pictureswithboxes · 1 year
Im actually quite upset right now.
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sortasirius · 4 years
Dean Winchester be like:
I hate myself because it’s what my father taught me to do.  I hate myself because it’s a defense mechanism.  I use sarcasm to cover up the fact that I believe I am worthless.  I raised my brother into a good man, that’s the only good I’ve ever done.  I’ve saved some people, they don’t say thank you, but that’s okay.  I wish I could have been the man my father wanted me to be.  I break everything I touch.  All the people I love I end up killing or leaving me.  I am broken.  I don’t do romantic love, it’s asking for me to get my heart broken, more broken than it already is.  I sold my soul to a demon so I could save my brother, because he’s the best thing I ever did, the only good thing.  I’m afraid to go to Hell, but I pretend I’m not, because what’s the alternative? 
Hell proved that I was the person I always knew I was, a bad person, willing to torture to get out of pain.  I met an angel, he’s not like I thought.  He’s a soldier, like me, he’s taking orders from a father he can’t see.  He starts out as an ally, but he’s different than the others, they say he likes me.  He’s awkward, he stands too close to me sometimes.  I started the Apocalypse because I wasn’t strong enough.  My brother is going down the wrong path, and I don’t know how to stop it.  The angels tell me Lucifer has to rise, but the one that pulled me out of Hell disobeys to help me stop it.  I think I should consider him a friend.  Lucifer rises anyway. 
The angel is on the run from Heaven, he’s a good guy, I like him a lot, more than I think I should.  I don’t know what to do, if I say yes to Michael, we can save some people.  Maybe I’ll get to know peace, maybe my father will be proud of me then.  The angel and my brother are angry at me, but I’ve always been a coward, they just don’t know it.  But they know me best, I can’t say yes to Michael if it means disappointing them. 
My brother goes to the cage with Lucifer and Michael, the angel disappears, and I’m left to pick up the pieces, living a life I feel like I stole from somebody else.  I always sleep with a gun and holy water under the bed, even though I know every entrance is secure.  My brother comes back, but he’s different now, he’s not the same, I should have looked for him.  I feel guilty.  We found out his soul is gone, his soul, his soul.  The angel is back, but he’s no real help.  I kill myself to speak to Death, who brings back his soul in exchange for me playing Death, where I learn a few hard lessons. 
I find out the angel has been working with our enemies.  Why does it feel like my heart is broken when he won’t meet my eyes?  I leave him to the demons, but not before one last look.  I’m not sure why.  The idiot, he ends up dying trying to get souls from Purgatory, desperate to win his war in Heaven.  Why does everyone leave me?  The Leviathan are out there, a new threat.  At least I know how to kill, so I won’t have to think about the muddy trenchcoat in the trunk of my car.  I lose the closest thing I have to a father with a bullet to the brain.  I feel like I’m spinning out of control.  My brother loses his mind.  The angel comes back, he doesn’t recognize me, that hurts.  When he does remember me, I tell him we need him, but I really mean that I do. 
I get sent to Purgatory, I meet a vampire turned ally turned new best friend, but I won’t leave without the angel, I can’t leave without the angel.  We find him, he was running from me, why does everyone run from me?  We make it out of Purgatory, the angel gets left behind.  It turns out my brother didn’t look for me.  Why am I so dispensable?  The vampire is the only one I can trust now.  I dream about the angel, about the way I couldn’t save him.  I feel like I can’t save anyone these days.  I see the angel in the air around me, am I going crazy?  But then he shows up behind me, why do I care so much about him?  I don’t even care where he came from, as long as he’s here.  My brother takes on trials, they start to hurt him.  We find a place to call home.  I’ve never had my own bedroom before.  The angel is distant, I wish I could reach him.  He doesn’t answer my prayers.  He and I find the angel tablet, he hits me.  I tell him I need him, never able to tell him that I think I might love him too.  He snaps out of it then walks out of my life again.  I wish I was lovable.  I almost lose my brother to the trials, he has to know I can’t lose him, he’s all I’ve got.  The angels fall, I wonder about my angel, if he’s alright. 
