#I said what I said die mad about it 😘
laineystein · 2 months
Nu some of y’all have no idea what a two-state solution would actually look like. You’re living in delulu land. You’re not from here, you have no real stake in any of this, and it shows. Two-state means separate. We’re not sharing shit. Our army will never be their army. We’re not splitting expenses. You want your own country? Figure it the fuck out like every nation before you has.
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anxious-acushla · 1 year
The backlash about Noa Kirel’s performance from the anti-Israel crowd is predictable and tired. It’s a bop. She’s a queen. Get over yourselves.
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princessofxianle · 5 months
yknow what i think needs to be talked about more...?
the fact that BOTH xie lian and hua cheng attempted suicide at one or more points in their lives...
HONG ER, in indescribable agony and anger at his kingdom... he INTENTIONALLY threw himself from the wall during the parade to try and end his life
he wanted his death to be seen, he wanted his tiny insignificant bug-sized existence to splatter across the sacred streets of the capital bc he was sad and angry that he was simply too weak, too small, too godsdamned insignificant to do anything about...
XIE LIAN... at the height of his grief, losing his dream, his godhood, his friends, his sanity, his parents, HIS EVERYTHING... he hung himself with a silk-bandage noose wrapped so tightly around that it broke his fucking neck... and then he still hung there... in agony...
hong er's life was spared bc he was caught... the crown prince of his kingdom took him from his worst moment and symbolically said "you matter" to a child who felt worthless... the person who arguably meant the most to xianle looked at HIM, a dirty piece of shit, and showed him that someone didn't want him to die
but xie lian, at the lowest point in his life, had given the fuck up... and yet the universe said "im not fucking done with you, this will continue and there's nothing you can do to stop it"... his life wasn't spared like an answer to a cry for help, it was spared like forever taking away the option of sleep from the prolonged, endless, torture of his life until being simply driven mad from the pain
xie lian was given NO hope
he only ever gave it himself
hua cheng wants xie lian to see the hope he was given because he knows how it feels to have given up, but then someone, xie lian, was there... that is the truest form of love hua cheng knows
and, simply bc he was the one who caught him, xie lian knows hua cheng has the capacity to understand (even if hc himself may not explicity know about xl's attempt)
like... if you've ever been suicidal its not a state of mind you can explain to someone else and have them get it if they havent themselves once been there
basically, i love hualian and they are so perfect for each other and the sexiest and most intimate thing someone can do is lay their guts on the floor for another to see and then have them look back and go "i understand... im sorry... and im here with you in it, through it, and after..."
ok im fucking done gnight friends love you all 😘
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creative-frequency · 9 months
Some lines to consider for Raphael/reader or Raphael/Tav whichever you'd like~
"I specifically told you not to leave." and "you're not as heartless as you think you are."
Yes, he specifically tells you not to leave, but like fondly. Seems that I have a thing for that pool. Enjoy 😘
Raphael x Gender-neutral!Reader: Damned Fools
A devil, who doesn’t take pride in their professionalism and conscientiousness is a devil soon out of both souls and status. This particular contract that has brought in two succulent souls, however, is starting to feel decidedly like too much work for Raphael’s tastes.
He strides around in an exasperated circle in the House of Hope, barking orders around and smiting anyone aside, who has the ill fortune to cross his path too closely – be it by accident or purpose.
He was too greedy, too eager to claim these two sinning souls, that he didn’t even think to consider that he could be tricked.
The familiar tug of Korrilla using his might makes Raphael pause momentarily and direct his steps hastily to the boudoir.
“You idiot!” he hisses as soon as he crosses the threshold.
Then he sees Korrilla dragging your limp body towards the pool of restoration.
If he had a heart, it would have just stopped beating.
“Alive. Barely,” Korrilla answers the unvoiced question.
Raphael’s nostrils flare with burning fury. This absurd contract would one day be his downfall. Being tasked with protecting your life for mere two souls was clearly not worth the trouble. But he doesn’t really have a choice on the matter. If you die untimely, he is in breach of contract. Not a desirable outcome.
You have become more reckless with each passing year and daring adventure; too trusting that the devil on your shoulder will save you, no matter the threat. Raphael gets a headache just thinking about the contract. His only solace is that mortal lives are so fragile and fleeting. It will take only some decades until he can once again fully focus on something else.
Raphael motions for Korrilla to leave and snaps his fingers to move you into the shallow water. You’re unconscious. He has to be more careful in the future and watch you more closely. Or lock you up in the dungeons, which is starting to sound more tempting with each dip into the pool of restoration you take.
Raphael stands next to you, waiting and waiting. It takes uncomfortably long to hear the pained grunt raise from your throat.
He waits until recognition lights your face – or shrouds it with dread.
“An explanation. Now,” Raphael demands, but the tone is tinged with a hint of relief.
Your head lolls back to look at him. You try a grin, but the devil is not amused.
“The usual. Nice to see you too, Raphael.”
“You fool. You almost doomed us both. Again,” he seethes, but only you could hear the affection seeping from the words. He can never stay mad at you for long, possibly because he might end up strangling you himself.
“I know, thanks for getting me out,” you say and since he glares at you, you add: “Again. Despite what you said last time, you’re not as heartless as you think.”
“You have every intention of going back, don’t you?” Raphael asks, eyes narrowing at your cheekiness, but he leaves the last notion without attention.
“Well, they must miss me terribly,” you reply and start to gather your bearings to get up from the pool.
“You’re not going anywhere yet. Your injuries haven’t healed,” Raphael says in a sharp tone. He can see how laborious your movements are and how the pain still slashes at your body. A damned fool is what you are and he is an even worse one for entertaining you like this. He always has been too soft with you.
Raphael scowls as you haul your body up and on the third try manage to stand upright before him.
“See? All good again,” you smile and wince at a sting of pain.
“I specifically told you not to leave,” Raphael growls.
As engaging as it is to watch you struggle with the consequences of your own actions, Raphael decides he has had enough and pushes you back into the pool of restoration.
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thisonesatellite · 1 year
i was tagged by the lovely and wonderful @booksandabeer . Thank you, darling. (Transatlantic is now officially on my watch list.)
last song: People of the Sun - Rage Against The Machine
Rage slaps harder than coffee and sometimes i need that in the morning.
last show: Shadow & Bone S2
Yes. i know i'm so behind. But last year work was such that i fell behind on everything and i've spent this whole year so far catching up. i have managed to binge Stranger Things S3 AND S4 (do you see how far behind i was?), Obi Wan, Book of Boba Fett, Mandalorian S3, and The Last of Us, as well as make a small dent in the back catalogue in the shape of Leverage, Leverage Redemption, Dopesick, and The Librarians. All since December. So do not come at me with my tardiness. i'm doing my best. 😘
last movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3
i have gone to see every single MCU movie since Iron Man on opening night and despite the MCU's descent into madness and disappointment i can't stop now, you feel me. Having said that i think that Guardians was a good movie, not least because it was refreshingly self contained. i loved the fact that for a change the entire Fate Of The Universe And Everyone In It did not hang in the balance. As Angela says in Bones, "Sometimes you don't save the world. Sometimes you just make your friend happy." EXACTLY.
Also, James Gunn listened to the exact same albums as a teenager as i did, i will die on that hill. Obscure 80s British post punk anyone? Late 70s Springsteen? Parliament, Cheap Trick, Spacehog, Faith No More, Three Dog Night, fucking X? The fact that Gunn plastered a The The song across one of the emotional turning points of this movie - i almost stood up and clapped. IN THE MOVIE THEATER. (i would never. i am the person who will ask you to stop talking if you sit next to me and don't shut up. And i will be firm about it.)
If Star-Lord ever returns to the tunes of New Model Army or Mother Love Bone, i will die.
currently watching: Justified and The Umbrella Academy S3.
Still trying to make a dent in the current and back-catalogue watchlist. Do not say the word Witcher in my presence. 😂 Or Ted Lasso, which i will binge the moment the last ep drops, no matter what series i'm in the middle of. Also, now i had to put @booksandabeer's rec Transatlantic on the list WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.
currently reading: DOES IT LOOK LIKE i HAVE TIME TO READ RIGHT NOW? i BARELY HAVE TIME TO WRITE. 😂 But actually, if audiobooks count, i'm listening to An Economic History of The World since 1400 (from The Great Courses), because macroeconomics are fucking fascinating, ok? i think macroeconomic trends, constraints, and ambitions are the only reason human beings as a whole have ever done anything, ever, (and by macroeconomics i don't mean money).
All this while a stack of books collects dust on my night stand.
current obsession: the aforementioned macroeconomics, stucky (there's the historical event AND a cold war east germany spy fic to write, i'm looking at you @bittersweet-in-boston). There is also an epic dramione idea i had last year which is starting to seriously snap at my heels. i might have to visit that sandbox again. (Forgive me @mysteriouscatstellation)
Also, how do i get rid of the need to sleep? Those are hours i could use, people. Anyone have tips?
Damn, this got so long. That was way more answer than any of you were looking for, wasn't it.
Absolutely zero-pressure-tags: @cable-knit-sweater, @crisis-froggo, @mwritesff, @voylitscope, @controlofwhatido, @ace-in-reserve
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peonyblossom · 2 years
If you have time, and feel like it, would you write the conversation between E&S about what she got up to in Vegas and/or the exclusive talk? Sounds like it would be juicy 🤭
What She Did In Vegas...
