wheredidalltheusersgo · 8 months
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Good afternoon Chazipper nation
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chaos-proffessa · 8 months
I got a special request for some zee content!! @idkwhattowriteheretoololz I don't really have a plan for this but here's a quick little fic!, I'm Gunna have Emily in this fic too just for funzies
I hope you all enjoy!!
Zee and Emily had planned a picnic day in the park, they'd been so excited! Zee had been waiting a week for thier skeduals to line up, zee had put on thier prettiest fluffy pink coat, a pastel yellow tank top and flare bottom denom jeans, they ran around her apartment looking for her bag, she had spent so much time picking out her outfit she forgot to set a timer, they grabbed thier bag and platform shoes and raced out the door.
Zee got off the bus and looked around for her friend, they got a text
Emily 'hey zee!, sorry there's alot of traffic I'm running a little late'
Zee 'no problem! I'll find something else to do!!'
Emily. 'oh by the way did you see that there was a parade today! It looks fun do you wanna do that aswell?'
Zee nodded furiously they were so excited they loved parades!
Zee 'sure that sounds awesome!!! See you soon!'
Zee pocketed thier phone and ran off to look for something to do, she eventually found a cute little shop it looked funky so she decided to go inside, it was full of cute little figures, candles, incense and perfumes! It was pretty busy here too it must be popular, she thought looking around, after a while in the store her nose started to tingle, she scrunched up thier nose with a sniffle but that only made the itch worse, they scrubbed at thier nose looking around for what might've made her this itchy normally candles or scents diddnt bother her, she froze staring at the big display of lavender wich she'd assumed were fake and just for decoration, her breath hitched as she headed out of the store hands cupped over her face trying to protect her nose from the pollen, but it was a bit too late. "HehhH'EEsh! EhhH'ShhEw! ehhH hEh! Eh'ShH! SnFf! Ghh phew gosh I better grab some meds snFff!" They searched through thier bag for a while before realising in thier rush shed forgotten to pack her meds, "shit" she quetly cursed rubbing at her nose, 'it would be fine' she thought 'as long as I stay away from that stuff I'll be fine!' "bless you zee!" Zee turned around excitedly to see Emily!, "Emmy!! Hii!" Zee bounded towards thier friend hugging her tight, Emily wrapped her arms around zee "are you alright?, that was quite a fit there hun" Emily gently placed the back of her hand to zee's cheeks and forehead, zee giggled "I'm fine Em!, it's just allergies" Emily nodded "alright, well the parade is about to start so why don't we head over?" Zee nodded grabbing Emily's hand and running over.
Zee was so excited the floats were about to come out!, she found a good spot right at the front of the barricade, they'd be so close they could almost touch it! "Hey what's this parade for anyway?" Zee asked, "I'm not actually sure? I guess it'll be a suprise!" Emily said positively, the parade would start soon anyway.
After around 20 minutes, the speakers turned on with a sharp click "ooo it's staring!!!" Zee excitedly shouted holding onto Emily's arm, "Hello and welcome to this year's annual flora parade!!" The announcer boomed, flora zee's head tilted why did that word sound so familiar?, the first float made it's way down the road, it was affirmed with bright colours it was so pretty!!!, it was in the shape of a bouquet, more floats followed the last each one bigger and brighter than the last, it was all flower themed, "I wonder were they got all the fake flowers from?" Emily asked out loud turning to zee, zee's eyes were watering, her nose flushed and twitching beneath pinched fingers, they punched down with a quickly stifled fit, Emily's eyes wided 'ohh these aren't fake' she thought grabbing onto zee's hand and dragging them out of the crowd, they eventually made it to the park, far away from the parade and sat down at a bench, zee's hands were covering her face, Emily gently took zee's hands and took them away from zee's face, Emily winced zee diddnt look good, thier eyes were red and watery, her nose and cheeks were flushed, here nose was twitching and running and her face was scrunched in allergic agony, Emily went through her bad and grabbed out a bunch of tissues, she grabbed one and gently wiped at zee's eyes and nose, zee's nose seemed to not apreciate the scratchyness of the tissues however as it started to twitch harder, thier breath hitching "heHh EH-EHhhH'ShHi! EhhH'ShhEw!!-Shh!-EEhHShh!! Ghh-hhHEH'DshHEW!!" the fit went on for a couple minutes, Emily occasionally switching out the tissues inbetween desperate hitching breaths.
"here honey, blow, you'll feel alot better sweetheart" Emily coached tenting a wad of tissues over zee's stuffy nose, zee reached up and cupped her hands over the tissues blowing hard, "guhh oh mby god.... That was alot mby n'dose is buzzi'g snDff!! Ghh" zee said stuffy, rubbing at her nose with thier wrist "how are you feeling honey?" Emily asked placing a hand on zee's shoulder "i'dtchy... Ehh'Shhhw... SDff!! Ghh... Tired" zee leant forward placing her head on Emily's chest, Emily nodded rubbing zee's back "ok hun let's get you home... And some meds in ya"
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lonelyapprehension · 4 years
I have several kinda personal questions- 1) what colour(s) are your eyes? 2) Fave colour? and 3) when's ur birthday i forgot and i wanna make a present if it's not too late-
i have green-brown heterochromia
i like green uwu
my birthday is september 27th
dw zee ur okay lmao
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picklesthelesser · 6 years
Star Wars Resistance Episode 17: The Disappeared Reaction
Unpopular opinion: Hype got an annoying voice
How does doza not realize the first order is taking over the station like he literally had to say "as long as I'm in control "
How old is kaz can he drink I wanna kick back and open a cold one with my boi
Oh god yes is that bb-hate????
Lmao droid police
They are recruiting at a cantina...
Kaz's side eye tho
It's weird calling him kazuda insta of kaz
Oooohhh doza knows he fucked up
Wasnt commander pyre red not gold?
As an eastern european myself that ace pilot has a terrible ass accent lol
Oooooh they impounded hypes ship
If I was an ace pilot I would just leave
How has tam not figured it out
I love how the cantina owner is a monster but she still puts on makeup lol
I like how they show tam supporting the first order like how most people dont relaize they are evil yet and that's how that gained control
I jsut realizes what colour is torra's hair
I really want that bb8/bbh8 remote control droid thing that u can buy
Ohh that's right hype was friends tam
Oh I forgot bb8 is gone it's his girlfriend now
Why is Tora speaking into the ace pilot lounge area isnt she allowed there
Aw I liked aunt zee I hope they get her back
Off world? To where?
I like how this show has no jedi, it's a nice break but I do miss the jedi/sith aspect
Is he with yeager to rebel???
Ah good now doza is realizing shit and working with the resistance
Again. tam. put. the.pieces.together
Ah shit kaz and his girl on a mission
Get it my main man
Honestly I think he looks better with out the jacket but green works with his character design
Teamwork makes the dream work
I'm going to miss aunt zee
Under arrest????
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enixamyram · 6 years
I have this headcanon that years in the future Rae and Blessing find an old home video. The footage is of their mothers’ wedding reception. But the audio is just Grandad Killian and Grandpa Rumple arguing somewhere off camera over who should get to dance with Alice first.
Yeah this turned out so much longer than I meant it to! haha! But I really enjoyed writing it too! So thanks for the short idea, Anon!
   Blessing rolled her eyes, turning to find Rae cringing away from something on the floor. “What?” She asked.
