#but like its either that or wait until december
yeehawbvby · 2 days
The Winter to his Spring (March x F!Farmer)
Rating: Teen+ 
Summary: March reluctantly (not really) accepts a snack from the farmer. Later that night, he returns the favor by tending to her new wounds (he couldn’t stand to see her hurt). All the while, he does his best to ignore how much she annoys him (he’s smitten, but struggles to admit it even to himself)
Check it out on ao3!
March stared daggers into the back of Mistria’s newest farmer as she talked to his brother, making her typical rounds through the village to gather errands before disappearing to do gods know what in the narrows to fulfill them.
She was quiet. Reserved. Aloof. She seemed like she wouldn’t be as generous as she is. 
Her icy blue eyes could slice diamonds, her lacking expressions were jarring, and her mild rasp gave her soft voice an edge that didn’t match its words. 
Her smile, when it graced her lips, was as bright as the sun reflecting off of snow; and the dimples it formed on her almost-sickly pale skin were footprints, leaving dents in the substance after a heavy flurry. 
She was everything March wasn’t. For starters, her name was December. 
Fucking December… seriously? 
She was the winter to his spring. He ran warm, she ran cold. He was kinda tall, she was kinda short. He was uptight and easily agitated while she was outwardly calm and sometimes a little goofy, even under his blunt scrutiny. 
He was jealous of her innate smithing abilities while she didn’t even enjoy working at the forge all that much; and where March saw competition, she sought comradery. 
All of that bothered him. She knew as much. He made sure everyone knew, their only hint that he’s maybe (definitely) hamming it up being how affectionate he gets towards her during his drunken Friday nights at the inn. It had been nearly a year since she moved in, so there was no fooling anyone anymore… drunken words are sober thoughts, and all that. But that wouldn’t stop him.
As December turned from Olric and made her way towards the redhead, he pretended like he didn’t notice her. Like his heart didn’t feel palpable in his chest, and his palms didn’t feel clammy beneath the leather that protected him from the scorching metal he handled.
She silently watched him for a few moments. He was unsure if she was looking for conversation or simply observing his techniques, but either way, it pissed him off a little. 
“Is it just me,” he led her on, “or are you getting more skilled…” 
His gaze met hers, which swam with something he couldn’t put his finger on. Curiosity? Hopefulness? Why was she so hard to read? 
“…at breathing down my neck while I’m working?” he finished with a glare. 
December’s mouth twitched and her dark grey brows furrowed slightly, but she otherwise didn’t react. As she took a few steps closer, she dug through her backpack, eventually pulling out a bar of chocolate.
She held the snack up between them. March kept his agitated expression plastered on her grasp. He couldn’t help but notice that, despite having delicate fingers and neatly shaped cuticles, her hands looked rough and calloused, with some dirt speckled beneath her nails. 
He had the urge to hold them, massage them until they were less sore, help her groom them so that she would have one less thing to worry about—
Wait. What?
When March didn’t take the bar outright, December explained, “Olric told me once that you have a sweet tooth. So do I,” she shrugged, “so I thought maybe we could share it.”
March ripped his stare from December’s hand and scanned her face, his own warming up when he noticed how intently she was watching him. He chewed the inside of his cheek in an effort to ground himself.
Rather than thanking her — like he knew he should — he ran his mouth. “Are you trying to butter me up with food I like?”
She raised a brow, retracted her arm, and spun on the heel of her boots. “Guess you don’t want this, then.” 
It almost sounded like she was teasing him.
Why did that excite him?
“Wait,” he said, wrapping a hand around the farmer’s wrist. 
She looked at him over her shoulder, and he could’ve sworn there was a mischievous glint in her eye. She was winding him up on purpose. 
“U-um,” he stuttered at the realization, “Fine. I need a break anyway.”
The corner of December’s lips that he could see curled up ever so slightly while she looked at their joined skin, wordless. It took a moment for March to snap out of his trance and let go. 
With the chocolate still in its wrapper, she snapped it in half, tore it open, and took the top piece before handing March the contained rest of it. Then, he watched her as she made her way to the wall nearby. She slid her bag from her shoulders before leaning against the stone, tilting her head to the sky, presumably to watch the clouds rolling overhead. 
“Not even gonna give me the first half?” he complained, joining her.
He didn’t actually care. He didn’t know why he was being combative.
He never really did.
December broke off a square and popped it into her mouth, nudging March with her elbow. “Figured you wouldn’t want your grubby hands touching it.”
He took off his gloves and tossed them aside, then shimmied the treat closer to its foil opening. “Grubby?” 
She nodded. “I know damn well they’re sweaty.”
Feeling a little self conscious, March scanned his free hand while he took a bite directly out of the candy bar with the other. He let the chocolate melt on his tongue, enjoying both that and how the late autumn breeze felt on his skin while he opened and closed his fist.
…She wasn’t wrong. 
“Whatever,” he muttered, wiping his palm on his apron. December breathed a laugh out of her nose. “At least my nails aren’t gross.”
She leaned in to get a better look, as if to confirm if his words were true. When her coconut-scented shampoo wafted to him from her blindingly white hair, he couldn’t deny how his stomach fluttered.
With a small “Hm,” she leaned back against the stone, proceeding to study her own hands before nodding. “I should start wearing gloves while I farm.” 
March’s mouth moved before his brain could stop him. “I might have a spare pair, if you want them.” What? “I-I mean, they might not fit, though.” They definitely wouldn’t. They’d be huge on her. He knew this because she’s literally worn them at the forge. “And they’re thick.” No shit, Sherlock, they have to be.
She politely shook her head, but smiled to herself. As his chest swelled with pride, he realized that he really liked making her smile. 
He didn’t know how to feel about that. He angrily stuffed the last bit of chocolate into his mouth.
“You already gave me a hoe, I don’t want you to supply all of my stuff.”
“You better be putting it to good use.”
“Of course I am,” she scoffed. “It’s nice. It feels weightless.”
“Obviously.” Tilting his chin up and smirking, March bragged, “I’m the greatest blacksmith in Aldaria after all.” He punctuated the claim with a wink.
December looked away, the tips of her ears rosy, if March wasn’t mistaken. Hm. “Bold words.”
“I’ll have you know that I—“
“Yeah, yeah, trophies and medals and et cetera.”
“And what do you have?” he prodded.
“I have my own awards…” she pouted as she slipped the last square of chocolate between her lips. “Just not the same kind.”
“And you never will.”
“Can’t we just get along?” 
“Can’t you stop bugging me every day?”
“Some things are simply unknowable.”
March laughed. December grinned up at him, visibly proud to have gotten a reaction, and the blacksmith quickly turned away, covering his reddening face with his fist. The foil crumpled within it became a stress toy for a beat before he tossed it into the nearby trash bin.
“I have work to do,” he grunted, sliding his gloves back on. “Scram.”
December put on a low and gruff voice in a poor attempt to mimic March’s, “Thank you for the chocolate, December. That was fun, December.”
He stopped himself from laughing this time, but being turned away from her view, he at least let himself smile. “Goodbye.”
“Smell you later.”
“S-smell..?” March whispered to himself. 
He gave his pits a quick sniff. It’s a given that he wouldn’t smell like roses, working such a physical profession, but he had no more of a musk than usual.
“I don’t—“ he started to defend himself. When he turned around, December was already gone. “Damn it.”
March was wrapping up for the day as December made her way back down the road. Her hair, which had been down before, was now tied in a high and messy ponytail; her jacket laid securely around her waist, revealing a high-necked, sleeveless, navy blue top; and her arms and cheeks were littered with dirt and cuts that were just begging to get infected.
March sighed. 
He guessed he’d have to do something to help. 
Not like he wanted to, or anything. 
It was for her, not him. 
Not that he cared. 
“The fuck happened to you?” he prompted when she was within earshot.
She dumped her jacket and noticeably heavier bag near the wall they’d leaned on earlier, trudged up the steps to the forge, and made a beeline for the spare apron and gloves March kept near the furnace. 
She looked exhausted.
“Monsters,” December answered simply, untangling the straps and beginning to lift the apparel over her head. 
No way in hell he was letting her forge now. With all those injuries and the dark circles under her eyes, she would surely just hurt herself even m—
…She would mess something up. 
She would… break something? 
Burn his… apron? 
March stomped over to the farmer and wrapped his hands around her forearms, pulling them up and towards him before taking back his apron. 
“Nuh-uh.” She stared at him plainly, her hands still frozen mid-air. “You look awful.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“No, you— not like—“ he stopped himself with a grunt, lest he accidentally admit how pretty she looked despite her disheveled appearance. “Come on.” He took one of December’s hands in his and ushered her into the smithy. 
She went along without question, allowing March to only hope that she was content with this. He sat her down at the stool beside his blueprint-riddled desk; disappeared into another room, reappearing with a first-aid kit; kneeled down in front of her; and got started right away, opting to not explain himself. 
December winced a little at the pain of antiseptic on a gash near her wrist. March told her to hold still. She stuck her tongue out at him, and he wondered what it tasted like, and that thought startled him. He immediately averted his gaze so that he wouldn’t be so tempted to try and find out.
December didn’t say a word while March tended to her wounds, which he was thankful for. She probably already noticed how gently he was treating her. How his everlasting scowl was more so focused than peeved this time. And he knew he’d drive himself mad wondering all the possible ways she could have been perceiving him, so he did his best not to linger on it. 
He settled into a simple rhythm of blotting antiseptic with a cotton ball, applying ointment to the deeper cuts, and bandaging, before scanning for the next area to treat. He didn’t even think twice before standing between December’s legs, cupping her face in his non-dominant hand to care for a wound just above her eyebrow. 
He only noticed how intimate it was when he felt her face burning up beneath his touch. If he hadn’t seen the starstruck look in her usually blank eyes, or the pinkness to her washed-out skin, he would have just assumed she overworked herself into a fever and scolded her accordingly.
March’s eyes widened slightly while his cheeks quickly began to rival his hair. He parted his lips as if to say something, but nothing came out. Seeing December so flustered just flustered him right back… what should he even say at a time like this?
A wave of relief washed over him when she averted her gaze. He took the opportunity to get back to the task at hand — the sooner he could get her the hell out, the sooner he would be able to relish in the feeling of knowing that he didn’t do something stupid that would change the trajectory of their dynamic forever.
At the sound of her voice, though, his hand stilled again. “Um,” December started. There was a pause before she went on, “Thanks for doing this.”
A silent moment lingered between them while March tried to figure out an answer. His gaze rested on her eyelids; whether it was shyness or discomfort keeping her from looking back up at him, he couldn’t say. 
The normal thing to do would be to tell her that it’s no problem at all. That it felt right. That he wanted her to be safe. Whatever pleasantries people would typically say in response to a “thank you.”
Instead, he did what he does best. “Well… just think of this as repayment for the snack.” 
Damn it, March.
In spite of her medic being a dick, December still smiled to herself. March’s heart stuttered at the feeling of her skin dimpling beneath his palm in turn. He’d always kind of wondered what that would feel like…
Without thinking, he let his thumb lazily swipe at it while he patted her cut with the dry side of the cotton; and when she melted into his touch like ores over the hot coals of his furnace, he began to wonder if it was worth it to keep up his charade of distrust and malcontent towards her. 
All he wanted to do was tell her he wanted to do this for her. That he cared about her, that he was tired of pretending for others and himself that he felt any other way. That he wanted to kiss her over and over until she smiled so much that her dimples were permanently carved into her cheeks.
To absolutely no one’s surprise, though, nothing changed.
16 notes · View notes
i-like-gay-books · 1 year
i cant believe i have to wake up tommorrow and make PHONE CALLS for APPOINTMENTS that i DONT WANT TO GO TO
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biohazrd · 2 years
oh boy i have not one but 2 appointments tomorrow and of course it's the only day this week it's gonna storm.
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gavisuntiedboot · 2 months
We Can't Be Friends (but I'd like to just pretend)
Pedri x Stylist! Reader
Part 2
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Warnings: None
Word count: 4.3K
A/N: Back with part 2! I'm warning y'all now - it's going to suck until it doesn't. Please bear with me. Also, I have included the links to both the shirts being sold for Gaza and the direct donation link. Please check them out! And if you can't donate yourself, I donate $1 for every watermelon comment under this post! So please make sure to share at the very least.
Being scolded was the worst feeling in the world. Well, actually, sleeping with a famous client and then having him immediately chase your coworker was the worst feeling in the world. But boy was this meeting with Katerina a close second.
“There needs to be a case study on this kid.” She muttered under hear breath as she moved sticky notes around the December calendar. She darted her eyes around her current configuration, before turning sour and looking up at you. The dark circles under her eyes had darkened a shade since you had seen her the previous week, and a twinge of guilt played against your sternum for contributing to her fatigue.
“Let’s go over some basic rules, my dear. First and foremost, you cannot block your client’s number.”
“But I-“ You began to protest, but your boss lifted one finger, silencing you instantly.
“I do not care. I do not care if he is a dick. I do not care if he is going to make my stylists kill each other. Honestly, that might be a blessing.  I do not care if he is the father to a litter of bastard children running barefoot around your home. You work for SDF. You work for Pedro Gonzalez. He will have access to your phone, your email, your address, hell your underwear size if he asks. Understood?”
You bit back the urge to protest, just nodding silently. She breathed in deeply before continuing.
“Second, you will not share his information with the other girls in the office. That includes his photoshoot timing, the PR being sent to him– anything. I’m tired of having to file reports to Milan about my girls fighting.”
The command was followed by another nod, this one more genuine. You had no intention of getting within 100 meters of either Tania or Sylvia, who were still not speaking but had also telepathically decided that you were a common enemy. You had been stepped on a suspicious number of times while collecting their pins from the floor, and you always caught them whispering to the other girls in the office about “la naranja podrida”. Didn’t take a detective to put those pieces together.
You were still in a state of agitation regarding the whole ordeal. In your fit of anger, you had done the mental calculations of how long it took Pedri to text another girl. He had left just as the sun was rising, so about 5:30 am. Google maps said you lived 25 minutes from the stadium, but he would have gone home first, because that’s where the damned boots and more damned note would have been. That brings us to 6 am to account for wherever the gremlin lives. By all your most optimistic estimates, he had waited at most a hour between leaving your bed and texting your coworker.
“Hey Silvia” was the text heard around the world. After the report (and a few hair samples) was filed away, a company-wide letter from HQ was sent out reminding employees of professional boundaries with clients. The giddiness and satisfaction that had come from a harmless prank had dissolved, leaving a queasy feeling in its wake. Day damn one. You lasted 4 hours before you crumpled like a convenience store receipt over a boy at work. Ignoring every caution sign, you dove head first into a pool of prospective romance - and promptly hit the concrete.
The worst part was that you couldn’t tell anyone. Bryce had responded to your gushing sonnets in the worst possible manner: with logic. You had brushed aside every one of her very appropriate questions, looking through your rose-tinted lenses at your life. You had gone as far as to tell her she was being a bad friend for trying to find any possible negative in this situation, causing her to pull back.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all.”
The words of her static-garbled voice memo never left your head. There you were, only a few hours later, stomach turned and heart shredded, completely and utterly hurt. And you weren’t ready to face the sting of “I told you so” that was waiting for you, so you just… never said anything else. When she asked about Pedri, you responded formally with his upcoming campaign schedule. Lucky for you that she was too busy with her own life to keep pestering.
The upside to the current tragedy in your life was that you were working in fashion. It was hard to cry when you spent hours upon hours looking at some of the most beautiful clothes in the world, getting full creative freedom to bring your visions to life. Not impossible, because there were definitely a couple of wet spots on the Margiela from yesterday, but harder. Barca Femini had been in and out of the office for fittings, and it was a relief to be able to work with something other than khaki trousers and blazers. There were seemingly hundreds of hangers carrying vintage sports pieces, colorful jackets, and silky skirts. It sparked little moments of happiness, knowing that you were so good at playing dress-up that now you were getting paid for it.
It had been a week since your unfortunate altercation, and though the evening (and unfortunate following morning) had never left you, it had seeped from the front of your mind to the base of your skull, a dull throb that could be ignored during the course of the day. That was, of course, until you received an email from Adidas.
"Okay, Pedri, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but this means you're blocked."
There was a snigger that floated through the lunch room that, had he been able to pinpoint the source, Pedri would have promptly quieted with a slap to the head. But it whizzed around like a gnat between some of the younger players.
"How could I be blocked, Fermin?" The question was met with a raised eyebrow from Fermin, who was mentally cursing his college education.
"Maybe it has something to do with you sleeping with her and then disappearing?" Gavi offered up that brilliant hypothesis between bites of grilled chicken.
"No, it couldn't be. She's American - they don't take sex so seriously. Besides, we just met! What was I supposed to do? Propose?"
Pedri resisted the urge to shrink back from the judgmental stares he was receiving. He was used to being questioned by Gavi, who believed in the "stare at her intensely until she falls for me and confesses" method of romance. But now that he had roped in Fermin (the most tech-savvy of the squad), he couldn't handle the intensity of the silent disapproval.
In all honesty, Pedri was tired of the emotional rollercoaster that had plagued the entire day. The previous night had been incredible. He wasn't quite sure what to expect when La Naranja stepped through her front door, but she surely exceeded expectations. Pedri believed he was happy in his normal routine: DM an Instagram model, engage in the little cat-and-mouse game where she pretended she wouldn't bend to his every will, and go back to her place for a decently fun time. But there was something about the way you walked, so coy and bashfully, looking up at him through delicate lashes with wide eyes, that warmed the most primal part of his being. His heart quickened at the sudden desire to chase, to capture, to consume. He wanted to protect this pretty little thing from the sharp eyes and sharper teeth of his friends. He was ready to savor everything you offered.
Over the course of the evening, the feeling gnawing at the inside of his chest became harder to ignore. The soft grip you maintained on his bicep to keep him close, the warmth of your fingertips searing his skin. He wanted to bark at Ferran to never look your way again. To sink his teeth into your neck, have you cry out his name so every man would know to never come near you again. Your hand, so delicate and soft in his own, maintained a firm grip as he dragged you out of the club, and a firmer grip on his hair once he was finally able to kiss you senseless. He felt like a wild animal unleashed in bed with, unable to slow or take pause. You were so hypnotizingly innocent, and he was going to destroy that.
The warmth in his chest remained till the following morning. As he kissed your cheek and whispered his goodbyes, he allowed himself to imagine what kind of arrangement the two of you could have. He was more than eager to feel the caress of your soft lips again. Maybe you would be open to picking up his late night calls, spending long, tedious days together talking and fucking and laughing at nothing in particular. He thought about the flush in your cheeks that would arise whenever he came into work, dropping subtle hints about your activities in the days before. He could really make you a permanent part of his rotation with little difficulty, facilitated further by the fact that you had been assigned as his personal stylist. Filthy as it may sound, he contemplated not showering upon his return home. He would have to later in the day following practice, but until he could secure a second audience with you in a bedroom, he wanted to savor the scent a little longer.
His front doorstep was littered with packages once again, about half from Adidas and the other from Springfield. He was not a designer by any means, but he appreciated that he was at least sent the collections that were meant to be his. Fer was sipping on a coffee when Pedri walked in, and expertly avoided ay questions of where he had been the previous night. He was a concerned older brother, but he was also a guest. He instead asked to see the piles of PR that his younger brother had hauled through the door.
"I don't understand why they bother sending you all this stuff. Why wouldn't they just send it to the styling team."
"Because I actually have to play in the boots, hermano." Pedri said, lifting the lid off his newest pair. He was excited for another Adidas campaign, or any campaign really that would bring him closer to you once again. Oh how he wished he could have captured the way you looked in that dress forever, immortalized it in an oil painting and hung it on his wall (right beside the ripped remains of the dress, which he so desperately wanted to destroy). His daydream had been broken by a crisp white envelope contrasted against the bright orange of the boots. There was a feminine wave of scent in the air, and the heart pumping in his ears drowned out the sounds of his brother’s whistles and taunts. Had you done this? Had you been planning ahead to send him a note had he neglected to ask you out while at the office?
