swan2swan · 2 years
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Sorry I haven’t been around much, I got sucked into the hyperobsession of Bleach again and have been churning out the orbs in Brave Souls.
Above are the prizes of my account thusfar:
1. Captain Rukia Kuchiki, aka “Mommy Rukia” to the fans. There were a few days where I accidentally locked myself out of/deleted my account, and she (and Daddy Ichigo at the bottom) was the one I was the most upset to lose, because I’d gone so hard into her banner trying to get her. What can I say? She was one of the Biggest Rewards at the end of the whole series...seeing your secondary protagonist make it all the way to THAT rank...and she’s gorgeous. I’ve still barely played her, even though I know she’s OP, but I’m savoring the experience. 
2-3: Christmas Ninny and Anniversary Aizen. These two are funny because I was super-happy to pull Ninny just because I appreciated the Burn the Witch Crossover, and it was Christmastime...but then a few months later I realized I had one of the Big Prizes as far as characters go. She does a lot (Potion bonuses especially!) and is Highly Recommended, so that was great. As for AnniAizen, well...I was actually DISAPPOINTED when I pulled him, because I was hoping for Nel...and then I later found out that he’s THE most OP character in the game, and I have thus been using him to farm resources to build up all of my *other* characters ever since. Also, he just looks really cool. 
4: Masaki Kurosaki, Ichigo’s mom...I got her RIGHT on Christmas Eve as a Christmas miracle, going too far into her banner in the hopes of getting her. It was a foolish venture and should have been a waste of orbs, but no, I GOT HER, and I would have also missed HER if I hadn’t been able to get my account back. 
5. Hiyori is hilarious because at New Year’s they let you choose ten characters and then gave you one of those at random; I chose nine who I REALLY wanted, and then threw in Hiyori for funsies. I wound up getting her, obviously, and the fact that she came fully-maxed meant that she was also able to farm a lot of resources (again...I didn’t know what I’d gotten), but ALSO, I haven’t seen hide nor hair of her in any other form, so the fact that I pulled her means I was REALLY lucky.
6-7: I lost my account for a few days due to my own ineptitude, but it was salvaged...and right away when I came back, I went for a new banner that had Queen Halibel and Queen Nelliel (neither of whom officially hold the title, but...) in it, because Harribel (sic) has always been one of my faves and the prospect of having Extended Adventures with her is one of the reasons why I signed onto the game in the first place...it took months, but finally she was here, along with her best-friend/co-queen/confidante/adviser/bodyguard, Nelliel. And you know what happened? I pulled them both in the exact. Same. Banner. #Wives
8: Harribel may be my favorite Espada and an S-tier character from my perspective, but Apacci has been my Personal Favorite for ages. Young, spunky, fierce, chaotic (and, as I discovered in horror recently, Italian), she was another one of the big draws--in fact, this Swimsuit Skin was the reason why I joined the game in the first place. Not for any weird fansericey ways with body pillows or whatever--she’s much more Daughter Material--but the fact that I saw that her ultimate move was called “BBQ For You” and involves her cooking up a feast for Halibel. THAT got my attention, because that wacky nonsense is EXACTLY what I want to see in video game adaptations. 
9. Nelliel again! This one is the Arena Centaur version of hers--her released form, given Extreme Power and meta viability. I also pulled her at the very end of her Arena summons, and learned that you shoudl Just Keep Going...which backfired SPECTACULARLY on an Arena Momo and an Arena Halibel later on (I got Momo eventually, but that particular Halibel eludes me...)
10. Last but CERTAINLY not least: Epilogue, Post-Second-Timeskip, Fully-Grown, “DADDY” Ichigo. From the same banner as Captain Rukia, I managed to score him on my second pull...and despite him being one of the Best Units In the Game, I still haven’t done much with him at all. I’m savoring him, leave me alone!
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Lost Pages Ch. 2: Black and Blue
Summary: The heroes face down the two thieves and are in for a tough fight than they thought.
Chapters: 1, 2
Yan gripped onto Dark’s arm and in an instant the Entity took both Yan and herself through a portal to safety and the heroes didn’t see either of them for the rest of the day.
They left the heroes alone with the two thieves.
“Skeppy,” the taller of the two assailants pulled the crossbow up, a slight disapproving whine in his voice made the name almost sound like “S~Geppy” and was shouldered out of the way. “You muffinhead, don’t shoot them.”
“Let’s talk this over,” Silver started floating a bit as Chase backpedaled to stand with the others, immediately handing the book over to Marvin who slipped it into his cloak.
“Hey,” the taller one waved as he stepped back in front of his friend. “We can talk, it’s alright.”
Skeppy glared at his companion.
“Hello, my name is Bad,” the taller assailant gestured to himself and took another step, and the heroes realized that his height hadn’t been exaggerated. The taller cloaked figure stood at almost seven feet tall and towered over them. Marvin could see the magic keeping his hood in shadow. “This is my friend, Skeppy, and you have something that actually belongs to me and my friends and we need it back.”
“Which is why yah[1] wanted ta[2] steal it,” Marvin reminded, with the book stored away in his cloak he brought his hands up to brace and start throwing spells.
“Look we tried but they stole it from us first and wouldn’t let us have them back,” Bad said, his voice much softer and not nearly as deep as Silver would have ever expected from the assailant. “Those books belong to us and we don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“Give us the book and we don’t have to fight anyone,” Skeppy ordered, his crossbow still in his hand, but it wasn’t pointed at anyone . . . at the moment, at least.
“We’re not givin’ yeh an evil fookin’ book,”[3] Marvin spat.
Bad gasped, “Language!”
“Not the time, Bad,” Skeppy spat, not taking his eyes off Marvin. “We’re not going to stand here and keep asking nicely. You are giving us that book. It belongs to us.”
“How about instead yeh give us the other four yeh’ve got, an’ we just call it a day,”[4] Marvin hissed.
“Okay, stop,” Jackie tried to step in and take over the conversation.
“No, give us the book,” Skeppy’s skin began to slowly turn blue as it took on an almost crystallized appearance. “Last warning.”
“Fook[5] off!” Marvin shouted and Skeppy summoned a shield made of metal and the front was coated with the same type of material quickly covering his skin.
The next thing to happen was something shot through the air, no one was sure who had fired first, but Skeppy and Marvin quickly responded with a crossbow bolt and a bolt of magic at each other in kind. Skeppy never physically reloaded bolts but they magically appeared in the crossbow all the same.
Jackie and Marvin were able to deflect the bolts with little trouble, but one of Marvin’s magical shots managed to slip past Skeppy’s shield and hit him directly.
“Skeppy! No!” Bad called out in horror. Before his eyes began to glow red. “How dare you hurt Skeppy!”
A pair of black bat wings sprouted from his back and his form shifted to having black hair and horns with a glowing halo hovering over his head, then he was suddenly glowing in size until he was twenty feet tall and he slammed his fists on the concrete. “Get away from Skeppy!” Bad yelled, his voice booming out before he swiped the heroes away from Skeppy to scoop him up into his hands. “Get away from him!”
“Skeppy?” Bad frowned with worry, as Skeppy pulled himself into a kneeling position, propping his arm up on Bad’s thumb. Skeppy’s blue crystalline skin was starting to knit together again. “Are you okay?”
“We need that book,” Skeppy pointed at Chase.
“But you’re hu—” Bad reminded gently.
“Get that book!” Skeppy ordered, shouting at the top of his lungs.
Bad flinched before moving his hand so Skeppy could jump onto the hood of his cloak before sliding down. As his feet hit the ground a blue sword appeared in his hand as he looked at Chase. “Hand over the book, before this has to get ugly.”
“Now!” Bad roared.
“That’s a demon,” Marvin realized, looking up at the giant, bracing himself with more magic. “I think they both are.”
“How many demons are e’en[6] in this fookin’[7] city?” Jackie spat.
A shrill whistle pierced the air and in the distance and the two assailants stopped to look at a nearby building as a figure in a long green cloak and a smiling white mask stared at them.
“We’re not done,” Skeppy told the masked man, who jumped down and at almost the last moment a swirl of water helped slow his fall enough for him to land safely. Then he started walking towards Skeppy.
“Need your help,” the masked man told Skeppy, looking over in the heroes’ direction. “Come on, you guys can pick this up later. It’s not like these guys are going to actually destroy it.”
Skeppy glared at the heroes, mentally weighing his options as Bad shrunk back down to the height he’d been at before. He pulled back up his head and his face became magically obscured.
“You sure?” Skeppy demanded. “They were talking about burning it earlier with Dark.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” the masked man chuckled, he was looking at Marvin, and the magician could feel it. “Curiosity got the cat, and all.”
“Skep?” Bad asked hesitantly, as Skeppy kept glaring at the heroes.
Skeppy took a deep breath and smiled, “You’re right, it’s not going anywhere, we have all the time in the world. Come on, Bad.”
“Oh, uh, okay,” Bad tripped over his words a bit.
“We’re not done here,” Marvin spat, taking a step forward.
“No,” the masked man hummed as he pulled out a small orb of swirling dark green magic. Skeppy and Bad copying him. “I think we are. We’ll have this chat another day.”
The three of them turned to throw the orbs up behind them. They raced unnaturally high before smashing on the rooftop like fragile glass. When they shattered, it was like three great eyes opened right where they stood and then closed. It lasted a second, and the three newcomers were standing on the rooftop and racing away at full speed to head towards Gainesville. They used more orbs to get away from Jackie and Silver who were trying to pursue them, and in the chase the three assailants disappeared into the busy streets of Gainesville.
Silver and Jackie were forced to regroup with Marvin and Chase, both of whom stayed on guard for an attack.
“Yeh find ‘em?”[8] Marvin demanded.
“No, I think they used some kind ‘a[9] invisibility spell an’[10] disappeared in Gainesville,” Jackie shook his head. “I’ve already called the Sides an’[10] Logic promised they’d look inta[11] it.”
Marvin didn’t look happy.
“We should just head back ta the base so yeh can put that thing in a cage or somethin’,”[12] Chase told Marvin. “We’ll find King later.”
“Yeah, fine,” Marvin agreed and they headed back to the base where they met up with King and Lunky who were being sent through one of Dark’s portals.
Kay looked at them as he rushed in with them, Lunky holding onto his head, “The Old Man said you had something for me?”
“Ancient demon cult book,” Chase told him, Marvin held the book out for King once they were all safe inside and the door was closed. “We were attacked by the cult’s junior brigade.”
“Alright,” King commented as Bing and Mini walked in. Lunky saw Mini and immediately detached from King to turn fully 3D and instantly raced over to grab onto their friend.
“Play date?” Bing asked with a smile.
“Thanks Bing,” King told him before he led the group to his room. Bing took Lunky and Mini back to his office. When the heroes got to King’s room, the young man took everything off the desk and started cleaning and sterilizing everything before he took off his cloak and crown and switched his glasses. His magic moved and whirling around him as he tried to protect the air around the book. Then he put on a pair of gloves. “Looks old.”
“Didn’t ask fer[13] the carbon date,” Marvin told him, shooting a look at Chase. “Was a bit too busy tryin’ ta get this thin’ ta an actual safe location.”[14]
King flipped through the book for a couple seconds before he paused with a look of confusion on his face.
“Hold up,” King pulled off a glove and moved to look for something in his desk and pulled out some notes. And pulled out some loose pages of paper with some symbols and his writing. King looked between the pages and the book and then grabbed his phone. The heroes were close enough to see him type out a message to Illinois: “Clear your schedule, Phills. Tomorrow @ 5.”
“You said this was from a demon cult?” King was flipping through the book carefully with his still gloved hand.
“How bad is it?” Silver asked.
“That depends on who’s got this book memorized,” King told him.
“It’s apparently part ‘a[9] collection ‘a[9] five,” Chase reported.
King grabbed his phone again and typed: “Blackbird” while Illinois was trying to send a response. He stopped and instead the adventure sent: “You don’t need me now?” and “0500 or 1700”.
“That was quick,” King thought out loud, scoffing at some joke in his head. Then he typed: “0500, will have information by then. That was fast, was Eric busy?”
“Hey, hermanito,” Illinois responded and sent a picture of his middle finger and King started roaring in laughter and slid his phone away.
“You need Illinois’s help with this?” Silver asked in concern.
King shrugged. “Maybe, I just know the Old Man will tell him about the book and I want to get on top of it before Illinois hounds me.”
