#I am going to break the rules | Rand al'Thor
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@lightcreators sent: [ TIGHT ]
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               ˜”*°•.   A  summer  abounded  with  happiness  and  peace .  It’d  felt  like  a  dream .  Returning  to  his  home  after  a  year  full  of  horrors  and  war .  It’d  been  liberating .  Waking  up  every  morning  and  having  no  Death  Eaters  to  think  about ,  no  forthcoming  destructions ,  no  nothing .   There’d  been  peace .  In  a  village  that’d  always  felt  secure ,  living  a  life  that’d  always  felt  certain .  His  friends  were  there,  his  father  was  there ,  everything  was  like  before .  But  was  it  ?  They  had  changed .  Having  witnessed  the  raw  cruelty  of  the  war,  he  assumed  it  was  expected  that  they’d  changed.  That  they’d  become  less  vibrant ,  less  dreamy  and  naive.
He'd  been  talking  with  Draco  through  letters  too .  Maybe  it’d  been  selfish  to  barely  check  on  him  during  the  first  month,  yet  he’d  needed  time .  Time  to  clear  his  mind ,  to  calm  down .  Time  to  spend  with  his  father,  taste  a  tiny  part  of  his  once  ordinary  life .  During  the  next  two  months ,  he’d  tried  to  send  him  something  every  week,  though .  Share  his  news  about  his  days  there,  about  the  celebrations  they  held,  even  invited  him  to  one .  At  the  same  time,  he  would ask  about  him .  His  family  had  endured  horrible  predicaments ,  after  all ,  and  even  if  Azkaban  was  a  punishment  they  didn’t  face,  he  could  assume  their  lives  had  become  harder.   
Summer  was  over ,  though .  And  so  was  the  peace  he’d  finally  got  to  embrace .  He  didn’t  want  to  be  in  this  school .  He’d  never  wanted  to ,  ever  since  the  first  day  he’d  set  a  foot  in  it .  But  now  this  unwillingness  had  grown  -  every  single  day  he  spent  in  there ,  a  living  reminder  of  the  past  two  years .  Constant  nervousness  would  chase  him .  Even  the  sight  of  the  dining  hall  enough  to  set  his  teeth   on  the  edge . 
He  didn’t  know  what’d  happened .  One  moment  he  was  arguing  with  his  classmate  and  the  next  one  he  had  his  hand  pressed  against  his  shoulder ,  the  power  inside  of  him  surrounding  his  body .  It’d  been  a  blur ,  all  he  could  feel  a  burning  hate,  an  anger,  a  fury .  And  then ,  Draco’s  hands  around  him ,  yet   the  darkening  light  refusing  to  disappear .  The  other  student  ran  away ,  but  he  didn’t  care .  His  attention  now  on  Draco ,  and  he  pushed  against  him.  ❝ Don’t  touch  me .  DON’T  TOUCH  ME . ❞  The  words  came  loud ,  hostile  even .  This  student  had  seen  hm ,  they  couldn’t  just  let  him  go ,  they  couldn’t  just -   ❝ I  am  fine ,  it’s  fine . ❞  He  said   quieter  now  -  yet  the belligerence  would  still  burn  inside  his  eyes  wild.  And  he  didn’t  know  what  to  do  with  it . 
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
Gonna babble a little because part of my break this month is figuring out and planning a sims story for the first time. I've always WANTED to put out a proper sims story, because I am an idea hoarder, creative, and clearly like to share my shenanigans, but aside from Edirann which is left best as vaguely defined I could never really plot anything out that I didn't go on to hate ten minutes later. (A common theme with me - in four years I'll come back to old ideas and love them again.)
The point is, I'm going to write a got dang sims story.
Sort of.
My premise is to take some of my most well-loved series/characters from existing media and to place them in a new world with different rules and have them rebuild society. I am heavily borrowing from the concept The Neverending Story introduced of a world dying because of lack of belief, and applying that to the magic systems within these specific worlds.
I do not intend to wholesale bring in main characters (sorry, Rand al'Thor) or anything like that, but familiar names should be expected.
