#which is whatever because i need to start taking iron pills for my deficiency anyways
i-like-gay-books · 1 year
i cant believe i have to wake up tommorrow and make PHONE CALLS for APPOINTMENTS that i DONT WANT TO GO TO
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kedreeva · 5 years
So, I’m iron deficient. Like, pretty much always. Doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, when I say it like that.
But what happens when I don’t get enough iron is that I get tired. Not normal tired, soul deep depression tired.  I want to go to sleep at 7pm instead of 11 but I can’t actually fall or stay asleep because I’m not lacking sleep, I’m lacking iron. I have no energy to do anything. Nothing interests me. Worse, I get a full on “doom is coming for me” anxiety paired with “Everything is bad and I should give up on life.”
Sleeping doesn’t fix it. Eating doesn’t fix it. Trying to pick myself up and carry on doesn’t fix it. Eating red meat helps- which is how I decided to try grabbing a bottle of iron pills to see if it would make a difference (given that in hs the doctor suspected anemia was responsible for me literally passing out in class, but it was just deficiency).
As it happens, yeah. Iron is apparently important. Even just taking one once in a while has helped me almost completely avoid that horrible state of being for almost a year. Forgot the last few weeks, and have spent days now feeling like shit for apparently no reason until my partner asked if I’d taken any iron lately. Took one yesterday, one today, will take one more tomorrow, but I’m already feeling like myself again.
It’s absolutely astonishing what small amounts of vitamins and minerals and such can do to and for a body. Anyway, this is a reminder to take your pills (whatever they may be) if you haven’t today, and if the start of this post sounds relatable maybe get a blood test to check for vitamin deficiencies (iron isn't the only one that can cause this but it is common). TURNS OUT giving your body what it needs makes a difference.
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Want to get ahead in life and live forever? Biohack your brain and body today!!
Welcome back reader. My previous blog discussed what biohacking is and some aspects of human biology that can be tweaked to great returns. Biohacking is basically tweaking your biology to improve your life.
In my self-improvement adventures I use scientific research to justify whatever changes I make to my lifestyle whenever I can. If the science says something shows promise in improving x, y and z—I test it out for myself and if it works, I keep it. I’ve found that Reddit, the popular discussion platform, is a great place to find aggregations of links to relevant literature and is in of itself a repository of anecdotal evidence.
As promised, I’m going to be going more in-depth into my personal biohacking experience in this article, talking about the specific improvements I’ve made to better myself and the scientific justifications behind them.
My primary goal mentioned in my previous blog was optimising cognition. Supplementation seemed like a good way to tackle this issue.
To begin, I started with the basics. Well-researched, basic micronutrients that many people lack in their diets and provide clearly defined improvements. I went to the lab near my house and got bloodwork done, testing for everything (Thank you Belgian insurance).
Omega 3/6 Fatty Acids
These are one of the most well-researched, beneficial classes of molecules that are lacking in our diets today. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), found in plant oils such as flaxseed and canola, is an essential fatty acid—meaning your body cannot synthesize it independently so it needs to come from your diet. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (found in fish) can be produced by conversion of ALA but in minimal amounts—so practically you’re better off getting these from your diet/supplement also.
Omega acids are a critical component of the membranes that make up the surface of each of your cells. They regulate the fluidity of these membranes, the signaling between cells and also maintain cell structure. They’re also involved blood pressure maintenance, the nervous system, regulating inflammation and have been linked to the prevention of alzheimer's (so cognitive benefits too). This study goes more in depth as to the physical benefits these molecules provide.
People don’t eat enough fish especially in western diets to get enough of these on a daily basis so I would strongly recommend a supplement—this is the one I get. The ratio between the amount of omega-3 to omega-6 is also important and is discussed in this study.
