#I also find it funny when folks just @ me at random posts that seem relevant to my interests
canisalbus · 10 months
If someone wants to give you art, what's the best way? Just @ you in the post or sending a message/ ask with a link?
Either way is fine! Mentioning/tagging me directly makes it more likely that I see the post, but that doesn't always work and sometimes I don't receive a notification even if I should. Sending an ask or a DM with a link is alright as well.
I'm extremely grateful for the gift art I receive and I absolutely love seeing my characters depicted in other people's styles. But I should mention that I can be very slow to comment/reblog. Not always but it's a thing I consistently fail at. I have some kind of mental roadblock that makes it difficult, it has nothing to do with the piece itself, I think it's a social anxiety/autism issue of some sort. I get emotionally overwhelmed or something. So if you draw or make something for me and it seems to take me forever to react, please don't take it personally. It's rude of me to keep people waiting but I'm trying my best with the limited energy, social batteries and time I have. You're always free to poke me a little bit and remind me and make sure I saw the post, I genuinely don't mind at all.
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
KuroKen fanfic recs: fluff edition?
HI LOVES. I, for one, LOVE Kenma and he is one of my favorite characters in Haikyuu, so can you IMAGINE my shock/surprise when I saw he was getting cancelled? Like please,,,, WHAT? Friendly reminder that these characters are fictional and to not get too heated,,,, I mean there are worse characters yet people seem to love them,,,,,
ANYWAYS, because I wanted some cleansing in my life, here are some of my favorite fluff fics from the KuroKen tag! Keep in mind the fact that I really can’t read fluff because my reactions to second-hand embarrassment are very intense, so if I miss any you think are good, send me an ask? I’m going to limit myself to like 10 fics because I want to get this out in a timely manner LOL.
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for each fic before reading (just to be safe even though this IS a fluff rec list LOL) and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
shions_heart // so ignore me finding loopholes in my own post hehe. ANYWAYS, I love this writer and their KuroKen stuff? FLAWLESS. There’s a reason why if you look in the KuroKen tag they appear multiple multiple multiple times,,,, IT CAUSE THEY’RE SO GOOD AT WRITING AHHHHHH.
todxrxki // again ignore, bUT THIS WRITER YESYESYES. They wrote some of my ALL TIME FAVORITE KUROKEN fics and their fluff is SO tooth rottingly sweeeeeet!!!! I ADORE their fics, go read them!!
i'll make you happy (just wait and see) by newamsterdam (T) 7k // the FLUFF akjhsfkfjka,,, it’s a lot of pining and kinda slow burn but not really cause they’re basically dating without dating LOL. I love Yaku and the hc that he’s done with Kuroo’s bs like 100% of the time. There’s slight angst (for like two seconds TW:implied death), but other than that it’s all fluff! You don’t actually need to read the other fics in the series to understand this one, it’s a standalone.
smiles like yours are hard to come by by bonnia (T) 1.9 // I was so akjfkajsdnf this entire fic PLEASE the lines he used omfg. They’re such classics but I still reacted to each one WITH PASSION LFMAKJNAKNKA. This is such a keyboard smash fic (hence the keyboard smash) because I kept being like THE FLUFF IS TOO MUCH, but is it ever really enough? (dang am I a poet LMAO).
Home by SuggestiveScribe (G) 2.3k // PADDED THIGH HIGHS, anyways.... This was SO cute ahhhh. I love them and even though it was a little predictable (cause that’s just how it be sometimes), it was still SO GOOD AHHHH. Also I love the banter between KuroKen and Bokuto, and despite my thigh highs comment, there’s nothing but FLUFF and a little sad time in this fic :D
Maybe he likes you? by robotjellyfish (G) 2k // THE ENDING IN THIS ONE LFMKANSKJN the way I cackled LOL. Also I do love the random ones where it’s like, Hinata wingman like how bad do you need to be for Hinata to realize LOL.
video games and gold rings by gnomeo (G) 4.8k // AH this one is more plot than fluff and I got so enraptured by it during my first read through! It’s really cute and it’s fun to put the pieces the writer leaves for the reader (which are also explained in the a/n). 
no wind, no rain, or winter's cold by ohhotlamb (G) 2.9k // the sappiness in this one. Kuroo is a certified simp and I know it starts out a little angsty, it’s turns into a happy ending where your stone-cold heart is warmed ie. heartwarming fic. (But pickles and lemons? Really? ugh gross LOL) It’s a cute fic and I love Kenta.
