monster, I manipulated the air and did push my body up. The feeling I gave was that I would be flying, when in fact all it was to have some control of air currents. When I reached the cyclops shoulder height, I dug the blade of my sword, screaming with the effort of hit it altogether. The monster howled in agony and began to move. I grabbed with both hands the sword and let an electric shock escaped the sword, hitting the monster and causing more damage.
But despite my brilliant attack, that was not enough to bring it down. The cyclops staggered, moaned in agony, but his huge right hand took my body as if I was a stick. He squeezed hard, starting to literally crush me. My sword was stuck on him like a thorn. I couldn’t help screaming and trying to debate me furiously to try to drop me. I couldn’t die here, I won’t die here! Not like that, not for a stupid monster of those! The air around me started to get rough, my anger began to leave the increasingly charged time. But despite all this, I felt my ribs started cracking and blistering pain through my whole body.
“Bastard!” I shouted.
I wasn’t planning on a strategy in itself. I let lightning all over my body, giving shocks all over his hand. It hurt me, use as many lightning at the same time. But my basic purpose worked. Soon the grip was loosened sharply … But I was still at a height of six meters from the ground! The laws of physics were clear, soon I began to fall without concentration or energy to handle the winds. Shit, hopefully I would break some bones and would be in a coma for a few days! This is the monster does not trample me in the middle of the way! I was about to reach the ground when something went flying by my side, holding my aching body, but preventing the impact.
“Gotcha Laur!”
That voice caused me profound relief. Zayn was there, mounted on a real grayish Pegasus, like a true Prince Charming to save the maiden. Shit, I’d be disturbed because of that in the future. But the half-blood wasn’t alone. Forest, Apollo’s children archers began to shoot arrows into the monster, being led by Allyson. To the left, Ares’ children, the god of war, advanced and I could recognize Wes and Keaton between them.
“Fly up, we hit him up!” I told Zayn, already seated correctly on the winged horse croup.
“Laur, you’re hurt” Zayn warned.
“I won’t run from the fight!”
I was quite exhaustive. I searched my pockets and there was my lighter. I thanked mentally to who invented it, because that item ALWAYS returned to my pocket after a while. Arrows hit the cyclops in the arms, chest and legs. Ares’ children laughed as they mistook the monster, hitting him in the heel, digging spears feet. For them it was fun. Zayn made the Pegasus flew to the top, so when we were about two meters above the cyclops, I straightened my body, became my lighter sword and screamed as loud as I could.
“Hey ugly thing!”
The cyclops looked up by pure reflex. Then I jumped. I held my sword with the blade down and as I fell, moving my body to be able to hit exactly where I wanted. My sword nailed a second time that monster, but this time the blade was stuck in his one eye. The cyclops screamed loudly and staggered back. Ares’s children attacked his legs, arrows were also shot. Soon, the huge monster six meters and one eye, producing almost fell back a small earthquake with its fall. I held all the time in my sword, following his decadent movement, supporting the feet in large and oily nose.
Then he dissolved into gold powder. That was how the monsters died, were transformed into gold dust and returned to the depths of Tartarus. When he disappeared, my body and my sword fell to the ground. Again, Zayn came to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist to support my body.
“You always come bringing confusion.” Zayn said, but smiled. “Welcome back, Laur”
“Confusion… confusion is my middle name.” I barely said, even breathing was hurting at the moment.
Zayn laughed. He was the closest I had to best friend, a black-haired boy, lightly tanned skin and incredible creativity. Hephaestus’s son, a terrible jokester. But he was probably the only person I trusted most in this world.
“We need to take her to the wand.” Ally Brooke approached, her bow was already back.
“Yes, Doctor!” Zayn agreed with his good mood.
Ally was the leader of the ward, her stature was rewarded by the size of her talent with the bow and healing, especially healing. Apollo’s daughter, was one of the kindest girls I knew, but my compliments stopped around, because I really didn’t know that girl. Zayn put me in Pegasus to prevent had to carry me or even if I had to walk. I was grateful, but before I hand over the pain I was feeling, I could question:
“Dinah and Cabello were able to reach the camp?”
“It was Dinah who warned us, with a thin scared latina girl, I think this should be Cabello” Zayn answered.
I let out a relieved sigh. Mission accomplished, now I might pass out peacefully.    
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solivar · 7 years
WIP: Ghost Stories On Route 66
aka the one in which Hanzo Shimada is an expatriate student of the Fine Arts, attending college in what he assumes to be a reasonably sedate corner of the American southwest. Jesse McCree is an occasionally leather-clad NPS ranger whose duties extend somewhat further than shooing lost tourists back onto the clearly marked hiking trails. Something weird is going on in the desert south of Santa Fe and their lives unexpectedly come together in the middle of it.
Now featuring family meetings over breakfast, Genji being right about something, and Hanzo tossing the very last of his fucks out the window.
Author’s note: I’m having oral surgery tomorrow so I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that maybe, just maaaaaybe, that the next section might not come out tomorrow. However, once I get this stinking tooth out, I will no longer be continuously fighting off an infection that saps my energy and randomly puts me in the hospital. I will attempt to get back to my regular writing schedule and your entertainment forthwith. ^_^
Sweetwater’s Cafe and Dim Sum Palace was what happened when the owner of the hip young southwestern fusion cuisine cafe closest to the UNM main campus met the owner of the hip young Chinese small plates restaurant closest to the UNM main campus and, rather than engage in an increasingly rancorous culinary battle for the spare cash of every student in walking distance, they instead fell wildly in love and shortly thereafter into scrumptious and wholesome partnership. Strategically located catty-corner to the main campus residence halls, the post-merger restaurant became the place for broke ass college students attempting to top-load on calories for the day to turn up as soon as the doors opened, eat from carts pushed around three stories of public-to-semi-private dining space by an army of cheerful abuelitas for two hours straight, and still make a 9:30 lecture with time to spare. The joint Shimada-Tekhartha-Song-Correia household dined there frequently enough that the host waved them through despite the fact that Hanzo still looked like he had just committed a phthalo green and phthalocyanine blue shaded murder even after a thorough scrubbing. Fortunately, their usual table, a booth in the back corner of the semi-private floor, was unoccupied and he rather swiftly found himself tucked firmly between Genji on one side and Zenyatta on the other, with Lucio and Hana standing guard on the outside ends of the U-shaped seat. Hana had, in fact, only parted with her adopted hockey stick with extreme reluctance.
“Is it too early to start drinking?” Hana asked brightly. “Because, between you and me, I have a feeling that today is going to be the sort of thing that demands Mimosas. Lots of Mimosas. And possibly a whole bottle of tequila before it’s all over.”
“Yes,” said Hanzo and Zenyatta, more or less simultaneously and in reasonably identical disapproving tones, to their mutual surprise.
“You two aren’t going to be a single bit of fun about any of this, are you? Okay, fine.” And when the drinks cart came around, she settled for a spiced hot chocolate and waited patiently for everyone else to adulterate their tea or coffee before demanding, “All right. Spill it. I want to know in excruciating detail why our security deposit probably just went down the toilet.”
Hanzo inhaled the steam rising off his cup of tea, took a fortifying sip, organized his thoughts, and began to speak, pausing only when the food carts stopped next to their table. He told them about the trip itself, the breakdown, the walk through the desert, the ranger and their drive back to the car the next morning, and precisely how everything had gone horribly, hideously wrong from that point forward. He even copped to talking to Zenyatta first, which earned them both a half-startled, half-hurt look from Genji. When he finished, the table was covered in half-empty plates of huevos rancheros, honey-coated sopapillas, carne adovada burritos, pork xiao long bao, sesame buns, and a crock of hot and sour soup. He helped himself to a little bit of everything while the others digested what he told them.
“So...what you’re saying is…” Hana said in the tone of one musing idly aloud, “...your smoking hot park ranger has one hot vampire dad and one terrifying smog monster dad but, nonetheless, he has two dads, which means he won’t find it completely traumatic if you call him up and ask him if he wants to go get some hot chocolate and pumpkin empanadas once all this is over?”
“Really? That was your takeaway from his story?” Lucio asked.
“It was the takeaway that doesn’t make me want to run screaming back to Korea.” Hana replied, sweetly.
“Okay, there is that.” Lucio turned and leveled a deadly serious look at him, brown eyes intensely earnest. “Han, I love you man, you know that, right? So you know this is coming from a place of love when I say you could not be more obviously thirsty for this dude if you had a holoscreen floating over your head announcing in foot-tall flashing letters I am thirsty for Ranger Jesse McCree. Seriously, ask him out. The worst he can do is say he’s not interested.”
Hanzo buried his face in his soup bowl in an effort to disguise the fact that all the blood was rushing into his head with such violence he could hear it roaring in his ears like a gale-force wind. On one side, he could feel Zenyatta heroically controlling the urge to add his encouragement to the chorus; on the other, he suspected that Genji was restraining something considerably less supportive.
“Show of hands,” Genji asked, his tone positively glacial with the self-control it was taking him not to have a screaming freakout in the middle of breakfast, “Who thinks my brother being stalked by a soul-eating monstrosity from beyond reality as we know it is completely unacceptable and something we should all be working to change right now?”
Four hands went up; Hanzo abstained, since he felt his opinion on the matter should be fairly self-evident.
“Seriously, though.” Hana reached over and snagged a sopapilla. “I joke because otherwise I’d be rocking back and forth in a corner gibbering right now because, really, that was kinda the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen and my Dad collects vintage Junji Ito manga so I know from creepy.”
“I gotta agree with Hana on that one.” Lucio continued to look intensely earnest. “I get why you tried to keep us out of it and I appreciate that, I do, because this semester is trying to murder me even without the addition of horrible tentacle monsters -- “
“I am not entirely certain those are tentacles,” Hanzo murmured into the surface of his soup.
“-- or suspiciously tentacular not-tentacles, but seriously, man. Your life is like normal repellent right now. Anti-normal.” Lucio slumped back in his seat. “And your ranger dude thought sending you back to standard reality would help?”
“The principle is a sound one.” Zenyatta interjected quietly. “The purpose of returning him to us was to encourage his soul to anchor itself in the comforting rituals of the ordinary, of the life he led before it intersected with the unnatural. I suspected the medicine sent to aid that endeavor was dosed slightly too high and therefore overperforming in an unhelpful way -- reducing it, however, may have allowed for something even more dangerous. For that I am profoundly sorry.”
“I asked for your help -- you have nothing to apologize for, Zenyatta.” Hanzo drank the last of his bowl. “Perhaps I should -- “
“Take an academic leave of absence and put a couple thousand miles of ocean between you and whatever that thing is?” Genji suggested helpfully.
“I am not entirely certain that physical distance would actually constitute an encumbrance in this case.” Zenyatta interjected.
“Why not?” His brother replied, with the sort of maddening powers of logic he could marshal when circumstances demanded it. “The ranger suggested it would help if he stayed away from where it happened in the first place -- rationally, even further away would be safest, right?”
“The ranger sent me back here because you are my family,” Hanzo replied quietly. “And because being in your presence would constitute a form of healing. Would you like to contemplate the sort of convalescence I would enjoy if I crawled home and told our parents this story? I would spend the rest of my life contemplating the world through a heavy antipsychotic-colored haze from behind the unrelentingly beige walls and discreetly reinforced windows of a psychiatric institution that I would never be allowed leave again. I’m half amazed you don’t think I’m insane.”
“Admittedly, we kind of have the advantage of knowing you as the less freaky Shimada brother.” Lucio replied soothingly, flicking a glance at Genji as he did so. “No offense, G.”
“None taken.” Then, grudgingly, “I don’t think father would let that happen, but I see your point.”
Hanzo let the breath he’d been holding out in a shaky sigh. “Thank you.”
“In any case, I would suggest that our next course of action should be determining if that...painting...at the house is more than it appears to be -- “ Zenyatta looked up at the squeaks of dismay emanating from Hana.
“Could it be? Honestly?” She asked, eyes approximately twice their normal size. “Because, as it is, I’m not entirely sure I wanna sleep there with it still up as it is and if there’s, y’know, a chance it and its I-can’t-believe-those-aren’t-tentacles might come oozing off the walls I’m completely sacking out in your car for the foreseeable future, Zen, just warning you in advance.”
“Yes.” Simple and unadorned and, not for the first time that day, Hanzo felt as though he were trying to breathe around a red-hot spiky ball of panic.
“So. We call the ranger.” Genji said, firmly. “As far as I’m concerned, a whole lot of this is his damned fault in the first place and he can be doing more to help fix it.” Hanzo opened his mouth to object and found himself collecting a ferocious iridescent green glare for his troubles. “And, no, I don’t want to hear about how it isn’t because your judgment on this topic is completely impaired by your desire to climb him like a fire tower.”
“That is the worst analogy in the entire history of time.” Hanzo replied tersely. “And I am not -- “
“And Hana has a point, too, about staying at the condo not being the best idea until this gets figured out -- which, ideally, should happen today.” Genji continued doggedly on. “And you’re not going to be sleeping across from that no matter what.”
“Agreed.” There were days when it simply didn’t pay to fight, and this was clearly one of them. Hanzo fished the card containing the ranger’s contact information out of his pocket. “I’ll -- “
Genji snagged it in a single smooth motion. “I’ll call him. You’re supposed to be seeking normal, right? Go to class. Keep your studio slot. Hang out in well-lit areas preferably surrounded by hundreds of people. We’ll meet up at the Student Union at...five? How’s five for everybody?”
A general murmur of assent ran around the table and Hanzo nodded, reluctantly, in agreement.
Genji grinned. “Don’t look so worried, aniki. I’ll only chew on him a little bit.”
Zenyatta dropped them off at the entrance to the main campus and, until Lucio and Hana peeled off in their respective morning lecture hall directions, Hanzo felt rather distinctly like he was walking surrounded by the world’s smallest, strangest Secret Service detail. Hana was clearly still itching for the security of a hockey stick and, rather than stopping to talk to the two dozen people who tried to flag her down as they crossed the quad, she waved and continued on, her gaze darting about as though she expected something unwholesomely flexible and sanity-blighting to lurch out from behind one of the pieces of exterior display sculpture scattered along their route. Given recent events, he decided he really couldn’t blame her for her excess of caution. Lucio was altogether more mellow but he was also carrying a messenger bag stuffed with enough notebooks and musical equipment components it could probably be used as an improvised melee weapon of some efficacy against even Things From Beyond With or Without Tentacles.
And Genji was, well, Genji and walked a considerable distance out of the way from his own first class to escort Hanzo directly to the doors of Kaplan Memorial Hall, in which lay the fine arts lecture halls and reservable studio spaces. Under normal circumstances, Hanzo arose at godforsaken o’clock in order to take advantage of the fact that there wasn’t an underclassman alive dedicated enough to their major to voluntarily choose a studio block available before the sun was even properly up, no matter how long they could have it. Genji could generally be counted among those ranks, as demonstrated by his reliance on sunglasses when confronted with the early morning light glinting off the glass-and-adobe exteriors of half the buildings on campus, which he normally only encountered under significantly different conditions.
