#I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR. it'll be so silly. i bet it will
reminder that esc was exactly a month ago. bet that post-eurovision depression is still hitting isn't it
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throwsomecheeseonit · 2 months
20 Years of Clean (part 11)
My ceiling. That's what I've been staring at for the past 2 weeks it feels like. Two weeks since Brandon and I parted ways, not knowing when I'd see him again.
When we left Tampa he hugged me, gave me a sweet kiss to remember him by and just like that, the distance between him and became greater and greater as we drove away. Haley tip toed around conversation on the drive home. She knew that I was a lost puppy dog. "How was your night?" she asked me. Being sure to ease into the more complicated questions when we were halfway home. I told her amazing it was, how it was so easy being with him. "We kissed." My face instantly turning into a Tomato. "Oooooh. Was he a good kisser? I bet he was. He looks like one." With anyone else I probably would've slapped them silly but it was Hales and she meant no harm. She was a serial flirt. "It was better than I had hoped," sighing into the window. "It'll be alright Michelle. It's not like you'll never see him again." "I know. We just never have any time together. Extended periods of time. I've spent more time watching him on tv then actually being in a room with him." "If the tv's in the room then you're in the room with him," Haley giggled as I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm sorry. It's not funny. I'm just trying to cheer you up. Think about it 4 more weeks, granted they don't make it into the playoffs or the world series and he's all yours. Forever. He is retiring, isn't he?" she pondered out loud. The truth is, I didn't know. I knew nothing at that moment. "Let's change the subject. Did you and Tommy have fun?" Haley instantly perked up, "I'm so glad you asked..." for the next hour and a half she boasted about how much she liked Tommy, what they were doing next weekend, everything that made me jealous (in my current situation). But she was my best friend and that's what best friend do, listen. That's what I did the rest of the ride.
It's two weeks later and besides talking to her about Tommy ad nauseum and working, my days and nights were pretty boring. I would read, clean, and do household duties. I'd very rarely want to sit in the living room or the kitchen because they were stained (in a good way) with Brandons residue. Every time I looked or sat on that couch, I could smell the ocean and remember how comfortable it was in his arms. The only exciting occasions was when Brandon would call or text. He kept up the same routine, calling me during days games, texting me after night games because he knew I was sleeping. He was thoughtful that way. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't sit up at night and wait for that night text. I never responded back until the next day though. Tonight was different though. It had been 3 nights in a row of night games and I missed his voice.
Brandon: We lost. Oh well. Miss you. Give me a call tomorrow, we need to talk. I'm off.
Me: I miss you. Sorry you lost. Want to talk now.
The bubbles popped up then went away. Maybe he was tired. My phone started ringing. I bit my lip and went giddy at the thought of him calling me. "Hey," answering the phone. "Hey Babe. You're up late." When he calls me babe, it never gets old. "I told you I missed you. I haven't talked to you in days. I wanted to hear your voice." I could swear he was smiling over the phone. "Where you at," he asked me suspiciously. "I'm in bed, why?" Not knowing where this line of questioning. "Good. Just wanted a visual. I should be there with you," his voice all smooth and seductive. "A visual, you've never seen my room or my bed." "A man can dream can't he. Besides, I have an idea. Your bed is probably so comfy with a nice down duvet." He wasn't wrong. He had me pinned. "You're pretty close. That's pretty eerie." "What can I say. I'm good. How have you been," always interested in me, how I am, what I'm doing. "Lonely," feigning sadness. "Oh baby. You're breaking my heart. The things I would do to you if I was there, to make it all better." His chocolatey voice melting over my whole body, giving me goosebumps. "Like what," egging him on.
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 3 years
✾❃S.H+D.K- A Bisexual Mess✶
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Warnings: Smut, threesome, spit roasting, suggested poly relationship
Words: 3407
Pairing(s): Kaminari Denki x Sero Hanta x FEM!reader
Summary: Being attracted to your friend is weird, and your boyfriend having a crush on him too is even weirder. 
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Ok so I might’ve gotten carried away and prepared a basket instead... oops. Enjoy!
Part two
Sero Hanta always bragged about you to his friends, which wasn't a secret by any means. Well, not a secret to anybody except you. What can he say? You're perfect to him, and who's he to keep that information to himself? He would spew everything he loved about you and more, infuriating Bakugo and making Kaminari jealous.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, really! Well, not at first. Buuut... your pretty little boyfriend mentioned your name in his conversation with the Bakusquad, and you couldn't help it. You stood quietly outside of your home office— the only place in the house you allowed Hanta to smoke —and leaned as close to the door as you dared.
"She's just so perfect," you broke into a smile at Sero's words.
"Will you stop bragging about y/n-chan?" Kaminari groaned dramatically from within the room, "I almost can't take it anymore! You know that I like her. Stop making me jealous on purpose because I can't have her!"
Your eyes widened slightly at Kaminari's words. He did? Since when? Well, that was a silly thing to think; Kami has probably had a crush on everyone in high school at one point or another. But the fact that he just admitted it to Hanta was straight-up bold.
"Yeah I know," you heard Sero smirk, "ever since you've heard about her magic mouth you've wanted a piece."
"-wha? Wrong. I've had a crush on her longer than that!" Kaminari argued. You could hear Mina in the back cracking up.
"Will you two shut up?!" Bakugo yelled, rattling the door. "Every fucking time I'm here is all 'y/n this' and 'y/n that' ok we gET IT, THE TWO OF YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER!"
You stood in their silence for a moment, trying to process that holy shit, the Mega-Virgin Kaminari has a crush on you, even before you sucked Hanta off for the first time! What was happening?
"K'mon, bro," Kirishima chided, and you heard the slap of his hand land on Bakugo's back. "Chill out, take another hit. Y/n-san might pop in if she hears too much noise."
"Whatever, 'tch," Bakugo huffed, "kinda wanna go home anyway, you nerds don't have anything interesting to talk about."
You quietly hurried away to your shared bedroom at the sound of footsteps, pretending that you hadn't just heard Hanta openly talk about your 'magic mouth', and Kaminari's confession. You could still feel the flustered blush on your cheeks as Kirishima and Bakugo walked down the hall to the front door, the latter grumbling about "those damn nerds".
"Wait, guys," Mina called to them, "I don't want to be stuck with those love-sick idiots!"
After Kiri offered to buy the pink girl an Uber home and the front door was shut, all you could hear was the muffled conversation a room over. You snuck back to the office door, and pressed your ear against it.
"-s-stop!" You heard Kaminari stutter.
"Never! It's so fun to make you flustered over my girl," you playfully shook your head at Hanta's words. Typical Sero move.
It was silent for a few minutes, broken soon after with a, "dude! What the hell?" From Hanta.
"I- it's- it's your fault!" Kaminari retorted, apparently spinning around in the squeaky office chair.
"You-," Sero burst out laughing, "you got hard just from me talking about her! Bet it was the part I told you when y/n and I were at that one restaurant-."
"S-shut up!" Kaminari squeaked.
Your face flushed considerably pinker. Right here, right now, were two boys that were sexually attracted to you on the other side of the door. You felt your stomach flip and twist in excitement at the new feeling.
"It's kinda cute that you're so into her," you heard Hanta tease. "You're always a blushing mess, and just stuttering over your words."
"Damn S-sero," Denki said grouchily, "stop making fun of me."
You couldn't help but press your ear completely against the door, the two boys inside were too high to notice the shadow under the door anyway. Was Hanta... Flirting?
"I'm not making fun of you," Sero paused. "I'm just calling you cute."
You drowned out the rest of their conversation with your thoughts, trying to connect dots together. Hanta was a little suspicious at times from what you could see over his shoulder. Suspicious of what, exactly? Being gay, or at least bisexual. You saw him close tabs of soft-core gay porn occasionally, and you even accidentally stumbled upon Sero's old diary from years back. You didn't worry too much about it, but now... was he suppressing his feelings? Was he about to cheat on you?
Your heart dropped at that thought. Hanta was a nice guy and he wouldn't do that to you, right? He wouldn't lie about loving you. Not after what you heard earlier. Or was that just to fluster Kaminari? You shook your head in an attempt to clear your mind, and tuned back in on the two boys.
"-AH—! Wait!" You heard Sero panic, "I didn't- I shouldn't've-!"
".. shouldn't have kissed me?" Denki squeaked quietly so you had to strain to hear.
What on Earth did you miss while you were spaced out?
"Well- I was just thinking about h-how cute you are, and I forgot that I can't kiss someone who isn't my partner!" Hanta stressed, "god why do I have to love both of you..."
Your eyebrows raised at that, and listened in a little harder. Did you hear that right? Sero had a crush on Kaminari?
Honestly you couldn't blame him when the blond was so undeniably attractive, especially with the smudged black eyeliner on the corners of his eyes and the lightning bolt streak in his hair. You wouldn't lie that you liked him a bit too, but you suppressed those feelings for Hanta.
"I- I can go if you want," Kaminari mumbled, voice cracking slightly.
"Er- if you want. I don't mind chilling with you a bit longer. Just— don't tell y/n what happened. I- I'll tell her later when I figure out what to say," Hanta said.
"You sure she won't get mad at you?" Said a concerned Denki. "I know how much you love her, and I don't want you two to break it off.."
"Weeelll," Sero dragged on nervously, "y/n is very understanding, a-and I also need to tell her a few other things anyway."
You headed towards the living room, hearing all you needed to. You honestly didn't exactly know what to think about what just happened. Hanta kissed Denki, who likes you, and you that likes Hanta who also likes Denki. What even.
You sat comfortably on the couch, watching the last of the sun meander under the horizon. You nervously tapped on your phone after playing games on it for about an hour, waiting for Kaminari to leave so you could talk with Hanta. You finally heard the office door open, and you turned your head. Sero shuffled towards you with a sleeping Denki in his arms. The blonde's mouth was wide open and snoring lightly, drool going halfway down his chin.
"Uh," Hanta said awkwardly, "help."
You giggled and jumped up from your to help your boyfriend position Kaminari on the couch, who immediately latched onto a pillow mumbling incoherently.
"Whatta dude," you stated, fists on your hips.
"Yeah..." Hanta scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, I have to talk to you about something. It's pretty serious so we can wait until later if you want."
"Nah," you shook your head, "you've seemed off lately, and I'm guessing you just need it off your chest."
"Well, if you don't mind," Hanta plopped down on the love seat. You kneeled over to lean your head on his knee as he sucked in a shaky breath. "I- Um. I- I think I'm Bi."
You nodded your head understandingly, taking his hand in yours. "Ok, baby. Thank you for telling me."
"—there is o-one more thing I-I have to confess," Sero shook, "just please don't hit or yell at me."
"I would never, baby. I'm here for you," you looked up at him encouragingly, giving him a smile.
"O-ok. Uh, I kinda, well... I kinda kissed Kami. O-on the lips," Hanta's eyes looked away from yours, floating to the floor.
"Do you regret it?" You asked, keeping a calm exterior.