Book: Open Heart 2 (post-Vegas) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sadie Oakley) Other Characters: Jackie Varma, Bryce Lahela (mention) Words: 1253 Category: Angsty fluff Rating: Mature Warnings: No actual NSFW actions, but some NSFW conversation Summary: As soon as Sadie gets home from her trip to Las Vegas with the roomies, she feels compelled to ask Ethan about their relationship becoming exclusive. AO3 link here A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to answer this! I hope you're still here and able to enjoy this fic🫶
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I didn’t cheat. I did not cheat. Right? We never said we were exclusive. And besides, what happens in Vegas… is not going to stay in Vegas. I need to tell Ethan. 
Sadie’s leg bounced up and down as she sat on the edge of her bed, waiting for her phone to turn on. She had stupidly allowed it to die on the plane home and was finally able to charge it. As soon as it turned on she rushed to unlock it and opened her text messages.
Hey! I’m back in Boston, can we talk?
Sadie put her phone down and rubbed her hands down her face. She stood up and paced around the small room, biting her thumbnail. Oh God, what is he going to say? Is he going to know something is up? What if he doesn’t want to talk to me? What if he does and– Somehow, Sadie heard her phone buzz over her thoughts. She stopped pacing and stared at her phone from a distance for a bit before working up the courage to read the message.
I coincidentally have the day off. Do you want to come over?
Sadie took a shaky deep breath before sending her response.
Yeah, sounds great! See you soon 😘
Was that too flirty? I mean, we are dating, but is it going to stay that way after this conversation? No, I need to stop thinking about it and just get ready.
Trying to physically dissolve her anxiety, Sadie shook her head, before touching up her makeup and putting on her shoes and coat. 
“Where are you going?” Jackie asked from the kitchen as Sadie was walking to the door.
“I should’ve guessed.” Jackie smirked.
Sadie rolled her eyes. “Shut up.” 
The cool air whipped itself against Sadie’s skin as she opted to walk to Ethan’s instead of taking the bus or an Uber, hoping the fresh air would calm her. It… kind of worked. Unfortunately, it also left her with more time to pour over the anxious thoughts in her brain. God, I hope he’s not mad at me. We never said we were exclusive. I was in Vegas. Shit happens in Vegas. Surely, he’ll understand that. Right? Why did I do it though? I want to be exclusive with Ethan. I don’t need anybody but him. I mean, Jackie and Bryce were fun, but definitely a ‘what happens in Vegas’ kind of moment. I don’t need to do that again. I don’t even really want to. I just want Ethan.
Upon entering the lobby of Ethan’s apartment building, Sadie used the doorbell to get buzzed in. She took another deep breath as she entered the elevator. It’s going to be fine. He’s going to understand. He won’t be mad. Fuck. She knocked on the door, just hard enough for Ethan to hear. He came to the door quickly, smiling when he saw Sadie.
“Welcome back.” He kissed Sadie’s lips chastely, before she entered the apartment. She gently kicked her shoes off and sat on the couch next to Ethan. “Is there something specific you want to talk about or you were just wanting to see me?”
“Are we exclusive?” Sadie blurted.
“What?” Ethan asked, taken aback.
“Sorry, I just, um, do you want to be exclusive?” Sadie tried instead.
“I… do, but I didn’t want to push you too fast after.. anyway, why do you ask?” Ethan gently placed his hand on Sadie’s leg, encouraging her.
She took a deep breath before answering. Just tell him. “I… hooked up with… a couple people in Vegas.”
“A couple?” Ethan questioned nonjudgmentally.
“It was… Jackie and Bryce. But please don’t tell them that I told you! At least not that I told you it was them.”
“At the… same time?”
“Yes.” Sadie looked at the ground as Ethan struggled to find a response. “Are you upset?”
Ethan quickly responded, “No! No, I’m not upset. I understand.” Sadie’s anxiety lessened immensely as soon as she heard his reassurance. “We weren’t exclusive yet and you were in Vegas. I’m really not surprised you had a hook up. The fact that one of the people was Bryce, on the other hand…”
“Okay, hey!”
“I’m just saying I didn’t think he was your type.” Ethan shrugged. “I know you and Jackie have a history, but Bryce is a bit of a surprise.”
“Okay, fine, fair enough.” Sadie sighed. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest and she could finally breathe easily again. “Thank you for understanding. Mostly.”
“You’re welcome.” Ethan wraps his arms around Sadie, pulling her into a hug and placing a kiss to her forehead. Sadie instinctively snuggled into his chest more. 
“So, we’re exclusive now?” Sadie smiled into Ethan’s chest. God, I’ve wanted this for so long.
“Yes, honey.” Ethan smiled as well.
“Yay. I’m glad we had this conversation.” 
“Me too. But I think we should have another conversation now.”
Sadie stiffened as her anxiety returned and her heart started racing. Fuck, what does he want to talk about now? “What… conversation?” She asked slowly, breaking herself out of Ethan’s hold. Did I do something wrong?
“You had a threesome. Is that something you want to do again?” 
“Um, I’d be… open to it, but it’s not something I’d… actively seek out, I think.” Sadie looked at Ethan. “Why? Is it something you want to do? Is it something you have done?” 
Ethan laughed as he pulled Sadie’s legs over his own. “I… have. A long time ago. I think it’s something I’d need to think about more before deciding if it’s something I’d like to do again.” 
“Okay. That makes sense. Just let me know if you want to, then, ’kay?”
“Okay, baby.” Ethan leaned over and kissed Sadie’s mouth. “That is definitely something I can do.” Ethan placed his forehead against Sadie’s. “Thank you for telling me about your… activities in Vegas.”
“Of course,” Sadie said before Ethan could finish.
“Is there anything else you want to tell me about the trip?” Ethan quipped.
“No, nothing like that at least.” Sadie shook her head. There was definitely more to tell him, but not right now.
“Nothing about Panacea?”
“Oh. You heard about that.” Guess she was telling him now.
“A lot of people heard about that, sweetheart.” Ethan took Sadie’s hands in his to comfort her.
“No, I know, I just…” Sadie sighed. “It really wasn’t my idea or even really about me. I just – we all just – wanted to support Jackie. They really screwed her over, you know?”
“I understand. I think you did a really great thing and I’m proud of you. But you could’ve asked me to help, you know.”
“I know and if it was my problem I would have. But, like I said, it was more about Jackie, so I didn’t want to overstep her boundaries or anything.”
“Okay. I’m happy that you would feel comfortable coming to me for help if it was you.” 
“Of course I would. I know you have my best interests in mind.” Sadie smiled sweetly while looking Ethan in the eye. “Now, if we’re done with the mushy stuff I think we should celebrate our becoming exclusive.” She smirked.
“Oh? And what did you have in mind?” Ethan raised his eyebrows as Sadie stood up from the couch.
“Well, it’s not threesome, but I think we can still come up with something fun.” Sadie winked and walked to the bedroom, leaving her boyfriend to follow.
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salaamdreamer · 1 year
Thoughts on the season one finale of Vatanim Sensin
first off I only started watching this show because I kept seeing edit and clips of hileon only to find out they aren’t the main characters. I fasted forwarded a lot in the beginning but I ended up getting hooked on the overall story and it is phenomenal. I’m gonna start out with what I didn’t like 😆 I don’t have much complaints of the show but my biggest is the way they handled Eftalya. That poor woman deserved better than to be passed around from one abusive man to another.I was honestly waiting for her storyline to connect to Ali Cemal. But the show chose to completely drop their friendship and erase their connection completely. They were literal besties 😭. Also The season finale felt like The End so I don’t know what they’re gonna do for season 2. I have so many thoughts on Commander Vasilis death but I’ll just say the only time I truly felt bad for him was when he was executed he deserved it but the way Cedet went about was shocking. Cedet dying was obvious by the premise of the show alone. Even if the showmakers decide to make him survive four gunshots to the chest and a bomb so they can bring him back for season 2 his endgame is still gonna be death. Ali Cemal leaving with Veronica and Leon would’ve never have happened if Vasilis hadn’t died. Ali Cemal breaking his promise to Yildez was bound to happen regardless of him finding his birth mother. I love Yildez but she was never gonna get chosen because as much as Ali Cemal loves her. he values family more. Him promising to run away with her was completely out of character and only done because she confessed her feeling and made him weak but I never believed he was gonna go through it and I don’t see him coming back for season 2 like yes he promised he would but as Yildez said he never keeps his promises so that to me sounded like forshadowing. I could be wrong but I still don’t see them ending together even if he does come back. Hilal was never gonna choose Leon over her family but I do wish she’d at least said goodbye but I guess it was too hard for. I know he comes back for her I’ve seen the edits 😂 but I wouldn’t have minded this being their ending . I wanted Cedet to personally kill tevfik and if he ends up surviving the bomb I’m gonna be mad like let that man die already. Lucy being the reason Charles loses was obvious from the get go but I wasn’t expecting her to be a willing participant in his demise that was nice. Also when Yaqoob made his appearance in the show midway I wasnt expecting him to play such an important part I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s apart of the main cast of season 2. Azize killing Stavros without a flinch made me so happy also the scene was shot so well with her only being seen behind honce he’s dead on the ground 😘 she’s a nurse but 😝 I wish we’d gotten a little bit more of Hilal and Yildez but other than that I think the ending was perfect and I wouldn’t have minded if it was the series finale. Tbh I’m actually a little worried that season 2 only exists because they wanted to milk the shows popularity but forcing a second season but I’m hoping I’m wrong and that the show was always gonna be two seasons.
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
Well come on then...
