#I am just filling the balnks
visit-ba-sing-se · 4 years
For another friendship we never really got: Iroh and Bumi
This is great and I mean even though we never see it in canon it definitely could be (since they are both members of the white lotus after all). Thank you (and the other anon who asked about this) for giving me a reason to shout into the void here about them: 
First of all and looking back, Iroh was waging war against the earth kingdom and wanted to burn their capital to the ground (literally writes so in a letter to Ursa.) So, after he recognized his mistakes and became a member of the white lotus (because him being part of that organization during his siege on Ba Sing Se would just not make sense, and I do not think canon gives us any information on that) he probably did not know much about earth benders except for how to fight them. But he now wanted to reconcile and learn, and Bumi was there to share. Of course, he was a bit skeptical  at first and used the chance to mess with Iroh (”Yes, it is costume to drink boiling mud water in the earth kingdom, I can’t believe you were so busy conquering that you did not even notice“). However, he grew more and more fond of him the he realized that Iroh was serious on wanting to learn and had an equally off sense of humor
What would then make them an amazing duo is that they are both such out of the box thinkers. One one hand, we have Bumi, whose tag line is to move and act like a mad genius. When it come to his bending, we see that the moves he uses partly seem to be Airbender inspired (like his spiral upward), and we see him using bone bending during the battle over Ba Sing Se, which is a completely new sub-style of earth bending (and I would say that it is safe to assume he also developed that himself)
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On the other hand, we have Iroh, who always emphasizes how important it is to draw inspiration from many sources.  The most prominent example of how he puts his own wisdom to use his learned how to redirect lightning from studying water benders.
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Those two definitely would enjoy discovering new techniques together by learning form each other and studying each others styles (also yes, they went on a trip together to learn lava bending. Also yes, both of their beards got slightly burned but what a small piece to pay fro greatness. „I wanted to cut it anyway, nephew, did you not hear that this is now the latest fashion in Ba Sing Se?“ „Uncle, it is the lasted fashion in the earth kingdom because Bumi made his whole stuff water it like that after you to returned. And no, we will not be enforcing the same thing here“)
Also, they both have a thing for teaching even though their method might be a bit different. The whole point behind the challenges Bumi gave Aang was to teach him to thing creatively, and Iroh always put great effort into teaching Zuko basically anything.  So they would love passing those techniques on  
Beyond that, they would totally make use of the fact that they look like to respectable old men to fool with people and enjoy their surprised faces when they wreck absolut havoc (one of them pretend to be a fragile old king just to reveal being totally ripped and wanting to wrestle with the Avatar, the other dramatically took a sip of tea before taking out a bunch of day li with his breath of fire. Don’t tell me they do not have the same energy, and also do not tell me there is not a lot of potential)
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Tbh I believe they actually would wreck havoc a lot. I know that is a common perception of Iroh that he is a very wise and thoughtful man, but as @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice put in an amazing post, we really should not overestimate his impulse control. Keep in mind, this man used a poisonous plant to make tea just because it could have been delicious while being completely aware of the risk)
On the other hand, this of course does not mean that they can not come up with wise and serious solutions when needed. I believe they would each also value the other council a lot
Finally, the would always play pai sho together but of course try to cheat the other. (Bumi earth bends the pieces when Iroh looks ways for moment. Little does he know the reason Iroh looked away was to make sure that Toph, who he had promised to teach lava beding in exchange for a little support, is still at her spot)
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Listen, I want- no, I need to tell you: you are doing amazing. I know I don’t say that kind of thing often, but *blushes and rubs back of neck* I love you and I need you to know that you are so much more than you could ever know. You are so talented and sometimes people need to breaks. Don’t give me that look, I know my limits. *grins* You are so important to so many people, and I need you to know how proud of you I am. Writing can wait, come here and let me show you how much I adore you - Zoro
The sheer amount of overwhelming feelings left The Writer breathless. Sure, she knew these things, she often tried to remind herself these things. But her own thoughts did nothing for her nerves.
However, hearing it from someone else was a complete different story. Especially coming from Zoro. That boy swept her off her feet as a daily basis. Hearing this from the swordsman himself did things to the writer.
"Yeah, I-I know this..." The Writer whispered trying to apeace her thoughts. "I've sorta been taking a forced break...my mind has been incredibly busy, original ideas come to mind, but its like my hands refuse to write them..."
She thought of the countless times she looked into the white document on her screen. Blank, maybe a few words drabbled, no finished draft, just the backbones of a story. Everything her mind could convey in a single hiccup, puring it out on the document like word vomit. And then; nothing.
No strength to fill in the balnks, to enrich with details and descriptions. And an unfathomable desperation to not being able to complete her projects.
"Actually," she continued, looking away from Zoro and looking down at her feet. "Despite the last two months being really rough on me, it's getting easier to write, again...not as easy as it used to be, though. But I'm slowly getting there..." Looking back at the swordsman, she met his gentle smile "I miss being able to write so easily"
True, writing had been harder. She felt desperate, sometimes angry at herself. But The Writer never felt hopeless. She always returned to writing, so she knew it was just a matter of time.
Maybe, this kind of encouragement is the sort help I need, she thought. Kind words that set her heart ablaze, feeling grateful and undeserving. Good feelings that made her feel full and safe.
"Things are getting better, aren't they?" The Writer said looking at Zoro in the eye.
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