“Hana’s not done asking questions, you know. She’s got that look in her eye.” Genji remarked, pseudo-casual, and Hanzo’s already well-knotted stomach abruptly contorted itself still further into a digestive fractal of perfect dread. “She let it ride just now because she’s actually got class in fifteen minutes but between you and me? She’s going to rake Zen over the coals once she’s got the time. And when your ranger gets here? I wouldn’t want to be him.”
“He’s not my ranger.” Hanzo replied, deeply regretting both the huevos rancheros and the hot and sour soup.
“Semantics.” Genji gave him a sidelong look. “Hanzo -- “
“You want to tell them.” Hanzo finished the thought for him and paused for a moment in the shadow of one of the big pieces on loan from the Museum of Native American Arts and Culture, planting his back against its base and sinking down onto his haunches.
“Zen already knows.” Evenly. “He saw her in me before we even spoke for the first time. I think that we have to tell them. Admittedly, I wish we could do it under more voluntary circumstances but...I think we owe them the truth. Both of us.”
Hanzo closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment on making certain his breakfast stayed where he’d put it. “You’re right,” He finally said, fighting to keep the misery out of his voice and, apparently, succeeding.
“Wow, I am?” Genji actually took his sunglasses off and blinked down at him in genuine surprise.
“Yes.” Hanzo tilted his head back and let the cool of the granite statue base soak into his skull. “I think the ranger might suspect something, too. And right now it’s only a matter of time before everyone else finds out and then managing how much the fallout sucks. We might as well pull the trigger ourselves.”
Genji hunkered down next to him, hesitated fractionally, then brushed the hair back from his eyes. “It doesn’t have to suck, you know. Our friends are smart, caring people who actually like us, which gives them a couple legs up on the rest of the clan on their worst day.”
Hanzo nodded wordlessly and found he didn’t have it in him to crush the hope in his brother’s eyes. “You’re right about that, too.”
“Clearly a lesser sign of the Apocalypse.” Genji pushed back to his feet and offered him a hand up, which he accepted. “Are you okay?”
No. “I’ll be fine,” Hanzo lied with great sincerity. “I probably should have picked either the Tex-Mex or the dim sum, but not both. Bad decision making on my part.”
“Well, at least you’re grown up enough to admit it.” Genji held onto his arm for the rest of the walk. “Where are you going when you’re done in the studio?”
“The library. I’ve got some research yet to do.” The depths of the Kaplan building yawned before him like the heretofore unsuspected entrance to the Underworld.
Genji made a point of obviously texting that information to the rest of the household. “...We also might wanna kinda call the police again. I let the officer in charge know that you weren’t missing-missing and she left me a voicemail saying they’d like to talk to you to confirm that fact. I just found it this morning.”
Hanzo rolled his eyes heavenward. “Number?”
Genji sent it over and offered him a crooked smile. “Be careful, aniki.”
“I promise I won’t drink my paint water.”
“Or fall asleep.”
Hanzo shuddered. “Not yet anyway. Go to class, Genji.”
The fine arts studios were located on Kaplan Hall’s upper floors, the best to take advantage of its relatively exposed position on the south-westernmost edge of campus and the significantly longer exposure to natural light thus afforded. Hanzo made his way quietly through the corridors where at least two early morning art history seminars were already in progress, avoiding the elevators that sounded like the mournful dying song of some beautifully tragic deep sea creature no matter how freshly maintenanced they might be, and took the stairs to his second floor studio slot. Fortunately for the continuing unsettled state of both his stomach and his sanity, his thesis advisor was likely hip-deep in holoslides in front of one of those seminars right now and if he locked the door and turned on the external sound suppression she would correctly interpret that as Do Not Disturb Art Is Trying To Happen and accost him at their scheduled meeting. Unfortunately, at the moment, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do less than Try To Make Art Happen thanks very much to the present state of his bedroom and most assuredly not while locked inside a soundproofed chamber whose emergency access keys were some of the most frequently misplaced items in the entire college. He did not want to contemplate the wreckage of human folly while standing on the brink of exposing his own venality, the stupidity and arrogance that Genji had forgiven him, whose consequences he could never undo. He was not ready yet to give up the warm comfort of the others’ kind regard, could feel a part of him trying to crawl away under some internal rock and die at the thought of Zenyatta’s quiet all-encompassing compassion turning to disgust. Or the ranger. He had to plant his back against the corridor wall and clench his jaw against a stomach-churning rush of nausea as his entirely too vivid imagination painted that reaction shot against the insides of his skull. Which, admittedly, might have made for a strikingly personal and heartfelt contrast piece to the sterility of industrial-scale desolation but at the moment it primarily made him want to curl up in the crawlspace under the back stairwell and cry until he drowned in his own phlegm.
He did not, in the end, lock himself in the studio/potential supernatural deathtrap or cry his face off under the stairs. Instead, he peered over the lower edge of the nearest exterior window to make certain Genji wasn’t lurking in the courtyard, taped a note to the studio door that it was unoccupied and free to use, and fled to the library for the sanctuary to be found in research and the stringently enforced lack of interaction with other human beings.
Hanzo took possession of a carrel close to the windows in one of the second floor study rooms, slotted his tablet into the physical network interface, and connected, pulling up the local news sites he had bookmarked the night before. Cora Hernandez had not been miraculously found in the one night since he became aware of both her existence and her disappearance. In fact, all the most current news suggested that the state police and the rangers were preparing to shift from “search and rescue” to “search and recovery,” now that the temperatures were dropping consistently into the thirties by night. Even a reward for useful information offer well north of a hundred thousand dollars had yielded no new clues to her whereabouts. Her parents looked as though they had aged a decade in a few weeks, her mother pale and distraught, and he could only imagine her agony. In the back of his mind, a soft, small voice wondered idly how much effort his own parents would have assigned to the task of finding him, or his body, and how long they would have bothered. The lord and lady of the Shimada-gumi were, in the end, fairly brutal in their pragmatism and wasting more than they had to on a bad investment was never their way. Genji would never stop and he ruthlessly crushed that thought before it could go any further and closed the news tab, refusing to indulge in the thought of what would happen if his brother encountered the thing that attacked him unaware of its nature and there he was imagining it in vivid, horrifying detail and this was definitely one of those days when it didn’t pay to be a Fine Art Masters candidate. It took a long moment of heavy peace-stress breathing and thinking fixedly of nothing but a horde of kittens and puppies gamboling together in a field of wildflowers to distract himself from the increasingly Memlingesque products of his mind’s eye.
The small furry creatures and oxygen supersaturation eventually had the desired effect and his hands were at least reasonably steady as he activated the carrel’s interface surfaces and requested access to several of the library’s more specialized databases. UNM owned a cultural anthropology department unrivaled in the west, even the University of California system, and if there was anywhere he could go to cure his ignorance on a number of topics, it was definitely here, in its repository for thousands of books and even more scholarly articles and original sources. He brought up the anthropological database’s internal search engine, set his fingers on the holokeys, and hesitated.
If he stopped here, the voice of sweet reason murmured in the back of his mind, it ended here. Genji would call the ranger, and he would come to sort out what was wrong at the house. He would finish the rest of his medicine and his soul would never go wandering away from his body again and in a half a year he would graduate and move to some corner of the world where the ghosts and demons of the desert would never cross his path again. And that would be the best, for himself and everyone else, except the next unlucky soul to fall under that thing’s eye, who might not have rescue as close or as capable.
If he did not stop here, that same voice murmured with a significantly sharper edge to its tone, if he insisted upon continuing to look, then he was asking the nameless thing that saw him, that saw him and stalked him and attacked him, to continue doing so. It might even, perhaps, be an invitation to more of such things. He was, that voice hissed, risking taking a door, already cracked, and throwing it all the way open and inviting whatever waited in the dark beyond inside. And for what? He was nothing and had even less to offer and he punched in his first search queries to the sound of sweet reason’s howling despair, watched the results scroll up his screen with a certain cold satisfaction curling in his gut. There was, to put it mildly, a lot. He set is phone to give him a twenty minute warning on the five o’clock hour and dove in head first.
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imthedoctordonna · 7 years
What do you mean I updated a fic?
Yeah... so after a long hiatus in the fanfic department, I went ahead and posted a new chapter to Lost and Found my Olicity AU fic that is a sequel to my Woman in Wolf’s Clothing. Pop on over to AO3 or FFN to read the fic in it’s uncompleted entirety.
OR you could read chapter 4 below...
               After an hour of briefing the team, pacing the floor, and worrying about Felicity, Oliver stepped in their bedroom to find her sleeping peacefully. He fought the urge to cuddle up next to her and shut the door on his way out. He collapsed on the couch, his whole body exhausted from the events of that morning.
               “Here, eat this.” Donna handed him a slice of pizza that Roy had ordered earlier.
               He chewed it mindlessly, and when it was gone he looked to the woman fidgeting uncomfortably on the couch across from him. “What did you mean by ‘This isn’t the first time’? I have a feeling you were speaking literally.”
               “I was and I wasn’t.” She sat in a pensive silence for a couple minutes before looking to him and continuing. “I have quite a few years under my belt, as you can imagine. Even tried my hand at dating once or twice since I left Damien… those men were only interested in one thing, and it wasn’t something I was willing to give up easily. Felicity. After the third date, when I thought everything was going great and I might actually have the opportunity to be happy again, they would start pushing about ‘When am I going to meet your daughter?’ and ‘Where does she go to school? Maybe we could pick her up someday’ or ‘My cousin would gladly watch her for the weekend while we go to Havasu.’
               The thing was, I rarely ever mentioned her. I am extremely guarded when it comes to her and had mentioned her only once or twice. They were fixated, and that’s when I knew it had to be Damien’s doing. He was trying to get at my baby through me and I was not going to let that happen, so I called off all the relationships when they got too insistent. They were confused, but eventually most of them went their own way without much of a fight. This one guy though, Roger, he took it a bit… harsher… than the rest. He became overbearing and borderline violent. I was truly afraid for the second time in my life. He would show up at the casino and sit in my section. If I would switch areas with someone; there he was. I even went so far as to request a schedule change, or to work the VIP area only and he still found a way to harass me.
               That’s when I asked my brother for some help. He helped me file a TRO by falsifying a few small things here and there and for a while, Roger had disappeared. I remember the relief I felt, not having to fear going to work or letting Felicity ride the bus to school…” She smiled sadly. “Not three weeks later, right as my world started to feel normal again, Roger was waiting by my car after work.” Donna paused, the memory making her voice shakier than she wanted. She wrestled for the strength to speak smoothly and detached, as she always did when it came to recalling that night.
Oliver waiting patiently for her to regain her footing, and only a few minutes had passed when she started speaking again. “He was sweaty and shaking. This angry smile stretching his cheeks too wide. He had said I looked good for an old hag, and that my ‘B’ of a daughter and I had missed the opportunity of a lifetime with him… When I started telling him just where he could shove his ‘opportunity of a lifetime’, he unzipped his jacket. Eight little pipes were strapped to his stomach and…” She took a deep breath and shook off the tears that were threatening to fall. “Anyway, one of my coworkers had seen him in the parking garage and went to get security. They must have seen the bomb on the feed because they made it there only seconds after he had unzipped. One of the officers pulled me behind an SUV while the other tried to talk him down. Roger took off running toward me, but he tripped and accidently set off the device before he could get close enough to kill me. I walked away with some shrapnel wounds and small third and second degree burns.
So other than some rather ridiculous plans that never came to be, that is the first time something, or someone, ever blew up in my face.” She shuddered out a laugh and rubbed her upper arms attempting to fight off the internal chill.
Placing a hand over one of hers, Oliver spoke. “I am sorry you had to go through that, and this may seem insensitive, but do you think your brother would have any information on this Roger? If he was connected to Darhk, we could uncover a whole trove of information.”
“I know he would. I can call him now and see if he can’t pass it to your boss.”
“That would be great, Agent Diggle can give him all the information he needs to get ahold of the director.” When Donna stood, so did Oliver. “You know that by pursuing this new lead, you are going to need to tell this story to Felicity, right?”
“I know. I just wish this is one of those times she was acting like she was asleep but she was really listening to the whole thing…” They both looked toward to bedroom door. When there was no movement Donna whispered “I am really worried about her.”
Me too, Oliver thought. He placed his hand on her shoulder with reassurance and turned to his team (who were currently acting like they hadn’t listened in on the entire conversation) “We need someone in the crime lab helping them sift through the debris and giving us up to date information on the bomber and their handiwork. Also, I need two of you to start on the outskirts of Henderson, working your way to North Vegas, searching for storage units Dahrk might have owned. Look for all his known aliases and ones that seem similar.”
“He went by Noah Kuttler when we were married.” Donna chimed in.
“I can call Iris,” Barry suggested, “She has sources everywhere, and might be able to find more details faster, especially with Cisco and Caitlin.”
Oliver nodded in agreement and with that, the team dispersed, looking for the smallest clue to lead them to the missing kids.
 Hours later Felicity finally stirred, her eyes dry and overly sensitive (which was saying something) and her throat scratchy. If this is what it was to be “normal” she could do without. After a few minutes of sitting on the bed in a fog, she walked listlessly to the en suite bathroom and rinsed her face, attempting to wash away the cobwebs. She realized that the face rinse wasn’t going to wake her up nearly enough, so she started the shower.
The sound of the water hitting the tiled shower wall drowned out the ambient noise that was always driving her to the brink of insanity. She stood beneath the near-scalding heat, letting the water beat the tension from her body and the haze from her mind. Her mind raced over the events of the day, trying to problem solve with minimal facts was only leaving more questions than solutions. It was only when she realized her hands were getting pruny that she shut off the faucet.
She stepped out of the shower and into the steamy bathroom, wrapped herself in the hotel’s luxurious robe, twisted her hair into a matching towel, and proceeded to brush her teeth. So what if it was almost dinner and her stomach was yelling at her? She was finally feeling human again (or as close as she gets at least). Her eyes no longer burned and her headache was only a horrible memory. Feeling miles better she went to the bedroom to get dressed and join the others in the main living area.
She stopped short when she saw Oliver standing just inside the closed door, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together in that adorable nervous way he has.  She let herself enjoy the sight of him for just a moment before reality dragged them back into its all too firm grip. He exuded strength and confidence even when he was worried or unsure, he was safety personified. His shifting stance and furrowed brow made her smile to herself.
“Are you alright? I’ve been worried. We’ve been worried. Your mom says you’ve never been sick. You slept for hours. Should we get an ARGUS medic here? Maybe Caitlyn?”
“I am much better now, Oliver. Diggle is probably right, it’s probably just the let down from the adrenaline rush. No need for a doctor. How long was I out?” She looked down, questions furrowing her own brow, “I woke up feeling like I ate sand. Or like I dipped my entire head into the sand like some sort of ostrich. Though I know they don’t actually…” She took a breath and looked up from her own fidgeting hands to see his smile. “I am good. If I start feeling anything like that again, you can call Caitlyn. Deal?”
As they stood there smiling at each other, Felicity slowly came to the realization that she was wearing just a robe and a towel. Her eyes darted to the bed and back to him, and her heart started racing. She must be feeling better because she was beginning to have many ideas about how to get full use out of that large mattress. He seemed to sense her train of thought because his smile dropped, his eyes went half-lidded and he took a step toward her, matching her own determined steps. They met, not with a crash, but with a caress.
