#why is next year so FAR AWAY. 11 months but. yeah. so far away still
reminder that esc was exactly a month ago. bet that post-eurovision depression is still hitting isn't it
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 12 part 1 | part 11 | ao3
ha haaaa, i lied about waiting until monday. cw: angst, gory imagery, implied prescription drug abuse
In his dream it’s raining pills.
Steve is crying in his car as rainbow pellets rain from the sky, and then he’s pounding on the Munson’s door while the pills burst into fine powder against his hair, his skin, his clothes. Eddie doesn’t come to the door but suddenly he’s there, teleported outside of it, apologizing right away when Steve demands to know what’s wrong.
“I don’t understand what happened.”
A flash of eyes, of lips; his face doesn’t fully form, but he sweeps one of those perusing looks all over Steve, sees his frayed edges and invites him in to stitch them up.
They talk and laugh for hours — dream logic where the seconds are minutes are years — letting their knees knock together, letting their pinky fingers brush. All the while little pills plink plink against the siding, pharmaceutical hail storm, and suddenly it's morning; Steve has drifted off; Steve has never slept so well. There’s a throw blanket made of cat fur and the smell of coffee and scrambled eggs, Wayne humming sleepily to himself at the stove, waving a spatula in greeting when he spots Steve getting up.
“Mornin'!” he grins. “Ed’s still sleepin’, but feel free to stick around.”
Outside the rain comes harder, heavy knocks against the roof, and when Steve peers into the pan he sees that Wayne’s frying up dead birds. "Just about ready."
He spears a fork into a wing. The feathers start to smoke. “You take your coffee black?”
“Ma, you gotta get a job.”
She’s watching I Love Lucy.
Steve's head is in his hands.
His elbows are going numb where they’re propped on the breakfast table, and his temples throb, a steady band of pressure like a giant's palm around the sides and back of his skull, pulsing down his aching neck. He’s been staring at next month’s budget for so long it looks like hyro…hiero—?
Whatever. Egyptian shit.
He can’t tell if he’s shit at math or if the math just doesn’t work, but either way it’s not working, and neither is his fucking mom, and he finds himself thinking about this one time in middle school when they took a field trip to a factory with a big hydraulic press. Got to tour the control room; got to pick which fruits to crush.
He remembers the watermelon most vividly of all: the way the rind groaned under the machine’s steady weight, splintering slivers snaked over striped flesh; slowly, slowly, then suddenly, boom!!
Watermelon guts on the concrete floor.
(That was also the first time he got to touch a girl's butt; all the girl's squealed and jumped back from the explosion, and one of them backed herself right into his hand. It was Liz Collins, and it was one hundred percent an accident, because, like, gross, Liz Collins, but still.
Memorable day for two reasons.
God, he needs a nap.)
“A job, ma,” he sighs, a little louder this time. “I can... I don’t know, I can maybe ask around, see if anybody’s hiring? Or- talk to Claudia. Or Karen,” he snaps his fingers by his ear, “or Joyce! She might— yeah. Yeah, she might be able to call and put in a good word at Melvalds...”
She might also be busy being far the fuck away from here. He taps his pencil against his cheek as envy crashes over him. He should be in California. Should spend his time hitting on beach babes and surfing sunny waves instead of drowning in debt and wondering why he’s on a first-name basis with so many random moms.
His mom still hasn’t acknowledged a single word he's said. "Hello? Ma? What d'you think?"
She turns to look at him finally. Gives him a dreamy, lovely smile.
She always was so pretty. “…I’m sorry; what were you saying?”
Steve flushes his mom’s pills.
part 13
tagging whoever commented recently if your settings will let me @acedorerryn @ahsokatanoss @annabanannabeth @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awolfstudio @bananahoneycomb @bronwenmarie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @courtjestermunson @cuips-not-cute @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @eriquin @estrellami-1 @evillittleguy @fandomfix8 @grtwdsmwhr @hellion-child @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @lololol-1234 @messrs-weasley @nburkhardt @noodle-shenaniganery @ppunkpuppyy @rani-mayida @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @space-invading-pigeon @spookednsaucy @steddieas-shegoes @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @teatimeeverybody @th30ra3k3n @thealwithnoname @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @vacantwatchers @violetsteve @wormdebut @yourmom-isgay @zoeweee @zombiecreatures
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My top 15 kpop albums of 2023
It's been a year since I posted something. At this point, I feel I'm only writting to keep a record for myself of my favorites of the year. Still, if anyone cares to read this, know I've posted my favorite korean music and dramas of the year every year since 2016. First up, my favorite albums of 2023.
15. Heize-Last winter. I've honestly been in a Heize break for almost two years because I felt her songs started to sound too much alike but this album got me excited for her music once again. It has bearly been a week since it came out so I did hesitate including it but I think it portrays my favorite style of hers so at the end I was like "yeah, it deserves a spot". Forget me not feauturing BIG NAUGHTY's beautiful vocals is my favorite song of the album. However her title, a collab with 10 cm, is a close second. Picnic of the Night gives us a more uptempo beat and Chan's sweet vocals are so relaxing. I think I will be listening this album a lot in the next few months.
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14. PENOMECO-Rorschach (Part 1). Ever since Penomeco entered my radar I have loved pretty much everything he has released. I do prefer his more chill music but this year he brought us more of his hip hop side and released two mini albums called Rorschach, both could have easily made my list but I think at the end of the day I like the album he released in april a bit more, and he does have two songs with Zico in this one, which did tip the balance for me. As I said, I do like his more layback music so my favorite song is Margiela feauturing Paul Blanco. The album starts with strong beats with Boy Pablo (2019) and stays on track with his title song Rindaman feauturing Zico. His other collab with Zico: Pew! is also a fiery song. As is Bubble. He slows down for his other three songs and they all are such a great listen.
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13. TREASURE-Reboot. I think TREASURE has had really bad luck, from their delayed debut to the ups and downs lately. The thing is I've always prefered those groups I actually feel excited to listen to their whole albums and TREASURE has really delivered in all of them as far as I'm concerned. People keep saying YG is holding them back by making them have the typical YG songs like BONA BONA or STUPID on this album but since I'm a fan of those kind of songs so I really look forward to it. However it was the songs by their subunits I actually liked the most MOVE is just such an exciting song and THE WAY TO by the vocal unit is just my kind of ballad. To be fair listening to Jungwoo and Jihoon sing is such highlight for me on all of their songs. I just love their tones.
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12. Taeyeon-To. X. 2023 was a year where I really got into Taeyeon's discography. So I was really excited for this comeback. The title To. X is a fun midtempo break up song. I would have liked Melt Away more as the title but I did love both songs. This is also a recent release so I moved it up and down in my list a lot. I'm also having a hard time picking a favorite song. I also enjoy listening to Fabolous with the quorky beat and witty lyrics but I think I actually liked all the tracks equally.
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11. VIXX-CONTINUUM. VIXX has changed a lot over the last few years but somehow this album with only Leo, Ken and Hyuk sounds very much like VIXX used to sound in 2015. They really stand on their own and all of their voices are amazing. However I've always had a soft spot for Leo and his vocals in Lilac are just heavenly. Probably why I love that ballad so much. I was actually surprised with Hyuk's low vocals that give a needed twist to Leo and Ken's power vocals. All five songs in this mini album are so good. The title is Amnesia and the MV aesthetic is obviously inspired by the movie Dune.
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10. NCT DOJAEJUNG-Perfume. This release kind of blind sighted me. I never thought Doyoung, Jaehyun and Jungwoo would come together in a subunit so in that sense they reminded me of the time I heard EXO CBX was debuting. I really love the title Perfume. It's one of those rare times the title is actually my favorite song of the album. I thought they would do a ballad for their title but the fact it was an upbeat sexy song was unexpectedly right. Doyoung is my favorite NCT vocalist so listening to him this whole album was such a joy. Jaehyun's vocals can be a bit overlooked in NCT127 just because Douyoung and Taeil are so amazing. Listening to him have more time in this album to shine was exactly what I wanted. I love Jungwoo's personality and honestly I was afraid he would get a bit lost in this album but my worries were unnecessary. Often I found his low notes were that little bit of spice the songs needed in this album. I loved all the bsides but Dive and Strawberry Sunday were specially a fun listen. And of course they had to do a traditional SM ballad (Ordinary) which is just beautiful.
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9. D.O.- Expectation. I'll never stop wishing for EXO's Kyungsoo to do an r&b album but his heart is in easy listening heartfelt songs so I can't complain. I'm just happy to get anything from him as a solo artist. This mini album has so many pretty songs. I do is my favorite hands down and one of my most played songs of the year but Lost (both the acoustic and the regular version) is such a fun song to listen to and could have easily become the title. The vocals and the melody are so powerful. Ordinary days and The view also have a fun melody. The title Somebody is really catchy and the MV is so sweet.
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8. TXT- The name chapter: Freefall. I have to confess I haven't gotten into TXT's content. I just came to like them gradually in the last couple of years and there was so much to catch up on that I haven't really get to know the members at all but the albums are a different story. Deep down is my favorite of the album but Happily Ever After is also a highlight. The title Chasing the Feeling gave us a fun retro beat and the chorus was really addicting. I also found Skipping Stones to be an interesting song. Love the guitar and bass on that one and the vocals by Beomgyu, Taehyun and Huaningkai are just heavenly. And of course the collab with The Jonas Brothers was a bit unexpected yet exactly what I didn't know I wanted.
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7. Zion.T-Zip. This was almost out of my list because I just listened to it a week ago, but I had to add it. Zion. T is just so unique and entertaining to listen to. His collab with AKMU called V is my favorite. But as expected, this is a no skip songs with great use of instruments, beats, vocals and occasional rapping. He even released three MVs for this comeback (Stranger, V and Unlove). The album is 10 tracks long yet only sums up 26 minutes. Thank u featuring Yun Seokcheol is also a highlight.
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6. V-Layover. To be honest, I was not excited for V's solo stuff. I was expecting a lot from Jungkook and Jimin but not from him. I don't know why. So it was so surprising when I actually wasn't excited with the songs they released but I really loved V's album. It's my fault really because I do tend to overlook Taehyun's vocals when listening to BTS. The sound he went for it's exactly my kind of music. Layover just feels sophisticated. Blue is definitely my go to song with its fancy r&b sound and Love me again has my favorite beat of the album. Slow Dancing is so sweet and For us takes you in a journey. The album is only 5 songs but from the first listen I knew it would make my top 10 of the year.
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5. NCT 127-Fact Check. For me, this is the first NCT127 no skip album. I liked LIMITLESS a lot but even that one has a couple of songs that are just not for me. NCT 127's titles are either a huge hit with me or they rub me off, this time around I found Fact Check so addicting. I love Space's melody but Misty is my favorite overall. Everyone's vocals are on point but Taeil is such a wonder to listen to on that one. Love is a beauty is also a great ballad. Parade might be a hiphop heavy song but Doyoung's beautiful vocals really stand out to me. And Angel Eyes gave me a bit of NCT U's With you vibes. I love Mark's parts in Je ne sais quoi then again everyone sounds so good in that song.
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4. Taeyang-Down to Earth. Taeyang came back with a bang. Every song on the album feels so big. I wasn't a fan of the title VIBE featuring BTS's Jimin on the first listen, but it really grew on me. The chorus just pops in my head from time to time out of nowhere. Shoong featuring Blackpink's Lisa is amazing, and the performance video is crazy good. Seed is the power ballad of the album. Nightfall featuring Bryan Chase is also a highlight with its retro pop beat and beautiful vocals.
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3. Taemin-Guilty. The void Taemin left while he was in the military could not really be fulled by anyone else. He's just different. And yes, a lot of it is the performance but the music always comes first. This album is only six songs but they all are so good. Not gonna lie, the first time I heard The Rizzness I was confused because the strong beat and rapping surprised me. I didn't know if I liked it but it really grew on me after hearing it a couple of times. I'm obsessed with She loves me she loves me not and its playful melody plus it's definitely my most played track of the album. Not over you and Blue takes us in a dreamlike journey.
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2. Red Velvet-Chill Kill. I was surprised to realize this is the only album from a girlgroup I liked this year. I even forced myself to listen to some albums of the most popular girlgroups right now but it's just not my kind of music. However this album is straight up my alley. A Velvet R&B album. I hadn't enjoyed a Red Velvet album so much since The Perfect Red Velvet. My favorite Red Velvet comebacks are always the one with a creepy twist so Chill Kill was on point with that strong beat paired with a sweet chorus. Knock knock (who's there) is a seemless follow up to Chill Kill. Underwater is one of my favorites for sure but these days I keep going back to Nightmare. Iced coffee and One Kiss have catchy chorus while Wings is uplifting with beautiful vocals.
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1. EXO-EXIST. My Spotify Wrapped top 5 songs belong all to this album. It's actually the first time it happens. Despite me being an EXO-L, some pop or indie songs are usually in the mix, but I guess I missed EXO. They just did all the things I love in an EXO album: r&b, beautiful harmonies, and fun beats. I keep changing my favorite song of the album. At first, it was Regret it just because the production is so great. Then I was like, actually, all the falsetto and runs in Cinderella makes it my favorite. Yet I kept feeling No makeup was the perfect r&b EXO song, so I thought: that one for sure! But of course, the title Cream Soda is so catchy, and the chorus is expectacular, so obviously, that's the one. Nevertheless, Love fool is so much fun to listen to, and I do love Sehun and Chanyeol's verses in Another Day. Then why is my most played song of the year Let me In? And what about Hear me out that makes me happy every time I listen to it? Don't even get me started on Private Party's lyrics! Anyway, you get the idea, so just do yourself a favor and check out this album.
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Currently watching - October
Because I love a good little list 😊
Regularly updated during the month - colored = finished
This may contain spoilers!
Currently airing
Choco Milk Shake (2/10)
🥰🥰🥰🥰 This is so good! I love it! I enjoyed every little second of this first episode. I hope it will go on like that. The story about Choco and Milk, a cat and a dog becoming human and live with their former owner. The acting is really good! I can see the dog and the cat in them 😅 So far perfect casting!
Love in the air (11/13)
I like how much Phayu cares about Rain. I definitely have my problems with some of the things that happend and I guess there are going to be things I don't like in the upcoming episodes, but overall I enjoy it. And yes I had a very big issue with the 8th and 9th episode...what the fuck? That is all I am gonna say.
Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized (4/8)
It is so well shot and edited. I was just blown away by the art. The story…Well we are in episode one, but I guess it will be interesting. I am interested. The story of two people who meet again after years, one an artist and the other an idol. And I really want to know what happened that their paths drifted away like that and of course if and how their paths come together again 😊
Eien no Kino (2/8)
I am curious in what direction this will go, but I did enjoy the first episode. I like the aesthetics of the show. The way scenes were shot and the coloring. Really pretty!
Ghost Host, Ghost House (4/8)
This one is a funny one, well for now. I love the family 😅 The two mains have so much chemistry! The plot is intersting, Kevin and Pluem are soft and tender and passionate and so in love and yet there are some secrets and wounds which need to heal. And I am here for the ride. This show is so good!
War of Y (10/20)
I finally watched the next chapter...And yeah, I think I can't watch the stories week for week. I need to wait until one chapter is closed and binge the five episodes. This is one of the few bls I watch with a lot of tension in my body and no smile on my lips...I need to calm a bit before I can dive into the next drama...
Big Dragon (3/8)
I would say a promising start. Kind of a dub con situation on both sides? The main characters are both not really sympathetic😅 I like the bodyguards, if you can call them that. And I indeed like the chemistry between the mains.
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (6/8)
This one I like...Perhaps it is the enemies working and forced living together thing for me. I enjoy those storylines way too much! Overall it's funny and I enjoy their dynamic and acting so much more than in Kissable Lips.
My Tooth Your Love (4/12)
I guess this could be called a nightmare for people with a dental phobia. But it looks so messy and lovable and I am totally in for it! I enjoyed the acting and the sister is so bossy, but in a good way 😀 Never thought I would like a series about a dentist this much! But I do!
