#I also pawned VR headset
I hate that I managed to get behind on my finances again.
I had to pawn my Switch a few months back. It was kind of a desperation thing, I'd gotten hit with a couple bills during my rent paycheck instead of my bill paycheck (ice soup anyone?) I think the day I was supposed to make a payment by/pay it off is this week. This is after I got an extension, failed to meet that, then had to essentially make a plan to buy my switch back. I've got a PS5 and my PC, so it's not like I've got nothing to play. I just really enjoyed having it. I'd said a few years ago that when I could afford a Switch I'd have "made it", at least to a point I wanted to be at. Then I had to pawn it to make it.
**siiiiiigh** It's just a "thing", and I can live without it, and to be fair I didn't play it as often as I should have (or did I?), it just sucks. Sentimental value and all that. Sorry for the negative Nancy vent, I've more or less come to terms with it.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Space Sweepers and the History of Working Class People In Space
This week saw the release of Space Sweepers, Korea’s first big budget special effects space movie extravaganza. There are a lot of interesting things to say about this movie, but one of the things that makes it stand out is it’s an excellent portrayal of people in space who are skint.
See, I hate to break it to you, but you’re probably never going into space. Unless you’re a highly trained technical specialist (well done!) or a billionaire (pay your taxes!), your best shot at seeing Earth from space within your lifetime is the development of realistic-yet-cheap VR headsets.
And the thing is, a lot of the time this holds up in sci-fi as well. Space travellers are either living in a post-scarcity utopia, are part of the military, or are some kind of genius scientists.
Even where we see supposedly salt-of-the-Earth relatable types, like Han Solo or Mal Reynolds, their scruffy outfits and roguish ways can’t quite cover for the fact that they own and live in the equivalent of a massive luxury yacht or private plane. Serenity may look like a rust bucket, but it’s far from the equivalent of a white van, and while Mal is constantly complaining about the costs of fuel and repairs, that doesn’t change the fact that he seems to own the ship outright, and in “Oxygen” he appears ready to buy the ship for cash.
As for Han Solo, leaving for a moment his humble origins and that he won the ship in a card game, within the Galaxy Far Far Away the ratio of space travellers to non-space travellers doesn’t seem that different from the one on Earth. Yes, there are lots of smugglers and Tie-fighter pilots and interplanetary bounty hunters, but for every one of them there are millions of Tusken sand raiders, Jawa scrap merchants, moisture farmers and Corellian street rats. Spacecraft might come and go from the spires of Coruscant as regularly as buses, but the population density is such that most people on that planet will be lucky to see sunlight, let alone the stars.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the chances of an ordinary person getting into space even in the foreseeable future vary between Willy Wonka Golden ticket level lucky, or truly dystopian. On the one hand, Elon Musk has announced the first all-civilian mission to space, led by billionaire Jared Isaacman (so, not what you’d call an everyman), two seats given to people who have won a place by donating to St Jude’s Hospital (it probably won’t be one of the smaller donors), and finally, one lucky front-line health worker.
But Elon Musk wants to colonise Mars, and sadly billionaires still need people to clean the toilets, so Musk has other ideas for how ordinary people might get into space. Unfortunately that idea is indentured slavery, demonstrating that the most prescient science fiction writers of our generation are the writers of first-person shooters.
This is why, outside of post-scarcity-fully-automated-luxury-space-communism, and the military, science fiction is always oddly quiet about money. With a few honourable exceptions.
We Just Work Here
The first and most obvious reason why any ordinary working-class person would end up in space is “they’re paid to”.
Pretty much the codifier of working-class people in space is Alien. The crew of Nostromo aren’t scientists, they’ve not got The Right Stuff. Nobody on that ship is getting a high school named after them. The crew of the Nostromo are basically truck drivers who venture off the highway and run into something nasty. Yes, ironically they show a great deal more competence, professionalism and intelligence in encountering an alien threat than the actual scientists in the prequel movie, but the first conversation these characters have when they come out of hyper sleep is about money. From the outset, these are people in a place of work.