Vitamin D
Our skin produces its own vitamin D when exposed to sunlight regularly. A problem with living in a northern country like England is that there’s not a whole lot of sunlight to go around. This isn’t helped by the fact that we’re not naked cavemen anymore who stand outside all day in the sun. Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption into the bones which is why a deficiency can cause malformations such as rickets. Deficiencies can also cause depressive symptoms and exacerbate mental health issues. Decreased sunlight during winter can also increase the incidence in a temporary depressive disorder known as seasonal affective disorder (also known as SAD—ironic, I know). Light therapy has proven an effective way of increasing vitamin D and treating SAD.
I take it on the reg to stave off the winter blues as a supplement-if I’m happier my brain is happier too. When possible, Vit D from sunlight is a much better source than from a supplement. This is the one I take.
Vitamin B complex
B vitamins consist of 8 different vitamins. B12 is likely the most well known and is involved in neurological function and production of DNA. B9 regulates cell division and formation of blood cells. Each vitamin has specific roles in the body that a deficiency could significantly interfere with. Natural sources are typically animal products and high protein plants.
You can conveniently get supplements that contain all 8 in one which simplifies things immensely. They have been linked to reduction of stress, anxiety and depression and I thought that would be of use to me. I take this one.
Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium and others
Each mineral has a different purpose when it comes to human health but all are important. Zinc plays roles in immune function, DNA synthesis, inflammation and much more. It also boosts testosterone, a hormone providing many health benefits for men (and some for women) that I touched upon in the previous article.
Magnesium can significantly improve your sleep if you get enough of it (and good sleep just improves everything) and calcium is important for bone health. These are all very important micronutrients so make sure you’re getting enough in your diet or supplement them.
You know those icky bacteria lining every inch of your body and intestines? What if I told you that they actually affect your life a whole lot more than you think—Especially your mood.
Research into the gut microbiota (community of microorganisms in the gut) is an incredibly hot topic right now. The presence or lack thereof of certain bacteria in the gut can affect your digestion, risk of developing diseases, even your position on the autism spectrum. It sounds crazy but the research is substantial. Many digestive problems and others can be solved by rectifying the ratios of different bacteria in the gut, by introducing healthy bacteria. I’ve tagged along to a couple of conferences with my psychiatrist mother discussing the interaction between the gut microbiota and health (physical and mental) and have also had several assignments on the topic during my time at university.
I now take a probiotic supplement every morning. Probiotics are basically pills containing millions of live, healthy bacteria.
This one maybe isn’t as important for most people but I’ll mention it because it’s part of my daily regime. It’s a very well-researched supplement used by athletes to increase performance by increasing water retention in the muscles. With the added benefit of making your muscles look bigger, creatine can improve strength and endurance during sport. I take it to improve my workouts which itself benefits my life. Optimum Nutrition has some really good products, I go with them. Here’s another review article if you’re interested.
Other cognition-enhancing compounds
(I’m not recommending anyone take any of the following as I am not qualified to be giving out advice on scarcely researched compounds but hey, if you do your own digging, decide the science is sound and there’s no risk, you do you.)
Described above are the supplements I use to benefit my life currently. They are all well-researched staples with plenty of studies to support their efficacy. There are, however, less researched compounds that could be potentially beneficial that are hidden from the public eye.
There exist a number of alternative medicines like St. John’s Wort to treat depression that can have beneficial effects on health. Some medicines are alternative for a reason, we don’t really know enough about them to know how they work but we just know that they do for the most part.
Withania somnifera (Ashawagandha) is a herb that reduces stress and has anxiolytic (anxiety reducing) properties by reducing cortisol, the stress hormone. It’s also implicated in helping with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Huntington's and Alzeimer's disease but more large scale studies are needed to prove it’s therapeutic potential. Lion’s mane mushroom is another cool one thought to also help with cognition that I’ve been looking into recently
Nootropics (cognition enhancing compounds) are quite popular in the biohacking community. Many people take so-called “stacks” of supplements that synergize and work well together. A simple example of a stack would be taking L-theanine and caffeine, (caffeine is the most well-known nootropic) where the caffeine works to give you energy and the L-theanine smooths out the “edge” of caffeine, eliminating the crash you get.