   “A rat! I think I saw a rat!” Rae yelped, ducking a low hanging beam and hurrying away from the corner quickly, her long brown hair bounding behind her as she did.
   “You know, if it’s too much, we could always head back down and just tell mum we couldn’t find it...” Blessing said in an innocent sing-song like voice.
   Immediately Rae’s fear vanished and she turned unamused eyes to her little sister. “Uh, lemme think. No!”
   “Oh come on!” Blessing snapped. “This attic is full of crap! How are we supposed to find anything up here? We might as well just buy new damn decorations and be done with it.”
   They were, of course, talking about the decorations that had been used for their Christening parties. Lucy had come by, looking pretty good for a first time mum, asking if Alice and Robin still had their daughters white dress they had worn that day. It had been enchanted by great aunt Regina to not only stay perfectly presentable and clean, but also to keep the baby wearing it calm during the ceremony. And because they happened to be hanging around, Rae and Blessing had been the ones charged with going into their attic to find the box it was hidden in.
   The only problem was that the attic was a complete mess. They used it more like a large rubbish area than a storage space. Half the things had been thrown inside and so much of it lay broken, while others were just random and neither girl knew why they still had it. Like Blessing’s old doll house. The one she played with for a few months before growing bored, resulting in her painting it a mixture of sickly green and brown colours so it could be an army base instead. What was once a pretty house turned into something unrecognisable.
   “Mum flipped when she saw what I had done,” Blessing smiled, pulling the doll house out from the side and running her hand over the long since dried paint, uneven and lumpy with only some of the actual house peeking out from underneath.
   “I remember,” Rae grinned, kneeling beside her. “And mama just laughed it off and said you were being creative. She spend weeks convincing mum you were going to be an artist and one day the doll house would be worth millions!”
   Blessing snorted, pushing her short blonde hair out of her face. “Yeah, she was way off on that one.”
   “Anyway!” Rae said, before they could get too comfortable. “We’re not here to reminisce!” She slapped her knees and jumped back to her feet. “Come on! Pull all that crap out of the corner. I think I see some untitled boxes hidden in the back.”
   “Pull all that crap out of the corner.” Blessing mimicked quietly, sticking her tongue out and pulling a face. “Do this, Blessing. Do that, Blessing.”
   “You say. And yet you’re still not doing it.” Rae said, crossing her arms and scowling down at her.
   Blessing paused. “I meant for you to hear that.” She said suddenly.
   “Sure you did.” Rae turned and walked over to the room - away from where she was sure she saw the rat - and began digging through some of the piles that had been thrown on top of one another.
   For a moment they fell quiet as they began to search through the many objects in their way. They scrambled through a series of things that seemed to have no rhyme or reason as to why they were stored together - like an old copy of Alice In Wonderland, an faded black top hat, a multicoloured bracelet, a pocket watch that was ticking backwards - and other objects that had clearly been tossed up blindly if even that - like an old glasses case, a jar which seemed to contain actual dirt, an old detective badge that had their grandpa’s name on it from during one of the many curses their family had lived through.
   “This is taking forever,” Blessing moaned, standing up. “Move back.”
   “Blessing! No! Mum said-”
   “Auntie ‘Gina told me to practice.” Blessing shrugged, like that gave her immediate permission.
   “Not in closed spaces!” Rae snapped, jumping up to grab her arm.
   However, before she could, Blessing swept her arms to the side and suddenly everything lifted off the floor. In seconds all the objects they had been digging through began to spin in a cyclone around them, so fast they almost felt like they would be picked up with them. Rae shrieked in surprise and Blessing struggled to control it. In the end, it only lasted a few seconds before something shot out at random and hit Rae on the shoulder, sending her tumbling into Blessing and causing everything to crash loudly to the floor with them.
   A second later... “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP THERE?!”
   “Nothing mum!” Blessing said quickly, pushing Rae off her and crawling towards the trap door, looking down innocently. “Just tripped over something!”
   Robin scowled up at her. “Rae?” She called.
   Rae glared at Blessing as she crawled to her side. But just before looking down at her mother, she forced herself to smile. “Yeah, she tripped over me of all things. Sorry, mum. We’ll keep the noise down.”
   Robin continuing frowning up at them before shaking her head with as sigh, knowing they wouldn’t give each other up like they would have once when they were more naive. “Just... Find the damn box with the dress.”
   After their mother had left, the girls turned away from the trap door and breathed a sigh of relief. Blessing glanced at Rae and smiled shyly. “Thanks.”
   “Thanks nothing.” Rae groaned, standing and rubbing her soon to be bruised shoulder. “You owe me.”
   “Deal.” Blessing nodded, sitting back on her heels. Even if she was bossy, she knew she could count of Rae when she needed her.
   It was then she caught sight of something that had skid across the floor when everything fell back down. It was an old red DVD case, but it had no title or picture on the front and neither did the DVD sitting safely inside.
   “What’s this?” Blessing blinked.
   “A DVD?” Rae frowned.
   Out of all the jumble of objects sitting in the attic, this was probably the thing that stood out most. Why would they throw a DVD up here? They had a bookshelf full of them downstairs, and any they no longer wanted, they just gave away to friends and family who did.
   “Let’s watch it!” Blessing said immediately, her curiosity piqued.
   “Blessing, we have to find the dress before we can go downstairs,” Rae said strictly.
   “Who said we have to go downstairs?” Blessing grinned cheekily.
   “Are you kidding?!” Rae hissed. “After that?!”
   “Oh come on! This is just a small one and it’s easy. I’ve done it a dozen times before.” Blessing said, laying the DVD on the floor, opening the case and sitting cross legged in front of it.
   “Oh my God, Blessing! You are unbelievable!” Rae snapped.
   Ignoring her, Blessing waved her hand at the DVD. A golden yellow light lifted from the reflective material, reaching up in a single thick line before opening into a wide circle, almost like a flat flower. The circle was as big as Blessing’s head and shone brightly for a few seconds before the imagine inside cleared and the DVD began to play.
   Instantly it was clear it wasn’t a normal movie. It was a home video. One of a large crowd that had gathered, all wearing expensive and fancy looking clothing - beautiful dresses for the woman and handsome suits for the men - and there were decorations stretching all over the trees and across the ground. As the camera moved, it showed a shot of a long white table, stuffed with dishes of food and half eaten plates and a tall layered cake that had already been cut into to show a thick layer of chocolate sponge hiding beneath the white icing. And finally, the camera moved again and Blessing caught sight of a pair of familiar faces standing in the middle of it all.
   “Its mama and mum!” She gasped.
   “What?” Rae frowned, finally looking over her shoulder at her.
   “It’s their wedding video!”
   Without hesitating, Rae scrambled over towards her, sitting down by her side and looking at the glowing image. Sure enough, Alice and Robin were stood in a pair of beautiful white dresses, smiling at one another and looking just as in love as they did to this day. They were much younger, probably in their mid to late twenties, and yet somehow they had barely changed at all, except maybe that Robin’s hair was longer than it was now.
   “Oh wow. So this is where this was...” Rae mumbled. Blessing shot her a puzzled expression and she shrugged. “I heard mama asking about it a few weeks back. They must have tossed it up here accidentally.”
   “Make you wonder what else is here by accident.” Blessing mused. There were some things she noticed that genuinely seemed like they were special, yet they were thrown up here to be lost.
