mkscatgirl · 1 year
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a-moth-to-the-light · 2 years
Tranquil's Studyblr Challenge, 15
Today, my goals are to visit my friends & devote some time to writing.
What can you de-clutter physically or emotionally to find more ease and simplicity?
Oh wow this is a tough one--mostly because I hate changing things! I like cleaning only when it's the same pattern every time, so decluttering is really unpleasant for me.
Physically, I know I could benefit from sorting through the books I've been hoarding from the various libraries around my city. But I don't want to let go of themmmmmmmmmm :(
Mentally, I want to work on positive affirmations. Daily arguments with myself over everything (partly to blame on a hyperactive brain that wants to do a little bit of everything all of the time, which gives me a lot to fight myself over) take a lot of my energy and motivation from me, so I'm hoping that gently nudging my thought patterns over to simpler, less draining places will really help me out!
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vivildicno · 2 years
Finnishing with the Shannon Hale books of eah (bc i'm not reading the legend of shadow high), we have Once Upon A Time, and i'm gonna give my opinions by chapter
1. Cedar Wood and the end of the summer
Cedar living with his father and grandfather is so cuteee, but everything about her is so angsty, the dilemma between becoming real and choose her own way is so sad i feel anxious, but overall, i adore her.
2. Apple White and the Ebony haired Legacy is the same as in a part in the first book
I find very funny the "From apple whites desk" bc i love how they changed pop culture to be a part of eah
3. Raven Queen and the mirror prision same as 2
4. Briar Beauty and the Jewlery Thieves
Briars family seems so fun and warm, and the castle also seems fun with zip lines and pillows everywhere. And i love how they forshadow the major conflict of Briar not wanting to sign later on
5. Maddeline Hatter and the Upside Down Day
Not much to say, except that i adore maddie and how she makes an effort to make people around her smile, even if they are not so nice to her.
6. Ashlynn Ella and the misterious Woodsman
So Ash was always dreaming about a non prince??? and hunter is that for her and more than she ever dreamed???? I adore themmmmmmmmmm. Also love Ashlynn helping every animal she's so sweet i could melt for herrr
7. Hunter Huntsman and the Forest Maiden
Hunter is a dream man really: vegan?? saves animals from his father?? daydreams about ash just for seeing her from far away??? so lovely i love him
8. Dexter Charming nd the Yellow-Eyed Cangeling
Daring and Dex playing is so endearing to me. Dex and his crush on Raven even from the first year is so cute. Also why didn't they use the fact that Carling can me time go in slow mo in the series, it is so cool. Daring being good with kids is the best. And the names of the Charming family are so ridiculous. Darling is clearly not made to be a perfect princess and i love it. Not much else to say, except i love the twins
9. Darling Charming and the Razor Eel
The contradiction between Darling wants and just being born a CHarming amaze me. She's just so cool and i want to be her yk??
10. Lizzie Hearts and a Home for Hedgehogs
Dveryting about Lizzies situation makes me sad. And the White Queen being sweet to her is something i needed. Also Lizzie being able to build a card castle able to support a hedgehog is so cool. And her soft side is everyting i need.
11. Kitty Cheshire and the Tricksy day
Kitty cousing the events of many of the other histories is so her and so great. Snow White smelling Apples pillow??? weird. Kitty thinking of Cedar as a Friend???????? AND KITTY NOT WANTING TO BOTHER RAVEN BC SHE ALREDY HAD A TOUGH YEAR TO COME?
12. From the Storybook of Legends: The Tale of Two Sisters
Nothing to say really, but thanks i guess
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Brothers With a Crafty Poly!MC
And I mean like, arts and crafts! Because I think that a good chunk of us are creative people. With creativity comes mess though 😅. Speaking of creativity, I made some strawberry barrettes. I have two sets to sell, but one single for me, and tbh I love themmmmmmmmmm.
This kinda includes my artistic s/o ask, but kinda doesn't. Basically anything at Micheals lmao
The mess and supplies are most likely what bothers him.