Ah, that is…my boyfriend, I guess… by trashwriter (NR) 621 // this one is super short but it was funny and disgustingly cute. Like I could see them never really defining the relationship out loud (which you shouldn’t do communication is key) and just rolling with it. But also the fact that Kuroo confessed and Kenma didn’t react killed me.
an ode by manzana (G) 1.7k // a fic dedicated to Kuroo’s laugh. That’s it. That’s the fic. JK but no seriously that’s what this is about LMFAO. It’s v cute and ofc fluff and Kuroo’s laugh would interrupt everything LOL. Donkey bray laughing ass hehe.
That’s it for now folks! I know I missed a lot of good fics (trust me, I KNOW LOL) but like I said, I’m just tryna get this out while it’s still slightly relevant (cause I know the Kenma slander happened yesterday). A lot of these fics are very Kuroo taking care of Kenma, but there are plenty of fic that are reverse (Kenma taking care of Kuroo) which I adore, but due to time restraints could not find :( I’ll prolly put out an actual full KuroKen fic list eventually but don’t count on it coming out any time soon LOL (its got so many fics okay?).
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airlock · 5 years
airlock grades the Punchable archetype
so far, a majority of the Fire Emblem villains I’ve covered in this series are the sort who are meant to be liked, forgiven, sympathized with... these here are not those ones. these are the ones whose singular purpose in the narrative is to piss you the hell off. so, which of them played that role to excellence?
(do note: under cut are spoilers for… everything, and also a significant amount of me criticizing or blamming characters that you might- okay, yeah, no, you probably don’t like anybody on this list, but you may still strongly disagree with my opinions of them. you’ve been warned! ha, no way these fools would set about reading the whole post now... what!? impossible!)
a foreword
so, to be very specific, I’m not rating every flatly irritating miniboss here; the definitive aspect here is that the character has to be a recurring one, whose extended screentime never quite ends up giving them a chance to be something other than vile. but more important than the hair-splitting here is giving some consideration to how exactly I’ll be doing the rating; after all, I’m not supposed to like any of these people, but there’s still better and worse ways to be despicable as a character.
I’m running pretty much on two central critteria: is this character entertaining, and is that character satisfying to take down. it’s more important to hit one than to hit both; a character who hits neither is significantly more likely to be a pure waste of bile, however.
without further ado, let’s start gritting those teeth!
fuck this guy
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directly enabling the single most badass scene in all of Book II obviously lands you on the upper echelons of this here character type. but that’s just the effect; we should peer into the cause of what makes him work so well!
of the critteria I mentioned, Lang goes for the latter: he’s not only quite satisfying to defeat, it’s also great anytime someone finally talks back to him and puts him in his place. that’s because he’s not the sort of character for whom this sort of thing is a given. a lot of the ones we’ll see ahead of him are incompetent toadies on top of being amoral, but not this guy; he knows exactly what he’s doing, relying on the backing of the most powerful nation in the continent to plunder, raze, and oppress to his heart’s content. the business of doing something about this dipshit gets severely delayed by the dire consequences of crossing him -- until Marth finally decides that enough is enough.
and THEN Jagen tells him to meet him 9 PM at the Grustian denny’s parking lot for an old man brawl-
fuck this chin
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I struggle to understand ol’ Kaga’s obssession with jealousy as a villainous character motivation, I really do. it’s one entirely realistic thing to envy someone for having riches, fame, status, influence, the attention of one’s crush, or other such things that are more or less objective and palpable. it’s also entirely a thing to have an inferiority complex and fear or spite people one perceives as being more talented, better looking, stronger, smarter than oneself. but the way these characters are written tends to come across like they’re furious because they’re underwritten gonk and not everyone else is.
