Charmed Children
Warnings: I do not own or claim to own any rights to the television show “Charmed” or the characters created within said show, this is purely fanfiction written from a devoted fan of the series. 15+ Mild to strong language, moderate to strong violence, witchcraft, sexual innuendos, and scenes of a sexual nature. F/F, F/M, M/M, Gen, Other +
Chapter 3 - Legacy
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PJ Thorne and her newly found, long lost, half sister Peyton Price were in the main foyer of the Halliwell Manor, each of them sorting through a separate pile of unopened mail address to the likes of Phoebe Halliwell, Piper Halliwell, Leo Wyatt, Wyatt Halliwell, Chris Halliwell, Melinda Halliwell, Paige Mitchell, etc.…both of them snooping in a bid to learn more about their birth mother when suddenly the grand Victorian chandelier placed right above them both, which hang from the ceiling, began to shake viciously before omitting a strange blue light that almost blinded the two women but as soon as they had noticed it, it was gone just like that. “I am going to put that one down to some old school dodgy electrics which makes complete sense given the age of this house.” Peyton guessed, trying not to let on that she was slightly spooked. “I have never seen any kind of messed up wiring cause a chandelier to omit that kind of strange light…then again it is not like I see fancy chandelier’s every day in my line of work.” PJ replied to her sister, as the two began looking towards the stairs, wondering why Percy had been upstairs for so long. “I should check on Mr Ford in case he’s found himself electrocuted or something…” “I’ll check on Percy with you,” Peyton said happily, as the two sisters made their way for the stairs. “Nothing like a creepy old house to make strangers who happen to be siblings get to the bonding.” “Look you seem nice enough and everything, but I am not looking for a sister.” PJ told Peyton, making it clear where she stood with her, as the two of them began walking up the stairs of the Halliwell Manor. “I’m down to get answers about the woman who gave us up, but I am not looking for long lost family…” “Oh, okay!” Peyton responded, attempting to hide her disappointment. “Well lucky for you I already have a family whom I love so yep, just wanting answers too and pending on how haunted this place is I may potentially want to live here…” “This place is too big for one person I say we sell it and share the money three ways, that way you can get yourself a nice little flat, Percy can have walking around money and I can put some money aside for a rainy day.” PJ advised Peyton, as they continued walking upstairs until they walked into the upstairs hallway. “I mean some money is the least we can get out of all this!” “Well actually, I am not big on the idea of selling our family home especially since it has been in our family for generations.” Peyton disagreed with Peyton, as Percy walked down the attic stairs to meet them in the hallway. “I think we should keep it in the family.” “You are talking about strangers who threw us out of this very house who gives a damn about their traditions!” PJ argued with her half-sister, making her fury towards her birth mother abundantly clear. “Oh, calm down detective dastardly if you need the cash so badly, I’ll buy your share of this place.” Percy interrupted, attempting to stop a potential argument, before turning to Peyton. “Then I will give you both of our shares and you can live your perfect family home lifestyle…that is if you still want to live here considering it could be haunted by the ghosts of real life witches!” “Witches? Really? Did you get electrocuted by any chance?” PJ responded to Percy. “We should get you checked out at the hospital maybe a psychiatric one…” “Trust me I am no believer in hocus pocus although I did love the movie,” Percy began to explain to both PJ and Peyton. “However, it seems like our birth mother sure believed in witchcraft considering the grimoire in the attic full of spells and potions.” “Wait, so our mother was a witch?” Peyton asked her half-brother, with a sense of excitement in her voice. “That is so cool!” “Well I guess that explains you and your whole attitude,” PJ told Peyton. “Clearly our mother was somewhat unhinged…in which case she did the right thing by giving us up.” “Or maybe our mum was a witch.” Peyton continued to argue with PJ. “You cannot tell me you do not want to see this spell book?” “It is a pretty cool book to be fair…way more convincing than the kind you buy online that is for sure!” Percy chimed in, tempting to entice PJ’s curiosity at the same time. “And the spells are so well written like poetry for wiccans.” “Are you listening to yourself? You are one of this city’s most eligible bachelors and you are up in a stranger’s attic reading spells!” PJ snapped at Percy, before taking a deep sigh, trying to calm herself. “This day just keeps getting crazier!” “When you read said spell…did you read it with your head’s voice or did you read it out aloud because everyone knows when you read a spell out loud you’re casting said spell whereas when you read it in your mind it is just reading.” Peyton wondered, revealing some knowledge of witchcraft. “No, I do not think everybody knows that Peyton!” PJ told her sister. “I bet you read up all about UFO’s, ghost sightings and truly believe there are actual witches out there.” “Stevie Nicks is a witch!” Percy argued with the cynical detective. “She said so on American Horror Story…” “I love American Horror Story, what is your favorite season?” Peyton asked her brother. “Okay I am getting out of this madhouse right now!” PJ declared, as she began walking back towards the stairs. “Sell it, do not sell it, burn it to the ground for all I care!” Despite PJ’s urge to not admit it, these three newly found siblings’ lives had changed forever that day because not only were they no longer strangers but as they were yet to discover they were fully active witches now, with powers just waiting to be discovered.
A few hours had passed since PJ’s abrupt exit from the Halliwell Manor and yet for some reason neither Peyton or Percy could bring themselves to leave their biological family’s home, as Peyton had migrated upstairs to the attic, eager to examine the book of shadows and all its contents, Percy decided to give the home a second look over, as he stripped the kitchen cupboards to find all kinds of ingredients which he believed was used to make potions, although most of it was just store bought food he did not recognize. Percy’s strip search of the family kitchen was cut short when he heard the doorbell ringing and decided to walk out of the kitchen, through the dining room and towards the front door eager to find out who would be knocking, as he wondered if they could be a friend or neighbor of the mother who gave him up for adoption. “Holy moly this neighborhood just got a whole lot better.” Percy mumbled in shock after opening the front door to find Luke Star stood on the front porch, a tall dark haired man with a Californian tan and a smart buzzcut wearing a suit that looked almost as expensive as Percy’s. “I live next door and I could not help but notice people coming in and out, so I thought I’d introduce myself to the new neighbors…you are my new neighbor, right?” Luke stated to Percy, as the socialite found himself lost in Luke’s mesmerizing smile. “Well me and my…sisters just inherited the place and we’re not quite sure what we are going to do with it yet…” Percy attempted to explain the situation, before holding his hand out. “Hi, I am Percy Ford.” “Of the Ford dynasty?” Luke asked as he shook Percy’s hand. “Your family is very well known in this city…I am Luke Star, I’m a senior partner at Murphy and Star Law.” “A lawyer,” Percy responded as he broke off their handshake. “I am actually looking for some new representation, mostly because my parents’ lawyers are as old as dirt and I am looking to expand the family empire in new directions.” “Well I’d truly be honored to represent you anytime!” Luke confessed, as he pulled out his business card and handed it to Percy. “I’d also be truly honored to have you as a neighbor.” “I guess I’ll have to give this place a seriously contemplation then.” Percy flirted with Luke, before hearing a loud screaming noise coming from within the house, a scream that sounded like Peyton’s. “I should probably go check on my…sister!” “I am more than willing to come with you, it sounded pretty serious.” Luke suggested. “It is probably just a spider or something knowing her,” Percy lied, trying to get rid of the lawyer in case Peyton had found something even more peculiar about their biological family. “I’ll give you a call some time…” “If your sure,” Luke replied. “Feel free to call me anytime.”
Peyton was stood behind the bookstand within the attic of the Halliwell Manor, flicking through the pages of the book of shadows taking it the entirety of what the book had inside its pages: name of ancestors who were also witches, family trees, names of demons with information about them and how to defeat them, spells, potions, information on other magical beings like elves, fairies, nymphs and most importantly the charmed ones. As Peyton continued reading from the pages of the book of shadows she quickly learned that her birth mother Phoebe Halliwell was one of the charmed ones, an all powerful power of three which somehow consisted of four not three sisters and as she continued to read about the charmed legacy she quickly learned just how important they were, believing every word to be true and relieved to finally understand the world in which her birth mother lived, knowing that she was not given up over not being wanted. “That thing has not been touched by a Halliwell’s hands in far too long!” Gareth revealed, after orbing into the attic, leaving Peyton horrified, as she let out a scream of shock. “Do not worry I mean you no harm Peyton…” “Yeah I bet you say that to all your victim’s demon.” Peyton replied as she quickly picked up a nearby antique vase from a cabinet not far from her and threw it in Gareth’s direction, only for him to orb out of dodge, to then reappear in front of Gareth, to which a further shocked Peyton responded to him by punching him across the face, causing Gareth to fall to the floor in pain. “Not today, Satan, not today!” “What the bloody hell are you doing assaulting my butler?” Percy asked, as he walked into the attic, stunned by what he saw. “You have a butler, just how rich are you…wait never mind your butler is a demon!” Peyton replied to Percy, only to be met by a laugh from her half-brother. “I think someone has been reading too much from the family grimoire and not remember the reality in which we live in.” Percy dismissed his sister, as he walked over to Gareth and helped him back to his feet. “The only thing magical about my butler is the fact he manages to put up with me all the time.” “Yeah well your butler who is also my neighbor just appeared here from out of nowhere like some teleportative magic was used.” Peyton explained herself. “Do not be ridiculous.” Percy laughed once again. “How can he be your neighbor when he lives in the Ford Manor?” “Peyton’s not being ridiculous Mr. Ford,” Gareth confessed to Percy, before turning to Peyton. “But I am not a demon…I am a white lighter…specifically yours, your brother’s, and your sister’s.” “Okay now I am completely and utterly confused.” Percy admitted to them both. “A white lighter is a guardian to witches, their bodyguard so to speak as well as being their mediator to the elders.” Peyton revealed to Percy. “I kind of got carried away with the reading a little bit.” “I was all for the possibility of witches, heck even ghosts but this is just too much!” Percy confessed, struggling to take it all in. “I mean I just came here to look at an old house and now I am just supposed to take this all in…” “I know that it is a lot to get your head around but the sooner the do the safer you will be.” Gareth tried to explain to the wealthy socialite. “Everything in the book of shadows is real especially the demons and now that you’ve unbound yours and your sisters’ powers, they are going to start coming for you all.”
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Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic) Master-List
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
Pairings: Paul Halliwell/Raven Turner, Pan Halliwell/Lacey Morgan, Drake Black/Cole Turner, Drake Black/Jason Quinn, Drake Black/Dermot McQueen, Phoebe Halliwell/Cole Turner,
In the third season of my fan-fiction series Charmed Again Paul Halliwell finds himself a potential new love interest, Pan Halliwell prepares to marry her white lighter Lacey Morgan and Drake Black adjusts to newfound fatherhood with the help of his new best friend Cole Turner as the third season promises to deliver shocks like never before!
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Episodes and Links:
Episode 1 - Charmed by Cole (6,278 words)
Episode 2 - Better The Devil You Know (5,845 words)
Episode 3 - Witches of Egypt (5,874 words)
Episode 4 - The People Versus Raven Turner (5,740 words)
Episode 5 - The Charmed Bride: A Charmed Valentines Special (6,181 words)
Episode 6 - The Death of The Charmed Ones: International Fanworks Day Special (4,285 words)
Episode 7 - Spellbound Behind Bars (5,560 words)
Episode 8 - Charmed Condolences (7,143 words)
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Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic) Season 1 Master List
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
Pairings: Paul Halliwell/The Source, Pan Halliwell/The Source, Pan Halliwell/Lacey Morgan, Drake Black/Jason Quinn, Drake Black/Jake Morgan, Drake Black/Cindy, Drake Black/Ash Anderson,
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“Charmed” fan fiction based spin-off series that follows the lives of original charmed one Piper Halliwell and her husband former white lighter Leo Wyatt’s grandchildren Paul and Pan Halliwell as Paul is reunited with the son he gave up for adoption Drake Black in order for the three of them to become the second generation of The Charmed Ones.
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Episodes and Links:
Episode 1 - Charmed Reborn: Part 1 (4,315 words)
Episode 2 - Charmed Reborn: Part 2 (3,670 words)
Episode 3 - Dancing with Demons: Part 1 (5,586 words)
Episode 4 - Dancing with Demons: Part 2 (3,711 words)
Episode 5 - Fear Forever: Part 1 (4,381 words)
Episode 6 - Fear Forever: Part 2 (3,247 words)
Episode 7 - Mother Knows Best (6,047 words)
Episode 8 - Stripped: Part 1 (4,027 words)
Episode 9 - Stripped: Part 2 (3,328 words)
Episode 10 - Into The Darkness (5,204 words)
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Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic) Complete Master-list
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
Pairings: Paul Halliwell/The Source of all Evil, Paul Halliwell/Raven Turner, Pan Halliwell/The Source of all Evil, Pan Halliwell/Lacey Morgan, Drake Black/Jason Quinn, Drake Black/Ash Anderson, Drake Black/Cindy, Drake Black/Dermot McQueen, Drake Black/Cole Turner, Phoebe Halliwell/Cole Turner, Piper Halliwell/Leo Wyatt.
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"Charmed" fan-fiction series following Piper Halliwell's grandchildren Paul and Pan Halliwell as they become the second generation of charmed ones following Paul finding his long-lost son and third charmed one Drake Black.
Seasons, Episodes and Links Below.
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Season One:
Episode 1 - Charmed Reborn: Part One (4,315 words)
Episode 2 - Charmed Reborn: Part Two (3,670 words)
Episode 3 - Dancing with Demons: Part One (5,586 words)
Episode 4 - Dancing with Demons: Part Two (3,711 words)
Episode 5 - Fear Forever: Part One (4,381 words)
Episode 6 - Fear Forever: Part Two (3,247 words)
Episode 7 - Mother Knows Best (6,047 words)
Episode 8 - Stripped: Part One (4,027 words)
Episode 9 - Stripped: Part Two (3,328 words)
Episode 10 - Into The Darkness (5,204 words)
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Episode 1 - Back to Black: Part One (4,059 words)
Episode 2 - Back to Black: Part Two (2,019 words)
Episode 3 - Sweet Dreams Aren’t Made of These (5,639 words)
Episode 4 - Demonic Family Values (5,173 words)
Episode 5 - A Charmed Songbook (2,201 words)
Episode 6 - Coronation: Part One (4,087 words)
Episode 7 - Coronation: Part Two (3,446 words)
Episode 8 - Restless Spirits (5,251 words)
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Episode 1 - Charmed by Cole (6,278 words)
Episode 2 - Better The Devil You Know (5,845 words)
Episode 3 - Witches of Egypt (5,874 words)
Episode 4 - The People Versus Raven Turner (5,740 words)
Episode 5 - The Charmed Bride: A Charmed Valentine’s Day Special (6,181 words)
Episode 6 - The Death of The Charmed Ones: International Fanworks Day Special (4,285 words)
Episode 7 - Spellbound Behind Bars (5,560 words)
Episode 8 - Charmed Condolences (7,143 words)
7 notes · View notes
Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic) Complete Seasons 1 and 2
“Charmed” fan fiction based spin-off series that follows the lives of original charmed one Piper Halliwell and her husband former white lighter Leo Wyatt’s grandchildren Paul and Pan Halliwell as Paul is reunited with the son he gave up for adoption Drake Black in order for the three of them to become the second generation of The Charmed Ones.
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Season 1 (Episodes and Links):
Episode 1 - Charmed Reborn: Part 1 (4,315 words)
Episode 2 - Charmed Reborn: Part 2 (3,670 words)
Episode 3 - Dancing with Demons: Part 1 (5,586 words)
Episode 4 - Dancing with Demons: Part 2 (3,711 words)
Episode 5 - Fear Forever: Part 1 (4,381 words)
Episode 6 - Fear Forever: Part 2 (3,247 words)
Episode 7 - Mother Knows Best (6,047 words)
Episode 8 - Stripped: Part 1 (4,027 words)
Episode 9 - Stripped: Part 2 (3,328 words)
Episode 10 - Into The Darkness (5,204 words)
Season 2 (Episodes and Links):
Episode 1 - Back to Black: Part 1 (4,509 words)
Episode 2 - Back to Black: Part 2 (2,019 words)
Episode 3 - Sweet Dreams Aren’t Made Of These (5,639 words)
Episode 4 - Demonic Family Values (5,173 words)
Episode 5 - A Charmed Songbook (2,201 words)
Episode 6 - Coronation: Part 1 (4,087 words)
Episode 7 - Coronation: Part 2 (3,446 words)
Episode 8 - Restless Spirits (5,251 words)
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Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 8 - Charmed Condolences (Finale)
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Many Years Ago
Pan knocked on Paul’s bedroom door before walking in to find him standing next to Drake’s cot while a baby Drake was fast asleep as the two shared a smile before sitting down on the edge of his bed.
“I know mum’s right I know it but it’s going to be so hard saying goodbye.” Paul admitted to his sister. “I know I’m going to have to be selfless and give him the best life I can possible give, but I just don’t want to not see him every day.”
“Listen our mother is purely talking out of fear and I know things are complicated with Eve and everything but I reckon we could all give it a go raising him and with us all there for him he’ll turn out perfect.” Pan suggested.
“She’s not wrong though I mean our Uncle Chris died way too young and we don’t even speak about Uncle Wyatt’s descent into madness that’s not to mention our cousins our entire family let’s face it this whole family is cursed.” Paul revealed. “I don’t want that life for him I want him to be happy, free and to live a long life that let’s face it neither of us are ever really going to have.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Pan said as she hugged into her brother. “I just wish our life didn’t have to be sacrifice after sacrifice.”
“Me too but at least I’ll be happy knowing my son’s life won’t be like ours.” Paul replied.
Present Day
A recently homeward bound Drake walked into the attic of the Halliwell Manor with a look of hurt and heartbreak on his face, this being the first time the Halliwell hybrid had been back home since the deaths of his father Paul Halliwell and his aunt Pan Morgan-Halliwell.
It had only been about a month but for him it felt like a lifetime as he walked over to the book of shadows until he was stood behind the closed book. He paused for a moment reluctant to open it believing it would restart his duties as a charmed one but as often was the case within this house he wasn’t given much choice before the book flipped open by itself continuing to flip by itself through pages after pages until stopping at the to call a lost witch spell.
“Power of the witches rise course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near come to us and settle here.” Drake began to chant. “Blood to blood I summon thee blood to blood return to me.”
Drake looked around hoping for a moment he’d be reunited with his father or aunt hoping for a moment this spell would change their fate only for nothing to happen breaking his heart once again.
Somewhere in New York City Penny Craft found herself running down a street alleyway chasing after her bounty a tall bald man who had skipped his court date and just as she was closing in on the perp she suddenly found herself hit in the face by a newspaper that appeared out of nowhere causing her to misstep and fall into a nearby stack of bin bags.
By the time she pulled the newspaper of her and climbed out of the trash her perp was already gone much to her frustration only to find the same newspaper rustling at her feet so she decided the pick up this pestering newspaper and read what it had to say.
“Hey…” She mumbled to herself. “Isn’t that my baby blanket?”
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Elsewhere in New York, Rose Craft found herself waking up in a large king size bed wearing just her underwear with a man asleep to her right and a woman asleep to her left as she quietly climbed out of the bed not to wake the couple and began gathering her clothes before making her escape into the hallway once fully clothed before quietly making her way to the apartment door, opening the door to find a newspaper on the doorstep which she quickly picked up and began to read after closing the door and walking into the apartment building’s hallway.
Rose didn’t get very far reading the paper before she noticed the picture of a baby blanket under an article about a missing child which is when she also realized the newspaper itself was dated
“What the hell is going on here?” She asked herself as she pulled her phone out her jacket after stopping outside the apartment building’s elevator before dialing a number and waiting for the person to answer. “We need to talk like straight away.”
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The next morning a fully dressed in black Drake found himself stood in the doorway of his father’s bedroom tears falling down his eyes as he investigated a room that no longer held anything but ghosts and memories.
“I miss him too, but I can’t begin to fathom what you must be feeling right now Drake.” Raven said to him after shimmering into the room and taking a seat on Paul’s bed. “We should’ve taken the premonition more seriously, but they had so many like that they were convinced they could handle it all.”
“I know I guess we all got kind of a little too confident with all this.” Drake admitted as he dried his eyes and walked over to Raven before sitting down next to her. “The power of three made us believe we would survive anything together, but I guess even being charmed doesn’t guarantee you’re safe.”
“I wish I had done something reacted faster we just never imagined it’d be a human let alone one who came with loaded anti-magic bullets I mean I knew there was anti-magic objects in the world but nothing like this.” Raven cried as Drake grabbed a hold of her hand. “I wanted to save them both so badly Drake but once Lacey’s healing didn’t work on them it was only a matter of time.”
“There was nothing that you could do if only I was there…” Drake began to say.
“No if you were there you probably would’ve just wound up dead too the only saving grace in all of this is you live on that’s all your father wanted for you to be safe.” Raven butted in, determined to make sure Drake never blamed himself. “None of this is anyone’s fault except for the bitch who shot them.”
“You’re right.” Drake replied as he pulled a crying Raven in for a hug. “Well the bitch who shot them and the one who hired her to do so.”
“Yes, but sadly Lacey got a bit too trigger happy to ask those kinds of questions.” Raven revealed to Drake as they broke off their hug. “Cole’s currently chasing a lead with a seer down in the Underworld hopefully we’ll get some answers even if there’s nothing we can really do with those answers unless demons are hiring humans to do their dirty work now.”
“Yeah well I guess with the whole charmed being reborn yet again maybe one of them will get a premonition that’ll get whoever did this with some magical solution on how to deal with them in the process.” Drake told his late father’s grieving girlfriend.
“Wait, are you seriously going to go ahead with restoring the power of three?” Raven asked in shock as she stood up. “You already restored the power of three and got no thanks for it you don’t owe them anything.”
“I know that’s not true but they need three to complete the set and I know the amount of good we can do and I can’t be the reason that good doesn’t happen because then whoever killed my dad and Pan will really win.” Drake answered as he stood up to face Raven.
“I still can’t believe my lovely receptionist Patty Craft was Paul and Pan’s long-lost sister Patience all this time I mean she was so close to us all before she died…I can’t believe her two daughters are going to be charmed ones.” Raven admitted. “That sort of makes your dad and his siblings the real second generation’s answer to the charmed ones and you are your cousins the third.”
“Yeah I suppose it does I never really thought of it like that…too busy trying to get my ass out of jail before getting busy with all this funeral stuff.” Drake explained to her. “Then there’s the club, my father’s shares in Halliwell and Turner not to mention Pan and his belongings and the whole Lacey going on a killing spree thing.”
“You have already dealt with more than anyone should ever have to deal with it’s okay to be done with it all Drake.” Raven told him as she grabbed a hold of his hand once more. “In fact, getting as far away from Charmed, living your own life and taking Lilah as far away from all this would make your father and probably your aunt happy to see.”
“Try telling that to the rest of the world that needs the charmed ones trust me I want nothing more than to hang up the broomstick and spell book and leave this never-ending misery spiral, but I can’t be selfish.” Drake said before taking a sad sigh.
“Leave it with me!” Raven responded with a cunning smile. “I’ll be back before the funeral I’m going to find a way for you to be as selfish as you want to be.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Drake asked to no answer as Raven shimmered away.
“I was in two minds whether to drop the kid off today or tomorrow, but I figured after your little prison stint you’d be needing our daughter right about now.” Cindy said to Drake as he walked into his bedroom to find Cindy sitting on the side of his bed while his daughter Lilah sat on her lap clearly excited to see her father. “Don’t worry I’ll sit tight with her in the Manor while you attend the funeral.”
“Oh my god daddy has missed you so much.” Drake told his baby girl as he walked towards Lilah and picked her up into his arms, his face lighting up to see his child after such a long time. “Daddy is never letting you go ever again.”
“You do realize mama is right here too you know.” Cindy reminded the Halliwell hybrid as she stood up to face him and their daughter. “I should at least get a hello or something.”
“Hey....I’m sorry I was just so excited to see my girl.” Drake replied before kissing his daughter on the forehead. “Thanks, I really needed some daddy time today it’s good to see you too.”
“I know I’m not one for the whole emotion thing but I’m deeply sorry about Paul and Pan I know how much family means to you if it helps I could totally kill whoever hired the hit I know you’re pure and killing isn’t your thing but I’ve always kind of been on the grey-scale.” Cindy offered him.
“Thanks Cindy but getting people to kill for me still means I got blood on my hands.” Drake laughed.
“Okay I totally won’t kill for you.” Cindy said sarcastically before winking at Drake.
“I mean it don’t kill anybody you’re doing good with the whole redemption thing the last thing Lilah needs is for any of us to go out killing people.” Drake warned her as he continued to hug into his daughter.
“Ugh…fine.” Cindy sighed. “I won’t get any blood on my or your hands.”
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“Finally, I was beginning to think elders were still putting all of us demons on mute.” Raven said after Quinn orbed onto the top of the golden gate bridge to meet her.
“I am deeply sorry for your loss Miss Turner especially in your condition.” Quinn apologised to her. “It’s killing Paul that he’s not going to be there for you and your child but take some solace in knowing he is watching over you.”
“Thank you I had a theory he wouldn’t be able to miss all of this…listen I need your help with Drake and it’s going to involve breaking a few rules.” Raven replied to him. “And before you say no I want to remind you that Paul and Pan treated you like family that Drake loved you that…”
“What is it that you want me to do?” Quinn asked, interrupting the pregnant demon.
“Well at first I was going to ask for you to go back in time and stop them both from dying but then I realized destiny wouldn’t allow it because they believe it’s time for another set of charmed ones then I was going to ask you bring them back but death wouldn’t allow that either so I guess all I can do is ask that you help me protect Paul’s children and granddaughter like he would want us both to do.” Raven informed the elder.
“You’re right about Paul and Pan they were my family and they deserved better than this I want so much to reverse it all and see them alive and happy. For Pan to live a long life with her wife Lacey for the two of them to get the children they wanted and for Pan not to have to watch over without being able to stop her wife killing innocent after innocent.” Quinn admitted to her. “I want for Paul to be alive and be there for Drake and his granddaughter and to be there for you and get to raise his and your child together something I’d know he’d love and most of all I want for Drake to be happy, safe and to never have to face the same fate. So, yes Raven I will help you do whatever is needed elders be damned.”
“Good,” Raven responded with a smile. “Now between the both of us we’re going to find Parker Halliwell."
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“Hey, I wasn’t expecting to see you today but I’m glad you’re here.” Drake greeted Jake as he walked downstairs to see Jake waiting for him in the foyer.
“Well with Lacey being MIA on a killing spree I figured there had to be some Morgan family representation besides I figured you’d need as many friends as possible right now.” Jake replied to him.
“We’re friends now? I like that we’re friends now.” Drake said with a sincere smile. “It means a lot that you still care after all this time especially after everything.”
“Of course, I do.” Jake admitted. “Besides thank to you I am now living back at my family home and just got a new job so I can’t stay mad at you forever.”
“Well you could, and no one would blame you, you truly are amazing Jake Morgan.” Drake told him as he gave his first love a hug.
“You’re not so bad yourself Drake Black.” Jake responded as he hugged his first love tighter.
“Actually, it’s Drake Black-Halliwell now I’m changing it to incorporate both of my families.” Drake revealed as he broke off the hug.
“I like it.” Jake told him. “How are you holding up?”
“I’ll be better once I get today over with and work out whatever it is that Raven’s up to.” Drake admitted. “It would be better if everyone would give the notion of Charmed 3.0 a miss until after dad and aunt Pan’s funeral.”
“Hold up what exactly is Charmed 3.0?” Jake wondered. “Actually, never mind I’ll save the questions for later.”
“Thanks,” Drake replied. “We will get a hold of Lacey and we’ll get the old her back I promise.”
“Don’t worry too much about that my new job gives me the kind of resources that should help me track her down and try talking some sense in her…if there’s any her left that is.” Jake revealed to the Halliwell hybrid.
“Okay I’m going to do the same to you and ask about this mysterious new job of yours later but as for Lacey she’s still in there she’s just in a really bad place and needs pulling out of it.” Drake said, trying to reassure Jake. “I mean everyone deals with grief differently and she’s lost a lot not that it makes any of what she’s done okay but we will get her back somehow.”
“I miss optimistic Drake he’s not been around in a long time.” Jake stated with a sincere smile.
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Raven and Quinn walked into a seedy looking club located within L.A to find Parker Halliwell brawling with another man within a cage in a caged fight as they quickly joined the crowd of onlookers as they watched Parker fight his opponent a fight to which the Halliwell man was quickly winning.
“Remind me again why this guy didn’t get called for duty in the first place?” Raven asked Quinn as they watched Parker’s impressive moves within the cage.
“He did his time so to speak but then disowned everyone after he fixed the whole Wyatt debacle which makes a lot of sense considering Wyatt was his father.” Quinn explained to Raven.
“I’m beginning to think charmed is really just a fancy way of your kind saying cursed.” Raven replied to the elder. “Oh well so he’s going to be a tough sell lucky for us I’m one hell of a lawyer.”
After watching Parker Halliwell become victorious in his cage match they waited patiently until he went to the locker room to change making sure nobody else was in as they followed him.
“Okay here’s the thing I need you to move back to San Francisco and become the third component to the power of three.” Raven revealed to him as her and Quinn came face to face with Parker. “And please don’t say no due to some daddy issues because quite frankly this generation all have daddy issues, I mean every generation does but you lot definitely cry a lot more about them.”
“Excuse me who the hell are you and what did you just say about charmed?” Parker asked, in shock by Raven’s abruptness. “I don’t know who you two are but charmed died a long time ago and I’m done hearing about it.”
“I’m sorry about my friend’s rash approach but we have a funeral to attend soon and emotions are running rather high.” Quinn said to Parker.
“Okay well your clearly either a white lighter or an elder.” Parker replied to Quinn before turning to Raven. “Who are you?”
