#I am a sousaphone!! :D
mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Football Player Katsuki + Marching Band Girlfriend
Like all his stupid friends here, he met you at UA University Freshmen Orientation — Group 1-A. The same group of eclectic college kids that are around today all hanging out between the Varisty Sports and Spirit Teams. Still doesn’t understand how you all managed to be put together like that. Katsuki sees you regularly ever since then. Football Player Katsuki who sees you sitting in the university cafeteria sitting with Squeaky, Tape Arms, and Round Cheeks all smiles and giggles or all slouched and complaining. And on game days when he’s got the time he and some of the team go over and sit with y’all. Because Kirishima is real good friends with those two woodwind idiots— so Bakugou initially just gets dragged along. Football Player Katsuki Who always send a big wink and grin your way as he’s running through the tunnel before the start of the game. Who compliments your playing to the rest of the team and the compliments spread like wildfire back to your director and now you’re yelling back about “Katsuki stop complimenting my playing by name. Director Yamada keeps putting me on tunnel duty — at this point he’s gonna make it a permanent thing!” And Katsuki always shrugs watching the way you’re fighting a smile, instrument in hand, but he loves it when you do the pre-game mini pep tunnel thing with him. Always gets the chance to take a pre-game (pre pregame) photo with you. All color-coordinated with his jersey and your marching uniform. Football Player Katsuki Always standing on the sidelines with the other big players Midoriya, Todoroki, and Kirishima as y’all set up for pregame. The four of them taking the time to watch what y’all are doing — even if it’s the same each time. And if he’s part of kick off then he KNOWS he’s about to be running towards y’all as you scramble off the field. And he’s barreling towards the sidelines when he spots you in the crowd. Always making goofy faces at you when he slows down: big old monster hands and downright terrifying snarl of his canines and molars, but LIVES to see you smile bright when you notice him — fellow section members now knowing him by look slapping you on the lapels to grab you attention. For Katsuki to then mime a couple clicks of a paparazzi camera back at you. sauntering over with the rest of his team back to the sideline with a faint shout of “ — you looked good!” Leaves you with a section full of snickers and teases when you’re in the stands.
Football Player Katsuki who steps on your toes all the time for these dangerous and unorthodox training schemes that his denfensive coach Aizawa comes up with. Your director Yamada somehow agreeing to letting the entire defensive team zig-zag through the marching bands box-drill warm-up. Coach Aizawa doesn’t even regulate everyone to specific sections of the “drill” — which is what you band kids read and walk everyday. He lets the team run their laps beforehand to limber up and Bakugous sharp red eyes are always watching as you’re coaching your section on the whole drill. The angst on you and his friends faces makes him wince espically when the drills starts — it’s like a mazey hell of some kinda freaky spooky mind-control shit bc you’re all moving the exact same — and also not.
Bakugou’s a big guy — tall shoulders, broad shoulders, and pretty jacked — and so is the rest of the team. And Bakugou always ends up in your section of the drill: the team and marchers absolutely scared out of their wits. And luckily y’all have your stinking movements memorized for all these turns bc you always end up turning smack dab into his chest — at least once (and no y’all do not have instruments that’d be irresponsible on Director Yamada’s part) — and then being able to maneuver around him with a beaming grin and a polite little shove into a safe spot always pausing in chanting the numbers to say, “better luck next time babe!” 7- 8. And when it’s said and done you and his friends will skip over to him and Kirishima. All laughing and comparing tallies of how many people got in your way — and he can feel his ears steaming with the way you playfully punch his shoulder and say that he’s “always on your dot” whatever the hell that means. Football Player Katsuki who practically has your little band songs memorized for all his plays. And he makes a lot of touchdowns — always waiting on that delayed cheer of your voice coming from the band stands afterwards
— always looking up waiting for your delayed smile and wave, bc you were busy fighting down a smile while playing and dancing to the fight song for the touchdown he just made.
you, Round Cheeks, Squeaky, and Tape Arms always bursting into a song and singing your parts to some band kids tunes whenever some particular trigger word falls from someone’s mouth in conversation.