He tensed his forearms to disguise a slight tremble, ripping open the envelope and scanning the page only to find-
“Ay dios mío. Silvia.” He allowed his head to thud against the counter, Fer’s tittering laugh clear as a bell now.
“Is she the scary one or the weird one?” His brother asked, prying the crumpled letter from Pedri’s dejected form.
“Both are fitting adjectives. She’s the shorter one with the silver hair. She kind of looks like our Tia Marisol?”
Another tittering of laugher, and this time Pedri joined in with a cracked smile of his own.
“She wants to tell you how much she admires you, how much you make her … quiver? Ew.” Fer squinted at the note further.
“Listen to this line. Ehem: ‘I am ready to serve you, worship you, give you my body and soul because I love you.”
Pedri groaned so loudly he was sure the neighbors heard. Honestly, what were these girls thinking?? That he would start blushing and giggling at the mention that they would sleep with him? That was the least most girls would do. It turned his stomach, constantly fearing that he would be trapped with a child.
“Let me text this girl. I have to go in next week and I don’t want her bent over a table spread and waiting when I arrive.”
He typed in the number on the note, drafting a long text before deleting everything but the “Hey Silvia” at the top.
“It’s too forceful to say ‘hey I don’t want to fuck you’ right off the bat, no?”
He hit send, reluctantly heading off to shower away his escapades before he went into training, waiting for a reply before he asked not to receive any more erotic letters from his stylists. Oh how he wished she hadn’t.
“So run us through it one more time.” Gavi said, Ferran deciding to stifle his groan. The last thing he needed was to enrage Gavi further, as he suspected it would result in him finally getting the punch that was coming to him. Ansu and Fermin were nodding along vigorously, eager to hear all about Pedri’s first experience having feelings.
“We went out, we fucked-“
He rolled his eyes at the indignation from the boys. Kids these days.
“Okay. We went out, we had a magical lovemaking experience, and then I had to come to training. I texted her about her being my stylist to ya know break the ice. And I found myself in deep shit and promptly blocked on like everything.”
“I think your first mistake,” said Fermin, “was not texting her about last night. Why would you start with her working for you?"
Pedri dragged his hand down his face in frustration.
"What was I supposed to say? Good morning linda, great pussy last night?"
Gavi stood promptly with his hands up, leaving the room.
"I don't want to hear about another girl's vagina."
"Yes," Ferran muttered, "God forbid he cheat on his crush by listening to a story."
"Whatever happened to 'Hey, I had fun last night'? Is that not a normal thing to say?" Ansu asked, as shaken as Gavi but remaining planted by his desire to be in the loop.
"I think my agent is texting SDF to get her to unblock me. Not super easy to talk to my stylist if I have to do so through messenger pigeon. Where did Gavi go?"
Pedri followed his friend out of the locker room, watching as Gavi stared dejectedly at the Doctora’s office.
“Are you done moping?” Pedri asked, clapping him on the shoulder.
“No. She might lose her job and we play her stupid boyfriend’s team tomorrow. I just want to keep her safe from that asshole.”
For a minute, something sparked in Pedri’s chest. Was that jealousy? He had never before felt that there was something missing in his life, content with being surrounded by friends and family and teammates. But there was something about watching Gavi pine, listening to the way he spoke of this girl, and it caused him an ache. He was in awe of this foreign spectacle: loving someone so deeply, so intensely, that it led to begging for crumbs of their time and attention. He almost wished to be in the Doctora's position, always having someone waiting around the corner for him.
"I have a styling meeting today. Do you want to come and keep me company?"
"Naranja, the bastard is here."
You didn't even lift your head when Maria informed you of the arrival of your client. You had worn all black to mourn the death of your self esteem, prepared to ass-kiss as much as needed to preserve your job. Unfortunately, it was difficult to push down the burning rage in the pit of your stomach when you had to kiss the ass of the man who has hurt you so intensely.
Pedri strolled into the room clad in the ugliest jeans known to man, his doe-eyed teammate (Gavin?) trailing behind him. At least the littler one knew how to dress. He was in baggy jeans and an Amie Paris t-shirt, clean sneakers in the same shade of blue as his top. Pedri, on the other hand, was an abomination. His black hoodie was far too baggy on his frame, making him look somewhat inflated. It was made worse by the tight and ribbed denim hugging the (admittedly stunning) legs that ended suddenly in some chunky clompers.
"Good morning, Naranja."
God. Even the sound of his voice was like swallowing razor blades. You wished that you could hear the lilt in his speech without remembering the soft whispers against the column of your throat, guiding you to ecstasy at his command. The way that he encouraged you, coaxed the gentle sighs and high moans with just an ask.
"Let me hear you, pretty girl."
And who were you to deny? But now, looking at his soft eyes and confident stance, you wish you had resisted. Pretended you didn't speak Spanish that first godforsaken day in this office.
"Good morning Pedro."
A stifled laugh and wide eyes from the boy behind Pedri (God what was his name? Gustavo?). Pedri's shoulders had dropped significantly, his thick brows coming together in confusion.
"No one calls me Pedro. Not even my mother."
"Well, maybe it's a good time for you to learn what disappointment feels like. Especially since you're so comfortable giving it out to others. Do you have your boots?"
You could tell Pedri was lost for words, and it caused you a mild spark of satisfaction. You had spent the last week boiling silently, unable to unleash all the rage simmering in your chest. He nodded silently, pulling the box out of his bag.
"Great. Gabriel, there is a coffee shop on the second floor if you want to grab a drink while I'm fitting Pedro. I'm sure you've seen him naked plenty of times but-"
"No, no, I'll go. Would you like anything?"
After shaking your head, he exited the room, and you began frantically grabbing different sweat pants and shirts for Pedri to put on.
"His name is Gavi by the way." Pedri said to break the silence, and you turned so he could strip off his shirt.
"Come on, Naranja. Don't pretend you haven't see it already." He smiled somewhat earnestly, softer than he did at the other girls. You were a gentle thing, and he wanted to be gentle with you.
"How many other girls in this office have seen it as well, Pedro?" You asked with as much venom as you could muster, turning to face him and eyes locking as he unzipped his jeans.
"You think that sleeping with me is a company welcome gift, Naranja?"
"That's not my name."
"And Pedro isn't mine. But if you want to poke at me, I'll poke at you right back."
He was now in only his boxers and his socks, and it took everything within you not to glance downwards, a reminder of the sight from one week and one night ago. He took a defiant step forward, the heat radiating off his body.
"You know, Pedro," You began, steadying your voice. "Texting my coworker mere minutes after leaving my bed is a sin on it's own."
"Wait, what? Hold on-"
"But in those mere hours of bliss, I googled you. Looked at your name on Twitter. Saw who you were. And you're just another slimy athlete that uses girls and throws them away."
Your face broke when you heard him laugh loudly at the revelation. It made you angry, expecting him to feel ashamed of his behavior.
"I despise miscommunication, Naranja. So don't go jumping to conclusions and acting foolish. Your coworker sent me a letter essentially begging to fuck me, but I suspect you knew that already. Hell, you might have even been the one to switch the names around."
Your cheeks grew warmer, and a part of your brain registered that Gavi was now lingering in the doorway.
"But beyond that, linda, is that I was texting her to say I wasn't interested." He began dressing, joggers defining his legs in a way acid-washed denim never could. "But I don't like being judged based on rumors on Twitter. I want to be your friend-"
"Again with that word!" The outrage was finally seeping from you, and now that the lid had come off there was no containing it.
"How am I meant to be your friend, Pedro? You hit on me, you sleep with me, and then you moved on to the next girl. How am I supposed to be your friend after everything you've put me through?"
"What did you expect of me exactly?" He shoved his shirt over his head, a sweet bit of relief in a tense situation. "I like you, Naranja. More than a lot of other girls I've met. And I want to keep seeing you," he let his eyes burn a path down your body, "as a little more than a friend. If that's something you're into."
You took a step back, hand over your chest in shock. Did this man just ask you to be a friend with benefits, mere minutes after you asserted your disgust for his very being.
"You must think so highly of yourself." You couldn't raise your voice out of fear of it cracking. Just how much had you deluded yourself into thinking you found something special?
"I don't actually," there was a tone of laughter in his voice, "quite the opposite actually." There was suddenly not enough air between you. You simultaneously wished someone would interrupt you and that the moment would last forever.
"You're a sweet girl, Naranja. Too sweet for someone like me. I know who I am and what I want, and a girlfriend is not on that list currently."
"So what? I'm good enough for you to fuck and not to date?" You asked, the question heavy between the two of you. He remained silent, lips unmoving, the wheels turning behind deep chocolate eyes.
"I like you enough not to want to hurt you, Naranja. So, what do you say? Friends?"
"Go fuck yourself, Pedro."
The high pitched noise of the camera going off repeatedly was starting to get to your head. You leaned against the wall, rubbing at your temples to try and stave off the impending migraine. You opened your eyes briefly to see Gavi also leaning against the wall, gnawing on his lip and staring at his phone. Propelled by boredom, you shifted slowly along the wall to peak at what he was doing, desperate for any form of entertainment.
Thank God for the lack of Gavi's vertical blessing. A quick peek revealed that he wasn't actually typing any words, only rereading text from a contact that was saved as...
"Holy shit are you fucking your doctor?" You asked, probably a little louder than appropriate.
His eyes went wide as frying pans and he began to go visibly red. He started babbling out denials, explaining that the two of them were just friends.
"I mean she has a boyfriend and even if she didn't she would never go for me because she's so much older than me and cooler than me and she's way out of my league but all I want to do is keep her safe and make her happy and-"
His brain finally caught up to the words he was letting loose, and he abruptly suspended his word vomit.
"Does she know that you like her?" You asked, back against the wall, shoulder to shoulder with Gavi.
"God, I hope not. I don't want to do anything to make her life harder than it already is."
"Maybe telling her how you feel will make it easier. Maybe she feels the same."
"Yeah," he sighed deeply, looking wistfully at his phone again, "That's what Pedri keeps telling me."
The disgust was evident on your features. "I wouldn't really take Pedri's relationship advice."
"Now now, turning my best friend against me because you want me is a little extreme, Naranja." The voice behind you was too much to bear.
"Someone needs to give your best friend advice on how to not transform into a heartless user."
"Ironic. I remember one of us chanting 'use me, use me, use me' just last week." The response died in your mouth as Pedri's publicist approached. Where did this guy get off? Even if you believed his bullshit excuse about not wanting to fuck Silvia, the teen drama explanation as to why he doesn't "do" relationships compensated plenty.
"Alright you crazy kids! Ready to go shopping?" You spun around so quickly that you almost smacked Gavi with your hair.
"I beg your pardon? I am a stylist, not a personal shopper. I get pieces sent to me."
That was the truth. You weren't in charge or brand relations, and the purchasing department was an impenetrable fortress. Each week, a soulless intern wheeled a rack into the room, and you worked with what you were given. You had several ideas for how you could modernize some of these stuffy athletes, but that wasn't your place. Not yet anyways.
"Yes, of course. But we are redoing Pedri's wardrobe entirely. We have received communication from the team that his tunnel outfits are - what was the official wording? Oh yes, 'a detriment to the team's public image and an offense to the eyes of culers globally'. Springfield have also asked us to film some content during the journey."
"I don't think this is really part of Naranja's job description."
Of course Pedri was the one undermining you. Of course it was his voice speaking out only to call you incapable. You forced on your biggest smile, turning to face the agent directly.
"Oh, there's no issue at all. It would be an honor to makeover Spain's worst looking footballer."
Okay end of part 2!! I have decided that I want to post more frequent, smaller parts for this story rather than giant updates every three months. Please let me know what you think in the comments and in my ask box, and potentially where you want this dynamic to go! Thanks cutes xoxo gavisuntiedboot <3
(also if you would like to be on the taglist for this story, pls lmk!!)
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munson-blurbs · 10 months
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Day 2 of TUI-Mas
Warnings: pregnancy, difficulty conceiving, mention of pregnancy symptoms, lots of Eddie being a mush
WC: 1.5k
February 1999
You didn’t get pregnant that first month. Your period arrived unceremoniously, leaving in its wake blood-stained underpants and disappointment.
It didn’t happen in December or January, either, despite meticulous cycle tracking and Eddie barely keeping his hands off of you. Each negative test feels like a failure; you’ve stopped taking them when Eddie’s around because you can sense his disappointment, though he puts on a brave face to comfort you.
But now, you’re late. Only by two days–if you weren’t paying careful attention to the dates, you might not have noticed. You have to bite back a smile as you tear open the box, fingers trembling as you poorly contain your excitement. It might be nothing, just a period ironically delayed by stress of trying to conceive.
Or you might be pregnant.
You inhale, filling your lungs with air and holding it there for a while until you let it out in one strong breath. All you’re doing is peeing on a stick, but your body nervously buzzes with each passing second. You’ve likely taken a dozen of these by now, and there’s nothing that should make you think you’ll get a different result today.
With utmost care, you place the used test on the back of the sink and wash your hands. You keep pressing on the soap handle to the point where a small pool forms in your palm, but you can’t draw your gaze from the tiny result window. The control line begins forming quickly, as it always does. 
How long ago did Eddie leave to grab breakfast—maybe ten minutes? Sundays at Zeke’s Bagels are usually swamped, so you have plenty of time to wipe away your tears if that sacred second line never appears. 
A drowsy voice interrupts your inner monologue. Harris stands at the bathroom doorway, wiping the sleep from his big brown eyes and yawning. 
“What’s up, Har?” You hope your anxiety doesn’t bleed through, though you doubt he’s awake enough to recognize it. 
He squints as he adjusts to the light. “Where’s Daddy? Also, I’m hungry.”
A sigh of relief escapes you when you realize he’s too focused on breakfast to pay attention to anything else. “Daddy left to get us some bagels,” you explain, allowing your heart to slow to a normal rate. “Why don’t you go make your bed, and we can watch some cartoons while we wait for him, okay?”
Harris nods, barely picking up his sock-clad feet as he trudges back towards his bedroom. You giggle at the way he tries to fight his sleepiness, shaking your head in amusement. 
That’s when you see it, faint but still definitely present: the tell-tale second pink line.
“Oh my God.” Your hand flies to your mouth in complete shock, tears forming a film over your eyes so the results become blurred. You blink them away to get a better look, partially convinced that you’re hallucinating or projecting your hopes, and that reality will set in and show a negative result.
But when your vision clears, both lines are still visible.
You’re pregnant.
Now you just have to tell your husband; the question is, how?
You’re still mulling over the possibilities when the key clicks in the door ten minutes later. Eddie carries in a brown paper bag of bagels, whistling a tune that startles you from your thoughts. 
“Food’s here!” Eddie calls out; your stomach flip-flops at the sound of his voice. The temptation to let giddiness take over and wave the test in his face is strong, but you hold yourself back. First and foremost, you don’t want Harris knowing until you’re safely in the second trimester, but another part of you is still in denial that you truly are pregnant. That there’s a tiny little life growing within your womb, half you and half Eddie.
I’ll test again in a few days, you tell yourself, and if it’s still positive, then I’ll tell him.
You shove the test in the top drawer among your make-up and hair care products where it will be safe from your husband’s wandering eyes. Before you shut off the light, you get a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. You look the same as you always do, but there’s no denying that you feel different.
Pregnant. You’re pregnant with Eddie’s baby. In approximately nine months, the Munsons will be a family of four.
“Mommy! Daddy’s home!”
“Coming!” You wipe away any remaining tears and make your way to the kitchen, trying to quell the excitement of knowing that you’re technically eating for two.
Breakfast drags a bit, both because of the weighty secret you’re guarding and the fact that cream cheese apparently now makes your nose wrinkle in disgust, but Harris’s animated storytelling makes the time pass a bit faster. Apparently, being seven years old is more dramatic than you’d remembered.
One particular story involving Harris, Joshua Harrington, and a celery-stick sword fight remains etched into your brain even as you brush bagel crumbs off of the table and into your cupped palm. Harris has plunked down in front of the television, gaze glued to a show about a conjoined cat and dog with screeches so grating that you find yourself wincing with each piece of dialogue. The distraction is enough to keep you from tuning into Eddie rummaging through the bathroom drawers, searching for the nail clippers.
“Um, babe?” His voice cracks on the second word, and you can sense both confusion and concern in his tone. “C-Can you come here? Now?”
Oh, shit. 
You dash into the bathroom, shrinking into yourself when you find him, one hand bracing his body weight on the sink and the other clutching a very positive pregnancy test. 
“Are…is this…” He turns to you, wide-eyed, lower lip quivering. “When…?”
“Right before breakfast,” you jump in, your pinky finger nudging his along the sink’s edge. “I wanted to do something special to surprise you after I took another one later this week, y’know, just to be sure.”
Eddie exhales a breath that’s half-laugh and half-cry, lowering the test to the ceramic ledge so he can place both hands on your cheeks. “You’re pregnant?” he asks, words thick with disbelief. He chuckles when you nod, head moving up and down between his calloused palms. “Holy shit; you’re having my baby.”
His mouth finds yours in an instant, fingers leaving your face and traveling to your waist. Eddie pulls you in close and punctuates the long kiss with several little pecks. 
“My gorgeous girl is having my baby,” Eddie murmurs, gently sinking to his knees so he’s eye-level with your stomach. It’s still far too early to be showing, but he still bunches up your shirt just above your belly button. You giggle when he presses his lips against your skin, an involuntary ticklish reaction. “I just…I’m so happy. I got kinda worried when it wasn’t happening, that something was wrong.” He looks up at you with an expression of relief and awe. “We’re having a baby, Sweetheart.” His thumb trails along your exposed flesh, the place where your child will develop over the next nine months.
You laugh, pulling him up so you can kiss him again. He tastes like the orange juice he’d drank with breakfast, sweet and tangy. “We should wait to tell people until a doctor confirms it,” you murmur as he rests his forehead on yours. “Let it just be our little secret for now, okay?”
Eddie nods, lips occupied with kisses that render him unable to speak for a minute. “I’m glad I found out when I did, to be honest,” he admits with a small smile. “I missed so much of this with Harris, and I wanna be part of everything with this little munchkin.” 
“Everything?” you ask suspiciously. “The morning sickness, the mood swings, the swollen feet? I’m pretty sure my mom got hemorrhoids when she was pregnant with me–”
“Everything,” Eddie affirms, lacing his fingers with yours. “The good, the bad, and the…hemorrhoid-y.”
You can’t hold back your amusement, throwing your head back with laughter. “I’m holding you to that.”
But you know you won’t need to, because this is Eddie, and the love he already has for this child radiates off of him.
He wraps you in a warm embrace, holding you around your shoulders so that his soft arm hair brushes the nape of your neck. He keeps you safe in his arms while you keep the baby safe in your womb.
In a little while, a commercial will interrupt Harris’s TV show. He’ll come running over to exclaim that he needs the toy being advertised, despite having a present-filled birthday just three weeks ago, and the Munson home will return to its definition of normalcy. For now, you and Eddie relish in this special moment, just the two of you and the tiny bean that is Baby Munson.