I also want to incorporate the idea of TTRPG gameplay, using polls, so the story is a bit more interactive. These won't be for every aspect of the story, but would be a nice breather for when I'm stumbling or want a wildcard.
I will be including ASOIAF (my random video a few months back messing with hood generation was the catalyst for this idea), Wheel of Time, LoTR, Once Upon A Time, Wynonna Earp, classic RPG/D&D, The Crow, Skyrim/Elder Scrolls, the Cosmere, Anita Blake, and the Neverending Story as a starting point in terms of characters. I wanted a blend of different genres to make things interesting when these groups meet.
There WILL be new "gods" helping to shape the world. These will be original characters.
There's a good chance I'll be adding one-off characters based from other world just for fun, though I plan on only pulling from worlds with magic systems.
Anyway, I wanted to share because I'm excited, and any tips, tricks, or tools you know of that make storytelling easier in terms of screenshotting are VERY VERY welcomed! I'm going to go on a posebox downloading spree soon and we'll see how that goes.
I might even deign to edit photos for the first time in my entire simming career.
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neuxue · 2 years
what about our lord and savior rand al'thor?
this one's hard mostly because it depends on when in the series you're looking at him. but up to and including early in Towers of Midnight because that's as far as I've got (do not @ me)
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'lia his intensity should be off the charts' you say and I don't disagree with you but this is a series-wide average and intensity is not the same as stubbornness.
tragic backstory really just depends how far back you go :)
he really is just some guy but unfortunately he is the pattern-mandated protagonist of life, so. that's rough buddy.
whether he's good or terrible company depends on a set of factors complex enough that asmodean spent a book and a half trying and failing to work it out and resorted to musical therapy instead. RIP.
weapons or tools? this is more a perrin question but it really just depends when in the series you're asking him. either way, he is one.
enemy of god/at peace with life... see: dragonmount
he actually at one point announces that he plans to 'break the rules' but when you are the pattern-mandated protagonist of life who can literally bend the fabric of reality to your will mood, not to mention the de-facto ruler of multiple nations, the rules are kind of whatever you decide them to be. for better or worse. the only reason he's not farther to that side of things is the balefire habit.
the romance. oh, the romance. I love all the characters individually, I really do! But I am on record (extensively) as not being a fan of the romance in this series in general, and as much as I enjoy Rand interacting with and caring for and being cared for by his girlfriends, the romantic element of it almost always feels forced to me.
different sex is mostly because he and asmodean should have fucked at least once. i'm not sorry.
he gets my classic 'a better time' + 'a worse time' combination. His life sucks and everything hurts and I want him to heal and know peace and get to remember the shepherd named Rand al'Thor but I also want to watch him walk through agony and inferno, patiently forging his soul in the fires of pain. The duality of man.
He probably inspires the most godawful takes known to mankind BUT due to avoiding any and all WoT content until I finish the liveblog I can live in blissful ignorance.
I have not actually drawn any absentminded doodles on tabletops but I did write a song so I think that counts
meta-posting on main: do not @ me
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highladyluck · 4 years
Third Age Relics: Lord of Chaos Plot Contest
Continuing the theme, here's a “Lord of Chaos Plot Contest“ winner (Best Balefire/T'A'R/Swordplay Category). If you've been reading everything in the Third Age Relics tag you should get the plot-essential rawsfrj community in-jokes, but I'll put in some direct links as well.
Submission 17 - Bill Garrett
The Lords of Chaos
Sammael sat back from his ter'mineal and blinked his weary eyes. Keeping up on the happenings and speculations in the world was certainly hard work, made no easier by his insistence on cataloging all the happenings and having to give people the same answers repeatedly to their dumb questions. Ah, he'd be happy to balefire any of them at a moment's notice, but destroying any of them would only make more work for himself.
"Staying up late?" a woman's voice behind him said as he stared vacantly at the device on his desk.
Reaching for Saidin, he spun in his swivel chair. Behind him, floating over a floor littered with messy notes, odiferous pizza boxes and a few dozen half-empty su'da cans, was a gateway opening to someplace else. Inside it he glimpsed a Very Small Animal.
"You! I thought that silly mortal woman had succeeded in destroying you, Lanfear!" he exclaimed roughly.
