#I also keep having ideas I want to test out for a ttrpg system I'm experimenting with
lithariel · 5 months
My least favourite aspect of whichever mental issue is applicable to this is that sleep is so fucking boring
The only times I'm fully capable of just passing the fuck out are the times where I've pushed my body to the limit, and even then I wake up a couple hours later, struggling to continue the rest
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
Hi Sophie!
So this question is probably the exact opposite kinda question about headmate creation than you're used to, but we're wondering if you might have some resources or advice anyways.
Backstory: Our headmate Nyroka is playing a TTRPG with our other headmate Foxy and some of our external friends. Her character (Resho) feels like she's really close to being a headmate. A couple of times Ny felt like she went on autopilot and let Resho take over during roleplaying scenes. It feels really similar to a possessive switch for us. And this wouldn't be the first time we got a headmate this way (Nyroka first showed up in our system when we roleplayed her and just kinda, shut our brain off lol). We don't think Resho is already a full blown headmate yet. We aren't testing those waters, but so far no appearances from Resho outside of when Nyroka is actually roleplaying her.
So our question is, are there ways to prevent Resho from becoming a full fledged headmate?
It's not the end of the world if she does. Ny is mostly resistant to the idea because she wants to spend time with Foxy and our external friends, and has a feeling that if Resho is a headmate, it will be really difficult to either A) co-front with 3 people (2 is already a struggle) or B) roleplay Resho without getting kicked out of front. So if it comes to it, Ny, Resho, and Foxy will just need to negotiate that. Like I said, not a huge deal.
Any advice or ideas would be helpful! :D
Personally, I would make an effort to avoid that autopilot mode. I think it would also help if Ny periodically reminds herself that she's roleplaying, and makes sure to focus on her memories of roleplaying are HER memories.
I think occasional mental affirmations can help while roleplaying. "I'm Nyroka pretending to be Resho. Resho's actions are mine." She should especially do this when she feels like she's about to go autopilot in order to ground herself.
And when thinking about what happens in the game, your system should try to think in terms of "Ny did X as Resho" (or "I did X as Resho" in Nyoka's case) rather than "Resho did X."
Your goal is to try to keep your brain from compartmentalizing "Resho" as her own thing, and while I can't promise 100% results, I think this method would at least help avoid it.
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