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taahko · 7 months
I just found your blog today can you please explain or point out a post that explains the MASH timeloop thing? I love the show but I've never heard anyone talk abt it that way before
oh yay hurray ive been waiting for an excuse to talk about this lmao sorry this is long
ok so basically maeve (my gf) and i started watching mash for the first time about a month ago and we started joking about it being like the characters were stuck in a time loop mostly because the same basic episode format is repeated over and over, because it's a sitcom from the 70s and the episodes arent meant to be watched en masse where you can start noticing all the little repetitions and plot holes and inconsistencies that naturally occur in longform tv
but then i started to pay attention to the dates being mentioned in the show - famously the korean war never technically ended, but american troops were involved in active on the ground fighting between 1950 and 1953, so the entire 11 seasons of mash have to be squeezed into that three year period. with 251 episodes occurring within 1,129 days, that gives every episode about 4.5 days of real time. so it works right? no time loop right? well wait a sec
for the first 5 seasons or so of mash they give very consistent dates about when things are happening. for example, bj arrives in korea in september of 1952, at the start of season 4. colonel potter arrives about a week after him, and talks about how he has 18 months left before his retirement. that gives us about 7 months for the shows final 7 seasons to take place in, meaning that by the episode 'point of view' in season 7 we should be around december of 1952. in that episode the pov character starts writing a letter home and in the corner he writes the date:
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september of 1951. ok, could be that this episode isn't meant to take place in the regular timeline of the season - maybe for some reason its just like, a random flashback episode. but bj, charles, and potter are all present, even though none of them got to korea until 1952. now i KNOW that this is not like, the True Hidden Secret Lore of MASH, this is the writers realizing they were running out of road and turning back the clock a bit to accommodate for how long the show was running on. but play in my time loop space with me please
more talking points:
consistent jokes about time zones and how difficult it is to call the states because "our today is their yesterday but if you call them now it might not reach them until our tomorrow and by that point our yesterday will be their today"
hawkeye's increasing mania over the seasons and his conviction that the war will never end, comparing the camp to dante's inferno multiple times. maeve once pointed out that the closer hawkeye comes to realizing that he's trapped in a time loop the closer he gets to being institutionalized - and what does the series finale cold open onto ? hawkeye in a mental institution. the only way out is to lose yourself etc. sidenote frank also escaped the time loop by going insane and getting institutionalized
in a war for all seasons bj potter and charles are all present at the 1951 new years party as well as the 1952 new years party
there are three christmas episodes, two of which bj is present for even though he should only have spent one christmas in korea
details of people's families and lives shift around - sometimes potter's got multiple grandchildren, sometimes he only has one, sometimes its a girl, sometimes its a boy, sometimes she's 5, sometimes he's 2
we're not the first people to talk about this either, here's a good video compilation posted a couple yrs ago of time loop moments
overall ive been using the time loop thesis to add another layer to my mash viewing experience. it increases the already present sense of constant dread, anger, frustration, and disgust with their situation that the characters feel, plus it feels like a very poignant take on the united states' constant warmongering and violent existence. it really never ends, it just goes on an on. the future's been canceled by the war department- we're just gonna replay the past.
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yuusishi · 9 months
pairings : twst , genshin , hsr cast x gn!reader
genre : fluff , unestablished relationship , requited feelings
cws/tws : kissing lol (a lot)
a/n : happy holidays to all who have anything to celebrate and to those who don't I hope you enjoy a break and a warm december <3 this is also sort of my 1k special !! I know it isn't much but I couldn't think of anything to do to celebrate <//3
note: I know I mentioned friends in the first prompt but you can literally imagine these scenarios with either a crowd or alone lmao
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"Oh. My. God" rang in their head as they looked up, eyes meeting the green leaf hanging above the two of you, "We don't have to push through with this... tradition if you don't want to..." they said but it came out as almost a mumble. As more teases fell from the mouths of your other friends, you couldn't help but inch closer to them, once you got the go signal you pressed your lips against theirs. It felt warm amidst the cold of the season and radiated a sense of comfort throughout your body.
(twst) Deuce, Cater, Ruggie, Azul, Epel, Idia, Sebek. (genshin) Jean, Amber, Ganyu, Chongyun, Yanfei, Sucrose, Thoma, Kirara, Kaveh, Layla, Charlotte, Navia, Kokomi (hsr) March 7th, Arlan, Asta, Bronya (sort of), Gepard, Luka, Qingque, Sushang, Guinaifen.
They stared at you silently, waiting for you to make the next move. Yes, they're interested in you and they know you were interested in them, but they didn't want to rush you. Eventually you stepped closer, tugging lightly on their hand before they tilted your chin. It was a calm, ordinary kiss, yet it made the cliché movie fireworks explode both in your mind and body.
(twst) Trey, Jack, Jade, Rook, Silver, Malleus. (genshin) Albedo, Ningguang, Zhongli, Kazuha, Shenhe, Cyno, Yun Jin, Ayaka, Alhaitham, Baizhu, Heizou, Nilou, Neuvillette. (hsr) Serval, Himeko, Natasha, Tingyun, Hanya, Argenti, Ruan Mei, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Argenti
"Well?" they said teasingly, throwing you a sly look as you fumbled around your outfit in an attempt to calm down. They waited until you stepped closer to them, their hand making its way to your cheek as they leaned in and kissed you. It was funny, you could've sworn you were sure they didn't like you back, so why were they kissing you so calmly yet with so much fervor? As you pulled back, you couldn't help the sense of longing as you looked back into their eyes looking like they, too, wanted more.
(twst) Ace (not a loser this time!!), Vil, Lilia. (genshin) Kaeya, Venti, Childe, Hu Tao, Itto, Yae Miko, Ayato, Lyney, Yelan, Wriothesley. (hsr) Kafka, Sampo, Black Swan (?), Sparkle
"There will be no 'kissing under the mistletoe'" They said sternly, but no one missed the tinge of pink dusting on their ears and cheeks. Despite the small disappointment, the party went on without a hitch. Later on into the night, you spotted them by the balcony admiring the stars with a small drink in hand and joined them saying you wanted a breath of fresh air. "I've liked you for quite some time now" fell from their lips, somewhat boldly even, the sudden confession made your heart skip a beat. A kiss placed on their lips was all the answer that they needed.
(twst) Riddle, Leona, Sebek, Idia (sort of), Jamil (genshin) Diluc, Beidou, Dehya, Xiao, Mona, Keqing, Rosaria, Eula, Raiden Ei, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Tighnari, Candace, Scaramouche, Faruzan, Furina, Chevreuse. (hsr) Seele, Topaz, Blade, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Xueyi, Dr. Ratio
They had a mixed expression of shyness and also slightly explosive joy. I mean, they knew that you liked them back but they just haven't had the chance to tell you yet, you know? They impulsively (but gently) took your hands in theirs and looked you in the eyes as if telepathically asking you for consent. Once you gave your permission they immediately kissed you, their happiness was infectious and leaving you feeling giddy once they pulled away from you.
(twst) Kalim (genshin) Yoimiya, Ga-Ming (?)
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coltermorning · 9 months
A Christmas to Remember (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur Morgan x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You and Arthur have agreed to meet on the night of Christmas Eve. The evening and the following day turn out to be more than either of you expected.
Author’s Notes: Just some good ole fluff for the holidays! Set a year or so down the road from the events of RDR2, and in this instance Arthur never got sick and rides alone now.
Tags: Arthur Morgan x reader, high honor Arthur Morgan, implied sex, fluff
AO3 Link
A Christmas to Remember
Word count: 5994
The firelight flickered, throwing shadows across the wooden walls, shimmers of gold rising and collapsing in the night. The room was warm, comfortable for all the drafty air threatening to cut through it. It never quite managed to get in, like the flames stood guard in their grate, pushing against the inevitable winter.
The room had been decorated for the season with a tree and garland and ribbon and light. This place had likely never seen such decoration until the end of the year, the woody smell seeping into the very walls it was so thick. The source of it, a small pine, was standing crooked in the corner. It was a promise of what was to come. Inviting and, had the room not already held its heat, warm. Perfect for the occasion.
On the night before Christmas, you were perched by the window, ignoring the beauty of the room surrounding you in favor of the company you awaited. Mr. Morgan, a promise to meet you here not having left your thoughts since the moment it parted from his lips. You had your gift, your best clothes, expectation wrapped around you like a bow. And yet, all there was to do was wait. To feel the anticipation for his arrival and let all else fall away.
The minutes passed, and soon there was a horse coming up the path with its familiar white spots flashing in the night. That white would normally stand out more but for the snow, falling thick and slow in the December air. It made Valentine prettier. It made the mud seem less untidy somehow, more familiar.
You felt a smile curve your lips when you saw just the man you waited for approach, his hat slung low, his blue coat fastened tight around him. You watched him encourage his horse onward until he rounded the building out of sight. You wondered if he would stable the animal or not, caring as always or too taken by his haste at seeing you. How that eagerness of his for you made you giddy. To be known and to be wanted anyway.
You left your place by the window and took in the room with a sweeping glance. The lights, the smell, the warmth. It was homey in the same way he was. A welcome respite to come back to, a place to look forward to when things got hard.
You stood closer to the fire, knowing sitting was useless when all you wanted was to embrace him the moment he walked through the door. It had been too long. So you remained standing if a little impatient, feeling the nerves that quickened your heartbeat course through you. You would be parting with more than just a gift tonight, and the very thought made you restless. But you owed it to him. He deserved it.
You fiddled with a piece of ribbon tied on the garland that framed the fireplace when you heard bootsteps in the hall, heavy and determined. They made you smile. But for all his bravado, he knocked softly on the door when he reached it, as if you would whisk away into nothingness the moment he did. Like a dream and nothing more.
“Come in,” you answered, and your gentle words were all it took for him to regain that sense of pride. The door swung open, and nothing could have suited you better than the smile he wore, the light in his eyes when they landed on you.
“Y/N.” It was a happy sound. Not a greeting so much as a satisfied release of breath. Your feet were moving before you could respond.
You hugged the man you had been missing for weeks, wishing like always that the pair of you could make this permanent enough to keep you together for longer than an evening.
“I missed you,” you whispered, sinking into the feeling of him holding you. His coat was cold but his warmth outweighed it, swallowing you in the scent of tobacco smoke and outside air. You had missed that smell so much your chest ached with it.
“I missed you too, sweetheart,” he said. Always so intentional. Always saying just what he thought. You adored that about him.
You pulled back to look at him but remained in his arms. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Morgan.”
“Christmas Eve,” he corrected. “We still have a few hours yet.” Then his eyes were filling with meaning like they always did before he kissed you. The look that said nothing in the world mattered more than this. You tilted your chin up, happy to greet it with all the love you held for him. He leaned in with that enamored look, and his lips met yours with the soft release of anticipation for all the days spent waiting. All the days apart that would be dreadful if not for the knowledge that you would have this again. You kissed him back just as slow and soft, like this was what it took to remember.
The pair of you got a bit lost in each other until you could hear his breathing grow heavy. It always did that, and it never failed to make your heart race in kind.
You pulled away and looked into those ocean water eyes. “I got you something.”
He quirked an eyebrow, running his lips together subtilely like he could still taste your kiss. “Did you now?”
“Yes.” He had told you not to. This was your first Christmas spent with him, the first chance you had to give him a gift. But, just like his birthday that had come and gone without your knowledge, he didn’t want a gift. Just your company. You had already gotten onto him plenty for letting his birthday squeak by. You wouldn’t let it happen again.
You stepped to the side and motioned to the bed, to the small parcel laying atop it. You had done your best with wrapping it, a small bit of twine done up around the paper with a bow.
“It’s two, actually. I’ve been working on one for a while.” When you turned back to him, the small flash of concern on his face didn’t go unnoticed. “Don’t worry,” you assured him. “I didn’t expect anything in return.”
His eyes snapped to you then. “Well, that’s too bad,” he said lowly, and before you could ask why, he was reaching inside his coat and pulling something out. A present, a little battered from his travel, the paper wrinkled and the tie around it crushed. You only loved it more for it. It was endearing in the same way he was.
“Arthur,” you chided with a smile. “You were just going to let me show up without a present when you had one for me?”
“‘Course.” He smiled with his teeth, that toothy grin that reminded you of the boy he had once been.
You gave him an incredulous look, and he laughed, the sound spiraling upward and into your bones like liquid gold.
“Fine then. You open mine first,” you said, unable to shake the high that was being with him.
He raised his hands in mock surrender before repocketing his gift and making for the parcel. You felt nerves flash through you, hoping against hope he would like it. One you knew he would, but the other was…a bit different.
“You didn’t have to spend your money,” he said, picking up the package and pulling the string so the bow slipped apart.
“I wanted to,” you told him. “It didn’t cost much anyway. More time than anything.”
He eyed you, the remnants of that grin still on his face, then the paper crinkled as he undid it. It finally gave way to fabric—his favorite color. He smiled.
“Darlin’,” he said endearingly as he pulled out a new shirt. Nothing special, nothing fancy, just something for him to ride in, the softest blue you could find. You always teased him that everything he owned would be blue if he had his say in the matter. “I love it,” he said with a smile bright enough to make you return it. “Thank you.”
He made to hug you but you stopped him. “Unfold it.”
He hesitantly did so, dropping the wrapping to the floor. He held the shirt up, and the moment he did, a loud thunk sounded—his second gift hitting the floor.
“Shit, sorry,” he said, reaching for it.
You could only laugh. “It’s not breakable.”
He picked it up, and the low light in the room was enough for him to see the wood. To see what you had carved into it.
He flipped it over, examined it from every angle. “You did this?” He met your eyes with such an open admiration in his that you felt your face heat.
You nodded. “It’s for your shotgun. The stock. I made sure it was the right kind to fit your gun if you wanted to…swap them out.” You suddenly felt that was a little presumptuous of you.
He stared at it so long your nerves got the better of you.
“You don’t have to, of course-”
“No,” he said, meeting your eye with sincerity in his own. “I love it. I mean it. Thank you. I’ll get it put on there first thing tomorrow.”
You were beaming. “Really? It’s not too…I don’t know. Effeminate?”
He gave you a chiding look so you kept on. “You’re just…you, and I want you to like it, but you don’t have to use it if you-”
He stopped you with a kiss, sudden and sure enough to melt away your doubt. Then there was nothing but him. No worry about some gift that he ended up liking after all.
Arthur pulled away from you slowly, reluctantly. “Open yours.”
He pulled the parcel out of his coat and handed it to you as he sat on the bed, urging you to sit beside him. You joined him, admiring him as you took it. There was no nervousness about him like there had been in you. His mind didn’t even seem to be on the gift. He was thinking of you and little else. So you smiled when you opened it, knowing you would love it before you even knew what it was.
Sure enough, he knew you well. “A journal?”
He nodded as your smile stretched wider. You thumbed through the empty pages, yours to fill. The two of you had that in common—a need to record in drawing as well as words. He was heavier on the words, journal entries lining the pages of what little he had let you see of his leather-bound book. But you preferred drawing. Mimicking art. It was why you had carved the woodland scene into a gunstock for the better part of a month, knowing upon seeing its inspiration how special it was and that it needed to be remembered. So maybe now, that proud deer on the foreground of a valley would forever be cradled in his appreciative hand just as this journal would be cradled in yours.
“Thank you, Arthur.” You met his eye to show that you meant it then melted all over again at the way he was looking at you. You debated speaking the feeling that bloomed within you but didn’t, not when he picked up the stock again and brushed a thumb over your handiwork.
“This is fine work.”
The words made a blush tinge your face. You couldn’t help it. He always bragged on you in a way that would make any woman blush, much less the woman who somehow found herself on the doting end of this rugged, outlawed man. He was a blunt instrument, violent and determined, yet all he trained on you was softness. Kindness you didn’t know how you had come to deserve.
“I told you you was better than me.” This meaning your artwork.
You snorted a laugh. “Yeah, right. And I told you, maybe I’d be a better judge of that if you let me get my hands on that journal of yours.”
He chuckled, the sound soft and warm as the room surrounding you. But to your surprise, for the first time since you’d found out he carried a journal, he didn’t protest.
“Actually,” he said, reaching around to his satchel. “I got you two gifts too.” And, to your shock, he was turning back to you with said journal in hand, holding it out like a bough of hard-earned trust.
“What?” It came out as a whisper, all you could manage in your surprise.
“Take it,” he said, holding it out farther. “I used up all the pages anyway. It’s nigh time I offload it, and I’d feel better about it being in your hands than lord knows who else’s.”
“You mean…” You looked from it to him. “You’re letting me have it? Read it all?”
He nodded his head to the side, a self-conscious gesture. What it must take for him to trust you this much. What he must feel for you.
You took it from him and ran your hands over the worn leather face. All Arthur. Your heart leapt in fondness for him.
You set the journal down atop the new one he had gifted you and turned to face him fully. You felt so deeply for this man. You had for a while. And you wanted him to know it. The journal was just proof he felt the same.
Before you could utter a word, Arthur swept in close and kissed you on the cheek, then stood. He offered you his hand. You took it, and he pulled you up and against him in one fluid motion, his fingers tangling with yours, his other hand finding your back. Then he was moving back and forth. Dancing. Arthur Morgan, outlaw of the state, dancing.
You laughed aloud. “What’s this?”
He ignored whatever gruffness he would normally have over something so carefree and led you in a soundless dance around the room, the only music the warmth, the lights, the way you felt for each other.
“You know how to dance, don’t you?” he said.
“Vaguely,” you replied. “Do you?”
That really got him going. He gave you a roguish grin and spun you, making you twirl with his fingers alone before pulling you back in. And when he did, he crushed you to him. Then his lips were on yours, and there wasn’t anymore air in the room apart from the love he granted you, how it filled your lungs.
Now. Now, in this perfect moment. It was time. You pulled away.
His eyes were closed, his hands cradling your face as he rested his forehead against yours as best he could with his hat. And still he swayed, a subtle back and forth even though it couldn’t quite be considered dancing anymore.
You didn’t care that his eyes were shut. Didn’t care that he didn’t know what you were about to say or how long you had mulled over saying it. Because you felt it. And it was never more real than it was when you were with him.
“I love you.”
He stopped swaying.
You watched his blue eyes open slowly, like he didn’t quite believe what he had heard. Then his gaze met yours, soft and searching under those eyelashes, complicated as he was.
He didn’t answer. Just held you, watched you. In disbelief, you realized. Or maybe wanting to hold onto this moment like you were, committing it to memory. Too bad he no longer had a journal to draw it in. The thought made you smile. Then words were spilling from you like a flood.
“I’ve loved you since the day I saw what kind of man you really were. I’ve loved you since I saw that page in your journal with the deer drawn on it. I’ve loved you for so long it’s like I was just waiting on you to get here. Like you were made for me.”
His eyebrows drew together in emotion. Still, he did not speak.
“I love you so much it hurts when you’re away,” you muttered, finding his coat in your hands and clutching it, pulling him closer. When you met his eyes again, he was so close you could see every fleck of color in the firelight, the blue and gold that crashed together into green. You kissed him, and this time he was reluctant. Unsure. So you moved back just enough to give him room to breathe, time to think enough to speak.
His eyes never left you as he said, “I don’t know what I did to deserve that.”
It was quiet and vulnerable. So true of him, that he didn’t think he deserved to be loved.
“You’re you,” you said. “And that’s enough for me. Enough and then some.”
He was pulling you to him in less than a heartbeat. Crashing his lips to yours with all the passion of a man born again.
He broke from it for a breath, whispering, “I love you too,” before kissing the words into your mouth.
Nothing would ever be better than this. Nothing. It didn’t matter that the feeling was temporary. That Christmas would be over, and he would be gone, and you would ache at the loss of him again. There was no losing this. This memory would hold on forever as the happiest you’d ever had.
Arthur pulled back, and you were both breathing heavy. Far beyond any arousal or want. This was deeper.
He held your face like he held his life in his hands as he said, “I love you too, sweetheart.” Just because he could. The privilege of getting to say it addictive.
You looked at him and couldn’t keep the smile on your face at bay. He met your gaze and kissed you softly, a press of his lips against yours. A guarantee.
Wordlessly, he led you back to the bed. Your heart started to pound with thoughts less innocent until he picked up his journal, flipped toward the back, and held it out to you again.
“I may not have admitted it until now but…well. See for yourself.”
You took the book and turned it toward you, sitting back on the bed. The page you were met with had a drawing of you on it. Patiently drawn, thought out enough that it truly resembled you. You had wondered that—if he had ever drawn you. And now you had your answer. There were no words inscribed beside it like usual, like he just wanted the memory of you down on the page. Absentminded fondness. It burned you up inside.
“Keep turning.”
You looked to him. He wouldn’t meet your eye, embarrassment keeping his gaze glued to his journal, but it was endearing on him all the same.
You did as he asked and saw drawing after drawing after drawing, a few entries here and there. A few animals, a few towns, and nearly every other page, you.
It amazed you. You had thought you’d fallen first, and hard, but seeing this proved otherwise. Based on the entries, these drawings were done mere weeks after you met him.
“I could never seem to get your likeness just right,” he admitted quietly.
