brainrotdotorg · 11 months
Just came out of the Barbie movie here is my review: if anyone says anything mean about this fuckinh movie I am going to beat them with hammers
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peter-pan-hoe · 6 years
It’s okay, you’re okay...
I have no idea what the fuck this is or why the fuck I wrote it. But It’s the middle of the night, I’ve had this half finished in my drafts for weeks and now that I just finsihed it I’m crying because I’m awful.
It’s too depressing to proof read so here ya go x
Someone please explain why I wrote this.
Word count: 2,456
Warning: idk like angst? Peter get’s hurt and it’s all shit. swearing ayyy
The last mission I went on, I fucked up my leg really badly.2 clean breaks in my foot and a hairline fracture in my tibia.
And so even though it was completely healed, just because I still get a little pain from it, I haven’t been allowed to go out on missions yet.
Today the team went to go deal with some smugglers who had been bringing stolen weapons into the city from varying sources, and I had to sit at home in the compound and helps via coms and satellite cameras.
I had multiple screens showing me different places in the zones where the team was.
 “Peter, there’s a crate of many many weapons in the back of a light blue van down the street to your left,” I called into the microphone I had clipped to my headset.
 “On it,” he replied.
I watched the screen that was focused on Peter as he swung round the corner and landed on the roof of the van, kicked in one of the side windows and disappeared inside.
The van swerved and crashed into the side of a building. Smoke began billowing out of the front of the van where the impact caused the most damage.
The driver kicked open his door and tumbled out of his seat into a barely conscious heap on the side walk.
 “Peter what’s going on in there?” I asked.
 “Just a second,” he grunted in response.
A second later an explosion inside the van caused the back doors to burst open, one of them coming detached entirely as Peter was thrown against it from the impact of what I guessing was one of the grenade launchers.
 “Peter!?” I shouted into the coms.
 “Y/n what’s going on with the kid?” Tony’s worried voice rang in my ears.
 “He was just blasted out of the van,” I explained. “Peter are you okay?”
 “I’m good,” he groaned, holding a thumbs up in the air before holding his side and rolling over.
He stood and started making his way to the van to continue fighting the dude inside but before he could even get within 10ft of the van, the man inside stepped out with a flame thrower set up on his back, and the nozzle aimed at Peter.
 “You should’ve stayed out freak,” the man sneered.
 “Now bro,” Peter shook his head sarcastically. “That’s just really rude-”
The flames roared forward, stronger than Peter must’ve been expecting because he was thrown back in a stream of fire and smashed into an abandoned car.
 “PETER!” I cried, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the screens. “Tony! Tony you have to help him! He’s not moving!Tony please-”
 “I’m on it Y/n,” Tony was clearly trying to sound calm and collected but I could hear the fear in how much his voice was shsaking. “The kid’s gonna be okay,”
From multipul different screens i saw Iron Man soaring towards Peter’s location.
He swooped in around the corner and blasted the man with the flame thrower into the side of the van, probably doing a lot more than knocking him out cold.
I stared on in terror asI watched Tony carefully scooped up Peter’s limp form and took off into the sky.
 “Guys,” he called into the coms. “I’m takin the kid back to the Quinjet. Can you wrap up while I make sure he’s okay?”
 “We got this Stark,” Natasha said calmly, but worry was evident in her voice.
 “Just make usre the kid’s alright,” Steve piped up.
Tony disappeared inside the plane so I turned away from the screens and focused on the speaker in my ear.
 “Tony what’s going in there?” I called. “Is he okay?”
 “I laying him down on a stretcher til we can get him in the med bay at home,” he said back. “Hang tight. The other’s are nearly done,”
I turned back to the screens and saw he was right.
 “Don’t worry Y/n,” he said softly after hearing my silence. “We’re coming home soon,”
I turned the screens off once everyone had made it back to the plane and were heading home.
I told Tony I would be waiting in the med bay for when they brought Peter in.
I did as I said I would and waited there for the team to  return home.
When they arrived I swear it was like they’d brought an entire battle field with them.
Everyone was shouting, a lot of the team were bleeding or injured in some other way.
When I saw Peter I almost fell to the floor screaming. I collapsed against the wall as I stumbled my way to him.
 “Peter!” I managed to choke out as Tony carried him into the med bay.
I noticed that Tony’s face was red and blotchy, like he’d been crying.
 “Tony is he okay?” I asked, desperation evident in my voice. “Tony?”
