#emerald and red rescue team got me especially excited
fivepebsi · 2 months
been having a lotttt of fun playing denpa men
#the first one. but i was inspired to play bc of the switch veraion#btw i got the best starter guy ever NORMANNNNNN!!! GIVE IT UP FOR NORMAN#its very fun if i had played it as a child i wld have lovedddd it#cus i loved mystery dungeon and tomolife (esp the quest minigame)and its like a sweet blend of those#i like thw littlw guys. they make me smile. oh very pikmin too ig lol#(kitty who has only played nintendo games voice) getting big nintendo vibes from this..#LOL just surface level observations. its rlly fun tho i like it a lotttt#btwww i think tmrw im going to try to set up a blog page on my site so i can do my pkmn lets plays when i get to that point#im forming a nice idea of how i want to do it. so that wld be rlly nice and fun to do#of course i could just. play them. but whwres the fun in that#also i fear i will lose motivation LOL ive played pkmn sooo much.#excited to play red tho especially bc ive never ever played a kanto game. somehow#and excited to play crystal and emerald bccc ive only played thw remakes#and only like part of diamond? i think?#well actually rlly im wxcited to play them all for different reasons. but its staying motivated is the issue#alsoooo looking forward to playing the mystery dungeon series properly. but only ghe first two LOL#ive played the first like 20% of explorers one billion times. its not even funny how many failed runs i have#like where i gave up and then reset like years later#i have the team skull firat mission basically memorised. lol#GET ME OUT OF THIS CAVEWWW!!!!!#but ill play uhhh. blue rescue first. so itll be a bit differetn#then i will FINALLY beat explorers. but sky ill play this time. not uhhh. darkness i think i have
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sunnyvaiprion · 5 years
man i beat PSMD in one sitting as soon as i got it i need to replay it someday i rushed 2 much smh... enjoy urself
Thanks!! Ohhh I can relate to that, once I found and booted up my 3DS not so long ago, I played literally all my free time through the remaining story, because it was so amazing and had so many twists I honestly couldnt foresee. It’s kind of shame that I barely rememeber the beginning…. but my memories of it are very fond too. I feel like replaying it eventually would still be a great experinece, even if we sort of know major plot points already. I hope you enjoy your time with it!!
Im slowly going through the post-credit part rn, I really love how much stuff one can explore and how many playable pokemon are there. I am, actually, a big fan of Sunkern!!! And I recently got it on my orb?? I’m so excited for when I’ll be able to connect with it. 
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I’m… I think It’s just a really good game. Big Thanks, Nintendo.  
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osir-ethria · 3 years
This is long as I began writing and couldn’t stop but enjoy if you decide to stop and read it.
When team RWBY plus Jaune and Neo return everyone’s gotta be tackling them.
If not tackling then please let it be emotional for the Vacuo survivors. They thought RWBYJ, and Neo but not too emotional for her because she was the enemy but y’know, was dead. I can imagine this.
Nora tackling Jaune, like how she tackled Oscar (the tag says ozcar... Omfg), crying and calling him an idiot while Ren rushes over falling next to them and holding him there with Oscar short after.
Qrow pulls Yang and Ruby into a hug and starts crying which is the first time his nieces have seen him like this. They smile and hug him tighter as he goes off on how he thought no couldn’t handle loosing more people he loved, aka Summer. (I don’t think they had anything romantic I just like to say that they had more of a sibling bond than him and Raven.)
Sun would most likely be there and I’d like to see Ilia there because she witnessed the message that was broadcasted all over the world. She would have found out that Blake’s ‘dead’ but seeing her there would make her happy. Balked would be hugged by both of them as they cry and she’s tearing up happily as she tries to calm them.
Emerald, Ace Ops, Happy Huntresses, team CVFY, and their other found friends in Vacuo would be standing to the side. As well as Winter who’s pulled away because she still blames herself and saw Weiss dissipate into golden light and can’t believe what she’s seeing. She got a little closer as she would but stops herself as she feels undeserving of that affection.