Like his number? 17? He can’t get past the Seven part because Uraraka starts wailing on an imaginary horn singing the low brass line while you and the two woodwind nerds start throwing down some funky dance moves.
and he hates himself when he’s taking a break on the sidelines and him and current benchwarmer Shinsou start humming some little ditty when Midoriya and Kirishima make a first down on the field. The two of them sharing concerned glares before staring up at y’all laughing and wailing just down the way. “We never speak of this again, got it?” “Got it.”
Football Katsuki whom you always pass on your way to set-up for pregame. The man always covered in dirt and grime with his hairband pushing back his blonde bangs. The little stereotypical thick black paint smudged across his face as you pass by him with a gentle little hand to the back. And he turns around with those red eyes accentuated by those big black smears and gives you a grinning smile. Always attempting to peck his gf’s cheek before you go into place and you always taking a step back with a teasing giggle, “can’t right now ‘Suki I’m in uniform.” And you love watching his nose scrunch and his eyes flutter open, lips still pucked as you blow him a kiss. The student going crazy because the camera man has caught onto y’all a few times. Suki’ always crossing his arms and rolling his eyes shouting “break a leg!” As you prepare. Football Player Katsuki who waits around with his mates before he sees you run over to him. You and your friends now changed into regular clothes and ready to head home and shower. After he’s just helped win the whole thing and you’re walking, stomping, staggering over to him in shambles and you come up and dodge HIS KISS??! Always whining and pointing an accusatory finger like “Suki’ you made my lips hurt!” And he’s always like baby how?? And you’re like too many good touchdowns. I had to play the fight song too many times :(
Has his mates howling!!! 👏 he just doesn’t understand :((
Football Player Katsuki who also makes that adorable scrunchy face of confusion when you flip-flop between telling him that’s he’s gonna help take the team all the way to the championship!! And then you pulling back with a fearful face and whispering, “but then I have to go to finals. I have to play at finals. I have to be on the band bus to get to finals.” And he chuckles and naively says oh it can’t be that bad. Only to get a genuine slap to his arm as you glare up at him “never say that again.” A dark energy he can only explain as marching band trama when he sees your frantic pleas of a text when he tells you he’s about to reach the point in the flight where he’s gotta put his phone up. He believes you when y’all show up days later at the venue. All smelly, all angsty, all hangry from the drive over. Has him cooing over you as you mumble and grumble waiting in line with an equally agitated Round Cheeks and Ponytail as the band waits for its 400 or so members to be given room keys. A total sunshine/dark cloud reversal. Always shakes his head at Dance/Cheer Team Friend Mina who’s already been here the same amount of time he has. Short pink curls bouncing over to ask how it’s been only to see everyone else with glare as if her cheery attitude is a death wish. Immediately cowering behind him and cooing and fretting over y’all band kids just the same seriously what happened to y’all? Doesn’t matter, y’all won’t answer. The band bus is still the band bus even in college. Football Player Katsuki who helps drive/walk you home afterwards again getting a flimsy puffy and chapped lipped peck at your door after every game. Being incredibly dramatic as insists he’s in “kiss withdrawal” when you don’t kiss him the next day because your lips are still recovering. LIVES for the day-after when you’re all better. And you finally give him a good fixing of those kisses he’s been missing out on. And he looks so smitten with all your invisible chapstick lip stains and little mosquito pecks; absolutely adorable. And you can’t help but roll your eyes when he pouts up at you, blinking those thick lashes. “Still in a tremendous deficit!” He nods eagerly as you rolls your eyes and start smooching every corner and curve of his face again. Laughing between kisses “seriously suki’ it hurts! you don’t understand”
you’re right he doesn’t, but luckily he’ll wait for his victory kisses. Doesn’t ever wanna put you in more pain after a game day 🥺
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calleighdompler · 2 months
guys this was so awkward i hate human interaction
for context i am in a marching band, i play the trombone
and this guy also plays trombone and sousaphone and most of low brass actually
and we had a team activity today where we had to make a shape out of our bodies without communicating whatsoever.
We also did DRILLS today!! Outside!! For 3 hours!! Woohoo! We didn't have breaks so I couldn't reapply my face sunblock.
The guy (who i just so happen to have a platonic crush on) turns his body and faces me (while we are in the shape of Florida) and he says, "Ouh, you're burnt" as if i didn't know Florida heat would burn my face.
that being said, i most likely got redder after that incident.