Then he gloved up his hand again and turned back to the book and grabbed some blank papers to start making notes. “Alright, what do you guys know about ciphers?”
“They look cool,” Chase answered.
“Can’t you write secret messages with it?” Silver asked.
“Well, yeah,” King agreed as he pulled out a paper with some symbols and images that Nate and Séan had pulled from a cave. “But the problem is that a cipher without a key is harder to solve unless it’s a shift cipher. Nate and Jackie didn’t give me enough to even try and figure out if they were words or names. But with this, I can crack it.”
“Anything you can tell us before you start?” Silver looked at the book. “You going to be okay with it?”
“Book’s evil, but not cursed, if I could get a reminder to grab a coffee and a sandwich in an hour that’d be great,” King smiled and slowly the trio bid him good luck and left. King kept his smile up until they were gone and the door was closed.
Then he grabbed his phone again and called Illinois.
“You clean?” Illinois asked.
“Yes, are you?” King asked, using the signals they’d developed for themselves back when they were both still working for their father.
“Yeah Eric’s in the other room and Dad’s in his office, he’s not even listening in.” Illinois didn’t sound rushed, and he wasn’t using any of the warning words or phrases. “What’s going on?”
“You know those cave markings the heroes brought me a while back?” King reminded as he turned to a specific page that he was the most worried by.
“Which ones, the ones I found, or the ones they found?” Illinois asked.
“The ones not from Brazil,” King answered. “But they’re probably connected. Demon cults don’t just sprout up out of nowhere. But it would be great if we could keep this from Dad as much as possible.”
King squinted at the book. “Because, if I’m reading the scant . . . English, I think that’s English, right then they were experimenting on and sacrificing children to some type of demon they worshipped as a god. Just, you know Dad. He’d probably try to adopt one of them and helping them is good and fine but I’ve got a kid and my brain can only take so many new people right now so just make sure we don’t get a new brother or something out of this.”
“Alright, I can do that,” Illinois chuckled. “Maybe we can set Yan up with a date or something.”
“Yeah, or something,” King agreed, and he was about to disconnect when Illinois quickly asked something.
“Hey, while I have you here, do you know if the heroes have gotten into a huge fight with Dad or something?” Illinois questioned.
“Not that I know of,” King answered.
“Okay, and it’s not the hunters or Phantom either,” Illinois hummed, clearly thinking out loud. “Dad’s aura’s been acting weird, I’ve never seen it do something like this before and he hasn’t really gotten into any big fights since we cleared up that mess with the Suits.”
“Well, weird how?” King asked. “Did you talk to him? He usually tells you stuff, not me.”
“Oh, I tried, but you know how he is,” Illinois grumbled. “I asked him what was wrong and he turned into Mom and the problem was less obvious. She knows something’s up and is just hiding it. As for what he’s doing, his aura is just curling around him weird, usually it’s acting like a second suit or just doing the blue and red ringing thing but it’s turning a dark grey now.”
“I’ll try and help but I don’t know what I can do,” King admitted.
“When you come over with the info we’ll talk,” Illinois told him. “Hey, boss is back, gotta go.”
Then he was gone and King frowned at the phone before turning back to the book to compile as much information as possible before he needed to go check on Lunky.
Post A/N: For those new to the SMP, Badboyhalo was only one train of thought and it’s “Skeppy” and I’m so glad that’s not hyperbole in the slightest because it is as cute as it is hilarious.
Accessibility Translations:
1. you
2. to
3. We’re not giving you an evil fucking book
4. How about instead you give us the other four you’ve got, and we just call it a day
5. Fuck
6. even
7. fucking
8. You find them?
9. of
10. and
11. into
12. We should just head back to the base so you can put that thing in a cage or something
13. for
14. Was a bit too busy trying to get this thing to an actual safe location.
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yeonchi · 3 years
Kisekae Insights #26: The Superhero Project Prelude (a preview of things to come)
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(Art by blakehunter)
My journey into tokusatsu began in 2013 when I watched Power Rangers Samurai on television and was enthralled at the use of kanji in the series. This led me to learn about Super Sentai through watching its counterpart, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. Later, I began to learn about Kamen Rider through watching Decade thanks to its crossover arc with Shinkenger, which would lead me to watch other Super Sentai and Kamen Rider series. Eventually, I also learnt about Metal Heroes through watching crossover movies and Ultramen after watching some episodes of Orb online out of curiosity (Ultraman was on TVB through satellite back in the day, though I never really cared for it).
While the adaptations of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider in Gokaiger and Decade were among the initial elements teased and hyped for the Moushouden Series, it should be noted that they had their roots in previous series. In the final instalment of the second run of Kisekae Insights, allow me to walk you through how I implemented Super Sentai before 2018 and give you all a little bit of a preview of what is to come.
Samurai Mode: The prototype powers
The second half of Series 9 in 2014 featured the Doctor and his companions becoming beta testers for the Superhero Project in the form of Samurai Mode. The arsenal of Shinkenger was adapted, but the names were kept close to their adaptation counterparts, with the exception of the core rangers’ morphers, which are named the ShodoPhones. The Samurai Morpher and the Gold Ranger’s powers were the first to be developed for alpha testing; their tester, Hiroki’s assistant who was also one of his “triad” comrades, would go on to become ShinkenGold when the Superhero Project was launched. Akari had also managed to get her hands on a ShodoPhone as well, presumably having been stolen from UNIT.
Red Samurai Ranger: Hiroki Ichigo
Blue Samurai Ranger: Momoka Mizutani
Pink Samurai Ranger: Angelina Mouseling
Green Samurai Ranger: The Doctor
Yellow Samurai Ranger: Satoyuki Saitō
Gold Samurai Ranger: Hiroki’s assistant
Female Red Samurai Ranger: Akari Ichigo
Samurai Mode was first used by the Doctor and his companions on Destination One, but unlike in Shinkenger, they weren’t fighting demons or monsters; they were fighting Girl Power and their allies. Following that adventure, the Doctor passed his ShodoPhone on to Storm Dasher, who used it when he fought Lord Tirek alongside Twilight Sparkle on Equestria. Dasher did not transform into the Green Samurai Ranger, but he did temporarily transform into an alicorn – an unintentional foreshadowing of things to come in the Moushouden Series. Dasher gave his ShodoPhone back to the Doctor at the end of the episode.
As for the other five, they went on to fight at Sekigahara, Osaka and Kyoto (Honnōji and Nijō Castle), though they never used their Samurai Mode powers at Sekigahara. The Doctor would rejoin them when they fought the final battle in Yokohama as he had been on Trenzalore during the events of the Series 9 finale.
The year after, I wrote a “director’s cut” version of the arc which is basically just a remake but with the Samurai Mode powers given more prominence than they did during the series while also toning down on influences from Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and Final Fantasy. I also used Mega Mode outside of a Megazord setting (instead of it being a combination of power-ups) and featured Megazord finishers on human-sized opponents with the Mega Blade. Because the events of the director’s cut version are different to the original episodes, I consider them to be non-canon.
The road of the Xtreme Legend
Before Gokaiger and Decade premiered, a set of prelude stories were made for Series 10 and 11 in 2017; to complement the BBC Series 8 and 9 having 12 episodes each, I write a total of four episodes – one to replace Deep Breath (titled The Advent of the Doctor), two extra original episodes (one for each series) and an original Christmas Special (titled Dawn of the Space Pirates).
After Girl Power’s defeat, everyone began focusing on their high school studies. By 2016, the first wave of UNIT’s Superhero Project teams were launched; alongside the new Shinkengers led by Akari that replaced the beta testing team, the Gekirangers, Go-Ongers, Goseigers and Zyuohgers were formed as well. The five teams got into a conflict with the Doctor, Hiroki and his assistant while they were investigating a conspiracy involving the Clockwork Droids harvesting organs from students who had committed suicide over their studies and a company giving students unfair advantages in their studies (through cheating).
The year after everyone graduated high school (2017), Hiroki, Akari and Narutaki discover the return of Kawakara, the lost city of Akari’s grandfather, Antoni. Later that year, Narutaki went missing after she and Hiroki were freed from the possession of Evil Death (the Grim Reaper, not to be mistaken for Good Death based on the character played by Simon Farnaby in Horrible Histories) and her role as ShinkenBlue was replaced by another member of Girl Power. Around the same time, Takumi Kamijō and his team at Torchwood Pleiades became the Magirangers after testing a prototype system during the Superhero Project’s beta testing phase.
That Christmas, Hiroki encountered a demon named Suira, also named Sui after the demon in Chinese folklore that explained the origin of money in red pockets. Suira transformed Hiroki into Gyūki after having done so 17 years earlier in an effort to help him get revenge on his parents after being sent to time out. Meanwhile, the Doctor began gathering up the Gokaigers in response to the Zangyack Armada’s vanguard fleet attacking cities. They fought Shikabanen before they help the other Rangers fight Suira, who had transformed into a demonic orge named Dokkaebi (based in Korean folklore) and later combined with Gyūki and Nian (the Chinese New Year Monster) to become the Krlunk Smasher. Although the Rangers defeat the Krlunk Smasher, he grows giant and the Gokaigers form the Legendary Megazord to defeat it.
From the Doctor’s point of view, the 2017 Christmas Special and the events of Gokaiger take place between Series 11 and 12 – after Hell Bent but before The Husbands of River Song and the episodes featuring Nardole, which are collectively known as the Nardole Saga.
A look at the first wave teams
So in summary, the first wave of Superhero Project teams shown in the preludes to Gokaiger and Decade are the Magirangers, Gekirangers, Go-Ongers, Shinkengers, Goseigers, Gokaigers and Zyuohgers. For the most part, the names of their arsenal are derived from their original Super Sentai series, but there are a couple of exceptions; the Shinkengers’ arsenal uses the names from Power Rangers Samurai (as stated earlier) while the Gokaigers’ Zords and Megazord combinations uses names derived from Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
Very few teams had Megazords in Gokaiger due to time constraints; in fact, the only teams that have Megazords featured (aside from the Gokaigers) are those that have a button on their morphers to summon or combine their Zords. Out of the teams in the first wave, the Zyuohgers are in this category, though Cyber Knight and the Gosei Ground Megazord would appear mid-way into Gokaiger.
Speaking of the Shinkengers, what happened to the beta testers for the Superhero Project? Hiroki would go on to become Kamen Rider Decade; Hiroki’s assistant would retain his equipment and become ShinkenGold; the Doctor and Angelina would become part of the Gokaigers; and Momoka and Satoyuki would resign. The ShodoPhones were handed back to UNIT and four of the new Shinkengers received the Samuraizers (from Samurai) as their morphers; Akari retained her ShodoPhone when she became the official ShinkenRed.
Power-ups for the Shinkengers and Goseigers were also introduced; the Black Box and Shark Disc were introduced in Series 9, while the Super Goseigers were introduced in the 2017 Christmas Special.
And that’s all I’m going to tease for the third run of Kisekae Insights. As I stated in the last instalment, this is going to be final instalment of the second run as I want to focus on other things, including the Doctor Who Series 13 reviews and finishing off my personal project. I don’t know when I’ll begin work on the third run, but right now, I’m currently dreading the time until then because of various things, particularly in regards to current affairs.
Kisekae Insights will return, but be warned that things might not be the same. I leave you with my take on an English version of the Shinkenger opening song that I wrote in 2018 after being inspired by Psychic Lover’s take on it. For the most part it’s the same, but I modified the lyrics to fit with the tone of the Shinkenger arc in Series 9.
That’s it again from me. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Tumblr to see more of my posts.
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger English Lyrics (modified by me)
Original lyrics here
Dance! Dance! Get up! Fight together! Chop! Chop! Take down Girl Power! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Forever! Year upon year it goes This Time War never ends Humans, Time Lords and Daleks are fighting again So we are serious And we are dangerous When we see your weaknesses Your future is over! Let the words light up the sky The elements make us strong! These heroes are makin’ noise They’re fighting for us all! Swords clash, gunshots blazing loud Go Go Samurai Power Rangers! Just do it! Fight for time and for our universe! Don’t! Don’t give up! Don't be afraid We say ‘Banzai’ in the end When Rangers get together, it’s Samurai forever! That’s ‘Bushido’ Hey bring it on! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Forever! What are we fighting for? Harmony or discord? We indeed fight for peace To understand your drive When we get serious Regrets are part of us We practice so we can fight with no more regrets! Let the words light up the sky The elements make us strong! These heroes are makin’ noise They’re fighting for us all! Flowers blossom, moon sun storm Go Go Samurai Power Rangers! Just do it! Fight for those who really believe in you! Fighting, dancing, shining, dreaming For our future, don’t be afraid! When we combine our powers We will not be beaten! That's 'Bushido' Cut with the sword! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger We are dreaming of the day when the world will be at peace If you don’t wanna understand, then we will take you down! Dance! Dance! Get up! Fight together! Chop! Chop! Take down Girl Power! Our love and courage is what powers our swords! Dance! Dance! Go Go Samurai! Chop! Chop! Go Go Power Rangers! Altogether we will break the darkness of the world That's 'Bushido' Hey bring it on! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger Forever!
