pandabearlikes · 7 years
Double Trouble
Characters: You x Sehun x Vivi Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fluff Music: `*•.♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♥ .¸.•*
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Leaping out of the bus, my little legs sprint their way down the busy streets of Seoul in exhilaration. With my new apartment lease finalized, I could finally pick up my puppy from the adoption center. A week of wait not only made me antsy but it drowned me in guilt with the thought of how my sweet little baby must feel so lonely in that small cage.
Eyes sparkle in pure bliss as I spot the animal shelter from the end of the block. I prance forth, giggling happily to myself at how my dream of becoming a doggie mom would finally come true. A tall and handsome gentleman opens the door for me, a gorgeous smile brushes across his face at the sight of my uplifting spirits. He, too, is here to pick up his new puppy.
“I’m here for my Bella!” I announce, smoothening out the crinkles of the documents over and over again, due to my elated heart.
Nonchalantly, the young man, from before, walks up to the same counter, and places his adoption papers too. We exchange rapturous smiles - me almost leaping out of my shoes.
“Are you picking up your puppy too?” I surprise myself by initiating conversation.
Chuckling, the suave stud nods. My radiance spreads contagiously to him and he can’t help but grow a liking to this free spirited girl in front of him. I, too, take a few extra peeps at the beautiful stranger, who seemed as if he had popped straight out of a manhwa novel.
The doors of the back room swing open, prematurely terminating my admiration of the other pet owner. Out comes my little baby, Bella, staring around innocently, in one of the staff’s arms. Her soft white hair poofs up, making her look like a little marshmallow. Both the young man and I rush forward.
“Bella!” I shout.
“Vivi!” the male claims.
I blink. He blinks. The staff holding the puppy blinks.
“This is my Bella,” my possessive personality auto-pilots and I outstretch my arms to retrieve my baby.
“No, that’s Vivi, my baby,” the male corrects, his longer arms beat me to the confused puppy.
“Hey! Let go of my Bella!” I warn and dive to take my dog but the man spins around, protecting his Vivi from this female kidnapper.
With a scoff, I turn to the staff with a what-the-actual-hell face, in which she looks just as confused.
“That’s my Bella, I recognize her cute heart-shaped nose! Give her to me!” I demand, ending my statement with unreserved accusations about how this man must have stalked me into the shop to try to kidnap my dog for ransom.
“Are you kidding me, this is my Vivi. I can recognize her twinkling eyes and shy smile from a mile away. I signed the papers last week already!” the man counters, unzipping his baseball jacket and slipping the puppy in so I couldn’t take her.
Midway through our brawl, the manager comes out with a forlorn expression on his face and hands clasp together.
“I’m so sorry, Oh Sehun-ssi, _________ssi. There was an error on our system, and it seems we accidentally registered both of you as the adopters of this dog,” the man lowers his head and explains.
Sehun and my jaws drop to the floor. Curses befuddle my brain because how in the actual world can this animal shelter make such a big mistake? The pet owner, beside me, also gives a low growl of displeasure, his logic scanning for possible solutions, his irrationality, already digging in his pockets for his phone to give the place a negative review.
Silence overtakes the room. Staffs pretend to diligently go back to work because no one wants to be dragged into this mess.
“Okay, well, who signed the papers first?” I take a deep breath and propose the first solution. For sure, that person would be me because I recalled Bella arriving at the shelter the very morning of the day I signed the papers.
Nervously, the manager personally flips through the records. His face turns ice cold. Sehun and I stare at him, impatiently waiting for answers. Clearing his throat, the older male gulps, “I am very, very sorry. The staff that day did not enter in information into the database until the end of her shift, therefore, all the applications were filed at the same time.
Sehun lets out a snort, while I almost grab the manager by the collar. “Are you serious, right now?! Check the security cameras!” I demand.
Scoffing, the handsome good-for-nothing male says as a matter of fact, “This isn’t first come, first serve.” I throw him a death glare as he gently strokes the sleeping pupster’s head. “Look how happy Vivi is with me. She feels safe with me. Now, can we go because I have to move in to my new apartment today. I’m already late.”
