#I also think that a lot of you think I’m this staunch leftist when actually I’m absolutely a moderate
laineystein · 8 months
It’s okay if you don’t want to answer but what do you think of the protests blocking aid at the southern border? I feel like if anyone can have a sensible response it’s you and I’d love to be able to reblog your answer to shut people up 😝
I think that I can’t imagine what the families of the hostages are going through.
I think that as a survivor of SA my heart aches for those still in captivity who are undoubtedly suffering daily - for that reason and so many more.
I think I’m angry and I think a lot of Israel is angry that we continue to provide and facilitate the distribution of aid for a place that has done nothing but support our annihilation.
I think that Egypt needs to do more to help their fellow Arabs than to lay that responsibility on the single Jewish country in the region - again, the same country that was attacked by said Arabs.
I think that the world will hate us either way so what does it matter if we stop aid? They’ve already made up lies that it’s the IDF shooting civilians during the distribution of aid. This is just another ploy to push blood libel narratives and paint Jews as the enemy.
I think that the aid isn’t going to the people so what does it matter if it’s delayed? We’re merely inconveniencing H*mas, which is the goal.
I think that trucks that have been let through remain undirected and uncollected on the other side of the checkpoint because the international community is so busy blaming Israel and the Jews that they can’t take time to actually help the people they apparently care so much about.
I think the international community needs to do more to pressure H*mas to release our hostages and surrender. So much of this suffering could be over if that happened.
Lastly, I think that we live in a world that has proven that Jews (and Israelis by proxy) are alone and that the only one that can help us — is us. I think that we need to help ourselves before we help others. And I think that while my people are suffering at such a catastrophic level, I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. Block the trucks. I said what I said.
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Rant because I’m not going to be able to sleep until I get it out of my system.
It’s rant time. 
So, a content creator I followed just had to make this apology on twitter for making a (what others considered) a fatphobic comment. And I just...
This is such an annoying, frustrating thing to talk about, because it’s always the people I agree with socially that make this such a big deal, and all those old guys were right when they said that standing up to your friends is a lot harder than standing up to your enemies. 
Because pissing off conservative, sexist, republican, racist, boomers, etc, etc, etc.,? SO much EASIER than pissing off the liberals, leftists, socialist's, gen z-ers, etc, etc, etc,. 
But ya know what? It’s also a kind of intolerant when you can’t even talk to the people you agree with 90% of the time because they have a habit of rabidly jumping on you for daring to have a different opinion than them. The fact that the second you want to have discourse about something you get called intolerant or ignorant or a republican (shivers)  for daring to threaten the group opinion. 
This has happened to me, to be clear. I got told I wasn’t a feminist (i’m a very staunch feminist, you can scroll through my tumblr and see that) because I didn’t agree about a stupid burger king tweet. 
But, I’m just going to talk about it. I’ve got to get this stupid discourse out of my head, even if it pisses off my ingroup. 
We have got to have a conversation about just how freaking sensitive we are. We have built this culture online about how everyone has to give this giant apology for every little mistake or perceived slight. And ya know what? It’s bullshit. 
And before anyone says anything, this isn’t to say that I don’t think people shouldn’t apologize when they’ve said something actually offensive. We should hold people accountable for their actions. There are times when I agree whole-heartedly with this. And then there are times when I think it’s so fucking stupid it makes me feel like my head is gonna pop like an overfilled balloon. 
Because ya know what, just because you’re offended doesn’t mean someone owes you an apology. Being offended doesn’t make you right. Being offended or upset doesn’t mean someone owes you something. Get comfortable with not getting an apology for every little thing that hurts your feelings. Because, at the risk of sounding way too much like a boomer, sometimes you gotta toughen up. Sometimes, things are gonna hurt your feelings. And that still doesn’t mean you are owed anything. Getting your feelings hurt is a part of life, but they’re still your feelings to handle, not someone elses. 
