Hi, Chance anon again! I know I just sent in another request, but I just thought of a really good one I think you’ll like! How do you think each of Blitzwing’s personalities reacts to getting a kiss from the human reader for the first time (whether it’s on the cheek or lips or whatever is up to you)? I’m guessing Hothead’s reaction involves lots of screaming lol, but I’ll leave that up to you. I hope you’re happy, healthy and safe!
*Clenches Fist* Chance Anon I hope you're ready for some SMOOCHIN
Headcannons for first time kisses with Blitzwing x Reader below!
Icy is the most distant of the three personalities and the least inclined to PDA, it's simply how he is. Farthest he's probably felt comfortable going with you so far is idly petting you in his grasp like an oversized metal Bond villain and their cat.
Not that you OBJECTED to this treatment this mech's hands and shoulder are your thrones now - and you'll happily soak up the affection it's just you'd like something a tad more forward, y'know?
He catches you staring at him several times before his monocle finally zooms in and focuses on you right back, even as he still faces the screen and continues with his work. "Somezhing on jour mind, little one?"
You hum and brace yourself on his shoulder a little better. You need a bit more leverage to get past the sweep of his helmet guard...
"Not really. Something on your face tho."
He makes a noise akin to an alexa unit with a wonky connection and turns, one elegant optic ridge arched in his usual deadpan expression, "I can assure jou zhere is not-"
BAM you seize the moment with both fists and plant a kiss right on his cheek ridge. Distantly you feel all 33 feet of him freeze beneath you and his fans kick on. Ha!
You're sailing on the sea of triumph and make to pull away with a MWAH!. Except you. Uh. Can't?
In muffled panic you realise your lips are STUCK and your face is going through the Worst ice cream headache youve ever had, Icy FINALLY manages to reactivate his voicebox and frantically apologise, you can feel the panic rising and all you can think is please don't switch please don't switch you will rip my face off if you do pls pls pls
Turns out Icy's hyperfrost cannons mean he runs cold constantly, and when he's startled millions of years of war have ingrained combat systems to activate at a moments notice, cooling him even further. Like licking a telegraph pole in Alaska.
Officially probably the most embarrassing trip to med bay either of you have ever had.
He's shouting about something, honeslty you tuned out a while ago and became immune to the thunderous volume of loud noises. This mech is 90% shout.
You lay a hand against his helmet and pat it gently even as he fumes. He's long since mastered the art of stomping around without jostling you (but the magnets sewn into your jeans also help, like, a lot). You're not even sure if he can feel your tiny hand through he armour plating but continue regardless.
"It's so slagging unfair!" he roars, and you make all the right noises. Absentmindedly pressing a kiss beside the place your hand rests. "Yeah, I hear you."
The silence rings between you like an alarm bell allergic to noise.
"UH-" you don't even get a minute to fling up an excuse before you're being swept up into giant hands. You clench against the whiplash as Hothead clenches his dentae in front of you.
You take a minute to admire the truly extensive blush below his visor. He opens his mouth to inhale for a new, jet engine decibel outbutrst and you abruptly decide that, yknow what, those lips are extremely plump and kissable and in for a penny in for a pound and all that.
Future safety briefings will specify that humans should not lauch their heads into a mechs mouth unexpectedly -or ever- but you can't help but feel like you've won... something even as you try and extracate your head from between said lips that closed on reflex.
Lots of kissing was techically done, just not very traditionally, and he couldn't even find words beyond squeaking and wild gestures, so you're officially counting this as a win.
It's taken you more than a week to see Random after the hilarious mishaps with the other personalities, a fact that's concerned you for a while.
Random is the most openly affectionate and seems to have an addiction to touching you with his face anyway, so you thought a kiss would be within easy reach. He's already licked, nuzzled and balanced you on his non-existant nose, why the distance now?
The answer comes in the form of nightmares and cannibalism. It's depressing what you get used to these days.
You're not sure if Random gets the worst nightmares of the three or is simply the most open about expressing distress even when asleep. All you know is that one minute you're blearily forcing your eyes open and the next you're all but lauched off the berth as Random thrashes and shrieks in remembered pain.
Miraculously you're unhurt but are in no position to stop Lugnut storming in and grappling Blitzwing back down to the bed. Random snarls, and it's something so animalistic you feel it in your bones. You watch in horror as he wrestles free and sinks Jack O'Lantern knife teeth into Lugnut's arm.
To his credit all Lugnut does is grunt and let Blitzwing lap up the energon. You're certain if it were anyone else they would have lost the arm.
Lungnut holds him even as he slowly relaxes and lays prone againt the berth, fans on high and optics dim and distant. His face is still covered in energon and you can tell he'll need your help cleaning it out of the crevices later.
"Human. You can come up now."
You shakily do, trusting in the sheer force of the bomber to keep Blitzwing pinned as you come sit by his face. He slowly managed to focus on you, though all that comes out is a pitiful whine.
You've never noticed really before, but he has no lips to cover his razor blade smile, and had always been incredibly gentle when you were close. You press a kiss to his cheek in a clear spot and run a hand fondly around a wide and questioning optic.
"Going to need a bath later, big guy." You mumble and he fianlly relaxes fully as Lugnut grumbles and leaves the room, complaining about disturbance to his sleep schedule.
The tired but content purr of his dual engines is all you rememeber as you both gently drfit back to sleep.
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