“That’s because she’s a baby! She would have fallen asleep in my arms too, had you not stolen her from me!” I retort. My head is throbbing so hard; I’m so frustrated that I’m so close to bursting into tears at the thought of not being able to take my Bella home.
“There’s more dogs in need of homes, our Dear Customers,” the manager tries to break up the fight but both of us hold our palms out to cut him short.
“Look, that’s not the issue. The issue is that, that’s my Bella. We bonded last week. I promised I’d take her home!” I reason, my eyes starting to water.
At my present emotions, Sehun’s brows twitch, his strong guard softens a bit. But he refuses to let go of his Vivi, for, he believes they had fallen for each other last week already and can’t be separated. Softly, he leans in and gives his baby a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“Well, Ma’am, it seems Oh Sehun-ssi is more financially stable…” a staff tries to propose another situation. It only makes things worse because she has pushed a button within me, she should have never ever touched. My lips part to scold her but my opponent cuts me off.
“That’s not a relevant matter in this situation,” Sehun states, as stoically as possible and keeping himself busy with cradling the puppy to block himself from defending me any further.
“Well, technically, we must ensure that all adopters can financially support—“ a staff starts but the manager gives her a stern look of disapproval.
“Bell…la…” I sadly whisper, reaching out to touch her, who is now fast asleep in Oh Sehun’s arms, her little tummy rising and falling peacefully in her Appa’s protection.
My lower lip ripples.
“Wait…Sir, Ma’am, can you confirm your addresses?” a staff pauses the heated argument and requests that, one by one, we scan the information on the screen. Sehun outstretches an arm to gesture, “Ladies first."
“Yes, that’s correct,” I nod.
“Correct,” Sehun affirms, thereafter.
Our replies leave the staff speechless, she calls over the manager. Another staff joins in the mini meeting. Sehun and I exchange confused looks. He shrugs.
“Sir…Ma’am…if the information is correct…you two not only live in the same complex…you two live in the same apartment…” the manager announces, a little puzzled and irritated by the situation, which now seems like a prank to defame the shelter.
Sehun and I freeze in place. The environment is suddenly plagued by silence. “W-T-H” spins in circles before us like some failed CGI in a live-action drama. Darting ahead, I grab the computer monitor and turn it to me to scan the information again. Sehun follows suit, though, he is less dramatic in his actions, due to having the sleepy baby in his arms.
“That’s your address?!” I point to the screen and question the stunned young man.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to move in today,” he replies, the information not yet clicking to him.
“That’s your address…?” I repeat as a murmur to myself, in disbelief. My exhausted body leans against a shelf for support.
Indeed, the landlord had informed that my new roommate would arrive today but she did not inform me the said roommate is a guy! Beside me, Sehun gasps, finally piecing the information together too.
Clapping his hands together, the manager proposes the final decision, “Since the two of you live together, it doesn’t really matter who adopts her, right?”
Still baffled by the turn of events, I gawk at him, speechless and unable to reject the solution.
“We will file both of you as the owners. We do this when couples adopt together,” the staff concludes.
I trudge out of the building, like a zombie, unable to digest the overwhelming amount of new information. Still caressing the puppy in his arms, Sehun is less beaten up than me. In fact, the lovely arches of his eyes express amusement. Lifelessly, I start to drag myself to the bus station, with a defeated mindset that I failed to rescue my Bella from the capture of an evil siren.
“I have my car,” Sehun chases after me and offers, “I can drive you too.”
I turn to him, my eyes almost hollow of a soul…arms dangling lifelessly as my brain repeats, “I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming,” to keep myself sane because seriously, things like this only happen in impractical kdramas. Welp. Failing to stifle back a chuckle, Sehun latches onto my arm and tugs me over to his shiny black Mercedes-Benz.
“Come on, Housemate. I’ll let you hold onto Vivi while I drive,” he offers, easing me into the passenger seat.
“Her name is Bella,” I argue as soon as we reach our apartment. The ride home had woken me up enough to partially make sense of everything.
“Vivi,” Sehun stubbornly corrects while he unloads his suitcases.
“B-E-L-L-A, Bella!” I growl, stroking the clueless puppy in my arms. She has just woken up from her nap to her new owner(s) and a new surrounding.
