triona-tribblescore · 6 months
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(I have literally only been gone for less than a week-)
I have SO!!! many asks and tagged posts to respond to, I probably wont get to them all today, BUT!!! Im excited to get back to drawing turts again soon within the next few days uvu just need to breathe for a sec because oh my god life has been too much-
aplogies in advance for the little bit of spam that may appear I will be a little feral for like the next 30 mins uvu
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clutchpowers · 2 years
what Lego sets do you recommend because I wanna save up for some and I want something recommended that is a bit cheap and not to pricy but high quality and amazing! also love ur content
DAMB thats kind of a toughie!! it all really depends on what appeals to you!! if you like tiny one offs, sets that you can further customize down the line, whether you're more interested in the minifigure/pieces so you can set up your own mini display, etc.
BUT if you want my personal onions here are some sets i like/have!!! (also thank you :'^O)
VALENTINES PICNIC - though this one is pricy now if youre lucky to find it cheaper its def a cute set to have on display with your fav characters or OCs hanging out!!
CHRISTMAS TOWN SQUARE - another one thats gone up in price BUT any of the recent christmas tree ones could to as well if you wanna have up a little display for the holidays!! also goes great with the christmas train ride :^D i have mine set up with fairy lights so it looks like an actual festive tree during the season hehe
CITY ICE CREAM TUCK - dunno if you like building cars but i find them pretty relaxing! plus i like this one more than other ice cream tucks theyve put out because its so simple yet so colorful and cartoony. love the little ice cream on top of the truck so much
3-1 CREATOR SPACE SHUTTLE - not city i know but recent city has been space so ANYWAY if you like space/spacheships this is a good one!! one of the few 3-1s i like plus every alt build looks good too, and because of the alt builds you can totally change it up whenever you feel like it!
3-1 SWEET SURPRISES - again gone up in price but if you find one a cute little set you can absolutely expand yourself by adding more tables or setting it in a park like area!
TREE PLANTING VEHICLE - adorable little greenhouse set i love the detail on it plus its very vibrant.
J.B.'s GHOST LAB - the only HS set i have sadly BUT its such a good little set especially for the price and it was tons of fun to build!! i still have it set up on top of my desk and i love it so much
yeah i know me and my homies hate ninjago too
STREET RACE OF SNAKE JAGUAR - gone up in price BUT genuinely good set if you ever find one in the wild def one to snag up, looks so cool on display
LEGACY SAMURAI X MEC - i am a die hard nya samurai X stan and though the old classic set i love because of how chonky it is THIS ONE is so cute. i have this up with my other ninjago mechs and it fits in perfectly
KAIS MECH JET - another cool mech i love, its gone up a bit but still kinda worth it imo but really that all depends on if you like him lmao
THRONE ROOM SHOWDOWN - GONE UP IN PRICE but genuinely one of my favorite sets that i own if not for the throne and harumi alone its so fucking cool and i love it
WHITE DRAGON HORSE BIKE - this set goes hard alone for meis sick ass bike god i love her bike so much
and yeah those are some of the ""cheap"""" sets i can kinda recommend rn if only because others are either discontinued/theme is too old at this point, or expensive, and also i dunno your personal taste! i hope you find a set thats right for you!! sorry if my recommendations are kinda bad.. im a but more into getting minifig and set pieces so i can crate my own little displays or buy show sets cus its from a season/character i like but im also into polybags and those tiny builds! ALSO if you like some of what the sets have to offer (minifigures/pieces) but dont wanna shell out the cash for it i suggest going to bricks and pieces and looking up the set number and just adding it to your cart and going from there!!
