kideternity · 7 months
I like generally all of the characters in tamers and I wanna specify here when talking about him I mean the tamers version explicitly but MAN do I not like Ryo. Fuck this kid bro
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 31
Kind of a "meh" episode. The ones that focus on the side characters always feel a little filler-like. I really don't know what the heck Hirokazu did to suddenly earn his digivice. Is it just arbitrary? I didn't see him do anything special -shrug-
The opening scene foreshadowed where Culumon is headed with some really surreal scenery. Looking forward to finding out what's going on there.
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Kenta was extra annoying in this one. Asking Guilmon to ditch Takato and be his partner was totally insensitive considering the situation. They've really given me zero reason to like this character.
I know all about Orochi and the sake association due to having played Okami. I thought he was supposed to be another Deva but realized it was weird that his name was Japanese instead of borrowed. Googling now I totally forgot we already met the snake Deva lol oops. The fact that he's not a Deva makes this episode even more fillery. Cool design tho
Smirking at the fact that this entire episode revolved around alcohol (including a 10 year old serving alcohol). Wonder what they called it in the dub. Milk? Juice?
Juri's comments about being "good at dealing with drunks" cracked me up. She's got that customer service brain.
So the "dust" data turns into alcohol?? I don't get it...
This episode featured two of my least favorite designs, Andromon and Gekomon. At least they made the main Gekomon more expressive than we're used to seeing.
I feel like Guardromon looks stronger than Andromon, I was surprised to find out that Guardromon was the inferior form (although I guess I should have learned that from DW1 lol)
Holy heck have the battles in this show been disappointing. The "big moment" in this one was a one-shot by Leomon after Juri swipes her Lady Devimon card. All the card did was give Leomon a poison attack which didn't look particularly strong. No digivolution necessary for Orochimon? Really? Weaksauce
Once again, it felt really weird that it was a super Juri-centric episode and then Hirokazu just randomly got his digivice at the end there like an afterthought. Weird choices were made while writing this...
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Reivew
Episode 12: Lilimon Blooms
Separated from the others, Mimi and Palmon stumble across an ancient weapons factory.  There they meet Andromon, who is being controlled by the Soundbirdmon, and Guardromon.
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This episode starts where we left off.  The hole Mimi and Palmon fall through is deep enough they are unable to get back up, so they decide to try and find another way. Meanwhile, Taichi and Koushiro discover they are unable to use their digivices to communicate within the ruin.  Even Koushiro’s laptop seems to be struggling.
The girls find a large room with a scrapheap that turns out to be made up of discarded machine digimon parts, which is a little creepy.  They soon stumble upon Andromon, who identifies them as a target to be eliminated.
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Luckily, the bit of scrap metal that Mimi wiped the dirt from turns out the be Guardromon, who ends up taking its name very seriously and decides to save Mimi and Palmon just as Andromon gets the better of them.  
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I do find myself questioning how much Taichi has thought through this plan.  Trying to scale a shaft that they’ve determined is probably deep enough Mimi can’t hear them seems a little dangerous, particularly when Tentomon could’ve just scouted ahead.  Also, if Koushiro could figure out the ruins are a weapons factory, can’t he also find a map of the place? Maybe this has all been discussed between them off screen, but it seems a shame to leave out.
Others have mentioned the parallels with Castle in the Sky and this episode really does have a different feel to it.  The balance between the action (which has been this series’ main strength so far) and the quieter moments is really nicely done.
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I know the robot with a flower has probably been done loads of times, but it’s really sweet and gives Guardromon and Mimi a really sentimental moment without much speaking.  Most of the digimon we see bonding with humans in a meaningful way are able to talk, so it’s a nice change from the usual formula.
This scene also does a lovely job of showcasing Mimi’s ‘pure heart.’ By not making assumptions she’s made a friend, and found a way to get back to Taichi and Koushiro without waiting for them to come and find her.  It’s a good contrast to her introduction episode, when she was much more reliant on Taichi and Sora protecting her and the Tanemon.
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We have a very brief interlude where we check up on the other group.  Apparently flying by log isn’t as stable as the basket, because Jou is struggling a little.  Sora is still worried for Neamon and the others, but Yamato tries to make up for being a bit of a jerk in the last episode and reassures her that by reaching their goal they’ll likely end up keeping the digimon safe as well.  Sora clearly appreciates the gesture.  
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Seems like Jou really looks up to Yamato, which is interesting given his reaction to Koushiro a few episodes ago.  I’m wondering if he realises that Yamato is in the year below him. Yamato didn’t realise Jou was older than him in the original series, so it would be a nice parallel.  The whole scene is a cute moment and shows how much these three have already bonded just in the short time they’ve been travelling – it’s lovely to see!
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Taichi and Koushiro manage to catch up to Mimi just at the right time and surprisingly, Greymon evolves to MetalGreymon.  Doesn’t seem like there’s a limitation on how many times they can evolve in this series.
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Also, are we just going to ignore that Mugendramon appears in MetalGreymon’s evolution sequence?!  He is the strongest of the Metal Empire digimon, but the red feels a little ominous, plus it’s Mugendramon!
I thought with the music that MetalGreymon would end up being the one to finish Andromon off, but instead he doesn’t seem to do much damage and ends up becoming incapacitated trying to protect the Chosen.  It’s a good way of keeping him out of the battle without feeling too forced.  In Adventure, Andromon was classed as a Data-type, but also seems to be Vaccine in other media.  Either way, type advantage would go to Lilimon over MetalGreymon since the fight favours a Data type over a Vaccine in both situations.