It reminds me of this example with a friend of mine. She was bagging on these girls who went to an open mic poetry stand and they were all talking about their SA. She kept saying that they shouldn’t been more considerate of the people in the audience who might get triggered or how it was upsetting to her and they should’ve toned it down. 
No! Just because something upsets you, doesn’t mean someone else has to change their behavior. Those girls have every right to open up and talk about their experiences and heal. And if that’s upsetting to you? That’s your problem, not theirs. 
It’s the same thing. Yes, sometimes people need to be held accountable for their actions and they need to apologize and own up. And sometimes, ya gotta grow a fucking spine and recognize that not everyone on this planet is gonna owe you an apology because your feelings got hurt because they did or said something you didn’t like. 
And it pisses me off how we can’t have a conversation about this. Because everybody’s too fucking busy trying to make sure nobody is offended. It’s toxic! We all dance around each other and our precious, delicate sensibilities. If we can’t talk about shit, then we can’t have discourse. We can’t do what we’re meant to do to solve problems, learn new things, and gain knowledge. Not everybody you meet is going to agree with you. Not everybody you meet is going to communicate in a way that you like or approve of. But learning how to put up with those situations? Learning how to let things go and not take things personally? Learning how to acknowledge that people are different? That’s tolerance. (And no, this doesn’t apply to slurs, that’s not what I’m talking about.) 
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
Hey there. I recently wondered why Sanders didn't manage to be primary candidate for the democratic party (at least in terms of popularity). In fact, I got the impression that despite even social media hyping him up, quite a few weren't really that invested on what he had to say/wanted to do. As a non-American, I get the feeling that Americans themselves might be a bit averse to change, even though many do want it. Is the US generally more socially conservative which might explain Bernie's los?
Eh, its a mix.  The general conservatism of the US did mean that Sanders had a staunch opposition right from the word go, but I think Sanders also made a ton of mistakes during the 2020 race on top of that.  Because he really should have done better than in 2016, unlike then he had massive name recogonition, the DNC didn’t have the more sleezy rules anymore, he already had a massive fundraising apparatus, Biden was a weaker candidate, and the donor class/centrist politicians were divided.  But he made a few mistakes and I’m still of the opinion that he shouldn’t have run in 2020, and let somebody younger with less bad blood take up the torch.  So what went wrong beyond a centrists not liking socialism 
1) Sanders was too old.  This isn’t entirely his fault, but a 78 year old who had a heart attack on campaign is at a huge disadvantage, and people are wary for voting for him because of that.  Now Biden is a 77 year old man with his own health concerns, but it really didn’t help, doubly so with the heart attack
2) Sander has earned a lot of enemies for the 2016 election, sometimes for shit he did and often times for shit he didn’t do, but he was a divisive figure in a way that somebody like Warren would not be.  His hyper confrontational style made a lot of people dislike him, and probably helped contribute to the centrists dropping out when they did .
3) The vote was split with Elizabeth Warren, which he never found a solution too (see below) 
4) Ok but those first three things weren’t really his fault.  One of the things that was his fault is that he didn’t really...bother to campaign . At least in the traditional sense.  Sander’s entire strategy was to win the prmiary with only 30-35% of the vote, assuming that the Centrists would divide themselves until it was too late.  Not only was this not true in terms of Centrist unity, the problem with this plan is that it meant he didn’t really bother trying to win over the remaining 70% of the race.  Which mean that even though he won the first three states, he didn’t manage to capitalize on this by convincing people, if you didn’t like Sanders after Iowa, you weren’t going to like him after New Hampshire.  