He cradled her face, tilting her chin upwards, and searching her face for the answer to a silent question. Her hand stroked his stubble, she bit her lip, smiled and gave him a nod. Yes, I am ready. He took a steadying breath and grinned.
“Later.” He promised. “When we don’t have half the agency in the hotel room with us.” He sealed that promise with a tender, lingering kiss. They parted when Felicity’s towel fell to the floor. Barry, Iris, Cisco and Caitlyn are looking at all the self-storage places between North Vegas and South Henderson. If they find anything suspicious, they’ll let us know. I’ll leave you to get dressed.” He backed toward the door his hands lingering on her until she was out of reach. “And there is almost an entire spread of Big Belly Burger out there. You might want to hurry before Barry gets back and eats it all.”
Her stomach growled in appreciation, drawing a chuckle from them both. Food was just the right motivator. She was dressed in record time.
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queennicoleinboots · 5 years
Day 46 of Peter and Xara the Goat's Curse: Peter Cusses Out A Literary Agent
A/N: Extreme anger, women bigotry, making fun of the South
The whole family was in a rare mood of hatred and extreme anger. Jamie Parker was the only one halfway civil. He greeted me and warned me about his borderline psychotic family members. I thanked him.
Meanwhile, Godiva was having hot flashes. Her back was hurting her, and she was temporarily possessed by a demon. When I greeted her, she gave me this "Fuck You" look.
I frowned and wondered why I cared. Maybe I was PMSing and am sensitive to everything. I had a strong feeling someone didn't want me around today. What the hell did I do? Oh yeah, move to the South. How stupid!!!!
Godiva walked to the restroom with frustration.
I then tried to clean around Peter, but he was growling at the computer.
"I just want to make this snakeman look creepy. Why does my art betray me?!" Peter asked as he beat the computer desk once with his hammer fist. "Fuck you, photofuck you piece of shit." He slammed the computer desk with his fist again.
"Hi Peter. Is your artwork cursed?" I asked as I dusted the furniture.
"Yes!!! And so the fuck am IIIII!!!!" Peter said as he threw a pencil across the room. "Asshole program. I didn't fucking ask for this bullshit."
I chuckled. "I'm sure it's fine." I said.
"No it's not! I haaaaaate it!" Peter yelled as he crumbled up a piece of paper and threw it across the room. He then saved the progress of his photoshop art and walked away from the computer desk. Then, he jumped up and down and chanted in anger, "Son of a bitch! Why are all my talents going to shit?!" He screamed.
Tug laid down and hid his head under his paws.
"I love your artwork, Peter," I said as I looked at him. "I want copies of all your artwork."
Peter then smiled sadistically. "Sure!" he said while making a rainbow hand motion. "How about if I shit on a canvas and give it you?!" he asked sarcastically.
"Actually, it would be a masterpiece. Please make me shit art," I said with a grin.
"Oh brother," Peter said as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He stared at the wall intently with glowing green eyes.
His phone started ringing normally.
He sighed with rage as he made an air-choking motion. He stormed to get the phone. "Yes mother," he mumbled before he answered the phone. "Yes. Mother."
"Please buy some immodium. I am stuck on this God-forsaken toilet. I have diarrhea. I have hot flashes. I hate everything and everyone," Godiva said over the phone.
"Yes, Mother. I hate everything and everyone, too. I am going to shit on a canvas," Peter said before he changed his facial expression to a clown face. "Say, can you save some of your diarrhea for my canvases?"
"Fuck no, you asshole," Godiva said as she hung up on him.
He looked at his phone with contempt on his face before he said, "Fuck you, too."
"Fuck her indeed. What a bitch," I said.
"Yeah. Want to come to the store with me and get away from my God-forsaken parents? My dad's been up everyone's ass. I know he can't help it, but fuck," Peter said.
"Yes, please," I said as I walked into the front of the house.
A wild caller called Peter's phone. The Pokemon battle theme song started playing.
Peter picked up the phone and said, "Who the fuck is this?" before he answered. "Helloooo?"
"Hello. Is this Peter W. Parker?" the female caller asked in a sexy voice.
"Yes, but I'm not in the mood for that kind of call. Who the fuck are you?" Peter asked.
I chuckled.
Jamie rolled to me and asked, "Is Peter leaving soon? Please tell me he is. His twin mother is bad enough. Keep him away from me."
I nodded.
"Oh. Cherri Pye. Yes. Haha. Maybe I'm in the mood for that kind of call after all. What did you think of my novel?...What do you mean you need me to come over to finish the job??? ... Look, you've gotta be fucking with me... My novel isn't detailed enough???" Peter asked through gritted teeth as he was clenching the phone. I heard the plastic crumble. "What? What? You're rejecting my novel because it doesn't fully describe sperm consistency?... Oh yeah because most erotica describes the viscosity of sperm and cinnamin.... Give me a fucking break you specific bitch... Describe the consistency of YOUR cunt..., cunt. Haha. You couldn't FUCKING PAY ME ENOUGH TO DESCRIBE AND/OR REINACT Arlie's technique you fuckin' fuckin' Bitchasaurus Rex. You're as bad as my fucking cunt mother. All women are all alike, USELESS TWAT whores. They have two purposes... sex and slavery. Possibly a third, but I'm sterile so fuck it. Fuck you. Fuck you.... Yeah. The only fuckin' reason I sent you a copy of my manuscript is because you are a piece of ass... Well, you coulda got fucked in your asshole if you had *juuuuust* accepted my novel proposal you dumb cunt bitch whore slut..... Not my fault. That's your decision, NOT MINE!!!" Peter was making hand gestures and pointing as he bent his knees and leaned over the air.
I laughed. These are things I wanted to say to Godiva more often that not. I swear she is like Cersei Lannister in the Game of Thrones, a complete passive-aggressive, cunty, manipulative, and attractive bitch. Peter at this point is like Jamie Lannister, a man who tries to be honorable but had this massive asshole streak that gets him in constant trouble.
The Pokemon battle theme song died.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck youuuuuuu!!!! I'm not writing that in my novellll. Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck you. I'm not writing that either. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck the hell out of you. Fuck your damn ideas!!!!" Peter sung over the phone.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck youuuuuuu!!! I'm not sitting on that toiletttt. Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck you. I'm not sitting there either. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck the hell out of you. Fuck this fucking bathroom!!!!" Godiva sung in the bathroom.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck youuuuuuu!!! My family is full of assholes. Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck you. I'm too sick for this shitttt!!! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck the hell out of them. Fuck this fucking hoouuusse!!!" Jamie sung as he wheeled out of the house.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck youuuuuuu!!! These humans are fucked-up. Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck you. How did I get here? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck the hell out of thissssss!!! Fuck these fucking people!!!" Tug sung as he bolted to the other side of the house away from his asshole family.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck youuuuuuu!!! The Parkers are fucked today. Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck you. What is wrong with them? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck the hell out of this joooobbbbbbbb!!!! Fuck these fucking asshats!!!!" I sung as I watched Peter violently smash his phone to hang up with his large hand.
"Fuck you. I still need immodium and to get away from humanity. My. Back. Is Killing. Me," Godiva said. "And get the newspaper."
"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck youuuuuuu!!!! Why are you a fucking bitch?! Fuck fuck fuck fuuuck you. You exist to drive me insane!!!! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck the hell out of menoooopaaaauuuuusssse!!!! Fuck the hell out of woooommmmmmeennn!!!" Peter and I sung before we left the house.
Peter sat in the driver seat of his silver Toyota Highlander. I sat in the front seat.
"Ugh. Fuck this car. Your damn therapist gave you this fucking car," I said.
"Cool. Go buy me a better vehicle," Peter said as he drove and rolled his eyes.
"I would if I could, asshole," I said.
"I'm sure! I'd only pay you a dollar for it. Haha," Peter said.
"You're a piece of shit, Peter," I said as I glared at him.
"That's how much I paid my therapist," he said.
"You're full of shit," I said.
A growling walrus ring tone erupted from my phone.
"What the fuck was that?" Peter asked.
"That's Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig!" I exclaimed before I answered. "BAE WHUHHHH!!!"
"Bae love. How are you?" Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig asked as he was half-asleep.
"I'm alive. You sound like you're half-awake," I said.
"I am," Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig said.
I cracked up.
"Oh God. Peter sounds fucked up," Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig said with a laugh.
"He really is. Every fucking day," I said as I laughed. I was slaphappy at that point.
"Goddamn driver mother fucker!" Peter yelled as he honked. "Fucking idiots!!!"
Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig laughed. "That's what you get when you drive in Georgia. I'm going to drive with them soon. I really could use two more hours of sleep, but fuck it. I'm trying to wear myself out."
"Come to the Parker residence. They'll wear you the fuck out quickly. They're the Asshole Family," I said to the tune of the Addam's Family.
"Oh go fuck yourself," Peter said.
"Was that directed to me or a driver besides yourself, Peter?" I asked.
"Either or," Peter said with a chuckle.
"I won't keep you. I need to shop for food. I love you, Bae," Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig said.
"Love you, Boo," I said.
"Whuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig and I chanted. The walrus bear pig hung up.
"Agggggggghhh!!!! Dammit. I'm going a few miles down the road, and the traffic is unreasonable!" Peter yelled.
"Yep. I hate driving in this fucking place," I said.
There was a rare awkward silence between us. We stared at the road with full disgust.
When we arrived at the Walmart parking lot, there was more traffic bullshit. People were pulling in and out of parking spots and of course nearly running into each other in the process. These folks were the epitome of dumb motherfuckers.
Peter and I sighed our trademark sighs as we were driving through the parking lot.
All of a fucking sudden, a car pulled out of the parking lot, and Peter and I practically teleported to the inside of the Walmart building. Our ass was sticking out of the Grocery side of Wal-Mart's building. The front of the car was lodged in the Subway restaurant's wall.
"What the fuck was that? How does that even happen?!" Peter and I asked simultaneously as we hyperventilated.
The people in Subway stared at us as though we were aliens. I looked at them like they were retarded. I didn't choose to be lodged in a fucking building that day.
Peter sighed before he freaked out. "Oh God! This reminds me a year and a half ago when my brakes stopped working in the Lincoln. Stupid son of a bitch car! Now THIS happens!" he said with wide eyes as he began to foam at the mouth.
I laughed nervously and looked at him.
The area around us caught fire.
"Oh shit! 9-11!!! Super Coping Man! Help me!" a middle-aged woman screamed as she saw the front of the Highlander burst into flames. Peter W. Parker used to be Super Coping Man.
"Run away!" a middle-aged man screamed as he hauled ass out of Subway.
"Today was a bad day for 'Take Your Son To Work Day,'" his son said as he ran with his dad.
"I just got a promotion, too!" a black man yelled as he ran out of Subway and then went shopping.
"I shouldn't have gone to work today!" another black man said as he ran out the door.
A piece of the fender fell off as the front of the car was sweltering. Some of the drywall around us was falling onto the car and bouncing to the ground.
Peter started swearing as he beat the steering wheel. He reminded me of myself on most occasions. I'll admit that more than ever, I beat on my steering wheel when I am frustrated while in a car.
"I can't believe this! I was driving, and this happens. Wow. I cannot catch a break any fucking where! And I hope I don't have to sit and fix this fucking drywall that is RANDOMLY FALLING FROM THE WALL!!!!"
His phone rang. It was his mother calling. "Yes, mother dearest," Peter said with a sarcastic smile.
"Did you remember to pick up the newspaper?!" Godiva asked.
"Yes, mother. I'm on my way now," Peter said as he smiled more widely.
"Okay, asshole. I am on the toilet," Godiva said. We heard the diarrhea fly out of her butt.
Peter said quietly. "And I'm in a burning fucking car." He was smiling insanely at that point.
I saw Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown heading toward us.
"Yes, mother. Let me get out of the check-out line... Uh-huh. Bye bye now," Peter said before hanging up. He looked at the phone and said, "Bitch."
"My God she needs to chill the fuck out," I said. "Should we even bother to get out of the car?"
"Unfortunately yes," Peter said as he got out. "Let's go shopping."
We left the car while we encountered Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown.
"Hey guys! I'm Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown. May I fix your car for a nominal fee?" Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown asked.
Peter looked at Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown and then at his Highlander that was burning and melting the steel. The back doors completely fell off. He laughed like Tom Hanks did in the movie, Money Pit. I laughed with him because I, too, was nervous.
"If you can fix this car, go right ahead," Peter said as he started to go shopping.
I followed him as we went shopping. Everyone looked at us weirdly, but it wasn't unusual. The fact that we just got out of a burning car wasn't the weirdest thing people looked at us for. The weirdest thing we got looked at for was so weird that it can't really be put into English.
Peter and I were already looked at as aliens in good ole Georgia. Peter was born in Georgia, but somehow he's still an alien. Okay, because that makes sense. #whattheactualfuck?
Peter grabbed today's newspaper and the immodium and paid for it. We then went to the car that Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown magically fixed.
"Oh wow! The car looks brand new! What's the fee?" Peter asked with happiness.
"Tomorrow, you have to fix the drywall that fell from the wall," Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown said.
"Nooooooo!!!!" Peter said while he started to cry. His face literally embraced the cry.
"Sorry, buddy. That's the fee for fixing the car," Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown said.
Peter continued to cry while I gave him a hug and said, "There, there." three times.
"Peter, Peter, Peter," I said. "It will be okay. It's just one day of drywalling."
He stopped crying and sniffled a bit. "I know, but that's bad enough," he said.
"It is," I said.
"Thank you, Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown," Peter said before his mother called again. "Mom! What?!"
I rolled my eyes. "She's making me nervous," I said.
"Yes, Maaaahhhhmmm," Peter said as he rolled his eyes.
"I thought you said you were on your way. Where the fuck are you? Where's my newspaper?" Godiva asked.
"I'm on 124, Maahhhhhm. There's a stupid amount of traffic, and a clown is holding everyone up on the road," Peter said as he was beating himself with the newspaper.
"Oh I hate that damn road!" she said. "Get home, you asshole."
"Love ya, too, bitch," Peter said.
She hung up on him. He hung up on her.
"Let's get the fuck out of here," Peter said.
We got in the car and drove the fuck away from Smellville's Wal-Mart.
"Your mother is fucking unbelievable today," I said as I sighed.
"She and every goddamn thing else. If it weren't for Pennywise the Car-Repairing Clown, we would have had to walk home. Clowns are a blessing," Peter said.
True. Thank God for Car-Repairing clowns," I said.
"Yeah, really," Peter said with a chuckle.
We remained quiet for the rest of the drive. We were too stressed to handle anything else until we got to the Parker residence.
Peter and I sighed before we exited the car. Peter went ahead of me. He stormed inside, and I followed him like I always do.
When I walked in, I saw Godiva take immodium.
"Thank you. And the paper?" Godiva asked.