002 for MelRuth (looking forward to the essay that will come out of this)
Hello anon I love you for this and I love this for me, thanks for enabling me 😘😘
When I started shipping them: after watching season 3 I came to AO3 in search of more Brakenight and was shocked to discover MelRuth was a thing. So I rewatched from s1 again. Excuse to wear your furs caught my eye but See You Around caught my soul and it has been a slow descent into madness ever since. So... April maybe? Feels like a lifetime haha
My thoughts: No thoughts only MelRuth! Ha. I really flip flop on the nature of them. I absolutely adore the idea of Ruth pining after Melanie the whole time, maybe they've had flings but nothing serious, they're friends until Ruth learns the truth and her heart breaks. But I also concurrently headcanon that they did have a relationship, some time between the bees and the start of S1. They broke up but obviously there's still feelings there. And after seven years on the train they've learned how to work together even despite those feelings. The See You Around scene is everything tbh. Melanie realising love is important after all, but Ruth is just too hurt. So hurt in fact that she had been willing to let her die at one point! But she does try to delay it, asking for a trial, and I believe she had a hand in Melanie's escape with Javi and Jinju. By the time Melanie goes to Breslauer, Ruth is having a big internal conflict because she's still SO angry but also Melanie might go away forever. When she agrees to look after Alex, she's cursing herself for not being able to forgive sooner. Saying yes is saying I love you. And the longer she is away, the more Ruth realises she still loves and needs her, after all she always has "melanie on her mind" and she can "feel her out there". But then Melanie is gone, and probably dead, and the train and its people need her. And she needs someone to make her happy (enter Mr Pike). Melanie coming back is a massive emotional shock, and the two struggle to reconcile. But the love and care is still there ("I'm not going to let you go alone am I"). Until Melanie suggests working with Wilford. And after everything... Ruth can't deal with that. At the end of the war, she wants to stay, oh god she wants to stay. But she promised to look after Alex, once, and she intends to fulfil that promise. I love you too much to stay... Okay this descended into headcanon a bit but I am feral for them and the tiny glances between them and idc what you say Melruth is real if I believe hard enough 😂
What makes me happy about them: THE PINING, the little touches, the glances, the Wilford Pin, the fact I would let either of them freeze off all my limbs.
What makes me sad about them: Ben. They never said a proper goodbye (or welcome back from the dead). THE PINING. The fact season 4 is going to kill me.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: when Ruth is in the engine/bunk room before the Milford reveal with no explanation! Caveat that I am currently writing a few things like this because it was easier and yes I'm annoyed at myself for it!
Things I look for in fanfic: at this point just them being in the same room together. Just any and all content of them together and being vaguely nice to each other. But above all I'm here for the E rated fics 👀
My wishlist: I don't know if this is for fic or for canon. For canon I just want them to acknowledge that there was something there once even if there's not now. And a good hug would be nice🥺. For fic I NEED a 100k word romance, yesterday. But I'll also take anything elaborating on their history together, small fluffy fics, smut (always), all the angst. I need an AU where Mel went to the B&B, an AU where Ben doesn't exist... All of it please.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: after a significant amount of reflection I would have to say Mel with Ben 😭. The set up is there and she does love him and they can be sweet together. Ruth is easier though. Ruth/Boki! I've said before I just want her to learn to love herself, but if she had to end up with someone I'm committed to Ruboki now. Or The Notary as an acceptable alternative. As long as whoever it is makes her happy. Happy Ruth is EVERYTHING.
My happily ever after for them: this post sums it up. Or you know, in twenty years time they are old and grey in a cabin in the newly terraformed warm spot and Melanie is digging in the garden and Ruth comes and puts her arms around her because she's about to go to a council meeting where Alex is the president of the new world, or something.
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waitingforeddyneddy · 10 months
You and your anons are nuts, you speak like you actually know Simone, how she feels about people, who she’s friends with, her career moves and you can deny it until you’re blue in the face but it’s all based on two things: Instagram activity and what you want to be true. In other words, 100% fantasy. You’ve gotten to the point where you don’t even believe what Simone herself says and that’s how I know you’re all crazy obsessed stalker loser fuckups. Try living your own lives and not hers.
when you talk about Simone’s words are you talking about a line about being besties said during promotion? Because lmao
Your whole group clings to that interview and ignores that fact that JB hangs out with everyone but Simone and that they pretty much ignore each other on instagram
The only difference between you and me is that I always say it is my opinion that they’re not friends, you go around screaming at people that they are besties for life and you always use Simone to prop him up
Losers are the ones who said that Simone wore a green dress to pay homage to JB’s new role in Wicked or the ones who said Simone needed to collect her man after those photos came out of your fave being embarrassing at Wimbledon with his bestie the homewrecker 🤡🤡
JB is an asshole who couldn’t give less of a fuck about being a good co lead to Simone during promotion of s2, I don’t presume to know what’s going on in Simone’s head but let me assure you it gives me great satisfaction to see her ignore his ass and to see how supportive she is of people who were good colleagues to her
Die mad about it 😘
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tomblythsslut · 1 year
My criminal minds dr Instagram but realistic
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Caption: Look at this cutie 🦝
@Spencereid: why do you have a raccoon, I leave you alone for FIVE MINUTES and you kidnap a raccoon???
@MommyJJ: name it tiny Ray
Emmybitch: I kinda wanna eat it ngl
@Dmorgan: wtf Emily
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Caption: My wives<3 @MommyJJ and @Emmybitch
@Spencereid: why do I feel like a third wheel in my own relationship??
@MommyJJ: love you too 😘😘
@Emmybitch: wifey<3
@Dmorgan: I KNEW SHE WAS GAY @Davidrossi pay up
@Davidrossi: fine
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Caption: I left two morons and my boss with my phone and this is what I get??
@Spencereid: it really wasn't that hard to get you to leave your phone.
@Emmybitch: yeah all we needed to do was have Spencer tell you about germs on your phone and you left it with us
@HotchnerAaron: this was a funny time, but please focus on the case??
@Evie..pop: how bout you focus on deez nuts
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Caption: wtf y'all
@Dmorgan: we played a loud buzzing sound in his ears
@Spencereid: I'm still mad about it.
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Caption: my girls<3
@Spencereid: I'm not a girl but I think I look cute
@Garcia_pen: I look adorable as always 🥰😍
@Dmorgan: love you girlie ;)
@Evie..pop: no sexting in my comments PLEASE
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Caption: Missing you @Elle_green
@Elle_green: miss you too
@Spencereid: wait hold on, why don't I have Elle following me???
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Caption: My little drunk man :)
@Spencereid: I had two shots and I was drunk??
@Dmorgan: your a lightweight pretty boy
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Caption: I miss Gideon 😭😭
@Emmybitch: yk the Spencer one is accurate when you first said "I love you" to Spencer he said sorry
@Dmorgan: but I mean who doesn't love me??
@MommyJJ: me 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
@Emmybitch: ;)
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Caption: I want what they have </3
@Emmybitch: Evie we are literally married.
@MommyJJ: yeah I divorced will for her like 6 months ago
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Caption: I have tried to :,)
@Spencereid: babe..please stop with the jokes, you literally tried to overdose on your antidepressants
@Emmybitch: nah hoe if you die I die
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laineystein · 8 months
It’s okay if you don’t want to answer but what do you think of the protests blocking aid at the southern border? I feel like if anyone can have a sensible response it’s you and I’d love to be able to reblog your answer to shut people up 😝
I think that I can’t imagine what the families of the hostages are going through.
I think that as a survivor of SA my heart aches for those still in captivity who are undoubtedly suffering daily - for that reason and so many more.
I think I’m angry and I think a lot of Israel is angry that we continue to provide and facilitate the distribution of aid for a place that has done nothing but support our annihilation.
I think that Egypt needs to do more to help their fellow Arabs than to lay that responsibility on the single Jewish country in the region - again, the same country that was attacked by said Arabs.
I think that the world will hate us either way so what does it matter if we stop aid? They’ve already made up lies that it’s the IDF shooting civilians during the distribution of aid. This is just another ploy to push blood libel narratives and paint Jews as the enemy.
I think that the aid isn’t going to the people so what does it matter if it’s delayed? We’re merely inconveniencing H*mas, which is the goal.
I think that trucks that have been let through remain undirected and uncollected on the other side of the checkpoint because the international community is so busy blaming Israel and the Jews that they can’t take time to actually help the people they apparently care so much about.
I think the international community needs to do more to pressure H*mas to release our hostages and surrender. So much of this suffering could be over if that happened.
Lastly, I think that we live in a world that has proven that Jews (and Israelis by proxy) are alone and that the only one that can help us — is us. I think that we need to help ourselves before we help others. And I think that while my people are suffering at such a catastrophic level, I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. Block the trucks. I said what I said.
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anxious-acushla · 1 year
You ever read fic so good you’re like Wow, why do I even bother writing because nothing will ever be this wonderful? I’m not even self-deprecating. It was just very good. And nothing I write will ever be that good.
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torisaysyeet · 2 years
Y'all still mad about some shit I said a month ago?? lmfaooo just gonna have to die mad. If you don't work for what you want you deserve to be poor I said wtf I said, but thx for the RB I guess you thought you ate but you left crumbs all over the place LMAO 😜😘😘
LMFAO "Don't work for what you want" sorry people get depressed when they're living on the street and turn to drugs and alcohol for some semblance of escape? Sorry not every homeless person is sparkly clean and free from addiction? You're just a heartless bitch who wants to be nitpicky about who you want to help because your personal image is so fragile that any one addicted homeless person could shatter your kindhearted persona in seconds.