   They momentarily forgot their mission and sat back, watching the video in an almost silence. There was a sight buzz of conversation from the DVD but nothing clear as whoever controlled the camera walked slowly through the many people in his way. They got a shot of almost everyone. Great aunt Regina looking beautiful in a purple dress, grandma Zee in an emerald silk, Lucy in a pink frock, Henry in a navy suit with his wife dressed in blue...
   “... Don’t see how this is even up for debate!” Came a sudden sharp voice, not long after the camera man - who turned out to be Naveen - set the camera down on the table and seemingly forgot to stop the recording.
   “Is that...?” Blessing frowned.
   “Grandpa.” Rae nodded. She’d recognise his voice anywhere.
   “Because, whether you like it or not, I’m a part of her life as well.” Came a second familiar voice.
   “Gramps?” Blessing giggled, still frowning.
   “I never said you weren’t. Believe it or not, but I am happy with that. I know how much you looked after her while I couldn’t... But that doesn’t change anything!” Rogers snapped, his voice very clear now, like they were standing directly behind the camera but still out of view.
   “I think it does.” Rumple’s voice said stiffly.
   “Of course you do.”
   “What are they arguing about?” Blessing frowned.
   “No idea...” Rae mumbled. As far as she was aware, Rogers and Rumple were close friends. They always got on when everyone got together and retold stories all the time of their past adventures after they had set aside their differences from a feud neither of them really liked going into.
   “I was there for her, I think that should have some say in things.”
   “You were there because I couldn’t be! Which, I’m grateful for, but still doesn’t change anything!”
   “Well why don’t we ask Alice?”
   “No. And not because I’m worried she wouldn’t pick me but because I’m not leaving this up for debate.”
   “What are they arguing about? Come on! Give us some exposition already!” Rae demanded, leaning towards the glowing image.
   “If this were a movie they would have explained by now,” Blessing grumbled, resting her chin on her fist.
   “Fast forward it.” Rae commanded. “See how long they go at it for.”
   Waving her hand in front of the image, Blessing sped up the story for a few seconds before letting it play.
   “What are you two spitting about over here?” Came Tiana’s voice.
   “It’s nothing.” Rogers said with a heavy sigh.
   “Clearly not. So talk, what’s gotten your bowties in a twist?” Tiana asked.
   “Finally!” Rae said, rolling her eyes and sitting back.
   “Yes! Tell!” Blessing said eagerly, drumming her hands on the wooden floorboard in front of her.
   But before they could heard the answer, the camera jerked and was picked up off the table. “Oh, here it is.” Naveen’s grinning face appeared, smiling down at the lens a she began to walk away. “Woops, left it on... Better save some battery for the dances later.”
   “NO!” Rae and Blessing cried as the cheerful man switched the camera off just before they could hear Rogers fading reply.
   For a moment the girls stared at the blank screen in frustrated silence, waiting as it turned on and they were suddenly greeted with family and friends wishing the brides luck on their future. It was sweet and all, but not what either of the girls wanted to see. Blessing growled and waved her hand, causing the image and the light to disappear back into the DVD, sitting back and sulking.
   “Now we’ll never know what they were arguing about.” Rae grumbled angrily.
   “You know, you could just ask one of us.” Came a raspy voice behind them.
   The girls jumped and spun to see Rumplestiltskin pulling himself up onto the edge and sitting with his legs hanging down on top of the ladder. There was thick a sheen of sweat on his forehead and one of his hands were shaking badly as he rest it beside him, wheezing slightly as he sat back.
   “Gramps!” Blessing gasped, jumping up and running to kneel beside him. “Mama said you shouldn’t be exerting yourself.”
   “You mothers say a lot,” Rumple smirked. “I’m old. Not invalid.” He suddenly coughed hard into his shaking hand, wheezing even worse than before by the time he was done.
   “Look pretty close to invalid to me.” Rae said, shrugging.
   “Desirae!” Blessing snapped.
   “Cheeky brat,” Rumple grinned, causing Rae to giggle before she moved to sit opposite him, letting her own legs swing down the open trap door as well.
   “So what were you and Grandpa arguing about then?” Rae asked.
   Rumple chuckled again. “We were fighting over who got to dance with your mother first. I argued he got to dance with her first during the engagement party so it was my turn. Which I still think was a very valid argument.” He coughed again, groaning at the ache along his back.
   “Guessing you lost the argument?” Rae said.
   “Not quite.” Rumple said, nodding towards the DVD. Blessing took the hint and quickly waved her hand at it. The DVD light appeared, carrying over to shine in front of them and playing where it had left off. After a few directions they fast forward to the first dances and the light showed Alice, holding Rogers’ in one hand and Rumple’s in the other, pulling them both onto the dance floor. “If you had told me three centuries ago I’d be dance with the pirate at a gay wedding... Probably would have turned you into a toad and squished ya.”
   “Oh wow, that is the most awkward dance I have ever seen!” Rae laughed, watching as the two men took turns spinning Alice around and moving together on the dance floor. However Alice was the only one who didn’t look awkward. She just looked happy. Beaming up at the two men and swinging back and forth between them, laughing loudly over the music the whole time.
   “It was a good day.” Rumple said, voice wheezing slightly again before he coughed hard. Blessing put a hand on his shoulder worriedly and even Rae’s smile dimmed slightly.
   “You okay, Gramps?” Blessing asked.
   “I’m fine, girl. Don’t start acting like your mother. Bad enough I can’t even go for a walk now without her clinging to my arm the whole time like I’m gonna fall over.” Rumple said, rolling his eyes.
   “She worries.” Rae mumbled. “We do too. You shouldn’t have climbed up here on your own.”
   “Oh pack it in, the lot of you. I’m not going to be an old man who sits in a chair and whines about life as he slowly decays.” Rumple said, waving her off. “Now, where this dress your mothers sent you for?”
   “No idea.” Rae said, glancing back around them. “This whole place is a mess. There’s so much junk up here!”
   Rumple smiled at her, raising an eyebrow. “Nothing here is junk. It’s all precious to your mothers. Things Alice collected over the years during her travels or gave Robin or Robin gave her.” He coughed hard. “Why do you think they’ve stored so much? You know your ma’s sentimental.” He looked at Blessing. “Anyway, why haven’t you just poofed the damn dress into your hand already?”
   “You didn’t hear the banging from before?” Rae yelped.
   “The whole street heard that bang, dearie.” Rumple chuckled. “This is why you need a proper teacher.” He faced Blessing. “Shut your eyes. Picture the dress. Imagine it as clearly as you can... Now imagine you’re holding it...”
   Blessing jumped when a light material fluttered into her hands. She opened her eyes and looked down to find the dress sitting in her palms. “I did it!” She squealed.
   “You did.” Rumple nodded proudly. “Now, let’s get out of here. The dust is choking me.” He coughed hard enough to shake his body before he moved slowly, lowering himself down the ladder with Rae and Blessing hovering close by in case he fell.
   After he was safely back on the ground, picking up where he had leaned his cane against the wall, Rae hurried down after, copying her mother and standing close by his side, prepared for if he should stumble. He had yet to have a proper fall, but he did often shake in a way that made everyone nervous. Of course, no one had dared yet suggest a wheelchair but Rae had a feeling ma was getting close.
   “Come on, Blessing! Let’s go!” Rae said impatiently, not bothering to look back.