“Arthur, these are…” You wanted to reassure him. That this warmed your heart to him more than anything. You looked at him. “Thank you. I never thought…” You had stopped on a page that drew your gaze like none other. Because it captured a look in your eye you had only ever given to him. It was your admiration for him sketched out on the page, all subtle shades of black and gray. And the entry beside it nearly made you tear up.
I get to see her again.
He had drawn a heart beside it. You sobbed a laugh, a sound so happy it was all you could speak.
“I’ve been pretty damn fond of you from the beginning,” he admitted.
You set the journal aside and rose to meet him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you.” You said it on a smile. Because that’s all there was for it.
“Well if it ain’t obvious now…” he started. And he didn’t have to finish. Because you knew he loved you back.
You kissed him slowly then hugged him tight. He was yours.
You had a sudden idea and broke away from him, sitting back on the bed, reaching for the unused journal. “Here.”
“You don’t want it?”
Even the thought crushed you. “No, I want it. But I want you to christen the first page.”
“It’s yours,” he said. Like that would change your mind.
“I know it is. And every time I open it, I want to be reminded of the night I got it.”
He just stared, so you spoke. “Draw me.” Not from memory. Not without your knowledge this time.
“What, now?”
It was true, the pair of you didn’t have long together. But this was more intimate than anything somehow.
“Yes.” You smiled at him. And the look you gave him must have made up his mind, because he took the journal from your hand, the motion subtle and soft in the firelight. He went to the corner and pulled the lone chair over, setting it before you and sitting in it. He reached in his satchel and pulled out a drawing pencil. Then he sat back and looked at you. Really looked at you. He smiled. And he opened the journal, set pencil to paper, and began.
Every time he studied you, you admired him. The way his eyes focused, the way his pencil shaded gently. Such a light hand, easy in the same manner he was to you. A vast difference from when he was holding a gun, just as he treated everyone else so differently. This was the real Arthur. Only yours to see.
Minutes passed, and you shifted as you watched him, the big, tough man hyper-focused on the small journal in his hand.
“Hold still.”
When he met your eye, his were glinting with playfulness. You knew he was only kidding. You had seen him capture birds in flight, fish mid-leap out of the water, animals of all sorts on the run. He didn’t need you to be still. And just being here with him, letting him draw and joke and tease, filled you with such happiness as to make you want to plant this in your memory forever—a warm room and a man who loved you.
When he finished the drawing, he closed the journal and stowed his pencil, standing.
“Let me see.”
He shook his head with a lazy smile as he bound the journal back up. “Later.”
“Why later?”
Then he was stepping closer, the air in the room going thin as his eyes fixed on you.
“Open it when I ain’t here,” he said, eyes full with want. He tossed the journal on the bed and boxed you in with arms on either side of you, leaning in and kissing you slow and lazy. You soared. In this room full of merry light and special occasion, you soared. You hadn’t known what to expect when you first met this man, certainly not the gentle, easy love you had fallen into with him, but as he laid you back and began kissing you like you were the very air he breathed, you were more thankful than you ever had been. He was yours, and you were his, and nothing else in this inconsequential little life mattered. Maybe one day, it would even be enough to make him stay. Or better yet, for you to gain the courage to go with him. Whatever he asked of you, you would do it. For him, you would.
“I love you,” you whispered into his mouth again, eager to be able to say it. And then he was losing all semblance of patience and control, borne on the back of the desire that was having you all to himself for the night, those full words repeating and repeating.
“I love you,” he said, low and true. You smiled.
The following morning, Christmas morning, the two of you hesitantly stepped down the stairs of the hotel together, neither wanting to leave the other.
Sure enough, Arthur’s horse stood just beside yours, hitched to the post outside the hotel. He, like you, had been too full of anticipation over seeing you and had refrained from taking the time to stable his horse. No matter. The two animals had always seemed to get on well. Like they knew their owners had something special and got along like old friends, like siblings, because of it.
Arthur stepped up to his horse, giving it a treat and a loving pat. Not saying a word, not wanting the moment to end.
“Want to go get that stock put on your gun?” you suggested, knowing whatever else there was could wait.
He eyed you. Then turned, stepped closer, took your hand.
“Come with me.” He looked down at your hand as he spoke. Like the mere act of holding it was precious.
“Of course,” you said, a smile already forming.
The pair of you led your horses together down the main thoroughfare, the slight worry of someone recognizing Arthur lingering in the back of your mind. It had been a long time since that gang of his stirred up so much trouble here, but not long enough.
You got to the gunsmith without a fuss and offered to hitch Arthur’s horse while he went inside. He just rolled his eyes at you before taking your mount, leading them over himself. Ever the gentleman.
When he returned to your side with his shotgun strapped over his shoulder, he led you up the steps with a hand at your back. He used to be so nervous about touching you. It only made you fonder for him over time, and especially now that he had gotten over it.
He held the door open for you, and you stepped inside, looking over the racks of guns, the counter display, the gunsmith. He eyed Arthur a little when he came in behind you but didn’t say a word about it if he recognized him. He only gave a Christmas greeting and an offer to help.
“Need to change the stock out on my shotgun,” Arthur said, laying the weapon down on the countertop.
“Sure. We have a fine selection of-”
“No need,” Arthur said, holding a hand up and using the other to pull the gift you had carved him out of his coat.
“This is a fine piece,” the smith said upon seeing it laid down.
“She carved it,” Arthur said with pride as he turned to look at you, eyes alight.
“You?” the man said, drawing your attention away from Arthur’s loving gaze. “Well, if you’re looking for work, I could use someone with this kind of talent.”
“Thank you but no,” you said respectfully. “I don’t live around these parts.” Just a passerby, choosing this spot to spend one perfect evening because you knew how the hotel room would be decorated, how homey and worn the town was. Just like Arthur.
The smith nodded his head and got to work, taking Arthur’s gun. When he was halfway finished and Arthur said, “That piece goes on first,” realization hit you like a slap. Arthur never said he needed to go to the gunsmith to get the new stock affixed to the gun, just that he would get it put on. He would. He knew how, likely knew more about guns than most gunsmiths. Including how to take one apart and put it back together. So why had he agreed to come here, pay what little penance the labor would cost?
When Arthur’s gaze shifted from his gun to you, the answer dawned on you. He wanted to spend what little time he could with you. Your whole being melted at the very idea. He was such a sap.
You held his eyes then let the moment pass when the smith announced he was finished. Arthur checked over his gun and smiled when he brushed his hand over the carved wood. “Perfect,” he said. You felt your face heat again, just glad that he liked it. Even more glad he was willing to carry it around like a badge of honor.
He turned to the smith. “What do I owe you?”
“You let me keep this stock and we call it even,” he said, holding up the old one. It was worth more than that, but Arthur let it slide, seemingly favoring his new one too much to care.
“You got a deal,” Arthur said, tipping his hat. “I appreciate it. And uh, merry Christmas.” He shouldered his gun and placed his hand at your back once more, leading you out.
“To you as well,” the gunsmith replied. Then you were out the door and away from any remaining worry that Arthur would be recognized.
The two of you ambled back over to the horses, wordless. Not wanting this to end so soon. Arthur stowed his gun. You stood and watched him. Then he turned and sighed as his breath plumed in the cold air, like he had to remember how to breathe when leaving was inevitable. Maybe one day it wouldn’t be.
He pulled you in for a hug, resting his head atop yours. You nuzzled into his warmth.
“When will I see you again?” The words had more sorrow in them than you intended. He must have noticed, as he moved back enough to place a finger under your chin and lift your head to look at him. The smile under his eyes was sad too, but filled with hope.
“Soon. Real soon if I played my cards right.”
“What does that mean?”
He just shook his head and smiled, that boyish grin. “Just write me when you feel like putting up with me again.”
That was odd. Normally he gave you a time frame. “That’s always, Arthur,” you said. “You may as well stay if that’s the case.”
He laughed. You’d been over this before. He only refrained from asking you to join him in fear of his past catching up with him. You used to want to keep a healthy distance from that past, but now you weren’t so sure. Things were different when love was involved.
“Well, if you’ll have me, I’ll be back then. How’s that?”
That still raised more questions than it answered, but you didn’t ask them. His smile was distracting you. He was normally more solemn than this when he left.
“Why are you acting so funny?”
He leaned in and kissed you, a quick peck on the lips. Then he held your eye, the look on his face smug. For the life of you, you couldn’t decipher why.
Finally, he gave some. “Just take a look in that new journal of yours for me. When I’m gone.”
Your eyebrow raised high. Or even higher. “Why not now?”
“Just…” He let out another long breath. “Trust me. Can you do that?”
The dashing, bashful smile he leveled on you would have had you agreeing to murder.
“Yeah. Of course. You know I do.”
“All right then.” He pulled you in for another hug. This one tighter. This one more like a goodbye. It was a strange place to end things, almost unlike an ending at all. It had you wanting to rip open that journal right now and figure what on earth he was on about.
He pulled away and, with a calmness in his eyes, said, “I love you.” He held it like a breath. “And merry Christmas. I’ll see you…real soon. I hope.”
As suspicious as you were, you let him be. If he wasn’t telling you what was up now, he had to have a reason. So you held onto the hope that the promise of soon was a surety, that you would see the love he had for you made just as palpable as it was right now, stretching across his face in the morning light.
You loosed a breath and gave in to that love. “I love you too. More.” He grinned, color reaching his face. “Merry Christmas, Arthur.”
“Indeed,” he said. Then he was kissing you again and letting you go. Heading for his horse all too soon.
He mounted and turned to look at you. “Remember, don’t open that journal ‘til I’m gone. Long gone.”
“Why? What’d you put in there, a stick of dynamite?”
He let out a happy laugh. “Oh, it’ll blow something up, that’s for sure.” That left you stumped. “Just relax. You can read it as soon as I’m down the way, how’s that?”
You shook your head at him but couldn’t help the smile that turned your lips. “You’re something else.”
“You love me,” he taunted. And he was right.
“Go then,” you said, shooing him. “Go on. I have journals to read.”
“Good day to you too, miss.”
You laughed, and he kicked up his horse, rounding you. He got close enough to duck down and lift his hat, planting one last, brazen kiss on your lips. It had you blushing like a kid.
He straightened and donned his hat, his face the same red as yours likely was, though neither could be contributed to the cold.
“Bye. See you soon.”
“Goodbye, Arthur. It’d better be soon, or you owe me an explanation.”
“It will be. I hope.” There he went again. You just waved him off, and he passed you smiling wide, his horse stepping out into the muddy, snow-logged street. You watched him go with awe. That handsome, proud man. How you had ever won him over, you couldn’t be sure. But you had. And you were pulling out your new journal to find out why before he had even gotten halfway down the street.
You unwrapped its binding in haste, feeling the new pages crack and reluctantly give in your hands. You flipped and flipped and reached the first page and were…struck dumb. Utterly.
On the left was a drawing of you. Subtle and suggestive with its shading, perfect, the way all of Arthur’s drawings were. But on the right, in big, bolded letters: The future Mrs. Morgan. And underneath, May she forgive me for not having procured a ring yet. I’ll make it up to her in kind as soon as she’ll let me.
You could have cried. You couldn’t believe it. The decision to stay apart all this time had been both his and yours, and knowing now that he had changed his mind…
You looked up and found him to be nowhere in sight. You wished he still were. If he were, you would drag him back here and tell him a ring didn’t matter. Of course you would marry him. It didn’t require any thought. The decision was already made the minute he whispered that he loved you back.
The future Mrs. Morgan. Having that down in his writing, on the very first page no less…you could die happy.
You took one last look and shut the journal, stuffing it back inside your coat. And, riddled with giddiness, you faced the street and the daylight, soaking it into your bones. For all the chill the wind held, it couldn’t cut you. For all the months spent away from Arthur, you couldn’t feel sorry that you had needed to be so patient. Because this was real, and true, and unlike anything in the world.
On Christmas Day and for the first time in years, you faced your future with surety. And what a beautiful, merry sight it was.
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callmelola111 · 11 months
K.O. ♡ e.w. oneshot
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 ✄ - - - -   inspo track   - - - -   bull believer- wednesday
synopsis: as hours, minutes, and seconds count down till the new year, secrets are revealed and trust is broken. who knew the downfall of your life could be so freeing—and that a total stranger would be the one to catch you.
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 4.8k
      | ❀ | cw: 18+ themes (MDNI), modern au, reader is in a toxic relationship with a man (sexuality isn’t mentioned in huge detail so feel free to hc however you like—they could be bi, pan or just a lesbian with very real comp het), coming out scene (refers to self as “gay”), heavy swearing, descriptions of intense violence + gore, cheating (bf on reader), underage drinking + use of marjuana (18), reader is called a slur (dyke)
a/n: hi hellooo, long time no see! **first, a quick disclaimer: this isn't realistic, there is a complete lack of morals and an unethical/dangerous amount of violence that i wouldn't condone irl. but alas this is fan fiction based off a M rated game whose whole basis is violence, sooo plz keep that in mind when reading.** anywaysss... i’ve been obsessed with this song for months now and it sparked a little oneshot idea so here it is. not exactly my usual stuff, more of a passion project as i process my hatred for men as a lesbian who used to date them. soooo i guess this one goes out to my small town comp het girlies who love ellie williams. thanks for all the support!! ♡~ lola
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In the south it never really felt like a true winter. All the holidays that came along with it never felt real either. Christmas was dull and New Years was even worse. After spending the last 18 years of your life in a small hick town, it felt like no use to wish for some “better future”. You were damned from the start. Sure it was a new year, but it was the same old shit and you knew nothing was gonna change until you got out of this hell hole.
Just 6 more months of pretending, you’d tell yourself. 6 more months of bending over backwards to please your overbearing parents. 6 more months of mediocre sex with your shitty boyfriend that you weren’t even sure you liked. 6 more months of artificial conversations with your estranged friend group from middle school who claim to “not get you” anymore. But at this point, as every little thing ate away at you, you weren’t sure if you could keep up your act for much longer. Especially tonight, where you’d be faced with the challenge of appeasing all 3. 
December 31st, 9:00pm:
Adorned in a matching set of mint green pjs you sat patiently on your bed waiting for the go-ahead. Like clockwork, your parents gave a small knock and pushed open your door from its cracked position. It always annoyed you how they knocked, pretending to respect your privacy while simultaneously enforcing a “no closed doors” rule. You thought at 18 they would’ve let it go, but no. 
“Well hun, me and your mother are heading out now. We don’t expect to be back till the morning… Ya know, just to be safe while taking part in all the ‘festivities’.” Your dad chuckled, throwing up some air quotes. Your mom stood deadpan waiting for him to wrap up his little bit before butting in.
“No plans for the evening, right?” She phrased her words like a question but you knew this was just her way of subtleing enforcing the stupid rules you’ve followed your whole life.
“Of course not momma. Probably just gonna watch Gilmore Girls reruns and then go to sleep before any fireworks start up.” You gestured to your pjs but your perfectly made bed said otherwise. See, you knew this little routine like the back of your hand. You knew just what to do and just what to say in order to lure your parents into a false sense of security. While they stood in the frame of your door wishing you a goodnight, your party clothes hung on the other side of it, just out of their view.
December 31st, 9:30pm:
A loud honking blared from just outside your bedroom window. You ushered the sheer curtains open and glared out at the little sedan sputtering in your driveway. Your hands ran down your face followed by a big sigh. It’s not like you didn’t know your boyfriend Jax was coming to pick you up for the new years party that night, you had planned it just days before. But unbeknownst to him, the only reason you reached out was because you didn’t have a ride and tonight was one of the few times your parents wouldn’t be around to police curfew. 
You climbed into the passenger seat already cringing at the unidentifiable smell and litters of trash covering the floor. Forcing a smile to your face you greet the grimey boy sitting at the wheel with a wave.
“Come onnnn, not even a kiss? You must be real happy to see me, huh?” You grit your teeth, squeeze both eye’s shut, and lean in for a peck to appease his complaints. 
“Of course I’m happy to see you babe.” This was a lie. Something you had become quite good at these past few years, even lying to yourself at times. The rest of the car ride was silent, leaving you to ponder this drudgery of a relationship. You weren’t quite sure when things shifted or if there was ever an attraction at all, but after a year together and college approaching you just decided to ride it out until the inevitable. And part of you recognized the same in him, so there was never any guilt about it. 
December 31st, 9:45pm:
Alcohol was the first thing on your mind as soon as the car went into park. The door to the house was propped wide open, inviting in teens of the small town. Some top 10 hit boomed from a speaker nested in the main living area, not really your style—at least not sober. You scavenged the kitchen for a clean solo cup to designate as your own and began the journey to drunkenness. Jax followed in suit with a couple bottles of beer. The harsh burn in your throat lingered but the alcohol's effect was already beginning to take off the edge that was your life.
You attempted to initiate some conversation with the man who had brought you here but he was too busy texting to listen. So consumed with the glow of his screen, you couldn’t help but peek to see what was so interesting. As soon as you got a glimpse you wished you had been less nosey. His attention was not being stolen by a dumb Instagram reels, but actually, a long string of texts with a girl whose name you didn’t recognize. Your stomach pinged at his possible infidelity. Partly because he was your boyfriend but mostly because you’d spent months convincing yourself to like him, to stay with him, to be a good girlfriend—and he could care less. All this work and effort on your part was simply discarded with his unloyal behavior. It was all for nothing. But hey, maybe you were just drawing conclusions. It could just be a friend. Right?
December 31st, 10:15pm:
Jax had finally shifted his attention back to you before his screen lit up again causing you to retaliate in irritation. You swiped up the cracked device before he had the chance and began to scroll.
“Can’t you just silence it? What is soooo fucking importan-.” Your voice caught at the sight of flirty messages littering the screen.
“Are-are you fucking cheating on me?” You instantly questioned.
“Bro no! Give me my fucking phone back!”
“Who the fuck are you texting then? ‘Mary Jane’,” you spouted in a mocking tone, “no way is that someone's real name. You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“It’s a joke between me and my cousin. Now would you chill?”
“Your cousin?? You call your cousin baby?? I mean, I knew this town was full of hicks but I didn’t know y’all were those kinds of hicks.” The alcohol was giving you a little too much courage as your taunting waded into dangerous territory.
“The fuck did you just say? Don’t fucking test me! Can’t even handle a couple shots without getting all crazy on me!!”
“Crazy?? I’m being fucking reasonable. Literally any other person would be bothered by this just as much as me.”
“You know what, just fuck off. We can talk when you stop being such a delusional bitch.” He then disappeared into the living room, landing onto the couch, leaving you alone with your anger. 
December 31st, 10:30pm:
You stood idle, bubbling over with emotion, eye’s filling with tears when a wet sensation hit your upper lip. Its flow grew stronger and began to trickle onto your hands where your gaze was locked. Deep red stained your palms- a random nosebleed. It was like a sign from the universe. A sign that you weren’t crazy. In fact, you might be one of the only sane people in this whole damn town. Stuck in your reverie, blood continued to drip on your hands, your shirt, your lips- everywhere. That is until a kind eyed girl slipped you a dish towel to stop the flow. 
“Uh hey, your nose is bleeding.” You snapped your head up finally acknowledging the moment in full.
“Shit thanks, sorry…” Your face went hot realizing how long you had been just standing still, letting the blood fall where it may. The heat doubled, spreading to your ears when you finally acknowledged the person who had witnessed the whole thing. Ellie Williams. You had never formally met but knew of her existence, as she had kind of a reputation around school. There wasn’t anything inherently bad about her (at least in your opinion), she just didn’t fit the mold of most residents in your town. Therefore, she was a target for people's prejudices, especially being the only out lesbian in your senior class. Despite everyone else’s thoughts, you really admired her. You wished you had that type of courage.
“It’s no problem…” the auburn haired girl glanced down deciding what to say next before lifting her gaze back up to you. “Not to be nosey, I know you don’t really know me, but like… are you okay?”
Head tilted back, you gave a nasally reply, “Oh me? Yeah, yeah uh- I’m okay” 
“No offense but uh, you don’t look that okay.” she gestured to your bloody everything.
“Alright so I’m not okay, you got me.” You looked down to your now crimson stained blouse and scrubbed frantically at the chiffon material trying to reprimand the damage.