It’s a model that set the format for gritty-industrial-working-class-people in space movies going forward for better or worse. Event Horizon just lifts Alien’s aesthetic completely for the rescue ship Lewis & Clark, as does the videogame series Dead Space, like Alien, set aboard a mining ship.
Away from the horror genre, Outland sees Sean Connery play sheriff in a final frontier mining town that could have taken place in the same world as Alien.
And of course, Red Dwarf, which not only made good use of the Alien aesthetic, but also cast the colony commander from Aliens as their Captain, to tell the story of chicken soup repairmen in space.
Across all of these stories, and of course the aforementioned videogames, the life of the blue collar space traveller is an unpleasant one, exploited by a company that not only controls your life while you work, but also owns all of your food, water and air. Indeed, it’s not rare for them to go further. In Moon, another film where the spacemen-to-earthmen ratio seems not far what it is now, Sam Bell’s employer decides to save the cost of training employees and ferrying them back and forth from Earth to the Moon by taking one employee and filling a cellar full of his pre-programmed, short-lived disposable clones.
Space Sweepers
Public Transport
But maybe you don’t want to work for “the Man”, not an unwise call given the Man is probably trying to feed you to something horrible in the hope of creating a new bioweapon. One surprisingly under-utilised method of getting into space is public transport.
In The Fifth Element, Bruce Willis plays a special-forces-operative-turned-cab-driver who, as part of his cover, wins a ticket to go on a space cruise. Although looking at the sets and the extras in this movie, as well as the packed-in-as-tightly-as-we-can apartments back on Earth, one gets the impression this is not an option open to the majority of working joes.
Perhaps the best example of this is in the shockingly under-loved 2018 flick, Prospect, featuring future Mandalorian Pedro Pascal.
In Prospect, the spaceship is little more than a rotating framework filled with cargo containers in front of a massive engine. The father and daughter prospecting team are on board a lander that resembles nothing so much as an old Apollo Lunar Lander on the inside, and as the mothership approaches their destination the ship doesn’t even stop, it just releases the lander, tells them when the ship is going to be passing back that way and warns them the line is being terminated, so there won’t be another ship passing that way.
This is a model it would be fantastic to see more of. The landing module is small enough that it’s entirely plausible that even these not-very-well-off characters could buy, hire or rent one. Rather than having the freedom of the space ways like Mal or Han, their travel options are entirely restricted by what destinations are profitable for large shipping companies and whether they’ll let you tag along. And while on the surface the aesthetic looks a bit Alien, in truth it feels far more like it’s cobbled together from relics of the actual space age.
Borrow Your Way Into Space
And finally, of course, there’s the Elon Musk solution. Borrow your way into space. One of the early places to use this idea was Gateway, by Frederik Pohl. Frederik Pohl in particular is fantastic at writing science fiction worlds where people actually have to worry about money. In Gateway and its sequels humanity has discovered Ancient Aliens left a space station nearby, stocked with a lot of spaceships. Being alien technology, humans can’t control the ships accurately, they’re limited pretty much to pressing the “Stop” and “Go” buttons, and when the ship flies off it might land on a world of fabulous riches, or it might chuck you into the heart of a star.
Prospectors who want to try their luck in these ships have to take out a loan to get to the station, and throughout the novel the protagonist is constantly aware of how many credits are in his account.
Which brings us back around to Space Sweepers. At first glance the Space Sweepers set-up might seem similar to that of the Millennium Falcon or Serenity – an extremely “used” looking ship run by a rag-tag bunch of misfits. But the first time we see the protagonist, Tae-ho, he’s in a pawn shop. As soon as he gets back to the ship we learn the crew are still paying off the cost of the ship, as well as the costs of repairs and parts.
We see an awful lot of “Space sweepers” throughout the film, junk collectors gathering up salvage from Earth’s orbiting collection of derelict spacecraft and defunct satellites. But these people don’t seem like roguish space pirates, the impression they give is more akin to app-based gig workers.
This is compounded by another issue – that to work in space you need a visa, with citizenship limited to the wealthy few who are able to afford a place on the deluxe orbiting space habitats.
Everything in Space Sweepers is driven by money, whether it’s Tao-Ho’s attempts to raise enough money to find his daughter, the robot, Bubs, and her attempt to get a humanoid body that reflects her gender, and of course, the $2 million reward for “Dorothy” which drives the whole plot.
