kimis-gloves · 7 months
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Runnin' Home To You - read on ao3
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The winter break. The time of year that either leaves people longing for more, or an appreciated break from the world of cars and speed. For Charles leclerc it's a different situation. During this time of year, he's apart from everything he loves, everyone he loves. The way he grabs onto charles when they share a podium, the looks they share while they achieve one of their few moments alone. Charles can't see his life in racing without Max Verstappen being there with him. From the early years of karting, Charles knew he loved max. His entire mind and way of thinking revolves around max. The way he races, the way he does not find any genuine attraction to anyone other than max. It's almost as if he's been poisoned and rotted by his fellow dutchman. 
After Abu Dhabi, Charles found himself not wanting to leave Max's side because he knew that once he did, it would be one of if not the last time he saw Max before the next season's testing. His heart ached everytime he had to spend time away from max. He wondered if Max ever felt the same way, he doubted that as he watched Max walk over to his new girlfriend, one that came upon somewhat suddenly. He watched as they hugged each other tightly, embracing the other's presence as Max exclaimed with joy after winning his fourth world drivers championship. When Max leans in to kiss her, Charles can't bear to watch as it just hurts too much to see the man he's loved for his entire life, act so affectionately to someone that isn't him. 
That was what Charles thought would be the last time he saw Max that year. He spent most of his winter break attempting to take his mind off of the fact that he is so in love with the boy who was sent from the stars. He spent nights laying in bed, deeply wishing Max was there with him. To laugh with and to hold, to stare into his oceans of eyes and tell him how right from the start, he was the light in the dark. 
But alas he can't. He lay there in his cold, empty bed and continued to wish. It's a colder & rainy night, not cold enough to snow. He listens to the droplets of rain rattle against his windows, as he turns over to face the moonlit & rain scattered window, he hears a loud, but stern knock at his apartment door. 
“What the-”
knock, knock, knock
After quickly checking his phone, Charles drags himsout of his bed, throwing on the nearest joggers and whatever loose tee he can get his hands on. As he's making his way towards his front door, hes wondering who on earth could be at his door at this hour, surely nobody import-
“Charles.. May I please come in?”
“Oh, of course here..”
As Charles is making wax for Max, he's left utterly speechless as to why Max Verstappen is at his door, dripping wet with monacan rain, asking to be let in. surely there's no logical reason for this. 
“Max.. why are you here”
“Shit- charles im sorry, i knew it would be a mistake coming here.”
“No, talk to me.”
Charles brings them both over to the sofa, he offers max a drink but he abruptly declines
“So max, are you going to tell me why you've shown up at my doorstep, at 3 in the morning and soaking wet?”
“She left me, charles.”
‘Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, but it doesn't really explain why you're here like this.”
“Something in me just really needed to see you, I tried calling Daniel for a word of advice but nothing and nobody is helping. I guess I just- really needed to be with you for this. You understand, right?”
Charles is at a loss for words. THE max verstappen.. needed him?? He didn't know how to respond or how to feel about this information, all he could do was sit there and stare at his beloved, not noticing his gaze moving to the freckle on Max’s light pink lip. 
“Uh- yes max. I get how you feel. Sometimes you just can't help but only want one specific person at times.”
The two men sit there in silence, thoughts racing through minds. Max worries that he's making Charles uncomfortable so he's urged by his mind to get up and leave. He really doesn't want to, but he doesn't want to make his situation worse by ruining things with the person he genuinely loved. The person that was the root of his breakup with his now ex girlfriend.  
 - 40 minutes before -
“You only talk about charles!! Charles did this, Charles said that. Charles talked about these things and that person charles charles charles!! I’M supposed to be your girlfriend, not charles. I've had enough of being put second to somebody you're supposed to be rivals with. It's going to be either me or Charles, Max.”
Max did not respond to her, instead he walked out the door and walked straight to charles apartment where he knew charles would lie awake at that hour. 