"Uh- I dunno. I do because I'm with you.. but... I- I think I don't," Sero looked incredibly guilty, and he squeezed your hand, "I love you, b-but I also have a crush on him..."
"That's ok," you reassured, reaching up to turn his head back to you, "I don't mind if you want to be in a relationship with him too, separately or not."
Hanta looked incredibly surprised, and a smile split his face, "really?!"
"Yes really," you giggled, kissing his cheek. "I can share you."
Sero, being the genius he was, suggested introducing Denki into the relationship with a threesome. Totally not skipping a few steps or anything.
"Are you sure he'd be willing to do that?" You had asked. "He's a virgin to basically everything."
"Oh, he'd be willing alright," Hanta smirked. "I'll message him about it then?"
"Mhm," you nodded, "it'll be fun. We'll get to tease him."
Denki was freaking out. Actually, he was more than freaking out. He was freaking out and jerking off. Multitasking. He could not believe his eyes when he opened Sero's text message, four glorious words: 'wanna have a threesome?'
Of course, Denki had asked if his friend had been joking or not before opening up his mind to fantasies. He got off rather quickly, though who could blame him. He swore that his libido was abnormally high, because even the thought of you, (and Sero as well), would get him flustered and he would pop a boner.
The next day when he came over, his teeth brushed and pubes trimmed, he stood outside your apartment door for at least a minute before knocking. His mind would keep circling the same thoughts: 'Sero just wants you to embarrass yourself in front of her', 'he told y/n about your crush and now they want to laugh at you', 'holy fuck is this actually happening', and 'I hope Sero actually doesn't mind sharing'.
"Sup, man," Hanta grinned as he opened the door for his blushing crush, a far too casual greeting for the situation about to unfold.
"H-hey," Kaminari grinned back, shuffling inside and slipping off his shoes.
"Y/n's just making up a snack so we can chat before uh, y'know," Hanta held back his blush, already nervous because damn, did Denki put on eyeliner or something? He looked hotter than usual.
"Take a seat in the living room, I'm almost done!" You called from the kitchen as you poured one last cup of tea. You carried the tray of tea and homemade cookies to the coffee table, and sat yourself down on the love seat. You couldn't lie— you were nervous as shit at the moment. You looked up as Hanta led a very flustered and anxious Kaminari behind him, and you gave a comforting wave.
"H-hi," Kaminari squeaked, sitting himself on the couch in front of you. He rubbed the sweat off his hands on his pants, trying to avoid your gaze.
"Hey!" You greeted kindly with a smile.
"Alright so now what," Hanta stated, plopping himself beside Denki only looking slightly nervous.
"We discuss boundaries!" You said cheerfully. You reached over for your cup and took a sip. "Any hard no's?"
"Kaminari's not fucking you," Hanta crossed his arms. "Not yet, I want it to be more special than this..."
Denki choked on his drink, sputtering on his tea.
"Kami, any hard no's?" you steered. 
"U-uh not right now," the electric blond stuttered, eyeing Sero nervously.
"Ok great!" You exclaimed, clapping your hands together, "the safe word Hanta and I use is 'soy sauce'."
"That's two-."
"Yeah same difference," you waved Kaminari off. "Anyway, my hard no's are just don't hit me, don't degrade me, and don't choke me out."
The two boys nodded anxiously.
"Holy fuck," Denki muttered as he watched Sero kiss your lips, palming his dick through his jeans. He admired your half undressed state as he feverishly threw off his T-shirt.
Without looking, Hanta held out his hand in a 'come hither' motion, and Kaminari steered over to his friend. Sero pulled away from you for a moment, guiding Denki's shaky hands to your bare waist. Once the two of you continued kissing, Kaminari hugged your waist closer and kissed the side of your neck. Your encouraging moans excited him, and he kissed your skin harder.
Denki's hips couldn't help but rut against your backside, drawing out a soft groan from him. He peered his head up to Sero, who turned to give him a gentle kiss, and Kaminari could feel your saliva on his lips. You turned to face the blonde, leaning forwards to propose a kiss. Denki filled the gap quickly, and met your lips with his. It was a messy kiss, but neither you nor Kami cared. You heard Hanta grumble in your ear, nipping at the cartilage carefully.
Honestly, Denki thought he was being spoiled rotten. You were so soft in his arms, and he swore he could stay like this forever. Sero's nimble fingers snuck to the back of your bra and quickly unclasped it, making Denki suck in a jittery breath.
"Hmmh," you sighed as Hanta cupped your breasts gently, waiting for Denki to desperately ask for a turn.
"You can touch her, Denks," Sero chuckled, leaning over and kissing his friend again.
Denki mumbled into the kiss, and shakily moved to grasp your tits from behind. His cock couldn't help but twitch in his pants as he massaged your nipples softly, his lips still locked with Hanta's. Kami pulled back with a gasp, strings of saliva still attaching them.
"Oh so good," Denki whined as he humped your ass, breathing heavily into your ear.
"Mmm, Denki~ take your pants off for us, won't you?" You licked your lips and watched as Kaminari hobbled out of his skinny jeans.
He looked at you with wide eyes as you sat on your bed, with Sero following suit. Denki moaned when the two of you started making out again, and nervously edged closer to the bed. You smiled at him encouragingly and reached out a hand to play with the elastic of his boxers. A whimper left his throat as you trailed a finger up his clothed shaft, and he eyed Hanta guilty.
"It's ok!" The smiling man replied, helping you get into a better position. "Let loose a little, dude."
Denki wasn't sure he could do that since you were slowly pulling down the hem of his underwear, his cock springing up to slap his stomach before standing straight out. He slipped down his boxers and kicked them away, having full attention on you and your beautiful e/c eyes.
Hanta was massaging your ass cheeks as Denki experienced your mouth for the first time, and he pulled down your panties, (which were soaked, by the way). You moaned against Kami's cock as Sero rubbed the inside of your thighs with his warm hands, causing Denki to let out a lewd groan. His eyes kept switching from you, to Sero, and back to you again.
"So wet for me, y/n," Hanta mumbled, "if I knew you were into this stuff I would've invited Kami over earlier."
You hummed in response, too busy indulging yourself with Denki's dick. You enjoyed making him squirm in his stance, licking over the glans of his cock and the underside of his shaft. You swore you could see his eyes start to water up.
Kaminari was wide eyed as he watched Hanta strip out of his briefs and give himself a few pumps. Denki's mouth opened in a silent moan when Sero lined up to your entrance and slowly inched inside, letting out a low groan when he bottomed out. You hummed diligently on the cock you were sucking and grabbed Denki's hand to put on your head, letting him grasp your hair like reins.
The electric blond babbled quietly as he watched Hanta pump into you, forcing Denki's cock further down your throat. The way your mouth contracted around him made Denki's legs shake, and he got red in the face trying to keep his hands from urging your head deeper.
"You look like you're having a good time, Denks," Sero commented as he admired the blonde's teary eyes. His hips rolled forwards in a new rhythm and you griped pleasantly as you fisted the sheets under you.
"Fuuuck yeah," Kaminari grumbled, catching up with his friend's rhythm. He was over the moon, and was just trying not to cum prematurely so he could enjoy this moment longer.
"Don't be afraid to fuck her face," Hanta said smugly, repositioning his hands on your hips. "She loves choking on cock, ain't that right beautiful?"
You wept in agreement, looking up at Denki with soft, pleading eyes. You bobbed your head faster in his loose grasp, gagging and sputtering on spit and precum. The man above you groaned with satisfaction and fisted your hair and forced his dick deeper into your tight throat. His thrusts came in a perfect rhythm with Sero's, and whenever you moved, you were getting impaled from either end.
Your limbs shook as you struggled to breathe with the cock in your mouth, and your pussy clenched around Hanta desperately. You felt tears stream down your cheeks as you sobbed for breath, enjoying every moment. You nearly squealed as Sero pressed a vibrator against your clit, and your vision fuzzed a bright white.
"Gonna cum, baby?" Hanta egged on, panting for oxygen. "C'mere Den, kiss me."
You whined loudly as you heard the two men kissing above you, and your stomach tightened and rolled around pleasantly. You gurgled on Denki's cock as you came, pussy pulsing with need and delight.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Kaminari moaned in tune with his thrusts, so close to the edge that you could practically taste his cum already.
"Oh shit, y/n. You're so— tigHT," Hanta groaned as he rutted against you one more time before you felt his warm cum fill your insides.
Right on cue, Denki hit his peak right after Sero, moaning about how good your mouth felt and how hot you were, "god, Hanta, she looks so fucking good like this."
Denki let out a choked whine as he finally let his orgasm take over his body, and he held your head in place as his semen ran down your throat. You choked it down before Kami pulled away, and you opened your mouth to reveal strings of saliva and cum.
"Holy fucking shit," Denki said, exasperated, "I feel like I'm not gonna go soft for a week."
"You alright, my love?" Hanta said softly as he let you fall onto your chest, ass still up.
"Hell yeah," you mumbled, your voice scratchy and sore from being face-fucked. You watched Kami stand awkwardly as Sero wiped you down with a warm cloth, taking care between your thighs.
"Denki, go get some water please," Hanta instructed as he rolled you over. "You did so good, baby. The best."
You hummed softly in response, already feeling your eyes flutter sleepily. Kaminari held out a straw to you, and you sucked down the cool substance thankfully.
"That was the best blowjob ever," Denki sighed happily, watching Hanta scoop out the cum from your cunt.
"It was your only blowjob, Kami," you mumbled teasingly, a soft smirk on your face.
You felt yourself drift into a calm state, and you could only hear the muffled voices of your boyfriend, and... your other boyfriend? You fell into a comforting, dreamless sleep, and you knew that Denki would make a great addition to your relationship.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 01 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
Next part (02)->
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Ignoring the meaningless chattering, you drink what's left of your water, then put the glass against your neck, hoping the cold will help with the hot weather. Summers in California are always this hot, and since you're under the sun, it doesn't help. Some of your friends, or better saying, the family friends, the people you grew up with, are here again, using your pool as if it was some kind of club they can attend. Standing on this badly shaped circle, you pretend to listen as Ryan goes on about some mansion he helped his father sell this weekend. He's excited, gesticulating a lot, and the others seem to be quite interested too. But not you. Honestly, you couldn't care less.
Through the corner of your eye, you see someone moving on the other side of the huge pool, behind some trees. Turning your head to see it better, you easily recognize the new pool guy, Billy Hargrove. He's been working here for only a couple of months, coming a few times a week to clean the pool or to fix something. You always pay attention to the staff, because nobody else does. You like to know them since they're working at your house after all, and that made you befriend a lot of them throughout the years. But Billy? You haven't even crossed paths with him yet. On purpose.
Billy is by far the most handsome guy you ever met, and you just don't think you can say anything to his face. He probably thinks you're one of the silly, rich chicks he meets on his job, and for some reason, it bothers you.
“(Y/N).” Ryan snaps his fingers on your face, dragging you out of your thoughts. “Are you in there? Aren't you listening?”
“Yup. Sorry, I tuned out for a minute.” Politely, you apologize. “What were you saying?”