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Often space-based sci-fi is about the fantasy of freedom, of exploration. Even shows like Star Trek give us characters whose job isn’t much more than to fly around having adventures. But there is rich storytelling to be done about the people who have to clean the space toilets.
Chris Farnell’s novella series, Fermi’s Progress, is about a ship whose FTL drive vaporises planets, and features at least one space traveller who isn’t a scientist, super soldier or billionaire (although to be fair the other three characters are exactly that). You can find part one here.
The post Space Sweepers and the History of Working Class People In Space appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/375jTzb
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tastydregs · 3 years
Singulos Research unveils Perceptus AI for AR that understands the real world
GamesBeat Summit 2022 returns with its largest event for leaders in gaming on April 26-28th. Reserve your spot here!
Singulos is taking the wraps off Perceptus, a spatial technology that enables augmented reality experiences with better fidelity in the real world.
Vancouver, Canada-based Singulos believes it can enable a new class of compelling AR applications using its Perceptus Platform, which enables real-time comprehension and tracking of physical objects in arbitrary 3D environments.
I interviewed CEO Brad Quinton, who is an AI professor and researcher at the University of British Columbia, and he showed me a demo where we played a round of chess together.
“Perceptus is really all about giving augmented reality the understanding of objects in the environment,” Quinton said. “There are a lot of augmented reality applications, but they don’t do much of anything. You can put a vase on a table, or pretend that you have a piece of furniture in the corner. But the apps don’t react to the world around you. And that’s why we believe that giving AR the ability to understand these objects allows it to understand your context. And using that context, it can be proactive and help you interact with the world.”
To show what he meant, he used an iPad to capture a view of his chessboard in the real world. He moved a piece on his real chessboard, and then I looked at my screen and saw the piece move on my screen. I used my mouse to move a pawn, and he could see the move on his computer screen. So the application was smart enough to see his board pieces and integrate them into the digital game that we were playing remotely together.
This sounds pretty simple, but it requires computer vision other technology to create an augmented reality experience.
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Perceptus can identify Lego pieces.
The technology gives AR a visual understanding of the world, enabling applications to create AR experiences that are compelling, accessible, and useful. Through the Perceptus Platform, smartphones, tablets, and AR/VR headsets can not only see but also continuously understand 3D physical objects — all while operating on the edge to protect a user’s privacy.
This ability to dynamically identify objects, and their context, while people move unconstrained through the real world, forms the basis of a new generation of AR and mixed reality applications and experiences that could change how humans can engage with computers, Quinton said.
Effective today, the Perceptus Platform is available through licensing to interested companies.
Perceptus was developed by a team of serial entrepreneurs from Singulos Research. Led by Quinton, the team has previously founded high-tech startups that were quickly acquired by industry leaders such as Qualcomm and Tektronix. Together, the Singulos team has developed the semiconductor technologies and software at the core of most modern smartphones and mobile processors today.
I’m sure we’ve all futuristic movies or concept videos from the big tech companies. From those, you may expect that AR already provides a host of useful features, but in actuality, today’s AR lacks a visual understanding of the world around it, he said.
In a demo, he showed a video that used Perceptus to identify all of the parts necessary to put together a piece of furniture. One by one, the iPad camera identified and color-coded each piece. One piece was missing, and the camera moves in one direction and finds the missing piece.
In another demo, the iPad camera hovers over a bunch of Lego bricks and individually identifies them. You can see it identify and categorize each piece. And then it figures out what you can build with all of those pieces. The company calls this dynamic comprehension, and it works with any lighting conditions, head movements, or object rotations.
“We have the understanding of that Lego piece that you have in front of you, and we’re helping you think of ideas of things you could build,” Quinton said, and he proceeded to do that demo. “I’m going to start detecting all of these pieces. And so one of the important things to notice here is that Perceptus is understanding where these pieces are in three dimensions, even when they’re not in the camera view. So if I move the camera around, it rediscovers pieces that I already know about. It adds the sum to the inventory when it finds new ones.”