My brother is dying, and I make a deal with an angel to save him.  My angel says he’s a good guy, and I’m too desperate to vet him properly.  I watch my angel, now a human, die in front of me, the angel in my brother saves him, it’s one of the only times I’ve ever put someone else over my brother.  I feel guilty about that.  I have to kick my angel out, it tears me in half to do it, but I have to protect my brother.  I watch the angel from a gas station window, I try to find the courage to go see him.  I use humor to hide how much I miss him.  My brother finds out about the angel, which cost the life of a kid I was supposed to protect, he’s so angry at me.  Well, I deserve it this time.  I take the Mark of Cain to defeat Abaddon, it can’t be all that bad.  I start to lose my grip on myself.  My angel gives up an army for me, and it’s the closest I feel to being me in months. My brother and my angel try to stop it, but it’s too late.  I die in my brother’s arms.
I wake up with black eyes.  I don’t care about anyone, anything.  There’s a tiny part of me that’s screaming to wake up, but I drown him out easily enough.  My brother finds me, says he wants to cure me.  I don’t want it, I don’t want to be me, not feeling is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.  They do cure me though, my brother and my angel, and waking up from the blackness is like surfacing from deep water.  For a while, I feel loved.  But after what I did, I don’t feel like I deserve it.  I’m still not me, and when my friend, who I loved like a sister is taken, I go off the deep end again. It’s too easy, but violence is all I know.  The angel tries to stop me.  I have him where I want him, a blade to the heart and this is all over.  But I still can’t kill him, I still can’t kill the angel.  Death tells me I have to kill my brother.  I almost do it.  But killing Death releases me, and I’m me again.  Sometimes I still wish I wasn’t.
I have this connection to this Darkness.  It scares the hell out of me.  I wish I understood it, I wish I could stop it.  Am I pulled towards the Darkness because I, myself, am darkness?  Is it because I am, because I’ve always been bad?  I lose the angel to Lucifer himself, how did I not notice until it was too late?  Why would he leave me like this?  Will I ever get him back?  My head is foggy around the Darkness, but not when it comes to him.  I just wish I could get through to him.  Lucifer taunts me, my heart rips in half.  We get the angel back, but nothing good can last in this life, can it?  God himself returns, I have to sacrifice myself to stop the Darkness.  I’ll do it, because of course I will, if I have an opportunity to do some good, I’ll take it.  The Darkness doesn’t kill me.  She thanks me.
My mother is alive.  It’s everything I’ve always wanted.  I have to learn fast that she’s not what I thought.  That’s hard.  Me and my brother end up in prison for trying to kill Lucifer, and we find out this girl is going to have his kid.  How will we kill someone innocent?  I can’t think about that, I’m a killer, I’ll kill if i have to.   The angel kills a reaper to save me, but what will happen to him?  We start looking for this kid, but do we even want to find it?  The angel nearly dies for me, he tells me, my family he loves us.  I wish I could tell him the same, but the words won’t work right in my brain, so I do what I always do, I look away.  The angel finds the girl, but the kid inside her gets to him, and he runs away from me.  Why does everyone run from me?  We find them just in time to find a rift to another world, and my brother has to drag me away from the angel, who is going to sacrifice himself to kill Lucifer.  He comes back, but before I can say the words I’ve been holding onto for so long, he dies in front of me, only this time, it’s real.  My mom is taken from me too, and I’m left by the angel’s side, staring up at the sky, wondering why, why me?