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pillowfluffs · 6 years
Soulmate!Wonho // Chapter 9
Pairing: Wonho X Reader (female)
Genre: Soulmate!AU, College!AU, fluff, slight angst, fantasy, mystery? 
Author’s Note: By far my favorite chapter. Be prepared! >:) sorry not sorry.. This series only gets juicer from here ;)) So I hope you enjoy chapter 9! And as always, I will be posting a new chapter on Saturday’s 5:30pm Eastern Standard Time (U.S. Time) ((4:00pm Central Time // 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time)) Feedback is greatly appreciated and please look forward to more future works ;)
Warning! Mentions of blood from someone tripping! 
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Wonho stood facing his brother, watching his every movement, from this breathing patterns to even how he blinked, ready to anticipate any move. He remembered moments just a few hours ago, watching his once timid brother, even frightened his own ability in fear of losing control or summoning another storm in the past, defeat a great number of armored mages before. He recalled seeing how his brother was able to vanish into a bolt of lightning only to appear above the mages, electrocuting them all near to death.
“Let’s see how well you were trained,” Changkyun growled, cocking his head to the side while raising his eyebrow. Standing before his brother feeling a bit apprehensive, fully aware that his brother was now and always has been physically and ability wise stronger. The last time they faced each other like this was when their parents had begun to train Wonho, making the two brothers spar to see where the level of his ability was, pinpointing where they should work on, unfortunately resulting in Changkyun to be injured, defenseless to his brother’s power due to his fear of activating his own ability. The air vibrated around him, filled with electricity. He could feel his energy rising and expanding within him from the moon amplifying the wattage behind his bolts from his hands.
“Brother or not, I’m not going to hold back, not like I used to,” Wonho’s voice was husky and flat, his head tilted downwards so his white eyes peeked through the ends of his black hair. His practically glared as his eyes pierced into Changkyun’s soul.
The energy in the room was the strongest the headmaster had felt in many years from such youthful mages. He sat on the edge of the seat with a clear view of the two, unable to predict who would even begin let alone win. “You boys are going to make me rich..” The headmaster felt even more empowered knowing he now had these two along with two others in his.. collection. “No one will stand a chance..” His lips curled upwards, watching diligently, anticipating their next moves.
Changkyun gave a cocky smirk to Wonho before he disappeared into thin air, moving as fast as lightning through the air until he appeared behind Wonho, attacking him with his lethal electricity, only for Wonho to turn, using his hands to guide a vector, changing the magnitude and the direction of Changkyun’s momentum, launching him towards the wall only for him to disappear once again before any collisions. He appeared once again above him, his hands holding an orb. He threw it at Wonho, only for it to disappear in a cloud which formed around him in a matter of seconds. It wasn’t long before a thunderous boom echoed within the closed room, making the ground shake.
“My, my, Changkyun’s able to make an electric bomb at such a young age?” The headmaster spoke to himself, watching closely, his eyes almost unable to keep up with movements of Changkyun, but noticing how Wonho had stood in his one stance the entire time, not moving a foot and just watching Changkyun move and attack him.
The professor thought too soon before he watched Wonho in his cloud bubble, only to see him burst out of it, headed straight towards Changkyun with one of his hands casting a bright light, releasing a tremendous amount of energy with it. He released an enormous and destructive wave of energy towards far stronger than Changkyun’s electric bomb as he stood there, watching the bright ball, crossing his arms in defense at the last minute. Everyone in the room could feel Wonho putting out an arduous amount of energy which would normally drain the energy of a handful of normal mages, yet he stood there with his white glowing eyes, his energy never wavering. Wonho was no normal mage.
The orb of energy had full directly against Changkyun’s body, making him feel a pain all over his body as if he had just been cut open. It seared through his abdomen, his mind conceding to torment as he was unable to bring a thought to completion. He wanted to curl his body up into something primeval and all while the pain burned and radiated, but he couldn’t move. He lay there for a few seconds, but felt like hours, until the pain slowly went away, allowing him to slowly stood up. His hair color had gone from a white a bit back to his dark brown hair, but it was in the middle. As he stood up, his hair slowly began lightening up, his energy rising once again making the atmosphere around him vibrate with electricity.
“Impressive, I’m surprised you can still move your body let alone get up, but then again, like you said, this room will heal you,” Wonho’s voice was low and husky as he watched his brother stumble upwards before he disappeared once again.
“The bomb had no effect. Of course, he nullified it away from him. But how about this?” Changkyun appeared before Wonho, summoning lightning bolts as he projected them through his hands. He hoped to never use this capability against anyone, especially his own brother, but that thought was gone after Wonho had used his energy motion blast on him, putting every fiber of energy he had into this capability, allowing emotions to take over him.
He remembered when the four of them; their parents and them, would take Wonho to train, but they couldn’t leave Changkyun alone so they let him watch. They would drive for hours to abandoned military bases where they usually would take Wonho, training him, bringing their friends to guide him as well. Changkyun remembered sitting on a grassy area under some trees to the side of a runway for planes as he watched his brother in the middle of the runway, practicing this one capability, making it his strongest against any opponent. He would practice on mannequins as his target and over time, once he got used to it to the point of superb control, he was able to use this ability without wasting a bit of his energy which was near impossible for any other mage with his ability. The mannequins they would bring would be deteriorated along with the surrounding area, making incredible craters in the runway, making it impossible to be used once again, but it was no problem for their father to fix it with his perivállonkinesis
“Kyunnie, your brother is very strong, but don’t worry my little one, your day will come as well~” Their mother held his hand, rubbing her thumb over the soft skin on the back of his hand, bringing it to her lips and kissed it. Deep inside, Changkyun always felt Wonho was their father’s favorite which resulted him enclosing himself away from his family, often spending time alone in his room allowing his true emotions to come out. He was usually quiet and reserved, sometimes “picked” on by his father in a teasing way but took it the wrong way, especially after believing he wasn’t seen in the same light as Wonho. His mother did see him in the same light, however, always bringing the sun to him in the darkest of storms. With her ability, she was able to control the storm he had unintentionally conjured, whisking them away when he felt his lowest. Sometimes, he left the door ajar, allowing her to peek in only to have her heart broken by seeing her own son crying silent tears, hugging his own knees with his face buried in between them. “The darkest of storms illuminated by the brightest of lightning..” She saw and felt his pain as she saw him in pain and could not tolerate it any longer. She made it evident from then on how she loved her children equally, showing twice the love towards Changkyun if their father wasn’t able to give it, but he did. Their father was and still is one of those men who does have emotions, just with a stone cold face on, even when he says he’s happy.
Changkyun’s hands landed on his brother’s broad, thick with muscle shoulders, launching bolts of energy which expanded on contact with him. To someone on the outside watching, it would seem as if this was ordinary lighting from the sky, but in this case, it was entirely different; these bolts were far more deadly in terms of voltage and speed, granting tremendous temperatures and kinetic force. The bolts rushed out of Changkyun through his skin as if he was sweating, feeling a bit of his energy being drained as he looked his brother dead in the eyes, as he sent millions to hundreds of millions of volts through him, enough to kill anyone in a second.
The headmaster stood up as he watched the bright light, almost squinting as he watched in wonderment. “Incredible,” his voice was a whisper as he watched. He could feel the tremendous energy in the air around him from the brothers.
Wonho’s jaw was clenched, feeling every nerve on fire within him, feeling as if he was a popcorn kernel about to pop. It was only a matter of time before Wonho channeled his nullification power as he grasped Changkyun’s wrists on his shoulder, negating the powerful elemental attack.
Changkyun felt it immediately, noticing his brother’s eyes glowing whiter. It was as if his senses were going numb instantaneously, his legs no longer able to support him and his arms no longer able to grasp onto Wonho. His hair was returning back to his dark brown hair, the electric vibrations in the air from his lethal volts were gone.
“You fought hard, Kyun.. But you still have a ways to go,” Wonho’s voice was lighter once again as he knelt down on one knee as his brother sat on the ground. His eyes returned to normal as his body temperature lowered once again. “Good job, bro. I’m proud.” He placed his hand on Changkyun’s shoulder, no longer to feel any high levels of energy between the two of them.
“I’m not done yet,” Changkyun growled, His hair flashed back to its whiteness as Changkyun raised his hands into fists before slamming them on the ground, emitting a wave of electricity all through the floor, damaging Wonho, sending him flying to the opposite side of the room. His body slammed against the wall before he collapsed from the hard hit. “Never let your guard down, the words you always told me when we were young. And now look at where we are now,” Changkyun’s voice was guttural as he slowly stood up, mini lightning bolts flickered through his fingertips.
Wonho lay face down on the ground before he slowly propped himself up with his arms, struggling to breathe since the wind was knocked out of his entire body from the hard contact with the wall. He heard every word from Changkyun understanding that the fight behind him wasn’t just for fun but for a type of revenge. He stood up, catching his breath.
“I have sat in your shadow for the longest. Do you realize how that feels? I felt honestly like an outcast in our family cause you always did so many things from extracurriculars in school and being top in your class to your own power. By the time I got to your age, I felt like nothing since mom and dad always excepted the same from me, only to be disappointed when I did something nowhere as close to your achievements,” his voice dripped in pain as he spoke the words from his heart. “But now.” He held his hand out in a gun shape, forming a small ball of electricity at his fingertip, aiming at Wonho. “I’ve grown stronger. I’ll cast my own light out of your shadow.” He shot the ball at him. It moved fast, splitting into several smaller balls.
The bullets moved fast, but Wonho moved faster from his years of training in defense. He spread his arms out, closing them together in front of him as the pelts of electricity shot into the water bubble around him, unable to penetrate it. He kept one hand up, able to make the bubble secure as he used his other hand in a lifting gesture to raise a wall of the ground as a wall. He released the water shield as the bullets stopped, creating a metal spear in his hand which released the water. Fortunately for him and his ability of elemental control, it didn’t just limit himself to the four principal elements, but they extended to others such as plasma, metal, matter, nether. Some elements he hadn’t thought about using them for they would be far too lethal, potentially killing the opponent, in this case, Changkyun. Room or not, he refused to ever use those elements. His eyes began to glow white, as he focused on his energy. He placed his free hand onto the ground, closing his eye and taking a deep breath, focusing everything the best he could into this one capability since he had only done it a few times in the past.
“Hiding now, are we?” Changkyun walked towards the stone barrier which barricaded his brother, fixating his power into his hands. He raised his hands, discharging streams of electricity in the form of arc strands, attacking the barricade. He stood a few feet away watching the deadly current he was emitting to the now crumbling structure. “Tsk tsk, father never taught us to hide,” Changkyun’s voice derisive, hearing nothing but the cracking and crumbling of the rock. A large crack had formed in the center before he was pushed backward by a large force.
“I would never hide from you,” Wonho’s voice dropped an octave, his eyes glowing white once again, brighter than ever. He was miniaturized as he stood beside a creature of his own making; custos lapis, a stone golem created, forged together with a mix of all the elements, given life but only for long enough to “defeat” Changkyun.
“I-Impossible.. How is it alive?” Changkyun began pushing himself backward with his limbs as it slowly began to walk towards him, shaking the arena with each step.
“I’m an elemental brother, which also includes nether manipulation, er, necromancy to understand better.” Wonho leaned back, beginning to watch his golem do the work. “Its short life was created only from a sliver of my energy which really is nothing considering the moon is so close now. My energy is immeasurable.”