and besides.. why save up for any of those awful sets when you should be buying the only set that matters on this earth ;^)
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foolishlovebugbaby · 4 years
skz’s reaction to their s/o being a classical musician
requested by @wxnterlee​!! i hope you like it, sorry it took so long hkjdhfkhsg <33
bang chan
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The first time he’s introduced to you is at a busking event at a christmas market
It’s the holiday season, so skz being skz they wanted to really feel that christmas spirit
But as they’re strolling, they reach this live band playing christmas tunes
And usually those mellow, low-key songs would play around this time of year but this band was anything but that
It was lively and every synonym for jolly
And as he scans the band, his eyes finally land on you
You’re playing the saxophone with so much energy and really feeling the music that his eyes are just so drawn to you
He can’t explain it, but he can’t take his eyes off of you
It doesn’t help that you’re extremely attractive either
His eyes never leave you through the entirety of the performance, and you definitely take notice
Mans is as subtle as a gun lmao
You make it a point to smile at him directly after the first set of performances because ure cheeky like that, and you immediately see him flush in the cold
So now he frequents the market and always makes sure to catch at least one performance of yours 
But then one day you approach him and chan internally yells because he’s in a hetero panic 
But then he chills out because you’re so warm and inviting and you both get to know each other slowly
Needless to say, the rest was history
As a boyfriend, chan is your number 1 hype man
And i mean Hype Man
He always makes it a point to watch your performances whenever he can
Esp whenever you have big recitals that get you all nervous, he’s always there no matter what to cheer you on and give you a pep talk and take you out for a celebration dinner afterwards
And he loves the way you light up when you play
The sheer passion in the way you perform and in everything you do in general makes him fall so deeply in love with you each time
He’s also a clown and never fails to try and attempt to play the saxophone whenever you have it with you
He fails miserably, but he’s cute and you love him more than anything else :’)
lee know
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Knowing the crackhead he is, the only reason why he was able to meet you was because instead of booking a cinema ticket for frozen 2, he booked a musical titled Frozen II
The show had nothing to do with badass sisters and magical talking stones (it was some winter musical or sumn, minho wasn’t sure), and the moment he realised this, he was all pouty
But then he scanned over the orchestra and thought that for once his dumbass worked with him and not against him
Because there you sat, looking as ethereal as ever, playing the harp
He swore up and down you were a goddess
Like, hera or aphrodite’s reincarnate
The only magic he saw that night was you, and he was more than happy about that
He tried his hardest to meet you, to tell you what an amazing job you did, but alas, he couldn’t reach you because visitors weren’t allowed to go backstage
So he got all sulky and :(( as he exited the theatre
But by a miracle, as he was walking back to his car, he saw a certain someone struggling with bags and equipment of all sorts as they walked out of the back entrance, and minho’s heart skipped a beat when he realised it was you
Of course he rushes to help you bea=cause chivalry 
And he makes it a point to compliment you and make small talk as he helps you to your car
As fate would have it, the two of you become good acquaintances, then close friends, and even closer more-than-friends until you finally had the guts to just ask him to be your boyfriend and you don’t even take a breath before he says yes
Minho as a bf is minho as a bff but on lsd i swear to god
He already goes to majority of your performances, but when that boy is cuffed jesus christ he makes sure he’s in the front row for every damn performance no matter how small
You’re his harp-playing goddess who walked straight out of eden in his eyes, how could he not???
He’s also humorously afraid to go near your harp because he knows the moment he’s within arms length from it, something will go wrong
Being the weirdo he is he always finds a way of personifying your harp and whining about how you spend much more time with it than with him
And you’re like??? And he’s all like :((( 
So you just have to give him a cuddle and boop
Ugh what a cutie
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Dark rapper meets classy cello player???? 
An aesthetic.