(Or she full on runs to her and pulls her into a huge hug as she breaks down crying but wait I’m not done.)
Whitley full on tackles Weiss, she doesn’t fall but she does lose a little balance. (He isn’t that meaty still but he’d be working on it... I hope.) He’d cling onto his older sister like a life line, crying as Weiss hugs him back. His tears becoming happy as he is reminded of that warmth the first time they hugged. Willow would be right after, remember Winter is still in the background just standing stunned and ashamed, pulling Weiss and Whitley into the most protective motherly hold.
I would say Klein would hug her but I’m sure he’d wait. He was closest to her besides Winter and he knows her boundaries plus Winter hasn’t hugged her yet.
When Weiss realizes that Winter’s warmth isn’t there she lightly pulls away from Willow, still holding Whitley as she looks over to Winter. She can see Winter frozen, paler now than she was in Atlas looking as if she’d seen a ghost. (Now don’t mind me as I add some dialogue and story narration.)
Weiss - “Winter...”
Winter freezes more, sucking in a breath. She remembers the look Weiss is giving her just like the one she had before running from the Academy and being announced as a criminal. Before Atlas fell apart. It was remorseful, full of sadness and pity.
Winter - “Wei-“
She tries to stutter something out but she can’t say it. It doesn’t come out and she feels like she’s breaking. She wishes that she could hide behind a wall but all this time, after losing Weiss she couldn’t put up that barrier anymore unless it was in a battle. She had lost her sister seeing her disappear in front of her, dying but here she was alive. She had gotten lucky but she doesn’t feel like she deserves this, this chance to see Weiss again.
She looks up to see Weiss pull away from Whitley entirely only holding onto his wrist, turning to face Winter. There was no more pity in her eyes, no it wasn’t there to begin with she had just a massive amount of sadness, remorse, something else Winter couldn’t describe. That look however broke Winter. Tears now flowing from the older sister’s eyes still nothing coming out of her mouth. Winter’s vision blurring as she couldn’t concentrate, Weiss becoming a blur and all the prior exhaustion she had from countless nights of ensuring civilians safety was catching up to her.
She could feel gravity weighing on her, then an off balance before she felt gravity take its effect on her entire body. She’s falling now, fatigue finally getting the best of her as she closes her eyes awaiting impact of the rough, sandy, earth of Vacuo... but it never comes at least not entirely. She’s on her knees now being held up by something. Winter doesn’t move for a second before her tired curiosity got the better and she reaches for what’s holding her.
She feels something, something soft, alive. She can hear a beating heart and finally feels the two arms around her back that had been wrapped around her to catch her. Her vision, still slightly blur from the tears, cleared of fatigue and tiredness as she began to address what had caught her. She the blues, pastel lilac, inner red tones, the blues and whites. She see the pale skin and remembers the softness of it every time she had held it. She can see the glint of metal as a familiar sword, one someone was so excited to show her when it had gotten finished as it was a self custom design.
She remembers this warmth that feels like home, calmness, and entire comfort. Her little sister’s touch which had managed to snap her out of rages against their bastard of a father. The one she yearned to feel again after what happened in the other dimensional road way. The warmth she had full freedom to break in but refused as she didn’t want to be veiled as week, but now. Now she wanted to break, to fall apart in her sister’s arms. Apologize for everything, for being so put back, for not following the first second she noticed Ironwood slip, for not catching her when she tried to save her from all other hardships, but it wouldn’t come out.
Instead all she could do was move her arms around Weiss and hold her sister’s warm, blood pumping, heart beating, alive form with distress. Her head still resting a top Weiss chest so she can hear the heart beat bot not in a way that makes it loud and clear or hurts Weiss. Her Ingres tighten around the clothing her sister has on before she starts stuttering out, or attempting to stutter out anything.
Winter - “I-I’m sorry W-Weiss.”