   “Come on, Blessing let’s go. Do as I say, Blessing, blah, blah, blah.” Blessing mimicked, folding the dress neatly in her hand before pausing and waving at the DVD. It disappeared and reappeared in her hand in a cloud of yellow smoke. Smiling she carried that and the dress back down before folding the ladder back up, pushing it into place with the help and watching the trap door automatically shutting after it.
   “Ma! Mum!” Blessing shouted, running passed her sister and Gramps. “Guess what we found!”
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toaster-strudel1234 · 7 years
Personal Ship #15
This is for @starlight-starbright-marlena Purple hair sounds so cool, I’ve always wanted to dye my hair a pastel blue but I'm scared of the effect bleach will have on my hair. I might try just the ends first, we’ll see :)  Until then, I might get a double lobe piercing. *SHRUGS*
I ship you with...
Niall Horan 
- Niall loved going undercover, and doing normal tasks without being noticed. One day, while on a walk with your friends you heard a man with a long beard and big round glasses singing “City Of Stars” while playing the guitar. He was quickly nearing the part of the female vocalist and you didn’t see any female singer. In absolute spontaneity you decided to join him and sing the female part. 
- By the end, you had a large crowd that asked you to keep singing. After 3 more duets, you friend pulled you away. Niall ran after you and offered you some of the money you had earned, but you denied. He then insisted to buy you a coffee before you both said goodbye. At starbucks, you placed your order and went to the side to wait. Niall said something to Barista, waved goodbye and left. 
- Your name was called and you went to pick your cup. Under the name Niall, was a series of digits and a note about your awesome performance. 
- You sent him a text and decided to perform again, you did it week after week. Niall still in his disguise. One day he texted you for dinner, when you reached at the restaurant, a server took you to the back where a beautiful blonde haired and blue eyed boy was waiting. He told you the truth and you two became even closer friends. 
- He asked you out on one of your weekly performances, he started singing a song you did not recognize. You didn’t make much of it, sometimes you or Niall wanted to do solo performances. It wasn’t until you payed attention to the lyrics that you realized that this was something Niall wrote himself. He started singing about your amazing purple hair, brown eyes and love for music. You were touched and said Yes immediately. Causing the usual crowd to melt and aww, some even wiped a few tears. 
-  Niall loved your purple hair and dyed his blue to match, people often gave you weird looks but you two didn’t mind. Your  cuteness inspired other celebrity couples like Louis and Harry to dye their hair. ;) 
- Niall loved how you wore big sweaters all the time. Most of the time you just stole his and wore them for weeks, he usually forgot about them.  He finally realized when you facetimed him, (he was on tour for Flickr)  he just smiled, the next day there was a package at your door, with a dozen of his sweaters and a note. There was also a few tacky souvenir pieces that he said reminded him of you. 
- Reading books by the fireplace as you cuddled with Niall, who was writing lyrics for his new song. 
- Colouring as you watched Niall rehearse for his show. 
- Niall loved how awkward and goofy you were, it always helped him when the haters were getting to him. 
- Baking with Niall and it turning into a competition or a food fight. Sometimes you just surprised him when he was stressed because you knew how much how he loved food. 
-Dates to Nandos
-  Niall loved your height and loved how when he hugged you, you could hear that his heart beated for you! (so cheesy I know! #sorrynotsorry) 
- he proposed by creating a treasure hunt that lead you to different places in your relationship. From the area you sang together in to Nandos, at the end was a beautiful garden, in which homeboy was standing with flowers and a ring! You said yes! (obviously) 
- You had 4 kids named, Lia, James, Charlotte and Adam. 
That’s it! Hope you enjoyed! Remember to send me criteria for your own headcanons! Ships are open till November 7th!  Ask me questions regarding my hobbies and fandoms! I’m answering them!
-Zee xox
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unrequitedmime · 7 years
Cairo raised one delicately defined eyebrow, "That's your evidence?" Koda spun to face her, brown strands of hair slicing through air. Her green eyes were burning with a storm of emotions, and Zachariah nearly took a step away from her when he recognised the sparkle between her long eyelashes. He did not fancy emotions. Not at all. The air between Cairo and Koda suddenly seemed to tingle with tension. Zachariah wish he had a knife so that he could truly test the metaphor used. Usually he was a skeptic, but he was quiet sure that something in the air would split between them if he swung his hand through. He was sure he would be zapped if he walked between them. He remained where he was; in the door frame. Damaris leaned against one side of the frame, his insufferable hair a mess. Despite the late hour, the light from the hall behind him seemed to shine through and paint a halo around him. His brown eyes shone. Zachariah could feel his body heat. He stepped away. Damaris didn't spare him a glance as he strode forward, delicately resting his hand upon Koda's arm to calm her energy. Zachariah had the faintest impression that he was expected to do that, considering his friendship with Koda. But Zachariah did not fancy emotions. "He's gone, Cairo," Koda's voice was a sharp, loud slap. "I can feel it in my bones." "Well, tell your bones to call the police." "God, you're a bitch sometimes Cairo," Minnie breathed somewhere behind Zachariah. He could feel her breath on the back of his neck and nearly startled. Zachariah hadn't seen her in the shadows of Cody's room. If he had, he would have stayed in the doorway. "Shut up Minnie," Cairo's voice was a punch. To be fair, Cairo was quite a bitch sometimes. But Zachariah did not quite like Minnie, so his mouth remained closed. "Hey now," Damaris said. His voice was barely above a whisper, yet somehow it carried the entire ocean. It seemed to wash over every body in the room and calm their hearts. He watched their deep breaths and their fluttering eyelashes. He wondered why they thought it a good idea to breathe underwater. He wondered if they knew that salt water made your eyes sting when you came back to the surface. Oh, well. "There's no need to be frustrated, or mad, or worried." Each of those emotions flickered to dust within the three girls. Zachariah watched Damaris work his magic. It seemed to flow through the air like fairy dust. Zachariah tried not to breathe too deeply. Koda released a shuddering breath and closed her eyes, clenching her jaw. Zachariah watched the muscles in her cheek string to life in her frustration. He wondered if she was frustrated at Cody, Cairo, herself, or the world. Possibly all. "Something's wrong, Damaris," she whispered, her voice shattering as she spoke. She sounded as if she were walking upon shards of glass. "I can feel it. I need to find him." "You will find him," Damaris replied softly, his voice practically curing world hunger. "There's no need to worry, K. You know Cody as well as I; he's probably out drinking, or maybe he went for a road trip and forgot to text? How many times has he done that, huh?" He laughed gently, and Zachariah watched again as chests loosened at the pure sound. Like running water. Koda shook her head, hair shaking, "No, Wez. This is different. I know he did stupid things sometimes and left without telling anyone, but I always knew he was safe; I could feel it." "And now?" Benjamin's light voice drifted with the air. Koda's bottom lip trembled. It reminded Zachariah of clouds before thunder storms. "Nothing," she whispered, her voice falling apart, "Absolutely nothing." "Maybe if you sleep you'll find that feeling of safety again," Zee suggested carefully, her voice kind. It sounded like white clouds. "No," Koda snapped, angry yet again. "I don't need sleep, I need to find my twin brother and bring him home." Zachariah did not quite like Cody. He was an impulsively lost and wild spirit. He laughed too long at jokes, had dull eyes, and he smelled of cigarette smoke. Zachariah was surprised his fingers had not permanently melded to accommodate the curve of a beer can. He also surfed. Zachariah did not trust boys that surfed. Damaris surfed. Cody loved his sister, though. When Cody looked at Koda it reminded Zachariah of the way the sun shone brightly at the moon before it settled beneath the waves of the horizon. Losing, yet adoring.  "Where do you think he is, then?" Minnie asked, her voice as soft as Zachariah's blankets back at home. He wish he was there. Minnie was still too close again. Zachariah moved back to the door frame.  "I don't know."  Cairo expelled a breath of air, "Well then how the hell are we supposed to know where to look?"  Koda's glare was so hot Zachariah levitated towards it. Zachariah was so cold, and he craved the heat. With an empty and exhausted mind, he stepped closer to Koda. The next thing he knew, Damaris was in front of him, one hand on his chest as he gently saved him from the girls' wrath and pushed Zachariah back to his spot. Zachariah was slightly taller than Damaris and intended to glare down at him. Then he noticed how warm Damaris' skin was through his t-shirt. He obediently stepped back, letting Damaris' warmth seep into his chest and expand like tendrils of calming flame. It slowly spread through his cold body, bringing back feeling to his numb mind and heart. He expelled a single breath of air, letting the emptiness release from his body. Damaris' hand was heavy on his chest.  He pushed it off, and Damaris let it drop, his eyes on Koda and Cairo.  Zachariah ran a hand through his hair, enjoying the feeling of his smooth strands against his shivering skin. He felt a heavy gaze resting upon him and turned to find Minnie watching. Not him, exactly.  Her eyes were upon his chest, as if she could see the warmth that swum out from his centre. As if it glowed. He glanced down to check himself; no glow.  He met her eyes.  They were cold as ice. Zachariah took a step closer to Damaris.  "Cairo," Koda growled, a mama bear, "I understand that its your birthday, but can you stop being such a self centred bitch for three seconds of your god damned life?"  Zachariah was sure that if he breathed too deeply frost would flow from his lips. Two cold, angry women with gazes heavy enough to bury alive. Everyone held their breath.  "I'm going," Cairo announced, spinning on her heel. Her sky hair flowed behind her as she strode from the room, blue expanse trying to keep up with flowing jets. Blue skies preparing for a storm. She was the storm. "Whoever wants a ride, feel free to join."  Zee wordlessly followed her from the room, loyal to the very end. She had plaited her hair down her back, and Zachariah watched it bounce against her spine as she slipped past. Benjamin followed her, his long legs taking careful strides so not to make too much noise. He, like Zachariah, most likely feared that the slightest creak in the floorboards would pull Cairo back with rearing fists.  He prayed that Benjamin didn't creak any floorboards.  A small body warmed his arm. He looked down to Minnie with disdain.  "You coming, Zach?" She asked, her voice a delicate flower in the breeze.  He stared at her. He supposed she wasn't ugly. Her red hair hung in a neat bob, and her deep blue eyes were interesting to look at. Zachariah noticed she had a light spray of freckles across her button nose. No, he decided, she wasn't ugly at all.  "My name is Zachariah."  "And only I can call him Zach, sweet cheeks," Damaris reminded.  "No," Zachariah said, "You cannot."  Minnie let out a shaky breath, "Are you coming or not?"  "No, he's staying with us," Damaris answered, his voice suddenly firm, as if daring Minnie to object.  She glanced irritably at him and Zachariah blinked. No one had ever glanced irritably at Damaris. For how could you hate the sun for shining and blessing the Earth with light.  Zachariah personally thought that sunlight was overrated.  Minnie's skin was pale. Perhaps she had never liked the sun either. He wondered what made her brave enough to announce that she preferred darkness. He remembered her cold eyes.  She huffed before storming away, the neatest mess of red hair and swirling floral dresses that Zachariah had ever seen. He blinked again. No one stormed away from Damaris.  He glanced at the sunshine boy and found him staring at the doorway in confusion. It burnt in his eyes. Everything burnt in his eyes. He turned away suddenly, his face transforming into a warm hug for Koda.  There it was; the shift.  Why was he the only one that ever saw it?  "No fucking way," Cairo's snarl was like a dagger ripping through the air. It struck Zachariah's sleeping skin and he sat upright, his heart racing.  Sunlight swum through the loft, bleeding through the large windows. They were splashed with colour; courtesy of Cairo, and the rays shone like small rainbows as they washed over the lounge. He could feel it shining through his hair. He was sure that his hair was a mess of brown-reddish waves. A messy ocean washing upon pale sand. Everything was slightly blurred, as it always was without his glasses. He pat the couch for them, panicked, and a moment later they were placed upon his head, Cairo's touch light as a feather. He flinched.  Cairo stepped back, letting her hands fall as she waited for his eyes to adjust. He blinked up at her. She stared back, unimpressed. Her hands were crossed over her chest. He winced.  Cairo was dangerous when her arms were crossed. A dragon in blue skies.  "Why the hell are you on the couch?"  He blinked up at her, silent. He didn't like being sworn at. And he was tired.  Zachariah watched Damaris' door fly open in the corner of his eye. He noticed that his own door, beside Damaris', remained closed. Zachariah had no doubt in his mind that Koda was awake, if she had even slept. He also had no doubt in his mind that she trusted Damaris to calm Cairo down before she appeared.  Apparently everyone trusted Damaris. He didn't quite understand why.  The sunshine boy skidded out of his room barefoot. His own hair was an autumn birds nest upon his head. His eyes were wide and slightly unfocused as he raced out to Cairo, his sweats shifting with every step.  "Cairo!" He smiled dramatically, "Morning, love, how was your sleep?"  "I hope you're not trying to woo my girlfriend, Wez," came Zee's voice from the kitchen. Damaris' eyes fell upon her, somewhere behind Zachariah's spot on the lounge, before he grinned his crooked grin. If he listened hard enough, Zachariah could hear Zee's heart soften and sing. He didn't quite understand why. How could a grin that was not straight possibly be endearing?  "Of course not, Zee," he winked, "You two are a love story I enjoy watching unfold from the very core of my heart."  Zachariah blinked. He wondered how long it would be until Koda walked out of his room. He would quite like his bed back. He had a dreadful sleep last night.  "Zachariah, why are you on the couch?" Cairo asked yet again, refusing to be swept away by Damaris' words.  Damaris' eyes fell upon Zachariah, and he too, frowned slightly.  "Really, Goldie? You slept on the couch? When the mattress is right over there?"  Zachariah glanced at it. And abandoned mattress in the corner of the loft, closest to Zachariah's room. It had been there as long as he could remember; a forgotten bed made of nothing but undesired love and aesthetic sunshine. No one used it; all occupants of the loft had their own beds. It was simply a place of comfort. It was for those in dire need of a space to think.  Zachariah never used it. Neither did Cairo or Damaris.  Benjamin used it the most, and he didn't even live with them. He was the one that cared enough to change the sheets every week. This week the mattress wore a peach coloured sheet with pillows full of painted ferns. It was a peculiar sight, and it was quite ugly.  Therefore, it matched everything in the loft perfectly.  