tiefighter · 8 years
for the ship meme, Aly and Pronine
Gives nose/forehead kisses
Pronine, usually. Affection’s a hard thing for him, so when he finally manages it it’s mostly soft and gentle to start with. Aly doesn’t push, mostly b/c if he did it’d STOP.
Gets jealous the most
Also pronine, b/c he’s an old fart and he worries that aly’s gonna leave him all the goddamn time which is STUPID but also a valid concern when the person you’re with is over ten years younger than you.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
Aly, usually. He has this terrible habit of taking responsibility for EVERYTHING b/c he’s like if I dont do it nobody else will, so he’s there at three am picking Pronine up like stop moping about your ex wife drink this bottle of water. Goddamn it.
Takes care of on sick days
Pronine does that worried hover thing but pretends that he’s not hovering he just HAPPENS to be working down the hall okay he’s not checking on you you’re just coughing too loud.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
flat out Aly. He has to drag pronine to the beach, probably. Which goes well, because he’s like well SHIRTS ARE OPTIONAL? COME ON? And pronine’s like SIGH FINE THIS IS RIDICULOUS but he ends up having fun.
Gives unprompted massages
Aly. Pronine has shitty knees and Aly does his best to mitigate that with heat packs, warm hand massages and distracting kisses.
Drives/rides shotgun
Pronine does not ride shotgun unless he absolutely has to because he’s bleeding from a gut wound or has a knife in his pelvis or something that makes him unable to drive.
Brings the other lunch at work
Aly sneaks snacks into the break fridge for pronine no lie.
Has the better parental relationship
Aly, mostly b/c pronine is like the world’s BEST at alienating himself from people because he thinks they don’t want him around ::::|
Tries to start role-playing in bed
...I just thought about this and started LAUGHING
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
ALY oh man he gets cuddly when he’s drunk and he’s not like, it’s not TERRIBLE? But he drags pronine out to dance like COME ON. When aly’s not drunk and dancing it usually involves less clothes.
Still cries watching Titanic
Neither of them but Aly totally still sniffles at the lion king.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
If he’s going to be at this stupid event Pronine is NOT DOING IT ALONE. 
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Pronine because he doesn’t understand how affection and healthy relationships work. 
Makes the other eat breakfast
 Aly makes Pronine eat breakfast because if he didn’t pronine would probably just live on COFFEE ALONE but really they’re as bad as each other Aly consumes so much coffee it’s terrifying.
Remembers anniversaries
They both do. It’s important to the both of them to acknowledge the little milestones.
Brings up having kids
Aly wants like twelve children give him an entire cricket team please. Pronine takes a little more convincing b/c he’s worried about his age and aly’s relative maturity level but don’t worry aly tells him right the fuck off.
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