book-of-legends · 7 days
Munday: If your OC could eat any food they wanted, what would they eat?
Here have the main characters of my blogs:
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Sirius: Honey-dipped Paw Meat Buns, Paw meat buns are a common food within Lunala's world. They're typically made of A savoury meat paste, and sweet bread covered in a layer of butter wash. They are eaten as a lunch or snack food.
Disclaimer: All meat in Lunala's world is artificially created meaning no creatures were harmed in the process of obtaining it. Also, don't feed cats honey, Sirius is just a weirdo who probs wonders why he doesn't feel good after.
Silas: Bread. He likes bread. Give him bread. He specifically wants those super soft, almost chewy rolls that taste sweet. Silas doesn't eat meat, I don't think this man has even touched a vegetable in his entire life and he only likes Pecha berries. Besides bread he wants anything sweet, if it's 'Oh god this is too much sugar, I feel sick' he wants 50 of it. If you think it's too much sugar it's not enough.
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North: She wants all the candy you own, EVERYTHING. Don't do it it's a trap, you're going to give her a mini sugar rush and she's going to be bouncing off the walls like a feral animal foaming at the mouth for "MOOOREE SUGGARRR."
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Valiant: He doesn't eat, and he doesn't want to try to eat. Unless you give him a very good reason to consume the food he's just going to stare at you like a confused puppy. Plus even if you did get him to eat he'd just put it in his mouth and then immediately drop it out of his mouth because he doesn't know what to do after he chews it, aka. he doesn't know how to swallow food.
If he was able to eat foods, due to his general lack of being able to taste things very well he wouldn't enjoy it. If you want him to like food it's going to need to have a very noticeable texture to it since that's the only thing he can actually notice about it.
TLDR: Give him something that is a sensory nightmare to eat and he'll be very happy with it.
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Fern's super secret blog, so secret it hasn't been started yet.
Jackpot: ... Uh. The Flesh of Gods? Specifically one of the Solar gods, but he'll settle for one of their pact followers. I will not elaborate.
~ Thank you for the Munday ask!!
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megamindsecretlair · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @nerdieforpedro 🥳
I'm not sure if anyone's that vested in my upcoming stuff but I love hearing about what's on tap from you and my writing moots so I'll keep the updates coming 🤸🏽‍♀️
There is a lovely WIP game I responded to a few days ago that you can find here. In case ya missed it and wanna see 15 titles I'm working on.
So far, I know I need to update all my series 🤣 I have not lost any love for Loki, Sam, or Vampire Tyrone. But I must obey the muses and the squirrel brain. They play tug of war with me and ya girl is tiredt 👏🏽 and right now, all it wants is to be wined and dined by Tre from Candy Cane Lane. That is a man 👏🏽👏🏽
Do expect some new blorbos 😻😻 I finished Rap Sh!t thanks to an anon and I NEEEED RJ Cyler in my life. Also the guy who played Lord AK. I loved his vibe and I think we need more Black alternative men to lust over. We have Hobie and we need MOOOREE. Also Kevin Atwater chuz when I tell yall the thirst is real 🥹 and fuck it, we going after the JJK mens as well.
I know I have some requests to get to. Dont hate me yall. Sometimes a story plum dont speak to me as quickly as others. And I been slack a lackin' on Franklin fics. I feel like I abandoned my baby 🥺 I aint mean to. S6 just really pissed me off. Dont make me climb on my soapbox why. We'll be here all night 🤣
I have 2 requests for Incubus Tyrone. Which, WHAT. Yall 🥹🥹 thank you so much for loving that story! I will get to him, I promise. But there's also a mob boss Tyrone on the way 😈😈
If you've read this far, I love you. I love your support. Even if its silent. Even if its spam liking. Even if we've never exhanged words a day in our lives. I love you. And may both sides of your pillow stay cold. May your beverage of choice stay the perfect temperature. May you always find an extra $5 when you need it.
Nerdie, you tagged my usual suspects 🤣 so anyones free to join in.
