#I ain’t knocking anybody’s lifestyle
awholelotofladybug · 6 months
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gotmymindsetonyou · 3 years
The Best and Worst Things About Each MCU Movie
These are all just my stinky opinions. You are allowed to disagree, you are allowed to agree. Most of these are jokes anyway. I’m honestly just happy you’re reading this. Minor Spoilers Ahead!
Iron Man (2008) -
Best: This movie almost perfectly sets the tone for the entire universe that has at that point yet to have been created. Looking back, you can imagine the feeling of “Where are they going to go from here?” and I think that’s one of the most important things that this movie needed to accomplish.
Worst: What the fuck is Jeff Bridges doing? What’s his endgame here? I get he’s trying to take over Stark Industries but how’s he gonna do that from inside that giant metal suit he uses to kill people inside their cars?
Incredible Hulk (2008) -
Best: Tim Roth is in it and I think that is pretty cool.
Worst: I haven’t actually seen it, but the cgi looks god awful, what the hell.
Iron Man 2 (2010) - 
Best: Sam Rockwell is so goddamn annoying in this movie and I think that’s amazing, he’s such a little stinker.
Worst: I remember basically nothing else about this movie except some guy talking about birds, idk.
Thor (2011) -
Best: It introduces Loki, probably one of the most beloved villains in the entire franchise. 
Worst: This movie is so goddamn boring and it’s my least favorite and I hate it. Don’t @ me.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) -
Best: The first good chunk of this movie is actually a really compelling character study on Steve Rogers and what makes him a good man. Seeing him basically being paraded as this propaganda figure and watching him struggle with this is one of the most compelling things about him as a person. Really wish they kept this up for the entire movie.
Worst: The red skull is really boring guys. He’s red, that’s it. Give me something else to work with man.
Marvel’s The Avengers (2012) -
Best: This movie proved that you can have a superhero team up with this many people and have it fucking work. It doesn’t matter if you hate or love this movie, you cannot deny the effects it has on the genre.
Worst: It’s shot like a bad CW show. It looks so ugly.
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Best: This one is actually my favorite of the bunch. Exploring the question of what makes Iron Man, the suit or the person, is shown really well here. I thoroughly dig it.
Worst: That scene where Harley flip flops about whether or not he really knows Tony makes me so irrationally angry.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Best: It’s slightly better than Thor, and I actually can feel myself start to have a good time whenever Loki’s on screen.
Worst: Once again, this movie is insanely forgettable. Christopher fucking Eccleston is in this movie and I could not tell you a single thing about this character.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - 
Best: This movie has one of the best hand-to-hand fight scenes in the entire MCU. You know the one I’m talking about. It gives me chills, I love it.
Worst: Having the government stand-in that Steve questions in the beginning of the movie actually be a front for N*zis that he can just beat up, and not an actual metaphor for the issues with the government today? You ain’t slick.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014) -
Best: This is the mcu movie basically anyone can enjoy. Anybody can watch this movie and find something to love about it. The characters, the messages about family and learning to be okay with feeling love, the jokes, hell, even the space setting. THE MUSIC. It’s the full package baby.
Worst: Chris Pratt has an unfortunate cameo in this one.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) -
Best: I have a couple of things. A) The party scene where we get to watch the Avengers talk and be friends with each other and act like people. B) I love James Spader no matter what he is doing.
Worst: Why is everyone quipping? Why is the robot quipping? Why would they massacre my boy like that?
Ant-man (2015) -
Best: I want Paul Rudd to marry me, best dad in the mcu.
Worst: The moment Edgar Wright left this project.
Captain America: Civil War (2016) -
Best: Introduces two great characters, Spider-man and Black Panther. These two get a lot of love when it comes to designing their characters in this movie and it makes me very happy.
Worst: It made the fandom very unhappy and I don’t like picking sides. It feels like watching your many parents get divorced for two hours.
Doctor Strange (2016) -
Best: The magic looks really fucking cool in this movie. Also, the ending with Dormammu is up there for one of my favorite endings of an mcu movie. Having Doctor Strange actually outsmart the villain instead of actually fighting him is endlessly more satisfying.
Worst: Could not tell you a thing else about this movie other than I heard Tilda Swinton plays a character that’s probably not supposed to be white.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) -
Best: Guys, I gotta come clean about something. I actually like this one better than Volume 1. I know, I know, a good majority of people do not feel this way, but I feel a lot more emotionally attached to the movie, and that’s mainly because of two characters: Yondu Udonta and Rocket Racoon. Rocket realizing that he’s an asshole but his found family still loves him gets me, man. I can’t help it. Helps that Ego is a great villain as well. Also the cinematography is some of the best in the mcu.
Worst:  No Howard the Duck.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) -
Best: I think the best thing about this movie is just the solidness of it all. No one part stands out as the best because most everything about this movie is pretty damn good. Michael Keaton will knock your socks off, go watch it.
Worst: Donald Glover is in it to tease a Miles Morales reveal, BUT NOTHING HAS HAPPENED ABOUT IT SINCE.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) -
Best: Taika Waititi knows how to do shit right, lemme tell ya. Taking away Thor’s hammer from the beginning was probably one of the smartest choices in the movie, and this is a movie of smart choices.
Worst: Jeff Goldblum isn’t in it more.
Black Panther (2018) -
Best: Erik Killmonger is easily the best villain in a Marvel movie, and you can quote me on that. An amazing performance from Michael B. Jordan. It’s also the first Marvel movie I saw in theatres (I know, I was very late to the game)
Worst: Everett K. Ross is CIA propaganda and the last fight scene on the train tracks looks like shit.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - 
Best: It’s really hard to sum up exactly what my thoughts are on this movie. I think one of the movie’s best qualities is the bigness of it. This movie feels huge, there’s a lot of different stuff to love here. If you like Wakanda, there’s a whole epic battle set in Wakanda. If you’re more a fan of the space stuff, we got a whole lotta space stuff. The best part of this movie is there’s probably gonna be something that everyone can enjoy packed in here.
Worst: I also think the bigness of this movie is also one of it’s larger weaknesses. Because there’s so much stuff in this movie, not all of it is fully fleshed out. Tony Stark gets a lot to do in this movie, but Steve Rogers sort of feels sidelined at parts. There’s a perfect balance that I don’t think was quite hit.
Ant-man and The Wasp (2018) -
Best: I still really love Paul Rudd in this movie, and I think his relationship with Cassie is still really cute. World’s Greatest Grandma indeed.
Worst: This movie really had its work cut out for itself, coming off the heels of Infinity War, so it sort of falls short in that respect. I don’t want to criticize it too harshly, it is what it is, nothing insanely memorable. 
Captain Marvel (2019) - 
Best: I still think this is a pretty good movie, despite what a lot of people think. I struggle a lot with believing that I have to prove myself to others, so having Carol finally realize that she doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone was really important to me, and probably a lot of other women.
Worst: There were parts where I wasn’t as engaged, like the scenes in the Kree empire. That made some of the movie feel off to me, it’s a bit unbalanced.
Avengers: Endgame (2019) - 
Best: This movie 100% achieves what it sets out to do, and that is to be a huge cinematic event. I don’t even really see this movie as a movie, it’s more like one huge experience. My viewing had one of the most energetic crowds I’ve ever seen a movie with.
Worst: I don’t really think this movie holds up to multiple re-watches. Granted, I saw it in theatres three times. I don’t think any subsequent viewings are ever going to pack that same punch that my first viewing had, and that makes it harder to come back to. Also Steve had a totally lame ending.
Spider-man: Far From Home (2019) - 
Best: After ending on such a downer note in the last movie, this felt like a weight being lifted off my chest. Jake Gyllenhaal gives an insanely energetic performance that I absolutely adore. (Also seeing it with my dad was fun, he would nudge me every time they switched locations to tell me he’d been there)(Also when I saw it with my sibling a kid ran out of the theatre during the Mysterio mind-fuck sequence, some just can’t handle that lifestyle)
Worst: Peter Parker and MJ remind me of how perpetually single I am.
