#I added a jewel on her hope you dont mind?
dazzlerdrawer · 10 months
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@mantatheseawing 's oc White Pearl ((Requested Oc))
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thetisming · 23 days
okay reggie i have a very big question for you. what are all (or most) of the changes between the west-end/toronto versions of &j to the broadway/aus versions?
like what exactly was changed, added or removed. cause i know some things but not all of them
okay, lets see
for starters, in the west end & toronto versions, May said 'i dont know, i mean what would we even do? run off to someplace exotic and like, flirt with random foreign guys? okay i'm in' rather than 'oh i'm coming too. i will leave verona, and go on holiday/vacation, and live my best life, because THAT is what friends do!'
in the west end/toronto Show Me Love, William started giving a tour of paris. i dont know the exact words for the first bit, but this is how the interaction went:
William: I hope you're enjoying this other eden, this demi-paradise, this-
Anne: Okay, getting awfully wordy for a carriage driver!
William: Well I actually used to be a writer, until somebody took my job!
Anne: Okay. Just take us to Paris.
which is, tbh, the cutest thing ever. i love that interaction i wish we still had it
Francois didn't sing 'show me love and what it's all about' in west end or toronto, he just had an 8-bit version play and said nothing
in the Juliet/Frankie interaction, after Overprotected ends (Francois is cut off by Lance, which is why in the recordings he says 'hello' at the end), Lance comes in with Madeline* (insert some french last name idk), a princess that Lance wants Francois to marry. the interaction goes something like this:
Lance: Francois! This is Madeline (french last name), the crowned jewel of Paris.
Juliet: Oh, actually we were just talki-
Lance: Madeline is a princess!
Juliet: Okay! Nice to meet ya, Vaseline!
Madeline, with a french accent: Actually, it's Madeline!
Juliet: Okay? Well I may not be a princess, but I was here first! So, you can leave!
[Madeline and Lance leave and Juliet laughs]
Francois: Are you out of your mind? He will NEVER let me get away with that!
Juliet, still laughing: What's he gonna do?
Francois: Well if I don't dance-
Juliet: Oh, don't you worry Frankie. We're gonna dance.
[Confident begins]
this isnt completely accurate to the script because i cant remember very well but thats the gist of it
in most of west end they didn't have the "I just like kissing you" line, but it was added later and there for all of toronto
Since U Been Gone lines for Romeo and Benvolio that go like this:
Romeo: And I may be guilty, but you're not that... guilt free!
Benvolio: Yeah tell 'em boy, that's wassup!
which i miss SO MUCH. seriously i wish we had them still it was so cute :((
in West End One More Try, when Romeo said he's getting weirdly emotional, Juliet said 'you are weirdly emotional! and that's okay' instead of 'you are weirdly emotional, and i love that about you'
during Everybody, Angelique's sign says 'De Boi Band' rather than Lance!
Epilogue lines!
Lance: And since we are already here, perhaps a second marriage might FINALLY be arranged!
Anne: Yes, Lance and the nurse do get married!
Angelique: [something about her being married, cant remember, also Mel has a very strong accent so i cant always understand her] who will be next to catch the bouquet?
May: Uh, it's gonna be May!
Francois: And in case anyone was wondering, I no longer play the virginal!
i think thats all, but there could be more that i'm forgetting
1. Madeline is played by Imogen, who in West End was played by Rhian Duncan, Tim Mahendran (west end Francois)'s girlfriend of 2 (3?) years!
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exofilialovercat · 3 years
Azrael (Draconian boy) x Gabriela (human girl)
Welcome to my first monster love writing! It has been long since did this one, and I wanted to share this old thing than i wrote whit and online friend! 
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Gabriela knew things were not good between them. But she didn't wanted to believe he will choose today to break up with her. 
He said the typical "I need space, I'm confused... we almost do not have time for us" .  She knew it was bulshit, she knew he would probably run in the arms of a girl a lot prettier than her and probably a lot more empty brained. He avoided her like the plague in the last months and he looked every day better (More gym, more expensive clothes, you name it). Gaby ended alone in the park, with her heart broken,  trying to calm her anger . I guess at least i can go for a drink  . She walked into a bar and sat, decided to buy the biggest sugar coated smoothie they had.... and put some vodka on it maybe.
Azrael's head was spinning. He thought a job working as a bartender would be more glamorous than it had turned out to be in his first week. Instead of learning to elegantly craft fancy cocktails he had been forced to haul heavy kegs of beer from the cellar and to dodge crowds of rowdy drunks as best he could while running trays of food and drink to tables the senior barkeeps did not want to bother with. Today he even was sent to break up a fight that was starting up between two belligerent customers arguing over a game of darts. Thankfully Ozzie's unique appearance usually helped with things like this. Throwing himself between the two patrons, the draconian flared his wings out so they could not get to each other and roared for them to behave themselves.... Unfortunately his wings knocked into a nearby table, accidentally sending a brightly-colored frozen drink flying into the lovely young lady who had ordered it some minutes ago and spilling it all over her top.
"Oh God! I'm so sorry miss!" He stammered, swearing that the pale blue scales on his face were blushing red as he offered her a towel and prayed that it would not leave a stain.
Gaby froze when she felt the thing in almost slow motion staining all her top shirt. Oh great... can something else go bad today?... Please Gaby don't be the shitty customer that yells at the waiter... dont... . Gaby felt the hot tears filling her eyes , her face twisted in sadness and let herself cry like an idiot .
Oh no! He had made her cry! Panicking, Ozzie desperately tried to help the distraught woman clean her shirt, all the while apologizing again and again and cursing himself for being clumsy. When it became obvious that no amount of paper towels or washcloths would save her top, Azrael had a thought. "Miss, please let me make this up to you. We have a small washing machine in the back for our uniforms. Let me get you another drink and I will lend you my shirt while yours is cleaned" He offered hopefully.
"It's okay.... It's not... Thank you" she said between sobs . She tried to compose herself, at least someone was kind to her today . She followed him .
Leading her through the crowd, he took the pretty young woman to the employee lockers in the back of the house, shooting the head bartender a warning look and narrowing his eyes when she made a joking comment about him moving fast already getting a girl out of her clothes. 
"Please don't mind her. Maricela has a terrible sense of humor." He said, trying to keep a very lovely image out of his head and stop his tail from unwinding from around his waist and wagging at the mental image. 
Once they were in the break room Ozzie offered the girl his spare shirt from his locker, a button-down white oxford that would likely be long enough to double as a short dress on her before stepping out to let her switch clothes. "I'm Azrael, by the way. Ozzie to my friends." He called over his shoulder.
"Ozzie... I'm Gaby" she said and changed, handing him the dirty top . "Sorry for crying... i just had an horrible day, not your fault really "
"Nice to meet you Gaby." He replied with a self-conscious smile, trying to hide the pointed teeth he had inherited from his mother. "If you want, I am happy to listen to your story. Sharing your sadness with a sympathetic ear can sometimes make it better, after all."
While he was talking Azrael tossed Gaby's shirt into what was supposed to be an empty washer and closed the lid to start the machine up. 
"Would you like a drink or something to eat while you wait?" He offered, smiling for her again in spite of himself.