“The gala. Who are you going with?”
“Uhm... Not sure yet.” Playing with the empty glass, you move your weight from one leg to the other. “I don't have any good options.”
“What?” Gisele exclaims, giggling. “Robert wants to go with you. Daniel would easily ditch his date for you. And Michael–”
“Don't wanna go with neither of them.” Cutting her off, you decide to just say it. Robert is the most hateful person you ever met. Daniel has been chasing after you for years, it doesn't matter how hard you try to make him understand you don't like him, and every girl he dates, he does it to try and make you jealous. And Michael is a manipulative jerk. All three members of the most prestigious families of California, and desired bachelors. And yet, you can't stand them.
“Who are you going with then? The pool guy?” Gisele gestures at something across the pool, and you know at who.
“Maybe. I bet he's way better than Michael, Daniel, or Robert.” This makes all the five of them laugh, in a very mocking tone. But you mean it. “I might go by myself. Who cares?”
“Are you crazy? Your parents will care, and people will talk, you know that.” Ryan rolls his eyes, lightly slapping his friend's arm. “C'mon, Antony, let's find (Y/N) a fourth option.” The two guys smirk and walk away, and you don't even bother to ask what they're up to. You don't care.
“For real now, (Y/N),” Alice says, running her fingers through her hair. “Gisele is right. The three guys are so into you, and Robert...” She chuckles, exchanging a glance with Gisele. “He's hot. He's... So damn hot.”
“Why don't you go with him then?” You ask her, taking a deep breath and already thinking of an excuse to get away from this conversation and back into the secrecy of your bedroom.
“Because I'm dating.” She answers as if it was the most obvious thing. As if she didn't have a different boyfriend every month. “James Whayland. The one and only, heir to the Whayland fortune? Do you happen to know him?” A rhetoric question, of course. Everyone knows who the Whayland are. “I'm so gonna marry him.”
“You must,” Gisele adds. “You'd be like, stupidly rich.”
And they go on with that, a conversation you don't even try to follow. A lot of girls do that, getting married to join the fortunes and shove more money into their pockets. Your mother herself did it, and she tries to push you into doing the same, pointing out the richest bachelors of California. But you'd never do that. You rather never get married than getting married without love. It's so obvious, yet, if you bring that up, it always becomes an argument. ‘Love comes with time’, she says. ‘Once you're provided financial stability, you'll learn to love the provider.’ None of that sounds appealing to you. You're hoping to fall in love one day. It hasn't happened yet, but you'll patiently wait.
“Hey, Earth to (Y/N).” Ryan raises his voice, and, a little annoyed, you look up at him.
“You're welcome.” He says with a wicked smile.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilt your head to the side. “For what, Ryan?”
“For getting you the best date ever for the gala, sweetie.” He and Antony laugh, and soon enough the others follow. “The pool guy is taking you to a high society party. How amazing is that?”
It takes a while for you to even process what he's saying, but his mean tone makes you angry. He thinks he's superior to anyone who doesn't have a collection of fancy cars in their garage. “First of all, Ryan, the pool guy has a name, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. You're always close to the staff.” He emphasizes the last word, making a disgusted face.
“Second...” What? Second what? You know you can't go with Billy. That would get people talking. But then, the other options make you sick to even consider them. And honestly, you couldn't care less about what people say. It'll probably get you a hell of a lecture from your parents, a few weeks of gossips and mean comments, but that's it. Soon enough someone else will become the hottest topic. “You know what, forget it.” Putting the empty glass on the table, you walk away, ignoring how they call you, telling you not to be silly.
Maybe the guys are joking. Maybe they're just pulling a prank on you, but there's no problem with finding that out. Walking around the pool and into the garden, you walk around the supply closet, following the low noise of something being put into the metal shelves. The supply closet is open, so you patiently wait on the outside, barefoot on the grass as you move to stand to bellow a tree. Bouncing your leg, you look around, breathing deeply and trying to understand why the hell you decided to face Billy now. He's the only guy who works here you're making sure not to have any contact with.
“Good afternoon.” The voice startles you, and you immediately turn to face him. Billy is closing the closet door shut, eyes focused on you. And yes, he's far more gorgeous from up close. “May I help you, Miss–”
“(Y/N).” You cut him off, cursing yourself for doing so. “You may call me (Y/N).”
He simply nods, walking closer and stopping on a shadow spot too. “Do you need anything from me?”
“Uhm...” For a moment, you gotta think a little to remember what brought you here. “I just wanted to ask if maybe some two jerks came to talk to you... About a party... And... Taking a girl to this party...” Playing with your fingers, you wonder if he already thinks you're a total idiot.
“Yes. They said you needed a date for some gala.” Billy crosses his arms, not looking away from you. “If you need it, I can take you.”
Oh. Would he really do that? “Uhm... Look, Ryan and Antony meant it as a joke.” You gotta be honest, even if it means he'll give up the idea. “I mean, not for me, they're just... They're jerks. And they...” Holy crap. You have to get your shit together. “They thought it would be funny to make you think you could take me to this gala.” Taking a deep breath, you push the words out. “But... I would like it if you could because all my options suck. It's either Michael or Robert or Daniel, and you probably know they're all fighting for the award of the worst person on the face of Earth.”
“It might be really hard to make this decision. Might as well split the award in three.” He speaks up and you giggle. The staff don't usually speak like that about the families they work for. But Billy doesn't seem to care and you like that.
“Yeah. So... I know people will gossip about it but I'd be forever grateful if you could do me this kindness.” You're blushing now, biting your lip. “Because I know it's not your job or anything but I could pay you if you want.”
“There's no need.” Billy shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. “It's a party, right? It will be fun.”
“Oh... About that...” Calling such events ‘parties’ is a misunderstanding. Almost a crime. “These things... Suck. It's super dull, full of rich people donating, trying to donate more them someone else just so they'll show off how rich they really are... You'll absolutely hate it. I do.” Gesturing at yourself, you give him an apologetic look. “I'd owe you for life if you help me get through it without having to put up with any of those assholes.”
Billy nods, looking down before his eyes meet yours again. “I believe I'll have to wear one of those suits right?”
“Well, I'll be in some uncomfortable dress, so we'll both be unhappy about our clothes.” Your mind goes to the lilac dress your mother made you buy, extremely expensive.
“Alright then. It's on Sunday, right?” You nod. “Should I pick you up?”
“Yes. At seven.” He gives a small nod before gesturing at the garden. “I gotta go now.”
“Sure...” Billy waves before walking away, and you stand there, wondering if you should go back to your so-called friends. You're sure Ryan will have that stupid smile on, eager to know what you and Billy have spoken about. And you won't tell anything, but you also don't want to deal with that shit right now, or else you might tell right to their faces how much of a jerk they are. So you decide to follow Billy through the garden, easily finding him by a particular big tree. He's opening a leaf tarp on a clean space on the grass before taking a fan rake. “This tree is dying.” You say, getting his attention. Billy turns around, furrowing his eyebrows. “That's why there are so many fallen leaves. See how some of them seem healthy, normal green leaves? It only happens when the tree is dying.”
“Then you should have someone cut it down before someone gets hurt.” He says, looking a little confused. “Shouldn't you go back to your friends?”
“Yeah, I probably should.” You're tired of all the things you should do, so for today, you won't do them. As silly as it may be. “Do you need some help?” You ask, stepping forward a little.
“No, I'm alright.” It sounds like a question, and you blush from the way he stares at you, for several seconds, before focusing on his task, raking the leaves to the tarp.
“Ok.” Whispering, you move to sit on a wooden table, one of the many you have scattered around the property. You try not to look at Billy too much, noticing how weird it feels to do this. You barely know the guy, he'll be your date for a gala, and now you're awkwardly seated here, watching as he works. Well, it is better than whatever your friends must be talking about now. “So... What exactly do you work with?” You ask, hoping to get any kind of conversation going. “I thought you just took care of the pool.”
“I work for a company. BJ's Associates.” Billy starts, and you take this chance to look at him. Despite the distance, you can see the sweat glistening on his forehead. “They send me to any place I'm needed. Some of them are scheduled weekly, others are random. And–” He makes a pause suddenly, giving you a look. “Are you bored yet?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle. “I actually wanna know.”
He turns his head to look at the pool, which is a little distant now. Maybe he thinks this is some kind of move, and you wouldn't blame him, judging by the way the guys probably came to talk to him. “That's it. I clean pools, fix cars, might paint walls or something, clean gardens... The list goes on.”
“You know how to fix a car?” Raising an eyebrow, you move to seat on the table, placing both your feet on the wooden bench. “My car is making this weird noise and I'm sure it's not some normal noise.”
“How does it sounds like?”
“Like a clunking, I think... every time I hit the breaks, even when it's softly.”
“It could be some damage to the brake caliper.” He's quick to answer, and you raise your eyebrows, impressed. “Or it's badly mounted.”
“Damn, you're good.” You exclaim, giggling at his funny face.
“I just–”
“(Y/N)!” Amelia's voice reaches you, and Billy stops talking, resuming his job. “I've been looking for you.” The old lady, with her gray hair tied up on a perfect, sophisticated bun, comes to the table you're at, a tray with a jar and six glasses on her hands.
“I've been here chatting with Billy.” You tell as she lays the tray down. “And no, I won't go back to the pool.”
“They're talking about James Whayland.” She starts, rolling her eyes. Amelia is the only one in this house, well, the only one you know who understands you. “Alice Martin was talking about marrying him...?”
“Yup.” A stronger wind messes with your hair, so you use a hand to keep it away from your face. “Something about joining their fortunes and being the king and queen of California. Some shit like that.”
“Poor Alice.” Amelia breathes out, taking a glass and pouring some lemonade on it before handing it over to you. “That Whayland kid is not the nicest guy on Earth.”
“Poor James!” You giggle, putting your glass down and serving her some lemonade too. She doesn't like when you do that, since she's here to serve you. Amelia, the woman who raised you is here for nothing else than to serve you. So unbelievable it almost makes you laugh. “Alice isn't nice either. She can be very manipulative to get what she wants.”
“Don't I know?” She mutters. “Well, I must go. Serve this to your friends.”
“No, no, no. Take your glass and leave the rest. If someone complains tell them I'll drink the whole jar.” Taking the tray from her hands, you place it down on the table again.
“Alright, Miss–”
“(Y/N). Honey. Bunny. Anything, but not this formal stuff, ok?” You correct her, and Amelia gives you a bright smile.
“Alright, (Y/N).” She repeats before turning around and walking away, cordially greeting Billy.
Taking a sip from your glass, you smile to notice Amelia's lemonade is as good as always. A little too sour for your parents taste, but you like it better this way. Your attention goes back to Billy, still dealing with the fallen leaves, despite being almost done. If you ask, he might say no, so you just pour another glass before jumping to the ground, making your way over him. “Here.” Raising your voice, you get his attention. And once again he has this confused expression on his face when he sees the glass. “Lemonade. It's hella hot out here and this might help.”
