wherela · 5 months
I have gotten my hopes up that I will be getting engaged on Saturday, and I know that if it doesn't happen (it probably won't!) I'll be so so disappointed. But it's either this Saturday, or like.in a month.
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daz4i · 5 months
ok guys i'm supposed to get an answer today on whether or not i got accepted to give a lecture next con or not. how do i keep myself distracted until then
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camels-pen · 5 months
(i haven't read Whole Cake in a while, and i never really watched it, so bear with me)
I'd love to write a fic with Usopp on Whole Cake. it'd be sooo fucking long and i'd need to refresh myself on the entire arc, but god i'd probably be so satisfied when it's done. specifically for having brought a single moment in my head to life, but we'll get to that.
On Zou, he insists to be taken along on the Sanji rescue team and has worked himself up with a whole bunch of very good reasons as to why he should go there instead of helping in Wano, but of course Luffy just immediately accepts with a "yeah sure"
With Whole Cake, I think he'd be flipping between having fun as part of the idiot trio/quartet (Luffy, Chopper, Carrot), and being terrified with Nami. There wouldn't be that many differences in the arc as a whole, though; some things would be easier/better and some things would be worse- I don't necessarily think Usopp's presence would be overall an advantage or disadvantage, just different. Like, major events would stay mostly the same, but little details would change and maybe those little details would build to a far more drastic change-
for example, maybe one of Big Mom's kids considers themself a great sniper and wants a match with Usopp, or is motivated to work harder because Usopp is around and they want to take him out and boast about it. Maybe it means Sunny takes more damage than canon, or maybe Usopp's help means less damage to Sunny. (idk if i'd really do smth like this, but it's just an example)
skjdhf fuck i'm really not equipped to try and figure this out when i don't remember shit from Whole Cake aaaa
I do know that, despite his penchant for talking and rambling, I'd probably have Usopp be dead silent after his initial shock when Sanji fights Luffy. Everything about that is the same, except Usopp is just watching Sanji the whole time- not panicking, not moving, and not speaking. He doesn't say a word the entire time, doesn't even make a sound, and that, along with Luffy's words and Nami's begging, stick with Sanji.
(Usopp is thinking of his own fight with Luffy in Water 7, he's partially wondering if this was what it was like- if it was this painful to watch from the sidelines- and partially knowing he doesn't have to say a word, because he knew, like he knew back then, that it didn't matter what was said. It wasn't quite the same, but he could tell in the way Sanji moved, in the way he spoke and held himself, that he was putting on a front, trying to be brave in all the wrong ways. Usopp didn't say a word to Sanji because there was nothing he could say that Sanji himself didn't already know. Should've known. And his quiet, direct stare, was more than enough.)
the singular moment i really wanna write, is a scene where Sanji is apologizing for dragging them into his mess- either during the big meeting in Bege's castle or some other time- and Usopp's like "I'll do what you can't, you do what I can't, right?" and Sanji pauses, a little confused, until he remembers Enies Lobby and a stupid mask and cape and-
and tears are gathering in his eyes now, fuck, but he laughs a little. It sounds wet and his face is itchy and they're surrounded by tentative allies, but he- he laughs again and he says, "Fuck, you remembered that?"
Usopp shrugs, a little smile on his face. "They were some wise words from a wise man."
Sanji laughs a third time. "You think I'm wise?"
And they banter a little more before Bege tells them to quit it since they're on a time constraint or something. Quietly, Usopp will ask, "It-it helps. On bad days. And I figured, 'what's a worse day than this?' Ah, not that you getting married would ever be bad per se-"
"Usopp," Sanji says, looking more relaxed and settled. He smiles fondly and grabs his friend in a one armed hug, crushing him to his side. "Thanks."
And yeah, don't remember much beyond that, except the whole "hiding and then busting out of the cake" bit, which would mean Usopp in a cute little tuxedo or smth- maybe with a fedora aaaaaa <- loves fedoras- helping out with the fighting and eventually sailing with everyone to Wano.
He would be so distressed about fixing up Sunny now that the whole thing with Whole Cake is over. Maybe there'd be a gag about him promising Franky to take good care of Sunny while they were gone and being confident, after being Franky's tinkering partner and learning from him over time, that he could handle minor repair work much better than he did the first time around with Merry. And so when he finally takes in all the very-not-minor repairs he has to do, he's certain Franky is gonna strangle him for not keeping his promise. Probably also try to write in some nostalgic 'repairman Usopp' vibes from pre-Water 7.