“My name is Raven and I’m pregnant with your cousin Paul’s second child, but we are here about his firstborn Drake…he was part of the second generation’s charmed ones along with his father and his aunt Pan but they both dead now.” Raven revealed.
“Paul and Pan are dead?” Parker asked with genuine sadness in his voice. “I really thought they’d survive longer than me.”
“Well they never…” Raven said as tears began forming in her eyes before she began allowing herself to cry. “I held his hand as he died…I witnessed them both die and then Drake came home to their bodies…I should’ve been there to stop that from happening to protect him from seeing that like his father would’ve wanted me to.”
“It’s okay.” Quinn told her as he tried to reassure her with a hug only to be brushed away.
“No it’s not okay none of this are okay Paul and Pan are gone, Lacey’s a soulless killer and now Drake’s being dragged into restoring the power of three yet again and I just know if he does it will be the death of him.” Raven cried.
“I am deeply sorry about Paul and Pan they were great people, but I gave up that life a long time ago and for good reason.” Parker explained to them both as Raven finally allowed Quinn to hug her.
“I know and we have no right coming here to ask you in fact I could be in a lot of trouble by so many people for even asking but the thing is Drake’s adoptive parents died in a fire when he was young, then his best friend’s father died at the hands of demons, his mother was killed and then he vanquished his own grandfather.” Quinn rambled. “Not to mention he was brainwashed by a boyfriend, he found his parent and his aunt dead, he went to jail for their murders and the best friend I mention has gone full dark lighter…”
“That sounds like a…” Parker began to say.
“Charmed life.” Raven interrupted before drying her eyes. “I’m so sorry we came here to try and convince you to live a life that has got your entire family killed and for a moment I was considering kidnapping you and forcing you to take his place but the truth is I can’t force you to suffer the same fate he did.”
“Thanks.” Parker responded to her. “You know being a Halliwell isn’t all loss and heartbreak…I got to do remarkable things, save many lives and most of all grow up in a home literally filled with magic.”
“Then why give it up?” Quinn asked Wyatt Halliwell’s son.
“It required too many sacrifices and I decided it was time to live my life for me…which sure meant saying goodbye to my family but at the time after my father’s descent into darkness I couldn’t deal with being a Halliwell anymore.” Parker opened to them both. “I really am sorry about Paul and Pan they were like siblings to me growing up all our cousins were grams was big on family and so were her sisters we all kind of grew up together.”
“Yes, Paul told me all about you he also told me that you used to love being a witch you know before you bound your white lighter side and went off the map.” Raven replied. “It must say something you never bound your witch half.”
“I wouldn’t read too much into it.” Parker told her.
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Drake, Paige, Quinn, Raven and Cole stood at the freshly dug gravesides of Paul Halliwell and Pan Morgan-Halliwell, the only five remaining after the funeral proceedings as Paige stood next to Drake hand in hand while the other three stood behind them.
“Piper’s deeply sorry she couldn’t be here to comfort you, but she felt like she need to be with Paul and Pan right now.” Paige told Drake as she hugged into her great-great nephew. “We are so proud of how you are holding up.”
“Yeah well it’s not my first graveside visit.” Drake replied while breaking off their hug. “I doubt it’s going to be my last.”
Before Paige could reply to Drake and tell him something reassuring, he began to walk off with Cole and Raven quickly following him to make sure he was okay as Quinn walked over to speak with his fellow elder.
“I don’t know how Cole manages to keep worming his way back into this family but for once I’m actually happy Drake’s got a friend right now especially after his former friend went all evil.” Paige admitted to Quinn. “But if you tell anyone I said anything even remotely nice about Cole I will kill you!”
“Paige, we need to speak about something Raven and I may have done earlier, and it revolves around a certain great-great nephew you forbid all elders from ever contacting.” Quinn told her.
“Okay now is not the time to tell me you broke the rules!” Paige snapped. “I’m here to support Drake…”
“Why do you think we contacted Parker in the first place?” Quinn unusually snapped back. “I get how we’re supposed to honor his desire to no longer have anything to do with this life, but I don’t get why we’re not honoring Paul and even Melinda’s wishes to see no harm come to Drake.”
“No harm has come to Drake…” Paige began to say.
“Not yet…he’s barely coping right now and forcing him to be the power of three times three will only make things worse.” Quinn admitted to her. “He deserves the kind of break Parker got in fact I think he deserves it more.”
“Hey…Raven thought one of us should stay with you at all times and I draw the short straw.” Cole joked as he walked into the kitchen of the Halliwell Manor to find Drake drinking from a bottle of whisky. “Of course, I’m joking…probably not the best time for a demon to be cracking jokes.”
“Yeah that and you always suck at trying to be funny.” Drake laughed as he continued to drink his whisky. “No offense meant or anything but a truth’s a truth.”
“Fair point.” Cole replied as he walked towards Drake, took the whisky off him and drank from it. “You know it’s never easy losing a parent god I even felt something when Raven killed our mother, I didn’t feel much to be fair but still…it’s never easy.”
“Yeah I’ve had better days.” Drake admitted before snatching the whisky back. “The truth is I just keep telling myself the day will be over soon but I’m beginning to fear what tomorrow is going to look like.”
“Well whatever it may look like I’ll be here.” Cole promised him.
“Thanks.” Drake said with a sincere smile before Rose walked into the kitchen.
“I hope you don’t mind me just inviting myself to the wake it’s just my mother worked for your father and something inside me told me I should be here.” Rose said to Drake. “I’m guessing your Paul Halliwell’s son Drake, right?”
“Correct and no you’re more than welcome here.” Drake replied to her before walking over and shaking her hand. “Who was your mother?”
“Patience Craft although she just went by Patty.” Rose answered her.
“Oh my…Patty Craft…are you Penny or Rose?” Drake wondered, knowing this girl in front of him was another charmed one as they broke off their handshake. “I’m really sorry for your loss too my dad said Patty was an amazing woman.”
“I’m Rose and yeah my mum was a really amazing woman.” Rose agreed.
“Yeah she really was.” Penny said as she too walked into the kitchen before walking over to shake Drake’s hand. “Again, sorry for the intrusion but I felt like I kind of needed to be here too.”
“Wish you had told me, so I didn’t have to get a flight solo.” Rose mumbled to herself.
“It’s no problem…stay and enjoy the food and drink in the dining room.” Drake told Penny as he broke off their handshake. “I just need to go and greet everyone.”
“Drake I think now would be as good a time as ever.” Cole suggested to the Halliwell hybrid.
“Not now Cole.” Drake replied.
“Drake…” Cole began to say.
“I said not now!” Drake snapped at him.
“Actually, I don’t want to be rude but there is something I’d like to talk to you about regarding my mother’s death.” Penny butted in. “You see I never believed it was some mysterious case of spontaneous combustion I mean I’m a detective and I like cold hard evidence and there was just none until recently.”
“What do you mean until recently?” Drake wondered.
“I believe whatever killed my mother killed your father and aunt too and it may kill you if you don’t allow me to help you.” Penny revealed much to Drake, Rose and Cole’s shock.
“Well I guess my showing up here to ask questions about a baby blanket is a lot less rude now.” Rose admitted before turning to Penny. “Way to go sis.”
“Well she’s not exactly wrong…” Cole stated.
“I really didn’t want to do this here and now, but you’ve given me no other choice.” Drake said before taking a deep sigh. “Your mother was adopted my father was her biological brother and they were witches.”
“Hold up did you just say witches?” Rose asked Drake. “My mum was into that hocus pocus stuff no offence or anything.”
“That’s because she never knew she was a witch and her powers were bound.” Cole explained to Rose.
“You can’t seriously expect us to believe this.” Penny said to Drake.
“What kind of witch?” Rose wondered.
“The strongest kind a Halliwell and you both are the strongest type of Halliwell witches.” Drake continued to reveal to the two stunned sisters. “Your charmed ones.”
“Well this day just got interesting!” Rose admitted with excitement in her eyes.
“You can’t seriously be believing this?” Penny snapped at her younger sister before turning to look at Drake. “I’m sorry clearly you’re distraught and grieving right now I’ll come back in a few days.”
“It always leads to show and tell before anyone starts believing.” Drake said as he grabbed a hold of Penny and Rose. “Don’t worry it took me a lot to believe this too.”
“Hey,” Cole said just before Drake blinked out of sight with the two sisters. “Just leave me on my own why don’t you?”
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“You’ve got to stop following me before I have to vanquish your ass!” Parker warned Quinn after he walked into his bedsit within L.A to find Quinn stood there waiting for him.
“Listen your aunt Paige is already pissed with me for even contacting you so please just hear me out.” Quinn pleaded with Parker.
“Okay,” Parker sighed as he closed the door behind him. “You have five minutes, but I mean five minutes and five minutes only.”
“Have you ever been in love?” Quinn asked him.
“Yes, but I don’t see why that’s any of your business or what it’s got to do with why you’re here?” Parker wondered.
“Drake’s the love of my life actually the love of both my lives and he’s been through so much as you were already informed I’ve watched him fight for happiness over the last three years and I’ve been as much a cause as anyone to why it’s always out of his reach.” Quinn explained to the runaway Halliwell. “Paul would never want this life for his son…you must’ve been deeply struggling with everything when you walked away from it all but you see Drake can’t do that, no Drake won’t do that unless he knows there’s someone else to take his place in the power of three.”
“I get that I do I wish there was a power of three back then too but there wasn’t…I lost a lot before I walked away…my sister, my mother and then my father.” Parker responded with a heartbroken look across his face. “We could’ve used the charmed ones, but they were dead, and I did what I had to do.”
“And you did the right thing!” Quinn told him. “Just like becoming the charmed ones alongside Patience’s daughters would be the right thing.”
“He’s right sweetie!” Piper said after appearing out of nowhere. “We granted your wish to stay away after everything we even enlisted Paul’s son instead of you or Patience for the charmed ones because we had no clue if Patience was even alive and we wanted to respect your wishes.”
“Patience is alive?” Parker asked in shock.
“Not anymore.” Quinn reluctantly told him.
“The point is we did what you wanted us to do each time because you needed time to heal but now it’s Drake’s turn and we need you back.” Piper told Parker as she walked towards her grandson. “We have missed you so much, I have missed you so much please come back to us and let your second cousin find some peace. We’re not saying it has to be forever if you don’t want to be, but we’d really like to have you back especially me.”
“I’ve missed you Grams.” Parker admitted with tears in his eyes before Piper rushed over to hug her grandson.
“So, your telling us we have powers?” Rose asked Drake while she, Drake and Penny stood in the attic of the Halliwell Manor.
“Don’t believe him Rose this is clearly some crazy trick he’s pulling to cover up what really happened to our mother.” Penny told her sister.
“Your mother was killed by a demon simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and I know this won’t bring you much comfort but we vanquished the demon that killed her well more my father’s girlfriend did.” Drake revealed to them both. “We didn’t know it then, but Patty was my father and aunt’s sister who was kidnapped at birth.”
“So, now your saying our grandparents are kidnappers?” Penny snapped at the Halliwell hybrid.
“Not your adoptive grandparents no but your biological grandfather our biological grandfather was.” Drake explained to them both. “He thought he was protecting her just like my father did when he gave me up but the truth is this is a wicked world and being in the know about how truly terrible it is, is the only way to stay alive.”
“Way to go on selling the whole witch thing by the way.” Rose joked. “Although I’m still intrigued by the previously mentioned powers.”
“Yeah that’s what got me at first too.” Drake laughed at the younger Craft sister.
“We don’t have powers I mean I’ve lived my entire life without powers and so has my sister I think we’d noticed if we had powers, I mean I’m a detective and I’m good at my job.” Penny argued with him.
“If you’re good at your job then you’ll notice there’s a whole lot of unsolved cases just like your mother’s which are truly unexplainable or rather were unexplainable until I gave you the answer right now.” Drake stated.
“Okay…if we’re witches what are our powers?” Penny asked him.
“Well I have telekinesis and astral projection the later came to me later in life after I bound my white lighter side.” Parker revealed to Penny and Rose as he walked into the attic of the Halliwell Manor with Quinn quickly following behind him. “Which must mean one of you has molecular immobilization and the other has the power of premonition.”
“What exactly is molecular immobilization?” Rose asked the room. “I mean premonition is self-explanatory but…”
“It’s basically freezing molecules like objects people and things.” Drake and Penny said in unison before looking at each other awkwardly.
“Okay so if any of this is real how do we get these so-called powers?” Penny questioned.
“From what I remember being told we all just need to hold hands.” Parker told her.
“Hold up what does he mean by we all?” Drake asked Quinn.
“I may have broken a few rules to find and locate Parker with a lot of help from Raven so he could take your place as a charmed one so you could finally be free to be happy.”  Quinn answered as he walked over to Drake. “I finally put you first just like you wanted me too.”
Drake had no words to respond to Quinn’s amazing kindness but he didn’t need words as he pulled Quinn in for a long and passionate kiss while Parker walked over and grabbed a hold of Penny and Pan’s hands as Drake and Quinn continued to kiss each other passionately the blue light appeared above the three new charmed ones as they look up towards it with pure awe.
“Hold up if he’s getting out of this does this mean this whole charmed thing is optional?” Penny asked Rose and Parker before being hushed by Rose.
Trinity Banks the socialite prisoner found herself sleeping in the bottom bunk having to listen to the lady on the top bunk snore away much to her frustration before beginning to attack the bed upwards and screaming in a pure fit of frustration before attempting to cover the pillow over her face only to suddenly feel the pillow pushed down on her as she began to shake viciously and try to pull the pillow off her before it was removed only for her to be left horrified to see Cole Turner stood above her in her cell holding the pillow in question.
“Who the bloody hell are you?” She shouted at him. “You almost killed me you psychopath.”
“You mean like you ordered someone to murder Pan and Paul Halliwell.” Cole replied to her.
“Oh, great your another one of the good annoying little witches.” Trinity moaned as she stood up from her bed. “Go ahead and put another sentence on top of my sentence and then I’ll just get you killed too.”
“Yeah I’m neither good nor bad.” Cole said as he grabbed Trinity by the neck and lifted her body in the air, choking the socialite. “I’m more in the grey-scale and I believe in hurting those who’ve hurt people I care about.”
Trinity’s body quickly caught fire the flames burning her quickly as she began screaming in pain before her body exploded much to Cole’s delight.
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“So, where do you go from here?” Parker asked Drake as he walked into Drake’s bedroom to find him finishing packing his bag and putting it over his shoulder.
“Anywhere but here I guess I can’t thank you enough for everything you’re doing Parker.” Drake thanked him as he walked over to Lilah’s cot and picked her up. “I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if I had to stick around here.”
“You would’ve stuck around and the got job done because that’s what we do in this family even if it breaks us.” Parker replied. “This way you can go and do whatever you want to do you get to be with your daughter and you get to try your hand at being happy.”
“Happy,” Drake laughed as he put Lilah into her pram and began clipping her in. “I don’t think I even remember what happy is.”
“I’m guessing happy starts with that hot elder who has this dork thing going for him.” Parker joked.
“He is hot in the dorkiest way possible right?” Drake agreed. “He’s an elder and although he came through for me today that was a onetime thing.”
“That kiss didn’t look like a one-time thing.” Parker told his second cousin. “It’s been a long time since somebody kissed me like that, and it was never a one-time thing when they did.”
“Boy or girl?” Drake wondered.
“I’m strictly a man only kind of man you?” Parker answered.
“I prefer the best of both worlds.” Drake replied to the newly returned Halliwell. “Are you sure you going to manage the power of three with them two? I mean Rose will probably love this life but Penny she’s going to be a hard sell probably even harder a sell than I was.”
“I’ve got this don’t worry besides I got to go out to the big bad world solo and now I’m back it’s your turn.” Parker told him as Drake placed himself behind the buggy, placing his hands on the handles. “What are you going to do about your job at Magic School?”
“I’m taking a sabbatical until I decide what me and the little one are doing next but I’m going to have a lot of fun working that out first I think Disneyland is the first thing I’m going to do.” Drake admitted to his cousin. “Then maybe travel the world a little I’ve got grandparents in Miami who are always pestering me for a visit especially since Lilah was born…as stupid as it sounds, I think I’m going to find myself.”
“That doesn’t sound stupid at all.” Parker responded with a smile. “Good luck Drake Black-Halliwell I’m sure we’ll see you again someday.”
“Yeah maybe you will goodbye cousin.” Drake replied before blinking out of sight with his daughter.
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Many Years Ago
“He’s going to be alright Eve he’s going to live a great and wonderful life.” Pan told Eve as she walked out of her front door of the Halliwell Manor and sat down on the doorstep next to her demonic girlfriend. “It’s going to be hard for a while, but we’ll all get through this the knowledge of him getting to go somewhere else and be far away from all this is what will make us feel that tiniest bit less sad.”
“Yeah your right I know you are it’s just I’d love to be a part of that wonderful life of his.”  Eve cried as she hugged into Pan. “I really hope he’s going to be okay.”
“He’s going to be more than okay he’s going to be truly magnificent.” Paul said as he appeared at the front door.
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Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic): Season 1
Episode 1: Charmed Reborn: Part One
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
Drake Black lived a relatively normal life as a former stripper turned rookie detective believing his stripping past was the most exciting thing about him until he went from being a rookie cop within the San Francisco Police Department to discovering he was a half witch half demon hybrid in just one day.
“It’s times like these I really begin to wonder why the hell I became a detective.” Drake moaned to his best friend and fellow cop partner Lacey Morgan as they stepped out of Lacey’s car stopped in the streets of San Francisco before heading down a nearby alleyway.
“Even the more eccentric people of the world need protection Tristan and let’s face it San Francisco is the city of eccentrics.” Lacey replied as they continued to walk down the alleyway. “Who knows if you’re nice enough to the lady she may even give you a free reading.”
“Please,” Drake scoffed. “If she was a real psychic, she wouldn’t be needing our help, or she would’ve called in advance.”
“Who says she didn’t call us in before the mugging?” Lacey teased her friend as they continued to walk down the alleyway.
“Maybe you should take that free reading considering you’re the one crazy enough to believe in all that hocus pocus?” Drake suggested to her not realizing the irony in this conversation.
“You know I don’t believe in most psychic’s most of them are just legally mugging people, but I do believe in some of them.” Lacey admitted as the two of them stopped in front of the psychic readings shop which had a bright red door.
“Yeah well consider me a bit sucker punched that we’re pandering to more psychics in this just then actually doing proper police work.” Drake moaned before loudly banging on the red door and shouting. “Open up it’s the police.”
“Good job not frightening the victim of the crime.” Lacey said to him.
“Well we are the police, aren’t we?” Drake asked sarcastically.
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“Welcome to my humble establishment,” The elderly female psychic greeted Drake and Lacey as they all sat down around her table in her shop, a table with a crystal ball placed in the middle of the table. “I’m afraid I never seen my mugger’s face but I’m sure my crystal ball will see all.”
“I’m sorry but are you for real?” Drake abruptly asked her before being nudged by Lacey for being rude to the woman.
“The irony of someone so charmed being a non-believer is rather hilarious.” Laughed the elderly woman.
“We don’t mean to be disrespectful to you whatsoever mam, but we can’t go on what your crystal ball saw we can only go on what you saw with your own actual eyes.” Lacey politely explained to the self-proclaimed psychic.
“Drake,” The psychic said as she grabbed a hold of his hand. “You shouldn’t blame yourself for what happened you were never to know.”
“I’m going to have to ask you politely not to touch me please.” Drake replied as he pushed the psychic’s hand away from his own. “What exactly do you mean it’s not my fault?”
“What happened to your adoptive parents your mother wants you to know she’s found peace and all she wants is for you to find the happiness you deserve.” The psychic revealed.
Drake stormed out of the psychic reading shop and into the alleyway as he struggled to deal with the psychic’s revelation about his adoptive mother not believing a word she said but struggling to control himself at the mere mention of his brother before charging towards a nearby bin and kicking hard so the bin launched itself down the alleyway the rubbish from it scattering everywhere.
“Calm down Drake last time you checked literally was still a crime and you’re meant to be solving them these days instead of creating them.” He mumbled to himself. “Old lady has no idea what she’s talking about.”
“Well actually that woman your referring to is actually wiser than her years.” Prue admitted to him appearing from as if out of nowhere to now be standing in front of a stunned Drake. “If you stayed in a little longer you might have learned some more things.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t see you there.” A confused Drake replied. “Where exactly did you come from?”
“That’s kind of a long story to be honest and not why I’m here,” Prue answered with a sly smile. “My name is Prue Halliwell I’m the original charmed one so it’s only fitting I’m here to rebirth the next generation of charmed ones.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Drake asked her, trying to make sense of this strange altercation.
“You’re a witch Drake a Halliwell witch to be precise and you need to meet your real family so the charmed ones can be reborn.” Prue revealed to him.
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After finishing writing the psychic’s witness statement and spending some extra time talking away to the elderly woman Lacey walked out of the psychic’s shop alarmed to see Drake just stood there looking dazed and confused.
“Are you okay Drake?” She asked while walking over to him. “I may have noticed her touching a nerve in there hence your early exit.”
“It was just a shock to be honest.” Drake admitted. “I think I need to take the rest of the day off I’m not feeling right after that. Do you think you could cover for me?”
“Of course but you’re still going to try making it tonight for that club reopening I can’t show up to the place run by a woman I went on one date with solo I’d look like I was going there for her.” Lacey moaned to him.
“Don’t worry I’ll try to help you hide the fact your stalking the poor woman.” Drake responded with a laugh. “Just cover for me at work and I’ll see you tonight.”
“Well our boss is my dad and I am his number one child so I’m so I can swing it somehow.” Lacey replied with a smile. “Besides he loves you too.”
Pan Halliwell had a big day ahead of her as she stood outside in the parking lot of the family owned club P3 looking at a newly renovated P3 sign which still looked very much like the old one just with a fresher look and brighter neon lights as a banner just down from the sign read P3: The Grand Reopening.
“I’ve heard so many stories about this place it’s almost as iconic as the Halliwell Manor itself.” Quinn said with excitement as he orbed into the parking lot to stand beside Pan. “You must be beyond excited to reopen the family club.”
“Don’t tell me you just orbed into a public parking lot in the middle of the day?” Pan asked him while looking around to make sure nobody seen him.
“I checked before orbing just in case we can do that you know.” Quinn responded with an innocent smirk before going on to say. “The reason I’m here is because the elders have informed me about a powerful evil rising within the Underworld they’re all pretty worried up there I’m meant to inform all my charges about being on high alert for potential demon attacks because of it.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me you know it’d be perfectly acceptable for me to accept just one day without some demon bother I mean if I have to vanquish anything to day I may just go down there and one woman army the lot of them for ruining my grand reopening.” Pan moaned.
“There’s something I should probably tell you.” Quinn replied to her looking far from innocent now.
“I don’t mean to be a bitch today Quinn but just for once could you show up with some good news for me.” Pan said with an exhausted sigh.
“I was just going to tell you good luck for tonight and if you need me just holler.” Quinn told her as he forced a smile on his face.
“Thanks Quinn I really appreciate that,” Pan responded with a soft smile. “Just remember don’t orb out…”
Before Pan could finish her sentence Quinn already orbed away from the parking lot doing exactly what she was about to tell him not to do.
“Well here goes nothing,” Pan said while crossing her fingers. “Tonight’s for you grams!”
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Paul Halliwell sat behind his desk within his office at Stevens and Summers Law Firm located within the city of San Francisco as he busily was typing up a contract agreement for one of his clients before he was shocked to see Quinn orbing into his office while the door to his office leading to a public reception was still open.
“Quinn what have I told about public exposure?” Paul moaned at him as Quinn closed Paul’s office door to give them both some privacy.
“I checked first I know I’m relatively new and I was a tad shaky at the start but I’m sensible to check before orbing into places.” Quinn explained to him with Paul not buying a word of it.
“You may be able to, but did you?” Paul asked as he laughed while standing up from his chair.
“Okay maybe I don’t check all the time.” Quinn admitted shyly.
“Is this about the premonition I had about demons plotting an attack outside of P3?” Paul wondered. “Because I’m just finishing up my workload and then I’ll be heading straight down there just in case Pan needs some back up.”
“Well that’s definitely something worth talking about but there’s actually something else we should talk about…” Quinn began to tell Paul before they were both distracted by Paul’s great aunt Prue appearing from out of nowhere into the office to be standing next to them.
“I already saw you chicken out of telling Pan, so I thought I’d come down here and force your hand just a little.” Prue told Quinn clearly talking about a certain third Halliwell.
“Aunt Prue it’s really good to see you as always but how come you’re here instead of well you know resting in peace?” Paul asked his great aunt as respectfully as possible.
“Please Paul you know as much as I do death never stops any Halliwell.” Prue smirks before going on to reveal. “I’m here to help the next generation of charmed ones be born.”
“How is that possible? I mean the charmed ones were you, grams and Aunt Phoebe before later Aunt Paige and the last time I checked use are all dead except Aunt Paige who’s now head elder and Pan and I are the last of the Halliwell’s.” Paul asked Prue as he struggled to understand what she was meaning.
“Last time I checked you and Pan make two and it just show happens that a certain long-lost son makes three.” Prue explained to him. “Not to boast or anything but he’s got the same power as me meaning the three of you together have the same powers as us original charmed ones.”
“Wait a second Drake Black’s his son not his brother?” Quinn asked clearly shocked by Prue’s reveal.
“Well here’s the thing only the family knows the truth so don’t be rushing to tell the elders or me may just have to vanquish you.” Prue replied with both sarcasm and sincerity.
“Of course not, my lips are sealed.” Quinn promised out of both loyalty and fear for the Halliwell family.
“His name is Drake?” Paul asked in shock as tears began forming in his eyes as he sat back down on his chair. “I’ve never actually heard his name before.”
“Can you give us a minute?” Prue asked Quinn who quickly orbed away out of sight without any hesitation before turning her attention to her great nephew. “Nobody is judging you for what went down Paul I mean all of my siblings have wound up with a demon or two myself included it just so happened that your liaison with a demon resulted in a witch/demon hybrid baby.”
“I don’t get how you would even want him to be a part of all this madness?” Paul wondered. “I mean the whole reason I gave him up in the first place was so that he could live a normal life far away from all of this.”
“Paul when your mother convinced you to give Drake up for adoption and I know she hand a heavy hand in the decision; you were very young and the whole half demon/witch thing was frowned upon. I’m sorry but this really is for the greater good and if it’s too hard to admit your parentage after all these years Melinda’s already spoken with the elders saying he’s her secret child hence Quinn’s shock.” Prue explained to him.
“And what if the elders are listening now?” Paul quizzed. “What if I don’t even get the chance to tell that lie?”
“Paul I’m hardly a rookie witch I know how to stop them eavesdropping.” Prue revealed as she placed her hand on her great nephew’s shoulder, trying to comfort him.
“I don’t want Drake involved in any of this Prue and I’m especially not having him back in my life just for some second generation’s charmed ones.” Paul said defiantly.
“Drake completing the power of three alongside you and Pan isn’t just about the greater good although that is very important it’s also giving you the chance to finally get to know your son and if you’re too scared to tell him who you really are we will just continue the lie.” Prue said, trying to convince him.
“It’s not happening I’m sorry, but I can’t let it happen.” Paul refused as he stood back up from his chair.
“I’m sorry Paul I really am but the elders know about him now and with his demonic side never being bound it was only a matter of time before somebody knew. Trust me when I say I know more than anyone the burden of being a charmed one and how it can be dangerous but the things the three of you will do together will be truly amazing.” Prue explained to him trying to make him realize that the charmed ones were his, his sister and his son’s destiny.
As the hours passed and it became night time the grand re-opening of P3 had already begun and it was very successful at least judging by the endless cue starting outside the door all the way into the alleyway next to it and amongst the waiting crowd was Drake Black and Lacey Morgan.
“I thought you said you went on a date with the owner why are we stood so far back?” Drake asked his friend.
“I’ve been on a date emphasis on a date I’m hardly going to start asking for favors before I even manage to get a second date.” Lacey replied.
“Okay well I guess this means I should be getting my flirt on,” Drake boasted as he grabbed a hold of Lacey and the two of them pushed their way through the line until they were at the front door.
“Get to the back of the cue please.” The female club bouncer told them both.
“Has anyone ever told you before that you have the most beautiful eyes,” Drake said flirting with the bouncer. “I mean I could stand right here and just get lost in them.”
“Back of the cue now!” The bouncer snapped causing Lacey to laugh at her friend’s flirting attempts.
“Do you know he used to be a stripper?” Lacey asked the bouncer standing guard of access into P3. “I’m sure he could come out of retirement for a private performance if you let us in.”
“Hey, don’t sell me out,” Drake moaned nudging her before looking at the bouncer. “It’s true though and I was one of the best.”
“Get to the back of the cue now before I stop you from getting in all together.” The female bouncer replied not amused with Drake or Lacey.
“Actually, these two are with me.” Quinn revealed as he appeared from out of the crowd playing hero to Lacey and Drake.
“Oh, I’m sorry Mr Quinn,” The bouncer blushed “Come on in.”
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Drake and Lacey followed Quinn into P3 which structure had kept the same over the year minus a few minor updates. It didn’t take long for Lacey to notice Pan serving drinks behind the bar counter being kept quite busy, the club filled with customers and Bebe Rexha was playing I’m A Mess live on the stage.
“I sort of work here well sometimes anyway so if you need anything just give me a shout and I’ll try my best to get it for you.” Quinn said to Drake and Lacey as he found them a private booth within the club, the same booth reserved for family non-coincidentally.
“That’s awful good of you, thanks.” Lacey replied as her and Drake took their seats within the booth.
“Yeah thanks ever so much.” Drake responded while rolling his eyes as Quinn smiled at them before walking away into the crowd leaving the two friends to it.