"Well .... okay" she came for that anyway. Maybe talking (and crying) was the best way to feel better . Ordering a new strawberry milk smoothie and siping from time to time, she told him about his day . "... And Im im pretty sure he is with another girl in this instant, i'm not stupid"
He brought her a replacement drink and sat with her on the sofa in the breakroom while Gaby told her story, growing visibly more angry as she got to the part where her boyfriend as good as left her for another woman until a thin trail of smoke started trailing up from his mouth through clenched teeth. "Absolutely unforgivable! He must either be blind, an idiot, or both if he could even think of another woman when he has someone as wonderful as you!" He said vehemently, the tip of his tail smacking against the ground in anger as he spoke.
" Ozzie... you are fine? you are gonna turn the fire alarm ... " she felt amused , he was too sweet for someone so scary at first sight "Thank you , you are too sweet..."
Realizing that he was smoking, Azrael quickly took a glass of water and drank it down to stop the smoke, looking down and running one hand idly along his horns in embarrassment. "Sorry, a bad habit from my mother. I promise not to start any fires." He said with what he hoped was a playful wink. "No, thank you for talking to me even after a less than ideal introduction Gaby."
"You mom is draconian too? I think you are the first draconian I have met " she smiled at his wink. ‘Too cute and I'm such a mess....’
"Oh no, she's a full dragon. Wings, breathes fire, giant pile of gold and jewels, the whole shebang." Azrael laughed. "Dad always joked that he liked her better than the princess he was supposed to save." He added, rolling his bright gold eyes at the memory of his dad's bad jokes from when he was a kid.
"Whoa, a knight and a dragon... that's a story to tell ! " her mind tried to take her to cri again but she fighted it . Screw mister perfect she waved her troughs away.
"A knight? Oh no, he's a history professor at the local university." Ozzie laughed. "Maybe-" He was cut off by the buzzer signaling the end of the wash cycle.
"Oh, there is. !" she lamented don't having more excuses to talk to the draconian man. He had to work anyway .....
"Ah, there it is." Azrael echoed, not able to completely hide his disappointment at losing his excuse to talk to Gaby. "Hopefully the stain didn't set in." He thought aloud, reaching into the washer and pulling out a deep wine red tablecloth... wait... 
"Oh no no no no no!" Ozzie cursed under his breath, looking in and seeing that whoever was supposed to hang the linens they used for the tables had left them in the machine the night before and now Gaby's shirt was completely dyed a bright pink!
"Oh God! I'm so sorry Gaby! I am such an idiot for not looking!" He cursed himself, hanging his head in shame. He just couldn't stop messing up! Now he was bound to have made a lovely lady cry again.
Gaby looked at the man and the now pink top .... and she couldn't help laugh. it was a good laugh, she had to hold her belly "Oh god, Ozzie" she laughed again "Don't worry .... " she breathed deep "You made me laugh , that's more that i can ask " she said to the mortified draconian.
If he could have, he would have curled into a ball and disappeared, but at least Gaby was laughing. A smile was so much nicer on her than tears. "At the very least let me take you shopping for a replacement." He offered hopefully. "Maybe tomorrow afternoon?"
"Oh, you don't have to... you have been too kind.... " she thinked "Well, only if i can invite you something later." She took her phone and passed it to him "And that's not discussable . Save your number! "
"Whatever you want. I'm yours... er... at your service." He stammered, smiling doubly as he keyed in his phone number and handed it back to her before offering her his to do the same. "Does noon sound alright?"
"I'm a freelancer , i can fix my schedule no problem " she smiled "Thank you Ozzie. i will give you back this tomorrow" she grabbed her things and the now pink shirt. She gave him a quick peek on the cheek "Thanks for cheering me up ! You are a great guy  "
"It 's a date!"
Ozzie spent the rest of the night smiling from ear to ear, not even minding the jokes he had to endure at the hands of the other employees. As far as he cared tomorrow couldn't get here fast enough! .
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A suggestion/request from @bon-fly
Medieval Au Zukka, I would have added more detail about the other ships but it had already much longer than I anticipated
"What ever could be the problem my lord?" Came the characteristically grumpy voice of Zuko's Dwarflven Mage Toph
He leaned back from his slouched position to look at the blind woman. "It's nothing much really. I Just... I need to summon the southern knights for the Avatar honoring" he gave a sigh
"Then summon them" she said simply while leaning on his throne. There was a few other advisors in the room, none of them were ever expecting Toph's brash behavior towards the king or the fact that he took it. The high elven king never once found his Dwarven mage's behavior to be uncalled for. His reasoning was simple. She was a friend, one which would lay her life down for his just as he would hers.
"Its not that simple Toph, he's going to be with them" Zuko leaned his elbow on the table and pressed his hand to his forehead.
"If I may, My lord, the avatar is technically escorting the knights, not the other way around" advisor Tayko offered
Zuko gave a snort "thats not who I'm worried about Tayko, but I appreciate the sentiment. Its the Cheif's... ehm, son"
"Did he do something wrong my lord?" Tayko asked with narrowed eyes
"More like he did everything right and managed to fluster mister pointy ears" Toph bellowed and Zuko flushed a deep red
"Shut it Toph!" But he laughed with her "she is right though... I'm just, nervous is all, dont worry Tayko, I'll have the letter written by tonight"
Tayko, still being wary of how Toph behaved but understanding that her king was very brash with people who acted out of line, gave a smile "my lord, may I say something?"
Zuko sat straight and looked at her warily "go on Tayko"
"It is to my knowledge that most people don't support miss Toph being here, but I have never seen anyone make you smile as she has," she paused and looked at her hands in her lap "I'm very happy to see you smile again"
"Well, its nice that someone noticed, thank you Tayko" Toph said with a big grin spread from ear to ear across her cheeks. "Now, Zuko has some writing to do, so run along, I will fetch you when it is written"
Not long after Tayko scurried off she was fetched once more and given the letter to send by hawk to summon the southern nights and the avatar. The hawk response came by the next evening when Toph was training Zuko to react faster on both sides, not just his good side. "I know you're not a dwarf but ANYONE can feel the vibrations, and you're clear proof of that" Toph said as she watched the king use his blades and flames to expertly block and deflect each rock sent his way.
"My lord" Tayko spoke suddenly from behind Toph and had a blade fly past her head missing by a good six inches "Eep!" She tensed while he took off his blindfold
"Sorry Tayko, you startled me" Zuko gave a sheepish grin "what did you need?"
"The uh.." she moved away from the wall with a sigh "the Southern Chief sent back, they will be here in three days time. Shall I summon Lady Mai and Ty Lee?"
Zuko gave a huff and slouched his shoulders, his pointed ears slanting downward as well "that would be best, though they won't be happy to be summoned so soon after their honeymoon"
The pair most certainly weren't, the arrival of them was easy to notice because a knife flew past Zuko's head, barely grazing his ear and landed on his throne "ah, Mai, sorry to summon you so early after you two wed, but youre the only ones capable of pulling off a three day party planning."
"You are going to owe use so many fruit tarts!" Mai spoke harshly as she stormed into the room
"Yeah! With rose petals!" Ty Lee backed up her wife with a much softer voice.
Mai smiled softly at Ty Lee and placed a quick kiss to her forehead "thank you darling."
"Of course, you'll have all the reward you like, but we have to prepare for the avatar and Sokka." Zuko said with a wave of his hand.
