#I also drew a TON of sunkerns
sunnyvaiprion · 5 years
man i beat PSMD in one sitting as soon as i got it i need to replay it someday i rushed 2 much smh... enjoy urself
Thanks!! Ohhh I can relate to that, once I found and booted up my 3DS not so long ago, I played literally all my free time through the remaining story, because it was so amazing and had so many twists I honestly couldnt foresee. It’s kind of shame that I barely rememeber the beginning…. but my memories of it are very fond too. I feel like replaying it eventually would still be a great experinece, even if we sort of know major plot points already. I hope you enjoy your time with it!!
Im slowly going through the post-credit part rn, I really love how much stuff one can explore and how many playable pokemon are there. I am, actually, a big fan of Sunkern!!! And I recently got it on my orb?? I’m so excited for when I’ll be able to connect with it. 
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I’m… I think It’s just a really good game. Big Thanks, Nintendo.  
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