"She could only dream to be so lucky," Lanfear replied smoothly. "As it turned out, she was very useful. She fetched quite a handsome price -- my freedom. I've been through hell and half of Georgia. It was even worse than the lines at course registration." She decided to change the subject. "I see you're still hacking away. Why don't you ever get a life, Sammael? Certainly there's someplace you could go, even in a backside-of-forever place such as Blacksburg."
"You shouldn't be so cavalier with me, Lanfear. I have a hold over you. I know about Piglet."
"Yes. Well," said Lanfear uncomfortably. "I wish Asmodean were still with us. He always had such good ideas. It was he who suggested the idea for the first hoax, wasn't it? So many people fell for our concoction about the creator. Yes, it's very important that we continue our plans to deceive the rest of the land."
Both Forsaken turned as they sensed another gateway opening. The fabric of reality seemed to stretch apart, revealing a spartan room occupied by a tall man. Where his eyes and mouth and .sig should have been, there were only flames. He wore a goofy purple beret with the cryptic runes of the Old Tongue scrawled across it, reading "Terps".
"Ishemail!" Lanfear and Sammael exclaimed in unison.
"Reports of my death were widely exaggerated," he said wistfully. "Of course, you've got to take everything with a grain of salt. As I've always said, your mileage may vary."
"Well, Ish, I really though Rand had got you in that last fight. You danced 'Curmudgeon Flames the Group', he came back with 'Newbie Quotes the Sig' and 'Needless Hundred-Line Cascade'. I thought you were a real goner right then and there."
"I survived. Tastes vary, you know."
All three turned as yet another gateway opened into their assemblage. Behind this extradimensional portal, shrouded in mist, was a shadowy figure partially obscuring yet another shadowy figure behind it. "Ah, my children, how nice of you to come. I am your lord and master!"
"You cheap impostor!" shouted Sammael. "We've unmasked you but still you hound us. There's a cure for that..." Sammael shared a quick look with the other two Forsaken and suddenly three bolts of brilliant light hurled through the gateway, converging upon the shadowy figure there. A resounding ZOT! was heard and both the figure and the gateway suddenly winked out of existence.
"Bravo," taunted a new voice, "I'm sure the Oracle will be happy to see that you've learned that Balefire goes 'ZOT!'"
All three Forsaken whirled around to see the man who taunted them. It looked like Padan Fain, but he was wearing upon his head something that resembled a bucket. At his back was a darkened glass cabinet, rows of small lights blinking inside it. An odd tether connected the bucket to the cabinet. They weren't able to sense his weaving because, in fact, he hadn't opened gateways like they had. He just seemed to just be there, or rather, the image of him floated above the floor, but still gave the appearance of his presence.
"How did you get here?" demanded Ishemail. "I thought this was a moderated group."
"Mwahaha, I have ways that none of you know about. I am a far older power than you think, a far more powerful power than you think! Were you there when I stood on the wall in Aridhol and--"
"Please," interrupted Sammael, "you sing even worse than I do. Just drop that hackneyed prophetic bullshit and tell us if you've thought of anything new."
"Nope. Nothing. Look, I already fooled the entire world with my last hoax, so what do you expect of me now? Fool the Creator Himself?"
"As a matter of fact," mused Ishemail, "that might be an interesting idea. But what can we do?"
"What if we convince him that the next Age has started already?" suggested Sammael. "Then Rand won't defeat us, and we'll get to rule."
"How are we going to make him believe that?" asked Ish.
"We'll need to give him one of those bogus timelines we drew up.
"Yeah, like the one where Tam al'Thor turns out to be Jain Farstrider," Lanfear chimed in. "You know, the one where the Breaking of the World is off by a few centuries, Moiraine had an alibi for the Darkfriend Social, and Bela actually ends up in five places at the same time."
"That old mare sure seems to get around," joked Fain. He belched ceremoniously and smiled. Lanfear wrinkled her nose.
"Okay, so it's a Plan," said Ishemail. "This should be even more fun than the first one!"
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            ˜”*°•.     ❝ Do  you  think  we  could  stay  like  this  forever ?  ❞ 
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One-liner for @wellfell
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@lenfaer sent: i said leave it alone !
