i-like-gay-books · 11 months
i cant believe i have to wake up tommorrow and make PHONE CALLS for APPOINTMENTS that i DONT WANT TO GO TO
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ourladytamara · 3 years
Evening Entertainment
Tamara 06/07/2021 - @_ourladytamara
cws: cnc, abuse, betrayal, kidnapping, implied (brain) surgery, blood, animalistic violence
Steel. Ribbed, warm, metal-slick in that defiling way; it covered your entire body for the last… you aren’t even sure how long, but you knew it must’ve been months, at least. Nothing but the pitch darkness and the distant rumbling of unknown machinery – that is, until you felt the lock disengage and your body fell free of the iron maiden upon a hard, basalt floor.
Your eyes adjust slowly. It’s difficult after so long in the dark, but you manage; you’re in a small, cramped room, the ceiling higher than the light stretches. Plain, gripless walls, utterly devoid of furnishing or context.
A Demon stands before you.
She’s tall. Taller than most, or at least the ones you remember; her horns curl backwards around her head and form opulent crescents, decorating her like a regnal crown. Cuboid robes hang over her body and conceal her figure beyond the most minor implications of curvature. Delicate designs in bone white cover the black fabric and make your head swirl.
“Get the fuck off the ground. You’ve rested long enough, qhard.” booms her voice, echoing around the chamber. “You’ve been reassigned.”
Before the iron maiden clasped around you, you were an officer in the Salvation Corps; elected as the best and brightest of your platoon before being pinned first by gunfire and then by a hulking Demon. Were you really… assigned anything before this?
Guess so.
You writhe on the ground as your numb legs attempt to rise. Every limb in your body feels like it’s about to fall off; blood rushes from your heart to the long-restricted vasculature, snowy numbness like television static enveloping you like the maiden had. Your head fucking aches from the inside.
“Imperatrix, you’re more pathetic than the other one. I paid bottom price for you and you still can’t walk after a measly two years in confinement.”
Two years..?
Your eyes go wide and you start to panic. Two years of your life spent in there – gone in an instant! It’s as if they never happened – dates and anniversaries and remembrances all wiped clean like a dry erase board.  You -
She kicks you swiftly in the jaw. With a snap, you collapse back to the ground.
A grinding sound from beside you clarifies your swimming vision. The wall is opening up, a hidden compartment within revealed; and inside, a single, human figure. It’s clad in black leathers and covered in nails, spikes, and geometric tattoos. A hood covers its eyes, and yet the lower jaw looks so familiar; it sniffs the air animalisticly and begins to grow agitated.
“My use of your tongue is a genuine luxury, qhard, and I suggest that you heed my instructions – they’ll be the last you’re given for the rest of your life.”
You begin to hyperventilate. The figure in the compartment hears the door come to a heavy, sliding stop, and rears up on its legs. Whoever this is, they’re barely acting human – they begin to crawl towards you a few seconds later, body ringing with a chorus of metal piercings.
“Don’t you remember it? You were such good friends back then, I just had to… reintroduce you,” continues the Demon, an evil chortle escaping her hissing lips, “with a few minor adjustments, of course.”
The figure crawls closer – close enough for you to recognize the birthmark on the side of their defaced cheek.
She was your best friend. A field medic in the Salvation Corps, you knew her since college; before the Demons, before the bloodshed, before the end of the world. She always had a cute little birthmark on the side of her cheek – now, it’s been completely covered and encircled with runic tattoos and alien scarification, barely visible.
Another kick. “Silence, qhard! You are not to fucking speak the animal’s wretched human designation, jn’akkara. Continue demonstrating your stupidity and I’ll have half a mind to kill you myself – and what a waste it would be, before my guests even arrive!”
She grabs Amanda by the scruff of her neck, revealing a handle on the back of the hood. She’s rapidly growing more aggressive and agitated, your words doing more than a bit to frighten her.
Another movement from the wall – revealing a small platform in a long, long corridor.
“We’ve spent the past two years thoroughly removing any vestigial humanity in the thing; the sigils along its skin came first, to keep it docile, and then we began to carve into its grey matter to keep it obedient. The thing’s existence is little more than fear, anger, and hatred. It’s delightful, isn’t it?”
Amanda snarls and almost screams at you. The Demon is barely holding her on the leash. Your eyes unfortunately shift to the lower end of her body – only for your gaze to lock on the hideous, monstrous cock swinging between her legs. It’s unlike anything you’ve even seen before, and you’ve seen – and sucked – plenty of Demonic cock in the past eight years. Tendril-like, alien, dripping; just looking at it makes you more than nauseous, as if the stomach ache from the pain wasn’t bad enough.
“That wasn’t enough for us, though. It’s disappointingly easy to reduce a human to little more than this wretched state – beneath all the paint, you’re little more than the wretched hair-beasts in the rainforests we so rightfully exterminated, which isn’t much fun for us. You are killers, after all, and what better way to punish you for your indigence than to induce the same hatred that you have for us – for your own kind?”