5) He made no effort to court specific leaders.  This was the most evident with the Black Community (See below) but just in general, Sanders aimed his campaign at rallying people who liked him, and not on getting existing Democratic leaders to endorse him.  And I get that sentiment, but it really fucked him over in South Carolina.  He didn’t even bother to ask for Clyburn’s endorsement
6) Young people don’t come out to vote and his entire plan was based on the youth vote
7) Unlike a lot of class oriented Leftist, Sanders does believe in internationality (see below) but he still has a bit of a tin ear on the issues of women and minority issues.  hIs platform on both were good and I don’t think he is a sexist or a racist, but he tends to fall into this “A rising tide raises all ships” mentality which isn’t that helpful, he has always struggled to take his larger rhetoric of social revolution and apply it to racial issues or gender issues, which is very frustrating because race more than class has defined American politics.  A lot of black people didn’t really feel like he “got” how their issues are unique beyond just class, even though his platform was pretty good. 
8) Antisemitism.  It was a factor we shouldn’t ignore it 
9) He ran his campaign more on changing the dialogue about Socialism than he did to actually win.  Which in many ways is a really admirable strategy, and he did a great job on changing American minds on a lot of issues but it doesn’t help you actually win a race
10) Americans, especially Black Americans, didn’t really want to take a risk in 2020.  A lot of leftists in 2016 thought “oh Clinton lost so the dems will embrace a leftist” when in reality the message the Dems got was “Ok,....embrace a white man with a less controversial record”  And Biden is seen as safe.  The Black community in particular, who have been really hurt by the Trump administration, didn’t want to take any risks.  
11) In 2016 Sanders got a ton of working class whites in rural/industrial areas to support him against Clinton, so the assumption was “hey these guys are open to socialism”.  And in 2020 they all went to Biden, because it turns out they weren’t for Sanders, they just hated Clinton, and sexism played no little part in that 
12) Sanders didn’t do a good job reaching out to Warren.  He didn’t even bother to ask her for an endorsement until after Super Tuesday.  After that one debate (ugg) Sanders made no effort to reach out and or do Damage control, which effectively alienated him from the other wing of the Progressive Left.  
13) Sanders and especially his fans, did not take Biden seriously.  The entire primary assumption was that Biden was going to be like Jeb Bush in 2016, and the real threat would be Mayor Pete/Bloomberg/Harris/Warren/Booker/the ghost of Hillary Clinton’s career, anything but Biden himself.  And so Biden kinda...avoided most of the Ire of the Sanders campaign, and when he went into South Carolina, he had very little that actually hurt him.  Biden was the Front Runner from the start, and nobody really bothered to knock him off that perch 
14) Ok now we need to talk about the ugly side of things.  Sanders himself is a good man and not a bigot.  Some of his fans though...not so much.  The so called ‘Dirtbag Left” or the “Red Brown Alliance”, basically Class Reductionist “Anti Identity Politics” leftists who openly indulge in racism, sexism, homophobia and all types of abusive internet tactics.  Its a tiny minority of Sanders fans, but because they are super active online (and make a habit of harassing journalists) they start to dominate the conversation.  Podcasts like Chapo House, Cumbucket, True Anon, or Red Scare, pundits like Angela Nagle or Glenn Greenwald, or Taibbi, there is an entire cottage industry of so called “Socialists” who spend most of their time peddling conspiracy theories, indulging in bigotry (but its ok because they support Universal Healthcare) and above all harassing people online.  And a toxic fandom ruins your ability to reach out to people, which is sort of the point of an election.  This isn’t really Sanders fault because he is a 78 year old grandpa, but his campaign really didn’t make any effort to clamp down on the toxic fanbase that surrounded the movement and it ruined their ability to do outreach.  The tweeting of snakes at warren was a big part of this 
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orenonahaichigoda · 5 years
I had a rough day, and came to a realisation. I will say a bit about my own experience, and then, after having to lay the groundwork of explaining 400 things about Japan because American schools and media think the whole world is the US, Western Europe, and places to blow up, making explaining necessary, will tie it to Ichigo, or at least how I portray him.