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            ˜”*°•.     In  all  of  the  darkness  of  the  world,  it  was  her  presence  that  gave  him  safety .  It  was  her  existence  that  kept  him  orientated .  Maybe  he’d  never  told  her ,  maybe  he’d  never  tell  her ;  his  show  of  distrust  still  alive .  However, he  cared .  He  cared  enough  to  be  concerned ,  when  worry  crept  into  her  face .   he  cared  enough  to  want  to  do  something ,  when  she  looked  so  upset .
❝ Just  tell  me  what’s  happening !  I  want  to  help  you . ❞  Words  that  echoed  a  little  bit  too  loud .  If  she  wanted  them  to  be  something ,  if  she’d  really  missed  everything  they used  to  have ,  shouldn’t  she  be  letting  him  in  too ?  Shouldn’t  she  be  giving  him  a  chance  to  feel  useful ?  He  was  the  Dragon  Reborn,  yet  he’d  felt  like  he’d   barely  done  anything  so  far .  So ,  yes .  He  wanted  Lanfear  to  try  harder,   but  it  didn’t  mean  he  wasn’t  supposed  to  do  the  same .
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               ˜”*°•.     Fear .  It  was  not  just  fear  burning  inside  his  mind .  It  was  anger   too .  Anger  with  life,  anger  with  fate,  anger  with  the  injustice  of  this  all .  And this  anger  would  grow .  It’d  grow  constantly  and  it’d  grow  wild .  The  Tower  wanted  him  imprisoned ,  the  dark  side  wanted  him  a  marionette,  while  the   good  side ?  The  side  he’d  opted  for  ?  Well ,  everyone  wanted  something .  He  just  couldn’t  figure  out  what .  But  then ,  wasn’t  this  side   his  friends ?  The  people  he’d  grown  up  with .  The  ones  they’d  spent  birthdays  and  celebrations  and  tragedies  together.  A  family .  It  was  the  side  he  could  trust .
Then  why  did  he  feel  like  the  world  had  been  taken  off  from  under  his  feet,  when  Egwenne  saw  him ?  Why  did  he  feel  like  time  had  frozen ,  when  her  eyes  fell  on  him  and  then  on  the  dead  body ?  He  wanted  to  explain ,  to  try  and  talk  to  her,  but  no  word  made  it  out  at  first .  ❝ It’s  not  what  it  looks  like . ❞  But  wasn’t  it  ?  He  could  barely  remember  what  happened,  so  how  could  he  claim  anything  at  all ?
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Starter for @forbiddcnfruits
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@toxicmalicex sent: That's my business. You let me worry about that
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            ˜”*°•.     Complicated .  The  world  had  turned  complicated  very  violently ,  very  fast .  Or  maybe  it  had  always  been  this  way .  Maybe  it’d  been  simply  the  curtains  that’d  been  ripped  apart  now .  Whatever  it  was ,  it  was  overwhelming .  Trust  a  quality  long  gone ;  a  privilege  owned  by  mere  a  few .   So ,  no .  The  other’s  answer  was  not  satisfactory .  This  absence  of  details  frustrating .  He  needed  to  know  what  was  happening  -  especially  when  half  the  world  seemed  to  be  targeting  him .  ❝ Your  business  ?  ❞  He  repeated  in  disbelief .   ❝ If  someone  is  coming ,  don’t  you  think  I  should   be  at  least  aware  ?  ❞   
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@lightcreators sent: ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 - ℑ'𝔪 𝔴𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔶𝔬𝔲.