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sneakercake · 1 year
abe better hang out with topher more now that he lost his friend group
i want them to interact MOOOREE
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sunroofangel · 2 years
moooree kb5 incorrect quotes bc i love these kids
courtney: I love you.  duncan, not paying attention: What was that?  courtney: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
geoff: What are you two arguing about this time?  courtney: He’s always using common phrases incorrectly!  duncan: Cry me a table, courtney
duncan: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
geoff: Bro-  bridgette: No, no, hold up, rewind.  bridgette: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
duncan: Alright geoff, dj. Let's go over this one more time. duncan: If something breaks? geoff: We try to fix it before courtney gets home. duncan: If it doesn't work? dj: We blame bridgette. bridgette: Seriously guys, what the hell?!
courtney: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… duncan and I are dating. duncan, geoff, bridgette, and dj: *gasp* courtney: duncan, why are you surprised?!
geoff: I think it’s time I get my life in order. bridgette, narrating: But he did not get his life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
courtney: *speaking Spanish* duncan: I know, I know. geoff: You speak Spanish? duncan: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language courtney speaks.
duncan, writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass." duncan: THERE. Now send it. dj:: Dude, your handwriting's terrible, are you sure you want to- duncan: JUST DO IT! later courtney: So what does it say? geoff, reading the letter: He say he's going to "lick my...." courtney: geoff: courtney: Gross-
bridgette, knocking on the door: duncan, open up! duncan: It all started when I was a kid. bridgette: That’s not what I- courtney: Let him finish!
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yanderealm · 1 year
26 days… 26 days left to the exam, it seems like this is a long way off but it took more than my 13 months to prepare myself for this fucking exam! and i feel like it’s still not enough for me, i’m not thinking about study for another year because it will cost to my mental health, my physical appearance ( i had to stop doing sports due to this never-ending marathon, but i put on too much weight ) and even abandoning my hobbies that caused me to stress a lot and moooree…
my points aren’t enough to rank in the first 3k’s in 200k ( my rank is probably will be 10-20k / in both tyt & ydt ) , but it will be hard to me to get into my goal branch, not impossible, i think there are still hope exists but i’m not sure if i can get into this branch or not.
i don’t want to give up already in this last home strecth, i keep doing tests for this exam but i’m bored:(
i want to use here more actively, i want to post more things… but the study says noo :(
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moorebeanz · 2 years
It's unfortunate I can't send you a message but I just want to see how you doing would like to actually talk to you if you ever get time just let me know.. peace
I’m just here for chill vibes on my streams lovely lad! If you want moooree of beanz :3 I’m always found on twitch as my schedule is posted 💗🫶 it’s too much for me mentally to handle single messages in DM
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catboyzzero · 2 years
i just want you fooorrr my owwnn moooree than youuu could eeever knooowww
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nintn19 · 2 years
frieeendss moooree
look at them
I'll go great them and see if they want to be friiiieeendss like the others
I fuckin hate this quest.
Yeah we all do now shut up and look for any traps. We don't know what's in here.
Guys shhhh they could hear us.
So fuckin what princess we gonna kill 'em or die trying.
What did I say about shutting up and traps, plus she's here to keep you alive best not get her angry.
Yeah hmph.
Say that louder trap boy.
I didn't say shit.
Guys what was that?
Prolly nothin' princess.
Even if it was nothing better to assume it was something.
I don't like this.
No one does. Trap boy, we almost there?
Fuckin hope so.
ooooo these ones look different mmmmmmm like theessseeee oneeesss gonna try the smmmmall one
Do you wanna play dolls with me?
What’s the matter?
Didn't you see the fuckin girl with the dolls?!?!?!
Now I really don't like this.
No one does princess.
Let's get ready for a fight.
In this fuckin darkness
Yes. That's why I bought the potions.
Ohhh thanks a bunch.
Yeah what she said.
theeeseee oneeesss reallllllly will be fuunnnnnnn time for plan B then ehehehehehe
CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SHOUTING it makes it harder to concentrate on the spells.
AGH Yeah I'll try.
Was *huff* that *huff* the *huff* fucking *huff* last *huff* of *huff* them.
I hope so.
Come on, we still need to find out what was directing them. Something that can keep that many dead thralls under its control is a threat.
Then why the fuck DONT WE GO BACK!!?!?
uhh guys?
*points* umm
oh noooo nnnnneed for thhhhhat friiieeeennndsss
eheheheheheehehehehehe i just want friiieeennnddddssss
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lychnis12 · 3 years
i want to buy the sherpa lined coat i saw in the antique store and fix it up…
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bushmonsterr · 6 years
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One gem, two lives 🌸🌺
instagram ✨| doodle commission info 💕
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vrc7 · 5 years
finally caught up with tma!!
