dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
who wants to buy a commission from me exclusively so i can get a stationary pal order a month early. what if i film an unboxing. what if i discount the commission price.
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loser-writings · 4 years
Your headcanons of A/B/O are amazing! 😍😍😍😍 since you said your requests are open, I wanna request some for Tenya! Robocop is so underrated and he is so nice!!!
Gosh I love him so much, but this was surprisingly hard to write! Guess that means I’ll have to do more for him in the future! Also also, I hope that you mean’t for Omega Iida since that seems to be whats hot rn on my page!
Tenya Iida
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Tenya Iida, hands down one of the most desired people in UA. He was strong, always had the sweet yet faint smell of orange juice lingering on him, and he was incredibly smart. The only thing many didn’t know was that he was an Omega. His orange scent wasn’t the orange juice he drank everyday, but his natural scent that almost reminded him of Orange Sorbet. His constant need to follow rules was because his omega couldn’t handle the idea of any of his friends getting injured, so he would accidentally go to the extremes to make sure they were safe. To him, his classmates were his family and he refused to have them get hurt.
He was oblivious to the fact that he was really stressed, opting to sleep in his bed that was covered in blankets and pillows, unknowingly nesting every second he could to calm his racing mind. A single wax warmer was plugged into the wall by his desk since he was afraid to have a candle in his room, yet he craved other scents beside his own. He had a whole box full of the wax in his desk that ranged from the smell of leather, to the smell of rain, to sweeter scents. What he wanted all depended on his mood, and sometimes he would mix them to a variety degree of success.
He never expected any courting gifts whenever courting season came around, yet he was shocked to see a notebook and a set of pens laying on his desk, wrapped nicely in a blue and silver bow. Since he was always the first one into the classroom, he didn’t hide his excitement when he rushed over and started examining the pens, grinning when he realized that they were a set he had been eyeing for a while. Known to be good for left handed people since they don’t smear. Sure, he was ambidextrous, but he greatly favored his left hand. The notebook seemed to be fairly expensive too, known to be a favorite by people who journal or take notes often. Of course, he used his new materials in class that day. 
The next day he was greeted with highlighters, a large bag of random stickers, and some washi tapes. His omega purred at the sight and he quickly ran over to examine everything, making swatches of everything in his notebook before finding one that was of him. He grinned bigger and placed it on the front before everybody started walking in. He was curious as to who could possibly be courting him, even managing to get distracted a bit as he tried to figure out who it could be.
By the end of the day, he had two large spreads dedicated to who he thought could be courting him with pros and cons to each person. He had to think of who he would accept the offer from and who he would deny. Just because this person was courting him didn’t mean he would accept, it truly depended on if they were compatible. With that in mind, he crossed out quite a few people from his lists and wrote down the reasons why he wouldn’t accept their courting.
He had no idea that you were running behind since he hadn’t even considered you to be somebody willing to court him. You were the number one in class 1B, highest grades and most potential, so of course he noticed you before. He walked into the classroom only to find you placing things on his desk, oblivious to the man you were courting approaching you slowly.
When you turned around, you yelped before falling back against his desk. His eyes widened and he grabbed you, pulling you into his chest so you didn’t fall. “I-I didn’t know you’d be here this early!” You waited for the other to let go before grabbing your bag. “Yeah I uh...I tend to come in early to get ready.” You let out a dry chuckle as you clutched your bag to your chest. “I should’ve expected that.” You scratched the back of your neck before noticing that Iida was looking at his desk, smiling a little. 
On his desk was a large hoodie and another notebook, this one was clearly more special than the last since the book was bound in a blue dyed leather. The center of the cover had “Ingenium” in silver script and had a silver ribbon for a bookmark. His hand slipped over to it and he picked it up, smiling while looking at it.
“Did you make this?” He asked softly, seeing your note inside asking if you would meet him outside after class. “It’s really breathtaking. Thank you so much for these gifts.” Your cheeks were as red as can be, but you couldn’t help but smile a little. “T-They honestly made me think of you, so I got them and held onto them until I could give you them...I just forgot you are an early bird.” 
He chuckled and nodded as he continued to look at the book before glancing at the large hoodie. “Did you scent it?” He asked as he sat the book down to take the royal blue fabric in his hands, smiling at how soft it was. “N-No I didn’t. I didn’t want it to smell like me if you turned me down.” You admitted which only made the omega smile a bit more before handing it to you. “Would you?”
Your eyes widened and you slowly nodded, taking the hoodie from him and rubbing it against your scent glands to get your scent on it. “Again, thank you so much for your gifts. They truly are amazing.” He said as he glanced back at the book again. “Not many hand make gifts anymore. I truly appreciate the more traditional courting gift.” His omega purred at the sight of the beautiful notebook just begging to be filled with notes, recipes, and more. 
“Well...I assumed you would prefer tradition.” He nodded and carefully took the hoodie back from you. “I do, so I truly can’t express how happy it is that you actually made me something instead of just buying it.” You grinned a little. “My dad taught me that if you court an omega, do it properly. So...I did.” Iida nodded and grinned as he hugged the hoodie softly, purring with it in his arms.
“So...You wrote about going someplace to eat?” You perked up again. “Oh, Yeah. If you are accepting a courting date, I know a nice little hole in the wall at the edge of the city. I thought we could get to know each other better?” He hummed and nodded along. “I’ll meet up with you once class is over. Don’t be late.” He bowed before walking over to sit at his desk. You nodded quickly and smiled bright. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I’ll see you then!”
He watched you run out with your bag happily before turning his attention to the hoodie. He carefully laid it on his desk before resting his head on it, deciding that resting his eyes before class wasn’t such a bad idea.
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