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Brad Quinton is CEO of Singulos Research
You can see some of the potential as the combination of the device and the application get smarter.
“Now Perceptus is saying you could build that item with this specific inventory,” Quinton said. “It could say I could build something, or it could say I don’t have all the right colors. It is adapting to the environment. We think that app developers can build all kinds of apps that interact with the real world.”
The Lego app could have a database of designs that it can access to determine what you can build, like a plastic duck.
“The cool thing is, it’s only going to show you things that are workable with what’s in front of you,” Quinton said.
Eventually, it would be great if Perceptus could tell you step by step how to build something. But it doesn’t do that today in the demo, Quinton said. If anyone, customers would be the ones to figure out how to build such things with their applications. “If you’re a furniture manufacturer, of course, you already have the instructions,” he said. “So it’s a matter of having the machine learn all the different parts.”
It’s similar to the Osmo AI tech that uses a camera on an iPad to recognize items in a children’s learning application.
Quinton said that understanding objects, in real-time, is extremely challenging. In fact, that’s one reason why so much of the initial focus of the metaverse is limited to completely virtual worlds. It’s far simpler for a computer to understand the artificial world it has created. But Singulos believes that for most applications people prefer to exist in the real world.
More specifically, Perceptus’ core technology uses a completely new and proprietary approach to AI and computer vision that allows the platform to continuously identify, understand, and track objects. This technological breakthrough is what enables a new class of compelling and useful AR experiences.
Singulos also relies on existing mobile processor technology — Any modern smartphone, tablet, and goggles/glasses can deliver intelligent, physically-aware AR experiences, making AR experiences more accessible and mainstream.
And it has the ability for local control, without the cloud. Processing is done completely on the edge, like on the iPad, giving users direct control of their data. This is, of course, appealing for any company that takes privacy seriously.
The Singulos Research team is currently hosting conversations with technology companies that are interested in licensing arrangements to utilize Perceptus and incorporate the platform into their own applications and devices.
When you move an item on the chessboard, “the thing I think that’s exciting about this is this idea that you are now manipulating my reality, right?” Quinton said.
The company is talking with potential licensees who can develop their own applications. Quinton said the first customers may come out with something by the summer. He said the tech is targeted at Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors, Apple’s M1 processor, and one of Google’s processors.
“What we need to make this work are the neural accelerators,” he said. “All of the modern mobile phones have neural accelerators, like the Apple neural engine, and the hexagon on the Qualcomm chipsets. And so that’s, that’s really what’s required. So we can be Android, we can be iOS, that’s not a problem. But it needs to be a fairly modern mobile processor.”
Over time, the tech will get better with faster and better AI hardware. The company has been around for three years and it has six people.
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oumakokichi · 7 years
Hi i'm reaaaally sorry to have to ask this but i can't seem to find that one ask where u stated the reasons Ouma chose Gonta as the sacrificial pawn. I've searched EVERYWHERE but I just. can't. find it. It's the one where u mentioned Gonta was dangerous or something like that?
I’ve written a lot of meta about Chapter 4 and a few (here and here) about the general timeline for how things went down in Chapter 4–it’s been a while since I checked but there are probably a few reasons listed in those.
The main gist of things though is that there wasn’t one, specific reason for why Ouma chose Gonta, other than the fact that Gonta volunteered to come with him when Ouma was about to go out searching for the “motive” hidden in the VR world (the “motive,” of course, being the remember light with the “truth of the outside world” on it that he asked Monokuma to put there).
Gonta volunteered to go with him and protect him, and Ouma, thinking back on Miu’s plan to kill him, mutters under his breath, saying “I guess if it’s Gonta…” and then proceeds to call him his bodyguard. This suggests that he hadn’t actually made up his mind on who to use as the pawn for his plan prior to entering the VR world directly. Gonta offering to come with him outside where it would be just the two of them with no one else around contributed greatly to his decision, I think.
There’s also the fact that Gonta would likely have been one of the easier ones to convince, both to use the remember light in the first place and to agree with his reasoning that “the outside world was hell, so they should put people out of their misery.”
