#I ONLY write sol fanfic at 5 in the morning. No less than that
nonamenonamenon · 5 months
It's warm.
In the cold night of the Devildom, warmth is brought to you by the body of a familiar sorcerer.
Solomon is asleep beside you, his chest softly rising up & down as your face is buried in it. A soft, dim light is glowing from the nightlight beside you.
It's quiet.
You look up & see Solomon's face, observing the way his white hair fans his face, the shape of his jaw, the tip of his nose... you take it all in, blatantly staring.
His arms are sprawled over your waist, hugging you close, as if he doesn't want to let go. The moon glows from the window right above the headboard of your bed. You hear the sound of faint, yet lively chatter from outside. It must be some stray demons celebrating something.
Though there's some noise, it's peaceful.
You want to stay like this forever.
You want to stay with him forever.
Is that even possible? You're just a human. You're only human. You're not some powerful, immortal sorcerer like he is. You'll live out your years with Solomon, most likely dying peacefully next to those you love, while he'll be left to deal with the aftermath of your passing. You don't want to do that to him. You don't want to leave him.
It's painful.
There's something wet rolling down your cheeks before you know it. Your nose gets stuffy, and it's hard to breathe.
You look up, checking if he's still asleep. It would be silly for him to wake up to you crying over a distant future. You're still so young.
Though, for your Solomon, this time will pass by in a flash.
When you're gone, will he remember you? Will he leave you to be with someone else? Someone who can stay? Someone who won't leave him, someone that's not weak, like you?
When you're gone, will he remember your face? Will he miss your voice, and remember every little detail about your appearance, like he does now? Will he remember the touch of your skin against his?
Solomon stirs in his sleep, trying to burrow his head on the top of yours. It's a reminder that maybe... you should be sleeping, too, rather than thinking of such things.
It's quiet again. Though, inside your mind, it's far from peaceful.
You snuggle your face into his chest, not minding the way your tears soak into his shirt. Before it's taken from you, you want to stay like this.
Before you eventually leave him, just like everybody else, you cling to him like your life depends on it.
And as you drift off to sleep, you feel it.
It's warm again.
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thelittlefanpire · 6 years
Writing Process Tag Game
Answer 10 questions about your writing process, then tag 10 writers whose process you want to know more about. The point of this game is to have fun.
just searching for some fun tag games and I ran across this post from @therska and @writing-is-ruining-my-life on tumblr. thanks for sharing!
1. How do you get your story ideas? How do you know when something is worth writing and when it’s just a fleeting thought or fantasy? Tell us the origin story of one of your past or current WIPs.
How do I not get my story ideas? every movie, tv show, song, book, real life experience, or daydream can be turned into an AU for a fic. the ideas literally never stop coming.
it has been exactly nine years to the day since I published my first fic and I’ve only published a total of 10 fanfics in those 9 years. sooo most things are a fleeting thought. I’ve really gained a lot of inspiration and confidence since joining the 100 fandom so I’m hoping I can start making these dreams a reality.
origin story for my Hocus Pocus AU: Oct 1st I decided I wanted to write a halloween story. Oct 2nd I decided on Hocus Pocus. Bellamy as Max, Octavia as Dani, and Clarke as Alison. and then I found a tweet about these two characters who dressed up as Muggles and then everyone started turning into their Halloween costumes so the guys were kinda sol. And then BAM! I wrote 16.5k words in less than a month.
2. What are your writing tools of choice? Are you picky? Do you have specific brands you like? If you have neuroses in this department, we want to hear about them.
my poems always had to be in a marble composition notebook and were written with a black pen. my stories were always written on my laptop.
now everything’s on my iphone! the notes app for poetry/ideas. Pages App for outlines. Google Docs for the actual story.
3. Where and when do you write? Morning? Dead of night? Your bedroom? The park? Paint us a picture of your usual surroundings when you sit down to write.
I write on my iPhone because I have three kids. I’m ususally jottings down ideas and words as they come to me. As I watch my kids play at the park or in the backyard, when I’m putting them to sleep or their watching Super Wings! But I do most of my writing in the dead of night. The baby still wakes up and takes a bottle once or twice a night so sometimes I’ll feed her and then stay awake writing until the sun rises. #momlife
4. Do you ever encounter writer’s block? If so, how do you overcome it? Any tips to pass on to other writers reading this?
YES. I published my last TwiFic in July 2011 and didn’t write my first BellarkeFic until May 2018. I would start a few stories, get about 4 chapters in and then that was it. Plan a few stories but be too scared to type the first words. I couldn’t finish anything and I was too scared to publish unfinished!
And then one night I stayed up from 2-6am and wrote almost 3k words!
In the time that I’ve had this “writer’s block” I’ve graduated from college, gotten my first big girl jobs, had some bad hookups, got back together and married to my ex, moved out of my parent’s house and out of my home state and across the country, and had two more kids.
Basically I’ve lived some lifetimes. Put some more experiences under my belt. And I found my voice again, refreshed my muse, and started writing 100 fanfic.
Greatest writing I advice I can give is from Ernest Hemingway, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Just write it! Like Nike.
5. Do you outline? If no, why not? If yes, what kind of outlines do you make, and at what point in your writing process do you make them?
My outlines look something like this, ok:
title | brief summary | what type of AU/what kind of story is this | table of contents/idea list / character bios / and then I just write whatever comes out.
lol i mean basically. it’s usually in that order too.
6. When and how do you edit? After the first draft? During? Do you have a method, or is it kind of a free-for-all?
I try to just write at first. then I turn on Grammarly. I reread and reread until I’m sick of it. Read it out loud. Listen, I’m not the best at editing so I’ll be happy to hear everyone else’s methods.
7. Is there anything about your writing process that other people might consider to be unique or weird?
I always have to have a title. And I always have a huge folder of inspiration photos / moodboards on Pinterest. I can get kind of obsessed and won’t start writing until I have those two things covered. lol
8. Do you ever take breaks from writing? For how long do these breaks feel rejuvenating, or do they stress you out? Give us a sense of what life is like when you’re not writing.
Writing for me is a sprint, not a marathon. I don’t write every day. I take breaks between fics. I try to read a lot when I’m not writing. Or I just wait for that inspiration to strike in the middle of the night.
Life when I’m not writing? I look at my writing a lot. Look at my ideas. Read over some dialogue. Look at my Pinterest boards. Think of new ideas.
9. When do you first start writing? Why? What’s changed since then, if anything?
I first started writing poems in High School. 9th and 12th grade English had really big poetry projects. I wrote poems to capture my feelings. 2009 I discovered fanfiction and started writing stories! I can’t say that very much has changed since then.
10. Anything else you want to tell us about your writing process?
I don’t listen to music when I write. I’m more visual so i need the Pinterest boards. I really don’t like people looking at my work until it’s finished, but I love the feedback.
tagging my favs again : @the-most-beautiful-broom @blueshirtbell @eleanor-sheleanor @asroarke @youleftme-clarke @pawprinterfanfic @grumpybell @ponyregrets @bettsfic @anniebibananie (and anyone else! I would love to hear your process, too!)
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