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splodey-painter · 6 years
I'm absolutely in love with Achievement Haunter! Even though I'm as big of a bitch baby as Geoff when it comes to spooks (I had to pause at one part, grab a plushy and pull my legs onto my chair), I was laughing almost the whole time.
I can't wait to see more!
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catescribble · 4 years
Someone telly me why Honey Honey by fucking ABBA is my current favourite song?? Helmp??
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heejayy · 3 years
It’s the hormones
Warning: none
Genre: crack, a little fluff
Paring: Paul Lahote x Black fem Reader
Wc: 495
a/n: back on my twilight shit. Also keep writing about pregnant women…idky 😂
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Your body slid down the kitchen wall as you painfully sobbed holding your swollen belly. Your cried and cried letting hot tears spill down your puffy cheeks. Not long after you heard quick foot stepped approaching the kitchen.
“Baby what’s wrong?! A-are you hurt!?” Your husband asked frighten as he squatted down beside your limp body on the floor.
“We- it’s- there’s no moooree” you sobbed in-between your broken sentence that didn’t make much sense to Paul.
“Baby girl calm down, breath and speak to me slowly” he uttered softly wiping your cheeks.
“No…more…chocolate cake” you whimpered as your head hung low. Paul was at a loss for words, he didn’t want to laugh because then that would upset you. So he closed his eyes fighting the smile creeping on his lips and sighed.
“Ok baby I’ll go out and buy you some more…even if it is two in the morning” he grunted the last part as he stood up. “Why don’t I take you upstairs so you can rest you must be tired huh?” You nodded taking his hand as he helped you up.
“Yeah man, She was like bawling on the floor over chocolate cake. She scared the shit out of me I thought she was going into labor!” Paul huffed as he vented to Sam over the phone.
“Haha man it’s the hormones, you should’ve seen Em when she was pregnant. One minute she’s Godzilla the next she’s an angel. No in between, but hey the key to that is patience…which now has got me worried because I know you lack that” Paul sarcastically chuckled.
“Not funny man- oh I gotta go I’m back home I’ll see you in a few hours for patrol” he ended the call as he walked back into your shared home.
“You’re back?!” You beamed waddling over to him immediately grabbing the bag that contained your beloved chocolate cake.
“Thank you so much Paul, I love you!” You smiled pouring your love all over his face with kisses. His face grew a light tent of red letting out a deep chuckle.
“Anything for you my love” you didn’t waste anytime digging into the bag getting out your cake.
About half way through you glanced at Paul who looked just as tired as you, with is body slumped against the coach.
“Paul baby?”
“Hmm?” He perked up.
“I’m sorry for being inconsiderate and bothering you, I know you’re tired too. Please forgive me” your eyes began to water again but not for food but for your attentive husband.
“No baby it’s nothing I swear. come here lemme’ hold you” you crawled in between his thighs as he leaned against the couch.
“I love you baby” he kissed your forehead holding you against his chest.
“I love you too.”
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Twilight Masterlist
©heejayy 2022 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission
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atnightiscream · 2 years
Wake up tickles with a naga would be amazing! And not just because I have a bias for snake people....
You wake up slowly, sunlight creeping in through the curtains, shades of yellow dancing lightly on the large bed and up the colorful scales of your beloved. You sigh in content in their embrace, the two of you wrapped in a warm, scaly cuddle. Their snake half lazily coiled loosely around your legs and the "human" half wrapping their arms around your shoulders, bringing you to their chest. Your own arms are split between being draped over their side while the other rests on their chest.
You take a minute as you wake up to just...look at them, thinking how the word "beauty" could never do them justice. Their adorable little fangs, how their eyes light up when they smile, that charming laugh....
Great. Now you're in a mood...but it's not like that mood couldn't be remedied..I mean, they ARE completely exposed to you~
You smile mischievously to yourself as you cuddle closer to your beloved. Slowly moving the hand on their back up, you begin to lightly trace around their sensitive shoulder blades. They squirm in their sleep, moving closer to you, your smile grows in response, moving your fingers down past their shoulders and into their sides. "Mmmmph kehhehe..whahat? Mhhmhm baahabe what're you doin'?" A drowsy voice starts from the head now buried in your chest.
"Good morning love" you tease as your other hand gets to work scribbling along their tummy. A squeak makes its way out of their mouth before your partner attempts to push you away "NOohoOo! Noho tihihickles! I wanna slehehehp!" They chirp, wriggling away from you to the opposite side of the bed, tail spasming as they do, careful not to squeeze your still trapped leg too hard.