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
Words Unspoken - Part 4 - My Girl Mini Series (end)
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Summary: The Dagger mission is a success, and the consequences of Bradley’s voicemail catch up to him sooner than he expects.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut (finally!), unprotected sex, best friends to lovers.
W/C: 5.3k
Characters: Bradley Bradshaw, OFC (Bailey) Small Parts/Mentioned: Nick and Carole Bradshaw, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Jake "Hangman" Seresin.
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x OFC
Notes: set after the events of Top Gun: Maverick. 
A/N: thank you for sticking with me 😘😍
Betas: @cockslutpadalecki - checked the smut but its changed a lot, yet thanks and credit are still due as they are to @writercole too, I never would have finished this series without her input // @deanwinchesterswitch - as ever a thank you is never enough and one day I hope to thank you in you in person 😍 or with cold hard cash 🤣
Graphics: made by me on canva. Dividers: @writercole
Master Lists: My Girl - Series // Top Gun: Maverick // Main
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Words Unspoken
Arriving back at base, the phone in my pocket vibrates again. After the successful dagger mission, I went for a drink with Maverick to talk through our issues. It’s been sixteen hours since I left Bailey the voicemail. I don’t need to check my phone to know who’s calling. I had eighty missed calls by the time we made it back to Fightertown. I’ve ignored every one. 
She hasn’t left me any messages or texts, which is part of the reason I haven't called. I don't know what to expect, and I'm not emotionally ready for that conversation. It's been taxing enough dealing with Mav. I can't deal with drama from Bailey too.
The text notification beeps, and this time, I pull the phone from my pocket to read; If you’re not dead, answer your damn phone!
I reply, simply saying; I’m okay. Will call you tomorrow.
A call immediately comes through from her number, and I decline it, shutting the phone off before shoving it back in my pocket.
I know I should call her. Reassure her that I am, in fact, okay and explain myself, but honestly, I’m afraid. I need time to let the adrenaline of the mission pass and my nerves settle. I’ll call her tomorrow. Right now, I just want to sleep.
I’m so exhausted, and my body aches more than I knew it possibly could. I open my bedroom door and freeze. Bailey is standing in the middle of the room, her back to me, phone pressed to her ear, a hand tangled in her hair. “...need to hear your voice, just to know you’re really okay. Call me, please.”
I assume she’s leaving me a message after I ditched her call. She hasn’t noticed me yet, so I could turn and run. It’s a fleeting thought that barely forms before I sigh, “shit!”
She spins to face me, and the relief is short-lived before it shifts to anger.
“We had a fight, and you ignored me for two weeks!” She drops her phone on the nightstand, picks up a pillow from my bed, and throws it at me. It misses by a foot. “You thought you might die and said goodbye in a voicemail!” 
“How’d you even get in here?”
“Trace let me in when I told her you said goodbye in a damned voicemail!” Another pillow follows as her voice gets louder. It hits my hip as I dodge around it, doing my best to hide a wince as the sharp movement jolts my injured ribs. She doesn’t seem to notice, continuing her rant. “A VOICEMAIL BRADLEY!? And not only that, you tell me to leave Sean AND THAT YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH ME! WHAT CROSSED YOUR DAMN MIND?!”
I step inside the room and shut the door. Probably not a smart move; there are no pillows left, only heavy objects. “You gotta give me something here, sweetheart. Are you mad at me for leaving you a voicemail, not telling you I might die, or telling you what you already know is true? Pick a fight.” 
“Pick a fight. Pick a fight, he says.” She throws her arms up in the air, but it does nothing to dispel the frustration she clearly feels. “How about we start with the message? Why did you think that was a good idea?”
Good question. Why did I think that was a good idea? I gather up the pillows, moving as slow as I can as not to jolt my ribs. As I walk toward my bed, Bailey jerks out of my way like she’s afraid I might touch her. The unfamiliar reaction sends a chill through me, dread dropping like lead in the pit of my stomach, like the sudden loss of altitude. I toss the pillows back in their place, unnecessarily plumping them to take a second to calm myself while my back is to her. 
“Well, I thought about sending you a letter,” I say, turning to look at her again. “But you’d probably have received my death in service notification before it arrived. Postal service,” I shrug, “so unreliable.”
She shakes her head, disbelief blasting out in a humorless laugh. “So this is just all a joke to you?”
“It’s kinda funny.” It’s not; it's terrifying. Still, I shrug, feigning nonchalance. “It’s either laugh or freak out about it like you are.”
She cocks her hip, eyes squinting slightly, and purposely relaxes her body in an attempt to look indifferent. “I am not freaking out.” 
“Kinda are.” 
“I’m angry.” 
“Borderline freaking out,” I counter. “Tell me, how many times did you talk yourself down and leave the airport before actually getting on a plane and flying here?” 
“None.” She answers too quickly and avoids looking at me, so I know it's a lie.
“Oh yeah? So that’s at least three times.” Her mouth twitches, but she fights the smile and wins before it fully forms. “Tell me, what did Sean have to say about that?”
“Now you give a shit about what Sean thinks?”
“Stop avoiding the question.” 
“I didn’t tell him. You did.” What is she talking about? I must look as confused as I feel because she elaborates without me having to ask. “I listened to your message on speakerphone, didn’t know he was still there, and he heard the whole thing. We um…we fought, and I kicked him out.”
“So, really, you’re freaking out because I was right?”
“Bradshaw,” she shakes her head, pointing a warning finger at me. “I swear if you say I told you so, I will not be held responsible for your medical bills.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, darlin’,” but I smirk, unable to stop the arrogance from showing in some form. 
I hesitantly close the distance between us, and her familiar, sweet scent assaults my senses. I want to hug her so desperately that my chest aches, but she’s too pissed to allow me that comfort at the moment, so I take her hand in mine instead. “I deserve it; you have every right to be pissed at me. But can we not fight? It’s been a long couple of weeks, and I don’t have it in me to fight with you.” She doesn’t answer, nor does she pull away when I lean in to place a kiss on her forehead. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” asks Bailey, glancing up at me. 
I pause because I’m not sure I’m sorry for any of it. I told her how I feel, and I’m not sorry for that. My confession made Sean leave, which wasn’t my intention, but I have absolutely no remorse for that. “Which part should I be sorry for?” 
She takes a half step back and drops my hand, “Stop answering questions with questions,” she growls, frustrated.
We stare each other down for a second, and I don’t know what she wants. Do I give in to it all and kiss her like I should have years ago? Does she even want that anymore? She hasn’t told me how she feels. So what do I do?
“Bailey, I…”
The knock on my door cuts me off. “Yeah,” I call out, unable to mask the annoyance.
It opens, and Phoenix stands in the entryway, “I was just checking on Bailey,” she smiles, “but I see your back.”
“Thanks, Phoenix,” I say, trying to let go of some of the frustration for the interruption. 
“Thanks again,” Bailey calls as Phoenix winks at her, backing out.
When I shift my gaze back to Bailey, she barely makes eye contact before dropping her head. The door clicks closed, and the silence is too much to bear.
Apparently, unable to look at me, Bailey speaks to her feet. “You were saying.”
What was I saying? I don’t know. All I know is she’s here, in front of me, simply asking me to man up and say what I’ve already said to her voicemail. But my mouth seems to have other ideas, and I end up impersonating a fish out of water. 
She takes a deep calming breath and sits on my bed, folding her leg under her. She stares down at her legs, rubbing her thumb over our names on the locket. An image of her thumb being red and sore springs to mind at how many times she’s sought comfort brushing it over the inscription. 
I rush to sit next to her, close enough that her knee nudges against my hip to at least get some of the contact I desperately crave.
“What happened with Sean?” I ask, genuinely curious to know how that conversation went after he heard my confession. Plus, that’s probably the easiest subject to cover right now.
“He got mad, said he always knew you were in love with me,” she shrugs, staring at her restless hand, picking phantom lint off her jeans. “That was usually the topic of our fights,” she admits, huffing a breath. “Whenever we’d talk, he’d get jealous, said he could see that you were in love with me and I was blind if I didn’t see it. But I didn’t, I don’t,” she implores. “I let the notion of us go. Moved on and got with Sean. Stayed because I thought I actually loved him…” 
That stings. It means I was right. I was partly responsible for the pain he caused her. My fear and indecision practically pushed her into his arms.
“...On the road trip before you left, I thought maybe something had changed, and that night on the Bronco…” Her hand finds the locket again, thumb caressing the metal. “I didn’t want to put any extra pressure on you. But then, the next morning, I knew we both wanted it. You practically said it, but then I gave you an out, and you took it. You didn’t fight me on it, and I was relieved I hadn’t messed up our friendship. Over time I guess I convinced myself,” she pauses and corrects herself, “I realized it was all in my head. I was seeing stuff that wasn’t there.”
“That’s not true-”
“Do you want to hear this or not?” she sasses, her eyebrow raising as she finally meets my gaze with a determined one of her own.
She needs to know how wrong she is about us, about me. And I really don’t want to hear any more about her relationship with that asshole. But I can’t say I’m not curious about what made her finally end it, aside from their fight. I should let her finish. It’s probably better that I understand how completely wrong she is about everything before I correct her.