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               ˜”*°• .    It  was  a  smile  that  spread  upon  his  lips,  when  the  other  spoke .  ❝  Is  this  a  threat ? ❞   Words  came  jokingly .  But  then ,  he  assumed  he  knew  the  reason  Malfoy  was  worried .  If  all  they’d  studied  was  true ,  if  the  legends  were  real ,  if  indeed  his  nightmares  meant  something ,  well …  it’d  be  irrational  to  try  pushing  his  luck.  Hogwarts  taught  magic ,  and  magic  had  he  always  practiced  -  holding  a  wand ,  using  the  same  power  as  any  other  student.  However ,  this  thing  that’d  happened  the  previous  night .  It  was  not  Hogwarts  magic …   Just  for  a  moment ,  just  briefly  white  tentacles  surrounding  both  his  arms .  A  light  radiating  out  of  nowhere,  and  knife  being  frozen  on  spot .  Just  inches  away  from  Draco’s  back  -  a knife that'd come out of nowhere, and a knife aiming to kill.   Questions. Too many questions still haunted him .  And  yet,  all  he  could  think  about  was  the  book  that’d  brought  them  to  the  library  in  the  first  place .  Dragons .  A  power  so  ancient ,  a  power  so  immense,  yet  a  power  deranging  every  male  capable  of  touching  it.  The  legends  terrifying .  The  texts  ominous .  But  if  he  just … ,  didn’t  use  it ,  it  shouldn’t  be  able  to  affect  him .  It  just  shouldn’t . 
❝  By  the  way ,  you  never  told  me .  Do  you  know  who  might’ve  tried  to  kill  you  yesterday ? ❞   He  asked  curiously .  It’d  been  an  impulsive  plan ,  going  to  the  library .  Seeking  to  find  more  clues  -  Draco  grabbing  his  book  that  evening ,  flipping  over  the  pages  for  fun  apparently  defining .  For  the  page  he’d  stopped  on …  it’d  talked  about  tales  so  similar  to  his  dreams .  Offered  clues ,  information  that  fit  so  well  with  all  he'd  felt .
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@lightcreators sent: ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔞 𝔪𝔲𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔯
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               ˜”*°•.     A  line  growing  blurrier  and  blurrier  -  it  was  impossible  to  assign  titles  anymore .  Everyone  standing  on  their  own  side  -  funny  to  think  they’d  once  believed  they  could  evade  war .   That  they  could  outclever  fate ,  ignore  destiny .   Dumbledore   was  dead  -  and  as  much  as  they  might’ve  wanted  to  accuse  Snape  and  the  Death  Eaters  of  the  murder ,  he  knew  what’d  happened .  He’d  known  about  the  Room  of  Requirement ,  about  Draco’s  mission ,  about   everything  really .  And  he  couldn’t  forgive  him  -  the  anger  too  bitter,  too  strong .  This  school  was  not  going  to  fall ,  not  while  he  was  alive .  And  perhaps  Draco  had  once  assisted  him ,  perhaps  there’d  been  a  real  friendship  forming  between  them ,  he  was  not  going  to  watch  his  classmates  die ,  though .  No .  He’d  once  been  ready  to  abandon  his  life  to  protect  Hogwarts  from  himself ;  Draco  was  no  exception .  No  matter  how  painful  the  fact  was.
❝ That’s  exactly  what  you  are . ❞   Words  came  much  too  poisonous .  Much  too  bitter .  Maybe  there  was  a  voice  of  reason  somewhere  deep  inside  his  head  telling  him  that  Draco  was  innocent .  That  he  hadn’t  gotten  a  choice .  It  was  too  quiet ,  though,  barely  audible .  While  the  anger  ?  The  fury  ?  They  were  loud,  rather  deafening .  ❝ They  found  out  what  I  am .  When  you  were  killing  Dumbledore ,  one  of  them  attacked  me .❞  He  admitted  -  words  he’d  been  uncertain  whether  he’d  wanted  to  speak  or  not .  it  was  not  Draco’s  fault,  it  was  not  Drac’s  fault .  But  it  was .  ❝ I  was  on  the  tower,  heading  to  you  .  One  of  them  stopped  me ,  called  me  by  my  title . ❞  He  continued  -  a  step  now  made  forwards .  The  headmaster  was  dead,  the  school  was  destroyed  by  the  Death  Eaters,  the  darkness  was  engulfing  the  place .  While  the  Death  Eaters ?  They  knew …  they  knew  enough  to  never  let  him  have  a  normal   life  again .  ❝ So,  no .  You  are  not  innocent . ❞ 
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@lightcreators sent: [ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ]
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               ˜”*°•.     Suspicion  had  begun  to  grow  more  and  more  powerful .  The  way  Draco  had  turned  quiet ,  barely  there ,  barely  present ,  more  than  simply  enough  to  intrigue  him .  He’d  wanted  to  talk  to  him .  Yet ,  between  trying  to  cease  the  fights  with  his  girlfriend  and  living  a  normal  life ,  he  could  barely  bring  himself  to  add  to  his  worries.  Maybe  it  was  wrong .  They’d  gone  through  countless  of  ordeals  together   after  all ,  yet  there  they  were  now  -  barely  exchanging  a  single  word ,  barely  even  checking  on  each  other  too.  There  was  something  else  to  it  too  -  Draco  disappearing  in  the  middle  of  the  night .  He’d  seen  him.  Seen  him  sneaking  around ,  yet  he’d  just  thought  Malfoy  was  seeing  someone .  That  perhaps  he’d  gone  for  a  relationship  with  a  non-Pureblood .  But  with  the  changing  emotion  painting  him ,  the  exhaustion ,  the  speechlessness,  he  doubted  it  was  dates  distracting  his  mind  lately.