“Thanks.” Squinting his eyes a little, he takes the glass from your hand, taking long sips, drinking almost everything.
“Sorry if it's a little too sour. I don't like much sugar on it and Amelia knows so...” When he's done, he gives you back the glass. “Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I'm not a ghost.”
“That's not it. I'm just not used to being treated like that by the owners.” Billy's voice gets a little darker, and he pronounces the last word with certain anger. But you can imagine exactly why. Most of the people you know aren't very fond of their employees. They're just the people they pay off to do what they can't do by themselves.
“I know how some of the families can be mean.” Drumming your fingers on the empty glass, you stand there, staring at Billy, just now noticing the deep, beautiful shade of blue from his eyes. Involuntary, you breathe out, smiling.
“Nothing!” You burst out, clearing your throat and finding your legs again, making the way back at the table. “I–”
“(Y/N)!” A shout startles you, and when you turn at the source of the voice, you see it's Gisele. “Get back here! You won't guess who just got here.”
“If it isn't Michael Jackson ready to perform Beat It, I'll be disappointed.” You mutter, only loud enough for Billy to hear it as you walk back to the pool.
“Call me if it's him,” Billy says and you giggle, giving him one last look.
It's not Michael. Well, it is, but not Jackson, just Michael Rothford. He stands by the pool, where everyone gathers around him. Trying not to look pissed, you move closer, offering a polite, fake smile. “Good afternoon, Mike. How have you been?”
“I'm way better now.” He answers, and you try to ignore how everyone moves a little, giving you more space to move closer to Michael. He takes your hand, giving it a shake, and awkwardly squeezing it softly. “I'm here to ask, once again, for you to let me take you to Sunday's gala.”
The two idiots, Antony and Ryan start giggling, and you know exactly why. “Sorry, Mike, I can't.” Pulling your hand away, you cross your arms. “I already have someone, so...” Thank God you have the perfect excuse, and it's not even a lie. You're so damn relieved you won't be forced to attend to such a boring event with someone like Michael.
“Who?” He snaps, suddenly pissed. “Daniel is going with that Angela chick. Robert, you can't stand. Andrew isn't in the country, Willian–”
“You don't know him, alright?” Cutting him off, you sigh.
“Oh, shit,” Ryan mutters, and you give him a look. He has a hand covering his mouth, trying to control a laugh. “You're really going to the gala with the pool guy.” Antony burst into laughter, and the others try to control themselves not to.
“You rather go with the staff than with me?” Michael sounds offended as if he was punched in the face. “Are you kidding me, (Y/N)?”
Quickly, you try to think of something to say. You can't say the truth, that he's a hateful human being you can't stand being next to. But nothing comes to your mind. “No, I'm not. I... Actually wanna go with Billy.”
“Honestly, (Y/N), screw you.” He barks, and before you can answer, he grabs both your shoulders and pushes you straight into the water.
Everything happens way too fast for you to process, so there was no way you could tell him you absolutely can't swim. So the moment you hit the water, you just sink, your body moving to the bottom, way too far from the surface. You do try moving your legs a bit, uselessly. But you're suddenly pulled, strong arms moving you through the water until you finally reach the surface, gasping for air. Breathing fast, the terror finally starts kicking in, and you push yourself up, stumbling a little, ignoring all the hands that offer help. Once you're out of the water, seated on the edge, you finally see who saved you, Billy, also pushing himself up, only with a lot more grace than you. You exchange a glance, and his hand is the one you take, pulling yourself back to your feet.
“You can't swim?” You hear Michael's voice, a curse caught in your throat. “I never met a Californian who can't swim.”
Not minding the small crowd around, you make you walk to Michael, losing no time before slapping him right on the face, the loud noise of your wet hand colliding to his cheek startling some of your friends. “Asshole!” You yell before storming away, embarrassed, still struggling to catch your breath, feeling cold thanks to your soaked clothes.
“Hey.” Someone calls, but you ignore them, walking fast into the house. “(Y/N).” Your arm being grabbed makes you stop walking and turn around, ready to make hell rain on whoever it is, but your fury melts away when you see Billy. “Are you ok?”
Taking a deep breath, you relax a little, nodding. “Yeah, I just... Got scared.” He lets go of your arm, but you don't step away, looking into his blue, calming eyes. “Thank you, though. You saved my life.”
“Can't believe he threw you at the water like that.”
“See why I need you to take me to that stupid party?” Crossing your arms, you pace around. “I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be to spend the night with that prick.” Looking down, you notice how you and Billy are dripping, soaking the white floor. “I gotta go change, and you should... I don't know. At least you got to enjoy the pool for a while.”
“I'd rather enjoy it when you're not drowning.”
“Yeah, that would be better.” Shyly smiling, you give a step backwards. “I gotta go... But thanks again.” Stopping in your tracks, you decide to be just a little brave. Stepping closer, you tiptoe to place a quick kiss on Billy's cheek, before turning around and rushing upstairs to your bedroom.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @alwaysadreamingoptimist
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jisvnq · 4 years
[ 02:11AM ]
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title | sneaking around
genre | fluff, suggestive, humor, chenle's little sister!reader
warnings | a makeout that's barely there, and a few hickeys oops
word count | 1.8k words
requested | by anonymous
description | where you're chenle's little sister and secretly dating jisung.
z.txt | the text for the headers keep messing up idk why :/ but eh can't really do anything about it ¯\(ツ)/¯ so also idk how to properly write those spicy spicy scenes yet, i'm still learning and i'm doing my best to improve each time :D i dunno, this was supposed to be a timestamp but i got kinda carried away ajdbwjfn here it is!!
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Jisung knew sneaking around behind his friends' backs was risky. He knew he'd get his neck snapped in half if he was found out to be dating someone without even his best friend knowing.
Oh, how he hoped to the heavens they didn't find out he was doing exactly that. And with his best friend's little sister out of all people.
"Meet me in my room after they fall asleep," you had whispered in his ear hours ago as you hid from your friends who searched around frantically for the two of you. "And make sure nobody sees you."
Jisung slowly and carefully pushed his best friend's head off his shoulder, watching in panic as the other boy's eyes groggily fluttered open.
"Hey, Jisung," Chenle slurred, still half-asleep. "Where are you going?"
"I– me?" Jisung stuttered, pointing to himself.
Chenle rolled his eyes. "Yes, you. Where are you going?"
"To the– uh," Jisung cleared his throat. "To the bathroom. I– uh, dinner didn't really settle well with me..."
Chenle nodded, waving Jisung off. "You know where the bathroom is, right?"
Jisung nodded, getting up fully and quietly opening the door. "Yeah. I do."
He waited until his best friend's eyes fluttered shut before heading out, closing the door and dashing into the hallway that definitely didn't lead to the bathroom.
Jisung's heart beat a mile a minute as he looked over his shoulder every few steps. If he got caught here, he was gonna be deader than the chicken they ate for dinner. And he was pretty sure that thing wasn't even remotely alive.
"Y/n," Jisung whispered as he knocked frantically on your door. "Y/n! It's me! I'm here! Open up already!"
He heard shuffling inside, and he cautiously looked behind him as if something or someone would just pop up out of absolutely nowhere and tell on him to your brother.
"Hm, I'm surprised you didn't chicken out on me," you hummed, opening the door, only for the boy to rush inside, making you chuckle. "That scared of getting caught, huh?"
"If Chenle catches me sneaking in here, you know he's gonna kill me," Jisung groaned, plopping onto your quite familiar bed.
"Why don't we just tell him then?" you inquired, sitting down beside him. "It's not like it's that big of a deal, you know?"
"Not that big of a deal?" Jisung said, giving you a funny look. "There's something called the Bro Code, Y/n. I'm not supposed to be dating anyone without the guys knowing, and sisters are supposed to be off-limits!"
You chuckled, when his eyes meet yours, pressing a small kiss to his forehead. "Oh, who cares about that silly little code of yours. Come on, Jisung. Lele won't mind. I'm sure of it."
"Chenle out of all people would definitely mind," Jisung said, raising a finger up with each statement. "One, you're pretty much a whole year younger than me. Two, I'm dating you without any of the guys knowing. And three, you're Chenle's sister. You're Chenle's sister, Y/n! Of course he'll mind!"
You rolled your eyes at the boy and pulled him up to sit next to you. "Jisung~ I'm telling you! Chenle won't mind~! Besides, the idiot had a crush on Renjun's younger cousin for like a year. He can't say anything."
"That was different," Jisung huffed, crossing his arms stubbornly. "Those were Renjun's cousins, not his sisters, and it's not like they were secretly dating now too. Chenle is so gonna kill me."
"Not if I can help it~" you chimed sweetly, crawling over to press a soft kiss on his lips and leaving him blushing furiously. "I love you~ my brother just has to come accept that. When we end up telling them, that is."
"You really think we should tell them?" Jisung asked you nervously as you climbed onto his lap. "Y- Y/n?"
"I think we should," you whispered, cupping his face with your hands. "If you want to. But I love you, and I don't think I'll be able to hide it from them any longer. You, Jisungie?"
Jisung felt his heart melt at the amount of love dripping from your lips as you uttered his name, the nickname he refused to let anyone else use. His eyes turning into beating hearts when they meet your similar ones.
Your lips curled upwards into a sweet, sweet smile, Jisung subconsciously mirroring it with his own. Jisung shook his head and you giggled, the sound echoing in his ears wonderfully.
Unable to bear the straining fondness for you in his chest any longer, Jisung leans in to press his lips against yours, hearing himself hum when you respond immediately to his kiss.
Your legs wrapped around his torso and you fell onto your bed with a soft thud, breaking the kiss to let out a few giggles.
"Shh!" Jisung tsked as you bit your lip to contain your laughs. "We're gonna get caught if we're this noisy!"
"Okay, okay," you grinned, copying his radiant smile. "Now, shut up and kiss me then."
"Good idea," Jisung chuckled, diving back in to press a deeper kiss to your waiting lips.
You wouldn't say you were the best at kissing, with the slight risk of getting caught always bugging you in the back of your head. But this time, along with a few nervous giggles, you seemed not to care for once, feeling the boy hover over you to press feather-light kisses all over your face and down to your jaw.
"So we're telling them tomorrow, right?" Jisung whispered, eyes locked nervously with yours. "Y/n?"
You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, pecking his cheek while doing so and making the flush on his cheeks deepen. You chuckled. "You mean later today, Jisungie."
"That means it'll be alright if I do this then," Jisung hummed, trailing kisses back down to your neck.
"If you do what?" you asked curiously, before letting out a gasp when you feel him suck harshly on your neck. "Park Jisung! What was that?!"
"Just... something," Jisung grinned at you mischieviously, kissing the bruising mark lightly before moving to place another one.
"Jisung, if those things leave marks..." you tried to threaten, failing in your act when a little whimper escapes your lips at his actions. "We- we're gonna be in big, big trouble."
"We're already planning on telling them later," Jisung said with sparkling eyes. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, teeth gently grazing your earlobe. "We can have some fun tonight."