Anyways I don't like interacting with people :D
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motownfiction · 2 years
first chance
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Sadie’s at home with a chocolate milkshake on a Friday night. Earlier today, Gina Lumetta invited Daniel to a party, and Daniel took Sam. Sadie’s just sitting here with her milkshake, trying not to be jealous, when she hears knocking at the door. Except it’s not really knocking. It’s more like pounding, and it’s more like a horror movie. She jumps up from the couch and out of her skin to see who’s on the porch. It’s Sam and Will with Daniel between them. Her heart almost stops. Even from the window, nothing about Daniel looks right.
When Sadie opens the door, Sam doesn’t even say hello. Just asks if Mom and Dad are home. They’re not. They went to the movies, so it’s just Sadie and Charlie.
“Only one of us is a willing homebody,” she says, a little too hotly.
Sam sighs.
“Look, we don’t have time for that,” he says. “Listen up. We were at Gina’s party, you know?”
Sadie looks right past Sam and straight at Will.
“You were at Gina Lumetta’s party?” she asks.
Will turns pink and looks down at his shoes.
“No,” he says. “Sam picked me up on the way. Said he needed me to help.”
“With what?”
“What do you mean, ‘With what?’” Sam asks. “Look at Daniel.”
So, Sadie does. She’s used to looking at Daniel, after all. It’s one of the things she does most often (and best). But if he didn’t look right through the window, he looks even more wrong up close and personal. Sick. Dizzy. Like some other version of himself that Sadie didn’t know about until now.
“Is he drunk?” she asks.
“Yes, he’s drunk,” Sam says. “Don’t judge him for it.”
“I’m not judging him for it,” Sadie says, even though she and everyone else in the room knows it’s kind of a lie.
“He was trying to impress Gina,” Sam says.
“Not Gina,” Daniel says. “Connie.”
Sadie’s eyes get wide.
“Connie?” she repeats. “Connie Scholz?”
“The very one,” Will says, but then Sam lightly smacks him in the shoulder.
“Stop it,” he says. “You weren’t there. I only picked you up so that you wouldn’t feel left out tomorrow when you found out what happened.”
“I thought you said you picked me up in case Sadie wasn’t home to help you.”
“I lied! Of course Sadie was going to be home to help me.”
Sadie puts her hands in her pockets and takes a step back. She wishes she’d been out at an even more raucous party tonight, one with seniors and kegs, just to piss Sam off. It’s not often she wants to make him angry, but when she does, it’s white hot. She takes a breath and tries to list at least three reasons why she doesn’t actually want to hit him. He’s my brother, he looks like me, and Dad would be even more pissed about that than I am about this. The urge passes.
She turns her thoughts to where she wishes they wouldn’t go: to Daniel and Connie Scholz. Connie is a junior at St. Catherine’s. She’s one of Melissa Kaminski’s best friends, so she’s no doubt heard all about Daniel and Melissa’s little rendezvous at the end of April last year – the night Daniel lost his virginity, and Melissa dubbed him a stud. There are two things everybody knows about Connie. She’s very tall (even taller than Sadie), and she makes out with guys in the music room after zero-hour marching band practice and before the first-period bell. Connie’s too cool to be in the marching band, and she wouldn’t even be in it if she wasn’t so damn good on the sousaphone. That’s not even a metaphor.
“Connie drinks like a damn fish,” Sam says. “I must have seen her drink like eight beers tonight, and she was standing up straight and tall.”
“If Connie Scholz was sitting down, she’d still be straight and tall,” Will says. “That girl’s as tall as I am.”
“Will, can you just go make Daniel some coffee?” Sam asks. “I think that’s supposed to do something. Isn’t it?”
Will shrugs and heads for the kitchen.
“I dunno, man,” he says. “I’ve never been drunk. Too afraid of the knife my mother would stab right through my fucking heart.”
Sam sighs. He wraps his arm around Daniel and makes sure he’s standing up straight. Sadie looks Daniel in the eye, but he doesn’t look at her back. Although his eyes are open, Sadie’s pretty sure he isn’t seeing anything. She holds her breath for what feels like a very long time.