You persist, clinging to them, whining "but I want to talk to yoou!" You swing your free leg over your partner's body and sit on top of them, grinning down at them. You can see that little smile on their face, and an adorable little blush, they're loving this, and you would be lying if you said you weren't as well. "baaaabyy~ come on! It's time to get up!" You sing. "Nooo! Leave me alone you gremlin!" They chortle, significantly more awake than before, pulling their pillow to their face in an attempt to block out you and the sun. You chuckle "Come on hun~ if you don't get up I'm gonna tickle you again!~"
Their response is to use their tail to drag your still trapped leg, and thus you, off of them and back to your side of the bed. You gasp dramatically "how dare you!" In mock offense. They giggle into their pillow, peeking out at you and shrieking when they see you launch yourself back at them, wrestling with them against the bed. Their attempts to hold you away with their tail again backfiring heavily when you start vibrating your hands across the scales. "Gitchi gitchi goo! I'm gonna get ya!" You laugh as they squeal in protest, their laughter going up an octave when you dig your other hand into their armpit. "nonoNAHAHAHAHA- SsstAAAAAAAAHAHAP! NOT THAT! NOT THAHAHAHAHT!!" They beg! Clamping their arm down, effectively trapping your wriggling fingers. "Yes that!" You roar playfully. "GAHAHADS! NAHAHAHAH KAHAHAAAH! baby!! Baby please! No more! No MOOOREE! EEEEEEHEHEHEHEH" They squeal once more as your lips land on their scales blowing raspberry after raspberry into the ticklish muscle. The tail tightens around your somehow still trapped leg desperately as your beloved begins to cry tears of mirth when your lips press against the area where their skin and scales meet.
Your fingers eventually still, gently rubbing the overstimulated nerves on your partner's skin and scales while they calm down. You can't help but gaze lovingly at them while you do this; their parted lips, stretched into a sweet smile to reveal their adorable fangs, their reptilian eyes bright and glittering, and their little pants as they recover...you could lost staring at them. Or...at least you could if they didn't break the peace by flipping you over and pinning you by your shoulders beneath them.
"You really thought you could get away with that didn't you? Well~ I'll just have to show you what happens when you tickle a sleeping naga~"
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warning: anon ask about signs of rapid weight loss, body dysmorphia
hii, "<3" anon here again, so i´ve been wanting to ask you about this for a loong loong time but i was kinda shy to do it, i recently lost a lot of weight and well the signs of having more weight (and losing that weight) are moooree visible now so it kinda makes me insecure when it comes to having le sex, so can i ask u some word of advice? pls pls (also i wanted to ask if someday u could write a small drabble of any bts member helping a reader with stretch marks tehee)
have a nice day and pls keep writing, i love your stuff.
The person you're having sex with is too busy internally celebrating that they are having sex with you to even notice you have stretch marks. XD I wouldn't worry about what they're thinking. I mean, what is your partner going to do? Inspect you from head to toe??? Come on. Sex is not about your physical appearance. It's about who you are. If they are so shallow to only focus on your physical appearance, they are not worth having sex with.
Body dysmorphia is a complicated thing. It's possible that you feel insecure because your mind is unconsciously trying to find more things "wrong" with you, so it's less about what you see in the mirror and more about unlearning the habit that has formed from years of seeing yourself looking a certain way (and being dissatisfied / troubled with the way you look). Now that you've lost the weight, you've ended up fixating in other things.
I don't know the background or context of your weight loss (nor so you have to tell me), but this sort of thing can happen, especially when external sources - friends, family, strangers, media, etc - constantly make comments about your weight and, now that you've lost it, you've found other "undesirable" parts of you that you think others will negatively comment on. But that's not true, nor is it fair to yourself. Everyone else always sees you in a brighter light that you see yourself in. The people who care about you are not trying to find your flaws; they're too busy celebrating your strengths.
The importance of your body is your internal health. Everyone looks different. Hell, everyone looks different at different points in their lives. There's so much more to a person than just their looks. How you look on the outside is just one small part of you.
Confidence in your appearance is truly less about your actual appearance and more about how you feel about yourself as a person. Anyone can tell you that you look perfect, but you will never believe them unless you believe in yourself.
besides, one day you'll shed your meat shell and reach your final form as a solider of my skeleton army, i am waiting for your arrival with anticipation
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