All that’s coming out now are stutters of an apology. Apology for what? The she couldn’t get to her in time? For not being there for her more? Not being as open with her emotions as Weiss was with her? Not telling her what she thought of her little sister and how proud she is of her? Maybe all of those. She can’t say anything else but feels one of Weiss’s hand remove itself from her back which only Winter can reciprocate with clutching Weiss tighter. She feels that hand on her cheek as she’s forced to look up, right at her sister, and into Weiss’ eyes. That sadness still there but there is a smile on her face, an understanding and relief in her eyes.
Weiss - “Don’t be sorry.”
Don’t be sorry? What... why not? Especially after everything that happened. After all the times she’s failed her. Why was she being so forgiving to her? Is all Winter could think of as her jaw clenched, more tears began building, her eyes squinting now at the sun that was so conveniently behind Weiss, outlining her form. She couldn’t deny Weiss’s beauty even when she was younger than this.
Her sister’s hair down and draped over her shoulders, all curled from being in a braid far maybe a little to long. Her scar over her left eye the one she got from father’s test to be allowed to go to Beacon, a smile that radiated warmth and an inward kindness, a softer look in her eyes as they glazed over once again with relief. Winter’s muscles slacked a lot at this view as she remembered all those stories that portrayed stories of beautiful angels sent down to protect and spread wellbeing’s among others. That guardian angel that each individual was to get that would disguise itself and ensure their individual was protect. Now Winter never believed those stories to be true, but she’d couldn’t help but think if her sister was that guardian angel meant to protect her and not the other way around.
She thought for years that she was protecting Weiss but instead she was being protected by her or was all her supports to fragile heart, holding it together when she felt as if she failed from pulling Whitley away from Jacques. Her drive and momentum to keep gong to ensure that one day she could fully be free, and when following Ironwood failed she was rescued again by Weiss and her drive to save the lives of Mantle. No, she wasn’t just Winter’s guardian angel, she was Whitley’s and mother’s safe haven as well.
Picking them up if every they were to fall, and waiting for them, reaching out, pulling them from darkness, and helping them shatter their mirrors’. Helping all those who were suffering by the use of her songs no matter how angry it made Jacques or how much she was struggling for freedom as well. Changing all those expectations on has of Schnees when they meet her and get to know her.
Still when she was finally brought back to reality at the tilt of Weiss’s head and growing smile as a thumb ran over Winter’s cheek again and again. Speaking once more with her soft and calm voice.
Weiss - “You’re my sister and I could never blame you for anything that happened.”
This broke Winter as her tears came falling out without pause. She buried her head into Weiss’s chest needing to hear her heart beat. Holding her closer and tighter but still nothing. Well not until...
Weiss - “I love you Winter. I will always even if I’m dead, sister.”
I love you.
There it came, all at once the pain, remorse, sorrow, distraught, but most importantly relief. Relief that her sister was alive, that she survived. Relief that she was holding her. That, whatever fucked up fate this world had going for it, she could hold her sister again and was given a second chance.
That she’d defeat anything in her path if to ensure that this unlikely chance was not wasted one bit.
Wellllll.......... I got carried away with Winter finding how to express her emotions again. Began writing and couldn’t stop. Maybe I should make more of these just with different characters and not pick on Winter’s fragile state...
Or I could continue this Schnee angst and cry myself to sleep.
Anyways, I’ve got one more thing for the reunion.
Emerald is hugged, lightly but not without meaning as she holds onto the people that first called her a friend who she thought died. She’s crying by now as well.
Qrow also hugs Weiss and Blake, by now I’ll say he adopted Blake and Weiss and holds them close to his heart like family. This surprises everyone minus the people that travelled with them for most of their journey. Especially when Weiss and Blake hug him back just as tight, well Weiss a little less because she’s not used to being physically affectionate with anyone other than her team and the repaired bonds between her and her siblings and mother.
Klein gets a hug from Weiss because he is true Schneeblings’ dad, and to top it off all of his split personalities fight for control as he cries about how worried he was and how much he missed her.
After that Weiss drags Winter over to Whitley and holds them both close as Willow hugs them. Them just standing there, not entirely fixed but just glad that all the pieces to fix their family was there again.
And that’s my take on a reunion. And no I’m not sorry about the Winter and Weiss angst with hurt/comfort.
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