My only 12 % (12/14)
Okay, I can see why people like it. It is growing on me a lot with more episodes in. And now I can't watch any further because I want to know how this ends and I can't watch those two hurting. But I am still not fond of the amount of times the name "Cake" is said...This is really unpleasant for my ears 🙉
Fahlanruk (7/12)
This series is a mess! Fah is a dominant prick who tries to get his man by forcing him to everything (besides sex)! The dialogues are crap, the acting is sometimes really not that good, the chemistry…I don’t know. At this point I don’t know what story the series wants to tell us. You can’t be friends with benefits? If you are persistent enough your love/fuck interest will give in to you? What is it? But I have the time of my life watching this mess and with episode 5 it has happend...I am invested 😒
Ai Long Nhai (5/12)
Ai likes Nhai. Nhai kind of likes Ai. To test if their relationship could have a future they decide to test-date for a month and show all their habits, good and bad, in front of each other. That is what I got from the subtitles 😂 They are a mess 😅 So funny and yet so frustrating, because sometimes you just don’t get what they are saying at all 😂
To Sir, with love (2/28)
The first episodes are on youtube with english subs! First episode told us about their history and of their family. I really can't stand the secondary wife and her maid. Hateful bitches! But I like Bua. She would have been a great mother and in a way she is more of a mother to the children than their mums.
Self (3/6)
I have my problems with mirrors, so this one was kind of creepy for me, but I am intrigued how this is going on and if there are more episodes than two!
Remember Me (3/12)
Okay what happend? I am emotional invested in this story! Why did it become so good within two episodes? I love the domesticity and the wholesomeness of the third episode so much! It touched me and moved me and now I am looking forward to the next episode!
2 Moons: The Ambassador (3/12)
This might be the first series I will drop. And I watched Check Out...But the subtitles are a mess, the acting is cringy and the story is boring...okay, I am on ep 2, so perhaps there is some good plot coming, but right now I can't see it.
Already broadcasted series
Fish upon the sky (2/12)
I don't know how to feel about this. I don't like Pi that much, but the series managed to make me cry with their first episode. Of course I want to see where this jorney is taking me. I catch myself weirdly grinning from ear to ear and that is a good sign most of the times 😅
Mama Gogo (2/10)
There are too many series on the side to satisfy my need for second-hand embarrassment that I’ve neglected Mama Gogo a bit. There are sexy dancing men…so I will definitely keep watching, really!
Finished in October
180 degree longitude passes through us (8/8 on Gaga) - very highly recommended
Damn, THIS WAS SO GOOD. The cinematography, the acting, the relationships, the tension. I am blown away! Every episode delivered. Definitely one of the best series I have watched, like ever! If you like sophisticated stuff, please give this a try. 10 out of 10 longing looks
Once Again (8/8 on Viki and Gaga) - highly recommended
This is a unique one and got me by surprise. I loved it even if I have cried the whole time watching the last episode. It is such a devastating and real ending. I knew it would be like that, but I hoped for something different. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful story about fate and love and grief. 10 out of 10 necklaces
My Ride (10/10 on Gaga) - highly recommended
This was some fucking wholesome shit! Damn! I love it. Why haven't I watched this one sooner? I had a smile on my face probably for the whole series. And Mork's smile? Pure sunshine and love and happiness. There might not be the strongest story, but it was well written and acted. 9,5 out of 10 sunshine smiles
My Bromance (2018/Taiwan) (12/12 on youtube) - recommended
This one was fun and light and I had a good time watching it. The focus is on the relationship between the mother and her two children. As funny as it gets, the series deals with serious issues and managed it not to be silly. 8,5 out of 10 sleepwalking fails
Craving You (10/10 on Gaga) - I can recommend without a doubt
This is as sweet as the desserts. It is not all lovey dovey and I didn't understand the concept of the collaboration, but I enjoyed this drama about a pastry chef and a singer who collab together. Best line of the drama: What I mean is, I decided to like you. That touched me deeply. 8,5 out of 10 madeleines
The Eclipse (12/12 on youtube) - recommended
It is really not easy to find the best words and the ebst rating for this one. I do like it very much, well until episode 11 happend...This is difficult. I wish they would have dealt a little different with all of the protests and homophobia and the revolution. It feels unfinished even though it is. After all I enjoyed watching it most of the times. The ending felt just too rushed. 8 out of 10 curses
Boys' Lockdown (6/6 on Youtube) - recommended
If you want something that makes you just feel good, watch this! I am still smiling :) The stroy is simple, but well done and acted and the characters are lovables. Two boys, who met in a drugstore and mixed up their meds, learn that they are each other's crush. So sweet. 8 out of 10 small dicks
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (8/8 on Gaga) - recommended without doubts
I like this. It made me smile with every episode. At the end of every episode there was always reconciliation and they talked with each other! Their relationship is healthy and they care so much about each other! There is not much happening besides their story, but that is okay. 7,5 out of 10 blushing Takara-kuns
Love by Chance (14/14 on Viki) - recommended for Perth
Do I like the main story? Sure. I love Ae! He has such a cute pair of heart-eyes. And he so naturally loves Pete! I am in love with his love for Pete. Pete on the other hand, not my favorite. And the side stories! What in the holy hell was that? The amount of violence and SA, was that really necessary? But MAME...Do I have to say more? Guess not... 7 out of 10 of Ae's heart-eyes
Love by Chance 2: A chance to love (13/13 on Viki) - recommended for all of you who loved TinCan in the first one
I like TinCan. I like their story and that they are quite open and honest with everything. But the chemistry was difficult...It was there as long as there was no physical sexual contact. The story with Tin forgiving and helping his brother felt kind of rushed in the end, but Tul and Gonhin had more chemistry than everyone in this series together, so I am not mad that Tin helped his big brother to be together with his love again. The whole Ae/Pete storyline...was that necessary? And why couldn't you explain it better to your audience? Because it didn't make sense that they broke up? That made me really angry! 6,5 out of 10 for TinCan and TinCan only
My gear and your gown (12/12 on Youtube) - recommended if you don't know what to watch
This was okay. I liked the way the story was told. And I liked the couples and their energy, even though Itt had just one facial expression for anger, sadness or annoyence...that was a little bit annoying 😅 The story of those people falling in love was nothing new, but it was good enough to keep me hooked. I really appreciate the fact that they kind of educated about safe sex. 6,5 out of 10 earrings
I'm a fool for you 1 (4/4 on Gaga) - not really recommended
Confusing as fuck. I guess a few more minutes per episode could have helped. Most if the times I felt like someone just threw me into the scene or conversation without backstory or anything! I felt lost very often! But it is the best one for me out of the three. 5,5 out of 10 What is this all about
My Roommate (32/32 on Youtube) - not recommended
I don't know what this was. Barely two minutes per episode? Really? How can you tell a story with such a small amount of time? Well...I am, yet again, confused! This is just something else! 4 out of 10 I don't even know what...
I'm a fool for you 2 (4/4 on Gaga) - low recommendation rate
Guess what, I am still confused! At some points I got the impression they didn't know what they had talked about ten minutes ago and so the whole story changed without making any sense! Just no... 4,5 out of 10 why is this happening now
I'm a fool for you 3 (5/5 on Gaga) - only recommended if you like to suffer and watched the other seasons
Well that took a very dark turn! Still confused, because you don't get any backstory or explanation. But why so dark? Why so deeply devestating? And ending on a cliffhanger? Damn it...now I need to watch season four when in comes out...I need closure. 3,5 out of 10 dark turns
Evening Café (4/4 on Youtube) - not really recommended
This was bland and boring. It is a low production, but that doesn't mean it needs to be this bad. There are some good low productions out there which make just fun. This I couldn't enjoy. The acting was not good, the pacing was difficult, the scenes were cut together in a not so good way... 3 out of 10 too loud glass breaking noises!
Short films
Attraction (on Gaga) - recommended
What if you are in an established relationship, but developes attraction for someone else? You can't control who you find attractive, but you can decide to act on it or not. It is all about choices. This short was really good and it left me thinking. 8 out of 10 shared headphones
FUFU (on Gaga) - recommended
This is wholesome. Both lived a happy life together and in the end they stayed together. Of course the ending is sad but at the same time beautiful and an ode to love! While both are dealing with the inevitable ending they remember some happy moments. Worth a watch. 8 out of 10 times they felt like a married couple
Military Dog (on Gaga) - recommended if you're old enough and interested in those topics
A short film about a military officer who wants to be dominated by his master whose specialty is the training of human dogs. Yes, this is a short film of 10 minutes on GagaOOLala. I love Gaga for all the content they provide us with. I really can't watch any horror movie besides something with vampires or aliens, but I can watch those movies. 7 out of 10 doggy positions
One Last Order (on Gaga) - recommended if you like coffee and a good feeling in your heart
The story about a regular guest of a coffee shop who has a secret admirer who writes him love poems. That was a cute one, but at some points a little bit too long. But it has a good atmosphere and coffee. 7 out of 10 love poems
Some (on Youtube) - a mediocre recommendation level
You see how unrequired feels like. It is heartbreaking and devastating and full of wishful thinking. But in the end it is nothing but a friendship. At least a friendship so you have some parts of this person and you can be near them. But reality can just punch you in the guts sometimes. I liked it. 7 out of 10 daydreams
How to die young in Manila (on Gaga) - recommended if you have some spare time
I guess it is my month for disturbing things to watch...Well, I am more confused than disturbed. It is a little bit over artsy and missed the point it wanted to make, I guess? The dangers of being a male prostitute in Manila or just anywhere? But in the end I really don't know what exactly the point of this story should have been. The summary is not helpful at all... 6 out of 10 very graphic depiction of dead/dying people
Nabang Spark (on Gaga) - recommendation level low
This one was not my cup of tea. The bland story about two students and one og them wants to be close to the other and invites him to his birthday, but the other didn't show up. 5 out of 10 non existing sparks
The shortest distance is round (on Gaga) - not recommended at all
What a fuck-fest...I guess this movie was produced to show the dark sites of prostituion, sexual assault and just what could happen if your life takes a wrong turn...BUT! What the actual fuck? The plot was bland and with the ending (both versions) just stupid. I thought it was about a teacher-student-relationship as a main point, but that was just a catalyst for the following shit-show. The message is drowning in the flood of sexual content and that I think is really sad. It could have been so much more. Do I like it? Nope. Will I watch the rest of the movis? Probably... 3 out of 10 noises...oh those noises
What I’m looking forward to in October:
To Sir, with Love (Oct 3)
Kabe-Koji (Oct 4)
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Oct 5)
Two and One (Oct 5)
Big Dragon (Oct 8)
My Roommate (Oct 8)
Remember Me (Oct 9)
2 Moons 3 (Oct 10)
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Oct 13)
Self (Oct 13)
My Tooth Your Love (Oct 14)
Hard Love Mission (Oct 15)
Doukysei (Oct 19)
My Tempo (Oct 20)
Eternal Yesterday (Oct 21)
Choco Milk Shake (Oct 25)
Grand Guignol (Oct 28)
Till the Worlds ends (Oct 29)
A shoulder to cry on (no exact date yet)
Happy Ending Outside the Fence/Happy Ending Romance (postponed until november)
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thermodynamic-angel · 9 months
Finally my brain lets me send an ask bleugh-
(idk what's wrong with it it just. Stops whenever I think about you D':)
Anyways!!! I have no idea what stage mental illness i am at this point but I think I've pretty much lost all morals so that's ah.. fun-?
I've had about 2 major mental breaks since I've last spoken to you so that probably why-? Eh! Who cares~
What was I going to say again..
Still completely obsessed and insane about you so dw!! Im pretty sure I have forgotten how time works since I've been in my room for about 4 months now with the same walls and sheets and sounds and I haven't been outside and I sleep about 15 hours a day so tbh it still feels like we spoke yesterday-
Hm.. some life updates maybe?? Don't even know if you'll read this but yk-
Back in my flat, i got bullied and kicked out of the refuge I was in and am now here with my mum and stepdad? Bleugh.. but! I am hoping to flee again sometime soon? About 11 hours away to fuck knows so safe to say I won't be anywhere here again (yippee!!!)
I have headmates now!!! There's ÉlLolli, around 8 - 11 years old, nicknamed melody (or mello for short) and uh.. oh!! She kins my melody (hence the nickname) which is cool!! And ah. Shes fucked up to say the least? Pretty sure she formed through my medical trauma-
And rhythm!! Melody actually sorta created him..? I think she wanted a brother and boom! Next thing I know (well actually it took a while but) there's just some 6 year old just. There
He's actually uh. Musickin-? Songkin? Forgot the word- but basically a personification of the KARMA(a)DARMA album! Yay!!
Anyways enough about that-
I love you. And I haven't stopped loving you <3
It doesn't matter what you feel about me at this point.. your mine
Hope you are well!! Or happy at the very least-? Well I've said this a million times by now but-
I love you <3
Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihuhuhihiihihihihhii :3
Hhhhh same- /lh
I'm. Very sorry about that :(
I'm v much doing.
Urgehegdhgdhebh same :3
Also. Same.
Aaaaaaa I hope you get to flee again soon!!!
N I hope you get v v far away this time :3
N I hope youre v safe wherever you go bc ily 💛
Yeye ik! /lh
I talked to Mello for a bit but my brain absolutely melted so uh
I only talked to her for like- a second-
V sweet tho :3
I've heard abt Rhythm- I've never talked to him tho :')
He seems like he's v sweet too :3
Ooh musickin!
I think it can be both musickin/songkin actually-
Oooh uh isn't the Karma(a)drama album by that uhhhhhhhh abuseken guy?
Uh lemme see
Need to listen to that album it looks v neat
Anyways ily2 <33333333 I also haven't stopped loving you either :3
I love you too :3
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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eli-writes-sometimes · 8 months
OC-Tober Day 2
I'm doing @icannotreadcursive's oc-tober prompt list (which you can find here), and today's prompt was:
Getting ready for a formal event
So here's Luke and Harper, from Superlosers, getting ready for their university's end-of-year party!
He had been looking forward to it for weeks, and it was finally here. He had been told that the end-of-year party at the university was legendary, both from testimonials on social media and from his older brother, who had seen 5 of them during his course four years before.
A 24-hour long party at whatever the largest venue that the student council could hire, and whoever lasted the longest was treated like royalty, and could wear their victory like a badge of honour for the next month, or as long as anyone still cared about it.
Being Luke's first year, he had never experienced it before, and he was planning to make the most of it.
"Right, what are you planning to wear?"
Harper was lying on his bed, playing with her hair as she stared at him examining his wardrobe.
"Do I need a plan? I was hoping to just throw on whatever I could find on the night" "Are you joking?" She got up, moving over to him and pushed him away, inspecting the meagre contents of his wardrobe. "This is only the biggest party in the city! Everyone is going to be there, and we're not going to be any different! We have to look good, all right?" "Yeah, yeah, I get it. My wardrobe isn't exactly stocked for a fancy event, I don't know if you can tell."
Luke flicked through the hanging clothes, looking past his vast collection of band t-shirts and cargo trousers, trying to find something that he could wear.
"You're the fashion expert, right? Have you got any advice?" "Right, is there any way that you could acquire a suit in the next 24 hours?"
Luke glared at her, and she held up her hands in a surrender.
"Right. I'll improvise then." "What's that supposed to mean?" Luke asked, but his question was ignored as Harper disappeared out of the room, walking towards her own with a purpose one would associate with a warrior marching to a holy war.
Half an hour and a long car ride later, Harper returned, running back into Luke's room brandishing a large black bag.
"What the hell have you got there?" Luke asked, taking off his headphones as she entered, gently slamming the door behind her. "Your outfit! I saw you had some black cargo trousers, so those were fine, and I managed to liberate these from my parent's house for your upper layer!" "Can I ask what these are?" He said, his voice only slightly betraying his nervousness. "Well, you know how I went to that girl's school from when I was in year 10? They had black uniforms, right? Well, I thought I could repurpose it!" She was grinning now, and Luke sighed, holding up his hands and trying to get a sense of what she was talking about. "Hold on, hold on. Are you saying that you want me to go to this formal attire event wearing your old school uniform?" "Yeah! Doesn't it look good?" She pulled the black blazer out from the bag, holding it up with a huge smile on her face. She didn't seem to notice the fact that the school's logo was still very obviously embroidered on the lapel of the blazer, "And you see no problems with this?" "Of course not!" "What about the logo though?" Luke pointed at it, a small golden tree growing out from the school's initials. "What about it? I was planning to go at it with a seam ripper, when I'm done it'll be like it was never there!"
Luke couldn't stop himself from grinning, swept along by his girlfriend's intense enthusiasm. She was clearly a textiles student, and she clearly loved her craft.
"You know what? I can't believe you're willing to go this far just for an outfit for a freaking last-day-of-exams party" "Why wouldn't I be? It's a big one! Both our first party as students here and our first year together! It's a big event. of course I'm going to put a lot of effort into it! Plus, we need to look goo stumbling out of there at 11 Sunday morning." "I guess you're right. Well then, show me the seam ripper!"
