lovesaghost · 2 months
Listen I LOVE that Buck is finally (canonicaly) bisexual and I cannot wait for how that storyline goes, but if i see the bucktommy kiss on my screen one more time today I will kill myself
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dailykugisaki · 17 days
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Day 209 | id in alt
Inumaki "catching strays" Toge.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 10 months
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kafka asagiri i will have your head on a silver platter
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beastking-golion · 8 months
Am I just not looking hard enough, where’s my raimiverse Peter x MJ x Harry? Where’s the polycule? Why must we exclude MJ? Peter has two hands??
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fleshexecutable · 2 months
i do not think taylor swift would know poetry if it bludgeoned her over the head with a concrete block
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annakarenina · 5 months
not to be cheesy cringe and bare my ass in public but i dont think love is supposed to be a game bro…
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wolflyndraws · 2 months
i keep feeling like venting so much recently but i keep thinking that my freinds would think its their fault or theyre making it worse but litearlly i feel this way cause of me just me being stupid and fucking crazy and being my own biggest fuckign bully and hater
plus i really want to stop burdening everyone here and on twitter and my friends and moots or whatever with my stupid fucking vents i feel like such an annoying bitch of a burden and this feelings been going on like so consistently everyday for the past month self deprication jokes and talk is litearlly so unfunny im just being annoying and stupid
i thought i was getting better yesterday before i slept but that fuckign feeling is back again as soon as i fucking wake up
god this is so cringe and such a new fucking low for me imagine people saying that they love you and everything you make but being so stupid and fucked enough to litearlly be your own hater and convincing yourself to not believe any of it and let it affect everything in your life I'm never good enough for myself and never will be however hard i try
imagine not knowing the worth of your art like a crazy person
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13eyond13 · 1 year
absolutely hate that you can't just tap on the middle reblog in a chain and find that post on the poster's blog anymore. Like what if i want to ignore the last 2 unfunny posts on an otherwise good reblog chain. I'm not gonna scroll 3 years back on some random person's blog to find it smh
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spacedlexi · 1 year
sooo glad we live in the universe where twdgs4 was rewritten to be about saving the school instead of the original lis2-esque on the road each-episode-is-a-new-location plot. really dodged a bullet there
dont know if it was due to the cuts and collapsing work environment (no budget for all the assets needed) or what but the school plot is just like the perfect setting for her to end her story. and we really almost got a plot about her.... just trying to make it back to her original house? oof
#my biggest problem with lis2 is that being on the road made a lot of your choices essentially meaningless#like wheres the threat of consequence when you know youll be gone by the next episode anyway?#the kids were originally gonna kick them out permanently.......Nightmare Scenario#the plot of her trying to get back 'home' is so silly honestly like its Just nostalgia/fan bait. convince me otherwise you cant#it makes no sense....she lived right outside a major city... that place is Not safe anymore#it wasnt even safe when she left it 8 years ago girl why would you go back#her finding a place to MAKE a new home and having to fight for it? with a community of her peers who love and respect her? so much better#shes a community leader now :) of a bunch of kids living secretly in the woods just trying to make a safe home for themselves#in a hostile world that wants them dead#love that for her#shes been managing adults since she was 11 and even before that tried to be a voice of reason. at 8 years old. community leader makes sense#s4 is just so narratively sound to me for clems character that i cant believe there was ever any other direction they wanted to go in#every time im thinking about how good s4 is i remember what it almost was......... and i am so grateful we got what we did#not only do we live in the universe where s4 is about the school but we Also live in the universe where s4 was un-cancelled :) yay#shit makes me so happy man. i remember clem is living happily at ericsons and my day is Immediately improved#these little fictional bitches in my head giving me free serotonin on command#it speaks#twdg
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
The pushback to the term "cultural Christianity" from atheists is real odd to me because, as someone who has been an atheist since 13, only ever went to church a handful of times never with my own family (made a note never to sleep over at that friends house on a Saturday again bc I HATED church it smelled like shit, was boring, pews are uncomfortable as fuck, and the religious people I knew were all wildly misogynistic and I've never been here for being told I was less of a person for being Born Like This), and generally had no actual connection to Christianity in a meaningful way but still only knows Christian mythology, has been steeped in Christian values I had to untangle, and my religious understandings are still deeply Christian.