He rushed into the room and placed Peter gently on the bed where he lay seemingly lifeless.
A broken sob fell from my lips as I saw the rise and fall of Peter’s chest barely affected by his shallow breaths.
 “Alright everyone,” the lead doctor in the compound stepped into the room and her nurses began ushering the uninjured team members out, including me.
 “Sorry miss but you’ve got to wait outside,” one of the nurse said gently and soflty guieded me from the room.
 “Uhm.. y-yeah okay,” I sniffed and made my way outside to wait with the others.
Steve stood outside the door, staring worriedly inside as Tony refused to leave.
 “Stark,” Steve called. “C’mon man you gotta give ‘em space so they can help the kid,”
Tony looked so distraught as he looked out the door to Steve and I.
 “I have to call May,” He croaked and hurried form the room down the hall, mechanical whirring from the Iron Man suit as he moved.
I waited in the rec room of the compound with the other, to hear from the doctors in the med bay about the condition of Peter and the others that were hurt. None as badly as Peter but Clint needed a few stitches, Bucky had shattered his ankle and Wanda got a nasty concussion but she seemed okay.
Out of all, Peter seemed to be the worst but we had no idea what was actually wrong.
He had a concussion that wasn’t light but it wasn’t super bad and we’d been told it appeared he had bruising on the front and back of his ribcage from the impact of the blast and his pulse was slow and weak.
He went into cardiac arrest once.
His heart stopped beating for about 9 seconds.
The defibrillators we quick to work and started him up again on the first try.
But still, Peter technically died.
And we’re still not actually sure why. Tony’s theory was that the blast messed with the technology in Peter’s suit and somehow zapped his enhanced genes from the spider bite.
But even with that theory hanging in the air it doesn’t actually explain why Peter was awake after 3 days and why his heart stopped.
But then everything took a miraculous turn.
The doctor said his spider DNA was speeding up his healing process.
The purple bruises were fading before my eyes and I could easily notice the improvement in his breathing and pulse.
He woke up by the end of his third day in med bay and said he didn’t remember anything.
By the following morning the doctors said he was almost completely healed and could go home to Queens if he wanted.
Some protested and we all expected him to ask to stay in the compound as well but he didn’t.
When he say his aunt waiting in the kitchen with Tony and Pepper he practically ran to her.
 “Can Y/n come home with us?” he asked May when hey broke apart.
 “Of course she can!” May beamed.
I’d always liked May. She was so good to me all the time. She made Peter bring me presents from her when I was recovering from my leg injuries.
Happy drove us to Queens that afternoon. It was a quiet ride and Peter mostly stared out the window, but his hand never let go of mine.
At an intersection, we pulled up next to a light blue van and Peter gripped my hand so tight I thought he might break the bones.
But the van turned to corner and he relaxed a little.
When we got into their apartment, he went straight to have a shower. May made us all sandwiches and took hers to her room to before going to bed.
I put mine and Peter’s on a plate and took them to his bedroom. I changed to his ‘I survived NYC’ tshirt and sat on his bed eating my sandwich while I waited for him.
He walked into the room smelling of his pomegranate shampoo with his towel around his waist.
 “Hey,” I smiled.
 “Hey,” he softly smiled bad and pulled on his Hello Kitty pajama pants and lay down on his bed beside me.
 “You alright?” I asked, running my fingers through his hair.
 “Yeah,” he didn’t put much effort into the words and they came out as a whisper. “Just tired. I’ve noticed that my faster healing makes me a little run down afterwords,”
 “May made you a sandwich,” I pointed to his bedside table at the peanut butter sandwich on the plate there.
 “Oh cool,” he reached out slowly and picked up the sandwich and began eating it very slowly.’
 “Do you want to watch a movie?” I asked. “Something colourful,”
 “Colourful?” he turned his head and looked up at me. “I swear if you say something stupid like My Little Pony or Tinkerbell, you can sleep on the couch,”
 “No you dumbass,” I laughed. “Why would I suggest either of those things to you. I was going to say Barbie,”
 “Nooooo,” he groaned as he rolled over and wrapped his arm around my was, burring his face in the bed beside my leg.
 “Well what do you want to watch?” I chuckled.
 “Just put Doctor Who on or something,” his voice mumbled through the fabric of his sheets.
I did as he said and put on a random episode of Doctor Who.
I didn’t realise how tired I was until I snuggled into Peter’s bed and began falling asleep almost immediately.
I did however wake up at some point in the night.