Turns out, Harper had also "liberated" a white shirt from her dad's wardrobe, and managed to make Luke look like he actually belonged in the formal setting that was going to devolve oh so quickly.
"Look at that. A vision." She said as she looked him up and down. "I wouldn't go that far, but I appreciate it." He said, grinning. "You're so modest." "Of course, I'm obviously the most modest person ever"
The two of them dissolved into fits of laughter, before returning to planning what they were sure was going to be the best night of their lives so far.
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iloveyoukyra · 2 months
3/27/24 11:25
Right now I’m crying. A lot of stuff happened.
I went 1 week no contact and you kinda broke it but it was really me asking for something back. You said you wanted to but you didn’t want to burden me or anything else. Then you said maybe you should leave permanently bc I’m doing so well without you. These mind games are messing me up.
Yesterday I had to call you after work bc there was a special event but I was too drunk to drive home. When we drove home I just stared at you. How pretty you are! I tried talking to you a bit. You said today I wasn’t respecting your boundaries that well. I thought I did fairly well.
I asked if you still loved me and you said “I don’t know what love is”. At the time it didn’t hurt so bad but when I woke up it hurt so bad. After all these years you’ve never loved me. I feel so lied to, betrayed, and unbelievably miserable.
I loved you and I meant it every time I said it, I felt it every time I said it, I loved you! I loved you! I love you. I still love you. How could you do this to me? How could you Kyra? I’m so heartbroken and I’m crying so much. We just went on a big trip and it was so romantic, it meant everything to me, I know means some kind of platonic thing for you but why would you lead me on? I took care of you at your worst, when you were sick, and you have never loved me? We showered skin to skin, let each other see parts no other has seen, been in incredibly intimate situations, and you have never loved me? If I knew this sooner I would’ve stayed far far away. I feel so ruined, used, tainted, and filthy now.I feel like I wasted so much time and energy on you.
Then you said you lost yourself in the relationship. I wish we discussed this sooner. I felt kinda similar and I wish we could’ve either addressed this individually or as a relationship in a healthy manner rather than it all exploding like this.
I’m still not mad about the cheating. Only hurt. You seem to have forgotten that yeah even did that and expect me to be ok with hanging out.
I was looking back at old texts between us after you cheated and I remember how happy I was. You were so loving, caring, and tender there. What happened?
I feel so betrayed and hurt by you. I hope in the next couple of months you will understand and realize what you have done. I hope you miss me and I hope you come back. I hope my absence eats away at you. At the same time I know I can’t trust that you will. I just wish. I wish you felt the same as me. Everything changed too quickly
I hope you regret what you did, and feel remorseful at one point.
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snails-of-god · 7 months
11 October 2023
Phlying Phill: Taking Phlight
Written By: Virginia Pearson
Oh, hello. Another visitor. I seem to have become somewhat of a tourist attraction of late. Did anyone stop to think about how inconvenient it is to have strangers traipsing around one’s house at all hours? Did anyone consider my feelings about this arrangement? No. Of course not. Once the media finds out that the laws of physics don’t apply to you, they take it and run.
 I’m sure you saw some advertisement or other and said, I sure could use a vacation. Hey, honey, do you want to go see Phlying Phil? Who’s Phlying Phil, you surely must have heard of him! Come have a look. And then you told your lovely wife, and she is lovely, all about how I was born immune to gravity so my mother sewed me to the carpet of my house and Oh, we need a vacation, let’s take a drive. I hear Phil is beautiful in the fall! Well fuck you, I’m beautiful year round.
I can see by your shocked expressions that I am not what you expected. Do you have the advertisement with you? Can you hold it to my face please? You can come closer, I can’t see it from this far on account of my being sewn to the carpet. Ah, there it is. You thought I was still small. You expected to see a wee babe like the one on the advertisement. Yeah, that’s an old picture. Well, I’m sorry that I couldn’t be the infant you wanted me to be. Believe me, if I could go back to before I gained consciousness, I would. Alas, aging happens to the best of us.
How old am I now? 25 next month, but don’t you dare pity me. My life is great. Since my parents moved out when I became a roadside attraction, I have the whole house to myself. I have this open skylight to look out of and a lady who feeds me my meals. I get to watch the clouds go by all day and on Tuesdays, Loretta makes mac ‘n cheese. I love mac ‘n cheese. Stop crying. My life is wonderful. I’m never bored, I never wonder what grass feels like or what the rain tastes like. I have never felt less than human and I harbor absolutely no resentment toward my mother.
What are you doing? Ma’am, what’s in your hand? Ma’am? Are those scissors? Why do you have scissors? Are you- are you cutting my stitches? But I’ll float through the aforementioned open skylight! I’ve never been outside before, what if I’m allergic to bees? Ma’am? Oh no, I’m floating! Can someone please hold my arm? I’m nearing the skylight! This is the end for me. I can see the headline now, Phlying Phil Phlies Away! Farewell, sweet Loretta! I hope the clouds taste like mac n’ cheese.
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100toannie · 1 year
I’m doing something so crazy and out of my comfort zone tomorrow.
I’m signed up to “run” a 5k.
What even is this right now? I have always hated exercise because I had the wrong mindset. I hated myself or at least the way I look so I figured why bother. Now that I exercise on purpose - at least walking or riding my bike anyway because I still don’t go to the gym because I don’t know what to do - but I’m ready to start.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of my high school graduation and I felt like God was telling me that it’s time to be an adult. It’s time to seize my life and prepare to meet the one he made for me. I’m ready now. I’m 71lbs down. I look so much better. I’m halfway to a weight I honestly dream about. I’m 23 pounds away from being under 200 pounds for the first time since I was 15. I’m 32.
I didn’t train the way I wanted since I had my surgery earlier this month. They removed my back lump. It wasn’t cancer by the way. I really thought it was and that’s what contributed to me losing weight. It’s not. I lost weight because I started exercising damnit. Lol. It’s like duh you stupid woman. But yeah. Big relief when mom told me that’s what the doctor told my dad. Mind you nobody from the hospital told me for like a week until when a nurse called “to give me the good news”. Dad didn’t even tell me but I think that’s mostly because I was so drugged up from the anesthesia.
Whatever. That expensive $972 after insurance surgery gave me a huge boost to my confidence and a 4 something centimeter scar. You win some you lose some. I have scar cream I’m going to use once the scab fades.
My plan is to make a Facebook announcement tomorrow after the race. I’m going to actually tell the world (of my Facebook friends) that I’ve done this thing. Basically everything I’ve said here so far. I have some before pictures then I’m going to post a picture of me with my finisher medal.
Im planning on wearing my blue capri running pants and a tealy turquoise exercise shirt I got at Walmart. My flamingo hat, pink shein beaded earrings and possibly my pink bracelets that match. Might not wear those. Im also wearing the cross Victoria gave me at her wedding. I also have my orthopedic insert sneakers and I will probably wear my black ankle brace.
I don’t know if I should bring a water bottle. I’ve never been to a race to know if people do that. I mean I’ll take it with me for sure for the car but i don’t know if I’ll run with it. This is a whole learning experience.
The idea hit me when I saw these two people I know that are big run them. One is a lady I worked with at my old school and the other is a guy I went to high school with. It’s like my inkling to get my doctorate. If they can do it then so can I.
I don’t know if I should really say that because I’m not better than any of these people. I’m not smarter than T or fitter than C. I think it’s just that I’m seeing these other people not hold themselves back based on what other people expect of them. I wouldn’t expect T to go for her doctorate. I could see Jasmine and Jennie and definitely that science lady from the district based on what people say about her. Not T though. For the 5k I can see the Ashley’s running one and they do. I didn’t expect C to post that she did one with her coworkers from her new school.
There is a chance I won’t be able to finish tomorrow but I’m going to push as hard as I can. This is proving to me that I’m halfway to my goal just as much as everyone else. Regardless, the only person that knows I’m doing this is Vic and now I’ve said it here. If I fail then I fail but I’ll try again. I’m already planning on being one of the coaches for GOTR at school next year not only for the leadership ding on my resume but for the motivation.
It’s almost 11:30 and I need to sleep. After all… I have a 5k in the morning at 8.
5/28/23 222.8
0 notes
One Night🌙11
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, angry Andy, hormones, awkward dinner, y’all know what it be.
This is dark!Andy Barber and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: One night changes your entire life.
for @kittykatlow​‘s 200 Follower Celebration
Note: Okay, here’s an update.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You wore a black dress, barely loose enough to fit over your bump as the hem floated high in the front. Your forehead beaded with sweat as you took out the heavy glass pan from the oven and puffed. You set it down and removed the lid as steam clouded out. You heard your father’s voice from the living room and Andy’s baritone response.
The night was smooth so far. Your father was particularly impressed by the autographed baseballs on the mantle but never outspoken, the conversation didn’t stray much from sports or cars. Your mother’s posture and expression betrayed her discomfort but she masked it with a cordial tone. You were thankful for it as you didn’t need to deal with her attitude and Andy’s at once. You were too hormonal and tired for that.
You began to take down plates from the cupboard and your mother’s voice sounded from behind you. She neared and reached up next to you as she grabbed the next plate before you could. She stacked the four of them neatly and grasped them in her knobby hands.
“You’re too pregnant for that,” she said, “you grab the silverware.”
You gave a small smile and turned to open the drawer as she left you. You took out the utensils and followed her into the dining room. You set the table and she returned to the kitchen. You came after her and she used a dishcloth to lift the hot pan.
“Get the door, will ya?” she said as she angled around carefully.
She passed you as you held open the swinging door and she set the pan down on the mat in the middle of the table. She inhaled deeply and glanced over at you. 
“Stuffed peppers?” she asked.
“Your recipe,” you said, “I’ve been craving them.”
“Next time, let me make them,” she smiled, “you still don’t know the special ingredient.”
“I’ll figure it out one day,” you rubbed your lower back.
“Sit,” she pulled out a chair, “I’ll go get the men.”
You neared her and leaned on the back of the chair, “mom,” you said quietly.
“I’m trying,” she said grimly, “I’m just… not happy yet.”
You nodded and hung your head, “yeah, you don’t have to be, but thank you.”
“I don’t like that man,” she hissed, “a wife in the hospital and he’s knocking up a stranger--”
“Mom,” you warned her, “please.”
“I know, I know,” she shook her head, “but you’re my daughter and he’s… I don’t know, who knows what really happened to the wife.”
You gave her a look and she pursed her lips. She retreated and you sat down heavily and cupped your cheeks. All you had to do was get through dinner. Then you could say you were tired and hide in your room.
You heard her voice in the next room and the impending footsteps before they appeared in the doorway. Your mother and father sat across from you and Andy took the seat to your right. You waited awkwardly and he cleared his throat.
“Well, sweetheart, aren’t you going to serve the guests?” he intoned.
“I can do it,” your mother offered, “don’t make her work any harder than she needs to. Not in her condition.”
You were slightly taken aback by her effort but you didn’t miss how the corner of her lip twitched as she eyed Andy. She didn’t like and didn’t trust him. You couldn’t say you did either and almost for the first time in your life, you felt a kindred connection to your mother.
She stood and scooped a pepper carefully onto each plate with a generous spoonful of sauce from the bottom of the dish. She set them back carefully before each diner and returned to her chair and sat. She smiled, a forced smile, and shifted her chair closer.
“So, you have some time but… once the baby’s here, I’m sure you’ll be back to work,” you mother began, your father always content to hide in his food, “me and your dad talked, we could watch the kid once and a while--”
“She’s not going back to work,” Andy interjected, “especially not at the diner.”
“Oh,” your mother’s lips pressed together in a firm line, “she isn’t?”
“Maybe after a year?” you began as you glance at Andy, “once I get the hand of things--”
“No,” Andy said, “you’re staying home with her.”
“I guess we haven’t decided,” you offered calmly, embarrassed by Andy’s attitude, “as you said, we still have time and we’re figuring stuff out.”
“Once the kiddo’s in school, you’ll have the time to get a job,” your dad offered, “that’s what your ma did. She kept on a few hours here and there when you were real small but once you hit kindergarten, she was back to full shifts.”
“We’ll talk,” Andy threw a hand up and grabbed his fork with his other, “it’s really not your business. It’s ours.”
“Andy,” you chided, “they’re just curious--”
“And where were they for the last couple months?” he snarled, “they weren’t so curious then.”
“Alright, calm down,” you hissed, “sorry, mom, dad--”
“Don’t apologise for me,” he snipped, “they should be apologising to you. That’s why I welcomed them into my home.”
“What?” you gulped, “Andy, they don’t need to--”
“No, no, my child is gonna have at least one set of grandparents and if it’s going to be them, they’re going to respect you and me,” Andy insisted, “so they can apologise or they can leave without dessert.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you uttered.
“Don’t you tell me how to act,” he cut into the pepper, “so…” he looked across the table at your parents, “she made this delicious meal and I think she deserves at least a little appreciation from the two of you.”
You dad looked angry for once in his life as your mother’s lips curled in mortification. You gave them both a shameful look and shook your head just slightly. You mouthed an apology as Andy huffed and tapped impatiently on the table.
“We’re sorry, honey,” your mother began, “we overreacted. Just like I said earlier, I was surprised.”
“Sorry,” your dad forced out as he glared at Andy, “you know I always love and support you, no matter what.”
“Thank you,” you said softly, “now,” you touched Andy’s arm gently, “we can move on. It’s all good.”
“Mhmm,” he grumbled as he leaned forward to take a bike, “we can… but this doesn’t happen again.”
You wanted to shrink down and hide under the table. The tension that rose was palpable and threatened to choke you. You had false hope in the beginning that this might feel normal, that you might end the night with a new standing between you and your mother. 
You knew then that Andy’s goal had never been to bring you back together, it was only to gain another degree of control. He made it clear that no one could help you, not even your own parents.
You were almost thankful for the sink full of dishes. It kept you distracted and gave you a reason not to sit and stew with Andy. Your parents left shortly after you cut the cherry pie and you cleaned up as they bid their farewells. You were completely humiliated by Andy’s hubristic demands but you didn’t dare argue with him. Especially not in front of guests.
You scrubbed the dishes as your stomach pressed to the wet counter and placed each in the drying rack. Andy came in as you pulled the drain and you took the dish cloth from its hook.
“Here, I’ll dry,” he offered.
You stared at him and wiped the water from your hands and gave him the cloth. He went to the rack and opened a cupboard. You took out a container and began to pack up the leftovers from the pan and wrapped the top of the pie. The silence made every clink and clank louder as you moved around the kitchen.
You shut the fridge and sensed him behind you. You flinched as his hands settled on your hip and you gripped pressed your palm against the cool metal. He pulled you back against him and slid his hands around your bump as he hummed.
“Did I tell you this dress looks wonderful?” his fingers brushed the dishwater along the front.
“Andy,” you grasped his wrists, “what are you doing?”
He rocked you as one hand grazed beneath your bump and his fingers dangled over your vee. He bent and inhaled the scent of your scalp. You went rigid as he wiggled against your back, his arousal twitching tellingly.
“Andy, please--”
“Can’t knock you up a second time,” he purred.
“I… no, please, I’m tired--”
“Come on, honey, that night… wasn’t that amazing?” He turned you to face the island and you caught yourself against the edge, “that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“It was a mistake, alright? Look at us now--”
“Look at us, hmmm?” he pushed his hand down and cupped your cunt through your dress. You gasped and squeezed his wrist, “I lay in my bed thinking of you all night… and you’re just across the hall. Why are we playing this game still?”
“Get off of me, please,” you begged, “Andy--”
He pressed his fingers to your pants and pushed the cotton against your folds. You bit your lip as he found your clit and the chafing formed a pressure beneath his touch. You shook your head and leaned back into him, trying to shove him away.
“Let me go…” you breathed.
“Doesn’t that feel good?” he urged, “I can feel you getting wet already. You’re lying to yourself.” He pulled your panties aside and dipped two fingers between your lips, “why do you gotta be so damn stubborn?”
You sucked in air and tensed as he played with your bud so that your thighs quivered. You tucked your chin in and bit down as you tried not to let out a moan. Your nails sank into sleeve but he kept on. You felt how powerful he truly was, his chest pressed against you as his arm remained immoveable.
He bent you slightly as he snaked his hand further and poked a finger inside of you. You squeaked and he added another, curling them as he began to rock his hand. He buried his face into your neck and his hot breath permeated your skin.