Like Ive never paid attention to the bible, church, Jesus, Christian teachings, or whatever but if you asked me about any religion the one I'll reliably know the most about is Christianity. I don't know why atheists are offended by being called culturally Christian because they have bad blood with the religion because like sorry bruh that doesn't mean you're less indoctrinated by Christian values if the culture you grew up in is predominantly Christian. In fact I'd say that religion being this ubiquitous in the culture regardless of anyone's consent to exactly ONE religion being shoved down our throats is reason to team up with other religious folks who ALSO don't like being constantly evangelized to by the culture at large, not a reason to throw a fit because you don't like being tied to a religion that is so ingrained into the culture that shit like "oh my god" and "Jesus Christ" are common expressions of surprise regardless of how atheist you are. Like surely I'm not the only atheist to notice the shocking amount of cultural religious shit that works it's way into my life and speech despite having not set foot in a church since I was like 10, and I can't remember the last time I was in one before that.
Idk man cultural Christianity seems like a pretty damn useful term to describe my relationship with a religion I never fully bought into and then actively rejected as a child yet still hold weird connections to and knowledge of just because Christianity is so baked into the culture I grew up in like it or not. If you want to be mad, be mad at the Christians who stole your freedom from religion from you, not usually religious minorities who discuss cultural Christianity and how it damages them too.
#winters ramblings#like breh i HATE how much christian bullshit ive had to detangle from my life. like the idea of sin and punishment for example#id say a LOOOOOT of discussion regardless of religion leans towards a Christian understanding of the pridon system#prison is basically a recreation of hell on earth where youre supposed to go to burn off your sins in your 10x10 cell#now i gotta say not all Christians buy inti the styke of punishment and sin i know normal well adjusted Christians#but for the most part a HUGE portion of shit comes with a helping of cultural Christianity. but prison is probably the best example#hell any discussion of punishment relies on a distinctly christian flavor of 'atone for your sin or be doomed forever"#repubs bitch about so called cancel culture but thats just how Christians act towards sin lmao they do it too#except they choose shit you didnt ACTIVITY make a choice about like being gay to condem you to hell.#cant be mad that twitter cancels people for small shit like a crap joke if you actively subscribe to the same belief system#and are only mad bc that logic is applied to YOU now. anyway i could do without this logic in activist spaces#or ANY spaces being doomed forever over sin is only one way to do Christianity. like damn can the ones who like#rehabilitation and justice and helping the poor at least be the ones in charge??#regardless ive never been a Christian and barely have a meaningful connection to the religion. whuch is why i find it rather salient#that i still have this deep connection and knowledge of something i ACTIVELY REJECTED at 13#do you know HOW MUCH i had to have been indoctrinated into this shit with as LITTLE of a connection to organized religion as i do??#the fact i have ANY connection at all is kind if fucked honestly it shows you really REALLY do not get to choose#your religious leanings unless youre actively ANOTHER RELIGION BESIDES CHRISTIAN otherwise tough tiddy#you get to be Christian By Default and i don't like it either. but when i see jewish people talking about it#i know EXACTLY what they mean because i dont like my connection to a religion i never believed in and rejected at 13 either#i don't like that my choice to reject Christianity was stolen from me by such a ubiquitously christian culture#im not mad at jews for pointing this out im mad at christians for stealing my freedom of choice
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dailykugisaki · 5 months
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Day 100!!! | Id in alt
She's not at the right place, but she's still here regardless.
(messing with backgrounds again! I just wanted Kugisaki to look too real in an unreal kinda place💥 also!fyi. I will not be posting this week or at least a bit so I can hopefully see more posts Abt Palestine n ect and bc of the strike!! Just letting you all know!)