This is gonna be an iffy one to talk about in a uni assignment but I already gave my disclaimer at the top of this section. Microdosing is an increasingly popular trend popularized by big innovators such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates—It involves taking sub-perceptual doses of psychoactive compounds.
Psychedelics such as LSD and MDMA have become very hot topics of research particularly in the psychiatric field. There is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest their utility in treating addiction, depression and anxiety when paired with psychotherapy. Psychedelics have a very impressive safety profile despite the bad rep they get.
David Nutt, a prominent researcher into the field collated the answers of a panel of experts (from law enforcement to doctors) to attempt to objectively rank common drugs in terms of addictive potential and harm. LSD and Ecstasy are significantly less harmful than the legal substances tobacco and alcohol. The 2017 Global Drug Survey also supports this claim.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some risks to psychedelics if used irresponsibly (such as triggering the onset of schizophrenia in those genetically predisposed to it) but overall, they have untapped potential in research as they significantly increase brain plasticity (ability of brain to adapt and change) and connectivity of neural networks. Microdosing them can increase productivity/creativity and allow the formation of novel neural pathways (which is probs why they help with addiction). I was actually considering psychedelic research as a career path as lots of big names like John Hopkins University are heavily involved in research into the field.
Anyway, some may say that all these supplements are a bit excessive, and maybe they’re right. But I say eh, works for me.
Habits and Lifestyle changes
I discussed the benefits of meditation in my last blog already but that is a very useful meta-tool for improving on all aspects of life. There are small ways we can all change our environments to improve our lives depending on our goals.
Procrastination in particular is a huge issue that many people face, students in particular. Many people struggle to understand why we do this but they aren’t aware that our biology isn’t designed to be able to cope with the huge amounts of stimuli that have arisen from the invention of the internet and social media. It’s now well-known that willpower functions similarly to a muscle—we don’t have an unlimited supply of it, it can get tired. What we can do to get around that is reduce the need to strain that muscle by changing our environment.
I’ve personally deleted all forms of social media I’ve found to not contribute anything meaningful to my life and with the rest I’ve unfollowed/unsubscribed to anything I thought would distract me too much. When studying, I use earplugs to block out as much stimuli as possible and I keep my phone off for most of the time.
This is what my phone’s home screen looks like:      
Simple, practical, not distracting. All the distracting applications like social media are kept on a different screen so I have to put in more effort to get to them. My phone’s also in greyscale but the screenshot doesn’t pick that up. Greyscale removes all the bright colors from your phone screen, significantly reducing the addictive potential of your phone. If you find yourself checking your phone too often, this might help you out.
This article from lifehacker talks about it in more detail. Many phone manufacturers have rolled out updates to help people curb their screen time, adding options to put time limits on your apps and overall screen time.
These are only some of the small changes I’ve implemented.There’s plenty of things you could be doing to make your environment facilitate your goals, you just have to be a bit creative.
That's pretty much an overview of my personal experience with biohacking. I hope you found this interesting and informative and it inspired you in some shape or form to read into science more and improve your life in every way you can.
Thanks for reading,
Stock images all courtesy of google images
Omega acids -
Vitamin D -
Vitamin B Complex -
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health-product-info · 6 years
Can you grow taller after puberty? Is your father’s height higher than you? Are you less in height than your sibling? Have you ever wondered why this happens while you both have the same genetics? Let me do it very clear to you, your height depends on your genetics its 100% true, but still, there are many factors which stimulate your height or stunts your height. You need to understand one thing that there is no guarantee that you will reach to your maximum height even if your genetics allow it to be. Thousands of people on Quora, and perhaps millions of people on Google are asking the same questions but in a different manner how to grow height? Take a look at the most asked questions on the internet.
How to grow taller after 20?
Can you really grow taller after puberty?
How to grow taller after 18 naturally?