“Mmm, isn’t that nice, honey? I just wanna help you relax?” his teeth grazed your neck, “I can be nice, you see?”
Those words turned your blood to ice. You closed your eyes as you returned to those hours ago when his fist crashed into the wall. When his voice was rigid and unloving, when you were certain he would do worse than just yell. Now he was all over you, coaxing you as if it never happened, as if there hadn’t been months of this precarious tug-of-war.
“Andy, really, I’m tired,” you pleaded, “that night… I told you--”
Your voice caught in your throat as he thrust his fingers deeper and moved his hand faster. The pressure throbbed inside of you, pulsing through your veins and you kept your hand tight on the counter as you gripped his arm with the other. Your ankles threatened to bend as you shuddered and came in a sudden rush.
“Tired?” he mocked as he led you through your climax, “I’ll do all the work, honey.”
You shook your head and whined through your teeth. He kept on until you were weak and clinging to his hand. He slowly drew his fingers out of you and slid his arm out from around you. You slumped against the counter as he let you go, the subtle tinkle of his belt gleaned in your ear.
You turned to him as his belt hung open and he caught you by surprise. He wrapped one arm around your back, his other hand across your ass as he lifted you with a grunt. You threw your hands back to keep from falling across the island as he put you down on the marble. You tried to slide forward as his hands grasped your hips and held you in place.
His blue eyes burned and dilated. He reached under your skirt and pulled your panties down. You whimpered as he tugged them down. He quickly pushed your legs apart and moved between them, your knees wide around his thighs. He grabbed your chin and tilted your head back, his lips covering yours hungrily.
You clawed at the front of his shirt as his other hand danced along your pelvis. His fingers crawled down your thigh and she shifted as he fumbled blindly with the front of his pants. You pushed against his shoulders as the panic erupted from your stomach and swelled in your throat.
He brought you closer to the edge and pulled his hand back to grip himself. You opened one eye as you tried to peek down but couldn’t see beneath your bump. He leaned on you until you fell over the marble and bent over you as he slipped his tip along your cunt. His lips strayed to your cheek and down to your throat.
“Andy,” you begged one last time as he pressed against your entrance.
He purred against your neck as his hand slid past your shoulder and stretched over your tit. He pushed into you slowly and you gulped as tears pricked in your eyes. You bent your legs so your heels pressed to the side of the counter and gritted your teeth as he got deeper. 
As he bottomed out, he rasped against your skin. He stood up straight and dragged your ass over the edge of the counter. He puffed his chest as he thrust into you and his eyes rolled back. He growled as he did it again and your walls clenched around him. Your reached down and pressed on his open pants with your fingertips, trying to push him away pathetically.
“Andy,” you whimpered as he hooked his arm around your thigh, “Andy--”
His other hand flipped up your skirt and he stretched his hand over your round stomach as he rocked into you. You shook your head and covered your face with one hand as you gripped the edge of the marble with your other. Your breaths grew shallow as you fought your own body and the pleasure blooming around his intrusion.
He sped up as the wet noise filled the kitchen and you bit the heel of your hand to keep from crying out. Another orgasm flowed over you and knotted your muscles around him. His groans and grunts grew louder as his flesh slapped against yours, his fingers drawing circles on your stomach.
“Oh fuck,” Andy hissed and jerked his hips harshly.
He sank into you as deep as he could go and wiggled his hips as he flooded you. He twitched as he leaned his head back and sighed, his fingers tight on your thighs as they painfully poked your tender flesh. You moaned and trembled as you felt his release hot inside of you. 
He stilled and let your legs splay around him. You stared at the ceiling in shock as he shuddered. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked between your legs as his cum dripped out around him. You pulled off of him and shoved him away. He seemed to awaken from a trance as you did and his lashes fluttered.
You dropped down carefully to your feet and stormed away. He called your name but the vomit was already halfway up your esophagus. You weren’t going to make it upstairs. You closed yourself in the half-bath under the stairs and wretched into the sink. You held yourself up weakly until the violent ripples quelled. You looked at yourself in the mirror and winced. 
One night cost you the rest of your life. One night meant your body, your soul, your days were his. One night would be countless nights, your fate decided in a single careless act.
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batsandbugs · 3 years
The Great IKEA Game
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Chapter 11: Playing the Game
AN: I hope y'all enjoy this non-stop flirt-a-thon, chapter count got increased again, so we'll get back to the plot in the next chapter!
At first, Marinette didn’t know how to act. This was the last route she expected Damian to take. The shock of Damian’s lips against hers turned her body rigid; hands splayed out to the sides, unsure of where to touch. After a second of floundering, she gained enough bearing to place her hands firmly on Damian’s arms. Her once still lips hesitantly moving against his. The closed-mouth kiss stayed chaste, but Marinette found herself fluttering her eyes closed, sinking into the warmth.
Damian stood taller than her, bending into the kiss while she craned her neck. Marinette pushed herself upward, arching onto the tips of her toes, and Damian’s hands wrapped tighter around her waist, deepening the kiss. She readjusted her mouth for a second grabbing a quick gasp of air before diving in again with more fervor. Damian responded in kind, pushing her back fully against the wall, one hand migrating from her waist to cup her cheek.
Damn. Damian was a good kisser.
“What the- Hey, customers are not allowed to be in here!”
Oh, right. The employee. That’s why they were kissing.
Why would kissing be helpful in this situation?
Not that Marinette was complaining, but-
Damian pulled away from her, and Marinette held back a pitiful whine when he turned away and faced the employee.
‘Bad thoughts, Marinette,’ she chided herself. ‘Focus on the mission, not Damian, or his lips, or his eyes, or-’
“Oh, sorry ‘bout that,” said Damian with a bashful smile.
Marinette dragged herself out of the kiss-induced bliss, focusing on her co-conspirator, and had she been less in control of herself her jaw would have dropped.
Damian’s whole demeanor had markedly changed. His normal sharp posture sunk into a causal slouch; the emotions on his face, generally a mix of sharp observation or practiced disdain, now a mix of charming elegance and, yes, bashfulness. He flashed a wide grin at the oncoming employee, a person in their early twenties, who froze when they saw them.
Or rather, Damian.
Rapidly blinking bright blue eyes gazed at them. “Oh, oh you- you’re-”
“Yeah, yeah, we all know who I am,” said Damian, rubbing the back of his neck. Even the way he spoke changed; careful pronunciation and formality thrown out the window for a lax New Jersian drawl. “What’s your name?” He asked with such a genuine smile, had Marinette not been versed in people lying through their teeth, she would have bought it.
Not for the first time, Marinette wondered how famous Damian’s family was – obviously rich enough, and high profile enough - to be recognized on the spot.
The person paused for a moment, fiddling with a strand of curly blond hair. “I’m- I’m ah… Fey, nice to meet you Mr.-”
Damian cut them off with a laugh. “Oh please, any name with a mister makes me think of my father or my older brother. Call me Dami.” He offered a hand to the flustered Fey. They limply shook it.
“Oh… ah- alright Dami.”
Damian encircled a hand around Marinette’s waist dragging her out of the weirdness induced fugue state she’d fallen into. “And this… well,” he lowered his eyes, catching her attention and winked. “This is my girlfriend Marinette.”
Fuck, this is what he meant by play along.
Fey dropped open their mouth before closing it quickly.
“Oh, I hadn’t read-”
Damian cut the flustered employee off again.
“We’ve kept it quiet.” He waved his hand dismissively. “The papers would devour a story like this,” he said, with a sense of vapid annoyance, although a trace of his normal calculated disdain accented his words.
Note to self; Damian didn’t like the media. Good, Marinette didn’t much like the invasive vultures either.
Fey nodded along, twirling a lock of hair on their finger. “Oh yeah, that totally makes sense.” They paused shaking their head to clear away an emotion… awe? Fear? Marinette couldn’t tell. “But uh, why are you here? Like in the stairwell, not in the store. Because of course celebrities would still shop, right? I mean-” Poor Fey was a stuttering mess. Marinette almost felt bad for them.
She felt like an absolute stuttering mess too, but she would be damned if Damian would carry this lie all by himself.
She was fucking Ladybug; savior of Paris, Guardian of the Miraculous.
She could act like a lovestruck fool.
“It iz so sweet,” she said, emphasizing her accent to add a little more pageantry to this entire scheme. “I just arrived back from Paris, and wanted to decorate my new apartment with ze ah-” she waved her hands around, “Oh, how you Americans put it? Fairy lights?”
Fey nodded quickly. “Yeah, we have a couple of good selections, but-” Marinette continued before they could logic their way out of the made-up cover story.
“I planned to go by myself, but Dami-” at this she moved forward to wrap her arms around his, leaning into his side. The warmth of his body bleeding through his clothes. “He insisted on ‘companying me even though he dozen’t like ze crowds.” She leaned forward with a conspiratorial air. “He gets grumpy,” she divulged with a girlish giggle. Why Damian did a 180 on his personality was a complete mystery, but if he dropped the act, this would make Fey less suspicious.
Fey nodded right along like Marinette’s comment made total sense. “Yeah, I don’t read too many magazines, but damn they must pin you all wrong,” they said to Damian. From Marinette’s position at his side, she felt his body tense the slightest amount. “Gotham’s Ice Prince, yeah right.”
Marinette inwardly quirked an eyebrow. ‘Ice Prince, huh?’ The name sounded familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on where she’d heard it before.
Damian nervously chuckled again, sounding more authentic this time. “Oh no, I’m a grump when it comes to the media, I fully admit. My, ah,” he looked at her again, an apology flashing in his green eyes. “Angel here puts me in a better mood.”
A rushing noise filled Marinette’s ears, and her heart quickened. She vaguely registered a squeal of delight coming from Fey, but it sounded far away compared to her blood pounding at a thunderous level. Heat flushed in her cheeks, and the confident smile she plastered on her face almost dropped at the pet name.
He called her angel.
What level of utter insanity had she dropped into?
“A few disguises later,” Damian continued, adjusting the glasses on his face, and oblivious of the turmoil he’d created in Marinette’s mind. “I thought we’d be able to stay under the radar, I just wanted a day out with my girlfriend,” he said with a put-upon sigh. The emotional, charming actions stood in complete opposite to Damian’s normal demeanor.
Marinette found herself desperately torn between breaking down laughing hysterically or clapping at Damian’s masterful performance.
“You got noticed?” asked Fey.
“We got noticed.” Damian sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair. Marinette regretted not touching it while she and Damian kissed; was it as fluffy as it looked? “And Marinette, the sweet angel she is, isn’t used to the whole utter insanity of… you know, dating a celebrity.” He glanced at her, teasing her with a fonder smirk than his usual. Marinette wanted to roll her eyes. Damian had no clue she knew very well the consequences of dating a celebrity.
Never mind she’d only dated Adrian a month before they broke up because his dad turned out to be a psychopathic supervillain intent on plunging the whole of France into an apocalyptic hellscape in an attempt to upset the universes’ balance, and was fully okay with killing the both of them to make it happen.
Being friends after that little debacle was the better option. For both their sanities.
‘Focus Marinette.’ She dragged her attention back to the conversation.
“We kinda ducked in here when nobody was paying attention. I want to keep this away from the media as long as possible, for my angel’s privacy.” Marinette wanted to scoff at how Damian leaned into that nickname. He certainly was laying it on thick. Marinette wouldn’t have bought the act, but that was due to her years of lying and deceiving in the name of super-heroics.
Fey, with their eager demeanor and bright blue eyes, didn’t stand a chance.
“Oh, that’s awful people wouldn’t leave you alone. I bet most celebrities would be familiar with the attention, but for you to look out for Marinette too?” They whistled. “Damn girl, he’s a keeper for sure.”
The blush gracing Marinette’s cheeks was 100% real. “Oh, well, ah, zank you. I know.”
“Well, no one will hear a word from me,” Fey promised. They fiddled with their hands and sent a shy smile at Damian. Marinette’s stomach clenched at the sight, and without her permission, her traitorous hands tightened their grip on Damian’s arm. “Without your family’s scholarship, my sister never would have graduated med school. She would kill me if I even thought of ratting you out to the papers.”
“Oh…” said Damian, his outward appearance of shock mirroring Marinette’s own internal emotions.
‘His family is rich enough to fund medical scholarships?’
“Well, that’s not on me directly, you know,” he commented. “All my father’s doing. I hope- ah… I hope she’s doing well?” Although his face portrayed a bashful and relaxed air, his body language screamed uncomfortableness. Marinette released one hand from his arm and brought it to rest on the small of his back, circling her thumb around. He relaxed, slightly, and Marinette smiled.
“Yeah, actually she is,” said Fey beaming. “She’s working at the new pediatric clinic that opened in Crime Alley.”
“Good for her,” said Damian honestly. “We need more people willing to work to make the city a better place. Money can only do so much.”
“Money definitely helps though,” Fey replied, wryly. Marinette agreed. Long-buried memories of her early years arose. Living above her parents’ shop, where every month they spread their bills across the kitchen table and talked in hushed tones while Marinette sat on the steps to her attic room and worried, even if at five and six she didn’t know what she was worried about.
Those days were long gone. Her parents and their creations internationally famous, with three separate locations across the greater Paris metro alone. But that worry never really went away.
Fey shifted on their feet reading their watch. “Well, you guys stay here if you want until whatever crowd out there loses interest.” They gestured to the door Marinette and Damian entered through. “Or you can come with me if you want?” Pointing to the other locked door. “I’m heading out to the atrium to deal with a problem, but you can continue on with your shopping.”
“Zank you so much,” Marinette replied. “We will go with you if you do not mind?”
“Of course not,” said Fey, walking to the door and pulling out a security key. They opened the door, but Damian held it allowing Marinette and Fey to walk through before he followed. Placing a hand once more around Marinette’s waist.
“What problem in the atrium, if you don’t mind me asking?” he prodded, sharing a look with Marinette.
It could be nothing, but it could also have something to do with his brothers.
Considering their luck today, Marinette would be shocked if it wasn’t the latter option.
“Oh, well it started with the children’s center shutting down. Apparently, the kids got it in their minds to start a dodge ball fight with the workers. Which, you know, totally fair,” confided Fey, as they walked through the back corridors. “Sounded like it was a blast to watch. I was such a shit when I was a kid, I would have joined them in a heartbeat. It wrapped up fairly quickly, but they can’t convince the main instigator to descend from the jungle gym. I think they’re still hunting down her parents.”
Marinette pursed her lips trying to hold back a smile. ‘Oh, Abby,’ she thought, ‘you absolute gem.’
“I only heard about it from Lisa when I got back because I was dealing with a security issue in the back lot.” Fey glanced at them nervously. “Not that there’s anything wrong, we’re perfectly safe.”
Marinette and Damian shared a look.
“Of course,” said Marinette.
Followed by a quick, “Absolutely,” from Damian.
Fey relaxed. “So this is, apparently, a whole bunch of workers on strike? They walked out of the back warehouse and congregated in the atrium, spouting on about living wages and corrupt big business, and the effects of verbal abuse in the workplace.” Fey said with a wave of their arms. “And it’s not like I don’t agree, because I do. Jerry, the warehouse general manager, is an asshole.” Marinette and Damian exchange worried glances at the rotund angry man’s name, who they last saw dragging a singed Tim into an office.
“…but it makes my job hard,” whined Fey, oblivious to their compatriot’s inner panic. “And the Starbucks baristas joined them, so their kiosk closed too.” Fey chuckled, “I would avoid the whole area if I were you, especially if you don’t want anyone finding out you’re together.”
“I wonder how zat ended up happening?” Marinette asked hopefully her high-pitched voice conveyed confusion instead of slowly settling in panic.
“They called in saying some guy lead the charge, he’s worked the crowd into a fervor. I’m there to be the HR rep while security tries to remove him. You know, normally my job involves sitting at a desk all day listening to bitchy customers on the phone. I’ve dealt with more in-store problems today since last Black Friday.” Fey chuckled. “What a day, ya’ know?”
Marinette glanced at Damian, his casual mask still firmly in place, although his left eye twitched, and the hand he wrapped around her waist, tightened at Fey’s words.
Fey finally reached another door, pulling out their pass and lead them out into the store’s main section.
“Well, it was nice to meet you Marinette, Dami,” Fey chirped. “Nobody will hear from me about any of this.” They mimed zipping their lips.
Marinette smiled, hoping the strain wasn’t too noticeable. “It waz nice to meet you too Fey.”