Because you both are polar opposites in the music world, the only reason you knew about him is because your mutual friend had dragged you to an underground rap battle (much to your dismay) as a way to “get you out of your shell”
As much as you thought you’d hate it, you really enjoyed yourself
Esp when you laid your eyes on Changbin
Just everything about his aura was so enthralling to you and you so desperately wanted to get to know him and asked your friend to introduce you, but to no avail :((
After that, you didn’t really see him again
But one fateful night, unbeknownst to you, your friend had dragged changbin all the way to your music studio because he was in desperate need of a recording booth as the ones in the company were all occupied 
When he entered, what he did not expect was to witness an absolute daydream right before his eyes
You sat inside the booth playing the cello, recording a snippet of a symphony you so desperately needed practice on, and hadn’t noticed them walked in, too concentrated on the music sheet in front of you
But oh god, to say changbin was impressed was an understatement
Dang he thought he produced good music, but the music that you made???? 
Absolutely magical.
When you ended the piece and looked up, you almost had a heart attack
Literally jumped out of your seat a lil bit because they both were just staring at you
But once you both introduced yourselves, it was like you both were two sides of the same coin
You both grow closer and realise that you really are opposites of each other
But in a good way??? like everything is so complimentary
So you shared your playlist of symphonies and he shared his playlist of lyrical masterpieces and these songs suddenly become the soundtrack to your love story 
Ugh he’s such an amazing boyfriend because he helps you with his recordings and vice versa
You’re both super critical of your own work so the pair of you make it a point to remind each other of how good you’re doing 
And just being with you opened up this whole new world of music for changbin 
He’s so grateful for it that he can’t describe it in words
He even asks you to record small pieces so that he can add them into his music
And you have a habit of turning skz’s and his own music into cello versions
Thank god opposites attract
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Mister dancer over here loves going to dance workshops of different types
Hip-hop, contemporary- you name it
So when he signed up for a 2-week modern dance class, he definitely got more than he bargained for
He didn’t know what he was supposed to expect, but goddamnit he did not expect to have his limbs feel like they were falling apart
So after class, when everyone had left, he literally just laid on the floor all sweaty and tired wanting nothing more than to crash n sleep
But then !!
He heard a piano melody echo through the room, a mix of melancholic yet romantic notes floating through the air
And when he lifted his head up to look for the source of the sound, his eyes settled on your figure at the other end of the hall
As it turns out, you were the pianist for this specific studio and for all modern dance productions
You didn’t notice him at all- mostly because the lights were dimmed and mans was too busy dying on the floor to make his presence known
But dear lord did your music make him feel some typa way
He just wanted to dance to it, express himself through it
So once you finished, he just clapped from where he was on the floor without getting up
Think lazy seal on its back
Nevermind the fact that he literally almost made you scream
But you both introduced yourselves properly to one another, and let’s just say that hyunjin started to look forward to his bone-breaking classes a lot more than he would’ve thought
At first it was purely because he thought u were cute and he had a middle school crush on you
But then as the days progressed, he found himself more and more drawn to you and the way you played the piano
Always so concentrated and the expression on your face mimicked the piece you were playing
And agghfhf he loved being able to dance to your melodies
So when his lil 2-week excursion was over, he was all :(((((((((((((x10009283 because he knew he wouldn’t be able to see you as often
So he mustered up all his strength to ask you out on a proper date
Now, when you both become official, dear lord is this man always going to ask you to play something for him
Literally the ABC’s would suffice 
He’s just so smitten with you and your love for the piano that he always wants to see you play because it lights up your entire face
And when you compose pieces just for him to dance to, his heart m e l t s
He also always begs you to teach him, but he’s such a flirt that not much teaching goes on lol
It makes me feel loopy imagining hyunjin dance to the melody his s/o plays like do u feel me ohmygod idk what to do w myself