Even if Ouma had been alone with Maki, for instance, I highly doubt anything he could have said or done would’ve convinced her to use the remember light by herself, or to agree with anything he said. The same could be said for Momota, who would only have assumed he was up to something. I highly doubt Ouma wanted to sacrifice Saihara when he was one of the only people in the entire killing game who he was considering teaming up with by that point, either.
Tsumugi wouldn’t have worked for obvious reasons, since she was the ringleader–not that Ouma himself knew this. But she would still have never gone along with his plans if it meant getting herself killed, since she already knew what he was up to. And Miu herself was out of the question obviously, since she was the one planning to kill him.
That left him with only Gonta, Kiibo, and Himiko as somewhat viable options. My guess is that either of these three could have worked for the sake of his plan–any of them would be the most likely in the group to come along with him without entirely distrusting him or being unable to hear him out. The “truth of the outside world” motive within the remember light was so genuinely horrifying and depressing that it would still have very likely had the same effect on any of them (though it’s arguable Kiibo would’ve agreed, as I suspect his “inner voice” would’ve made the decision for him in the end).
In the end, Gonta was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was the best fit for the plan, and by volunteering himself to go out with Ouma and search the woods for Monokuma’s “motive” alone, that pretty much helped set Ouma’s decision in stone, I think. The fact that Gonta’s messed up the cables on his VR headset was also advantageous, in the end, since him losing his memories of what happened within the VR world meant he was no longer actively trying to get everyone else killed during the trial–which could well have been the case if anyone else had been the pawn for Ouma’s plan instead.
Basically, Ouma didn’t use Gonta for his plan “because he was dangerous” from the start or anything like that. If anything, Gonta was more like… well, the very cold, practical justification Ouma himself probably used would most likely be “collateral damage.” He didn’t manipulate Gonta into his death to be cruel or sadistic, but in order to attempt to minimize the amount of damage Miu’s plan might have done. Two people (Miu and Gonta) dying was a smaller price to pay than everyone dying (if Miu had succeeded in killing Ouma and gotten away with it, or if Ouma had killed Miu himself and gotten away with it by tricking everyone else).
This, of course, doesn’t change the fact that it was an extremely ruthless thing to do–and that Ouma recognized it as such. The reason he breaks down shortly before Gonta’s execution is because no matter how much as he tried to justify it to himself in strategic terms, he still knew it was an awful, horrible thing to do to Gonta. Breaking his own motto against killing people, even without killing anyone directly himself, nearly broke his spirit, and led to his increasingly reckless actions and eventual downfall in Chapter 5.
Gonta wasn’t someone who Ouma “wanted” to get killed. Realistically speaking, he didn’t even “want” for Miu to die. However, due to the nature of the killing game and its rules, as well as the environment of paranoia and suspicion that it encouraged, there was really no easy way out of that situation.
As soon as Miu made up her mind to kill, when she consciously committed herself to the decision that she would rather sacrifice everyone’s lives if it meant getting to the outside world again, she became a threat. And there was no way to permanently eliminate her as a threat without killing her, from Ouma’s perspective.
Killing her himself would’ve meant playing by the rules of the killing game–meaning in order to live, he would have to deceive them all and get away with it, and everyone else would die. Giving up and letting her kill him meant she would likely have gotten away with it, and everyone else would die. Logically, the “only” way out of that scenario was to have someone else eliminate Miu as a threat, and then expose that pawn to everyone else so that only two people died in the end.
The pawn he chose was Gonta, but I think given his apparent uncertainty inside the VR world and the fact that he apparently had to think it over, he was still debating on just who to try and convince up until the moment Gonta offered to come with him outside.
I hope this helps answer your question, anon!
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oppyyyy · 5 years
im setting up an fps camera to test and record my work without the vr headset. im achieving this using c++ in unreal engine, as my vr camera is created with c++.
im looking at this tutorial for creating a simple fps camera. i also think this shows the adaptability of the work, and is a good way to learn more about cameras and c++ in unreal engine.
to do this im creating a new level from my original level that contains the sequence and everything, and then ill create a new game mode and pawn class to attach the ‘actor movement’ to. this will allow slight control over where the camera can look (like in vr) and still run through the sequence.
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Online Art Schools - Effective Or Not?