Like, he actively encourages hobbies, but when people begin trailing supplies throughout the house (thread, sequins, glitter ((thanks Diavolo)), and little strings of hot glue), the demon becomes absolutely annoyed.
This stuff is okay in it's designated space, and honestly he doesn't mind the occasional trail of glitter that somehow got stuck to you in some way, but all the time drives him crazy.
I mean it's to the point where he's always got something stuck to him.
(^^which is pretty unavoidable, if he hangs around you often. Get him a lint brush, that might shut him up)
He does enjoy watching you work though. Seeing you dedicate your time to something other then school and his brothers is extremely heart-warming.
He isn't afraid to criticize your work. However, there's always some recommendation to follow. Except when it comes to things he's never seen done before like resin art. Then he'll just be pretty straight forward, and might not even tell you what he thinks you did wrong because even he doesn't know.
Especially likes hobbies that include scrapbooking, embroidery, and glass art.
He's basically like a kid bothering his parent when you do your crafty stuff.
Like he either wants to be apart of your crafts.
Mammon also digs through your things all the time, so if you have valuable craft supplies, hide them!
Tends to spill things all the time. Expect to find him covered in glitter at least twice.
He does, probably, make something from your supplies. There's no telling how it turns out. He's going to be very proud of it though, and depending on how his brothers react, you can make or break his self-confidence for the rest of the day.
(Mammon, sweetie, I love what you made, but please don't use my sewing scissors on craft paper ever again)
Mammon likes to lay his head on your lap when you do things. Puppy dog man.
Likes hobbies that include; Jewelry making, basically anything shiny, and sculpting
He's going to take FULL advantage of your creativity space lmao.
Loves to do things with you, by himself, watch you do them, ext.
Really enjoys taking stickers and putting them on you lmao.
Will probably try anything once.
(^He likes the idea of having something no one has. Limited edition is kinda his thing after all. But, wood carving/burning and knitting don't ever agree with him)
You'll probably wake up one day to find some weird, intricate craft project started in the middle the night. He might leave notes telling you not to move the project, or to please add X/Y/Z so it's a bit more stable.
Also he just buys random craft supplies that you don't even know the name to.
Likes hobbies that include; Sewing, resin art, and polymer clay.
Oh my goodness this many loves to buy fucking YARN.
I don't know if it's just the cat man in him, or if it's because he especially enjoy knitting/crochet crafts, but he buys yarn for your supplies all the time.
And it's always the weird stuff too. Like the yarn with pompoms, or something in that neon green he seems to adore, or whatever else he finds that catches his eye.
(Honestly, everything that catches his eye is scary)
He also really enjoys watching embroidery.
Idk something about all the parts coming together to form a beautiful picture really makes him relax.
Tbh you could honestly make him anything for a gift and he'd be happy you put time and effort into something!
(Best gift Idea off the top of my head is one of those little hads with cat ears lmao.)
Likes hobbies that include; Knitting/crocheting, paper craft, and embroidery
Asmo is either going to treat your space one of two ways.
He'll be your best craft partner, buying little charms and stuff for the two of you to use on the things you'll end up doing. He always cleans up after himself, and makes sure to replace whatever he uses.
Or he's the worst and never cleans up after himself, and takes without ever giving back lmao.
Either way he's still always going to be up there with you, doing something to bedazzle his life.
(Remember the phone case convo? Yeah, that's basically this situation all over again...just with EVERYTHING.)
He kinda does the Levi thing too where he makes stuff and just leaves it there over night, but you'll always know what he's doing, because Asmodeus always brags about his skillful hands.
Likes hobbies that include; soap making, resin art, and sewing. Basically Levi without the extra weeb
Y'know how the stereotypical TV dad is always like "Wow, amazing" whenever their child does something?
That's pretty much Beel.
(I kinda relate him to my dad lmao. I show him something and the response is always "Wow babe, that's amazing! Have you ever thought of taking classes in that?". Like, I'm not saying beel is dad energy, but I'm saying he has that same support for his partner. He wants them to commit and be happy with whatever they do.)