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Han’s first encounter with you was purely accidental
Like a literal accident
As in, he was just walking down the sidewalk not really paying attention when he ran into you
You, a clumsy violinist who had just exited your apartment complex in a rush to get to your lesson that you were already late for, suddenly found yourself knocked over and on the sidewalk in a daze
Jisung was h o r r i f i e d
He rushed to your aid, helping your disoriented self stand up but
Your fall was the least of your worries
Because there, strewn across the sidewalk, was your life your love your baby
Your violin
You rushed to it and inspected it for any dents and scratches and phew
Thank god your hard case protected it for the most part, save for minor dents and scratches
So you let out a breath and finally face the culprit of your heart palpitations
And suddenly you’re given a different set of heart palpitations because big, round eyes of an extremely, unfairly handsome man looks at you with concern and guilt and you suddenly forget how you ended up there in the first place
Lots of apologies from han’s side and he offers to buy you a drink 
But you’re in a rush so you tell him nah
But he’s like pls pls and so you’re like but i have to go and he’s like i’ll wait for u and you’re like O-O o-ok,,,
So he sits awkwardly outside your practice studio, but the moment he hears and sees you play through the glass window, he feels the wind knocked out from his chest
So now he just makes it a point to get to know you by asking you out more and more 
Like changbin, when you both become a thing, your relationship revolves so much around your mutual love of music 
And he lovesss getting to help you improve and vice versa
And on your one year anniversary he bought you a replacement violin to make up for the one he scratched up during your first meeting and you’re just like :’)))) i would’ve destroyed my violin a thousand times if it meant getting to meet you :’)))))
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Like minho, it’s Felix’s sheer crackheadness that allows fate to cause the two of you to meet
Like one day he decides on a whim that he wants to learn the viola so he books classes on the first learning centre he sees on the internet
But when he got to the class,,,,
As it turns out, the one that he booked was for beginner kids, not beginner adults
Cue tiny heads plus yours snapping to the door and staring at a blushing felix
Not only did he just embarrass himself in general, but the moment he saw how attractive you were he just wanted the world to swallow him whole
But he paid a good amount of money for it so he sucks in his cheeks and decides to stay for the class
He’s so awkward when he comes into the room ksdfjs you find it so cute because even though he’s like more than twice the height of the kids, his face and expression are just as small
You introduce yourself and vice versa, and you begin teaching everyone the basics
Immediately felix has a crush on you
And he wonders whether there’s a big age gap because uhm you’re a teacher and he’s a student
But turns out you do this as a side job and are a performing arts school student with the same age as him and he’s just like :DDD 
So now he always makes sure to come to class on time
Actually, even earlier than on time because he wants to get some alone time with you before the rest of the class cockblocks intervenes
And slowly you both develop a strong bond
Even though he’s a crackhead and it’ll take you 2757264597 years to explain to him the difference between a viola and a violin, you don’t mind because at least with him being your boyfriend, you can give him a kiss to shut him up abt it :)
Even after his viola classes ended and you both became official, he still had a lot of interest in learning that instrument so you always teach him
And he offers to pay for lessons but you always reject it because duh hello you’re my bf shutup just give me a kiss and buy me ice cream instead??
And he teaches you a thing or two about dance, even though you look like those blow-up mascots in front of car dealerships whenever you do
He thanks the universe that he’s goofy and a crackhead, because at least he now has you :))
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So on a trip to a jazz house is when seungmin first met you
Yes, a jazz house
Don’t ask why but skz just wanted to go okay let them be
They watched multiple groups perform and were having the time of their lives
But something about you just caught seungmin’s eye
You were apart of the last group coming to perform and you played the double bass
He thought you looked so goddamn cool and slick whenever you played 
And he found it adorable the way the instrument was almost the exact same size as yourself
Like chan, he’s about as subtle as a gun with the way he looks at you