And  so ,  he’d  followed  him .  One  night ,  when  the  hall  had  been  quiet ,  empty ,  he’d  decided  to  walk  before  him .  The  corridors  they’d  crossed  multiple ,  the  doors  they’d  walked  past  dozens .  But  then ,  the  Slytherin  stopped .  The  door  to  the  Room  of  Requirements  opening ,  and  him  walking  inside .  It  didn’t  make  sense .  Was  this   the  place  Malfoy  visited  every  night ?  Was  this  the  secret  that’d  been  troubling  his  mind  lately  ?  He  followed  him .  Went  inside  as  well  -  wishing  he’d  witness  nothing  that  he’d  entirely  regret . 
❝ What  are  you  doing  here ? ❞  He  asked .  The  fear  of  what’d  been  lately  following  his  dreams  suddenly  arising .  ❝ And  better  be  telling  the  truth .  ❞ 
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@lightcreators sent: [ 𝐧𝐨 𝐚𝐢𝐫 ] +
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               ˜”*°•.    Legends .  Their  whole  life  a  part  of  a  future  legend ,  a  future  story .  Their  every  decision  meant  to  forever   be  written  on  papers .  It  was  interesting  to  think  about  it  -  how  the so  many  books  lately  read ,   had  once  been  the  reality  of  people .  How  the  stories  they  got  to  search  through,  had  once  been  a  part  of  one’s  life .  They’d  agreed  that  they’d  stop .  After  the  latest  arguments  he’d  agreed  that  they’d  leave  things  be   -  keep  their  secret  in  the  dark ,  resist  the  desire  to  dig  deeper .  It’d  felt  impossible ,  though .  The  presence  of  it  on  the  tip  of  his  fingers ,  pulling  him  closer  and  closer.   As  if  screaming  for  him  to  taste  more  of  it,   reach  the  full  potential .    None  was  around ,  after  all ,  none  would  notice  the  weird  glimpse  dancing  between  digits  -  and  even  if  someone  did ,  would  it  matter  ?  A  magic  school  full  of  magic  sweets  and  potions  -  the  excuses  were  everywhere .  None  would  suspect  a  single  thing .
It’d  caught  him  off  guard ,  though -  the other's presence , the other's arrival in the room .  He'd heard enough . Enough warnings, enough threats , enough implications . He is jealous , look at him . That whisper echoed once again inside his mind - a whisper growing louder and louder day after day , yet a whisper he'd told none about . It'd happened fast - one wrong word coming from Malfoy and ... he'd lost it . Hands  wrapping  around  his  throat ,  squeezing  it  tight as he pushed him against the wall.  ❝ You will not be threatening me . ❞  Words  came much too intense - a command really . And for a moment , he found himself incapable of realising what he was doing.