“Are you seriously huffing at him because the woman outside didn’t fall for your not so subtle charms.” Lacey laughed at her friend.
“It’s my tantrum and I’ll huff if I want to,” Drake admitted before looking over at the bar counter and noticing Pan busy serving customer after customer. “You know I can’t actually be your back up if you don’t go over to the girl don’t worry about me I’ll be hitting the dance floor soon searching for a guy or girl maybe both.”
“Okay,” Lacey replied nervously while looking over at Pan. “I’ll be back with lots of drink.”
Pan was at her happiest behind the bar especially when it was at it’s peak level of busy like that night on the reopening she was serving drink after drink which she much preferred to vanquishing demon after demon enjoying the moment of normality but before long she would soon find herself seeing normality less and less.
“I saw you walk in with Lacey and some guy how do you know her?” Pan asked Quinn in-between serving customers.
“It’s my job to get to know everyone that’s around my charges.” Quinn replied as subtly as possible as he served another customer. “You should take a break soon and go see your brother he’s in the back room waiting for you.”
“Let me guess he’s waiting to help me with my other job I am yet to find a way of quitting.” Pan sighed while rolling her eyes as she finished serving a customer only to see Lacey walk over to her.
“Hey Pan.” Lacey said as she stood in front of the bar counter.
“Hey, I’ve got to go to the back the now, but I promise I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” Pan replied rushing off before Lacey had a chance to respond.
“Yeah sure no bother.” Lacey mumbled to herself while assuming she had just received the brush off.
“Trust me she’s busy with work the last thing she’d mean to do is ignore you.” Quinn reassured her while pouring two large vodkas and coke. “The grand reopening is stressful but the good kind this means a lot to her.”
“Cheers.” Lacey replied in shock as Quinn handed her two vodkas and coke. “I didn’t even tell you my order.”
“Just call me the perfect bartender my name’s Quinn by the way.” He said with a smile. “Consider all drinks tonight on the house.”
“Thanks, you seem like a really nice guy which means you’re of a rare breeding or your trying to get in my friend’s pants either way I’m cool with it.” Lacey admitted to him while grabbing the two glasses.
“I’m definitely a rare breed.” Quinn laughed as Lacey walked away before mumbling to himself. “Well done Quinn with that kind of quick thinking you’ll be an elder in no time.”
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“I don’t get it Paul how are we supposed to be the charmed ones 2.0 last time I checked it was the power of three not the power of two?” Pan asked confused by Paul’s confession after meeting him in the backroom.
“That’s not strictly true there is technically another Halliwell out there.” Paul admitted.
“Your son but that doesn’t make any sense the charmed ones were sisters so 2.0 is brother sister and brother’s son?” Pan responded trying to make sense of the revelation. “This is a lot to take in I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now.”
“Well hopefully the two of you are both feeling like reuniting the power of three.” Prue said with a smile as she appeared from out of nowhere once again.
“Really?” Pan asked her. “We haven’t even seen Paul’s son since he gave up him all those years ago and now, we’re supposed to do what exactly?”
“The elders want us to meet him, activate his powers and then become the power of three.” Paul explained clearly still reluctant to the plan.
“He’s here in this very club tonight and it’s not a coincidence you had a premonition about a demon attack happening here.” Prue confessed. “I would’ve told you sooner but figure it was better till you actually got here.”
“You mean my son is literally in this club right now?” Paul asked completely terrified by the notion of meeting his son for the first time. “I don’t know if I’m ready to meet him not, yet this is all way too much.”
“I can’t guarantee you’d ever be ready to meet your son or that this is going to end well for anyone, but I can guarantee I’ll be here by your side as always.” Pan promised her brother as she placed his hand on her shoulder.
“I know all this is incredibly hard and if I cold prevent it all for you I would.” Prue admitted as she too placed her hand on Paul’s shoulder. “Sadly, when it comes to life as a charmed one destiny doesn’t tend to ask.”
Drake and Lacey found themselves on their next round of drink sitting in the booth until the artist Bebe Rexha began playing her song I’m going to show you crazy which gets the two both of up off their feet immediately as they rush to the dance floor and begin dancing to the song with excitement while singing along to the song in the process before Drake noticed Quinn from the bar looking over at him so smiles his way and gets a smile back from him before he returned his attention back to Lacey.
“Okay I’m no longer huffy although I maybe ready to get a flirty soon.” Drake shouted over the song.
“You always wind up flirty after a few drinks.” Lacey joked as she too shouted over the song. “I need to make a call before I forget do you want to come outside with me?”
“No problem.” Drake replied as the two began walking through the crowd and towards the club’s back door at the same time Paul and Pan walked over to the bar counter to talk to Quinn.
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“Why didn’t you tell me who he was when you walked in with him?” Pan asked Quinn as she and Paul stood at the counter.
“Here I wanted to, but Prue said not to tell anyone and considering I’m highly terrified of her I decided to shut up and listen.” Quinn replied.
“I suppose I get that.” Pan sighed before looking around the crowd for a sign of her nephew. “Where is he anyway?”
Drake and Lacey stood outside in an alleyway next to the closed back door to the P3 club, Lacey having had just come off the phone following a quick check in call to her father/boss Eric Morgan.
“You seriously need to get your own place,” Drake laughed. “Don’t get me wrong I love daddy Morgan, but he needs to stop worrying about you so much.”
“Yeah I know it’s just I’m the only kid he talks to these days since well you know.” Lacey reluctantly replied, the topic not being easy for either of them. “It’s hard bringing it up that I’m ready to get my own place plus I’d be really worried about him if I did get my own place.”
“I get it family means everything.” Drake said with a sense of sadness before noticing a man shimmer his way into the alleyway leaving him completely shocked while Lacey was blissfully unaware.
Drake noticed the stranger summon an energy ball above his hand just before throwing at his and Lacey’s directly and without a second’s though he pushed Lacey out of the way making her crash into the bins as the energy ball came flying in his direction just for him to blink away out of sight before the energy ball managed to hit him and reappearing in the same spot as the energy ball hit a large garbage bin placed behind Drake.
“I guess the rumors are true about a Halliwell witch whose half demon.” The man chuckled before summoning an energy ball above his hand. “I really don’t like half breeds.”
Pan and Paul rushed out of the back door instantly with Pan raises her hands towards the man’s direction causing him to explode into pieces within second shocking Drake even further.
“Drake, are you okay?” Paul asked a clearly confused and shell-shocked Drake.
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Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic)
Season 1
The Main Characters (Cast)
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
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Paul Halliwell
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The firstborn son of Melinda Halliwell and the first grandson of original charmed one Piper Halliwell and her former white lighter husband Leo Wyatt making their sons Chris and Wyatt Halliwell Paul’s uncles.
He has the power of premonition just like his great-aunt and original charmed one Phoebe Halliwell but even he couldn’t predict what was about to happen.
Paul has a passion for cooking just like his grandmother, is a hardworking lawyer and shares a close bond with his sister Pan.
Paul is the older brother to Pan and Patience Halliwell and the secret biological father of Drake Black.
Pan Halliwell
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The firstborn daughter of Melinda Halliwell and the first granddaughter of original charmed one Piper Halliwell and her former white lighter husband Leo Wyatt making Pan Halliwell Chris and Wyatt Halliwell’s niece.
She has developed the powers of molecular immobilization and molecular combustion just like her grandmother Piper Halliwell.
Pan is a fun loving and family orientated woman who has taken over the running of the family owned nightclub P3 and shares a close bond with her older brother Paul Halliwell.
Pan is the younger than Paul but older than Patience making her the middle child within her siblings despite the fact Patience went missing when she was just a baby. She is also the secret biological aunt to Drake Black.
Drake Black
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Drake Black is the firstborn son of Paul Halliwell and the demon Eve making him Melinda Halliwell’s grandson and Piper Halliwell and her former white lighter husband Leo Wyatt’s great grandson. He is the nephew of Pan and Patience Halliwell and the great-nephew of Chris and Wyatt Halliwell.
Drake Black was given up for adoption just like his original charmed one Paige.
Due to him being a witch/demon hybrid he has developed the powers of telekinesis from his witch side just like original charmed one Prue Halliwell and the power of blinking from his demonic side.
Drake is a rookie cop within the San Francisco police department and values his friendship with childhood best friend and fellow detective Lacey Morgan above all else following the suspicious deaths of his adoptive parents to which Lacey’s brother Jake is currently residing in prison for their murders.
Lacey Morgan
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The firstborn daughter to SPD Lieutenant Eric Morgan and his deceased wife and former detective Louise Morgan she comes from a family of SPD detectives on both her mother and father’s side, the definition of blue blood.
Lacey Morgan is the childhood best friend of demon/witch hybrid Drake Black and his partner in crime solving as she would put it at the SPD she sees Drake like a brother which is why she turned against her older brother Jake when he was arrested for the murders of Drake’s adoptive parents.
Jason “Quinn”
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A rookie prodigy white lighter who was handpicked to be the next generation’s answer to the charmed ones by original charmed one turned head elder Paige he has been working as Paul and Pan’s white lighter for roughly a year before taking on Drake Black as a new charge, Paul and Pan’s previous white lighter being killed by a dark lighter.
Not much is known about Jason Quinn’s, or Quinn as he prefers to be called, life before becoming a white lighter but he is highly passionate about his job as a white lighter and has a close bond with Pan and Paul Halliwell and quickly finds himself developing a crush on his latest charge Drake Black.
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Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic) Master-List
Episode 6 - The Death of The Charmed Ones (International Fanworks Day Special)
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Paul Halliwell was working late one night at Halliwell and Turner typing away on his laptop while sat behind his desk in his office when suddenly a picture of himself, Pan and Drake who was holding Lilah placed on his desk in a frame fell of the desk and smashed causing Paul to stand up from his chair and walk over to pick up the pieces of the broken frame only for the eldest Halliwell to be hit by a premonition.
In Paul’s premonition he saw Drake walking into the dining room of the Halliwell Manor looking alarmed as he saw the window in there smashed and covered with blood before turning to look at a table which was covered in broken glass from the window as Drake continued walking through the dining room only to break down in tears and horror when he oversaw Paul and Pan’s lifeless and bloody bodies laying on the floor of a blood soaked foyer before Paul’s horrifying premonition came to an end.
“Oh no this can’t be good.” Paul mumbled to himself before accidentally cutting his hand on a piece of glass from the broken photo frame he attempted to clean up as Raven knocked on the door before walking into Paul’s office.
“Ouch what happened in here? Pretty quiet for a demonic attack.” Raven joked before becoming alarmed by the look of horror on Paul’s face. “Paul what is it? Are you okay?”
“No, I don’t think I am or at least I don’t think I’m going to be.” Paul replied.
That same night Drake walked into the currently not ruined dining room of the Halliwell Manor wearing old pajamas and a face mask while chowing down on a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream only to be left stunned to see Dermot sitting at the table clearly waiting to see him.
“What the bloody hell are you doing in my house?” Drake asked his boss before ripping his own face mask off causing him to let out of small scream of pain as he threw the remains of the face mask onto the dining table.
“I must admit despite the horrifying image in front of me the Halliwell Manor is even more stunning up close.” Dermot replied while snickering away at Drake’s current state.
“Yeah that didn’t answer my question buddy!” Drake snapped as he put his ice cream and spoon down on the dining table.
“I need you and the fellow charmed ones’ assistance with a certain situation I’ve found myself in so if you could hurry along, get changed and get the others I’d be very grateful.” Dermot told the Halliwell hybrid.
“Yeah you see the thing is my dad’s working late for the third night in a row and my aunt is currently on honeymoon with my best friend so if you’re looking for the charmed ones then I’m afraid your out of luck.” Drake took pleasure in telling his boss.
“And what about you? You don’t seem to be even remotely busy.” Dermot asked him.
“Not busy correct but also not interested in helping you with whatever dilemma you’ve got yourself into.” Drake made clear.
“Okay well that’s just rude and quite frankly unprofessional considering you’re a charmed one and the charmed ones are meant to help the innocent no matter what.” Dermot snapped at Drake as he stood up from his chair.
“Yeah that rule only applies to actual innocents and last time I checked the elders were far from innocent especially the one in front of me who very recently tried to get my dad’s girlfriend executed.” Drake replied before taking a deep sigh. “I’ll help you with whatever trouble you’ve got yourself into but only because if you wind up dead, I’ll be the number one suspect.”
“Drake this is serious I’ve received a very troubling and frankly rather terrifying letter placed on my desk within magic school.” Dermot informed Drake who instantly responded by laughing at the headmaster of magic school.
“I’m sure the person who wrote the letter was just expressing their hate without actually meaning to kill you.” Drake continued to laugh, clearly guilty of some letters himself.
“I’m not talking about your silly little passive aggressive bite me styled notes which are the weirdest form of flirting I’ve ever known I’m talking about actual terrifying death threats.” Dermot corrected him.
“Hey, they are way more sophisticated than bite me…” Drake tried to defend himself before going on to backtrack. “I mean you can’t prove those ones are from me!”
“Can we just try and pretend we’re adults for more than a second please?” Dermot asked him.
“You’re right I’ll go get changed and while I’m doing that you should probably write a really long list of all the people who would want you dead which let’s face it is going to take you longer than it’ll take me to get changed.” Drake replied.
“Please just be serious for a moment.” Dermot begged him.
“I was being deadly serious about that list.” Drake responded with a sinister smile.
“Well in that case nice pajamas Mr Black.” Dermot mocked him.
“Bite me!” Drake said before blinking out of sight.
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The next morning Pan and Lacey woke up in bed together within a hotel located somewhere in London.
“I wish we could just stay here forever and pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist.” Pan told Lacey before pulling her wife in towards her for a morning kiss. “See now this is the life Mrs Morgan-Halliwell.”
“I don’t think your brother would be too happy if we didn’t even return home before moving out Mrs Morgan-Halliwell.” Lacey joked. “In fact, I’m fairly certain he’d cast some spell forcing us to return to San Francisco whether we liked it or not.”
“True but we could always have fun staying put until that day came.” Pan replied with a playful smile until the two brides were left stunned when Raven shimmered her way into their hotel room.
“Okay I hate to be the girl to break up what looks like a very happy honeymoon, but Paul sent me here because he had a terrifying premonition and you need to come home right away.” Raven told them both as Pan and Lacey climbed out of their bed and put on hotel robes.
“Was it so difficult to ask my brother for a whole week to myself?” Pan asked Raven with a snarky attitude.
“Paul had a premonition of you and him dying.” Raven revealed to a stunned Pan as an equally stunned Lacey was left horrified.
“I’ll check with the elders and see what’s going on.” Lacey told Pan before kissing her wife on the cheek and orbing out of sight.
“I’m getting so sick of one of us always being in trouble swear to god demons need to learn when to take a holiday.” Pan snapped. “No offense Raven.”
“You could’ve knocked first Drake I could’ve been busy with a student or another member of the faculty.” Dermot complained after Drake stormed into his office and threw himself down on Dermot’s couch while Dermot sat behind his desk.
“You could’ve knocked before breaking into my house last night, but you didn’t so let’s not going around throwing stones now.” Drake replied to his boss. “So, I tried interrogating but then I was like Drake you stop being a detective for a reason so instead I decided to get some students onto casting an identity spell figured they may as well learn something new and it would save me time playing Clue-do with you.”
“No don’t get them doing that using the students as your lackeys is totally unacceptable not to mention dangerous I mean who knows if their even ready for that kind of spell.” Dermot argued with him.
“Okay chill Mr uptight I picked the best students if anything this spell is going to be easy play for them.” Drake told Dermot, not understanding why Dermot had such an issue.
“I demand that you stop the students casting this spell at one.” Dermot shouted at Drake as he stood up from behind his desk.
“Okay I’ve about had it with your attitude.” Drake snapped back as he stood up from the couch. “I’m trying to help you and yet you’re still being a total dick can’t you just say thank you for once in your life!”
“Okay thank you.” Dermot said reluctantly before taking a big sigh, clearly frustrated. “Please just stop the spell.”
“Why should I?” Drake questioned the headmaster.
“Because I’m the one who wrote the damn note.” Dermot admitted much to Drake’s fury.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Drake shouted before storming out of Dermot’s office as Dermot quickly chased after him.
“Drake just stop for a second and let me explain.” Dermot shouted at Drake causing the two of them to stop in the main hallway of magic school.
“I gave up my day off the first weekend in a while where Cindy has Lilah and I wasn’t working or doing charmed duties and I have to give that all up so you could play me like some fool.” Drake snapped at him.
“I wasn’t trying to make a fool out of you I just wanted to spend some time with you.” Dermot explained to Drake.
“More like you wanted to spend time moaning and complaining to me because for some reason you’ve got some issue with me!” Drake argued. “I don’t know what the hell your problem is but I’m getting really tired of it.”
“My problem is that you drive me crazy crazier than anyone I’ve ever met, and I’ve been around for centuries so that’s quite the achievement.” Dermot admitted as he walked closer towards Drake. “My problem is that you challenge everything I’ve ever believed in and yet despite how irritated and frustrated you make me I can’t seem to get you out of my mind!”
“Okay I’m sick of your constant…” Drake began to say before Dermot kissed him once again.
“I like you stupid!” Dermot declared before the two shared a look of longing for a moment before they began passionately kissing each other and tearing at each other’s clothes as they began crashing back towards Dermot’s office.
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“You know after you filled me in on this whole premonition of me and Paul laying dead in this house everywhere, I go has got me jumping out my skin.” Pan told Raven as she walked into the kitchen of the Halliwell Manor to find Raven sat at the kitchen table drinking a glass of water. “That’s the first time I’ve ever saw you not drink wine don’t tell me this premonition has you scared sober.”
“Not exactly I know it’s not Paul’s first premonition in which one of you die he informed me of that not that we shouldn’t still worry of course but I have confidence you’ll kill whatever demon is coming like you three always do.” Raven replied to the newlywed Halliwell as Pan walked over and sat down next to her. “I’m sorry your honeymoon’s being ruined I guess it’s just a case of one nasty surprise after another.”
“Well if us dying hasn’t got you sober…” Pan began to say before looking at the glass of water and realizing what was up for herself. “Oh my god my brother’s done it again your knocked up aren’t you?”
“A girl restrains from drinking one occasion and you assume she’s pregnant?” Raven tried to deny for a moment before realizing she had to tell someone. “Okay I’m pregnant but trust me when I say I never planned any of this I mean it’s literally the worst possible timing.”
“This is great news!” Pan screeched as she stood up, pulling Raven up too and in for a hug. “I’m so thrilled I’m going to be an aunt again…Paul’s going to be a dad again…oh my god Drake’s going to be a brother.”
“Okay I’ve got to admit that is so not the reaction I was expecting although I think I’m happy by your response.” Raven replied. “I didn’t plan any of this and Paul and I haven’t even said we love each other yet.”
“Paul’s loved you since your first kiss he was your sucker the minute you laid those lips on him Missy you have nothing to worry about…unless you don’t love him?” Pan answered.
“I do love him of course I do…” Raven admitted. “I just wanted him to say he loved me without a baby making him biased. Don’t get me wrong I’ve always wanted to be a mum and start a family I just figured I’d do it the old-fashioned way I’m kind of an old-fashioned demon.”
“Listen Paul loves you and you love him there doesn’t have to be any complications if you don’t let there be.” Pan advised the baby mother of her future niece or nephew. “I’m just glad it’s you he knocked up instead of Lacey I mean the guy has previous with Eve.”
“Yeah I suppose this demonic pregnancy has nothing on that one.” Raven joked. “Are you sure everything’s going to be okay?”
“You mean after we stop Paul’s premonition from coming true and stop us all from dying?” Pan asked sarcastically before hugging Raven once more. “I’m just kidding we’ll kick this demon’s ass and then we’ll celebrate another baby in the Halliwell family! Don’t worry everything is going to be fine.”
Lacey orbed into Dermot’s office with Paul by her side after picking him up from work after her little visit to the elders proved unhelpful only for the two of them to be left shocked to see Drake popping up from behind his desk using a laptop to cover his naked body.
“Guys what are you doing in the headmaster’s office without knocking?” Drake asked them nervously.
“Why are you in the headmaster’s office naked?” Paul asked his son. “I mean I know you like to flaunt your body, but this is a school not to mention your boss’ office.”
“I’m trying this new fitness regime that’s really trendy right now besides this part of the school is closed so thought why not exercise naked.” Drake blatantly lied as Lacey noticed somebody’s else feet popping out from the end of the table.
“I’m guessing your in the boss’ office because he joined you for this little naked exercise?” Lacey teased her best friend before Dermot jumped up from behind the desk also very naked and using a stack of books to cover his modesty.
“Mr Halliwell it’s good to finally meet you!” Dermot greeted Drake’s father awkwardly. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Do you seriously have to sleep with all your bosses?” Lacey laughed at Drake while Paul rolled his eyes in disapproval of the situation, he had just found himself in.
“Drake we don’t really have time for you to seek out another wayward romance that’s never going to work out.” Paul told his son. “We need you back at the Manor now!”
“Hey!” Drake snapped at his father. “You barged in here this is on you not me besides who says this is even romance?”
“I don’t tend to make a habit out this.” A nervous and still very naked Dermot tried to make himself clear.
“To be fair Paul, your son’s been with demons and white lighter’s what an elder or two added to the list?” Lacey joked with her brother in law. “At least this one isn’t wiping his brain, trying to make him king of hell or using him to reunite with his own father.”
“I feel like we’re setting the standard real low for him.” Paul laughed with Lacey.
“Can you guys just get our of here already?” Drake begged them both.
“Very well kiss your boss goodbye and meet us back at the Manor.” Lacey replied as she grabbed a hold of Paul’s shoulder and the two of them orbed out of Dermot’s office.
“So, this isn’t a romance then?” Dermot awkwardly asked Drake.
“God knows.” Drake laughed to himself.
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“Listen I’m telling you there is nothing to worry about.” Pan said as her and Raven walked into the dining room and sat down at the table. “We’re power of three whatever’s coming for us this time and then you can get straight to telling Paul the happy news.”
“Let’s just hope Paul takes this as well as you do.” Raven replied. “What if he doesn’t want another child? What if it hurts him too much to consider starting again with another baby after having to give up Drake when he was a baby?”
“That’s exactly why this is brilliant news look I wouldn’t change Drake for the world and neither would Paul but there’s not a day that goes by where Paul doesn’t regret raising Drake and now he finally gets a chance to be a father from the very beginning.” Pan told Raven, trying to reassure the demon. “It doesn’t mean he’s any less of a father to Drake or will be any less of a father to him when this one is born it just means he gets two children instead of one and trust me he’s going to be thrilled.”
“Thanks, you and Lacey are going to be wonderful mothers when the time comes.” Raven complimented the Halliwell witch. “You’ve made me feel so much more at ease.”
“I’m sorry I took my time turns out the elders were completely clueless about Paul’s premonition.” Lacey apologised after orbing into the dining room with Paul by her side.
“That’s okay I guess this just means holding tight till we work out more about who’s going to attack.” Pan said as she stood up from her chair and hugged her wife.
“Raven you’re still here!” Paul smiled as Raven stood up, walked over to her man and kissed him on the lips.
“I love you!” Raven declared to the eldest Halliwell.
“I love you too!” He replied.
“Listen Paul there’s something I need to tell you...” Raven began to say until suddenly a bullet pierced through the dining room window smashing the glass in the process as it headed for Pan’s direction who tried to freeze the bullet but her power’s failed on her as the bullet went straight through her forehead causing an instantly lifeless Pan to go flying backwards into the foyer of the Halliwell Manor as the three others screamed in horror.
“Pan!” Lacey frantically screamed as she rushed over to her wife, knelled and attempted to heal Pan only for her healing powers not to work much to Lacey’s horror as she continued screaming. “Heal...god damn it, powers don’t fail me now!”
Suddenly another bullet pierced through the kitchen window this time heading straight in Paul’s direction as he was hit in the chest and fell down into the foyer next to his lifeless sister as he looked over at Pan as Raven continued to scream in horror.
Lacey quickly and gently placed Pan down before moving over to Paul attempting to heal her brother in law only for her powers not to work once more.
“Quinn! Paige! Somebody please!” Lacey screamed as Raven rushed over to Paul grabbing a hold of his hand while Lacey stood up covered in both the blood of her wife and her wife’s brother as her look of heartbreak turned into a look of pure rage before she orbed away.
“Stay with me okay you’ve got to stay with me!” Raven cried frantically. “This can’t end like this we can’t end like this I love you Paul.”
“I love you too.” Paul replied before his eyes closed causing Raven to scream louder as she watched the man she loved died.
Meanwhile a grief stricken, and vengeful Lacey orbed herself outside of the dining room window in the back garden of the Halliwell Manor to find a woman dressed all in black holding a rifle that had clearly been used to kill Paul and Pan.
Before the assassin had any chance to shoot at her Lacey launched herself at the woman jumping onto her and causing them both to fall to the ground as Lacey began repeatedly punching the villainess in the face before picking her up and throwing her head against the dining room window completely smashing all of the glass in the process as a wounded and bloodied assassin fell to the ground.
Lacey walked over towards the rifle, picked it up and aimed it in the murderous woman’s direction before Raven shimmered herself into the garden to stand by Lacey’s side with her eyes still red raw and her body still trembling from just having watched Paul die.
“Lacey!” Raven screamed at the vengeful white lighter. “She’s human we can’t kill humans I know you want to and trust me so do I but killing her is not the answer.”
“Maybe not,” Replied a broken Lacey before she fired the gun several times at the assassin making bullet after bullet pierce the body of the woman who had killer her wife and her wife’s brother.
“What have you done?” Raven cried before a broken Lacey orbed away dark lighter style.
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Drake blinked into the kitchen of the Halliwell Manor before walking into the dining room where he was instantly alarmed upon see the dining room window completely smashed with blood covered on what remained of the window before he turned to look at the dining table which was covered in broken glass from the window as Drake continued cautiously walking through the dining room only to let out a huge scream as he saw the lifeless and bloodied bodies of his father Drake and his aunt Pan as he quickly rushed over to his father and began sobbing uncontrollably as he picked his father up into his arms.
“No!” Drake screamed as he hugged into his father while shaking erratically back and forth. “This can’t be happening again! I can’t go through this again! Come on dad please just wake up please don’t leave me dad…please don’t leave me!”
Drake continued to sob and scream uncontrollably while hugging his father’s lifeless body tighter and tighter, accidentally covering himself in his father’s blood before a group of police burst in through the front door shouting “It’s the San Francisco Police please stand up and put your hands where we can see them.”
Non-corporeal versions of Pan and Paul suddenly appeared within the attic of the Halliwell Manor looking at each other with pure confusion in their eyes before a non-corporeal Piper Halliwell appeared in front of them as the two siblings instantly realized what had just happened.
“I’m sorry my beautiful grandchildren it’s never easy saying goodbye even if you are given time to do such.” Piper said to them both with tears in her eyes. “I thought I’d come here and guide you along the way to try and comfort you both as much as possible. Death kind of owed us all a favour.”
“I don’t want to go I was finally happy I finally got my son back and I found someone I really love.” Paul told his grandmother, pleading for his death not to be finale.
“I just got married we were going to have children together.” Pan cried. “All that can’t be over before it’s even begun.”
“I don’t want to leave them!” Paul cried while grabbing a hold of his sister’s hand.
“We never want to leave when our time comes and yet it still comes.” Piper admitted to them both.
“Are they going to be okay without us?” Pan asked her grandmother.
“No not for a really long time.” Piper cried. “But in time their going to be okay their going to be better than okay and their going to be stronger than ever because you both taught them how to be strong.”
“I can’t believe this is over.” Paul said with a broken look on his face as he and his sister began walking towards their grandmother.
“I know my darlings, but I promise you everything will make sense in time.” Piper cried as she hugged her grandchildren before all three of them disappeared.
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Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 5 - The Charmed Bride: A Valentine’s Day Special
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Many Years Ago
Melinda Halliwell was walking down the first floor hallway of the Halliwell Manor looking for her eight year old daughter Pan when she noticed her bedroom door open and upon investigation found her little girl stood there trying on her wedding dress from her wedding to her ex-husband Luke Adams.
“Pandora Paige Halliwell what are you doing?” Melinda laughed at her daughter as she walked into her bedroom.
“I didn’t mean to pinch your dress mum it just kind of called out to me and I couldn’t help myself.” An eight-year-old Pan cutely lied while she climbed out of a wedding dress far too big for a child and sat down on the edge of her mother’s bed. “I just wanted to see if I looked as beautiful as you mummy.”
“Well as you can see, you’re too small and too young to be trying or even thinking about wedding days just yet.” Melinda told her as she sat down next to her daughter and cuddled into the eight-year-old. “But when your day comes, I can promise you that you will be the most beautiful bride in the whole wide world.”
“I hope my husband makes me as happy as daddy used to make you.” Little Pan hoped.
“You’re a smart kid Pan I’m sure whoever you wind up with whether it be a bride or groom you will be the happiest bride out there because you’ll choose wisely even more wisely than me.” Melinda said sincerely to her daughter.
Many Years Later
A teenage Lacey and Drake walked down the school corridors of their local high school within San Francisco just like they did every school day longing for the days school would be over, they’d grow up and be parent free never knowing then the tragedies that awaited them in the future.
“I’m telling your dad is going to be super cool to find out your dating a girl I mean at least he can ease off with the pregnancy lectures besides he’s super supportive of Jake and me.” Drake told a nervous Lacey who planned to come out to her father after school.
“Yeah well Jake didn’t break the news to dad until he brought you home one night which is super not fair because you’ve always been my dad’s favorite non-child.” Lacey argued with her best-friend. “I doubt he’s going to be too chill unless I take Wonder Woman herself home with me.”
“Please Wonder Woman is way too old for you your dad would just flip about the age difference.” Drake joked.