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polygamyff · 4 years
57. Part 2
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Walking into meeting room “Kellen, thank you for coming” sitting down “well you called so I came but I kind of know why” I had to laugh, he is not that slow now “well if you know then why is she here?” I questioned, I don’t need her to be around she is a bitch “because when your son is right there and she is pushing him in my face and telling me I can’t see him, the court proceeding is taking too long, you have your daughter with you. I didn’t know she was coming; she came with my son. I was happy to see him; I didn’t do this for anybody else. I get she is using my son against me, but I need to see him. She came and she wanted a room here, so I gave mine up and I know she kicked off” licking my top lip staring at Kellen, thinking on what I can do to make this shit go away “she is unstable Kellen, she can’t be there. She cannot be at any event because it’s not about Tiffany, she is making it about herself because she is a self-centred bitch. She will cause issues, you need to tell her to leave that child with you, threaten her, I don’t care. She cannot be there, it can’t happen. I have been waiting for this moment just for some thot you got to ruin it? No, you sort it Kellen or you and your family can fuck off out of here. You should be glad my dad even remotely cares because all of you don’t mean shit to me. I am done, all of you are going to come for me after this because y’all have to get jobs” Kellen shook his head in annoyance “why can’t we just bring our kids up differently? Why can’t we? We was bought up to hate you Maurice!” Kellen shouted “to knock you off your spot, Maurice is the new prince. My dad to obey you!? You want that but he ain’t going to give you that, I will because I want to be still in the business, why can’t we just be different!” he is spitting the truth but I don’t trust him “then you deal with Tiffany before I do, and you know how that will end up. She will be on the streets with no fucking baby. Don’t start me off Kellen, sort it out!” getting up from the chair “nobody likes you Maurice” Kellen said “I know, they was waiting outside my hospital room thinking I was dying. I know” walking off “but I don’t” I don’t care for how he feels, I can never trust him in my life.
Putting the paper down “that is fine, what I want you to do is if there is hotel charges, any damages. You charge them, did you take a card from them to put down against the room?” looking over at the management of this hotel “no, no sir we didn’t because they are family?” I sighed out “so what to do, go to every room that is my family member and take it. I think there is a lot of sour faces that will be acting out ok?” he nodded his head “hi” looking away from the manager and at the person saying hi at the front desk “hello” I said “hi, I have received an email that my booking got cancelled but I have been booked under Adam Selman, he is here to do Robyn throughout this week?” letting out an oh “it got cancelled, he is managing the hotel so he will deal with this. He will get you a room somehow” he can deal with that, walking off “if it isn’t the man himself behind the front desk. The very man that ruined a lot of friendships” I just knew I would see her “Tiffany grow up, you did that all by yourself” she is going to follow me and meet me at the end as I leave the front desk “I wish you didn’t meet Robyn, you took my friend” this is what I didn’t want “now is not the time” smiling at the workers as I walked by them “then when is the time” she got in my way “never, Tiffany. This is over, we have moved on. You’re trying to prove a point, but it doesn’t make sense, Robyn has moved on, I have moved on. We are done, you can sell a story I don’t care because pretty much, I am good over here, Robyn is good, my daughter is good. You’re just here because nobody is giving you attention” her friends are here now “Tiffany, if you want to keep those Dior bags and this lifestyle I suggest you back up. Kellen will be working elsewhere and he won’t be getting paid what he does now, because you and I both know he doesn’t have a brain, he only got into these colleges because of money and the people we know, I am being nice now. Don’t make your child to be as fucked up as you. And don’t forget you are not Robyn that you can take a Davenport to court, because she would get a hell of a pay-out, you can’t even amount to her even in taking someone to court. You take him court he has nothing; you won’t get shit because it’s mine, it’s my name on this. Not even child support you will get because you can’t take me to court. You are nothing” walking closer to her “you don’t know me, the real me. I am being nice, you listen loud and clear, I will let this child roam around being a Davenport still. I can call up my lawyer and make your existence to my family gone and trust me. You search Naomi Davenport, she doesn’t exist. I won’t buy you and I won’t pay you; I will just make you disappear. You can either accept the blessing you got which is the baby or you can fuck up yours and his life. Anyways, I have things I need to do” walking by her, Tiffany looks like I just slapped her, but I spoke the truth.
“Daddy is home!” Robyn spat “wait how did you get in?” she asked “I told you, I am the man of the house. Awww Mi Amor, what is this messy face all about” pressing a kiss to her cheek “eeww, I just tasted your nasty baby food. Why are you in your diaper too?” Reign held up a piece of watermelon up to me and she really is babbling shit to me “don’t you talk shit to me, and I am back. And I have dropped your mother off at work and then went to my hotel to check on things” hearing Reign whine out trying to give me this watermelon, looking down at her “you want to feed papa? But baby, you stank. Like you need a bath, why do you let her be like this?” looking at Robyn and she looks so offended “says you! You’re worse than me but because I am giving her a bath I am letting her be a baby and do what she needs. And she was feeling warm” shaking my head “what is mommy like” Reign is really sat in this highchair fake crying because I am not eating it “ok, fine” I hummed as I leaned down to Reign, opening my mouth. Gripping my teeth on the watermelon but Reign decided to push it in my mouth “mhmm” moving my head back, as the watermelon fell on the tray “eew” I said wiping my mouth, Reign clapped laughing “you are my daughter, thank you Reign. Now sit down” Robyn said, I am a mess now “you need to get me a new top out now, eew” walking around the highchair “I am honestly shocked you have allowed Reign to make such a mess” pulling the chair back “I woke up, felt sick and then she cried. I just feel like shit, so I am just like whatever” poking my lips out to her “not easy is it, were you not well with Reign?” I mean obviously I wasn’t around as much “I don’t know, it was either the heartbreak or the baby that was making me ill” Robyn raised an eyebrow saying “mhmm so the baby then” Robyn laughed “be quiet, so you dropped my mother off at work, how was that?” Robyn looks so pale “erm, it was ok. We just spoke on a lot of things. Secret things, so yeah” I grinned “don’t annoy me” I chuckled, she is so serious.
Robyn is supposed to come with me to find a suit but I have to do this blood transfusion so I can either lie or tell the truth but lies is no good “I was thinking we could find a holiday home here, rent it out and then when we need it we can use it?” I am talking shit because I know Robyn will just drive me crazy “I mean we can just rent; I don’t want no home in the Hollywood hills, they seem a little crazy. Maybe crackheads, the lot of them” I snorted laughing “but what about a home on the beachfront? Something nice?” I am just buying time, clearly “anyways, I need to go suit shopping later. I have to go and get my uhm, blood done” I said pointing at my arm “for what? Are you ok!?” Robyn froze halfway eating, staring at me “uh yes, I am ok. Promise just need a transfusion. This will help with the pain, that is all” Robyn let out an oh “so you called the doctor and told them you were having issues? Awww, proud of you” nodding my head slowly “yes, that happened. So, I need to do that first, see if I feel ok after that. It’s long so I don’t want it-” Robyn pointed at me “you have it! seriously, we have the honeymoon to happen and some other things for your birthday. I can’t have you unwell, I mean it. You go! I will drop you off, or would you like me to come with you?” shaking my head “I am ok thank you, but you can drop me off” Robyn smiled at me “you know when you have that you are going to feel so alive, so much better. That always happens, more energy so we can have some sex tonight. You look so tired though, I am actually so happy you are having it and you told, you know what that is?” she questioned “what?” I retorted confused “growth, I love you” smiling lightly “love you too” Robyn will be on my case if I told her the times I cancelled, let me keep this detail to myself.
I cheesed at Robyn “you’re such a baby, stop it” she pushed my face back “I like when you drive me around, you know these hands don’t do hard work. You’re my driver” moving back in the seat as I smiled to myself “never said though, Tiffany is at the hotel. I got a miss call from the hotel, but Ally told me. She said that she demanded a room, that is why the hotel called me but then Kellen came down gave his room up for her and the baby, also her friends. She has friends, shocking. So, I caught up with him, told him he needs to control her. She is not invited to anything, she is using the child saying he has rights, so I was dealing with some things at the front desk. The hotel is so busy, so I was checking on who is there, I see her. She came at me, I just told her that she leaves me the fuck alone or I will take it further. I will get rid of Kellen and then he won’t have a job, he can’t provide for you on top of that. This life she lives is my money, I am paying him to do a job. I said it in a angrier tone, she was taken aback by it. I am not going to have her in any of them places, the baby is fine” I thought I would tell Robyn that “I am glad it was you that said it, she just wants that life. She assumed getting with Kellen and that his family owned Davenport hotels, she assumed that she did better then me which is bullshit. Now I am doing better then her, she now wants to do better. It’s a vicious circle and now she is miserable with a baby she is using. It’s sickening, why hasn’t Kellen taken that child from her!? What is he playing at” Robyn has got a point, why hasn’t Kellen got some right over that child “I wish I knew Bonita” Kellen has by tonight to sort that shit out, I am not fucking with that.
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ofangelos-archive · 5 years
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       a quick ep entitled ‘DANG’ from 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖒𝖊𝖎𝖉𝖆 - seems like he’s already had these 
              songs on the books and was just waiting for the right time to release them. 
                                            a quote from angelos himself ? well... 