“Here, here– You can just take my flannel to cover it up, I promise I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?” Before you could say anything else, Ellie was sliding the warm garment over your shoulders and guiding you into the arm holes. It was dark blue, in a faded plaid pattern, and smelled of pine and incense. The girl was now left barren in just her white tank– and all for you.
“Yeah of course.” She then took it a step further, buttoning you up. You watched as her dexterous fingers worked up from the bottom of the shirt to the top, brushing you at each maneuver. A little jab into the plush right under your naval, a swipe past your ribs, and a tap at your collarbones. The quick, unexpected interaction left you completely flustered and you weren’t quite sure why.
“Thank you.” was all you could say. 
“Sooo… do you wanna talk about it?” At this point, Ellie was completely enamored with you from the way you handled yourself with Jax. She had this unusual feeling, a feeling like she needed to protect you. A feeling that you were different from most. Maybe you were even a little like her?
“Honestly, yeah. My friend Samara was supposed to be here tonight but I guess she decided not to show, and I’m starting to wish I didn’t either.”
“Well, if it’s worth anything, I’m glad you’re here. Come on now, follow me.” Ellie led the way to a set of stairs at the edge of the living room. You snaked right past the couch where Jax was drunkenly passed out, mumbling obscenities at his phone. Of course, he paid no mind to you. The idiot was too consumed with himself to even wonder if you were okay.
December 31st, 11:00pm:
You and the sweet girl sat on the rough carpeted step talking about everything under the sun. Ellie was the first person in a really long time who you felt you could be honest with.
“So you think he’s cheating on you?” she questions trying to clarify the few bits of dialogue she heard while watching from afar.
“I know he is. I’m not stupid.”
“I’m sure you’re not.” Ellie put her head down staring at the laces of her dirty converse. You felt so unreadable, making her unsure of how to proceed in the conversation. “So00, how do you feel about it all then?”
“I don’t know, I guess angry.” you answered with a remarkably solemn tone. 
“What about… sad?”
Like second nature, you instantly thought of a less than honest answer until Ellie’s attentive green eyes brought you back to Earth. 
“It feels like… I’m supposed to be sad, but I can’t. In a twisted, confusing way, I’m honestly kinda relieved. So fucking pissed, but relieved.” Ellie’s lids widened, this was an answer she wasn’t expecting at all–but one she was glad to hear.  
“I can’t blame you, he does kinda seem like a piece of shit.”
“And his dick is small too.” you quipped, making Ellie chuckle under her breath.
“Maybe I’m reading into things, but… it seems like you never really liked this guy in the first place.” 
You took a guilty pause before confirming, “Maybe…”
“So why haven’t you broken up with him?” Ellie was genuinely curious. She thought if it was her in the situation she definitely would’ve gotten rid of that Jax guy long, long ago. Who would wanna keep around a douche bag like that?
“Being with Jax felt convenient. He felt like my ticket to ‘normalcy’.” You put your head down in slight shame but continued the explanation. “I got so caught up in my image that I neglected how I actually felt. I was doing everything to please everyone but me.”  Ellie scooted in one inch to the left, now connecting your thighs and bringing in a sense of comfort.
“Trust me, I understand. This town is fucking ruthless.”
“God yeah, the things I’ve heard people say about you are seriously fucked up. I don’t know how you do it.” A beat of silence lingered as Ellie articulated her thoughts.
“I think… community. I mean, obviously most of the people at our school look down on me, but all it takes is one singular person to be right there with you and then things don’t feel so bad. I guess for me, I can’t imagine being anything but myself. Like completely myself.” The girl looked up from the hangnail she was picking at as she spoke and was met with your tear filled eyes. “Fuck, did I say something?”
Your hand shot up to quickly wipe away the floodgates threatening to fall, “No, no. It’s just that you’re right,” you stuttered, choking down another cry, “an-and, I wish I would've realized it sooner because these past 4 years have been like hell. I don’t wanna be the cookie cutter straight girl anymore. I just wanna be me.”
Ellie then placed a gentle hand to your knee and brought her eyes to meet your own, “And what might that be?”
“Gay. Like really fucking gay.” you said through teary-eyed laughs as Ellie joined in with her own hearty chuckle.
“Welcome to the club.” she said, sticking out a strong hand for you to shake. You grasped it tightly as her warm palm guided you up and down, her touch lingering just a little longer than the gesture itself. As you collected yourself you whipped out a small pocket mirror to touch up the smudged mascara littering your undereyes. Ellie admired in silence. She was in pure awe of your resilience, and when you were finished with your clean up, you turned back to realize what had just gone down.
“Fuck, I’m sorry for dumping all that on you considering we just met. It’s weird how things I’ve never even said out loud before can come out so easily around a stranger.”
Ellie nudges you with her shoulder, “I guess I just have that effect, huh?”
“I guess you do.” you sighed, nudging her back.
December 31st, 11:15pm:
The two of you continued your banter until a cold breeze from the back door gave Ellie a brilliant idea.
“Dare I say… you look like you need a blunt?” she said with a mischievous smirk.
“No, please. It's exactly what I need.”
Ellie then reached into the pocket of her baggy jeans, “I guess it’s your lucky day then.” she said, revealing the most perfectly wrapped blunt you’d ever seen.
“You’re actually god sent Ellie. How are we just now meeting?” The auburn-haired girl gave a small laugh before grabbing your hand and leading you to the backyard. As she pushed the white panel door open, every single ounce of weight that had been lifted off from that one singular conversation, all came crashing back down. Ellie and you weren’t the only ones who adventured outside into the brisk night air. Right on the porch stood Jax, accompanied by your “friend” Samara, who up until this point you didn’t even think was coming. The piece of shit was practically sucking her face off before the creaking sound of the back door sent them 5 feet apart.
“I knew it! I fucking knew it!” you yelled, eyes growing dark with rage. Ellie just stood and watched from the corner.
“Babe, please! I swear it’s not what you think!” Jax stumbled forward, attempting to grasp at your figure.
“Don’t you dare try and touch me! You don’t even deserve to look at me. It’s over Jax. I’m done being suffocated by your never ending bullshit!” Knuckles clenched, you continued your lashings, this time at Samara. “I-I thought we were friends. What happened to that?”
“You don’t even like him. You should be thanking me.” she spat. 
“You really don’t get it, huh? This has nothing to do with me liking Jax or not, you completely betrayed our friendship the second you started fucking him behind my back. Friends don’t fuck each other boyfriends Samara!” Before she could even respond Jax was dragging her away, flipping you off on the way inside.
“Ellie-” you squeaked, trembling in shock. 
“Come here, it’s okay love.” she whispered, parting her arms to make a safe space just for you. You collapsed into the warm cavity and relinquished the buckets of tears you had been saving for the moment someone actually gave a fuck. And Ellie did. She never let go of you even for a second as you crumbled under her.
“Jeez I’m sorry.” you said after minutes of pure silence, lifting your head to meet Ellie’s green eyes. 
“For what?”
“For being a drunk mess, crying to you about a man, and also, I think I got a little snot on your shirt.” you tried to laugh it off but you really just wanted to disappear.
Taking your face in her palms Ellie reassured you, “hey, hey no need to be sorry pretty girl. You’ve been through a lot tonight. Besides, I think I look kinda good with this huge ass wet spot in the middle of my tank top. What do you think?” You stepped back and took a look at the damage, and honestly, she was kinda right. With the white cotton material you could see right through to her toned stomach, barely missing the bottom of her breasts. 
“Fine, yes. I’m sure there’s plenty of girls who’d kill to see you in a wet shirt Ellie.”
“Lucky you then.” she said, playfully nudging your shoulder.
You couldn’t help it as the corners of your mouth turned upwards, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“There’s that smile. Soooo… blunt now?”
“Yes. Blunt.”
December 31st, 11:30pm:
And just like that, you were halfway through the chestnut wand of herbs and deep in conversation.  
“So you really haven't seen But I’m a Cheerleader?” Ellie asked, blowing out a puff of smoke with the question and passing it on.
You took the blunt from between her fingers and let it rest between your own, “No. Should I have?” 
“Definitely dude, it’s like queer classic.”
“Oh yeah?” You cocked your head at the freckled faced girl. 
“Yeah. And now that I’m thinking about it, you’re honestly just like the main character.”
“How so?” you asked, taking another long draw. 
“She’s in denial about being gay for like the first 30 minutes of the movie.”
A string of coughs unleashed from your chest as you let out a hefty laugh mid-inhale, “Bitch-”
“What? I’m being so deadass!”
“Fine, what character are you then?” you pry, passing the lit blunt back over to Ellie.
Taking a hit she replies, “I guess I’d be graham.”
“And what does she do?”
“I’m kinda like your awakening in a sense. Graham is all gay and cool, and of course Megan—that's you—totally falls for her.” 
You retrieve the lit cannabis and roll your eyes, “I haven’t fallen for you yet Williams.”
“Yet.” she emphasizes, placing a soft finger to the tip of your nose tauntingly.
“Ha. Ha.” you monotonously mock, “Now here, I think it’s done.” You hand Ellie the roach and she promptly stubs it out into the concrete slab deck.
“Come on, let’s go inside. I’m fucking cold.” she pleas.
“Dude I’m scared. Like I am way too fucked up for this.”
“No, no– I promise you’re fine. I’ll protect you.” 
“Fineee.” you drag out.
December 31st, 11:50pm:
Things were seemingly fine as you and Ellie entered the muggy living area of the packed house once more. Your hesitancy was quite clear though and Ellie could sense you needed just a little reassurance. Your right hand, currently picking away at the hangnail on the thumb of your left, was quickly captured by Ellies own rough hand which led you back to your comfortable spot on the ascending stair set.
As you both took a seat your grip remained tight on the girl, afraid that if you let go you might jump up from your spot right then and there just to give Jax one more lesson. Just the sight of him through the slats of the stairs’ wooden railing—legs casually spread wide and eyes focused in on a casual game of Mortal Kombat—drove you fucking crazy. 
“Dude if you keep staring like that you might actually burn a hole through his dumb ass T-shirt.” Ellie said, nudging your tensed shoulder.
“Good it’s ugly anyways.”
“Fair point.”
“I just have this burning need to get back at him. I wanna beat his ass just like in that game he can’t take his eyes off.”
Ellie rolled her eyes, “Very funny, but you wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Oh yeah?” you questioned before laying a soft punch to the girl's forearm. A string of dramatic “Ows” reverberated from her lips. “See, I’m a badass right?”
“Fine you’re a total badass” she agreed begrudgingly, rubbing the soft tissue of her arm where you had left your mark. 
“What? It hurt that bad? You need me to kiss it better?” you taunted. 
“Maybe I do.” she said, longing eyes staring into your own. 
You gulped down any hesitation and felt it drop straight to your nervous stomach, “Where does it hurt?”
Ellie pointed to her arm slowly, “here.”
You placed a soft peck.
Hot breath raising goosebumps to the surface of her skin, “and here”, she gestured to her outstretched neck
Another supple kiss.
“And um-” she continued, but was quickly cut off and brought back to reality with the bellowing sound of a countdown. Too caught up in the moment, you both had almost forgotten about the holiday currently taking place.
“Can I kiss you?” she blurted frantically, and with no words you dove into her plump, chapped lips. Just like a puzzle piece your bottom lip slotted perfectly between her own. It was a gentle and delicate kiss at first, drinking in the euphoric moment. Quickly though, soft maneuvers of the mouth got quicker and harder. Spit was exchanged with passion and need, as your hands were becoming grabby at the girl's toned figure. The heat growing between your legs was an easy distraction from the fact that you were at a large party, in a hick town, with your ex-boyfriend now hovering over your more than friendly exchange.
January 1st, 12:01am:
“The fuck? You’re a dyke now?” he yells, practically loud enough for the whole party to hear. You and Ellie frantically pull apart, bumping heads in the process.
The calloused hands that were once caressing the small of your back are now balled into tight fists as Ellie rises from her seated position.
“The fuck did you just say?” she questions, tilting her head to the right.
You now stand up with her, worried where this might go, “Jax you need to walk away.”
“Oh shut up slut. You’re so fucking desperate you’d do it with anyone!” 
That one hurt. That was the tipping point. Tears welled in your eyes. 
“You need to leave now before I do something I’ll regret, you dirty bitch.” he threatens. And that's it, Ellie takes a swing aiming straight for his nose. Her fist retracts and reveals his bloody and now crooked cartilage. Through clenched teeth Jax grips onto Ellies white tank, throwing her into the open space of the living room. Just like a car crash, it’s one of those things where a scene can be so disturbing but you just can’t look away. And everyone else in the room was feeling it too—backed into corners, hands over mouths, some men even obnoxiously chanting “fight, fight.” But this isn’t what you wanted. Not at all.
“STOP! YOU NEED TO FUCKING STOP IT!” you screamed desperately. You didn’t even want to imagine what Jax would do to the freckled girl who changed your life in mere hours. But you didn’t have to, because here they were, brawling it out for the whole school. Jax swung at Ellie’s head to which she ducked before jabbing him in the stomach, stealing whatever air was swimming in his lungs. He stumbled backwards 3 steps, coughing through the hit, but this just made him angrier.
He charged back at the flustered girl with more force and gained a grip on a wad of choppy auburn hair. With a forceful yank she came tumbling to the ground with him on top. Ellie wriggled, pushed, and kicked but the sheer weight of the furious man was enough to keep her pinned. Jax began punching left and right, capturing her face with each blow. Thick crimson decorated his knuckles and the entirety of the girl's face. You could barely make out her litter of freckles and the half-lidded slits of emerald green—it was blood, all blood.
But as Jax kept on going, and the room grew quieter, this fight turned into something much more serious. It was inching on life or death and you had to do something. You surveyed the room, eyes dancing from counter to counter until a large glass beer bottle nagged at the tips of your fingers. Grabbing it tightly in your fist, you did what you had to to end this. Glass and gasps scattered through the room. The sharp brown shards littered the floor and evoked a gushing red stream from the back of Jax’s head. He instantly rolled to the side leaving Ellie an opening to escape. You weren’t done yet though, he hadn’t gotten what he deserved yet. Falling to the floor right at his body, hot tears streamed down your face.
Through curses and screams you thrashed at the man's barely conscious frame, “FUCK YOU JAX! FUCK YOU!” This was for every time he made you feel stupid, for making you feel like the ugliest girl in the room, for all the times he kissed you while you just prayed for it to be over, for making your life a living hell. With each scratch, punch, and kick all the pent up anger and resentment drained from your soul. Ellie let you have at him for a bit but as the crowd started to thin she knew the cops would be here any second now.
“Come on! We gotta go hun!” she nagged. 
“NO I CAN’T! NOT YET” you yelled, collapsing down into tears. Ellie promptly scooped you up by your armpits and dragged you from Jax’s limp body.
“I know baby, you're angry, it’s hard. But the cops are coming and we need to leave now.” she said, picking you up completely and carrying you through the frame of the propped open front door. You nestled your head into her bloody top as your chest still rapidly rose up and down, choking on the last few streams of tears and snot. “I’m gonna get you home love, don’t you worry.”
January 1st, 12:15am:
Finally through the small window of Ellie’s red truck you spot your familiar 2 story home. She grips the steering wheel, whipping to the right into the empty driveway. Of course she helps you inside and up to your quaint little bedroom. It felt weird almost—so quiet and still after such a chaotic night—and void of any life but you and the freckled faced girl. It was a cold feeling knowing you’d be all alone in just a few minutes, and tonight, you weren’t sure if that was a feeling you wanted to know.
“Yeah?” she answered softly. 
“Can you stay?”
With a kiss to the head she agreed, “Of course I’ll stay.” The rest of the night was spent cuddled up under your warm comforter, and despite all the events from just hours before, you felt safe. And for once, in fucking years, you were content.
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✄ - - - -   masterlist   - - - -   ♡
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
(taglist is for all callmelola111 works, if you'd like to be removed just kindly lmk)
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stevesbipanic · 10 months
@steddiemas Day 7: Mall
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You would think after the last mall burned down the town of Hawkins wouldn't erect another so quickly. But money is money and by December the mayor was happily cutting a big red ribbon in front of Galaxy Mall.
"I'm honestly surprised they didn't call it Starcourt 2," Robin giggled.
"Might as well call it the Titanic, I give it 4 months before I don't know an earthquake rips it to shreds," Steve replied, a smirk on his face.
Despite the trauma Steve and Robin had been forced to find work at the new mall, Family Video had shut down its standalone store in favour of one in the mall. Keith had unfortunately terminated their employment, citing that the new store was smaller and they could either choose one of them to stay or both go.
"You know, we have an awful habit of finding jobs with dumb outfits."
"Hey could be worse, we could have to wear the big red suit and have kids sit on us."
"Yeah, sucks to be that guy, hope they didn't hire a creep though."
Being an elf for Santa's Workshop had its perks , free candy canes, hanging out with Robin, and hot cocoa's every morning.
Santa was sweet with the kids, whoever it was seemed like a nice guy, he never rushed any of the kids, no babies cried for their photos and everyone left smiling.
Honestly, Steve wanted to meet the guy, but he always seemed to have left by the time Steve's changed, and he's already in the chair once Steve arrives.
He's decided to take matters into his own hands, he's a guy that gets what he wants and right now he wants that man, whoever he is.
So, he waited until they closed and jumped onto Santa's lap before he could get up. Santa's face turned a very festive shade of red.
"Now Santa's I've been a veryyyy good boy this year and you haven't even asked me what I want for Christmas."
Santa seemed to compose himself, a spark of mischief in his eyes, "And what is it that you want for Christmas little Stevie?"
"I'd love a kiss from Santa Clause."
Well Steve couldn't say he wasn't direct.
"Meet me out back in ten and I think you can get your present early."
Steve had never changed so fast, he'd told a confused Robin that she had to call her mom to pick her up today and dashed out the back door.
He didn't have to wait long before two strong hands took his face gently and pressed soft lips to his own. Steve melted into the kiss, not even feeling the bite of the early December air.
Eventually they pulled apart for air and Steve blinked open his eyes to find a very nervous looking Eddie Munson staring back at him.
"Bad Christmas present? Sorry I don't think they make receipts for kisses."
Steve just smiled, hoping it eased Eddie's nerves, "Can I still make a return?" Steve asked as he took Eddie's face in his hands and pulled him softly forward.
Best Christmas present ever.
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fshigur0 · 10 months
ripped threads — suguru geto x fem!reader
ᯤ part two of heartburn; you have to read part one to understand the situation in this one.
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pairings: suguru geto x fem!reader, platonic!satoru gojo x reader (only mentioned)
synopsys: "... you have definitely lost your mind and you wonder if there ever is a turning back from this — if you will ever find a way to cut the thread that has inevitably tangled itself around your heart."
warnings: spoilers if you've only watched season 1 of jjk! also i don't really mention the lore in its entirety! pure angst (tinies amount of fluff), slight mentions of death (major character!), dark & suggestive themes !!
a/n: i cried while writing this. i love him so much it hurtss, i decided not to add smut just because i want to hurt them further. pls enjoy and let me know!!<3<3
word count: 2k reading time: 8 minutes
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It has been a few weeks since you have last seen him, and you can still reminisce how his lips felt on yours — not too rough, warm to the touch and with a sweetness you had never expected. 
You thought he would taste of tears, ashes or alcohol. You vividly remember how as teenagers the sharp aftertaste of nicotine on your tongue would make you wrinkle your nose. Yet, his lips were a delicacy you wish you could savour every day. 
You realize how much you love being held by him, inebriating yourself with his scent drenched in incense with just a hint of conditioner. You love it, but not quite: his perfume is suffocating, flooding your lungs until it washes over your brain with a wave of past memories you only wish you could forget. It reminds you of your lost youth, reminds you of his former self. It reminds you of your Suguru.
"Y/N." Satoru utters — he knows, how could he not? You have changed and the bags under your eyes are more prominent. You haven't been sleeping well, or maybe you haven't been sleeping at all.
"Have you seen him?"
"Have you been sleeping?"