The mismatched decor of the loft frustrated Zachariah if he allowed himself to think about it too deeply. He mostly ignored Cairo's taste for style, more so, the lack of. Her desire for a fun and crazy life had leaked into her home without Zachariah or Damaris' permission. She adored all things odd and old. Zachariah did not.  Many mornings he had walked into their kitchen and found Damaris standing silently, observing the latest appliance that Cairo had brought home from a suit case rummage somewhere. Together they would stand, analysing the oddness of the object in silence, before moving on, avoiding the appliance until Cairo showed them how to work the mysterious thing.  Those moments were the only times that Zachariah and Damaris had ever come close to resembling friends.  He preferred not to think about those mornings.  "Benjamin naps on that mattress," Zachariah said.  Damaris glanced at the mattress once before releasing a snort whilst Cairo frowned in confusion.  Damaris seemed  to be the only one that ever understood Zachariah's words. It certainly wasn't an achievement; most should understand his words. Zachariah didn't quite understand why many frowned in confusion; he spoke clearly enough.  "Now, now, goldie," Damaris grinned; crooked, of course. "Don't be mean to poor Benjamin. He's a nice chap."  The only times Zachariah could stand to hear Damaris' voice was when his British accent shone through the American. His childhood in Britain was well hidden until Damaris used phrases that any Englishman would cherish within their hearts. He didn't quite like Damaris, but he enjoyed  the sound of his voice. An deep American accent, but with the rough edge of something more. A slight lilt to his words. It was fascinating.  "Don't call me Goldie," Zachariah said, "My name is Zachariah."  A laugh escaped a pair of lips. Cairo let her eyes flutter shut, smiling finally; a gentle smile that seemed to bless her lips. Everything in her face softened. Zachariah blinked in surprise; surely he hadn't made her smile?  Zachariah never made people smile, or laugh. He was not funny. "Ah," she sighed, tilting her face to the sunlight, "Now I can begin my day." Confusion sat heavy in Zachariah's stomach, but he remained quiet. "What?" Zee called from the kitchen, her voice echoing off the marble floors and brick walls. Cairo opened her eyes, smiling at her girlfriend, "Zachariah said his name was Zachariah. The world had righted; the rotation of Earth continues." Zee laughed softly, and Zachariah had the faintest impression that he was being made fun of. He did not enjoy being made fun of. "I wouldn't have to say it if you all called me Zachariah. That is my name." Damaris released a laugh, "We know, Goldie, trust me."  Irritation flickered within Zachariah. He didn't enjoy it when people called him Zach, but he hated when Damaris called him Goldie. The moment Damaris had noticed that Zachariah's glasses were rimmed with gold, he had grinned his insufferable grin and announced the nickname that swum to the surface only when Zachariah couldn't find his contacts. Zachariah thought it was unfair to tease him for his glasses. The wiry framed, round, golden things were definitely not his choice. Cairo had chosen them and promptly forced him to take them to the front counter. Considering she was paying for his glasses as she broke the last ones, she had decided that gave her authority to decide what suited him and what didn't.  She had decided that the golden rims suited him perfectly.  "It makes your brown-reddy waves shine, Zachariah," she had smiled brightly in the Optometrist, "And it makes your eyes look nice. It brings out the yellow in them."  Zachariah had tried to put them back when she said that. He didn't like the yellow in his eyes. He had decided when he was young that he looked like a cat with his golden eyes. Cairo had once announced that he had not only cat eyes, but their feline grace as well.  He had stopped comparing himself to a cat after that.  "My name-" "We get it, Zachariah." All heads whipped to stare at Koda, standing in his doorway. Zachariah's boxers hung off her hips, and one of Damaris' shirts floated around her frame. Her waves were a mess in the morning light, but her green eyes shone steady.  Zachariah did not like that his boxers were being shown to the occupants of the loft. He believed that boxers were quite a personal thing. He believed he deserved that privacy. But so did Koda.  He remained silent on the couch.  "What are you doing here, K?" Cairo asked. Her voice was not full of sharp edges; it was instead full of jagged cliffs. Exhaustion. Fighting with Koda exhausted Cairo. Always. Zachariah wondered why they bothered fighting so frequently when it drained their bodies and souls. It seemed like a waste of time.  Koda, finding the tiredness in Cairo's voice, slowly shrugged. She let her gaze full upon Damaris and Zachariah as she spoke.  "I don't know," she admitted, "I fell asleep at Cody's last night and woke up in Zachariah's bed this morning."  All eyes turned to Zachariah. He shrugged, and Damaris released a strangled laugh.  That was the second person he had made laugh this morning. He wondered what he had done that was so amusing.  "We didn't want to leave you alone at Cody's in case something happened," Damaris explained, "So we brought you back here, decided it would be domestic abuse to make you sleep on a couch as uncomfortable as ours, and set you up in Zach's room."  "Zachariah," Zachariah corrected.  "Who changed my clothes?"  Damaris cleared his throat, "Zachariah did."  Relief shone through Koda's face, and she glanced at Zachariah with trust in her eyes.  "I didn't know you had a tattoo on your stomach," Zachariah said. After a moment, he added, "It's nice."  Koda's features softened as she smiled at him, "Thank you, Zachariah."  He nodded once. Changing Koda had been a very uncomfortable act. Damaris had announced that changing the unconscious girl was Zachariah's duty before he disappeared into his bedroom, leaving Zachariah alone.  His hatred for Damaris had flared yet again, and he fought the urge to pray for the removal of his horrid existence. It had taken a while to wrestle the clothes off Koda without waking her, but eventually he had done it. His hands moved into a rhythm as he worked, steady and fine as he slipped sleeves off arms and boots off feet. Only when he had tucked Koda into bed had he realised that he didn't even remember her bare skin. He didn't remember if her body was pleasantly warm, or if her body was fit. If it was nice to look at. He didn't remember looking at any of her curves. He had only paused to admired the tattoos twirling against her body. That was all he had noticed; ink.  Damaris watched Zachariah, amusement and something else in his eyes as he stared.  Zachariah wondered why Damaris had left Zachariah to undress Koda.  He wished Damaris would stop watching him.  "Jesus Christ you boys are so extra," Cairo scolded, turning to the two of them. "Her loft is downstairs. Why couldn't you just have taken her home to Minnie and Benjamin?"  Damaris shrugged, smiling a sly smile, "We thought it'd be funnier to see your face this morning." "Well, I'm sure Zach didn't enjoy losing his bed."  "My name is Zachariah."  A collection of sighs.  "So his surfer friends are still in the city, his college friends are at their classes, and his friends from school haven't heard anything from him?" Minnie's voice sounded like fingernails rubbing against couches full of lint. She was apparently grumpy, and had not been delighted when she was awoken and summoned upstairs to their apartment.  "Does that mean he's gone alone?" Benjamin asked, sipping from his coffee. He, also, was not a morning person. His dark hair was a mess, and black rimmed glasses sat upon his nose.  Zachariah eyed them with a curious envy. Damaris' gaze flicked between Benjamin's black glasses and Zachariah's golden rims. He was hiding a grin. Zachariah fought the urge to sigh.  "Who said he's gone?" Koda asked, staring down at the map sitting on top of the steel bench, "Maybe he was taken."  "He's 6'1, Koda," Zee reminded gently. She had the weakest bond with Koda as she didn't live in the industrial building with them. Zee had an apartment closer to the city; a half hours drive. Her and Cairo often had sleepovers.  