#I always think about the cute little blush he’d get when he sees me 🥰
emerald-chaos · 7 months
Oops I did it again….
Listen, I can’t help it. My brain is a big fat slut and I haven’t been able to get high sex with suguru out of my brain and so now you all must suffer with me <3
pairing: Suguru Geto x afab!reader
warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), cunnilingus, unprotected p in v sex, marijuana usage, curse words, mmmmmmmm I think that’s it 🥰
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
Divider: @/cafekitsune 🤍
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“O-oh..” you gasp softly. It comes out more like a song than words.
A bass tone rumbles between your legs, coming from your boyfriend who chuckles before he places another soft lick to your clit.
“Y’so fuckin’ cute. You know that?” He hums, his large hands rubbing up and down the expanse of your thighs.
The marijuana has your body feeling ethereal—like you’re floating on a breeze that cradles your body softly. Not to mention the way Suguru treats your body—like a delicate sculpture that might break if he’s too rough with it.
You loved him like this.
The nights when he’d tug your hair and whisper filth into your ear were incredible too, but there was something about the high that brought out a side of him that made you feel like he was praying at the altar of your body.
The pads of his fingers gently circle your clit as his mouth finds yours again—tongue gaining entry immediately upon prodding at your lips. You can feel your brows furrow together as you tangle your hands in his hair, reciprocating the lazy kiss.
Moments like these it’s hard to tell where you end and he begins.
A soft hum of a long forgotten show lulls in the background of your morning. Your hips slowly rock against his fingers as they move in a slow rhythm.
When Suguru pulls away it takes a moment for you to realize his lips aren’t on yours anymore as they fall into a sad pout. Opening your eyes, you’re met his grinning face as he looks you over. His eyes are a light pink color—rivaled only by the blush on his cheeks.
“Feels good, baby?”
The pout on your face deepens as your hands wrap around his biceps, doing whatever you can to anchor yourself to reality.
“Then why do you look so sad, sweet girl?” He chuckles a bit, leaning down to kiss the scrunch between your eyebrows.
You want to answer—to tell him about how you need more, you need all of him—but it’s difficult to muster a sentence with the way his fingers slide down and tease your slick entrance.
“Don’t worry. I know what you need. Always know what you need.”
His lips fall to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses in their wake as he moves toward your chest. The bed shifts slightly as he moves his body over yours. A soft hum escapes your chest as your eyes flutter closed again—body thrumming with excitement as you feel his tip notch against your folds.
“S’okay,” he licks his lips, eyes catching yours as they slowly blink open, “I can’t get enough of this sweet lil pussy either.”
Your gasp is harsh and his groan is guttural as he finally pushes inside your heat. The way you flutter around him immediately makes his head spin a little more than it already was.
Shaky hands slide up his arms, cupping his face as you mewl and whine at the feeling of his cock dragging along your soft walls. His head lulls a bit, his face turns to press a soft kiss to the inside of your wrist, teeth gently sinking into the skin right after.
“So good, Sugu…” you sigh, wrapping your thighs around his waist.
A beat passes before his lips find yours again, whimpers and whines being passed back and forth like secrets into the mouth of one another.
Sex with Suguru was something else entirely—a league of its own.
Sex with Suguru after sharing a blunt? The closest you’ve ever come to seeing God.
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Hello! if you still take requests may I ask about Colin Ritman x reader story ? You can use she/her but they/them are also fine with me :) so the reader just started their career as an author and artist, they have published their first comic book that’s getting pretty popular in the uk and for now Colin is one of the biggest fans of the plot , art and in general the comic itself… He throughout the time also got a bit of interest and crush on the reader while watching interviews and videos of them on tv. You can think of how they met and what happens later on in the story! idk,,, I just thought it would be super cute and fluffy story but I’m literally so bad at writing haha,,,
Of course, sweet Anon! We love Colin love🥰
Warnings: Fluff. Just pure fluff is all I have to offer here.
2.9K Words🤙🏻
Your nerves were on fire. Your palms were sweaty, knees weak, and your whole body felt heavy. Standing on the side of the set, just out of sight of the various cameras that were pointed at the host of the show, waiting for your cue to come on. You just hoped you didn't throw up your mom's spaghetti all over your nicest sweater you wore for this specific occasion.
You were invited to be interviewed by one of the talking shows in your country to talk about your latest comic book that was published. Your career had only just started to take off, you never thought you'd be so popular, much less get invited to talk on national television. It all felt so surreal, you had to pinch yourself several times just to make sure you weren't dreaming.
"And with their latest comic in their horror mystery series that's flying off the shelves in almost every store in the UK, here with us today is the amazing: Y/n L/n!" The announced grinned widely and ushered you out from behind the curtain, the lights hitting your face as soon as you walked to him, a grin similar to his on your face, albeit a bit more nervous.
You tried to calm your rapidly beating heart as you took a seat in the seat next to him, crossing your legs and waving to the live audience as they cheered. "Thank you, thank you!" You chuckled happily.
"Okay, first off, when you first started your career as a comic book maker, did you expect to ever be greeted with such excitement?" He pointed to the audience, who started to cheer just as loudly as before.
"Uh, no!" You shook your head, a blush dusting your cheeks as the audience kept cheering, the host having to tell them to quiet down so he could talk.
"Well, obviously, the people love you!"
Yeah, the people did love you, but it seems one did more than the usual fan. The infamous Colin Ritman took an interest to your work, long before you were actually paid attention to, long before you were asked for interviews or brand deals. Colin had been paying attention to your work from the beginning. He had always been a comic book fan, a hobby he never really had time for anymore since working full time at Tuckersoft, but he worked hard to make time for you.
When it came to other things he was a fan of, and there weren’t that many, he almost always separated the artist from the work. He learned that most celebrities were dickheads and weren’t worth obsessing over, he didn’t understand it anyway. But then you came along and…well, he might’ve changed his mind a little bit.
He didn’t know where it even came from, the sudden weakness, as he viewed it. It’s not like you looked like an angel or anything spectacular. You were just a normal human being, with an incredible mind and artistic expression. He never even sought out to obsess over the newspapers to see if he could find a photograph of you. He was just sitting in his flat one day, the telly on just as background noise as he worked on a game, and you came on screen. One of your first interviews on live television, and he couldn’t look away for even a moment.
Colin had never felt starstruck before, but seeing you on screen in that moment, he thought that it would be the closest he’d ever get to the feeling. He found your nervousness endearing, it didn’t seem fake or overplayed, you looked genuine; and genuineness was a rare attribute in most artists, if not most people in the world. After that, he always made sure to read the tv listings or papers to see whenever you were scheduled to be interviewed or anything in the like. He couldn’t believe he had an actual infatuation with a person he’d never met. And neither could his boss, who made sure to tease him about it every chance he got, which was a lot because for a boss the man never actually seemed to work.