“Daniel was trying to keep up with her, just to see if he could get with her,” Sam says. “You’re seeing the results.”
“So, what?” Sadie asks. “They didn’t hook up?”
“No,” Sam says. “He almost puked on her shoes. He would have, too, if I hadn’t been there to save him from himself. I’m such a good friend.”
Daniel bursts out into a fit of giggles.
“You are a good friend!” he says. “A very, very, very good friend.”
He giggles some more, and Sadie cringes. She wishes she wasn’t judging him at all, but it’s like she can’t help herself. Daniel’s father drank too much and took it out on his wife and kids when he was sober enough to feel it. All these years, Daniel has said he didn’t want to be anything like him. And if that was true, what’s the reason for any of this? Sadie sighs. She knows she’s not supposed to judge him. Somewhere inside herself, she doesn’t even want to. But it’s like she can’t stop. She can’t stop worrying about what’s going to happen next.
“I’m going to make him some toast,” Sam says. “I think bread is supposed to help, too. Maybe I’ll also put some of that garlic bread in the oven, too. If Mom and Dad come home and ask why the kitchen smells like garlic, I’ll just tell them we were expecting a vampire infestation.”
“That wouldn’t work,” Sadie says. “Mom and Dad know that vampires aren’t real.”
“Dad definitely knows that. I’m not so sure about Mom. But hey, if she does, she’ll spend an awful lot of time complaining about how I never take anything seriously. It’ll be what they would have once called ‘a gas.’”
Sadie sighs. She looks at Daniel again. He’s busy laughing at his fingers. Even though Sadie’s never been drunk before, she’s pretty sure this isn’t the way it’s supposed to go. That’s not what any of the film strips from health class said, anyway. She stuffs her hands in her pockets again.
“Can you sit with him?” Sam asks, guiding Daniel over to the couch while Sadie follows. “Just make sure his head stays up so he doesn’t choke on his own vomit?”
Sadie winces as Daniel turns a smile in her direction. He smells just like the inside of the bottle return in the front of the grocery store. Sadie tries not to gag … tries to love him even when he smells just like everything he said he’d avoid. Because it doesn’t matter what he said before. What matters is that he’s here now, he needs help, and she loves him. Even if he doesn’t love her, she loves him more and more all the time.
“Sure,” Sadie says. “I’ll sit with him. You go make toast.”
“Peanut butter!” Daniel calls out.
Sam nods as he takes off for the kitchen.
“Peanut butter,” he agrees. “I’ll be right there, man. You’ll have peanut butter before you know it.”
Daniel grins as Sam walks down the hall and into the kitchen. Sadie holds him up as he laughs a little at nothing in particular. For a second, Sadie wonders why she’s spent her whole life being in love with Daniel DeLuca. That’s when it dawns on her.
It’s easy to fall in love with somebody who’d drink eight beers at a party just to keep up with everything about you.
It’s just hard when you’re not the one he’s trying to impress.
Daniel leans over and grabs Sadie’s face, almost like he’s an infant in her arms. He grins, still smelling remarkably of cheap beer, and it looks like he wants to say something.
But for a long time, nothing comes out. Nothing at all.
Until he says the last thing Sadie ever expected Daniel DeLuca to say in front of her … and not just in front of her, but about her.
“You’re pretty,” he says. “Sooooo pretty.”
Sadie’s heart skips and jumps like it’s playing Double Dutch without her permission. Daniel has never called her pretty before. He’s told her that she looks nice at various school dances over the years, but this isn’t one of those nights. This is just the two of them, and Daniel is being too honest.
“Thank you,” she says.
“I mean it,” Daniel says. “You’re pretty.”
Sadie exhales. She realizes that this is her first chance with Daniel – to kiss him, to tell him she loves him, to make him swear that he’ll be her boyfriend in the morning, when he remembers what he just said tonight. But that doesn’t happen. It won’t. Sadie would never let it.
“Thank you,” she says again, sharper this time. “But you’re drunk. Even if I do … you know.”
Daniel nods like he really does know – like surely he will remember all of this when he wakes up tomorrow morning. He grabs Sadie’s hand, and she feels like she’s more six than sixteen.
“Pretty,” Daniel says.