The Tv was off and Peter lay on his back with his arm around me and my ead on his shoulder.
I looked up and saw he was awake.
 “Peter?” I leaned up on my elbow to look at him properly.
 “Hmm?” he turned to look at me, his eyes were very bloodshot and there were dark circles beginning to for under his eyes.
 “Why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked.
 “Can’t,” was all he said.
 “Are you okay?” I leaded over and flicked on his little lamp.
 “I guess,” he squinted at the sudden light. “The doctor says I’m fine. I don’t hurt anymore,”
 “I meant up here,” I tapped lightly on the side of his head.
 “Oh,” he took a deep breath and sighed. “I don’t know,”
I didn’t know how to responded so I simply kissed his forehead and started running my fingers through his hair like I know he likes.
The was a few minutes of silence before he finally spoke again.
 “I lied,” he whispered.
 “What?” I was confused and worried by the statement.
 “To the doctor,” he continued. “To everyone. I lied when I said I don’t remember,”
 “Oh,” I understood now why he’d been so quiet since leaving the med bay. “Do you remember everything?”
 “I think so,” he looked at me briefly before looking back to the underside of the top bunk. “I remember going into the van and that guy had all these crazy weapons. I remember hearing you yell into the coms to see if I was okay. I remember the blast. I remember Mr Stark carrying me back to the jet and sitting with me. I think he thought I was dying. Did I die?”
He suddenly turned to me with such desperation in his eyes I almost broke down right then and there.
 “No you’re here,” I smiled gently. “You’re here with me at home in Queens. You didn’t die. You’re okay,”
 “Most of the time I was out it felt like sleep,” he explained. “But there’s a small patch that just feels like nothing. I died didn’t I?”
He looked up at me, studying my face like he was trying to memorise every detail.
 “For a second or two yes,” I breathed. “In the med bay. Your heart stopped. It was less than ten seconds but it did stop. And no one can figure out why. But you woke up less than a day later,”
 “What if i’d never woken up?” his voice was quiet and shaky. “WHat if my heart didn’t stat up again? What if it just stopped and that was it?”
 “But it did start up again,” I said firmly.
He sounded so afraid and I didn’t like it.
 “But if that had been the end, then the last thing I would have seen was that flame thrower. The fire rushing toward me… The last thing I would have heard was you screaming to Tony about how I wasn’t moving. I could hear you screaming,” he’d begun tearing up and he turned his head slightly to look at me. “You were screaming because you were scared for me. I was scared to but not for me. I was scared because you were scared. I hadn’t even really process what had happened to me but I could hear you screaming and I knew you were scared and that made me scared. I woke up in that med bay and I was still scared but you were there and you seemed fine. You weren’t hurt or anything. You were just looking at me with your huge smile and I was scared because what if I’d woken up and you weren’t smiling? what if-”
 “Peter shh,” I sat up so I could properly reach out and hold his face. “There’s no need to worry about the what if’s,”
He nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, letting the tears fall from his eyes.
 “You’re fine,” I cooed. “I’m fine. You’re home, I’m here with you,”
I wiggled down in the bed so we could swap positions, with his head on my chest and my arms around him.
 “It’s okay,” I said, stroking the back of his head. “You’re okay,”
Why am I this person?
7 notes · View notes
It’s okay, you’re okay...
I have no idea what the fuck this is or why the fuck I wrote it. But It’s the middle of the night, I’ve had this half finished in my drafts for weeks and now that I just finsihed it I’m crying because I’m awful.
It’s too depressing to proof read so here ya go x
Someone please explain why I wrote this.
Word count: 2,456
Warning: idk like angst? Peter get’s hurt and it’s all shit. Idk if there’s swearing in the story but there’s swearing in the author’s note up there ^^
The last mission I went on, I fucked up my leg really badly.2 clean breaks in my foot and a hairline fracture in my tibia.
And so even though it was completely healed, just because I still get a little pain from it, I haven’t been allowed to go out on missions yet.
Today the team went to go deal with some smugglers who had been bringing stolen weapons into the city from varying sources, and I had to sit at home in the compound and helps via coms and satellite cameras.
I had multiple screens showing me different places in the zones where the team was.
  “Peter, there’s a crate of many many weapons in the back of a light blue van down the street to your left,” I called into the microphone I had clipped to my headset.
  “On it,” he replied.
I watched the screen that was focused on Peter as he swung round the corner and landed on the roof of the van, kicked in one of the side windows and disappeared inside.