“V-I-V-I, Vivi!” my opponent counters, his tone is sharp but serious. He takes a ceramic bowl from his luggage and pours a bit of dry dog food into it. “Vivi, come here,” he whistles and calls in a cute baby voice.
“Na-no…” I mouth, rejecting the letters on the bowl. Walking over to the kitchen, I pick up a bowl that I had gotten customized with little pink bows and the name “Bella” on it. “Use this,” I hold out to Sehun, who pushes it back to me in rejection.
We turn to the puppy, who innocently blinks.
“Let’s let her choose. We can’t be calling her different names all the time, she’ll get so confused,” I suggest. Having held the pupster in my arms for a while surely calmed me down and helped me recognize that this man, in front of me, isn’t actually trying to kidnap or hurt my dog.
“Sure,” my new housemate agrees.
The two ceramic bowls are placed one feet apart at the opposite end of the room as the puppy.
“Vivi, come to Appa!” Sehun whistles.
“Come to Omma, Bella,” I click my tongue and encourage.
The pupster takes a few steps forward. Both Sehun and I hold our breathes. It’s like a horse race. I’ve never wanted someone to choose me so much in my life. Meanwhile, the confused creature turns her little head from side to side, like a baby asked to choose Mommy or Daddy - well, technically…that’s exactly…
“Come on, Vivi,” her Appa calls with such hopefulness in his voice.
“Bella, come here, Sweetie,” her Omma’s eyes twinkle with so much faith.
Bouncing up and down on her paws, she sniffles around and innocently starts to lick the bowl labelled, “Vivi”. Her father hoists her up into the air, cheering wildly, and showering her with too many kisses to count. On the other hand, I have literally collapsed onto the floor in utter defeat.
“How could you betray Omma like that,” I dramatize in a prolong wail, though, my lips have twitch up into a sweet smile. Deep down, it honestly didn’t matter whether she is named ‘Bella’ or ‘Vivi’. And it wasn’t like I was really possessive over her at the shelter, it was just that Sehun was a stranger, whom I couldn’t decipher as an animal abuser or an animal lover yet. But seeing him already pampering our Vivi with so much love, melted my heart - though I’d never vocally admit it.
It’s been a week since I found myself a new housemate and puppy.
“Hey,” Sehun greets me at the door. Today, we returned home from work at the exact same time.
“Hey,” I smile, handing him his mail with one hand, while unlocking the door with the other.
“Thanks,” he grins back. Internally, I wonder if he knows how fatal that eye smile is…Maybe he does, that’s why all these girls keep parading around our apartment with binoculars. I let out a grunt at the thought. “Can’t wait to cradle my Little Vivi,” he cheers.
“I get first dibs!” I squabble, swinging open the door.
I blink.
He blinks.
I blink again. Like a wind-up doll, my neck slowly rotates to stare wide-eyed at Sehun.
“Okay! You, first dibs!” he agrees, shoving me into an apartment of poo. Yes, poo. Poo EVERYWHERE. Wet poo. Dry poo. Stinky poo. On the welcome mat, on the love seat, on the dinner table.
I walk in, dropping my purse in shock.
“Clean up after your dog!” Sehun playfully shouts from the doorway, while pinching his nose.
Gritting my teeth, I turn around and chase after him. “My dog?!?! She’s your dog! You fed her the Merrick High Protein Pack, last night, didn’t you?!!”
We chased one another down the hall, tackling each other near the staircase. I accidentally discover that Sehun is ticklish near his jawline. Giggling, I dance my fingertips teasingly along his weak spot, cackling like a mad woman when he squirmed like a little girl. In turn, he rolls and pins me down onto the ground. When neighbors, a mother and daughter pair, arrived at the scene, to see us in a tangled mess, the older female immediately covers the eyes of her child and rushes to her apartment.
“It-it’s not what you think!” I cry for innocence. Meanwhile, seeing my inattentive state, Sehun takes his revenge by hoisting me up and tossing me over his shoulders.
“OH SEHUN!” I shout, kicking my feet.