Sadie nods. Maybe this is enough for now. Maybe it has to be. She takes Daniel’s hand in hers and squeezes it, hoping somehow, he can figure out what it means.
Judging by the way his cheeks flush, she thinks maybe he has an idea.
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Jojo’s Bizarre marching band hcs (Updated & Edited)
It’s the middle Marching band season! Soo imma make some hcs abt what instruments the jjba characters might play if they joined band.
Definitions for ppl who haven’t/don’t participate/d in marching band
Drum major: person who’s on the raised platforms (helps the band run smoothly on the field)
Colorguard: A Sport that is a combination between gymnastics, dance and cheer. It has ppl who swing flags, do cool stunts with fake rifles and sabres,
Mellophone: an alternative instrument for French horn players to play during marching season.
Baritone an alternative instrument for euphonium sometimes trombone players to play during marching season
Sousaphone: Marching tuba
Section leader: person who’s in charge of their section
Front ensemble: The percussion ppl who don’t march but they still perform (they are located in the front of the field)
Drumline: percussion ppl who march with the drums and stuff
Euphonium: a mini tuba basically
Marching season: spans through late July-November sometimes December depends on the school.
Concert season: January-whenever the spring semester ends. it’s basically the band instruments you see in concert halls at ballets, or other theater performances. It accompanies the orchestra very often.
(Btw I am a band kid myself and I play the trumpet)
Part 1:
Jonathan Joestar: mellophone/French horn he seems like a guy who would play it plus his theme has a French horn in it
Robert E. O. Speedwagon: Mellophone
Dio Brando: soprano saxophone or trumpet bc of his big fat ego, He often boasts to the other band members (especially freshmen) abt how he’s better than them.
Will A Zeppeli: clarinet
Erina Pendleton: colorguard/oboe
Straizo: oboe
Poco: clarinet
Poco’s sister: oboe
Part 2:
Young Joseph Joestar: Trombone bc he’s a doofus and he always interrupts Caesar when he plays when he has the chance
Caesar Zeppeli: flute or alto sax, always impresses his fangirls when he plays
Lisa Lisa: a band director who plays Tenor sax/bassoon or maybe a colorguard director
Granny Erina: colorguard director
Smokey: drumline or alto sax
Suzie Q: colorguard
Stronheim: Front Ensemble or drumline
Pilllar men: Front ensemble
Part 3:
Jotaro Kujo Part 3: bari sax bc his mom wanted him to play it, because it reminds her of Sadao when he preforms his jazz music.
Holly Kujo: everyone’s FAVORITE band mom! 😃 (she used to play mellophone)
Noriaki Kakyoin: Trumpet
Jean Pierre Polnareff: flute or sax
Muhammad Abdul/Avdol: sousaphone/drum major
Old Joseph Joestar: Band director who plays trombone
Hol Horse: trombone or trumpet
Anne (the runaway girl): trumpet
Mariah: colorguard
Oingo: sousaphone
Boingo: trumpet/trombone
Midler: colorguard
Vanilla ice: tenor sax
Alessi: recorder (hes a not in band, he annoys Band ppl)
Iggy: Physically incapable of playing an instrument except for barking. He may chew up somebody’s reeds mistaking them for coffee gum.