The van swerved and crashed into the side of a building. Smoke began billowing out of the front of the van where the impact caused the most damage.
The driver kicked open his door and tumbled out of his seat into a barely conscious heap on the side walk.
  “Peter what’s going on in there?” I asked.
  “Just a second,” he grunted in response.
A second later an explosion inside the van caused the back doors to burst open, one of them coming detached entirely as Peter was thrown against it from the impact of what I guessing was one of the grenade launchers.
  “Peter!?” I shouted into the coms.
  “Y/n what’s going on with the kid?” Tony’s worried voice rang in my ears.
  “He was just blasted out of the van,” I explained. “Peter are you okay?”
  “I’m good,” he groaned, holding a thumbs up in the air before holding his side and rolling over.
He stood and started making his way to the van to continue fighting the dude inside but before he could even get within 10ft of the van, the man inside stepped out with a flame thrower set up on his back, and the nozzle aimed at Peter.
  “You should’ve stayed out freak,” the man sneered.
  "Now bro," Peter shook his head sarcastically. "That's just really rude-"
The flames roared forward, stronger than Peter must've been expecting because he was thrown back in a stream of fire and smashed into an abandoned car.
  "PETER!" I cried, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the screens. "Tony! Tony you have to help him! He's not moving!Tony please-"
  "I'm on it Y/n," Tony was clearly trying to sound calm and collected but I could hear the fear in how much his voice was shsaking. "The kid's gonna be okay,"
From multipul different screens i saw Iron Man soaring towards Peter's location.
He swooped in around the corner and blasted the man with the flame thrower into the side of the van, probably doing a lot more than knocking him out cold.
I stared on in terror asI watched Tony carefully scooped up Peter's limp form and took off into the sky.
  "Guys," he called into the coms. "I'm takin the kid back to the Quinjet. Can you wrap up while I make sure he's okay?"
  "We got this Stark," Natasha said calmly, but worry was evident in her voice.
  "Just make usre the kid's alright," Steve piped up.
Tony disappeared inside the plane so I turned away from the screens and focused on the speaker in my ear.
  "Tony what's going in there?" I called. "Is he okay?"
  "I laying him down on a stretcher til we can get him in the med bay at home," he said back. "Hang tight. The other's are nearly done,"
I turned back to the screens and saw he was right.
  "Don't worry Y/n," he said softly after hearing my silence. "We're coming home soon,"
I turned the screens off once everyone had made it back to the plane and were heading home.
I told Tony I would be waiting in the med bay for when they brought Peter in.
I did as I said I would and waited there for the team to  return home.
When they arrived I swear it was like they’d brought an entire battle field with them.
Everyone was shouting, a lot of the team were bleeding or injured in some other way.
When I saw Peter I almost fell to the floor screaming. I collapsed against the wall as I stumbled my way to him.
  “Peter!” I managed to choke out as Tony carried him into the med bay.
I noticed that Tony’s face was red and blotchy, like he’d been crying.
  “Tony is he okay?” I asked, desperation evident in my voice. “Tony?”
He rushed into the room and placed Peter gently on the bed where he lay seemingly lifeless.
A broken sob fell from my lips as I saw the rise and fall of Peter’s chest barely affected by his shallow breaths.
  “Alright everyone,” the lead doctor in the compound stepped into the room and her nurses began ushering the uninjured team members out, including me.
  “Sorry miss but you’ve got to wait outside,” one of the nurse said gently and soflty guieded me from the room.
  “Uhm.. y-yeah okay,” I sniffed and made my way outside to wait with the others.
Steve stood outside the door, staring worriedly inside as Tony refused to leave.
  “Stark,” Steve called. “C’mon man you gotta give ‘em space so they can help the kid,”
Tony looked so distraught as he looked out the door to Steve and I.
  “I have to call May,” He croaked and hurried form the room down the hall, mechanical whirring from the Iron Man suit as he moved.
I waited in the rec room of the compound with the other, to hear from the doctors in the med bay about the condition of Peter and the others that were hurt. None as badly as Peter but Clint needed a few stitches, Bucky had shattered his ankle and Wanda got a nasty concussion but she seemed okay.
Out of all, Peter seemed to be the worst but we had no idea what was actually wrong.
He had a concussion that wasn’t light but it wasn’t super bad and we’d been told it appeared he had bruising on the front and back of his ribcage from the impact of the blast and his pulse was slow and weak.
He went into cardiac arrest once.