❝ i didn’t mean to start drama. obviously, people already had issues if this was the fuckin’ straw that broke the camel’s back. whatever. they can start beef for clout if they really need it that badly... listen, listen... i don’t give a shit. i don’t. i called out someone for being a bitch to my wife. i never said i was better than him. when did i say that ? y’see ? people startin’ shit, and then whining that they’re over it when i wasn’t even in it to begin... it’s bullshit. everybody can say what they want to say about me. they’re just making my name pop up on headlines. they’re just giving me more money... you can’t knock me off the top when you’re not even up here with me.”
i. OH WELL. “heard they was talking sideways. uh, oh, word ? that's what they say ? uh, i would say it's sad to see you go, but i never gave a fuck about you any way. oh well ! lately i've been living so swell, uh, if you ain't fucking with us, oh well. phoney homies always tryna ride the coattail, uh, and don't i know it so well... oh well, hahaha !”
angel’s infamous ‘oh, word?’ + saying oh, well ! to friends he’s lost because he’s unbothered. doesn’t affect him, so he’s fine. he only cares about himself, after all. that’s practically his brand at this point. phoney homies is an obvious call out to chance for taking margo’s side on twitter ( albeit lowkey ). 
ii. SAY SO. “if you think you can fill these shoes, well then say so. if you think you can make these moves, well then say so. if that's what you're about now, cool, say it out loud... you know, go ahead and say it loud so i hear you very clear. this pretty ass white boy--- he doesn't deserve to be here. how did he get to this place ? this pretty ass white boy in a silk saint laurent shirt will fuck your bitch... you know, these things happen when it's dark out. this shit didn't happen by accident.”
‘pretty ass white boy’-- another reference to chance. it’s pretty much the ‘pretty boy’ nickname chance coined for him. people say angel doesn’t deserve his success; that he only has it because of his family. and, yes, he’s an awful person ( even he knows that ), but he does work his ass off in the booth and at everything he’s passionate about. a hard-working mentality has been drilled into his head basically since the day he was born. he’s not riding the coattails of anybody. yea, he has money from his family that gave him a leg up, but this talent is all his. the songs, the beats, everything stems from him. he takes pride in his work. being wealthy didn’t make him an olympic trackstar. that was him. being wealthy didn’t give him the ability to write bangers. that was him.
iii. VENGEANCE. “if i ain't doin' it right, then what the critics singin' praise for ? this is what i trained for, what the people pay for. music got realer, started channelin' my pain more. greats are the only ones i ever try to aim for. ready to convince all of you haters if you ain't sure. make no mistake about it, there's nothin' fake about it. you say i'll be at the event, well then, it may get crowded. you think i'm ever givin' up ? for pete's sake, i doubt it. i’m in my element tonight and you can't take me out it, and i said, fuck a comfort zone and started breakin' out it. this music's keepin' me alive, i swear i ache without it. the place i'm from made me who i am, just think about it. can never take it out of me, can only take me out it. i feel no pain. vengeance on my mind, all night, all day.”
if he’s so bad, then why does he have people who love him ? why does he have millions of fans ? why are his albums going 3x platinum ? he knows he’s a bad person. but he also knows he has talent. this song is a little more personal because of how he talks about music being an escape for him. he’s had it rough his whole life ( yes, even thought he is a billionaire, and no, that’s not an excuse for his nasty habits and the way he treats people ), and music has been his solace for a long time. he’s never been good at expressing himself or his emotions; writing them in song format just comes so much easier.
iv. FREESTYLE. “they know my history, so they bring up the past. when i step inside the booth they expect me to spaz... zero to sixty, three seconds, not the same benz. i live different, my whip different, my chick different, only popping up with goddesses, i wife tens, yuh. i step on stage and a star is born.”
he’s not explicitly denying or confirming his history. he’d like to keep it just that--- history. in the past. he just thinks it’s funny how he was defending his wife, and all of a sudden, he was being exposed on twitter by someone completely irrelevant to the entire conversation. it’s like she’d take any chance she could get to try and ruin him. oh well ! he’s got eight expensive whips, a bad bitch as a wife, and a fantastic career that doesn’t seem to be slowing down soon even with all the buzz about his past relationships.
v. 1942. “i don't follow rules and they don't like that. hit the club with wifey, brought a dime back. hit the three twice and ran it right back. i’m only here tonight 'cause in the morning got a flight back. talkin' it, but you ain't livin' like that. the porsche cost a hundred, this is twice that. flooded all my diamonds, poland spring. back in greece i am a king, i know, and marnie is a ting. yeah, 'rari detailed, there's not a speck of dust on it. i’ma get the bag, you can put some trust on it. everything is new, so it's never rust on it, and her booty so big you could park a bus on it.”
this is just him bragging about his career and his wife again. he’s got it good even without all the people who’ve decided they didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. no skin off his back.
vi. THANK YOU. “feeling better than i ever felt. why thank you ! feeling better than i ever felt. meanwhile, these dead presidents keep comin’, i’ma stack this. wanna play in the big leagues kid practice. live the lifestyle wife a model or an actress. oh, i'm so damn good at this, hahaha ! crazy and disturbing, belong in an insane asylum, angel’s going crazy wilding, but who cares ? his paper's piling.”
i’m so damn good at this = he’s so bad, but he does it so well. basically a big fuck you thank you to everybody. he may be crazy, he may do fuck shit, he may pull all the stunts, but at the end of the day, you can’t touch him. no matter what you say about him, he’s always making money, and that’s what matters to him. 
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dealersofatlanta · 5 years
Part 1: Chapter 4
2013: May 3rd
Ace: age 21
“Nah, make that shit happen. I don’t care how yall do it, just get it done. Yall playing I’ll take them niggas out myself if yall punk asses can’t do it!” I yelled on the phone with my homies Dom and Tyrel. Jade looked over at me. We was sitting at the dinning room, she was writting down shit in her journal. After I saved her from Davis, I took her in, made sure she had a car. Taught her how to drive, how to shoot, defend herself just in case anything happens to me. She went from being my fraile scared Jade to a bad bitch. I taught her what do if anybody came after us, and shit. She know how to kill and take anybody down. That’s my baby. “Sorry baby, business” She nodded. “What you writting?” I asked coming over to her. I kissed on her face. She giggled. “Another song about you” She said. I smiled. “Ah shit not another one” I said rolling my eyes playfully. My text tone went off on my iphone. It was this hoe named La-La. “Business again?” She asked. I quickly nodded. “Yeah, Ima be home late” I told her. She sighed. “This the 3rd time this week, I told you I needed you to come to my open mic night tonight” She stressed to me. “I got work to do, you don’t shit. I got to make sure we straight and protect our home J, shit stop trippin bruh” I said. She got up from the table, and flicked me off. “Fuck you Ace, I don’t do shit, cause you don’t want me to work nigga!” She stomped upstairs. I went into the basement to pick out what gun I wanted to carry today. I ain’t mean to snap at her. She knew I had a bad temper. I had a way with my words, she been knowing this. I went back upstairs. Jade was rushing downstairs with her purse, and keys. “Aye yo where you going?” I asked. She had on a beanie with some booty shorts an tank top, and timbs. “Out nigga” She snapped. “Nah not in them little bitty ass shorts” I snapped. She laughed at me. “J! Im serious” I said sternly. She stuck her middle finger up at me again. “Man, fuck her” I said to myself. I grabbed my keys, and headed out to, setting the alarm before I left.
I head over to the WestSide of Atlanta to see La-La. I had been knowing La-La for a minute. We was fucking around when I first got out of jail. She cool, and we fuck from time to time. She keep an eye out for me on the streets. She like my side bitch, but Jade always will come before her. I knocked on her door. “I ain’t think you would come, with wifey at home and shit” She said to me. I rolled my eyes. “I come over to fuck and to hear whats been going on that’s it keep My shawty out of this” I said. She nodded and started unbuckling my pants.
Afterwards, I laid in the bed smoking a blunt with La-La. “So whats been going on?” I asked her. “Rico, been running his mouth about killing off everybody in the Ace of Spades gang. He trying to take Omari spot anf Jackalls on the eastside” She said. I laughed. “They aint bout to do shit” I said. I passed her the blunt. “Thats all I know for now” She said. I nodded. “Thanks, you a real one” I kissed her. She smiled. “You want something to eat?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah what you bout to cook? Noodles?” I asked. She smiled. “Shut up, you love me food” She said. I nodded. “True” I said. I went to get in the shower.