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theeblackmedusa · 11 months
the tiktok bitches are getting ahold of john boyega WHY DID WE PUT AN END TO GATEKEEPING I CANT
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soldier-poet-king · 5 months
"Im doing well'' I say, and then immediately splash coffee on the front of my new, white shirt 🤡🤡🤡
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toytulini · 3 months
god I know this is like The Wrong Stance on AI. I know its not about whether the art is Real and Human or If It Has A Soul and how a lot of the arguments against it are the same bullshit arguments people made against digital art like I Know. I Knowwww. but god, I'm really sorry, not to post like one of those annoying poetry bloggers I cant stand (yall are valid, live your truth, theres nothing wrong with what you post I'm just a petty bitch who hates poetry. unless I dont hate it.)
But theres just something about the way AI art will almost certainly never be able to mimic the exact way my pencil leaves an indentation in the paper, the way some of the lines I can never fully erase cause I pressed too hard, theyll have to at least train them to draw with a physical pencil first, and sure, they could train it to draw with a pencil and even erase the exact same piece I drew, line for line, on a piece of paper with a robot arm powered by AI, but they can't replicate. idk. the lineage of lefty bitches in my family, and the way I grew up going through school with my entire left arm silver with graphite, from doodling on my schoolwork. not yet anyway. but I guess I do live for the day we make the ai sentient enough that we can traumatize it by giving it homework after kneecapping its executive functions so it copes by drawing a big tiddy lobster monster. sure
#toy txt post#reblogs OFF i dont trust yall to be normal with this one i do NOT want it getting notes#i posted part of this before in a chat to a friend but im feeling it again. so#i havent drawn my big tiddy lobster bitch in awhile i should draw her again#also yea SORRY im sure this is The Wrong Feeling To Have About AI but also sometimes im a little grateful that i dont think my style is#smth a lot of the ppl coding ai to make art find to be worth trying to replicate except maybe as like a fake progress shot on a piece#which is smth i used to be really insecure about. how unfinished all my art looks bc it isnt to the point i cant fucking watch#like speedpaints and shit bc i just start feeling stupidly insecure about all the points in the video where I Would Have Stopped and been#like. im not touching it anymore i dont want to ruin it#and ive been insecure about my inability to really do digital art with like a stylus and shit like the way i do it with a pencil#and i know that is just me needing to Practice it but being too frustrated by it#anyway i know its just a Tool and its Fine and the problem is the art theft and the labor problems of it but liiiiiiike#i just.#im sure there will be unique things and usages of ai as a tool and i genuinely hope that ppl can figure out a way to make one that isnr#isnt* just full of stolen content bc theres unique fuckin shit about like digital art programs u can write stupid poetry that you hate#about it. or stupid poetry that i hate. cos im the poetry hater. listen. i cant stress this enough: its fine. youre fine. keep posting your#poetry and reblogging shit that speaks to you. im just a Bitch okay Ignore Me#i should go draw bokrae like. eating a computer about this#the real reason for that graphics card shortage was bokrae ate them all when she was in the mood for a crunchy snack
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localgardenweed · 3 months
Im like staring at the ceiling at 12:30 AM wanting some more hetalia friends cause like im lonely and bored and i need to rant about hetalia cause i never get to anymore these days and its no fun when im just talking to myself i already did alot of that in my youth and now i need someone on the other side and just JXNNDNXNC I DONT KNOW ANYMORE IM LIKE HICCUPING AND CRYING INSIDE MY HEART RN I HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE I WANNA APPROACH AND BE FRIENDS WITH BUT IM TOO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO SAY ANYTHING AND EVEN THE PEOPLE IM JUTALS WITH NOW SORRY I NEVER TALK TO YALL IM SCARED AND I FREEZE UP WHEN WE DO TALK CAUSE IM LIKE “i need to be normal first before i can be weird” like im luring you in. At this point i nee to start becoming a alcoholic and hope i drunkenly text someone to be my friend and listen to me talk about my aus and exchange art of our favorites
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rusquared · 9 months
bimonthly request to everyone struggling w energy/executive dysfunction/etc but wanting to create things: try origami. im so serious.
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