Changkyun’s fire within grew, even more, about to explode. He stood up, using a large sum of energy for this capability. He had only used it once, but it was unintentional at the time. He had created a large enough storm which raised his energy capacity, overcharging him resulting him in releasing an electrostatic aura. He had released an aura of electricity making him untouchable to nonelectrokinetic mages. Since the energy was too much for such his young and small body, he had blacked out, but still serving as a lightning rod in his unconscious state.
The two brothers were on summer break, about two weeks in. They pledged to have as much as they could before Wonho would begin his official training with their parents. They ran around their spacious backyard, from chasing each other with super soakers and water balloons to changing the direction of the slip ‘n slide so they could slide down the slope their father had created with his ability, allowing them to slide directly into the pool. Their lives were carefree, not having to worry about school or the pressures of the future, living their best lives, but soon went away as Wonho threw a water balloon at Changkyun, too heavy for his light weight. Changkyun tried to run away from his brother but the next thing he knew, his body had fallen on the concrete, next to the pool.
“Changkyun! Are you alright?” Wonho ran over to his younger brother, hearing him beginning to cry as he gently turned him over. Changkyun began to cry out of the pain, seeing the ripped skin noticing he had hit his knee on a small grouping of rocks. Tiny pebbles were lodged into his wound, making it bleed and sting as the chemicals from the pool to keep the pool clean stung. “I’m so sorry, hang on, I’ll get mom.” Wonho ran inside, searching around the house for his mother.
Changkyun sat beside the pool, beginning to cry even louder at the pain. He tried to stand which only pushed the pebble in deeper, making it painful. He remained seated there as his blood dripped down his leg, some dripping into the pool. The skies had begun to go dark in a matter of seconds, wind blowing through as thunder began to sound from the skies.
Wonho ran all throughout the house, yelling for his mom, but finding no one. Their father had been out on a quest, arriving home in a few days. He noticed the sudden darkness envelop the house from outside. He looked out to see the storm begin to form above his brother. A lightning bolt had struck his brother, continuing to strike, beginning to charge him. Their mother was driving down their neighborhood before seeing the havoc before her.
“Changkyun..” She drove a bit faster, pulling into the driveway, leaving the groceries in the car and meeting Wonho as he ran out the front door of the house. “Sweetie, what happened? Are you hurt?” She bent herself lower, holding, Wonho’s head, scanning his body for any injuries.
“I’m fine, mom. It’s Kyun.” He brushed her searching hands off of her before taking her wrist and leading her quickly towards the backyard. They could see it as they passed the kitchen which, from the sink looked out into the backyard. Bolts of lightning flashed the dimly lit house bright as thunder shook the house while it echoed. They stood at the glass door, seeing him lying there unconsciously in his swim trunks, seeing his wound still there.
“Wonho, honey,” her voice were soft but urgent. She knelt down before him, holding his shoulders as she glanced both at Changkyun and him. “I need you to call dad, okay? He’ll pick up. Just tell him these simple words: Changkyun aura. He’ll understand.” He nodded and ran off towards the landline in the living room. She stood up, pulling open the glass sliding door, though it was challenging with the storm brewing outside, the wind had picked up. She finally managed to open it after a few hard pulls, closing the door, but not all the way behind her. She focused her energy, concentrating her ability in an attempt to control the storm above, raising one hand above her head. Usually, a storm like this was a breeze to do as it would go away in a matter of seconds. But this storm was unlike any other. It was as if Changkyun controlled it; his abilities were summoning the lightning, charging him like a battery that could never be charged fully. “His.. abilities are stronger than mine?” Their mother continued to try her best to control the storm, though it would slip out of her grasp. She used both hands, her hair becoming white as her eyes glowed a light blue. Just then, the storm had paused for a brief moment when she finally got a grasp on the storm above. She held it with one hand as she slowly made her way towards him. It was silent. She got closer and closer to him until she could hear the electricity coming off of him. It wasn’t long again before lightning bolts struck him once again, making her see the visible aura of deadly electricity around him. “Shoot,” she cursed before activating her abilities fully.
Their father, a couple hours away began rushing home after handing up with Wonho, putting his quest on hold, but luckily it wasn’t too urgent. He drove home, making a phone call. “Hello?” The familiar voice of his older sister, Wonho and Changkyun’s aunt, filled his ear. “I need your help, it’s Changkyun. Great, I’ll come to pick you up in about ten minutes.” He hung up. Fortunately, the location of his quest was only about half an hour drive away from home. He began to make a call home, all calls straight to voicemail.
Their mother stood in the backyard, having a somewhat grasp on the storm, only for it to slip out of her hands, allowing bolts of lightning to strike not only Changkyun but all over the yard, even lighting the tree on fire. “Wonho!” She called, seeing the young boy appeared at the glass door. “I need you to put out the fire!” She hoped he could hear her or at least read her lips through the thunder. After giving her a confused look, he slowly saw where her eyes were glancing, towards the tree on fire. He slid the glass door open, carefully walking so he wouldn’t be struck.
He focused his ability, pulling water from the pool and extinguishing the fire. Making sure every bit of it was out. He walked over to his mother. “Should I try to nullify Kyun’s powers?” He could tell their mother was contemplating considering she knew how strong his ability was, able to make someone unconscious if he nullified them long enough.
She silently nodded, watching him take action immediately. He carefully walked over to Changkyun, kneeling about a foot away. He concentrated on his ability, his eyes beginning to glow white before he reached his hands out.
“Stop!” Wonho quickly turned to the strong low voice of their father. A familiar woman stood beside him, their aunt. “Wonho, get over here, now!” His eyes had returned to their natural colors. He immediately obeyed, switching places with their aunt. She calmly stuck her hand out, placing it on Changkyun’s bare chest. Electricity had surged through her, causing her hair to change into a white shade immediately. Slowly, the storm above had begun to fade away. Their mother now able to whisk away the storm, making her hair and eyes return to normal.
The aura around Changkyun had faded, making it so that he could be touched without others fearing of being shocked to death. But just to be sure, their aunt had lifted the small boy in her arms, carrying him in. Their mother had cleaned his wound and him, tucking into bed. “He’s quite vigorous for someone his age.. Train him well.” The last words their aunt had told her younger brother before she left back home.
You walked through the woods, knowing you were at least three-fourths of the way there until you paused in your tracks, meeting a little chipmunk scurry around your feet. “Aw, hello,” your voice was light seeing such a small creature, the corners of your lips curled up after a very long time. You laid your hand down on the ground and it slowly approached you, sniffing your fingertips before climbing onto your hand, continuing to smell you, smelling your scent on your clothes. You giggled at how it tickled you with its little feet as it scurried up your arm, towards your shoulder.
“Are you lost?” You looked around, seeing no other chipmunks or hearing any scurrying like it had towards you other than the sound of the water flowing down the river to your side, making this entire journey very peaceful. You glanced back at it, seeing its cheek full with you assumed a nut or two, making you soft on the inside at how adorable the chipmunk was. You began to walk forward after it made peace on your left shoulder, beginning to eat its nut, seemingly unbothered that it was on you. You walked a few yards once again, only to be stopped, hearing a very loud snapping noise of a branch, making you look around your surroundings, but seeing nothing except trees around you, their branches swaying gently in the wind. “Hello?” you said aloud with your voice clear. You didn't know what to expect, but you knew not another person since you were pretty far in and there technically were no trails. You began to walk again, continuing forward but slower to watch your everything around you just in case it was another soul reaper, even though according to myths developed over time, they were rumored to only come out at night. If they came out during the day, all the souls they reaped would return to their bodies, continuing their lives and forgetting about how they died the excruciating death they faced before. You heard another loud snap, this time sounding like it was more to your side as you walked. You looked over to your left, feeling a cold shock run down your spine seeing what was creating the large noises. An animal, similar to the deer, though this creature was no ordinary deer with it being an omnivore. Its body was almost two times the size of one with white crystals running down its back. Its antlers were not made out of the typical bone from deer, instead, it was made out of something much more lethal; blazeblight, a substance rare and only grown on these mythical beasts.
“A guardian,” your voice was a whisper as you recalled the stories of these mythical creatures, along with others from a book your mother had bought you to keep you occupied and since you loved nature and everything in it. There had been no actual sightings so there were no actual pictures of them until this moment as you were face to face with one, it’s glowing orange amber eyes staring into yours. Your breath was taken away as you were enraptured by its natural allurement until you remembered why you were standing there. “Is it following me?” You tested your thought by walking, keeping your eyes on the creature before it confirmed your thought as it trotted on the other side of the river bank to your right. It followed you, never losing you from its sight and stopping when you stopped, continuing when you continued. The chipmunk on your shoulder crawled to your other shoulder, climbing off your body and jumped off your knee, running towards the nearest tree and climbing upwards without even stopping. “Aw, bye then.” You pouted your lower lip out, watching your little friend disappear, now leaving you alone with the guardian. “Welp, it’s just us now,” you sighed, beginning to walk forward. You looked over to it as it walked beside you, astonished at how majestic it was as it walked, sad to know that no one will ever see its true beauty like this, but content to know that you now had a little secret in your forest.
You were walking along until you looked at it once more, this time, its eyes appeared to be shining a darker red shade. You rubbed your eyes, thinking they were deceiving you or it was just the angle it was turned at. But the longer you looked at it as you stood still, you could see its fur from its head beginning to darken to a black color; the crystals on its body began to change color to a dark blood red color. It’s antlers changing, shifting larger as its ends suddenly became pointed, releasing a gas at which you could smell it, but it was near impossible for you to smell it since the river bank was a few meters wide.
“It was hours before they finally called me in to see her, Y/N. I bet you can’t even imagine what it feels like to go what I went through.” He spoke as he admired his art, glancing back and forth at you to see the resemblance.
“Sir, are you here for miss L/N?” A nurse approached him wearing purple scrubs and sneakers. She held a clipboard as she waited for his response.
“Yes!” He stood up immediately, following right behind her as she led the way, leading him towards elevators. She pressed the top floor, the private ward, rarely used for patients and only using it for the patients who could afford it and who desperately needed it. It was great since there were soundproof tiles within the walls, making it very silent. “How is she?” He asked, desperately needing to know. They walked down the white empty hallway, passing by a receptionist at her desk, much similar to downstairs, just not busy or as full with people.
“She is.. In a state we have never seen before.” The nurse led him into a room, seeing her lay there unconsciously as there were tubed coming out of her mouth for breathing. Her eyes were closed, looking like she was sleeping. A pulse oximetry was on her finger, tracking and measuring her pulse, showing on the monitor how slow it was as well as an IV tubing on your wrist.
“What happened to her?” He looked at her with broken eyes, his heart breaking on the inside. “It should have been me..” He teared up at the sight of her. He sat in a chair to the left of her, pulling it close and holding her hand gently, rubbing her soft, fair skin.
“The bullet we pulled out was cursed, infused with an unknown fluid to us and only injected when entered the human body. She’s in a coma, luckily since most curses usually kill those inflicted upon. Medically, her body will heal over time, but how long she will remain in the coma is unsure. I’m very sorry, I will give you some alone time. Please press this button.” She pointed to a red button near the door where she stood. “If you have any questions or if you need anything. You may stay as long as you like in the private ward.” She closed the door behind her, leaving the view of the windows that stretched along the length of the room.
He nodded in response, changing his full attention back to her his back facing the windows. The curtains of the windows to her right which looked out, seeing the view of Steepmire in the far distance, the tops of its skyscrapers peeked over the top of the trees. It was a city filled with bustling streets, never resting and full of life, filled with mages of all sorts, mainly those whose abilities were useful for companies.
“I’m sorry,” his voice broke as he crumbled down. “I���m so sorry,” his voice gravelly as he couldn’t help but let the tears fall. He held onto her hand with his one trembling ones while his tears dripped down his face. He wished and prayed to go back in time to that one moment, willing to give up his own soul to the devil himself, yet no such wish or prayer came true. What was done, was done. He had been by her side for most of the entire day, never leaving her side. The sun had set, making the room dark enough as he sat with his head tucked into his arms by her unconscious side.
A tall, dark, broad bodied person had entered the ward, making his way swiftly down the hallway, approaching the room. He entered silently, advancing towards him before placing his hand on his shoulder, waking the sleeping figure. “Kihyun..”
Are you just as mind blown as i am? I had SOO much fun writing this chapter, so thank you SO MUCH for reading! 
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 34 Review.
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Let’s learn about the stocks market with Rockman-sensei! Where did he get that stick, though?
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Electronic money, the root of all cyber evil.