I'm Post Dankai Juniors, growing up in Japan. So's Kubo, actually. The boundaries of this Japanese generation are roughly '75 to '85, Yutori, the following generation that's always translated and localised as Millennial, pretty solidly set as beginning at '86. These things are always fuzzy because you can't vivisect living brains and find the part that likes char siu buns and the part that likes jazz fusion. I *majored* in Social Science. You'll have teachers who say "it is absolute that we date people who are similar to us because we're all actually narcists." (It *might* be because they're like our beloved family or community. Narcistic Personality is not universal) But it really just is fuzzy, and that teacher/book author is an idiot. Anyway, Yutori is always translated as Millennial. I don't know the end boundary. Post Dankai Juniors covers almost totally a debated throe for Germanic nations (I know Britain, Germany, and Nederland use the same generations as America, and their languages are Germanic) because of how fuzzy it all is, though.
Anyway, so since coming to the US, my interactions with other Asians, again, how is this defined when China, Mongolia, Japan all border Russia and West Asia includes Jordan and Saudi Arabia, South Asia is India's area, Southeast Asia is Laos, Thailand's area, I mean, find the Arabic kanji. I don't think Thailand even uses soy sauce. What the heck IS Asia, really? (Or "Middle East" when half of that's Africa and the other half shares plate with Europe? )
Anyway, my experience with Asians that are Boomer ages tends to be people who immigrated as adults, who more identity with a generation like "Dankai" or "Sirake." My experiences with Latinos older than me... I've never actually asked if the generational labels are even the same.
The thing about that is that when the name is the same, it means enough cultural traits are shared.
My biggest experience with people who grew up under the term "Boomer" are Black and white.
I've noticed a unifying trait.
If they're something oppressed (Black, gay), their attitude tends to be"it is mandatory to stand up for *my* demograph...but kicking the person behind me on the ladder in the teeth is wholesome, pure, and fun."
Outing me to large groups and saying I "speak Asian" seem to be the most common two. Calling me "Chinese" long after I've cleared this up for them is a close third.
I mean, don't get me wrong--my experience with Italian Americans past GI generation has been that now acquiring the "white" label, just like biphobic/aphobic/transphobic cisgays, they're more often staunch priveledge defenders than cishet people of Anglo descent! And it's just as true for X and Y as it is for Boomer (for the latter, one need only look at NYC destroyer and trump defender Giuliani) I actually don't really identify with my Italian side at all because I was kinda locked out of making any meaningful connection.
But back to my point that even in so-leftist-it's-almost-not-America Bay Area, Boomers are still like this!
The kind of stuff that flows out a X/Y TERF's mouth, or the mouth of an X/Y person with a Confederate flag on his wall, American-raised Boomers say with ease regardless of their alignment! It's banananas.
(Please note that I also just have not met a whole lot of Native Americans, period, nor enough people significantly older than me from any one place in Africa, that was an omission of lacking data, not intended as erasure)
How I tie it to Ichigo--
So Kubo avoids specifying birth years for anyone.
When I see something like this, I generally assume date of publication, as do most people in most fandoms (which of course gets screwy when you have something endlessly rebooted like Superman or Batman or something eternally unchanging like Detective Conan)
Anyway, the first Bleach something published was the comic in '01.
I generally assume it was supposed to be the start of a new school year, as Ichigo doesn't know many of his classmates until at least the first test scores come out. So it's probably April or something.
If Ichigo was 15 then, he'd also be Post Dankai Juniors, just barely. If Ichigo TURNED 15 shortly after, during his adventure, he'd be undebatably Millennial.
Now, there is still something up with Dankai and Sirake. PM Abe is the latter, b. 1954. A lot of his age-peers are behind him. This is the guy who supports remilitarisation and was caught funding a private militarist/fascist high(?) school that teaches that people from countries Japan conquered during its brief phase of trying to beat colonial Europe are less than dogs.
Now, I left there as a teen. Clinton was US president. Scandals still got people kicked out of public office in Japan. I hadn't figured or come out yet. Sure, I got bullied for being mixed, but kids will pick if you like different singers than the "cool" ones. They'll pick based on what's in your lunch. That data is sausage.