And he’s so enthusiastic during the performance, always hooting and clapping after each song 
And you take notice and find him so absolutely adobable because who wouldn’t
And after the performance he even yells encore so loudly and the rest of skz just laughs at his antics
But mans is so shy to approach you afterwards
He can barely move towards you 
It takes a jeongin a hyunjin and a whole ass changbin to mentally and physically push seungmin to say hi to you
And after a whole 10 minutes of convincing, he finally does
And you both talk and talk and talk that he doesn’t realize all the boiz left him
So the two of you make plans to meet up another day
Another day becomes two
Then three
Then ten
And soon enough (after much pushing again from the entire skz) he asks you to be his officially
He always tries to show up to any and all of your gigs, big or small
And he’s sooooo boastful about it it’s so cute like he’ll have videos saved on his phone of you playing and send them to anyone and everyone
His parents, the skz gc
Almost sent it to jyp himself too lmao
You’re just so cool to him that he wants the rest of the world to know it as well
But, like minho, he won’t go near your instrument
He’s so intimidated by it it’s hilarious
So he sticks to watching it from afar and hfkjhkgjfh
Big smooch 
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During a music event is when jeongin first laid eyes on you
But not because he saw you perform
Your performance group shared the same backstage lounge as skz and everyone was just getting to know each other
And you and jeongin really clicked well because you both were the youngest and the same age 
He had absolutely no clue who u were tho and he didn’t want to be rude so he didn’t ask what kpop group u were from
But as it turns out you weren’t apart of a kpop group at all
You were apart of an orchestra doing a special stage and you played the flute and jeongin was just like O_O when he found out 
You played the flute and damn did u play it well
Jeongin just stood in front of the screen astounded and seungmin did not and will not stop clowning him for it
After it ended, jeongin was quick to congratulate and compliment you 
And he rambles about how it was so unexpected and you blush so much because he’s so cute
And so you both exchange numbers and frequently text from then on, becoming really good friends
And then slowly developing feelings for each other
Cue cute highschool confession tingz
Jeongin as a bf is super adorable
He’s always asking you to send voice notes of you playing the flute
But not just to any song
He’ll request crackhead ones like the wii music, some trot song, into the unknown
And you’re just like????? Okay, my quirky king
And in return you force him to send voice notes of him singing more trot songs
He attempts to play your flute
But he always messes up but he’s so adorable that you tell him he’s doing great just so that he keeps playing cutely
choosing to do ot8 now,,, it’s difficult to imagine skz as ot9 in my head then be brought back to reality of ot8.. please understand :( but i will take separate woojin requests
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morkofday · 3 years
🐰 🐇 👋 fr Classy Cultiva! Reply: Happy hols 2 u 2! May not log on til next wk 🎄| THERE WAS ONLY ONE CAVE 😄 I’m @ ep37 of a reaction rewatch & cave ~ 100 lifetimes ago | omg I can’t deal w/Lotus Pier's destruction. Just can’t. It’s so much. But yes AMAZING acting by all, ahhhh omg ofc 3ary otp is: everyone and therapy O_o Yesss the more I think on it, everything goes back to wwx sacrificing himself & almost everything goes back 2 golden core xfer and keeping it secret from EVERYONE 1/2
bc he never wants jc 2 know *sobs* & ofc jc sacrifices himself 1st *screams* thumbs wiping teary cheeks *dies* | there’s a post going around how wwx thought jc valued cultivation above all but really jc just thinks cultvn is the only way anyone will value [love] him and GOD GET THERAPY *hyperventilates* Q12: content ur proudest of making? Or you wish existed? I made 1 photoset, but many more ideas. Soooo many ideas & fics wip [like 10 or more], still trying to manifest a Whatta Man vid 😂 2/2
hello Classy Cultiva ^^ I hope you enjoyed your christmas time! I got some nice presents and now am just doing some normal uni work again :’D tho studying feels like a pain sigh