After a pep talk from her best-friend and a long school day Lacey returned home that day to find her father Eric and her brother Jake sat on the couch in the living room of their family home watching some cheesy sitcom and laughing away to themselves until Lacey switched the television off and sat down between them.
“So, I’m just going to come straight out with it…dad I’m a lesbian.” Lacey admitted to her father and brother at the same time, feeling freed by the words she had just said.
“Darling don’t be so stupid,” Eric laughed as hugged his daughter. “I’ve known you were into girls long before you even knew. Good on you for finally admitting it to yourself must’ve taken a lot kid.”
“Yeah good for you sister even if it wasn’t exactly a secret.” Jake joked with his sister.
“Your mother used to always say sexuality is a spectrum or is like a spectrum I can’t remember it word for word but the point is in this household it don’t matter what your orientation, ethnicity or sex is as long as you’re a good person.” Eric told both his children. “Although if you date crappy people, I’m going to tell you their crappy whether use like it or not.”
“So, sis, have you got yourself a girlfriend yet?” Jake asked Lacey.
“No.” Lacey blushed. “Can we please change the subject now?”
“You should totally get your brother to set you up he’s got good taste in people I mean just look at his boyfriend.” Eric suggested to his daughter instantly making her eyes roll.
“Do you have to be Drake’s number one cheerleader all the time?” Lacey mocked her father. “Next you’ll be telling me it’s a shame he hasn’t got a sister or cousin for me to date.”
“Don’t think I haven’t asked him already but sadly no family members that are of age to date you.” Eric teased his daughter.
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The Day Before Valentine’s Day
Drake was walking down the main hallway of magic school when he suddenly saw Cole from a distance holding a bouquet of roses and a heart shaped box of what Drake could only presume was chocolates and considering Cole was closer to Drake’s office than he was he had no choice but to dart for Dermot’s office and run in there in a bid to avoid his friend he shared a kiss with before realizing he just walked into the office of a headmaster he had shared a kiss with.
“Now whose busting into whose office?” Dermot asked Drake while sitting behind his desk as Drake burst into his office, slamming the door closed behind him.
“Yeah I wasn’t really thinking I was too busy in avoidance mode to remember I’m also avoiding you.” Drake replied a little too honestly. “No offense meant of course.”
“Don’t worry only a little offense taken,” Dermot joked as he stood up from his chair. “I did figure you were avoiding me but who else are you avoiding?”
“My former demonic best friend who betrayed me only for me to start becoming his friend again until…well until that got complicated too.” Drake admitted to the headmaster of magic school.
“Your life in general seems complicated.” Dermot told him.
“Fair point.” Drake agreed.
“While you’re here I have a little card, I was going to give you…” Dermot began to say.
“I swear if it’s a valentine’s card I will vanquish you!” Drake snapped at his boss.
“Fair enough,” Dermot laughed at Drake’s reaction. “So, do you want to talk about what happened between us or keep avoiding?”
“Keep avoiding.” Drake joked for a moment before realizing Drake look unimpressed. “Here’s the thing I was still getting over my ex who was a great guy until he lied to me, brainwashed me and then left me to become an elder although in his defense I was kind of dead at the time. Then Cole came along and I clearly transferred my feelings to nearest standby got rejected and realized we were better off as friends until he back-stabbed me and then along comes you who I really hate or at least did hate until that kiss and now I’m all kinds of confused and desperate to keep avoiding.”
“Hold up elder Jason Quinn brainwashed you?” Dermot continued to laugh at Drake’s expense making Drake laugh along with him. “God your love life really is a train wreck.”
“Yeah and I haven’t even told you about my first ex who wound up in jail for murdering my parents.” Drake couldn’t help but laugh as his reckless love life. “Then there was this demonic strip club owner who I wound up getting pregnant which actually turned out to me my most successful relationship considering I got Lilah out of my dalliances with Cindy.”
“So, I’m guessing a lifetime of that doesn’t make you the biggest valentines day fan?” Dermot asked him.
“You could say that yeah.” Drake replied.
Raven walked into her office at Halliwell and Turner only to be left shocked to see a trail of roses leading to her desk with a luxurious box of chocolates and a card within a red envelope placed on her desk as she walked into the room only to hear a knock on the door to find Paul stood there with a bouquet of beautiful and colorful flowers.
“Wow, this is totally unexpected!” Raven said as Paul walked over to her and handed her the flowers before kissing her. “You realize Valentine’s Day is still a day, away right?”
“True but considering my sister’s getting married on Valentine’s Day even the cupids themselves better be on holiday this year because Pan Halliwell and Lacey Morgan are about to make it their day.” Paul joked. “Speaking of which I need a plus one for the wedding if you fancy being my date?”
“Well I was given my own invite but I’m sure I can slum it as your plus one.” Raven replied before giving her boyfriend and business partner another kiss. “The flowers are lovely thank you.”
“I figured we could do something nice for lunch as well I booked us a table at Quake I’d say dinner but I think Drake’s plotting something for tonight and considering we missed his last plans I’m going to make sure not to miss this one.” Paul revealed to Raven.
“How are the soon to be brides?” Raven wondered. “I can’t wait for a lovely wedding and on Valentine’s Day too it’s just the thing to lift the mood around here.”
“Careful now we try not to try and jinx ourselves in this family.” Paul joked.
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The soon to be brides Pan and Lacey found themselves sitting on the couch in the living room of the Halliwell Manor cuddled up together under a thick blanket while watching a cheesy romance movie on the television which was quickly interrupted when Drake blink in front of them both interrupting their movie time.
“This is totally not acceptable it’s one day before the wedding and the two of you are sat here watching god knows what.” Drake said to them both before switching off the television. “You both have separate hens’ nights to start preparing emphasis on the plural use there because we’re going traditional and separating you two until the big day.”
“I thought you understood it when we said no to any hen nights let alone two?” Lacey asked him.
“Well that’s on you for being foolish enough to believe I’d just settle with a no I never settle for anything.” Drake told his best-friend. “You have plenty of time to be old and boring after the wedding tonight’s about fun and I’m going to make you both have some even if it involves kidnapping use both.”
“I guess we have no choice then.” Pan said to Lacey while smiling at her soon to be bride.
Before Lacey could respond to Drake’s demands the three of them were interrupted by a knock at the door which instantly made Drake smile knowing who was at the door.
“Well this is your house too Lacey get off your butt and answer the door!” Drake ordered Lacey.
“When the hell did you get so bossy?” Lacey asked as she stood up from the sofa and began walking towards the foyer. “I’m only going because you’re clearly a man on a mission today and I have no interest in going up against that.”
Lacey continued walking through the foyer of the Halliwell home and walked straight towards the door only to be left completely shell shocked when she opened the door to find her brother Jake stood in the doorstep.
“Jake,” Lacey said with excitement. “What are you doing here?”
“I figured to stop being a bitch and risk getting locked up so I can see my little sister get hitched.” Jake revealed before hugging his sister.
“I’m so happy you came around I thought I was never going to see you again.” Lacey squealed as she was overcome with joy. “I’m so happy your back! I’m so happy you’ll be here for my wedding I’ve missed you so damn much.”
Meanwhile back in the living room Pan’s suspicion over Drake’s scheming smiles only managed to grow after overhearing her fiancé screaming with joy from the front door of the family home.
“What exactly did you do?” Pan asked as she stood up from the couch to face her nephew.
“I may have cast the tiniest acceptance spell on Jake to help him get over his beef and get him here for the wedding.” Drake revealed to his aunt.
“You seriously cast a spell on a guy whose life was ruined by magic.” Pan laughed nervously. “That’s going to end well.”
“Okay you and I both know when it comes to a little personal gain here and there, we’re both willing to take the risk besides am I really a Halliwell if I don’t interfere like the rest of you?” Drake joked.
Jake and Lacey walked into the living room hugging each other just before Pan had any chance of arguing with her nephew over his recent meddling but Drake was far from out of the woods yet as he found himself face to face with his first love who he wrongly accused of murdering his parents.
“Hi Drake, it’s good to see you again.” Jake said to him awkwardly.
“Hey, it’s good to see you too.” Drake replied sincerely although equally as awkwardly.
“So, what are these plans then? I must admit you play an unfair but highly good game.” Lacey said to Drake, happy to be reunited with her brother.
“Pan’s hen night is taking place in P3 where I’ve got Paul working on the finishes touched to the night and Lacey’s hen night will take place in Devilish Delights which will re-open for one night thanks to Cindy giving me the all clear to use the strip club.” Drake revealed to the room.
“Wait a strip club…how do you know people that own a strip club?” Jake asked his former boyfriend.
“I used to be a stripper there before becoming a cop then I briefly returned to stripping and now I’m a guidance counselor telling students not to strip for a living some people call it the circle of life.” Drake informed him.
“Well nothing in your life has ever not been complicated.” Jake joked.
“You have no idea!” Drake laughed.
Drake blinked into P3 to find the beautiful valentines themed decorations all hung up around the club and his father Paul sat at the bar counter drinking from a bottle of whisky.
“Well I’ll give you something you’ve got quite the hand for decorations I guess I know where I get it from.” Drake told his father as he walked and sat down next to him before stealing the bottle of whisky from his hands. “However, it’s missing a little something…”
Drake waved his hand along the bar counter blinking plates of food onto the surface much to Paul’s amusement.
“I’m really going to have to discuss personal gain with you at some point Drake.”  Paul told his son.
“Personal what now?” Drake joked with his father before taking a drink from the bottle of whiskey and handing it back to Paul. “I managed to convince Raven to take Lilah for the night which really means Raven, and more than likely Cole are babysitting I would’ve asked him myself but…”
“He kissed you before your new boss kissed you and you’re all kinds of confused.” Paul interrupted his son. “What is it with you and your bosses anyway?”
“If Lacey wasn’t already dead, I’d kill the little blabber.” Drake moaned. “Well anyone Lilah’s sorted for tonight which means this baby daddy can’t get as drunk as he wants too.”
“Now that sounds like I showed up just in time for a great night.” Quinn said with enthusiasm as he orbed into the club. “Hi guys!”
“Quinn it’s been far too long.” Paul replied with a smile as he stood up from his chair and hugged his former white lighter. “I’m so glad you can make it tonight.”
“Yeah it’s really good you could make it.” Drake agreed with a forced smile as he had now seen four people, he had shared kisses with in one day.
“I couldn’t miss Pan’s wedding I mean you guys are like family to me and I’ve always rooted for them two to make it down the aisle.” Quinn told both father and son.
“Drake’s decided to split the brides up for separate hen nights, so we’ll only be seeing Pan tonight.” Paul told Quinn before turning to ask Drake. “Are you sure planning two hen nights isn’t too much for you?”
“My mother was a party planning extraordinaire I learned everything I know from her in fact she’d be in her element right now.” Drake admitted. “She just loved valentines’ day too it was the one day in a year where dad was the one who went all out and boy, he did it in style. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a couple more suited for each other until Lacey and Pan.”
“I love when you share happy stories from your past you always seem so happy when telling them.” Paul said as he hugged his son.
“Okay enough of the mushy stuff I have parties to attend to.” Drake replied before blinking out of sight.
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Lacey and Jake walked into Devilish Delights to find the entire club decked out with valentines themed decorations and a large table on the stage filled with all kinds of different food.
“I’m guessing Drake got a deal on Valentine’s decorations.” Jake joked.
“Oh, I highly doubt he paid for any of this.” Lacey laughed. “Somebody really needs to discuss personal gain with that one.”
“You mean all this was done by magic?” Jake asked as he looked around the club amazed. “Drake sure has changed since our high school days.”
“We’ve all changed since high school to be fair and all for the better.” Lacey told her brother as they sat down at a table together.
“I guess this means it’s just the two of us tonight?” Jake wondered before his and Lacey’s father suddenly appeared in front of them as if from out of nowhere.
“Dad...” Lacey and Jake said in unison before standing up from the chairs and rushing over to hug their father.
“Quinn I wasn’t expecting you to be here!” Pan said with excitement in her voice as she walked into P3 to find Paul and Quinn stood by the bar before she walked over to them both and gave her former white lighter a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here my wedding wouldn’t have been the same without you.”
“I’m guessing it’s just a party of three then considering Drake will no doubt be attending his best friend’s hen night.” Paul told them both before all three of them were left stunned when Piper and Melinda appeared from out of nowhere.
“Well in that case there’s more than enough space for another two to add to the party.” Melinda said to them before rushing over to hug her two children Paul and Pan. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
“And let’s not forget who you’re really excited to see.” Piper announced before going over to join Melinda, Paul and Pan’s group hug as she pulled Quinn in to join in on the hugging.
“I guess Drake really does know how to plan things perfectly.” Paul said with a smile as the group hug broke off.
“There is nothing in this world that would stop us from being there at your wedding.” Piper told her granddaughter Pan. “We tried to push the elders to let us all come down, but they don’t go for it.”
Suddenly artist Avril Lavigne blinked on stage along with her band and their equipment much to everyone in P3’s surprise.
“Okay now that’s a slightly impressive yet highly problematic use of magic right there.” Piper said to Pan, and Paul as Avril and her band began to set up to play for them. “Have you even mentioned personal gain to Drake?”
“Yeah I just kind of said it like it was more of a suggestion than a necessity but don’t worry grams I’m sure Avril Lavigne or her band won’t remember any of this come tomorrow.” Pan replied to her.
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“I hope I’m not interrupting family night I just thought I’d pop in to make sure everything’s running along smoothly.” Drake said after blinking into Devilish Delights to find Eric, Lacey and Jake stood at the bar only for Eric to quickly meet him with a hug.
“You’ve always been a part of this family Drake.” Eric told him while continuing to hug Drake tighter. “You’ve done a great job tonight now enjoy it with us.”
“Yeah my hen night isn’t complete without my best friend.” Lacey said to Drake after he broke off his hug with her dad.
“You’ve done a really good job tonight.” Jake congratulated Drake.
“You really have,” Lacey agreed as she hugged into her father once again. “This is already the best hen night a girl could ever ask for.”
“Yeah well it’s only fair that after all magic has cost you all that it gives you a little something back.” Drake told his best friend Lacey. “After all you’ve been through and knowing you all these years it really is a true pleasure getting to see you watch the woman you love tomorrow.”
“Look at you all emotion forward and everything.” Lacey laughed before breaking away from her dad to hug her best friend. “You’ve come such a long way too and I’m glad we did it together like we always have.”
Artist Avril Lavigne stood on stage with her band at P3 performing her song it was in me while Pan, Paul, Piper, Quinn and Melinda sat within the family booth each holding drinks in their hands and enjoying some quality family time as the night before Pan and Lacey’s valentine wedding drew closer and closer to an end.
“I can’t believe my daughter is getting married tomorrow and to angel just like you mum.” Melinda happily gushed to her mother Piper while the others mumbling amongst themselves.
“I can believe it in fact I’m surprised it took them this long, but nothing is ever easy in this family.” Piper replied to her daughter before raising her glass, grabbing everyone’s attention to make a toast. “Here’s to a couple who couldn’t be anymore suited for each other and a valentine wedding that is truly going to be magical.”
“Yeah and to Pan and Lacey hopefully finding the perfect home.” Quinn let slip while everyone raised their glasses to toast to Pan and Lacey leaving Paul shocked and very unamused. “Oh, which wasn’t going to be revealed until after they found somewhere.”
“Your planning on moving out?” Paul asked his sister, clearly not liking the idea of no longer living with his little sister.
“You guys have lived together forever but now is a time for you all to start a new chapter in your lives son.” Melinda told Paul, trying to defend her daughter’s decision. “You’ve made your own little family and now it’s Pan’s turn to do the same with Lacey.”
“I was going to tell you once we found somewhere but I guess now it’s out.” Pan admitted to her brother. “It’s not like you’re going to be alone I mean Drake and Lilah will still be living with you.”
“I know Pan it’s just you and I have always lived together we’ve always done everything together and it’s going to be weird living in a home you no longer live in.” Paul replied to her. “You’re more than just my little sister you’re my best friend.”
“I’m going to miss you too you, big idiot but it’s not like we’re not still going to see each other all the time.” Pan said as she pulled her brother in for a hug. “And you’ll always be my best friend that will never change.”
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As the hours passed on the night before Valentine’s Day Drake, Jake, Lacey and Eric had found themselves sat around a table within an otherwise empty Devilish Delights the foursome continued to laugh and reminisce while keeping the beers and shots flowing throughout the night.
“Between Lacey trying on my suits when she was a kid and Jake always breaking into his mother’s shoe collection, we literally had to get really good at hiding things from them.” Eric laughed.
“Yeah well I guess I was going through an experimental stage back then.” Jake blushed before looking over at Drake as the two shared a smile with each other.
“I’m still a solid fan of suits I just have better taste in them now no offense dad.” Lacey teased her father.
“Talking about offenses.” Drake said before waving his hand blinking a large ton of paperwork onto their table.
“What is all that?” Jake asked him, while Lacey and Eric both look equally as confused as Jake himself.
“To save you having to read all the boring paperwork it’s basically a record declaring that all charges made against you have been completely wiped from your record.” Drake revealed to him. “I know it’s far too late to try and bring all those years you spent in jail or on the run back to you but I figured it was about time you stopped running and could call this city your home again.”
“I don’t know what to say.” Jake said while stunned by Drake’s actions.
“It included various spells a father who’s a lawyer for the legal stuff and a few elders who tolerate me to lend me some fairy dust in order to get everything all wiped including memories all except from the inner circle of course but you Jake Morgan are now and free man.” Drake explained to his first love before waving his hand making a folder appear on top of the paperwork. “And that is an application for San Francisco Police Department so that if you want to continue your family’s legacy like you wanted to all those years ago you can feel free to go ahead.”
“I think Pan may have actually been bet as the super witch around here.” Lacey joked before turning to look at her brother. “I’m so happy for you to finally be free I’m just sorry it took this long and sorry all this happened to you in the first place.”
As the night before the big day was close to coming to an end Piper and Melinda had found themselves having to assist a very drunk Pan and Paul home to the Halliwell Manor before throwing the passed out siblings onto the couch in the living room and throwing a blanket over them both.
“I can’t help but feel like we’re forgetting something or someone.” Melinda said to her mother while watching over her sleeping children.
“Not that I can think…damn.” Piper began to say before realizing they had left Quinn asleep at P3. “Quinn, we forgot Quinn oh well I’m sure he’ll be fine crashing at P3 until morning.”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Melinda laughed while continuing to watch her son and daughter sleep. “I just can’t believe how much they’ve grown I just wish Patience could be here too for Pan’s big day but that would be far too complicated to try and explain to everybody.”
“Yeah besides poor Patty is still adjusting to the after life and telling them their sister was so close all this time only to have recently died would only torture them as much as it did us.” Piper replied to her daughter. “I’m just glad at least one of my grandchildren gets to have a happy ending and I hope both Paul and Drake will follow Pan’s path towards happiness for themselves too.”
“Grams I’m sorry I didn’t make it tonight, but I got carried away reminiscing with the others.” Drake said after blinking into the living room before rushing over to Piper to give her a hug. “I always love it when you swing by for a visit…well nowadays I do anyway.”
“It’s good to see you too Drake I’m so proud of all you’ve done tonight.” Piper told him. “And all you’ve came through recently speaking of which where is my darling great-great granddaughter?”
“Cole’s sister Raven is babysitting her tonight you’ll get to see Lilah at the wedding and just wait till you see this adorable dress Pan picked out for her.” Drake replied to his grams.
“It’s nice to see you again…well for the first-time face to face.” Melinda said to her grandson who immediately looked awkwardly at her.
“Thanks,” Drake forced himself to say to his father’s mother before returning all his attention back to Piper. “Listen I’m actually pretty tired and I’m planning on getting up extra early tomorrow so I can squeeze in some quality time with Lilah before Pan and Lacey’s wedding, so I’ll see you in the morning.”
Drake quickly gave Piper another hug before blinking out of sight clearly in a rush to get away from his grandmother Melinda as quickly as possible.
“He still hates me for convincing Paul to give him up, doesn’t he?” Melinda asked her mother, already knowing the answer was yes.
“Drake will come around it just takes him time he’s stubborn like his father but he’s also good a big heart like his father too.” Piper told her daughter.
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Valentine’s Day
Drake walked into the dining room of his family home still in his pajamas to find Cole sat at the table in a smart suit with Drake’s daughter Lilah on his lap who was wearing a pretty pink dress and looked so beyond adorable that Drake’s face instantly lit up as he walked over to them both and took his daughter in his arms for some cuddles and kisses.
“Daddy missed you so much last night.” Drake told his daughter before looking at Cole. “Thanks for bringing her over.”
“Of course, you know I always have time for my main girl.” Cole said as he stood up to face Drake. “Listen Drake about our kiss…”
“Shouldn’t have happened just like the time when I shouldn’t have kissed you because you were right, we’re friends and we don’t need to complicate things between us.” Drake butted in. “I hope you’re okay with that?”
“Oh, thank god,” Cole breathed a sigh of relief. “Not that I wasn’t tempted to complicate things because trust me I was I even went out and got you a valentine gift out of a moment of weakness before realizing that’s not what I wanted for us. We’re a good team the way we are, or we were before we complicated everything, and I’d like to go back to no complications.”
“Yeah I’d really like that,” Drake said sincerely. “I’ve missed our friendship and I’d like to try uncomplicating my life just a little.”
“Tell Pan and Lacey I wish them all the best, but I can’t stay today I’ve got to leave the city for a while for reasons I can’t explain right now.” Cole told his friend before kissing Lilah on the forehead and then kissing Drake’s before shimmering away.
“Well that’s one less complication now I’ve just got to put up with the other three today and I’m golden.” Drake told his daughter before Piper walked in from the kitchen.
“I’m so glad you didn’t make the same mistake as my sister and married that guy.” Piper said to Drake.
“He’s a changed man from those days.” Drake defended his friend. “He’s just not the one for me.”
“You’re so willing to give him so many chances why not try giving Melinda one?” Piper suggested to her great-grandson before walking over and taking Lilah into her arms. “She only wants to get to know you and try make up for her mistakes.”
“Fine I’ll give the woman a chance but no promises…” Drake sighed.
Piper, Drake, Melinda and Raven stood within the front row of chairs in the sun-room of the family home which was perfectly decorated in red and white wedding decorations symbolizing a valentines style wedding while artist Kelly Clarkson and her band stood to the side of a beautiful altar made of white and red roses as Quinn and Leo Wyatt orbed into the room to stand next to Piper.
“I didn’t think they’d let you come for this,” Piper said with a smile before kissing her husband. “Pan’s going to be so happy you could make it.”
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Leo replied to his wife.
“Hi, I’m Drake I’m your…” Drake began to introduce himself to Leo before Leo rushed over to hug his great-grandson.
“I know who you are I’m glad to meet you.” Leo told him before breaking of his hug with his great-grandson.
Kelly Clarkson began singing an acoustic version of her hit single my life would suck without you as Lacey walked into the sun-room wearing a beautiful wedding dress with her brother Jake on one arm and her father Eric on the other arm as she walked down the aisle before reaching the altar as Eric and Jake went to stand within the second row of chairs among the family.
Moments later Pan was the next beautiful and blushing bride to walk into the sun-room wearing an equally beautiful wedding dress with her brother Paul on her arm as the song continued while the two of them walked down the aisle before Paul gave his sister a kiss on the cheek as he left her at the altar with Lacey and walked over to hug his grandfather Leo before the family sat down ready to watch Pan Halliwell and Lacey Morgan get married as the original grams and Pan’s great-great grandmother Penny Halliwell appeared in front of the two brides ready to marry them.
“You look stunning Mrs Morgan.” Lacey told her future wife while grabbing a hold of Pan’s hands.
“As do you Mrs Halliwell.” Pan responded with love for her future wife glowing from her.
The family watched as the two brides became two wives on valentine’s day marking the start of a beautiful marriage between Pan Morgan-Halliwell and Lacey Morgan-Halliwell.
“We’ve been through a lot both together and alone and I have never been happier than when you are with me getting through the many storms in our lives.” Pan said during her vows to Lacey. “I knew I loved you from the first moment we met, and I know I’m going to love you until my last breath and long after that. Even in death I my spirit will go on to love you for all of eternity.”
“I never thought I’d ever meet someone who could well and truly complete me in ways I never thought possible.” Lacey said during her vows to Pan. “I vow to make you the most important person always and to never forget how much I love you for as long as we both shall live and I’m kind of living or not living until the end of time.”
“I do!” Mrs and Mrs Morgan-Halliwell both declared before sharing a kiss as the entire room cheered on the two blushing brides with glee.
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Charmed Again: Season 2 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 1 - Back to Black: Part 1 (Premiere)
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Pan sat on the couch within the attic in her family home looking through a family photo album that included pictures of Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Melinda, Wyatt and Chris as well as containing baby, child and teenage pictures of herself and Paul.
“Do you know the elders summon me more than you do these days?” Piper complained as she appeared as if from out of nowhere.
“I’m sorry grams things around here have got even more crazy than normal as I’m sure you’ve probably seen for yourself.” Pan replied as she stood up, placing the photo album down on the couch.
“Yeah I’ve seen which is why I decided it was time to properly check in,” Piper explained to her granddaughter. “How are you coping with it all?”
“I’m doing good yeah it’s most Drake that’s struggling with it all although he’s acting like it’s not affected him, I know it has. He doesn’t let people in easily and when he does, he winds up hurt that’s got to blow.” Pan admitted to her.
“The elders have always been real pains in the proverbial especially with their archaic ideology you should’ve seen the hissy fit they through when I married your grandfather but eventually they learned I wouldn’t back down and it was time for them to change their ways which I hope happens again in this case.” Piper reassured her.
“I’m not sure this time Grams I’ve not seen or heard much from Quinn since he got reassigned and I doubt Drake’s going to open himself up again just to be hurt.” Pan replied honestly.
“Drake’s a lot more resilient than you think and he’s full of surprises I mean just look at him you and Paul all under the same roof.” Piper disagreed with her granddaughter. “I never thought he would wind up moving in and he did.”
“Pan are you coming back to...” Lacey began to ask while walking into the attic before noticing Piper. “Oh, never mind.”
“Hello again Lacey I see being dead is a good look on you.” Piper said to her granddaughter’s girlfriend.
“Right back at you Mrs Halliwell.” Lacey replied to her.
“I’m so glad Aunt Paige bended the rules about white lighters and sped up Lacey’s process.” Pan admitted as she walked over to Lacey and kissed her. “I couldn’t imagine life without you.”
“Yes, well every now and then the elders and by which, I mean my sister Paige manages to get things right.” Piper told them both. “Where is my grandson and great grandson anyway?”
“Paul’s working late at the law firm and Drake’s always late coming in from Devilish Delights.” Pan explained to her grandmother.
“What the hell is Devilish Delights?” Piper wondered.
“A very nice and very colorful performance venue for exotic male dancers.” Pan reluctantly replied.
“Oh,” Lacy laughed. “She means a strip club.”
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“I suppose continuing to give you more and more chances are proving worthwhile for me.” Cindy smirked while she and Drake stood in Cindy’s office fixing their tops, having clearly just had some fun with each other.
“Please I’m the closest thing you have to a friend around here unless your hiding them somewhere really good.” Drake laughed, teasing his boss.
“Friends are seriously overrated I mean what use has anyone really got out of friendship?” Cindy replied. “If I wanted friends, I’d have friends, but I don’t.”
“Don’t you consider me a friend?” Drake asked as he moved closer towards his boss.
“I don’t do emotional attachments of any kind and that’s the reason why this works.” Cindy admitted before leaning in to kiss him only to be frozen mid-air.
“Didn’t I ban you and Paul from ever coming here?” Drake asked as he turned around to see Pan and Piper stood at the now opened office door.
“Yeah this time I’m not doing the freezing or the invading.” Pan replied while pointing at her grandmother, making it clear Piper was to blame.
“Who even are you?” Drake asked Piper, clearly unamused.
“Hello, anyone home?” Paul shouted as he walked into the foyer only to see Lacey orb into the foyer, although Lacey didn’t quite execute the landing making her fall to the floor upon appearing into the room.
“Damn, Quinn always made it look so bloody easy, but orbing is really hard,” Lacey moaned as Paul helped her back on her feet. “If I don’t start acing this white lighter thing quickly, they may consider taking my wings off me.”
“Lacey you’re still relatively new to all of this you’re not supposed to be the best straight away give it time.” Paul suggested to her. “Where is everyone?”
“Your grandmother Piper Halliwell returned from the grave once again just in time for Drake’s birthday tomorrow.” Lacey told him.
“Drake’s birthday is on the 31st of October, I should know considering I was there the day he was born.” Paul replied to his white lighter.
“True but Halloween is a big no for him, so we just do his birthday the week before, so he doesn’t have to be associated with all hallows eve.” Lacey explained to her charge. “I swear I tried doing a fancy-dress themed birthday for his 21st and the guy almost killed me on the spot.”
“How can Drake not love Halloween the guy’s obsessed with horror movies and all things spooky to an alarming level which I guess is the demon in him, but Halloween should be his favorite time of year.” Paul wondered. “Not to mention as a Halliwell it’s the most important time of year for us.”
“Delilah was a huge fan of Halloween and she used to go all out every year she’d throw this big party for the entire street and her and Drake used to spend so much time decorating, designing costumes and coming up with ideas.” Lacey revealed to Drake’s biological father. “It was their thing and he’s refused to celebrate it since to be honest with you I think she made such a big deal about Halloween because it was her son’s birthday she loved him more than anything and he loved her so much.”
“That’s terrible here’s me believing Drake and I were growing closer and not only didn’t I know he loathed his own birthday but I didn’t even know the woman that raised my son the woman he called mum was named Delilah.” Paul admitted, hurt by the realization his white lighter knew his own son better than him.