"Hey, Y/n?" the door burst open. "Have you seen Ji– oh, there you are."
"Chenle!" the two of you gasped, Jisung immediately climbing off you with burning cheeks.
"Wha- what are you doing here?" you asked, looking at your brother who had a sleepy smirk on his face. "H- hey! Answer my question!"
"I was looking for Jisung," Chenle yawned. "But he wasn't in the bathroom, nor in the gaming room. Decided to check on you if you saw him."
Chenle eyed you up and down and hummed. "Looks like you two've been busy. I knew you just called him oppa for show."
"I– what?!" you shrieked, throwing one of your pillows at your laughing brother. "Shut up!"
"And... you aren't at all mad?" Jisung asked confusedly, looking to Chenle who made kissy faces at you, much to your annoyance.
"Mad?" Chenle repeated, looking to Jisung this time. "For what?"
"For... uh... finding me in here?" Jisung coughed, blush rising back to his cheeks. "You know, with your sister? You don't have the urge to snap my neck in half?"
"What?" Chenle snorted. "Snap your neck in half for making Y/n happy? Look, I'm just a bit disappointed you didn't tell me about it, but I can never get upset at you two idiots for long."
"So..." Jisung bit his lip, looking to you before looking back at Chenle. "It's alright if we're, uh, let's say–"
"Dating?" Chenle finished with an amused grin, seeing his best friend's face flush red. "Yeah, pretty much figured that out. Also, Renjun and Jeno owe me, Hyuck, and Jaemin hotpot now, so–"
"Wait, you bet on us?!" you asked in disbelief, throwing another pillow at your brother. "You bastards!"
"Oops," Chenle snickered, tossing the pillows back onto your bed. "Anyways, I'm gonna go get some sleep, so you two better not do anything more than kissing. I might just take Jisung's PS4 privileges away next time the guys come over."
"My PS4 privileges?!" Jisung gasped. "Why mine?!"
"What, are you planning on getting them taken?" Chenle teased, making Jisung shut his mouth. "And it's yours because you're the older idiot here, and because Y/nnie gets sister privileges."
Jisung lifted his arms up in exasperation before letting them fall to his sides. "I mean, I don't plan on getting them taken now, but I–"
"Jisung, you idiot," Chenle cut the boy off, throwing a pillow to the younger boy's head. "That's my sister you're talking about, watch it."
"Alright, fine," Jisung said with a snicker, seeing Chenle give him a pointed look. "Nothing will happen. I am the responsible one in the relationship here."
"That is very debatable," Chenle said, making a face. "But I'm serious about it, Park Jisung. Try anything on Y/n and I'm kicking you out."
"Gotcha," Jisung grinned, saluting to his best friend who went out the door.
"Also," Chenle smirked, looking at the marks on your neck. "I think you should cover those up before Dad comes home for dinner later. I don't think he'll be as chill as I am about leaving you and Jisung alone in a room together."
"Y- your Dad's coming over for dinner?!" Jisung said, his jaw dropping as he stared at both you and Chenle in disbelief. "Oh my God..."
"Oops," you grinned sheepishly at him. "Forgot to tell you. He wanted to meet up with you all later today..."
"Ah, shit," Jisung groaned, plopping down onto your bed as Chenle laughed out loud. "Chenle, you are given full permission to snap my neck in half now. Please hurry on with it."
"No can do, bro," Chenle snickered, seeing the look of dismay on Jisung's face as he went out, closing the door behind him. "Y/nnie would kill me if I did. Gotta blast~"
"Y/n, will you–"
"No, Jisung," you sighed, shaking your head as you laid down next to him. "I am not snapping your neck in half for you."
"Well, fuck me then."
"Maybe when we're older."
"Y/n, no–"
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fydream · 4 years
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44 | previous | next | m.list | main m.list |
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a/n: hi yes! another differently formatted chapter! word count is 2.2k, so it’s not that long. also this semi-proof read sorry (meaning i did proof reading and editing while writing it but i didnt give it one last over view.. again, sorry) hope u like it! :D 
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You sigh as you swing your legs back and forth from the countertop you were sitting on. Currently, you, Renjun, Chenle, and Jeno were all at Hyuck's house hanging out. Your sigh catches the attention of Renjun which prompts him to ask "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing." You say, trying to brush it off.
He furrows his eyebrows. "It's not nothing. If it's bothering you this much why don't we talk about it?"
You pout at him, hoping he'll pick up a sign that you don't want to, but still he insists that you tell him what's wrong.
"Well.." You mumble. "Jisung said he wanted to talk to me tonight.."
"Sorry, what?" Renjun asks. "I didn't hear you."
"Jisung said.. he wanted to meet up to explain everything." You say, a little louder this time.
"Jisung what?!" Renjun exclaims, getting the attention of everyone else in the room.
You sigh in defeat as you watch Jeno tense at the name of his ex-friend.
"What's this about Jisung?" Jeno asks.
"Nothing." You mumble, trying to find something else to talk about.
"No no, it's okay. I won't be upset." Jeno reassures. "What about Jisung?"
"He wanted to clear up a few things with me." You answer, glancing at the clock propped up on Hyuck's kitchen wall.
Donghyuck seems to notice how fast your eyes move and asks "Tonight?"
"Yeah. In like an hour or so actually." You confirm.
"Are you sure you want to go?" Renjun asks you.
"Well.. yeah. I kinda want an explanation."
"Are you sure?" Chenle asks. "Like, one hundred percent sure?"
"Yeah?" You nod, confused on why they seemed so concerned with you meeting up with Jisung again.
"Why?" He asks.
"I literally just told you why." You answer, annoyance prominent in your voice.
"Okay." Chenle says, backing off, hands raised in defense.
"Do you, uh, need a ride?" Donghyuck asks, hoping to clear the air a bit.
"Yeah, sure." You agree, hopping off the kitchen counter. It takes him back a little, he wasn't expecting that kind of response, especially that quickly.
"Oh, uhh, now?" He asks as he watches walk towards his hallway.
"Uh, yeah?" You say as he looks at his two friends and his boyfriend confusingly. They shrug in response. You can hear Chenle say "Hey man, you offered to drive. Not us."
You pause in between the end of the hallway and the entrance to the kitchen to watch the four boys start to quarrel.
"Jeno, you'll come with me, right?" Donghyuck asks and Jeno shoots him a look.
"Are you insane?" Jeno responds. "I don't wanna talk to him."
"You're not going to talk to him. Y/n is."
"Okay, then I don't want to see him."
"Fine." Donghyuck scoffs, before turning his head to look at Renjun and Chenle who were already saying no.
"What are you gonna do?" He asks them.
"We're gonna watch your house. Duh." Chenle responds.
"Actually. They're gonna watch your house." Renjun corrects, pointing at Jeno and Chenle. "I'm going to watch Chenle."
"Whaaat!! That's not fair!" He protests.
"I trust Jeno more than you." Renjun retorts back.
Donghyuck sighs in defeat. "Fine. Just don't do anything stupid." He says, turning to walk towards you and you can see the three boys cheer behind him. It causes you to giggle, and Donghyuck is just happy you're happy.
Once out of his house and into his car he asks you where you're going. You tell him not to worry and that you'll just give him the directions on how to get there. It only worries him more.
"I dunno y/n. It seems kinda sketch."
"Listen I know you don't trust the guy, but you trust me, right?" You ask.
"Then trust me, that it'll be okay."
"Okay." He sighs. "You lead the way."
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"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Donghyuck asks as you step out of the passenger seat to his car.
"Yeah. I'm sure." You sigh.
"Okay.. Just. Call me if you need me. I'll be nearby, okay?"
"I'll be fine, Hyuck. Don't worry."
"Whatever you say.." He mumbles before rolling up his window and driving away.
Walking to the only other human like figure around you, you start to wonder if Jisung is really worth your time. Sure you missed the time you spent together, all the hours in the library studying and having stupid debates over the simplest things like, the best ice cream flavor, or how to write the number eight. Yeah you missed it, but was it really worth going back to? You could do these with anyone, even the new friends you've made so far this year. But for some reason, it was different with Jisung.
Maybe it's because you did like him. Or maybe it's because he was really different from your other friends. Yes you love Hyuck, and Renjun, and Chenle to death but it was nice having someone else to talk to, someone who didn't know everything about you, someone you could make different memories with.
"You came.." He says. It's not loud, but it's not quiet either. It's enough to snap you out of your thoughts though.
"Yeah." You nod. "I wanna know.. the truth. And only the truth."
"Do you promise to believe me?" He asks.
You don't respond for a second, you just stare at him with a blank face. You can tell that his eyes are shaky and you can't tell if he's about to cry or not.
"I don't want to make a promise I can't keep."
Needless to say, you could practically feel Jisung's heart shatter.
"Okay." He nods. "Where do you want me to start?"
"I don't know? The beginning?"
"Oh.. Right." He mumbles. "Well um.. You- You see.. It started like- uhm- like."
"So are you gonna tell me or are you just going to keep stalling?"
"I mean. I can wait, I do have all night for your information." You spit, crossing your arms. "Do you? Or do you have another date planned after this? Y'know, one where you lied to another other girl too?"
"I- What? I don't have another 'date' after this.." He defends. "I've.. I've been alone for the past month and a half.. What are you talking about?"
"So I've heard."
"Look." Jisung sighs, you notice that he looks tired. "I don't wanna fight. Can we just start over?"
"Okay Park Jisung, we can do whatever you want." You scoff. "Hi! I'm y/n l/n, I came to have a conversation. Are we going to have one, or not?"
"You want me to start at the beginning?" He yells. "Fine then! I'll start at the beginning. I'll tell you whatever the fuck you wanna hear!"
"It's true! In the beginning of the school year I was bored and was looking for someone to date. But then I met you! And you were different!"
"Oh yeah? Well I bet you tell that to every girl you meet!" You yell back at him.
Ignoring what you said, Jisung decides to continue. "For some reason something clicked with you. I don't know what it was and I don't remember when, but something just clicked. You really were different. I started enjoying your company a lot more and everything just felt right.. around you."
"This is bullshit." You mumble before turning to walk away. Part of you didn't want to leave because you knew what he was talking about, something clicking. The other part of you decided that this was probably all a lie. "If he's lied to me before he'll do it again." You think trying to convince yourself to leave.
"I'm sorry, Jisung." You sigh. "I really want to believe you, trust me, I do. But you've told me things before.. and you lied to me about them. So who's to say that you aren't lying to me right now?"
There's no response. He just looks at you and you can see the small bits of hope leave his eyes. "Okay." You sigh with a nod before turning to leave. You get pretty far away when you hear him yell your name in attempt to get you to stop walking away from him. "Before you go.. can I please just tell you something?"
You let out a tired sigh. "What is it?"
"You don't have to believe me." He starts. "But you remember that night we spent together? The one right here? In this exact spot?"
You nod. "You mean the night that you lied to me?"
Your words sting, but he decides to continue anyways, trying his best to not show how much that hurt him.
"I meant everything I said that night.. All those words I said were true y'know.." He whispers. "I miss you."