She takes my silence as a sign to continue. “I got off track, sorry,” she sighs, and it's loaded with weariness. “Sean wasn’t buying it, said I was delusional and that he wouldn’t play second best to someone…”
I’ve stopped listening. All I can focus on is the movement of her lips, the uncertainty in her expression. She doesn’t believe what Sean believes. She doesn’t believe the words I spewed into her voicemail. For one of the smartest people I know, she’s pretty clueless. How does she not know that it’s all true, that I’m the idiot for not kissing her that night or following through the next morning? Because I’m the one who should have admitted that she’s been it for me since the day we met. I’m the one who fucked us up more times than I can count because I thought… You know what? Enough thinking, Bradshaw.
She’s rambling now, but I cut her off with a quick kiss. A peck that makes her squeak in surprise. I draw back and cup her cheek. Uncertainty lingers in her eyes, the question of whether we are crazy for doing this. I imagine my expression is a reflection of hers, and our eyes flick between a shy, yearning gaze to each other's lips. She hasn’t pulled away yet; that’s a good sign. Right? She remains entirely still, so before I can change my mind, I creep closer again. 
“I love you,” I whisper over her mouth, and she inhales sharply. I don’t have to wait long before she leans into it and kisses me back. God, it’s better than I dreamed. 
I kiss her twice, three times, and then our tongues meet. Her hands lock around my neck, and my stomach flips. This is our first true kiss. The sensations are overwhelming - blood rushing in my ears, heart hammering in my chest, hair rising on my skin like I touched a live wire. It all feels so extraordinary yet so familiar. Maybe I’ve dreamt about it for so long that it feels like we’ve done it a hundred times before.
Rising on her knee, she maneuvers over me to sit on my lap. It’s still not close enough, and I run my hands down her sides, grasping her hips to bring her with me when I stand. Her arms tighten around my neck, squealing into the kiss she plants on my neck. 
I still for a second, holding her against me, fighting through the pain lifting her causes my ribs. I try to lose myself in the sensations of her lips feathering over my skin, the grip of her hand fisting my shirt, fingers of her other hand stroking at my nape, and just stand there holding her against me. When she nips my earlobe whispering my name, I finally turn and lay her on the bed, head resting amongst the replaced pillows.
She wraps her legs around my waist, eagerly kissing me as I move over her trying to keep most of my weight off her, but she keeps me pulled close. I don’t want to stop kissing her, but my lungs start to burn, and my ribs sting when her legs tighten. I can’t help but grimace, hissing into her mouth.
Loosening her hold, she pushes her head back into the pillow, eyeing me with concern. “Are you hurt?”
The pain must still show on my face because she unlocks and drops her legs. I shake my head, tugging her leg at the knee, trying to encourage her back. “I’m fine.” The concern morphs to disbelief, and before I can lie again, she not so lightly jabs me in the ribs, making me recoil, folding in on myself and flopping down beside her on the bed, hand cradling my left side. Before the bed stops bouncing, she’s propped up on her elbow, looking down at me.
“What happened?”
I close my eyes and take a deep, shuddering breath, waiting for the pain to ebb. Once it’s back to a dull ache, I open my eyes, and my breath immediately catches in my throat. She looks so beautiful with her kiss-swollen lips and brow creased in concern. It takes every ounce of willpower not to reach out and yank her toward me. I settle for running my thumb over her lips, and she kisses the pad before I cradle her cheek.
“Mav took a hit for me, he went down, and I went after him. I had to eject,” fear flashes across her features, and her eyes drop. “I landed in the snow after I hit a tree. I’m okay. Nothing’s broken, just bruised.”
Quietly she asks, “Can I see?”
Hoping she doesn’t freak out again when she sees the bruising, I slowly slip off my shirt. My undershirt proves to be a little more difficult, and Bailey helps, gingerly pushing it up and off over my head. Her fingers hover over the injury as I lay back against the mattress.
“You really could have died,” she says, and it only seems to sink in at this moment.
There’s no adequate response for me to give. I put my life in danger every time I climb into a cockpit, and I can’t promise I won’t do it again because we both know that's not possible.
“Bailey,” I implore, and she brings her tearful eyes to meet mine. “I’m sorry I didn’t call after our fight. I’m sorry I said goodbye in a voicemail. I’m sorry I’m an idiot and didn’t do this sooner.” I lean in and press our lips together, lingering while I fight the urge to take it further, but I need to say this. “I’m not sorry that I’m in love with you.” My fingers run through her hair, eyes searching hers for any sign that she forgives me for all of it. I’ll beg forever if she asks me to. “But if I’m too late… if you’ve moved on and you don’t want me-“ 
“That’s not-“
“Do you wanna hear this?” I snark, and she mimes locking her lips and throwing the key over her shoulder. “If you don’t want me or if this,” I point to my bruise, “is too much, we can go back to how things were. I’m not saying it’ll be easy now that I know how it feels to kiss you, but I need you in my life. You're a part of me, and I can’t be without you. So if you don’t want us, I’m fine with that, or at least I will be. It will take time, but I’ll…”
Warm, soft lips cut me off, and it takes a second for me to process. My brain catches up as she starts to pull away, and I quickly slip my fingers around the back of her neck, holding her against me. For a brief moment, hope surges through my veins, only to be stalled when she pushes back against my hold.
“I’m in love with you, too,” she whispers, so ardently her whole body seemingly sighs, releasing years of tension from words unspoken. 
“You are?” I press, hoping she’ll repeat the words I’ve been dreaming of since I was a teenager. 
“I love you, Bradley,” she repeats, caressing my face as a shy but content smile forms.
“I love you, Bailey.”
“Prove it,” she challenges with a smirk.
My hand cups her cheek, our lips meeting again, this time in a slow tantalizing kiss, mouths moving in tandem. 
I push up onto my elbow and moving in sync, like a dance we’ve been practicing for years, she lets me lead in laying her flat again, climbing over and pinning her beneath me. The time for talking is done. I don’t have any words left, and with the way her body molds to mine, I’m not sure I remember how to form words anyway. I’ve said all I can say. Now it’s time to show her.
We take our time, lazy and tender, exploring each other. It’s not the desperate, heated passion I thought our first time would be. My hands roam under her shirt and over the soft flesh of her stomach, the muscles flexing beneath my touch. Tugging the cup of her bra down, Bailey moans when my fingers brush over her pebbled skin. Her body arches toward me, and then she’s pushing against my shoulder. 
“We’re both overly dressed for this occasion,” she jests, and the smirk she flashes me is new.
Like a stealth strike, it hits me out of nowhere. This is the woman, the love of my life, the one person I've shared all my experiences with, and I'm about to experience her in ways I've only ever imagined in my dreams. Fuck. I could come from that thought alone.
I free her long enough for us both to completely undress, and then she’s back in my arms, limbs tangled together. The pain radiates outward from my chest, searing through the nerves and tissue, no longer allowing me to ignore it, as the slightest movement wreaks havoc on my ribs. I grimace, eyes squeezing tight as I try to fight through it. “Fuck. Ow. Oh shit,” I grumble against her mouth, and she draws back, worry etched all over her face.
“We should stop,” she says, concern and an air of disappointment in her tone. 
“Absolutely not. Just let me get comfortable.”
She waits for me to lay on my good side. The grimace on her face, a gesture of shared pain, is adorable, and I grunt a string of curses when the rising chuckle turns to a sharp stab.
I still want, need, as much contact as possible, but it’s proving to be complicated. So I have to settle for holding her hips and kissing her. She whimpers into my mouth, and her hand smoothes down my chest, careful to avoid my injury, and grips my cock.
She groans, “Shit. I knew you were big.”
So she has thought about it too.
I don’t want to stop kissing her, but the need to taste her is overpowering. I need it more than I need to take a breath. I break the connection, kissing her neck, and cautiously slip lower - damn fucking ribs -  to her breasts. I nudge her knee with a slight tap of my hand, and she widens her legs just as my hand reaches her sex. I swirl my tongue around her nipple, sliding a finger through her folds. She’s so wet and warm. My cock twitches in anticipation of being buried in her.
“Get back up here,” she demands when I move low enough that my cock is out of her reach.
“Need to taste you,” I mope. 
She’s shaking her head when she cups my jaw. “There’s no way you can do that without hurting yourself more, and I’m seriously going to die if you're not inside me in the next two seconds.”
I groan needily, the sound near a growl rumbling low in my chest. Holy fuck. I never knew she had a mouth on her. But I like it. I’m gonna be the one to die if she keeps surprising me by fulfilling all the nasty fantasies I’ve had about her.
I guide my middle and index finger through her slick, teasing around her clit. She’s so wet already that there’s little resistance when I slip them inside her. Curling my fingers makes her squirm, and a sweet moan falls from her lips as she licks them.
“Well, at least let me make you come first,” I say, thumb gently circling her clit. The moment I apply a little pressure, her back arches, and she cries out. 
Fuck. It’s going to take a lot of willpower not to embarrass myself.
While I work her over, she continues to pump me, adding a little twist of her wrist and thumbs over the head of my dick. I wanna close my eyes and revel in the feel of her touching me in all the ways I’ve been craving but watching her face contort in pleasure is like a winter sunrise, blinding but beautiful. I can’t look away. Pushing in deeper, I twist and scissor my fingers, hitting that sweet spot, and her grip tightens around me. 
“Right there, huh?” I ask redundantly. Bailey whines in response, so I add a little more pressure.
Eyes fluttering closed, she mutters, “Fuck, Bradley,” as her pussy clamps around my fingers, her climax soaking my palm.
Once she’s recovered, she releases my dick and props herself up on her elbow. There’s a hint of desperation in her now. Her other hand clamps around the back of my neck and pulls me to her mouth, teeth nipping at my bottom lip, sucking on it as she pulls back.