I bury the angel, my brother insists we can’t kill the kid, even though it’s his fault my mom is gone and the angel is...  I beg God to bring him back, please, bring him back.  You owe me this, please bring him back.  He doesn’t listen.  I’m alone.  We burn the angel, and I try to learn to live with regret and grief and crippling pain all at once.  I hate the kid, this is his fault.  I kill myself again to save some souls, but also because I want to die this time.  I can’t take it anymore.  Death tells me I have work to do, but how much more work can there be?  How much more can I take?  It’s like the Universe reads my mind, because my angel comes back, and it’s like the last few weeks haven’t happened.  I still can’t say the words, but maybe this time I’ll get there.  Maybe this time.  We go to the other world, we save some people, I find my mom.  I let another Michael from the other world possess me to defeat Lucifer, but then I can’t expel him.  Before he shuts me in my memories, I am desperately afraid.
My brother and the angel find me in my own head, the snap me out of it.  I should have known this bar was too good for me, I knew I didn’t deserve it.  I shut Michael in there, but I know I won’t last long. I think I’m too weak to hold him, so I build a box designed to hold me forever.  I dream about it, claw the sides of the wall until my nails are bloody, but if it’s my eternity or Michael’s rule?  I’ll take the ocean every time.  The angel will always try to save me, I still can’t say the words.  The kid, my kid, he destroys Michael, but something is wrong, and I don;t realize until it’s too late.  My mother is dead, at the hands of the kid, and I have never been angrier.  I hate the kid again, I hate the angel too, I hate myself more.  I pull a gun on the kid, but I still can’t pull the trigger.  Sometimes I wish I could put it to my own head.  God comes back, turns out he was the villain all along.  Typical.  He kills our kid.  I can’t let myself feel.
The angel tries to convince me that we’re real.  How can I believe that?  Is everything I am just a story?  Have I ever chosen anything?  Does the angel really care about me?  Do I really care about him?  Another one of our friends dies.  I blame the angel, I push him away, because I can’t look at him if I think what I feel for him might not be real.  I meet up with someone I loved.  He’s a monster now, I have to kill him.  He dies holding me.  I wish I was dead sometimes too.  My brother is sick, he gets kidnapped by God.  I’m spinning in circles.  Me and the angel end up in Purgatory again.  He gets taken from me.  I’m so alone, so scared, I break down in the one place I could get lost in forever searching for the angel, I don’t want to leave him, please, don’t make me leave him.  I have to keep looking, get back to the real world to save my brother.  How will I choose?  Thank god, or, whatever, I find the angel.  I’ll tell him this time, but he stops me.  He must know.  He doesn’t want me, no one wants me.  Why would they?  Chuck has taken everything from me.  I have to kill him, no matter the cost.  The cost is gonna be our kid, raised from the dead by Death.  I guess the one thing we have going for us is we don’t stay dead for long.  I’m ready to let my kid die for my freedom.  My brother stands in the way, I pull a gun on him.  He talks me down, he’s the only one that can.  I decide to take it out on Death, my pain, my anger, my rage.  I take the angel and we find her, she chases us.  Another trap.  I realize that I’ve trapped us both.  Why am I so worthless?
The angel looks at me.  He smiles.  He tells me how worthy I am, that I’m good, that I changed him.  How can I tell him how he changed me.  He tells me he’ll die for loving me.  Then he shouldn’t, I’m not worth his life.  Don’t leave me, please, I can’t lose you, you don’t know what it does it me when you leave me.  He tells me he loves me.  I try to tell him a fraction of the things I feel for him, but it’s too late.  He’s taken before my eyes, and this time I know there’s no getting him back.
I’m left on the floor, unable to move.
This time I know, I’ll never let myself love again, because my heart is so shattered that it’s powdered, there’s no repairing it now.  I’ve always been broken, but this time I’m not just broken: I’m destroyed.
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empty-dream · 7 years
Me watching Fate/Apocrypha ep 10
Sieg: *trembling while holding the sword* “Fight me!” Mordred: “Learn to hold a goddamn sword first”
Astolfo: “Dude I did not suffer for this!’ Sieg: “Really sorry about that!” Mordred: *send them both away with one blow* “gET A ROOM”
I’m choking Mordred is definitely pulling a “Are you serious? Right in front of my salad sword?”
Wow Sieg’s glare is pretty chilling. Finally some depth on his on screen appearance.