After over a year of having this admiration with you, Colin almost jumped off a balcony when he heard that one of your comics was being chosen to be made into a video game. The paper didn’t say which company it would be, and that immediately made Colin furious because he knew he was the best game programmer and he’d actually do your work justice better than whatever arsehole would be making it.
Colin’s furious thoughts came to an abrupt end when Mr. Thakur snapped his fingers in front of him. “Mate, get out of fantasyland. We’ve got a new client, or should I say, you’ve got a new client!”
Colin furrowed his sharp brows in confusion (and annoyance) at his boss’ declaration. “I don’t take clients.” He stated starkly.
“Well, you do now.”
“No, I don’t. Unless you don’t want this new game to be out by the time you want it, I’m not taking on any other projects.” Colin huffed in frustration.
“Fuck that, Ritman. This one is more important. It has the potential to really boost our popularity.” Not important? Not fucking important? Colin has never wanted to go off on his boss more than he did in that moment. I’ve spent hours upon hours trying to make this bullshit game for you and taking my personal time to try and make it work and you have the balls to say that it’s not fucking important, is what Colin wished he could say without getting fired. Honestly, he could’ve probably found a company that would’ve treated him better. But today was not that day, he just had to suck it up and entertain whatever bullshit project his boss would thrust upon him unfairly.
“Fine.” Colin sneered. “Who’s this sod of a client anyway?” As soon as Colin said those words, he almost had the breath knocked out of his lungs.
“Colin, may I introduce to you the one and only Y/n L/n.” Mr. Thakur continued to drone on with the introduction, but Colin couldn’t even hear what all he was saying. He couldn’t believe that you were standing right in front of him, he must’ve been dreaming, he had to have been. He quickly realized he hated feeling starstruck, it made him hyper aware that he must’ve been acting like a lunatic just staying at you but there was nothing he could do to stop himself. Not until his boss snapped him out of it of course. “This is our new client, we’re going to be making a game out of their comic books!”
Ah, so it was Tuckersoft. How did Colin not even notice that the company he worked for would be doing this? He was usually dismissive but he thought he’d at least have heard the excited whispers around the office. Maybe it was supposed to be really secretive. Mr. Thakur was excited about it, and Colin couldn’t help but to be as well even though he didn’t show it outwardly. He really hoped you didn’t hear him call you a sod client…
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Ritman.” You smiled widely, holding your hand out to shake his hand.
“Colin.” He said bluntly, a little too bluntly, clearing his throat subtly. “Just Colin is fine.” He shook your hand, trying not to feel gross about thinking how soft your skin was. Mr. Thakur side-eyed Colin, clearly noticing the slight tremor in his voice because since when was Colin ever nervous about anything? But thankfully, for once in his life, Mr. Thakur kept his mouth shut. 
It was surprisingly difficult to listen to anything anyone had to say as your team discussed the elements that they wanted incorporated into the game. Colin hated it, he hated this whole situation, he hated how excited he felt to be working on a game specifically for you. Much of Colin’s whole personality was strictly indifference, so being excited for anything was rare. It seemed like the concept was pretty decent, but if you had any sort of control of what you wanted, then of course it was going to be good.
Colin, being the talented designer he was, was always allowed to work from home, and this was no exception. The only real issue was that you would be working with him from whenever you had the time, to overlook everything and give any notes if you felt like it was needed. You had no game designing experience, but it was going to have your name on it so Colin supposed it was warranted. He just hoped he wouldn’t be too distracted with you looking over his shoulder.
It was only a couple months into the job that you finally had free time to go over to Colin’s flat to check in with his progress. He felt obligated to clean his place spotless, well, as spotless as he could with all the stuff he had. He felt like he should be somewhat presentable, even though he’s never felt the need to make any sort of effort for anyone. Another thing he hated was how nervous he felt about you seeing his progress, he wanted you to be happy with it, he didn’t know if his ego could handle you hating it in any way.
Colin lightly slapped himself as he heard you ring his doorbell, hyping himself up to be cordial as best he could. “Colin, hi!” You smiled sweetly as soon as he opened the door, already feeling his heart hammer inside his ribcage.
“Hi…” He coughed, “Uh, right, come in.” He stood aside to allow you to walk through the door frame, cringing at himself for the first time out of many that day he assumed. God, if he could just get over himself. But something you said quickly made him feel like a deer in headlights.
“You have my comics!” You pointed out with a happy grin. 
When Colin was frantically cleaning his flat in preparation for your arrival, he forgot the most important part he needed to tidy up (and hide): your various comic books that were scrawled over his coffee table. He was so used to reading them on his couch in the mornings he never even thought to hide them. “Uh, bought some, to get a feel for your style.” He stuttered, thankful he came up with a logical excuse even though it wasn’t articulated as smoothly as he wanted it to be.
“Oh, well, I appreciate that! Did you like them? Or did you just look at the art style?”
“I skimmed through it.” He lied more convincingly the second time. “I will one day though, just have to focus on this game for now. As you already know.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course!” Goddamn it, why did you have to be so nice? Why couldn’t you have just been an asshole? It sure would be easier to pay attention to the work instead of constantly stealing glances over at you. But unfortunately, that’s not how the next few months went.
It wasn’t bad, per say. Just more than a little awkward from time to time. Colin was severely unsociable as it was, but you just cranked that up to eleven once you started spending more and more time with him. Colin never thought he’d want to have more social skills, but that was before he met you. Now he just wished he could get a proper sentence out that could make you smile, even just a little bit. The only smiles he got from you was when you saw his progress, which was nice but it wasn’t the same as it would be for him to make you smile himself.
On the other side of this coin, Mr. Thakur hounded Colin every chance he got. Every time he could get a word in about how he needed this game to be perfect in every way or any minute flaw, he never hesitated to pester Colin about it. It was getting on his very last nerve and the only time he could get a moment’s peace was when he was with you.
Colin still couldn’t believe how angelic you seemed. You were his complete opposite and yet, he found you incredibly enjoyable to be around. You never got frustrated, at least not with him. Any error or bump in the road of making your game never seemed to get to you. You were so patient with everyone. He’d never admit this out loud, but Colin admired you. He also never thought he’d be scared to speak his mind.