I'm not 100% sure what Ichigo would face day-to-day sociopolitically as he grew up/aged. I haven't had living family since'95 there, and friendships don't get deep enough to ever last distance until at least high school. For me, adulthood.
But I've kept/caught up enough (you try keeping up in the South before the internet was more than ten University sites!) that I know he'd face fascists (c'mon, the guy takes on a martial law government to save a new friend--that's anarchist, he just doesn't seem anarchist in his own world. He only fights humans in defence) I'm not sure how he'd feel about the JSDF, but he only fought the sinigami's war out of feeling like it was his responsibility because the adults around him kinda made it so. I super don't see him being for *starting* wars. In a human war, I see him actually being like Sugihara Chiune, a historical figure who died when I was a kid who I majorly admire. He worked at a Japanese embassy in Nazi territory, and when the embassy was evacuated,he continued throwing passports to Jewish people to go to Japan from the train he was departing on,and is hidden from Americans in the same spirit that Martin Luther King is...pulled the teeth out of. (PS, speaking of,go Google Steven Kiyosi Kuromiya)
Also, Ichigo's whole schtick is defending those worse off than him. He's not someone I see defending Yamato Japanese priveledge. Heck, I could see him joining Uchinanchu efforts to get Parliament and the US base to leave them alone. I can easily see him sticking up for a Filipino domestic worker he met thirty seconds ago.
To this end, I think regardless of what he is, he'd have a large rub with Japan's equivalents of Boomers.
Not to mention that Abe supporters tend to be very sexist and queerphobic, which isn't even homegrown but imported from Américanisation. I mean, there were female warriors--assasins, which is what Yoruichi and Soi-Fon are styled after, and go look at some Ukiyoe, like Utagawa Kitamaro. Quite a few artists in the 200-ish years of the Edo period depicted life in the queer districts. I've also had people posit that Noh might've been a welcoming draw for trans people the same way drag was all over the US in the twentieth century and still is in rural areas, where there's less cisgay gatekeeping. But this isn't something I can reasonably research without access to plenty of older and not well known dusty documents, and lots of time, and I live in the US many years now. And do you know how much round trip airfare alone is!? Also, the language changed so much and I can't read anything before Meiji without dropping words. Rukia, Byakuya, Yoruichi all have made for TV old-sounding Japanese like period dramas. Actual 18th Century Japanese would be unintelligible to the unspecialised.
So this stuff isn't really native, but Abe and a lot of people his age support all these -isms.
I super don't see Ichigo being happy about this.
(I also feel like Issin's old enough to remember before these -isms, but that's my own thing. In my project, he was in those districts, but that's me)
At the same time, I'm still writing this through my own lens. Also, not still being there, I just don't have enough data on Yutori in adulthood, or the grown Yutori lens. Honestly, even most other immigrants I meet are older than that. Or older than that and their adorable three year old children. So I have no clue.
In the early 2000s, I got myself from the South to CA and began to reconnect, but began to is the key phrase. I can tell you right now that Abe is as much of a second phase of Nakasone as trump is of Nakasone's buddy Regean. But what shifted when, I can't say. I'm not entirely sure how Koizumi ran the ship, as it were. I know some things, but not enough to say.
But whenever things shifted however, and whichever year Ichigo was born, I just cannot imagine him being any more on board with current events than really anyone in my area not born between 1946-1964 and raised in America.
I feel like he'd probably be too tired or self-effacing to fight for himself, but he'd take on, loud and proud, any bigotry against *others.*
I...also can't really say I'm much different, except my joints are held together by the power of wishes, so I'm more like "get the victim to safety" than "give the attacker plenty of regret." So, I can only do anything in limited ways.