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Plus, Lilimon is a cute fighter.
I admit I was a little surprised that they ended up killing Andromon.  I mean, the poor thing was being controlled and manages to gain back his senses only to end up dead.  It left me with a bit of a weird feeling, maybe in part because the original Mimi was so adverse to fighting and killing.  This’ll definitely be something to get used to.
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Mimi does seem upset by the results, although I admit I’m not 100% sure whether she’s only crying over Guardromon or whether she is sad about Andromon as well.  
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Final Thoughts:
I really loved this episode. Mimi is my favourite character in the series so far, so it was nice having most of the episode dedicated to her. In fact, the bits with Taichi and Koushiro felt a little clunky in places, particularly when Koushiro was giving the extra information.  I liked that we learn more about Mimi’s character and get a chance to see both her and Palmon shine.  After episode 8, this is probably my next favourite so far!
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020, episode 12 reaction (and over-analysis)
This week, the Digimon remake of “Laputa, Castle in the Sky”, except with a more focused narrative. And somehow something so antithetical to what the show has been thus far ends up being one of its best episodes.
An interesting thing in this episode: twice, we saw Guardromon compare the Mimi he was watching with a picture of her in his archive. Both times, the picture is of her sweetly smiling, completely relaxed, and the reality is of her terrified and confused by the violence around her.
It’s been something that’s building up in the background, I guess. It’s not that Mimi is completely against fighting, but the current situation where they have to fight or otherwise they’ll die (as opposed to the Tuskmon or the Gesomon situations, where it was her choice to get involved) is overwhelming to her. The episode stresses a lot of things about Mimi. She takes charge when Palmon is confused about what to do, she’s quick to assume the best out of whoever she meets, refuses to leave Palmon and run when Andromon is about to attack her (in fact, by how her body is positioned, she’s shielding Palmon from the attack), doesn’t ask for help unless she knows the person she’s with doesn’t mind helping her. All in all, the episode emphasizes all of Mimi’s good traits, and then contrasts her with all the violence Soundbirdmon and Andromon bring, a violence both Togemon and Guardromon claim they will protect her from but fail. And it hurts, and it should hurt.
While this episode borrowed a lot from Studio Ghibli films, it aimed to make them more than just reference and actually use them for their narrative. The ancient technological marvel, starting to decay, buried underneath ancient ruins, is obviously a direct lift, but one that works very well in the context of the Ancient War that looms in the background of the story. It’s implied several times that Andromon, Guardromon and the entire factory have far more history to it than the children and the audience can ever know. Soundbirdmon doesn’t come from outside, it was already in the factory to begin with. The episode identifies all the metal of the factory with death, decay and violence, contrasting it with the healing and peace of nature, yet also makes clear that it doesn’t need to be that way. This is the most alive the world has felt so far, the most filled with history. In short, aesthetically it’s the best episode of the series thus far, with only episode 9 and it’s high-octane atmosphere competing.
When the insert song started playing during MetalGreymon’s evolution, I was worried Lilimon would be once again overshadowed in her debut, much like in the original Adventure. What happened instead was the complete opposite. The same contemplative OST from the episode recaps was played instead throughout her evolution and fight with Andromon, and it fits perfectly, additionally making her stand out even more than if it were just the same song that will play in every episode. It makes perfect sense that a normal action scene won’t be a fulfilling end to the story of violence breaking into Mimi’s life (which is why MetalGreymon can’t win), so of course Lilimon will mostly dodge, Andromon’s weapons completely useless in the face of her. Of course her final attacks won’t physically destroy Andromon, but subdue him, pacifying him for a last moment (enough to restore him to normal, enough for us to see that there was more to him than we thought) before burying him in a coat of nature, temporarily becoming the same death and decay that Andromon symbolized. Lilimon says that it was not just Mimi’s sorrow but her anger that brought her forth, and it feels as if something has been lost. That she does not turn to look at Palmon when she asks if she’s okay is intentional.
Additional thoughts on the episode:
The scene with the Birdramon group was great. We see Sora worried about Neamon’s group, and how everyone else reacts to that. Gomamon is the first to ask (because he’s paying attention to the group), Birdramon already knows what’s on her mind without needing to hear it, Gabumon gives practical advice that doesn’t really address what she’s feeling, but Yamato does address it, showing himself far more empathetic and likeable than in the entirety of last episode. Jou’s sadly just comic relief.
Taichi and Agumon climb down the shaft by holding onto random ledges and hoping they don’t fall. Tentomon just grabs Koushiro and flies down. Tells you everything you need to know.
Koushiro’s computer is starting to malfunction. Wonder what that’s building up to.
MetalGreymon’s evolution sequence was great, and the most interesting thing about it is the Mugendramon shape that surrounds him. Is this foreshadowing something?
Koushiro went weird in the Digimon Enciclopedia section. He wants to smell Palmon when she’s angry or happy? That... okay... okay...
I get why Andromon repeated the “Eliminate” line constantly and agree with the reasoning, but they overdid it.
I don’t know if this is my favorite episode so far, but it’s definitely in the running, along with 1, 6 (Mimi’s introduction), 7 (Jou’s introduction) and 9 (Ogremon’s fight). It’s definitely my favorite of the Perfect-level evolution episodes so far. I probably liked Taichi’s and Agumon’s arc in episode 10 better (if only because bond-based evolutions are so rare in the franchise), but when taken as a whole I far prefer this episode.
Next week, Sora gets involved with the Royal Base of the Beemon line. Hopefully it’ll make up for the mess that was her previous episode.
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