It took longer than expected, but Colin finally made you laugh one night. It took him completely by surprise too. The two of you had a couple drinks after you convinced Colin he needed to give his eyes a break from staring at a screen all day, and you both were just sitting on the floor against his couch, sharing stories and opinions, just trying to get to know each other. He told a dumb joke, a dark one at that, so you could imagine his surprise when you broke out laughing. Full on, deep from the belly laugh. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was because of how late into the night it was, but Colin knew he would remember that laugh forever; especially the look of embarrassment on your face after you couldn’t stop laughing.
Then the late night drinks became a regular thing, so regular that Colin thought about prolonging finishing the game just so he could see you almost every day. But of course, there were deadlines and the game was so close to being done that he could see the finish line. He couldn’t do that, not to you. You were so excited, you loved everything about it, praises spilling from your mouth before it was even done. He couldn’t possibly prolong it without feeling like an absolute knob. So he completed it, before the deadline with the finishing touches and all; but it made him feel so sad.
Colin didn’t want whatever the two of you had to end. He wanted to continue that…partnership.
It was at the game release party at the company that he finally got up the courage to ask.
You were wearing a cheesy Christmas outfit, to match the theme of the party since the game came out around then; bright red with white puffballs down the middle to mimic Santa, he hated Christmas but it looked good on you. You were smiling ear to ear as the reviews started pouring in from the presale testers, encouraging everyone and anyone to play the game because they thought it was so well done. He couldn’t help the warm fuzzy feeling that rose in his chest as you wiped away happy tears from your cheeks.
As the party died down and everyone started to leave, Colin knew this was his last chance to talk to you. Everyone was talking to you throughout the night, wanting to give their obligatory two cents, not allowing him a chance to even congratulate you. So he finally let out a relieved sigh as his coworkers started to head home. “I barely saw you tonight.” Colin spoke with a chuckle as he went to stand next to you by the windows that looked out on the city, all brightly lit up with red and green and the slightest hint of snow starting to dust the rooftops of smaller buildings.
“I know!” You grinned exhaustedly. “I’m still not used to people wanting to talk to me all the time.”
“Well, I just wanted to congratulate you on the oncoming success.”
“I should be the one congratulating you, are you kidding me? You’re the one who made this possible. You did the work, my name is just attached to it.”
“Give yourself some credit, you had the concept. You could’ve found any other prick to make the game for you.” Colin blushed.
“I couldn’t imagine anyone else doing it.” You spoke softly, looking down on the city to distract yourself from your quickly heating cheeks as Colin gave you a look of admiration.
“You know I…” Colin hesitated, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I was actually a fan of yours, before you came to us.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. I was just too much of a coward to actually admit that. All those comics of yours you saw in my flat months ago, had them all long before you came along. Pretty embarrassing, right?”
“No, not embarrassing at all!” You smiled, nudging his side with your elbow. “You could’ve told me, I would’ve been flattered. I am now.”
“At first, I felt like we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. But then it was just so easy to be around you, like, we had always been friends, if that’s not weird of me to say.” You shook your head, gesturing for him to continue. “With the game finally over and done, I don’t want to go back to never seeing each other again. I know it’s just been a partnership but…I want to be more than that. Friends, at the very least.”
Colin’s heart flipped in his chest as he saw your soft dreamy expression, your eyes practically pleading with want as your breath caught in your throat. It was a sight to behold, the view almost pushing him to do something about it, though he would wait for you to respond. But the sight of you licking your lips before speaking was testing his self-restraint. “I would love to have…more than a partnership.” You spoke meekly, looking up at him through your lashes with a smirk.
short n' sweet. hope that was fluffy enough for you lmao
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gemma-collins-ily · 2 years
Please make a rec list with your favourites Jesper imagines (including yours 😁) I love him so much 🥰🥰🥰
¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸𝔍𝔢𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔞𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔉𝔦𝔠 ℜ𝔢𝔠𝔰¸♫·¯·♪¸¸♩·¯·♬¸
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• APPEALING by @trashykawahq
Summary: There’s something that draws him in like no one ever has, the moment he sees her stumbling through those door. Maybe it’s the way she seems so out of place, a diamond stumbling into a sack of coal.
“Do you not see many new faces around here?” she raises an eyebrow, and she feels a jolt of…something, something nice, when he chuckles.
“I do. Just not people as striking as you.” He responds. “Jesper Fahey.” He adds, reaching for her hand. Jesper feels her hand in his, warm and soft, and he lets his touch linger a little longer than necessary.
Comment: 🦋🦋🦋 BUTTERFLIES AAH it was so well written and poetic and just generally so fantastic!!!
• GRAY by @sunny-reys
Summary: "Tell me you love me. I need to hear it just the once."
His shoulders are pressed against yours, trusting you to make sure he doesn’t take a round in the back of his skull. It’s a position you’ve taken many times before, the two of you against the world. You only wish you could love it as much as you did.
Comment: vv angsty and painful but in a way that makes me think omg your writing is just that good. yeah, in that way :)
• NEW INVESTMENT by @nottluvr
Summary: Jesper gets a bit jealous when someone who’s at his level of shooting joins the Crows in a new heist.
Why didn’t he think of that? Jesper thought, he had done something like this before in a heist three months ago. “So, are we doing this or not? Or are you just going to stand there with your pretty face and do nothing?” she asked him, he glared at her, but blushed slightly when she called him pretty. “Yes, let’s get out of here.”
Comment: rivals to lovers that was written so well ugh amazing 5/5😍
• FLIRTY AFFAIRS by @/nottluvr
Summary: He’s a flirt and you knew that and you couldn’t help but fall for him, even though you knew you weren’t special to him.
“You’ve been staring at him for a while now,” she heard a voice said from behind her. Inej. y/n turned around and gave her a slight smile, “I can’t help it. You know that.”
Comment: cute cute cute cute aah💞
Summary: You can't bear the disappointment of Jesper without his favourite baked goods, so you suppose putting them aside is the only solution.
“Hi.” he said, his voice merry.
You raised an eyebrow, “Someone’s in a good mood, Jesper.”
“I’m always in a good mood when you’re around, love.” he moved a little closer, his face mere inches from yours. Close enough so you could see the all the little ridges on his face and nose.
Comment: the "your the sharpshooter" made my heart go ansndnbsbs yk??? adorable!!!
BULLET REVELATIONS by @lovemenotplz
Summary: Hating someone but still saving their neck is hard. Especially when Jesper can’t stray away from trouble and y/n was paid to not stray away from him.
“are you seriously going to stalk me now?”
“don’t flatter yourself, fahey. i’m getting paid to babysit you.”