Ichigo is also entirely fuelled by the power of love. Lost his ability to protect and feels like his sinigami friends ditched him? Mondo depressed, however much he wants no one to notice--which most do a great job of ignoring! Everyone in his world turned against him for a guy who has attacked people close to him? Terrified, and murder can now be an answer. (Fullbring Arc)
I was going somewhere with that. I've forgotten, but I'll leave it.
But anyway, I feel like he really only comes close to fighting for himself when others are taken away from him in a way that's also wronging them.
So yeah, I super don't see him happy with current events or Sirake gen.
I'm not sure how much I see him fighting for himself as mixed panromantic grey-ace. I mean, we know he fights people who are about to punch his face in for his looks, but what else can you reasonably do at that point? Get your head bashed in? I'm not sure how much I see him fighting hateful words pointed at him versus resigning himself to "people are the worst." I mean, when he talks about being picked on, he kinda seems resigned, or at least like it's a fact, like shoes being for outside or something.
I guess I tied it to Ichigo a lot better than I thought!
But also, the struggle against people born just after the war is not just you, and not just America. It's a major problem.
And it's likely that Ichigo would agree.
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svartikotturinn · 5 years
Trimming down my OK Cupid profile: the ‘before’ part
My self-summary
אוֹקִ֥יר אֱנ֖וֹשׁ מִפָּ֑ז וְאָדָ֖ם מִכֶּ֥תֶם אוֹפִֽיר׃
I’m an unpredictable but fiercely empathetic person, with a somewhat off-beat sense of humour. A huge fan of languages and human cultures. Moved to Haifa in Dec. 2017 and loving it, now working as a tutor and loving it too. Currently working my MA in sign language linguistics at Haifa U, planning to study teaching ESL at NUI Galway later on and later then going to settle abroad somewhere undecided to work in Deaf education (likely Montréal).If you want to know more about me, you can read more about me on my Tumblog. You should probably read the ‘About’ page and maybe look through my more important posts (for some of my observations and opinions), and in general pay particular attention to this post. (I’m not re-typing everything over here…)
Also, I have a Quora account. And a mostly inactive YouTube channel, with Hebrew CC & English subs for all vids there.
What I'm doing with my life
Having finished my BA in linguistics and East Asian studies, I translate and teach Hebrew and English whenever I get to (I translated the young adult fantasy novel Murderess by Daya Marnin to English), while learning a whole bunch of languages, most notably improving my already decent Japanese, and being as politically active (staunch leftist here) as circumstances allow. Also, I am now a tutor for K–12 students, teaching English, math, and Hebrew grammar & composition.
You’re more than welcome to contact me if you’re interested in learning Hebrew!
Also, I’m trying to make some money off my poetry, either through personalised commissions or through Patreon supporters.
I'm really good at
Languages are definitely my thing. I’m studying all languages currently available on Duolingo (finished 11 already and counting) and then some, and when Duolingo releases more I’ll add them to the list. (So you’re more than welcome to tell me what languages get you going… 😉)
Other than that I’m very good with words, as a translator and a poet (as I pointed out, I translated a book, and it had poetry in it; I’ve written poetry that’s moved people to tears, too), and I’m a pretty good dancer. Also, I’m creative and rather skilful in the kitchen, having honed these skills somewhat during the time I was a vegan. (If I like you, I’ll definitely make you something nice!)
My golden rule
‘Integrity above all.’