oh yes that’s a slippery slope, the golden core transfer... I always remember when I first watched all of that, the destruction of Lotus Pier (which I knew was coming bc I had seen the donghua’s first season) and the jc just going nuts and wwx going to rescue him and them just escaping with the wen siblings. and then wwx desperately trying to find a way to cure his brother and I knew something bad was going on when wen qing just started arguing with wwx about the way he found. and then there was the part where jc climbed onto that hill and I could smell something fishy about it. but then they just moved on and lowkey forgot about all of that in favor of bringing wwx back as the yiling patriarch? but I remember yelling before the reveal happened bc I was just so ready for it :’D it was kinda funny how they just made it super obvious but decided to keep it (tho I was super shocked about the reveal that jc sacrificed himself first bc at this point I was still very conflicted about him as a character...) but yes pls, therapy for everyone ;; especially bc wangxian are really the only ppl who at the end seem content and happy with how the things turn out? or at least a lot happier than many others sigh
hmm, content am proud of? I’ve made this one post about my own fave works this year and two other similar ones (I think?) before that too. it’s been nice to look at my own old stuff and see how much I’ve made progress but also how much I’ve actually made in general :’D I am very proud of all of my edits tbh bc it’s something I got into this year and have loved learning. I’ve also been super proud of my xicheng fic bc it’s HUGE and I can’t fathom that I’ve actually written over 100k for them... and one more thing am proud of are the drawings I’ve made this year! I have ended up making portraits of lwj, wwx and jc during this year and I wish I manage to draw lxc as an addition soon :’D they’ve turned out great and I hope I can post them here at some point ^^  I would also love to try video editing but am a bit scared of that :’D the next thing I might try is giffing? tho that terrifies me too lol but it would just be the next level of picture editing right? right????? (help me lord)
I wish you good luck with all of your works ^^ I know wips are a pain but you can do it! as long as you have fun with them ^^ and enjoy the rest of your holidays and the upcoming new years! 
see you again ♥ 
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staylovehearts · 5 years
heeellloooooo!!! here's ur secret santa!! i hope you're doing well, taking care of yourself :D i have two questions for you today : what's your favourite song on clé : levanter& what's your favourite christmas memory?? lots of love, your secret santa 🤶
Ah, hello there! 
I’m doing fine, kind of tired from work but I’m planning on going to sleep soon-ish^^ You really did start this off with some tough questions for me though.
I always struggle with picking favourite songs because usually I genuinely love all tracks they come out with and my favourites always switch depending on my mood. For example, Sunshine is perfect for a more cosy mood I guess, but when I want something energetic I’d have to go with Booster :D (also I haven’t listened to the Mixtape yet, is there even one? anyone know what song it is? cause I heard something about it being Hoodie Season and omg I love that one???)
As for a favourite Christmas memory, I don’t think I really have one o.o My family doesn’t really do anything super special so there’s no one memory that really sticks out. But last year my sister got this really amazing joke gift from a mutual friend which I knew about and I filmed her while she opened it and we both ended up laughing so hard that we started to cry (our friend got her this bl manga but she glued cut out faces of my sister’s favourite k-pop boys over the characters faces and it’s hilarious).
Ooof, that’s a rant :D I hope you’re also having a nice time!!
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/12-wellness-instagram-accounts-to-motivate-you-in-2019/
12 Wellness Instagram Accounts to Motivate You In 2019
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If you are one of those people who see a new year as the opportunity for a fresh start, you may have already spent some time thinking about habits you’d like to break or form as we start 2019. Though you can probably think of many healthy habits you would like to adopt in the new year, have you thought about how you can give your creativity a fresh cleanse with new and exciting sources of motivation and inspiration?
With 500 million daily users, it is no surprise that Instagram is a huge resource for finding inspiring content.
Check out these 12 amazing wellness advocates who will be sure to supply you with a healthy, fresh dose of motivation in 2019.
1. @livewellwithlo 
Hawaii living Lauren Kissee takes to Instagram to promote wellness and healthy, mindful living. “Pursuing a life well-lived,” Lauren shares tidbits into her life in the form of yummy recipes, awesome eBook resources, and natural skincare tips, with lots of color sprinkled in! 
2. @thefashionfitnessfoodie 
There is no shortage of hilarious, fact-checking sass on Lucy Fountain’s account. Lucy is a wellness advocate whose career is centered on putting a stop to the scams and “quick fixes” by providing real truth and encouraging a balanced, forgiving, health conscious approach to wellness.