Ever since Max was a young boy, he knew he had some types of feelings for charles. He didn't care about winning against the other racers, he only enjoyed racing against charles. Seeing the way Charles would be left frustrated after knowing Max is the only one he couldn't take on. He enjoyed the rush he got from teasing Charles of the win, knowing he would come out on top every single time. 
When Max met Kelly, he thought he had found it all, but soon he started to feel as if there was something missing. He felt empty. When he realized it was because of these feelings for Charles, he tried so desperately to ignore them but the more he tried the more he couldn't keep his mind, or his eyes off of charles. He thought Charles was the most beautiful thing to have ever existed. Charles was everything to max and max was everything to charles, but neither of the which knew of the others “secret”
“I think i should leave, im sorry charles”
“What? Why?’
“This was wrong. Enjoy your night.”
Max turns towards the door aiming to leave but charles quickly follows and grabs max by the back of his shoulder
Brushing off Charles's hand, he stands there, slightly hovering over charles.
“Please stay” he says, looking up into the madness of max's eyes.
And that was all max needed to feel sure that coming here was, in fact, not a mistake. 
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katherinethedork · 6 years
Telle. Pt 4/? (p.p. x reader)
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Word Count/ Warnings: Swearing, flufff, battle, Peter being the best, if you squint you may see some angst, ~3k THIS ONES A LONG ONE
Summary: Telle has returned bitches.
A/N: bitCH I’M BACK. Once again I am sosososoososo sorry for taking forever to get these parts out, writers block blah blah blah, you read it in the last A/N. I’m not exactly the most happy with this part, but the next one (I’ve already written it you just have to wait muahahahah) will be a lot better I swear. Also, sorry this ended at an awkward spot also, I ran out of room :/
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, MASTERLIST
You woke up with bright white lights hitting your face. As soon as you opened your eyes, it hurt to look up, so you closed your eyes and turned your head to the side. You heard a faint beeping from the side you were turned to, so you slightly opened your eyes, not letting in the harsh light that stung your eyes. Through the blur you saw something that looked like it was watching your heart rate and a multitude of their things. You turned your head to the other side and saw a couple other machines. An IV drip that was also stationed near, was connected into your arm. When you looked down at the rest of your body, you saw a white fleece blanket covering most of it, but the pajamas you had worn a couple nights ago were covering the parts that weren’t under the blanket. You had gotten slightly used to the light so you decided to fully open your eyes. The harsh light invaded your senses, but eventually you took control of it and got rid of the feeling. You decided that you needed to move some sort of muscle, so you choose your arm. You lifted your arm, carrying the IV drip with it. It hurt slightly to move it, like you were sore or something.... holy shit.
The memories of fighting off thugs, getting half shot, being carried to the tower, and kissing Peter all came back to you. Your body is immediately sent into panic mode. You try to make yourself sit up and see the rest of the room, but your muscles ache like you had just fought off thirty men. You powered through the ache anyways and sat up to see a clearly sleep deprived Peter. He was sitting in a chair at the end of your bed and you guessed that he had been zoning out for a long time, so he didn’t notice your movements. You study his face. It was completely slathered with concern and worry. You didn’t know how long you were out, but you could tell it was a long time from the bags under Peter’s eyes. His outfit was the same from the last you saw him, which you assumed wasn’t good. Peter’s hair had been thrown around, most likely from him running his hand through it out of stress. His curls were strewn across his forehead as he looked at the floor. He slowly shuffled his hands as he looked up at you. His face changed from concern and worry to a slightly less concerned face that was more covered by surprise and relief.
“Y-Y/N?” Peter says standing up and slowly walking over to you, as if you could collapse back into sleep if he stepped too loudly.
“Hey Pete.” Your voice cracks out, an unconscious grin forming on your face.
“I-I thought you were gonna get up earlier. When you didn’t get up by midnight I started to worry and I stayed up all night making sure you were okay and-“ Peter says before you cut him off with your groggy morning voice.