I have picked one of them as my article’s title for all those youngsters who are really facing problem in their height growth. The question I have picked is not particular and is just for illustration purpose. Whatever tips and tricks I will provide in this article is equally relevant for all above-mentioned questions. Height is, was, will be the most asked question because it directly affects your personality, it is directly related to your confidence. I am presenting you a whole new guide “how to grow taller after Puberty”.just to solve some of your query and doubts. No! if you are thinking that I am going to tell you about some secret pills, you can press backspace button. Because this article is all about your lifestyle and supplementation you need to have your dream height even after puberty. Without wasting any more time lets dive in
The pituitary gland is a very tiny pea-shaped organ situated at the base of Brain. The pituitary gland is responsible for producing many life-essential hormones that’s why you can say it the king Glands. It directs hormones to travel throughout the body and also stimulates other glands to produce other essential hormones. The pituitary gland has great importance even for the people who are on the spiritual path and those who meditate regularly. Pituitary gland helps in producing “PROLACTIN” A hormone essential for breast milk production (we will talk about this important hormone in another article because it is not relevant to our topic).
Another hormone produced by the Pituitary gland is” GROWTH HORMONE” yes this hormone is directly related to our topic. GROWTH HORMONE is a hormone which is responsible for the overall growth of our body.
Next is THYROID – STIMULATING HORMONE. Though pituitary gland is not directly related in the production of TSH still it plays a very important role because its pituitary gland who forces the thyroid gland to produce these hormones is directly related to our body growth.
Some other hormones produced by pituitary gland are LUTEINIZING HORMONE a hormone responsible for testosterone production in men and ovulation in a woman and FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONES a hormone which helps the male body to increase sperm count and matured eggs in a woman. Not directly related to our topic but still very important.
So two hormones directly relate to our topic are
Let’s learn little more about these hormones:
This hormone directly proportional to our height, muscle mass and inversely proportional to our body fat percentage. HGH keeps our metabolism as per body needs. It helps in converting food into energy which is very essential for our body growth. Low level of HGH can cause N numbers of disease. HGH improves endurance and strength in the body. somatotropin aka Human growth hormone promotes protein synthesis and decreases fat storage. LOW HGH deficiency is the most important cause of SHORT HEIGHT, MIND IT!
The main function of TSH is to promote the body’s metabolism. It is mandatory to keep your metabolism to the marks. If you want to grow your height. Low metabolism means your body is not capable of processing the resources like food, drinks etc in a proper manner, Which often leads to low immunity, low energy, high fat, low muscle mass, and dwarfism? Thyroid health is worth your attention because it is the mother of this hormone. I suggest you test your thyroid health at least once a year.
Genetic factors are also one of the most important factors that affect Height and decides how you grow taller after puberty. The study has shown that almost 60-80% the height is dependent upon DNA. And rest 40-20% depends on other factors like nutrition, general lifestyle. Don’t Be disappointed If your genetics are weak, you still have 40-20% in your hand. Genetics have different variants which are collectively responsible for height growth. Yes, genetics is important but your height is not solely dependent on genetics, because even twins have different heights despite having the same DNA right?
Nutrition is very vital for healthy growth, and malnutrition can definitely slow down or stop your height growth journey. Lack of nutrition leads to low production of HGH which can affect height growth significantly.
There have been few studies that reveal the connection between sleep and height. It’s a well-known fact that when you sleep your body releases all kinds of hormones (ESPECIALLY HGH) that plays a very crucial role in height growth. Lack of sleep would cause stunted growth.
According to many experts height is determined by his/her genetics, but on the other hand section of health experts believe that height can be increased few inches if proper care about diet is being taken. Food is a vital source of life in us. If you have proper knowledge about food, it can serve you as medicine also.  We often increase our weight or decrease our weight just by manipulating our diet. Similarly, you can add some extra inches in your height if you pay attention to certain types of foods.
Let’s talk about some foods that may help you in adding extra inches. But before asking how to grow taller after puberty? .You must know one thing that increasing height after 20 is a crucial thing. But if you have patience and you can practice all those measures which have been suggested in this guide I am sure you would be able to add some extra inches over the time.
List of foods that can help you grow taller after 20
green leaves vegetable like spinach, fenugreek leaves, mustard leaves etc. are packed with different minerals and fibers which stimulates human growth hormone, thus may help in height growth.