Raptor VR Headset These individuals are factual, towards the point, and sometimes give a nicely rounded look at their personality through objective facts. Great say things like, "Instead of a person about myself, I'm for you to tell you about elements I like so could possibly get knowledge about who I have always been." These people then proceed to discuss their favorite movies, their favorite books, favorite colors, quotes, hobbies . . .. I like to call this the "Facebook approach" contrary to the Analytical approach because in case you click while on the Info tab on someone's social face book profile, you get a well rounded factual view of their temperament. The secret's to immerse yourself within your fantasy as completely and often. Your brain features the same experiences as if you're really flying through the air. Part of you sets out to believe . The Country has produced virtual-reality program to treat patients in which have lost limbs and are suffering with phantom a painful sensation. A computer-generated virtual-reality system gives patients the illusion that their lost limb is still there. The system creates a virtual mirror image by tracing the remaining physical leg. Patients wear a head set observe a 3D picture of themselves with both tree limbs. Scientists say that initial tests have shown a lowering of feelings of phantom discomfort. The system has worked for 4 of every 5 patients possess used the house. Scientists plan to test the VR Headset system on more patients to see which amputees are in all likelihood to get started with it. The narrator, traveling across country, tries to define "quality." What he finds may be that we are all aware of what quality is; to lower the number to define it. The search is important, but the answer is at. Our quest to define "spirituality" is other. We know what it is each and every of the company. The search is important, but the correct answer is within. So what if you are only a pawn in this Virtual Reality Headset game of life. Decades ago ? if you sense like get done this before time and time again. It is what you think you be knowledgeable about. Frankly it still amuses me to move the pieces around and alter the outcome once in the while so as to avoid the ultimate degradation of pure boredom, and certain I may at any cost temptations sensation of pain generated by having too long on my hands. You my entertainers. This hobby provides children with your dog they happen to asking for along with fun physical exertions. Most of the latest children's games are geared toward a oculus rift, which can also applicable for virtual pet animals. They exist in their virtual world, while i.e., the virtual pet adoption website, where require go perform with them, and take care of them. While profiling the virtual giver, certain other interesting facts got to light. The virtual market gurus found that gift giving is more gender related than age related. Women were seen to be more frequent and wider in their propensity for giving gifts than douleur. Translated this will mean that women could more bound to send birthday gifts to India while men might more prone to give gifts for romantic purposes than for any other reasons. Valentine's Day saw a huge upsurge in virtual gift ideas by sexually ripe males. In fact 80% of online gifting transactions are accomplished by women simply 20% by men. Since women's virtual gifting isn't always romantically inclined, 40% of women's virtual gifting for women to women while one particular -fourth from the 20% men had sent gifts from men to men.
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When Video Games Merge accompanying Reality, it Should Be Deadly
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hannahtheresalp · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2Cmn3fB - Cheap PlayStation VR - Doom Bundle -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 4 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8EFJsxHUL0W-WOqwpmZZbw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Cheap PlayStation VR - Doom Bundle Good deal here at $299 from Black Friday thru Christmas Eve. Great game, and you're getting the V2 headset. There's also a cheaper $199 GTSport bundle that comes with the older V1 headset. Or the highly recommended -everything included- Skyrim bundle for $349 that includes the V2 headset and V2 move controllers. For reference, the V1 moves are $80 here on Amazon and around $60 used, maybe less from a pawn shop or on eBay (PS3 Moves are the EXACT same as the V1). You WILL eventually NEED the ... Reviewer : Luke Just received my PSVR Doom Bundle today and played with Skyrim VR for a bit. My first impression is that this is really amazing technology, this was my first experience with VR and despite the lower video quality than some competitors the price is right running on a PS4 instead of a high end PC and the quality is still stunning when you are able to look all around you. The stereo sound and 360° view really allow you to become immersed in the game, and I found myself reaching out to try to tou... Reviewer : Joe, Access3Dservices Click http://ift.tt/2Cmn3fB to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Bundle Includes PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation Camera, and DOOM VFR game. Simply plug your PlayStation VR and PlayStation Camera into your PS4 system and transport yourself to new gaming worlds like never before. I have only been playing this for a few hours and I must say that I am VERY impressed. I have tested a few games on HTC Vive and the Occulas Rift a few months ago at the local comic con so I had something to compare it to, although enough time has passed. Of those two I was more impressed with HTC Vive, although both were great. I decided to go with the PS4 VR because it is less expensive than the other two options. I deliberately did not order the PS4 VR Move Motion Controllers for a few rea... Reviewer : Makinitwork Click http://ift.tt/2Cmn3fB to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8EFJsxHUL0W-WOqwpmZZbw See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8EFJsxHUL0W-WOqwpmZZbw?