Part 4:
Josuke Higashikata: Alto Sax or trumpet
Tomoko Higashikata: Band mom who’s very devoted into supporting the band
Okuyasu Nijimura: baritone or sousaphone
Keicho Nijimura: drumline
Koichi Hirose: trumpet or clarinet or piccolo I cannot decide
Yukako Yamagishi: clarinet/drum major
Reimi Sugimoto: used to play flute before she got murdered
Rohan Kishibe: clarinet
Mikitaka Hazekura: colorguard or bassoon
Hazemada: clarinet
Shigechi: A middle school band kid who plays French horn or euphonium
Kira Yoshikage: Front ensemble (plays oboe during concert season)
Hayato Kawajiri: a middle school band kid who plays clarinet
Jotaro Kujo P4: band director who plays bari sax
Yuya Fugami: gives of baritone or sousaphone player vibes (he rizzes up the colorguard girls)
Yuya’s fangirls: colorguard
Tonio: Major band sponsor
Aya Tsuji: colorguard director
Akira Otoshi: Front Ensemble or alto sax
Shinobu Kawajiri: Wholesome band mom
Part 5:
Giorno Giovanna: Alto or soprano sax
Guido Mista: Trumpie dumpy- I mean trumpet
Narancia Ghirga: clarinet or trumpet
Pannacotta Fugo: mellophone or bass clarinet drum major
Bruno Bucciarati: band director who plays Mellophone or flute
Leone Abbachio: band director who plays clarinet (he has beef with saxophone players for some reason)
Trish Una: Colorguard or flute/piccolo
Risotto Nero: He just gives of bari sax player vibes idk why
Prosciutto: colorguard (plays bassoon during concert season)
Melone: that one creepy clarinet player who hits on the colorguard girls
Ghiaccio: mellophone (he complains constantly about how the trumpets are too loud and he gives dirty looks anyone who messes up)
Formaggio: trumpet or drumline
Illusso: tenor sax
Sorbet&Gelato: the wholesome couple in drumline
Pesci: plays flute or tuba has performance anxiety
Doppio/Diavolo: clarinet
Chiocolatta: that one creepy bass clarinet player
Secco: clarinet
Squalo: trombone
Tiziano: Tenor Saxophone or colorguard
Part 6:
Jolyne Cujoh: Drumline
Ermes Costello:Trombone
Gwess: Sousaphone
Foo Fighters: Trumpet or sousaphone
Weather Report: Flute
Narcisso Anasui: alto sax or colorguard
Part 6 Jotaro Kujo: band director who plays Bari sax
Emporio Alniño: Drumline or trumpet
Enrico Pucci: rival band director who plays Bassoon
Versace: drumline or sousaphone
Rikiel: trumpet or bass clarinet
Ungalo: Front Ensemble
Pearla Pucci: colorguard
Mrs. Kujo/Jotawife: supportive band mom
Part 7:
Johnny Joestar: Front Ensemble plays flute during concert season
Gyro Zeppeli: tenor sax
Diego Brando: trumpet bc of his fragile ego
Hot Pants: I’m debating between bari sax,baritone, bass clarinet or drumline. She was maybe a drum major at one point
Lucy Steel: Colorguard
Funny Valentine: Mellophone or Trumpet
Part 8: (I had no time to read it yet but I’ll get to it if I have time)
Part 9: not enough info
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babymagi · 4 years
Magi Characters And The Instruments They Would Play
Aladdin: I wanna say recorder since that’s what he canonically can play but I REALLY wanna say cornet.
Alibaba: My first thought was maybe saxophone but I could also see him with any kind of brass instrument.
Morgiana: French Horn. She doesn’t need a petite instrument so she gets what (in my opinion) is the prettiest/coolest one.
Judar: Flute because I am a flutist and trust me he would be a flute/piccolo player.
Sinbad: Conductor because he can’t play a n y t h i n g worth a damn.
Ja’far: I’d also have to give him a flute, for different reasons.
Kougyoku: Her and the rest of the Ren siblings can each play the violin.
Yunan: Either a didgeridoo or a bassoon.
Scheherazade: Would you believe me if I said cello?
Titus: Piano probably. Scheherazade wanted him to learn.
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hornedchick · 5 years
I am absolutely loving the replies to my Pan-with-a-tuba post:
cincoflex reblogged this from i-blame-this-on-sherlock and added: So instead of an entrancing melody on little tripping notes from a flute, you’ve got a goat-legged man blatting at you with oooomphas to entice you to follow him?
Exactly! It’d be hilarious.  :D
i-blame-this-on-sherlock said: However, the idea of a half-goat, half-man Being with a brass instrument tangled up in his horns is just too funny for me to give up, so imma keep my mental image of it
Please do! I love that idea. :D
i-blame-this-on-sherlock said: @bonos-grindcore-sideproject I think it depends how big the horns are (in a quick review I’ve seen everything from ‘domestic billy goat’ to ‘fuckoff huge mountain goat’-sized) and the strap is attached to a tuba, so I feel like there’s potential to get tangled? Unless he’s able to hook up one end of the strap while also holding the tuba?
bonos-grindcore-sideproject said: @i-blame-this-on-sherlock​ Well, the horns wouldn’t interfere with the crossbody strap, would they? This is IMPORTANT. :)
i-blame-this-on-sherlock said: @bonos-grindcore-sideproject got curious so I went to look at pics and a lot of the marching bands carry it on their shoulders, or at least have a crossbody strap to help with the weight of it
I love that now we’re discussing goats’ horns and how people actually carry tubas... it’s educational!
bonos-grindcore-sideproject said: Well, boyfriend is right if you’re talking about a sousaphone. A regular tuba is just carried, isn’t it?