Green leaves help you to grow taller after puberty
Soybeans are a rich source of protein, vitamins, fibers, folate which plays important role in improving bone density and tissue mass that ultimately helps in improving height. My personal view on soybean is that one should not consume soybeans in anyway more than 20grams a day. It can affect the production of testosterone an important and essential hormone required for growth.
SOYABEANS helps you to grow taller after puberty
Almond, Peanuts, walnut,Cashew and Seeds like Magaz Seeds, Pumpkin seed, and Flex seeds contain a high level of essential minerals and vitamins. Not only that they are also rich in amino acids which acts as building blocks of muscle tissues. This can boost your overall growth and especially height and muscle. So start consuming at least 1 handful of any nut per day.
NUTS AND SEEDS  helps you to grow taller after puberty
Fishes like Salmon, tuna, rohu are a rich source of good fat, protein, Vitamin D, and Omega. that’s why fishes are also very helpful in growth, development, bone density and overall wellbeing.
fish helps you to grow taller after puberty
Egg is the most loved food of all the muscle builders. The egg is a rich source of high quality and easily digestible protein. It is packed with all the essential amino acids which ultimately help in developing strong bones and a healthy body. According to health experts, 2-3 whole eggs can be eaten in a day but one must avoid yolk because it contains high cholesterol .egg is important not just for building muscle but also for increasing height because it boosts HGH.
eggs help you to grow taller after puberty
banana contains healthy probiotic bacteria, minerals like potassium, zinc, Manganese, Which helps in boosting height growth in many ways. banana help in maintaining a healthy level of calcium in the bones.
banana helps you to grow taller after puberty
Oats are rich in protein and fiber, not only that it also contains many vitamins and minerals. Oatmeal helps in repairing bones and tissues. It also promotes the healthy creation of new tissues. Oatmeal due to its wide range of protein, Minerals, and vitamins seems helpful in maintaining a good height.
oatmeal helps you to grow taller
LOW-FAT DAIRY PRODUCTS: Some low-fat dairy product like Paneer, Yogurt, milk is a complete source of amino acid, vitamins, and minerals. They are also called complete food. yogurt helps in maintaining and boosting metabolism whereas milk helps in promoting tissue growth and Paneer helps in improving the bone density these products if consumed for a long time can improve not only height but can improve the overall growth of the body also.
milk helps you to grow taller
SPROUTED LENTIL: Lentil is an edible legume, which contains many mineral and vitamins. Sprouted lentils can help greatly in improving height growth because sprouted lentils are rich sources of potassium, protein, Vitamin C, iron, Vitamin B6, and Magnesium. All this vitamins and minerals are much needed for the production of human growth hormone which ultimately helps in improving height.
lentils help you to grow taller
BROCCOLI:  Broccoli is another widely used vegetable among the bodybuilders and gym goers. It is rich in vitamin C protein and fibers. Broccoli is known to have a great impact on the proper functioning of the body by boosting human growth hormone which is an important hormone for height growth. So start including broccoli in your diet at least once in a day.
broccoli helps you to grow taller
above mentioned every food items are rich in proteins and various minerals which ultimately help you to grow taller after puberty, subject to physical activities.
when it comes to Bone density calcium is one of the most important minerals that constitutes bones. Calcium plays a very important role in making a firm bone density. Due to its certain properties, calcium cannot be absorbed by our body completely, that’s why we use Vitamin D along with it. If we talk about natural resources VITAMIN C can be found in all citric fruits especially orange, lemon and Gooseberries.
we can get vitamin D in milk, from sunlight, and there are many vegetables out there which is rich in vitamin D. so what we have to do is we have to consume the foods which are rich in calcium and Vitamin D. And if the food rich in calcium is not available you can take calcium supplement also but along with it you have to take vitamin D, note that calcium is better absorbed in the body when you are young. As we grow older our body loses the mechanism to break down calcium.