“Good luck with whatever is happening in the atrium,” said Damian. They stood at the door and watched them move out of sight. When Fey finally disappeared around a corner, Damian turned to Marinette his casual persona rippling away as if it never existed at all. His hand slipped off her waist.
She did not, absolutely not, want to grab it and put it back thank you very much.
“How much do you wish to wager on Drake’s involvement in whatever is occurring in the atrium?” he asked. Marinette smiled, reassured at the return of his clipped and formal tone. The informal speech felt wrong coming from Damian’s mouth.
“Oh, I don’t know Dami?” she teased. Then again, she couldn’t let this opportunity pass by her. “I don’t think I have enough money for that bet with you.”
Damian closed his eyes with a grimace and sigh. “Do not call me that.” He opened his eyes, an expression just short of pleading radiated from them “Please.”
“I would rather gag, and it sounds so would you.” Marinette covered her grin with her hand, unable to stop a slight giggle at the man’s long-suffering tone. “You pulled off vapid lovesick celebrity well, but why the need to act at all?”
“I have plenty of reference to draw from,” he grumbled, piquing Marinette’s interest; every half aside comment enticing her to dig further at Damian’s life. “I needed whoever descended those steps on our side and my normal... demeanor tends to put people off.” He folded his hands behind his back, a perfect picture of casualness, but the tightness around his eyes and the twitch of his mouth was all Marinette needed to note his self-consciousness.
“Well, I for one find your usual self charming,” Marinette admitted, pleased when Damian relaxed at her words. “You freaked me out acting that weird.”
“It is not an option I use often,” Damian admitted. “My brothers tend to make big productions of themselves. I prefer a far subtler approach, but this required more theatrics to make it believable.” He glanced at her. “I hope…” he paused. She watched his hand flutter and turn into a fist at his side. “I hope I did not overstep your bounds, that is, I mean violate your...” Damian refused to look at her, his gaze firmly planted on a far wall.
Marinette could let the poor man continue but ended up taking pity on him before he dug an even deeper hole. She placed a hand on his arm. “You were fine. If I didn’t want you… kissing me,” she said the words out loud for the first time, reigning in a pleasurable shudder at the memory. “I would have pushed you off, and if I felt violated, which I didn’t, you would have found yourself on the ground in plenty of pain.”
Damian dragged his gaze back to hers, a small smirk twitching at the corner of his lips. “Undoubtedly, yes, you easily could have done so.”
Marinette smirked again, not willing to let the entire debacle slip away quite yet though. “Although I have to ask, where in the world did angel come from? And what on earth made you think it would be a good nickname for our fake relationship?”
Damian lifted his nose haughtily. “It is a perfectly acceptable name of affection for a significant other. What, did you wish for ‘sweetheart’ or ‘doll’?” he asked, drawing out those names with the earlier casual New Jersian accent. Marinette withheld a shiver at his low tone of voice curling those words around his tongue. She may prefer his normal speech, but damn he still sounded unbearably attractive when he dropped that low.
‘Focus, Marinette. FOCUS!’ she inwardly screamed at herself.
“Goodness no,” said Marinette, forcing a pretend shudder. “Something with more class perhaps? Darling, or beloved?”
Damian pursed his lips. “Not beloved. That’s what my mother refers to my father with.” Marinette winced, yeah, that could be awkward. Not that this whole conversation wasn’t a disaster plucked out of a fever dream. Why, why was she debating Damian on the finer points of affectionate nickname giving?
But her mouth continued talking. “Alright, I suppose angel isn’t bad in comparison. Still, it’s a bit cliché. What does that make you? A demon?”
Damian tilted his head with a shrug. “Tt. My brothers do call me that on occasion, yes.” Oh right, Jason called him demon-spawn a few times during their confrontation. With the way Damian rolled his eyes in annoyance, Marinette figured a story lurked behind that particular nickname.
“Regardless, we have strayed dangerously off-topic here. We should head towards the pandemonium in the atrium, yes?” Damian pushed off the wall he’d leaned against, and Marinette followed.
“I thought it was Panic at the Disco?” Marinette teased with a grin.
Damian pointed a finger at her, trying for a stern expression, but the glint in his eyes betrayed his amusement. “You think yourself terribly clever, don’t you?”
“I think I’m adorable,” she shot back. “But I also think you’re right. It sounds like Tim managed to involve himself. If he’s making a scene, I bet he’ll draw the rest of your brothers there too.”
“You think Grayson will escape the clutches of that ravenous she-wolf?”
Marinette scoffed. “Damian, you’ll insult wolves with that comparison. I thought she resembled more of a hyena myself.” The woman certainly shrieked enough for it. “From what I saw, your brother probably ducked out at the first opportunity available to him.”
“True. Which leaves Todd, and nothing attracts his attention more than a spectacle. Especially when Drake stands chance to make a fool of himself.” Turning a corner they found themselves several yards away from the open-aired atrium. A crowd of people lingered around the railing looking into the courtyard below. Clapping and cheers fill the air.
“Shall we?” asked Marinette, excitement brewing in her chest.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” grumbled Damian. “But I suppose we must.”
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tom-holland-parker · 3 years
Lets get Married
Summary: On a class trip to Vegas, Peter is determined to make this trip a memorable one, even if it means doing something crazy. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 2911
Note: If you’ve never heard Lets get married by bleachers you are missing out.
Taking a bunch of 17/18 year olds to vegas probably wasn't the best idea. Between Flash's constant suggestions on going to a strip club and being stuck on a crowded bus in 90 degree weather, it was already turning out to be terrible.
"Well someone doesn't look too happy" Peter joked as you rested your head on his shoulder. You could feel a headache forming in your head and the heat was only making things worse. "If Flash doesn't stop talking I'm going to stab him" you groaned trying to block out his loud voice.
Peter chuckled, giving you a kiss on your forehead, "sorry to burst your bubble but it's my job as Spiderman to make sure you don't do that"
You rolled your eyes, "but it's your job as Peter AKA my boyfriend to let me get away with it"
"You do realize you're joking about murder" Mj interrupt as she poked her head above her seat in front of you. "I know you're thinking the same thing Mj". She shrugged before returning to the book.
"I’m very glad we finally got a peaceful field trip I don’t think I can handle another Europe or Washington" You joked looking up at Peter. He chuckled, “Don’t jinx it. I don’t want any sort of trouble to happen”
"Well we could always cause some trouble" you smirked, "I've been researching some casinos"
"Since when do you know how to gamble" He laughed. "I'm Tony Stark's daughter doing risky stuff is in my blood. Plus my dad left me with his credit card" you opened your wallet showing Peter the shiny black amex that was tucked in the pocket.
“I don’t know about this,” He said nervously. You scoffed, “You’re telling me that I made all of us get fake IDs and you’re not even going to let me gamble” 
Peter rolled his eyes, remembering the exact day you were talking about. It was almost a month ago when you tricked him and your friends into taking photos that they thought were for the yearbook but turned out to be fake IDs that you needed to get into a party. “I never wanted that fake ID” 
“Yeah but you’re beautiful girlfriend got you one anyway” You leaned over placing a soft kiss on his neck, “Please baby let have some fun. You know what they say What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”
"If you guys are planning on sneaking out, count me in" Mj interrupted, not bothering to wait for a reply before ducking her head back over the seat.
Peter sighed as he shook his head, "Fine but only because Ned has been studying the art of poker for weeks". He pointed to the row next to you where Ned sat reading The Poker Players Bible
“He’s learning poker from a book?” You shook your head in amusement, “He’s gonna lose” 
Peter chuckled, “Have some faith in him. I think he’d make an excellent poker player”. You rolled your eyes, glancing at Ned again before looking back at Peter. 
"Wanna make a bet?" You smirked sitting up from your slouched position. Peter smiled and nodded. "We'll let Ned play three games of poker. If he wins at least twice I'll do whatever you want but is he loses twice then you have to do whatever I want"
He hesitated trying to figure out whether or not you were joking. He rolled his eyes when he realized you were serious, "deal". He shook your hand, "I need to talk to Ned''. You rolled your eyes and put on your headphones as Peter got up and walked to the row besides you.
You didn't notice but Peter had been nervous ever since the plane had landed in Vegas. He knew you'd always wanted to come here and he wanted to make your first trip here a memorable one. "Hey Ned" he whispered, glancing towards you to make sure you weren't paying attention, "I need your help"
"I thought you said you wouldn't have to do Spiderman things on this trip" he replied in a worried tone.
Peter shook his head, "no it's not that" he reassured, "Y/N and Mj are going to come with us tonight to the Casino, but I've made a bet with Y/N and I need you to win two of three poker games tonight"
Ned smiled, "don't worry I've got this I spent the whole plane ride playing in small online competitions and I've won a few games so I'm pretty much a pro"
"great" Peter chuckled nervously, "I'm just nervous. I still don't know what I'm going to do to make this trip memorable for her" he glanced at you watching as you stared out the window.
"Why don't you just cross out number 4 on her bucket list" Ned said as he looked at his book again.
"What are you talking about?" Peter questioned. Ned sighed putting down his book again, "do you remember last summer when we all hung out at her place and she stole a bottle of her dads tequila and she started talking about her bucket list"
Peter nodded waiting for Ned to explain, "well number 4 was get married in Vegas even if it's just a joke"
A burst of laughter exploded from Peter, "are you insane? I can't do that. Her father will kill me" he whispered trying to avoid the strange looks he was getting from his sudden outburst.
"Oh come on I'm sure he'll find it funny" Ned smiled.
Peter nodded, “Ok yeah I’m gonna do it. I'm gonna marry her”. Ned chuckled, "Great. Now I need to study or else you’re going to lose this bet” He returned back to his book as Peter, who was now lost in his thoughts returned back to his seat, letting you rest your head on his shoulder for the rest of the bus ride. 
“Ned if you don’t quiet down we’re going to get caught” You whispered as you and your friend piled out the hotel room. It was nearing 11 and all the teachers had forced the students to stay in the rooms for the rest of the night. “Your heels are making more noise than me” Ned joked as you all entered the elevator. 
You rolled your eyes grabbing Peter wrist to look at the time on his watch, “Alright we all need to be back by 4:30” 
To your surprise the casino wasn’t crowded, then again who is going to a casino on a Monday night. “Ok babe, me and Mj are gonna play craps. I'll leave Ned to practice before you lose this bet” You kissed his cheek before grabbing Mj’s hand and guiding her to the dice table. 
“Don’t you think your father is going to question why there are charges to a Vegas casino on his credit card?” Mj asked as you took money out of the ATM. You shrugged, “That’s a problem for another day”. She chuckled as you moved to the table and placed your bets on the game. The dealer handed you your chips as well as the dice signaling to you that the game had started.
It was only an hour later when Peter met up with you and Mj. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you placed your betting chips in their spots, “Are you winning?” He whispered as you grabbed the dice from the table. 
“I’ve done pretty good so far. I need a 7” You shook the dice in your hand before turning to him, “Kiss for good luck?”
He chuckled and gave you a quick kiss, watching as you threw the dice. He could sense your nervousness as the dice moved down the table hitting the wall before landing on the lucky number 7. 
Everyone at the table shouted cheerfully, happy that they had won the round. You gather your chips from the dealer, “Alright Jerry it's been nice playing with you I hope to do it again sometime” you waved goodbye as you all walked to the poker table where Ned sat waiting for the group to join him before he started another game. 
“Alright Ned three games I betting on two loses but Peter thinks differently” You teased as he rolled his eyes, “Prove me right”
If you were being honest you didn’t exactly know what was going on. You’d seen you father and the other avengers play poker before but they never let you in on the game so you hardly knew anything about it, but so far you could tell that you were losing the bet. 
Ned was in the middle of the second game and according to Mj, who didn’t have a biased opinion on this bet, things were looking good for Peter. Ned had won the first game and it looked like he was going to win this one. You sighed in annoyance, hating that you had to admit you were wrong. 
Peter smiled, wrapping his arms around you, “Don’t worry babe I think you’ll actually like that i have planned”. You rolled your eyes watching as Ned cheered clearly happy that he won the game. You sighed, “Ok what do you want” 
“Give me 3 minutes. Stay here” He smiled, grabbing Mj’s arm, leaving you alone at the table with Ned. 
“Ned what does he have planned?” You smirked hoping to wean out whatever Peter was going to do. He shook his head, “Y/N I love you but Peter’s my best friend and I can’t just give away the surprise” You rolled your eyes, turning around at watch as Peter talked to Mj. 
“Please Mj” Peter begged, “I want to make this trip memorable and i'm only asking you because her father doesn’t know” 
“You’re insane” her eyes widened at the thought of you and Peter getting married this young, “You guys are 18 do you seriously think getting married is the best idea” 
“It’s been on her bucket list for years” He pointed out trying to justify his plans. “Please Mj if not for me then do it for the happiness of your best friend” 
She took a deep breath, “Fine I will walk Y/N down the aisle”. Peter smiled pulling Mj into a tight hug. “You’re the best” 
“Guys I don’t appreciate surprises” You joked as Ned guided you through the crowded sidewalk. “Don’t worry we’re almost there” He reassured you. You sighed and kept walking as all your friends laughed. 
You came to a sudden stop as Peter grabbed your hand, “Ok Ned you can uncover her eyes” he chuckled. Ned took his hands off your eyes stepping back as you looked around in confusion. Peter was on one knee with a nervous smile plastered on his face. “Y/N I love you”
“Peter what are you doing?” You looked up noticing the small chapel you all stood in front of, “Please don’t tell me-”
“I love you and I know this is on your bucket list so” he kissed you hand, “Will you marry me?”
You stood silent for a moment, shock taking over your body, “Peter-” His face dropping, thinking maybe this was completely ridiculous. You smiled through as sigh, “Yes I will marry you” 
He stood up quickly, pulling you into a hug. “Alright well we better hurry because it’s already 3 and we need to be back at the hotel soon” 
You nodded your head as everyone walked into the small chapel, “Hi I made an appointment online” Peter said nervously as you walked to the front desk hand in hand, Mj and Ned trailing close behind you.
“Peter?” The short lady said. He nodded, grabbing his ID and handing it to her. You did the same as she typed the information in the computer. “Ok boys you can go through there and stand at the altar, girls you can come with me” 
She smiled guiding you and Mj into a separate room, “Ok so we have different dress and veil options for you to pick from but you don’t seem like an extremely flashy girl so I'm going to suggest the little white dress option” 
She handed you a hanger that held a body con white dress with glitter details, it actually looked like something you had in your closet at home. You nodded your head moving to the dressing room to put in on. You locked the door behind you taking this time as a moment for you to take everything in. You were about to get married. Even if it was just a joke it was still a crazy thing to do. You weren’t nervous that you’d regret it, you loved Peter with all your heart, but you were nervous about everyone else's reactions. I can do this, You whispered to yourself putting the dress on before walking out the small room.
“Alright here goes nothing” You smiled nervously and you grabbed Mj’s arm. The song over the speaker began to play as you slowly walked down the aisle. Peter turned to look at you, shocked at how good you looked in all white, a color you rarely ever wore. 
"Wow" he muttered as you stood in front of him, handing your bouquet of fake flowers to Mj as she stood behind you. "You look amazing" You smiled grabbing his hand. 
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Peter Benjamin Parker and Y/N Y/M/N Stark, in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife" the short lady read from the thin book in her hands. "Do you Peter Parker, take Y/N Stark to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
Peter smiled, looking you in the eyes, "I do"
"Do you Y/N Stark take Peter Parker to be you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part"
You nodded your head enthusiastically, "I do"
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" the room filled the applause as you pulled Peter into a quick passionate kiss. Only pulling apart when you realized your empty fingers, "wait we don't have rings"
"Oh i got that covered" Ned said cheerfully as he pulled out two contained of rings, the ones you usually get from the quarter machines, "they were the only ones I could find on short notice"
"they're perfect Ned", you chuckled, pulling out the pink and purple rings, "Dibs on pink"
Peter rolled his eyes forcing the small ring onto his finger, "I don't think I'll ever be able to take this off" he joked
"That's the point of a wedding ring" you grabbed his hand, "you can't get rid of me that easily"
"Alright time for pictures and then certificate" the short lady appeared with a Polaroid Camera snapping pictures of you and Peter.
"Are you happy?" You looked up and smiled. "I'm married to my favorite girl in the whole world. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Peter smirked before giving you a quick kiss.