“I wouldn’t blame yourself on that one Drake’s a hard one to open up on a good day never mind opening up about the worst day of his life.” Lacey said, trying to make Paul feel better about himself. “His father was called Stewart in case you were wondering about him too.”
“What was his father like?” Paul asked her.
“He was a regular dad type nothing to write home about really Drake was always closer to his mum but Stewart and him did have their wrestling addiction they bonded over every week they used to go to shows together and Drake would get so excited to spend time with him.” Lacey continued to reveal more about Drake’s adoptive family before beginning to laugh over a memory she quickly shared with Paul. “I remember Mr Black tried bonding with him with a father son camping trip which I of course invited myself too and Drake was just hopeless and it wound up being just me and Stewart doing some father and son’s friend bonding why trying to find Drake.”
“Where was Drake when you eventually found him?” Paul wondered with a smile on his face, happy to hear more about his son even if it wasn’t from Drake himself.
“In a nearby hotel he paid for after swiping his dad’s credit card which was pretty much expected from us both except for finding Jake in the room with him which Mr Black wasn’t so happy about.” Lacey laughed. “He would’ve been even more pissed if he realized that’s when his son lost his…never mind.”
“I think we should work on having Drake move his birthday back to the right date I mean his mum would want him to keep up the tradition she created for them both.” Paul suggested to Lacey.
“Trust me when I say that conversation won’t end well, I’ve tried it a few times myself and it only ever ends up in disaster Drake really doesn’t like talking about anything deep especially with new people, no offense.” Lacey warned her charge. “Quinn was lucky Drake let him in like he did which was clearly a big mistake. I liked Quinn too I can’t believe I was fooled into thinking he was a good guy.”
“Quinn’s not a bad guy in fact he’s one of the best guys I’ve ever met.” Paul defended his departed friend. “The elders made it clear he had to give us up as charges if he had a choice, he’d still be here trust me.”
“I understand this whole white lighter gig has a bunch of stupid rules which I have to memorize like no matter how idiotic, grumpy or down right rude my charges can get I’m not supposed to bite back which is a thing I’ve complained to Paige about in length.” Lacey complained. “My point is Quinn at the very least could’ve said goodbye to Drake elders be damned Drake deserved a goodbye.”
“Maybe saying goodbye was just to hard for him.” Paul replied.
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“Not that it’s not lovely having people I know pop up where I work especially the dead kind but what are you actually doing here?” Drake asked Piper as Piper, Drake and Pan stood in the parking lot outside of Devilish Delights.
“I’m pretty sure mid-day hook ups with your boss isn’t in the job description for stripping although I’m not exactly an expert in that area.” Piper joked before going on to reveal. “I’m here to celebrate your first birthday living under the Halliwell Manor which I’ve been told you celebrate a year early.”
“I’m grateful you dug yourself out of your own grave just for my birthday but it’s not exactly a special one and I don’t intend to do anything special for it.” Drake replied to his great-grandmother.
“Yeah that’s not quite how it works when one of us return from up there no digging is actually involved.” Piper explained to him.
“I really think you should reconsider doing something special it means a lot to us to get to spend your first birthday with you.” Pan tried to persuade her nephew.
“I understand birthdays aren’t your thing but there a big deal to us and I want to use this occasion to get a proper chance to get to know you.” Piper admitted to Drake. “Please just let us do something if only to appease us.”
“Fine,” Drake reluctantly caved. “We can do brunch or lunch but that’s all.”
“You are going to be so pleasantly surprised by how amazing I am as a chef in fact I taught your father everything he knows although I must admit he never quite mastered it as well as me but he sure comes a very close second.” Piper boasted.
Paul and Pan found themselves sitting at the table in the dining room of their family home waiting for Drake to come downstairs as the table was filled with a luxurious display of food while Piper kept popping in and out from the kitchen with more plates of food she somehow managed to squeeze onto the table.
“I know Lacey advised me against it, but I really think we should convince Drake to celebrate his birthday on his actual birthday Halloween isn’t exactly a holiday that we as witches should be avoiding.” Paul suggested to his younger sister.
“I say we don’t rock the boat this year at least I mean you’ve just got him living under the same roof pushing him too soon might not end well.” Pan replied to her brother. “Besides this is about the parents who raised him that’s not exactly an easy topic to approach especially when you’re the father who gave him up.”
“I agree with you both, I agree with Paul in that as a Halliwell it would basically be sacrilege to ignore Halloween, but I also agree with Pan that Drake celebrating his birthday should be up to him.” Piper interjected while placing another plate on the table. “Halloween has a way of making Halliwell’s celebrate whether they like it or not.”
“Maybe I should just talk it out with him and get him to be more open with me?” Paul asked his sister and grandmother.
“Because that has worked so well in the past.” Pan replied with sarcasm.
“I’m sorry honey but Drake’s brick walls have brick walls behind them and who knows how many layers of cement.” Piper told her grandson as she walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I mean even I’m handling with kitten gloves and I normally blow things up.”
“You’re both right I just hate the fact he’s still beating himself up about things that were in no way within his control and I hate he’s hurting and there’s nothing I can do to stop him from hurting.” Paul admitted.
“I know sweetie,” Piper replied as she hugged into her grandson.
Lacey orbed into the dining room once again missing the landing and this time falling mid air crashing into the table breaking the dining table and destroying Piper’s entire buffet of food at the same time much to Paul and Pan’s horror as they looked over at their clearly furious grandmother Piper.
“Oh god,” Pan said in shock. “My grandmother is totally going to explode my girlfriend.”
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Having waited long enough for the birthday guest and leaving Pan, Paul and Lacey to clean up made by the rookie white lighter Piper decided it was time to chase Drake out of his bedroom only to find him putting on his jacket after knocking on his door and letting herself into his bedroom.
“Good you’re finally ready I did make a buffet but let’s just say Lacey’s orbing ruined the feast.” Piper said to her great grandson.
“Thanks, I can only imagine you went to a lot of work, but I have to go into work.” Drake replied to her.
“Isn’t the whole point of sleeping with your boss that you get benefits let’s say like time off on your birthday?” Piper joked.
“It’s that a subtle way of you saying you don’t approve of me stripping or that you don’t approve of me sleeping with my boss?” Drake asked his great grandmother.
“I married my white lighter which was considered a lot worse than dating your boss back then so I’m not going to judge you for who you sleep with or strip for I just want to spend some time with my first great grandchild on their first birthday with his family.” Piper admitted to him.
“No offense Piper but this isn’t my family in fact everyone at Devilish Delights has known me longer than the people in this house barring Lacey who is actually my family.” Drake replied. “I’m not trying to be mean or hurtful it’s just you’re not my family, this isn’t my birthday and even if it was, I don’t do birthdays.”
“We’re trying really hard here Drake sooner or later you’re going to have to meet us halfway.” Piper made herself clear.
“It’s been months since they took the charmed ones off me as charges when are you going to convince them to reinstate me as their white lighter?” Quinn asked Paige as the two of them stood within the clouds.
“I hoped for the process not to take this long but then Lacey wound up getting herself killed by a demon with her father’s face and Pan was left completely grief stricken so I had to change priorities and make sure I could rush the white lighter process for Pan and Lacey to be reunited.” Paige explained to the white lighter. “From the feedback I’m getting from the other elders it may take a while for them to come around to everything and even then, I’ll have a hard time convincing them the charmed ones need two white lighters. There is a way I could probably swing it with them to reinstate you now, but I don’t think you’d like it.”
“Paige I’ll do anything to get back to them.” Quinn pleaded with her.
“You’ll have to refuse all feelings you have for Drake and that you won’t act on any feelings for him and I could get them to reinstate you now but I’d rather you just wait until I get this demons and angels rule overturned.” Paige revealed to him.
“And how long will I have to wait for that rule to be changed?” Quinn asked the elder.
“I’m not sure how long it’s going to take or even if I will be successful, but I am extremely hopeful.” Paige reluctantly admitted while still trying to give Quinn some hope.
“I’ll make the promise to the elders and I’ll never act on my feelings for Drake.” Quinn decided. “I can’t be away from them any longer especially with the source and the triad still out there.”
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Drake was stood within a local cemetery in San Francisco holding a red rose in his hand as he looked over at his adoptive parents Delilah and Stewart Black’s gravestone.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately mum wondering what my life would’ve been like if you were still around wondering if you ever forgave me for what I did.” Drake cried as tears fell down his cheeks. “Wondering if you’d want me to embrace the Halliwell’s or run away as fast I can. I met my biological mother and I betrayed your memory by calling her mum you’re the only real mum I’ve ever had and I’m so sorry for never appreciating you enough when you were around. The truth is I’ve never recovered from losing you and now all these new people are in my life trying to push me to move on and I’m so beyond terrified of trying to live again.”
“Your mother could never blame you for an accident that happened when you were still a child, but something tells me you’re never going to believe it until you hear it from her.” Piper said as she appeared standing next to her great grandson before Drake was left stunned to see his mother Delilah appear in front of him in a series of white orbs instantly becoming corporeal.
“Mum.” Drake struggled to mumble as his voice broke before he ran over to hug his mother beginning to sob in her arms as Piper looked on with tears in her eyes “I’m so sorry.”
“Drake you have nothing to apologize for honey.” Delilah told her son as she broke off their hug and kept her hand on his face stroking his cheek lovingly. “The fire was an accident that you had no way of knowing would even happen I mean how could you, you didn’t even know you had powers back then.”
“I’ve missed you and dad so much mum.” Drake continued to cry.
“You had no reason to miss me or your father because we’ve never left you, we’ve always been there with every move you’ve made.” Delilah revealed to her son. “We were there when your heart broke over your first love Jake, we were even they when you were stripping at that club although your dad and I look away at the skin filled parts. We were there when you became a cop, when you found your birth father, your birth mother and when you became a charmed one.”
“Really?” Drake asked his mother as tears continued to fall down his cheeks.
“You have made us so much prouder than we could have ever imagined you would. You’re an amazing and loving boy who has done some truly incredible things and I know you will continue to do even more.” Delilah admitted to Drake. “It truly breaks my hear that you keep closing yourself off to everyone because of this stupid notion you have of not deserving to be loved. Life will never get better if you keep not living it Drake and you deserve to have the most wonderful life.”
“I don’t feel like I do.” Drake argued with tears still in his eyes.
“Yes, you do you deserve to be the happiest person and I refuse to allow you to think otherwise for any longer!” Delilah demanded.
“I’ve never learned how to be happy without you and dad.” Drake admitted to his mother.
“You never have to be because even when you don’t see us, we’re always there.” Delilah promised him. “We will continue to always be there but you have more than just us now you have your father and your aunt now too and I know there’s enough room in your heart to love us all so let Paul and Pan in because they really do love you and you deserved to be loved.”
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“Can I help you?” Cindy asked Piper Halliwell as she the witch walked into Devilish Delights where Cindy was stood behind the bar counter waiting for her arrival.
“Yes, you can go ahead and tell me why my great grandson’s boss is a demon who seems to be taking a special interest in him?” Piper wondered as she walked over towards the demonic club owner.
“You do realize your great grandson is also part demon himself.” Cindy replied to her.
“I’ll be the one asking the questions here unless you would prefer me jumping straight to the exploding.” Piper snapped at her.
“If you must know I genuinely had no idea who he was until after he was hired and trust me when I say I wasn’t particularly thrilled to find out he was a charmed one considering my history with you lot.” Cindy admitted to Piper.
“You mean because your father was Barbas and your sister Barba attacked my grandchildren not so long ago.” Piper told her. “I know you’re not like them and are trying to seek some form of redemption but why do you need to do it around my great grandson?”
“I never wanted to be part of this world or the Underworld but since meeting Drake I’ve found myself tolerating somebody for the first time I even tolerate his detective friend Lacey and that annoying squirrel boy Quinn.” Cindy answered honestly. “Paul and Pan will take some work.”
“If you ever hurt any of them, I will kill you!” Piper warned her. “In fact, I’d kill you now if it wasn’t for the fact history has once again seemed to repeat itself.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Cindy quizzed the Halliwell Matriarch.
“I think you already know.” Piper responded with a knowing look.
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Charmed Again (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 7 - Mother Knows Best
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Many Years Ago
Melinda found herself frantically walking up and down the attic of the Halliwell Manor in a state of panic and worry.
“Hear these words hear my cry. Spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the great divide.” She chanted before a non-corporeal Piper appeared within a series of white orbs.
“I figured it would only be a matter of time before you summoned me sweetie.” Piper said to her only daughter.
“Does that mean you know?” Melinda asked her mother.
“Yes, but don’t worry about the elders Paige sure none of the other elders know anything about any of this for the time being.” Piper replied.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do mum.” Melinda admitted as Piper suddenly became corporeal and walked over to her daughter.
“There’s nothing you can do but support them.” Piper told her while giving Melinda a hug.
“Mum our family is dwindling and fading fast Wyatt and Chris were more powerful than I could ever dream of being and they’re gone now.” Melinda admitted her fears as she broke off the hug with her mother. “I don’t want to lose my children like I lost my brothers.”
“I know this family has lost a lot Melinda, but you can find some comfort in knowing Paul and Pan are both powerful witches.” Piper replied, attempting to comfort her daughter.
“That never stops a Halliwell from dying.” Melinda said as tears began forming in her eyes. “I don’t want to have to watch my children die and now Paul’s got this demon pregnant they’re only going to become bigger targets for the Underworld.”
“Paul and Eve’s child will be part demon part witch and that’s going to be one truly unique grandchild for you Melinda.” Piper explained to her. “And a truly unique first great grandchild for me.”
“Let’s be clear here mum being unique just makes you more of a target around here.” Melinda cried. “No-one can ever know of Eve’s pregnancy.”
“I know you’re worried for them and rightly so, but you can’t hide her pregnancy forever I mean she will eventually give birth.” Piper replied to her daughter.
“The elders are never going to allow this which means we’d be going up against them and the Underworld.” Melinda continued to cry.
“I’ve lost count of the amount of times this family has went up against the elders I mean if we never fought with them, I would’ve never married your father or had you and your brothers.” Piper admitted.
“Mum that’s when the charmed ones existed, they don’t exist anymore and even if they did it wouldn’t change anything.” Melinda told her mother. “All this family will do is bring danger to this child. I can’t go through that again losing Patience almost killed me.”
“Melinda this is your first grandchild we are talking about here not just some baby but your grandchild.” Piper said, trying to make Melinda see sense.
“Exactly and giving up this child to a nice normal family would be the best thing for it sparing it from ever seeing the real evils of this world or living life as a Halliwell.” Melinda replied, making her opinion clear.
Modern Day
Drake just stood there in Ash’s hotel room with Ash and The Source of all evil stunned by the source’s claims of being his mother.
“You can’t be my mother both my biological and adoptive mothers died a long time ago.” Drake dismissed the source before turning to look at Ash. “If this is another of your tricks Ash, I’m going to vanquish you so hard.”
“Enough with the flirting.” The Source replied before waving her hand and making Ash blink out of the room.
“No offense lady but I’m more likely to talk to him than I am willing to listen to you.” Drake snapped at her.
“Drake my darling boy I’m the only in your life right now that’s actually willing to be honest with you.” She claimed.
“I’m a reluctant charmed one and an even more reluctant Halliwell so I suggest you better go now because today really isn’t the day to piss me off.” Drake warned The Source of all evil.
“I’m proud to see there’s more of me in you than your father.” She replied with a sinister laugh. “You are a Halliwell and I would hold that against you because I was in love with a Halliwell once and it led to me bringing life to you.”
“Why are you making up these lies?” Drake questioned her, not believing what she was telling him.
“Paul is your father not your brother and unlike your treacherous father I actually want you.” The Source admitted to her son. “Giving you up was genuinely the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make but now I’m the queen of hell making me powerful enough to protect the both of us from anything.”
“Paul’s my father.” Drake replied as tears began forming in his eyes. “That actually makes a lot of sense, why is everything about my life a lie?”
“Honey please don’t waste a single tear on humans not when you can make those humans burn for what they’ve done to you.” She told her son.
“I’m sure he’ll show up soon enough he’s probably just in a bar somewhere drowning his sorrows and I can’t blame him after everything he’s had to deal with recently.” Pan told her brother as she walked down to the bottom of the stairs in the foyer of the Halliwell Manor and sat down next to Paul.
“Pan he just learned he killed the people he saw as his real parents and he was traumatized enough about their deaths before learning he was the cause of it.” Paul replied to his sister.
“I know but it’s not like he purposely went out of his way to kill them it was an accident and we’re just going to have to make him realize that.” Pan reassured him.
“If only I had bound his demonic side when he was a baby none of that would’ve happened.” Paul said, blaming himself.
“You could never have known any of this would happen and the last thing your son needs right now is you blaming yourself. All we can do is just be there for him while he tries to work this all out for himself.” Pan explained to her older brother.
“I just want to tell him everything’s going to be okay that I’m his father and I’ll make sure no harm will ever come to him again.” Paul admitted as tears began forming in his eyes.
“Paul even if he was raised by you, he would’ve still had to face some hard times we all do, and you would never be able to protect him from everything that’s just life.” Pan told her brother as she gave him a hug.
“Not meaning to cause alarm to my grandchildren or anything but all hell is literally about to break loose once again.” Piper declared after appearing from out of nowhere, standing in front of her two grandchildren.
“Grams what are you doing here?” Pan asked as her and Paul stood up to face their grandmother. “Not that it’s not good to see you.”
“I’m here because Drake is in danger.” Piper revealed to them both.
“What do you mean?” Asked a worried Paul.
“Eve or The Source as she now calls herself is with Drake as we speak.” Piper told her grandchildren.”
“Quinn!” Paul instantly shouted before Quinn quickly orbed into the foyer of the Halliwell Manor.
“Drake’s alone with the source of all evil.” Quinn revealed, a little too late.
“You’re not the quickest on the news front, are you?” Piper said to Quinn sarcastically.
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“I know that this is a lot to take in, but I want you to know I’m here right now because I love you.” Eve revealed to her son as he walked up and down the hotel room frantically. “You couldn’t possibly begin to understand what I went through to become the queen, but I did it all for you.”
“You are literally the source of all evil why would you ever think I would want that as a mother?” Drake asked her.
“I only gave you because I was a low level demon I was too weak to protect you but I rose through the ranks clawing my way to the top to become powerful enough to protect you from anything.” The Source admitted to him.
“So, the person I believed was my best friend was spelled to befriend and protect me, my brother is my father, the queen of hell is my mother and the only real parents I ever had are dead because of me.” Drake replied frantically.
“They were never your true parents they would never be capable of loving you like I love you because I love all of you unlike everyone else. I love the person, the demon and even the witch.” Eve declared.
“My parents were amazing people.” Drake snapped. “Don’t you dare say they weren’t my real parents because they were. They raised me not you or Paul they raised me!”
“Drake I only want to give you the world, I want to make the world bow beneath you.” She told her son. “You are so much more powerful than you could ever possibly imagine.”
Before Drake could respond to his birth-mother Piper, Paul, Pan and Quinn orbed into the hotel room together.
“Back away bitch!” Piper shouted at Eve before raising her hands to explode her, which only hurts the source making a wound and doesn’t explode her.
“Halliwell’s really need to learn when to stay dead.” Eve snapped back at Piper.
“Are you my father?” Drake asked Paul with a broken look on his face only for Paul to remain too silent to respond resulting in Drake punching Paul across the face before blinking out of the hotel room.
“Looks like you’ve lost him again Paul, but I won’t lose him twice.” The Source said to the eldest Halliwell sibling. “Sooner or later he’s going to realize I’m the only parent he can really rely on.”
“Eve you better watch yourself you’re hardly the first Source I’ve came up against.” Pan warned her, defending her grandson.
“How could you just tell him like that?” Pan asked Eve looking genuinely hurt by her. “Drake has already been through so much.”
“Pan, you were the one who always told me it’s the truth that sets you free.” The Source replied to her before disappearing within a burst of flames.
“I can’t believe he found out like this he should’ve never have found out like this.” Paul said as he frantically paced himself up and down the attic of the family home while Piper and Pan stood looking through the book of shadows.
“You’re right about that because you should’ve told him the minute you told him he was a charmed one.” Piper told her grandson.
“Grams take it easy on him please.” Pan said, defending her brother.
“Look I’m not blaming you for all this Paul well not just you.” Piper replied to Paul. “I know your mother pushed more than a little for you to give Drake up and I’m still pissed at her for that but you had a chance of telling him the truth the minute you were reunited with him. This poor boy lost his adopted parents believing his childhood sweetheart was to blame, discovered he was part witch part demon and now he’s having to get his head around the idea his father has been pretending to be his brother and his mum just so happens to be The Source of all evil.”
“Grams I know you’re right I’ve failed him all I’ve ever done is fail him since the day he was born.” Paul admitted to his grandmother. “All I ever wanted was the best for him and now I fear we’re going to lose him forever. What if he chooses his mother?”
“To hell with letting that happen.” Lacey snapped as she stormed into the attic of the Halliwell Manor. “I’ve not been a witch’s lapdog for most of my adulthood life just to fail Drake now.”
“Lacey Morgan I can’t begin to thank you enough for all the things you’ve done for my great grandson but you’re only human so everyone would be a lot safer if you just sat this one out.” Piper replied to Lacey as politely as possible.
“Great grandson,” Lacey said confused as she stopped to look at Piper. “Hold on aren’t you Pan’s dead grandmother.”
“I guess you’re not particularly well knowledgeable in all things ghosts then.” Pan cackled at Lacey. “Glad to know there’s something you don’t know.”
“I’m sorry Mrs Halliwell I really am but your daughter made it literally impossible for me to sit on the side lines when it comes to Drake so if you have a problem with me being involved you got your daughter to thank.” Lacey responded to Piper.
“I see why you like this one sweetie, I’m glad you’re finally seeing someone I approve of.” Piper said to her granddaughter Pan before turning her attention back to Lacey. “You can stay.”
“Drake doesn’t seem to be stopping long enough for me to find him he clearly doesn’t want to be found.” Quinn revealed after orbing into the attic.
“Okay that means it’s time to take this approach from a different angle.” Piper said as she walked over to a nearby unit getting white crystals before walking over to form a circle with the white crystals. “This should hold him long enough to make some sense out of him.”
“Wait, what are you doing?” Paul asked his grandmother.
“Power of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near come to us and settle here.” Piper chanted before Drake suddenly blinked into the circle of crystals.
“What the hell?” Drake snapped as he tried to escape the crystal cage just to be shocked by it. “Get me out of here!”
“Yeah that’ll just keep doing that every time you try escaping from the circle.” Piper revealed to her great grandson.
“So, now I’m your prisoner?” Drake asked, shouting at everyone in the attic, each of them looking equally guilty.
“Of course, you’re not a prisoner.” Quinn stated before looking at the others with uncertainty. “Right?”
“Drake we’re all just really concerned about you after everything that’s went down.” Pan admitted to her nephew.
“So, you decide to trap me in a bloody magic circle.” Drake snapped at his aunt.
“Drake, we are all just trying to protect you your mother is very dangerous and you’re not safe.” Lacey said, giving it a shot to try and convince her best friend.
“I can look after myself just fine.” Drake replied, clearly furious with everyone in the room.
“Drake you have no idea what your mother is capable of.” Piper warned him.
“Who the hell are you?” Drake snapped at the woman he didn’t know was his great grandmother.
“I’m Piper Halliwell your great grandmother the original charmed one and I will blow you up if you keep up that attitude with me whether your distressed or not.” Piper explained to him.
“Forgive me but I must have missed school when we were discussing magic crystal prisons.” Drake said while looking down at the crystals. “One of use tell me how they work, please?”
“I’ll happily give you any magic lessons you want once you hear us all out.” Piper replied with a smile on his face.
“Crystal!” Drake shouted as he held out his hand, breaking the crystal circle as one of the crystals blinked into his hand. “I guess that’s how they work.”
Pan quickly held out both her hands and attempted to freeze Drake.
“Good witches don’t freeze Pan, but you already knew that, so my guess is you thought I was evil just because I’m half demon.” Drake stated while looking at Pan before blinking away.
“Why the hell did you try to freeze him?” Piper snapped at Pan before looking over at Paul. “And why the hell did you just stand there mute the entire time.”
“I didn’t know what to say.” Paul admitted looking defeated before he walked out of the attic.
“Melinda you better get your ass down here right now and help me fix your bloody mess.” Piper shouted while looking upwards before Melinda appeared in the attic from out of nowhere.
“There was no need for shouting mother I could hear you loud and clear.” Melinda told Piper.
“I will never forgive you for this!” Pan told Melinda before she was next to stormed out of the attic.
“Okay I knew they could summon ghosts but seeing it is beyond weird.” Lacey admitted to Quinn while Piper and Melinda stood there both looking hurt.
“You know I’m technically a ghost too.” Quinn replied to her.
“Yeah but your basically Caspar.” Lacey joked with the white lighter.
“You need to talk to your son Melinda the two of you made this mess so the two of you are going to fix it.” Piper ordered her daughter.
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Jake woke up from his nap in his prison bed shocked to see Drake once again standing in his prison cell.
“Finally, you’re awake I was beginning to think I’d get caught by the guards before your lazy ass woke up. I don’t know how you can still nap during the day I mean how can you be tired when you literally stare at the same four walls every day.” Drake said to him.
“Drake, why the hell are you here now?” Jake asked him as he got out of his bed and stood up to face his former lover.
“Because I’ve only just worked out you really were innocent all this time.” Drake admitted to him.
“Wait, are you telling me you finally believe me?” Jake wondered, clearly happy by the possibility.
“Jake I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am for taking so long to finally believe you but I’m here to try my best to make up for it now.” Drake apologised to him.
“If you’re telling me your going to try to get them to re-open my case it’s not going to be easy.” Jake replied, looking defeated.
“Yeah that could take forever I know which is why I’m breaking you free now.” Drake revealed before grabbing a hold of Jake’s hand and blinking the two of them out of the prison cell.
“Poor Drake he looked so disappointed in me for assuming he was evil which I never I don’t even know why I tried freezing him it was just some knee jerk reaction.” Pan said to Lacey as the two of them sat on the edge of Pan’s bed in her bedroom. “I hate the thought of him not being able to trust us, but I can’t say I blame him after all the lies.”
“Pan you can’t go blaming yourself for any of this you were put in a truly impossible situation.” Lacey replied trying to reassure her girlfriend as she took a hold of her hand. “I’m sure once he gets over the initial shock of all this, he’ll realize all we’ve all ever done was to try and protect him.”
“I’m so blessed to have you in my life I never thought I’d ever find someone who’d understand me let alone the witch stuff too.” Pan admitted to Lacey.
“All families are crazy your family just happens to have magic infused with all the crazy.” Lacey told her before placing a kiss on her girl’s lips.
“Do you really think Drake will forgive us?” Pan asked her.
“Drake has never been big on forgiving or trusting people but he’s always been big on doing the right thing and deep down he knows being a charmed one is the right thing however I don’t think any of us will be playing happy families anytime soon.” Lacey explained to pan before The Source appeared within a burst of flames once more, standing in front of the two lovers.
“So, I’m guessing your Drake’s biological mother?” Lacey said to Pan as the two of them stood up to face The Source.
“Well done you must be a good detective,” The Source replied before waving her hand, making Lacey collapse onto Pan’s bed completely unconscious as she turned her attention to Pan. “She’s merely sleeping I’m not here to kill anyone at least not yet.”
“What the hell do you want?” Pan snapped at Eve.
“I want you stay away from my son and allow him to reconnect with me.” Eve replied to her.
“You must be raving mad if you think we’d ever let you anywhere near Drake let alone hand him over to you.” Pan told The Source.
“Listen I don’t deny that I am a villainess bitch who stops at nothing to get what she wants which is exactly the reason you should remove yourself from my son’s life before I remove you myself.” The Source warned the Halliwell woman.
“Eve you should know by now the power of three defeats the source of all evil every single time.” Pan threatened her.
“If we were talking about the original charmed ones I’d agree and as for the original source he had nothing on me.” Eve stated. “I came here to be kind and deliver you a warning because of our history but I promise next time I won’t be so nice.
“No, you came here to try and scare me which is a fool’s move because I don’t scare easily.” Pan argued with her.
“Paul and I were nothing but a meaningless affair, but I really did love you once upon a time Pan.” Eve admitted as she placed her hand lovingly on Pan’s face. “It’s only because of that I’m allowing you and your girlfriend to live another day but if I have to kill you all to get my son I will.”
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“Where the hell am I?” Jake asked as him and Drake blinked into the middle of a seemingly endless field. “How are we even here?”
“I’m part witch part demon.” Drake revealed to Jake. “That’s how this is possible.”
“But demons are witches aren’t supposed to be real.” Jake replied while in a state of shock.
“Then how are we here instead of being in that frankly smelly prison cell which totally ruined all prison porn fantasies for me.” Drake said to him.
“Oh my god you really are a witch.” Jake realized.
“And part demon although clearly a good-looking version of both unlike the horrid movie renditions.” Drake boated to his ex.
“I’ve known you my entire life and I knew you were special, but I never knew you were some kind of witch/demon hybrid.” Jake told Drake as Drake couldn’t help but smile by being called special by his first love.
“Yeah it was quite a shock for me to but if it wasn’t for me learning about that I never would’ve found out you were innocent.” Drake admitted to Jake.
“Did demons or witches kill your parents?” Jake asked him.
“Ruck sack!” Drake shouted before a ruck sack blinked into Drake’s hands.
“Oh my god how did you just do that?” Jake wondered.
“Clearing your name is going to be a long and tricky process so until then I want you live a great life.” Drake admitted to Jake before throwing the ruck sack at him, which Jake quickly catches. “In the bag there’s enough money to get you started anywhere in the world as well as a fake ID which I won’t reveal how I got but I promise you I’ll never stop trying to clear your name.”
“I can’t believe any of this is even real.” Jake admitted in disbelief.