Also something something, Sanji, wanting to do more for the crew bc he still feels guilty about Whole Cake, decides to take it upon himself to help Usopp not fall into a whole anxiety spiral about the ship. In turn, Usopp ends up helping Sanji not feel so guilty- usually by handing his own words back to him on a silver platter. And, yknow, having the two of them bonding and being buddies again like they so rarely get to be in canon nowadays qwq
#one piece#usopp#whole cake island#nemotime#that bit in bege's castle isn't exactly how it would go. just kinda. trying to get the vibe. also it's wayyy too short lol#the sanuso bit can be platonic or romantic. originally when i was gonna write out this idea a while ago i was thinking romantic with my#'they get engaged/married b4 dressrosa' au but tbh platonic works just as good#im- these guys man. i hate them so much (affectionate)#i'll get to rereading whole cake and finding a way to put him in there but for now. this.#if anyone's got other ideas im all ears#edit from like march 7: thinking about this again#maybe usopp being silent is an indicator for sanji that usopp's really fucking disappointed or shocked or w/e#but for usopp himself it's like being back in water 7. he doesn't even mean to be silent. he's got words built up on the tip of his tongue#but none of them come out. and despite sanji being Right There all he wants to do in that moment. is run.#at the very least he stays and watches the whole confrontation through. but afterwards he probably feels like shit#because he's the guy who's great with words right? he's the guy that can relate the most out of the group who went to WCI. he should be abl#to make a significant difference and help convince sanji to come home. but he feels like he failed. like he's going to lose another friend#and it's going to be all his fault. (again)#[not really. we all know merry wasn't his fault but we love old insecurities rearing their head in this house]#later he'd probably end up saying the words he wanted to say. and maybe it's better that way. that he ended up waiting#until luffy's had a proper shot at scolding sanji first. because then usopp can act as support and reinforcement. which. yknow.#a sniper's duty and all#anyway i got other shit to do so i'm cutting myself off here#wci usopp
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getting tired of myself and everything around me again 😐
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torgawl · 9 months
gojo's death has been way too controversial for something that has been premeditated for such a long time
#like... this was so coming#also the fact gege took every chance he got to say how gojo was still alive/not dead yet 😂#anyways i hope shoko survives to see some change in jjk society#i was reading a few of my old posts and tags yesterday and i had written about how from the trio she was the most likely to survive#and how i hoped though her they got to see change in the new generation unlike they were able to experience in their youth#and i still hope that's true#maybe jjk won't have a happy ending but i hope it's just just pointless you know?#also i don't think megumi is dead i refuse to believe yuuji's big moment isn't coming and that his whole thing isn't saving megumi#i still have wishful thinking he'll be able to honour the 'then start by saving me itadori'#he's also the person that makes most sense to win against sukuna#people undervalue yuuji as a protagonist a lot although he isn't your typical shonen main character he still is one and for a reason#so i want to have hope he will be able to do soemthing to save megumi somehow#i don't care if i'm delulu but there's just no way kenjaku and sukuna's big final moments won't be with the main characters right?#there's no way yuuta isn't gonna try to kill kenny like he said and no way yuuji doesn't face sukuna methinks#at least that's what i'm kind of hoping for endgame i think it would wrap things up well maybe not but it makes sense to me 😂#just wonder how gege wil wrap up some other characters#i think i'm preparing myself to be disappointed with shoko's fate i really wish she would be used in a relevant part of the story#i just think she had so much potential but that doesn't seem likely right? not at this point#but anyways just ranting#not just*#jjk spoilers#okay adding something: even if gojo didn't die or is able to be saved still he had to face death/be disabilitated for the story to go on#in my humble opinion. i just think this story was always about him passing the torch and not about him having any real impact in society#gojo's generation (and i'm including yaga here) has made the choice to help the youth which in itself is already breaking generational#curses but every single one of them has been doing the equivalent of putting bandaids on a fatal wound#obviously the story is much more complicated than this simple analogy but it was not up to gojo's generation to do anything#i just think the parallelism between them has always been pretty obvious about it#that gojo's generation was about intent and aid rather than being successful themselves?!#idk where i'm going with this but i really think this is a story about the youth consinuously trying to do better even if they fail#and they will fail because life isn't fair
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lctibule · 4 months
i'm still on this blog btw, it's just low activity by default and that activity only gets lower during those times when i'm getting even less than usual done on byan's blog
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
me: I want to write my WIPs and fic ideas: *exist* me: no not that one