... which hey, would be a pretty upsetting thing if it happened to a real person, but I don’t think meta-commentary is the point here, is it? I sincerely hope it isn’t...
fuck this lady
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the second leg of Genealogy of the Holy War finds you facing the same sorts of enemies most of the time: half of them are Satanists, and the other half are unfortunate innocents trapped in the crossfire of courtly intrigue. it’s exactly because of this that the arc desperately needs a villain like Hilda.
Hilda is just someone who doesn’t particularly mind if the most effective path up the social ladder involves destroying her relatives, daughter included, or capturing children and forcing them into murder tournaments. how is the imperial machinery of tragedy and death supposed to run without someone like her cranking a couple of the levers? er, I mean, you don’t really crank levers unless you’re doing something weird, but... okay, moving on
amidst all of the battles you might struggle to feel were worth fighting, Hilda here serves as a reminder, as a face of every reason why the Empire is the enemy and must be defeated.
and yes, making Tinny kill her rocks
fuck this guy IN AMERICA
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not too long ago I would have dropped him a straight zero, but I’ve recently been reading through the Project Exile text dumps for a new Thracia 776 fanslation and what can I say, they put good work into making him tick properly and I essentially have no choice but to keep that sort of thing in consideration when making the ratings, being that all of the other villains are also characters I only have indirect contact with through a translation that may have improved or worsened things.
but the good work is no miracle -- although given much-needed entertainment value, this guy is still who he is: practically a standard-fare asshole miniboss who ends up getting three whole chapters to chirp into. and to make matters worse, you only actually get the payoff to him in one of two possible routes!
I am strong, I am clever, I am handsome, and most importantly, fuck me
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I can’t possibly deny that his antics are some of the most hilarious on this list; the ridiculous speeches, the facial expressions from the manga, the fact that he gets demoted on screen... and I mean, they got Kaiji Tang to put voice to his high drama on Heroes, on top of it all!
alas, it just really spoils the fun to a significant extent that his very introduction in Binding Blade sees him macking on a captive prepubescent girl. however entertaining it may be that she snatches his wig on that occasion anyway.
fuck this morph
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yeah, some people wish. notably including Brendan Reed-
the thing with Sonia is that she’s a little less believable than most folks in this archetype -- specifically because she’s not, like, working within the structures of power that would let her get away with being as much of a dip as she wants to; she’s earned her influential position by seducing the boss, which is hard to buy when, however attractive she may be, she never has a single positive interaction with anyone and nobody trusts her (barring Ursula on both counts, but she’s not the one who needs to be brought on board anyway). I realize what a phenomenon it is to think with one’s dick, but come on; surely, you don’t let your new friend with benefits tell you how to do your job just because she’s that good in bed or something.
that said, although her overall spot on the plot feels weakly implemented, she still makes for a tremendous bulwark to overcome specifically within Nino’s subplot. what a powerful confrontation against a lifelong abuser she provides in the end!
do not fuck this guy what is wrong with you
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Valter is just uncomfortable as a character, which is limbo as far as emotion-inducing goes; it’s not particularly entertaining, and nor is it artfully terrifying in the way that Orson is. furthermore, I normally praise Sacred Stones’s antagonists for averting the way of behaving like a plot device, but this guy is the exception; he seems to primarily show up to cause trouble because trouble needs to be caused.
I feel like he’d have made for a far stronger character concept if his backstory had been handled differently, being more specific in what part of his mind broke when he held the cursed lance, instead of just being “now he does bad things and talks like he’s vaguely horny throughout”.
at least he’s quite a bit entertaining in Heroes where he gets voiced lines and no particular characters or plots to interact with -- but if that’s what it takes to make the character shine, it doesn’t really say good things about him.
fuck beauty
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so, the truth come out: does this guy is deserve becoming the absolute teacher’s pet he’s been since Radiant Dawn? my verdict on the matter is: not really.