Your eyes stare at the ceiling as you lay on your best friend's bed. It's enough and he doesn't investigate further — although he notices how your thigh trembles and how you nibble your nails. He doesn't want to force it out of you even if he wishes he could just tell you to drop the act. And you know he's aware of what happened, yet it's easier for the both of you to act like you don't.
Your friendship with Satoru is one full of yets and what-ifs, but this doesn't seem to bother either one of you. He sometimes texts you out of nowhere and asks you to hang out, or calls you simply to know whether you got home safe. You appreciate it, but what you're feeling is nothing the Six-Eyed can fix. 
There's nothing left to fix.
For the past few weeks, you've been waiting in front of your doorstep. It's December, and the frost has covered everything in a thin line of white — it's really cold, but a few more minutes won't do you much harm. The wait has become your nourishment.
You hope for just a glimpse of him, yet your eyes are always met with nothing but the tiny flakes of snow falling down the sky. You hope for him to visit you back even if it's to hurt you even more. You're so desperate for him, you accept the twisted fate of his presence only bringing mysery upon you.
But if it's him, you would welcome even Death.
You sigh and a small cloud of vapour disperses into the air. You have definitely lost your mind and you wonder if there ever is a turning back from this — if you will ever find a way to cut the thread that has inevitably tangled itself around your heart.
"You will catch a cold in this weather."
The phrase is enough to make your heart skip a beat. You turn your head and your gaze softens at the sight of him: if only you had enough strength, you would push him away, you would shut your door and forget about him. Yet, the only thing you yearn for is for him to hold you in his arms.
"Suguru." You murmur, his name a reminder of the absurdity of your situation. "You're here."
He doesn't respond. He's standing at the entrance of your garden, hands in the pockets of his coat and long strands of hair covering his face. There's something extremely beautiful about his figure standing out in the whiteness of the snow; it's almost as if he's an apparition, some sort of miracle.
"I shouldn't be."
You bite the inside of your cheek — the few meters separating you feeling like a valley of unsaid words.
"But you are."
A low chuckle. "Yeah, I am."
An awkward silence follows and it almost feels like the world has frozen as the two of you stand in front of each other, eyes observing and analyzing every detail of your bodies.
"I came to say goodbye." He states, his attention fully on you. You look extremely fragile while playing with your fingertips, your skin exposed to the cold. He would take your hands and kiss them until they stop trembling. He would, but he does not.
"Where are you going?"
The innocence in your inquiry inflames his heart with a warmth he hasn't experienced in years.
"Nowhere," he takes some steps forward, his boots leaving footprints in the snow, "But I think it's better this way."
"You think?" You scoff and that doesn't surprise him. "So you came here just to abandon me again?"
"I'm not abandoning you... I'm setting you free."
You're taken aback. You see how his expression softens for a moment, his body merely a few centimetres from yours. He stretches out his arms and puts his hands on your shoulders, tightening the grip on them.
"Please let me do that, Y/N. Allow me to do that for you."
What he's asking of you is impossible — actually, it's extremely selfish. You've craved his touch for years, you've wished to know where he was or if he was okay, and now that you've finally got him back he wants to slip out of your life again. It's cruel.
Sorrow does not take long to mingle with resentment. You push him back, although he does not flinch much. He expects this from you, it's only natural.
"Have you ever cared about what I think? About what I want?"
"Caring about what you think or what you want won't change anything, Y/N. What do you want me to do?"
You turn around and head to open the front door, tears threatening to spill from your eyes, unwilling to reveal that he has succeeded in his intent to destroy you once again.
You try to slam the door behind you, though this does not happen. His hand holds it firmly, you lift your gaze and meet his eyes: there is no understanding, but you decipher an undertone of desperation hidden in the intensity of his expression.
"Do you want me to erase the things I have done? The people I have killed?" There's urgency in his tone as he furrows his brows, "I can't fix the irreparable, Y/N, there's nothing left to fix anymore."
Your lips tremble, reality catches you off guard and nearly takes your breath away; you are still struggling against his strength, in a mere attempt to close the door. But by now he is inside your house and there is nothing more you can do except listen to him. If you could get at least one sound out of your mouth right now, you would.
Suguru runs a hand through his black locks — they look extremely silky and soft. He exhales sharply, and you do too: you realize you have been holding your breath.
"You said you didn't care," your voice only a whisper, "When I said that I didn't love you. You said you didn't care."
"I do care, I never stopped." He confesses as he lifts your chin with his index. "That's why I have to do this, I can't be selfish anymore, not if it's you."
You want to believe him, you wish you could. You really want him to care as much as you have cared for the past decade. Yet, despite his words of sweetness akin to honey, you can't help but notice their bitter aftertaste.
But you find yourself to be inescapably addicted to that bitterness only he can serve you. You want your heart to be broken, if it's him who's tearing it piece to piece.
Your breaths are the only sound heard, if you could hear the pounding of your hearts, then you would probably understand the effect you have on each other. Suguru hesitates before his hand caresses your cheek, the tenderness makes you quiver.
"Please, hate me. I need you to hate me, to forget me."
He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, the sincerity in his voice alarms you.
"I can't. I never did, I never would."
As you say that, he places one hand on the small of your back, pushing you toward him before his arms encircle your figure. He presses you against his chest, holding you close as if it were the last time, as if uniting in one hug all the years you have been apart. Your hands shyly find his back, until your fingers clutch the fabric of his coat.
That familiar scent of incense relaxes the muscles in your limbs.
"I'm sorry I hurt you, but I don't want you to forgive me. There is no need for you to do that."
His voice is hoarse in your ear, his warm breath makes your heart sink into an ocean of memories.
"There really is no space for us in this world, isn't it?" A wobbling smile manifests on your lips, undaunted tears carve your face.
You're still clinging onto hope, still clinging onto the ghost of him.
"If only I could have saved you," You run your hands through his hair, "if only I could have prevented what you've become. Do you think– do you think there could have been a world where we are happy?"
"There..." He hesitates trying to find the right words, but soon realizes there is no right way to say that, "There is no world where we are happy, but there is also no world where I don't love you."
He pulls his bust away to look at your face, his lips come close to your forehead where he places a kiss. He keeps talking, relishing every remnant of you in your sweet scent.
"My soul will always ache for yours, no matter where you are."
Suguru cups your cheeks and selfishly decides to kiss you one last time, breaths synchronizing and bodies longing for each other's warmth. This is the irony of your love: you are like the Sun and the Moon up in the same sky but never to meet, like two galaxies that are destined to increasingly stray away from one another.
"Promise me that as soon as I walk out this door, you won't think of me no more." He pleads, and you subconsciously shake your head but he holds you firmly. "You won't look for me, you will forget me — promise me that."
If only you understood that he never wanted that. He never wanted to abandon you, to disappear out of your life, to hurt you; Suguru Geto only wants to be by your side, to live a happily ever after he knows will never exist.
He only wants to be yours. Yet, he has to sacrifice that to save you from drowning along with him. He has done that ten years ago, and he has to do that again. Just for you, only for you, always for you.
You slightly nod, not finding enough strength to speak. Maybe not even finding the words anymore.
"You were always this stubborn." He pats your head and chuckles, the corners of his lips curving into a genuine smile.
The warmth of him is suddenly replaced by the coldness of his absence; you don't even hear the door close, but you know he is gone.
. . .
December 24th. Christmas Eve of 2017.
You realize from the look of him that Satoru did not come to you without a reason. There is always a reason, only this time it is different: he is standing in the doorway and his eyes seem lost on the details of your room rather than on you. He cannot look you in the face, how could he?
Your ears start ringing as he speaks, his words becoming muffled. Your legs become extremely mushy and your knees give out — you try to hold on to something that is not there, while a hand clutches at the height of your heart.
The thread entangling your heart coming loose. Somewhere, in another world, Suguru Geto smiles.
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cumulo-stratus · 11 months
Sneaky Snuggles
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x male!reader
Description: y/n is woken up to a surprise of his boyfriend being home- despite the fact that his case was supposed to run at least another day or two.
warnings: fluff, possible swearing
Flufftober day 15: Early morning/morning after
A/N: this is gonna be more similar to a blurb lol but it's a cute idea none the less, also its kinda more based around spencers feelings abt y/n, not actual interaction between spencer and y/n
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The twinkling lights of the city in the distance were visible through the windows of Y/n and Spencer's apartment. They had been living together for 6 months now, and were starting to get into a routine- a rhythm of sorts. Y/n did most of the household work, and Spencer did the errands and helped out when he could- except for cooking. Y/n would rather die then let Spencer cook them anything. And because of all the housework y/n took care of for him, he took any chance he got to thank y/n and spend time with him. Just like right now, or I guess last night.
Spencer's leather messenger bag had been dropped unceremoniously on the floor next to the entrance of the apartment, long since forgotten for the warmth and comfort of a shower and a cuddle with his boyfriend. But- again being ever grateful to his boyfriend, Spencer decided to let him get as much sleep as possible- which included trying not to wake him up by the sound of the shower faucet running at 2:30 am in the morning. To remedy this problem Spencer took the time to close both the door of the bathroom, but also the door to their shared bedroom. And as the boiling hot water cascaded over Spencer's naked form, he almost fell asleep right there, standing under the hot water. But he kept himself awake just long enough to get dressed and climb into bed with his lover. He decided that his dental hygiene could wait until morning, when he wouldn't fall asleep standing up. 
The warm covers and his lovers warm embrace after a tough case welcomed him with open arms. Spencer slid under the covers and gently took y/n in his arms, careful not to wake him up from his peaceful slumber. In the moments before sleep welcomed him for the first time in a while, Spencer took the time to admire y/ns peaceful expression. His lips formed a small, chapped smile. Y/ns eyes were always chapped during the winter. And if the snow outside their window was any indication, y/ns lips really needed some chapstick. Spencer admired y/ns eyes- which were moving back and forth rapidly, almost twitching- and Spencer wondered what he was dreaming about. And that was his last thought before his eyes closed and his body sunk into the mattress, content with his life. 
The light streaming into the small bedroom woke y/n from his slumber, and he unconsciously snuggled deeper into his boyfriends chest, hoping for even a tiny bit more warmth on the chilly December morning- though, the poorly insulated walls didn’t help either. When y/n woke up enough to speak, he said “mm, good morning spence.. wait spence-“ y/n didn’t remember falling asleep in his arms the night before, but he wasn’t complaining about waking up in them either. Spencer chuckled at y/n’s delayed response to his appearance, before answering y/n’s question without having him having to ask it, one of the perks of being together so long. 
“i got home around 2:30 last night, and i didn’t want to wake you up so i just slid into bed”
spencers tone was gentle and hushed, his voice still gravelly from waking up only minutes ago. 
“mm, you sneaky snuggler, you weren’t supposed to be home for at least another 2 days…”
Y/n jokingly shouldered him in the chest, and spencer leaned down to reach y/ns lips, and placed a loving kiss on them.
And thats how y/n and spencer started their morning, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Y/n loved his boyfriend to death and didn’t mind going to sleep in an empty bed every night if he got to wake up in one with him.
The End 
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carolmunson · 7 months
a mini blurb for the blurb party by @superblysubpar - ‘how do either of the boys act when you’re sick?’
steddie x asthmatic!reader. self indulgent as i’ve been chest deep in a flare up since december. just a little something.
Steve hates when he can’t fix it, but there’s nothing he can do. No soup, no medicine, no matter how many blankets and how high he turns up the humidifier — you continue to wheeze and rattle.
The past few weeks your symptoms got worse and worse, and you kept ignoring it. Puff after puff of your inhaler, only to be worn out less than an hour later. Kept putting off the doctor, thinking it would get better. You don’t even talk that much these days — they both miss how you sound.
Eddie sits under your calves on the couch, warming his chilly hands between your knees. You smile at him with cracked lips while he squeezes the meaty start of your thigh.
“Y’know, it’s sort of Regan-y of you,” he grins, you wheeze a laugh through closed lips.
“Regan-y?” Steve asks, brows knitting while he eases another pillow under you. Hot tea, finds its way into your hands from his. Anything to open your airways until your doctor’s appointment next week.
“Like the Exorcist,” Eddie says, looking back at you, “If you start speaking Latin we have to get an old priest in here.”
You wheeze again and it goes into a cough. The lack of oxygen has pulled life from your skin, under eyes sunken, rawness at your throat. The cold weather wasn’t helping.
“Mirabile dictu, don't you agree?” you rasp out low, enough to take a chunk of energy out of you.
Eddie laughs back, tapering off when he sees that Steve isn’t happy with the joking, especially when it makes you cough like this.
“Sorry,” he says sheepishly to Steve, squeezing your thigh again, “We can’t have any more fun, kid.”
‘No more fun,’ you mouth, shaking your head no slowly.
Steve scooches next to Eddie on the couch with your feet now resting on his thigh. You welcome his large warm hands on your socked toes while you sip your tea, finally soothing your airways enough to open them slightly. You yawn, not from being tired, but from trying to get a full breath. They both frown at you while they flip through the channels on the TV in Steve’s living room.
You were happy to not be hacking, in the ‘silent phase’ of whatever flare up you were having these last few weeks. Quiet, but scary. The weight on your chest getting heavier and heavier, the tightness of your throat more and more uncomfortable.
At least with these two you knew it wasn’t weird that you were mouth breathing, that you were too tired, that you weren’t really yourself. Though that was not to say that they could not wait for you to be back to yourself. They missed hearing you laugh, Steve missed bickering with you when you and Eddie would be up whispering next to him in bed. Eddie missed giggling with you when Steve would get that grouchy sleepy face on when you wouldn’t shut up.
But for now, they wanted nothing more than to love on you while you made it through to the other side. One breath at a time.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
My Heart Belongs to Daddy, part vii (final)
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist // this godforsaken mess that you made me
modern!Aemond x step-daughter
Warnings: 18+, angst, smut
Words: 9k
A/n: Sorry it's been a month since I updated this but we made it to the end!! Just wanna say thank you to everyone who's followed along, liked, commented on and reblogged this series, I've been so overwhelmed by the amazing responses to this, just all the love 🖤 Also available to read on AO3.
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It’s easy to forget just how fucking freezing King’s Landing can be in December. She pulls her leather jacket a little tighter around herself but there’s not much she can do about the cold stabbing at her legs through her fishnets— why the fuck had she worn a mini dress in the first place? It falls a little higher up her thighs than she wants it to and the bust just doesn’t fit quite right, but she supposes she has to commit now. She at least counts herself lucky that it’s not snowing.
She looks down at the pavement as it moves underneath her black boots. There’s her second mistake— one cocktail past her usual limit. Now she feels aware but somehow numb. She finds wonder in everything around her, the glare of colourful lights on the outside of the bars they rush past, the pulsing of music from every direction, the smells of smoke, vapes, and that distinct, sharp scent of winter.
She had met Baela, Rhaena, Jace and their friends at a pub near the train station. Being the last to arrive, she sat at the edge of the table. It wasn’t a big group but that only made her more nervous. The other girls introduced themselves as Coryanne, Jeyne, Jess and Floris, all beautiful, all dressed immaculately. She told them her name and they said a unanimous “hi!” but other than that it was hard to talk to them while they gossiped about people she didn’t know and reminisced memories she had no part in. Even Jace was distracted; he was clearly all over Coryanne and spent the entire evening trying too hard to make her laugh.
So she kept ordering cocktails, a different one each time, downing them in quick succession and waiting for the evening to pass.
She keeps telling herself this was a good idea. She needs the distraction, anything to get her mind off the obvious.
The others are all walking ahead of her, and she has to keep sight of them because she has no idea where Dracarys actually is. Baela keeps looking over her shoulder every so often, to check on her she assumes. She gives her a nod and a polite smile, but when Baela turns around, her face falls back to a comfortable frown. She doesn’t mean to look miserable, but she can’t help it. It must be so obvious that she doesn’t belong with these people. She’s just a stray they’ve picked up out of pity.
They turn a corner and suddenly half the street is taken up with a queue of impatient looking people, all in smart shirts and party dresses. Baela calls her name and grabs her hand, pulling her along after the rest of their group.
“Surely this isn’t the line for Dracarys?” she says.
Baela chuckles and keeps marching ahead.
They walk along the queue for a good few minutes. Suddenly they reach an old building with columns and a bell tower. It looks like it could be a Sept or a museum, until she registers the glaring red lights, the tall braziers marking either side of the entrance and the neon logo of a dragon against a blue flame.
Apparently tagging along with not one but two Targaryens has its benefits. Baela keeps her close and their whole group breezes past the bouncers without being asked for ID or charged for entry.
“Dad’s a co-owner,” Baela says in her ear as they walk towards the front steps. She can already feel the bass of the music rattling in her chest.
There’s a smoking area at the bottom of the steps, cornered off from the street by tall hedges and iron gates. It’s dotted with mostly pairs of people, each engrossed in their own conversations.
As Baela leads her up the steps she notices a solitary figure, obscured by shadows, leaning against the wall with his back slightly curved and his chin tilted down. He lights a cigarette. The flicker of flame lights up the sharp features of his face and his silver hair.
Aemond’s not even a club kind of guy. He hates the dancing and the “shitty” music. He likes metal concerts and late-night conversations, preferably somewhere you can actually hear the person next to you.
A plume of smoke billows from his lips, and for whatever reason, he glances towards the front steps.
After a double take, his eyes meet hers, wide and curious.
She only realises she’s stopped walking when Baela tugs on her hand. “You coming or what?” she says over her shoulder, trying to keep up with the others.
She can’t take her eyes off him. Of all the places he could have spent New Years, why does he have to be here?
Don’t engage.
His back straightens as he takes his weight off the wall.
Let go.
She shakes her head and snaps herself out of whatever trance she’s under.
She’ll just ignore him. As long as she sticks with Balea and Jace, everything will work out fine. Surely.
The inside of the club is vast like the nave of the Grand Sept. It has a high vaulted ceiling and an enormous stained-glass window on the farthest wall from the doors.
The floor before them is a sea of bodies in flashy outfits, moving in time to a low, synthy song. Colourful lights cut through the darkness, giving the faces an eerie glow. A few groups linger around the edges of the room, drinking cocktails and taking shots in booths around glass tables. At the end of the hall, under the stained-glass window, is the bar, illuminated with red lights.
Baela keeps a tight hold of her hand as they all fight their way to the bar. Someone orders for her and the bartender places a shot glass of vibrant blue liquor in front of her. Rhaena screams “Happy New Year!” as the others cheers their glasses together.
She holds her up to the light before she downs it, wincing at the sickly, sweet and sour tang it leaves on her tongue.
Her heart thunders in her chest, confused by the music and the sense of dread pooling in her stomach.
Aemond is here.
She’s supposed to be ignoring him, and she had been doing a good job of it so far.
Until that fucking call on Christmas Eve.
What did he think was going to happen? Six months of nothing, then one phone call and she was going to come running back to him?  
But she had already proved that she can’t say no to him, the night of the dinner party, while Alys and Cregan were only in adjacent rooms. All it had taken was his hands on her hips, his breath on her neck, a few harshly whispered words and the promise of a quick fuck. It was enough for her to give in, consequences be damned.
She looks back at doors on the other side of the room. She tells herself she’s not looking for a head of silver hair, but it isn’t much good lying to herself. One look at him outside a club and she can feel that hollow feeling in her chest, an emptiness that Aemond has always been able to fill so perfectly.
“How could I ever stop wanting you?”
“I just know these last couple of months have been fucking unbearable without you.”
Would he say the same now?
Rhaena screams again. She doesn’t catch what she says, but the answer to that is evident when Aegon and Daeron materialise from the crowd, hugging Rhaena, Baela and some of the girls. Jace’s face hardens and he puts his arm around Coryanne’s shoulders.
Then Aegon’s eyes come to her. “Fancy seeing you here!” she shouts into her ear over the music.
She can’t stop herself. “Is Aemond with you?” 
Aegon glances towards the door. “He went outside for a fag.” He runs his tongue over his teeth and furrows his brow. “How are things with you and your mum?”
She frowns. “Why?”
Aegon’s eyes widen and he laughs to himself to play it off. “Just asking, I thought things might be a bit awkward what with… everything that’s gone on.”
He pauses. “Him and Alys.”
“Right,” she says.