"You mean the Avatar and the Southern Knights" Mai pointed out
"Thats what I said"
By the time the third day of planning had finished the kingdom was decked out with shimmering blue flowers of all assortments, ribbons and the like were draped around anything that seemed fit to the recently weds.
At high noon Zuko was found with Ming fixing his hair and Ursa helping him with his robes and jewels. "He'll be here soon Mom"
"I know sweetie, but you need not worry, the Avatar will appreciate the festivities you have set out for him and the knights" Ursa reassured her son while tying off the last bit of silk and Ming slid in the metal hold for his hair piece.
"Thats not who he meant lady Ursa" Toph said bluntly. Ursa turned to the blind dwarf behind her who had a soft smile on her face rather than her normal mischief coated expression. "My lord, they've arrived at the gates"
Zuko flushed "lead the way" and she did. She lead him down the many stairs, with his many layers of silk flowing freely behind him. They followed the winding paths of the kingdom streets until they reached the Knights and Avatar. Chief Hakoda and Bato stood with Sokka on their right and Katara on their left with Avatar Aang in the middle. A hobbit at maybe their hips was a humorous sight indeed, but Zuko's focus was on someone else.
Sokka stood in his formal attire, a pale blue high collar robe ending at his shoulders but his arms covered by a a deep blue draping silk over dress connected in the center by a fire opal jewel. Zuko was of course caught staring by the chiefs themselves "ahem, Lord Zuko?" Bato spoke up with a raised brow
"Oh, uh! My apologies, welcome to my kingdom," he turned to look at Aang who smirked when he noticed the flush on Zuko's cheeks "thank you for coming to the honoring Avatar Aang"
"Say, Lord Zuko, Sokka told me about his last trip here.. well, technically he spoke mostly of you, not much variety in his stories I'll tell you tha-!" The small boy was silenced by a hand over his mouth from a flustered Sokka.
The blue eyed boy stammered out a "sorry about him, he loves to blurt things out without thinking them through!"
"Sounds like someone else I know" Katara said with her hand on her hips. From just looking at her ears he could tell that she was a bender, and a powerful one at that. "Sorry about that Zuko, my brother and Aang love getting on eachothers nerves, especially about you" she rolled her eyes
Zuko however was as red as his robes "oh, uh, thats perfectly alright, Toph, would you mind showing them to their quarters?"
Toph gave a laugh "you want a blind dwarf to lead four southern elves and a hobbit to their living quarters?"
"You may be blind but you can easily see, and you know it Toph-" a rock hit the back of his head and he yelped before giving her a pout
"Haaah! Yeah, youre right, but don't you wanna show baby blue to his room?"
Zuko gave a huff "Chief Hakoda, Cheif Bato, Warrior Karata and Avatar Aang please follow Mage Beifong to your living quarters. Warrior Sokka, I need a word with you about that design you sent over last moon, so I will show you to your room"
"Oh, of course" and with that the group left the two man alone to walk to the palace. For a short while they were quiet but Sokka broke the silence by linking arms "so, about those designs, I was thinking we could easily make a cart that didn't need any animal to pul it if we just used"
Zuko didnt hear much besides Sokka's voice, too lost in the fact that he was finally here to understand what the sounds meant together until they made it into the castle and Sokka tugged him into a small broom closet "I know why you actually separated me from the others"
Zuko cleared his throat "im sure you are aware of my reasons, but you did not need to drag me in here, if you were worried about someone catching wind you made the mistake of going into a broom closet with one of my maids already in here" he turned to help her up "sorry miss Jin, I'll give you the day off paid in full"
Zuko then took hold of Sokka's hand and dragged him out of the small room and back to the empty hallway. "Hah, my bad" Sokka said with a small voice crack
"Don't worry about it, thought you shouldn't worry about the staff catching wind of this sort of thing, everyone here adores you, I hope you know that" Zuko chuckled
"What sort of thing?" Sokka feigned innocence and Zuko being ever so gullible fell for it with a flushed face
"Oh! I'm sorry, I just thought that, maybe you had caught onto my affections for you, and reciprocated them. What did you think I-!!" The king didn't have much room to continue his awkward words because Sokka planted a quick kiss to his cheek to silence him
"Of course I do Zuko, and I was only teasing, you really should be better at spotting that with Toph being around you all the time, hah, she plays the- hey! Where are we going?"
Zuko said nothing, and just dragged him to the room he was to be staying in for the week of festivities and slammed the door behind them. "Don't. Don't.... don't tease me about that okay? I'm not entirely used to anyone returning affections since... well" he genstured to his burn scar and damaged ear.
"Oh, oh Zuko no, Zuko I'm sorry, I didnt realize... I'm sorry" Sokka took the shorter elf's face in his hands and forced him to look him in the eyes "Zuko you're beautiful, I can't get over how stunning you looked under the moonlight the first time we met. And what's even more stunning about you is the ability to make a confession walk seem like a diplomatic walk to anyone but the two of us. You really do have a way with words"
Zuko was practically melting in the hands of the southern warrior, "you... you really think that of me?" He asked with a shy softness to his voice.
Sokka couldnt help the fond chuckle "Of course I do Zuko, now, if its not too much, may I give you a real kiss this time?"
All Sokka needed was a small nod and he sealed the distance between them. Every mile, every inch, every millimeter of distance that had ever been between the fire elven king and Southern elven warrior was gone, and all that remained was stars.
The two wed thirteen moons later, with a promise to protect, love, and trust one another in this life and every life that came after.
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is my next smau. It's a Harry Potter smau. Neville X F.!Reader pairing. There's a bit of Fred X F.!Reader pairing in here. There's also Neville X Fred X F.!Reader. Title:A Muggle's Love Story
Trigger warning: Slight swearing! Mentions of sex! Will be mentions of rape! Slight abuse! If you are sensitive to these things read at your own risk!
Y/n was a muggle brought into the world of magic, at a very young age. She didn't know how to handle it. And with her older sister, her guardian being the only one who could take care of her, it proved to be difficult for her with her sister being the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor, and her having to live in the world of magic. She feels a little left out, seeing as both her sisters, her older and her younger, - her twin - are wizards and she is not. But that all disappears when she meets the one person who helped her realize not everything is about that. And it's not all its cracked up to be. Neville was there for her since she was young and they became the best of friends. However, as they got older they realized their feelings were more for each other than they even orginally thought. But what happens when Neville finally has the courage and another man tries to swoop in and take him from her?
Beginning Special Edition Part 18. . .
Fred's P.O.V.
I couldn't look away from Y/n as she lay motionless on the hospital bed. Neville was on the other side of her, looking down at the floor. He didn't want anyone to know he had been crying or that he was crying. Though I've known him as long as I've known Y/n. Despite waiting for Y/n to choose between us, Neville is still one of my best friends and that is because of Y/n. Though even though Y/n hasn't made her decision between me and Neville yet, I think she has already decided to choose Neville. Which I'm okay with. All I want is for Y/n to be happy. Right now all I want is for her to be okay. I sighed as I looked at Y/n. I softly took her hand in mine. All I can think of is, what would've happened if I'd gotten there sooner than I did? Would I have been able to stop him from attacking her? Would I have been able to protect her? Then again Im not too sure I would've been able to control myself if anyone had tried attacking her in front of me. George walked back into the room and over to me. He was carrying a bag from me and Y/n's favorite restaurant, Sandwich Palace, and had a drink carrier with three drinks. He walked over to the side I was on, sitting in the chair he previously sat in.