Ashwagandha is rich in many chemicals and minerals. Ashwagandha is well-known to increase human growth hormone. HGH plays a very crucial role when it comes to increasing height. You need a right approach to use Ashwagandha for your height growth goal. It is suggested to consume 500mg ashwagandha along with flaxseed and milk just 2-3 hours before you go to bed at night.
consuming multivitamins could be another option to increase height rapidly and for the overall well-being of the body. If you are unable to consume all the required multivitamins from your diet. You can supplement with a multivitamin. A good quality multivitamin contains a balanced recommended daily value of all its components. It has been found in a study that nowadays almost every meal plates are lacking essential vitamins and minerals due to heavy use of fertilizers and inorganic substances on agricultural lands.
Alfalfa tonic is mainly used in improving growth of the body, growth of mind, improving immunity, and sharpening the mind. Alfalfa tonic is a very potent form of nutrients compared to RAW alfalfa. Since alfa-alfa is rich in chlorophyll which promotes red blood cell production; it helps in height growth also. It is a good source of iron which helps the body to produce more Haemoglobin, this is how alfalfa help in the growth of your overall body which serves the purpose of height growth as well.
Mucuna Pruriens contains a compound called L-Dopa, which is a precursor to Dopamine a Neurotransmitter; Dopamine is one of the important components that help in producing more human growth hormone naturally. The main function of dopamine is to stimulate the pituitary gland to increase production of HGH. The science is aware that human growth hormone is one of the most important hormones which is responsible for our height growth.
Dopamine also stimulates the production of testosterone, A male hormone. Which helps in building muscles, developing bone density, and libido. L Dopa from mucuna Pruriens is the safest supplement for increasing human growth hormone and testosterone that ultimately help you to grow taller after puberty.
CASEIN PROTEIN: While your genetics has 70% role in your height. It is also a point to be noted that proper diet and a proper balanced micro and macro-nutrients in your diet also plays a big role in your height growth,Of all the ingredients what you eat in your meal, protein is one of the most important compounds which helps in building and repairing new tissues in your body and it is the protein which is also responsible for your height growth.
I prefer casein protein over whey protein to be consumed for height growth because casein protein is a slow acting protein and its synthesis happens over the time. Milk is the source of casein protein hence it is also safe to use. Consumption of casein protein every day at night can help you grow taller after puberty also. According to RDA, A person should consume 1.2 gram of protein per kg of his weight.
AMINO ACID:  amino acids are the building blocks of protein. These acids also help in maintaining good health of bones, tissues, joints, and skin. Amino acids like L arginine, L lysine, and L ornithine plays a significant role in body growth. Certain amino acids stimulate human growth hormone which in return helps in the overall growth of the body including height.
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE FOR HEIGHT GROWTH: (consult your health professional first)
BARYTA CARB 200: Baryta carb is made using chemical Barium carbonate aka Witherite. It is basically found in the crust of the earth. Its main constitute is barium which is being used in many health issues.Baryta carb is used on young aged kids who are facing difficulty in raising their height. Baryta carb 200 must be given twice a day to the patient for better physical growth.
CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA: Calcarea phosphorica is the wonderful homeopathic medicine which is used in many ailments. calcarea phosphorica is prepared from one of the major constituents of the body known as calcium phosphate. calcium phosphate is directly related to our bones. It makes our bone density more firm and strong. It also helps in the growth of teeth and it is also one of the chief constituents of enamel. it is one of the major remedies for kids and the one who is at puberty and needs an accelerated growth. calcarea phosphorica works wonderfully on improving the height.
HEIGHTEX: This is a wonderful remedy to increase height fast. This tablet is a unique product of BL laboratories. This homeopathic remedy works greatly on increasing human growth hormone. It has been seen that person consuming this tablet empty stomach 1 tablet twice, succeeded in growing height by 2-3 inches.it is easily available in any homeopathic store. Lots of people got benefitted from this remedy and I believe I will work on you too.