He doesn’t say anything else, but he’s looking at her like he’s trying to read her mind.
She hates not knowing what other people are thinking, and it only adds to her growing restlessness. Aemond wouldn’t tell Aegon about them, would he? But part of her thinks Aegon would use the opportunity to be more of a dick about it if he knew.
They find a booth and file in. Jace is clearly trying to avoid Aegon; he sits between Coryanne and Daeron. Baela is polite with both of her cousins and Rhaena is friendly, but maybe that’s just the booze. Either way, Aegon is a charmer, and slots himself nicely beside Floris. Jenye and Jess are all over each other, whispers into each other’s ears becoming kisses to their cheeks, necks and mouths.
She slips off her jacket and sits at the end of the table, alone. It's like being at the pub all over again.
Until she spots someone walking towards their table.
Aemond stops, his eyes only on her. No one else seems to have noticed him yet.
She looks across the table, at the only empty space left.
His chest rises and his nostrils flare. He slowly sits opposite her, keeping his shoulders tense and his hands in fists.
She wishes she had a drink in front of her, if only to have something to do. She moves between having her hands on and under the table, unable to keep her fingers still. She bounces her leg, messes with her hair, tries to focus on fragments of conversation drifting from the others.
Then something brushes against her, under the table. She freezes, but relaxes as she feels Aemond’s leg settling against hers. She glances across at him while pretending to listen to something Rhaena’s talking about. Aemond holds her gaze, leaning against the back of the booth with a solemn look on his face.
She can feel his breath on her hands as he exhales a deep breath.
Baela insists that she wants to dance, and so does Rhaena. They drag Daeron with them and disappear into the mass of dancers. Aemond has to stand to let them out, and when he sits back down his leg brushes against hers again.
It’s so painfully obvious that everyone at the table is coupled up, Jace and Coryanne, Aegon and Floris, Jeyne and Jess. Aemond seems to be trying not to pay attention to any of them. He angles his head in the other direction.
She lets her eyes wander along the tightness of his jaw, the tendons in his neck, and the glint of a silver chain beneath his shirt.
She presses her lips together.
Don’t engage.
Don’t do anything stupid.
But maybe she should have thought of that before the cocktails.
She leans forward on her elbows, but as she opens her mouth to speak, Aemond calls Aegon’s name.
“Drink?” he mimes.
She doesn’t see Aegon’s reply. Aemond’s eyes move over her before he stands and heads towards the bar. Suddenly her leg feels cold at the absence.
A particularly loud giggle catches her attention. She looks down the table. Aegon is leaning into Floris’ ear with a dark look in his eye and she’s smiling, but he’s watching her. His eyes flicker over to the bar, and he grins.
Fucking pricks. The pair of them.
Only when she stands up does she realise how dizzy she is, but she ignores it, and makes her way through the crowd until she finds Baela, Rhaena and Daeron. She grabs Baela’s hands, less dancing, more stepping and swaying to the music.
But she keeps ending up turning her head towards the bar. It’s easy to spot Aemond, he towers over most of the people here, his silver hair gleaming under the red lights.
“I didn’t know they were going to be here,” Baela shouts into her ear, “it’s not too awkward is it?”
The music doesn’t make sense to her. It’s just noise. Everything is just frantic noise, and she can’t stand it. She feels restless, and so fucking angry. She wants to dig her nails into her palms. She wants to cry. She wants to scream.
“It’s fine!” she shouts back, “So fucking fine!”
She looks back to the bar. Aemond is at the front of the queue now.
“I need a drink,” she says, not loud enough for Baela to hear.
His name is a gentle hum in her throat as she gets closer to him, weaving her way through the other bodies in the crowd. She doesn’t care when they tell her to get in line and wait her turn. She keeps her eyes fixed on him.
Until he’s close enough to touch.
She watches her hand reach for his shoulder.
He turns his head around with a sharp look of surprise, but it melts away when he realises it’s her.
He mouths her name but she doesn’t hear it. He brushes his fingertips against the bare skin of her arm and she feels weightless. He’s looking at her. She can feel his heat through his shirt.
Until he withdraws his hand with an irritated huff. He leans into her until their noses are inches apart. Even in the low light of the club his eyes are only marginally blue, and she smells whisky on his breath. “Don’t start this again,” he says over the music.
She scowls until her face hurts. “You called me.”
“And you didn’t pick up.”
Her heart shatters. She thought she had done the right thing, but it seems a common occurrence with Aemond that nothing is ever right.
“It was a mistake,” he says sharply, “a stupid fucking mistake. Just forget it.”
He brushes her hand from his shoulder and storms off towards the front doors.
Panic and confusion courses through her. It feels worse because she’s drunk, she knows that, but it still hurts.
Her eyes start to sting as one song ends and another begins. It’s one everyone in the room seems to recognise.
She fights her way back to the booth and grabs her jacket, slipping it over her arms.
Jeyene and Jess are gone, and Jace and Coryanne have found their way to the dancefloor. Floris and Aegon are the only ones left, her legs draped over his lap.
“Leaving so soon?” Aegon coos.
She doesn’t spare him any of her attention. She tries to spot Aemond as she makes her way to the doors on unsure legs.
What if he’s already left? What if this is it, and he never so much as tries to speak to her again? What if she finds him and he pushes her away?
“Five minutes to midnight, ladies and gentlemen!” a voice booms through the speakers. Moving through the room is like swimming against the current as more people make their way to the dance floor, but she manages to make it to the doors.
The cold air hits her suddenly. It burns in her lungs and bites at her skin. The front steps and the street below her are quiet now, and so is the smoking area. Save for one person.
Aemond sits on a bench, hunched over himself, flicking his lighter, but never lighting a cigarette.
He looks up when she stops in front of him, his lips slightly parted, the red lights casting shadows in the angles of his chin and cheeks, and his nose.
“Are you seriously running away from me?” she says.
His mouth is in a thin line. He keeps flicking the lighter open and shut, open and shut. “You seemed happy enough avoiding me before.”
“Before? Before what? Before you left me in a hotel room?”
Aemond groans and rubs his fingers over his temple. “I’m not sober enough to have this conversation.”
“No, you’d rather ignore me for the rest of your life.”
“Look, I just want to go about doing things the right way—”
“I think we’re way fucking past that now.”
He groans. “What do you want me to do then?” he says, his voice laced with spite.
“Take some fucking responsibility!” she cries, louder than she means to.
He takes her off guard when he stands and steps into her. She takes a step back, and he keeps walking, until her back meets a wall. “And what does responsibility look like, hmm?” He places a hand beside her head leans in further still, until all she sees is the furious look in his eyes. “I called and you didn’t pick up. I try to keep my distance and look at you, you’re still practically begging for my attention.”
“Once,” she utters. “You called me once in six months.”
“And if I had tried before, after the dinner, after I left Alys, would you have listened to me?”
Her head lolls into her shoulder. All she remembers of that day is her mum, screaming and crying, storming upstairs and slamming her bedroom door. She stood there, in the kitchen, hands shaking, tears streaming down her face and her heartbeat pulsing in her head.
Her entire world had come crumbling down. Her mother hated her, and she was going to have to break things off with Cregan, and Aemond was gone. If he had called her then, she doesn’t know if she would have been able to manage a single word.
“No,” she says.
Her heart leaps as he takes her chin in his fingertips and tilts her gaze up to him.
He looks down at her with challenge, his eyes squinted slightly, lips in a smug pout. “What do you want me to do? How do I make this right?”
Her hands press against his chest, hypnotised as it rises and falls with each breath he takes. Then her eyes move to his mouth, that perfecting fucking mouth— it’s her favourite feature of his, she decides, the telling twitches of his lips and the way they feel against her skin.
Aemond clamps his hands over her wrists. “See?” he says in a low voice. “You think you’re so righteous, so perfect, but you’re just too fucking needy.”
She surges into him, grazing his lips with hers before he pulls away.
He keeps a tight grip on her wrists, and stares at her with wide eyes.
Only for him to come crashing into her, returning the favour with his own harsh and bruising kiss. He’s desperate and unforgiving, cupping her face with his hands so she has no choice but to let it consume her.
And she lets him. She lets him graze her lips with his teeth, slip his tongue into her mouth and steal the very air from her lungs.
The faint but familiar taste of whisky burns on her tongue. It’s thrilling and grounding all at once.
When they finally part from each other, he rests his forehead against hers. They glare at each other as they try to catch their breaths.
She can still feel the beat of the music from inside the club, and a voice over the speaker, gearing up for the countdown for the New Year.
“I meant it when I told you I loved you,” she says. “It’s not how I wanted to say it, but it was the truth.”
Aemond takes a harsh breath and runs his hand over his forehead, through his hair. “I can’t do this now,” he whispers.
She leans further into the wall, only to find she can’t get away from him. She pushes against his chest, but all her strength is gone.
Aemond takes a small step away from her. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I’m not thinking straight I…”
She doesn’t listen to him. She can’t, not past the pounding in her head, the retching feeling in her stomach and the crowd inside the club as they start to chant.
“Ten! Nine! Eight!”
“You must have known how much you meant to me,” she says. Her voice is clear and her tears are effortless.
“Seven! Six! Five!”
“And what did you do with it? You left me with nothing…”
“Four! Three! Two!”
“You showed me something I’ve never known and then you took it away, only to drag me back in…”
The world erupts around them. Every single voice in the city screams as midnight hits, fireworks and flares soar into the sky and burst with colour, light and noise.
“And I feel so stupid because I let you do it. But I still don’t understand… why do you have to be so fucking cruel? What did I do wrong?”
Aemond looks back at her with a face of agony. Flashes of green, red and gold glisten in his eyes.
“I thought I mattered to you,” she says.
“You did. You still do.”
Her head must be about to burst. She chokes on a sob and cradles her head in her hands.
She keeps her eyes on the floor as Aemond steps into her, and when he wraps his arms around her, she doesn’t have the energy to pull away.
“I’m so tired.” She says it over and over again.
There doesn’t seem to be a moment where they make an agreement, but she lets Aemond pry her hands from her face and lead her onto the street. He tucks her jacket tighter around her arms while he mutters about how cold it is.
She doesn’t feel the cold against her skin, but she can feel herself shivering and her teeth chattering.
A car pulls up to the pavement. Aemond opens the rear door and ushers her inside. It’s warm inside, and the seats are soft. He sits beside her and she falls into him. She closes her eyes, letting the motions and the hum of the engine lull her to a place between waking and sleeping.
Aemond’s gently shakes her awake when the car stops. Wherever he’s brought her, it’s quiet, and once the car disappears down the street, it’s almost silent.
Something cold lands on her cheek. She brushes it away and it melts under her fingers. She looks up, at heavy snowflakes against the streetlights, blinking them from her eyes as they fall.
Aemond takes her hand and she holds it tightly. The dusting of snow crunches under her boots as they walk, a short way along the street and up a series of steps. He doesn’t let go of her as he takes a set of keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door.
He marches her up a seemingly endless number of stairs before they come to a corridor, and another door. It’s dark on the other side, and it smells like him.
She blinks as her eyes adjust to the lack of light. Tall windows make up most of the outer facing walls, and King’s Landing lays out before them. They must be on the outskirts of the city, given how quiet it is, but she can see everything from here, the lights on Conquest Street, the silhouettes of the Red Keep and the Grand Sept, fireworks and lanterns, and the void that is Blackwater Bay beyond the docks.
Aemond leads her through another door. She winces when he turns on a light, but as her vision starts to settle, she realises it’s a bedroom. She’s drawn to the bed like a magnet, collapsing against the duvet.
“Shoes,” Aemond says.
She kicks her boots off and tosses her jacket on the floor. She curls her face into the pillow. It occurs to her that she hasn’t taken her makeup off, but she’s too tired to really care.
Aemond won’t let her sleep yet. He hands her a glass of water and waits for her to drink a few sips. Then he takes it from her and hands her a t-shirt.
“No…” she drawls, falling back against the bed, “wanna sleep.”
“Please,” Aemond says softly.
She drags herself up, fumbling to undo the zip on her dress. She pulls it over her head and rids herself of her bra and fishnets and lifts her arms up for Aemond to help her into the t-shirt. That smells like him too.
“Better?” he says.
She won’t give him the satisfaction. She crawls underneath the duvet, and by the time the light switches off and the door closes, she’s already half asleep.
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The first feeling that hits her is a dull ache pulsing in her head.
Then comes a dry feeling in her throat.
Then a nauseating kind of hunger.
And then dread.
Her eyes dart open; it’s still dark in here, wherever here is.
She looks down at the Pink Floyd t-shirt hanging off her. It’s too broad in the shoulders to be hers.
Her lips feel strange. She trails her fingertips over them and squints, just makeing out the shape of her dress and her boots on the floor.
The memories start to fade into view, like a fog lifting from her mind. The pub, the club, the loneliness, and Aemond…
“Fuck,” she hisses.
She’s still a little dizzy as she drags herself from the bed. She finds her phone in her jacket, on the last legs of its battery. 8:55, 1st January glares up at her on the screen, along with texts and missed calls from Baela, Rhaena, Jace and Alys.
She grabs the glass of water on the bedside table and treads softly along the hardwood floor, to the door.
She hovers her hand over the handle. She’ll have to come out eventually, might as well get it over with.
The bedroom leads out to an open living space she doesn’t recognise in the slightest. In the corner there’s a kitchen and a small dining table with four chairs, then the rest of the room holds two sofas, a coffee table, a record player, plenty of bookshelves and by the window, a desk and a prayer plant with a ribbon tied around its pot.
None of the lights are on and from what she can tell, Aemond isn’t even here. The room is lit only by daylight. Beyond the windows, the sky is a dull grey and King’s Landing is covered in snow.
Nothing about the apartment is disorderly, expect perhaps for the extensive collection of shoes and coats by the door, most of them black with the odd item of brown for some variety.
The only photos on display are on the desk. One is of Alicent and Helaena, both in pale blue jeans and white blouses, with gentle smiles their arms around each other. Another is of Aegon and Daeron sitting by the pool at Dragonstone. The final one is of an arched, stone bridge, which she recognises immediately as Roseroad Bridge in Oldtown. It’s lined with statues of famous Maesters, Steptons and members of the Hightower family, and she walks along it every day to get from her apartment to uni.
He has his own place now then. She wonders if he moved in right after he left Queen’s Park.
She resists the urge to run her fingers along the desk, or over the closed cover of a notebook and the ink pen beside it.
Her head snaps towards the front door as it unlocks. Aemond walks in with snow on his jacket, a brown paper bag and two coffee cups in a drinks holder.
He raises his eyebrows slightly. “Morning,” he mutters, closing the door behind him.
She slowly makes her way to the kitchen as he unpacks the bag— eggs, a loaf of sourdough and some cherry tomatoes.
He looks up at her, and places one of the cups in front of her. “Oat, vanilla latte.”
“Thanks,” she says. It’s not quite as hot as she would have liked, but she’ll forgive him on account of the snow.
“Sit down,” he says, nodding to the dining table. “Won’t take me long.”
He plates up scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on toast and they eat in silence. After that he quietly clears their plates. She wonders if he’s scared of making too much noise.
Then he comes to sit back down, with a fresh glass of water and painkillers for her.
He sits rigidly against his chair, with one hand on the table and the other in his lap. She’d bet anything his fingers are restless under the table.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
She considers for a moment. She’s starting to feel somewhat closer to normal, but the panic has yet to wear off. “Fine.”
She glances around the room. “This is nice,” she says.
“Rhaenys owns it. She let me move in at short notice.”
“After I ended things with Alys.”
She hums distantly, folding her arms and crossing her leg over her knee.
“I’m sorry about last night,” he says.
“Which part are you sorry for?”
He angles an eyebrow at her. “All of it?”
She pouts her lips in irritation— a habit she picked up from him.
His mouth quirks. He clears his throat, takes a sip of his coffee and, by the look of it, struggles to swallow it.
“I’m sorry too, for being so careless,” she says.
“No, I should have left once I saw you.” He presses his lips together and taps his fingertip against the table, three times. “And I’m sorry for calling you on Christmas Eve. I don’t even know what I would have said.”
Her heart sinks, but she reminds herself that’s what she should want. “Just a stupid mistake, yeah?”
He shakes his head in disbelief. “Did I really say that? It was actually highly premeditated.”
“Why?” she asks with more disgust than she means to.
He gestures with his hands, as though it should be obvious. “I just wanted to hear your voice again.”
The tension fades from her face. She feels the pull, the hope, the way it crushes her and makes her feel lighter. That’s all she had wanted, as she watched the phone ring, for him to want her, and then she could allow herself to want him back, even though it always ends in misery.
She can still remember what he looked like when they were at Dragonstone, that quiet, reserved kid who spent more time reading than he spent talking. She remembers how excited she was whenever their eyes met or she spotted him sitting alone. She remembers that day he showed her around the house and the gallery. She thought he was going to kiss her then, but he never did.
Maybe he never cared. Maybe was just using her. Maybe she was nothing but another body to fuck.
That doesn’t explain the small things. The hours he spent studying with her, the nights they stayed up talking about anything they could think of, his attentiveness for details, her coffee order, her favourite songs, the way he celebrated her happiness and read her like a book.
“How did we end up here?” she says, “how did we make such a mess of this?”
For a moment he looks like he’s going to reach for her hand, but he stops himself. “I had such a crush on you, when you came to Dragonstone you know,” he says.
“You never said anything.”
“Yeah, well I didn’t think you liked me.”
She tries to laugh but it comes out as a breath. It seems like such a simple misunderstanding for all the pain it has caused.
“I just remember thinking that someone as wonderful as you would never want…” he absentmindedly brushes his fingers along the scar over his eye. “I was different back then; I still had a lot to learn.”
“Aemond,” she says, drawing his eyes back to her, “I thought you were wonderful too.”
“Oh.” He stops himself from smiling and ends up twisting his lips and sticking his chin out in an awkward expression. “Look, I’ve had time to think, and talk this through—”
“With Aegon?”
“And Helaena.”
She tries not to roll her eyes.
“I think I owe you an explanation,” he says.
She leans back in her chair and raises her eyebrows.
Aemond draws his tongue between his lips. “I tried not to think much about you after Dragonstone. You were just Jace’s cousin, I didn’t think I’d have a reason to see you again. And then I knew that first night with Alys was a bad idea. But everything was happening with dad and Rhaenyra, mum was still upset about Storm’s End, and it was just after Harwin got sick… it just happened.”
“Good for you,” she grumbles.
“I’m not trying to play a sympathy card, I just want to tell you the truth,” he says. This time he doesn’t shy away from reaching for her hand. She doesn’t move, and watches as he settles for just resting his hand over hers. “I never meant for things to go as far as they did, but I needed a way out. I needed to get away from my family and Targ Corp. Alys gave me a purpose outside of all that.”
“So you used her?”
“Yes. And she got something out of it too.”
She doesn’t argue against that.
“I don’t know I thought maybe I’d be over how I felt about you. We were just kids, it had been a few years, but then I saw you… and you were perfect. Nothing could convince me otherwise.”
Guilt twinges in her chest. “It wasn’t just you,” she says.
“What do you mean?”
“I kissed you first.”
He tightens his hold of her hand. “But I still wanted you. And we worked it out so well, I just thought we could keep going as we were.”
“Until I fucked it up.”
“No, that’s not it.”
“I did though. I should never have said…” her eyes are starting to sting at the memory. Sprawled out on the bed, naked and not quite satisfied. The empty feeling in her chest as he left her there.
“I couldn’t take me eyes off you at the wedding,” Aemond says. “And then you had one conversation with that Stark kid, and I was losing my fucking mind. I knew why it bothered me. I know how I felt, no matter how I tried to rationalise it. I knew how I felt about you. I always knew.”
She blinks and two tears trail down her cheeks. She can’t manage any more than that.
“I panicked. I didn’t know what it would mean if you felt the same. It just became too real, I—” He exhales heavily, and runs his hand through his hair. “I know this is my mess. I should have stayed away from Alys. I should have been honest. But at the time, it just felt easier to just… let everything happen.”
She had never seen Alys cry as much as she had, that morning when she told her the truth.