In addition, it’s when he declares his new name and his existence, so good job.
Caules and Fran getting on the hit-them-when-they-talk bandwagon.
You thought regular looting is bad? Try heart looting.
Hello to the people who come here thinking Jack is hot innocent loli, behold she is actually blood-splattered lunatic scavenging dead hearts from dead people. 
The idea of the most famous serial killer being an apparition shaped as little girl dressed in futuristic stripper outfit bathed in blood and corpses while fiddling with a Nokia 6000 series is WAY BEYOND WHAT I COULD EVER COME UP IN MY ENTIRE LIFE
“Our new room” more like “room we literally kill people for”
Jack: “Okay mom, bye bye!” *Naruto runs*
How is that walking metal armor not electrocuted by Fran’s lightning that’s some EX magic shit going on here
Caules hon that’s not what I’d call acting with discretion.
‘Third-rates’ wow Mordred your trash-talking actually hurts huh who did you learn from? Gawain?
I just realized that since Clarent is powered by Mordred’s hatred for Artoria, then it basically runs on the power of emo LOLOLOLOL
Well all is funny until she blows everybody several yards away with it.
Yo Mordred do yo always go and see people and be like “this one is homunculus, this one is not”??
On the other hand, good job A-1 at showing explicitly that Fran is indeed not a homunculus nor a human but a true artificial creation.
I don’t like saying this but Mordred, if you want an enemy real dead, go for the head.
I think she was all about decapitating people before so why suddenly just stabbed?
Um nice try Sieg but don’t you see that metal armor is like this thick and Mordred is like Terminator?
The sword looks like a toothpick jammed lightly it’s awkward now
Mordred angrily turns red, literally.
Remember that Astolfo saved Sieg just because he could? Now Sieg saved Astolfo simply because he saved him. 
Ugh getting stabbed by that huge-ass sword should hurt A LOT huh
It’s been like two days out of the castle and Sieg experiences death. AGAIN.
Sieg you need to stop dying this is not Supernatural.
I guess Mordred’s characterization is definitely aimed to be jarring between the savagery she displays in battle and the chivalrous nature she harbours as a knight. 
That’s some chilling scream Astolfo
Kairi: “Did you make sure she’s dead?” Mordred: “Dude I stabbed her with giant sword like in the torso” Kairi: “Shit boi did you forget this is a magic war? People sparkles when they die!”
Fran’s mace: *standing up ominously* Mordred: “Weird” Me: Maybe you should be called “The Knight of Obviousness” instead of “The Knight of Treachery”
Fran taking strangling with bare hands to a whole new level
Wow the mace suddenly floats, does some clicking, whirling, becomes green, and now it looks like green thunder chupa chups
Uh as much as I hate Celenike, I can’t disagree with her saying ‘stand back and don’t get roped into a suicide bomb’
But I guess if she doesn’t force Astolfo he’d definitely bolt to the ground zero trying to get a better ending that’s just like him
At this point, it’s pretty clear that none of Fran Al-Qaeda-ing her way is Caules’ command.
But instead he just understands her and gives the last command spell to boost her, no matter how painful of a decision it is :(
Wow does using the last command spell always induce flashy tron lines and sharp lightning?? Is this the Apocrypha style? Last time I see people do that, it’s just dramatic wind.
Caules’ glasses breaks and cheek gets slashed only adds the dramatic tension. And it looks cool in gif.
It’s bad enough if a dying person’s life flashes before their eyes bUT IT’S ENTIRELY ON DIFFERENT LEVEL IF IT FLASHES BEFORE THEIR CLOSE PARTNER’S EYES
Fran gets super pissed at Mordred she decides to talkIt’s actually a bit funy that everybody from the author to the animators making sure people notice Fran’s lightning pierces Sieg like ‘yo reader it’s important clue for our protagonist’s powers!’
Wait I just notice the role of the Berserkers from both faction is literally the same: to become servant bomb
At least Fran goes out in a beautiful electric explosion tree........