We start the episode at Higureya where we find out that Higure-san is broke.
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When even Numberman thinks that number is boring, you know it’s not good.
To make matters worse, Numberman also tells him that he will be kicked out of the building because he haven’t payed the rent in three months. Thats what happens when you use your money to buy rare chips and not sell them in your chip shop.
As Higure is sulking, a mysterious beared man enters his store.
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After the title card we see the inside of a bank where we focus on the money transactions going in and out for different companies.
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I’m not sure if Mitsushi is suppouse to be a car brand or a sushi restaurant.
Inside the computer we see how the programs in charge transport the money data, they even have cute little security guards that can easily be kicked out of the way by an intruder.
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You would think that a bank would have a stronger security.
The intruder is today’s Navified robot master, Magnetman.EXE.
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Magnetman uses his magnetic powers to delete all of the programs and move the money data around.
After this, we see Netto and friends riding in Yaito’s limousine where they are listening to Midorikawa on the news talking about a generous rich man name Mr. Gauss aka Gauss Magnets arriving at Japan.
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Hearing about all these remarkable contributions is followed by a egotistic comment from Yaito.
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Netto, remind me again why are you friends with this girl?
Netto and the others talk about the rumors of Higureya about to close down soon and they decide to go visit Higure-san, only to find out that he has moved to a sky scrapper and is now incredibly rich.
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Higure shows them how rich he’s become by showcasing limited edition Battle chips on his wall and serving them a super rare dessert that only Yaito knows about.
Higure doesn’t tell them why he suddenly became rich, so we see Yaito annoyed about this when they are back in the limousine. Shortly after, Glyde tells Yaito that he couldn’t buy anything at Internet city because of a problem with her bank accounts. Yaito reveals her secret credit card compartment inside the limo and starts to check them only to find that her accounts are completely empty.
During this we see that Higure’s money account is getting higher thanks to Magnetman’s intrusion in the bank, with every card Yaito checks, Higure becomes richer. After Yaito desperately slides all of her credit cards, Glyde tells her that all the money of Gabgom has dissapeared from their accounts.
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I would get out of that limo if I were them.
We see that the one responsible for this is none other than Gauss Magnets who is Magnetman’s operator. The next day we... Oh come on! That shot of Netto, Meiru and Tohru walking to school together again?! Did Gauss steal from the animation budget too?!
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We see Yaito being late for school since she has to walk there like a commoner. We also see her having to eat lunch with the rest of her class where Netto asks about her personal cooks not coming today.
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I like how in the dub Glyde insults them by saying that he feels common like them. Also, I just love Netto’s face in the second panel.
After school, Yaito is sitting on a swing all alone until her friends come to cheer her up with a bottle of strawberry milk.
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Dammit, Yaito! You even interrupt the heart warming music because you’re such a snob!
They all discuss about how strange it is that Yaito lost all her money when Higure-san is suddenly getting a lot.
We return from commercials with Enzan who is gonna do something about the economic problem since his company is also losing money. He finds Yaito waiting for him in the lobby who was wondering if his company was having trouble too, but all she gets is a good old insult about her company from Enzan.
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Is the anime still trying to ship these two? Because I doubt Enzan sees her as anything more than an annoying eight-year old.
Walking around the city, Netto watches the news on the tv monitors all over the city where Midorikawa talks about the recent problems with the stock markets for different companies. Netto gets a simple explanation from Rockman about how the stocks affect the stability of a company. Right after this, Midorikawa says that one company is rising above the others.
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We see Enzan at the bank where the source of the problem is, as he explains to Blues with a cute animation.
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Makes sense. 
Enzan arriving at the bank is a blessing because nobody had any idea that the computer was completely deserted!
 Blues encounters an invisible figure who he then reveals easily. Magnetman praises Blues for finding him and gets ready to fight until his operator tells him to run away to avoid leaving any clues behind.
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I find it interesting that Gauss’s codename is Midas, because everyone he touches becomes rich.
Later that night, Higure receives a call from Gauss telling him that somebody is gonna try to break in to steal his rare chips. Inmediately after, Netto arrives and Higure instantly believes he is a fake and refuses to let him in, but this proves to be pointless since Netto can let himself in anyway.
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What CAN’T you do with a Net Navi in this world? Is the only thing preventing this from happening is people knowing that it’s ilegal?
Higure waits outside the elevator with a broom to attack the “fake” Netto, too bad his plan of knocking him out backfires when he breaks the broom.
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With Higure out of the way, Netto sends Rockman into his PC where he is suddenly attack by Magnetman. Netto saves Rockman from the surprise attack by sending an Area Steal off screen and he deduces that Magnetman is the one messing around with the bank accounts, and that he probably is from Gospel, which a mysterious voice from somewhere confirms.
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The battle begins, Netto sends the Sword, and Magnetman summons a Magnet line that acts like conveyer belt that pushes Rockman away. Netto frees Rockman by sending the Meteor nine chip to destroy it.
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This doesn’t work in the game but it’s fun to watch how the anime gives out physical solutions to counter chips.
Netto keeps destroying the Magnet line with meteors creating smoke that allows Rockman to catch Magnetman off guard.
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No, I don’t think this is suppoused to be the same meteor chip that Yaito stole from Higure in the last episode, that one was called the Giga Meteor, this one is called Meteor 9, maybe Netto just decided to get his own meteor chip after that.
Gauss isn’t happy with this and orders Magnetman to use the North-South tackle that consists in him summoning a blue Magnetman that represent the South pole of a magnet. The two Magnetmen turn into orbs that tackle Rockman from both sides.
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This damages Rockman a lot, the Magnetmen prepare to use the N-S tackle again to delete him, but this time Blues swoops in and gets Rockman out of the way.
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“What are you talking about? Higure is a friend of mine who suddenly became rich and I just wanted to know why, why are you here?”
With Enzan in the picture, its time to use a double Program Advance. The same animation as always but with a different background and they both aim their attacks at the real Magnetman. However, the blue Magnetman pushes him out of the way and is deleted instead.
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So... Was he sentient too or was he just a copy of him programed to act as a decoy?
Gauss logs out Magnetman. Higure wakes up and is about to attack Netto again until they are interrupted by Rockman’s voice telling them that there is a secret froor in the building. The damaged created by the double Beta Sword exposed a hidden door, all Rockman has to do is go through said door and the wall in the real world suddenly opens revealing a secret staircase.
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What did Rockman find at the other side of that door? We will never know.
All three of them go up the staircase and they find a huge dark room with an organ. Netto gets chills after hearing Gauss’s voice and figures that he is Magnetman’s operator.
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Sure, Enzan. Let’s all walk down the stairs together and wait for the police to arrive so we can have a nice little chat that might end with one of us going to jail. >:c
Of course this isn’t the case since Gauss has a secret button that opens up the roof and allows him to escape on a weird looking aircraft without moving from his seat.
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Well, that happend.
The next day we see that Yaito got her money back in her account and Midorikawa saying in the news that everything is back to normal, she even talks about Gauss leaving the country where we see him get a little taste of karma.
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Karma, b*tch!
Why was this cutted from the dub? Too “mean spirited” , I guess?
Yaito visits Enzan in her limousine thanking him for his help.
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Once again, Yaito learns nothing from this experience, and the episode ends with Higure-san out in the street, back to his poor usual self.
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Don’t we all?
My thoughts.
Remember back in episode 30 where we found out that Count Elec has a brother? Well, now we can talk about him!
Gauss Magnets is Count Elec’s older brother. Unlike in the game, Gauss and Count Elec both come from a wealthy family with an affinity for electricity. Gauss became the president of his own company while the Count ran away from home to worked for the WWW as a cyber criminal.
“Gauss” is a measuring unit for magnetic fields. His first appearance in the game was when he hijacked an airplane to get a high power program in the computer, which wasn’t a good idea in hindsight since he was gonna crash the plane. 
The dub added some funny lines in some scenes, but they also talked when there was no dialogue like during Gauss’s weird aircraft escape.
Something I didn’t like was how INCOMPETENT the banks are in this world, what kind of security was that? They were cute and all, but come on!
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Now it makes sense!
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stuck-in-jelly · 6 years
Day 9: Witch's and Hot Chocolate
Me tiptoeing into the bnhawlw2018 tag: I uh can explain.
I'm getting better so I wrote as much as I could to make up for my tardiness @bnhawlwmonth
This is going to be quick she assured herself, all she had to do was get some herbs. She told herself thing but starting into the woods she didn't feel so sure, the way the branches reached outwards to the world as is pleading to be apart from the forest itself, the errire silence that crept into her very soul whispering for her to leave, and the darkness of the trees cramped together hiding any sunlight as if huddling together for comfort or warmth. She really needs to stop thinking!
She just needs a few herbs from this place just a few, this potion required them and she was desperate. With a sigh the young witch reached into her traveling bag and pulled out a small wand if you could call it that.
It was stout but cute, made of ash wood the wand was adorn with many decorations and charms; around the entirety of the wand copper wire weaved around beautifully, from underneath the copper special runes were carved into the base ( Laguz, Sowilo, Algiz, Eihwaz, Hagalaz, Wunjo, Kenaz, and Ansuz) all meant to help her.
Covering the bottom base was a light blue cloth simply their to make the wand eaiser to grasp, and last but not least tied on the bottom by a yarn was several crystals and bells.
Last but not least on the top her name was carved 'Yuyu'.
Taking a breath Yuyu closed her eyes casted a small protection spell on herself the words rolling off her tounge by instinct. Opening her eyes she straightened herself and took her first step into the unknown.
The darkness seemed to engulf her and in seconds the dim sunlight was barely viable. She muttered another spell and her wand jerked small lights radiating from the copper before racing to the tip and out in the air and small sparks before a baby blue light appeared by her side and quickly leaped from place to place lighting the area and waiting patiently to see where theirs summoner would travel.
Yuyu kept her eyes in the ground hoping to find the herbs quick. Clove, clover, and Camomile. Just those three. And these woods are said to be covered in herbs perfect for witches then again it is also said here some dangerous witches casted horrible spells meant only for harm. Again she has to stop thinking!!
The wind picks up and the light flickers and ducks behind a tree as Yu tries to hold her bag in place. Strange. Her spells told her it wouldn't be windy at all.
Shaky it off she ushered the light and follow quickly
"Common on now, lets hurry then you won't have to be hiding there"
She was full aware the light had no sentiance but it felt nice talking to it when she was nervous, almost as if she isn't alone. The light obeyed and jumped up scanning the area quickly before waiting again.
Walking off the young witch failed to capture a faint movement in the trees above and curious eyes the followed.
As Yuyu wandered she found many herbs she couldn't help but stop and pick up although she didn't necessarily need them. These woods were strange all type of flora grew here even tho they typically don't exists in the same area, even the types of wood from the trees changed. Some serious magic dabbling happened here to cause all of this.
The light suddenly brighten. An alert, it spotted something. Hardly thinking Yuyu gripped her wand letting her energy speed through it and glow beating to the rate of her heart. She looked around eyes darting
"What is it little light? What do you see?"
She whispered desperately wishing it could talk back but then the stopped its panicked glowing and lowered itself down. Yuyu stayed on guard her eyes taking up every inch of the forest but only silence and darkness greated her.
After a few moments she lowered her wand the glowing dying and her pulse slowing. Maybe it was a squirre-
A branch smacked her square on her nose, the pain was quick but the panic was quicker. In the initial shock she dropped her wand the the light glowed in panic again, her vision was blurry as she fumbled on the ground for her wand
Her voice obeyed and her head shot upwards just in time to see a large long slithering form barreling straight for her face quickly she scrambled away just as the creature made landfall rearing its head.
Oh god a basilisk.
She never thought she'd have to see one in person. The panicked light continued to flash illuminating the features of the creature. The creature hoisted itself up on its feathered legs, the large talons tearing into the dirt as its scalied tail whipped around angrily. But She dared not look at the face.
Those eyes could kill.
Just don't look in its eyes
No questioning. She ducked quickly her body acting on its own only for imminently feel a large guar of wind wash over her threatening to draw her into its current but she dug her fingers and feet into the ground as loud crashes filled her ears. The wind slowed and her curious eyes looked upwards to see a mass wreck.
The trees that stood mighty before all crumbled and snapped under the weight of the beast. It squirmed and withered in clear pain, its talons grasping for support on anything. The light besides it flickered before dying completely
"Get up we gotta go!"