Jade: age 20
I sat watching my friend Mia reciting a poem by Mya Angelou. I was nervous, my leg was shaking. “Give it up for Mia Abrams” I stood up and clapped for her. She excitedly got off the stage. “Now give it up for an aspiring singer Jade Marie, singing a cover JoJo- Keep On Keepin On”. I drank some water from my water bottle, and walked up to the stage. I was nervous as hell. I closed my eyes as the song started.
https://youtu.be/EaYCAZuSpPM (Its also on playlist)
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Poor kids pouring cold water in their cereal
Second hand clothes
Surviving is pivotal
Praying to God at night
That things'll get better soon
I remember when I was in your position
Tried to tell people my story
But no one would really listen
I know times are hard right now
Happiness is hard to find right now
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Lookin out the window to a rose grows in concrete
Dreamin' of the day when you'll be standing on your own feet
Hard to find the good in such a scene so bad (so so sad)
Seein other kids with their Tims on
Fresh with Air Ones, wish I had one
Longin' for a day when you get your chance to shine
Don't worry, there'll come a tiiiiiiime
Young girl sittin' on the steps of her duplex (mmmm)
Why did God choose to make my life so complex
Breathing to the beat of a slow, sad drum
Trouble is her only source of fun
I can almost guarantee you
It'll get better soooooon
After the song ended everyone started clapping. I opened my eyes smiling. “That was amazing Jade Marie everybody” I waved and quickly walked off stage. “See and you were nervous for nothing” Mia said. I laughed. “ I know”. She looked around. “Where’s your man?” She asked. I put on a smile. “He had to work” I told her. She nodded. “Hey my name is Marcus Gardener, I’m a producer in Atlanta, your performance was really good, you have a innocent star quality to you I would like to work with you... is that okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes! Yes I mean sure no problem, I will give you my number” I told him. He smiled and nodded. “Girl he was fine” Mia said. I rolled my eyes. “Yes but Im taken” She sucked her teeth in. “Shit then hook me up!” She said. We headed out and went to waffle house, then I headed home. Ace wasn’t home when I got home. It was 1:15 am. I sighed when I walked in. He was notorious for sometimes being gone being in the streets all night. I went upstairs and got settled in, before I could get in I called him to see where he was at. He answered the phone. “Ace where you at?” I asked. He didn’t answer I just heard moaning on the other end. “Ace!?” I yelled. I quickly hung up the phone. I was trying to keep my shit together. I took a shower and got out and I started crying. I couldn’t believe that someone I fully trusted had did this to me. I hesistated calling on if I should call Mia but I called someone else. “Hello?” I heard Omari say. “Hey O, um can I stay over there for awhile?” I asked. “Ace okay? It’s 2am suh you good?” He said. I started crying. “Can I please, I caught Ace cheating and I have no where to go” I cried. He sighed. “Aight I got you” He said. I packed some of my shit and quickly left the house. Omari had 3 houses. He luckly was at the one 15minutes from Ace crib. I pulled into his gates and drove up the drive way. I got out my G- Wagon. Omari was waiting for me at the door. “Hey J” He said hugging me. His girlfriend Naomi was sitting on the staircase. “Hey JJ” She said I softly smiled. They let me stay in the guest house. “Ima get the nigga Ace straight believe that aight. Here’s some xanax man hopefully you can sleep” He said before walking out.
When I woke up the next morning. I got up , and seen I had alot of messages from Ace.
I got up and washed my face before walking into the other house. I seen Ace car outside. I opened the back door into the house. “Man! I fucked up I know!” I heard Ace yelling. Naomi was sitting on the bar stool looking at me. “Well I was hoping you wasn’t going to walk into this” She said. “She been through alot! Why would you get with her to put her through more shit, you always fucking up Ace!” I heard Omari yell. “Oh yeah thats me Ace the fuck up! Man fuck that shit im out!” Ace yelled. “You always walk away Ace, come fix this shit” Omari yelled. Ace walked into the kitchen and looked at me. “J, come out with me real quick” He said. I looked away from him. “Im good Ace” I said to him. “J baby please” He stressed. I got up and went to the guest house door he followed me. “J, I was just fucking her thats it. I don’t love her, like I love you” He stressed. I looked at him and I walked back into the house and closed the door. He banged on the door for a minute. “Ima stay out here all day, all week all month J. I can’t live without you” He said outside the door. Jade don’t open that door I thought to myself. I put my hand on the handle, then took it off. He kept knocking on the door. I took another pill to knock me out. I took pride in listening to him bang and plead outside, I fell asleep listening to Trey Songs “Smartphones”. I woke up to hearing glass break. I got up quickly and seen Ace at the door with his hand bleeding. “Are you crazy!?” I yelled. He had blood leaking from his hand. “Don’t leave me! I need you!” He stressed. His face was red, I can tell he been crying. “Im soo sorry. I’ma come to your music shit, ima take you all over the world. Give me one more chance J baby” He said. I grabbed the first aid kit under the kitchen sink. I washed his hand off and wrapped it up, after putting peroxide on it. He grabbed my face and kissed me, I couldn’t resist him so I kissed him back. I pulled him back. “Ace, if you do this again. I will never forgive you” I said to him. He nodded. “I ain’t fucking up again”.
2months later: July 30th 2013
Omari: age 27
Naomi and I were doing a wedding registry in Neiman Marcus. We had been together for 2 years and I was certain she was it. After the 1st year, I introduced her to my lifestyle. I was scared she would run but she slowly accepted it. She begged me to quit, but then asked me to show her my world. Ace, X and I agreed the women in our lives needed to be protected. I had Naomi trained with Mackel, and X taught her the business, I showed her around. She learned pretty face, after that I wanted to make her my Queen fast. I know it was wrong for me to steal my homies girl but Teej was in jail, and they wasn’t even that serious. “Ooh baby, this is nice. Im adding this” She said. I nodded. “Whatever you want” I spoiled her like no other. I had her leave her job, finish school paying off her tuition. I got her 2 cars. She wanted a Range Rover, and A Merceedes. We was getting married soon, only 3 weeks away.
3 weeks later: August 13th 2013
Naomi: age 24
“You sure?” I asked Doctor O’hara. “Yeah, two heart beats” She said. I looked at the monitor again. “Thats not my heart beat and the baby’s?” I asked. She laughed, and shook her head. “No that’s definitely two babies in there” She said to me. I sighed. Omari is going to fucking flip his shit. “Can I get those to go?” I asked. She nodded. “Sure”. I had been knowing I was pregnant for a while, but wanted to keep it lowkey because of the wedding. I grabbed my evenlope from the doctors and left the building and got into my car. I took out the evenlope and looked at my ultrasound pictures. “Twins?, man what the fuck?” I said out loud. I put the pictures away, I started my car and drove to the venue. I was getting married in 24hours. “Naomi where have you been? We been looking all over for you!” My bestfriends Teddy and Keisha said. The grabbed me and brought me inside. I seen they had through me a mini party. “We bought to get fucked up!” Teddy screamed. My mom was throwing back shots with my aunt Kiki. “Come on drink Mimi!” Teddy yelled. I shook my head. “I dont want to be hungover at my wedding” I lied. Teddy sighed. “Take one shot” He said. I shook my head. He grabbed me into the bathroom in the hotel room of Chataue Elan. “Bitch are you knocked up?” He said. I sighed, and started crying. “Yesss, and Im having twins” I cried. Teddy was in shock. “Bitch what?” He said. I nodded. “I went to the doctors today, Im 13 weeks pregnant, and its 2 babies Teddy, 2 fucking kids at the same time, like what the fuck!” I cried. He snatched my shot out my hand and chugged it. “Honey, Congradulations I guess babies are a blessing. God ain’t giving you nothing you can’t handle” He said to me. I nodded slowly. Teddy didn’t understand. Im marrying Atlantas top organized drug dealer, who has hits on him at the moment then on top of that! Im pregnant with two babies! Twin babies. Like God I see what your doing, Im very blessed but now I’m overwhelmed. I groaned. “I need to see O” I stressed. Teddy shook his head. “He is having his bachelor party wait till tomorrow” He said. I nodded, he brought me back out to the party. “Ima fix you some food” He said. Keish came up to me. “You good?” I nodded. I didn’t want everyone knowing when my baby daddy/husband didn’t even know yet. Teddy passed me a plate of Rotel, and Fried Fish. I inhaled the fish and my stomach turned. I quickly put the plate down and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I heard a knock at the door and seen Jade. I opened the door for her. “You okay Naomi?” She asked. I started crying again. She got a towel and wet it, passing it to me while rubbing my back. “Is it like them wedding jitters or whatever?” She asked. I shook my head. “Im um Im having a baby” I said. She smiled widely. “Oh my gosh congrats girl” She said. I shook my head. “Im not happy about it” I told her. She shrugged. “Why not?” She asked. “Getting married is one thing but im marrying into the game, now you want me to put my babies at risk too?” I said. Her eyes widened. “Twins?” She asked. I nodded. “Well I been knowing Ace since I was 13, and I been around the game so much I got used to the ins and the outs, and you knew O was down when you fell for him, you knew the risk, the one thing you should know is them niggas aint going to ever let shit happen to us or the people they love, yall got this you good” She told me. I wiped my face. “You right” I said. Teddy busted into the bathroom with my mom. Teddy looked at me and sighed. “This is killing my high, I mean my buzz” He said. He walked out the bathroom. “Mimi you good?” She asked. I nodded.