Well, not sleepovers. Other things.  "And your point is?" Koda snapped, her voice thick with annoyance. Zee flinched slightly, and Cairo took a defensive step towards her girlfriend. Koda's face softened with guilt. Slightly. "He could have been drugged, or knocked out."  "Woah, woah, woah," Damaris interrupted, waving his hands. As his large hands shook the air, tension dissipated. He seemed to wrap it up with his fingers and hide it away.  Magic.  "I don't think he got kidnapped, K," Minnie assured gently, tip toeing on egg shells. "There's no need to panic yet, sweets."  Zachariah found it faintly amusing that Minnie thought it appropriate to call Koda 'sweets', considering she was a tigress spirit. A woman warrior. A thriving soul full of jungle life and storms.  He thought it appropriate instead that Minnie tremble in the face of Koda, as she was a chief. An old chief of a forgotten empire. Zachariah just wasn't sure which one. Yet. Koda glanced quickly at her small friend before meeting Zachariah's eyes. Her green depths shone with fear and worry. This was easily the most serious he had ever seen his only friend.  "What do you think, Zachariah?" she asked, and all heads turned in surprise, "What do you think happened to my brother?" Zachariah felt vaguely uncomfortable, and disdain for Koda momentarily washed over him. He knew what she was doing; she thought him smart, and she wanted him to prove it to her. He would do no such thing. "I think that your brother is impulsive and forgetful. I think he has escaped for a weekend and has forgotten to tell you. I think that there is no need to worry." Lies. All lies.  Something had indeed happened to her brother. He just wasn't sure what. Yet.  Minnie watched him with admiration in her eyes. Admiration and adoration. His skin prickled uncomfortably under her loving gaze. He hoped that she would recover from her slight crush very soon. Very soon indeed.  "See," she breathed, her dark eyes sparking. He no longer found them interesting to look at. He decided he didn't enjoy looking directly at them. "If Zachariah said that there's nothing to worry about, then there's nothing to worry about."  Cairo snorted, "If I had a penny for every time Zachariah said something simply because he knew we wanted to hear it, then i would finally be able to afford my share of the rent for this damned loft."  Zachariah glanced at her, dismay washing over him yet again. He was not impressed with Cairo's observation. It slid him back into the spotlight. Koda opened her mouth to ask him yet another question, but Damaris interrupted. Zachariah had never been so grateful to hear the sound of his voice.  "Koda," he asked, "Have you called the police?"  "No," she whispered, despair falling upon her as delicately as a piano, "Something within me says not to."  Benjamin sighed into his coffee, "Well then what the hell were you expecting, Koda?"  "You to support me, maybe," she snapped, and he startled away from her tone, holding his hands up to show innocence. His coffee was still in one of his palms. Zachariah faintly hoped it spilt.  "We are going to help you, Koda," Damaris reminded softly, throwing a scolding glance Zachariah's way. He blinked as it hit him.  What had he done wrong? He had done simply what was expected of him; he sat silently and listened. As he always did. He didn't see what was wrong now.  "Damaris is right," Minnie said, her voice gentle and loving. "What do you want us to do?"  Koda closed her eyes for a moment, calming her racing thoughts. Zachariah watched them falter in her brain. He watched her entire being calm slightly.  "I think we should go to his apartment one more time."  "You know, Minnie," Benjamin's voice vibrated through the walls beside Zachariah's head. "You really are not subtle at all."  "Excuse me?" Minnie squeaked, confused.  These walls were certainly thin.  "You like him," Benjamin announced.  Zachariah paused. Damaris, in the other corner of the room, paused too. He was beside the same wall, a few metres in front of Zachariah. He had bent to inspect the papers on Cody's desk. Zachariah had paused in front of a book shelf to admire Cody's fascinating collection.  "Who?" Minnie asked, her voice an octave higher. Zachariah hadn't known it could go an octave higher. He had thought it was at it's peak.  "Don't you 'who' me, Missy." Silence settled. Zachariah, not too interested in their conversation, continued to browse the spines of books. He felt Damaris' gaze on him. He ignored it, as always. "Well, what do you want me to say?" Minnie's voice suddenly burst out from the wall in front of him. She sounded exasperated, as if she had been holding her breath and was finally expelling deep gulps. "Yes, I like him, Benjamin. Happy?"  Benjamin's deep laugh echoed through the wall. Zachariah nearly took a step away from it. He did not like Benjamin's voice. Unlike Damaris, Zachariah disliked both Benjamin and the sound of his voice. Zachariah realised that two of his least favourite people were in a room together. Alone.  He wondered how much trouble he would get in for setting a room of Cody's apartment on fire.  Possibly an amount that would still make the sacrifice worth it.  "Why would that make me happy, Minnie?"  "What do you mean? Why wouldn't it?"  Benjamin's hollow laugh echoed again, and this time Zachariah did take a step back. Damaris watched him, his gaze heavy.  "You have feelings for Zachariah, Minnie."  "And?"  "And Zachariah is the most apathetic and empty person I have ever met! Have you ever seen him smile? He's like a hollow shell-"  "Don't talk about him like that, Benjamin!" Minnie snapped, her voice all hell.  "I'm serious, Minnie! He feels no emotions. He is an empty shell of a human being. He has no personality, no life, no gods damned soul-"  "Benjamin!"  Their voices were clear through the wall.  Zachariah felt a rock settle within his stomach as he heard their words. He did not want to hear their words very much. Not at all.   "Why are you wasting your time on Zachariah, Minnie? You can do so much more!"  "I am wasting my time on Zachariah because I like liking him!" She yelled. "I like thinking about whether his hair is a deep red or if its a chocolate brown. I like his eyes! I like the way they shine when he talks to Koda or Damaris!" Damaris stiffened in his corner. "I like the way he frowns when someone calls him Zach. I like the light freckles sprinkled upon his skin! I like that he's tall, and that his body is just right. Slim frame, long legs that always seem graceful. I think he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I think that others do too. He doesn't look at me twice, I know that, and that's okay. I know who he thinks is the most beautiful, and it's not me," Her voice shook slightly, "That's okay, too."  Benjamin sighed, his voice softer this time, "Minnie, you don't see him for who he really is. He is rude, and silent, and downright creepy. He never fucking speaks, and who doesn't like the name Zach?" "Benjamin," Minnie warns, but Benjamin ignores her, his volume growing with his anger. "He doesn't care about any of us, Minnie. He talks to the rest of us only because Damaris and Cairo make him. He is hollow, and empty, and he is probably rotting inside. You've got to understand that he's hardly a real person, Minnie. He doesn't even count as a human-"  Benjamin made a strangled noise. A moment later, the wall between them trembled as someone was thrown into it. Zachariah took another step back. His feet were numb. Everything was numb. That rock in his stomach was heavy. So heavy it seemed to hurt.  Damaris wasn't standing in his corner anymore.  "Take it back, Collin," his growl vibrated through the thin plaster between them as he shoved Benjamin's face into it. "I said fucking take it back now!"  "What the fuck are you doing, Wez!" He roared, and another shock went through the wall as something hit it again.  "Damaris, stop!" Minnie's high and loud voice rang through the wall. Zachariah winced, a headache was forming in his head. Like thunderclouds rolling.  "BOYS!" Koda yelled as she raced down the hall, a blur of dark hair and a green bomber jacket passing by, "STOP!"  