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@xradiant sent: I don't recognize myself
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            ˜”*°•.     Everything  had  changed .  Their  lives ,  their  dreams,  their  selves  as  a  whole .  A  bunch  of  kids  from  the  Two  Rivers  had  they  been  once  upon  a  time .  Yet ,  not  anymore .  As  much  as  pretending  might’ve  been  nice ,  as  much  as  he  wanted  to  convince  him  they  were  still  the  same  people,  he  knew  well  enough  such  statement  would’ve  been  false.  They  had  changed .  But  were  they  supposed  to  change  to  the  point  of  losing  themselves  ?   ❝ It  doesn’t  have  to  be  this  way . ❞  They  didn’t  have  to  dissolve  into  whatever  power  had  touched  them .  ❝ You  can  still  be  yourself . ❞ But  who  was  he  to  talk  about  coexisting  with  power  ?  Wasn’t  he  the  very  same  person  that’d  fight  it  ?  Try  to  ignore  it  ?   He  knew  it  was  terrifying ,  after  all .  But  maybe  this  was  what  they  both  needed ;  someone  who  could  understand  how  horrifying  was  feeling  like  you’d  cease  to  exist .
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@lightcreators sent: 𝔗𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔦𝔰 𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔠𝔱. 𝔗𝔬 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔩 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔱.
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               ˜”*°•.     It  was  the  same  music  again  and  again  -  the  sound  of  screams ,  of  cries .  Sometimes  breaking  through  the  fog ,  sometimes  burning  like  a  fire  across  villages  and  forests .  Hand  was  brought  upon  his  forehead ,  the  pillow  so insufferably uncomfortable .  He  changed  side,  and  then  he  changed  it  again .  What  time  was  it  ?  One ?  Two  ?  Six  ?  He  didn’t  know ,  couldn’t  bring  himself  to  care .   The  nightmares  had  begun  to  grow  hostile  -  an  invitation ,  a  calling .  And  yet ,  no  matter  how  hard  he  tried ,  he  couldn’t hear beyond the screams.
A  frustrated  sigh  escaped  his  lips .  He  got  out  of  the  bed ,  stood  up  -  ignoring  the  exhaustion ,  the  desperate  need  to  rest .  Maybe  he  could  fall  asleep  outside,  have  Mat  play  a  prank  on  him  to  wake  him  up  and  then  laugh  at  his  reaction .  It  wasn’t  Mat  the  person  he  stumbled  upon  the  moment  he  got  out  of  the  room,  though .  No .  it  was  Draco  Malfoy  apparently  sharing  the  night-owl  party  nature  -  or  not .    ❝ And  which  one  do  you  prefer  ? ❞  Came  the  question  both   taunting  and  curious .  If  neither  of  them  could  fall  asleep ,  talking  seemed  to  be  quite an  option.
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@wellfell sent: You drive me crazy
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            ˜”*°•.     Wrong .  Maybe  he  was  addicted  to  choosing  the wrong  thing ,  to  falling  in love  with  everything  forbidden .  It  didn’t  feel  wrong ,  though .  His  hands  on  her  shoulders  going  lower  now …  He  needed  her .  Loved  her .  Loved  looking  at  her , being  with  her .  Maybe  she  was  a  Red  once,  maybe  she’d  always  be  a  Red  -  but  did  it  matter  ?  She’d  been  there  for  him ,  when  he’d  felt  his  sanity  betraying  him.  When  he’d  wanted  to run  away  from  everyone  and  everything .  She’d  been  present .  So ,  yes .  Maybe  this  was  wrong ,  but  he  was  willing  to  embrace  it  all .  ❝ I  am  glad . ❞  Words  that  were  spoken  low  -  and  then ,  lips  met ,  kissed  her .      
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@vulpesse sent: 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔲𝔰 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔟𝔞𝔡𝔩𝔶, 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢𝔰 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔢.
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            ˜”*°•.     Love .  He’d  always  thought  himself  as  a  person  loving  deeply.  As  someone  who’d  sacrifice  the  world  for  the  sake  of  emotion .  Someone  that’d  set  the  world  on  fire  to  save  the  people  that  he  cared  for .  Was  it  good ?   Selfish  would  many  call  it ;  for  the  Dragon  Reborn  to  put  friends  above  the  world .  Yet,  maybe  even he  could  be  victim  to  weaknesses .  ❝ Some  say  love  can  be  as  disastrous  as  hate . ❞  And  he  couldn’t  agree  more .  ❝ So ,  really  ,  what’s  better  ? ❞  A  world  devoid  of  emotion  or  one  soaked  in  destruction ? 
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