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
My all-time favourite is Summer Celebration by Natan Alterman (look it up on TV Tropes; I wrote that article). Other than that I loved:
 I Am a Cat by Natsume Souseki
Mr. Muo’s Travelling Couch by Dai Sijie
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
The Lover by A. B. Yehoshu‘a
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Leviathan
The Narrow Road to Oku by Matsuo Basho: I actually wrote a book report on it and dressed up as Basho for Purim in the 10th grade
…and others
My all-time favourite is Pink Floyd’s The Wall. Other than that I loved:
everything by Satoshi Kon
almost everything by Hayao Miyazaki (I’ve seen ALL of his films), the only exception being Porco Rosso
Love & Pop and Shiki Jitsu by Hideaki Anno
Wild Strawberries and The Best Intentions by Ingmar Bergman
anything by Akira Kurosawa
The White Ribbon and Funny Games by Michael Haneke
almost every Israeli film I’ve seen
almost every German film I’ve seen
The Rocky Horror Picture Show & Shock Treatment
(Needless to say, I’m somewhat of a film enthusiast; this doesn’t even begin to cover it)
My all-time favourite is Hideaki Anno’s life-changing fantastic Neon Genesis Evangelion. Others include quite a few good anime series and some non-anime ones:
Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Elfen Lied
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop
Kino’s Journey
Ouran High School Host Club
Shinsekai Yori
Live action:
The Good Wife & The Good Fight
Orange is the New Black
Breaking Bad
Ray Donovan
Please Like Me
some Israeli series
Non-anime animated:
Steven Universe
Adventure Time
Pink Floyd is my favourite band. I also love:
Sigur Rós, especially Von (though I struggle to listen to them after Orri Páll Dýrason got #MeToo’d)
The Seatbelts
Jane Bordeaux (my guilty pleasure)
Stereopony (another guilty pleasure)
Individual artists:
John Coltrane
Antonio Carlos Jobim
Thijs van Leer
Hughes de Courson
Jacques Brel
(These lists are by no means exhaustive…)
Generally, I find Modern Hebrew to be just the right amount of rugged for rock music. But I’m probably biased because Israeli rock was very much in vogue here when I was a little kid…
My taste is generally very eclectic though I don’t listen to music all that much on my own; basically, it amounts to ‘everything good, especially ambience, Western art music, chillout, jazz, prog/post-rock, and folk’.
I was a vegan for almost two years starting around November 2014; it was somewhat of a challenge, but it did teach me to be very creative in the kitchen, and very aware of vegans’ needs. Generally, I’m pretty open-minded, but I particularly love:
East Asian food: Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese
French and Italian food
Six things I could never do without
Human interaction (in moderation!)
Textbooks and other study materials
The ability to watch films
The ability to listen to music when I want to
Good food
I spend a lot of time thinking about
My day-to-day obligations, politics (including SJ), my ambitions, general philosophy… There’s plenty.
A perfect day
A day I feel I’ve been productive in: having read something, or learned something, worked out, cooked, written… and spent time with loved ones.
If I were sent to jail, I'd be arrested for
Either something I didn’t do, or some heroic act of vigilantism.
You should message me if
And now for what I’m looking for, especially for a more prolonged interaction.
As I said, I am obviously into languages and East Asian cultures (specifically Japanese), but I’m also happy to learn. If you’re willing to learn more about these topics (and in general) but your main field of interest is different, I’d be delighted, as I’d feel we could complete each other. (Same goes for speaking a foreign language.)
Genuine empathy matters a lot to me. If I think you lack it or deny it arbitrarily, I’ll be alarmed, but genuine warmth is something I love and will likely be drawn to you for.
With regards to personal convictions (e.g. political and religious): my main requirement is that you stick by what you believe in and be able to reasonably explain why you do. I may disagree with you fiercely, but I’ll respect you deeply for sticking by an informed opinion—I’ve gotten along surprisingly well with people from a very wide range of opinions.
Also, a pretty important pet peeve of mine: if I’m not calm or smiling there’s almost certainly a good, objective reason for it. You’re more than welcome to address those, or offer comfort and understanding, which I’ll appreciate immensely, but it really rubs me the wrong way when people try to tell me to react differently just because (‘Aw c’mon… Smile!’).
That’s about it in terms of personality. As for looks, I like soft facial features, smooth skin, and any body type that isn’t fat, or excessively muscular on women (nothing against those body types, they’re just not my taste).
Finally, as for expectations from talking: I’m not looking into anything too serious, for a variety of reasons. But I could make concessions if truly swept off my feet…
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