misiahasahardname · 4 months
for the character + emoji thing - Jake, Liam and Henry TMF and the sunset duo (any TMNT show): ❤️🧡💛💚📖🏡❤️‍🩹😋
(sorry if this is a bit much 😅)
omg omg ok
idk if it’s meant to be in order or i do all of these for each character listed? i’ll do the latter because i think it’d be more fun
(sorry if these aren’t great, i’m trying my best)
otp - a tie between jaisy and jenry. both mean absolutely everything to me, just for different reasons! (i’m a big fan of fluffy ships and stupid ships)
everyone i ship with this character - daisy, henry, liam and drew (how did this pathetic guy pull so many people?)
brotp - honestly? jalia. lia and jake have great potential as friends!!
notp - i don’t think i have one? (i could list the obvious incest or large age gap ships but like. you’d expect that)
au i’d like to see them in - DEAR EVAN HANSEN AU!!!!!!! (we really cooked when we chose that cast)
domestic headcanon - so him and the dromies move in with eachother. and they realise that jake is SUPER forgetful (the adhd brain fog never clears) so they start putting sticky notes everywhere to help jake remember stuff, like to do chores, to take his meds, that he has an appointment or a date or something… it helps and he’s grateful :>
angsty headcanon - so, so absolutely terrified of losing his friends that it’s genuinely taken a serious toll on his mental health. like he struggles to sleep sometimes because he’s too busy thinking about the things he said during the day and stressing if he said something wrong or if someone took a joke the wrong way. it gets worse after episode nine… i don’t think he’ll ever recover from that. :(
funny/stupid headcanon - was so desperate for money as a kid he pulled out three teeth for the tooth fairy lmao
otp - henriam. sorry i’m crazy about them
everyone i ship with this character - drew, henry and jake (i think it’s obvious i’m a big polydromies fan)
brotp - also henriam!!
notp - can’t really think of one?
au i’d like to see them in - can. can we have a vampire liam au. would that be ok. because i’d love to see a vampire liam au.
domestic headcanon - his art covers the walls of the house. he makes sure every room is decorated appropriately, and is constantly painting or making something new to add more character to the house. his room is a total mess because of him constantly working lol
angsty headcanon - unfortunately i do not have enough Thoughts or canon to go off of to make an angsty headcanon. disappointing :(
funny/stupid headcanon - absolute menace on halloween. to him it’s like april fools but in autumn. he will take every oppurtunity to fuck with people on halloween, whether that be through scaring or scheming. he is not allowed to answer the door for trick or treaters because he will either start handing out onions or steal a handful of sweets from their buckets when pretending to hand out sweets. evil (i hope this made sense lmao)
otp - JENRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone i ship with this character - jake and liam
brotp - henriam. yes they’re perfect platonically and romantically!!
notp - anyone from the music club (besides jake ofc), mostly for their sanity (this doesn’t mean i would hate to see any ship with him and a music club member, i just personally would not ship it)
au i’d like to see them in - au where he’s in the music club. i just want to see the shenanigans
domestic headcanon - doesn’t do any chores because no one trusts him to be responsible
angsty headcanon - i’m sorry i genuinely cannot think of henry angst. angstless being
funny/stupid headcanon - he jokingly flirts with everyone all the time so no one knows when he’s being genuine or not (this is why you’re struggling to pull, henry!)
SUNSET DUO (doing them both at the same time ig)
i have selected 2012 sunset duo because i’m predictable lmao
otp - for raph it is definetly rasemona (is that what they’re called?) polyamory is always a W!! (also like. i cannot just choose one. it’s impossible. he’d definetly end up dating both of them anyways). i don’t really have an otp for mikey because in all honesty i don’t actually properly ship him with anyone?
everyone i ship with this character -
brotp - i mean……. brotp feels like a weird term to use for them but. it’s them. sunset duo. yippee! (i also think pepperoni pucks and raphril are fun, underrated friendship dynamics)
notp - NOT EACHOTHER. NOPE. nothing relating to tcest or other incest shit. gross weirdos
au i’d like to see them in - my very own extended family au!! i’ll talk about it one day i promise—
domestic headcanon - they’re definetly the closest brother dynamic out of all the others. they hang out regularly, whether it be they’re training together, playing video games (and getting way too competitive), or just chilling out. i feel like they’d also look after chompy and ice cream kitty together. shared responsibility or smth
angsty headcanon - thanks to their amazing twin senses (sunset duo are twins trust me) they know a lot of… dark things about eachother.