"I miss seeing how your eyes lit up.. And I miss seeing your smile.. I still see it every now and then, but it's not directed at me and it just hurts. I miss our silly disagreements and how we'd drag them on for what felt like ages. I miss driving you home because even though they were silent drives I felt safe and comfortable with you there. It didn't have to be loud like when I drove around with my other friends. I miss the little dates we went on, and ye-yes you'll never hear me say it again but they were all dates. I miss that day at the mall.. before everything went down. Do you remember?" He asks.
You nod again. This time it's smaller and more subtle.
"Y'know.. That's the day I started realizing I liked you." He admits.
Closing your eyes you whisper, "Stop talking."
But he doesn't listen. He just continues.
"You were playing some dumb game.. I don't remember if it was a claw machine or ski ball but it was something.. You were so focused. You even stuck your tongue out a little.. you got so into it."
"Stop talking." You say again, louder this time.
"You looked so pretty.." He sighs. "And you were so excited when we raised enough tickets to get a bag of candy for ourselves. They kicked us out because we sat on the air hockey table, remember? I don't know if they'll ever let us back in there, but it was fun while it lasted." He laughs.
"I said stop talking!" You practically yell, turning to face towards him.
"Why?" He asks, giving you a sad look.
"Because I don't want to remember that day." You sigh.
"Why?" He asks again.
"I don't wanna say why."
He takes a step closer to you. "You can tell me anything."
You sigh in defeat.
"Did you feel it too?" You ask him and he nods.
"So you know?"
"I do."
"Then why do I have to say it?" You ask.
"Because if you say it, then it's like you're accepting the truth."
"I don't like how you know what I feel." You mumble to yourself as he takes another step closer.
"What if I don't.. say it?" You ask.
"Then just give me a sign." He says.
"Do you miss me?" He asks. By this point the sun has gone done, and if weren't only you two here you probably wouldn't have heard him.
You nod. "I do."
"Are you mad at me?" He asks.
You nod again. "I am."
"That's okay." He says. "I understand."
This time, you take a step back.
"Do you wanna be mad at me?"
Instead of responding this time, you ask, "Why do you get to ask all of the questions?"
"I never said you couldn't ask any." He says while you shoot him a glare.
"Okay then." You start, deciding you were going to play this little game with him. Taking a step forward you ask, "Why did you choose me?"
He shrugs. "I dunno. You were new."
You scoff at his response. "Predictable."
Thinking of a better question to ask him, you say, "How can I believe you?"
"You can't." He responds. "You just have to trust me. Do you trust me?"
"I do."
He nods.
"Do you trust me?" You ask him, breaking the pattern you two have created.
"I do." He says, echoing your answer.
You nod.
"So.. What now?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"What do we do now?"
"Ah." You sigh. "That's what you meant."
"Well.. Yeah." He says. "I don't know if you know this but.. this is the closet we've been ever since.. what happened. Yet it's still the furthest we are from each other."
"Can you just shut up, for once?" You ask, voice playful in tone.
Jisung hears it and he gives you a small smile, liking the sudden change in atmosphere. "I dunno.. Will I?" He jokes.
"You're silly." You say, while a smile starts to form shortly after.
"..Can we start over?" He asks, and you can tell he's being serious.
He looks scared. Nothing like the same boy who you saw just a second ago, the one who was starting to be comfortable with you again.
"I'd understand if you didn't want to. Or if you don't want anything to do with me anymore after this. I just thought.. it'd be the right thing to ask."
"Do you promise not to break my heart?" You ask.
"Only if you promise not to break mine." He responds with a smile.
"No promises." You say, grabbing his hand and interlocking it with yours.
"Hey!" He exclaims. "You can't do that!"
"Yes I can. I just did."
"I'll take this as a yes then?" He asks, a giggle following afterwards.
"Yeah. You can take this as a yes."
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✰ how to be a heartbreaker
↳ so what happens when park jisung, the school’s infamous fuckboy runs into the new girl at school? out of boredom he decides it’ll be fun to have someone new to play with, but little does he know, she’s learning how to be a heartbreaker.
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minyoonkeeks · 5 years
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Pairing:Jin x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Summary: It was one thing to love him in secret, but when you think he might like you back it changes everything. (90% Fluff, 7% Angst, 3% I don't know what this is)
Warnings: None really, there is 1 mention of throwing up for like a second and a few mentioning anxiety but nothing serious
A/N: This is the first fic I've ever decided to write. I hope it resembles him a bit, but it was fun writing. I don't know if I'll continue either, I just hope I did Jin some justice (:
Becoming his friend always felt natural, kind of like mac meeting its cheese, or peanut butter finding its jelly. He was sweet, funny, goofy Seokjin. 2 years younger, but no one could ever tell the difference. He was smart, where it counted. He hated bugs, was extra competitive, and loved marvel as much as you. That made your friendship fun. You would chill in his apartment, play endless games of super smash, and compare recipes whenever you found something new you'd want to try. Because you came from different social groups, it seemed odd at first to your friends. They laughed when they couldn't picture it being real.
"No way _____! Do both of you just have pout monologues? Because I would hate to be in the middle of that blab fest!" Hobi joked as he pictures both of you endlessly going off on each other. You both have certain quirks and apparently over talking was one of them. The more you guys interacted when you were all together, the more your friends didn't believe it.
It wasn't until the first time you had all gone to the movies together as a group. Seokjin sat next to you and you could have sworn all the girls gave the biggest groan, making you turn beet red and Seokjin laugh awkwardly. But once all of your friends realised that's exactly what it was, a friendship, they were quick to stand up for it, because there wasn't anything more. Even when your girlfriends started noticing him.
Sometimes, a lot of times, being his friend was hard. He was a 10 everywhere he'd go, regardless of how nerdy he came off when he spoke. When he wore his dumb round glasses around his beautiful face girls would swoon saying that he looked like a lawyer. Sure, he'd never win with his dumb logic, you thought.
When he would have to attend a fancy dinner in slacks and the same blue button up with white stripes on the sleeve citing that it made him look longer even though you swore he was a whole nother you taller. "Look, you just have to go with me, no one else is fun, and they won't bug me if you go instead." He would insist, telling you his parents didn't mind if it was you going instead of another date. That would sting, you were never the date.
When he'd sit and play guitar to pass the time between picking you up from work and your coworkers would stare out the window and wonder when he would notice them. "How do you even function with him, ______? You clearly have the worst taste in guys if you don't find him attractive" one of them would say. 
"Yeah, sure, if you think gumby limbs are attractive." You'd scoff back, even though deep down you knew he was. Those were the most annoying times. Being Kim Seokjin's friend was definitely not easy.
"Hey, hurry up, we'll miss the next screening of Thor and I don't want to miss the credits!" Jin yelled from the lobby, making everyone turn and glare at how loud he was being, at least until they saw his face and proceeded to gawk at him.
"I know, I know, nerd. I don't get how you can watch this for the 5th time in theaters. Like you have a huge TV at home, why rewatch it here?" You quipped grabbing the popcorn from the attendant who just glared at you for calling Jin something other than Worldwide Handsome.
"I already told you, there's nothing like rewatching it with people who get it. And you know you get it or else you wouldn't have come with me anyway" he teased, making that pout that makes your heart flutter a little too much.
Those were most days with Seokjin and sometimes you couldn't take the stares from everyone. The ones that said "Hey why is that short girl hanging out with Jin all the time? He looks like he's babysitting." "Isn't it her though? She's the delusional one, he's way too good to cut her off though, I bet it's pity." You would overhear. You get it. It wasn't ideal for some tall, gorgeous albeit weird man to be hanging out with you of all people, but Jin didn't care because you were friends... friends. That's it.
And yeah, it hurt sometimes, seeing him go on dates, or staying at his apartment when he would tell you to wait for him, even though he was out with a girl 10 times prettier, he always came back alone. Always came back to you.
You had become a confidante for him. Someone who knew a little more, but didn't judge no matter what he did. You were the cool friend, the one everyone could depend on to be there, the one everyone joked to Jin about when they'd tell him to go look after his noona, and you, being as awkward as you were, always played it off when you'd see the pink hue in his cheeks. It never crossed your mind to think any different of him until your regular movie night Wednesday. 
You were binging Lord of the Rings on his couch, in your cookie monster pajamas left over from last time while you sat next to Jin, tired from working all day.
"I guess an office job can wear you out." He chuckled.
"Definitely in more ways than one. My brain can only take so much annoyance from everyone. I just need Aragorn to murder a few orcs and it'll make me feel 10 times better." You said yawning, while Jin just stared at the TV hands on his knees. He seemed out of it for some reason, but your day being as long as it had you didn't want to pry. Sometimes Jin liked silence, and this was definitely one of those times. 
As you watched the elves on screen, bow and arrow shooting towards the dark, you started dozing off on a pillow placed near his lap. You could feel his fingertips rubbing your scalp the way you had mentioned your mom did when you had a hard time sleeping. You could hear him humming a song, your favorite, especially because he had written it for your birthday last year. Things like this made you wish sometimes that people wouldn't joke the way they do. That it wasn't weird for you to be friends, because Jin got you. He knew you were quiet some days, and extra loud others. He knew when you just needed someone to lean on, and you hoped that's what you were to him.
And there in the quiet, as you were almost asleep, you heard him. Three simple words.
"I love you."
It felt surreal and incredibly intimate. But even though you wanted to look up and tell him you loved him too, you froze. Eyes shut, breathing heavy, and panic setting in. You didn't know what to do. You can't tell if he just meant it as a friend. And if he did then you'd lose him, the one person to make you feel like you belong when you really didn't. He kept stroking your head and you told yourself it wasn't a big deal, that you would pretend to sleep, until sleep became real, and in the morning you'd leave just as friends, how it's always been.
When you wake up, you feel really uncomfortable, not being able to get anything out of your head. Over thinking as always, and if this was any other situation, Jin would be the first person you'd tell. But that obviously wasn't possible, so you got up and grabbed you things, said an awkward goodbye and left him cooking pancakes for the both of you.
"Are you sure you don't want any?" He yelled as you were already opening the door to get out of his apartment.
"No it's fine. I forgot I had a meeting to get to and I have to go change and get ready. I'll text you later." You yelled back, trying to sound casual, and not like you were on the verge of throwing up from the anxiety.
You texted him that night and told him you needed to focus on work, that you'd have to go to a few meetings after and you wouldn't be able to meet up. His demeanor never changed, it was always silly Seokjin, always calm,cool, And sweet Seokjin.
JIN: Hey, no worries you're fine. I have to go to a few dinners too, but since you'll be in meetings I'll have to take Hobi or Tae, they're the only ones that like these events anyway.
YOU: Thanks, you should take that girl that you took last time though or you'll end up old and alone. :P
JIN: Maybe, not sure. I'll text you later though, bye!
It was fine right? You would be fine. And he would go out and be his normal charming cool guy self. Just like always. You just needed a moment to get back into the friend zone. And although you'd just lay in bed and lie to him about where you were, you knew eventually you'd have to see him. 