He is pretty bad about getting crumbs on your workspace though.
Likes to sit you in his lap when you're working so he can watch you do you're thing. It's not exactly the best thing for most projects, but it is pretty cute.
He's really aggressive about treating your injuries lmao.
Likes hobbies that include; Most candy/cake decoration, polymer clay, and miniatures (!!!! He really likes miniatures !!!!!)
Most crafts are loud, stink, and give him a headache. Like really.
Who knew that glass cutting made such screechy noises? That sewing machines could be so violent? How wood burning and hot glue smell rancid?
Ugh. He avoids your crafty space like the plague.
It's a bad napping area, and tbh, it's probably the most annoying place in the house for him when he's not sleeping anyways.
(My boy needs Q U I E T)
He will take advantage of the fruits of your labors though.
He likes fluffy sweaters, blankets of all kind, and those pretty glass decorations you put in the window to catch light.
Pillows are fun, heated rice packs are too, and anything that smells good is great in his book. Honestly just as easy to make something for him as Satan tbh.
Likes hobbies that include; Knitting/crocheting, quilting, and candle making. He might burn the house down with that lastone though
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undoundue · 3 years
the adventures of the graye wizard caliban: and the curse of spotifsploitation III
i'm eating panda express in the food court outside work with my week's wages in gold coins in my trademark italian leather sack (dolce & gabbana, $1000) at my side, when out of nowhere a shadowy figure carrying an identical dolce & gabbana italian leather sack bumps into me.
"ah, vi vam very vsorry," the figure says thickly.
"hey, don't worry about it," i say.
then, hoping to dispel the tension, i say "orange chicken. yum!"
i chopstick accordingly.
the figure laughs "va va va," bows, and departs.
i feel a warm rush of closeness for this mysterious stranger. i gotta admit, i'm a little suspicious of any figure wearing a trenchcoat and fedora (trilby?) who speaks in a thick but unplaceable accent and whose face is completely obscured by shadows. that's implicit bias, and i'm working on it, but i'm not going to pretend it's not there. so it's nice (and humbling) to be reminded that, hey, shadowy figures like eating orange chicken and carressing their D&G sack full of $37.50 in gold coins just like the rest of us. because the boundaries we put up are artificial: deep down, we're all the same.
it's only after i finish my meal that i realize the shadowy figure has exchanged my bag for their identical bag—and that this new bag is ticking. tick tick tick...
"my god!" i blurt out, as mallgoers turn and stare, "my coins have been replaced with identical tare weight in tiny clocks!"
the clocks explode. an oversized mouth appeared in thin air.
"this man faps," it says smugly.
then shrilly: "this man faps!"
and so the pattern repeats, ABABABABC, with C being a sonorous and melancholy delivery similar to whalesong. yeah, i said it, sonorous and melancholy. check out some youtube videos if you don't believe me.
a crowd surrounds me. i tried to leave, but the food court is a labyrinth, and wherever i turn the mouth follows a few feet behind. i began to sweat.
"what's he fap to?" a mall rat-person says. "fur-ry porn?"
the mouth seems to consider. "yes. furry porn."
"hyuk hyuk hyuk," the rat-person says. "fur-ry porn."
"you've got it all wrong!" i scream. "i am not a socialist!"
whoa. dead silence. where did that come from? i guess i have always wondered why furries seem to run leftist while anime aficionados span the whole political spectrum, because you could totally see it being the other way. i mean, there's a reason furry artists draw vore: they're obsessed with who's predator and who's prey. and when someone's into that stuff, is social darwinism really that far behind?
of course, you could spin it the other way: that when someone is totally committed to egalitarianism in everyday life, the old tooth-and-nail has got to come out somewhere. in that case, the question isn't "why are so many furries socialist?" it's "why aren't more socialists furries?" rousseau was into mommy femdom, so it's not crazy.
i should caveat with all of this that i have nothing against socialism (i am a proud member of new canaan wizard's union) or against furries (as a doujin reader, i empathize with their struggle against myriad oppressions). but, i have to admit, i would hate to be a furry socialist. i don't know, something about the combo just rubs me the wrong way.
i try to explain this to the crowd, but they don't take it well. lacking stones, they arm themselves with condiment bottles, napkin holders, salt-and-pepper shakers, cutlery. moments before i am seasoned, who steps between me and the crowd but—jesus christ!