“you’re acting as if you’re not happy about it,” jesper fahey smirked as he walked towards the slat, his temporary shadow, tailing right behind, “can’t get enough of this,” he gestured to his face, “at the slat and the club?”
Comment: this- perfect amount of everything, literally so perfect🥺
SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER by @ellora-brekker
Summary: Jesper doesn't want to tell you something.
“You don’t dare tell her alright?” Jesper’s voice was breathless and panicked as he wrapped his arm around his side.
“Tell me what?”
Comment: all I have to say is... cuties💖
STRANGERS by @mad-elia
Summary: Jesper meets a rather unusual girl at his favourite casino.
“May I buy you a drink?” he asked, sounding far more flustered than he’d prefer as he sat across from you. You raised an eyebrow, tapping the almost full glass in front of you. “I think it’s rather obvious that I already have one, sir.” Your tone matched the teasing smile that graced your features as your eyes again connected with his.
Comment: this was so good wth I really smiled like an absolute mad lad whilst reading aww
Summary: Unexpected circumstances cause you to turn to the worst, and be poisoned by the best.
Jesper had looked at you with such hatred but his eyes of chocolate hue had been sparked with a dash of concern and hope too. Maybe it was a hope that you would die for what you did: it should have been. But you grasped that small part of you that was in dire need to think it was because he loved you still, that the boy with the hazel hair still held you somewhat close to his heart.
Comment: it's my own fic I feel a bit silly but you asked lol it's just my favourite fic I've written
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lunargrapejuice · 2 years
it me, 💡! i keep thinking about your “touching his chest” post🙈 but my mind has begun to wander and.. touching albedo’s chest….🙈🙈🙈
he’s the one who brings it up first, asking if he can touch your chest because he heard that’s what couples do. and you let him, and he looks so entranced, and when you ask in return he sort of blushes a little and lets you. and /oh/, he gets why people like this now. lowkey gets addicted to you touching his chest and will sometimes hold your hand against his chest when he hugs or kisses you, even if it’s supposed to be chaste and innocent. he can’t help himself
i think he’d have verrrry sensitive nipples. might actually push you away after a bit when you’ve only done it a few times because he’s still not used to such an intense feeling. he has to remind himself he asked for it when you pout in disappointment because really it’s so cute seeing his reactions
the first time you leave a mark on his chest, he doesn’t realize until you go to bathe. you’re stepping into the bath and he’s just stood in front of the mirror staring at himself. you think for a second he’s just zoned out but then he says quietly, “you left a mark.” and his tone is hard to read so you start apologizing but he whips around and barrels toward you in the bath. more water ends up out of the tub than in it as he really loses himself in trying to repay the favor by marking your own chest
will hold your hands against his chest or ask for you to touch him there while you’re having sex. always has to be facing you now because of it and he looks at you so lovingly when you do that you can’t even attempt to deny him. starts to encourage you more and more, gently hinting that he lowkey wants you to push him down by his chest and ride him. until you finally do and this man looks like he’s ascended to celestia as you work your hips against his and touch his chest however you want
just. touching albedo’s chest. you’ve broken my brain these last few days
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im OBSESSED with him bringing your hands to his chest innocently & not so innocently-
*nsfw below*
he loves when you come to visit him in his lab & smiles brightly as you make your way to him. if he can he’ll meet you half way, gentle & tired fingers wrapping around your own before they’re brought to his chest, his palm flush against the back of your hand as he holds it over his beating heart & uses his other hand to pull you close or to cup your cheek & bring you in for a kiss & ARCHONS THE WAY IT MAKES HIM FEEL WHEN YOUR KISS DEEPENS & YOUR FINGERS START TO GRAB ONTO THE FABRIC OF HIS JACKET & PRESS AGAINST HIS CHEST, oh sweet baby don’t be surprised when it only gets more heated from there 😍
YESSS, i totally agree, the man has senstive nipples & fuck- the way his cheeks flush when it becomes to much & he has to pull away. ohhhh this has me thinking about his cold nipples when things are getting heated in dragon spine & it's your warm lips and tongue that end up warming them for him, though they’re still super hard- OH & HOW LOVELY HIS SHIVER WOULD BE WHEN YOUR LIPS PART FOR HIS CHEST LEAVING THE COLDNESS OF THE MOUNTAIN TO BITE AT HIS NOW WET SKIN
marking albedo just to have him make you in return - mhmmm 😍😍🥰 his eyes would be so full of love & lust & longing for more as he stares in the mirror & runs his fingers over the mark you left, flashes of you sucking & licking at his chest prior to your bath coming back into his mind. how could he not give you some in return? it'll be quite the lovlely expirement to see how you react & feel when he does the same to you
BABY I AM LITERALLY BREATHLESS THINKING ABOUT RIDING ALBEDO & PUSHING DOWN ON HIS CHEST WHILE YOU DO. his blonde locks would get so messy when he throws his head back at the feeling of your fingers digging into his chest as you tighten around his cock, bucking his hips just feel more of it, have you hold his chest tighter and tighter until you both cum & when you're spent he adores holding your hand over his chest as you rest against him, your lips lovingly kissing his sweat beaded neck
oh the albedo brain rot is real today thanks to this heheh
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Hello 👋 how r u today ? And may I request Tanjiro x reader who came from a different village and how they both slowly fall in love with each other 🥰… if u have any questions about this ask please dm me I am still new to this requesting stuff 😓
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( Request: open )
A/N: This was so fun to write, enjoyed writing this supper fun thanks for requesting this!!ღවꇳවღ Edit I’m sorry this took so long!!!( ✿˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ ) I got a lot of request to work on.
( “Y/f/t” your favorite type )
*ଘ( ॢᵕ꒶̮ᵕ(꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ)zZ‥
🎴You and tanjiro met a ramen shop. He had just gotten back from a mission and was starving, He saw your family ramen shop you were just closing. He ran up to your shop to see if you're still willing to serve him.”Um excuse me I’m sorry I know you're closing but can I get a bowl of reman… I can pay extra”
🎴 You’re great grandparents were saved by demon slayers, And always said ‘ if there’s a demon slayer in need you help them ‘. So you had no problem serving him. “ Oh yes of course- also no need to pay!”. Tanjiro was very much relieved, now he wouldn’t have to work extra for one meal.
🎴 “ Thank you so much!” he bowed, “ what kind of Ramen would you like…sir “ “ My name is Tanjiro Kamado- I would like takayama please.” You were very surprised by how sweet Tanjiro was, you’ve met kind men but none like him. God you were blushing so much while he was talking, He was just too cute.