His heart stopped beating for about 9 seconds.
The defibrillators we quick to work and started him up again on the first try.
But still, Peter technically died.
And we’re still not actually sure why. Tony’s theory was that the blast messed with the technology in Peter’s suit and somehow zapped his enhanced genes from the spider bite.
But even with that theory hanging in the air it doesn’t actually explain why Peter was awake after 3 days and why his heart stopped.
But then everything took a miraculous turn.
The doctor said his spider DNA was speeding up his healing process.
The purple bruises were fading before my eyes and I could easily notice the improvement in his breathing and pulse.
He woke up by the end of his third day in med bay and said he didn’t remember anything.
By the following morning the doctors said he was almost completely healed and could go home to Queens if he wanted.
Some protested and we all expected him to ask to stay in the compound as well but he didn’t.
When he say his aunt waiting in the kitchen with Tony and Pepper he practically ran to her.
  “Can Y/n come home with us?” he asked May when hey broke apart.
  “Of course she can!” May beamed.
I’d always liked May. She was so good to me all the time. She made Peter bring me presents from her when I was recovering from my leg injuries.
Happy drove us to Queens that afternoon. It was a quiet ride and Peter mostly stared out the window, but his hand never let go of mine.
At an intersection, we pulled up next to a light blue van and Peter gripped my hand so tight I thought he might break the bones.
But the van turned to corner and he relaxed a little.
When we got into their apartment, he went straight to have a shower. May made us all sandwiches and took hers to her room to before going to bed.
I put mine and Peter’s on a plate and took them to his bedroom. I changed to his ‘I survived NYC’ tshirt and sat on his bed eating my sandwich while I waited for him.
He walked into the room smelling of his pomegranate shampoo with his towel around his waist.
  “Hey,” I smiled.
  “Hey,” he softly smiled bad and pulled on his Hello Kitty pajama pants and lay down on his bed beside me.
  “You alright?” I asked, running my fingers through his hair.
  “Yeah,” he didn’t put much effort into the words and they came out as a whisper. “Just tired. I’ve noticed that my faster healing makes me a little run down afterwords,”
  “May made you a sandwich,” I pointed to his bedside table at the peanut butter sandwich on the plate there.
  “Oh cool,” he reached out slowly and picked up the sandwich and began eating it very slowly.’
  “Do you want to watch a movie?” I asked. “Something colourful,”
  “Colourful?” he turned his head and looked up at me. “I swear if you say something stupid like My Little Pony or Tinkerbell, you can sleep on the couch,”
  “No you dumbass,” I laughed. “Why would I suggest either of those things to you. I was going to say Barbie,”
  “Nooooo,” he groaned as he rolled over and wrapped his arm around my was, burring his face in the bed beside my leg.
  “Well what do you want to watch?” I chuckled.
  “Just put Doctor Who on or something,” his voice mumbled through the fabric of his sheets.
I did as he said and put on a random episode of Doctor Who.
I didn’t realise how tired I was until I snuggled into Peter’s bed and began falling asleep almost immediately.
I did however wake up at some point in the night.
The Tv was off and Peter lay on his back with his arm around me and my ead on his shoulder.
I looked up and saw he was awake.
  “Peter?” I leaned up on my elbow to look at him properly.
  “Hmm?” he turned to look at me, his eyes were very bloodshot and there were dark circles beginning to for under his eyes.
  “Why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked.
  “Can’t,” was all he said.
  “Are you okay?” I leaded over and flicked on his little lamp.
  “I guess,” he squinted at the sudden light. “The doctor says I’m fine. I don’t hurt anymore,”
  “I meant up here,” I tapped lightly on the side of his head.
  “Oh,” he took a deep breath and sighed. “I don’t know,”
I didn’t know how to responded so I simply kissed his forehead and started running my fingers through his hair like I know he likes.
The was a few minutes of silence before he finally spoke again.
  “I lied,” he whispered.
  “What?” I was confused and worried by the statement.
  “To the doctor,” he continued. “To everyone. I lied when I said I don’t remember,”
  “Oh,” I understood now why he’d been so quiet since leaving the med bay. “Do you remember everything?”
  “I think so,” he looked at me briefly before looking back to the underside of the top bunk. “I remember going into the van and that guy had all these crazy weapons. I remember hearing you yell into the coms to see if I was okay. I remember the blast. I remember Mr Stark carrying me back to the jet and sitting with me. I think he thought I was dying. Did I die?”