I confess to not being terribly familiar with actual tubas.
songs-of-owly said: someone should make a visual representation of this please
Yes please! I would love to see a drawing of this.  :D
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catgirl-frostmoon · 6 years
Rules: Tag 15 people you would like to know better!
tagged by: @siverwrites :D :3
1. Relationship status: Single and not looking to mingle, thank you. ;3
2. Favorite colors:  Pink! :3
3. Lipstick or chapstick:  Uhm, I end up wearing lipstick more often, so I guess lipstick...? Both have their uses.
4. Three favorite foods: Steak, pasta, crepes, cakes, pies, tarts.... Most sweets in general count as my “favourite food”. ;3
5. Last song i listened to: Outer Science, unsurprisingly.
6. Last movie i watched: I actually have no clue, sorry. My parents tend to leave movies and tv shows running, so I catch little bits and pieces of everything.
7. Top three t.v. shows: Uhh...Reboot’s (THE ORIGINAL) a definite. Aside from that, I don’t really have any other favourites...they’re all just fun things I like to watch.
8. Books i’m currently reading: I just finished Ballerina by Edward Stewart (quite a good look into the world of professional dance, actually!), and I don’t know what I’m gonna go onto next.
9. Last thing i googled: Contrabass sousaphones. >:3
10. Time: 8:11 am.
12. What are you wearing: Currently? My pyjamas, since I just woke up.
13. How many blankets do you sleep with: As many as I want at the time, which can change throughout a single night. Sometimes I just have a sheet, and sometimes I have four blankets covering me up.
14. Dream trip: Gosh, I dunno. I just want to travel and see the world.
15. Anything you want: Cats! (I already have 3, so nyeh.) More honestly, I just want happiness.
Tag: Anyone who’s interested! :3
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iliveonmylaptop · 7 years
I was tagged by @liveandletrain (which I am very happy about so thank you!)
THE RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get know better!
1. nicknames: Yoda and Liv
2. gender: Girl
3. star sign: Aries
4. height: 5′7''
5. time: 7:45pm
6. birthday: April 14th
7. favorite band(s): Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy
8. favorite solo artist(s): YouTube?
9. song stuck in my head: The heavy metal Deliver Us cover
10. last movie I watched: Thor Ragnarok :D
11. last show I watched: The Great British Baking Show
12. when did I create my blog: uuhhhh last August I believe
13. what do I post: reblogs of fandom things, history or political posts, memes
14. last thing I googled: muddie buddies for one (I was hungry)
15. do I have any other blogs: nah
16. do I get asks: Almost never
17. why I chose my url: tumblr put me on the spot and my parents would tease me for spending so much time in my room on my computer
18. following: 126 blogs!
19. followers: 31
21. average hours of sleep: usually 6-9
22. lucky number: 7, 14 and 77 are all excellent
23. instruments: BUCKLE UP BOYOS BAND KID HERE: piano, vocal, trumpet, baritone, sousaphone, tuba, flute, pennywhistle, upright bass, electric bass, guitar, ukelale, and I am passable on the drum set or assorted percussion instruments if the need arises
24. what am I wearing: A Star Wars t-shirt and black leggings
26. dream job: I'd love to teach something like History but I also really enjoy performing
27. dream trip: maybe somewhere in Switzerland? I've been once or twice already but I'd love to explore more
28. favorite food: dessert. In reality though, my mom makes amaaaazing Shepards pie
29. nationality: American. Hoo hah.