"The newspaper! The newspaper! Don't forget the newspaper!" Peter yelled before taking the newspaper out of the bag and beating Godiva with it. Peter's voice became three octaves higher as he screamed, "Here's your newspaper! Here's your newspaper! Here's your newspaper!!!"
Godiva was flat on the bed and staring at Peter with wide eyes.
"Paper! Paper! Paper!" Peter yelled in the same high octave as he continued to beat her with the newspaper. I was jealous. I wanted him to beat me with the newspaper.
0 notes
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Is private health insurance cheaper in Louisiana or South Carolina?
Motorcycle insurance in canada?
The insurance companies in Canada are punishing seasoned riders with annual increased rates for motorcycles. Some won't even insure you if you change the pipes and the breather on your bike! Is there an association that can aid seasoned riders with fair insurance rates? If not, can we start one? If you've been riding for more than 20 years, I would like to hear how you are managing with these rip offs by the insurance companies.""
Other driver was not covered under insurance?
I was in a car accident where the other driver (to be referred as The Idiot) was at fault. The police were called and The Idiot was given a warning citation. The insurance company called me today to inform me that the claim was being denied because The Idiot was not an authorized driver under the policy. It appears that The Idiot borrowed the car from his father. Now I am stuck with thousands of dollars in repairs that it appears will be billed back to me. What are my options?
I have full coverage auto insurance and i am wondering what happens if my car breaks outside of an accident?
my cars been acting up lately and i think the front end my go out soon and i was wondering if my auto insurance will pay for me to get it fixed
How can we get or is it possible to put a freeze for one or two years on health insurance cost?
I see BCBS is going up over 7% for 2011. Is there no stopping these rising costs? my poor pension.
Does car insurance get cheaper after my teen years?
I'm am a 16yr male and car insurance is ridiculous. I asked some of my friends, ages 19-21, at work how much their insurance is and they said it isn't too bad. What's the average cost? I don't want to go through insurance websites and get quotes, blah blah blah. Thanks""
How much for car insurance for a 2002 nissan xterra?
I'm thinking of purchasing a used 2002 nissan xterra and would like to get some feedback regarding the insurance rates for this car.
Can a Canadian Citizen buy car insurance in America and how?
Is it possible for a canadian citizen to buy car insurance in america, if so, how does he do that? My brother lives in america and I live in canada, I want to get car insurance from America as it is cheaper. Is that possible and is it legal?""
How much will my insurance be?
I'm turning 16, and I intend to get a used passenger van for my first car (I'm in a band), and my parents are making me pay for my first 6 months of insurance (I believe you have to be 18 to have your own insurance so I guess they're making me pay the difference between whatever they usually pay and how much they'll pay after I'm on their policy. The van I'm looking at has 120,000 miles on it, if that matters, but only 70,000 on the rebuilt engine.""
Is there a time limit for a auto insurance claim to be completed?
I was in a fender bender with another car in a parking lot a month ago. I filed a claim with the other guy's insurance agency the same day as the accident and have yet to be told if the claim was approved or denied. I spoke to my adjuster last week (as well as the week before) and they were still waiting on photos of the other vehicle. Is a month normal? The auto insurance company is Wawanesa. So my questions is...is there some kind of legal time limit for an insurance agency to approve/deny a claim in the state of California? Or might I end up waiting months to hear anything? Thanks.
Best health insurance in Texas?
Best health insurance in Texas?
How do i find the cheapest car insurance ? can i go for 6 months rahter then 12 ?
i would insure 3 year old astra, my first car in uk, i have EU driving license for over 10 years""
How to get proof of financial responsibility?
I'm 21 a year old university student from California and I am graduating soon. I have always put off getting a license before college and once it started, I have been busy but because I want to get a job after graduating I really need my license pronto! My parents back home already taught me how to drive but I'm signing up for a driving school in my area just to practice and get the local roads down. I made an appointment for behind the wheel test next week and one of the things I need to bring is proof of financial responsibility. I know it's not insurance because I need a license to get that so how do I get it? I'm also probably going to borrow my friend's car for the test.""
Transferring insurance license from California to New York?
Does anyone know about this? Do the states have reciprocity? I searched Google/official sites but couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance.
What are affordable health insurance plans in mass?
private insurances, available to full time college students""
Car insurance trying to be cheap on repairs?
I was recently in a car accident. The other driver T boned me and he's at fault. I have my car towed to a certified BMW repair shop. The insurance adjuster assessed my car and approve the repairs.I later found out that they are going to repair my car with piece meal parts from used car from a junk yard. Half a door and part of the frame will be welded. Is this acceptable? BMW said it will not fit there standards but it is what the insurance paid for. Is the insurance trying to cheat me or is this standard practice? Do I have any say on this? Should I get a lawyer?
How will a 30+ day lapse in insurance coverage affect switching insurance companies.?
I was with State Farm and they suddently raised my insurance from 87 dollars (this is liability and renter's insurance) to $117 to 200+. I was never able to pay that amount at once seeing as I am a student with a part time job. I have recently been looking for a new insurance company and notice they are asking about lapses in coverage. I have not had car insurance (and not been able to drive)since December 10th. How will this affect my next insurance rates.
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
Why are car insurance companies trying to make me go bankrupt?
Okay, this is extremely frustrating. I'm a 19 year old student, who works part time. I have all-state insurance full coverage, and I drive a 2001 toyota tacoma, which is paid off. And guess how much Allstate charges me every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous. These son of a bitches are totally ridiculous charging me that. I've never had a ticket, never been in an accident. And I don't care if i'm 19 that price is absolutely absurd for that car. I'm almost at the point where I just wanna go illegal and drive without insurance. I'm looking sleep every night over this I mean seriously do they think a 19 year old college student is made of money. And the funny thing is it's under my parents policy and its this much!!!""
""What is the best health care plan for student while attending medical school, like nursing?""
I'm a student nursing and ASAP need some health insurance, including Emergency Room coverage. Does anyone know any type of Health Insurance for medical student like that, affordable and reliable? Greatly appreciate and thanks to all
What questions can I expect if I want to get a car insurance?
Also how can I lower my insurance rate. Currently I have IP only (not the actual driver's license) but have recently purchased the car. I live in OH.
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
I am 18 looking to get a bike want a CBR 600 or something along those lines. My question is how much is it to insure a bike my mother said that the personal protection would be very expensive how does this work and do i need two different kinds of insurance for riding? Like is the personal insurance separate than the insurance on the bike? And don't tell me thats a big bike i have been riding all my life and have took my friends CBR out more than one time i know i will probably kill myself lol
""How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?""
Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!""
Would my insurance rates go up if i switched banks?
I have USAA and we have our home insurance and both car insurance loans, checking and savings through them, but we want to switch just our checking and savings to a different bank, would that effect our insurance rates?""
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
How much higher is car insurance in harris county texas vs fortbend county?
How much do you think i'll be paying for car insurance?
I'm 16 from Massachusetts, and i'm going to be getting my license next month! I have saved enough money and i'm going to be buying a volkswagen beetle from the year 2000. how much do you think i'll be spending a month on car insurance? i took drivers ed so that could help.""
Can a financial advisor from AXA sell you New York life insurance?
I'd like to know if a financial advisor that works for AXA Advisors offer clients New York Life insurance products. Thanks in advance! I'm in CA by the way.
Classic car insurance for new drivers?
Hello. Can you get classic car insurance for a new just test passed driver. If the car is say a 1.1 escort or similar and the driver is over 30 years old? or is it verboten until at least 2 years have passed driving with normal insurance? Thankyou.
Cheapest car to insure at 17?
Hi, I've applied for my provisional and on the 26th of Jan I'll be 17 and starting lessons then. However my parents are getting me a car before hand so when I do lessons, I can drive with my parents too and my brother to work. I need to find a cheap car to insure? I would be interested in a Peageuot 106 (Small engine obviously) and just plain. Would these be expensive?""
""Car insurance just went up 30-50% in Cal, why would that happen ...?""
...if it were'nt as a result of more accidents, due to more populace/ people, poorer drivers, drivers who weren't licensed; don't know rules and laws of the road in this country, are stealing more vehicles, or just don't care what happens here. Think there's a correlation between the large population of illegals or ...that the folks of California are just becoming worse drivers all of a sudden? Just the start of what is going to be our future here in Cal/USA if we don't remove these people who have no investment or care about what goes on in Cal. or the US. Hint: 50% of criminals in California prisons are illegal aliens. In fairness; there are a small % of that 50%, who are not of Hispanic descent. Hmmmmm 50% increase in insurance? 50% of all prisoners are ...Must just be a coincedence.""
What can happen if you don't list all of your tickets on an online insurance quote and buy the policy?
For instance I have a spectator to racing ticket when a friend of mine attempted to outspeed a car that sped by him on the highway, he got pulled over and charged with street racing, and I received a citation for being a passenger in the car. (ridiculous I know) Now since I was not the driver, nor was my vehicle involved, should I still have to list this when filling out an online insurance quote? and if I don't what can happen if they find out later? Will they raise my rates immediately? Drop my policy? Or is there anything more serious they can do than that?""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a harley davidson sportster 1200 in Maine ?
What's the price for full coverage and just liability
Question about pregnancy insurance?
My husband and I plan on trying for our 3rd child sometime around August/September. For our first child, we were eligible for Medicaid and for our second we were on Tricare since my husband was deployed. However, right now I'm the only one who is uninsured. My husband can go to the VA Hospital anytime he needs to and my kids are on State insurance. We really don't want to get some type of family insurance since everyone besides me is all taken care of. So my question is: Is there some type of insurance that covers pregnancy that I could just sign up for? I decided to come here before really starting my research on the off-chance someone here is on one/knows of one. Since a lot of insurances would say a pregnancy was a pre-existing condition and not cover me, I want to be on it before we even start trying. Anyway, thanks!""
Life insurance?
has anyone every heard of national benefit life insurance company of ny ny? i got this letter from them in the mail and im a bit scheptical of it... lemme know so i dont pour all this money into it and end up with nothing kthanks xoxo
Where can I get some car insurance from?
Insurance for a 1998 ford explore
How will health insurance brokers be affected by healthcare reform?
will health insurance brokers still have a job?
Can The Insurance Be In Someone Else's Name When You Finance A Car?
I want to finance a car, i know full coverage insurance under my name won't be cheap but can like a family member put full coverage insurance on my car through their name (i'll pay the bill) so it can be cheaper...? thanks""
How much will car insurance cost a teenager?
I will be getting my license in August and I was wondering how much insurance will cost me. My parents have AAA. I know there are a few factors that change the cost. I have good grades ( i know that is a factor) I will not buy a new car, but rather a safe older car (probably late 90s) How much will car insurance realistically cost me both initially and annually? I live in California and I am 16""
How can i lower my car insurance quotes? just turned 17?
i bought me a 1.4 polo and i dont know sh*t about insurance, can someone give me some tips on how to lower my car insurance?""
What are the cost of car insurance?
I'm a 17 yr old female, just recently got my g2, i live in ontario canada and was wondering what my insurance cost would be per year. i will be registering as a secondary driver, and there are currently 2 cars, and will be getting a third one, for me. i have talked to friends and found out that they pay about 200 bucks a year and depends on my parents driving records. Is it possible to pay just 200 dollars a year as a secondary driver?""
Car insurance question. UK only please?
Me and my husband went bankrupt in NOV 2010 (long story) and basically, the things like car insurance and cable and internet and energy companies were fine as there were no credit checks as we were already with them. But now we have had a car insurance quote from our company to renew in mid-May, and it has gone up from 37 a month to 60 a month. So firstly, I wonder if the bankruptcy may have affected this new quote? And also, if we try and move to another company, will our bad credit caused by the bankruptcy and home repossession make companies refuse us? I don't see why, as our credit score is irrelevant to our driving, and we have never made a claim in the 20 years of driving, and have many years of no claims bonus. But someone we know said some companies may refuse us car insurance! Help anyone? Thank you.""
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am 16 year old girl, will be driving a two door 1995 Honda civic, and have 4.1 gpa in school.""
""How much to insure a 94 ford pickup w/ 120,000 miles for a 16y male?""
Numbers only please(no, well its alot or Get a quote online ) its gunna be insured either under a friend at 35+ or by my self. also some advice on what companies will take a 16yo alone would be very helpfull""
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
Can i get some help in writing my job application to an Insurance Comapny?
Recently I have developed a special interest in banking and if I am given the opportunity I am prepared to work diligently to serve the nation . ...this is what im writing in my application but i want a word to replace banking , since its an insurance company what should i put instead of banking ?""
Car Insurance/Registration?
I have tried cancelling my car insurance twice, They keep telling me that if my car is registered with no insurance I will get fined because they have to immediatly notify the state of MIchigan when someone cancels.Apparently even if the car isn't being driven and isn't parked on the street I will get penalized for having a car registered with no insurance. Its not like I registered it without insurance(which i cant do anyway) But I cannot afford insurance right now and I dont plan on driving the car AT ALL,( its down anyway). Is this true what they are telling me or are they just trying to persuade me into keeping the insurance? And if this is true and I do cancel my registration will I have to pay the registration fee all over again?""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
How Much Will My Car Insurance Be?
I am a 21 year old male with a very clean driving record, no DUI or tickets etc. Buying a 2004 Honda Civic DX 4D Sedan used for $11,000. What's the cheapest full cover car insurance out there for a guy like me? Any suggestions?""
""I'm 15, pregnant, and have NO insurance?""
I don't qualify for medicare. My parents make to much, can anyone give me any ideas of what I can do for insurance? Please, No hateful comments. I'm really being serious here.""
Do I need to pay insurance on a SORN car?
Hi if i declare my car SORN (UK) do i need to pay insurance or MOT?
How many auto policies can I expect to sell monthly as an insurance agent for a large well known company?
I am a new agent and I was wondering what is the average base salary for an auto insurance sells person and also... how many policies can I expect to sell monthly?
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
""19, need affordable health insurance?""
I need to be more independent and get my own health insurance. I'm a full time student and my university offers a health insurance plan that costs a little under $2,000 per year but someone told me I should first look into plans available through the Affordable Care Act. How do I find an affordable plan right for me? I'm not even sure which professionals to ask about it..""
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
""What comes first, insurance or the car?""
When buying my first car, what comes first? Obtaining car insurance, or buying the car? I know you kinda can't have one without the other, so how does it work?""
""I'm 57, am learning to drive a car, will need the best and cheapest car insurance, how will I know which is re""
i just want to be able to drive my car, and know there is help there for me, when and if I ever need it, without all the hassles of being stranded. Am in the process of checking out AAMI, RACT. Comprehensive for a first off driver is about $859 a year!! would i be better to Join RACT emergency on road assistance AS WELL AS taking out fire and theft third party insurance separately? I will be about the only driver, with a friend or two......is this the best cover for me? Say...for 1,2 years until I build up a reliable record? enough then to qualify for cheaper comrehensive insurance car cover?""
Will my insurance cover all my mole removals?
I know my insurance covers mole removal, but I have quite a few on my face and neck that I want removed. I'm talking to a dermatologist next week. I was just curious if they would cover multiple at a time. I'm talking like 20-30.""
How do you want health care reformed?