I mean, Path of Radiance actually writes him into a solid niche; for all the big words he emits about being a patron of beauty, he’s ultimately just the same kind of petty, ostentatious garbage that poisons the governance of Begnion, and finally taking him down for good and all makes for an excellent dive after all the work it takes to set the light of justice on him -- not just in Day Breaks (oh gooooooooddd) but over the course of the several chapters it takes.
it’s all downhill from there, though. his appareance in Radiant Dawn is not only unecessary, but also a deviation from the established writing to focus on pallid, ineffective jokes, like someone invented Heroes writing before the thing itself happened. he fights on your side because now he genuinely cares about beauty and art to the point he’ll fight a goddess over it? yeah, that’s not who he was.
and seriously, one strongly gets the impression that, in that appearance onwards, the punchline is just supposed to be that he’s fat, bald, wordy, and has a shitty mustache -- which, besides being blatant fatphobia, is seriously stale; “it’s funny because he’s ugly” is, like, at least two random minibosses per game, usually more.
fuck the senate
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although he jabs a lot of the buttons that should make for an entertaining and stalwart hate sink, it ends up not really working.
his narcisism lacks the performatic grandeur of the likes of Narcian; it lands as pastiche at best, and common annoying smugness at worst. and although he’s powerful and influential enough to cause a bunch of problems, he’s introduced at a weird time that fails to make his specfic capabilties relevant to opposing the protagonists, and he ends up not doing a lot more than severely inconveniencing Zelgius (who is on his team) a couple times.
at least, the battle dialogue against him in Part 4 still provides some of the most fierce drags in Radiant Dawn
fuck the valm arc
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seriously, fuck it
but ahem, onto the guy in question: he’s an annoying waste of writing space that doesn’t seem to be intended for any reason other than making the rest of Team Bad Guy look good, plain and simple.
you might be thinking, airlock, this is the third Awakening villain you blammed in four posts, are you just biased? the answer is: yes, but even if I were being perfectly fair, let’s be real, antagonists are just not one of that game’s strengths, overall. that just happens sometimes; I can really say the same thing of like Thracia 776, y’know?
fuck playing f- yeah, okay, that’s just low-hanging fruit
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honestly, from this distance, none of Fates’s fixed antagonists bar Anankos really give me the impression of not just being despicable pastiche, but I’m guessing he’s supposed to be the one who actually intended to take it as a niche?
so, I’m just going to assume you hated this, but how was it? are you glad it’s over, or do you regret having read it at all? we’re probably not going to be spared from one of these characters on Three Houses, but specifically how much would you like to hate the one that comes along? to be honest, your thoughts aren’t remotely as good as mine, so I wouldn’t bother replying or reblogging to share them, worm. what? you’ll do it anyway!? how dare you! do you know what I’m capable of!?
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Effective ways to Encourage Yourself?