🎴 You had just given tanjiro his ramen when nezuko decided to come out and say hi. You were Quite shocked to see a girl come out of a box, Your mind was racing questions, why was she in the box, how come she has a muzzle , Did he kidnap her?!.
🎴 the kidnapping thought was quickly debunked when she hug tanjiro. Tanjiro patted her head. “ Hey nezuko- oh this is my little sister nezuko” Nezuko crawled over the counter. “ nezuko don’t climb over the counter, that's very rude!” She 'd put her hands for you to pick her up. You're very confused but you pick her up anyway, She hugs you and snuggles into your chest.
🎴 “ oh it’s okay I-I don’t mind I don’t think “ you were just really confused. You got very used rather quickly, as Tanjiro visited often, he couldn’t resist himself. You made the best ramen he’s ever tasted and Nezuko seemed to like you. Sometimes he’d just come to talk to you, Not that you're complaining. Tanjiro is an adorable big teddy bear. You found yourself blushing sometimes whenever you hung out, Tanjiro would always bring you a flower crown that nezuko made. You still have all of them. their to special to throw away.°₊·ˈ∗♡( ˃̶᷇ ‧̫ ˂̶᷆ )♡∗ˈ‧₊°
🎴 I feel like you fell for tanjiro very quickly ( I mean who can resist this bb??) Tanjiro also fell for you quickly, He really enjoys hearing your voice and just being around you. Tanjiro would confess after he fully realized he was in love with you. Poor Baby didn’t even know if you liked guys. He was very nervous but he wouldn’t let it show because he didn’t want to be awkward about it, it took all of his confidence to not look nervous.
🎴 Tanjiro wanted it to be special so he bought y/f/t of mochi favorite flavor. He ran to your shop as fast as he could. He didn't want the mocha to go bad. He arrived at your shop a little out of breath. Tanjiro handed you the mochi stating that they were for you, And he had something important to tell you after you're done eating. Tanjiros palms were sweaty god he was nervous, But! He had to control himself.
🎴 Now it was time you had just finished eating.
“ Tanjiro, what did you want to tell me? “ Tanjiro had waited a long time to tell you about his feelings and now it was time. It ended up with you being the flustered one, you weren’t expecting a confession. But you weren’t complying; this is what you wanted. ( because otherwise like why you are reading this ) You told him that you felt the same way. Tanjiro was beyond relieved that you felt the same way as him. It had gotten late and tanjiro was heading to bed, so you told him that he could sleep at your place. But before Tanjiro went to bed he asked if he could kiss you on the cheek. You did him one better gave him a small peck on his lips.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 8
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, camboy!seokmin, livestreams/camshows, dom!seokmin, masturbation, sex toys, dirty talk, daddy!kink, corruption!kink. HOWDY EVERYONE, HAPPY FRIDAY!🥂 Sorry for the small schedule change but finally ch 8! 🥰🥳💕 Thank you for being so patient and understanding and thank you sooo so so much for you support always!✨ Not to spoiler but this is my last fic series update for a while since I’m gonna have a diff schedule for Oct!🥸😌 More on that tomorrow! 💕 For now, enjoy ch 8 and I’ll see you tomorrow! Have a good rest of your day! 💕💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - ?
*queued post.
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“And for the lead… Lee Seokmin! Congratulations!”
The room breaks out into a small round of applause as a crimson blush washes across Seokmin’s cheeks. A shy smile painting itself onto his lips when he steps forward to accept the script.
“Thank you, everyone… I’ll do my best to make everyone proud!”
And while he’s excited about finally being recognized for his talent, in more ways than one, he can’t help but feel a sense of dread at the thought of all his side-projects he’d accepted onto his plate.
Okay, just… I’ll think about it tonight, he tell himself - trying to calm his nerves that don’t want to stop, I have time, stop worrying. The musical doesn’t start for at least a month and a half. I can have a fixed schedule, I can make it work.
A hand plants itself onto his shoulder as he gasps in shock; eyes wide as saucers as he comes face to face with Chan who smiles at him.
“Wow, hyung! Can’t say I’m surprised! You were a total shoo-in for the part! Aren’t you excited?”
Seokmin can’t help but smile back, “Yeah! I mean, I've been really busy lately so I’m… I'm a little scared but I think I’ll be okay!”
Chan squeezes his shoulder again, reassuring the older male that he’d be okay.
“Those lessons with Jihoon-hyung are really paying off, huh?”
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You end up getting a part in the production team on the lighting crew - somewhat glad you weren’t handed a spot in the actual musical.
Less time worrying about lines, you mentally celebrate.
But you hear a voice calling out your name - only to find one of your professors calling for you as he jogs over.
He flips through the clipboard to check everyone’s assigned roles and shoots you a glance before clicking his tongue. “I know I put you on lighting staff but I know you have a little knowledge in costuming, right?”
“Yes, I do. Why?”
“Okay,” He sighs and you can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s going to ask you to switch your positions, “We had someone decide to drop from costuming and they happen to be the one who has to work with Seokmin on his so… You think you’re up for the task?”
Your cheeks are warm as you contemplate your options - lips tingling to just immediately say yes because it’s Seokmin and he’s cute and nice.
“I--I mean, w-what does that entail, exactly?” You inquire; trying to calm yourself down and figure out what your new job would require you to do.
“It’s not that much, really. Just do fittings and little fixes on his costumes here and there. You’d need to meet up a few times just when we have fittings and dry rehearsals and things like that, but that’s it. Think of it as being a bit of an assistant, of sorts. You will also have a say in makeup and hair, to some extent.”
“I--” You hesitate for a moment; biting the inside of your cheek before you say ‘screw it’.
“Yeah, I’ll do it.”
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One New Message
6:54 PM
From: Seokmin
‘Hey, just got your message! 😅 We’re on for Friday then? We can celebrate our parts in the musical! 🥳 And don’t forget, dinner’s on me! Just meet me by the cafe where we met for our project, 6PM on Friday! I’ll come pick you up from there! Can’t wait! 😃’
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You get to the meeting spot earlier than expected - nerves making you overthink your walking time as you stare at the clock on your phone that reads 5:45PM.
“Oh, you’re early too, huh?” Seokmin laughs as he rounds the corner and stops right in front of you, shyly scratching his cheek as the two of you share a nervous chuckle.
“I was worried I’d be late so I just… left my place early,” You reply, “Sometimes I just get lost in my thoughts ‘n stuff and then end up taking, like, 30 extra minutes.”
Seokmin nods in agreement and gestures for you to follow him. “Oh, by the way, sorry I had you meet me here, I wasn’t sure if--if you were okay with me knowing your address so I thought this might be easier?”