"Freddie, I brought you and Neville some food," George said to me.
"Thanks Georgie, but Im not hungry," I told him.
"Neither am I," Neville spoke up.
"I know how you guys must be feeling, But you havent eaten in two days. You haven't had anything to drink in two days. Im worried about you Freddie," George said to me with concern.
"Im sorry Georgie, but all I can think about is Y/n," I said to my brother.
"I understand Fred, but how do you think Y/n would feel about you two not taking care of yourselves, she'd want you to eat and make sure you guys were okay," George told us.
Neville and I both sighed.
"She's right Fred, what would Y/n say to us both right now?" Neville asked me.
"Probably tell you both to stop being a stubborn ass and eat the food George bought for you," George spoke.
"Yeah," I stated softly.
George handed me the sandwich and the soda he bought for me.
"Thanks George," Neville said to him as he handed Neville what he bought for him.
Neville and I both sighed as we slowly began to eat. I know George is right. Y/n would be yelling at us for not taking care of ourselves. And knowing her she'd probably smack us both. Thats one of the things I love so much about her. How caring she is.
"Guys! -"
Jami rushed back into the room. Rushing back over standing next to Neville.
"Has she woken up yet?" Jami asked almost in a state of panic.
"No change," Neville responded softly.
Jami was quiet for a minute as she looked at me and Neville.
"I see you two are finally eating," she said to us a bit surprised.
"Yeah," was all I said.
"Thanks to me," George added.
Jami looked directly at George.
"And how did you swing that one?" She asked him.
"I told them that Y/n would want them to take care of themselves, and that she'd kick both of their asses if they didnt eat soon," George responded.
Jami chuckled with tears in her eyes.
"Yeah, thats my sister for you. She cares for Fred and Neville a lot and thats all she wants for them is to be taken care of, - She's stubborn - And she's strong - She'll make it out of this," Jami spoke trying to reassure herself.
Her, Neville, and I all sighed once more as we looked at Y/n. I held her hand a little tighter while Neville grabbed hold of her other hand. Why wasnt I there to protect her?
Sometime later that same day. . .
Neville's P.O.V.
At the moment Fred and I were the only ones in the room. Adelina texted me not that long ago to find out if Y/n had woken up. I told her no, but she told me that if she does wake up, not to tell her that she went out looking for the guy that attacked her. She wouldnt tell me much else, just that she was going out to find him. I tried to talk her out of it, but as we all know, you cant talk Adelina Sweetdove out of anything. Once she has something set in her mind to do, she doesn't give up until its done. Colby took Jami home, without her wanting to leave, so she could get some rest. Adelina asked both me and Fred to stay here and protect Y/n, just in case her attacker showed back up. And also to make sure that Y/n stays here - that is if she wakes up. My stomach was spinning in a thousand circles. I honestly felt like throwing up. I didnt know if she was gonna wake up and I was scared to death that she wouldn't. If I had've gone home with her like I planned, none of this would've happened. I could've protected her. Im honestly hoping that she chooses me. I know how much she loves me. She proved it the other night in my apartment. I know she's already made her decision. And I know she loves Fred and I have nothing against him. I just dont know what I'd do without her. And if she did decide for Fred over me, I guess I'd have to be okay with it. All I want is for Y/n to be happy. I couldnt look away from her. As a tear trickled from my eye, I held her hand a little tighter. My heart jumped when I felt her squeeze my hand. Fred and I both looked at her. She must've done the same to him, seeing as he was holding onto her other hand.
"Hey guys, why the long faces?" Y/n asked us casually as if nothing had happened and she was just waking up from a long nap.
I couldnt say anything as I looked at her do to shock.
"Y/n!" Fred exclaimed before quickly leaning down, pressing their lips together, holding her in a passionate kiss.
At that moment all I wanted to do was kick his ass. Y/n honestly didn't know how to react as he leaned back.
"Sorry," Fred spoke as he looked at me.
I closed my eyes for a split second as I took in a soft breath. I felt Y/n take my hand softly.
"Hey, Neville, I know you're still here and there's something I'd like to speak with both of you about," Y/n spoke as she pulled me a little closer to the bed.
Fred and I both knew exactly what she wanted to say. My heart started to race a thousand times faster. Fred moved his chair closer to the bed as did I. Fred still had hold of her other hand.
"Y/n, you don't have to do this. Not here, not now. You just woke up," Fred told her in a soft soothing voice.
"No, Fred, I have to do this, - While I was asleep I've had a lot of time to think, and I think I've made you two wait long enough -"
Both Fred and I took in a soft breath. Y/n looked directly at Fred and I thought I was done for.
"Fred, you are an amazing guy. You're sweet, kind, caring, considerate, you have a love for pretty much anything. You're protective and you've always cared about my problems. I love you, I know I've always loved you since that day in your fourth year when we spent the entire day together, just me and you. And you made the ice in the frozen lake, represent a heart of our friendship. I now know that you were trying to tell me you liked me back then, but you couldn't exactly find the right words. And the times we've had together have been the best times of my life, especially when you've been there for me, when I needed someone. However, I'm close to Neville to and - my heart belongs to him, -"
My stomach dropped a thousand feet. Fred took in a soft deep breath.
"I'm sorry Fred, I'll always love you, -"
"Dont be sorry sweetheart, I understand and I told you I would understand if you chose Neville, and that all I want is for you to be happy. I know Neville will make you happy. And Im still your best friend," Fred told her calmly.
I was honestly surprised. And still shocked. But also very happy. Fred hugged Y/n, leaving a soft kiss to her cheek. I smiled as I sat next to her on the bed. I couldnt help myself as I locked our fingers together. She smiled at me softly.
"So, where's Adelina?" She asked us.
Fred and I didnt say anything. We tried to avoid conversation as we looked away from her. She was very suspicious as she looked at us.
"Guys?" She asked again.
Jami dropped the two bottles of water on the floor as she looked at her sister. Jami ran over to the bed, practically throwing herself at Y/n. Y/n chuckled as she hugged her tightly.
"Geez, you guys act like I wasnt going to wake up," Y/n spoke with amusement.
Jami hugged her tighter.
"We were afraid you weren't going to," Jami told her.
"Ah, come on guys, you know me, Im stronger than that," She told us.
I couldnt stop the smile that came to me. Jami leaned back from her. I brought her hand to my lips, kissing it softly.
"Of course you are beautiful," I said to her.
She smiled softly at me. I missed her gorgeous, beautiful smile. She is everything Ive ever dreamed of. I love her with my entire being.
"Jewel, maybe you can answer this question for me, where is Adelina?" Y/n asked her.
"Uh, Im not exactly sure where she went, but she said she was going to go out to take care of something. And she'd try to be back later," Jami answered her casually.
A scared look crossed her face.
"Oh no she didn't, - Thats it -"
Y/n threw the blanket off of her, and tried to get up. Fred and I both quickly stopped her as we were instructed to.
"Guys, if you dont let go of me right now, I'll be doing a whole lot more than just kicking your asses, - Now let me go," she said to us in a demanding tone.
"Not until you promise to sit back," I told her.
"I can't Neville, I have to protect my sister," she spoke out.
"She'll be fine Y/n, you know how your sister is. Trust me, she wants you safe and right now the safest place for you is with us," Fred told her.