"stop!" jesus christ says, his white robes aflutter and radiant. "let he who is without sin..."
here jesus trails off meaningfully, but since no one is holding a stone per se he can't finish the line. the crowd hesitates.
"but jesus," the mall rat-person says, "this man's a socialist. and a furry. we don't want his kind in the new canaan community mall."
"so!?" i shoot back at the self-hating furry, "like you've never jerked it to a girl with animal features? also, i'm not a furry, or a socialist."
"this is a christian community," a mall-mom spits out, "we don't engage in beastiality."
"yeah!" another guy shouts, a little protest-too-much. "i hate furries! kemonomimi are cute though."
"kemonomimi do not have souls," the mall mom says.
"come now," the first guy says. the arch of his eyebrows tells me he's decided to play the enlightened centrist, the schmuck. "kemonomimi have souls. animals have no souls. furries—"
"—have partial souls," i offer. "maybe 65%. it depends on the furry."
the mall-mom looks annoyed by this academic turn. "but only a whole-souled being can consent in the eyes of the lord. this is why—"
i cut in: "—but can any of us be truly said to be whole souled? are we not all sinners in the eyes of god?"
the crowd enters an uproar of spittle and heresy; i narrowly dodge a plume of sriracha. "hold on! maybe we should just ask him," someone suggests. the crowd turns to jesus for guidance.
"my poor, lost sheep," jesus says.
then jesus hesitates. maybe this was the wrong metaphor?
"THIS MAN FAPS!" the magic mouth says, for the last time, because i snap my fingers and hit it with a pink ray of Dispel Magic.
instead of disappearing, though, it makes a scratchy noise like a radio finding a signal.
nico says: please don't confront me with my failures i have not forgotten themmmmmmmmmm
the crowd weeps, rends garments, beats breasts. amidst the chaos i make my escape.
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thepictureofsdr · 2 years
Ok i got carried away there BACK TO MY MQIN POINT DHDJF its this
Oh you kissed me, just to kiss me, not to take me home
It was simple, it was sweetness, it was good to know
You look perfect, you look different
I dont wonder about your indifference
If I said you could never touch me
Youd come over and say i look lovely
I *need* and I mean *need* Thomastair to reach a point where Alastair knows Thomas loves him for who he is, rather than amything he could offer him. The line where it goes "oh you kissed me, just to kiss me" makes me want to cry because y e a h
Im gonna cry again.
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cowsaresushi-coral · 4 years
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i miss drawing him so much. i did one picture of him, and immediately went “I MISS YOU SO MUCH I WANT TO DRAW MORE OF MY PRECIOUS BASTARD CHILDREN”
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Hey, legends !! 
This is my first follow forever in ages and I’m so overwhelmed with all the things I want to say but here goes nada !!
Here’s a celebration of a milestone! Blogging on here for four months, One hundred and four followers, and 1,784 posts !! A big thank you to everyone that puts up with my crazy ass. I had left the indie community years ago when it became a little too toxic but thanks to the encouragement of a few mutuals, I returned and have not regretted ever since. 
I’ve met some amazing people along the way and well, here are just some notable mutual ducklings that I simply adore ! 
There are those I follow and just love seeing on my dash too! So huge shout out to them !!! 
@wcsted- my little munchkin. You’re like a little sister to me and I care about you so very much!  It’s insane how talented you are and it makes me smile every time I see you on my dash! 
@holyqueens- Getting to know you has been such a blessing and damn your writing is fire. I appreciate you checking on me every so often and man, we really do have some great ships, huh? You’re a kind soul and I wish you the best in life! 