3. @saraclarkyoga
Sara Clark uses her passion to do more than just live a solo-focused healthy life. Instead, she uses her voice to inspire others to do the same through promoting yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. Sara spreads positivity, inspiration, and hope through her platform, and frequently teaches yoga in NYC.
4. @paleoglutenfreeeats  
Kaylie of @paleoglutenfreeeats features the most mouth watering paleo and gluten free recipes, and she is sure to include chocolate as frequently as possible. Follow her for a solid dose of healthy sweet treat inspiration, because who doesn’t want to be encouraged to eat brownies for breakfast?!
5. @wellandfull 
Just in case you follow a plant-based diet and have been eating more beans and rice than you can stand, check out Sarah’s inspiring creations over on @wellandfull. Sarah incorporates creativity into her dishes to create meals that are almost too pretty to eat! 
6. @charlotttequeen
If you’re looking for some beautiful, bright meal inspiration, Charlotte is your girl. She keeps it real, and features everything from salads and veggies to burgers and pancakes, because #balance. A big fan of dispelling Instagram’s false image of “fit,” she is a fan of speaking it how it actually is through side-by-side comparison images. 
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7. @rocamoon
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    DECEMBER FITMAS CHALLENGE!! 💥 It’s that time of year again, who’s ready to get their fitness dancing shoes on with us!? Haha happy December 1st everyone!! (Cannot believe it’s already here🙃)… ok soooo for all you who are keen & I hope that’s lots of you again 😜 I left it up to you guys to vote what we should do & it sounds like the 1000 burpees killed ya last year!? Haha so by popular vote “25 FOR 25” it is! . ✨ Basically the goal is to move that bod of urs & do something active for 25mins each day until Christmas Day! 🎉🎁 You can personalize it how you like… whether it’s a simple walk or run, dancing in the mirror at home, or a quick & intense HIIT workout- it’s up to you! If anything the goal is to just get moving and trying to push urself a little extra this season whatever it is!🏋🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️🏄🏽‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️👍🏼 If you r wanting a lil more guidance I will be posting the days workout on my story for you the night before, which will be a combo of 25mins of activity or 25 reps of set exercises. . YOU IN!? Comment a Christmas tree 🎄 if you are & tag ur buddies, fambam, lovers, or whoever to get in on it with ya- it’s much easier & more fun that way to keep each other accountable🙌🏽 . Some of my fam in NZ have accepted the challenge again so I’m super stoked!! Oh and would love to hear any of ur fav go to exercises below & maybe I can incorporate them somewhere along the way. . ✨document & share!..share in the comments of my posts what u r up to, or share pics/vids/boomerangs, whatever on ur IG stories or feed & tag me @rocamoon + use hashtag #25FITMASDAYS so we can all see & be inspired!! That’s if u want to 😉 . ✨PRIZES! For a little extra motivation & fun there will be a prize each week. I’ll announce on stories & gift to people who are participating!! Maybe things like workout gear, energy bars, glasses, swimsuits- we shall see if anyone even joins in haha😝 Alriiiiiiighty let’s do this 💪🏽💪🏽 today will be mellow, starting with just a 25min quick paced walk while u mentally prepare & commit to a better version of urself for the next 25days.. .btw don’t think you r gonna get away with doing no fitmas burpees Just yet 😜🔥 #25FITMASDAYS #merryfitmas #tistheseason
A post shared by Mona-Jane (@rocamoon) on Dec 1, 2018 at 6:20am PST
In addition to posting beautiful imagery with views to envy, Mona-Jane of @rocamoon doesn’t fall short in the motivation category. A huge fitness (and ice cream!) lover, Mona-Jane encourages her followers to take advantage of the great outdoors through living an active lifestyle. She frequently posts fun workout challenges to inspire her followers to get up and get moving! 