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Sony, #PlayStation VR - Doom Bundle This is a review video for : B077BWQ91D Manufacture : Sony Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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samaragagelk77 · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2EHr8xS - Buy PlayStation VR - Doom Bundle -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 4 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy3U3s9NCfjinTykNfZi8HQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Buy PlayStation VR - Doom Bundle Good deal here at $299 from Black Friday thru Christmas Eve. Great game, and you're getting the V2 headset. There's also a cheaper $199 GTSport bundle that comes with the older V1 headset. Or the highly recommended -everything included- Skyrim bundle for $349 that includes the V2 headset and V2 move controllers. For reference, the V1 moves are $80 here on Amazon and around $60 used, maybe less from a pawn shop or on eBay (PS3 Moves are the EXACT same as the V1). You WILL eventually NEED the ... Reviewer : Luke Just received my PSVR Doom Bundle today and played with Skyrim VR for a bit. My first impression is that this is really amazing technology, this was my first experience with VR and despite the lower video quality than some competitors the price is right running on a PS4 instead of a high end PC and the quality is still stunning when you are able to look all around you. The stereo sound and 360° view really allow you to become immersed in the game, and I found myself reaching out to try to tou... Reviewer : Joe, Access3Dservices Click http://ift.tt/2EHr8xS to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Bundle Includes PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation Camera, and DOOM VFR game. Simply plug your PlayStation VR and PlayStation Camera into your PS4 system and transport yourself to new gaming worlds like never before. I have only been playing this for a few hours and I must say that I am VERY impressed. I have tested a few games on HTC Vive and the Occulas Rift a few months ago at the local comic con so I had something to compare it to, although enough time has passed. Of those two I was more impressed with HTC Vive, although both were great. I decided to go with the PS4 VR because it is less expensive than the other two options. I deliberately did not order the PS4 VR Move Motion Controllers for a few rea... Reviewer : Makinitwork Click http://ift.tt/2EHr8xS to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy3U3s9NCfjinTykNfZi8HQ See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy3U3s9NCfjinTykNfZi8HQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Sony, #PlayStation VR - Doom Bundle This is a review video for : B077BWQ91D Manufacture : Sony Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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oumakokichi · 8 years
Regardless of Ouma's ""good intentions"" which were more for himself than anyone else, he's hurt, manipulated and gotten people killed. There's nothing morally grey here. He is emanating malice because he's a hateful person who lied and manipulated Gonta. Saying he's not evil is like saying Komaeda did nothing wrong because he believes in hope or that Junko isn't bad because she truly believes despair is wonderful and wants to share it. If you cause bad shit intentionally, you're a bad shit.
There is a huge difference between saying a character is flat-out evil and saying that they “did nothing wrong.” There is really no getting around the fact that Ouma is set up within the game as a single mystery of, “Is he 100% good or is he 100% evil,” and then he proceeds to act in a way that can only be considered morally grey.
You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of exactly what happened in Chapter 4, so I’ll go ahead and clarify, but please tone down the confrontational tone if you ever want to ask me anything else. Considering I’ve been literally nothing but polite and understanding to every single person who’s come into my inbox, there’s really no explanation for your tone here other than that you intentionally want to start up a fuss, and if there are any more asks that can be construed as confrontational rather than just wanting to ask a question, I’ll just be deleting them.
Ouma certainly is self-motivated and manipulative. These are things that neither he nor the game in general ever tries to hide or disguise. Many characters in DR act out of self-motivated interest, and these range from the unspeakably bad characters to the good but well-intentioned characters. But again, I maintain that there is a world of difference between being vying for one’s own self-preservation and being literally evil.