So the day came, well, he more so showed up at your apartment at two am and you couldn't really avoid him. When you opened the door, you don't look up, even though he towers over you. 
"____ what's wrong?"
You can hear the hurt in his voice as he says your name, and yet, you know that if you look up he'll see right through you. So you stare at his feet.
"Nothing just tired from work. What's going on?" You mumble, trying to keep your composure as you look up as him for the first time. He sighs and looks away, scratching the back of his head, trying to figure out what to say next.
"What did I do? Are you mad? I just, I don't know why you're avoiding me, and you tell me everything. So I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong." He tells you quietly, as if he was reassuring himself to you. That your friendship meant more than just a few races of Mario Kart or a permanent plus one that he didn't have to explain more than just, "yeah, she's a friend." And everyone would just get it, no questions asked. 
But suddenly you were in his arms, and you can smell the fresh cotton scent you've become so used to. You can feel his warmth when he presses into you and you can hear his heartbeat pounding into your ears. 
It wasn't like you didn't miss him, you did, too much for a friend though. And how were you going to break it to him. That you, the one who's supposed to be the cool noona, who doesn't mind just being friends, was in too deep? How could you tell him so he just gives you time to be his friend again? Because losing him would be way worse than anything else thrown at you.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you wrap your arms around his torso in response to his sudden hug. It was second nature to do so, but this time it just felt like it was the last time and you wanted to hold on as long as possible. He brushed your hair with his fingers, and swayed side to side because he knew that made you smile. You took a deep breath, not realizing you had been holding it in since he had first leaned against you.
"It's ok, _______, hey I'm fine, you're fine, nothing's wrong. I know you need space sometimes, but I can't have you lying to me about where you are when we tell each other everything. I didn't mean to scare you. Hey, it's ok don't worry." He pats your head and holds you close realizing for the first time that you're crying. You clear your throat and back away from him wiping away your tears with your sweater paws, trying to regain a little sanity.
"I wasn't lying, I'm just ... tired." You tell him sounding coarse, more tired than you knew. "Work is overwhelming and I just needed some time to myself. You know me, I..."
"No, you don't,not from me anyway. You don't and I know because I know you _____, like the back of my hand I know you." Jin said, sounding louder than he meant to. Taking a step back and breathing once before continuing, "But, I get it. I'm not sure why, but I get that you need space from me." He looks down and sighs, making your heart break a little more each time. He pinches the bridge of his nose and you know it's his form of keeping a level head. He does it when he's mad, or worse, when he doesn't want you to see him cry. 
He looks at you one more time and you can tell. He's tired, and his pleading look is something you thought you'd never be the cause of. But, what's worse? Leaving it here, or telling him the truth and watching him walk out, for real this time?
"Just... give me 2 more days. I just need 2 more days and I promise I'll come back. I just... I just need 2..." you stare at him, but with your own pleading look this time, you words soft and sad. For what, you don't know. Maybe the end, realizing, it might be the last time he visits you?
"Ok, ok _______. 2 days, but when you come back to me I want to know. I really do, whatever you give me. I'll accept it, just like you do to me. No judgement, no worries. But please, 2 days, come back." He grabs your hand and rubs along your wrist, a sign of affection he was used to giving you as he goes in for one more hug. This time he holds you a little tighter, maybe even a little longer, before he clears his throat, takes a deep breath and turns to walk to his car.
You stare at him going down the sidewalk and breathe, 2, 3. He's almost gone ______, and then you really need to get your shit together before you really lose him, you chide yourself silently.
Jin turns and waves, nodding once for goodbye while he smiles softly. His cheeks puff a little in the lamplight and you can see a glare. There was no way he was crying was there? You'd only seen him do it once when you dared him to eat your grandma's salsa that had a little too much jalapeño causing him to cry out in pain. The confused look you had, made him stop for a second before getting into his car and leaving towards his home.
Lying in bed, you kept twisting and turning, feeling way too hot to sleep and nothing could fix it. You walk to the kitchen and pull out some food, but it just gives you nausea thinking about what just happened so you settle for the milk and cereal.
Why'd you have to be so suspicious looking? Like you did something you weren't proud of? I mean, being in love with your best friend isn't a crime, it's just, not common, especially between you two. You went over the scenario in your head again, thinking about what you should have done differently so you wouldn't have to tell him the truth. You look at the cereal and look at the almost empty carton of milk before you grab a bowl and throw everything in trying to stuff your face and forget. 
2 days, 2 days, to figure out how to tell Jin that you love him in a way that isn't the same anymore. And it's all his fault, his, and stupid Lord of the Rings, that you promised to never watch again if this didn't fix itself.
To say that you were productive in trying to figure out the best way to tell your best friend that you were in love with him was a complete over exaggeration. You lied in bed, eating snickers, listening to old Taylor Swift songs- that you hated, but Jin thought were cute, and cried into your pillow like a maniac. There were moments of clarity sure, where you'd write, or at least begin to write, Jin a letter of things you wanted to tell him. Maybe give him a pros and cons list of being your friend still, but you always came up short, Both literally and figuratively. It was frustrating because at the end of the day, Jin had everything. He had his best group of friends, he had girls fawning over him, he had a stable family, a bougie apartment, and a great job. All you offered were some really intense matches of Capcom VS Marvel, and we all know, Jungkook would be a much better opponent. But here you were, trying to figure out where you went wrong, why you had to take his confession in any other way than platonically, and therefore ruin your friendship.
Day 2 came by after a sleepless night. You called Jin and told him as cool as you could that you'd be at his house no later than 8, and to be ready with Captain America Winter Soldier because it was the best and he couldn't change your mind.
"Yes, I get it. Bucky is your dude, no need to rub it in. Don't forget though" his voice getting softer, "I miss you so hurry up"
"Yes I know, you can't live without me and life is unbearable because you have no one warm to cuddle to. Although, I should definitely charge for being your own personal teddy bear." You laugh, as calmly as you can, nerves on the other end running towards you throat to make you sound cringier than normal. 
7 o'clock came and you got ready. Jeans and Jins sweatshirt, not that he would care. Most of them ended up in your house and consequently on you because you liked that his long arms made the perfect sweater paws. You put your hair up in a bun and you told yourself once more through the mirror, "Hey, it isn't the end, everything goes, and if he does too, you'll survive". You nodded to yourself and put the best fake smile you could as you walk towards your car and get in, driving to your version of the end of the world.
Jin opens the door and his eyes light up in the best possible way. You always admired that about him, his true emotions always on his sleeve, and today, you hoped that his eyes would stay like this even after your confession. 
"You gonna let me in or do I have to shove my way through?" You smile as best you can, telling yourself, only a few more minutes until it's all over, just breathe, you'll be ok.
"Nah, you can fight me first!" he teased and went in for a hug. You inhaled his scent like it was the only oxygen you could ever need in life. It was odd, he didn't let go, and although you hated the thought of doing it first, you knew you had to, so you rubbed his back a second went in for the kill, tickling him in his ribs when he least expected it.
"Really!? Wait, no stop! STOP IT YOU WIN!!" He yells as he pulls you in for another hug, He breathes you in for a second, relaxing, "I really missed you. This was way too long, and I don't know how I survived without you" he sighed, his shoulders slouching into you, even when he could easily engulf your whole body in his large frame.
You blush pulling back and patting his arm in the friendliest of ways, "Back at you! Let's go watch Bucky be a beast!" Hoping that he didn't see you cringe to yourself as you said it.
What a dork, you murmur to yourself as you sit on his couch, knocking your shoes off one at a time. You sit cross legged on the sofa waiting for the movie to start before Jin turns off the screen.
"Hey" he says as he sits in front of you on the floor in the same exact way as you. You look at him, a sneer in your stare as you grab a pillow and throw it at his head. He chuckles as he turns away trying not to get hit. But as he turns back you can see the look in his eyes. It's the same one he had 2 nights ago, and it's the one you knew would come back today.
"Yeah, what's up" you tell him, tilting your head to the side,hoping he can just see the tension in your face and leave it alone.
He stares at you for a quick second, thoughts floating in his pupils about what move to make next.
He gets on both knees and gets close to your face, startling you frozen in front of him. You can feel him breathing on you, and you don't know why, but the sudden urge to cup his face with your hand comes out snd you're rubbing your thumb across his cheek. 
He holds your hand within his and closes his eyes for a second, and you can feel him shaking slightly. Is he nervous? Does he think you'll leave him on purpose? I guess it's now or never.
"Jin, I.."
"I know, and if it makes you feel better, I do too."
"Lies, you don't even know what I'm going to say. Do you always have to win? I mean I try my hardest and it's not fair when your fingers are longer than ..." and his lips are on yours, effectively shutting you up from saying something even more stupid than you already had.
You look around the room, feeling like it's spinning, holding on for dear life to his sweater collar because if you let go you'd collapse. 
You close your eyes and and scrunch your face trying to burn it into your memory. A kiss, that's all this is, but it's not. It's his kiss. It's dorky, nerdy, handsome, beautiful Jin's kiss and it's perfect, just like him.
You slowly wrap your hands around his neck as he breathes you in, turning slightly so you can be more comfortable and pulls back to smile at your dumbfounded face. You keep your eyes closed hoping it wasn't just a figment of your imagination before you hear him chuckle, his stupid Jin chuckle.
"What? Why are you laughing? Is this funny to you? How?! How rude" you aim to slap his arm, but he catches it and grabs you by the waist pulling you in for a hug.
"Don't ever do that again, you promise? It wasn't fun, and I don't know if I scared you when I told you I love you because I thought you were sleeping, but I really meant it." Jin kisses your collarbone as he nuzzles into your neck.
"I didn't know, I really didn't, but I'm glad I do now. This anxiety was killing me, and literally the only person I could tell was Tae and we all know how weird he gets when we talk about our feelings. I mean, remember that one time I-"
"Just, here, -" He places another kiss on your lips, then your cheeks, your nose, and your forehead, effectively making you mush. "At least now I know how to really shut you up when you start your monologues"
"Oh shut up and come here" you smile and you pull him up to the couch and snuggle with him under the blanket. 
This was the one thing you didn't think would happen today, and although you lost maybe 10 years from the anxiety alone, it was definitely worth it, you tell yourself as you look at him while he's singing along to the marvel theme song. 
That's my nerd, my Jin.