“I need you,” she begs, looking up at me with hooded eyes. “Please.”
Does she know what she’s doing to me? Those big innocent eyes and reddened pouty lips. I don’t know how much more I can take. I yank her closer, and instinctively she throws her leg over my hip.
“Fuck!” I shout up to the ceiling. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” she mutters. 
“It’s okay,” I pant through gritted teeth, closing my eyes. Gasping and crying out due to an injury and not because I’m buried deep inside her wet heat is so not how I imagined our first time. I hate that I can’t claim her in all the ways I want.
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” Bailey suggests, and my eyes pop open. 
“We most certainly should,” I say, “I’m just gonna need to take it easy.”
“I have an idea,” she says, teeth cutting into her bottom lip as she rises onto her elbow. “Lay down.”
“We’re still doing this, right?” I ask before moving even a millimeter. “Otherwise, I’m not moving.” 
“We’re still doing this,” she assures me, “but with as little effort from you as possible.”
I frown, brow pulled tight, “that doesn’t sound like us doing it to me.”
“Would you shut up and do as you're told?”
I huff as I follow her earlier instruction, moving slowly to lay beside her. Once I’m settled, she moves to straddle me, careful to ensure her knees don’t touch my injury.
Fingers wrapping around my cock again, she slides the length of me through her folds, coating me in her slick. When she lines me up with her entrance, I nudge at her clit, making her hiss, and I can’t help but gently rock up to do it a few more times.
“Bradley, stop,” she scolds, rising back up. “You’re supposed to be taking it easy.”
“But,” I whine, rocking up again, seeking it out, and her eyes flutter when I hit it, “I wanna see those faces.”
With a stern glare, she pins me down, hands on my shoulders. “I will just stop.” 
“Okay, okay, I’ll behave,” I smirk, “well maybe.”
She ignores me and eases back down. “This okay?” she asks, leaning down to kiss me softly. 
“Uh-huh.” It’s all I can manage because the feel of her silky walls around me is taking all my coherent thought to remind myself I’m hurt and not to fuck up into her.
Steadily lowering herself, she moves her hand, lightly trailing her fingers over my stomach. The hitch in her breath matches mine when her ass meets my hips.
Eyes closed, she hums delightfully and drops her head into the crook of my neck. “Are you okay?”
“I’mma need a second,” I admit. “I don’t want this to be over quicker than it should be.”
“So let's go slow,” she suggests, and I can feel the smug smile against my throat. Turning, I kiss the side of her head and lift my hips to encourage her to move.
She sets a steady leisurely rhythm, kissing along my jaw to capture my lips. I swallow her whimpers, and she steals my groans as she rises and falls. It's painful, my ribs burn, and it will hurt like hell tomorrow, but I can deal with it because Bailey is riding me. It feels better than anything I ever imagined, and nothing will stop me from enjoying this. 
Her fingernails sting, leaving behind small indents in the curve of my shoulders as my palms mold to the mounds of her breasts, kneading the smooth flesh - velvet and fire, passion and sin. Our bodies work in tandem like they were purposefully made for each other. Her pace is sweet and sensual; she’s controlling our movements, dictating our trajectory.
Her walls tighten around me, pulling me in deeper, making my cock twitch feeling how close she is to release. Locking eyes with her, I push my thumb into her mouth, and she sucks on it with fevered enthusiasm. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna need to feel you do that on my cock, real soon!” 
She smirks proudly, releasing my thumb. “Oh, you will, I promise.” 
The now wet digit trails down her neck and over her left nipple, pinching and tweaking the flesh until she hisses, arching her back so forcefully she shucks me up the bed. “Oh shit, Bails, take it easy. I’m injured.”
She laughs at my partly jesting tone but doesn’t slow or stall her rolling hips. “Don’t do that again then!”
I slip my hand between our bodies, and she tips forward so I can reach to thumb her clit, swirling a circular pattern that causes her to come undone almost immediately.
“Holy fuck, Bradley, oh–oh, god, yes!” 
I can’t hold back any longer, spilling into her with stuttered jerking thrusts until I’m done. She falls forward, hands slapping into the bedding to prevent her from falling on top of me. She buries her face in my shoulder as she whimpers and pants for breath.  
“Fuck, I wish we’d done that sooner,” she wheezes.
“Me, too,” I say, kissing her shoulder. 
We lay together, and I tell her about the dagger mission. She was never a fan of Hangman. She’s met him a couple of times but decides that now she hates him when I detail how he made the connection between Mav and my Dad and brought it up in front of everyone. I make a mental note to pre-warn Hangman before he sees her again. She’ll likely slap him on sight.
“I stopped thinking, and I just reacted,” detailing what happened. “I went after Mav, we stole a jacked-up F14, fought our way back to the carrier, and there was a moment... I really thought it was the end. The ejection handle didn’t work, the guy had us dead to rights, but Seresin saved our asses.”
“Huh,” she scoffs, “he’s still an ass.”
I don’t want to talk about what could have been anymore. I’ve got everything I wanted right here with me. So I reach over and smack her ass. “Enough talking,” I say. “I’m exhausted. Let’s get some sleep and I’ll tell you all the ‘Hangman’s-an-ass stories’ tomorrow.”
“Deal,” she chuckles, kissing me quickly before jumping up and heading for the bathroom. 
As she exits, I hand her a bottle of water, slipping in behind her to take my turn. It only occurs to me now, as I enter the main room again, that I didn’t lock the door. Task accomplished, I pivot to find Bailey pulling my shirt up her arms.
“Oh hell no,” I say, sauntering over and pushing it off her shoulders. “You’re never to be dressed when we’re alone ever again.” 
“Sorry,” she laughs and drops her arms, letting it slip to the floor.
“You’re forgiven, now back to bed,” I demand, patting her ass and pointing over her shoulder. 
She goes without protest, and I follow. We lie there exchanging lazy, sloppy kisses, needing sleep but wanting to live in the afterglow a while longer. Eventually, we settle, her leg over mine and her head on my shoulder as she cuddles into my side. 
This is how it should have been from the moment she woke me to go on our road trip. I should have taken her then and there, not wasted so much time. I start laughing as the thought reminds me of her insulting my manhood. 
“So,” I say, sleepily but unable to keep the cocky grin from my tone, “did I get big enough for the future Mrs. Bradshaw?”
She sucks in a breath, nearly choking, but coughs it away and hums an affirmative.
“If that is a shock to you,” I chuckle, “you definitely haven’t been paying attention.”
“Bailey Bradshaw does have a nice ring to it,” she says, a broad smile in the kiss she presses over my heart. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
I don’t want to fall asleep. I want to live in the aftermath for a minute longer, but exhaustion sets in, and I can’t fight it. I start drifting off, the warmth of Bailey next to me grounding me to the present, keeping me from falling asleep, the day repeating on a loop. I saved Maverick today, and I got the girl. My girl. Maybe it’s the adrenaline beginning to fade or the lifted weight of a revealed secret, but I can hear my dad, clear as day, “I’m proud of you, son.” and I can see my mom smiling up at him. “We’re both so proud of you, Bradley.” 
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Thank you for reading 📖
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Master Lists: My Girl - Series // Top Gun: Maverick // Main
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Silco x Reader, if you were pregnant
Silco x Biracial GN!Reader
Ended up losing my mind and writing a tiny drabble at the end of this (was not my intention but it's adorable so you know) most of this though is complete and utter crack, idk why these hdcs popped into my head but they did, and I hope you appreciate them lol.
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Dude would legit be a helicopter mom (saw someone else say it like that and 100% agree) absolutely be like this: 👁️👄🔴 at you 24/7. Stares at you all the time because he's afraid the baby's just gonna like, fall out of you. You so much as laugh in a weird way and he's like "omfg are you okay should I call the doctor?!😭". You always laugh at the way he acts. Telling him you're fine and that he can relax, that he doesn't need to be ringing his hands every two seconds. You're very soft with him though, even if you tease him a little, as you understand he's just concerned about you and the baby.
While Silco is very excited to meet his future child, he has this weird thing where he almost looks at his future kid as any enemy.(OH OH THE MIS-sorry). Like obviously he sees everyone else as an enemy too. (OH OH THE-*GUNSHOT*), he lets no one near you, (within reason of course), but since he cares about you so much and would literally die and kill for you, he sees this baby of yours and his as almost a parasite. Since you're pregnant, you're obviously dealing with a lot of changes and symptoms: morning sickness, aching and swelling feet, trouble sleeping, general uncomfortableness etc. And Silco basically gets mad at the baby. Like legit this man might fight a baby. Sometimes when you're dealing with really bad nausea and he's near you doing as much as he can to ease your symptoms, he's glaring at your belly-at the baby- because HOW DARE THIS BABY MAKE YOU FEEL SO FUCKING AWFUL. It's clearly irrational. Obviously. Cause as we've seen from Dad!Silco, he'd legit burn the world down for his kid (or realistically defend the fact his kid (Jinx) burned down the world down...) So OF COURSE he's gonna love and protect this kid with his life, but since he hates seeing you in any type of discomfort, and his emotions have gotten all out of wack too, this irrationality is very present. When you found out -after Sevika caught him glaring at your belly and demanded he tell her what the hell that was about- you found it hilarious and adorable and almost sweet, he was just being his protective self. Sevika nearly died of laughter and literally couldn't breathe after finding out, and that was probably the closest thing her and Jinx had to a bonding moment as Jinx too nearly collapsed from laughter as well. Silco was mortified and embarrassed, and blamed the baby.