Astolfo: “Please be dead please be dead” Mordred: “...Yo...Hhh... Surprise....hh...bitch-” Astolfo: “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?”
Caules babe :’’’(((((((
He’s such a good master he honestly thought he screwed up and let Fran die in vain and he couldn’t do anything for her even until the end
In the novels, from this point on, everything about Caules and Fran will just hurt like a bitch.
Okay let’s cut the sadness and LOOK SIEG’S HEART BEATING
Siegfried appears!!!!!
I kinda forget that bathing in dragon blood means he’s actually covered in blood from head to toe that’s pretty disgusting if given more thought.
So Siegfried’s previous life was literally on the range of ‘national hero’ to ‘professional killer’ to ‘matchmaker’
Sieg: “You lived your life as a wish-granting machine but do you ever have a wish yourself?” Siegfried: “Dude you’re like born months ago don’t throw existential crisis on me right now”
Siegfried: “Now let’s get back on you. Do you have a wish?” Sieg: “....Uhm..” Siegfried: “See existential crisis doesn’t feel good.”
Siegfried takes Sieg from aurora field to dragon dungeon so Sieg’s ego grows like wow that’s hardcore
What is this? A King Arthur play? Sword in the stone??
It’s mandatory to have a fate anime with somebody dramatically decides on a life purpose and dramatically pulls out a sword.
You know, I’ve always liked Balmung’s design. It screams ‘WILD HERO’ and it’s got this badass design and color and sheath. In fact, it’s the third place in my heart after Durandal and maybe-not-suprisingly La Pucelle
That’s why I’m THIS close to be angry that it appears like a cannon fodder sword but thank God it transforms
Mordred: “Wew that was close!” Kairi: “Don’t ‘wew that was close’ me that servant you called third rate just nearly deep fried you if I didn’t bail you out and now I’m tired”
Astolfo be like “My friend is dead, my other friend is dead too, my other other friend is also dead, and now I’m facing a terminator why God”
Sieg!Fried: *standing ominously under the moon* Mordred: “Master, he’s dead right?” Kairi: “Yeah I heard so” Mordred: “Well now we have The Walking Dead”
I think I just squealed hearing Sieg!Fried’s asking “Are you okay?” that sounds so gentle and so hot at the same time?????
Sieg!Fried: “Are you okay?” Astolfo: *blush* “Baka” Mordred: “GET A FUCKING ROOOMMMMMM”
I love how chill Kairi is when facing this anomaly he’s like “Dude, it’s magic war, anything can happen”
Mordred you don’t get to call Balmung a cosplay sword when Clarent also looks like a gigantic cosplay sword
And cut to Shakespeare giving comments as usual. Do Semiramis and Shirou have to watch every battle while listening to his narration?
HAHA Semiramis has to place her hand palms up because of the spikes WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY?
Hm I kinda don’t know what to make out from Shirou’s words but I presume it’s about Sieg should just live like a pure baby he is instead of letting that purity dyed in everything good and bad in being human?
If that’s so, it’s a big hint of Shirou’s goal, no?
Shirou’s practicing if-looks-could-kill without even trying
Semiramis and Shakespeares are such good friends to Shirou they notice him look evil in a matter of seconds
Shirou be like “I thought my feelings are all secret but guess not I should perfect my poker face” just like his servant. Truly a match of heaven.
Lol guys that boy you just declare worthless will be the final man standing against you lololololol
Indeed Shakespeare is the Genre Savvy™ as expected of THE playwright
Mordred: “Master what’s his weakness?” Kairi: “His weakness is ‘Do your best and find out yourself’” Kairi is such a lil shit I love him
And there you have it the first battle scene in the first episode
Y’know, the novel describes Balmung as emanating orange light like the twilight when activated but the very same novel also illustrates it with vivid blue light and it’s making me having the existential crisis since forever
Balmung vs Clarent Blood Arthur more like Let’s nuke each other
Aw they skip the calling the name of the noble phantasms if you ask me I prefer if they include it in this episode too
Oh now it’s Sieg’s command spell on the closing title and with completely different background and SCATTERED FLOWER IS THE TITLE OF THIS EPISODE THANKS FOR REMINDING ME AGAIN THAT IT HURTS ):
Fran’s dead, Caules cries, my heart really hurts
Trust me, the novel version is far worse than the animation. The narration from the moment Caules notices what he has to do to his reaction after her death is just painful. All the root cause of it all? It’s because they care for each other. Even he acknowledges that.