She grunted in annoyance and irritation as she laid back.
"Oh, Y/n you're awake, -"
We looked to see Dumbledore as he walked into the room.
"Albus where's Adelina?" Y/n asked him in a quick panic.
"Don't worry about her Y/n. She is safe, -"
"But she went after him, how can she be safe?!"
"I have my best professor looking after her. She will return safely, I promise, - And congratulations Mr. Longbottom," Dumbledore spoke walking closer to the bed.
Its almost as if he knew about Y/n's decision. How does he do that?
To be continued. . .
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Azrael (Draconian boy ) xGabriela (Human girl)
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Gabriela knew things were not good between them. But she didn't wanted to believe he will choose today to broke with her.
He said the typical "I need space, i'm confused... we almost not have time for us" . She knew it was bulshit, she knew he will probably ran in the arms of a girl a lot prettier than her and probably a lot more empty brained. He avoided her like the plague in the last months and he looked every day better (More gym, more expensive clothes, you name it). Gaby ended alone in the park, with her heart broken, trying to calm her anger . `I guess at least i can go for a drink`  . She walked into a bar and sat, decided to buy the biggest sugar coated smoothie they had.... and put some vodka on it maybe.
Azrael's head was spinning. He thought a job working as a bartender would be more glamorous than it had turned out to be in his first week. Instead of learning to elegantly craft fancy cocktails he had been forced to haul heavy kegs of beer from the cellar and to dodge crowds of rowdy drunks as best he could while running trays of food and drink to tables the senior barkeeps did not want to bother with. Today he even was sent to break up a fight that was starting up between two belligerent customers arguing over a game of darts. Thankfully Ozzie's unique appearance usually helped with things like this. Throwing himself between the two patrons, the draconian flared his wings out so they could not get to each other and roared for them to behave themselves.... unfortunately his wings knocked into a nearby table, accidentally sending a brightly-colored frozen drink flying into the lovely young lady who had ordered it some minutes ago and spilling it all over her top.
"Oh God! I'm so sorry miss!" He stammered, swearing that the pale blue scales on his face were blushing red as he offered her a towel and prayed that it would not leave a stain.
Gaby froze when she felt the thing in almost slow motion staining all her top shirt. `Oh great... something else can went bad today?... Please Gaby don't be the shitty customer that yells at the waiter... dont...` . Gaby felt the hot tears filling her eyes , her face twisted in sadness and let herself cry like an idiot .
Oh no! He had made her cry! Panicking, Ozzie desperately tried to help the distraught woman clean her shirt, all the while apologizing again and again and cursing himself for being clumsy. When it became obvious that no amount of paper towels or washcloths would save her top, Azrael had a thought. "Miss, please let me make this up to you. We have a small washing machine in the back for our uniforms. Let me get you another drink and I will lend you my shirt while yours is cleaned" He offered hopefully.
"Its okay.... Its not... Thank you" she said between sobs . She tried to compose herself, at least someone was beginning kind to her today . She followed him .
Leading her through the crowd, he took the pretty young woman to the employee lockers in the back of the house, shooting the head bartender a warning look and narrowing his eyes when she made a joking comment about him moving fast already getting a girl out of her clothes.
"Please don't mind her. Maricela has a terrible sense of humor." He said, trying to keep a very lovely image out of his head and stop his tail from unwinding from around his waist and wagging at the mental image.
Once they were in the break room Ozzie offered the girl his spare shirt from his locker, a button-down white oxford that would likely be long enough to double as a short dress on her before stepping out to let her switch clothes. "I'm Azrael, by the way. Ozzie to my friends." He called over his shoulder.
"Ozzie... Im Gaby" she said and changed, handle him the dirty top . "Sorry for crying... i just had an horrible day, not your fault really "
"Nice to meet you Gaby." He replied with a self-conscious smile, trying to hide the pointed teeth he had inherited from his mother. "If you want, I am happy to listen to your story. Sharing your sadness with a sympathetic ear can sometimes make it better, after all."
While he was talking Azrael tossed Gaby's shirt into what was supposed to be an empty washer and closed the lid to start the machine up.
"Would you like a drink or something to eat while you wait?" He offered, smiling for her again in spite of himself.
"Well .... okay" she came for that anyway. Maybe talking (and crying) was the best to feel better . Ordering a new strawberry milk smoothie and siping from time to time, she told him about his day . "... And Im im pretty sure he is with another girl in this instant, i'm not stupid"
He brought her a replacement drink and sat with her on the sofa in the breakroom while Gaby told her story, growing visibly more angry as she got to the part where her boyfriend as good as left her for another woman until a thin trail of smoke started trailing up from his mouth through clenched teeth. "Absolutely unforgivable! He must either be blind, an idiot, or both if he could even think of another woman when he has someone as wonderful as you!" He said vehemently, the tip of his tail smacking against the ground in anger as he spoke.
" Ozzie... you are fine? you are gonna turn the fire alarm ... " she felt amused , he was too sweet for someone so scary at first sight "Thank you , you are too sweet..."
Realizing that he was smoking, Azrael quickly took a glass of water and drank it down to stop the smoke, looking down and running one hand idly along his horns in embarrassment. "Sorry, a bad habit from my mother. I promise not to start any fires." He said with what he hoped was a playful wink. "No, thank you for talking to me even after a less than ideal introduction Gaby."
"You mom its draconian too? I think you are the first draconian i have meet " she smiled at his wink . `Too cute and im such a mess.... `
"Oh no, she's a full dragon. Wings, breathes fire, giant pile of gold and jewels, the whole shebang." Azrael laughed. "Dad always joked that he liked her better than the princess he was supposed to save." He added, rolling his bright gold eyes at the memory of his dad's bad jokes from when he was a kid.
"Whoa, a knight and a dragon... that's a story to tell ! " her mind tried to take her to cri again but she fighted it . Screw mister perfect she waved her troughs away.
"A knight? Oh no, he's a history professor at the local university." Ozzie laughed. "Maybe-" He was cut off by the buzzer signaling the end of the wash cycle.
"Oh, there is. !" she lamented don't have more excuse to talk the draconian man. He had to work anyway .....
"Ah, there it is." Azrael echoed, not able to completely hide his disappointment at losing his excuse to talk to Gaby. "Hopefully the stain didn't set in." He thought aloud, reaching into the washer and pulling out a deep wine red tablecloth... wait...
"Oh no no no no no!" Ozzie cursed under his breath, looking in and seeing that whoever was supposed to hang the linens they used for the tables had left them in the machine the night before and now Gaby's shirt was completely dyed a bright pink!
"Oh God! I'm so sorry Gaby! I am such an idiot for not looking!" He cursed himself, hanging g his head I. shame. He just couldn't stop messing up! Now he was bound to have made a lovely lady cry again.
Gaby looked at the man and the now pink top .... and she couldn't help laugh. it was a good laugh, she had to hold her belly "Oh god, Ozzie" she laughed again "Don't worry .... " she breath deep "You made me laugh , that's more that i can ask " she said to the mortified draconian.
If he could have, he would have curled into a ball and disappeared, but at least Gaby was laughing. A smile was so much nicer on her than tears. "At the very least let me take you shopping for a replacement." He offered hopefully. "Maybe tomorrow afternoon?"