The voice pulled her from the sight as a girl leapt out from the trees running and scopping up Yuyu's wand from the ground and some feathers from the beast before dashing to her side pulling her up
"It'll get up soon"
Usually she'd be opposed to following a stranger deeper into the woods but it doesn't seem like there is much of a choice here. Their hands claps together tightly
"Hold on"
The girl pulled her own wand, it was carved into a spiral with decorative crystals logged into the oak wood. She muttered a spell a smile on her face, their bodies got lighter and squeezing her hand softly the girl dashed the world zooming by in a blur barely registering what was going on. In a blink of an eye they were in a wooden cottaged.
A really cozy cottage, they seemed to be right in front of the main door and to the right was a living room and to the left was a dinning table with a kitchen behind it, it the center was a hallway and stairs that lead to the top floor. The cottage was painted blue with white lining the frame, the furniture to compliment house was a pale yellow with blue and/or white pillows or blankets. Most of them had some desgin on them.
The mysterious girl slowly let out of Yuyu's hand before sighing loudly in relief and laughing
"Wow! That was crazy! Did you see all of that?!? Hahah! Its a good thing you're okay! Gee I have no idea how that big guy got there"
Yuyu could only take in the girls features as she rambled on and on, her hair was long reaching all the way down to her knees it light blue and curved and curled at the ends, her eyes were wide and blue as well with a light in them a spark only a child could have.
Then the girl was in her face
"Where ya from? Your hair is really cute! Is that bag for your spellbook? What are you doing out here alone? Want something to drink?"
This was too close, she could feel the blush creep around her face. She was really cute
"Umm I uh yeah would like a drink. Anything is fine"
The bubbly girl beamed wider practically bouncing over to the kitchen and and fumbled in her cabinets before successfully pulling out a pot and setting it on the stove
"Care to answer my questions?
She ask as she set the flame and dashed to a curburt full baking ingredients and sweets. Yuyu considered the girl for a moment. She did save her life and seems to be making her some hot cocca in her small cottage. There is nothing to lose. Yuyu made her way to the small dining table and sat down.
"I um I'm from a small village by the riverside. The river has been cursed and a lot of us are dreadfully ill. I wanted to get herbs from here to treat them. It would have been faster if I am here and I was just really worried about them..." Yuyu spared a glance up and those eyes stared at her with wonder, Yu could feel the blush starting up again
"I-I mean we are a tight knit community! We all basically know each other and I- uh just wanted to h-help" the girl smiled and turned back to the stove and stirred the chocolate
"That's really brave of you! I can sense you have a lot of protection spells on you but the water has also made you ill hm?"
That wasn't a thing was proud of but she knew the girl was right, her magic was weak. The light spell usually cast 2 blue orbs that circle around the summoner and usually they don't flicker in the wind. Yuyu sighed and barely managed a nod
"You should take care of yourself you know, I get you're worried about your village but you won't do them any good dead" her voice was cheerful and light and Yuyu couldnt help but feel overwhelming trust
"Guess so"
"What herbs were you looking for?"
"oh it was looking for Clove, Clovers, and Chamomile"
The girl gasped and suddenly abononded the stove and ran down the hallway and disappeared past a unseen door way. Yuyu waited a moment before footsteps ran back and the girl appeared in her arms were 3 large bags, she plopped them down in front of Yuyu
"You are in luck! I found a whole field covered in this beauties!! There was defiantly a herboligst who worked here, maybe they divided the area by medicine and poison! The outskirts of the forest are covered in poisonous plants but the center is beautiful!"
The girl rambled again as Yuyu cautiously peeked into the bag and nearly squealed with delight, there was a lot!! So much! Enough to help her village. She couldn't hold her smile as she looked back to the girl who went on about the plants and the amazing craftsman ship of the forest.
There was a faint smell of burn "Umm ma'am?" The girl stopped
"The hot chocolate"
She gasped and ran back to the stove turning it off as quickly as possible and pulling the pot away from the heat
"Its not too boiled I hope!"
She muttered a small spell and a small gust of wind breezed over the pot calming the stream of heat, she left it before grabbing some mugs and heading back. One mug had Jasmime's painted along it and the other had Lilly's
"Which would you like?"
"The lily"
She nodded and poured a even amount of hot chocolate in each up before making her way bbefore making her way back to the table and sitting.
Yuyu graciously grabbed the cup and drank, it was different but tasted good.
Then it dawned on her. There is no way this girl will let her get the herbs without a hefty price. Clearing her throat Yuyu got ready to bargain
"So how much?"
"Hm? Oh! I usually put about ⅓ a cup unsweetened cocoa powder and sometimes add a bi-"
"No no! I mean how much for the herbs?" The girl feel silent and blinked in confusion
"How much? You think I'm going to charge you?" Yuyu went silent now.
Would the girl charge her now? She could feel sweat forming in her head
"A charge...oh! I got it!" Yuyu tense as the girl stood her expression turning back to its happy state
"It will cost you 1 date!" Yuyu all but chocked on her coco her face burning bright
"Really? A date?!" The girl nodded hopefully.
Well this is too good to be true
"On one condition"
The girl tilted her head intrigued
"You tell me your name"
The girl beamed
"I'm Nejire! Nejire is my name!"
Yuyu smiled, this girl had to be the cutest thing in the universe.
The forest might be cursed but if it meant getting her a girlfriend she isn't complaining too much
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Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 9 - Stripped: Part 2
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Drake walked out of the Devilish Delights strip club and walked over to the parking lot where he was shocked to see both Quinn and Paul lying on the ground unconscious as he wasted no time in running over to Quinn.
“Quinn, wake up!” Drake shouted as he knelled over and picked his white lighter up into his arms, not knowing at the time his shouting had just woken Pan up.
Drake suddenly noticed fireballs floating within the air trapping him within a circle as he rose back to his feet after placing Quinn’s unconscious body gently back onto the ground at the same time Pan got out of the car and into the parking lot and quickly froze the entire scene except for herself and Drake while Quinn and Paul continue to lay unconscious in the parking lot.
“Let the object of objection return so that it’s existence may be reaffirmed.” Pan chanting making the group of demons she had frozen all visible before raising both hands once more exploding each demon one by one.
“Okay that was kind of awesome.” Drake admitted to Pan as the two shared a smile before Pan rushed over to Paul and Drake returned his attention to Quinn as the scene unfroze and the fireballs crashed into several cars.
“Thank god.” Pan breathed a sigh of relief after Paul woke up after being shaken by her. “Next time leave the napping to professionals.”
“Quinn wake up!” Drake said repeatedly while shaking Quinn’s unconscious body.
“Did I beat some demon butt?” Quinn asked after waking up in Drake’s arms much to Drake’s relief.
“Yeah buddy you kicked some serious butt.” Drake laughed.
Quinn woke up in a bed in a spare room within the Halliwell Manor only to quickly notice Drake asleep on a chair next to his bed as he sat up in the bed as Drake woke up too.
“Did you crash here the whole time?” Quinn asked with a smile on his face. “I can heal myself so thanks, but it wasn’t necessary.”
“Yeah Pan and Paul did say that to be fair I just didn’t trust them to be honest.” Drake admitted as he stood up from the chair.
“It’s nice to know that you were worried about me.” Quinn told his favorite charge.
“Does this mean we’re still friends?”
“Yeah...” Drake answered with a pause. “Friends? I’m glad you’re okay”
“Thanks.” Quinn replied as Drake walked out of the room only to meet Paul in the hallway where he had clearly been waiting to talk to his son.
“So, did last night convince you the Underworld is far away from retirement?” Paul asked Drake as he closed Quinn’s door.
“I guess everybody just loves lying to me.” Drake replied to his biological father.
“How do I fix things between us?” Paul pleaded with him.
“You’re about 20 plus years late to fix this but I’m a charmed one and whether I like it or not I’m going to have to work alongside you and Pan.” Drake admitted.
“Really?” Paul asked in shock by Drake’s revelation. “I’ve to ask you why was it so easy for you to embrace Eve? I mean before you found about my lies you didn’t embrace me like you did her or even Pan.”
“All you’ve ever done is made me believe all you want from me is charmed you’ve never really tried to get to know me and they did.” Drake answered honestly.
“I only kept my distance from you because it killed me having to lie to you.” Paul replied to his son.
“Why didn’t you bind my demonic side when you bound my witch side? It’s clear you hate demons so much so why not bind the part of me that made me so easy to abandon for you?” Drake wondered.
“Drake I love every part of you, demonic witch or normal you’re my son and I love you.” Paul told him. “Being a demon is part of who you are, and I never want you to be ashamed of any part of yourself.”
“I don’t want or need a parent in my life it’s just too hard for me I had parents and I lost them.” Drake revealed to his biological father in their most honest moment yet.
“I’m willing to start out as colleagues work up to friends and then see what the future holds for us both.” Paul suggested to his son.
“Sure, I can give that a try.” Drake replied.
“Really?” Paul asked with a smile on his face.
“Yes.” Drake agreed as he too smiled.
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“Morning.” Lacey said to Pan after she woke up in Pan’s bed before giving her girlfriend a kiss on the lips.
“I love walking up to you.” Pan admitted to her. “I love you and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to admit that.”
“You’re lucky I’m a patient woman.” Lacey joked before kissing Pan again.
“I don’t love your morning breath though.” Pan teased her as Lacey planted another kiss on her lips. “I’m glad everything is working out perfectly.”
“You shouldn’t say that,” Lacey warned her as the two of them sat up in the bed. “Every time someone says something like that it always ends in disaster.”
“Well I’ve got the most amazing girlfriend and Drake’s slowly beginning to come around to Paul and me so I’m ready for any disaster that follows.” Pan revealed to her detective girlfriend.
“I should’ve guessed Quinn would be the way of getting Drake back talking to use somehow.” Lacey told her. “Do you think they know they’re in love with each other?”
“Well Quinn’s already admitted it to me, but I think it’ll be a long time before he admits it to Drake and vice versa.” Pan explained. “I just wish their love wasn’t against the elders’ rules because if they get wind of them two some serious shit could go down.”
“Damn it why did you have to say that to me?” Lacey complained. “Now all I can think about is breaking them up for Drake’s safety this damn bloody spell.”
“I will help you fight this magic I will find some spell to reverse my mother’s spell and you’ll finally be free.” Pan promised her. “I’m breaking that spell today.”
Drake walked back into Devilish Delights eager to distract himself from what had begun as an emotional day only to find Mandi sitting on top of a hunky body builder type man with both down to just their underwear.
“Consider my feelings well and truly hurt.” Drake said sarcastically. “Here was me thinking I was your employee of the week.”
“Well I never said there couldn’t be more than one.” Cindy replied with a flirtatious smile before giving Drake a knowing look.
Drake quickly walked over to the two of them passionately kissing Cindy before kissing his stripping colleague as his colleague and his boss began pulling at Drake’s clothes with excitement.
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“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.” Paul told Quinn as Quinn walked into the dining room to find Paul sitting at the dining table with a mug of coffee.
“Thanks, I just wish I put up more of a fight against the demons last night.” Quinn thanked him as he sat down next to Paul.
“You did just as badly as I did to be fair and I don’t know how you do it but you once again got through to Drake and I can’t begin to tell you how I’m grateful for you being my white lighter and the bond you have with my son.” Paul revealed to him.
“I guess I’m just amazing at my job.” Quinn replied.
“Or you’re amazing with my son I hope you know you’ve had my approval to be with him since day one.” Paul told his white lighter.
“Woah there I think someone has got the wrong idea.” Quinn lied unconvincingly. “Drake and I are just friends.”
“You should never have to hide your feelings just because your bosses are stuck in the dark ages besides, I have an aunt up there that’s on our side no matter what.” Paul said making his support for his white lighter and his son well known.
“Trust me when I say we’re much more concerned with my youngest nephew having a literal family reunion from hell.” Paige admitted after orbing into the dining room. “The other thing I’m already working on getting rid of.”
“In our defense aunt Paige, we literally only recently found out ourselves.” Paul replied to her as he and Quinn stood up to face the head elder.
“There’s also another reason why I’m making a visit one I’m not happy with.” Paige admitted. “Despite my standing with the elders they ruled against me and have assigned a non-biased elder to evaluate the new charmed ones and their white lighter.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Paul moaned at his great-aunt.