After I threw up, I went to sleep in Jade’s room, since Ace was going to be with O all night. I didn’t want to ruin the mini bachelorette they through me so I just left them to party while I got some sleep. I woke up to my alarm, letting me know it was time to get dressed. My nerves were shot. I been throwing all morning, and crying. “Mimi fucking chill!” Keisha yelled annoyed. “Man fuck this” I got up with my hair pincurled and my make up done. I had on a robe and slippers. I left my make up stylist room and went down to Omaris floor. I heard Rich As Fuck by Lil Wayne blasting. I banged on the door. “Yooo wazzam sis” Ace said. His breath smelled like henny. “Um its bad luck Naomi” X said. I waved him off. “I need to talk to you” I said to O. He looked at me crazy and nodded. He grabbed my hand, and lead me to the balcony. “You look beautiful, but I aint supposed to see you right now, whats up baby, you bout to dip on a nigga?” He asked. I shook my head. “Uhhh I been scared to tell you this but I wanted to say something before the wedding” I said fiddling with my fingers. “What? Baby just say that shit” He said. “Im pregnant” I said. He stepped back a little. “Since when?” He asked. I rolled my eyes. “Since 13 weeks ago nigga! Im pregnant okay, 13 weeks to be exact” I said. He wiped his hand across his face. “Aight okay thats cool, its all good baby” He simply said. I shook my head, and handed him a picture. “Whats this the baby?” He asked analyzing the picture. “Babies and yes” I simply said. He looked at me then the picture, “Babies?” He asked. I nodded and put up the number 2. “Twins” I said. He quickly walked back in and snatched the henny bottle from Ace and started downing the liquor. “Twins!” He yelled. I sighed and nodded. “O please dont make a scene” I calmly stated. He walked back over to me. “So look, we going to figure this out just please get ready so I can marry your beautiful ass, my fucking baby mama” He said to me kissing me. I smiled at him. I nodded and left to go back up to my suite to get dressed. “OMG nigga! We thought you ran, you got 30minutes come on!” Keisha panicked.
X age 18:
“So you want this type of wedding one day or nah?” I asked Heiress. She smiled at me as we danced. “Something quiet, intimate” She simply said. “I can deal with that” I said smiling. She looked at me. “Are you insinuating that you want to marry me Xander Domonic Knight?” She asked. “Ehhhh maybe” I said. She laughed at me. “I love a man that knows what he wants” She simply said. We were dancing to “Must be nice” by Lyfe Jennings. “Okay man, let me go ahead and give this toast” Ace said clickling on Wine Glass. “First off I want to thank my baby J, for being there for me regardless, and to my big bruh, you my nigga man Im happy you found a bitch to hold you down” Ace said. Naomi awkwardly smiled, O shook his head and laughed. The older people shook they head at his speech. “Uh thanks bruh” O said. I tapped on my glass I grabbed off a table. “Uh thanks for that speech Ace., uh Naomi thank you for being down with O, and being a real one by his side, he’s a great dude. An amazing big brother and we love yall and wish yall nothing but love”. O and Naomi lifted their glasses. “Thank yall” Naomi said. O stood up. “I want to thank all yall coming to celebrate our union, I also want to let everyone know that Naomi and I will be welcoming our first kids, twins come 2014” He said. Everyone looked shocked but started clapping including me and Heiress. “Wow” I said. “Congrats nigga!” Ace yelled. He was drunk as fuck. “Congrats yall” We all said. The DJ went back to playing music.
6 months later: January 14th 2014
Over the pass 2 years, Heiress and I had graduated highschool, she went to Georgia State for nursing, and I went to Georgia Tech to major in business, then after that I was going to Cordon Bleu to be a chef, O had moved out to a house in Kennesaw with Naomi since they was starting a family, so I had the whole Mansion to myself. Heiress had wanted a college life before she decided to move in with me, plus her mom wasn’t feeling it. I had got a call from Omari while I was in school. He had left me like 4 missed calls. I pulled up at the spot, where we supplied our shit and did our deals. “What’s going on? I was in the middle of a test when you called” I told O. He had his gun out, along with K.C and was shushing me. He passed me a gun and a bullet proof vest. “Niggas in here robbing us”. He whispered. I heard a silent engine roaring. I looked and seen it was Ace in his Ashton Martin. His door lifted up and he got out the car clocking his gun with his vest already on. “Man the fuck yall out here standing for, niggas messing with our money” Ace walked pass us. K.C shook his head “Shit bout to be messy forreal now”. Ace walked in and I was behind him. We seen niggas in all black stuffing shit in they bags. Ace aint hesitate and started shooting. O was fighting a nigga, K.C and I went upstairs. The men started shooting at us. I shoot back. We had a big shoot out. Finally all the niggas was dead in the spot except one who O had held for questioning. “We need to get this shit out before police show up and set up another spot” I simply said. O nodded. Ace was sitting on the counter eating chips with blood splatter on his face. I shook my head. Homie was crazy. K.C laughed. “You always eating after a shoot out, weird ass” He said. Ace shrugged. “Shit had me hungry” He said. “Who sent you, Ima ask you one more time before I paint these walls with whats left of you?!” O yelled with a machete in his hand. “Jackall” He simply said. “Who is that?” I asked. “The king of East Atlanta” He simply said. “How you find our shit?” O asked. “Jackall said he has connections” O nodded. “We got a snitch in our crew?” He asked him. The nigga shrugged. “I know nothing else just what was told, I swear” He said. “Aight” O said. Before O could untie him, shots rang off killing the nigga. O looked over at Ace. “Nigga, Damn” O said. Ace simply looked at us. “My shawty cooking tonight, I got to be home before she start bitchin, and he was just going to run his mouth anyways. Cops 15 minutes away lets pack shit and head out” Ace said. K.C started laughing. “He’s such a Gemini” He said. I started laughing too, cause he wasn’t lying. We grabbed most of our shit, cleared the place out of any identity, and got the hell on to reload our shit into another safe house to reload. I headed out home, to get cleaned up.
When I got to my crib. I seen Heiress car in the drive way. I had gave her a key to my crib eventhough we don’t live together. I walked inside the house. “Heiri” I called out. “Im in here” She said from my dinning room. I walked in and seen her sitting there with my guns on the table. I sighed. “Why do you have 4 guns?” She asked. I actually had a gun in each room, bathroom and 5 in the kitchen. I shrugged. “Protection, my dad gave them to me” I lied. She slowly nodded. “But there not even normal guns X, what is this like an Ak-47? what about this a pistol? I dont know what you call these other two, are these even registered X. What if the police find these, and theres bodies on these you will go to jail!” She panicked. “Heiress, baby chill man please I been having these it’s okay” I said to her. She folded her arms. “You sure?” She asked. I nodded. “Baby its all good, Just protection” I stated. She slowly nodded her head. “I came over to surprise you by cleaning your big ass house and cooking dinner, Im sorry I got nosey” She told me. I grabbed her and kissed her forehead. “Mi casa su casa” I said to her. She smiled. “You already being a wife to yo man, I love it! I love you!” I said to her. She smirked. I took the guns off the table and took them down to the basement. The basement had a key pad entry. If it didn’t Heiress would have found the drugs that I had in the basement. My trap phone buzzed. “Wazzam?” I answered. “We got more problems X, that Jackall nigga hijacked our stash while we was shooting the niggas in the spot earlier today” K.C said. I sighed. “Shit! We got to put out a hit now, but we wait on O, what he say?” I asked. “Naomi went into early labor, O is busy. I just got to call Ace” He stated. I nodded. “Ace would handle that shit quick” I said. K.C laughed. “Aight, Ima get Ace” He hung up the phone. I heard knocking on the basement door. I ran up the steps. “What’s up?” I asked closing the door behind me. “When are you going to show me what’s down there?” Heiress said. I shrugged. “One day” I simply said. She pouted. “When is that?” She asked. I sighed. “What you cooking?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes. “Whats down there X just tell me!” She said. “My dads business stuff, that’s it” I said. She shrugged, “Well let me look?” She said. Someone knocked on the door. I quickly went to the door to see who it was. It was Ace. “What up bruh bruh?” Ace said dapping me up. He looked at Heiress. “What up Heiress?” He said. She put on a smile coming over to hug Ace. “Hey Ace” She said greeting him. “Lets talk” Ace said. Heiress went back to kitchen. We walked down stairs to the basement. “Whats up?” I asked. “My gang ready to roll, problem is my nigga said he seen TiTi hanging over at the eastside spot where Jackall hide out is” He told me. I looked up at him. “Tiana?” I asked he nodded. “Aint want to shoot up the whole spot killing your blood” He said. I nodded. “Ima handle Tiana” Ace nodded. “I got to get back to the east side and secure my shit on my turf” He simply said. We went back upstairs. “You leaving?” Heiress asked. I nodded. “Tiana shit again” I told her. She rolled her eyes. “Tiana is such a problem but okay go be a big brother, I will see you later” She said kissing me. Ace made a funny face. “Yuck” He said. “You don’t kiss you shawty?” I asked. He smirked. “We do alot but I don’t like seeing yall kiss, but I got to dip and go with Jade to check on MiMi yall coming?” He asked. I nodded remembering O was at the hospital with his wife. “Yeah Ima see yall there” He nodded and got in his car. I drove to Decatur to visit Tiana. She wasn’t answring her phone.