"Oh, you don't have to... you have been too kind.... " she thinked "Well, only if i can invite you something later." She took her phone and passed it to him "And that's not discussable . Save your number! "
"Whatever you want. I'm yours... er... at your service." He stammered, smiling doubly as he keyed in his phone number and handed it back to her before offering her his to do the same. "Does noon sound alright?"
"Im freelancer , i can fix my schedule no problem " she smiled "Thank you Ozzie. i will give you back this tomorrow" she grabbed her things and the now pink shirt. She gave him a quick peek on the cheek "Thanks for cheering me up ! You are a great guy "
"It's a date!"
Ozzie spent the rest of the night smiling from ear to ear, not even minding the jokes he had to endure at the hands of the other employees. As far as he cared tomorrow couldn't get here fast enough! .
To be continue....
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jewel-s-blog · 4 years
about me + bias list
 hi there, I’m jewel :)
she/her/hers ・ 20 ・ kpop (writing) blog
Yes, Jewel is my real name although my parents admit I was supposed to be named elizabeth but changed their minds last minute after I was born how cute and I’m currently in university. I study political science and japanese for those wondering (because yes, I am japanese and it’s helpful when you live in hawaii to have that degree yk?). If any of this stuff is even mildly interesting and you have any curiosities, pls feel free to ask me!
I try to write some things when I can, so feel free to take a look at my masterlist. I also read A LOT of fics on this site, so also peep my recs if you feel like it. Warning: its mostly fluff and angst and almost always includes smut but there’s some really good stuff worth reading still! 
Feel free to talk to me :) i don’t have any kpop friends irl :( all my friends are locals smh 
I try my hardest to be active as much as possible but it’s taken me over a year to finally get used to tumblr lol marklee and i both struggle with complex technology i guess Of course, there are times when I get busy with college and will probably seem to drop off the face of the planet exam season kills but now that I’ve been in quarantine for a month, I figured now is the best time to start building an active tumblr routine. 
That’s all for now! Keep reading below for my bias list :)
xoxo, jewel <3
Bias List 
Before I begin, I will warn that this is basically a giant NCT shxtpost. With LOTS of hyperlinks for educational purposes and absolute crackhead-ery. I’ll eventually make a separate list for other groups I stan, but this blog is mainly NCT and this is already so long so I’ll leave it as this. Enjoy!
Biases are bolded in the beginning of each unit, so you can skip everything after if you don’t wanna see my ramblings following it.
A/N: After biasing nearly every member in NCT/WayV I’ve settled for now on my biases for each unit. This will most likely rotate fairly regularly as I literally fall in love with a different member every day cited here. solo stan? I don’t know her.
Jaehyun  *ahem excuse me i mean* 
Johnny Suh, it’s official. Don’t know how to explain, but I love everything about him. In the end, it’s always him. damn i sound like y/n thoughts but istg it’s true From SM Rookies to NCT Life to MV behinds, he’s the one. But I’ve also come to realize that I find myself most relatable to him as a person and I think that’s why no one else can trump him wow narcissist much jewel It’s kind of just my gut feeling. It also helps that hes the fluffiest tall, muscular tight booty hottie on the planet. See this black on black dance practice for further scientific explanation even in this jaehyun trying to wreck me so badddddd
Not gonna lie, I HAD IT BAD FOR MARK LEE still do and yet Johnny overcame that. If mark lee were my first love, johnny is my soulmate.
Lee Jeno has officially been added to the ult list. *See the entirety of my april activity on my sns accounts if you would like to see how this happened haha :)
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im in love with him bc he literally reminds me of my boyfriend -- i like chill guys ok
Taeil is my little teddy bear who looks great in red hair and has a voice form heaven. Evidence? Here you go. He didn’t stand out to me much in the beginning because I was either deaf or blind but after Chain, the game was OVER. +moon taeil in shorts?? serve them thighs honey. Love you bebe tomato <3
BUT Doyoung is the #1 bias wrecker here because have you seen his cover of beautiful on masked singer?? have you?? if not, let me educate you. Also his collab with Sejeong?? Literally the cutest MV ever, perfect for Christmas, listened to it every year since it’s release.
Listen to Coming Home - NCT U for further scientific evidence that NCT has top vocals in the kpop industry.
NCT 127
THE Jung Jaehyun. For reasons that need no explanation. but ill give it anyway smh
After watching the performance of herin and jaehyun singing a whole new world I knew that was it for me. (I still watch it once a month for my jaehyun-related health and to honor SM’s biggest loss, seo herin and ji hansol but thats for another conversation) back to jaehyun His vocals are unique in NCT and bring a nice color to their songs, the man looks good in literally anything, and I’ll probably say this about every member, but I love his dance style--body rolls for days sis. Definitely my ideal type, which my boyfriend is 100% aware of; no secrets in my relationship ofc which explains the wreckage. Pretty sure 81% of the fandom gets wrecked by him daily, so I think I’ll stop here. 
NCT Dream 
Renjun.  why? i just think he’s neat but no really, it was this performance (ok actually this got me ALL SORTS OF WRECKED) and this fancam that had me falling in love with him but were gonna ignore the fact that I get bias wrecked DAILY by all the other members  GOd-tier vocals, personality for daysssssss, variety KING HUANG RENJUN. Safe to claim that I go into renjun feels about 3x a week. Check my twitter for proof. +dnyl renjun was a blessing and I sometimes cant believe that it actually happened. How do I explain?? He’s literally the best boy, but when he gets all worked up....let’s stop there before I have to go to confession again.
But for fun, lets list why I have biased every dream member at some point shall we? (in no particular order) Dream might just be my ult group, songs always bop, members at star quality 
mark- yes i am including mark bc he was the reason i even started stanning dream dreamies leader since mmc days, mentor, A1 rap skills, ad libs go crazy, unparalleled dancing style, hardest worker, cutest watermelon advocate ever, all around amazing person can you tell he used to be my ult? + he’s a good christian boy and my catholic *ss has to confess my sins for being a simp for him 24/7
chenle- vocal GOD, most steady live vocals in kpop, laugh to die for
jeno- i cannot resist his eye smile i wanna cuddle and onstage charisma-2:54 “let’s goooooo” and i alskfdfjlkdldkfa. 
jaemin- “other than my members, i don’t have any friends” and yet he’s literally the most caring and wonderful little puff in existence fight me pls dont im a pacifist 
heachan- idk why but donghyukie feels like he could be my best friend and also cant stop staring at him in their dance practices his body proportions are unreal and his vocal ad libs?? don’t even get me STARTED on heachans vocals
jisung- he is my son, but also my son’s vocals?? MWAH that voice got me second guessing if he’s really my son 
Ten Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul another member where it kinda just....happened? In the end I was like “damn, when did you sneaky bugger get in my heart?” He’s got a similar vibe as Johnny AND DO NOT COME FOR MY THROAT FOR SAYING THAT THATS MY OPINION Like Johnny, I see myself in Ten. There are so many reasons why I love Ten, so I’ll make it simple and provide them to you. 