“What did you say to mum?”
“After the dinner party? She’d had a horrible night as it was. She said she wished I had defended her more against my parents. I said she should have known what was going to happen before she invited everyone over and that she should stop trying to get involved in my life.”
“Can’t imagine she took that well.”
“I ended up telling her I had rethought my priorities. I couldn’t be what she needed. I said I’d leave Rivers PR and try to patch things up with my family.”
“You didn’t tell her about us though.”
He swipes his thumb over her knuckles. “I didn’t know if you would want me to.”
She takes a shallow breath. “I told her. After you left, I went downstairs and told her everything.”
“What did she say?”
Sometimes she still has nightmares about that morning. She stands in the kitchen while her mother just screams at her.
“She was so angry. It was understandable, I guess, but we barely spoke until I went to Oldtown.”
“You’re at the university?”
“Yeah. She said Oldtown sounded like a good idea. Lots of distance, far away from her.”
“And how has it been, being back home?”
“We talked about it. I think we both realised we didn’t want to lose each other over some stupid guy.”
He half smiles, and exhales. “She called me in September,” he says. “It must have been after you left. She just said she knew. She said I was ‘sick bastard’ and that I should never speak to either of you again.”
“That’s fair,” she says. She takes a sip from her coffee and it’s cold.
“I’m sorry, for everything,” he says. “And you don’t have to forgive me, I just wanted you to know.”
She nods with the smallest movement of her head.
Aemond slides his hand away from her. He leans over his elbows and taps his fingertips on the table again.
She keeps her eyes down as he clears up the coffee cups and follows the sound of his footsteps as he walks to the kitchen, then back to her, hovering over her shoulder.
He takes a slow breath.
“Whenever you’re ready, I could drop you home.”
“Thanks,” she mutters.
“Or if you want another drink, or a shower, or anything…”
She lifts her head and turns herself around to face him. He looks so tired.
“I’ll take you up on a shower.”
He leads her back to the bedroom, handing her a towel from a cupboard, and through to an ensuite with dark tiles on the walls, ceiling and floor, and a shower cornered off from the rest of the room by a glass screen.
She hangs the towel on the back of the door while Aemond runs the water, testing the temperature with his hand.
They turn back into each other.
A hazy cloud of steam fills the room. Aemond’s skin glistens, beads of water and sweat forming along his brow and his neck, but she keeps her gaze on his eyes.
She’s not sure who moves first, but they drift into one another, until their lips meet in an effortlessly delicate kiss.
But it quickly leads to something more intense when she pulls the t-shirt over her head and slides her panties down her legs.
Aemond groans lowly, pulling her into him by her waist, tracing his hands along every inch of her body he can reach. He kisses along her cheek, neck and shoulder as she teases the hem of his t-shirt and his toned stomach underneath.
He moans into her mouth, and she delights in it. “Whose needy now?” she asks sweetly against his lips.
He tears his t-shirt off in one quick movement and surges into kiss her again, cupping and kneading her breasts and her arse.
Then he takes her hands in his, and brings them down to the fly on his jeans.
She grins as he presses his forehead against hers. They both watch as she slowly undoes the buttons and hooks her fingers around the waistband.
She keeps her eyes on him as she pulls his cock free and comes to crouch in front of him, smiling at his clenched fists and tight jaw. He’s already half-hard as she starts to stroke along his length and runs her tongue along the underside of him.
She misses the weight of him in her mouth, his fist in her hair, his praises and the noises he makes as he spills down her throat, but before she can even place her lips at the tip, he drags her up to stand.
His usual commanding façade falls to something softer. “No,” he says, “just use my name.”
“Aemond,” she sighs.
He gives her a smug smile and reaches for the side of her neck, tilting her gaze up. “You still on the pill?”
Her breath hitches. “Yeah.”
“Hmm, good girl.”
He walks her into the shower, putting her back against the wall. Her back arches at the cold and the sensation of Aemond’s hands on her hips as he starts trailing kisses down her stomach. He pries her knees apart and teases the sensitive flesh of her thighs with his lips and tongue, edging closer to her cunt.
He must be feeling merciful and doesn’t waste too much time before drags his tongue through her folds.
“Fuck,” he mutters, “missed this perfect pussy.”
It would be embarrassing enough how quickly she comes on his tongue, but what’s worse is just how many times Aemond draws climax after climax from her, circling his tongue over her clit, fucking her with it, then replacing it with his fingers.
Her legs tremble as she feels her slick trickling down her thighs, but he doesn’t need her to stay standing for long. He comes to stand hitches her legs around his hips.
With his face buried in her neck he lines himself up with her entrance and slowly pushes himself inside of her.
She hisses and tugs on his hair at the stretch, but the pain doesn’t last long as he starts to rut into her.
“’m not gonna last long,” he says against her skin, panting with the effort as he picks up his pace.
But she can feel just how responsive her body is to him, just how much she’s missed the feeling of him, his cock dragging through her and hitting that perfect spot deep inside her.
She moans his name and holds him tighter, pulling him closer, urging him deeper.
Her orgasm is a wave of warmth, a soothing relief that just keeps going as Aemond continues to fuck her.
Until his hips still and she feels his cock throb inside of her. His voice is somewhere between a groan and whimper as he comes, and it sends another thrill down her spine.
Carefully, he lowers her down to stand on her own legs, keeping hold of her waist as warm water cascades over their bodies. His eyes don’t stop moving over her face, and she can’t stop touching him, threading her fingers though his hair, feeling along his neck, his jaw, his cheeks and his lips.
He turns her around. The cap of a bottle clicks and he lathers shampoo through her hair, then tilts her head back to rinse it out. Next, he coats it in conditioner, and keeping her back against his chest and his head over her shoulder, he washes her skin with a lavender body wash.
Then he pushes her into the wall by the base of her neck. She braces herself by her palms as he takes a delicate hold of her throat and fucks her again. He reaches deeper from this angle, bullying against her sweet spot.
Aemond keeps a steady pace and kisses the back of her neck. “Tell me you missed me,” he says.
“I missed you,” she utters, “missed how good you make me feel.”
“Hmm, missed being my good little slut?”
She tries to say it back, but all she manages is a throaty moan as she comes undone around him.
Then he washes the conditioner out of her hair like it’s nothing.
After he’s dried her off with the towel, he carries her back to the bedroom and lays her out on her back.
He’s insatiable. He fucks her again with their foreheads pressed together and their lips barely brushing over each other. Every brutal snap of his hips is another step towards a burning oblivion, and his pace barely falters as he positions her legs over his shoulders.
She can feel herself twitching and clamping around him, the coil in her belly tensing and tensing until it’s almost unbearable.
Aemond presses his teeth together and hisses like it hurts. “So tight,” he whispers, “my good girl, so fucking tight.”
“Please,” she utters, “Aemond, I wanna come,”
He frowns in mocking sympathy and grazes his lips over her the sensitive spot on her neck. “I know you do, baby, I’m close too, just hold out for me a little longer, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she says, barely a breath, and she says it over and over again. She closes her eyes so she can lose herself in it all, his cock dragging through her, the wet sounds of sex, the smell of sweat and lavender bodywash, his nose pressing against her cheek as he turns into her, his breath over her mouth, his desperate moans and whimpers…
Her orgasm rises and comes crashing down, until her skin comes alight and her body starts to tremble underneath him.
Aemond lets out a guttural groan as he comes, stilling his hips against her, pushing in impossibly deeper as a warmth floods through her.
He lifts his face to hover over hers. His hair is still damp and so is hers, leaving a cold patch on the pillow that makes her shiver.
Aemond leans on one hand over her and brings his thumb to her bottom lip to pry open her jaw.
She sticks her tongue out, ready and waiting as he trails a slow line of spit into her mouth.
“Swallow,” he mutters, and she does.
He smiles vaguely as takes her legs down from his shoulders and pulls her to sit up, cupping her face in his hands and leaning in to kiss her lazily.
This is how things were supposed to be, she thinks, winter mornings wrapped up in each other, her body settled in a perfect state between bliss and numbness.
Suddenly he’s moving away again. “All fours,” he says.
She rolls over her side and props herself against the mattress on her hands and knees.
Aemond keeps a punishing grip of her hips as he slides his cock into her sensitive pussy, fingertips digging into her flesh as he pulls her into him with every thrust.
It doesn’t take long before her arms feel weak and her wrists start to ache. “Aemond,” she whines, “please, please…”
Aemond pulls her against his chest as he keeps pounding into her. One arm wraps around her shoulders and her chest, holding her against him while his fingers pinch at one of her nipples. His other hand snakes down her body to play with her clit.
“Mine,” he groans against the shell of her ear, “you’re mine and you love it. I’m never going to let you go, never.” As harsh as his voice is he sounds desperate, pleading.
She holds her arms over the arm keeping her in place, helpless to do anything but cling to him and just take it.
She’s lost count of how many times he’s made her come, and this orgasm tears through her suddenly as a broken cry sounds in her throat. She digs her nails into Aemond’s arm to take the edge off as white-hot pleasure surges through her.
Her mind is completely fucked out. Aemond lets her fall back on the bed and spreads her legs, trailing his thumb through her soaked folds and his cum as it dribbles out of her.
And he slips into the bed beside her, pulling the duvet over their bodies and holding her close.
“I might need another shower,” she says.
Aemond huffs a laugh and presses a kiss to her temple.
It’s cold but she drags herself from the bed and goes to the ensuite to sort herself out. She runs herself another shower and brushes her teeth with a spare toothbrush she finds in a basket under the sink.
And when she comes back into the bedroom, Aemond looks at her with a dazed smile and a look of wonder in his eyes. She practically runs back to join him, wrapping her arms around his torso and tucking herself under his shoulder to rest her head over his heart.
“There was something else I wanted to talk to you about,” he says.
She doesn’t reply but he knows she’s listening.
“I’ve been talking to mum and Otto, and I think I might take him up on that job offer at Beacon.”
Her heart beats a little faster, in time with his. Dread pools in her stomach again, eased by the afterglow and the satisfied ache between her legs.
“We’d both be in the same city, away from our families. I could get my own place.”
“And?” she utters.
“We could start over. We could try to make this work.”
Away from his parents and Targ Corp. Away from Alys. Away from the city she’s been trying to run away from.
“I think mum would kill me,” she says.
Aemond shrugs. “She wouldn’t have to know.”
“So what, we go back to keeping secrets?”
“No,” he says, turning on his side to face her. He places his hand on her neck, caressing his fingertips over her skin. “No, that’s the whole point, we wouldn’t have to hide anything in Oldtown. It would just be me and you.”
She meets his suggestion with silence.
“You don’t want to,” he whispers.
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” she says, propping herself up and resting a hand on his chest. “But we’ve made mistakes before. I just don’t think this is a good idea.”
Aemond’s expression shifts. His mouth tenses and his brow furrows, not quite angry, but hardly innocent.
“I understand,” he says, but she’s not sure she believes him.
She pulls herself away from him and swings her legs over the side of the bed, placing her feet on the floor. “I think you should just take me home.”
They fall back to silence. She slips into her dress and her jacket, stuffing her fishnets in her pocket because she can’t be bothered to put them on. She makes sure she has her phone and her keys, and waits for Aemond by the front door.
He’s not far behind her, appearing in a white knit jumper and a pair of blue jeans.
The streets are almost empty, and a good thing too because the roads are thick with snow. Aemond drives slowly and cautiously, not that he’s ever been an especially reckless driver.
The Bluetooth on the car picks up her phone automatically. She tuts as a Lana Del Rey song plays through the speakers.
“Sorry,” she murmurs, reaching to turn to audio off.
“No,” Aemond says, holding his hand over the button. “I like this song.”
She withdraws her hand and tries not to smile. “I fucking knew it. You’re a secret Lana fan.”
Aemond huffs a quiet laugh. “I just appreciate good music. Ultraviolence is a modern masterpiece.”
The weather gives them a reason not to talk for the rest of the way. She keeps her eyes ahead, pretending to be enchanted by the snow, but she keeps stealing glances of him, with minimal movements of her head so as not to draw his attention. She watches his hands as they grip the steering wheel, his legs as he presses down on the pedals, and his face in the reflection of the windshield.
It takes twice the amount of time it should for them to reach Queen’s Park, and he pulls over a few houses before hers.
Once they’ve stopped Aemond sighs and runs his hands over the wheel. He leaves the engine running to keep the heating going.
She eyes the door handle and her fingers twitch.
“When would you be moving to Oldtown?” she asks.
“I start at the end of the month. I’m trying to find a place before then.”
“Right,” she says.
She looks further down the street, but the house is hidden by hedges. Alys should have come straight home after her gala. Most days she’s an early riser, and she doesn’t tend to overdo it on the drinks when she’s working— which to her, is almost always. She’s probably in the kitchen, trying to figure out where in Seven Hells she ended up last night.
She looks back to Aemond. He’s watching her with wide eyes.
“I have my thesis due at the end of the term, and exams after that. I’ll be pretty busy,” she says.
He nods and peeks his tongue between his lips. “If you need anything,” he mutters, “you can call me, anytime.”
“And, you know, if you ever change your mind…”
“I’ll call you.”
The possibility seems more and more likely the longer she looks at him.
But she pushes open the car door before she does something stupid.
She follows the footsteps already laid out in the snow. It must be a good few inches of snowfall; the prints are set deep. Thank the Seven she’d chosen to wear boots and not heels.
“Wait—” He doesn’t need to say it loudly, it’s quiet enough that she hears him, even when he barely utters it.
She turns as Aemond slams the car door shut and closes the distance between them in a few strides.
“What?” she utters.
Aemond nudges his nose into hers and cups her cheeks in his hands. Her skin feels like ice against him. Warmth blooms in her chest, and suddenly she’s able to forget that she’s standing out in the snow, in a black mini dress and a leather jacket.
He tenderly presses his lips into hers. They kiss like it’s their first times, with slow and cautious movements. More than anything she just feels the shape of his lips and lets them rest against each other.
This time, when she pulls away for a breath, and those careless words come out of her mouth, barely above a whisper, he doesn’t break away from her. He doesn’t abandon her. He says it back.
It’s terrifying and grounding all at once.
She crashes her lips against his to kiss him properly, tugging at the collar of his jumper and running her hand over the pulse point of his neck.
She knows she can’t lie to herself. As soon as January is done, she’ll find his name in her phone. She’ll say she missed him. He’ll tell her he loves her, and she’ll say it back. Time will tell if it turns out to be a bad decision.
“I don’t think my life makes sense without you,” she says against his lips.
Aemond smiles, with a gentle curl of his mouth and a look of intense excitement in his eyes. “I know, baby. I know.”
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Tags (comment to be added to either)
General taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy @theoneeyedprince @tsujifreya
Series Taglist: @marthawrites @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aaaaaamond @boundlessfantasy @sahvlran @tinykryptonitewerewolf @arcielee @tssf-imagines @aemondsfavouritebastard @skikikikiikhhjuuh @queenofshinigamis @lost-and-founds @izzydlb @dc-marvel-girl96 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @padfooteyes @castellomargot @pet1t3 @okfashionista @khaothick @babygirlyofthevale
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lautski-week · 11 months
I would like to welcome you all to the second Lautski week!
Here are the prompts, but all future plans for the event, FAQ, and notes on the survey from last week will be under the cut!
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SO! First off! Thank you to everyone who responded! To the people who suggested future prompts, they’re all in consideration for future events. Except one of the alternates. I replaced one of the original alternates with “Fairy Tale” for my own sake, I salute whoever suggested that.
Surveys came pretty overwhelmingly in favor of making Lautski week a semi-annual event, with one week in the summer and one in the winter. So don’t be too surprised if this account is revived again in April/May. As long as people are interested, I’ll keep running it!
And now, some general Q&A stuff!
Q: What are alternates?
A: Alternates are two extra prompts in case one of them leaves you stumped! They can be used any day, or they can not be used at all! It’s up to each individual participant!
Q: Do I have to do all seven days?
A: You’re free to do as many as you want! You can do all seven, you can do just a few, hell, you could do all nine in you wanted! This isn’t a challenge, it’s an event. The main goal is to make some posts about this ship we’re all brainrotting for and having fun.
Q: What can I make?
A: Anything you want! Art, fics, edits, memes, etc. Nothing’s off the table.
Q: How do I post?
A: I’ll reblog anything made for the event to this blog and my main. If you’d like to be featured, please @ THIS blog. Additionally, I’d recommend tagging works with #lautski week so everyone’s works can all be found in the same place.
Q: I was late! Can I still post?
A: Of course! I’ll keep reblogging new posts tagged #lautski week and/or mention this blog through December 13!
Q: Can I post to AO3, then link it back here?
A: Absolutely! Also, I recently found out “Lautski week” was wrangled into its own tag on AO3, so I guess it’s officially recognized now 😭 Granted, it mentions my old URL and assumed it would be an annual event. Either way, Lautski Nation has truly made it I guess. But point being, yes, that’s fine!
Q: Can I post to (insert any other fanfic site here) then link it back here?
A: Same as AO3. Go ahead!
Q: One of my wips fits *insert prompt here!* Can I post it for that day?
A: You can, but please don’t post before the event begins!
That’s it. I’m pretty sure. If there are any other questions/concerns, feel free to DM or send an ask! I’ll rb this both here and on main periodically until the event begins, but until then, I can’t wait to see everyone’s works! See y’all soon and have fun! 💛💚💜
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
irvinis replied to your post “Thinking about the photo from tonight, i almost…”
@ingravinoveritas this may be fanon (canon created by fans), but it fits so well into the daddy/boy dynamic. Michael comes to David's performances with his doors wide open, wearing his best sweater (or baring his arms) and giving a standing ovation: THIS IS MY BOY! And David makes his way to Michael’s performances, wrapped in a scarf up to his eyebrows and sighs quietly in delight from an inconspicuous place in the corner.
@irvinis Ohh...this is tickling a very specific part of my brain. Oh, I love this. In the past I didn't usually go for the daddy/boy dynamic with Michael and David (because I've always seen their relationship as one of equals/switches), but this absolutely fits them like a freaking glove.
We have the picture Georgia posted of David all wrapped up exactly like that, so right away that gives us a visual:
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And what you've described goes perfectly with what we saw when Michael went to see Macbeth in December--that white-bright moment of Michael gazing up at David from the audience, and David looking right back at him, captured forever on film and in our hearts. That, in contrast with last night, with David quietly going to the show and doing everything to keep the focus on Michael. David waiting until the lights have dimmed and all eyes are on the stage to let out that little sigh, feeling a shiver of unrestrained happiness work its way through his body as he watches, enraptured, as Michael does the thing he does best.
It's also interesting how this potentially ties into Michael not doing the matinee today. I know we could say it's because he's still recovering from being sick (and that would certainly make sense), but I love the thought that Michael sat out so many performances earlier in the week to make sure he had his strength specifically for last night's performance, because he knew David was coming and wanted to do a good job for him.
I could also see David going to Michael's dressing room after (with thanks to @greeneyed-thestral for planting the seed of that lovely idea) and seeing Michael all enthralled with a post-show high from performing, yet still anxious about how things went--worrying if he was on key for the musical number, if he missed any cues. I can see David slowly backing Michael into the mirror without a word, until the lights frame Michael like a halo. He takes off his ball cap and unravels his scarf in an elegant heap on the dresser, revealing himself, both of them now bare and vulnerable. David grasps either side of Michael's face in his hands, thumb tracing over the crow's feet at the side of Michael's eyes, and smiles softly. He kisses Michael, mouths opening just slightly as the kiss deepens and their tongues meet. Kisses him long enough to quiet Michael's mind, to get the overthinking voice inside to stop.
He is quiet, this David. Always making himself smaller to fit in rooms within rooms, hiding away, keeping the peace. Until Michael. Michael, who somehow had the key to every door. Something in David expands, becomes louder, growing to more than his slender frame could seem to handle, and he pours it into that kiss. A mark of this moment, of Michael bathed in light, of the two of them together and David silently saying, we are here. We are together and I am going to take care of you now.
Oh, yes...I could certainly see that happening. Thank you so much for this delicious prompt on a Saturday morning...
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