Time flew by so fast. After the certificate was signed, a bottle of champagne was popped leading you to get extremely tipsy. By the time you all got back to the hotel it was already 5. Peter carried you up the stair bridal style watching as you moved sleepily in his arms.
"What the hell" Flash said loudly startling everyone. You all turned around watching as Flash stood in the hallway in his bathrobe surrounded by two girls who definitely weren't students. "Go to bed Flash" you mumbled, cuddling further into Peter's arms.
"You guys snuck out?" He said in a shocked voice, "Oh I can't wait until you guys to get caught"
Mj chuckled opening the door to the hotel room you shared with her, "Flash do those girls know that you're 16" she lied. The girls gasped quickly walking away from the angered boy. He took a deep breath before stomping back into his room. "Gosh I hate that dude" Ned said as you all walked into the hotel room.
Peter placed you in bed, taking off your shoes before tucking you in, "I'll see you tomorrow morning Mrs. Parker"
You smile tiredly, "I love you Mr. Parker"
"Well well well if it isn't the newly weds" Your father said angrily as you walked through the elevator doors. You kept your composure not wanting to give you and peter away
"What are you talking about?" You said through a smile
"Don't act dumb" you father said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, "I'm the one who gave Peter the emergency credit card I can see everything he buys"
Your eyes widened, Peter took a deep breath, "Mr. Stark-"
"Im gonna give you ten seconds to run" Your father said as he threw down the paper. 
"I'll talk to you later babe" Peter quickly kissed your cheek before rushing out the room. You father quickly trailing behind
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fredshufflepuff · 3 years
glasses || d.m ✧˖*°࿐
summary: draco sees you with your glasses on for the first time.
warnings: talks of insecurities, implications of sex(I THINK I DONT KNOW?? it’s not really obvious but i still wanted to mention it), fluff
word count: 720
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you started wearing contacts ever since you came to hogwarts, feeling insecure about the specks that laid on the bridge of your nose.
other kids didn’t wear glasses, so why did you?
you didn’t like to feel or be different, because in your mind; different was weird, and being weird was the last thing you wanted to be at your new school.
it was currently your seventh year at hogwarts, a warm and beautiful sunday morning that consisted of you and the slytherin prince in bed.
you got together with draco in your sixth year, now dating him for a good nine months.
draco was amazing, despite his careless and dick like personality he seemed to let on- he was actually a really sweet and caring boy.
your eyes fluttered open to the bright sun setting on your face, the curtains not doing much to keep it out as you let out a tiny groan of disapproval.
draco was sound asleep next to you, his arm tossed lazily yet protectively over your waist with his face buried in the crook of your neck.
you turned your head to the side slightly to view the clock that was hanging on the wall, squinting your eyes to try and make the blurriness go away- but it didn’t work.
you let out a tiny sigh, looking at draco for a split second before grabbing your glasses case.
you always brought them with you just in case, having them tucked away in your book bag if you ever needed them.
plus it was too early to put in contacts, that or you were just too lazy to actually get up.
you slipped your glasses on and let them rest on the bridge of your nose, the blurriness disappearing and your vision clearing up.
the time read 11:54, your eyes widening as you quickly dashed out of bed, a wave of stress now rushing over you.
“y-y/n?” draco croaked out, the sudden movement making him jolt awake.
he sits himself up and yawns quietly to himself, watching you undress and start to get ready for the day, your back towards him.
“i promised hermione i would study with her this morning, i’m already an hour late” you explain, changing into a clean skirt before throwing on a light sweater.
you turn around to grab your book bag, remembering you had brought a hair tie with you.
“are those glasses?”
your actions stop as you freeze in your spot, quickly turning around and taking off the spectacles with shaky hands.
“n-no” you mumble, shaking your head as panic and insecurities clouded your mind.
your first thought was draco making fun of you, knowing how much he bullied potter just because he wore glasses.
you heard shuffling from behind you, a hand slipping under your chin and shifting you towards him with a soft look on his face.
“why so nervous, dear?”
you tried to look down, avoid eye contact, but draco wouldn’t let you.
“it’s stupid” you mumbled, draco sighing as he grabbed your glasses, placing them on your nose and pushing them up.
“y/n, you can tell me if somethings bothering you. you know that right?”
you only nodded in response, clearing your throat before letting your eyes fall shut, “i just...i just don’t like wearing my glasses- i feel weird but also... ugly?”
“ugly?” draco asked, a hint of hurt and disbelief laced in his voice, “you’re far from ugly, darling. you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen- and just seeing you with these glasses makes my heart swell.”
he cups the side of your heated face as you smiled brightly at him, “you look so adorable.”
“really” he grinned, leaning in and giving you a quick kiss on the lips.
draco made you feel 100x better, just knowing that your boyfriend still found you attractive even with glasses made your heart do flips and your stomach erupt with butterflies.
“i’ll see you after your study session, yeah?” he asked, running his thumb in gentle circles over your cheek as you nodded in response.
you went to grab your book bag but stopped when draco pulled you back, a grin plastered over his face as he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“and after i’ll show you how much i adore you.”
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atinydise · 3 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o crying in front of them for the first time
❦ Genre: Fluff, a little bit angsty.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 3K4.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
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It had been 2 weeks since you had nonstop these hating comments on every social media. Your friend and Hongjoong warned you that the beginning will be hard, but you never imagine it would be like this. Before sleeping, you did your best to delete most of the meanest comments because you didn't want Hongjoong to be upset. To reassure yourself, you were telling every day that it would stop someday, but you were wrong. It was worse the next days. Just to enjoy your boyfriend's presence, you went to his studio. He would be busy, but his presence was enough for you. That's the only thing you wanted right now.As he was adding another beat on his production, you were deleting the comments again. Every time you tried to suppress one, another one came up. It overwhelmed you more than you imagined.
"I'm almost done babe! After that we can go watch our movie." Said Hongjoong, turning his chair around. His heart missed a beat when he saw tears sliding from your red eyes. His smile faded quickly. Your boyfriend immediately stood up and kneeled just next to you. "What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?" Of course, when you heard that, you busted in tears, sobbing crazily. Hongjoong was shocked and confused to see you crying like this. In fact, he never seen you crying. "Y/N, look at me." He whispered, holding your hand. Despite your blurry vision, you stared right at him. "What's wrong?" He repeated. "What's ruining my usual sunshine's mood?" You took your time to explain the situation; that you are wasting your time on deleting a thousand of comments per day. You added that reading them, made your feel really insecure. "It's really hard Jong..." you sobbed, your lips shaking. "I'm sorry that you went through all of this, alone." He lifted himself a bit to hug your little figure. Face buried on his hoodie, you just gave it up and cried again. "The company is protecting me, but no one does it for you. I’ve failed." He patted your back, trying to comfort you as he could. "I'm really sorry Y/N." He whispered. You stayed at least 15 minutes in his arms, gripping the hem of his hoodie like your life depended on it. Hearing you being so sad made Hongjoong realize how much you suffered and kept everything for yourself. "You won't be alone anymore. We are going to find the perfect solution, so you won't get hurt once again. Okay?" You nodded, making him slid his hand on the back of your head to keep you closer. "Everything will be okay love." You ignored if it was your boyfriend's warm presence or the tears you finally let out, but you felt so much lighter.
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"Okay babe. Are you ready?" Asked Seonghwa, face buried behind a history book. "I think I should study a bit more." You replied. "But you've done this the whole week. I'm sure you are ready." He smiled. Not sure of yourself, you shrugged. "Let's give it a try then." The next week, you needed to pass the most important exam of your entire life. Compared to an "idol life", it's like the last audition which will determine if you can debut or not. The one you are not supposed to fail. That's why you set and organized a complete and strict revisions schedule since these past weeks. To be honest, it had been pretty intense, and you were pretty exhausted now. "So, first question from when lasted the 2nd World War?" "1940 to 1945?" You replied not sure of yourself. "1939 to 1945." Rectified Seonghwa. Good. 1st question and already one mistake. "Next one: in which year did the USA joined the WII?" You knew this date; you had an entire sheet on it. So why the answer wouldn't come out? "19-" you paused, thinking hard about the answer. "Y/N, we studied together this date and this chapter." Said Seonghwa, trying to help you. Mad at yourself, you closed your notebook and buried your head in your arms. "Y/N-" "I don't remember!" Your voice cracked and your shoulders started to shake. "I'm useless and stupid!" Seonghwa was surprised to see you like this. You were not the type of person to cry. In 1 year and a half of relationship, he never saw you cry. "Just let me fail this exam!" You sobbed, tears dripping o the blue ink of your notebook. "Y/N. You are one of the smartest people I know." Whispered your boyfriend resting his head just next to yours. His arm was wrapped around your shoulders. "You just worked and studied so much these weeks that your brain needs a break." "I have so many chapters and topics to learn." You sniffled, lifting up a bit, but to hide your face behind your hand. "You are having a mental breakdown babe. Just take a break you won't fail." Seonghwa's voice was affecting you in the right way. You could feel yourself calming a bit, but the stress was always there. "Let's watch TV for the rest of the night so tomorrow you can focus back on your task." "But I need to study." You wiped your tears with your shirt. "If you continue today, you won't remember anything tomorrow. That's what you want?" You shook your head. "Good. Then let's go watch a movie. I'll order a pizza." "Thank you." You whispered, still sniffling.
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You had a pretty mad argument with a close friend. You couldn't even call her this way because what she did was wrong. In a short resume, she hangs out with your other friend's crush. The worst part was that she never apologized or realized that her actions were bad and could hurt someone else. So, since this day, you've been pretty alone. The trio you formed with your friend was over. Nobody talked on the group chat like you usually do. Your girl trip was cancelled, and you had no choice but to accept it and cancel all the reservations you've done. It could be childish and ridiculous to be sad over a friendship but it as a particular one for you. They were the first ones to talk to you when you arrived in Korea. The language barrier never had been an issue. Thanks to them you improved more than you could imagine. When you had an argument with Yunho, they were the first ones to get you out, just to change your mind. How could a good friendship finish so badly? "Y/N? Are you listening to me?" Asked Yunho, sitting on the couch next to you. "Huh sorry, I was deep in my thoughts." You smiled shyly. "It is because of-" started Yunho. "Don't." You stopped him straight. "Don't pronounce their names." Your boyfriend was staring at you. He never thought it would affect you so much. "I tried my best to stay strong," you sighed. "But i can't lie to you. This is pretty hard." "Babe..." "I've been with them for so long. A bit like you and the guys." You smiled sadly, thinking about the old and good times. "They were my family here, in South Korea. Yunho was looking at the decomposition of your face. You were completely devastated. "I miss them so much." You finally let out, head bending, and eyes closed to avoid tears to fall. "I'm sure it will be fixed soon." Whispered Yunho, ignoring what to do. A light laugh escaped your lips. "Nothing will be the same, and it's better if we stay apart." Your boyfriend was secretly thinking the same thing. It was a pretty good issue. He left his thoughts when you whined of sadness before sniffling for the third time. What to do? What do you need? He never saw you like that. You always said that you hated to cry. It makes you feel weak. "Do you want a hot chocolate? I know you like." He offered. "If you don't mind, I really need a hug right now." You stared at him; face completely wet. "Yes of course." He didn't hesitate and pulled you closer to him. He assumed that you felt better because you cried a bit more. Losing friends can be really painful sometimes. Yunho hoped that you would be okay. He would be there every time you need someone to talk with. However, at the same time he hoped to never see you crying again. That was too painful for him to look at your usual bright face, changing into a sad one.
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Yeosang's phone buzzed on his pocket. He stared at the clock hanging on the wall. 11 PM. By that, he guessed that you were calling him because you missed him. Without waiting any longer, he sat down on the floor and picked up. ["Hello!] You waved at the screen. ["Hey boo! What's up?"] He asked, fixing his hair at the same time. ["I miss you."] You pouted. ["It's been pretty hard to catch up these times."] Yeosang's scratched his nape, nervously. ["Yeah... We've been busy 24/7. I can't tell when the last time was, I had enough time for myself."] ["Keep some time for you. It's important."] You replied, looking at his little dark circles. ["I will try to-"] ["Hello Y/N!"] Waved San, appearing on the screen. ["It's daytime for you?] You smiled at him. He was always so energized. ["Hello San! And yeah, it's 3PM here."] ["Can you let me talk to my girl in peace? I can't do it often already!"] Scolded Yeosang gently, flickering San's forehead. At this comment, you felt all the emotions and feelings you kept during these 7 months, submerging you. Before you could realize it, a tear escape of your eye, followed by another one. ["Yeah yeah! Leave us alone!"] he pushed San out of the screen. ["So, what you- Y/N? Are you crying?"] His face approched the screen phone really fast. ["Oh!"] You said, surprised. ["I didn't even notice."] You chuckled sniffling. ["What's wrong. It's the first time I see you crying."] Asked Yeosang, worried something bad happened. ["Nothing. This week had just been stressful, and I really miss you."] You looked up to suppress the other tears to come. ["We are going yo see each other soon I promise."] He said, feeling mad to be so far away from you. ["Sorry, I didn't plan to cry like a baby 'in front' of you."] You air quoted. ["It's just so hard Yeosang."] Your voice cracked, causing your boyfriend to feel sorry. ["I promise we will see each other faster than what you think."] You nodded, still avoiding looking at him. ["Don't cry Y/N. I hate seeing you like this."] He sighed. Forbidden you to cry made you do it even more. You put down the phone so he could only see your ceiling. ["It's okay. I'll calm down."] You said between 2 sobs. Yeosng was staring at the phone, hoping to see your smile back. ["I want to see you."] ["I look terrible."] You positioned the phone back, wiping the bottom of your eyes. ["No. You look like Frankenstein’s wife."] He teased you. ["So, you are Frankenstein?"] You giggled. ["Ouch, you got me."] You laughed at his disbelieving face. Yeosang was the only one who could make you cry, and in the next minute, make you laugh crazily.
SAN (⚠️this one can be a little bit triggering since it’s mentioning the lockdown)
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"Finally! Some time for myself!" Claimed San, holding your hand tighter. "Since a long time, he had or find an empty time on his schedule and rushed to spend time with you. San invited you at the restaurant and for a quick walk before heading back to the dorm. No matter how hard you tried to stay focus on your boyfriend and the conversation, you zoned out time to time. San ignored what was bothering you. The lockdown had been pretty hard for you and your mental health. You lost your self-esteem and didn't find anymore any good compliments for yourself. For several months, you documented yourself to find something which could lift your mood. Most of the time, you spent your day on TikTok, but it messed up more than it should. Thanks to San, he was the only one who avoided you to end depressed completely. He still ignored that you were going through a lot. You always acted like everything was totally fine. "I can't believe we are already in February." He looked at the stars. "Yeah." You smiled. "Time flies." "It's been almost 2 years that I've met you too!" He giggled. "I'm so lucky. Many girls would have run away with an idol as boyfriend." He started. "But not you! You are still here. The rock of our couple." More he was talking; more you were realizing that you were not that strong anymore. "I'm really lucky!" He repeated, kissing your hand lovely. You didn't have enough time to suppress the sob coming from your throat. You slapped your free hand on your mouth, even if you couldn't know if you were really crying, tears felt right on your fingers. "Y/N? Are you-" he stopped, realizing how stupid the question was? "What's happening baby?" The soft tone he used to talk, made you bust in cry a lot more. "Wow wow! Y/N, what is going on?" He asked, completely worried. You hesitated to tell him what was going on, but you couldn't let him with no information. "I'm just so done." You started. "So tired, so sad, so depressed, every fucking day." "Why?" You shrugged, picking a tissue of your pocket. "I don't know. I just feel like that. I want to be happy and strong again, but I'm always overthinking. It makes me doubt on everything." San pulled you in a warm and safe hug. He ribbed the back of your head to comfort you. "Don't worry. I will help you to pass this hard period." He whispered. "I really don't know what is going on with me and I don't like that." You added, tugging on his hoodie. "It's okay. Everyone goes through difficult moment. But I’m here to help you. I will give you everything."