Reason 1 - Performance/dance  he just hit different, he’s THAT good. Reason 2 - vocals the amount his vocals has improved?? UNMATCHED. Reason 3 - INTELLECTUAL (still trying to find the clip of him talking about different kinds of love) Reason 4 - multi-lingual KING ok so this vid is him struggling in mandarin, but imagine, you speak thai and english and learn korean to debut and all of a sudden your agency says “ok learn chinese now.” MANDARIN IS ONE OF THE HARDEST LANGUAGES TO LEARN. Reason 5 - bad b*tch he just radiates bad bitxh energy in everything he does, and I appreciate a bad bitxh
BUT I love wayv’s chaotic energy and chemistry so much that I literally love them all dreamies watch out 
+special shoutout to xiaojuns vocals in Love Talk
+kun being a dimpled zaddy (jaehyun&kun type CONFIRMED)
+lucas holding binoculars like THAT @ 1:10
+yangx2 doing THIS (prepare to be blown away)
+hendery being a the best teacher 
+winwin AGAIN and with Ten here i don’t even think i have to say that i tweeted about this everyday for a month and im still not over it. This specific dance really allowed winwin to shine even though ten is my bias. It really allowed others to see the fruit of his classical training even in modern dance which he never trained in. Not gonna be repetitive and SCREAM  say that he’s underrated, because we all know that already. Just show winwin some love, ok? thank you.
And so finally, we’ve reached the end. Phew, this took me almost 5 hours to put together because I definitely got carried away. For those who made it all the way to the end, thank you, I love you. It’s so messy and I don’t have the mental capacity to do anymore editing but I hope you got something from this massive post <3 Feel free to let me know what you think! xoxo, jewel
0 notes
OOC; All of me and @introverteddragonlady ‘s rp replies (Warn it’s long)
( Please forgive me if I missed something! <:D )
"FUDGE! " C jumped startled by the legionaries appearance, definitely not expecting to actually meet them.
Jumping back into the air, Deoxys was startled by the shout of surprise from the human. They were so wrapped up in their studies that they forgot to check their surroundings.
With quick reflex, Deoxys changed into their defensive form. Not much can hurt them in this form, only down side is that they are really slow and can’t attack effectively. A price they are willing to pay to be safe and protected. C almost fell back but stumbled to gain her balance. In complete shock of seeing a Deoxys just by random chance. She shook her head and blinked as it changed its form. “O-oh! Hey, it’s ok!” She stuttered,“ Look, uh, I dont wanna hurt you or anything. I-I was just wandering about…”.
Arms still crossed over the jewel planted in their chest, Deoxys stared at the human with a wary look. Mistrust and a touch of fear can be seen in their black and white eyes. How can they truth this human…?
The young woman awkwardly glanced around, an even more awkward silence loomed. She took a deep breathe and took out her pokedex to gather some information on the Deoxys. Then putting it back , slowly making her way around the legendary pokemon. “It’s alright… just wanna pass…” she said.
Deoxys didn’t want the human to get behind them. Their gaze and body followed them slowly, tense and ready for a fight. They are, however, beginning to grow curious. Why isn’t this human sending out their pokemon to fight them? Do they not want to try and capture them??
Not wanting to let this question eat at their mind anymore, they sent feelings of curiousness and mistrust at the human. One of the perks of being a physic type, no mouth and vocal cords required to communicate!
C furrowed her brows at the pokemons actions, then sighing. “I don’t wanna fight you nor do I want to catch you…. I just wanna find a place to sleep and something to eat…” she confessed to the pokemon, feeling the pressure of the pokemons curiousness,” I ran away from home ok? I have little money as it is and all I have are my pokemon…”.
Home… home is a foreign thing to Deoxys. A place of origins and a place to always feel safe. Why does this human want to turn away from that.
Lowering their arms, they stared at the human curiously. Is there home gone? That’s probably it right? Tilting their head, Deoxys wondered why this human is running and gently sent them their question.
The young woman swallowed softly and then sat down. She took a deep breathe as she prepared her answer. “Because of my parents. Nothing I ever did satisfied them, they abused me mentally and emotionally. “ she told Deoxys,” All they wanted was more more more…I was always scared to fail in front of them, I felt useless…”. 
She looked to the ground and sighed deeply. “I ran because I couldn’t handle it anymore…. it was either run away, endure their abuse or–” she stopped herself at that, because it was a drastic option. A drastic option she had already tried to attempt but couldn’t pull through.
Relaxing into their default form, this human wishes not to harm them.  Deoxys listened and felt the grief, fear, and sadness of this human. Home… that was not home is to be… Deoxys learned home means a safe place, a happy place. These feelings hurt their core and Deoxys didn’t like these negative emotions. So in their odd way of trying to comfort the human, they sent a gentle blanket of calm to the human’s mind.
C blinked as she felt it, it was so strange but almost pleasing in a way. She looked up at the legendary and gave a smile. “Sorry about all that rambling, you must of been doing something more important, heh.” she said, adjusting her glasses,” You can call me C!”.
Feeling pleased with the success to calming the human. With that, they fully settled down and landed on the ground.
They bowed their head, they will remember their name. They do not have a name to call themselves so they just told them by what everyone else have been calling them.
C bowed her head as well, the smile remaining. “A pleasure to meet you Deoxys..” she said, a bit of a glimmer in her eyes. She rubbed the back of her neck and then took out some berries. “Hungry? “She inquired, handing a berry to the legnendary pokemon.
Wrapping their arms together tightly until they melted into to for arms and hands, Deoxys took the berry. It was unsure what to do with it as it lacked a mouth, and more other features. It can semi taste the berry’s flavor through their hands, it seemed to mostly sugar based.
Deoxys tilted their head to the human, almost as if asking it why C gave them a berry when it’s clear they don’t have mouth. Maybe they over looked that detail, it happens and Deoxys has all ready forgiven her.
For an awkward moment of silence , she blinked in realization. “Oh! Dang… Sorry about that, that one just flew over my head..” she said with a chuckle. She rubbed the back of her head. “I thought you would like somethin to eat but you dont have a mouth..” she said.
Deoxys simply handed the berry back and patted them on the head. Humans liked that too right?? They seen it done to pokemon so many they like it too? They stepped back a little and let their arms melt back into tentacles. Deoxys would have poked for more info but they suddenly noted that it was getting dark. They learned that darkness brought dangerous pokemon out and Deoxys didn’t the both of them getting hurt.
They lifted their head up and gazed at the sky turning purple. They hoped by doing this C would noticed the darkness creeping in too.
C blinked at the patting but her grin grew wider. They were much nicer than people had rumored them to be. 
“Huh?” She chirped and then looked up to the up at the sky,” Shoot! It’s getting dark. I still haven't found a place to rest..”. She chewed on her bottom lip, glancing around. “Let’s try finding some shelter for the night…” she suggested.
They bowed their head in agreement. They floated up a little more and waved to C to lead the way. They were thankful they picked up some traits from watching humans, gestures are pretty useful!
C grinned and began to lead the Deoxys to find shelter. Soon she was able to find a good sized cave. She checked it real quick to make sure there wasn't any other pokemon occupying it. “Alright! All cleared!” she said to them. Deoxys floated into the cave and landed. They looked around and turn to look at C. This place will do for the night.
They will watch C for now. They are not tired and sleeping creatures can be easy prey...
The young woman took out a blanket from her bag and detached the sleeping bag from it. She prepped it up for herself, crawling into it. “Alright, well. Good night Deoxys!” She said to the pokemon with a smile.