8. @thehealthmason 
The Health Mason, also known as Allie, is a wellness advocate passionate about the topics of mental health awareness, all things balance, and keeping it honest. As an ED survivor, Allie is a believer in using food as medicine. Follow along on her journey for all things recipes, skincare, and lifestyle! 
9. @saltsandandsmoothies
A fantastic source of knowledge on the power of plants and holistic living, Amelia Whelan provides her followers with incredible recipes and a gold mine of holistic living tips. She promotes wellness through conscious and intentional living, sharing loads inspirational and thought-provoking content along the way. 
10. @spinach4breakfast 
Sisters Maria & Alyssa took to their blog to document their health and wellness journey and provide a tool for anyone looking for a bit of inspiration. Focusing on all things health, wellness, and motherhood, these sisters know the importance of balancing intuitive eating with sweet indulgences. 
11. @cultivatewithkruti 
Kruti Shah of @cultivatewithkruti is a yogi, plant-based recipe developer and food stylist who uses her passion for health and wellness to share mouth watering creations with others. When she isn’t busy cooking up tasty dishes, and promoting health, wellness, and mindfulness, she is busy pursuing her Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy.
12. @eatgoodfoodandmove 
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    I’ve been craving some fancy dairy-free nachos and this plate did NOT disappoint. The @CholulaHotSauce cashew sour cream took it to the next level 🙌🏼🙌🏼They were so good I might have made them twice already😬 This is one of those meals that will impress your friends and make you seem like a fancy master chef 💁🏻‍♀️but is actually super simple and can be whipped up in just under an hour. Although this recipe as written is vegan, swap out the beans and corn for ground turkey taco meat and you are good to go for a Paleo or Whole30 approved meal. [ad] MAKE THIS PLATE: CHOLULA CASHEW SOUR CREAM: (Adapted from @ohsheglows cashew sour cream) -3/4 cup water -1 1/2 cups cashews -2 Tablespoons lemon juice -2 tsp apple cider vinegar -pinch of salt -5-6 Tablespoons Cholula Hot Sauce (depending on how much flavor you want) DIRECTIONS: 1. Soak cashews in boiling water, for at least an hour. Blend all ingredients together in a high-speed blender until the consistency is smooth. 2. Sweet potato fries (I think they are easier to pick up than circular shapes): Preheat oven to 425, wash sweet potatoes, cut into wedges/fries, brush with avocado oil and use s&p. Cook for 40-60 minutes, stirring halfway through. 3. Top fries with: baby tomatoes, avocados, black beans, black olives, fresh corn, jalapenos, a squeeze of fresh lime, cilantro, and the Cholula sour cream
A post shared by Katie White (@eatgoodfoodandmove) on Jul 26, 2018 at 7:24pm PDT
“Good food can be both nourishing and delicious,” says Katie White of @eatgoodfoodandmove. An advocate of real food combined with movement (especially yoga), Katie doesn’t let Celiac disease keep her on the sidelines. She whips up creative dishes that are nourishing, gluten-free, AND absolutely delicious. Her sweet potato nachos sure do sound pretty good right about now.
  Whether you are an experienced wellness professional or you are just beginning your wellness journey, it is important to fuel yourself with a sense of motivation. Instagram is an endless source of inspiring content, especially when it comes to health and wellness. Follow along with these awesome accounts to begin the new year fueled up on motivation and ready to tackle your goals.
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holy fucking cheezits dude i am in love with scottish advertisements now holy shit. this is gonna make me look like such a mean person or something, but i noticed you were kinda feelin lonely and stuff so i just decided to flood you with a bunch of nice stuff and anons?? ive sent like three and i really hope they can help ya out? either way im doin fine!! just binge listening to some of my fav podcasts and ignoring the fact tht i need a shower. my cat says he thinks ur cool btw
I’m sad to say not all our advertisements are like that - just the Irn Bru ones. Oh I forgot the christmas one and it is the season after all:-
How is sending nice anons going to make you a mean person btw? Also you have a cat and that is amazing :D what’s your cats name!!?
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