Character Pics:
La-La (Alexis Sky) age 19:
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Heiress: age 18
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entrepreneursbloguk · 4 years
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Jake Paul Net Worth [year]
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Net Worth: $19 million Age: 22 Born: 17th January 1997 Country or Origin: United States of America Source of wealth: YouTuber / Social Media Entrepreneur Last updated: 2020
As a famous personality, Jake has endorsed several popular brands/names such as HBO, Pepsi, Virgin Mobile, Ritz and many more.
Jake is an avid user of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat. He has more than 11.7 million followers on his verified Instagram and thousands of followers on other social networks.
According to a reliable source, Paul earns about $ 23,402 to $ 39,004 per paid Instagram post.
On March 16, 2019, Jake posted a video of him with a camera inserted in his arm. He also posted a video on his YouTube channel about the cost and the big day of operation.
With an impressive net worth of $ 19 million, Jake lives a luxurious lifestyle.
In 2017, Paul bought a large mansion with a value of $ 6.9 million located in Calabasas, CA. The 15,000 square foot mansion covers 3.5 acres of land and has different characteristics.
The 6 feet (1.83 m) tall, a YouTube celebrity had a long relationship with her partner Youtuber Erika Costell, who has more than 4.3 million subscribers hooked to her channel. At that time, she was also the secretary of team 10 that Jake Paul founded. 
He and Erika started dating in July 2017, but unfortunately, they broke up after a dramatic display in November 2018. According to Costell, Paul brought other girls home for the night and, as a reaction, also brought his fans and friends who annoyed Jake Paul. An exhibition that saw their relationship finally hit the rocks.
However, Erika Costell is not the only Jake woman. Paul has ever been romantically related; he felt something for Kellie Stewarts (2014), Alissa Violent (June 2016 to February 2017), Tessa Brooks (February 2017)
Early Life
Jake Paul is an American actor, rapper and YouTube personality born on January 17, 1997, in Ohio, United States, as Jake Joseph Paul. His parents are Pamela Ann Stepnick better known as Nee Meredith and his father Gregory Allan Paul is a real estate agent. His only brother, Logan Alexander Paul, popularly called Logan Paul, is also an Internet personality who first became popular in Vine. Logan states that Jake’s ethnicity identifies itself as English, Jewish, Australian, Hungarian and German, therefore, he has a multiracial heritage.
Jake Paul began his career in 2013 when the then-popular video upload application called “Vine” was still active. He won millions of viewers and subscribers before the application was closed. This prompted Jake to move his files to YouTube, where he gained his popularity as a famous Youtuber. He continued to make waves with his charges and attracted the attention of Disney Channel, which invited him to play the role of Dirk in Bizaardvark.
In 2017, he created Team 10 in an attempt to increase marketing management to influence youth entertainment and attracted some investors who invested in the effort to make it more successful. Later that same year, he released a music video titled It’s Everyday Brother in Collaboration with Team 10. 
The video garnered about 70 million views at that time but was rated as the third most nasty video on YouTube within one month of its release, which was a beautiful coincidence for Jake Paul.
Jake Paul, popular worldwide, is an American personality and Internet actor who rose to fame with the now eliminated Vine application. He later caught the attention of the public and the media after Dirk’s performance in the Disney Channel series Bizaardvark.
YouTuber, based in Los Angeles, began making YouTube videos with Brother Logan Paul before starting his own YouTube channel of the same name. Jake has earned a great fortune and fame. As of 2019, he has an estimated net worth of $ 20 million.
Initially, he began his career from the Vine as Viner application with 5, 3 million followers and 2 billion views, Jake is currently considered one of the most successful and richest Internet personalities.
On January 17, 2017, Paul launched Team 10 with $ 1 million in funding to create a creative agency and influencers marketing management. The team’s investors include Horizons Alpha, Sound Ventures, A-Grade Investments, Danhua Capital, Adam Zeplain and Vayner Capital. The YouTube channel of Team 10 has more than 2.5 million subscribers.
On May 30, 2017, Jake released a music video titled It’s Everyday Bro along with Team 10, which has 240 million views and 4.2 million dislikes, which makes it the third most nasty video on YouTube. Its video content mainly jokes videos, parties and content related to entertainment.
He has also collaborated with other YouTube stars such as Josh Peck, Alisha Violet, Cameron Dallas and more.
As a singer, Jake has released hit singles like Shakey, Ohio Fried Chicken, That Ain’t Not Not News, Saturday Nights, May Teachers, Cartier Vision and more.
Favourite Quotes
“A lot of [influencers] are lazy. They’re cool with a nice car or some money in the bank…” – Jake Paul
“Do you think Leo DiCaprio just got out of bed one day and became an Oscar-winning actor without putting the work in?” – Jake Paul
“I’m never satisfied. It was just the 20th anniversary of Bad Boy Records and they’re still talking about Biggie. I want people talking about me when I’m gone.” – Jake Paul
“If you look at the biggest people on social media right now, it’s the Kardashians. My goal is to form a crew that’s bigger than them collectively. It might take us five years, but we’ll get there.” – Jake Paul
“To be the best, you’ve got to beat the best. I’ve been making videos for the past ten years, so if someone wants to knock me off, they’d better bring it.” – Jake Paul
Life Lessons
Now you know all about Jake Paul’s net worth, and how he achieved success; here are 3 success lessons we can all learn from this social media celebrity, Jake Paul:
1. Be Consistent
Consistency is one of the keys Jake mentions in the above video. He said that he continued to put out videos regularly, even when hardly anybody was watching them.
However, after doing this for 4 years, things eventually began to click; and he had enough experience to know what works, and what doesn’t.
2. You Gotta Want It
Jake’s motto is “You gotta want it”, which essentially means that you need to be investing your time in something you love, you’re passionate about, and that you want to succeed in badly.
3. Be Ready to Adapt
When the Vine platform closed down, Jake could have been completely de-motivated, and his following could have been destroyed. However, he was prepared to adapt, and so he already had begun making the transition over to YouTube and was making other moves in his career.
Jake Paul is a social media celebrity and another of the up and coming new generation of entrepreneurs. As of 2019, Jake Paul’s net worth is estimated to be $19 million.
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blankasolun · 4 years
source: Metal Hammer 7th May 2020
How Dave Mustaine Took on Cancer and Won
By James Blaine (Metal Hammer) 21 hours ago
Megadeth mainman Dave Mustaine opens up exclusively about staring down cancer and what the future holds
The whole world is coming apart at the seams.
At least that’s the way it seems in Nashville, Tennessee this week. A T6 tornado tore the hell out of town just as the coronavirus hit the Volunteer State. Even President Trump is in Music City today, surveying the damage from Marine Helicopter One, hovering above us as we step into a dark, downtown studio to meet with local resident, Dave Mustaine.
The Apocalypse’s first and second horsemen take a back seat, at least for the moment. Right now, we’re more concerned about Dave’s dog. Oblivious to its diminutive size, the long-haired Chihuahua descends upon us like some high-pitched Hound of Hell, menacingly baring his teeth and threatening to devour our very soul if we step any closer to his master. 
“Easy, Romeo. Easy,” Dave says, reaching to save us from the snarling beast. We coil back, cautiously offering the back of our hand. Dave laughs gruffly. “Oh, no,” he says. “That doesn’t work with him.”
As the Megadeth frontman corrals his pup, it gives us a chance to check out the legend after his recent health crisis. Mass of fiery mane – intact. Black jacket, jeans, black t-shirt, white sneakers. Honestly? Well, he looks like Dave Mustaine, like the hellraiser still not sold on cheap or easy peace. He moves a bit slow, but not creakily – more like a man who’s fought the Devil bare-fisted and lived to tell the tale. 
With the hound at bay, he turns to greet us. It’s difficult to know what’s appropriate in this season of paranoia and mutant pandemic, especially for a man who’s just had his immune system nuked. Do we fist bump? Nod and touch elbows? “Nah, I ain’t worried, man,” Dave assures us, shaking hands with a vice grip. “I’m healthy now.” 