funny/stupid headcanon - they both have physical touch as their main love language, it’s just with eachother that ‘physical touch’ is beating the shit out of eachother. they will playfully slap, punch, and nudge eachother regularly, and these actions only sometimes escalate into fights where they need to be pulled apart by their brothers!
gaymers i have no idea if these made any sense or if they were even good. i’m sorry
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spookyprime · 2 years
I think it would be cool if TimTam was canon in hometown au for a second before Tim's like "aw shit I'm in love with my best friend" or something else for why they break up. Or their friends with a great dynamic
Oh my godddd anon do you even know the noise I just made I actually feel like that fucking expanded brain meme like ofc I can just stick them together its my own goddamn au I can do whatever the hell I want. Yes absolutely timtam is canon. I can very much see them as high school sweet hearts who are very into each other they just have different paths. She's going to college and getting a business degree and going to make a name for herself. Tim...works at the mall. She's so out of his league it's embarrassing. Every time she comes home for the weekend it's just a startling realization that she's got a lot going for her and she truly honestly does not need this wet eyed loserboy who forgets to call her half the time.
She was so in love with him at one point and he fumbled the ball so hard. I will......absolutely draw some of this. I love them. Thank you anon I feel very much like you stuck little light bulb in my brain. Thank you Thank you
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// Some of these I already answered but I got enough I’m just gonna say fuckit and do a thing. Under a readmore for length, and in alphabetical order:
I haven’t known you all that long. We only met like two weeks ago. But you were very kind to me in that time despite me being new and very nervous, and you’ve been patient with me thus far. The rps we have on discord are fun and entertaining and I enjoy the way you use details and the way you write your characters is fun. I like you Vivi and your art is very cute and it’s been a pleasure to get to know you thus far. Once you’ve been aware of things that I wasn’t crazy for, you took the effort to change things despite my protesting you didn’t have to, because you cared more about a friend’s comfort than something you had initially chosen, and I won’t forget that.
Lacey. Lacey Lacey Lacey. I don’t even know where to begin with you? Like I adore your stupidly cute face and I appreciate you always looking out for me and trying to keep me involved in things and just like- how you check on me every morning and if we don’t talk for a while you just ask how I am because that shows how much you care and that means the world to me? You’re involved and you listen to my silly headcanons and throw together AUs at the drop of a hat and they’re fun. I love that our tastes in movies is so similar so we can both gush over movies or complain about ones that needed to do better, and I love how excited you get. And GOSH don’t get me frick a fracken started on your art and your writing because you are a talented bean and honestly when we first rped because you sent something in I was absolutely taken aback and then blown away with how beautiful you made the ocean sound and how detailed you made everything and I just…..it made me really happy to meet you and get a chance to do things with you. <3
Honestly I wish I knew you a bit better but I am so absolutely horrendous about ever getting in contact, even with friends or people I admire. That’s what I get for being a scatterbrain lol. But I love your OCs in that they’re intriguing and you play them well from what I’ve seen. People have been jerks to you but you don’t let them bring you down, and you’ve created an interesting character that’s far from one dimensional. Your writing is excellent and I love the turns of phrase you use at times, and how distinct the voices of your different characters can be. Please never stop writing, because you do it so well, and I will enjoy seeing what your future works will be.
Okay so I know I mess up your url all the time because apparently I cannot stop thinking it’s ‘crows’ and not ‘cows’ but I swear that is just me being dumb. I adore your artwork; you work so well with traditional and wow I love how dynamic and fluid it all feels! I love that you always hit me up when you can and I still treasure the art you did (especially the one for that RIP story because oh my godddd)! You have such creative ideas and jokes and it’s always a pleasure to hear from you!
You know, I could just like….talk about your art until the cows come home because I do adore it, but honestly, that’s not what drew me to you as a person at all when I first met your or saw you. Don’t get me wrong, you do gorgeous work, but your art isn’t like your defining feature to me. I freaking love your sense of humor! And your writing and your ideas. Gosh, you’re just like brimming with them and they’re so clever and creative and honestly some of my favorite days have been where like the two of us just chatted and threw together scenarios or AUs. The mer one still has a special place in my heart. I love you jokes and I love when you tag me in goofy things and I love that you don’t take anyone’s shit and you’ve got all these amazing ideas that are just itching to come out. When I first looked at your blog I fell hard for the jokes and the goofball posts that you made teasing your friends or making headcanons and just clearly having fun, and I had to follow you. I wish I was a little better about just hitting you up to talk because I consider you as one of my closest friends, and I love to hear you talk about all of your interests like your fish or okami. You’re blunt and you’re honest, but you say things so people know what you spot, know what to improve, and overall you’ve been an amazing influence on me. So thank you.