@emptygcds- My RP wife, my bestie, my confidante. What can I say about you that I don’t already tell you on the daily? lol I adore you and your characters. You’re so freakin’ talented. I don’t know what I did to deserve you as a writing partner but I thank my lucky stars I have you. You make it fun to be here and our in-thread chemistry is some real ish! 
@rosychvrms Sweet little angel. Thank you for giving me some of the best ships I’ve ever written. You’re lovely and wonderful and every time I see you on my dash, I just want to squish you. 
@fircytragcdy- What an amazing person you are. SOOOO talented. SO much so that I constantly want to throw my characters at you and don’t get me started on how much I love our little ship that wasn’t supposed to be a ship and now look at themmmmmmmmmm! I love you, bb! 
@vuotriste - Writing with you has always been a pleasure. Any time I get the chance to, it makes my damn week! Thank you for giving me the opportunity, my love! 
@prcsopa- gosh. You’re just one of the best writers I have ever come across on this hellsite and we are truly lucky to have you. Thanks for listening to my ship rants and random headcanons! (lol) It’s so much fun writing (and crying) with you about our love for ships and/or characters.
@trcnscendant- *takes a deep, deep breath*. Before I go on and on about your writing, I want to take this moment to talk about my love for you? Hi? I’m obsessed? (In a healthy way, ofc). Meeting you has been the biggest blessing 2018/2019 gave to me. Truly. I love how we can go an extended period of time without talking and when we do, it’s like no time has passed. We finish each other sentences, talk about the most random things, and stay up late talking straight up bull ish. I love you and I love your writing. In all seriousness, you are one talented little bean and the world doesn’t deserve someone so special. 
@wavesborn- Yadi, Yadi. I miss you so much but I know life is crazy. I love you and your writing and your random bursts of muse are the best, okay? 
@kerriganwrites, @antisopa, @justal1ttlestarl1ght- Oof. What a little trio of awesome? Even headcanoning is hella fun with you guys. Writing with the three of you is just the icing on a fantastic slice of cake! 
@mcthsman- Love everything you post! You’re a huge help to the community and I appreciate your sound and (very) woke outlook on life. And you’re freakin’ talented as hell too. Geeze! I’m not worthy! lol 
@goldcnblood- I knew you were special the day I opened discord and I had 5787548674674 messages from you about our ships! Your enthusiasm and patience for me are unlike anyone else’s. They can fight me! I love getting replies from you, it’s like Christmas morning! 
@felixculpxx- hsghhjfghfjdghjdfghdfgh Thank you for giving me one of my favorite ships ever! You’re so amazing not only as a writer but as a person too! I think that you are truly an angel. 
@heroexxs- I just love writing with you! There’s always a huge smile on my face when I get a reply alert! Also, I love reading your interactions with others as well. You are on fireeeeee! 
@quecninthenorth- our threads are just too good to be true, man. You light up my days with your messages and your writing. I’m so blessed to not only have you as a friend but as a partner too! 
@onlysunshiine- My sweet, sweet girl! Ugh, thank you for approaching me to write with you! I would have never gotten Rose/Manny otherwise! You’re so fun to write with you and you’re just so wonderful! 
@pxachscone, @doctorharley-md, @marredmarvels- Our writing journeys have just begun but I’m hecka stoked! I love what I see so far and you’re all such freakin’ gemssssssss!  A special shout out to @marredmarvels for getting me through “creeper-gate”. You that ride or die kinda dude! 
@deamuses- I’m a firm believer of fate and look at us! Years later and here we are writing AGAIN! I still can’t believe it. I’m so happy to have found you once more and to call you my writing partner. 
There are so many of you that I adore and if you’re not mentioned, it’s not because I adore you less. Promise! I think you’re all stellar and I’m lucky to have you all in my life in one way or another. 
Stay amazing and thank you for following me! I hope to continue writing with ya’ll and screaming in your DMS! 
                                             ˜”*°•.˜”*°• Gia •°*”˜.•°*”˜
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