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unclefungusthegoat · 8 months
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hyewka · 8 months
I 🥲 feel 🥲 so 🥲 lackluster 🥲 lately 🥲
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
I wanna be an artist so bad bro what am i doing in college
#during the oral exam the eng prof asked me ''why am i even in college?'' (his usual)#and i was like. genuinely thought to myself ''i'm here bc i have to be.''#like when teachers tell you high school isn't mandatory or when you think college isn't mandatorx#by law? sure. but am i gonna find a job without a higher education? in this economy not even a doctorate would help much#i HAVE TO study something and languages are smth i'd be the least suicidal ab studying#but i want to be. a creative.#i also wanna create unsettling art but that is so much easier with auditory and visual mediums...#but... i'll do my best#i'm an artist which means i can do whatever i want it's all in my hands#if i work hard enough and practice i can write truly unsettling things#i can bring the uncanny valley in words i can use the kafkaesque atmosphere i can present weird things as if they're normal#and make it unsettling both in what's portrayed and HOW it's portrayed#i have two novel wips but i think rather than novels i'm better suited for short stories for anthologies for collections#i'm still exploring and getting to know myself as a writer#it makes me a bit sad and disappointed in myself because it's been about a decade since i thought ''this is my calling''#but i just recently decided horror is what i want to write and i can#not help but also feel joyful and happy about the fact that i'm still finding myself#and that i'm still evolving as a writer and that there are probably still so many things i have yet to find out about my art#but for now. [thru tears and gritted teeth] i am writing a dictionary#but even this ! i am expanding my vocabulary which will help my art :]
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
Theory of Love is definitely one of the hardest BLs to take seriously that I've watched so far (NOBODY SPOIL ME PLS I am up to ep6 and hoping we're gonna switch at some point from Gun POV to Off POV and turn the perspective on its wet-from-water-bottle-showering head, but I don't KNOW for SURE so don't tell meeee) but one thing I'm really vibing with is just how well it captures the sheer disastrousness of disastrous gay friendships!!!
I don't love watching a bunch of dudes be toxically masculine @ every girl that walks past them (though I understand that this performance is the sibling to the boy craziness I performed at all the girls I was in love with in grade school), but I just love the dynamic within the friends group of like WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? WHY ARE OUR FRIENDS SUDDENLY ALWAYS MAD AT EACH OTHER??? WHERE IS ALL THIS DRAMA COMING FROM?????
The drama is coming from Disastrous Queer Friendship. From two friends who cannot/will not communicate how they feel for each other or why "just" friendship is not working. There is no escaping it my guys all you can do is ride the ship through the storm at your bros' side
#and to be very fair to bone and two they ARE doing their level best to ride that ship through the storm so far!!#no idea what's happening one minute to the next who is in love with who who is mad at who whose side to take#but they are gonna stay in it with their bros!!! support whoever has a crush on whoever!! keep the Gang together through hell or high water#i'm watching this very quickly for me b/c i neeeed that pov switch lol i am going to be fr disappointed if we don't pov switch#BUT DON'T SPOIL ME!!!!!!!!!!#theory of love#dear diary#it's jsut interesting because if i watched this idk 10 years ago i'd be very annoyed w/ both third and khai for a lot of their behavior#third being sooooo bitter every time khai kisses a new girl khai treating third's housework and support the way a spoiled kid does his moms#but it's all just so real in a Disastrous Gay Friendship (tm)#it is so hard to unblur and untangle all the different blurred tangled lines and actually communicate past the giant feelings#when third was like 'i meant to be the third thats his friend but i once again ended up the third thats in love w him. i'm angry at myself'#SO REAL!#he knows he is being unfair but he cant HELP it he doesnt know how to navigate his way out of the role he's caged himself in#friendship isn't a cage but it's real easy to convince yourself it is when you see your queer feelings as a threat to that friendship#and it's real easy to see queer feelings as a threat to friendship if you live in a society!!!!#lol this is prob all self-evident but i am just truly enjoying the messiness#back at it again in the shower with my clothes on. bawling.
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encrucijada · 10 months
i think it really is time to accept i have creative burnout.
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koushuwu · 1 year
i am not even going to try to count how many hours i wasted trying to make a round fucking icon. i give up.
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need1etail · 2 years
Weirdest thing: might be fucking done with Warriors lmao. I've been trying to hold on for nostalgia purposes and stuff like that, and I still really wanna do this rewrite cuz I wanna fix things, and I want to keep writing Warriors stuff but. I'm probably done buying physical books, maybe even reading it in general. It's been such a shitshow and I'm so tired of it. Onestar's Confession truly is the last straw for me.
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