Zachariah remained frozen; two steps away from the wall.  "Benjamin Collin," Damaris' voice, low and rough, sounded like a thousand sharpening blades. There it was, Zachariah thought; the shift. He wondered if the occupants of the room next to Zachariah's were frozen with shock. They had never seen the boy with bleeding hands, only the one with shining smiles. "Take. It. Back."  Zachariah wondered if he should still try to burn down the room.  No, he thought, there were people in that room he didn't want to die.  "Take back what?" Benjamin yelled, choking as Damaris grabbed his throat. Sounds of Koda's struggling shot through the air as she tried to pry Damaris away from Benjamin. Zachariah stared at the wall. He was suddenly exhausted.  "What you said about Zachariah," Damaris said. The knives had sharpened. They were pointing at Benjamin. His voice had never sounded so deadly.  All sounds of struggling ceased. Silenced settled as Koda stepped away from Damaris' grip on Benjamin. Zachariah could suddenly hear the bomb in Koda's mind, slowly ticking down. Despite Benjamin's foul existence and Zachariah's desire to set him ablaze, he prayed for him. He only had so long before Koda detonated.  "What did you say about Zachariah?" she asked quietly, her voice clear and firm. Her rage burned just beneath the surface. Zachariah wondered if it was at hot as Damaris' smouldering eyes.  "Nothing," Benjamin choked, "I didn't mean it, you guys know I didn't mean it! I love Zach as much as you do-"  "I doubt that," Damaris growled.  "I'm just trying to paint an image, okay?"  "What?" Koda's voice was a thousand falling rocks.  "I needed to paint a gods damned image, okay? Minnie loves him-"  "It's not love," she interrupted.  "And I couldn't bear it. I'm trying to make her get over him."  "And that's relevant to you, how?" Koda asked, the bomb ticking down.  "Because I'm in love with her!" He gasped. Silence.  A tornado spun through the room, quiet as all hell. Benjamin huffed as if he had been holding his breath his entire life and had finally gotten a taste of air. Everything within him seemed to shatter.  "I'm in love with you, Minnie," he whispered, his voice a broken mirror. Discarded and fragmented and completely fucked up.  Silence settled as Damaris released Benjamin. He let out a gasp as he slid down the wall. Zachariah's eyes followed his slumped form. He stared at the spot on the wall where he knew Benjamin was.  Maybe if he set fire to the wall it would only hurt Benjamin.  Heels suddenly clicked as Minnie stormed out of the room, her shaking chest a symphony of sobs and confused hiccups. Zachariah listened to the song that was Minnie's emotions.  Zachariah didn't quite like music.  Koda followed her out, calling her name. Minnie's crying hurt Zachariah's ears, but Koda's voice didn't.  Zachariah continued to stare at the wall.  The room beside his was silent.  Boots creaked the floorboards as they walked towards the room Zachariah occupied. Zachariah wanted to tell the boots to be careful, that the creaking floorboards might make Cairo and Koda mad at each other again. Zachariah could not bear any more fighting. He thought he'd yell.  Zachariah didn't yell.  Damaris appeared in the door frame. Zachariah dragged his gaze away from the wall, ignoring the small magnet for the bigger one. His eyes stuck to Damaris. Damaris' light brown hair was a mess and his eyes were smouldering.  So Zachariah was right. He knew they would smoulder.  Damaris' gaze was heavy upon Zachariah's body. Upon his face, his eyes, his everything. His very soul.  Zachariah had been tired a moment before. Now, everything in his body seemed to yawn and sit up straight. No more drooping flowers.  "Wow," Damaris breathed, "I totally thought he was gay."  The shift had been unsuccessful. Damaris' voice was a mosaic of jagged glass and rays of sunshine. It was both soft wind and the crack of trees as lightning struck them. An angel's flutter and the devil's crack of a whip. Damaris' voice was not only a mix of American and British, but a recipe with both heaven and hell thrown into the mixing bowl.  Minnie's voice hurt his ears, but Damaris' soothed them.
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toonatic92 · 5 years
Grace Character Profile
(Aaah! I forgot to post Aidi, Vistie and Grace’s character profiles here! Bear with me while I post them with the original commentary that they had on DeviantART. Now, Grace’s one. I did this one four days ago.)
I haven't done character profiles for a while, so I'll start with Grace, the protagonist of my unnamed gore idea, who I have a lot of random facts floating in my head for.
(TW/CW: Addiction, depression/anxiety mention, gore mention)
Full Name: Grace Victoria McKenzie Pronunciation of their name: Gray-ss Vict-or-ee-a Muh-ken-zee Title: Mx. Nickname(s): Grapefruit Girl, Gray, Gracie
Gender: Vaguegirl (they/them) Race: Biracial/Mixed race (Black Jamaican mother, White Jamaican father) Species: Human Sexuality: Cassromantic Asexual
Height: 5'11"/1.80m Weight: 10st 5lb/65.77kg Age: 27
Eye colour(s): Amber Contacts?: Sometimes Glasses?: Yes (pink, citrus-patterned, rectangular), for shortsightedness
Face shape: Heart-shaped, short Describe their eyes: Heavy-lidded, down-turned, large, dark circles, long eyelashes Describe their nose: Small, narrow, round Describe their lips: Small, full, round Ears: Pointed, sticks out, long, narrow, attached lobes
Body build: Tall, thin, hourglass shape, long arms and legs, small hands and feet, pudgy stomach, D-cup breasts Disabilities: Depression, autism, vitiligo, lupus, unnamed fruit gore condition Extra extremities: None
Hair colour(s): Light pink (dyed), reddish-brown (natural) Hair length: Short Hair style: Afro
Skin/fur colour(s): Light orange-brown, pale pink patches Complexion: Tan, dry skin Patterns/designs: N/A Scars: Stretchmarks on stomach and thighs Birthmarks: None Tattoos: None Piercings: None
Personality snapshot: Depressed, prickly loner Most prominent personality trait: Apathetic Best traits of their personality: Creative, caring, dreamer, sensitive, passionate Worst traits of their personality: Moody, irritable, asocial, critical, apathetic, defensive, judgemental, pretentious
Current faith: Christian (Pentecostal) Current superstitions/quirks: TBA
Alignment: True Neutral
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Unemployed
Good habits: Creative, caring, passionate about interests, keeps busy Bad habits: Smokes, obsesses over things, broods, hides feelings, pretends, defensive, rude, gossips, looks down on others
Powers: Can split body into several parts, can make limbs springy and jump higher Skills: Makes music, can care for plants, proficient at using computer and sound equipment, good at video games Hobbies: Making vaporwave music, caring for their plants, playing video games, brooding, smoking weed, watching anime, chatting with friends online
Random facts:
Grace very strongly relates with the aesthetic of vaporwave because they're depressed, nerdy and are old enough to be nostalgic about the 90's. They're a bit of a gatekeeper about it and tend to un-ironically call people 'posers' if they think they aren't serious enough about vaporwave.
Grace has lots of plants and cares for them as a hobby. They mostly care for cactuses and succulents because they like them the most.
Grace vapes regularly, not just because it's part of the aesthetic, but also because they're trying to wean themselves off cigarettes. They've been smoking since they were in their teens to cope with anxiety, but they're finding it difficult to kick the habit.
Grace's fruit gore condition isn't unique but it is quite rare. It's not painful or debilitating, but it is very noticeable when it happens and can't be hidden by clothing. Grace is embarrassed by it and mostly stays indoors when it's happening.
Grace's family moved to Britain from Jamaica three years ago, so they have a very strong accent and speak Patois as well as English. The Patois doesn't normally come out unless they're angry or talking to their parents or both, which happens quite often.
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