With all the rumors about the plan killing babies and grandma, we have gotten away from intelligent discourse. Polls say 70% of people want some kind of reform. What would you like ...show more""
Cheap cars to insure?
What are some cheap cars to insure?
Who buys Insurance like State Farm? ?
If by any chance, anyone know what type of people buy insurance like age or lifestyle (single, or married etc.)? Is it normal for a teenage guy to look insurance up? -Insurance as in Auto, Life, and House and everything if that narrows it down but covering all those types""
Insurance for a minor?
Ok im turning 17years old and i am going to buy a bmw m3 2003 Whats the best way i can get insurance, i dont know how exactly it works but i wanted to go under my dad. what is the cheapest and best way to get the insurance for my car. and how much will it cost""
What is the best web site for comparing car insurance rates?
What is the best web site for comparing car insurance rates?
How much would car insurance be for a new driver (17 years old) if the car insurance group is 7?
Roughly speaking... Thanks (:
What is the cheapest auto insurance in the state of Florida?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in the state of Florida?
Is it possible to get temporary car insurance?
I don't have insurance now but I am looking to visit somebody (in Los Angeles) who has a spare car and I want to be able to drive it insured. I'm visiting for less than two weeks.
Can I get auto insurance?
I am able to use several different cars of extended family and friends. I want to be covered if anything happens to any of them. Is there a way for me to be covered without being on multiple policies. Is that even legal?
Which auto insurance is the cheapest? HELP PLEASE?
I'm 16 years old and I want insurance on my moms car. What is the cheapest company to have? help please! I really want to drive and moneys a big problem in my family.
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
""Will an unpaid emergency room bill keep me from being able to buy health insurance, OR hurt my credit rating?
I have an emergency room bill which I have not yet paid and I'm wondering if it will keep me from being able to buy a health insurance policy and if the unpaid bill hurts my ...show more
Where can I get a cheap health insurance?
health insurance is so expensive... where can I get those health insurances?? especially the cheap one... yea...the best cheap..not the worst cheap
Help with car insurance?
I am 16 and my dad wants me to pay for my own and i want to i just want to know the cheapest car insurance so will you please post a url that i can go to?
My life insurance policy and my insurer?
I have life insurance policy with a major US insurer. If this insurer files for bankruptcy and sells off its assets, what will happen to my life insurance?""
What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana?
What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana?
I want to switch car insurance companies?
My car insurance is up at the end of September. The current company that I'm with has sent me a renewal reminder. They will automatically renew it at the end of the month. (They also sent me a note to say the card I used to pay last time has expired, so I will need to enter a new one). I've found a cheaper quote elsewhere therefore I want to go with a new company. However, despite the fact that all my dealings with the current insurance provider have been online, if you want to cancel your policy, you have to do it by phone. I don't particularly want to call them and get the hard sell (I'm really not very good in that sort of situation). Seeing as the credit card I used to pay for the insurance last time has now expired, shall I just ignore them and go with someone new, or will they then keep chasing me saying I owe them money?""
How much is insurance for the Acura RSX?
I really want on badly but I'm concern about the costs. I am eighteen year old male and this will be my first car. I just got my license as well.
Wrong name on Insurance?
I have a court summons to appear in court for driving with no insurance. Now I do have insurance, just had last years paperwork with my accidentally. I noticed that the insurance company never changed my name on my insurance (I am married and my license has my married name on it) so my license and insurance don't match. I have called my insurance company and they are changing my name on my insurance paperwork but I haven't received it yet. Do you think if I brought my insurance papers (which include my car's vin #) and my marriage certificate to show the name change that would be enough? I do have insurance. (I live in Ontario Canada)""
Health insurance for someone on a Fiance Visa to the U.S.?
My fiance is travelling to California on a fiance visa this month. We have 3 months to get married and then we can apply for his permanent residence and social security, which I hear will take about 6 months. Therefore I don't think I can put him under my work's health insurance. In the meantime, what can he do about health insurance? Will travel insurance w/ medical coverage be okay until I can put him under my health coverage?""
Car released to my insurance company?
my car has been released to my insurance company, for them to ascertain whether my car is repairable or is a write off, the car an MGTF Convertible was burnt to dust at the week-end and no courtesy car has been provided, making my journey to Edinburgh from Glasgow and back again every workday a bit of a nightmare, has anyone any idea how long this process of making me an offer will take, as it is costing me a fortune in rail fares""
Anybody know of cheap but good car insurance?
i drive an SUV and i would like to have good coverage as well as being covered if someone else is driving my car....
Will my motorcycle license show up on the car insurance?
So before you guys rule me out as being immature about getting a motorcycle without my parents knowledge let me tell you about my background. I am a college student studying at Northeastern in Boston. I have my own apartment in Boston and I share with 3 other people. I pay my own rent and food and I work 2 jobs. I work around 25-30 hours a week and I am a full time student on top of that. I have a car that is under my dad's insurance and I pay for the insurance and gas. Lately, the insurance and gas is really killing me financially. So, I'm planning to give my car back to my parents and I will just get a motorcycle for the city. Its cheaper gas and insurance wise and its easy to find parking for it the place I live in. I have taken place the winter seasons and I'm planning to put it in a storage for the winter seasons. My question is that my mother is thinks that a motorcycle is unsafe and that its dangerous. I believe its up to the driver to be safe or not, and also being aware of the surrounding. My mom take cares of the insurances and she just tells me how much I have to pay her for the car, and I was wondering if I get my motorcycle licenses in MA, does it show up on the car insurance? I'm planning to insure the motorcycle on my own with a different company and register it under my name. So basically I don't want my parents to find out about it. I don't want to cause them any trouble. Lets say that I take my name off of the car insurance, but down the line I want to put my name back on the car insurance does my motorcycle license show up during re apply for my name under the car insurance?""
Does anybody have this insurance?
Do you have Presbyterian Health Plan which is an hmo? What does hmo mean and is this insurance any good? The doctors that I go to for my pregnancy, the hospital, and my sons counselor are ALL covered but does that mean i have to have a referral to go to each one or what does it mean (hmo?)""
""In NC, do you have to be added to the insurance to get the license?""
Also, do you have to pay a single yearly fee for insurance or is there a monthly rate?""
What is good health insurance for me?
I'm 31, non smoker and in very good health. The only thing I worry about is paying a ton for an emergency visit or doctors visit. catastrophic insurance doesn't cover that stuff, does it? Is there an insurance policy that will cover both major hospital bills and the emergency room/doctor?""
How will a 30+ day lapse in insurance coverage affect switching insurance companies.?
I was with State Farm and they suddently raised my insurance from 87 dollars (this is liability and renter's insurance) to $117 to 200+. I was never able to pay that amount at once seeing as I am a student with a part time job. I have recently been looking for a new insurance company and notice they are asking about lapses in coverage. I have not had car insurance (and not been able to drive)since December 10th. How will this affect my next insurance rates.
""If you already have insurance on vehicles, does it cost to add another?""
I already have insurance through my parents and I'm thinking about buying a car for myself (I'm 19 and in college, I have a job) Does it cost more to add another car onto their insurance policy?""
Is there a age limit to qualify to get car insurance in California?
I am 17 1/2 years old, and I just saved up enough money to buy my own car. Can I insure the car by myself??""
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
Getting insurance for my new born?
I'm was born here in California but my husband isn't. He's an immigrant but my question is that we just had a new born and I'm wondering would there be a problem getting my baby insurance. I'm asking since I know they'll ask for his income and since I don't work I have no choice but to put his. I can't say I'm a single mom either since we got married. Does any one have any advice on what I can or should do? Please no rude comments thank you.
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
How much does a limo insurance cost?
im saving 33,480 dollars to buy an 04 limo""
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
Would Obama charge the military for Health Care?
So I see all this Healthcare debate going on, But what does that mean for the Military? I know its gonna cause the operating budget to be cut of course. But would we have to start ...show more""
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
Gering Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 69341
0 notes
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
"What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
Why would an insurance company deny me coverage for not having central air and heating?
We wanted to switch from the local company we had been insuring our house with because their correspondance has always been very rude and they are very difficult to deal with to USAA who we do all of our banking, brokerage, car & boat insurance through and are very courteous and extremely easy to deal with. We were denied coverage because our home does not have central air or heating. We live in South Central Florida so a heating system would be an absolute waste of money (the wall unit in the Great Room and a space heater in the bedroom are more than sufficient to make the house hospitable in the few welcome days of winter cold enough to warrant their use). My wife and I both cannot stand Air Conditioning and would never use Central A/C other than the one or two times a year we would normally turn on our wall unit when it is too hot to bear and the windows and doors cannot be left open. Houses have existed for Milleniums prior to the invention of Central Climate Control and I am sure home insurance existed atleast a few decades before the invention of air conditioning. Why would not having central climate control be a disqualifying factor in getting home insurance coverage? I highly doubt that not having A/C or heat is going to make our house any more likely to be damaged or destroyed in a hurricane, robbed or flooded. Opening the windows and doors instead of having a HVAC system consistantly running in our house makes us less suseptable to fire.""
Car accident and no insurance.?
My mom was involved in a car accident and she found out her insurance was cancelled earlier. It was her fault and the other driver is insured, but they took away her license. We know she has to pay out of pocket but is there a company that will pay the lump sum for her so she can pay the company little by little?""
Will my insurance go up for this charge?
Ok so last night me and my buddies were in mcdonalds parking lot, they were drinking beer and i wasn't. i had consumed 1 beer about 1 and a half hours before a started driving. One of my buddies threw a beer bottle out the window and some old lady called the cops. the cops then came when we were sitting in the parking lot eating or burgers and asked me if i have had anything to drink tonight and i said i had 1 beer about 2 hours ago and he said that he's not going to put me under a breathlyzer because he knows i will fail. I had one beer ffs! i am 16 btw. So the two charges i got were underage drinking and having unclosed alcohol in my vehicle for a total cost of $340. So now i have 2 questions do you think the cop was far? and will my insurance go up with those charges""
Is it a good idea to combine my car insurance with home owners insurance?
With Farmers Insurance? Is there a catch to it, since it sounds too good to be true. My old policy is only liability and covers around $15,000 per accidents, (monthly is $43.00). The new policy covers 100,000 per accidents and up to 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). I was told there is a discount for the homeowners insurance too if i add all the cars in (3). And only saved $100. But with all the car insurance Were paying for, am i really saving anything?? I am confused??""
Will full coverage car insurance cover a blown head gasket?
It still has enough oil in it (between E and F on the dip stick), I can just tell this is what it is because Oil is leaking down the driver side gasket and I'm noticing my coolant level beginning to drop. I just want to do something about it now before I keep driving it and completely blow the engine.""
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
What are your opinions on insurance companies?
hello there.... I need to know what do you guys think about insurance companies.... thanx in advance :) P.S:- it is a school project
One-way Insurance HELP?
What if I have one-way Insurance, and my friend hit my car? what will happen if I do Insurance on him? Will I receive any money for the damage? will my insurance rate go up?""
Why are so many insurance companies hiring agents?
Is it because of the government trying to force coverage on people?
How much will car insurance go up for getting 2 points?
How much will car insurance go up for getting 2 points?
Car cheap on insurance?
Hi im wanting to buy my first car in a couple of months so i would like to know of a car thats got a small engine 1l preferably and cheap on the insuramce,yet slightly large for personal use such as fishing :) and finally a hatchback""
""%100 liable for totaled vehicle, very low settlement. help please?""
The auto insurance company says i am 100% liable to the damages, received mail from the auto insurance company, it said im responsible for 18000 for the vehicle however they will pay any 3rd party damages i hit a traffic light and rear ended a car . I called them to ask for payment options and they offered me 13000 one time payment and its settled. Why is it so cheap? im very confused""
If i get my medical card in california will my parents see it since they pay for insurance?
I am about to get my card and i was wondering if my parents will see it, since they still pay for my insurance.""
Health insurance?
i need health insurance that is affordable to me. i am willing to spend 30-100 dollars a month. i just basically want something to cover my dental and doctor . it can be network far as i car i dont really need ppo. i also want it to cover some of my presciption.
What is the cheapest auto insurance for teens these days?
I'm 18 and just got my first car. I would like to drive it but sadly have no insurance on it yet. I then looked up quotes and found out it is real expensive, $500 and more. Is there any way a teen like myself can get cheap auto insurance?""
What does insurance cover for a car accident?
one of my friends recently had an accident in his Honda city. The body was damaged. But the insurance company pointed to a line which says only 50% of cost of damage to 'rubber, nylon, plastic, tyres, tubes, batteries, airbags' and 30% of fibre glass..what else can get damaged in an accident? If the car is made of plastic and the glass with fibre glass, its basically saying we will pay only a max 50%? Does this exist everywhere or only in India? Can we take the insurance company to court?""
""My husband and I are self employed, he is in heart faiure, our insurance premiums were 800 month, now doubled?""
Our insurance premiums have doubled in fourteen months. This is the cost of my husbands insurance premium only. I have had to go with another insurance company. How can you force me to pay these premiums. It is literally causing us to go broke. I live in Texas and have found a high risk insurance pool that is still 1100 a month, and does not cover as much. How are you going to help people like us?????""
Do you have life insurance?
Ok we have been married for 10 years with 2 small boys. My husband works, I don't. I think he needs disability insurance and life insurance just in case something happens to him. And maybe even life insurance on me and the boys to cover at least funeral costs.. He thinks it's a big waste of money but I think we should. Also, my sister asked me if I would take her boys if something happen to her and brother-n-law. I said of course!! She told me that I would then get XX amt. of money from her life insurance... She also stated it's in their will!! OMG do I need a will too. What do I need in this will. I don't want my kids in foster care so I should name some people who would care for our boys..""
How much is car insurance going to cost for me?
I'm 16 years old and im about to get my learners permit. Im not going to own a car or anything im just going to occasionaly drive my parents car. My mom says its going to be very expensive but i thought that was only when you have your full license and have your own car.
Where do I buy car insurance online india?
I want to buy car insurance online.Where do i buy?
Why is car insurance so high in UK?
I want to insure a 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa 3 door. Im getting quotes for 3000 - 5000, does anybody know why this is? Its really annoying now""
I need a cheap auto Insurance company.?
Can anyone recommend a specific company in California that they use and was either told or knows that they are a low cost agency? Thanks for your help.
How much would my car insurance be when I move to california?
I will be 25. I am male and I drive a 2008 Kia optima. Car is paid off. No accidents on my record. (Knock on wood). I want to get the most affordable coverage. So in an estimate, how much am I looking at monthly? I will be living in San Diego""
Can i register a car under my name even though it will be under my parents insurance?
i wanna get a car but i cant afford insurance at this time, my parents said it might be cheaper to just add my car to there insurance but can i still register the vehicle under my name?""
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
Auto insurance wont pay for damages?
I was involved in a bumper to bumper accident(at fault) in a borrowed car(my fathers) here in California. Now i get a call from the insurance that they wont pay for damages to the other vehicle because im not in the policy. Im not excluded from the policy either. My father only has liability insurance. Does the insurance has to pay for damages by law?
If i change my car insurance will my lien holder be notified?
