#I am a tag game maverick living on the edge not playing by the rules
ichabodjane · 1 year
Combining Fanfic Tag Games!
Another combined tag game! I was tagged to post the last lines from a WIP by @helenvader and @somebirdortheother as well as an Author Fic Rec challenge by @wyrd-syster. The fic rec asks for 5 fics but I don't have many published at the moment, so I'll give you three posted works and two hints from WIPs.
The Best Laid Plans for Rings of Power. My first piece of creative writing in yeeeears because this show rejuvenated some old tired parts of my soul. [Human!Halbrand/Galadriel | T | Canon Divergence Post S01E05 | 2462 words | One Shot] - He had plans. The universe had other ideas. Now they were in too deep to ever go back. "But he left and she fretted and her fretting did not go unnoticed, which just made her angry at him and at the world. It took all of her not-insignificant self-control to keep from saddling up and going out to find him herself. When he came into her rooms that night, cold and road weary, she found she couldn’t look him in the eye. Because he’d see it there, of course he would, he always saw. So she let out her anger instead, expecting him to rise to it. But he didn’t. He gave one half-hearted excuse and then just…stared at her until she couldn’t keep from touching him. And then they finally couldn’t keep from touching each other."
Blizzard for The 100. From forever ago. [Bellamy/Clarke | G | Comedy Canon Divergence Post S2 | 6738 words | One Shot] - Camp Jaha hunkers down to ride out a blizzard. Driven crazy by her friends' drunken antics, Clarke decides to hang out with Bellamy instead. "With nowhere to go and nothing to do, they had started working their way through the moonshine by mid-morning. Clarke didn't have all that much. But the rest of them ended up rip-roaring drunk. Monty was explaining the process of hydro-farming to them for the sixteenth time, though by now Clarke wasn't even sure if he was speaking English. Jasper had chased Lord Cluckington around for a good half an hour, trying to make her cuddle, before losing interest and instead trying to make a tower out of every available item in the room. Lord Cluckington was wandering around, making loud shrieking noises every time Jasper tried to give her a throne at the top of the tower, which was once every five minutes. Wick and Raven were laying tangled in a blanket by the fire. Clarke was fairly certain she had heard them making out at some point in the night but now Raven was loudly telling jokes and then laughing at herself."
Pictures of Artwork [Bellamy/Clarke one shot, posted on my Tumblr] "And that she had had a dream last week in which she was making out with him because her stupid brain couldn’t just make up hot people to make out with but had to pick strangers that she didn’t even know. Because her brain, like the pigeon, was an asshole."
WIP #1 Rings of Power [Canon Divergence post-S01E07.] Galadriel and Elrond make a visit to the Southlander settlement at Pelargir. The Southlanders decide to celebrate surviving their first winter in their new home. It's gonna be fluffy like a pillow. Ships are Arondir/Bronwyn and Galadriel/Human!Halbrand. "Winter in Pelargir was kinder than in Tir-Harad. In Tir-Harad, the blizzards always came biting at the heels of harvest time. The snow would pile high by midwinter and leave each village a small island to itself, the folk huddled around their small hearths, carefully measuring their stores so that they would last till spring. For months, the only travelers abroad would be the elves, passing as easily across the top of the snow as if it were packed earth."
WIP #2 Rings of Power [Modern College/Magic/Soulmates AU.] Ships are Galadriel/Human!Halbrand, Bronwyn/Arondir, featuring a million side characters. The elves are very-long-lived descendants of Tolkien elves but Galadriel doesn't quite know that yet. “'Who are you and why are you following me?'” Her voice seemed to surprise him and it took him a couple tries to summon a coherent sentence. 'You- I- Look,' he sighed. 'You’re the one out here in the middle of nowhere in a nightgown with a giant knife and no shoes. That’s…uh…kind of weird and I thought maybe you needed some help.' She frowned. What did he mean, no shoes? Suddenly her feet and ankles were screaming from a hundred different cuts and scrapes, an abrupt agony that she managed to limit to a quiet gasp of pain. Quiet but audible; she saw the worry in his face and blade or not, he moved towards her. It was all she could do to stay upright but she forced herself to step back and keep the distance and the dagger between them. She risked a glance. Everything from her calves down was caked in a mixture of dirt, blood, and gods knew what else. She could just see a trail of bloody footprints behind him leading back into the forest. What in the hell had happened to her? 'I do not require assistance,' she shot back, looking around again for something to tell her where the hell they were. She couldn’t have gone too far from home in this state but she didn’t know this land well enough yet to be certain. 'Yeah, no, whatever you say,' his voice dripped with sarcasm, prompting a scowl from her. 'I do not recall asking for your opinion on the matter. Just…simply tell me where we are, direct me to the nearest path, and I will be on my way and trouble you no further.' He opened his mouth, closed it, looked around as if seeing the landscape for the first time. Finally he shrugged, 'Honestly, I have no idea.' She blinked several times before coming up with a response. 'You followed a stranger into unknown territory for some unknown amount of time and you really kept no account of where you were going?' He had the gall to smirk. 'At least I wore shoes.'"
I am tagging whoever would like to play. Seriously, I'd love to see what you got!
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