He suddenly turned to me with such desperation in his eyes I almost broke down right then and there.
  “No you’re here,” I smiled gently. “You’re here with me at home in Queens. You didn’t die. You’re okay,”
  “Most of the time I was out it felt like sleep,” he explained. “But there’s a small patch that just feels like nothing. I died didn’t I?”
He looked up at me, studying my face like he was trying to memorise every detail.
  “For a second or two yes,” I breathed. “In the med bay. Your heart stopped. It was less than ten seconds but it did stop. And no one can figure out why. But you woke up less than a day later,”
  “What if i’d never woken up?” his voice was quiet and shaky. “WHat if my heart didn’t stat up again? What if it just stopped and that was it?”
  “But it did start up again,” I said firmly.
He sounded so afraid and I didn’t like it.
  “But if that had been the end, then the last thing I would have seen was that flame thrower. The fire rushing toward me... The last thing I would have heard was you screaming to Tony about how I wasn’t moving. I could hear you screaming,” he’d begun tearing up and he turned his head slightly to look at me. “You were screaming because you were scared for me. I was scared to but not for me. I was scared because you were scared. I hadn’t even really process what had happened to me but I could hear you screaming and I knew you were scared and that made me scared. I woke up in that med bay and I was still scared but you were there and you seemed fine. You weren’t hurt or anything. You were just looking at me with your huge smile and I was scared because what if I’d woken up and you weren’t smiling? what if-”
  “Peter shh,” I sat up so I could properly reach out and hold his face. “There’s no need to worry about the what if’s,”
He nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, letting the tears fall from his eyes.
  “You’re fine,” I cooed. “I’m fine. You’re home, I’m here with you,”
I wiggled down in the bed so we could swap positions, with his head on my chest and my arms around him.
  “It’s okay,” I said, stroking the back of his head. “You’re okay,”
Why am I this person?
Tag’s list:
@sammysgirl1997​ @allison0609​ @loveisfriendship​ @side-shawty​
Wanna be added? Just ask ;)
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raedar · 7 years
My Pride Story
Ever since I was a child I’ve never really felt like I fit in. I loved ballet but I was obsessed with dinosaurs. Spider-Man was my favourite superhero, who I idolised and watched countlessly, but I also owned every barbie movie in existence up until 2009. I loved full contact sports but I also gymnastics and making jewellery. I wore skirts with pants underneath and basically lived in my brother’s Iron Man jumper. Even as a kid, I never leaned towards either binary gender. It wasn’t until I went to high school that I started noticing that I wasn’t like “normal” kids my age. I wasn’t sexually attracted to people like my friends were and I always made a point of being more masculine than everyone. It didn’t take me too long to realise that hey, if I ever were to love someone, I sure as hell would love them for them, not their gender. In my last year of high school one of my friends was getting bullied for being gay by some hypermasculine guys in our class. They called him the f slur and were being horrible because he chose to do his research project on drag queens, something he’s inspiring to be. I was so mad to the point that I took matters into my own hands. I stood up to them on behalf of my friend and in turn they took to bullying me. When I was being bullied none of my friends had my back, it was sad but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Later, one of my friends later came out as a nonbinary trans boy. It shocked me. I didn’t understand it but I had grown up in a very phobic family and I didn’t realise that until recently. So I asked my friend multiple questions as time went on to better my understanding. I love this boy; I wanted to support him in anyway I could because he had helped me through so much in my life. One day I ended up standing in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at my reflection. I proceeded to try to fit an adjective to myself. Was I pretty? Was I handsome? Was I a girl? Was I a boy? The more time I spent throwing adjectives around the more I felt sick, the most I felt ashamed and disgusting and I cried because I was so frustrated. My whole life I have felt neither female nor male. I just told people that I’m me when asked my gender because what else could I say? That’s when I realised I was nonbinary and it scared me to put a label to it. I wasn’t “normal” anymore and normality has been something I’ve lacked my whole life. My friend who came out as nonbinary was the first person I came out too. I have so much respect for people that come out. Before I always thought it must be terrible, but oh boy, what an understatement that was. I was at his house and I was fucking shaking, trying to get myself to mention it for hours before I finally did. He was great though; he pretty much shrugged it off, like a “yeah and? I’ve known forever” kind of thing and it made me feel so good that he didn’t seem to care either way. As time went on I started coming out more to people, first about my sexuality, which I’m unsure of the label and then my gender, or rather, my lack of. I didn’t get many negative comments on my sexuality except my nan who gave me a disapproving look and the whole, “don’t you want kids?” and “it’s just a phase” lecture. Man, that hurt so much. With my gender, I’ve gotten mostly negative comments, such as “yeah but, I still think there is only two genders but believe what you want” from my best friend of seven years and “I’m not going to pretend that you’re something you’re not” from my brother. Every time I heard these comments another part of me died and I began to close myself off to them.