“Jake, I failed you a long time ago when I refused to believe you. I knew you had your problems, but I should’ve known you were no murderer.” Drake told him. “You were the first person I ever loved, and I should’ve believed you no matter what. I want you to never look back and accept this as the new start you truly deserve.”
“For what it’s worth I really did love you too Drake.” Jake replied sincerely.
“I know,” Drake said with a soft smile on his face. “Okay so where in the world shall I blink you too?”
“I think it’s time you and I had a conversation.” Melinda said to her son as she walked into his bedroom to find Paul sitting on the edge of his bed still looking completely defeated by recent events.
“I’m not really wanting to speak to you right now mum.” Paul replied as his mother sat down next to him.
“I need to say something I should’ve said to you years ago I’m sorry Paul. I’m sorry that I forced your hand and allowed my fear to be pushed on to you resulting on you giving Drake up.” Melinda admitted. “I genuinely believed the further away he was from all this the safer he’d be, but it turned out the human world is just as dangerous as the Underworld.”
“I don’t understand how you could know where he was this entire time and never tell me.” Paul told his mother. “You knew how hard it was for me to give him away and yet you kept that from me.”
“I believed giving him away would the best option for him and I didn’t mean to lie to you about knowing where he was. It started out as curiosity over what my grandson would be like but the minute, I saw him I just couldn’t stop from going back.” Melinda revealed. “His life seemed perfect although his taste in men was awful, but he was happy and safe and to me that’s all that mattered. I wanted to tell you, but I was scared you’d want him back and that he wouldn’t be safe anymore.”
“How many times did you go and see him?” Paul asked her.
“Only a couple of times when I was alive but once I died, I watched over him just as much as I watch over you and Pan.” Melinda told her son. “He’s a truly remarkable man.”
“What am I supposed to say to him mum?” Paul wondered.
“You tell him the truth that’s all you can do and then you just got to hope he listens and understands.” Melinda said before hugging her son.
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Drake stood on the top of the golden gate bridge looking down at the busy traffic when Quinn orbed there to stand beside his charge.
“I’m so relieved that I finally managed to track you down.” Quinn admitted.
“I knew it would only be a matter of time before you showed up to ruin my peace.” Drake replied as he turned to face his white lighter. “Did you know Paul was my father?”
“Yes, I did.” Quinn reluctantly revealed.
“Was anyone ever going to tell me the truth?” Drake asked him.
“I want to lie and say yes but the truth is I honestly don’t know Drake. What I do know is that Paul wants you to be in his life so badly and I know may fell like he doesn’t with all the lies, but he loves you. Everyone loves you.” Quinn told his charge.
“Why are the evil more honest than the good?” Drake questioned him. “I mean the good should be honest and the bad should be deceitful or at least that’s how it’s supposed to be but clearly the world’s not so black and white.”
“I’m sorry Drake I really am.” Quinn apologized.
“I want you and everyone else to leave me alone from now on and you all need to respect that decision.” Drake told Quinn bluntly. “I’m going to get on with my life, live it for me and that life doesn’t include any of you anymore.
“Please don’t say that.” Pleaded a heartbroken Quinn as tears began forming in his eyes only for Drake to blink away to leave him alone with his tears.
Lacey walked into the police station only to be shocked as she walked over to Drake’s desk to see it completely clear with his name plaque in an office bin next to his desk before picking it up from out of the bin and rushing to her father’s office.
“Dad where the hell are all of Drake’s things?” Lacey asked her father after knocking on his door and walking into his office.
“He resigned earlier today but that’s the least of our problems right now.” Eric Morgan revealed. “Your brother has somehow broken out of prison.”
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“Hi honey.” Melinda greeted her daughter as she walked into the dining room of their family home to see Pan sat at the table drinking a glass of white wine.
“You spelled my girlfriend and it’s partly because of you I’ve been forced to pretend my nephew was my brother you don’t get to call me honey right now.” Pan snapped at her mother before taking a drink from her glass.
“Pan I never knew for a single second when I cast that spell on Lacey that you would wind up with her and I’m far from proud about what I did to her but I was just so desperate to make sure Drake was safe.” Melinda told her as she sat down next to her daughter. “If I didn’t intervene when I did Drake could’ve wound up in prison for something that wasn’t his fault and it was bad enough, he lost his parents without having to go to jail for it.”
“I hate what you did mum I really do but in a weird way I understand it too. When we went up against Barba, she made me realize my greatest fear was losing another loved one and it made me realize I would stop at nothing to protect the ones I loved.” Pan admitted to her mother. “I don’t forgive you for how you went about everything, but I do understand why you did it and I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if I were in your shoes.”
“You would’ve done the right thing sweetie like you always have.” Melinda told her as she reached out and held her daughter’s hand. “You’re a lot like your grams in that sense and that makes me so incredibly proud of you. I wasted my time alive being in this constant state of fear especially after losing my brothers, my cousins and my baby girl. You’ve never once let your fear control you and I admire that so much. Pan you were born to be a charmed one and I believe you whole heartedly that you will be the glue that helps put Paul and Drake back together.”
“I had a feeling you would wind up here at some point.” Paul told Drake as he walked up to his son who was stood outside his burned down and boarded up family home.
“I guess Quinn never passed on my message so I’m going to make myself loud and clear I’m done with charmed and I’m done with you.” Drake told him coldly as he turned to face his birth father.
“Drake you’re my son and I’m sorry I never told you that sooner, I’m sorry that I ever gave you up.” Paul apologised. “If I could go back and do it all over again, I would’ve kept you no matter what.”
“Why did you give me up?” Drake asked him.
“I wanted you to be free from having to be a Halliwell I wanted a better life for you than that.” Paul admitted to his son.
“Here’s the thing Paul and I’m not saying this to be cruel I’m saying it because it’s the truth. You might be my biological father, but I will never see you as my dad because I already had one and he was a great one.” Drake made himself clear.
“I just want to be a part of your life.” Paul told him.
“I don’t want that, and you need to respect that if you do care about me like you claim.” Drake replied.
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Pan walked into the living room of her family home shocked to see Quinn teary eyed while sitting on her couch.
“Quinn are you okay?” She asked while sitting down next to him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you upset before.”
“Sorry.” Quinn apologised while drying his tears. “I came here to give you guys an update it’s just I can’t seem to pull myself together.”
“Quinn you’re more than just my white lighter you’re my family you can tell me what’s wrong.” Pan told him.
“I don’t think Drake’s ever going to come back.” Quinn admitted.
“You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” Pan asked Quinn.
“Yes!” Quinn replied finally admitting it to not only Pan but himself.
“I hoped I would see you again, but I must admit I never thought you come to see me so soon.” The Source said to Drake after he blinked into the caves of the Underworld while she sat on her throne.
“You’re the only person in my life who’s never lied to me and I’ve got to give that some merit.” Drake admitted to his birth mother. “I’m not evil and I’m never going to be evil.”
“Good and evil is such a black and white point of view my darling and I prefer to live my life with a bit of color.” Eve replied. “You can be whoever you want to be because I love you for exactly who you are.”
“That’s a relief because I never wanted to be royalty and I sure as hell don’t want to be prince of hell.” Drake told her honestly. “I’m not going to start calling you mum suddenly but as long as you play nice and stay honest, I’m sure I can make some space for you in my life.”
“Really?” Eve asked with excitement at the prospect of finally being a part of her son’s life.
“As long as you stop killing innocent people and make all your demons stop hurting innocents.” Drake demanded to a speechless Eve. “Just because we’re demons doesn’t have to mean we act like monsters.
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“Today has been one surprise after the other.” Lacey said to Pan and Quinn as she walked into the living room of the Halliwell Manor and sat down next to them both. “I can’t wait for this day to be over already.”
“Same!” Pan and Quinn replied in unison causing the three of them to laugh at each other.
“Drake quit his job in a clear attempt to stay as far away from me as possible and I’m pretty certain he also broke my brother out of jail.” Lacey revealed to them both.
“That’s good your brother’s no longer in jail.” Quinn said to the detective. “Not so good Drake may have exposed magic in the process though.”
“My brother’s probably out there with Drake right now, both of them despising me and having every right to.” Lacey told Pan and Quinn.
“What you did you do because you were under a spell cast by my mother none of it was ever your fault.” Pan reassured Lacey.
“Looks like the elders want me.” Quinn declared after hearing the jingle from them in his ears. “This can’t be good.”
“Is it ever?” Pan scoffed before Quinn orbed away.
“I love you Pan Halliwell.” Lacey admitted to her with admiration in her eyes before kissing Pan on the lips.
“Thanks.” Pan awkwardly replied.
“Drake please tell me you’re here because you’re already reconsidering your resignation because like I told you earlier, we really would hate to lose you.” Eric said to Drake as he welcomed him into his office before closing the door behind him.
“Trust me when I say this place is a lot better off without me.” Drake told Eric as he the two sat down at a nearby sofa.
“Is this about Jake’s recent prison break?” Eric asked him.
“Jake never started the fire your daughter lied.” Drake admitted to the man who was like a second father to him. “I know this because I’m the one who started the fire that killed my parents.”
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Charmed Children
Warnings: I do not own or claim to own any rights to the television show “Charmed” or the characters created within said show, this is purely fanfiction written from a devoted fan of the series. 15+ Mild to strong language, moderate to strong violence, witchcraft, sexual innuendos, and scenes of a sexual nature. F/F, F/M, M/M, Gen, Other +
Chapter 1 - The last will and testament of Phoebe Halliwell (Part 1)
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Melinda Warren was a very powerful witch burned at the stake when her lover betrayed her but on the day of her death she had a premonition which reveal to her three of the most powerful witches ever to exist, these witches would later be referred to as the charmed ones, Halliwell witches who were descendants of Melinda and thanks to some magical assistance the witch even managed to meet them briefly. For three years these charmed ones: Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell lived up to their legacy as the powerful charmed ones defeating foe after foe with their powers, potions, spells and unwavering bravery which ultimately led to the early demise of Prue Halliwell, the eldest Halliwell sister. However, as fate would have it that was not the end of the charmed ones as sisters Piper and Phoebe learned they had a half-sister Paige who was both witch and white lighter, together they restored the power of three and for many years defeated even more foes, saving many innocents and protecting the world time and time again but like their sister Prue and many of us who are not immortal their days were numbered. As the years passed without the charmed ones, the world got continuously more dangerous as the Underworld started to rebuild from its destruction at the hands of Piper, Phoebe and Paige but despite their absence they had not completely left the world behind with nothing, as like Melinda before them they left behind descendants, a legacy, particularly their children and now that the charmed ones were no more it was time for the children of the charmed ones to stand up and take their place, well the ones that were still standing.
PJ “Prudence Johnna” Thorne grew up in foster care where she quickly learned to have her own back because nobody else had hers, it had hardened the young girl into the cynical badass woman she became and pushed her towards a life within the force as she became a detective within the San Francisco Police Department. PJ never bothered to seek out her biological parents having already faced too much rejection in her life she did not fancy the chance of seeking out more by looking for her parents but the mystery of who they could be would be the only mystery she’d allow in her life as she joined the police force making sure solving all other mysteries was literally her job. PJ had long jet black hair with very pale skin often accompanied by a dark red lipstick and was often found wearing tight black skinny jeans matched with a black tank top and a black leather jacket, black was her favorite color of clothing for sure, she always made sure to look as closed off as she came across but little did this SFPD detective know that her next mystery would soon change everything in her life as the one mystery she never wanted solved was revealed to her. “Seems like you have an unexpected fan out there,” Gareth greeted PJ after knocking on her office door before walking into the office, to find PJ sitting behind her desk with her head in her paperwork as always. “Just when I thought you were this lone wolf it seems like you do associate with more people than just me and this police department. “I knew when they forced me to have a partner, I would live to regret it.” PJ replied to Gareth. “What are you talking about anyway?” “You are to attend the hearing of the will of Phoebe Halliwell.” Gareth informed his fellow detective. “Which solves the mystery of whether or not you have any friends.” “I have no clue who the hell Phoebe Halliwell is so you must have got it wrong.” PJ told him. “How did you hear any of this anyway?” “I may or may not have opened your mail,” Gareth revealed before pulling out an envelope from behind his back and placing it on the desk. “You can report for breaking a law if you want but I’ll just say it looked like a suspicious package.” “In which case you get the bomb squad in not invade my privacy!” PJ snapped as she picked up the envelope, tore it open and began reading the letter. “There must be some kind of mix up.” “I am sure it will all become clear once you attend the hearing of the will.” Gareth informed her, knowing exactly what was to come. Gareth Frey was a tall slender yet muscular man with a buzzcut hairstyle and could often be found wearing slim fitted shoes and being a detective was not his only job in fact it was more of a cover up than anything else to hide his true calling while getting closer to PJ. Gareth Frey was a white lighter, PJ’s white lighter, and he had been assigned to watch over her and the other children of the charmed ones.
Percy Ford may not have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth but he was certainly adopted into royalty or rather a San Francisco socialite family who believed they were royalty and as he grew up within the Ford family he began to think of himself in the same light as his adoptive family. Percy was the only child, adopted after his adoptive parents attempted many times to conceive a child of their own and so both his parents treated him like their little miracle and it was not long before he believed in the hype himself. Percy did not work because he did not have to, following his adoptive father’s death he inherited a lot of money and continued to live off that as well as enjoying shares in many businesses and finding himself constantly pampered by his adoptive mother with whom he had an extremely close bond with. Percy Ford never wondered nor cared to find out who his biological parents were, mostly because he knew how lucky he was to be adopted by such a loving and rich family who he adored just as much as he adored their fortune. Percy did not have much care in the world and was rather shallow, often loving himself more than anything else without much depth to his character until he found himself learning of the legacy he was born into. “Gareth! If I have told you once I have told you a million times be near the door at all times when the doorbell rings.” Percy complained to the butler of Ford Manor as he walked down the grand staircase towards his butler, who was also secretly his white lighter as well as a detective within the SCPD. “Who was it anyway?” “It was just the postman Mr. Ford,” Gareth informed him, while holding an envelope which looked eerily like PJ’s. “Would you like me to read it for you or just hand you it to read for yourself?” “I am perfectly capable of reading my own mail.” Percy snapped at him before snapping the envelope off the butler. “I guess your mother Mrs. Ford had another bad night.” Gareth guessed, knowing Mrs Ford had been suffering for many years following a stroke and was bed bound now. “I could look into a night nurse so you do not have to do it all yourself or perhaps the house staff could help you more.” “No, the staff already have enough to do around here and help out enough with mother.” Percy replied with a saddened sight. “Not to mention my spoiled and diva attitude especially in the mornings…I am sorry for snapping Gareth.” “It is okay Mr. Ford; I cannot begin to imagine how hard this is for you.” Gareth responded to the young socialite. “I know how much your mother means to you and how close the two of you are especially after the passing of your father.” “For the last time Gareth just call me Percy, Mr. Ford was my father.” Percy stated as he opened the envelope and began reading the letter. “This cannot be right according to this I am in the will of someone called Phoebe Halliwell…I do not know a Phoebe Halliwell.” “Perhaps she was close to your parents at some stage in her life?” Gareth suggested. “You should probably attend the hearing just to be courteous.” “You are right it is the polite thing to do I suppose.” Percy admitted to his butler. “Last time I was at a will hearing it was for my father…although I doubt this woman will be leaving anything even remotely near the quantity of my father’s fortune.” “Who knows what kind of hidden treasures will be handed over to you, it may not be a fortune but I’m sure whatever it is will have had great value to her and perhaps to you too.” Gareth answered him. “You know for someone forced to put up with my brattish self, day in and out you are a very optimistic man Gareth Frey!” Percy said, giving his butler a rare compliment. “Please do not ever change.”
Peyton Price was a beautiful, young and carefree spirit who learned she was adopted at a young age but chose not to seek her biological parents out in respect to her adoptive parents whom she still has a great relationship with. Peyton’s passion was photography however it was yet to pay any bills and so she worked at a diner nearby her apartment within San Francisco City. She did not have a lot of money, but she was hardly broke and very appreciative of all the things she had experienced in life. Peyton had always wondered who her real parents were and why she was put up for adoption but she was also a big believer in fate, believing everything happened for a reason and that mindset was going to prove highly recommended for what she was about to learn. “Hey Gareth, how are you?” Peyton greeted her neighbor Gareth, after opening her apartment door to see him stood within the lobby area of their apartment building. “I just noticed you had some mail in the mailbox and thought I’d bring it up to you since the locks are playing up again.” Gareth replied, as he handed her an envelope. “Looked important and I did not want someone running away with it.” “That is funny I was sure I just checked the mailbox before coming home from my latest shift at the diner.” Peyton answered him as she opened the envelope in front of her neighbor and began reading the letter. “That’s funny I’m supposed to attend some hearing of a will…no clue who the woman is.” “Maybe you have a secret rich aunt who has left you everything in the will.” Gareth joked with her, knowing fine well what awaiting the young aspiring photographer. “Ha! That would be a nice surprise then I could buy me own gallery and force them to put my pictures up.” Peyton laughed. “Although I guess the struggle is part of being a true artist.” “Well I hope everything goes well for you Peyton…let me know how it all turns out.” Gareth replied, pretending not to already know. “I will do, thanks again Gareth!” Peyton thanked her neighbor once more, completely unaware to the fact her neighbor was also her white lighter and the woman’s will she was going to attend the hearing of was her biological mother’s.
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Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 7 - Spellbound Behind Bars
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Returning home to find his murdered father and aunt in the foyer of the Halliwell Manor would’ve been more than traumatic for anyone never mind someone who had already witnessed the death of his adoptive parents and his birth mother and things were made worse when Drake was arrested by the police wrongly charged with the murder of Paul and Pan Halliwell luckily his daughter Lilah never witnessed any of this and was currently with her mother Cindy the only comforting factor in a terrible situation that had well and truly left Drake feeling broken.
Through the worst times of his life Drake Black always had one person by his side his best friend Lacey Morgan-Halliwell but after killing her wife and brother in law’s assassin she had been kind of lacking when it came to communication leaving Drake alone behind bars with no word on getting out as he began to believe he was going to spend the rest of his life in a maximum security prison for a crime he never committed fearing he’d never see his daughter again.
Drake sat within the courtyard of the maximum-security prison he found himself imprisoned by as he sat on the cold ground with his legs crossed and eyes closed attempting to meditate and picture himself anywhere but there without accidentally blinking there at the same time.
Sure Drake had the power to leave at any moment but he knew if he did that would raise far too many questions leaving him with no choice but to stay put and hope the elders would find a magical solution to make all this go away knowing that even if he got out of his prison there’d be no way of bringing back his father or aunt no matter how much he wished they weren’t gone.
“Yeah I wouldn’t do that if I were you this is my first bit of peace since I got dumped in this hell hole and if you try disturbing it you will deeply regret it.” Drake warned Joey Kane and his prison gang as he opened his eyes to see them approaching.
“I don’t know what your doing here but move it along to somewhere else.” Joey told the Halliwell hybrid as Drake stood up to face Jake and his friends.
“Yeah I don’t take answers from anybody let alone some thug who needs a pose to bark orders at everybody.” Drake snapped at him.
“You’ve got an awful big mouth, but I doubt you’re half as dangerous as they say.” Joey said while pulling a makeshift shiv out of his pocket.
Joey charged at Drake with his makeshift shiv in his hand only for Drake to quickly kick it out of his hands before kicking Joey to the ground as Drake proceeding in fighting with Joey’s prison gang leading to Drake flooring each one of them with ease proving he was more than able to take them all without any weapons other than himself.
“Next time you’ll know better than to interrupt a guy while meditating.” Drake scoffed at him before hearing his own named shouted from across the courtyard as prison guarder Salter marched over the courtyard in his direction and whacked Drake across the face with his baton making Drake fall to the ground.
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” Salter shouted at Drake. “One way or another I’ll make you follow the rules!”
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Drake had found himself pulled into the prison warden Echo Jinx’s office within the maximum-security prison he had found himself residing in following his little showdown in the courtyard as he sat handcuffed in front of the warden who was sat behind her desk looking at him with her usual judgmental look on her face.
“So, you’ve found yourself in trouble again Mr Black it’s beginning to be something of a regular occurrence for you.” She said to him.
“Hey, I was just minding my own business taking up some good old-fashioned meditation and then those degenerates came and started I fight so I had no choice but to put them in their place.” Drake replied. “Did I mention that they had a shiv? Not my fault Salter only seems to jump in when it’s time to get handsy with me I’m pretty sure he’s got it bad for me.”
“I will look into filing an official complaint about prison guard Salter’s mistreatment of prisoners even though some of you clearly deserve a bit of tough love from time to time.” Echo informed him.
“Thanks, but no thanks Jinx I’d rather just take care of things myself whether or not it leads me back here.” Drake said making it clear he didn’t want her assistance.
“With more violent behavior no doubt.” Echo snapped. “Has your life always been violent Mr Black?”
Drake wanted to answer yes or at least reveal he had lived a violent life for quite some time now ever since his adoptive parents died in a fire he accidentally caused.
Since then he had vanquished several demons including his own grandfather and his daughter’s aunt and watched his own mother die before his very eyes and that was all before discovering his father and aunt dead in their family home.
To say Drake Black’s life had been a violent one would truly be an understatement.
“It’s hardly been the best life that’s for sure.” Drake answered her.
“I can help you…” Echo began to say.
“If you’re going to help anyone it should be Julian Parker.” Drake interrupted the warden. “He’s a big-time drug lord whose business hasn’t exactly stopped while in here and if you don’t put a stop to it, I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”
“You do realize you shouldn’t be making threats in the prison warden’s office, right?” She asked him.
“Tick tock goes the clock. Time speed forward so I can be back in my block.” Drake quickly chanting making the nearby clock on the wall’s mechanics inside begin spinning around.
Drake found himself showering within the seemingly empty prison showers when he heard a door slam loudly making him switch off his shower and wrap his towel around his waste as he investigates the prison bathroom only to be left shocked to find Jake stood waiting for him wearing nothing but a towel himself.
“I take it you can just freely roam whenever you feel like it as long as you pay the guards enough.” Drake said to his prison nemesis. “I can’t decide whether it’s brave or stupid of you to come here alone after how I easily I just took you and your friends on earlier.”
“Let’s say I’m a bit of both,” Joey said seductively as he dropped his own towel and walked towards Drake before pulling Drake’s towel off him and kissing Drake on the lips.
Drake and Joey shared a smile between each other before Joey roughly pushed Drake up against a nearby wall as the two prisoners began passionately kissing each other before Joey turned Drake around to face the wall as he pushed himself up against Drake and began passionately kissing the Halliwell hybrid’s neck.
“They really don’t joke when they say prison food tastes like hell actually if I’m honest hell tastes better.” Drake joked as he sat in the canteen area within the prison while he ate what was considered his dinner, attempting to cheer up his friend Toby who was sat opposite him his body shaking and sweating from withdrawal symptoms.
“Tell me about it, Julian got busted and now I’ve got nowhere of getting anything, Drake please you got to help me!” Toby pleaded with his cellmate.
“Julian got busted wow what a shame wonder who tipped them?” Drake replied with a knowing smirk. “Toby it’s time we get you clean once and for all you got a wife and kid outside you need to be clean before returning to them or else you’ll only wind up back in here again and they won’t wait for you a second time around. Trust me when you have family you’ve got to try everything to keep them.”
“Your right man I know your right but I’m not sure I’m strong enough to go through this again.” Toby admitted to him.
“Luckily for you I have a little remedy that’ll kick the withdrawal symptoms ass and help you stay off the drugs for good.” Drake revealed. “It’ll be thanks enough not to put up with your addicted ass so don’t worry about owing me anything I don’t play those prison games.”
Toby smiled at Drake silently thanking him for his help as Drake noticed Jake and his prison crew walk over to their table before sitting down at their table with Jake sitting right next to Drake leaving Drake unsure of whether he was about to be stabbed or asked to join their group, not particularly wanting either to be true.
“I sure hope you’re not here for another beat-down because if so, I intend on making your injuries that much more fatal.” Drake warned them all while looking straight at Joey.
“We’re not here to start anything with you we learned the hard way so to speak not to mess with you Drake Black.” Joey replied with a grin on his face. “I suppose we should’ve known any guy who killed their own father and aunt in cold blood shouldn’t be messed with.”
“I’m innocent although I’m starting to wonder if the people who need to know that actually know it or not.” Drake stated, disgusted by the accusation of which he had found himself in jail for.
“Either way we’ll offering our friendship towards you whether you’re in here for a few weeks, months or the long haul we want to be your friends.” Joey told the Halliwell hybrid.
“Yeah I’ve not really bothered with many friendships since high school and she’s dead now so that doesn’t exactly bode well for any new friends.” Drake answered Joey.
“You’re a funny guy Drake,” Jake laughed. “How about you scratch our backs and we’ll scratch yours.”
“Okay then,” Drake replied, clearly finding some use for his new friends. “Let’s start this whole scratching thing now I need to get my hand on some items, and I don’t want to be asked why I need these items.”
“Consider it done friend.” Joey said with a sinister smirk.
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The next day Drake forced Toby into joining him for his second attempt at meditation as they sat within the middle of the courtyard grounds legs crossed, eyes closed and meditating while noticing nothing butter utter silence a silence Drake knew was because of his new friendship with Joey Kane.
“My wife swears by meditation she’s going to be shocked when she hears somebody convinced me to meditate with them.” Toby said to Drake breaking their silence.
“Part of meditating is the silence,” Drake joked. “Trust me it’s not my sort of thing normally but if I stop trying to hold myself together and stay in each moment as they come then I’m afraid I’ll fall apart.”
“Well now your top dog around here you’ll get all the time in the world to meditate as you please.” Toby replied while opening his eyes.
“I had several dreams about being top dog in prison and I’ve got to say I prefer the dream world’s version to this reality.” Drake admitted as he opened his eyes to see Joey walking over to them both. “Well there goes the silence.”
“I got everything you asked for.” Joey declared before dropping a key onto Drake’s lap. “After lock-down meet me in the basement for the exchange.”
“I guess I’ll see you after lock-down then.” Drake responded with a smile before Joey quickly walked away from him and Toby.
“I don’t think he’s being helpful for the sake of it, Drake he’s clearly after something and I don’t think this supposed miracle remedy of yours is worth doing business with the likes of him.” Toby warned his friend. “The Kane family are notorious in San Francisco.”
“So is my family in certain circles and I can promise you Halliwell carries much more fear than Kane.” Drake boasted. “Beside if I’ve just been left here to rot, I may as well start making friends with those in for longer than you.”
“I’ll still visit you when I get out my wife and kid too their going to love you Drake.” Toby replied to him.
“Once you’re out of here don’t ever look back and if you wind up back in here, I’ll be kicking your ass!” Drake warned him.
“Well if I wasn’t certain I was going to stay clean before I’m certain I will no.” Toby admitted. “I’m going to miss you when I get out of here…I hope you do too one day.”
Drake cautiously walked downstairs and into the prison basement knowing there was a chance that this could be a trap but not too worried knowing a part demon part witch hybrid was more than enough to handle Joey and his friends even if he was no longer a charmed one.
“I’ve got to admit a part of me believed this was going to be some kind of trap.” Drake said as he found Joey standing waiting for him while holding a pillowcase filled with contraband.
“You’ve got to learn to trust more people sure we started a fight with you but you’ve earned our respect now although I’m the one who should be cautious with all the messed up things you told me to buy.” Joey replied to him. “What exactly are you planning to with all this anyway?”
“Seems like somebody already forgot the no questions asked part of our deal.” Drake reminded him as he walked over to Joey and took the pillowcase off his hands.
“Fine but it wouldn’t kill you to thank a guy for going to so much trouble.” Joey flirted with Drake as he grabbed a hold of his body and pulled the Halliwell hybrid towards him. “Unless last time was just a onetime thing?”
“I got advised to stay away from you probably shouldn’t be sleeping with you either.” Drake replied with a flirtatious smile.
“And are you going to…stay away?” Joey asked before Drake kissed him.
“I’m done listening to anyone’s advice.” Drake answered him before the two began passionately kissing.
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“So, I’ve heard you’ve got yourself roped into the Kane family I’ve got to say that’s not quite what I was expected when I was sent down here to keep and eye on the Halliwell hybrid.” Echo revealed to Drake the next morning as he sat back in her office once more while she sat comfortably behind her desk.
“Ah now it makes sense why the prison warden has taken so much interest in me.” Drake scoffed. “So, what are you a white lighter, elder, demon or other?”
“I’m a white lighter the elders assigned me here after the tragic events which led to your wrongful incarceration I was advised to reveal myself sooner but my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to see how the half demon worked within prison confinements.” Echo told him. “The elders are working on your release as us some kind of supernatural police force to get you out of jail they’re just hitting a few bumps along the way.”
“Of course, they are because now the charmed ones are dead, I’m just back to be some demonic hybrid they don’t approve of.” Drake snapped. “Firstly, I would’ve been out by now if I were a charmed one and secondly you should’ve told me the minute you got here to save me thinking I’d never get out of this place! As if losing my father and aunt weren’t enough the least you could do is get me out this prison.”
“I admit keeping lip was a mistake on my part but trust me when I say you are still very much a top priority with the elders you see Drake Black you are still needed to restore the charmed ones just like you did before but this time with different charmed colleagues.” Echo replied to Drake leaving him stunned by her revelations.
“Being a charmed one is the reason I’m in here it’s the reason I have nobody left except my daughter who I can’t even see right now.” Drake scoffed at her. “There’s no chance in hell I’ll ever be a charmed one again.
“Being a charmed ones is also the reason you were reunited with your family that you had your daughter and why your best friend didn’t stay dead although the elders are thoroughly regretting that mistake now she’s running around killing people right left and center.” Echo informed the Halliwell hybrid.