You smile at his back admiring his gentlemanly manner; cheeks warm when he even runs to open the car door for you.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind either. I don’t live that far from here, to be honest. You can drop me off at my apartment if you want! I don’t think you’re… A creep, or anything.”
He chuckles before shutting the door for you and jogs over to the driver’s seat and lets himself in.
“In fairness, I didn’t even know you had a car either, Seokmin.”
“I don’t,” he replies; wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Did… Did you steal it?”
“What?! No, I just borrowed it!”
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Seokmin is an absolute gentleman, is what you learn over dinner.
He pulls out your chairs for you, makes sure to let you go first and even offers to escort you to the restroom when he sees you getting up from your seat.
“No, no! It’s okay, I’ll just be gone for a second and then we can talk about you getting the lead in Xcalibur!”
You giggle before you leave Seokmin alone at the table and it takes him all of a second before he remembers he never made a notice that he wouldn’t be streaming tonight either.
“Shit, how could I forget...” He mutters, looking around before he fishes for his phone in his pocket and immediately logs into his account.
‘Sorry everyone, I won’t be streaming tonight! I know it’s short notice since it’s supposed to start in just 3 hours but I’m feeling a little under the weather so I promise to do even just a short one tomorrow night! Thank you!’
He quickly checks for any typos before he posts it to his home page; sighing in relief when it goes up. 
Just barely missing the way your phone vibrates in your bag the exact second the notice is posted.
Pocketing his phone, you show up a few seconds later and Seokmin rushes from his seat to help you back into yours.
“So tell me, Seokmin, how do you feel about your position?”
He hums at first, not knowing where to start with his whirlwind of emotions. “Nervous,” he replies laughing, “I know a lot of people thought I was a shoo-in for the part but it’s a lot of pressure. And I have a lot on my plate with, y’know, Jihoon’s vocal lessons and stuff.”
“Oh, you’re still taking those?”
“Mmhmm, I signed a contract with him that I’d be taking lessons up until next semester so… Kinda have to.” He sighs and shakes his head jokingly before reaching for his glass of water.
“How about you? Did you get a spot in the musical or production team?”
At this, you can’t help but laugh at your luck remembering you switched positions.
“Actually… Yeah, funny story, I’m actually on costuming now but.. Specifically, for you, only.”
“What!?” Seokmin chokes on his water - apologizing profusely when he gets it all over himself and the table. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that in an offended way just--just… Only for me?”
There’s a pale pink blush on his cheeks as he stares at you with wide eyes; squirming in his seat at the favoritism the professors had for him. “I’m, uh, sorry… That’s a little much, isn’t it?”
You take a second to ponder, shaking your head ‘no’ just a moment later. “Just from looking at the sketches, you have some of the more complicated costumes so they probably want just one person who can focus on that instead of multiple people at once, y’know? I kinda get it. Makeup and hair too, though.”
“Still… Just… Let me know when you want food or coffee and I’ll get it for you, okay? You’re going to be working so hard and only for me, too.”
Your cheeks burn hot at his kindness but you nod and mumble a quiet ‘thank you’ as he nods. “You really don’t have to do all that, Seokmin, it’s okay, I swear…”
“No way! You’re inconvenienced by me a second time! The first time was the paper! It’s the least I can do, honestly, ” He beams, “And we get to spend more time together! And I like spending time with you, it’s a nice change of pace from five guys always yelling and screaming into your ear too.”
The two of you share a laugh just as your food arrives at the table and you both thank the waiter before starting to pick at your meals.
“So, Seokmin, did you always want to be a theatre person? Or did you kinda just discover it?”
“Mm,” he starts - playing with his fork before responding, “I always really liked to sing, I guess. I did some child acting gigs when I was younger too, and I had a lot of people telling me I would probably be good at theatre… Guess they were right.”
“Oh, wow, guess you were made for it then, huh?”
“Haha, I suppose so! I like it and it’s fun and I’ve made a lot of good friends through it all. But how about you? We’ve been in a few theatre and art classes together but I feel like I don’t know much about you in that aspect.”
He gives you his full attention as you feel yourself start to sweat nervously with his curious gaze. “Oh, um, truth be told, at first I just wanted to see what it was like.”
“Mmhmm, I was always more of a behind the scenes kind of person, to be honest. I liked seeing the directing and the process of how things were done - even just supporting from behind, y’know? I did apply for some smaller parts in the musical but I was kinda glad I got stuck on the production team.”
You smile genuinely at Seokmin, and for a second, he feels his heart do a backflip.
If only I had someone like her supporting me cam, he thinks, I’d probably be doing better.
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Seokmin drops you home closer to 11PM - the two of you laughing about how time got away from you both.
“Sorry, sometimes I don’t know when to shut up, I guess.” He smiles sheepishly as he opens your door and lets you out. “Promise it won’t happen next time though.”
“There’s a next time?” You peer up at him innocently as he sputters.
“Oh, I--I mean, there--uh--there doesn’t have--have to be, sorry I--I just said--”
You cut him off with a giggle and Seokmin can’t help but blush under the moonlight at how cute he found the gesture.
“It’s okay! Really! Honestly, we’re probably going to be seeing each other a lot more because of the fittings and stuff so… I wouldn’t mind a next time.”
“O--okay, cool… Cool, I--I’ll… see you next time then?”
“Sounds good~!”
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‘What is it when you want to make someone do bad things’
‘Name for wanting someone do do bad things’
‘Kink for when you want an innocent person do bad things’
Seokmin grimaces at his searches and makes a mental note to delete it all afterwards, but his fingers can’t stop trembling at the second wet dream he’d had of you - and this time, it’d been much different from the first.
“Corruption kink?” Muttering, he clicks on the article link and quickly reads through the paragraphs before he grimaces a second time and exits the page.
That’d been exactly how he was in his dream with you.
“Fuck, okay, maybe just---it’s just because she was quiet ‘n shy ‘n stuff. Yeah, yeah… And I was thinking about camming so it must’ve just--uh--mashed… Yeah...Okay...”
He continues to mumble to himself about it - convincing himself it was just an accident. Even if it was the second time.
“Shit, okay, I need to start my show before it gets any later…”
Seokmin bites his bottom lip as he opens up a page and title screen; unsure of what to name it as he sighs.
His fingers fly across the keyboard as he types up a title and hits enter before checking to make sure his mic and setup were fine before starting.