“Yeah there’s still too many should be retired angels up there for my liking once I convince them to retire my life will be so much easier and yours included.” Paige told Paul. “Where is everyone anyway?”
“At work I’d assume.” Quinn replied to his boss.
“Well if I were you guys, I’d get them to pull some sick days because this elder is probably going to be a real pain in the proverbial.” Paige suggested to them both.
“I guess this means I should probably go and get them both.” Paul said reluctantly.
“You should probably take your car as I need to prep Quinn for his upcoming evaluation.” Paige told Paul as a look of dread instantly appeared across Quinn’s face.
“I believe you and I had a conversation about you staying away from my son and I’m pretty sure you chose not to follow those instructions.” Eve told Pan after appearing in a burst of flames into P3 to see Pan busy taking stock behind the bar counter.
“I get you’re this big bad source now, but you have never scared me, and you never will especially when it comes to forming a relationship with my own nephew.” Pan told her ex-girlfriend.
“Are we so sure about that?” Eve asked her as she summoned a fireball above her hand.
“If you have it in you to kill me then you would definitely lose your son forever he’s already catching on to your lies as it is just wait till he finds out you murdered the aunt that’s finally starting to grow on him.” Pan warned the source of all evil.
“I won’t allow you to ruin things for me and my son.” Eve replied as she made the fireball disappear.
“The only real person coming between you and your son is you because you’ve always been your own worst enemy Eve and that’s never going to change, I learned that the hard way.” Pan said honestly.
“You of all people should know I’m not incapable of love.” Eve told her.
“I’m not denying that you love him or that you loved me I know there’s good buried deep down inside of you but there’s not enough to save you from yourself.” Pan admitted. “I used to think otherwise, and I was wrong.”
“Your mother forced both mine and Paul’s hands into giving him up she practically tore my son from me and then afterwards you acted like I never mattered to you.” Eve admitted with a great sense of sadness.
“I loved you so much and then you not only cheated on me but you got knocked up by my own brother and even after all that I stood by you but I was never enough because you’ve always loved power more than anything else.” Pan replied. “Loving someone like you and not being enough for them is a life nobody should have to live. If you love your son, then stay the hell away from him before you break his heart too.”
“I wish things had worked out differently for us Pan I really do.” Eve cried. “But nothing is stopping my reunion with my son I’ve worked to hard for this and I’m not giving up now.”
“Then I guess this will only end when one of us kills the other.” Pan told her former love.
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Paige stood in the attic of the Halliwell Manor with Quinn by her side as she looked around the place she once called home realizing so much had changed since her charmed days and yet so much were still very much the same even after becoming head elder the Halliwell Manor was still her home and the charmed ones were still her number one priority it was just now a different set of three.
“So, what do I need to know so both the charmed ones and I pass this dreaded evaluation?” Quinn asked her.
“Well first of all I recommend putting this lover story you have going with Drake on ice until after the evaluation anyway.” Paige told him honestly.
“There is nothing going on between Drake and I.” Quinn lied to both himself and Paige. “Our relationship is strictly professional.”
“Oh, I know nothing has happened yet trust me when I say there’s a few of us that’s been tuning in I’m just saying don’t let anything happen until after we get rid of this elder because I’d hate for them to decide the charmed ones need a new white lighter.” Paige admitted to her angelic employee.
“Does that mean you think I’m doing a good job?” Quinn asked with a sense of pride that the head elder and former charmed one believed in him so much.
“You have amazing potential Quinn and I believe you and Drake also have amazing potential in fact I’m hoping on it being the thing that saves him.” Paige revealed to Quinn.
“What do you mean by that?” Quinn asked, instantly worried about the man he loves.
“I’ve already said too much trust me when I say I wish I could say more.” Paige replied reluctantly before giving the attic one last look and orbing away.
“You can go straight back to hell where you belong.” Drake snapped after walking into his dressing room at Devilish Delights to see his mother Eve waiting there for him. “Your memory little monsters tried to murder me last night I was foolish enough into thinking you’d care about me enough to stop them attacking innocents when you clearly don’t care about me enough to stop them attacking me.”
“Okay so I may have never told them to stop killing innocents, but I’d never allow them to harm a hair on your head.” Eve admitted to her son.
“You lied to me like everyone else has and you said you wouldn’t.” Drake replied.
“Drake I’m your mother and I only want what’s best for you.” Eve pleaded with him. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you.”
“The difference between you and Paul is although you both fuck up; he’s a good person and I’m beginning to realize you’re not.” Drake admitted to his biological mother.
“How many times have I told you this outlook on good versus evil is so outdated?” Eve asked him.
“You have to choose between your throne, or your son and I can promise you when I say this will be your finale chance.” Drake said, delivering his ultimatum.
“I see,” Eve replied before placing her hand won her son’s shoulder and disappearing with him in a bust of flames.
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Lacey was left confused as she found herself waking up on a sun bed placed in the middle of a beautiful beach before turning to her right to see Quinn sipping on a sun bed next to her sipping from a glass of an over the top cocktail.
“Okay Quinn what the hell is going on?” She asked the white lighter.
“Pan decided you deserved a holiday or more like needed a holiday.” Quinn revealed to her.
“A holiday to where exactly?” Lacey asked while looking around the seemingly remote beach as the two of them stood up from their sun beds.
“This may seem very invasive, but things are getting dangerous now and Pan’s just trying her best to protect you.” Quinn admitted to the detective.
“You mean the two of you got together to dump my ass on some remote island, so I had no choice but to not butt in?” Lacey scoffed in disbelief by her situation.
“Trust me with the source of all evil making regular appearances and an elder evaluation pending I sure wish I could stay out here.” Quinn said as he took another drink from his cocktail.
“I’m not happy about this,” Lacey moaned while snatching Quinn’s cocktail off him. “But I suppose as overprotective actions go at least this one has a pretty result.”
“If you guys keep showing up here then we’re going to have a serious problem.” Cindy complained as Pan and Paul walked into Devilish Delights once again.
“You were a lot kinder when you thought we were customers.” Paul replied as him and Pan walked over to the club owner who was stood behind the bar counter.
“Yeah well I tend not to do nice for free now what the hell do use want? I’m opening up soon.” Cindy snapped at the two of them.
“We’re here to see my son.” Paul told Cindy.
“Yeah that’s never not going to be weird I mean I get his aunt being related to him, but I don’t see it with you.” Cindy admitted to Paul. “You seem like the hot shot lawyer kind whereas she like her son seems a lot less stuffy.”
“Can you just get Drake out here please?” Paul asked clearly not amused by Cindy while Pan smirk away at the strip club owner’s insults.
“Can’t he’s been and gone and I don’t currently know where he is right now which is not that professional, I suppose but he gets away with it.” Cindy revealed to them both before singling Paul out. “Thanks for fucking your son up enough to make him the perfect employee.”
“If you were a better employer, you’d be able to now where your employees were.” Pan snapped at Cindy, defending her brother.
“I’m his boss not his keeper and if you were a better club owner your clients would stop running over here.” Cindy replied to the Halliwell sister.
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“Why have you taken me to Paul and Pan’s basement?” Drake asked Eve after the two appeared in the basement of the Halliwell Manor within a burst of flames leaving Drake completely confused.
“You told me I had to choose you being by my side forever it’s just that you’re too good for that to happen which means I’ve got no choice but to push you towards the evil inside of you.” Eve said to her son.
“I’m not going to become evil to maintain a relationship with you Eve.” Drake replied before noticing a crack in the basement floor.
“I’m sorry son but the throne is our destiny and I can’t let even you stand in the way of that.” Eve cried as she wave her hand over the crack releasing the dark smoke from inside of the crack before the smoke traveled it’s way towards Drake forcing him to his knees as the smoke began entering his body through his eyes, mouth and nose causing the Halliwell hybrid to shake viciously as evil began to take over him until the black smoke was gone and his eyes turned jet black.”
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
What a Beautiful Wedding Ch. 7: The Show Stopper
Summary: The heroes and Illinois go in to face up against the Actor.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
When Ranboo’s portal opened up they were in some theater house, and the first thing that the group saw was Logan and Janus over Thomas’s unconscious body. Remus and Joan nearby.
“Logic!” Jackie raced over.
Logan started, almost hitting Jackie with one of his batons before the speedster jumped out of the way and Logan realized who it was. The logical Side visibly sagged in relief.
“Oh, good,” Logan commented, “you are all doing well.”
“Fookin’[1] relative,” Chase spat angrily, he wasn’t sure if it was being near Logan, or if he was just becoming more and more agitated the longer he spent without knowing if Dark was okay but his skin felt like it was trying to actively climb off of him as he got closer to the Sides.
“You three okay?” Silver flew over.
“No,” Logan admitted. “I do not know where the other Core Sides are, we lost sight of everyone else when we came here, and he won’t wake up. It is my estimation that something happened to the Core Sides and the shock knocked him out.”
“It must’a[2] been the Actor, he’s been doin’[3] weird stuff all day,” Jackie reported.
“Then the other Sides must be located before he can do any harm to them,” Logan decided.
“Go, I’ve got this,” Janus told Logan, summoning his staff and using his magic to pick Thomas up.
“We’ll keep him out of the line of fire,” Joan promised.
“Don’t take any unnecessary risks, not even for yourself,” Logan told them, looking straight into Joan’s eyes.
“Same goes for you, A.I Asimov,” Joan told him and he ran off with Janus and Remus. It left Logan with the others.
The logical Sides looked at the minors. “Unacceptable, what are you two doing here?”
“The bastard took Bomble an’[4] we weren’t just gonna[5] sit around with our heads up our arses[6], now were we?” Tommy glared at him as Ranboo looked around nervously.
“If splitting up weren’t terrible of an idea, I would demand it immediately,” Logan told him.
“Hey, Lo,” Jackie called out and a good sized green mechanical sphere flew out of Jackie’s suit. The large camera on the front shuttered open and closed before flying over to Logan.
“We can use him to scout the place out,” Jackie offered, motioning to SAM. “Figured he could keep takin’[7] pictures in here.”
“Good idea,” Logan told him, and connected to the orb, sending it around to look for any traces of a disturbance. The only nearby doors were the ones that lead to the main stage.
A set of double doors that Chase was already moving towards. Once he reached them, the marksman could hear faint mumbling from inside the auditorium. He began to creep in, Sam moving in slowly with him, but the instant Chase saw who was on the stage, all subtlety flew out the window.
“I don’t why you insist on throwing these tantrums,” Marc spat as he stood on the stage with Dark. “I’m giving you a leading role and still you want more?”
“Let go of me,” Dark spat, trying to twist himself free from the smoke that Marc was trapping him in, and trying to stab him at the same time. “I won’t be your villain.”
“Come on Dames, you’ve burned down an orphanage,” Marc chuckled as he threw Dark to the side. “Let’s not pretend. Besides, the bubbles you made were weak, they fell apart the instant someone poked at them. So give me the anomaly and I’ll make everything so much nicer.”
“I don’t have it,” Dark told him.
Marc glared at him furiously before he slapped Dark across the face, his claws out and so he left deep gashes in his face.
Dark became equally furious but when he moved to retaliate, Marc elbowed him sharply in the gut and his body dropped.
The Entity coughed up black, inky blood, the body he was inhabiting was screaming in pain. His souls screamed in rage. He wasn’t running out of aura but the body he was in was starting to reach its limit.
“Dames, we play the scene after we set the stage, so give me—” Marc snapped before he was pegged in the back by one of Chase’s TASER rounds. Ripping a scream from his lungs.
Jackie quickly raced in and snagged Dark, snatching him away and back to the group. Illinois almost immediately pulled Dark out of Jackie’s arms.
“Pass him ta[8] me,” Chase ordered.
“You need your hands to fight, I don’t,” Illinois spat at him, aura and magic coiling around him, ready to strike out like a whip.
As Logan entered the room after them, the logical Side looked around and saw one of the nearby pillars and froze in horror. He raced towards it. “Morality!”
The pillar was just a giant stasis tube where Patton was floating inside, unconscious and energy coursing around it. Logan looked around with SAM to see that the other three pillars contained the two other missing Sides, and Tubbo.
Logan felt rage come over him and Ranboo’s eyes tracked around the room as he portaled over to the other side and was at Tubbo’s pillar, the young boy’s radioactive iris symbol glowing faintly as his eyes were half closed in his torpor state.
“No! No!” Ranboo scratched at the pillar and started opening up a portal to pull Tubbo out.