“Wait. What time is it?” You ask him.
“Uhm it’s about,” Peter says pulling out his phone and checking the time, he sighs at whatever the time is on his phone,“12:03 p.m.”
“Like the next day?!” You start to panic, your parents must be wondering where you were now, you try and look around for your phone, which was nowhere to be seen. Your parents must be spamming your phone with calls and texts. They might’ve even called the police! You start to shuffle around to maybe get off the bed, but it hurt too much. They must be-
“Yeah. It’s the next day,” Peter clearly saw the panic on your face and he changes his tone to a more reassuring one, “Y/N don’t worry, I went to your house and talked to your parents. I said that your phone died and you are at my house for the night and need some pajamas.” He gestured to your shirt and pants, “I called them a while ago and said that we were also going out with Ned and MJ today, so they wouldn’t see us until maybe eight or nine tonight. You’re fine, they trust us.”
You sign out of relief and collapse onto the bed. You jut sit there for a second while Peter chuckles at you. You calm your mind down and sit back up. “So what are we doing until then?” You ask, hoping for some random activity that will get your mind off of the probably scabbed and stitched injury on your side.
“Oh. Oh wait, I was supposed to call Mr. Stark when you woke up. Sorry. Are you okay to have him come? I won’t call him if you’re not okay with it.” Peter says, you thank him internally for being such a sweetheart and asking if you’re okay with this.
“Yeah. Might as well. Make sure I’m not dying again and such.” You say sitting up and fixing your hair.
“Oh yeah. Not dying. That stuff,” Peter says, putting a hand on the back of his neck, “F.R.I.D.A.Y., can you call Mr. Stark and say that Y/N is awake, please?” God this boy’s manners. Even to a robot he’s still a sweetheart.
“I have alerted Mr. Stark of Y/N being awake.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. responds.
“Thank you.” Peter says looking up at the ceiling, (thanking F.R.I.D.A.Y. you guess?) “Well, Y/N it’s not just about you being alive... we might want you to join our team.”
“Wait WHAT?” You yell, “you want me to-“
Tony Stark entering the room cuts you off. You whip your head around and see him. This is the second most weird thing that has ever happened to you. First place is beating up bad guys. But this takes the second place cake. Mr. Stark walks in wearing a regular t-shirt and jeans, you presume he was working on something, because any other time that you had seen him, it was in a suit.
He looks at Peter first and then looks at you and sighs a bit. Wonderful. Tony Stark is exasperated because of you. You want to say something but you feel like you physically can’t. Your brain is formulating what to say but none of the options are good. This living legend is standing in front of you, and you’re sitting there gawking at him. You close your mouth and turn to Peter looking for some kind of help, but Tony starts talking so you whip your head back over.
“That was quite a stunt you pulled off there kid,” he says as he leans against the door frame, “but it didn’t quite turn out too well now did it.”
You hang your head in shame and then look back up. “I just... you are.... the coolest....” you say, trailing off, still not knowing what words to use for whatever next you were going to say.
“Look. We’ve been watching you for a while, and we’d like to have you train with us. Maybe you can go on some missions with Peter, meet the team, and other things.” Tony says standing back up straight and walking closer to your bed, between the door and Peter, “We’d love to have you, and I’m sure you’d like to actually use your powers for things that weren’t just laundry or something.”
You think about this for a second, dumbfounded. But hold on. You cock your head to the side and think, wait they’ve been watCHING ME?
“Back up, back up, you’ve been watching me?” You say sitting up even straighter and setting a concerned face on, “How long have you been watching me?”
I mean, you were kind of honored to be watched by Tony Stark and Peter because of your powers, but that was beside the point, how long had they known and who’s been watching?
“Um, well it’s been a couple months-“ Tony answers before you cut him off.