30. favorite season: Winter
I tag…
@flibbertigibbett @ithiliel-the-french-tolkiendil @sailing-winterfrost if you don't mind
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All About that Bass
Before we start,let me first give a quick overview of what a bass is. It is an instrument that is played by plucking,slapping,tapping or strumming it’s strings and unlike acoustic and electric guitars,it doesn’t have what they call chords but,has what is called an octave which can also be used in electric guitars. Commonly used bass guitars have only four strings which are the E,A,D & G strings which are arranged in that order. There are also the five stringed bass guitars which are the second commonly used strings in a bass. 
Some people think that a bass guitar has only two or three forms: the electric bass,the double bass and an acoustic bass(a bass which has the combined features of an acoustic guitar and a bass guitar) at least,that’s what I thought. But I was wrong. According to what I have searched,you can be considered a Bassist if you use either of these instruments: a tuba,a sousaphone or a keyboard bass(this is the first time I’ve heard about a keyboard bass actually). It goes beyond the usual bass instrument that most people know and listen to. 
Bass can also be called “the heart of the music” because without it,a music with just the drums and the electric guitar will sound plain,no offense to the drummers and guitarists out there. It’s music can be either soothing and calm or noisy and all over the place(in a positive way actually)so I hope that what I am trying to say actually makes sense and I also believe that learning simple bass theories is the start of becoming a great bassist.
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davidpwilson2564 · 7 years
Friday, November 24, 2017
And suddenly a run of bad luck.  TV on the fritz and someone from Spectrum will have to come and look at it.  Drat.  
More bad luck.  On leaving the apartment I see a mouse.  I thought that problem was solved.  
Bookchat: There is a wonderful piece in the most recent London Review of Books about Oscar Wilde’s imprisonment in Reading Gaol by Colm Toibin.  This makes me curious about Richard Ellmann’s biography of Wilde (his biography of Joyce is masterful).  I track down the Ellmann “Wilde.”  My God, what a family, those Wildes.  The mom, the dad...
The idea was to attend the N Y Phil concert in the evening (they’re playing the rarely heard Rachmaninoff Symphony Number Three) but there are no senior tickets.  No surprise.  I’m told all the extra tickets went to students.  I’m sure they’re kids who’ve come here with bands that marched in the Parade. For many of them it will be the first orchestra concert they’ve ever attended. 
Note: I marched in so many parades.  To think...I did marching band in junior high, high school and the university.  This (goofy) memory.  We arrived for our big parade in Washington D C and one of our tuba players couldn’t find his mouthpiece and had to mime playing his Sousaphone all afternoon.  
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Now...the computer not working...the TV not working.  I phone Kenichi.  I really don’t want to bother him.  I know he is in his office because I recognize the creaking of his chair.  He gives me a tip re the computer and soon the problem is solved.  Hate to bother him but phone back about the TV.  Tell him a technician is coming.  He suggests something.  I try it and the TV works and call Spectrum and cancel the tech guy. (This thought: the roles of son and father so eerily reversed.)
Go to the Geffen Hall box office.  The idea is to get a senior ticket for tonight’s performance.  I am told there aren’t any but there are senior tickets for the matinee.  I proffer my credit card and am asked if I’m David Wilson the television writer.  Hmm.  No, I tell her...I have one of those John Smith names.  She says it is the same with her but does divulge her name.  Funny little scene here. 
Later. Geffen Hall.  Matinee.  The stage set for a chamber piece. I wonder what the median age of this audience is...I feel, for the moment, quite young.  I see that the first half is the Nielsen Wind Quintet.  Surprise.  One of my favorite Nielsen pieces. (Love that chorale...original, not borrowed.) Second half: Rachmaninoff Third Symphony.  Not without its longueurs.  (Long story: R had a nervous breakdown when his first symphony was received so badly.  Went to a shrink.  Someone wrote a play about it.)  
Rachmaninoff is buried in Kenisco Cemetery in Valhalla, New York but the Russians, we learn, want him moved back to the Motherland.
These newish matinees are always followed with a discussion.  Today’s topic is master classes.  I recall my master class experience.  I was asked for a photo.  A headshot.  I went to the only professional photographer I knew, Roy Blakey.  He did a great job.  His fee used up my honorarium for the class.  You have to do a string of them to get ahead.  
Later: My alma mater loses to Vandy, thus concluding its worst football season ever (4-8).  
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