“Hold up you mean she’s killed more people?” Drake asked in horror, realizing how far Lacey Morgan-Halliwell had fallen.
“She’s mostly hunting other witch hunters, but she has taken out a white lighter or too as well it’s safe to say nobody in the magical community is safe as long as she lives.” Echo answered him. “Which I’m sure will be easy enough for the charmed ones to handle once they have been reborn with your help.”
“Hell no!” Drake shouted while standing up. “Killer or not I’m not killing my best friend and as for being a charmed one I was done being the elders’ lackey the moment they didn’t show up to save my dad.”
“Drake,” Echo said as she took a deep sigh before standing up to face him. “I can’t begin to imagine what your going through not only grieving but imprisoned but imagine what your going through now and how you can stop others from suffering that same fate.”
“Yeah that’s not my problem.” Drake replied.
“I don’t believe you I mean you have every means to escape prison and yet you stay because you know breaking out whether your innocent or not is wrong just like being able to help people and choosing not to is wrong.” Echo argued with him before Salter knocked on the door before opening it.
“I need to take Mr Black back to his cell now Miss Jinx.” Salter informed the white lighter pretending to be a prison warden.
“Very well,” Echo sighed with frustration before lowering her voice to speak to Drake. “Please just think about what I’ve said.”
“I’m more interested in seeing how quick their going to work to get me out without the knowing of getting me as some kind of prize for them.” Drake made himself clear.
Drake walked into his prison cell relieved to see Toby sat on the bottom bunk drinking from a plastic cup which contained a potion Drake made to help erase Toby’s withdrawal symptoms and his addiction in the process.
“I don’t know what’s inside this mad remedy you made but I’m beginning to feel like a new man.” Toby praised his friend while continuing to drink.
“Just make sure you finish the entirety of it.” Drake reminded him.
“I will, don’t worry in fact I’ll do it right now.” Toby said as he down the rest of the potion and stood up to hug Drake. “I can’t thank you enough Drake you’re like some kind of wizard.”
“It’s okay you can thank me by getting out of here and not fucking up your second chance.” Drake laughed while Toby continued to hug him.
As Drake continued to hug the only real friend, he believed to have in the prison he noticed Joey walking past his cell looking far from happy to see Drake touching another man clearly believing it to be anything but innocent.
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The very next morning Drake woke up about to learn a cruel lesson about getting close to anyone while in prison as he was once again thrown into a murder scene of someone he had found himself growing close to as a dreadful history continued to repeat itself for the troubled Halliwell hybrid.
“Toby if you don’t want some ugly ass prison guard with bad morning breath screaming in your face you better get up now.” A blissfully unaware Drake told his cellmate before jumping out of his bunk bed to be left shocked to the core when his feet landed in a pool of blood.
Drake’s face dropped as he looked on the bottom bunk to see a bloodied and lifeless Toby laid on the bed with his throat slit much to Drake’s horror as he found himself flashing back to finding his father and aunt in a similar state remaining frozen for a moment before beginning to shout louder and louder.
“Help somebody help!” He shouted repeatedly despite knowing in his gut that Toby was already gone. “Guards.”
Drake found himself sitting within an interrogation room handcuffed and chained to the table while his eyes were red raw from crying over the death of his cellmate still shaking from the shock of finding his cellmate dead knowing it must of happened while he slept believing the murderer was his latest terrible choice in men.
“Obviously the elders know you’re not guilty of this crime and after advising the right people about the Kane family’s history of murder we ran a few tests on your blood leading to the conclusion you had been drugged leaving in a deep sleep which is why you never woke up to your friend being murdered.” Echo revealed to him as she walked over to the table and sat opposite the chained Drake. “I’m deeply sorry for your loss I wish I could say I’m surprised.”
“Hold up so your pretty much confirming Joey is behind all this?” Drake asked as his grief quickly turned to anger.
“Well I can’t exactly say for sure without checking in with the elders again, but I can honestly say I’d put good money on him!” Echo stated.
“Then I guess I’ve got a new bad guy to vanquish.” Drake declared. “And whoever helped him.”
“They’re not like the normal demons you vanquish Drake you can’t just vanquish them it’s not vanquishing when their human it’s murder.” Echo explained to a grieving Drake.
“What’s the use of being a witch and protecting the innocent when my friends, my family just get slaughtered one by one and I have to sit there and do nothing?” Drake snapped at the white lighter posing as a prison guard.
“Because there’s laws and a whole system in place to save humans from themselves granted they are flawed at best but that doesn’t mean we should take matters into our own hands we’re not gods.” Echo argued with him.
“That’s beyond hilarious coming from a woman whose real boss act like gods all the bloody time when all their just promoted white lighters considering most of them were wiped out years ago and saved by my own great-grandfather.” Drake continued to argue his point. “My god damn family has saved your asses time and time again but when it comes to saving us you are nowhere to be seen so don’t you dare sit there and tell me what I’m to do or not to do because I’m done listening to the lot of you!"
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Drake had plenty of time alone in his new prison cell thinking whether to handle things the charmed way or the demonic way knowing the charmed way had only ever failed him whereas the demonic way was no less inhumane than the people who slaughtered his cellmate.
After a few hours after lock-down Drake found Salter opening his cell before ordering him out of bed and cuffing him as they escorted the Halliwell hybrid into the prison canteen to find Joey stood there waiting for him as Salter quickly made himself out of sight.
“I heard about your cellmate and by the looks of it you’re not exactly handling it very well.”
“I had a feeling you’d arrange a meeting with me sooner or later although I’m very surprised you chose the same day.” Drake said as he walked towards Joey before a knife blinked into his hand. “Killing my only friend in here was the worse place you ever made.”
“I never killed anyone Drake but I’m sure you’re not going to believe that given my family name.” Joey scoffed before Drake grab a hold of his hand slamming it down on a nearby table and pinning Joey’s hand to the table with his knife causing Joey to scream out in pain.
“Here’s the thing I’ve been lied to most of my life so when people lie to me it, kind of pisses me off.” Drake told him, as he contemplated murdering the man in front of him.
“I didn’t do it Drake,” Joey said in between screams of pain. “I don’t do over friends like that.”
“I don’t believe you!” Drake shouted as he twisted the knife launched in Joey’s hand.
“It’s probably some demon you stupid witch.” Joey screamed at him shocking Joey in the process as Drake instantly pulled the knife out of Joey’s hand as Joey fell to the ground his hand bleeding heavily.
“How do you know I’m a witch?” Drake asked him as he dropped the bloody knife to the ground, disgusted by what he had just done out of rage.
“I’m the guy who got your ingredients wasn’t hard to work out what you were after that.” Joey replied as he held on his hand trying to stop it from bleeding groaning in pain before Drake waved his hand and suddenly Joey’s hand was fully bandaged.
“Luckily for you I know how to bandage a perp from back when I was putting people in jail instead of locking them up.” Drake said as he helped a reluctant Joey back up to his feet. “So, you’re really telling me your innocent?”
“Screw you, you just stabbed me you psychopath and now you want to interrogate me.” Joey snapped at him. “Sure, I was jealous, but I don’t kill over jealousy I just break a few legs.”
“You know that’s problematic too right?” Drake laughed in response.
“Says the jackass who just stabbed me in the hand!” Joey replied before looking at his bandaged hand. “Although I’ve got to admit your powers are kind of cool.”
“I’m sorry for stabbing you I guess I have some anger issues after everything.” Drake apologized. “I can’t believe I almost killed me.”
“Please what’s a stabbing between friends?” Joey joked before going on to say. “For the record you wouldn’t have wound up killing me even if I did kill your friend, you’re not a murderer I’ve known murderers and trust me you’re not one of them.”
“I thought I could be for a moment but then I remembered that’s not who I am and it’s not who my father would ever want me to be.” Drake revealed to him. “Who all four of my parents would ever want me to be.”
“I have a theory Salter’s a demon I mean he’s had it in for you since you got here, and I’ve not seen him around until you showed up.” Joey explained his claim. “I mean I’ve never been a witch or a detective so you should probably do some digging but I’ve got a hunch and my hunches are rarely wrong.”
“You know you should probably listen to the guy he’s not entirely stupid for a thug.” Salter suggested after shimming into the canteen.
“Good it’s a demon, demons I can kill without feeling like a murderer.” Drake said with a sigh of relief. “Which I suppose is kind of messed up considering I’m half demon.”
Salter suddenly summoned an energy ball above his hand before throwing it in Drake’s direction who waved his hand to blink the energy ball out of sight before it reappeared hitting Salter and sending him flying across the air before ending up laid on the floor. Before Salter could get back on his feet Drake waved his hand once more setting the demon on fire and watching him burn before exploding in front of him and Joey.
“Remind me to never piss you off again.” Joey joked with Drake.
“Got to admit that felt much better than murdering you would’ve done.” Drake laughed.
Later that day Drake walked back into Echo’s office within the prison no longer wearing any prison clothes or handcuffs instead looking like himself once again in his own clothes much to Echo’s delight.
“So, you vanquished a demon instead of murdering a human.” Echo said with a sense of smug in her voice. “I guess this means despite everything you’re still more charmed than demonic.”
“I’ve been stuck in here longer than needed to take out that demon, haven’t I?” Drake scoffed at the white lighter masquerading as a prison guard. “God even when I’m grieving the elders still have me doing their dirty work to the lengths, they kept me imprisoned until now once I did what they wanted.”
“What can I say the elders have their way of doing things sometimes it’s not for you or me to understand.” Echo replied, admitting Drake was right.
“You’re not like most white lighters, now are you?” Drake asked her.
“Actually, I am you charmed ones just seem to get special treatment from all your previous white lighters and look where’s that got you! The second generation of the charmed ones lasted three years.” Echo snapped at him. “I’m around to make sure the next charmed ones don’t wind up the same way.”
“Wow you’ve definitely got a way of words!” Drake replied before taking a deep sigh. “Let me talk to Quinn!”
Echo nodded in acceptance before orbing out of the room only for Quinn to orb into the room seconds later.
“Hey how are…” Quinn began to say before getting punched in the mouth by Drake.
“How dare you put me through all of this after everything I’ve been through?” Drake shouted at his former elder. “How dare you not save them and leave me to find their bodies? How could you let them keep me here?”
“I’m sorry it wasn’t my decision I voted against this, but the other elders thought it would help remind you who you are at a time when you needed it most.” Quinn revealed to him.
“So, once again you chose everyone else but me but this time it’s unforgivable.” Drake told him with tears in his eyes. “You let me lose memories of my mother when I was grieving her, you went off to chase your dream of being an elder instead of helping get me back and now you let your colleagues or whatever the hell you want to call them dump me in jail after I lost my family a family that took you in too.”
“I’ve apologised for that over and over again what more do you want from me?” Quinn asked him.
“I wanted you to be there for me you know how much it killed me losing my parents losing Eve and yet you weren’t there when I lost them.” Drake cried. “All I ever wanted was for you to choose me over everything else and yet you never did…you never will.”
“I still love you don’t ever think I’ve ever stopped loving you.” Quinn declared with tears in his eyes.
“That’s not enough,” Drake replied as he dried his tears. “Now that I’m free to go I’m going to do just that.”
“What about Charmed?” Quinn asked before Drake blinked away.
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0 notes
Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 4 - The People Versus Raven Turner
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Raven shimmered onto the witness booth in the magical community’s courtroom the entire room being completely black except for the large white floor and two large white desks for the accused.
It’s the same court room in which the original charmed ones were put on trial for reckless magic and fought to save their friend Daryl’s life many years ago with the exact same large heads floating above the room preparing to make their judgement on the proceedings.
Raven looked over at one desk for the accused somewhat comforted to see her brother Cole sat behind it along with Paul, Pan and Drake and their white lighter Lacey while the headmaster at magic school Dermot McQueen sat alone at the other table clearly ready to condemn the demon.
“My name is Raven Turner I’m part human part demon, but my demonic side is the reason why I’m standing here today.” Raven addressed the court. “I was born and raised by my mother after she killed my father but unlike my mother, I chose a different path for myself. By choosing this path of peace I had no choice but to leave the Underworld behind forever because I refused to believe that just because I’m a demon that automatically makes me evil.”
“Your receptionist, your neighbor and several of your employees at Halliwell and Turner were slaughtered not to mention a student at my own school.” Dermot told the half demon half human hybrid. “Tell me why a demon would go to such lengths to hurt you unless you are the demon who did the hurting?”
“You really don’t understand the Underworld, do you?” Raven snapped at the elder. “Hurting people is exactly what the evil love doing more than anything especially hurting a demon who rejected their rules and way of life.”
“Perhaps not but you do in fact know my employee Mr Drake Black and you are a friend of his are you not?” Dermot asked the accused. “Therefore, giving you the opportunity to get to know and possibly even kill my student.”
“Objection!” Drake shouted at the top of his lungs as he rose from his chair, eager to fight for his fellow hybrid.
“On what ground?” Asked one of the three heads.
“This elder is arguing the archaic theory that just because someone she may or may not have had some contact with the victims then she must clearly be the guilty party however as we all know people die around us all the time.” Drake addressed the court. “Raven is no different from a good witch who is just here trying to explain why people are dying around her but instead of being a witch she’s a demon and therefore there’s this assumption that she must be guilty which is biased and frankly idiotic.”
“Witches lose innocents all the time which the explanation there but Miss Raven Turner isn’t a witch she’s a demon and whether you like it or not you can’t argue that when people start dying around a demon it’s usually the demons fault.” Dermot argued with Drake.
“Raven has powers just like a good witch does she doesn’t kill innocents just like a good witch and the only person in this court room who sees Raven Turner as anything less than a valuable part of the magical community is you and people with prejudices like you.” Drake schooled his boss once again before looking up at the three judges. “Raven has never shown any signs of wanting to hurt anyone the whole time I’ve known her, she literally escaped the Underworld because she wasn’t able to hurt anyone and now you want to put her on trial when we should be protecting her.”
“There is no evidence to prove Drake’s theory that Raven needs any protection just like there is no evidence of any other demon around when these crimes were committed other than Raven Turner herself of course.” Dermot argued.
“None of you may have any reason to trust Raven Turner because none of you really even know her but you’ve all heard of me and accept me enough to not only be a charmed one but a guidance counselor at magic school.” Drake said taking a different approach in his defense of his friend. “I’m half demon just like she is but all this is pushed aside by you all because I’m a charmed one, but it shouldn’t be because the demon part of me makes up the charmed ones just as much as my witch side. The elders have overturned many archaic rulings over the years we no longer live in times where any demon should be judged just for being a demon. I know Miss Turner and I can honestly say without a shred of doubt in my mind she isn’t guilty of this crime.”
“Is it not true Mr Black that you also trusted her and her brother Cole Turner before they betrayed you by working alongside the ancient mistress of dark magics Morgana to unlock the dark grimoire?” Dermot questioned Drake. “I mean for a demon who doesn’t want to harm anyone the unlocking of the dark grimoire would’ve caused a lot of harm would it not?”
“Yes, but that was under a desperate act the siblings had to try and reunite with their father we have all done reckless things out of grief.” Drake replied to him.
“That is not an excuse for almost unleashing all kinds of torment into this world the only thing that this proves is that your judgement is clearly not reliable.” Dermot told Drake before returning his attention back to the judges. “Drake Black shouldn’t be trying to defend anyone because history has proven time and time again that his judgement can’t be trusted. Drake has been romanced by the dubious demon Ash Anderson as an attempt to make him the prince of the Underworld, has been lied to and fooled by his own family who sit beside him now time and time again, his mother and grandfather were both sources of all evil and let us not forget the time he himself became the source.”
“Oh god this isn’t looking so good!” Pan told an equally worried Paul, Lacey and Cole as she looked at clearly infuriated Drake.
Drake stormed over to Dermot and launched his fist at the elder punching him straight in the face and causing the magic school headmaster to fall to the ground.
“We don’t condone violence in this court room!” All three judges shouted in unison.
“Yeah well that kind of got away from me.” Drake told the judges before he quickly vanished from the courtroom by their doing.
“Please Paul you’re going to have to take the stand after all you are the lawyer around here.” Cole pleaded with Paul.
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24 Hours Earlier
Raven walked into the front entrance of the building for her law firm Halliwell and Turner holding a plastic tray containing two takeaway coffees in her hand with a big smile on her face as she walked over to the reception to greet her receptionist Patty Craft by handing her one of the coffees.
“You know you really should be getting me to do coffee runs Miss Turner after all I am your receptionist not the other way around.” Patty told her as she willingly accepted her coffee while sat behind the reception desk.
“Well I always like a coffee before starting work anyway so it’s only fair I pick one up for my favorite employee at the same time I mean you are the first face anyone sees when they walk in so there’s no point that face being missing because she’s off running after other people making them coffee when everyone is perfectly capable of making their own coffees.” Raven told her.
“About that Miss Turner I normally wouldn’t ask but I was wondering if I could finish an hour earlier today?” Patty nervously asked her boss. “My daughters are coming in from New York today and they rarely ever get time off together.”
“You mean your workaholic daughter Penny has finally got some time off being a detective in the big apple at the same time Rose is taking time off from studying at Columbia? That is a pretty big deal.” Raven replied with genuine excitement in her voice. “Of course, you can finish an hour early in fact you can half a half day with full pay so you can spend some time with your girls I know how precious family can be.”
“Are you sure Miss Turner?” Patty asked her, thrilled to get the time off. “You’re the best boss ever!”
“Please just call me Raven I feel like the two of us should be on first name basis by now.” Raven told her. “I mean here at Halliwell and Turner your practically family.”
Drake walked sneakily down the main hallway of magic school trying to rush his way to his office door after running a little late that morning only to make it right to his front door as Dermot orbed himself in front of the Halliwell hybrid.
“You’re late again Mr Black.” Dermot told him.
“Only by five minutes and as far as you know it could’ve been a charmed emergency.” Drake replied to his boss.
“Was there a charmed emergency?” Dermot asked to which Drake nodded to signal a no. “Then your late for no reason…again.”
“I’m sorry,” Drake apologized. “I’ll try my best to make sure it won’t happen again.”
“Good because the elders and I have put a lot of faith in you by giving you this position at magic school I’d hate to see your potential go to waste because of your tardiness.” Dermot advised the guidance counselor.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Drake replied with a forced smile.
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“I really don’t know what to say!” Pan said to Lacey as the two of them stood within an empty apartment located somewhere within San Francisco. “It just seems a little meh to me to be honest it doesn’t feel like it could be home.”
“Clearly this isn’t the one for us but there’s so many more on the viewing list yet I’m sure we’ll find the perfect home.” Lacey replied to her fiancé.
“I know this should be an exciting time for us both and I’ve always wanted a place without siblings and ancestors popping in every two seconds but I’m really dreading having to tell Paul we’re moving.” Pan admitted to her. “He’s not going to take it well we’ve lived together all our lives and he loves that his whole family is final under one roof.”
“I understand that, but he’s got to let you go at some point the two of you can’t live together forever you both have to live your own life sooner rather than later.” Lacey told her. “Besides Drake and Lilah will keep him company it’s not like their going anywhere anytime soon.”
“You’re right you always are.” Pan replied before kissing Lacey. “But I’ll hold off on telling Paul until after we find the perfect place.”
“So, your named Raven because your mother used to turn you into one every time you did something to displease her?” Paul asked his business partner while she sat behind her desk in her office as he sat in the chair in front of her desk at Halliwell and Turner as the two of them ate salad during their lunch break. “As parenting goes that’s pretty bloody awful.”
“To be honest that was far from the worst parenting in the Underworld and I actually quite enjoyed being a raven sometimes I mean the flying made me feel free at a time when I felt imprisoned and getting to scare clueless teens was also a lot of fun.” Raven admitted before laughing to herself. “Thank god for horror culture always finding a way to amuse me.”
“Making people jump is probably the baddest thing you’ve ever done.” Paul joked with her.
“I’ve really missed this…I’ve missed you.” Raven said with sincerity.
“I’ve missed you too!” Paul replied before their lunch was interrupted by loud screams coming from people outside of their office.
Raven and Paul quickly rushed out of their office chasing the sound of the screams from various people as they passed reception and walked out into the parking lot outside of their law firm only to be left horrified to find a completely burned up corpse laying on the ground next to a car Raven instantly recognized as Patty Craft’s, the law firm’s number one receptionist.
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Drake was sat behind his desk in his office at magic school typing away at his computer when he heard a knock at his door before his boss Dermot walked into his office.
“Okay you’ve literally just moaned at me about time keeping what’s next on your list to have a go at me for?” Drake asked him.
“Well actually I was hoping you could sit in with a meeting I’m having right now to make sure I’m not handling it with a biased view considering the incident happened within my class when I was teaching.” Dermot replied. “A student apparently thought it was okay to attack another.”
“Can’t say I can blame either one of them really having to listen to your lectures would turn anyone violent.” Drake mocked his boss before reluctantly standing up. “Of course, violence in school is never unacceptable but why can’t you handle this yourself? After all you are the boss around here.”
“Because it involves two demonic students and I have a feeling you’d throw a fit again if I handled it incorrectly so this way it saves us both a lot of time.” Dermot teased the guidance counselor with a wicked smile on his face.
“Does anyone actually like you here?” Drake wondered.
“Other than you people seem to love me.” Dermot responded with a laugh. “I’m very popular around here actually.”
“Yeah well Satan’s popular around certain circles too.” Drake taunted him.
After the police and coroners were called and took away what remained of Patty Craft, Raven, Paul and Lacey had found themselves sitting on a couch within the reception area of Halliwell and Turner which was now completely empty barring the three of them as Raven and Paul told everyone to go home following Patty’s untimely and horrific demise.
“My guess is some demon is trying to send one of you a message.” Lacey suggested to them both. “But considering we’re talking about a charmed one and a demon turned good the list could of possibilities could be endless.”
“Her daughters were coming in from New York today she never got to see them as often as she’d like, and she was so excited to have them both home for a few days.” Raven cried. “Penny is always busy with work and Rose is always busy studying that they’d never have enough time with Patty and now some monster has made it so these girls will never get another moment with their mother.”
“I know it’s awful Patty Craft was an amazing woman.” Paul told Raven as he reached out and held her hand. “The best receptionist we ever had I wish I got to know her better…I didn’t even know she had children.”
“I can’t remember the last time I’ve lost someone I knew I believe it was my father all those years ago if this is because of me if some demon has a vendetta against me then I’ll never forgive myself.” Raven told them both.
“You’re not to blame for any of this Raven even if it is some demon trying to get back at you that happens to us all the time.” Paul tried to reassure her while holding Raven’s hand tighter. “We will get justice for Patty and make whoever did this pay I promise you that.”
“I guess I’ll check in with the elders and find out what’s going on from them if they know anything.” Lacey said to Raven and Paul. “You guys try and sit tight until I’m back.”
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Drake walked into Dermot’s office to find the two female students sitting on opposite ends of the headmaster’s couch. He quickly rushed over to his boss’ desk and sat down behind it on Dermot’s chair.
“How come he gets the comfier chair?” Drake mumbled to himself. “I’m so stealing this later.”
“Look Mr Black I didn’t mean to get violent but she kept saying the charmed ones thought they were so much more important than they actually were and so I argued with my first.” The redheaded student claimed.
“Hey, you’re the one who said charmed 2.0 has nothing on the original.” The brunette student snapped back at the redhead.
“What now?” Drake asked looking at them both, clearly unimpressed before going on to say. “There is absolutely no excuse for violence of any kind within magic school I would say or out of it, but sometimes folk need vanquished.”
“Fine,” The redhead sighed before turning to look at the brunette. “When I said the charmed ones were self-important, I meant Charmed 2.0 not the original charmed ones the originals rock.”
“Yeah, they do, don’t they?” The brunette agreed. “Prue’s my favorite.”
“I personally love Piper!” The redheaded student replied.
“Whether the two of you agree or disagree there’s no reason to answer an argument with your fists trust me when I say there are a lot of people in this life that are going to irritate you but punching them is never going to be the answer.” Drake educated them both.
“You mean like the way you stop yourself from knocking Mr McQueen’s lights out every time he reprehends you?” The redhead replied to him. “He seems to be a lot nicer to the other teachers around here.”
“I knew he was extra strict on me for something reason.” Drake agreed before returning himself back to the matter in hand. “The point I’m trying make is when someone says something you don’t like speak it out instead of going fist first and maybe just maybe you won’t wind up with detention again.”
“Well I think Mr McQueen’s got it hot for you!” The brunette suggested. “There’s nothing hotter in the library than demon/angel romance novels and you guys are like the real edition.”
“Okay I think I’m done here,” Drake changed the subject as he stood up from his chair. “You’re both getting detention every day after school for a week hopefully I won’t have to hand you anymore detentions in the future although if you suggest any romances with me and Mr McQueen again, I’ll give use detention for life!”
“I think I have theory on who might have done this Paul.” Raven told the Halliwell lawyer as the two remained sitting on a couch with the reception area of Halliwell and Turner. “I think she’s come back for me once again and it’s all my fault for believing she’d ever leave me alone.”
“Who do you think it is Raven?” Paul asked her.
“My mother Beth Turner she never did know how to let go of me or Cole and she specialized in burning her victims alive I mean sure she had another talents when it came to murder but when she wanted people to know who killed her victim she’d burn them like that.” Raven explained. “I haven’t seen her in so long I had hoped I was finally free…I guess I’m never going to be free from her.”
“We need to tell Cole straight away between the two of you, the elders and us we can figure out what to do to stop your mother and make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone else.” Pan told his fellow business partner.
“No this is my fault for not killing her all those years ago which means I must finish this one way or another.” Raven replied before kissing a shocked Paul. “If things don’t end well look after my brother.”
Before Paul had any chance to talk Raven out of whatever it was that she was planning she had already shimmered her way out of sight.
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“Are you like everywhere now?” Drake asked Dermot as Dermot walked into his own office to see Drake sitting comfortably behind his desk and no students to be found.
“You do remember I sent you in here to deal with students not to take over my office, right?” Dermot asked him.
“Yes, I do…now.” Drake replied as he stood up from Dermot’s office chair. “I’ve delivered detentions to both students for a week and I think helped them bond over their love for the original charmed ones and their joined believes that neither me nor my father or aunt will ever live up to their legacy so you’re welcome.”
“I guess you’re continuing to prove yourself worthy of your job tittle…for now.” Dermot told him. “Long may it last.”
“Let me make myself perfectly clear Dermot,” Drake snapped as he stormed over to stand in front of the headmaster. “You can keep riding me as hard as you want but I’m not going to buckle under anyone’s pressure I’ve been through so much more than you could ever handle and I refuse to let some old man with a god complex make me quit now so if you want me out of here you’re going to have to fire me.”
Raven shimmered her way to different caves and locations within the Underworld relentlessly searching for her mother not stopping for long as she continue to search high and low for her twisted mother refusing to be scared of being caught by anyone as she vowed to seek revenge on Elizabeth Turner for all the crimes she had committed, finally coming face to face with her mother within one of the endless caves in the Underworld.
“Well if it isn’t one of my failures, you’re a very brave girl to come back here after all this time knowing everybody here wants you dead.” Beth told her daughter upon their family reunion.
“I can’t believe after all these years your still hurting people just to get to me!” Raven screamed at her mother. “You murdered that innocent woman just to spite me what kind of monster are you?”
“I’m a mother who simply wants her children to live up to their potential instead of continuing to disappoint me repeatedly.” Beth snapped back. “We are demons darling not pathetic humans and the sooner you learn this the better.”
“You need to leave me and my brother alone forever or I promise you I’ll break my no kill mission just to end you!” Raven warned her.
“Please you’re nothing but a disappointment you couldn’t kill anyone.” Beth cruelly mocked her daughter. “How about we test this little threat of yours?”
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After a long day at work Drake found himself facing an even longer night at magic school following a list of reports that had been handed to him from his boss on students he needed to check up on leading to Drake calling on Cole to pick up Lilah to babysit while he continued working, refusing to let Dermot win in a battle he was convinced the elder had started to make Drake quit a job that despite his terrible boss he had found himself loving.
“Me allowing you an unsupervised visit with Lilah doesn’t mean we’re back to being besties again or anything it just means I’m willing to give you a second chance so try not to blow it again.” Drake told Cole while the two walked down the main hall of magic school with Drake pushing Lilah’s pram while Lilah was fast asleep in her seat.
“I promise no more family drama is going to get me betraying you again.” Cole promised him.
“Yeah, I’m done talking this to death so take my daughter for an hour and I mean an hour tops and then bring her back and god help me if you so much as…” Drake began to say before Cole interrupted him by kissing him on the lips much to Drake’s surprise.
Before Drake could even respond to Cole’s surprise act, he had grabbed a hold of the pram and shimmered away with Lacey just before a clearly panicked Raven shimmered herself in front of Drake.
“Drake I really need your help.” Raven told him.
“I’m beginning to think there’s some huge conspiracy going on right now to keep me here forever.” Drake said as he walked Raven into his office at magic school. “Sorry…please go ahead and tell me what you need.”
“My mother has returned and she’s killing people right left and center in some attempt to torture me and I would’ve went to Cole but he’s on recently back on side and I don’t know how he’ll react to our mother being back.” Raven explained to him. “I need to stop her somehow, but I’ve never killed before not even something as wicked as her.”
“Wow as revelations go that’s quite a big one to get my head around.” Drake admitted. “Don’t worry I’ve got your back no matter what you want to do with her.”
“Thanks, I just want her to be stopped once and for all so no more blood is on my hands because of her.” Raven told him.
“Raven we’re not to blame for our parents it’s something I had to learn myself you know with my mother being the source of all evil and everything. You’re not responsible for whatever your mother is doing but I can sure as hell help you stop her once and for all.” Drake reassured Raven.
“First you’re late to showing up and now you’re late to finishing I’m beginning to think you’re one confusing witch Mr Black.” Dermot said as he walked into Drake’s office before recognizing Raven straight away.