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‘Daddy wants to try something different tonight… [Corruption Kink] [Audio Stream]’
You get the notification and click on it as soon as you can - excitement filling your body after you’d gotten last night’s cancellation notice when you got home.
b@d_dream: oh? Glad to see you’re back 😳
User8947694: daddddyyyy is home
Anonymous478583: daddy i’ve been so bad, please hurry
“Ah, I’m really sorry about last night, princess… Daddy had a lot of business to deal with, I was so swamped, “ He chuckles lowly and you feel it go straight to your core as you whine aloud. “But now daddy has time to take care of you, princess… And I know how needy you’ve been, huh?”
User78346: does daddy wanna corrupt his princess? is that why the title’s like that?
You bite your lip as you squirm in your chair; the temptation to move to your bed so you had more space becoming more appealing with the direction Dokyeom was taking it - and quickly.
“I do… I had a dream about you, princess… I dreamt that I walked in on you grinding against a pillow, crying out for me and begging me to fill you cute ‘lil pussy…” You let out a garbled whine at this - shaky fingers tapping away at your keyboard as you send Dokyeom a small donation and a message.
b@d_dream: please… tell me more… I’m getting so wet just thinking about what you’d do to me… I’m so needy right now daddy… I went on a date and he was so nice and we didn’t fuck or anything...
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Seokmin lets out a shaky breath that he hopes doesn’t get caught on camera and for once, he hopes that he can get through the show without asking ‘b@d_dream’ for help.
I can do this, he tells himself, I read the article, I got this.
“Oh? My princess went to play with someone else while I was away? Tsk, do I need to punish you? Hmm? Slap your pretty ‘lil clit a few times with my cock? Or should I tease you and let you rub your cute ‘lil pussy on my cock but not put it inside, where you want me most?”
There’s a slurry of comments begging him for more and the confidence only builds as the numbers of viewers and donations go up.
“You’ve probably never had a cock inside of you that’s as big as mine though, huh, princess? All your little toys probably don’t even compare… Ah, you probably would just cum just from the head inside your tight ‘lil pussy, hmm?”
Anonymous859347: fuck im alredy cummign pleas.e….
User13489472: ive never cum tht fast before, give us more!
Anonymous98759445: youre so good at this daddy…
b@d_dream: i want you… in my pussy and my mouth, daddy…
Seokmin is giddy, on cloud nine even, knowing that he was somewhat of a natural at this.
Should I be scared? He asks himself.
“Ah, cute of you to think you could take me in your mouth already... When daddy had his fingers in your mouth, you could barely take it, princess... I don’t know if you could take my cock just yet.”
b@d_dream: fuck, make me take it daddy I'm a good girl...
Seokmin feels his cock throb and he can’t stop himself from palming his hardening cock over his sweats as he gives in.
“Are you? You went out with someone else without telling daddy~ Maybe I’ll fuck your pretty tits instead. Then you can imagine how good I’d feel inside you while I’m sliding against your skin.” 
User38497593: oh god please
User8576945: I want you to cum all over me and make a mess daddy
“Do you deserve it, princess?”
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You set the vibrator to it’s maximum setting as you cry out and mentally kick yourself for ever wanting to stop listening to Dokyeom’s audio streams.
“Fuck, it’s s-so good...” You whimper, eyes clamped shut as you listen to his breathy moans - knowing he was getting off with you this time.
“My cock is so hard, princess... So much pre-cum is leaking from the tip... I wanna let you feel me, right where you want me... I’d tease your pretty ‘lil wet hole... Then drag my cock up to your clit and tease you there too. I bet you’d cum just from that, wouldn’t you, princess? Then you’d beg me for more and more until you’re the one pushing me down and trying to get my cock whenever you want.” 
Rapid cries of ‘yes’ fall from your lips as you feel yourself cum for the first time; toes curling as you grind down onto the toy underneath you. 
“I’ll turn you into my cockhungry ‘lil princess... Won’t you like that? Craving me all the time and wanting me to fill your needly ‘lil holes up with my cock?” 
“Daddy, daddy, daddy...” You whimper - making no efforts to turn the toy off as Dokyeom’s breaths only get faster. 
“Fuck, I wanna cum so bad, princess... Mm, imagine how good you’ll feel when I cum inside you for the first time too... Bet you wouldn’t even want me to pull out, huh? You can cockwarm me while I keep you plugged up and full of my cum.” 
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b@d_dream: I already came daddy but I wanna cum again s o bad
User0843975: fuck me too my legs r shaking
Anonymous448739: daddy plz make us cum
“I want you to cum with me princess,” he drawls; hand tightening around his throbbing cock as his hips thrust up into his closed fist, “Want you to get loud for daddy when he covers you in cum and then next time maybe I’ll be nice enough to let you get a taste of my cock.” 
Seokmin throws his head back against the headrest of his chair - making sure he’s still within distance of his mic to catch his breathy groans. 
“And princess? If you ever go on a ‘lil date with someone else, let me know beforehand. I’ll make sure to cum in your panties so you can see him with your panties full of my fuckin’ cum.”
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Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your quivering thighs clamp shut with your hand between them - the thought of seeing Seokmin with someone else’s cum in your panties throwing you over the edge and making you orgasm a second time in only a few minutes.
“Oh, f-fuck, mmnh, Dokyeom!” You cry out into your room; soft whines following suit as you hear his rapid breaths and muttered curses as he rides out his high with you. 
“Fuck, princess, I came so much... It’s all over my hand~ But I bet you’d rather it be inside you, huh?” He whispers teasingly and you find yourself crying out a small ‘Seokmin’ before you gasp and catch yourself.
Oh my god, no, you mentally cry, don’t do that!
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b@d_dream: daddy I was a bad girl...
Seokmin sits up after he rides out the remnants of his orgasm - brow quirked as he catches your comment. 
“Oh? Were you? How come, princess?” He sits with his hand still wrapped around his cock; cum drying on his skin as he licks his lips. “You know I have to punish bad girls, right?”
b@d_dream: I know... I was thinking about my date when I came for a second time... 😣 sorry... I didn’t mean to...
Seokmin scoffs right into the mic, eyes rolling cockily before he speaks.
“Guess I’ll have to teach you a lesson about calling out another guy’s name when you cum then, huh, princess? What’s so great about him anyway?” 
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1 New Message
Dokyeom: Hey! Sorry if I put you on the spot earlier, it kinda fueled me 😅 But I do hope your date went well, if you actually did go! 