“A couple months! I’ve only known I’ve had these powers for three months!” You say, confused and angry, “How did you even find out?” You end in a whisper. You thought you had kept this a secret so well. You never told Peter, who was your best friend since you moved here at the beginning of highschool. He was the closest person to you, and you told him almost everything. Your parents didn’t even know either, and you were with them a good portion of the day most times. You had tried your hardest, but you hadn’t succeeded in this one. You should’ve just told Peter earlier. If you had you might’ve already been on the team right now! Oh well. That’s not what you want to do right now, you just want to figure out how they found out about your powers.
Peter started to speak, “Well, I found out pretty fast because you were acting weird and you started hanging out with me less. And when we did hang out one time, I saw you grab a cup without even touching it. You pulled it toward you with a purple mist around your hands, eyes, and cup. I was just so confused that I didn’t say anything and immediately went to talk to Mr. Stark after I had left. I was sure he had some sort of answer. He told me to keep an eye on you and he’d look out. So it wasn’t that we were constantly watching you,” Peter said, shifting in his seat and rubbing the bags under his eyes, “it was just that I kept eye on you and told Mr. Stark if I saw anything suspicious. I didn’t even know you could teleport!
“We were waiting until tomorrow to actually talk about joining the team or anything, but as soon as the men came into our school and you fought them off, Mr. Stark and I decided while you were asleep to ask you about it when you woke up.” Peter says smiling at you, “So here we are now.”
“And now we’re asking you.” Tony says, “would you like to be on our team.”
Tony says it more like a statement and that confuses you. You hesitate to answer and think about the repercussions. You would come home at night like Peter does. Bruised and bloody. How would you make up those excuses if you were both getting injured. You didn’t even have a suit! At least you could help protect the city and Peter. And you could help the Avengers. The Avengers. Wow. Tony said you’d probably get to meet the team. That would be exciting, you were as much of a fan as Peter was, so it would be interesting to meet them. Tony noticed your hesitation and he clarified the statement for you.
“Kid, it’s not really a choice for you. We need someone on the team like you and I’m sure you want to help others if you’re like Spiderling over here.” As Tony says that last part, Peter looks down at his shoes and you see a blush quickly crawl up his neck onto his face.
“You put your life on the line for your school. I’m sure you hate some of the people there, but you still did your best to protect them. That takes balls, kid.” You laugh at his statement and start to feel less stress, “now I just need a yes or a no. Would you like to be a part of our team.” Tony says staring at you intently, Peter gazing and grinning at you with complete excitement because he knows you well and knows your answer to this question.
The room falls silent as the two wait for an answer from you. “Yes. I would love to.”
“So here’s my lab,” Tony says as you step into the threshold of the coolest room you had ever been in. Your eyes darting around from project to project splayed around the room. Your eyes finally land on another person who you had vaguely recognized from a distance. “And that is Doctor Banner. Bruce, Y/N. Y/N, Bruce” Tony gestures between the two of you.
Your eyes light up as soon as soon as you hear the name, you knew he was the Hulk and that was fucking amazing, but this man was a revolutionary scientist that you looked up to, along with Tony. Your two biggest idols were standing in one room with you and Peter. You could scream. You looked at Peter, he was already staring at you, but you just give him a look that says holy shit you know that I love these people.
Dr. Banner waves and mumbles a “Hello” with a smile and you blurt out, “You are like legitimately the coolest scientist ever!” You immediately shame yourself for blurting this out, but in your opinion, he was the coolest scientist ever.
All three of the men in the room laugh while you sit there in your embarrassment, smiling through the slight pain. “Thank you very much. It was nice to meet you.” Dr. Banner says back.
Tony puts his arm around your shoulder and starts talking emphatically, “He is the coolest. He saved your life.”
You gasp and blurt again, “Ohmygodthankyousomuch. You are really the coolest.” Everyone in the room laughs again and Mr. Stark and Peter start to guide you to a different section of the lab where there is a door to a hallway.