“Trust me I’m going to leave once I’m done the reports which I’ll do after helping my friend here so you can turn back around and mind your own business thank you very much Mr McQueen.” Drake snapped at his boss.
“Yeah that’s not happening Drake I’m going to need to speak to you in my office right now!” Dermot argued with his feisty employee.
“I will be there once I’m finished helping my friend.” Drake told his boss.
“My office now!” Dermot shouted before storming out of Drake’s office.
“I’m sorry about all this he’s turning into the first ever elder I’m going to vanquish,” Drake apologized to Raven. “I’ll be straight back and then we’ll vanquish your mum please just stay here for a minute.”
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“You really do have quite the variety of people stopping by your office.” Dermot snapped at Drake as Drake met him within the main hallway of Magic School.
“Again, with this demon hating talk are you ever going to learn from this self-hatred you have for demons?” Drake argued with his boss. “I get you may have not been a big fan about me working here because I’m a demon but I’m a damn good one and guess what so is my visitor.”
“You’re so beyond naive is frustrating when are you going to learn to stop trusting everyone so bloody easily?” Dermot told him. “This naivety of yours is going to wind up harming one of our students.”
“I’m here to help all students the demonic ones especially and the only way for magic school to ever really change for the better is for you to either shut up and accept the changes or back the hell down!” Drake shouted at Dermot.
“You really think you know everything don’t you your so beyond frustrating it’s driving me crazy.” Dermot shouted back at him as he got up in Drake’s face, both completely furious with each other.
“No, it’s you who’s convinced you know everything and you’re the one driving me crazy!” Drake snapped back at his boss before he was once again surprised, this time by Dermot pulling his body in towards his own and passionately kissing him.
The two looked at each other with pure confusion in their eyes, unsure of what just happened between them while longing to kiss each other again until suddenly they heard a loud scream coming from Drake’s office a scream which Drake instantly recognized as Raven’s.
“How the hell did you get in here mother?” Asked a horrified Raven after her mother shimmered into Drake’s office holding a male student from magic school by the throat. “Please just let him go and I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”
“I remember a time when this school never let our kind in and now it seems by trying to be more inclusive of us, they’ve just opened themselves up for any old demon to talk in.” Beth replied to her daughter while continuing to strangle the student.
“Let the kid go mother, stop hurting these innocents and start hurting me instead I know that’s what you want.”
“But darling hurting others seems to hurt you so much more!” Beth told her daughter before setting the student on fire with her magical touch alone.
“No!” Raven screamed at the top of her lungs.
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Present Day
Raven was sat on the witness platform as her court case withing the magical courtroom continued after Drake found himself kicked out of court while the three heads remained above them all judging the demon on trial as Raven tried to focus on Paul, Pan, Cole and Lacey who were sat at the defense table.
“The entire case presented here against the accused is nothing more than a case of prejudice within the magic community spearheaded by the headmaster of magic school nonetheless which only serves to prove if anything that Mr Dermot McQueen is far from the right person to be head of any school where demonic students reside.” Paul addressed the court after standing up from his chair and walking over to stand in the middle of the courtroom floor. “In over 100 years Raven has never harmed a single innocent and instead of believing a victim who is quite clearly under attack you all jump to this conclusion that she must be guilty because she’s a demon and demons are only good for killing people. Raven was right when she said she wouldn’t be here if she was a witch and for that reason alone you should all be deeply ashamed of yourselves.”
“Objection!” Dermot shouted as he rose up to his feet from behind the desk of the opposition. “Paul Halliwell is clearly a biased party who despite having a law degree is unwisely basing hi argument on emotion instead of evidence or logic.”
“No this entire court proceeding is based on zero evidence except from a corpse being found near the accused while the other corpse was found with the accused when she was having lunch with myself and therefore I’m here alibi for the first murder which was identical to the second which occurred in magic school.” Paul argued with Dermot before looking up at the three judges. “If change is really going to happen in the magical community then we have to be the change, the driving force to make it all happen.”
“Enough!” Raven shouted as she stood up from her seat and began walking over to Paul. “I may have never hurt an innocent life but as of today I can no longer say I haven’t claimed any lives.”
“Show us what you mean please Miss Turner.” One of the three judges asked her.
“Of course.” Raven agreed before a screen suddenly appeared to the right of the courtroom as they watched Raven’s mother kill the male student in front of Raven in Drake’s office at magic school completely burned the body before Raven returned the favour to Elizabeth Turner  as she set her own mother on fire before Beth exploded and the screen disappeared along with the footage.
“You did the right thing Raven!” Cole told his sister as he stood up from his chair. “Our father would’ve been so proud of you.”
“You vanquished a demon who was killing innocents Miss Turner that makes you a hero in our eyes not a murderer.” One of the judges said to her.
“Today has honestly shown us of our own prejudices along with many others within the magical community.” Another judge stated while the three judges looked at Dermot.
“We thank you for your services Miss Turner and apologize for this trial ever having to take place.” The third judge apologised. “As for prejudices within Magic School we will be implementing some changes to ensure a brighter future for all students.
“We won!” Paul smiled as Lacey, Cole and Pan stood up to cheer before Paul hugged Raven.
“I’m not sure we did.” Raven replied to him.
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Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 3 - Witches of Egypt
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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“Whatever you do don’t try the airplane trick my little girl when eat whenever wherever but if you dare start playing with her food she gets in a right strop.” Drake warned his father as he walked into the kitchen of his family home to find his father Paul sat the table feeding Drake’s daughter Lilah who was placed in her highchair. “She bit my finger one time and I’m not convinced it was an accident.”
“How are you feeling about your first day at magic school?” Paul asked his son as he continued feeding his granddaughter, while Drake kissed his daughter on the forehead before sitting down at the kitchen table.
“Relieved to finally have a job and yet completely terrified by finally having a job.” Drake admitted. “I’m terrified their going to realize they hired the wrong man.”
“Drake they wouldn’t have hired you if they didn’t think you were capable of doing the job and as for character recommendations the elders are kind of all knowing.” Paul said trying to reassure his son as he finished feeding his granddaughter.
“Yeah I know it’s just new but hey change has been good for me so far I’m sure things will only get better from here.” Drake replied to his father.
“Speaking of change have you heard from a certain demon recently?” Paul wondered.
“Nope and as far as I’m concerned, I hope I never hear from him again.” Drake told him.
“It’s okay to be hurt by his betrayal I know you got quite friendly with him.” Paul said to his son.
“Look Cole Turner is nothing more than a blip on my now perfectly fine life and I’m not going to let him be anything more than that.” Drake claimed, as Paul feared his son was putting up a front.
“I’m not trying to interfere except I totally am.” Pan told her fiancé Lacey as the two of them stood upstairs in the attic of the Halliwell home looking through the book of shadows. “I just think if I speak to your brother and help him understand everything you two can finally be reacquainted.”
“I just can’t believe he got in touch with you instead of me I mean how does he even have your number?” Lacey wondered. “Besides I’m a detective although admittedly I had to quit that job after becoming a white lighter but still he should’ve came to me it’s not like I had to stay dead like other white lighters in fact nobody even knows I even died for those brief few weeks.”
“I’m sure he just needs a little help with something and who knows I meet even be able to find some way of getting Jake to come to our wedding.” Pan replied to her.
“I don’t know normally when my brother is in trouble, he’s in big trouble.” Lacey continued to worry. “I hope he’s not struggling with drugs again the one good thing about him being wrongly put in jail was it got him clean.”
“You shouldn’t always go to the worse case scenario it’s probably nothing.” Pan suggested, trying to ease her fiance's worries.
“Like you don’t always jump to the worse case scenario yourself.” Lacey joked with her before kissing Pan on the lips. “I’ll try not to overthink this too much.”
“Okay well I can’t really narrow down what kind of Egyptian demon we could be dealing with upon arrival, so I guess I’ll just have to wing it once you orb me there.” Pan said as she closed the book of shadows. “Luckily for me I know how to save the day with my bare hands.”
“Drake dumped him nowhere near Egypt why the hell would he wind up in Egypt of all places I mean I get it’s a beautiful country and if you’re one of those kind of people you’d want to tick it off your list but Jake’s never cared about that kind of stuff before.” Lacey said as she continued to worry what kind of trouble her brother was in.
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“So, you’ve found yourself in a love triangle with a demon and a witch,” Drake replied to his 18 year old female student as he sat behind his desk in his office at magic school while the girl sat in front of his desk. “I can’t imagine your white lighter is happy about you dating either.”
“Yeah he just keeps telling me I’m too young like I don’t hear enough of that from my parents besides everyone just seems to hate demons no offense Mr Black.” The girl complained to her counselor.
“It’s true that good demons are definitely a minority, but I mean so are good humans and nobody can judge anyone for being who they are. The problem here isn’t the type of men your stuck between it’s the fact your stuck between them.” Drake explained to his student. “I was younger than you when I fell in love for the first time and it doesn’t matter what age you are whatever you are feeling is always real.”
“Thanks Mr Black it’s nice to hear somebody actually validate what I’m feeling instead of brushing me off.” The student thanked him. “Who do you think I should choose?”
“Honestly this isn’t a case where somebody can just give you the answer and everything’s suddenly fixed the only person you should be talking to right now is yourself.” Drake made clear to her. “Although trust is a pretty huge deal so if I can give you advice it would be pick the one you trust the most.”
“I guess you’re right I’m just going to need to work this one out alone.” The girl replied as she stood up from her chair. “Thanks Mr Black you’ve given me a lot to think about.”
“Please just call me Drake Mr Black makes me feel way too old especially considering I’m not that much older than you.” Drake told her as his first student of the day walked out of his office.
Lacey, Pan and Paul orbed into a scorching hot desert just outside of a large and ancient looking Egyptian pyramid all three curious as to how Lacey’s older brother Jake Morgan could’ve wound up in this location.
“How does somebody even get signal to send a text when your out here?” Paul asked them both as he looked around the seemingly endless desert.
“This whole thing just doesn’t sit right with me!” Lacey admitted.
“It’s fine we’ve been too far stranger places than this in our time actually I think it’s beautiful and I’m hoping we get to break into that pyramid.” Pan replied to them both with excitement in her voice. “I’m calling it Jake’s got in trouble with a mummy or maybe even an Egyptian god.”
“Sometimes you like this life a little too much!” Paul complained to his sister.
“I guess this is the part where I leave you both to it.” Lacey said before kissing her fiancé Pan. “Shout me the minute you need me…hopefully once you guys speak to him, he’ll want to talk to me.”
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“You’re among one of the new demonic students around here aren’t you?” Drake asked his second student while he remained sat behind his desk in his office at magic school as his sixteen-year-old male goth looking student sat on the same chair as the student before him.
“Yeah.” The goth student mumbled.
“I’m guessing your parents weren’t exactly approving of you enrolling in Magic School I can’t imagine the process would’ve been easy.” Drake replied to him.
“No, they’ve spent lifetimes being evil and expected the same from me, but I knew early on that wasn’t the life I wanted for myself.” The student explained to his counselor. “After they found out about me attending Magic School my family disowned me in fact I barely got out of the Underworld with my life.”
“Wow that does sound like you’ve been through some pretty tough times already and yet you have this whole new world to try and adjust to without any parental guidance which is bound to be tough on anyone.” Drake sympathized with him. “Like you I went through some events in my own life where I had to adjust to a whole new world without the parents who raised me and it can get pretty overwhelming while you go through a long learning curve but I can honestly it does get better.”
“Did it get better for you?” The student wondered.
“Yeah it really did but that doesn’t mean it was easy and I’m afraid it’s not going to be easy for you either. It’s okay to be mad at everyone because everyone has let you down but it’s not okay to stay mad forever because they are people in your life who aren’t going to let you down and you deserve to have those people in your life without chasing them away out of fear.” Drake replied to him. “What you’ve already been through and continue to go through just by being at this school shows an incredible amount of strength and you should be extremely proud of yourself!”
“You really think so Mr Black?” The student responded with a sincere smile, clearly touched by Drake’s kind words.
“I never say things I don’t mean.” Drake said with a smile. “Now how is the accommodation around here and the other students?”
“It beats the Underworld but in fairness that wouldn’t be hard.” The goth student admitted.
“Well if you ever need to talk to someone or if anyone gives you trouble my door’s always open.” Drake told him.
After several meetings with students from all kinds of different varieties within the magical community Drake took it upon himself to check in on his daughter within the nursery at Magic School during his lunch break eager to spend some quality time with her only to be left horrified to walk in on Cole playing with his daughter Lilah in a room filled with other children and nursery teachers.
“What the hell are you doing at magic school?” Drake asked Cole after dragging him out into the hallway. “After all the crap you pulled you should definitely run it past me before you just decide to drop in to visit my daughter.”
“Lilah’s powers are growing and somehow she summoned me here I guess the little genius is missing me.” Cole told his former friend. “I miss her too.”
“I didn’t think about her missing you,” Drake said with a frustrated sigh. “Oh god I’m already failing as a father I can’t even tell when my daughter is missing someone.”
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up babies aren’t exactly the most communicative well not in a language we understand anyway.” Cole joked with a clearly unamused Drake.
“This isn’t some joke I introduced my daughter to a backstabbing demon that she’s clearly grown attached to.” Drake snapped at Cole before calming himself down. “Look I’m not going to stop you visiting Lilah but only at magic school and only when me or someone in my family are there to supervise you but if you so much as put one foot wrong with my daughter I’ll find a way to vanquish you in a way that even you can’t come back from.”
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“Okay so there’s no obvious way into this pyramid which is good because it’d be no fun if we could just walk in.” Paul said excitedly to his sister Pan as they stood right in front of the Egyptian pyramid within an Egyptian desert. “Which means there’s definitely a secret pathway somewhere.”
“Somebody’s starting to buy into the Indiana Jones fantasy now.” Pan mocked her brother before raising her hands and trying to explode a part of the pyramid, only for nothing to happen. “Figures ancient pyramids made my creatures before our time would have anti-magic. Also, kind of grateful I didn’t just ruin a part of Egyptian history.”
Suddenly a sandstorm began to pick up as if from nowhere until wind began picking up the sand from the ground forming a man shaped out of sand alone.
“Something tells me you offended the pyramid.” Paul said in shock as he and Pan watched the sandman walk towards them as Pan attempted to explode the sand creature exploding its chest for a moment only for it to be reformed with more sand.
“I’m never watching another Indiana Jones movie again!” Pan shouted at her brother before a part of the pyramid suddenly opened to show Jake stood there signalling them to get in quickly which they wasted not time in doing exactly that, running into a pyramid which secret door quickly closed behind them.
“Is there some kind of family emergency again?” Drake asked Lacey after she orbed into his office at magic school to find himself sitting on his couch eating a sandwich.
“There’s definitely something going down but it’s not currently at emergency status just yet.” Lacey admitted to Drake and she sat down next to him before grabbing half of his sandwich and taking a bite. “I just wish I could be there too.”
“So, they’re on a power of two mission?” Drake asked his best friend. “If I wasn’t so focused on day one of this job I’d be offended.”
“Jake’s wound up in Egypt and sought out Pan’s help for something but didn’t reach out to me so I’ve left them to break the ice hoping he’ll want to see me after but knowing I can’t blame him if he doesn’t want to.” Lacey replied to him.
“Jake’s in trouble and instead of calling either of us it’s my aunt and father who’s on the rescue mission?” Drake said before scoffing to himself. “To be fair that sounds like a super awkward time that I’d rather not be a part of.”
“I just want him to get passed hating me so I can have my brother back after all these years I really do miss him.” Lacey told the Halliwell hybrid. “After dad’s death he’s the only other Morgan left.”
“Hey he’s with dad and Pan right now I’m sure now he’s had some time to adjust and has them as company he’ll soon see you had no free will when it came to putting him behind bars and he’ll finally bury that hatchet.” Drake reassured his friend. “He’s a good and understanding guy he will forgive you in time.”
“True plus you did bust him out of prison so that’s bound to score me some kind of brownie points.” Lacey replied before Dermot McQueen knocked on Drake’s office door and let himself in.
“I was just popping in to introduce myself I’m the headmaster at magic school Dermot McQueen.” He introduced himself before holding out his hand to shake Lacey and Drake’s, only for the two of them to be too focused on finishing their sandwich. “Did I hear right when I heard you busted someone out of prison?”
“The guy was innocent, and it was charmed related business.”  Drake replied after finishing his sandwich and standing up to finally shake Dermot’s hand. “I don’t break people out of jail all the time.”
“I’m Lacey Morgan!” Lacey introduced herself as she stood up and placed what remained of her half of the sandwich on the coffee table. “I’m the charmed ones’ white lighter.”
“I see,” Dermot said as he shook Lacey’s hand before turning his attention back to Drake. “I’d like to see you in my office…alone.”
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Paul, Pan and Jake walked through the tunnels of the Egyptian pyramids where the walls, statues and even the floor was filled with golds and all kinds of hidden ancient treasures before they walked into a large room filled with unspeakable kinds of treasures.
“I guess I now know why you came to Egypt.” Pan said to Jake, clearly believing he was on a treasure heist. “Trying really hard not to jump to conclusions considering you’ve already been wrongly convicted once before.”
“Well I’m going to come out and say it.” Paul told them both. “You awaken some kind of sand demon because of some fools treasure hunt mission, and you hit us up to save the day knowing we would because your Lacey’s brother and yet you don’t even contact your sister.”
“Hey, I’m a wanted criminal living life on the run for a crime I didn’t commit a guy gets pretty desperate for money when he has no choice but to keep running.” Jake snapped at Paul. “You and your family got me into this mess it’s only right your family gets me out of it!”
“It’s not going to be easy clearly you’ve awakened some ancient Egyptian curse by trespassing somewhere you don’t belong so we’re going to need to break that curse somehow or else this sand creature will just follow you wherever you go until it kills you.” Pan told her fiance's brother.
“It’s kind of hard working out what’s just myth and what has truth when you’re trying to get used to the knowledge of knowing magic exits.” Jake replied. “I should’ve known better, but I was getting kind of desperate.”
“In your defense most supposedly haunted or cursed places are just hocus pocus however unfortunately for you this one turned out to be true.” Pan told Jake making it clear he shouldn’t blame himself too much.
“So, I guess we either break this curse, vanquish the sand demon or both?” Paul suggested.
“If this is about my white lighter popping in to see me, I was told I was allowed visitors at all time I mean being a charmed one means there’s going to be the odd disruption around here.” Drake told Dermot after knocking on the headmaster’s door and walking into his boss’ office to find Dermot leaned up against his desk.
“Did you seriously tell one of our students that the charmed ones had his back if another student bothered him?” Dermot asked his new employee.
“Well I may have said something like that yes, but it was to a bullied student who just needed some help standing up for themselves.” Drake replied nervously.
“That same student got into a fight with a student witch, using your name as leverage.” Dermot told him. “When I was told your method would be a bit out there by the other elders, I had no idea you’d be causing fights with the students.”
“So, I guess their both being expelled now then?” Drake asked the magic school headmaster.
“The demonic student yes but not the student with I mean he was provoked by the demon after all and we can’t blame a witch for naturally clashing with a demon it’s kind of their destiny.” Dermot revealed to Drake, instantly making the Halliwell hybrid furious with his new boss.
“Witches and demons are only natural enemies because people like you have been telling them to be for centuries.” Drake snapped at his boss. “That student has literally been through hell and back and you want to throw him out for trying to defend himself from a witch who quite frankly is nothing but a bully. Your prejudice is standing in the way of true change around here and if you are even remotely a good person you will lift that expulsion and teach this school that bullying isn’t something that should be tolerated whether their victim is demon or not.”
“How dare you accuse me of being prejudice towards demons when I’ve allowed them into my school?” Dermot argued with the Halliwell hybrid.
“When you automatically expel the different kid without getting all the facts that’s being biased automatically assuming the other student is innocent just because they’re not a demon is prejudice.” Drake schooled the headmaster. “I was hired here to help this transition but how am I supposed to do that when you’re clearly the biggest thing in the way of this being a success?”
“I was warned you were just as outspoken as the charmed ones before you and you’d be twice the work.” Dermot admitted to Drake while rolling his eyes.
“Here’s what I suggest you do.” Drake demanded. “You expel nobody and instead put them in detention for about a month one week everyday after school where they learn about prejudices, violence and the good both demons and witches have done before presenting their information to you at the end of the month with a glowing presentation. Then you arrange your own school seminars making it clear to everyone prejudices or hate of any kind will not be tolerate here!”
“You’ve got some mouth on you…you must really care about these kids already and it’s only been a day.” Dermot told his newest employee.
“I was hired by you and the other elders because this school needed me and I can see why but fire me now if you think you change my approach because I’m never going to agree just for the sake of it whether your my boss or not.” Drake made himself clear.
“I like your punishment idea better than mine it seems more beneficial to both students and you’re right about treating them fairly I guess I do have some prejudices to overcome if demons are to find safe haven within these walls.” Dermot reluctantly admitted.
“Wow I thought for sure I was going to get fired right here right now.” Drake laughed nervously.
“Oh, I’m still tempted,” Dermot teased him. “Did you really give a student a leaflet about safe sex?”
“I may have handed out a few leaflets today but only to the students who are clearly having sex I’d rather them be safe than wind up knocked up.” Drake explained himself.
“Makes sense,” Dermot laughed at Drake. “But where did you get the leaflets from?”
“I may or may not have wrote several leaflets concerning many issues that my daughter may come across growing up and I just made copies of the sex talk one for my first day here just in case it was needed which it clearly was.” Drake admitted to his new boss.
“I don’t understand…why make leaflets for years in advance especially when a five-minute talk will just suffice when it comes to it?” Dermot wondered.
“In case I’m not around to speak to her…being a charmed one doesn’t allow for many happy endings and I just want to be prepared for any outcome to ensure my daughter has the best life possible.” Drake admitted. “I don’t want her to have to go through what I did.”
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“Okay we cast a lightning storm spell so that the lighting hits the sand demon and turns it into glass allowing me to then explode the glass?” Pan suggested as she, Paul and Jake stood within the tunnels of the Egyptian pyramid.
“Not a bad idea unless you picture us all ditching actual lightning from striking us while trying to vanquish a demon.” Paul replied with great sarcasm.
“I should’ve just have bit the bullet and called Drake at least he could’ve teleport-ed me somewhere.” Jake complained.
“Oh, I’m so sorry that we’re taking our time to work out how best to save your sorry ass!” Pan snapped at her fiance's brother.
“You’re right I should be more thankful that you guys came it’s just a little hard seeing two people whose family literally destroyed my own.” Jake explained to them both. “I know neither of you played in part in any of it, but it still angers me.”
“Lacey misses you she’s still your family!” Pan told Jake. “I know it’s complicated but what she did to you she only did because she was under a spell.”
“My dad’s dead and Lacey and Drake got all those years with him while I was in jail and then more time when I had to go on the run.” Jake snapped. “I’m barely even living just surviving all because Drake killed his own parents and your family put all the blame on me!”
“Drake never meant to kill his parents in that fire it was an accident and the minute he learned you were innocent he broke you straight out of jail.” Paul explained to Lacey’s brother. “What my mother did to you and your sister is unforgivable but that’s on her neither Lacey nor Drake are to blame for any of it.”
“Yeah I get that I do, and I want to be a good guy and forgive and forget but you all get to go on with your lives while I have no-one and nowhere to call home.” Jake admitted to them both.
“I’m so sorry we haven’t been working harder on clearing your name I guess we all kind of got swept up with Lacey dying, then Drake’s mum dying and let’s not forget Drake dying himself.” Pan mumbled while apologizing to her fiance's brother.
“When did Lacey and Drake die?” Jake asked her in complete shock by what she had revealed to him.
“Don’t tell me you got fired after one day? That’s a record even for you Drake.” Lacey joked with Drake as he walked into his office at magic school to find Lacey sitting back on his sofa.
“Surprisingly not,” Drake laughed before walking over to his friend and sitting down beside her. “Despite having another major bitch fit…I don’t know why I keep blowing up like that.”
“Because you’re trying too hard to maintain perfection you have been since the moment you became a dad and I get it after the shit we’ve both been through that you’d want everything to be perfect for Lilah but it’s never going to be perfect nothing ever is.” Lacey told her best-friend. “You do so well in crisis mode because you’ve been stuck there half your life but now you need to learn how to function when everything isn’t going to hell.”
“You’re right,” Drake admitted reluctantly before taking a big breath. “You should go to your brother and speak to him I think the only way either of you are ever going to heal this rift between you is by speaking face to face.”
“Are you sure me just showing up won’t just make him even more angry with me?” Lacey asked.
“Your statement put him to jail for a crime I committed I’m fairly certain he can’t get any angrier with us.” Drake joked. “Clearly the only way is up from here Lace.”
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“Okay we could cloak the pyramid, so it’s never found again but then again that only really helps us once we’ve found a way out of here without being killed by a sand demon.” Pan said to Jake and Paul as the three of them remained within the tunnels of the Egyptian pyramid.
“So, I decided to not wait for an invite and just show up.” Lacey told the three of them after orbing into the pyramid.
“So much for your magic proof theory.” Paul taunted Pan.
“Lace…it’s been a long time.” Jake replied to his sister while walking towards her. “You look good for being dead and everything.”
“Yeah being a white lighter does kind of suit me.” Lacey laughed.
“Well you were always Drake’s bodyguard makes sense your now an undead bodyguard to his whole family.” Jake joked before hugging his sister. “I forgive you.”
“You do,” Lacey gushed while hugging her brother tighter. “I’m so sorry for everything I’m just so glad to see you again Jake.”
“Okay not to be the one to break up a family reunion but can we get the hell out of here so I can get to the book of shadows and break a sand demon curse?” Pan asked her fiancé and her fiance's brother, having seen enough of the Egyptian pyramid.
“I’m sorry for what I said to you last time I saw you.” Cole apologized to his sister after shimmering into her office at Halliwell and Turner law to find Raven sat behind her desk typing away on her laptop. “You’re not a disgrace you’re an inspiration I keep making these same mistakes and never learning from them. You were 100% right in siding with the Halliwell’s but please don’t give up on me just yet sister.”
“I suppose considering we’re the only family either of us have left declaring to disown you was a little hasty.” Raven admitted as she closed her laptop and looked up towards her brother.
“Does that mean your forgiving me once more?” Cole asked with a cheeky smile before sitting down in front of his sister’s desk.
“It means you’re my brother and as your sister it’s my duty to help you on your path to redemption and forgiveness.” Raven explained to him. “Which means it’s my duty to help stop you from facing the rest of eternity completely and utterly alone but I’m warning you Cole this is your very last chance!”
“Little Lilah summoned me to her nursery at magic school today because she missed me because in her eyes, I’ve only ever been a good guy and I want her to grow up to continue believing that.” Cole admitted to his sister. “Drake’s unbelievably allowing me to stay in her life and I’m going to make sure he doesn’t regret that decision.”
“That’s good brother I’m glad for you I really am.” Raven replied with sincerity. “I know losing our father scarred us both but we’re still a family and if we’re lucky one day that family may extend in time.”
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Drake walked out of his office immediately closing and locking his door behind him before turning around to find his new boss Dermot orbing himself in front of the Halliwell hybrid as the two met once more, this time in the main hallway of magic school.
“If you have another complaint to make can you at least wait until tomorrow because that’s me finished for the day.” Drake said to his boss.
“Unless you have a charmed emergency then you’re not finished just yet because I need help preparing this seminar that you came up with.” Dermot told the new magic school guidance counselor.
“I’d totally be convinced you were some evil demon headmaster if you weren’t a bloody elder.” Drake moaned at the elder while rolling his eyes at him.
“Now Drake isn’t that just the tiniest bit prejudice?” Dermot mocked him with a smile on his face. “I mean stereotyping someone as a demon just because they irritate you sounds a bit prejudice to me.”
“Well played Mr McQueen,” Drake replied with a reluctantly sigh. “I suppose I can stick around a little longer I mean the nursery’s open 24/7 so I suppose I can help with this seminar.”
“Good.” Dermot replied. “And you can call me Dermot.”
“I’m sorry we haven’t managed to clear your name yet Jake it’s been a lot adjusting to not being alive while everyone else still believes I am.” Lacey said to her brother as the two stood in a hotel room somewhere in France. “Also, I had to quit my job due to the fact that being a white lighter is full time job.”
“Yeah I’m never going to get used to the fact my sister is now a white lighter and my ex is a demon/witch hybrid.” Jake scoffed.
“It’s a lot to take in I mean Drake took a long time to adjust to all this and so did I, but life is definitely more interesting now and I kind of love the madness.” Lacey admitted to her brother.
“I really can’t believe after everything Drake and his family has done to us, you’re still his dutiful sidekick after all these years.” Jake snapped at her.
“I know you’re still getting used to all this but you loved Drake once and both me and dad have always considered him family not to mention the fact I’m marrying Pan and I really want you to be happy for us all.” Lacey told him while defending her best-friend and the Halliwell’s.
“Drake stopped being family when his actions put me behind bars when his family’s magic made me serve time for a murder, I didn’t commit…a murder Drake committed.” Jake said, making his feelings very clear. “His grandmother stole everything from us both and yet you’re still running around after him like you did in high school. Lacey, I love you, but I can’t be a part of the lives of a family who are the reason I’m on the run and my dad is dead which means you have to choose between them or me.”
“Jake my fiancé and her brother just dropped everything to come and rescue you!” Lacey argued with him. “They’re not the enemies here you should see the amazing things they do with their magic the innocents they save by taking down every evil they face.”
“That family are the reason I got myself in danger in the first place because I wouldn’t be doing any of this if I could go back home not that I’d even want to know that dad’s gone.” Jake said continuing his argument with his sister. “You’re either a Halliwell or you’re a Morgan but I sure as hell won’t be calling any Halliwell my family.”
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