Casually, he prances us back to our apartment. He loosens and tightens his grip on me as I hold on for dear life. “This puddle or this puddle?” he teases, asking me to choose from being dropped on a blotch of pee-poo, or on a full blown diarrhea pool.
“Don’t you dare!” I warn, tightly wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his hip like a koala bear. Vivi walks out from the kitchen but hides behind the sofa with her expression gravely guilty. Chuckling, my handsome housemate waddles us over to the sofa, gently places me down on a clean area, and squats in front of Vivi.
She whimpers, flattening her little chubby body into a flat rug. Instead of scolding her, Sehun picks her up and cradles her. “It’s okay, Vivi. Appa pooped everywhere when he was a baby too.”
I gape. “Sehun, you’re spoiling her,” I half-lecture.
“But she’s a baby,” he defends, brings her nose up to his and baby-talks, “Our little cutie pie baby. Aren’t you, Vivi. Aren’t you?”
“You suck at disciplining,” I snicker and roll myself up to grab the mop.
Narrowing his eyes, Sehun turns both Vivi and himself to face me.
“What?” I shrug, pretending to not fall for their cute act.
“Poop on Omma!” the doggy-father requests, darting over to me with Vivi held up by her underarms so that her little hind legs and tail dangled.
“DON’T YOU DARE, OH SEHUN!” I shield myself with a the poop-filled dustpan. We chase each other around the apartment, while playing the-floor-is-lava with the poo-stained areas.
In the end, Sehun ended up as the designated janitor while Vivi and I lounged in the kitchen because he lost at a deciding round of paper-scissors-rock. I stick my tongue out when he glares at me from the living room. Heh.
Two months passes by in the blink of an eye.
Sprawled out on the living room couch, Sehun glances at the clock and frowns. Playing with Vivi’s paws, he mumbles, “Where’s Omma?”
Vivi blinks.
“Her favorite show is coming on…” he sighs, turning to the closed door. By now, he knows I’m not one to loiter outside late at night. Plopping a piece of chocolate into his mouth, he starts to tap at his phone.
“No. No chocolate for you,” he taps Vivi’s nose and disciplines when she tries to reach for a piece.
-Doot doot doot-
My ringtone sounds from outside the door and then seconds later, the door swings open. I make no move to pick up his call, instead, with my head stooped, I bee-line straight to my room.
“Hey, why are you home so…” Sehun’s voice trails as he spots my depleted spirits, “…late…?”
I slam the door as soon as I’m in and cradle myself into a ball, at the corner of the bed.
Sehun looks at Vivi and Vivi looks back at him. The latter makes a depressed whimper because she’s used to her elated Omma showering her with sweet kisses the moment she returned home. Picking the puppy up, Sehun quietly tiptoes his way over to my room. He plants his ear against the door and immediately, his face falls at the sound of heavy sobs coming from within. Lifting a fist up, he thinks about knocking but eventually settles back on the living room couch.
“Arf…” his pup daughter frowns.
“Omma is sad. Let’s cheer her up,” Sehun suggests.
He straps a box of chocolate on Vivi’s back and drops her off in front of my room.
“Woof! Woof!” Vivi calls for my attention. Her tiny paws pound against my wooden door.
Eyes bloodshot and emotionally drained, I lift my head up from my knees but my fatigue body wants to stay back in its shell. When Vivi starts to whimper, my heart softens and I drag myself to the door.
“What is it, Vivi?” I ask in between sniffles.
I blink, wiping away my tears. Squatting down, I untie the box of chocolate. A small smile graces my lips when I catch a rogue Sehun hiding behind the sofa and trying to observe the situation. I lead Vivi into my room and open the box, in secret, because I, too, am a little shy about this for whatever reason.
Instead my lips part and heart starts to pulsate at the sight of a missing piece of chocolate.
“OH SEHUN! DID YOU LET VIVI EAT CHOCOLATE?!” I shout, storming out of my room with a slipper in one hand, while the man holds both arms out and cry innocence.
Four months passes by…
Today is one of those rare days when both Sehun and I are off work. The bells of Vivi’s collar jingle as she giddily hops up and down, requesting for her morning stroll, which Sehun and I usually take turns chaperoning.
“Let’s wait for Omma,” my handsome housemate whispers to an overly excited pup.