Would obviously be in the delivery room with you. I've seen some hcs where he's waiting outside a nervous wreck and losing his mind (and obviously he'd still be that and I still like those hcs) but I cannot imagine our guy leaving you alone to give birth. First off, he wants to be there for you and help as best he can, and second of all, HE TRUSTS NO ONE (except you Jinx and Sevika of course 😘), so of course he'd be in there with you. Those doctors could be hired assassins or double agents or some shit. Of course he's done thorough research on what doctors interact with his family, but that doesn't stop the distrusting thoughts from running through his head. He's glaring at the doctors and nurses every other minute, judging every decision they make and making it very known. And if it wasn't for the fact he was literally The Eye of Zaun™- they'd have kicked him out immediately. (Side hdc: I picture one of the nurses literally hates him with everything in her being, and detests him questioning and demanding everything, and has thought about is it worth the risk of the unstable blue haired girl, and the love of his life going after her, and after weighing her odds... It was almost worth it.)
Speaking of the delivery room, like I said Silco would be in there with you the whole time doing whatever it is you needed. Holding your hand, kissing your forehead, telling you sweet words of comfort, letting you shatter his hand bones, distracting you with gruesome stories about work that would horrify the doctors, bring Jinx and Sevika in to also distract you, let you crush his fingers and hand, would never take it personal if you told him to fuck off because he understands you're in great pain, kisses your forehead again because you love that physical touch, would never leave your side, you don't want him to, doesn't need his hand anyway, he's lived life well enough with one eye, he can do it with one hand too, would have you in the most comfortable bed in the universe with any and all things from home that would make you more comfortable. This man will do any and everything to make the birth as easy a process as possible and you absolutely love him for it. (you'd apologize profusely afterwards though for cursing at him and he'd hear none of it).
Would be so awestruck and nervous to hold the baby. I think it's fandom consensus Silco would be a lil nervous guy when about to hold his newborn child. They look so small and tiny and delicate. You'd be holding the baby, exhausted and so happy, and he'd be right near you of course, with Jinx on the bed with you, promising all the cool weapons she'd be inventing for them, and Sevika would be hovering over with her cigarette (to the horror of the doctors) nodding at how strong the baby looked and how a lot less annoying they looked then Jinx, to which Jinx would give her the finger. Silco would be quiet the whole time, just watching you and the baby and Jinx and Sevika. His little family. He saw the whole birth, cut the umbilical cord himself, and yet his hands trembled with anxiety at the thought of holding something so tiny. You'd finally look at him, realizing how quiet he'd become.
"Do you wanna hold them?" You'd ask smiling with kind understanding eyes that spoke way more to Silco then any words could.
He'd pause, thinking about his next words. "I... Don't know..." He'd finally say.
Jinx and Sevika would encourage him, excited and serious tones hitting him as he looked at his baby. He wouldn't be able to help the tiny itty-bitty smile from appearing on his face as Sevika and Jinx continued to encourage him.
"You don't have to yet, if you're not ready." You'd cut in gently, immediately silencing Jinx and Sevika.
Silco shook his head slowly. "No... I want to hold them... I just... I've never done this before." He'd look at you with a rare moment of vulnerability. "What if I mess up..."
You'd smile at him, your emotions all over the place from just delivering an entire human, and you could feel the tears brimming in your eyes.
"You'll do perfect." Is all you say. Silco takes a breath and nods, shaking the nerves off him.
"okay, I want to hold them." He says.
There's a lot of maneuvering and chaos as you begin to hand the baby to him, soft, kind directions that the nurse had told you not that long ago, along with similar additions from Jinx and Sevika, loud and probably unneeded, but very much appreciated by Silco as he took his baby in his arms, wide eyed.
He would stare at the tiny bundle, the wrinkly little face and squeezed shut eyes -Jinx and Sevika had been roasting only minutes before - with complete awe, it's almost as if he's holding his breath. They have your skin tone, your coily hair, his sharp nose. Cute and pudgy, yet his nose nonetheless. He can't help but smile at that. You can literally see all his emotions through his face, his eye, as he stares down at your baby. He has a very rare, soft smile on his face as he brushes a finger gently over the baby's cheek, earning an adorable coo from them as they move around in their snug blanket.
"Awwwwwwwww!!" Jinx mutters with her hands clasped.
Sevika turns away whipping her eye and mumbling about dust in the room.
You stare at Silco with tear filled eyes as you gently put a hand on his arm. He looks down at you, his soft smile still on his face. The baby coos again and lets out a little cry, then returns to sleep.
"they're perfect." Silco says to you, there's a slight crack in his voice and you squeeze his arm gently.
"Yes they are, my love." You whisper, brushing a loose strand of his hair from his face. You can tell the slight nervousness has returned and he gently hands the baby back to you, nearly getting thrown to the ground (again) as Jinx gives him a hug. He returns it, planting a kiss on her forehead. Jinx scoots near the baby again, talking about a super unique middle name they have to give them. Sevika- having recovered - will disagree with every one of Jinx's suggestions and offer up her own.
"Diggly is a terrible middle name, Sevika." Jinx will say with narrowed eyes.
"It's more unique and normal than 'Thunderbomb'." Sevika will retort back.
Silco will find a spot next to you on the bed, wrapping an arm around you and planting a firm kiss on your forehead. You smile, leaning into the kiss. The baby coos for a third time, this time, raising their pudgy little hands out. Silco will let the baby trap one of his fingers as he whispers to you.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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hoboal87 · 3 years
Nothing Else Matters
Pairing: Dean x f!Reader
Characters: Dean, f!Reader, Bobby, minor mentions of Sam
Summary: Six months before Dean's Demon Deal is due, he receives unexpected news.
Warnings: fluff, angst, sads, unplanned pregnancy, daddy!dean, past fertility issues, major character death
Word Count: 2.7k+
A/N: thanks to @synmorite for being and Alpha and Omega reader for me, love ya Syn 😘
A/N 2: this cover version of "Nothing Else Matters" helped inspire me
Beta'd by @writethelifeyouwant, thanks Mads!
My Dean Masterlist
My Full Masterlist
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“C’mon, sweet girl,” Dean coos down at the infant in his hands. He’s done it all: changed her, fed her, burped and bathed her, but Avery just keeps crying. Y/N’s voice fills the room, singing the soothing lullaby that usually calms Avery, but even that isn’t doing the trick tonight. Dean chimes in, hoping that hearing both his and Y/N’s voices will do the trick, but the infant keeps wailing against his bare chest. “I don’t know what else you want, peanut,” Dean sighs as Y/N moves on to the next song.
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January 2008
“You’re serious?” Dean asks Y/N as she hands him a positive pregnancy test. “I thought– You said that you couldn’t get pregnant.”
“I guess the doctors were wrong,” Y/N shrugs.
Once their relationship started to get serious, Y/N had made a confession, hoping it wouldn’t be a deal-breaker: she may never be able to give him children. They were still young, and Dean admitted he never really thought about it before, having kids; not with the life he and Sam lived. Dean didn’t want to raise a child the same way his dad raised him.
If monsters were gone, and he and Y/N could live some apple-pie life, he’d love to have a family with her. But right now, he only has a few months before the contract on his soul comes due. The thought that he’s leaving Y/N alone and pregnant, to raise their child on her own, is too much to bear.
“Say something, De.”
“Just– gimme a second, Y/N,” Dean says more harshly than he means to.
“I know you said you didn’t ever want kids–”
“That’s not what I said, Y/N. This life? It’s not safe. You know that as well as I do, so when you told me that you couldn’t have kids, yeah, I was relieved. I don’t wanna bring more innocents into this fucked-up hunter's life. And now… now, you’re telling me that you’re pregnant... I’m dead in a couple of months, and you wanna bring a kid into this?”
“Fuck you, Dean.” Y/N says, reaching for her bag. “You think I planned this? That I thought ‘hey Dean’s gonna be dead in six months, might as well try to get knocked up?’”
“I don’t know, Y/N. We haven’t been using protection for years, and now, now, you’re pregnant. Have you been lying to me this whole time?”
“I can’t believe you. You wanna die alone, Dean? You don’t wanna worry about me and our baby? Fine. Enjoy the rest of your life.”
Before Dean can say another word, Y/N is out the door, and he can hear the rumble of her engine turning over. It’s not that he doesn’t want kids, he’d love to be a dad one day, but the second he’d traded his soul for Sam’s life, he’d put that thought far behind him.
As the sound of the roaring engine begins to fade away, Dean comes to his senses, running out the door. He can’t– he won’t let Y/N leave, even if their time left is limited, he wants to spend every second that he can with her.
Y/N’s stopped at the edge of the parking lot when he catches up to her.
“Wait!” Dean bangs on the window, waiting for her to roll it down. “Please, Y/N, I’m sorry, don’t leave.”
“Why, Dean?”
“Sweetheart, please, just come back to the room.”
“Again, Dean, why?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I don’t want you to leave like this, come back to the room, let’s talk, and if you still want to leave, I’ll let you go. If you’re gonna have my kid, even if I’m not gonna be around, I deserve to know what your plan is.”
“Fine,” Y/N scoffs and Dean can practically see the anger radiating off of her. He can’t say he blames her, he’d accused her of getting pregnant on purpose, lying about not being able to have kids. He knew how much she wanted them, how she’d seen more doctors than he could count hoping that one of them would give her a sliver of hope. But they all told her the same, fibroids, combined with the years of hunting, had done extensive damage to her systems and would make it nearly impossible for her to ever have kids.