When all three of you walk down the hallway, you are met with a glass room with glass doors. Inside you can see a multitude of suits, some scrapped, and some still in the making. There is one gray tube on the side that looks like it can be opened to showcase something.
Tony pushes open one door and holds it open for both you and Peter. You both quietly thank him as you both take in what’s going on around you. The room was organized chaos. It had so much going on but it was all where it should be. Tony leads you over to the gray tube that was sticking out to you before.
“Alright. So, you don’t really have a suit. Anymore I mean. And your suit was made poorly and not suitable for joining our team. When Peter gave me the torn suit that you had used for yesterday’s battle, I tried to recreate something like it. But better, obviously.” You rolled your eyes at his statement (and pun) but you were to filled with excitement and anticipation to care.
“Here is your new suit!” Tony says with a flourish, and the sealed doors of the gray tube open up. Your jaw drops to the floor as you look at your newer and sleeker version of your original suit. It did look better.
Your suit had the same general look about it. White except for the ‘T’ shape that was a thick line across the top of your chest, the bottom of the ‘T’ leading into black shorts that cut off into the rest of your pants that were white. Tony changed the Go Go boots for just attached white all the way down, and attached shoes like the spider suit. Tony even gave you a white hood that connected to the rest of the suit. You were filled with happiness. It looked just how you wanted. You couldn’t wait to try it on.
“I hope you like it kid. I spent all of my free 18 hours that you were asleep to make this using scraps I found around here, so treat it well.” Tony says crossing his arms.
“Yes sir.” You say running through what he just said to you, then you had an idea, “Mr. Stark sir, uh can I take it down?” You ask.
“Of course. Now I’m going to leave, because I have things to do and you both seem okay. Peter,” Tony says turning to the boy, “You know how to get her out of here, get her some food or something.” Tony says and winks at Peter. Peter immediately blushes and mumbles something you can’t hear.
Tony leaves and you turn to Peter with the biggest smile on your face. He looks at you and immediately starts smiling too. Out of nowhere your body decides to attack him with a hug, almost knocking him down in the process. Luckily, he realizes what happening and wraps his arms around your waist, accidentally hitting your stitched up side.
“Ow!” You yelp. Peter immediately jumps back, not wanting to hurt you. Then he realizes what he did.
“Sorry...” He says as you check your bandages to make sure none of them moved. You pull your shirt slightly up, which causes Peter to blush and you to laugh internally because he could do the same thing and you would blush too. You put your shirt back down affirming that they didn’t move. “Can I try that again?” He asks, opening his arms up.
You throw your arms around his neck and he gently puts his arms around your waist. This was one of the best feelings in the world to you. Peter was always somehow warm and you loved it. He also gave the best hugs, you just felt so safe every time you were in his arms. You didn’t know that he felt the same way about you.
You both stood there, together, for what would be considered longer than what should be considered friendly. But you both knew that nothing between you anymore was friendly. You had both admitted that you loved each other. And it wasn’t in a friendly way. You wanted to be his girlfriend. And Peter wanted to be your boyfriend. He wanted to take you out on a date after you woke up. And you were awake... sooo....
You let go of him and step away. “Do you wanna help me take it down?” You point to the suit.
“Sure.” He replies as you run over to the stand and start tearing it off of the thing that was holding it up. You couldn’t reach the top of the hood and so you had to ask Peter, the only other person in the room, to get it down. Which was kind of embarrassing because you were both similar in height, but you knew he had longer arms than you.
“Pettteerrrr,” You sigh, holding the legs of the suit, “Can you get the hood down pretty pleeasssee?”
“Okay, shorty.” He says reaching up and easily grabbing it.
“WE’RE LIKE THE SAME HEIGHT PETER.” You shout, laughing at yourself and him.
He sets down the top part of the costume in your arms. He replies to your claim with a “mmm hmmm”. You just roll your eyes and laugh.
“I wanna try it on turn around Peter.” You say motioning for him to spin around.