RITE HITE: RITE HITE is another Homeopathic medicine which is very beneficial in increasing height. This remedy is made by SBL Laboratories. RITE HITE is a mixture of few very effective homeopathic medicines which has been mixed in the right proportion. This remedy also stimulates human growth hormone and help in increasing height dramatically. One tablet once a day in the morning is sufficient to get its whole benefit.
The only thing which you have to keep in mind while using homeopathic medicine is that you have to reduce consumption of garlic and onion because garlic and onions have a pungent smell and they have such components which reduce the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Rite-hite has helped thousands of people to achieve their dream height, and It won’t disappoint you too.
RITE HITE and HEIGHTEX are two most valuable remedies that help you to grow taller after puberty. This remedy is effective up to the age of 22 yrs. See! No single “medicine consuming” activity can grow you taller. If you are really serious to grow your height, you have to seriously work on it. you have to change your overall daily routine. From eating habits to physical activities everything.
BENEFITS OF USHTRASANA(CAMEL POSE BENEFITS): Ushtrasana or camel pose is a great full body stretching yoga pose, ushtrasana or camel pose yoga is very beneficial in improving Height, and not just height this asana also makes body lean and fit, improves the respiratory system, controls diabetes, chronic constipation, treats all stomach related ailments, and provides more power to lungs.
Sit comfortably in vajrasana .
Get up on the knees and keep your arms normal.
Your knees and feet should be close to each other.
Now bend backward and try to catch your right heel with the .right hand and left heel from the left hand.
Keep your body relax, do not give extra pressure. Push the hips forward, thighs should be in vertical position.
Now bend your head and spines toward the heels, as far as possible and as far as you are feeling comfortable.
Try to stretch your back muscles.
The weight of the body should be evenly distributed on both the legs and arms.
Now remain in this final position as long as you are feeling comfortable.
Now return to the starting position by slowly leaving your heels, exhaling carbon dioxide.
what you have to keep in mind is you do not have to breathe deeply because your body is already receiving more oxygen due to stretch position
BENEFITS OF TADASANA (PALM TREE POSE): Tadasana is also one of the best yoga poses which helps you to grow taller after puberty. Tadasana is the easiest yoga poses among all. It can be performed anywhere even if you are in office you can do it conveniently. In this asana you have to inhale while raising the arm, you can hold or breathe normally in the stretch, and exhale while coming to the normal position. This asana is very helpful in developing physical and mental balance. this asana also helps in clearing up congestion of the spinal nerves. Tadasana stretches the rectus abdominal muscle and the intestine that’s how it makes your core strong.
Stand straight; keep your feet about 15 CM apart and keep the arm normal.
Raise the arm over the head, interlock the fingers and keep the palms upward.
Place your hand on top of your head inhale and stretch the arm, shoulder, and chest upward.
Slowly raise the heels and try to come up onto the toes.
Now try to stretch your body from top to bottom as much you can.
When you are stretching your body hold your breath for almost 15 seconds.
Now come to normal position by exhaling.
Tadasana needs patience and practice then only you would be able to maintain the balance.
Do it almost 10 times a day.
BENEFITS OF BHUJANGASANA( COBRA POSE):  Bhujangasana or Cobra pose have some amazing benefits. BHUJANGASANA helps greatly in boosting Height growth. Regular practice of Cobra pose makes the spine stronger and more flexible. It helps in maintaining a normal weight by boosting metabolism.  it makes the lungs, shoulders, chest, and abdomen strong. It stimulates the digestive system reproductive system and urinary system.
Lie down on your stomach.
Keep your hand on the side and make sure your both toes touch each other.
Now move your hand to the front, keep your hands at the shoulder level.
Place your palms on the floor; now push your body upward through your palm.
Make sure only your upper body (above the waist) turns upward, make pose as cobra raises the hood.
Now exhale and come back to normal position slowly.
You need to understand that, in order to grow taller after puberty physical activities are very important if you want to grow your height. Some outdoor activities like BASKETBALL, SWIMMING, SPRINTING, LEG WORKOUT, CHINNING OR ANY COMPOUND MOVEMENT helps greatly in improving height
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