“I’m sorry,” Dean repeats again as Y/N settles on the bed, knowing no matter how many times he says it, he can’t take the hurtful words back. “I just– if I thought– I didn’t ever expect this.”
“I didn’t either, Dean. And I’ve been terrified to tell you. I’ve been waiting and waiting, thinking that maybe I was wrong. I took that test almost two weeks ago, and I’ve taken one every day since, thinking maybe it was a false positive. But ten positive tests can’t be wrong. This baby, Dean… it’s a miracle, it’s our miracle. And I know that you’ll be gone soon–” Y/N doesn’t finish, tears escaping from her eyes, and Dean moves forward, encasing her in his arms.
“I know, sweetheart.”
“And I don’t want to do this alone, Dean, I want our baby to have both of us in their life. That’s why you have to let Sam try to find a way to break your deal.”
“Not if it ends with him dead.”
“Dean, I love Sam like a brother, you know I do, but if he’s willing to make the same deal that you did, that John did… we're going to be parents, Dean, it's not just about us anymore."
Dean considers Y/N’s words, and he resolves to let Sam try to find a way to get him out of his contract, fruitless though it may be. But he won’t let Sam die so that he can live, though he isn’t telling Y/N that. He gives her a slight nod, and pulls her in for a gentle kiss. “I love you, sweetheart, and know that even if I’m not here, I love our baby so much already.”
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April 2008
Dean’s year is coming to a close sooner than he’d like, so he commits himself to spending as much time with Y/N as possible. Once she had a close call on a hunt, they decided together that she needed to retire, it was bad enough that their daughter would be without a father, he wouldn’t let her grow up without a mother too. A daughter. Dean was gonna have a little girl, Avery, Y/N insisted on her name, even though Dean laughed. It was a last name, he’d said, kids shouldn’t have last names as first names.
Dean watches in awe as Y/N’s belly grows larger, imagining the life that he hopes his daughter will have, one free of death and monsters. Though she’ll already be down one parent by the time she enters the world. They’re decorating the nursery, a spare room at Bobby's, and Dean can’t help but laugh. Bobby Singer now has a nursery in his home. Y/N’s singing along to one of Dean’s cassettes, insisting that Avery’s favorite song is already 'Nothing Else Matters.'
“I’m serious!” She laughs as Dean rolls his eyes, though he can’t lie that it actually makes him very happy that Avery’s learning the classics already. “Look,” she says, bringing Dean closer to her, putting his hand on her belly. “So close, no matter how far, couldn't be much more from the heart,” a slight kick comes from Avery. “Forever trusting who we are, and nothing else matters.”
“That’s m’girl,” Dean whispers, placing a kiss on Y/N's belly. “Never opened myself this way, life is ours, we live it our way. All these words, I don't just say, and nothing else matters.”
“We should have you record it, so she’ll always know what your voice sounds like. She won’t have to guess. You can make a bunch of tapes!” Y/N says excitedly, pulling a tape recorder out from a hiding place, something that she had clearly been planning. “You can tell her stories, have tapes for special occasions.”
“That’s a little morbid, sweetheart. ‘Sides, I thought you were counting on Sammy to get me out of my contract.”
“I’m making some too,” Y/N says, ignoring his comment. “So if I’m on a hunt and she can’t sleep, Bobby can play it for her. It’ll be fun, please De?”
“Fine,” Dean says with feigned annoyance, and settles in a chair, as Y/N brings him the tape recorder. He doesn’t know what to say, what are you supposed to say to your unborn child that you’ll never see grow up? “Hey, baby girl,” he hesitates, “it’s your dad, and I just want you to know how much I love you, and your mom, you are so lucky to still have her, peanut, her and your uncle Sammy. I’m so sorry that I can’t be here to watch you grow up, honey, know that if I could, I’d give anything to change that. And I want to apologize for the lullabies, it’s your mother’s fault,” he looks up to Y/N, tears filling her eyes and gives her a wink. “Well, your mom’s turning into a blubbering mess, so I’m gonna stop this here for now. I love you so much Avery, don’t you ever forget that.”
Once Y/N’s calmed down, she and Dean finish in the nursery before Sam calls and tells Dean and Bobby that he’s found a way to get Lilith. Dean leaves Y/N with a passionate kiss, she refuses to let him give her a final goodbye, instead insists that she’ll be waiting for him to come home. It leaves him uneasy, it’s only a matter of days before hellhounds will be hunting him down, and if Sam’s plan doesn’t succeed, then he’ll never get to say all the things he wants to say to her, and to Avery.
All he can do is hope that Sam’s plan works, and soon he’ll be reunited with his family.
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Dean wakes in a barren field, unsure what’s happened. He remembers bits and pieces, Ruby betraying them, making sure to tell Sam to watch over Y/N and Avery, the hellhounds clawing at his chest, Y/N’s face filling his vision one last time before everything went black.
After clawing his way out of the ground, he makes his way down the road, hoping that eventually it will lead him back to civilization, back to Y/N, back to Avery. How long had he been gone? A week? A month? Years? What if Y/N has moved on and someone else has been raising his daughter with her?
He treks along, eventually finding what appears to be an abandoned gas station. Maybe just empty, as nothing has expired and everything is stocked. There’s a newspaper stand, and Dean reluctantly looks for the date, hoping that it’s only been a short time that he’s been gone.
“September,” he mumbles, four months, Avery would be about a month old, he hadn’t missed that much, she wouldn’t ever remember him not being there. He tries calling Y/N and Sam, but both numbers are disconnected. He tries Bobby next, but he doesn’t believe him. He steals the lone car from the gas station and makes his way to Sioux Falls, hoping that’s where Y/N and Avery are waiting for him to return.
“Hey, Bobby,” Dean smiles as the door to Bobby’s home opens. It takes some convincing, but when he’s satisfied, he lets Dean in, wrapping him in a tight hug, only to be broken up by the cries of what Dean hopes is Avery.
“She’s here?” He asks, a large smile forming on his face. “Can I… can I see her?”
“Course, son, she’s yer kid.”
Dean hesitantly makes his way up to the nursery that he and Y/N meticulously decorated. He enters the room, only for it to be filled with the growing wails of Avery, though he can hear Y/N’s voice coming through a small speaker. She’s hunting? So soon?
Laying eyes on his daughter for the first time fills Dean’s heart with more love than he’s ever known before. Avery is the perfect mix of him and Y/N: Y/N’s mouth and ears, his nose and eyes, the baby’s head covered in dirty blonde hair. She perks up when he says her name for the first time, Y/N must’ve kept her promise of playing the tape he made, and he reaches into the crib to hold his daughter for the first time.
“She’s a cute one, huh?” Bobby says, entering the room nearly thirty minutes later. “Looks like she’ll be takin’ after you instead of ‘er mama, poor thing,” he jokes.
“She’s perfect,” Dean sighs as Avery attempts to snuggle closer into his chest. “Where’s Y/N? She can’t be on a hunt, not so soon, and what about Sam? I tried to call both of them but they didn’t answer.”
“Sam’s– Sam’s been off the grid lately, haven’t seen him since bringin’ Avery home from the hospital.”
“She was born about a month ago, right? You haven’t seen Sam in a month?”
“More like two,” Bobby corrects, and a sad smile forms on his face as Dean sends him a questioning look. “After Pontiac, Y/N was a mess, but she was doin’ her best, the stress of losing you nearly sent her into labor. The doctor ordered her on bedrest, but it only worked for about a month. Avery made her appearance almost seven weeks early. She was tiny, but a fighter, they released her from the hospital after about three weeks, been here ever since.”
Dean can’t help but notice that Bobby’s failed to answer his question about Y/N.
“So where’s Y/N?” Dean asks, this time more pointedly. “Is she hunting?”
“Y/N,” Bobby sighs, “she was in bad shape Dean. When she went into labor, there were… complications. Doctors worked on her for hours, but the damage was too much, she wouldn't stop bleedin'." Dean can feel his stomach drop and his heart starts thumping faster in his chest. "Hunting did a number on her, they said she was probably in constant pain, but y'know how stubborn she could be," Bobby lets out a sad laugh.
“What’re you sayin’, Bobby?” Dean asks, clutching tighter to Avery in his arms, the only thing that's keeping him grounded.
“They couldn’t do anything. She never made it out of the delivery room.”
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Dean rewinds the tape again. He’s listened to all of them more times than he could count over the last 3 months, his own way of holding on to Y/N. One tape is just for Dean, as if she knew he'd be brought back somehow. Y/N tells him how sorry she is for not telling him or Bobby about the warnings she was given, but she couldn't let go of the one piece of Dean she still had. She tells him that she knows he'll do right by Avery, give her everything he never had, but he can't blame himself (though she knows he will).
Dean sets Avery down briefly, giving her tummy a loving rub before slowly backing away, shushing her as he thinks he knows what’ll do the final trick. He finds the tape labelled “Daddy’s Mix,” making sure it’s at the beginning before pressing play.
“Hey peanut," Y/N's soft voice comes through the speaker as Dean pulls Avery back into his arms, a soft whimper leaving her. "These are some of your daddy’s favorite songs. Hopefully you’ll still have his taste once you’re out in the world.”
She’d gone all out, finding an instrumental to sing along to. The familiar guitar riff seeps from the speaker, and Dean hums the melody, letting Y/N have the first few verses to herself before joining her, rocking his daughter to sleep.
“Trust I seek and I find in you, every day for us something new. Open mind for a different view, and nothing else matters."
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Feedback is fuel! Please let me know what you think!!
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