Oh yeah and also Fran dies with a little smile while speaking those words in the novel, kinda different vibe with the anime version
In the novel, the Siegfried’s flashback also reveals his one wish: To become an ally of justice a.k.a. the same dream possessed by the Kiritsugu and Shirou Emiya. Now it may differs from each person but for me personally, while it serves as a driving force to Siegfried’s character, it’s also yet another a form of homage (or maybe long running serious gag?) to both Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night. Whether it is good or not to omit that from the anime, I can’t really say....
NEXT: I think we need some Jeanne now. Hopefully not Naruto running again.
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Bruce x hurt reader
(Curse words and some triggering events)
"God help me"
I looked up at the sky
The avengers were in a mission, me included.
"Stupid ultron"
I mumbled to myself
Everyone around me was fighting but I was down, I would call out on my com if one of the stupid robots didn't step on it.
I was alone, not sure where but no avengers or robots were near.
I heard an unearthly howl
"Oh shit"
I knew what this meant. Hulk decided to help out.
1. It got so bad hulk was here
2. If I didn't move now there was a high chance he would see me and attack me.
I gasped as I saw him turning the corner
I looked down blood was everywhere
"Huh explains why I can't even sit up. Well I need to find energy"
He's coming fast
"Oh god please"
Then I saw my night in shining armor, quite literally.
He looked down at me then to hulk and back to me
He swooped down and grabbed me before hulk could get to me.
Of course I fucking shrieked. I don't think tony realizes I was hurt, or hulk was hella close I couldn't see.
Tony flipped his mask up
"Fuck ana you're really fucked up"
"No shit"
"No like you're turning blue you need to see a doctor right away"
He knows I refuse to see any random doctor due to a situation I had awhile ago.
"Yeah well I don't think Bruce is coming back anytime soon so unless you want to die-"
He looked me stern in the eyes
I mean he was right, I started to see black around the rim of my vision.
He called on his com to someone to come get me because he had other things to do.
He layed me back down on the floor
"Mm" I groaned
"I know Annabelle sorry I put you down as easily as I could"
And he flew away
Thankfully he found me, I could hear roars in the distance but not near me
"Holy fu-"
I can tell it's Natasha
"I know, I know"
She grabbed me more gently and slowly this time.
"Ana I think-"
I passed out before she could finish.
I awoke on a set of chairs with a metic over me
"I need you to stay up"
I kept flicking my eyes up in fear
He tried to cut circulation off to help me from bleeding out
He was calling around for people to see if they had my blood type
How was he going to get someone's blood?? It's most definitely not sterile on this air craft
"Please don't-"
"Don't talk"
He told me
He grabbed me and Carried me to an empty closet
I mean I guess this is more sterile,
But that's not why he took me in there
"I cut the circulation off you should be fine"
He scoffed toward me
He rubbed circles on my thighs
I looked at his face, a look no one would want to see while they are literally dying of blood loss
"Please don't"
He kept rubbing closer to my genitalia
"Oh you're worthless"
He cooed at me
"Just how I like my women"
He then started to attack me trying to get off my skin tight suit
I tired to scream but he covered my mouth, I would drop kick his ass but I didn't have energy. He had took everything off including my bra but luckily haven't gotten to my panties yet.