The backstory: March 2019. After being bounced from doctor to doctor, Dave gets an official diagnosis that sounds like some dystopian speed metal verse. Squamous cell carcinoma on the base of your tongue. 
  Hold up. Cancer? Mustaine? No way. 
    If anyone seemed indestructible, it was Dave Mustaine. Bad ass, bad attitude, snarling, spitting, raging, red-headed, black belt-carrying soldier in God’s Army, Godfather Of Thrash. That cancer could sink its claws into someone like Dave sent shockwaves through the metal community. Now, one year after the diagnosis, Metal Hammer comes to Music City to hear his testimony first-hand. Because Dave Mustaine kicked cancer’s ass. 
  “Yeah, I’m pretty stoked about that,” he says, grinning as he grabs a bottle of water and motions for us to have a seat in a private, black- walled dressing room. The obvious first question: So, how do you feel? “I’m a little run down, but a lot of that’s from the medication and all the stuff that goes along with treatment. They hit the cancer really hard, nine doses of chemo and 51 radiation treatments, which just beats the hell out of you. My mouth is still messed up but overall, I feel really good.”
  Dave settles in on the couch to tell us how he got the news that he was cancer-free. “I was here in Nashville, at my doctor’s office. He had to reach down the back of my throat, which was really unpleasant, but it was important for him to feel and make sure. And he said my progress was amazing, that both sides felt the same. I’ve got a metal plate in my neck that I figured might cause problems, but the doc told me, “Dave, you are in perfect health, 100%. You’re free to go.” 
  Dave pauses to slide a piece of Big Red gum into his mouth, twisting the foil between his fingers, reflecting before he continues. “It sounds bizarre, but I kind of knew. I took good care of myself. I’d done everything my doctors told me to do. I had tons of support from family and friends. And I had lots of prayer. I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I expected it. I had faith that I was going to be healed.”  
At this point, Dave rewinds to early 2019, explaining how he received the grim verdict. While out shredding with Joe Satriani and Zakk Wylde on the Experience Hendrix tour, severe mouth pain struck. “I’d gone in to get some dental work,” he says. “And after, it felt like the dentist had broken a piece of scraper off in my gums. I went back and he sent me to an oral surgeon who checked me out and said, ‘You need to see an ear, nose and throat doctor. I don’t want to say anything bad, but it looks like the Big C.’ Well, fuck, dude! Why’d you say that, then?” 
Dave shakes his head, still pissed, taking a long pull of water. “Anyway, I figured I’d take care of myself once the Hendrix tour was over. While out on the road, a friend of mine knew an ENT at the local emergency room. He came over, took a look, and said it wasn’t anything to worry about. But I knew something was wrong with me. It was just too far down for anybody to see.
“We had a day off and I was home in Nashville, so I saw a local specialist who suggested a scope. I don’t do good with scopes, so they had to knock me out to get the tube in. But yeah, they confirmed that it was cancer in the side of my throat that had spread to two lymph nodes.
  “Initially, they wanted to send me to MD Anderson in Houston for 11 weeks and I said no. fucking. way. I’m not gonna be away from my family for that long. So, they set me up at Vanderbilt, with Dr. Cmelak, who’s actually one of the best radiation oncologists in the country. I had a good team.”
  Fortunately for Mustaine, Music City is also the healthcare capital of the United States. The band cancelled tour dates and put the brakes on a new record so Dave could begin a brutal treatment regime, resting at his farm in the rolling hills of nearby Franklin between blasts of radiation and IV chemo drips. The worst, he says, is over.
  “I’ll have to do another MRI soon and check in with the doctor regularly, three years, five years. But the cool thing is, my voice came back even better than before. I think the treatment shrunk whatever was on my vocal cord that was making it hard to sing. I’d seen pictures of my voice box and there was some kind of bubble on the flap that was giving me trouble. Cyst, tumour, nodule, whatever the fuck it was. But that’s gone now, and they say long as I don’t do anything stupid, I should be good for the rest of my career. I know once you get cancer you’re never really out of the woods, but if the process doesn’t scare you into changing your lifestyle, then shame on you.”
Dave is no stranger to injuries and pain. He suffered career-threatening nerve damage to his left arm during a 2002 stint in a Texas rehab, and a decade later, underwent emergency surgery for spinal stenosis – whiplash, if you will – resulting in titanium implants in his neck. Flashing his trademark maniacal smile, Dave insists he felt no fear in the face of death.
  “I already died once,” he says, referencing his 1993 overdose on Valium. “I don’t remember anything, though. No light or tunnel or any of that shit. I respect death but I’m not living my life in fear. There was a little when I first found out that I had cancer, but it wasn’t so much about dying, as not being able to use my gift anymore, to play guitar or sing. That really shook me. To be inconvenienced is one thing. It’s something else to lose your gift.”
  Dave leans in. His steely glare, coupled with the white beard and wild hair, gives him the appearance of some Old Testament prophet of doom. “When they told me that my arm was 80% and I would never play guitar again, I thought, ‘You have no idea who you’re talking to. I will absolutely play again, and it’ll be a matter of days, not weeks.’ There’s a couple things I still can’t do, but I feel like I can play almost as good as I used to. Going through that thing with my arm was helpful. It gave me the courage to face any kind of medical problem I might have down the road. I’m going to do everything they say and if there’s blood, I can handle it. I’ve seen my own blood before.” 
  We ask about the darkest days, if his reputation causes people to expect an unrealistic level of strength. Dave fidgets with his shoelace. Ruffles the pup sweetly. Reaches for another piece of gum before the reply.
  “I think people do expect me to be invincible. It is a lot of pressure,” he admits. “But when you come out on the other side victorious, they cheer even louder. I like being a man of the people. That might sound corny, but it’s true. The hardest part was having to let others take care of me. I’ve always been so independent that even if I do need help, I’m not going to let anyone know. But overall, chemo wasn’t as ugly for me as it is for a lot of people. I had a couple of days where I got really sick and threw up, but that was it. I tried to be upbeat. When I would go in for treatment, I’d talk with the other patients, try to be encouraging.”
  The thrash titan was forced to miss the band’s inaugural MegaCruise in October, with his daughter, Electra, stepping in to represent the family. Upon completion of treatment, Dave was able to return for the Killing Road tour with Five Finger Death Punch in January. While on stage at the SSE Arena in Wembley, he announced that the cancer was in complete remission. 
  “Actually, I think I mentioned it from the first show of the tour,” says Dave. “If not Helsinki, then Stockholm for sure. I wanted the fans to know that I’m OK and how great the crew has been. And for sure, I want to tell the truth and let everyone know how much I prayed through this whole ordeal. Not just like, ‘Oh, yeah, thanks, God.’ But that I really, seriously prayed.”
Christian for nearly two decades, Dave has always been vocal about his beliefs. While discussing the role faith played in his recovery, he pauses, raking fingers through his beard, measuring his words.
“After growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, there was a time that I hated the concept of anything that I had to answer to. The church disfellowshipped my sister, Debbie, and I was the only one who would sit and listen to her cry. It flipped me out and all I wanted to do was get back at the people who hurt my sister,” Dave explains. “But now, I try to keep my prayers pretty gentle. I don’t pray for anyone to get hurt or get what’s coming to them, only for God’s will and that he would help me do what I need to do. To me, prayer is just an open, honest, easy conversation like you’re talking to your dad. Essentially, that’s what God is supposed to be, our Father, right? So that makes it easy for me to engage in prayer.”
Asked to elaborate, Dave adds, “In the Bible, the Pharisees liked to pray in public so everybody could see them. They thought the louder they prayed, the more pious they would seem, like it’s an indication of their righteousness. For me, righteousness is something that’s exhibited through consistent behaviour that’s Godly in nature. You sum up the gospels with the Golden Rule. Helping others, no matter what. There’s this old song by the Circle Jerks called Wonderful.” 
  He sings the chorus of the 80s punk classic. Romeo perks up, cocking an ear in his master’s direction. “It’s a great song that talks about how it’s really not so hard to do something nice for someone else. Help a stranger. Smile. If you see a homeless person, give them something to eat. I was homeless once. It was the worst, man. Scrounging for food, living in [bassist] David Ellefson’s van…”  
  Dave apologises for losing his train of thought, blaming the lingering effects of “chemo brain”. After a break, he switches gears, discussing the positive changes that have come from his battle with the disease. “My wife and I are getting along tremendously, and things are really good with my son and daughter right now, too. I’ve got a better relationship with my band. The other day, Kiko [Loureiro, guitarist] says to me, ‘I really like this new Dave!’ What he was talking about, is when you’re dealing with pain, you drink, you smoke, you bitch, because you don’t know what’s going on. But soon as I found out what was wrong with me, I attacked it. Once I did, I could feel myself getting happier too.