And with that the human started to fall asleep. Deoxys couldn’t help but watch her, sensing their brain activity dropping to a comfortable sluggish place, their breathing slowing, and any tense left in their body just simply melted away. Deoxys returned their gaze outside of the cave. They wondered what it is like to fall asleep and expedience these things called ‘dreams’. 
Maybe one day.
C slept soundly and peacefully, feeling safe with Deoxys around. She had not expect that she could possibly befriend this rarity of a pokemon. It felt nice for a change. Instead of feeling those awful and raw emotions that ruled her over before. She hoped that this wasn't a dream, that she really did meet the one and only  Deoxys. Next morning , she awoke with a bit of dried up saliva on the corner of her mouth and her hair a mess. She yawned as she slowly sat up, rubbing her aching back.
Deoxys was still staying in place, having stood all night. However their head was in a deed bow, their white eyes disappeared, and their tentacle arms waved freely in the air, as if they weight nothing.
Deoxys was in some kind of sleep mode. Growing aware of the awakening human, Deoxys’ eyes slowly appeared and their body straighten. Coiling their arms together, Deoxys turned to look at C and greeted them with a stare.
The woman looked to the pokemon, rubbing her eyes. Curious about its odd stance. She wiped off the dry saliva as they seemed to ‘wake up’ themselves. “Morning Deoxys!” She greeted with a smile.
She took her brush from her bag and began to brush out her hair. Bringing it back to its basic wavy curliness.
Deoxys watched C brush her hair curiously, as if wondering what she is doing. A part of them wants to reach out and touch the brush but decided against that. Too many bad things had happened to them. So they had to content themselves to just watch C go through her daily routine.
C looked up at Dexoys, seeing their expression , she smiles. “It’s a brush. It help detangle my hair!” She explained,” cause when I sleep my hair gets messy and knotted.”. When she finished , she placed it in her bag and put away her sleeping bag and blanket. Then her stomach gurgled aloud, making her cheeks turn pink.
Deoxys floated up in surprise, what was that?? Their stare seemed to harden into a wary look before they looked around their surroundings, as if too see if anyone was here. They turned their gaze back at C, almost studying them. Was that sounds form her? If so then why were they growling at them??
“S-sorry about that, heh!” She said , explaining,” It was my stomach, it means that i’m really hungry!”. She stood up and put on her back pack, grinning at the pokemon. “I just need to find me something to eat.” She added with a tilt of her head. Oh yea, humans need to eat. Deoxys forgot that not everyone gets their energy from a jewel in their chest. Deoxys copied C and tilted their own head. They thought about possible things C can eat, they seen some pokemon eating leaves from trees so maybe that’s a possibility?
Oh! Doexys straighten as they remembered something! With the use of their physic abilities, Deoxys searched then pulled out a berry from the backpack. C had offer them to eat it so maybe they can eat this for them instead!
C blinked when the Deoxys used their power to pull the berry out of her bag. “Oh, heh. I think that would be a good idea..” she said with a smile, taking the berry intk her hands. She bit into it,  it wont satisfy her hunger. But it would at least keep it down for a while. Deoxys watched C eat, seemingly curiously about her eating. After a minute, Deoxys turned around to look around their surroundings. Mostly trees and one dirt path. Deoxys wondered where that path lead to. They decided to stay with C for a while longer. They liked C and she didn’t want to fight them, which is very nice.
C finished the berry with a soft hum, slowly standing up. “How are you feeling, Deoxys?” she asked them. She scratched her head and smiled. She wanted to get to know the Deoxys better, since it seemed so nice. “Oh! Would you like to meet my pokemon? “ she asked,” Dont worry they wont attack you!”.
The moment C said she wanted to bring out her pokemon, Deoxys jumped into the air and gave her a hard stare. Body tensing and his tentacle arms uncoiled, seemingly ready to strike anything. They really didn’t hear that C would make sure her pokemon would hurt them, Deoxys reaction made it clear they were really uneasy with the whole idea. They poked C’s mind gently, as if searching for a reason to turn and run. C blinked and stepped back herself, looking surprised and confused. “U-Uh are you ok? “ She asked them, not understanding why they react that way. She blinked and looked them over. Only having the intentions of the Deoxys making new friends. “If you dont wanna meet them its ok..” she said, “ I thought you would like to make some friends…”.
Deoxys continued to search C, sensing no ill will against him nor the desire to capture them. Panic started to melt away but they stayed floating. Could this be a trap? Is C really just like any other trainer that just wants to catch them?? They seemed nervous and wary, as if waiting for something bad to happen. Testing to see if C was really wanting to fight.
The young woman  sighed softly and scratched the back of her head. She took off her back and then took out everything. She had the brush, a good amount of berries , occupied pokeballs, money , blanket. No empty pokeballs. She turned her pockets inside out. Showing Deoxys that she had nothing to try and capture him with. 
Deoxys’ eyes darted from one thing to the next in an anxious fashion. They see pokeballs, used ones from what they can sense… but no empty ones… Slowly but surely, Deoxys floated down and landed. Their arms coiling tightly together, Deoxys processed the idea of a trainer releasing their pokemon but instead of fighting, they would be just greeting each other.
They’re definitely not used to that idea.
C was adamant about having the Deoxys trust her. Like they were her only friend, in which she values. She bent down to take one pokeball and said,” This is my Banette, Xander. I found him back in Kalos in a trashcan, he is a bit wary.”. She let’s the said pokemon from their chambers.
The Banette blinked and looked to the legendary. Cocking his head to the side curiously. “Ban?” he chirped ,waddling closer to them.
Deoxys visibly flinched when Xander popped out of his ball. They watched Xander come closer, then suddenly they made a very odd sound (possibly loud fyi) … as if warning him not to come any closer. They took two steps back and gave the banette a hard stare with wary eyes.
“Ban, Banne? (Hey, whats wrong?) “ he inquired to the Deoxys, in hopes it understood his question.
It took a few for Deoxys to process what the pokemon said, having to search their data banks in their mind for the language that all pokemon shared. Once they were able to understand what Xander just said, Deoxys simply gave him their version of a glower and simply relayed to Xander that they do not trust him at all.
“Bannn? (Why not?)” He pushed, more blunt and persistant than his trainer,” Nette net! (I’m a good boy!)”. It tilted its head from side to side. Looking over the legendary, looking over every feature and detail. C only could watch on, not understanding a word.
boomed Deoxys’ reply, perhaps a little too harsh on Xander’s mind. Also side with the reply can a wave of mistrust and fear. The floated up and away from the banette, reacting as if the pokemon tried to bite their legs. There was a shiver that ran through the body of the alien. There was silence before another reply, smaller, gentler..
Don’t hurt me…
Xander let out a startled cry and ran over to C. Hiding behind her legs , holding its head. “BANNN! ( YOU HURT ME !)” he cried, clutching onto his trainers leg. C blinked and looked from the ghost pokemon to the psychic. She rubbed her head and had Xander go back into his pokeball.
“Deoxys…” she muttered, furrowing her brows,” I shouldnt have…I know…”. She looked to her feet, then placing her stuff back in her bag.
Deoxys seemed to have turn down, white eyes disappearing and their head bowed. They stayed floating into the air, eerily still and dead to the world around them. By pure instinct, Deoxys’ body flatten into their speed form and took off into the sky with a whoosh. They needed some time to de-stim from this morning’s encounter. too many hurt memories… too many battles… They’ll be back maybe…
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