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Mingi got out of the sleeping state when he heard a sniffle. At first, he thought that he was dreaming. Even though his dream was completely crazy, no one was crying. He just let it out and tried to sleep completely. Until he heard another sniffling. This time Mingi cracked an eye. The room was plunged in the dark. Exactly like how he fell asleep. "Did you catch a cold?" Asked Mingi, with his deepest voice. No answer, but still the sniffling could be heard. "Y/N." He repeated a bit louder. His body was still facing the window so he couldn't see you. No answer. Mingi thought that you were deep in the sleep to not hear him. So, he sneaked his arm under the sheet to squeeze your leg. "Get up and take a medicine at least, bec-" He stopped when he had nothing to squeeze. Finally, he sat up and looked at your usual spot. Empty. The sheet was cold. So, you were probably awake since a long time. Mingi walked to the hallway, looking for any light or any shadow hid in the dark. When he saw the one coming from the bathroom, he rushed there. Without knocking, he entered making you jump by surprise. "What are you doing here? It's late!" He raised a brow. Feeling the tears coming back, you hid your face behind your hands. Mingi's face softened immediately. He turned you around, so you could look at him. Just by seeing you crying, he understood what was going on. "You saw the article?" He whispered. You nodded, your shoulders shaking at each sob, like a baby. "You should have told me that it made you sad." He pulled you in a warm hug, trying to comfort you. "How? We made a deal." You wrapped your arms around his waist. "This deal sucks if you end by crying like that." He kissed your forehead. "I just wanted to protect you from every crazy fans. But I had no idea, people would start assuming that I'm dating the entire world." "It's not your fault." You sobbed. "I accepted to hide our relationship too." "I'm going to fix it Y/N." Claimed Mingi. "I hate saying you like that. I've never seen you crying yet." You smiled shyly at him. He wasn't the best man on this earth, he barely knew how to comfort you, but he has this strong and safe aura. It was everything that matters. "Stop crying please. I hate that." He pouted. You wiped your eyes quickly and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you Mingi."
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You were sitting on the dance practice's couch, looking at your boyfriend and San joking around. It was not a big deal. The atmosphere was really good, and everyone was in the right mod. Except you. Why? Because you had a secret interview with the CEO and the group manager. They made you understand that your relationship with Wooyoung was prohibited. It's been 3 years that you were dating, and they never had a problem. Until the group gain more and more attention and that journalist were following them around. One of them already threatened KQ to reveal an article few days before the comeback, just to ruin it. That's why, while the group was singing and dancing along, you were slowly getting sadder. To not ruin the mood, you got up and exited the room. The more natural possible. Even though you thought that nobody spotted your sudden sadness, Seonghwa noticed that something was wrong. And since you put a foot in the room. "Wooyoung." "Yeah?" "You should check after Y/N. I feel like something is off." He said. "She just probably went to restroom." He shrugged. "No, something is really wrong." Insisted Seonghwa. Without saying anything, Wooyoung rushed out of the room. He didn't last long to find you. His heart missed a beat when he saw your face. Tears were storming on your cheeks. Your nose was running, and your entire body was shaking also. He stayed there, without moving at all. Wooyoung never saw you this way and he was completely freaking out. His brain finally functioned again when you started to choke, hands on your chest. "Babe babe! Calm down." He kneeled in front of you, embracing you as much as he could. "I'm here. Calm down." He repeated. You gripped the back of his shirt, still completely devastated. Wooyoung rubbed the back of your head. Your face as buried on the crook of his neck. "Baby. Breathe." He whispered. Your boyfriend never asked once why you were crying. He stayed 30 minutes, in the same position, waiting for you to finally calm down. The most important think was you to be 100% ready to talk about it. "No matter what, I'm here." You are not alone."
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The room was plunged in the dark. A light flame coming from the center of the table was lighting things around you. It been 2 hours that you were sitting there. Your eyes were locked o the big window, which is usually help the moon reflection to enter in the apartment. Your entire house was quiet. But you were annoyed by the loud noise coming from your mind thoughts. Jongho has left since this afternoon. Just after, probably one of the biggest argue you ever had. "Oh, you are so annoying! You know what? I'm leaving." This sentence was stuck in your throat. Jongho was really mad this time and was probably not ready to forgive you. Your head lifted up when you heard footsteps in the hallway. You prayed and hoped that your fiancé was coming back home. But few seconds later, the neighbor's door slammed and resonated in your ears. At the edge of a mental breakdown, your lips started to shake, and your eyes were getting itchy because of the tears forming in your eyes. Quickly, a sob escaped of your lips. Followed by another one. Before you could realize it, you busted in tears, crying loudly. All of your fear and pain stuck in your head, made you cry. Your dog, not understanding the situation, put his head on your lap, trying to comfort you. "Y/N!" Your heart missed a bit when you heard Jongho's voice. For a short second, you thought that you were dreaming. But your boyfriend was really standing there, hands full of your favorite restaurant food. In no time, you gently pushed your dog and rushed to Jongho. Arms wrapped around his waist, you felt like living again. He couldn't answer to your hug or otherwise he would drop the food, but you felt like his warm aura around you. "Ah," he smiled. "I might have been a little bit too harsh with you. It's the first time I see you crying." "You are dumb." You sobbed, still wrapped around him. I really thought you left." "Aye, come on. I can never do that." Probably because of the relief, you cried even more. "You are acting like a strong and independent woman but here you are, sobbing like a baby." He kissed your head. "I hate you." You replied. "Yeah. I love you too." He giggled.
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Power recognizes power
A little power training gwynriel fic that came from me writing “if you find me at the edge, we’ll jump together.” and I was like this sentence deserves to be the title of something. plus throw everything (and by everything I mean that one sentence in the book) that you know about lightsingers away I’m just using the cute name. and yk there may or may not be some smut at the end. 
She was glowing.
She was glowing and Azriel did not mean she looked radiant or that she was overcome with joy, although she did and she was. Gwyneth Berdara was a living, breathing star. As if the spring equinox had come early this year.
Her skin lit up against the blackness of the sky and her hair burned bright with the ferocity of the hearth.
Gwyneth Berdara had stopped singing, the crowd was silent.  All eyes were on her but she was looking at him, her light, a beacon to his darkness.
His shadows yearned to go to her, he yearned to go to her. Instead, they both stayed stagnant, watching, waiting.
Azriel was had had enough, he dissolved from view and reappeared on the stage. Startled, Gwyn, took a step back and he stayed right with her, matching her step for step.
He gently tucked a stray piece of lit-up auburn hair behind her here, whispering, “It appears you glow, my love.”  
Gwyn, ultimately getting over her initial shock lightly pushed him on the shoulder, “Don’t do that.” She scowled.
Chuckling, he pressed his mouth to hers, in a soft, soothing kiss, forgetful of the audience behind them. As she relaxed beneath his touch, the glow became dimmer and dimmer until it ceased to be. Darkness returned and he stepped back. Gwyn took a breath and stilled. The nervous, passionate energy, that arouse when she sang, calmed for now.
Azriel turned to the crowd, “Due to the events that occurred here tonight, the performance will have to be cut short.” A soft boo drew his attention and immediately he isolated the noise. “Do you want to boo my mate again?” Azriel threatened coolly, his eyes narrowing.
Annoyed, she sighed and spoke to the crowd, “Oh ignore him, I truly am sorry for this interruption but I want to give nothing more than my best and right now I feel as if I can’t do that. the show will be rescheduled sometime next month, letters will be sent out with more information.”
He watched as the stunned and irritated faces slowly began disappearing. Some winnowing away, others taking the slightly more traditional door. Gwyn held her hand out to him. He took it, “So you’re a living lamp?”
“An astute observation.”  
“Is there any way I can convince you to rest now and figure this out later?”
She sighed, “It has been an especially long night.”
Azriel stared at her in disbelief, “did you just agree that you should rest?”
“Oh close your mouth, you’ll swallow a fly.” He responded by grinning at her and winnowing them away to their shared home.
Taking off his shirt he yawned not realizing how tired he actually was. It was still strange to him, being able to sleep so freely, without the looming fear of the past and what he couldn’t control. He stopped, realizing Gwyn had not moved from the door.
Gently he asked, “Are you coming?”
She looked at him blankly, lost in thought for a moment before she responded, “Um-yeah-later.” He was unconvinced so she tried again. “I think I’m going to stay out here and make some tea, maybe read a book.”
Azriel gave her a knowing look but did not push, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Az.” He tenderly kissed her cheek and walked to their room, immediately passing out on the bed.
Azriel awoke at dawn and turned, unsurprisingly, to find the left side of the bed cold and empty. He sighed as he got out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants, mumbling. “Gwyneth berdara, you are going to be the death of me.”
Knowing there was no way she would be in the house but believing he probably should, he checked regardless and when he determined that she was in fact not in the house, he closed his eyes. When he opened them once again he found himself at the house of wind.
He nodded in acknowledgment, “Clotho,”
Shadowsinger. “The one and only.”
Is there something you require? “Just looking for that mate of mine. Any chance she’s here”
You know she is, and you know precisely where to find her. Ask what you truly want to ask. Through gritted teeth, he asked, “How long has she been here?”
Since 11 pm. Exhaling, he muttered, “Why can’t that damn woman ever rest.”
Over excursion out of only stubborn will seems to be a similarity between the two of you. Azriel frowned slightly before smiling pleasantly, “It’s been a pleasure as always, thank you for your help.”
Clotho only nodded and Azriel began the stairs to the 7th floor.
It took a moment for him to find her, the shadowsinger was a trained spy, forced to observe and retain even the smallest of details, yet he couldn’t find a bubbly redhead in a room full of texts and stories.
Ah, no wonder he hadn’t seen her. Gwyn was surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of books. She was drowning in literature, her hair was tied loosely in a braid with quite a few pieces falling out, there were dark circles beneath her eyes, and she was sporting the slightly insane look that came from a lack of sleep.
“Gwyn.” Her head jerked up in surprise to see him.
“Oh Az, Ok Ok, I promise I will go to sleep soon I just need 5 more minutes. I’m so so so close. I think I’m going to skip training today. Ok how about 2 minutes. 10. No that’s more. 10 sets of 1 minute. I just need 10 sets of 1 minute. I’m fine how are you?”
“Gwyn, my love, you’re delirious.”
She brushed him off, “What no I’m fine. I’m fine. Did I already say that? I can’t remember.”
Logic was never the way to deal with her insane stubbornness, so he tried a different approach. He pushed down his worry for her, and curled his mouth into a smirk, “I bet,” She perked up like a dog about to be fed, “that you can’t summarize everything you learned last night into,” he checked the clock. “15 minutes.”
“I could do it in 10.”
“Prove it.”
“And when I win?”
“I leave you to research. But if you can’t you have to go to bed.”
“Time starts now.”
Gwyn took a deep breath and began. “First I looked into where light magic is supposed to originate: the day court. Their magic is described as warm and comforting. Every single text I read described the magic the same way, as a sort of yellowish-brown light, like the sun. But the magic that came from me was more of an icy blinding light, like the lights from the stars rather than the sun. Also, as far as I know, I don’t have family from the day court so I looked into the family I do have. My family from the autumn court. However, we know that autumn court magic is fire, and what manifested in me was light not heat. My grandmother was a nymph so I thought well what type of magic do nymphs have. And the answer was severely disappointing, with basic plant magic being the most a nymph was able to do. I was stumped for a few hours before I realized. I’m basing my research on what I believe to be true not what I know to be true. I was told that I am a quarter nymph and because that heritage would explain my non-high fae-like features I believed that, for there was no reason for me not to. But what if my nymph grandmother was not a nymph at all. I flipped through dozens of books on faeries that have similar features, light magic, and/or can live on land and water. For the most part, I could not find anything, but then out of the corner of my eye I found a small tome on the history of light magic, the majority being all things I’d seen a million times before on the day court, but a passage no more than a page long, referenced ‘the lightsinger.’ Now what is a Lightsinger, you may ask? Honestly, I had no idea what or who they were so I found every book and story I could on them. The lightsinger’s, instead of being a title for a way to manipulate magic, like shadowsingers or daemati, were a race. A long-lost fae race said to be able to bend and create light with their voices and song. It’s said that they died out due to a conflict with the shadowsingers but every so often there are sightings of unknown nymph-like creatures in you’ll never believe where. The autumn court. Now I would only have 25% of lightsinger blood but magic is a fickle thing and some sources believe that when bred with high fae blood the magic intensifies.” Gwyn exhaled.
Azriel grinned victoriously, “It’s been 20 minutes.”
“Goddamn it, I didn’t even get to the interactions between shadowsingers and lightsingers.”
Now he was intrigued. “Well if you want to continue I certainly won’t stop you.”
“No no,” she yawned, “I lost which means I will be going to bed. But I do want to alter our deal slightly.”
“I sleep now, you train me tomorrow.” The set of her chin and the look in her eye were enough to assure him of how serious she was.
“You want a male who specializes in darkness to help you master your light?”
“Certain theories believe that the mother gifted the light and shadowsingers their gifts to balance each other out and to remain harmonious.” She reasoned. “So yes there is no one I would want more to teach me.”
“I will not take it easy on you.”
“Wouldn’t want you to.”
“Alright Berdara, we meet Sunday at dawn, do not be late.”
“I’ll be there.”
Sunday arrived and Azriel watched as Gwyn came down to the training ring in her leathers, with a white ribbon tied in her hair.
“Good morning Gwyneth.”
“So formal.” He shot her a look. “Oh alright ok my turn. Good morning Azriel, shadowsinger, spymaster of the night court, mate of the most amazing female to grace this planet.”
“Training is serious.”
“Of course it is. Shall we begin?”
“I want you to light up the room.”
“What? is it not already lit?”
He smirked and let his shadows paint the room black. Azriel himself became smoke, nothing more than a voice in the darkness.
“Az, az come on this is not funny.”
“Good, because it’s not a joke.” His voice came from every direction and every way Gwyn turned she was surrounded by endless nothing. “You must learn to sing the song of light the way I learned the language of shadow.”
“Speaking in vague melodrama feels like it’s not going to be that effective.”
Gwyn tried to back up only to find what was once the training ring now bled together with the depth of the sky.
“Let the light speak to you. Coax it, nurture it. Burn through the darkness and find the light.”
“How am I supposed to do that.”
Gwyn thought of the way Nesta harnessed her silver fire, the way her eyes became the flame itself. She concentrated and searched deep within herself, searching and looking for the light she knew she possessed.
All she saw was a hallowed chamber.
“No.” The word echoed throughout the room. “Our magic is not like others, we do not create out of nothing, we manipulate what is already there.”
“How am I supposed to manipulate if I’m in a room with no light?” Gwyn huffed frustrated.
“Just because the shadows are masking it, does not mean it is not there.”
He was so damn infuriating. She tried calling the light to her, she flexed her hands, she even tried speaking to it, all to no avail.
“As you said, magic is fickle and our elements especially. Light and darkness do not want to be bound or controlled, let the light be a friend, a companion, let it want to help, let it want to be influenced by your will.”
But how the fuck was she supposed to do that.
“Think of the first time it came to your call.” He whispered ominously. “What were you thinking. What were you feeling? Power often manifests through emotion.”
Singing. She had been singing. Was it really so easy that all she had to do was sing?
Turns out it wasn’t.
For hours she sang hundreds of songs. From songs in the old fae language that she sang at the priestess services to ones she had written herself. Nothing worked. Azriel had let her have a singular break when she desperately needed to pee and even then he was skeptical.  
He had left her to her own devices leaving his shadows to watch over her progress. When he returned he found Gwyn clutching her knees, rocking in the shadows. Her gaze was unfocused and she was humming to herself.
“You have officially broken me. I’m done.” She wanted nothing more than to sit in the library with her sisters and a book.
Gwyn’s eyes snapped into focus, her breathing steadied, and she went predatorily still. “Excuse me.”
“You heard me. No.” Azriel laughed, a cold vicious laugh. “You asked me to train you. Gwyneth Berdara has never quit before and she certainly won’t start now.”
Gwyn was seething, but she remained quiet. “What?” He was toying with her. “A little darkness too much for you. Light up the room and we won’t have a problem.”
“Oh that’s right you can’t. 10 hours in and no light in sight. You’re pathetic.”
Her anger cleared her mind and in that moment of clarity a memory, buried deep within her, resurfaced as if it was resting, snoozing until its moment of need.
Gwyn was in her mother's lap, a black-haired girl sat across from her. Her voice pulled her attention. “My girls, Catrin,” She tickled her, resulting in a giggle from her lost sister, before she turned her head, “Gwyneth.” And also tickled her. Gwyn's small hands clutched at their mother, desperately trying to hold on. “My two beautiful daughters.” She sighed. “Your lives will be filled with so much darkness, darkness that you do not deserve. But I need you two to be strong, to stay with each other, and to find strength in the other.” ‘I don’t get it,” Gwyn whined.
“We are a part of a glorious and lost people, a people of light and song. But they fear us because they do not understand us.”