I began to get bullied online for not liking someone for their gender and that I’m lucky I’m the gender I am because BxB or GxG is hot. I got told that if they saw me they’d bash me. I tried reaching out to people, my brother said “I agree with them. I mean, it’s okay if you want to be gay and all but keep your gay away from me” and my nan insisted that it wasn’t bullying at all. I had never felt so alone and ashamed of my family before then. But now here I am, fresh out of the closet and baring myself to everyone. I can’t guarantee people will react well to who I am or that people will still have my back after I tell them and I know it’s going to hurt, I know it can get worse. But that’s okay. I’m okay with it. I’m not about to change myself because people don’t like the fact that I don’t judge on gender or I can’t just pick a one. I’m me and that’s all I’ve ever wanted to be. I wouldn’t change it for anything else in the world.
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lolmohammed667 · 7 years
20 Petty Exes Who Will Make You Glad You're Single
*Makes playlist that’s just “Before He Cheats” 100 times*
"My ex-husband gave me back my KitchenAid mixer but kept all the attachments." —thedoctorismyparabatai
FOX / Via giphy.com
"My ex changed the passwords to my Snapchat, ruined my Bitmoji, and proceeded to block every guy on my account." —laurenbutler500
Bitmoji / Via ru.pinterest.com
Bitmoji / Via ru.pinterest.com
"After I broke up with my first high school boyfriend, he left messages on my desk with misspelled words and incorrect grammar, knowing how irritated I would be, as it was (and still is) one of my biggest pet peeves." —thegirlnamedisla
"In college, my boyfriend dumped me two days before my birthday. Little did he know that his friends were throwing a huge surprise party for me at his house. He sulked in his room the whole time and didn't come out." —taradactyl8
Good Reads / Via giphy.com
Showtime / Pop / Via giphy.com
"My boyfriend's ex knew how much he loved those expensive Nike socks that are designed specifically for each foot and labeled with an L and R. When they broke up, she stole all his left socks." —nisham449182aba
"My ex kept texting me wanting to 'be friends'. I already told him that I would need more time. After a month of me not responding, he sent me a text with a link to the song 'Say Something (I'm Giving Up On You)'." —kendral464ad75b4
VH1 / Via giphy.com
"My boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend cut open an oversized panda bear he had gotten her, took out all the stuffing, and wore the skin of the bear." —taravanp
"My ex sent me a 13-minute long video of him setting fire to everything of mine I left at his apartment. He used gasoline and everything." —gummypikachus
VH1 / Via giphy.com
"When we broke up, he was a senior and I was a junior. I didn’t take it well and cried pretty heavily when we had the talk. Our high school had a ‘Senior Will’, where seniors could gift things like 'health' and 'prosperity' to their lower-classmen friends. My ex gifted me a box of fucking tissues." —daniellet4e464cff0
"After I broke up with my girlfriend, she logged into my Netflix account and gave five stars to a bunch of Barbie movies and messed up all my ratings." —glena2
VH1 / Via giphy.com
"One of my boyfriend's exes left thousands of brass tacks, point up, all over his apartment." —brelandford
"After a year of marriage, I found out that my husband had been cheating on me. So, while he was moving out, I poured out his bottle of liquid Cialis and refilled it with water." —metrofairy
WEtv / Via giphy.com
"My acting major ex WROTE and PERFORMED a monologue for class in which he described in explicit, gory detail how he cheated on me multiple times and how much he enjoyed it. Apparently it was so vulgar that, when he was finished, a girl said, 'You really shouldn't be allowed to talk to women.'" —kyliecshadle
The Craigslist advertiser:
"My ex made a Craigslist ad inviting people to come watch a threesome and linked it to my number. I was getting calls and texts ALL MORNING!" —ericas48b1e499d
"My ex slept with my best friend, so I slept with his best friend." —m16
"When we broke up, my ex returned EVERYTHING. That included five bobby pins, three Capri Suns, one bag of popcorn, and a tiny fake flower I had in my hair on one of our first dates." —delaneystrunk
CBS / Via giphy.com
"When I found out my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me, I messaged the girl he was cheating with and asked her to come over to tell me what was going on. Later, I called him and asked if we could meet up and talk. When he came over, I had the girl come around the corner with me to greet him. His face was priceless!" —heidim4dadf5b06