He turns around and takes out his phone to scroll absentmindedly through some social media platform. You start stripping yourself of clothes and slide on the skin tight suit (which was much easier to put on than the last one), being careful of your injury.
You realize you are missing your face mask and you whip your head around to look for a mask anywhere. You spot it lying on an already black table, on top of a yellow sticky note. Probably because you couldn’t see it otherwise. When you step closer you realize it isn’t made of cheap plastic anymore. It’s made of sleek metal. When you place it on you see something on the sticky note. Vibranium. Of course! You had to have some sort of vibranium. When you slip the mask on it immediately melds to your face, it was way more flexible and movable than your last mask, and you liked it that way. You look slightly over and see a dark purple earpiece with a sticky note that says put me on! on it.
When you put the earpiece in, you hear a women’s voice pop into your head saying, “Hello Y/N.” You scream when you hear this.
“Holy shit!” You yell as Peter swings around, wide eyed. As soon as he sees you his jaw drops to the floor. He had never seen you in anything like this, other than your original suit, but that was not nearly as well tailored and good looking as this one.
“Wow- I mean what’s wrong?” Peter blurts out, just trying to pick his jaw up.
“Sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to scare you!” The woman’s voice says to you.
“I-it’s Okay?” You say calming down from the surprise of the voice.
“What? What’s going on?” Peter says walking over to you.
“Hold on,” You say to your earpiece, “Peter it’s an earpiece, there’s a voice that scared me.”
“Oh.” He replies, then it clicks in his brain, “Wait can I see?” Peter holds out his hand for the earpiece.
“O-okay?” You say popping it out and handing it to him.
“Hello?” He says after putting it into his ear, “Oh, hi Karen!” Peter pops out the ear piece and hands it back to you.
“Karen? What do you mean Karen?” You question.
“Oh Karen’s my suit lady, and she’s also in your earpiece.” Peter says smiling.
You smile back and say, “Oh. That’s cool.”
“Wait hold on, leave out the earpiece for a sec,” Peter says shuffling around in his pocket as you just hold the earpiece I your hand, “Here,” he says taking out his mask, sliding back your hood, and putting his mask on you.
You prepared yourself for a smell of sweat, but it surprisingly smelled like normal Peter out of a suit. As soon as your face is covered and the eye-holes reach your face, the suit lights up and you hear a “Hello Y/N. Lovely to meet you, Peter has told me a lot about you.” From Karen.
“Oh really, Karen?” You respond to Karen’s statement.
“Oh no, that must not be good!” you hear as Peter rips the mask off of your face.
You laugh and smile at the boy. You hair was probably insane but you didn’t care.
“Hey. So now that you have the suit on, I was wondering if you wanted to go take a swing around the city, maybe show some people who you are.”
“That sounds wonderful!” You we’re so excited, while Peter had taken you on swings through the city before, now you could move yourself around without the possibility of you dying as great. “You don’t happen to have the suit in your other pocket do you?”
“Unfortunately no, we have to go back to the room you woke up in. You’re okay walking around in the suit right? We may run into people, so I just want you to be comfortable.”
What a sweetheart, “Of course! If I do see anyone it’ll make me look more like a badass too!” You practically jump up and down while gathering your pajamas that were laid on the floor from when you originally changed.
When you were done, Peter gazed at you, a smile permanently plastered on his face. He looks down and grabs your hand before pulling you out a set of doors into the hallway. You did run into someone, and it might not have been someone you were ready to meet just quite yet.
Tagsssssss: @one-big-dreamer @seafrost-fangirl @skymoonandstardust @infamous-webhead @peterparkerwho @tomhollandandmarvelsworld @jadepc @popluckbih @fandomygirl @stillmissingnewt @killmemonger @marvel-lous-marvel @t-hollandd @wyyattsoleff @courtneychicken @spider-mendes @yohoyohoafandomlifeforme @qtest-trash @determinedpines @watermelonfruitsalad
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