When inspiration carries out not happen, I select a walk, go to the motion pictures, speak to a good friend, release ... The muse is tied to return once more, particularly if I switch my back! Whatever fits together wonderfully as well as that combines a strong existence that isn't really that very easy to secure along with motivational online videos. However there is actually something that has the electrical power making any kind of gray day look warm and any sort of problem or difficulty unexpectedly seem do-able." That special 'something' is spiritual nourishment - likewise referred to as religious wisdom. The inny" I am actually discussing is actually inherent inspiration," or even a drive to accomplish that originates from inside a person as well as isn't really stimulated by exterior benefits. Occasionally work environments become worn-out and also uninspired, asking for a modification of landscapes to increase incentive levels. Whenever you're confronted along with an absence of inspiration it's advisable to push your own self to begin performing just what you should do. The initial to the success from a provided goal is actually commonly the best tough one. Forrester and also Keranen went their distinct means eventually in 2015, however supporters are promoted to follow their specific represent the same healthy dosage from incentive. The Clean Energy Planning is actually a critical step in inhibiting the multiple dangers temperature improvements positions to all of us. The sooner this is actually supported by the court of laws, the quicker we could comply with and overcome the ecological challenge from our time. Have a look at this checklist of 27 motivational and vivid photo quotes for results, and make sure to comment with your favorite quote. You can easily additionally use the app to track your physical exercise and also diet regimen, and discover recommendations, tips, and also motivational quotes. In an organisation style from inspiration typically pertained to as the, carrot and stick," reward is the carrot as well as worry is actually the stick. Without a little ideas here and there to actually intensify your idea in yourself, your inspiration is going to ultimately languish. Bringing up damaging things as well as indulging that is going to lower your state of mind, inspiration as well as standard levels of well-being. This listing features every little thing coming from modern stand out tunes to oldies to nation to rap, thus you ensure to discover something that speaks with you. There are No Little Complications - The most awful great of motivation is facing a seemingly tiny concern that develops limitless stress. Various other qualities from leadership abilities are the assimilation from motivation property activities right into the crew building procedure. Occasionally the method ahead is actually to pause from time to time, a crystal clear mind is actually a mind along with sight, as a result equates in to incentive. When looking all around at the accurate superheroes in your organization, it's easy to overlook the relevance as well as electrical power from Jimmy Olsen. But nonverbally presenting energy in the course of the communication - since's one more point along with different prescriptions and results. A handful of folks have asked for assistance of what they ought to use to college or even uni or work this period therefore listed here are a few of my favourite picks to obtain you started, whatever you rise to. He's discussed his own private account over social media, and also currently continuously posts brand new inspirational videos in order to get individuals off the chair and in the fitness center. Right now you could alleviate your own self to create a think about taking care of such motivation barricades. A shortage of motivation is actually frequently the outcome of overlooking the relevance of targets. A determining moment from the 1968 activities, United States professional athletes Tommie Johnson and John Carlos reared their gloved submit the African-american Energy salute throughout the 200-meter award ceremony; they also accepted their awards shoeless to reveal support for poverty-stricken African-Americans. If you locate yourself putting something off, or your 'far from' motivation is certainly not particularly powerful, you can utilize your creativity to earn that more powerful, totally alter instructions or even use a mix from both instructions to aid you satisfy your results. One of the absolute most reliable incentive techniques students may use is actually to prepare themselves some well-thought objectives that assist them to enhance motivation to examine. Our experts've update the list of extraordinary motivational blogs to observe, for the year 2017! The power from your thoughts belongs to the imaginative energy from deep space, which implies that your thoughts collaborate from it. You are a symptom of the Universal thoughts. In various other situations, the longing for power is simply a need to influence the behavior from others. To perform this physical exercise, start through observing that, in the psychological flick you keep checking out, the electronic camera" is concentrated on a certain component of the scene. You could find that the cam is actually qualified completely on the individual you were actually disputing with, as well as exactly what they're performing, believing and also feeling. It is actually almost as if you typically aren't current in the scene at all. I'm quite sorry for this, but through answering this inquiry I will be actually exceeding my energy and I doubt I could possibly offer you a meaningful answer or even just about anything that goes close to a remedy on your particular complication. That is going to spontaneously get random thought and feelings or speculate regarding the plot from the film. If http://blog-butikdesante.info are 10 minutes into your energy hr and also you instantly understand you must fill up the staple remover, then write on your keep in mind slab to re-fill the stapler. Tip 4: Let or reply go. No matter the web content from as an example an e-mail I aim to maintain my reply steady and also kind. check here shift era amongst vegetations and also in between firms to successfully offer the electrical power required, and also to satisfy pollution command needs cost-effectively. I very recommend you to make the most of this new component of saving online videos in your YouTube mobile application to boost your efficiency. As well as the funny thing is that after I have helped an although factors experience much easier and also much easier and even more fun and the inspiration overtakes me.
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