I was crying when the door was basically ripped of its hinges
Thank god
Steve grabbed the guy and flung him away like a rag doll
"It's okay, it's okay, I got you babygirl"
I didn't mind the pet names, it was our friendly gesture. He picked me up
I groaned in response
"Sorry I'm trying not to hurt you"
Once I was standing he leaned me against his body so he could zip up my suit and clasped my bra back on. Not the first time he's seen my body so it didn't bother me. (Not sex, failed missions)
I started to pass out
"No baby stay awake. You have to stay awake"
He gave me a sharp smack to my face, not painful but enough to startle me to stay awake.
Every time I would start to pass out the sharp smack would get me on the face, arm, leg anywhere he could reach at the moment.
He was walking me to our quinjet
When I saw everyone, they had heard what happened between me and that medic, except Bruce because he was asleep. I guess Nat worked her magic.
"Somebody wake Bruce now" Steve said And suddenly everybody was all over him waking him up.
"Lady Annabelle is hurt brother Bruce"
As soon as the word hurt came out of Thor's mouth Bruce was up looking for me. Didn't take long for him to find me hunched against Steve
"Operating table now."
"Yes sir" I mumbled, though I know he was talking to steve
(There's an operating in the quinjet Okay)
Steve placed me on the table and Bruce was all over me in a split second getting a i.v ready
My head flew to the side he was standing on
He looked at me after seeing my head shoot to the side and arms retract to the side of my body
"Bruce. No"
"I have to give you pain medicine before I start please let me give you an i.v without the fight"
I could feel the panic attack starting, I started to wiggle around the table to avoid his hands and most importantly the needle. Did I mention I have the worst fear of needles?
"Ana. 1. 2."
Oh no he started counting. I know what this means.
"Please don't. stop counting!"
"3.... 4...... 4 and a half......"
I started crying
It got dead quiet.
"Don't you-"
I started screaming and tried to run but that was useless as Steve was already in the room
"You know what to do"
Bruce said
Steve nodded at him
It's over for me
In a quick movement Steve was under me sitting upright on the table with his legs around my legs and arms, he held me tightly.
I started to bite his arm drooling everywhere
"Ana it's no use"
He told me
I looked at Bruce coming at me with the needle
Steve forced my head to look the other way so I wouldn't bite Bruce. It's happened one to many times.
I cried out in pain and I felt the sharp object enter my skin, then I've cold flowing through my veins.
Steve started to loosen his grip but not all the way as I wasn't out from the drugs yet
I hate to admit it but Steve's arm was soaking wet from a mixture of blood, tears, and drool.
Bruce chuckled at him and he smiled back
"Not something they told me in the army" Steve said referring to his wet arm.
Bruce laughed at the joke Steve made.
Next thing I knew I was out.
Time skipppppp
————-Back at stark tower——————
"Hey, Annabelle wake up"
I awoke to Bruce speaking softly to me
The light blinded me and he took the hint to shut the blinds
"God I hate the smell of hospitals"
He chuckled at me and held a glass of water
"So what's the verdict?" I spoke.
He huffed out debating whether or not to tell me.
"Well you had a gash through your lower back, exit wound out the front of your lower belly." He thought for a minute before speaking again
"And a few bruises from....... the metic."
I saw him getting mad
"Please don't turn green."
"I won't he huffed out before reading my chart, though I'm one hundred percent sure he wrote it so he knows what's on it.
"I—I'm sorry I wasn't there for you"
"Brice it's oka-"
"Not it's not!"
He screamed at me, I started to see green crawling up his neck.
"Please calm down"
"I ruined the chance you had with other doctors! I don't always have time for you!"
I looked at him bewildered while the others barged in and grabbed him.
I'm just going to pretend he never said that? It's because he's mad, yeah he's mad that's why.
I looked up and everybody was staring at me. Oh yeah forgot I'm attached to a heart machine, guess my heart spiked.
Bruce calmed down and told me I'm free to leave and go to my room.
Guess he's pretending that didn't happen either.
Clint helped me into my room and I soon fell fast asleep.
Welp there's my first imagine! Hope you guys like it! Requests are open!
Have a good day guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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