Tying my hair up into a ponytail, I jog my way to reunite with them at the doorway. I catch Sehun eyeing me up and down, his brow twitches and lips form a smirk. I also take note of his casual attire, which for some reason makes him look even more appealing than the button-down shirts he normally wore to work. He sure looked good in sweat pants. I gulp.
“Ready?” he throws me an amused look I can’t quite decipher.
“Yeah,” I nod and reach out for the leash but Sehun pulls it away.
“Oh Sehun,” I cross my arms, puff my cheeks, and narrow my eyes - more like a three step warning for him to let me do it or else a brawl is sure to start.
“You walked her yesterday morning,” he reasons.
Stuck between us, Vivi darts her head from right to left, wondering when Omma and Appa would come to a consensus (which usually didn’t make sense to her) so she could go out for her walk.
“That’s why I should hold the leash today,” he concludes, turns to Vivi and sweetly cheers, “Walkies Vivi? Walkies?”
“That’s not fair, Sehun. I have work tomorrow morning, so I won’t get to walk her,” I argue back as I slip on my shoes. My brain starts to prepare for a full length debate.
Sehun surprises me by interlocking our hands and slipping both through the handle of the leash. I blink.
“There, Woman. Can we walk our dog now?” the sauve man tries to hide his intent through his lofty tone. Without waiting for my response, he leads all three of us out of the apartment. Vivi cheers joyously, prancing straight ahead, oblivious to the thoughts running through my mind. Despite Sehun’s stoic stance, I can feel his rapid pulse through my fingers.
Neither of us make another remark about the incident. A week passes by. I catch Sehun’s absent stare more often now…which only means, I too, have been unknowingly gazing in his direction. We shy away as soon as we catch each other red-handed. I pretend to flip through magazines and he munches away at his popcorn. Vivi is asleep in between us, on the sofa.
A part of me is still baffled by the situations in my life that seemed more fitting as the script to a sitcom. My heart bubbles at the sight of the sweet pup father tickling his daughter’s belly and I wonder, really wonder if he knows…that…I’m…
My hand lifts to calm my heart.
Another part of me wonders, how long this bliss will last…What if out of the blue, Sehun decided to move…? Would I lose both Vivi…and him…? How did couples deal with situations like this when they break up? I shake my head and mumble under my breath, “It’s not like we are dating…”
But what if we did…what if we did…?
“Hey! Hey!” Sehun snaps his fingers in my face to try to wake me up from my lost trance.
I gasp, my body loses its balance, unaware of Sehun’s sudden close proximity. Eyes wide, the nimble male grabs onto my arm, pulls hard, and jerks me up to break my fall. My cheek ends up smashing against his broad shoulder.
“Owwie…” I moan, lifting my hand to examine my bruise but Sehun beats me to it. His soft fingertips stroke my skin, his warm breath soothes the redness. Lashes flutter, my eyes can’t help but greedily scrutinize his flawless features with intensity. He, too, has stopped his reflexive first aid; his palm maneuvers to cup my cheek. My twinkling orbs read affections I’m not ready to confess. He replies in mirroring symmetry. Hearts beat feverishly, almost competing with one another in speed. Slowly, he tilts my chin and closes his eyes. Like a magnet, I draw into his movements and close my eyes too.
“Arf! Arf! Arf!” the awakened puppy bounces up and down, crying of neglect.
My eyes shoot open. Grabbing Vivi, I race to the kitchen. “It’s time for her dinner! I’ll feed her!”
Sehun retracts his outstretched arm, groans, and slouches against the sofa. “Vivi, you cock block,” he murmurs.
Another week passes…this one lasting more like a month because suddenly, Sehun and I have become quite awkward…and nice to one another. We haven’t bickered at all…in fact, he’d let me “hog” Vivi whenever I wanted.
Tonight is movie night. Per usual, Sehun and I sprawl out on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn and Vivi in the middle. My inner old lady must be ticking, as it’s barely 8PM and my lashes are already swaying. The warmth of Vivi’s tummy against my lap only heightens my drowsiness. Before I know it, I had fallen asleep, with my head landing right on Sehun’s shoulders. He jolts at the first contact, holds his breath for the next ten seconds, and then allows his smile to reveal the fondness within his heart. Slowly, he lifts a hand up, hovers it for a moment, before lovingly fixing my hair out of my face so he could admire his sleeping beauty. My even breathing calms his befuddled mind but speeds his rapid heart.