Gwyn and Catrin looked up at her, confused and innocent.
“It’s ok, you will. You know the song I sing to you every night before you go to sleep?” Gwyn and Catrin cheered, “Yeah.”  
“I want you to sing it with me, and I don’t want you to ever forget it. Can you do that for me?”
Their voices came together in a melodic lullaby. It was captivating and cold, those who heard could not look away. The song demanded to be heard, to be sung.
The words came tumbling out of Gwyn, they twisted around her tongue and lips as if finally home. Lost but not forgotten. Lost but born anew. Through the shadow and darkness, her eyes found the light, it heard her call and from every direction it found her. She pulled the brilliance of the stars to her and let the light paint the dark white.
The shadows retreated to Azriel who stood just two feet in front of her. Their eyes locked and he smiled, “there she is.”
The light flowed and flowed, and the room lit up in a blaze of pearlescent radiance. Her pale skin lit and she had once again become one with the stars.
But while the call came from her, there was another that drew her light forward. His shadows and her light curiously answered the pull. Finding each other between Azriel and Gwyn. One did not dissolve into the other like it should but instead mingled, swirling around each other in an almost playful manner. They became one from two opposites that never should have met.
As they blended together she felt a pounding in her chest and a throbbing somewhere lower. Her toes curled and she craved more. Their power was its own entity and yet connected to them. A push and pull, a desire to be close.
Azriel bridged the gap between them breathing heavily, pulling her against him as he’d never felt her before. “Az.” she gasped.
His eyes were on her lips as he licked his own, smiling, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so alive.”
“You’re the worst,” She said between breaths.
“I know.” And their lips met in a furious burst of passion.
He kissed her with a fiery hunger, a male starving. Her hands weaved through his hair, her fingers getting lost in the darkness. Gwyn wanted nothing more then to be lost in his darkness, as he wanted to drown in her light. Azriel gripped her waist, grinding his hardness into her causing her to moan.
“You make such pretty sounds for me.” He chuckled, ripping her shirt off.
“Fuck me.” It was an order, not a request.
“Gladly.” Their clothes were gone moments later. His kisses moved down her neck as he sucked and his fingers dipped to her cunt as he felt her. “Always so wet and ready for me.”
She wrapped her hand around his cock, “Always so hard for me.”
“Can’t help it.”
“Wouldn’t want you to.” He laid her down in the middle of the training ring and stroked his cock up and down her folds, pressing against her clit. “oh my god-fuck.”
With that, his control snapped and he buried himself to the hilt in her. Stroking once, twice.
He smirked, crooning, “look how perfectly we fit.”
His thrusts were slow and shallow, edging her on, basking in the feel of him in her, of her around him.
He then went harder, hitting her in the right spot every time, but Gwyn needed more.
“Your wish is my command.” Azriel fucked her hard and fast, and with every thrust she moaned in ecstasy, driving her hips forward, meeting him step for step.
“Oh my god fuck me.”
“Such a good girl, taking it so well.” He captured a moan on her lips, devouring her.
“yes, yes fuck.”
Where the light met the dark, was where Gwyn met Azriel. They were cocooned in a shell of power flowing between and all around them. They were a storm of blinding light and depthless shadow, the lines of what were and were not, blurred to just the other.
“Gwyn.” He groaned, nothing existed but them.
“Az I’m gonna cum.”
“Yes, my love, cum for me.”
Every thrust became sporadic and uncontrolled as if his pleasure had taken a mind of its own. He swirled his tongue around her nipple and ground her clit with his fingers.
It was all too much, Gwyn cried out as she came, her back arching, toes curling. Her cunt tightened around his cock as he fucked her past completion. She was everything and watching her cum was enough to send him over the edge as he emptied himself in her, collapsing on the ground next to her.
For a moment they were silent before Gwyn spoke, “would you like to hear what I learned about the interactions between Lightsinger’s and Shadowsinger’s” She smirked, “Apparently the sex is unlike even mate sex.”
“I can vouch for that.”
Gwyn laughed, and if it wasn’t the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
Part 12
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here!
* You stare at the blank ceiling, the smooth unblemished surface like freshly fallen snow
* you should really put some nudie posters up there or something to lighten the mood a little. 
* Light notes from the piano float around your room
* You sigh, so these are the facts as you know them:
* Edward is your best friend who has occasional bouts of brooding and flirtatious behavior.
* Bella is not albino, she has a lovely peach undertone, and a lovely grilled peach scent
* The entire coven has treated your attraction to this young lady’s blood like you got caught masturbating or wetting the bed or something
* “You don’t need to be embarrassed it’s a perfectly natural feeling.” Esme tells you while rubbing your shoulders
* “We’ve all been there” Rosalie reassures
* “Totally not a big deal, it happens to me everyday!” Jasper chimes in
* You wish sunlight hurt you so you could combust into flames on the spot
* The piano notes get louder, and you feel your mouth pinch into a frown.
* “Oh my god Edward! Read the room, I want brooding music!”
* Edward stops, up until then he had been playing a pretty cheerful Mozart piece
* You can tell he wants to ask why, you’ve been radiating joy non-stop since biology. But he decides against it
* “You really shouldn’t eat lying down.” He says as you sip blood while lying flat on your bed.
* “Okay dad.” You snort
* Edward starts to imagine what it would be like if you called him ‘daddy’
* All needy on top of him, your hands curled in fists against his chest, the breathy “daddy please” that leaves your mouth
* All of a sudden he’s ugly turned on
* “Ugh you’re no fun, I’m going to hang out with Rosalie”
* You leave the room and Edward has a total meltdown, is this what a kink is? Is he discovering a kink?!? At 100 years of age?!?!?!?
* Edward.exe is broken
* You don’t even make it to Rosalie’s room, you can smell them a mile away
* Broccoli, sugar and fat, and axe body spray. No peaches you realize with a sigh.
* They’ve only just barely rung the door bell when you open the door
* “Hey what are you guys doing here?”
* Jessica’s standing in front, looking pretty at ease, while Mike and Angela look equally uncomfortable.
* Makes sense, Jessica’s here all the time now either for homework or to watch TV.
* Mike and Angela haven’t been back since your sweet sixteen
* “How did you get down here so fast?”
* “I saw your car from upstairs” you say with a sheepish smile.
* You wish Alice would have given you a heads up, you weren’t planning on pretending to be human right now. Still you probably look raggedy enough right now in sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt
* You can probably pull this sick thing off
* “We just wanted to check up on you, I heard from Mike and Angela you got sick during class.” And then in a more annoyed tone Jessica adds “And I guess you’re too sick to respond to all my texts and calls”
* Oh crap, where is your phone.
* You pat your pockets, and think when you saw it last
* “I left it in my locker” you smack your head. You told Edward to go grab your bag from class but you forgot your phone.
* “Hey don’t worry about it, I can get it for you tomorrow if you want.” Jessica rushes to your side and pats your arm. You shake your head
* “No I can get it myself, I’m fine I just ate something bad.” You mumble.
* You’re not missing school tomorrow. You would literally risk murder to smell Bella again.
* It’s not insatiable thirst like described in the books, more like a craving, like someone might have for nachos.
* It itches at you for a while, but if you just distract yourself long enough you can move on
* “Would you like to come in? I think Esme just baked cookies or scones or something.”
* Esme likes to bake for the smell and donate the food to the local shelter. That, or take it for her employees at her architectural firm in town.
* Firm is a loose word, she has maybe four employees, and they get one job a month, but it seems to make her happy.
* Angela and Mike give each other looks but Jessica perks up
* “Is she making those delicious earl grey scones again?” You sniff the air
* “I think she made some of that orange zest butter too”
* “Omg I am so happy you left your phone at school” Jessica giggles walking inside past you, you hear her greet Esme with a squeal
* “They really are good.” You tell them and your remaining human friends enter the house carefully
* “Soooo where is everyone?” Mike asks taking a look around your living room.
* “Ummm Rosalie’s in the garage, Alice is probably meditating on the roof, Emmett’s at swim practice, and Jasper’s probably at the barn.”
* “What about Edward?” Angela asks before Mike can ask about the barn
* Last you saw him he was playing the piano in your room, but it’s been a while since then
* “He’s probably in his room monologuing about the degradation of the American dream or something.”
* You lead them into the kitchen where Esme and Jessica are already deep in conversation about the wonder of her baking
* “-side is so light and fluffy, how do you get the tea flavor though”
* “Witchcraft.” Esme jokes, giving a full smile before putting another tray in the oven. Only Jessica laughs, the other two are too nervous to even sit down
* “Why don’t I teach you how when you come over next week.”
* Yeah you’re pretty sure Jessica is really only a fan of the “eating” and not of the “baking”
* You’re half surprised when she seems happy at the invitation. 
* “Oh that sounds great, I can’t wait for it!” Jessica’s practically beaming
* Where’s Edward when you need him? You wonder what her motivations are. 
* Jasper is not going to like this. He’s already irritated enough that he’s kicked out of his own house every Friday when Jessica comes over to watch arrested development
* Before you can say anything to Esme the conversation moves forward
* “Did you guys hear about that security guard that died in Mason county?”
* She’s just making small talk, you know that. But you and Esme instantly tense at the mention
* Carlisle had mentioned he thought there was a nomad wandering through, they were still far enough not to cause the coven immediate trouble, but anything that brought more attention to them was a disadvantage
* “My Dad says he heard from Chief Swan it was probably a wild animal attack” Mike mumbles over a bite of scone, you figured he would be the easiest to win over with food
* You hide a smile behind your hand, he really is like a golden retriever
* “What kind of a wild animal climbs stairs into a building” Jessica mumbles over another bite of scone. And maybe to fit in, or maybe because she’s always been a nervous eater, Angela takes a bite too.
* “Oh wow, these are really good” she murmurs
* Esme Cullen ladies and gentleman, winning the hearts of teenagers with baked goods since 19XX
* “Well you kids stay safe, stay together if you can.” She pats your head and you nod.
* You don’t know the details of the attack, you get the feeling Carlisle still see’s you as a kid and he doesn’t want to burden you.
* But assuming the small changes that have happened have nothing to do with the large changes, that means Laurent, James and Victoria will be passing through soon.
* Maybe it’s for the best Bella doesn’t get involved with Edward until later.
* You’d really like to not get all mixed up in the whole “James Thing” if you can help it.
* “Are you staying for dinner? I’m thinking of whipping up some pasta, maybe a chicken?” Esme looks to you, yeah you have no idea how she’s going to manage that. Besides the baking basics there’s no actually food in this kitchen. And the one upstairs is just for your blood bags.
* “(Y/N), do you think...Carlisle would mind if we used one of... his chickens?”
* His chickens? The only chickens in the house-
* “No Esme! My chickens are only for love and chicken snuggles” and their blood which tastes very leans yet rich. “Not to eat!”
* “It would just be one-we’ll eat your least favorite!”
* You’re really hoping this is her way of chasing the humans out because she doesn’t want to cook.
* “No- oh my god- we’re going to the diner come on!” You say tugging Jessica and Angela to stand.
* “It was great seeing you again Mrs. Cullen, see you next week!” Jessica shouts as the three of them follow you out.
* “Going out? Is that such a good idea it’s late and a school night.” Edward says as he descends down the stairs
* “Oh my god, yes Dad I’ll be home before my curfew.” You say before leaving, cue Edward crumbling onto the stairs as he imagines you calling him “daddy” again
* “I’m going to hell, I’m definitely going to hell.” He mumbles, his face in his hand.
* It’s a really short drive to the diner, also known as the only place to eat in Forks in the mid 2000’s. 
*There’s not even a McDonald’s. It’s almost sad
* And when you get there, while everyone moves ahead to the table you see a familiar face.
* “Oh, Hey Bella”
* Your eyes met and you figured it would be rude not to say anything. It looks like she’s here having dinner with her Dad. 
*She really does look like her dad, same eyes, same cheekbones.
* “Nice to see you again Chief Swan”
* “Nice to see you too, how’s Carlisle doing? Heard it’s been busy at the hospital.”
* “Yeah, it’s like he doesn’t sleep anymore.” You grin at your own joke.
* “Are you feeling alright now?” Bella asks, she looks genuinely concerned
* “Yeah, I um, made some questionable food choices at lunch.”
* There’s an awkward moment of silence. You get the impression that Chief Swan and his daughter are both the “strong silent” types.
* It looks like they’ve both finished eating already
* If you had known she was going to be here you would have made Edward come with you. 
* “Oh hey, do you want to join us for dinner?” It just seems like the friendly thing to do for the new girl, something on-brand with human character
* Definitely not because if you get on her good side now, maybe she won’t kick you out once her and Edward get married. 
*Father and daughter exchange a glance and the familiar connection they have makes you nervous. 
*“Of course you don’t have to, I know you’re here with your dad so-“
* “I’m sure Bella would love to join-“ Charlie says at the same time Bella says:
* “Wouldn’t it be kind of weird since I already ate.”
* Ah, so they’re not as in sync as you thought. 
* You give your best “Golden Girl - You can totally trust me with your daughter” smile.
* “I’m actually not eating either,” you place a hand over your stomach like a human might. “The uh, Clam Linguine is still haunting me, so I’m sticking to broth and sprite.”
* Why did you say Clam? You don’t even eat meat, it’s how you’ve been getting away with eating so little at lunch. 
* “not a lot of vegetarian choices” You say to your human friends who nod solemnly. 
* Father and Daughter exchange another look likening telepathic communication and they both move to stand
* “I’m going to finish up some paperwork at the precinct, don’t stay out to late.” Charlie says, leaning down to kiss his daughter on the forehead
* You watch with warm eyes and a small smile twitching onto your lips
* Bella is so loved.
* You can’t believe she’s willing to break her dad’s heart just so she can be 19 forever.
* Which, as you are 19 forever, you can fairly say is overrated
* “Hey guys Bella’s joining us.”
* Your female friends offer her a polite smile, you see Angela gaze flick from the menu to Bella’s face. Silently calculating the worth of this opportunity
* Any intel on this new girl would be pretty valuable
* Same old Angela
* Mike sits up straight so fast that he actually knocks his silverware off the table.
* “H-hey Bella, Hi, w-what, what are you doing here?”
* “Eating.” Bella says it so bluntly that you can’t help but laugh.
* Mike flushes bright red and Jessica and Angela exchange a look before giggling.
* “I thought it would be cool if she came over since I didn’t get to talk to her much.” You take a seat next to Jessica and Bella follows by taking the last seat between you and Mike.
* You still catch whiffs of her scent her and there, especially when she’s sitting so close to you.
* But it’s not so bad, the peachy smell is making you a little lightheaded, but you can handle it.
* At least you’re not fantascizing about killing her and everyone in this room like a certain dork you know.
* “Do you guys want to do that promotion where we get the basket of fries for the table?” Jessica asks
* “I don’t like sharing fries with Mike he eats them all.” Angela mumbles
* Yeah you remember last time when after a football game the three of them actually sat down and divided the plate in three equal portions
* They even measured out each fry dividing up the extra long ones 
* “Says the person who basically eats ketchup with a spoon.” Mike retorts and Angela scoffs
* “It’s America’s best condiment for a reason Mike.” Angela snaps back
* “I think we’re getting off track, I say Mike buys us all french fries to make up for all the times he hogged the joint basket” Jessica’s teasing but Mike takes it seriously
* “What so I’m a French fry monster now?”
* “Yes” Both Angela and Jessica respond in unison without looking up from their menu cards
* “What do you think Bella?” You’re surprised that Jessica’s the one asking. You get the feeling she’s not very happy about Mike’s crush on Bella.
* “I think Mike should buy everyone their own basket since he has such a bad history with sharing.”
* “You traitor!” Mike mocks hurt and you all laugh.
* You look at Bella through the corner of your eye, maybe it’s just the lighting but she looks pinker when she’s laughing.
* She looks happy as she starts contributing to the conversation.
* “I will say the pie here is really good, I wouldn’t share even if someone paid me to.”
* “Omg yes, the cheery icebox pie is out of this world” Jessica responds
* “I’m partial to chess pie” Mike pipes in and Angela laughs
* “You guys are crazy, the fruit custard they make is the best”
* You grin as your four new friends argue about the superior dessert, watching Bella laugh beside you.
* Welcome to team human Bella
Tags:  @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @smileygirl08 @imdoingathingmom @iconicgguk @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show @wicked-watering-can @lazydreamers @xxxmuxxx @puritanicalhypocrite
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