I want to change to a different insurance company and have a an auto loan through my bank so my question is if i change will my bank be notified? I know it is wrong but for a few months i only had liability and if they are notified they can take my car if they see i didnt have full coverage right? I want cheaper insurance but dont want to get in trouble!
""What are some good, low cost family health insurance plans for...?""
My husband and I need health insurance. He is a full time student and I am full time worker. We cannot get decent health insurance through his school or my work. We are looking for a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, and we need something with great maternity coverage, since we're planning on starting a family soon. If you know of any great plans like this, please share! Thank you for your help!""
Which car in Canada has the lowest insurance rate?
I'm not talking about new cars btw, I'm talking about the old cars from 95-2002 the shitbox cars, I'm a student and I plan on getting my first car with my first insurance so I need to know what's a good starter/shitbox car with the lowest insurance costs. Thanks""
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
Primary insurance?????????????/?
So I took my Daughter to the doctor today she is on ARkids. everything went fine at the Doctors but when i went to get her RX they said i would have to pay 81 dollars because of my primary insurance. I dont have Primary insurance she has only had ARkids. well they told me it was through her (sperm donor) father. that had not had anything to do with her for 2 years. she is 5 and when he did it was off and on. well how is this right I have custody of her. I can not afford her meds with his insurance making me pay. when it was just her insurance i didnt have to pay since it is his doesn't he have to pay? I dont know how to get ahold of him like i said no contact nothing for 2 years. she never gets sick.. i havent had to get her any meds or take her to the doc for like 5 mo.or more.
What is the best company for mobile home insurance?
Need full replacement policy on mobile home over ten yrs old
Will my homeowners insurance drop me if my dog bit someone?
So last week the side gate to my house was left open and my dog got out. She bit one of my neighbors down the street, I'm guessing out of fear (she is a rescue dog). The bite wasn't too serious, but it did break the skin so my neighbor went to urgent care to get bandaged up. We apologized and offered to pay any medical costs upfront, but my neighbor preferred to let our insurance companies handle the claim. My dog hasn't bit anyone in the past, and isn't considered a dangerous breed (labrador, border collie mix). We've let her off leash at the dog beach and dog parks with plenty of other dogs and people running around, and she hasn't shown any type of aggression. What I'm worried about is my insurance company dropping us from their coverage, and us subsequently having trouble finding homeowners insurance in the future. We tried convincing our neighbor to let us settle without getting the insurance companies involved, and explained the situation, but with no luck. Does anyone have any answers or advice about the whole situation? Should I make a claim first and let our insurance company know, or should I just sit and wait for the whole situation to play out? BTW I live in California and my homeowners insurance is Wawanesa""
""Car insurance help, high price?""
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.""
Any insurance advice?
We're self employed looking for an health insurance that may cover pregnancy.
Will a B average my freshman year apply to an auto insurance discount?
I had a 3.2 last year (my freshman) year, and as of now I have about a 2.5. I'll be getting my car soon, so if I can't bring it up by then, will they accept last year's GPA so I can get a 10% discount?""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
How much did your car AND insurance cost?!?
I need to do an independent survey for my maths GCSE and i need to know how much your car cost and how much it cost to insure it. Need aout 50 answers overall. 30 at least. Please answer, thankyou!""
How much would insurance cost?
Im 16, and getting a 49 - 50 cc moped, i wanted to know how much the insurance would cost? it would be kept at a secure garage. Just give me a rough idea please, just an estimate?""
Which of the following medical expenses are deductible for AGI?
What is a typical range of costs for teen auto insurance?
I have to say - this field is RIPE for a good consumer survey that gives some general ranges of insurance by state or region. Nearly everything online - (correction - EVERYthing) on line links to get quotes from insurers (commercial sites) . Fine, but suppose a kid is in the early stages of learning about cars and parents are new to the kid driver insurance game and they just want to get a feel for ranges of prices based on region, car type, first time driver, male/female, etc. Let's assume a modest new car in the $25,000 new range and a responsible kid with middle income family - good insurance history. The new driver is added to current parent policies. Is the range $1000 to $3000? Or narrower ... $1500 - $2500.""
What probably are the causes for increasing health insurance rates?
Is it due to inflation, lowering standards of medical care, insufficient government control, deteriorating human health, environmental degradation or other factors?""
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?
does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?""
How much roughly would car insurance cost for a 17 year old new driver in the uk?
about what price would a 1.4l engine cost for a female 17 year old cost? is a 1.4l engine too large? the car that my grandad is interested in buying me is a 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. is this suitable for a new driver?? any answers would be really helpful thankyou x
Where can I buy non-owners liability insurance?
I want to purchase non-owners liability insurance, so I can use it when I rent cars. But I can't find any company to sell it to me, at least from the sites I've visited online. I live in Arlington, Virginia. One company said they don't sell liability insurance in this area. Any idea why this is? And, more importantly, any idea where I can go to purchase it?""
Afforable Health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, I work a part time job and I need health insurance. The cheapest I saw was Blue cross blue care and it was $95 a month and 30 copay. Is there anything cheaper I ...show more""
Car insurance deposit?
i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th?
Do I still have to pay car insurance if....?
This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm sixteen, so please just answer... I've had my permit since last September. I've practiced, but my parents won't let me get my license because they can't afford the car insurance. We only have one car anyway. Well, say I were to register a motor vehicle, such as a 50cc moped, which only requires a basic license to use. Would I still have to pay car insurance for my family car if I don't drive it, AND a moped? Or can I stick to paying the motor bike insurance instead? I'm sorry, it's such a stupid question, but I don't know much more about car insurance other than the fact that we can't afford it. Thank you. (:""
Will life insurance pay benefits if death occurred due to suicide?
Certain states have suicide clauses. I live in the state of Florida. I was wondering about restrictions and payouts.
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
Car insurance discount for drivers using a camera?
Does anyone know of any UK car insurance companies that offer a discount to drivers who use an in-car forward facing camera such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing premiums i'd be tempted to splash out 200 on one of these for a cheaper insurance quote!
Car Insurance?
If I take a car loan under my name, do I need to take the insurance under my name as well? Any possibility of using the insurance under my husband's name instead?""
Can you buy health insurance for only your baby?
we need insurance for our one year old,we did have the state welfare insurance for the first 11 months,now shes 13 mos. and her dad is working but no insurance for a couple more months and what if she gets sick and more shots will be needed soon,so can you buy insurance for only a baby or do you have to have an adult on the plan also""
Who is the cheapest auto insurance company?
i live in CT and all the big name companies i.e. geico, progressive, esurance that say they are the cheapest are expensive. anyone know of any actually cheap ones?""
""I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to? read the details below!!!!!?""
I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to, Can i really drive any car i want, EVEN IF THE OTHER CAR HAS NO ONE INSURED ON IT?""
How good is tonik health insurance?
active college student who needs a supplement to our generic university health care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc.""
How much is car insurance?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old teenage boy as I'm learning to drive and want to buy a car at some point?
Car insurance for a Nissan 350Z?
Would it the car insurance be expensive for the Nissan 350Z if my parents bought it? But its for me. Yes, they're older than 25 :p and they own a car of their own. But this would be my first car, of my own. Not me driving theirs everywhere. lol. Cause i heard something about being a first time driver or whatever, being a teen and under the age of 25 with a two seater car that insurance can be hectic? But im not paying for it. And i can't make up my mind between the Audi TT or the 350Z. But i will start paying for it when i get a job, 16th birthday isn't to far. Which would you choose and why?""
Company not offering insurance?
I've read the policy, forms, etc... Prior I was hired. The company that I work with gas this insurance benifits. I have already reach my 90 days and 3 weeks period. The company is not offering me with medical insurance. Not even an evaluation. But that doesn't matter. My question is, is it illegal in the state of California if the company does not offer/ask you an option to have insurance or not? Please advice.""
Buying a car (scion tc) + insurance= how much expense a month?
Ill be buying a new scion tc no option for Im estimating 18k i got my license almost a half a year now and im 18 i had one speed ticket no credit history, so ill be paying 40% of the 18k and buying the car my moms credit sucks so im better off being indepedent how much is insurance for me these days. combined how much for the payment and the insurance will it be""
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old?
I was just wondering how much would insurance be for an 18 year old male driving a 2008 corvette? Per Month Never been in a accident Good GPA School/Home Car Leased vehicle
I need affordable insurance on my car any suggestions?
well i've been driving around for 9 months now w/out insurance. my car's a 2001 dodge neon standard model and i paid cash for it (no car note). im afraid that if im pulled over by the chp my car will get towed. im on a budget and i really need an affordable monthly premium. im 28 yrs old i got my driving license at 26 yrs old then got 2 tickets like 2 months later. one ticket was a failure to yield on a right turn w/ a red light and as a result i caused an accident but there was no bodily harm or property damage to the other driver only to my car it was totaled and i wasn't harmed. i recently was pulled over and given a speeding ticket too. what is the difference in full vs. liability insurance? i do know that liability is cheaper. which should i consider? also does anyone know of any insurance co. that don't require a huge down payment to start?and would insure my car w/out a huge monthly premium?
What's the point of car insurance?
I pay insurance for my car. Shouldn't car insurance cover anything needing fixed on your car? What is the point of paying for insurance, when the insurance doesn't even cover repairs? I pay for supposed FULL COVERAGE , shouldn't this cover everything, ITS A BIG F-ING SCAM!!!""
How do I get Health Insurance?
I just turned 21, and I no longer under my parents health insurance. I do my own taxes, and my residency on my taxes is in California. However, I go to a private college out of state. I don't have any chronic disease but I would like to get some tests done and I need a vision plan as well. My parents don't help me pay for anything, and I can't afford to pay $100 a month for privaet insurance. I'm not pregnant, blind, disabled, or anything. Can I get government plan insurance (cheap) if I'm a student? Where should I apply?""
Can i pay for a car and insurance together monthly?
Like on finance or something? so i pay the insurance and the car price on a newish car both at the same time each month?
What are the average car insurance rates in California?
More specifically, if you live in California, how much do you pay? I'm buying insurance for the first time and I want to get the most basic coverage at the cheapest rate.""
Which is the Best insurance in child plan?
Which is the Best insurance in child plan?
I need help with car insurance?
My parents are divorced and i live with them each 50% of the time. I just turned 16 and was put under my dads insurance. When im at my moms house am i allowed to drive her cars even though i am not listed under her insurance and live in her house part time???
Car insurance away at college?
A friend of mine who is away at school with me (200 miles from home) said he gets reduced insurance because he is away at school without a car. However, he is always driving his girlfriends car. He claims that its OK for him to do this. This sounds a little fishy to me. He is getting the discount because his insurance company thinks he isn't driving, right? If he wrecks his girlfriends car is he covered? I am worried about being in the car with him. I don't want anything defaulted onto my insurance in the case of an accident if its just him and I in the girlfriend's car. Let me know what you guys think!""
Where can I find information on low rate home owner's insurance?
I have a hmeowners insurance since I bought my home 10 years ago. The premium has gone up about 25%. Want to find out better rate from good companies - websites etc information
Cheap insurance anyone know?
Cheap insurance anyone know?
Does the Affordable Care Act regulate health care or insurance?
Does the Affordable Care Act regulate health care or insurance?
How can I get my nose surgery?
I have a schnoz and I had it operated on like 6 years ago when it was broken. I've grown into it badly I think and it's holding me back from being pretty. And I alwaaaays think about it in public and I am very self conscious. Does anyone know doctors in California who could try and run it through insurance? I feel so ugly.
How do i switch my auto insurance policy before my term is up?
I currently have Direct Auto insurance, but i would like to switch companies to get a cheaper rate. i never had to cancel my insurance before the term is up, and my term isnt up till november 2010. my question is, how do i do that (if i can), and will i be charged for it?""
Car insurance Questions?
I have comprehensive coverage (collision, fire, theft. etc)on my car it is a 2001 bmw 325 in very good condition, very little scratches inside and out. Mechanically sound. also well maintained and optioned if somebody was to rear-end my car (i live near the sr 91 in california, accidents everyday) what is going to happen? is the the one at fault's insurance company going to pay for the value of the car? since i pay comprehensive coverage? and is the value of the car based on pre-crash value or post cash value? what if i was to hit somebody's rear end? and is my insurance rate going to go up if i was rear ended""
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
Health insurance and pregnancy?
Could someone help me with finding an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE which would include all maternity benefits [cover labor delivery, visits...] What is your experience with insurance companies at this point? Thank you very much. Michaela""
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
2003 Honda S2000 insurance rate?
Hi, i'm a 16 year old male. I'm planning on getting an S2000 when I turn 17 and was wondering if someone could give me a ballpark answer on how much, liability only, insurance would cost me per month. Ballpark as in $100-$150, $150-$200, $200-$250... Any help would be very appreciated. Also, just take into fact that I have a perfect driving record and that stuff since I would just recently have gotten my license by then.""
""What is a good site for getting a quote for insurance on a moped, 50cc?""
I need to insure a 50cc moped, does anyone no anywhere I can get some good quotes""
Volvo Insurance ...... ?
I am a 16 year old male and I am looking at the 2010 Volvo C70 for my first car. I was wondering is the insurance really expensive on those ? About how much would my insurance be a year if I get that car ?
How much did you pay for car insurance as a new driver?
Is auto insurance legally required to drive your motorcycle in NYC?
I have tried googling the question, and all I get are all ad junk sites trying to get my personal information for free quotes. I cannot seem to find any legal information as to driving a motorcycle uninsured in NYC. I understand it is mandatory to have auto insurance on your car for liability damages, to other parties as well as medical bills. However, I cannot find any information if this applies to motorcycles as well. Do motorcycles fall under this statute as it is an Auto Vehicle? I am not looking forward to any fines and revoking of my license. Thank you in advance.""
""What is the best way to find cheap car insurance if Ur 21. Ive tried all the comparison sites, help??? ?
I've tried all the comparison sites but I'm getting a really high quote.
How much will insurance pay for month old tires and brakes?
I was in an accident after which the insurance deemed my car to be totaled. I had replaced all four tires and rear brakes on the car less than a month back. The claim adjustor says that they will include 50% value of the tires and brakes in the claim payment. Is this normal practice? I do not expect to be reimbursed the exact dollar amount for the parts but 50% seemed like a random value. I was expecting that they will pro-rate it using some formula.
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
Help with Health Insurance?
hi, im a 20 year old male and i have no health insurance. i have deviated septum and need it to be surgically fixed. was wondering if i could join an insurance plan just for that surgery. it is not a pre-existing condition, so could i get the surgery during the waiting period and if not, what are good insurance companies that have relatively low periods.""
What does the average American that already had health insurance get out of Obamacare besides higher premiums?
Peoples insurance rates are being raised already even though Obamacare isn't fully implemented. Mine went up by 34% over last year.
How do I get Car insurance before i get my Drivers License?