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subskz · 2 years
JUST READ CLEAN AND ?!?!??! WHAT A TREAT IT WAS <3 the way you write jisung got me kicking my feet and rolling around in my bed. u are a godsent.
the idea of worshipping his body, telling him how good he looks while kissing up all over him, making him blush and get all shy?!? ji would absolutely get flustered. it reminds me during the seoul concerts, stays would shout the words 'handsome' at him when he was doing his ment and he had to stop for a moment because he was getting shy DSAFJAKLS please he's so cute hhh. also, the way he gets needy and dependent on you when he's low energy... the thought of him clinging to you and whining PLEASE i almost threw myself into the sun. i melted. I CRIED. he's so cute oh i wanna eat him up.
you're so right about him being loud too. i think its obvious from the way ji is loud in his daily life, he would definitely be loud too in intimate situations. he'd have such a hard time keeping quiet. i could so visually imagine ji scrambling against the shower walls, pleading with his eyes as the most sinful noises escaped him. he just needs you so bad. OHHH MY GOD i cant i love ji so much this ruined me FR! it was, overall, just so cute. taking care of ji because he's just a precious little thing. AAAAA PLEASE i love him i want to smother him in my love like i want ot pounce on him and just kiss the shit out of him (ok im projecting sorry im just a silly little han jisunger)
i also wanna thank you for the hilarious visual of chan swimming too far out into sea and having the lifeguard drive him back. i kinda just imagined a soaking chris with his face in his hands on the back of a speedboat, utterly embarassed. 😭OH and jeongin just wanting to deck the shit out of changbin for ruining his sand castle PLS
another BEAUTIFUL piece by our beloved author. ily <3 ur fics will always get me excited.
– 🤍
once again your message has me sobbing 😭😭 thank you so much angel i’m so thrilled you enjoyed it! especially since you’re our resident hannie lover hehe if you approve then i have to see it as a success <3
i know exactly what you mean there’s nothing cuter than the boy who calls himself handsome like it’s his dayjob getting flustered when someone else compliments him ㅠㅠ the way he was patting his cheeks at the seoul concert because his face had gotten all hot from embarrassment is absolutely the perfect example 🥰 hannie is truly so noisy and sensitive which is the deadliest combo when trying not to get caught, if he’s making the most suggestive noises over the most mundane things we can only imagine how he’d sound when he’s feeling good hehe. also i’m so glad you liked that part LMAO it was a lil silly but i couldn’t help but think that chan w his infinite amount of swimming medals would pull smth like that 😭 n binnie’s clumsy ass ruining yeni’s work just felt right…oh to have a beach day w skz
thank you again for giving such lovely and detailed feedback my dear it really makes my day every time!! ily too and i’m sending u the biggest smooch on earth MWAH 😽💖
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otpcutie · 4 years
“youre legally obligated to keep holding me” w whatever ship u want :3 💕💕 pls n thank u hope ur havin a good day 🥰
(Gummy Bear) Cannibalism | Steve/Tony. Ty💕
Contains: chubby Tony, body positivity/fat acceptance, nonsexual Cg/l [Daddy Steve and little/brat Tony], tummy kisses/rubs, fluff.
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Characters are 18+
Tony grumbled the moment Steve’s arm wrapped around his middle, nosing at his boy’s hair and talking way too much considering the time.
“Can’t believe I married a morning person, what was I thinking?” Tony interrupted cheekily, yawning and rolling onto his back with closed eyes, his teddy bear tucked under his arm. He answered himself, “Well, I guess you’re legally obligated to keep holding me.”
Steve chuckled, palm sliding to Tony’s tummy casually. Tony had been self conscious when he first noticed the weight he’d gained—his husband’s fault, Steve loved to indulge his sweet tooth and made sure they ate well—but it hadn’t changed Steve’s feelings about him in the slightest. That he was perfect, always had been, always would be.
Tony had attempted to lose it but doing so made him unhappy and Steve could see that. He pointed out that he knew more enjoyable ways to exercise if he really felt he needed to but that his happiness was the most important thing and there was nothing wrong with his body—nothing that needed to change. His Daddy helped him build up his confidence and feel more comfortable with his body, without fetishising it.
Tony was only human so naturally he had days where he wasn’t pleased with his appearance but mostly when he looked in the mirror he liked what he saw. That he was soft and squishy. Especially when his Daddy said he was his stuffie and that he was even more cuddle-able now. Steve loved to rub his tummy and give it kisses, raspberries too—they made him giggle and slip further into his little headspace.
It made him feel adorable and loved. Steve told him a trick once too. When he felt bad he was meant to think of all kinds of animals—like bears—to remind himself that they were cute and chubby, just like him. Hairy too, also like him. His Daddy had taken to often calling him ‘baby bear’ which always made Tony melt, practically to a puddle of blushing goo on the floor.
He was a lucky boy and Steve was a lucky Daddy, he had the sweetest, most precious (and cheekiest) baby boy ever.
Steve kissed his cheek and murmured against it, “And that it means me bein’ happy to wake you up with waffles and plenty of cuddles in the morning and—”
Upon hearing Tony’s muffled ‘blegh’ he ended that train of thought with a stifled laugh, catching on. “Oh, my sweet boy, that stuffs icky hm? I know, cuddles and cartoons, then.”
Tony promptly hid his face in his teddy bears fur, his cheeks all warm. He loved being in his little headspace and while he didn’t typically regress in it, that didn’t stop Steve from treating him like his little boy—which of course he was—and helping him into that headspace. He was an amazing Daddy, always doting on him.
His tummy filled with butterflies, feeling even softer.
“Don’t wanna get up, ‘m so cozy Daddy.” Tony complained anyway, even as his stomach rumbled at the mention of breakfast, butterflies fluttering away in there.
Steve rolled his eyes playfully, shifting so he could blow a raspberry onto his boy’s exposed belly. Tony gasped and giggled, squirming as his Daddy peppered it with kisses.
“But mister,” Steve spoke, still kissing his skin, “This cute ‘lil tum wants breakfast—it told me so.” He rested his head there, looking up at him with a dopey grin. His boy was the cutest thing.
Tony frowned, hugging his Captain America bear tighter with rosy cheeks and a bashful smile. “Tummy’s don’t talk, silly.”
Steve gasped, rubbing it and moving up to kiss his nose sweetly, “Not true, Daddies are tummy whisperers.”
Tony loved when his Daddy was silly like that, he always knew what to say and it felt so good—being taken care of and being able to just be little.
“What else does it say?” Tony couldn’t not ask, even more curious when he was feeling little.
Without missing a beat Steve replied, “It says that there’s pretty good odds of my gummy bear getting up now if I bribe him with being allowed some of those later.”
Tony's eyes sparkled mischievously and he teased, “Cannibalism.”
Steve's eyes widened and he burst out laughing in surprise. He shook his head, “You’re too smart for your own good, honey.”
My masterlist
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