"I applied to medical school after my ex tried and failed just to prove I was the smartest. I got in!" —annibale979
MTV / Via giphy.com
"My ex stole my DIDGERIDOO! I got it from Australia when I was in high school and I'm still pissed about it." —katrinas490cf8b1d
And finally, the disabler:
"My ex locked me out of my own iPad for 43 years." —elled4
Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
20 Petty Exes Who Will Make You Glad You're Single
*Makes playlist that’s just “Before He Cheats” 100 times*
"My ex-husband gave me back my KitchenAid mixer but kept all the attachments." —thedoctorismyparabatai
FOX / Via giphy.com
"My ex changed the passwords to my Snapchat, ruined my Bitmoji, and proceeded to block every guy on my account." —laurenbutler500
Bitmoji / Via ru.pinterest.com
Bitmoji / Via ru.pinterest.com
"After I broke up with my first high school boyfriend, he left messages on my desk with misspelled words and incorrect grammar, knowing how irritated I would be, as it was (and still is) one of my biggest pet peeves." —thegirlnamedisla
"In college, my boyfriend dumped me two days before my birthday. Little did he know that his friends were throwing a huge surprise party for me at his house. He sulked in his room the whole time and didn't come out." —taradactyl8
Good Reads / Via giphy.com
Showtime / Pop / Via giphy.com
"My boyfriend's ex knew how much he loved those expensive Nike socks that are designed specifically for each foot and labeled with an L and R. When they broke up, she stole all his left socks." —nisham449182aba
"My ex kept texting me wanting to 'be friends'. I already told him that I would need more time. After a month of me not responding, he sent me a text with a link to the song 'Say Something (I'm Giving Up On You)'." —kendral464ad75b4
VH1 / Via giphy.com
"My boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend cut open an oversized panda bear he had gotten her, took out all the stuffing, and wore the skin of the bear." —taravanp
"My ex sent me a 13-minute long video of him setting fire to everything of mine I left at his apartment. He used gasoline and everything." —gummypikachus
VH1 / Via giphy.com
"When we broke up, he was a senior and I was a junior. I didn’t take it well and cried pretty heavily when we had the talk. Our high school had a ‘Senior Will’, where seniors could gift things like 'health' and 'prosperity' to their lower-classmen friends. My ex gifted me a box of fucking tissues." —daniellet4e464cff0
"After I broke up with my girlfriend, she logged into my Netflix account and gave five stars to a bunch of Barbie movies and messed up all my ratings." —glena2
VH1 / Via giphy.com
"One of my boyfriend's exes left thousands of brass tacks, point up, all over his apartment." —brelandford
"After a year of marriage, I found out that my husband had been cheating on me. So, while he was moving out, I poured out his bottle of liquid Cialis and refilled it with water." —metrofairy
WEtv / Via giphy.com
"My acting major ex WROTE and PERFORMED a monologue for class in which he described in explicit, gory detail how he cheated on me multiple times and how much he enjoyed it. Apparently it was so vulgar that, when he was finished, a girl said, 'You really shouldn't be allowed to talk to women.'" —kyliecshadle
The Craigslist advertiser:
"My ex made a Craigslist ad inviting people to come watch a threesome and linked it to my number. I was getting calls and texts ALL MORNING!" —ericas48b1e499d
"My ex slept with my best friend, so I slept with his best friend." —m16
"When we broke up, my ex returned EVERYTHING. That included five bobby pins, three Capri Suns, one bag of popcorn, and a tiny fake flower I had in my hair on one of our first dates." —delaneystrunk
CBS / Via giphy.com
"When I found out my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me, I messaged the girl he was cheating with and asked her to come over to tell me what was going on. Later, I called him and asked if we could meet up and talk. When he came over, I had the girl come around the corner with me to greet him. His face was priceless!" —heidim4dadf5b06
"I applied to medical school after my ex tried and failed just to prove I was the smartest. I got in!" —annibale979
MTV / Via giphy.com
"My ex stole my DIDGERIDOO! I got it from Australia when I was in high school and I'm still pissed about it." —katrinas490cf8b1d
And finally, the disabler:
"My ex locked me out of my own iPad for 43 years." —elled4
Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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