I'm under 18 and im getting ready to get my provisional drivers License. They said i need proof of insurance to get my license. But how do i get insurance if i dont have a car? I know people usually are supposed to be added to their parents insurance policy to take care of this, but my parents dont have drive or have insurance........ What do i do? Ive heard that i should get an uncle or grandparent to add me to their policy, but is that true? Help me out... thanks""
""How much will my car insurance go up for 3,475 worth of damage?""
there were no other cars involved and no police report. i am still a dependent on my father's insurance- 23 year old female, however. i have a deductable- just wondering if I am goign to suffer from this...since I am switiching to my own insurance directly after my car gets fixed.""
Liberty Mutual Insurance please help!?
If you use Liberty Mutual for your car insurance, how much is the insurance for two people each under two cars? If not, generally speaking, how much is it for two people to be insured for two cars each? My fiancee and I both have clean records no tickets and in the age bracket of 22-24. Thanks!""
Getting car insurance please help ?
I live in MN And in a small town. And I dont want to ask for car insurance yet. Im just asking and estimate for me One male 18 2 tickets 99 s10 blazer 4 doors 4 wheel drive And if full coverage Would 750 for year be right ? Would that be enough
Insurance and pregnancy...
I am planning to get pregnant in March, 2009. After working things out with my husband, it seems like the best time for us Anyway, my insurance policy will finish in August and I'll have to get new insurance (I won't be able to continue with my current insurance policy for reasons beyond the scope of this question). Will this cause me problems with the new insurance company (I still don't know what insurance I am going to purchase)? Will the NOT cover my pregnancy and delivery and consider it a pre-existing condition? What's your advice? We really don't want to postpone pregnancy any more and now is not the best time for us""
Why should anyone be fined for not buying health insurance?
What should someone do if he/she is unable to afford it? Also, wouldn't such a law actually hurt the people it was supposed to help?""
What car insurance is cheapest for teens in NC to get if theyre on their own?
I get my lisence in april and it looks like my mother isnt going to help with the car or the insurance so i need the CHEAPEST possible insurance available. I live in western NC. Any suggestions?
Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 20year old new driver? And which cars dont drink petrol fast?
I am doing an intense driving course, i would like advice and which cars aint too high on insurance and also which cars dont drink petrol fast as i know some do!""
Which health insurance plans do you like in California?
For individuals which health insurance plans are good for people in good health? Are the Anthem plans a good choice for a family?
Motorcycle insurance?
About how much would insurance cost for a 17yr old High school student. If I was buying a sports bike with around 500cc of power. I'd be on my parents plan. So I would need a guess if using Progressive.
""Cheap car insurance for a 17yr old female, help!?""
Right havent passed yet but been looking as I had last year, last year the cheapest I found was with Quinn-insurance on a Seat Arosa 1.0 2000 3DR, which was something like 700 for Third Party F&T. Now ive been looking everywere, on compare the market, confused, elephant etc and its all like 1500 for Third party F&T and well over 2000 for fully comp :( urgh I cant believe its gone up so much, cheapest ive found so far is with tesco for third party is 1300, which i still think is alot! I no with Quinn it was trying to break into the car insurance market and well obviously got in, is there any other companies that are taking there route? I know it was really cheap and nice. Im not sure if its an arosa I want I did want a yaris 1.0 but thats like 1600 on tesco now :(, its either.. Seat Arosa 1.0 Peugot 206 1.0 Toyota Yaris 1.0 Renault clio 1.1 Citreon Saxo 1.0 But cheapest one ive seen so far is for the Arosa, anyone got any companies I could try quote for?? Also another question, I know i cant pay monthly as im 17, however would high insurance groups like directline allow my mum to pay monthly but in my name? and then i can just pay her directly.. is that possible? or even with tesco? Thanks x""
Fleet Insurance?
Can anyone who has fleet insurance tell me roughly how much would it cost to insure 4 cars for a car rental business. i am doing an a level business studies project and need to know. thanks for your help!!!
What characteristics in a car make the insurance lower?
i am 19 year old male in Ontario buying my first car. and insurance prices are REALLY HIGH! i was just wondering when picking out a car, what i should be looking for that will result in less costlier insurance rates. for ex: certain makes? year? THANKS! also if you have any tips for me, that would be much appreciated!""
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
What does the Geico insurance commercials mean on tv? Sometimes it makes sense.?
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Long distance Military Relationships....
So I’ve never been a serious blogger, but that might be changing here soon. Frankly, I think it takes too much time and effort. Up until now, I’ve seemingly had it all together with a pretty casual life. I’m almost 20 years old and currently dating a U.S. Navy Sailor... 2 years and counting.
The reason I’ve decided to take to Tumblr again? I’m lonely. My boyfriend left three days ago to head up to Washington, from there he’ll be going on his first deployment. He will only be gone for two to three months at a time with a two or three months being in, or that’s what I’ve been told so far. Things tend to change, but I don’t think this is one of those. Sorry, I’m not that good at being able to keep up with all these things.... All I know is I love him so I’m kinda just wingin’ it for him.
Anyways, so yeah, I’m lonely. He’s gone and I have no idea when the next time I will even be able to see him again. So that is the reason I’ve started this blog, to keep myself busy while he’s away.
It hit me extremely hard the first day he left, after 8 months of living together and getting to see him every night and on his days off (since he was in the schooling part) his sudden absence hit me like a train. Even while knowing this time was coming, I still wasn’t ready. I can’t describe this feeling and honestly, I’d rather not. Instead, I’m going to keep myself busy with this blog and staying positive for the future.
How we ended up meeting is kind of funny.
We both grew up in the same small town out in the middle of nowhere country part of Cali, with a population of 517, yet had no clue each other existed. I lived pretty much right around the block from him and I grew up knowing his father (a rather popular man around town for being a kinda handyman of sorts), but had no clue he had children my age. A daughter who’s two and a half years older than me, as well as a son who’s only two months older than me. 
It took 17 years for us to find each other, on a camping trip. Odd since my mother and his father rarely do anything with each other (not that they don’t get along or anything, they just have different life styles and friends.), but we ended up on a camping trip with them some how anyways.
I met him early July time, knowing he’d be leaving to the Navy in a few months. Honestly, I didn’t expect things to turn into this.
Long story short, we hit it off pretty well. Even after he dropped me in a river on accident, I still make fun of him for that to this day. At the time it was just my mother, my younger brother, and me joining them in camping up at the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Joining a rather large group of 4 other adults, two teens, and 6 children. All together it might not have been the most enjoyable camping trip I’ve ever been on, but I had fun with the other two teens. Not knowing that I’d be best friends with one and dating the other.
After the trip, everything went back to normal and I figured I probably wouldn’t ever talk to them again. A few days later Johnny (15 years old at the time) added me into a group chat on Facebook with J (my future boyfriend), who was gone again on a summer camp thing for Eagle Scouts. Johnny and I blew up his phone with messages while he was away, a nice surprise for J when he came back into data range.
It all just ran together. For the first few weeks, I mainly talked to Johnny or in group chat (since I still wasn’t really talking much to J, I hit it off better with Johnny who is one of my best friends now). But soon J and I ended up texting, like all the time. It happened all at once, I don’t even remember how. In a few short weeks, we were texting from the time we woke up until bed time. Goodnight and morning texts flew by and so did the days we spent hanging out. Down at the river bottom outside of town, going for walks, hanging out at the small middle school playground, we did everything this small town could offer before eventually venturing out farther to like the beach and hikes.
Almost every day for the remaining month of summer was spent together, growing closer to the day he would be leaving for basic training (aka boot camp). By the end of September I was hopelessly hooked, when we were at his Mom’s going away party for him I ended up breaking down and crying outside with Johnny. He had already seen it coming I guess, evidently a lot of people had actually. Somehow I managed to pull it together and go back in to enjoy the rest of my time with him, the thought still pretty heavy on my mind.
He was leaving in a few weeks and after he got out of boot camp he’d go away and forget all about me because I was just that girl. Like a sappy story: girl falls for a guy, guy doesn’t know doesn’t care, guy leaves to climb up in the world, girl gets left behind and forgotten and spend the rest of her life in the same old rut of a small town. Right? Skylar Gray’s song “Tower” was on repeat in my head the whole time, not even joking.
The next weekend was his father’s going away party for him, he normally does things separately with them since his parents are divorced. This was when everything completely switched for me, for us. At the party, before everyone had arived there, a small group of us were hanging out upstairs. Johnny, J’s sister, J, and I. J and I had just walked in the room, standing rather close I guess. I’d gotten pretty used to being so close to him, I’d nearly be touching him. Not purposely, just without even thinking.
“So, are you two together yet?” The words fumbled out of Johnny’s mouth before he could stop them, he honestly hadn’t meant it to.
J and I kinda froze and looked at each other, I was so afraid of his answer. Neither I would have been satisfied with. “No” would have hurt more than ever, but if he had said “yes” I would have sternly said no and walked out. Bad experience with an ex in the past; my mother had asked him and he just answered yes, when honestly we weren’t even close to that.
Thankfully neither of those happened, something else did. Something that I respect so much to this day, I’d never had it before. Instead of answering, J nudged me out into the hall around the corner. I found myself leaning against the wall with him a little too close, or it felt that way at least. I was so nervous I couldn’t breathe or even think straight, I liked him so so so much. He was just as nervous as me, if not more. He kind of fidgeted and stumbled over words, looking back now it still makes my stomach feel all fluttery and bubbly.
“I’d like to,” was all he said. My heart felt like it was in my throat, I nodded. It was all I could do, I was nearly in tears and I still couldn’t breathe right. He smiled and asked if I really wanted to be his girlfriend, if possible getting even more fidgety. Of course, I did, I’ve liked him since I felt met him. I told him yes and bam, that’s how we started dating. A week before boot camp. It made him so happy, I was his first girlfriend. He was 18 years old but had been friend zoned all through high school, I was his first. (First everything, what a heavy weight to carry right? Like what if I wasn’t all he’d expected right? Like the first kiss and anything sexual is always a big thing people talk up, I didn’t want to disappoint.)
I was his first kiss.
We went on our first date, to the movies and after we got Starbucks and hung out at a small park while it was dark. I guess he tried to kiss me, I obviously hadn’t noticed and moved away. He thought I did it on purpose trying to avoid it, but I didn’t. After we’d been dating for a while he told me this and I felt really bad after. Our first kiss was a teary and boogerfull one, one that lead to many more. We didn’t kiss until the day before he left, he kissed me while I was in the middle of crying. First off it started that I couldn’t bring myself to look at him, I hate people seeing me cry. I hate it so much. But he forced me to look up at him and then kissed me, it wasn’t very smooth but he did better on the second kiss.
He left for boot camp in October, and it was one of the hardest things I’ve even been through. It’s the second hardest I’ve ever cried. I texted him while he was on his way to the airport, then when he landed in Chicago later the evening. It would be the last I talked to him for like two months, going from talking and hanging out almost every day to him being over 2,000 miles away with almost zero contact at all. I’d never had to go through something like that. It was always just a movie thing, that cute couple thing I never thought I’d be doing. How did I end up in a military relationship??
But once the letters started coming in and going out, it got a little better. I managed to keep myself busy somehow and the next thing I knew I was on a plane to Chicago, Illinois. For his boot camp graduation, he’d made it through and I was invited to travel all the way to watch his class ceremony. I’ve never done much traveling, much less without a family member by my side. So going with his sister and mother alone kind of scared me, I’d only barely met them once or twice and hadn’t really spent much time actually talking with them. (Later I’d grow to love them both so much, they’re both amazing people. His mother has done so much for me and him, I think she is an amazing person I wish I could be more like her for him.)
I found out Johnny was joining us as well as Braden’s mother and little sister, Braden being J’s best friend for high school who’d also joined the Navy at the same time. J and Braden had been in the same class group, so that was pretty cool. I got to meet Braden’s little sister, Hannah. We had a pretty good time in Chicago, even went ice skating (I am not a fan!).
From there both J and Braden were sent to a program in South Carolina, where they spent almost a full year. Braden ended up being sent to another place, he was pretty happy to be there. 
8 months ago J finished the first part of the school, so I flew over with his mom and stayed after she left. From there he went into the second part, which he’d graduate from July 7th, 2017. I have to say that I’m so proud of him, I know I never would have been able to do what he did.
Looking back now.... We started dating a week before he left to boot camp, some people thought I was crazy. For a while, I secretly wondered if they were all right and maybe I was crazy. He could cheat on me, with all those ladies who chase men in uniforms... But two years later, no regrets and still as happy as ever. I couldn’t be happier, even though he had to leave for now. I can’t wait to see him again, I plan on making that happen soon. We’ve had our ups and downs, but all together we can make it through it.
I’ll have to write about the road trip from hell sometime, that was the trip coming home having to move all our stuff from a small apartment here so he could go to Washington. Worst. Trip. Ever.
Altogether things worked out, we made it home, and now he’s half way to Washington. We’ll see how this blog thing works out for me.
P.s. to any military girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or husband out there reading this: Please stay strong, I know its hard but it’s well worth it.
-I am a Navy girlfriend and I am so proud of my sailor
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l-in-c-future · 7 years
Reading Kim Jong Nam (6)-My father Kim Jong Il, and I :exclusive interviews with Kim Jong Nam by Yoji Gomi
Economic Reform D: the disastrous currency policies
North Korea introduced several rounds of currency devaluation that essentially confiscated ALL the savings and wealth of ordinary citizens and foreign investors and business people. This is a deeper root cause that doesn’t help to build investor confidence.
Since 1974 North Korea has attempted redenomination five times. What marks out all of the reforms, however, is their extremely rapid nature. The most recent changes took place in November, 1992. At the time, the exchange rate between the old and new currency units was pegged at 1:1. At the time, the largest denomination was 100 won. The banks in North Korea exchanged up to 300 won per person to persons over 17. Up to 20,000 won of additional money per individual was received by banks as savings, but anything exceeding this was entirely invalidated. In reality, the whole thing served as a pretext by which the North Korean authorities could funnel out the pocket money of their citizens. The money kept in savings was held until March of the following year, and then each household was allowed to withdraw up to 4,000 won. However, the rest was ultimately kept by the banks, which claimed insolvency. The sudden currency exchange plunged North Korea into chaos. Merchants who had not prepared in advance and Chinese emigrants could be found around university dorms and the living quarters of Shock Brigades, persuading those who did not have money to make exchanges on their half. They gave 300 won to each and compensated them to the tune of 100 won. The people who experienced the heaviest losses were the Chinese-North Koreans in North Korea as merchants. At the time, they mostly held a significant sum of North Korean currency to facilitate their trade in the country. However, the North Korean authorities absolutely refused to convert the North Korean currency in the possession of foreigners. Consequently, these Chinese merchants dumped their currency holdings into the Yalu and Tumen Rivers or burned them, simultaneously pouring out a barrage of invective towards Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in front of North Korean citizens.
Nevertheless, and despite the 1992 currency conversion, the value of North Korean currency continued to decline into the 2000s, so the North Korean authorities had no choice but to print additional large denomination notes.
Regular redenomination and the printing of high value notes have naturally resulted in declining confidence in North Korean currency. Recently, among the North Korean well-to-do classes, the trend of hoarding assets in gold, US Dollars, Euros or Yuan due to concerns over the plunging value of North Korean currency has become widespread.