She loosens her grip on the hood’s hook, allowing Amanda to thrash forward at you. She snaps her jaws, almost barking, voice raw and scratchy yet utterly single-minded in its deep utterance. She hates you. She hates you more than you thought possible for a person to hate, for a person to be hated. The Demon smiles and brushes the exposed back of her neck, forcing the thing to shiver and calm slightly.
“It wasn’t easy, but we believe we’ve successfully written the proper sigils to convert all humanoid visual stimuli into violent impulse. Her brain fell so easily beneath the gouge once we really gave the effort…”
She trails off, but you’re fixated on Amanda. Emotional depths you’d never conceptualized fell out beneath you, the floor of your entire psyche pulled out from under you and leaving you in gut-churning freefall. This was beyond cruelty – this was torture, plain and simple.
“Already losing focus and I haven’t even finished introducing you.”
The Demon releases Amanda’s hook.
“I suppose I’ve wasted enough breath on you, qhard – go on, pet, show it what you think of humans!”
She pounces you in an instant, pierced skin slamming into yours with the force of an MMA grappler. Steel points dig into your flesh, leather chafing your naked, tender body. She snarls, grunts, wheezes, clamping her jaws down around your arm and shaking her head as she tears flesh and draws blood. Her teeth are razor-sharp, evidently modified like the throbbing tentacle where her cute, perky cock used to be. They dig into you like knives; she eventually grows bored of your arm and moves to your thigh, successful repelling your frantic thrashing and pinning you completely to the floor.
A beep. The Demon pulls a small brass device out of her pocket and holds it to her face.
“Goodness! The guests have arrived – just in time.”
By now Amanda – what’s left of her, at least – is straddling you and humping your naked form. The tendril rubs up against you and coats the inside of your thighs slick and disgusting with something; it’s not quite enough to distract from her pointed nails digging into your flesh, but nearly. She rips a chunk of meat away form your shoulder, blood pooling on the floor around you as you thrash with weakening motions. At your peripheral vision, you notice the Demon stepping onto the revealed platform in the wall. It starts sliding upwards a few seconds later, suspended by a long tendon and a steel accordion structure from beneath.    More grinding – the ceiling is opening up, folding away like a lotus leaf. So many feet in the dark above you, the bottom of an ornate, round table; the dark begins to clear, revealing the room itself to be some kind of dining room or foyer, a greenish glass floor beneath it.
You were decoration.
All the torture you were about to endure served the purpose of a glorified fish tank. The elevating platform brings the Demon to the top layer and utterly seals both of you within – the walls return to their flat, featureless demeanor. From above, your captor waves at you before welcoming her guests.
Amanda sinks her teeth into your neck and takes what’s hers.
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c-bassmeow · 7 years
energy (which was shown to not be able to be created nor destroyed) magically appeared, so a big bang spontaneously occurred, we were lucky enough to be put on a planet the exact size and distance away from the sun to hold us, our bodies are perfectly intricate with parts that work together, women magically get periods to let them know they're not pregnant, etc. you seriously believe all these kinds of stuff just happened because of luck or crap like that? God bless you
1. the field of cosmology deals with what came before the big bang and issues of that nature. NO cosmologist invoke any gods in their models. Also certain cosmological models postulate an eternal universe while others postulate infinite universes and others postulate an eternal cycle of creation and destruction. We don’t know for sure which models are correct but none require god. 
2. the laws of thermodynamics only apply to the universe post-big bang; we do not know the laws prior to the big bang.  also as a general rule of thumb its stupid to say “god did it!” just because its too hard for you to understand 
  3. “we were lucky enough to be put on a planet the exact size and distance away from the sun to hold us”   ummm yes. that’s correct.  In the set of all planets, as far as we can observe, most cannot produce life. So it follows logically that a few might given that there are trillions and trillions of planets. We so happen to be in a planet where conditions were conducive to life. I don’t see the mystery and shock behind that. It is indeed unlikely, for example, to roll a 6 on a die fourteen times in a row but if you are rolling it trillions of times it is bound to happen. Also god created the universe according to you, so why the fuck did he design a universe where 99% didn’t allow life? Sounds like a shitty engineer to me who failed his engineering final due to design inefficiencies.  
4. “our bodies are perfectly intricate with parts that work together” this is subjective. intricate compared to what? also our bodies are riddled with inefficiencies and vestigial structures, some actually more harmful than good, all explained without god and due to our evolutionary past.  also evolution explains how everything from a brain to an eye evolved over millions of years.  
5. “ women magically get periods to let them know they're not pregnant” this is the dumbest shit i have ever seen.  hate to break it to you but if you take a biology class this can al be explained in simple terms without invoking a supernatural entity. 
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