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Tommy & Ali
Chatting ‘bout Christmas, boy troubles, pregnancy AND THE FACT THE BABY IS TOTALLY NOT DREW’S LOLLOLLOL
Tommy: Oi! 😼 What you gettin da cos like even I feel cheeky considering socks for 2 years running Ali joined the chat 3 hours ago Tommy: I was gonna go full rivers of whiskey cept I'd probs drown myself in it before the bottle was in the bag 😂 Ali: So you should, elf on the shelf! Socks should only ever be an add-on prezzie, even if they're DEAD comical, like. Ali: Speaking of elf on the shelf, would you be willing to come round mine every day at the crack of dawn (aka JUST before the kiddos will arise like horrible demon krakkens from the depths) so I can arrange you in comical positions and situations? Ali: They love that shit. I on the other hand want to murder the CEO of whatever company/the high-key mum mafia that made this shit popular again. Ali: I've got me thinking cap on for the old man for ye...Hmm Ali: (and how rude to get cuffed for the season and not even get to the part where you get a bomb-ass present/someone to tout around the family functions...rude. You not actually at the bottom of a bottle quite yet though, yeah? Doing the obligatory welfare checkup here) Tommy: Excuse you miss money bags! 💰 just 'cause you're one of the rare artists who ain't starving like! some of us don't have boyfriends who cook or paying audiences Tommy: so yeah obvs! Gotta keep in shape just in case don't I? catch me pirouetting across your patio bitch Tommy: Green's my colour these days and red's always been signature Tommy: I'm alright (love you for asking!) how's you? Tommy: Genuinely Ali: Oh yeah, 'cos father will flip his shit if the price tag ain't AT LEAST three figs... 😏 Silly billy, and oi, oi! My student loan ain't kicked in yet ...I'm on a gap yaaaaaah though, darling, I've simply GOTTA act like a frivilous rich bitch. Deal with it, you're still the shady bitch of the fam, okay? 😘 Ali: Yaaasss, you're gonna have to drop a couple of pounds to fit in that teeny costume but a day in the life of a TRUE star init, babe? I believe in you Ali: Bet you didn't come here to be called fat, did you? How fucking cheeky is that forreal Ali: Colour of luck boy 🍀🍀🍀 Ali: Hmm, ngl I'm in a bit of a...situation, and I ain't talking I've forgot to order a turkey Tommy: Imagine...jog on old man just 'cause went for the quantity with the sprogs doesn't mean you'll get quality back soz Tommy: try it but good luck trying to get your little uns to deal with you being the spoilt one 😂 Tommy: well since I got the 🍀 its 🤞 Tommy: feckin hell has caleb forgotten kids are for life not just chrimbo again? Tommy: I'll deck his halls if he's being a prick Ali: That'll show him! That's what you get for bringing me into this world, whole lotta backchat and not an ounce of grattitude, take that! Ali: Join me 'cos I'm sure that's what mum feels I've got her Ali: We did Rio's first Xmas morning, and 2nd, at home! It really is Caleb's fams turn Ali: I can't help that its Junie's first, evidently I ain't planning this shit woman! Ali: #contraceptionwhomst? #pulloutnhopeforthebest #itswhatgodwouldwant Ali: And it ain't like we're not coming over for a second dinner, we fat as hell, get wid it and pass the gravy Ali: Catch me in the tesco throwing tantrums with Rio on the reg tbh #twocanplayatthatgamehoney #childrenraisingchildren Ali: Nah, although loving all the macho threats of violence when my honour is at stake as of late...Is my drama letting you live up to your full brotherly potential? Welcome... Ali: TMI, give a shit, but I'm late on and I've thrown up a few times, not from the mother's ruin, like Ali: hahahahahama'sgonnakillmeisn'tshe Ali: whatthefucklike Tommy: Who you kidding you're the blatant fave & lbr if the lord's got his specs on should be even more so for following her shining example like Tommy: honor thy father and mother and all that Tommy: who doesn't love a mini me Tommy: especially one who can sing every sperm is sacred with perf pitch Tommy: Amen! this aint 1850 pass the roasties gdi! Tommy: all we want for christmas is carbs Tommy: OH MY CHRIST NOT AGAIN Tommy: 😧 Tommy: I know you're on your gap year but no need to be so literal Ali: Ha, please! Not Tess Vickers' fave. Da's, obviously, as he is mine, (babe). You and Joe are the momma's boys, always have been, you needy little babbas. Ali: A woman who doesn't love herself...damn, too deep, reverse, reverse! Ali: You'd be surprised how annoying an all-singing-all-dancing constant reminder of all your best and worst bits is Ali: Usually the best, which is happy-making magic, but when its the worst...GOOD LORDT. Plus its a reminder of the same in your other half, and we all like to overlook that shit now, don't we? *sips tea* Ali: God I am gonna go HAM with my 'cravings' this Chrimbo...what timing! Maybe I did plan this after-all Ali: but no, I did not Ali: But yeah...this is a thing I'm processing, thought I'd drag you down with me 🤷 Tommy: I was gonna be all like not with him probs dead in a ditch and me one audition away from getting cosy in a cardboard box but I better swerve too dont wanna spend the season with the samaritans on speed dial Tommy: you and fraze are the success stories savor it Tommy: honey I've got a mirror Tommy: and near constant feedback from them in the know Tommy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tommy: that's calebs chrimbo gift sorted then yeah? Ali: Lordy, I know we're Irish but there's no need to be that fuckin' maudlin, Tommo Ali: Oh, you wanted an idea for Da but that is SO Fraze's prezzie Ali: Just tell him that, all day. Money can't buy that kinda happiness Ali: The spirit of the Holidays Ali: Them in the know don't know shit Ali: I mean...gift or curse? Ali: We've only just got back on track, this is probably going to derail the whole damn caboose Tommy: everyone's a critic and there's only one shane macgowan I hear ya Tommy: I reckoned you meant a mirror for a sec I was like uh huh he's got that one covered love 😏 Tommy: Hey! That's mine covered 🙋 just repeat that back to me Tommy: those clueless cunts Tommy: Nah he'll be buzzing esp if he gets another girl Tommy: there's only one Rio but he's shameless ha Tommy: leave the cursing for ma she'll be doing plenty once she's done stuffing your stocking with contraceptives Ali: Mhmm, save it for the improptu karaoke when we're all feeling merry on the day, like Ali: Lmao, he'd live in a 360 degree view changing room if he could Ali: How millenial of us! Lets just gift each other with positive affirmations Ali: Maybe...Gah Ali: Whatever, whether he deals or doesn't, doesn't change the fact I am with child again and yeah, Caleb's reaction is the least of my worries Ali: I'm going to be going to Uni abroad with 3 kids...damn Ali: If I don't get locked away for my own good, of course Tommy: 😇 Will do Tommy: I reckon that's the goal when he 'makes it' Tommy: scrawl it on my personalised starbies cup and have done babe Tommy: You're grand it'll just be one hell of a plane ride Tommy: 🍀 & 🤞 Tommy: OH SHIT WAIT Tommy: the whole Caleb reaction thing has me thinking...not to be rude but Tommy: it is his yeah? Ali: It better be Ali: Aside from the Drew incident I didn't shag anyone else Ali: and we used a condom Ali: I mighta been several sheets to the wind but I hadn't lost my whole goddamn mind Tommy: thank christ for that Tommy: imagine trying to play happy families with that twat Ali: Amen Ali: Yeah that isn't the life I've signed up for Ali: Bitches forget I already got a ring on my finger, like Ali: Legal or otherwise Tommy: Beyonce is here for your union Tommy: good enough for me Tommy: low key proud of ya not to be an enabler but like Tommy: I'll happily hooray you getting Drew to put something on it too god knows where that fuckboy's been Ali: Thank you! I will take that hooray because I literally had to mum Ro's arse and tell her to do the same every time Ali: AND had to do it in such a way it didn't sound like I was saying as much, like, your boyf is a cheater and we all know it sweetie Tommy: ugh 😷 glad you did though I hear your next door nemesis had to get herself to the clinic sharpish & i don't reckon she'd spread gossip that'd make her out to be riddled Tommy: 🦀🐛 Ali: 🤢😤 Unsurprised on both their behalf there but low-key furious Ali: he knows how that bitch treats Ro, and always has done Ali: there's being a cheat with any random hoe and then there's that...is it me or is that next-level careless? Ali: To the point it looks like he's doing it to hurt her, I'm sure he's just ignorant but, like, what the fuck?!!? Tommy: RIGHT? Tommy: like I don't doubt she ain't telling him all the ins and outs of her childhood drama but still Tommy: even with more brains than biceps he's gotta have a clue or two Tommy: OOOPS ACCIDENTAL COMPLIMENT Tommy: I'm offended on my own behalf Tommy: almost as cringe as once thinking he was hot 🤓😳 kms Ali: Yeah but it ain't like he's not been here...and she's still a cunt to Ro now, so Ali: Tries to be to me but who's listening, Bitch I'm deaf all of a sudden??? Ali: Hahahahaha Ali: He's attractive, to the point its kinda fact more than opinion so I don't think you're alone on that score Ali: If the notches on his bedpost are anything to go by...and I fucked him so can't be judging, consider your sins absolved, no hail mary's needed, maybe a few bloodys when I next pin u down for an IRL debrief? Ali: Oh wait, a bitch can't...I'll make it a Virgin Mary...WHEY! Tommy: True and I know he ain't got a bitch muted 'cause I aint rn either 👀 & my specs are on when I'm scrolling Tommy: I see what I see Tommy: 😞 Tommy: Fuck it lets go dancing Tommy: bounce that bump while you still can Ali: 'Course not, gotta 'low the bitch to slide into dem dms on the reg, if for nothing else than the ego boost Ali: 😒 Ali: I need that, lets go lets go lets go, its been TIME since I got to go out and not take the bubs Ali: I'll have to see who can have 'em though... Ali: Can't be mum, really selling how responsible a parent I'm gonna be to 3 by throwing 2 at her and fucking off to partay Tommy: SAMSIES...not that I'm going out with 2 kids on the reg but y'know Tommy: we on it 💃 Tommy: Dial up their daddy Tommy: he'll step up while we step out I'm sure Ali: Sure, just the one, like #oosh! toosoonforbants? Ali: Can but try, I'll get back to you when he replies Ali: Ooh, what are we gonna wear Tommy: I've got my elf cossie if I can only squeeze in Tommy: you could pin a red letter on if you've got something that won't clash 🤔 own that guilt like a good catholic 📿 Ali: Ooh, festive AND appropriate for my situ, I like it. Tommy: A for advent sweeties 😘 Tommy: can you cut my hair though I looking like the grinch if he was a blonde blue eyed dreamboat Ali: And Awesome! And Ali! And Ass! 😎 Ali: Obvi, you never could rock the long hair look, remember that dark period in time 😂 Ali: Can I try something slightly new tho? 🤔 Tommy: why the feck not gotta at least look ready to mingle like Tommy: 💔😂 Ali: Dubo not gonna know what's hit it and ya mans gonna know what he missing when I'm done with you! Promise Tommy: I'll hold you to it Tommy: no pressure Tommy: oooh maybe we could go shopping 😀 Ali: You know I'm winning boys back like its my business Ali: well, boy singular but that's enough, right? #greedybisexual Ali: I am always down for killing time snapping up killer #lewks, lets do it man Tommy: yaaaaaaaaaaas Tommy: careful I might hold you to that too #tipsfrommybabysiskms Ali: baby be wise tho 💞 where u at i'll come get u Tommy: about a lot of things yeah 👍 nws I'll come at you I need the exercise #aintforgotyoucalledmeafattylike Ali: alright well, RUN FORREST RUN Tommy: 🏃
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