I remembered during a tour to NE China in 2012, I could see that large denomination won notes packed in a notes collection album were sold at any souvenir stalls nearby the streets for just several tens of Renminbi. People joked that because the won notes carry no value that nobody in NK will accept it or use it as a medium of exchange. They rather trade in barter with the Korean minority communities at the border of China than trusting the won.
In 2009, North Korea introduced another major currency reform that effectively nuking the won altogether.
The North Korean regime decided to lop off two zeroes from the existing paper currency, the won, and gave North Koreans less than a week to exchange all their old notes for new ones. The government announced that it would limit the amount an individual can exchange to just 100,000 won — or less than $40 at black-market exchange rates — and any amount above that threshold would be, in effect, worthless. NGOs in Seoul reported that in response to citizens' immediate and widespread anger, those limits were raised to 150,000 won in cash and 500,000 won in bank notes.
That would effectively decimate private stores of cash wealth in local currency. At the official exchange rate, 100,000 won is the equivalent of $690, and at the black market rate it is worth only $35.
The value of the dollar and the Chinese currency skyrocketed as people rushed to underground money-exchangers, said the Yonhap news agency of South Korea, citing anonymous North Korean traders in China.
Rail stations were crammed with “uncontrollable crowds” of people rushing home to swap their money, said Daily NK, a Seoul-based Web site that specializes in gathering North Korean news, citing informants in Haesan, a North Korean town near China, and other cities.
“It’s all chaos in markets and railway stations,” Daily NK quoted a North Korean as saying.
Many had stored cash to help tide them over during the lean winter and spring months, but now they have suddenly seen much of their savings wiped out, the group said.
“As people rushed to swap money, commercial activities have virtually come to a standstill,” Good Neighbors said in a statement. While some people guessed that the purpose of the reform was to kill private market activities that stoked anti-socialism, there were also other comments that the NK regime tried to control inflation.
No matter what were the reasons, the chaotic consequences did not cease. In March 2010, a senior official Park Nam Gi became the scapegoat being executed.
Some people speculated that Kim Jong Un was the mastermind behind the 2009 disastrous currency reform as he wanted to showcase certain spectacular achievements in order to appeal to his father Kim Jong Il and to the rest of the senior officials in the regime in order to consolidate his crown successor status. 
There were rumors that Kim Jong Un launched the ambitious reform as part of the intensive power competitions with Kim Jong Nam. Wikileaks published a telegraph from Kim Jong Nam that he openly opposed the 2009 currency reform.
During the face to face interview with Kim on 13th Jan 2011, Yoji asked the Kim brothers’ roles int the 2009 currency reform and the wikileaks telegraph.
Yoji: You mentioned during your interview  (note: by The Asahi Shimbun on 9th Oct 2010 at Beijing) that you wish your brother Jong Un could lead his people to live a prosperous wealthy life. Do you feel people’s life at North Korea becomes more abundant?
Yoji: I haven’t gone to Pyongyang recently and therefore I don’t feel such changes. From the external information that I obtained, I regret that kind of (more abundance and wealthy) life hasn’t come to reality.
Yoji: North Korea launched a currency reform two years ago (diminishing the nominal values of won notes). People said that this initiative was raised by Jong-un for mandatory execution. Please talk about your view on this issue.
Kim: It was a huge mistake and a big failure for the devaluation of currency notes. I didn’t know Jong-un lead the reform. I am not sure whether Jong-un had caused the failure of the currency reform, probably it was a rumor.
Yoji: Have you heard about the Wikileaks telegram? I heard that it was sent by Jong-nam because you opposed the currency reform. That telegram was sent to USA. Was it true?
Kim: From my point of view I could not support or oppose any policy in North Korea. The content of the telegram was not real.”
Even though Kim denied the Wikileaks telegram, he did not deny the failure of the 2009 currency reform and the reality that North Korean people are still living in great poverty under Kim Jong-un when he answered other questions during the interview.
Yoji: It seems like you have different kinds of comments regarding your brother.
Kim: Recently I haven’t been to Chosin even once. According to external news and rumors, I don’t feel he is leading the people toward better lives.
He revealed that the serious famines in the 1990s were not only hurting normal citizens, even the lifestyle of the super elites were impacted. For example, the extremely difficult situation had disrupted the service quality of Koryeo Hotel to a ‘mess’. (note: Koryeo Hotel is a luxury hotel situated at the capital of NK. It is a hangout place for the children and families of the Kim ruling regime and other super elites class citizens.)
As regarding the future of economic prospects in North Korea, Kim wrote in a very lengthy email of 10th Nov, 2011:
“It is unreasonable to demand citizens to live with their tightening belts just because North Korea wants to pursue a strong hardline ideological driven military priority policy. 
Recently I have watched an animation film about the development of Rason Special Economic Zone from the internet. There were subtitles saying that Rason must be developed into a city like Singapore according to the instructions of my grandfather Kim Il Sung.
I kept thinking about Rason as I watched the animation film, how could it possible for Rason to become Singapore in the absence of political and economic reforms? With nothing but soil, stones, and seafood products and the lack of large-scale foreign investments from USA and the West, how can Rason develop?”
These summarize the great differences between China and North Korea in the trajectory of reforms. At least at some point of time, China had opened up some windows to create a new set of ideologies that justified the reform. And the first time first Deng Xiao Ping did was to visit USA and the West to solicit investments. At least at some point of time, China caught up the great globalization game of the West. (One could look at and argue that once the political and diplomatic knots with the West were loosen, people would create ideologies from both sides to sail on the tides. Globalization was part of this ideological waves from the West to serve the geopolitical great mission.) At least at some point of time, China had broken away from the Soviet model and the Soviet influence.
Practically, China benefits largely from the cold war between USSR and USA when both USA and USSR/Russia want to change the tilt of balance axis by pulling China toward their sides.
As for North Korea, she has three big superpowers stepping on her back; lack of political will internally (hard to formulate any dedicated political will without the common consensus of the 3 superpowers) and her relationship with China and regional players such as Japan and South Korea are always experiencing bumps and hiccups as well as fires exchanges.
A turtle carrying 3 giant mountains on its back with its limbs being entangled with strings of all sorts trying to cross the river....
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solivar · 7 years
WIP: Ghost Stories On Route 66
aka the one in which  Hanzo Shimada is an expatriate student of the Fine Arts, attending college in what he assumes to be a reasonably sedate corner of the American southwest. Jesse McCree is an occasionally leather-clad NPS ranger whose duties extend somewhat further than shooing lost tourists back onto the clearly marked hiking trails. Something weird is going on in the desert south of Santa Fe and their lives unexpectedly come together in the middle of it.
The update in which almost everybody knows what’s going on now and yet no one has yet fled screaming into the early morning.
Sweetwater’s Cafe and Dim Sum Palace was what happened when the owner of the hip young southwestern fusion cuisine cafe closest to the UNM main campus met the owner of the hip young Chinese small plates restaurant closest to the UNM main campus and, rather than engage in an increasingly rancorous culinary battle for the spare cash of every student in walking distance, they instead fell wildly in love and shortly thereafter into scrumptious and wholesome partnership. Strategically located catty-corner to the main campus residence halls, the post-merger restaurant became the place for broke ass college students attempting to top-load on calories for the day to turn up as soon as the doors opened, eat from carts pushed around three stories of public-to-semi-private dining space by an army of cheerful abuelitas for two hours straight, and still make a 9:30 lecture with time to spare. The joint Shimada-Tekhartha-Song-Correia household dined there frequently enough that the host waved them through despite the fact that Hanzo still looked like he had just committed a phthalo green and phthalocyanine blue shaded murder even after a thorough scrubbing. Fortunately, their usual table, a booth in the back corner of the semi-private floor, was unoccupied and he rather swiftly found himself tucked firmly between Genji on one side and Zenyatta on the other, with Lucio and Hana standing guard on the outside ends of the U-shaped seat. Hana had, in fact, only parted with her adopted hockey stick with extreme reluctance.
“Is it too early to start drinking?” Hana asked brightly. “Because, between you and me, I have a feeling that today is going to be the sort of thing that demands Mimosas. Lots of Mimosas. And possibly a whole bottle of tequila before it’s all over.”
“Yes,” said Hanzo and Zenyatta, more or less simultaneously and in reasonably identical disapproving tones, to their mutual surprise.
“You two aren’t going to be a single bit of fun about any of this, are you? Okay, fine.” And when the drinks cart came around, she settled for a spiced hot chocolate and waited patiently for everyone else to adulterate their tea or coffee before demanding, “All right. Spill it. I want to know in excruciating detail why our security deposit probably just went down the toilet.”
Hanzo inhaled the steam rising off his cup of tea, took a fortifying sip, organized his thoughts, and began to speak, pausing only when the food carts paused next to their table. He told them about the trip itself, the breakdown, the walk through the desert, the ranger and their drive back to the car the next morning, and precisely how everything had gone horribly, hideously wrong from that point forward. He even copped to talking to Zenyatta first, which earned them both a half-startled, half-hurt look from Genji. When he finished, the table was covered in half-empty plates of huevos rancheros, honey-coated sopapillas, carne adovada burritos, pork xiao long bao, sesame buns, and a crock of hot and sour soup. He helped himself to a little bit of everything while the others digested what he told them.
“So...what you’re saying is…” Hana said in the tone of one musing idly aloud, “...your smoking hot park ranger has one hot vampire dad and one terrifying smog monster dad but, nonetheless, he has two dads, which means he won’t find it completely traumatic if you call him up and ask him if he wants to go get some hot chocolate and pumpkin empanadas once all this is over?”
“Really? That was your takeaway from his story?” Lucio asked.
“It was the takeaway that doesn’t make me want to run screaming back to Korea.” Hana replied, sweetly.
“Okay, there is that.” Lucio turned and leveled a deadly serious look at him, brown eyes intensely earnest. “Han, I love you man, you know that, right? So you know this is coming from a place of love when I say you could not be more obviously thirsty for this dude if you had a holoscreen floating over your head announcing in foot-tall flashing letters I am thirsty for Ranger Jesse McCree. Seriously, ask him out. The worst he can do is say he’s not interested.”
Hanzo buried his face in his soup bowl in an effort to disguise the fact that all the blood was rushing into his head with such violence he could hear it roaring in his ears like a gale-force wind. One one side, he could feel Zenyatta heroically controlling the urge to add his encouragement to the chorus; on the other, he suspected that Genji was restraining something considerably less supportive.
“Show of hands,” Genji asked, his tone positively glacial with the self-control it was taking him not to have a screaming freakout in the middle of breakfast, “Who thinks my brother being stalked by a soul-eating monstrosity from beyond reality as we know it is completely unacceptable and something we should all be working to change right now?”
Four hands went up; Hanzo abstained, since he felt his opinion on the matter should be fairly self-evident.
“Seriously, though.” Hana reached over and snagged a sopapilla. “I joke because otherwise I’d be rocking back and forth in a corner gibbering right now because, really, that was kinda the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen and my Dad collects vintage Junji Ito manga so I know from creepy.”
“I gotta agree with Hana on that one.” Lucio continued to look intensely earnest. “I get why you tried to keep us out of it and I appreciate that, I do, because this semester is trying to murder me even without the addition of horrible tentacle monsters -- “
“I am not entirely certain those are tentacles,” Hanzo murmured into the surface of his soup.
“-- or suspiciously tentacular not-tentacles, but seriously, man. Your life is like normal repellent right now. Anti-normal.” Lucio slumped back in his seat. “And your ranger dude thought sending you back to standard reality would help?”
“The principle is a sound one.” Zenyatta interjected quietly. “The purpose of returning him to us was to encourage his soul to anchor itself in the comforting rituals of the ordinary, of the life he led before it intersected with the unnatural. I suspected the medicine sent to aid that endeavor was dosed slightly too high and therefore overperforming in an unhelpful way -- reducing it, however, may have allowed for something even more dangerous. For that I am profoundly sorry.”
“I asked for your help -- you have nothing to apologize for, Zenyatta.” Hanzo drank the last of his bowl. “Perhaps I should -- “
“Take a leave of absence and put a couple thousand miles of ocean between you and whatever that thing is?” Genji suggested helpfully.
“I am not entirely certain that physical distance would actually constitute an encumbrance in this case.” Zenyatta interjected.
“Why not?” His brother replied, with the sort of maddening powers of logic he could marshal when circumstances demanded it. “The ranger suggested it would help if he stayed away from where it happened in the first place -- rationally, even further away would be safest, right?”
“The ranger sent me back here because you are my family,” Hanzo replied quietly. “And because being in your presence would constitute a form of healing. Would you like to contemplate the sort of convalescence I would enjoy if I crawled home and told our parents this story? I would spend the rest of my life contemplating the world through a heavy antipsychotic-colored haze from behind the unrelentingly beige walls and discreetly reinforced windows of a psychiatric institution that I would never be allowed leave again. I’m half amazed you don’t think I’m insane.”
“Admittedly, we kind of have the advantage of knowing you as the less freaky Shimada brother.” Lucio replied soothingly, flicking a glance at Genji as he did so. “No offense, G.”
“None taken.” Then, grudgingly, “I don’t think father would let that happen, but I see your point.”
Hanzo let the breath he’d been holding out in a shaky sigh. “Thank you.”
“In any case, I would suggest that our next course of action should be determining if that...painting...at the house is more than it appears to be -- “ Zenyatta looked up at the squeaks of dismay emanating from Hana.
“Could it be? Honestly?” She asked, eyes approximately twice their normal size. “Because, as it is, I’m not entirely sure I wanna sleep there with it still up as it is and if there’s, y’know, a chance it and its I-can’t-believe-those-aren’t-tentacles might come oozing off the walls I’m completely sacking out in your car for the foreseeable future, Zen, just warning you in advance.”
“Yes.” Simple and unadorned and, not for the first time that day, Hanzo felt as though he were trying to breathe around a red-hot spiky ball of panic.
“So. We call the ranger.” Genji said, firmly. “As far as I’m concerned, a whole lot of this is his damned fault in the first place and he can be doing more to help fix it.” Hanzo opened his mouth to object and found himself collecting a ferocious iridescent green glare for his troubles. “And, no, I don’t want to hear about how it isn’t because your judgment on this topic is completely impaired by your desire to climb him like a fire tower.”
“That is the worst analogy in the entire history of time.” Hanzo replied tersely. “And I am not -- ���
“And Hana has a point, too, about staying at the condo not being the best idea until this gets figured out -- which, ideally, should happen today.” Genji continued doggedly on. “And you’re not going to be sleeping across from that no matter what.”
“Agreed.” There were days when it simply didn’t pay to fight, and this was clearly one of them. Hanzo fished the card containing the ranger’s contact information out of his pocket. “I’ll -- “
Genji snagged it in a single smooth motion. “I’ll call him. You’re supposed to be seeking normal, right? Go to class. Keep your studio slot. Hang out in well-lit areas preferably surrounded by hundreds of people. We’ll meet up at the Student Union at...five? How’s five for everybody?”
A general murmur of assent ran around the table and Hanzo nodded, reluctantly, in agreement.
Genji grinned. “Don’t look so worried, aniki. I’ll only chew on him a little bit.”
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