Sweet potato, basically. You are trying your hardest to improve in your art and writing and you’re very accepting of other people and their interests. You re sweet and kind and you’ve been patient with me when I’ve been down, and when you see I’m not doing so well, you hit me up and try to let me know I’m in your thoughts. You are very kind, one of the kindest people I’ve met, and I enjoy seeing you around. I’ll be honest I thought your voice was freaking adorable when I heard it and you seem so supportive of everyone and excited and it’s no wonder people are drawn to you; you’ve got this very very friendly energy and it’s sweet and fun to see. You’re every bit as wonderful as the friends you have made and I hope one day you get the chance to see that.                
I….stay inside my shell, really easy. I don’t talk to people unless they interact first, I get nervous about things pretty easy, and I’m just really awkward in general. You….know that and you still treat me really nicely and try to get me involved and understand where I’m coming from. We can hold a conversation where we don’t agree and it doesn’t get nasty and we can just chat. I like your writing and your Lewis is adorable and I will never ever forget the moment he lifted Arthur over his head like ‘the fuck’ because he turned into a kiddo. I love some of the words you use to describe things and it’s an honor to write with someone as fabulously detailed as you. I always look forward to your next reply, and I always appreciate how inclusive you try to be!
KIRBY. Cutest puffball. You are there for me when I really need it and It’s fun to make you groan at my terrible jokes. You’re sweet and you do little things for me when you can even though you DON’T HAVE TO OMG. You send me love and tag me in posts you know I’ll like and you talk to me when I’m down and you’re patient with me. I adore Aus with you. ADORE. Royal Pains is still one of my favorite AUs and I love that you made it with me because that made it all the better and I enjoy talking to you. I’m super happy I helped you build that Lance blog because I’m absolutely ecstatic to write with you and see you play him. You are adorable and thoughtful and you know how to make my day and it always brings a smile to my face to know you’re thinking of me and to know you’re happy I’m there. And honestly I adore all of your work and am so so lucky to have you in my life. <3
I think you’re pretty much the reason this blog is still here. Like. I didn’t know if people liked it, really. It was pretty quiet and there was like one person who was actively interested in rping, but others would come and then leave or they’d rp with me but never talk to me like a person and I felt like an excuse to play with Arthur rather than two rpers becoming friends. I felt kind of isolated and there were so many arthur blogs and I felt like I wasn’t important. I was just kind of…there. And then you came along. You sent arthur his first M!A and you kept teasing him after and you’d comment on my writing and you’d talk to *me* beyond arthur and we’d joke around and I could make you laugh and honestly? You’re one of my first tumblr friends and I’m always gonna treasure you because you made me feel worth something and I’m always so happy to see you on my dash and I laugh like an idiot at every joke you send me and I love them and that you think of me and I really am proud to call you my friend. And gosh- I’m always so impressed with your writing??? Like I know English isn’t your first language and I could never write as eloquently as you do in my other languages. You’re so impressive and skilled and I love your OCs and all of their designs and you’re just a really awesome friend.
I will always be impressed with how you play Alice. If you don’t know her she’s abrasive at times and slow to trust. But I love that she warms up to people and while she can still be a little rough around the edges, she’s loyal to a fault. You as the mun are absolutely sweet and kind and I love how different your character is from you. You challenge yourself in ways and it’s awesome to see! Ocs are tough to get out there, but you do your hardest and I’m always glad to see you’re still going when you pop up on my dash ^^.
Another one of my oldest friends. I love your writing and little unique twists you throw into your work. I love that you want them all to be happy and try so hard to keep arthur okay on the blog (despite his stubbornness about it lol), and that when M!As come in you try to fight them off. I love how protective you are of your friends and I love your art and how it’s coming along. I look forward to you on my dash and while I’m terrible with initiating I’m always happy when you try to include me in the chat and the like or talk to me on your own. You’re a friend I’m always happy to have, through thick and thin.
YOUR ART IS ADORABLE. Ahem. What I mean is, your art is adorable omg. I think it’s super cute and you’ve gota good grasp of anatomy and I like how you draw the gang a lot! I enjoy seeing your posts on my dash because you seem to have similar interests and they make me happy to see. It makes me happy that you like my stuff or reply and I’d love to really chat and get to be friends!
AAAAA CUTE ALERT. Both your vivi and you are fricking adorable and I want to squish both your cheeks and Vivi’s. I love Vivi and Arthur’s relationship and I love how much of nerds they are and how you write your replies. As a person you’re super sweet and kind and it always makes me happy to hear from you and when you throw headcanons at me I scream because they’re so good and honestly I love the way you describe things too! Vivi is such a good character and you play her so well go you <3
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