Trying to hold Ouma entirely accountable for Miu’s death shows that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the way in which Chapter 4 went down. Miu literally set up a plan to murder Ouma herself, very methodically, not to put him into a “survivable coma” or anything of the sort. She set up Momota to take the fall and make it appear as if the murder had occurred in the real world, thereby ensuring that yes, she wanted to have everyone guess the wrong culprit at the school trial.
She looked everyone in the eye and she lied to their faces that the VR world was “a world without killing” and a world meant to relax and have fun, and she planned a very calculated, very methodical murder. I’ll talk more about her motivations later because someone has already asked me that (much more politely) in my inbox, but this is what happened. Literally, if Miu had not tried to put this murder plan into action, almost all of the conflict in Chapter 4 would not have occurred, and she would not have been killed instead as a result.
As for Gonta, yes, Ouma manipulated Gonta. Yes, it was a horrible thing to do. But while you and many other people seem to be under the impression that Gonta was “brainwashed” or mind controlled” into the whole thing very similarly to the sdr2 characters’ brainwashing in dr3′s Despair Arc, I can attest that that’s really not what happened at all.
The bug in Gonta’s VR helmet where he plugged the cables in wrong did not affect his free will, or cause him to act or think like a different person inside the VR world. All it ensured was that when he logged out of the game, he wouldn’t remember what happened there. And he and Ouma found the remember light within the VR world, Gonta used it, and discovered something essential about the “secret of the outside world.”
While he was horrified and distraught, Ouma told him it would be best to “save everyone” by killing them, and Gonta agreed with this proposition 100% willingly within the game. Trying to say that Gonta had no autonomy in the matter or that he was stupid, brainless, and used as a tool for murder is a huge disrespect to his character, like trying to say Peko actually was a tool and not a person. Gonta logged out of the game, forgot that he had ever completely, willingly agreed to commit murder due to the headset bug, and that is what happened.
Had Ouma actually wanted to get everyone else killed, it would have been extremely easy for him to cover up evidence and take credit during the school trial as the “one who engineered the whole thing.” Had he actually, truly wanted everyone dead, and had Gonta been completely under his control or free of choice in the matter, Ouma could easily have put on an act and influenced everyone else to vote for the wrong answer in the school trial, thereby getting the rest of them executed (including Gonta still) and graduating from there scott-free.
In sdr2′s Chapter 2, Monokuma (and Komaeda, iirc) specifies that a culprit getting away with killing by using someone else as a pawn is possible, if the person in question was actually, truly being used as a tool with no autonomy. Kuzuryuu’s refusal to refer to Peko as a tool or an object, and the fact that he never actually wished for her to commit such a murder, is precisely the reason she winds up being held accountable as the true culprit instead.
The same applies for Gonta: had he actually been brainwashed and used as a weapon to kill Miu, then he could never have actually been held accountable as the true culprit, because he would only have been an object. The fact that he was held accountable for his decision abides by the same rules that Monokuma presented for what constitutes as a “culprit” with the Peko and Kuzuryuu case.
He didn’t do this, and again, that brings us back to him being morally grey. Just because he is a character motivated out of self-preservation and wanting to strike back at the mastermind for personal reasons doesn’t mean that his actions never have consequences for the group at large, or that he doesn’t go out of his way to drop huge hints, including many things that later become essential to their survival in Chapter 6.
Ouma is a bad shit and does bad shit, and that’s part of what being a complex, well-written character is all about. You most definitely do not have to like him as a character. No one does. He does do awful, manipulative things, and if that makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to like him as a character at all.
But you also aren’t obligated to come into my inbox intentionally trying to be confrontational. Considering I’ve never once, at all, made a case that Ouma “did nothing wrong,” you’ve either clearly dropped a message to the wrong blog, or I can only assume that you wanted to be confrontational for the sake of being confrontational.
I’ve made my points on why Ouma isn’t evil and why his actions are most certainly left ambiguous and confusing, both to the characters and the players, and I’m going to leave it at that. I hope I’ve clarified matters on Chapter 4 more for you. Have a nice day.
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