“I think I’ve fallen for you…” he hears himself whisper as he strokes my flushed cheeks.
“Woof,” Vivi whimpers when her father holds a finger up to his lip.
When he turns back around, he jolts, flustered to see that my eyes are open…but my head remains resting against his shoulder. Slowly, I lift it up and rub my tired eyes. Frozen in place, Sehun studies me, trying his best to figure out whether I had heard his confession or not. Wordlessly, I get up and begin to ample over to the kitchen for water when the lovestruck man lurches from his seat and calls out my name. I stop dead in my tracks, the abrupt halt makes the swift speed of my heartbeat clearer than ever.
“I’m in love with you,” Sehun starts his confession without waiting for me to turn around. My arms grow weak and fall back to my sides. “I’ve been falling for you for a while now.” I can hear the nervousness from the shake of his voice. “How you baby-talk encouragements to Vivi, how you immediately wrap her up into a burrito and coax her after a bath, how you smile, how you laugh, how you always make Vivi and my breakfast before making your own…how you always give even when your cup is empty…” Gradually, Sehun had made his way right behind me and cautiously, he eases his strong arms around my waist. “I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?” he suppresses his nerves to ask.
It’s silent. The evening moonlight beams into the room so romantically highlighting the beautiful silhouette of our embraced shadows. Even the bubbly Vivi is quiet, holding her breath, as she innocently observes her Appa and Omma. Sehun snuggles his face against the nape of my neck, the tickle of his breath causing goosebumps along my skin.
“I…” I start. Immediately, I can feel Sehun tense up. “I think I’ve fallen too…” I admit. I feel Sehun’s lips spread into smile against the back of my shoulder to my answer. “…for a while too…” I continue, “How you cradle Vivi and stubbornly insist that she needs to be hummed and read bedtime stories to sleep, how you voluntarily play fetch with her even after a tiring day at work, how you make silly jokes to make me laugh when I’m down, how your eyes curve up into happy arches every night when you welcome me home…” I spin around, “How I always see this enraptured reflection of myself, I’ve never seen before, through these beautiful eyes…”
I cup both my palms on Sehun’s cheeks. Tiptoeing, I finalize my answer by closing my eyes and pressing my lips onto his. The tension of his body eases; he sighs in relief and smiles into the kiss. His large palms mold around the small of my back with perfection.
In that moment, we both realize that life plays silly tricks on us. Neither of us would have imagined that our chaotic first meeting, where we were seconds from clawing each other’s hair, was in fact, a fated encounter.
“Woof!” Vivi chirps, bouncing up in celebration.
…well, maybe with the help of a little furry troublemaker…
Chuckling, Sehun and I part from the kiss, pick Vivi up, and give her a big smooch on either side of her cheeks.
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A/N: ^-^ Hope you guys enjoyed this silly story.  I had other parts but I cut it off because the one shot was getting too long.  Maybe I’ll do a part two in the future :D Tell me what you think, yeah?
Recent Stories: Busy Nights ft. Sehun, Priceless ft. Baekhyun    
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unpretty · 1 year
i keep accidentally hitting genshin buttons while playing tears of the kingdom, and while i have tried to remap my controls in genshin to be closer to zelda's controls, my biggest problem is not one i can remap
see the thing is, in genshin, you use the same button to jump, to glide, and to stop gliding. so you can glide a ways, tap to stop gliding, and then tap the button again right before you hit the ground to catch yourself before you eat shit and die without burning too much stamina.
in zelda, you use the same button to jump and glide, but a different button to stop gliding. and if, while you are in freefall, you hit the 'stop gliding' button again, you do not resume gliding. instead you fall faster.
which means. if you're in freefall from the fucking mesosphere and try to wait until right before you hit the ground to slow down and land. and then instead of hitting the different glide button. you hit the same button you hit to stop gliding. you slam top-speed head-first into the fucking ground and die.
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