#I am biased bc I like Kendrick more
mellorine-dreams · 5 months
The Kendrick vs Drake rap beef is so funny bc people thought that Kendrick wouldn’t have been able to hit back harder than Drake did. When Kendrick is one of the most acclaimed and respected lyricists of this generation, and Drake is generally clowned on for being a generic pop-rap singer. Like what did ppl expect.
Also Kendrick releasing an even more scathing diss shortly after he released his first track is also so funny. Drake didn’t even respond yet but Kendrick had to diss him more. Like Drake was already bodied but Kendrick still had to beat on a dead body. So wonderfully excessive.
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willowthefoxxo · 5 months
i say this with kindness as a call in and a white person with my own inner stuff i had to sort through bc i thought i was fine and nice - it’s not so much your comment on rap, but that you have wonderful exceptions for one genre, but not rock/metal, again assuming these genres are broader/cleaner and we all know better artists but for rap it’s So Much Harder. you may not have said anything mean, but the subconscious belief that rap is more single note than metal IS biased. the subconscious belief that it’s easier to find clean metal IS biased.
yea i get that, sorry about that. i just honestly don't know a lot about mainstream stuff in general since I'm so used to avoiding it in favor of the more obscure fantastical stuff. And it's hard both because the kinda yucky stuff is always what i see advertised, and because i just tend to avoid the entire scene because it's not what I'm used to. I got into Mori and DEMONDICE because i got into electro swing, which i got into because of Kawaii EDM, which I got into because I often liked the background music of pop songs but not the lyrics. Brothers of Metal and Paddy And The Rats were introduced to me as my very first experiences with metal because of my dad, and I never got to listen to any mainstream metal or much rock at all. And I never listened to any mainstream rap because the mainstream rap i was exposed to either had weird lyrics I was too young to be hearing, or just sounded really bad imo. My favorite genres have always been pirate/viking/dwarf heavy metal, electro-ish swing, J pop, J heavy metal, and breakcore. I like the stuff that would the rupture the ears of any normal person, and I stick really strongly to that because I'm scared to listen to anything else.
I'm honestly just biased against "mainstream" things in general- hell, i was scared to watch Hazbin Hotel, TADC, and Murder Drones at first because i was thinking like holy shit these things are so popular i wouldn't like them at all, cuz I'm just so used to being "that person" who only likes the "shitty stuff" that "nobody likes except weirdos". those three shows ended up being my three favorites, though.
and because of that, I just don't know jack shit about the mainstream stuff. I don't really know jack shit about rap or pop or normal rock or popular metal or anything like that, I'm the mofo who blasts Femtanyl songs at max volume in the middle of class and has done hours of research dissecting the meaning of all of Femtanyl's songs and knows all their lyrics by heart, meanwhile the only things I know about rap are that some of Drake's songs make for banger breakcore remixes and apparently Kendrick is mad at Drake and is dissing him with what people say is objectively better music. All I know about the rap stuff is what other people tell me, and also that my mom's taste in rap is ✨garbage✨ and she doesn't know what's appropriate or not appropriate in terms of music for a 7 year old, because she had my 7 yr old ass listening to songs that literally described sex and gang violence and drug abuse in the most vivid ways possible. (meanwhile she says SpongeBob is too inappropriate for current me, aka a 16 yr old Chainsaw Man fan. like- HUH??? WHAT??)
srry if i derailed a bit, but yea- i realize i fucked up a bit. also i have once again showed myself just how fucking stupid i am when it comes to gauging tone because jesus fuckin christ i feel dumb as ✨shit✨ now that i realize that was sarcasm
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