Support also came from outside Dave’s immediate circle. His old band brother, James Hetfield, reached out, as did Kiss’s Paul Stanley and Ozzy, who was at war with his own medical demons in 2019.
“Everybody’s treatment is different, but Bruce Dickinson had been through throat cancer about five years ago, so he was able to give me a lot of insight into what to expect. His biggest advice was to listen to the doctors and don’t rush to get back onstage. They told him to hold off, but he went back out to perform and nothing came out. Well, OK. I get it. Bruce waited a month before his first show, so I held off a little longer. My last treatment was in September and I made plenty of time to rest, exercise and eat right before we went back out on tour. We did 22 dates overseas, and I feel great now, except for the fatigue. But I think a lot of that might be due to um, extracurricular activities. Staying up late. Not sleeping. Maybe a little, you know…” 
Thumb and forefinger to his lips, Dave inhales sharply, making the universal symbol for partaking of the herb. Could he be referring to the alleged medicinal benefits of CBD oil? “Don’t screw around with the oil, man,” he growls in the same gravel baritone as his crushing thrash classics. Our eyes go wide as the voice from sixth grade Headbangers Ball comes to life.
  Dave cackles at our reaction, pushing back a wayward strand of hair. “If you’re gonna do it, get the good stuff. I think the world is just now finding out the beauty of cannabis and everything it can do for you. I hear people talk how it’s good for cancer patients. C’mon, it’s good for any fucking patient! The radiation zapped my salivary glands so I couldn’t make spit, which made it really hard to swallow and get food down. They gave me this crazy mouthwash to use that had Benadryl and lidocaine in it, but I still couldn’t eat. So cannabis helped with that, except I got a terrible craving for kiddie cereal. I went to the store and got, like, 20 boxes.” 
  The thought of the Tornado Of Souls singer devouring countless bowls of cereal is a pretty cool picture and we can’t help but inquire about his favourite fix. “Trix with marshmallows. Froot Loops with marshmallows. Frosted Flakes. The kind with little marshmallows. You get the idea. My cancer team told me to try and watch the sugar intake, but they said, ‘Dave, if you can eat – then eat.’ The doctor threatened to put a feeding tube in my gut if I lost too much weight. Well, they scared the shit out of me with that one, but it worked.”
With Dave healthy and back onstage, the follow-up to 2016’s Grammy Award-winning Dystopia is on every Megafan’s brain. Late last year, Dave teased songs that were “heavy as hell” with titles such as Rattlehead, Part Two and The Dogs Of Chernobyl. 
  “I don’t know if any of those titles are still holding up,” he says, revealing that the band has been tracking at Nashville’s Sound Kitchen with co-producer Chris Rakestraw at the controls again. “Whenever I make a record, the names of the songs change so many times. I think we’ve got 14 songs for this album and another folder with six. The songs are constantly evolving and as they do, we change the title to be more reflective of what makes the song distinct.”
  So, will we see a new Megadeth album before 2020 ends? “I hope so, yeah,” says Dave. “We’ll start back in a couple of days and keep plowing until it’s done. Metal Tour Of The Year starts this summer, but that should be fun and easy [Editor’s note – we spoke to Dave before COVID-19 outbreak]. We’ve got a week’s vacation coming up soon and I’m going to go rest up and get ready to come back and make a brilliant record.”
  Nashville traffic is anarchy these days and Romeo looks like he needs to hike his leg. As the sun sets over the Cumberland River, Dave stands and slides an arm around our shoulder, recruiting Metal Hammer to thank the fans for all their thoughts and prayers. It strikes us, how we expect legends to be carved from granite. On one hand, we understand that our heroes are human. But on the other, we never want to see them frail, or sick, or down. And that must be a hell of a burden sometimes. But perhaps, it’s also what keeps them moving. If our heroes can keep pushing, then that gives us the courage to keep pushing too, through all the shitstorms of life, disasters both natural and manufactured, even the ones we bring upon ourselves. Decades later, they still inspire perseverance, hope, and the determination to never let the bastards grind you down. Maybe even a little 21st century metal up your ass. 
  Still, we have to ask one last thing. Dave’s been on the road almost 40 years. Dues paid; the mark has been made. Was he ever tempted to call it a day, sit back on the farm and enjoy a slow, simple life? 
  “Yeah, I guess I could do that,” he admits, shrugging like it’s no big deal. “But I love what I do, and I like helping the band and crew make money. Playing music makes people happy. A lot of times while we’re out there, they share stuff with us, some good, some bad, but we get to bring our own little brand of panacea to people and somehow, that makes them feel beautiful. Even if it’s for just one night.” 
Published in Metal Hammer #334
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Dave Mustaine Talks About His Fight With Cancer source: Metal Hammer 7th May 2020 How Dave Mustaine Took on Cancer and Won By James Blaine…
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a-c-i-d-r-e-i-g-n · 7 years
There's something on my mind.
PSA: If you're easily offended by other people's opinions because they differ from yours, if you're easily offended by the language people use, if you are homophobic/Transphobic/or think that women are evil for having an abortion.. THEN DO NOT READ THIS AND BOTHER ME WITH YOUR BULLSHIT. Then, PLEASE delete me from your Facebook page because you are an ignorant piece of shit. YOU ARE WHATS WRONG WITH OUR COUNTRY. I have not voiced my opinion or dropped a good rant on you all in quite sometime but the news I read today has sent me over the edge and the time has come for me to talk about something that is very VERY important to me. I'm sure the majority of you know who U.S District Judge Reed O'Connor is, and if you don't then look on google and find out. Every bit of knowledge is available at your finger tips and yet, for some reason HALF OF YOU DON'T DO YOUR RESEARCH AND JUST SPEW YOUR NONSENSE ALL OVER YOUR FACEBOOK FOR EVERYONE TO SEE. Judge O'Connor recently, in the last few weeks of 2016 unleashed a ruling that goes against everything that the Affordable Care Act (if you don't know what that is, once again. GOOGLE) stands for. In a nutshell, this ruling gives doctors, MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS WHOS ONE AND ONLY JOB IN LIFE IS TO TREAT PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK OR INJURED the right to refuse medical treatment to gay people, transgender people or women who have had abortions because it would violate their religious freedom. THE RIGHT TO REFUSE MEDICAL TREATMENT TO GAY PEOPLE, TRANSGENDER PEOPLE OR WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD ABORTIONS BECAUSE IT WOULD VIOLATE THEIR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. If that ain't some backwoods, bible thumping, "don't take my guns" bullshit. I don't mean to attack anybody here, but this is one of the reasons that religion is such nonsense to me. Because within every religious group there are people like Reed O'Connor, who is actually not a devout Christian and almost has to religious affiliation with religious people except for all of his evangelical followers who he is trying to appease with this ruling. How DARE you think that your fucking religious beliefs come before a persons life? I DONT GIVE A DAMN HOW IMPORTANT YOU THINK YOU OR YOUR RELIGION ARE, YOU OR IT WILL NEVER COME BEFORE THE IMPORTANCE OF SOMEONES LIFE. I don't care if you think that what someone has done is "evil" I don't care if you don't agree with their lifestyle. You have absolutely no right put someone in harms way because of it. Denying a gay couple a wedding cake, fine. Denying a person of Islamic faith to shop in your store, fine. That's really fucking shitty, but if that's how you practice your faith and feel good about yourself then so be it. BUT THIS PROPOSAL HAS MADE ME MORE ANGRY AND UPSET THAN ANY OTHER POLITICAL NONSENSE THATS HAPPENED IN THE LAST YEAR. I have gay friends, I have Transgender friends. 2016 was a huge year for them, it was a year when being true to yourself and showing the world who you truly are was so widely accepted. They felt safe, they felt loved and that all ended with this years election. We took 2 steps forward to get knocked 3 steps back. They no longer have a reason to feel safe, loved or free to be who they truly are and it is absolutely heartbreaking. I have friends and family who have had abortions. Ladies, I just want you to know that even if from nobody else you are completely accepted by me and I think it's beautiful and empowering that you had the courage to exercise your right to a completely legal and safe medical procedure. Whatever the reason may be, you deserve to be able to do whatever you want with your body and I hope no one ever makes you feel like your choice to do so was not ok. I want to apologize to any of my friends or family who have felt the kind of hate that Reed O'Connor has instilled in many Americans because he doesn't understand basic human rights. Because he think religion takes precedence over people living their lives freely WHICH IS WHAT WE AS AMERICANS ARE TAUGHT SINCE THE DAY WE ARE BORN. That we are free and we are welcomed to and have everything we are entitled to as human beings. I am so so sorry.. And to you, Mr. O'Connor since you are a "devout Christian" I'd just like to remind you that there is a special place in hell for monsters like you. I spit on your proposal and I'd spit in your face if I ever had the opportunity.
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