“Get away from there!” The Actor threw a spear of black smoky aura at Ranboo and knocked him to the side, his aura pinning him down. “I’m not done with the brat yet.”
“Let go ‘a[9] him,” Tommy spat, Logan had to use nanites to pull Tommy out of the way.
“I am using them,” Marc scoffed. “They weren’t doing much good in their own stories so I pulled them into mine. Just give me the real anomaly, Dames, quit playing around. We can quit wasting our time with these garbage stories and do something better. Something airtight that isn’t subject to such impermanent and sudden change.”
“Stay away from him, yeh fookin shitestain!”[10] Chase shouted. “An’ yer gonna give e’eryone else back too.”[11]
Marc just stared at Chase in confusion before he held a finger up and pulled a couple papers out of nowhere, skimming through them for a very specific character description. “Who the fuck are you again?”
“Wait!” Actor paused before laughing. “Wait! Shit! When did that change? That’s right Ink said that kid had changed my script again for the thousandth time.” The last two words had been spat out bitterly despite his suddenly humored mood.
Then Actor smiled at Chase, the marksman keeping himself in-between Marc and Dark. “Well, well, like sister, like brother. Ruining one man’s life isn’t enough for you, so you grab for another? Thought Wil was supposed to be the whore of the relationship.”
“Shut the fook[12] up!” Chase took out one of his guns and just shot at him in a fury, he didn’t miss the way Dark flinched at Marc’s words, and felt even more fury boil inside his soul. The demon turned into smoke and the round went right through him, jumping down from the stage.
“You just into trigger happy gunmen or something?” Actor smiled. “Because you’re now two for two, at least, if you don’t include that French sword thrower I know you were fucking in university.”
“What part ‘a[9] “shut the fook[12] up” didn’t yeh[13] hear?” Chase demanded angrily.
“Oh, I know the perfect place to put you in my story, it’ll be perfect,” Marc said, his tone laced with threat and promise all in the same breath. “Illinois, bring him over.”
“No!” Illinois took a step back, he could tell that Dark was starting to nod off, his body dropping off into exhaustion and the last thing Illinois wanted was for this lunatic to put his hands on him again.
The denial seemed to actually make Marc angry, “Illinois. Junior. Get over here and give him to me.”
“I’m not your fucking kid, I’ll take your head off before I let you touch him,” Illinois couldn’t see Logan or the minors, but he didn’t know if Marc had done something to them or if they’d slipped off to carry out some kind of plan.
“Let’s not waste our time,” Marc stepped forward, he snapped his fingers and the room flickered back to the wedding gazebo. “Give him to me, we can go back to the wedding, make it look amazing, and then we can start this story off right. Come on, I don’t want to hurt you if I don’t have to.”
“Illinois is right to be suspicious of the Actor’s claims,” the Host announced from the stage. He had appeared there and spotlights snapped to look at him as the room darkened just a little bit. Dark roused a bit at the blind seer’s voice and he began weakly struggling a bit in Illinois’s arm.
“No, no, get away from him,” Dark whimpered, trying to open up a portal to drop the Host into but the Host was able to dispel it. “Not again.”
“You again,” Marc sneered. “Thought we agreed that you were going to be heard and not seen?”
“The Host agreed to no such terms, the Actor is insane and imagined words the Host never said,” the blind seer snapped. “The Host is a part of this story, just as much as the Actor or the Entity is.”
“An oversight, and a waste,” the Actor told him firmly.
“If the Actor minds,” the Host snapped. “He should stop digging his own grave and listen to the Host, before his time runs out.”
“Your monologue needs work, kid,” the Actor chuckled, but motioned for the Host to carry on.
“The Host would like the Actor to know that he will never successfully get any of the Entity’s children on his side,” the Host warned. “Even if he was a half-decent uncle, his track record speaks for itself. There is no one in the Actor’s family that he hasn’t harmed? A wife pushed away and sacrificed? A brother-in-law strangled to death? A brother the Actor helped drive insane? And a son, cast aside because the Actor was careless.” At the last one the Host smiled and gestured to himself.
Marc’s eyes narrowed, he looked confused. “What?”
The Host’s smile became a little more smug, and Illinois realized something that he only could have realized after meeting the Actor. Host and Actor had the exact same sharp, toothy grin. “Illinois is not the Actor’s child, he has no claim to Illinois, and even if they were related, it is abundantly clear that the adventurer wants nothing to do with him.”
Host’s aura coiled around him. “Jackie saved the Author from the Actor when he was thrown forward, the homes he had been in would have paled in comparison to the Actor’s sloppy and neglectful parenting. Had the Actor been subtle, had he known who his biological child was and tried to manipulate him, he might have been successful. Instead, he was careless and his son died.”
“Oh fuck,” Actor sighed overdramtically. “That makes sense.”
“The first mistake the Actor made, while the Host has existed, was targeting the Entity,” the Host warned.
There was a sudden explosion from one of the pillars and everyone turned to look at it. The Host finally was successful in distracting the Actor from what everyone else had been doing.
“No,” Marc realized before glaring at the Host. “What did you do?”
The Host smiled, “Well, the Actor insisted all the Host was good at doing was talking, and he was not wrong.”
Logan, who had been invisible suddenly surged out of the wiring of the system. Skeppy, Ponk, and Marvin had been invisible and working in the background to help Logan and the two minors work the four heroes free. The first one they were able to free was Roman who was immediately grabbed by Logan and passed off to Janus who was racing to bring Roman over to Thomas.
The illusion of the theater house began breaking down, looking half like the destroyed wedding scene, and the theater house. Marc looked over at Logan in a wild fury before he burst into smoke and as Ranboo was trying to get Tubbo out. The teen was kicked to the side.
“Hey!” Ranboo shouted in distress as the Actor embedded his aura into Tubbo’s pillar as Patton and Virgil were both dropped out of their stasis tanks.
“I don’t think so, I have worked too hard for all of this to go down the drain,” Marc spat at him. “If you all get the other ones, I get this one.”
“Give him back!” Tommy shouted.
“Drop the kid before you get dropped.”
Ranboo turned at the sound of that voice and saw someone he didn’t expect. It was Eret who was standing with Puffy and Foolish. He’d rushed to the scene when Quackity and Foolish had reported that Tubbo had gone missing.
“Who the hell are you?” Marc asked
Eret flipped her hair, they adjusted their sunglasses and gestured to herself, “Eret’s the name. An’[4] my dear, you are going to release Tubbo or my boot will be the last thing you see.”
“I don’t think so,” Marc said, noticing the guy in a white hoodie with a sniper rifle trained on him. He started summoning up aura to rip a portal open. “This kid’s got more aura than half of you combined. He’s no anomaly, but he’s powerful enough to do what I want.”
“Wrong answer,” Eret summoned a sword, Sam creeping closer with a trident in his hands. “You see Tubbo might be staying with the heroes, but we all are rather attached to him.”
“Well too bad,” Marc said smugly, “you two-bit villains couldn’t beat me if you tried.”
Punz released an arrow, Virgil had made his way over to him and laced the arrow with his magic. It phased through Marc and hit the stasis pillar.
“Hah!” Marc gloated. “You can’t hit shit! You villains are nothing compared to me!”
A bubbling started forming as Virgil’s magic infected the magic of the stasis pillar, Tubbo starting to have a nightmare as the liquid inside looked like it was bubbling.
“You haven’t heard, asshole?” Virgil grinned weakly. “Everyone loves the villain.”
The pillar cracked and Ranboo raced in, immediately teleporting Tubbo away behind the rest of the Server members, scoping him ever so gently into his arms. He made little hissing and vwooping noises of distress. “Tubbs‽”
“Hghnnn,” Tubbo groaned, mumbling. “Put me down, you fuckin’[1] giraffe.”
Ranboo let out a relieved laugh as he gently touched his forehead to the side of Tubbo’s head. “Let’s go home, Bo.”
“Tub-man,” Quackity raced over. “You hurt?”
“Oh my goodness, Ranboo, gimme[14],” Puffy demanded, racing over and setting her forehead against Tubbo’s. “Gimme.”[14]
Tubbo made little groans of complaint as people fused over him.
Foolish and Sam pulled out their tridents and forced a defensive wall in front of the pair. They let Tommy through with barely a nod in his direction.
“You okay?” Eret asked.
Tubbo nodded.
Eret turned to Ranboo, “Make sure he actually gets some rest, the poor thing takes after Sam too much.”
“I will,” Ranboo stood up as his eyes turned purple and he opened up one of his portals and left for the attic room in the Bee ‘n Boo. He immediately set him down on the bed to let him rest.
As Actor was preoccupied with Tubbo getting away, Host opened up a portal to bring Illinois, Chase, and Dark to stand behind him.
“Illinois should move the Entity closer to the Host, the Entity can feed off of his aura long enough to revive himself,” the Host ordered, taking a step back.
Illinois nodded, “He’s not going to fracture again, right?”
“No, the Entity’s soul is tired, but not drained,” the Host told him, his aura sinking into the Entity. Dark was trying to open up a portal to take Illinois and Host away.
“아빠[15] come on, we’re trying to help,” Illinois had to move in to disrupt the portal several times. Dark was slowly getting stronger and Illinois doubted if he couldn’t convince Dark to calm down, that he’d hurt himself.
Marc took one angry step towards Illinois and Dark, opening his mouth to say something, but Silver flew forward and punched Marc in the face. “I think you’ve been talking long enough.”
Jackie sped in to force the Actor back against the wall as Dark ripped a portal open and he alone slipped inside of it. The Entity emerged from Jackie’s shadow as he surged up and pulled something out of the Void with him. The Entity moving quickly and without mercy or hesitation.
Dark smiled at Marc as a soul splitter embedded in Marc’s chest. “That’s for what you did to Average.”
Then Dark forced more aura into him and Marc’s soul violently discorporated. The demon had drawn in too much aura for Dark to snap his soul in half quite so easily.
But he was gone and Dark just stood there, the body he was in burning and a sense of triumph slowly bubbling up inside of him.
Accessibility Translations:
1. Fucking
2. must have
3. doing
4. and
5. going to
6. asses
7. taking
8. to
9. of
10. Stay away from him, you fucking shitstain!
11. And you’re going to give everyone else back too.
12. fuck
13. you
14. give me
15. Dad. Informal, read phonetically as: Appa.
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af1899 · 3 years
FEH - af1899 summons for Legendary Micaiah
Yo, what's good?
Recently, I have expressed my excitement for Legendary Micaiah and indeed, a summoning marathon was due to get her, as someone that highly appreciates her.
I summoned on the day the banner started and had been working on processing the recording, here's the finished video:
Can't say I'm great at making thumnails and I can't do my own art just yet, but it's something I'm looking forward to practice once I can get my own drawing pad.
And now, here's the text version commenting on my summonings if you do not wish to watch the video (screenshots included).
It all started with a 3★ Gordin, a guy I'm certain I'll never build, but signs of good luck had shown rather quickly as a Leanne from the recently pseudo-demoted pool has graced my barracks, she's now +2 +res and her build is this one:
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I'd talk a little about her but I think I should leave that for another post, I should keep in mind to focus on matters at hand.
Next up, my rate has gone up to 9% before getting both Legendary Micaiah and Ashera in the same circle!
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I'm really happy with the results, they all costed 62 [Orbs] which is great for the value, so I don't think I'd be able to ask for a better outcome.
In any case, I'm back to saving, hopefully I can get Sigurd+Deirdre, but I'm well aware that dipping on more red seasonal hell doesn't guarantee that I'll also get them just like how I got Hoshidan Summer Micaiah and Pirate Brigid, still, I'll at least try a little for them.
And a resume of pulls together with the destinies dictated for each of those individuals:
Leanne (at 0:43, -att/+res): merged as shown above, former +1 was +att.
Legendary Micaiah (at 1:49, -spd/+hp): IVs are actually good and of course project but hopefully that fancy new C-skill is added on a unit I like less so Idoun can collect it from them.
Ashera (at 2:20, -hp/+res): IVs seem a little better than Micaiah's but I'll also keep her, I don't feel particularly attached to Ashera but I do think she's OK, and her map theme in Radiant Dawn is breathtaking.
The last two's builds won't be shared yet because I need to finish teaching them their skills, but I will share them later.
Now, to work on Legendary Micaiah's review, but there's Brave version's refine hype to be shared too, along with a few thoughts. 👀
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