#I am just waiting for skamit
jon-astronaut · 4 years
(i hate being that person but here it goes)
marti and nicco broke up in season 4 but at least we got to see marti put his foot down. and as a viewer i thought it was a stupid move that he broke up with nicco but so did his best friends. and maybe he was right in his mind because we were in sana’s pov and we don’t know exactly what they talked before and after the fight. and then we actually got to see them communicate but because it was sana’s pov we didn’t see their actual talk. but that’s okay because it was sana’s pov, that’s how it should be.
eva and malik kissed but there was actually an explanation for that. it wasn’t that they were dating or that the two organized the kiss to make sana jealous. eva was confused, malik was taken aback. after that eva just helped malik with sana. no tricks. 
maybe there wasn’t a worded apology from the girls to sana but maybe actions speak louder than words. maybe them waiting for sana, destroying that girl’s cars (turns out not) is the way they made up.
we know what marti and sana and eva are planning for university. i know enough about the other characters to make a guess for them. i know that luca seems to feel like his talents are not enough and he proudly accepts the role of being the funny one in the group. i know silvia’s insecurities comes from her dad and it wasn’t used for any drama. i guess that with the girls and the boys hanging together a lot elia developed a crush on the only other girl, sana and that he is yet to fall in love. i saw that under all his funny self filippo deals with serious stuff too.
it all started with a handful of characters and strangers and ended with a big family. i have seen all their fights and tears and jokes and i get to say goodbye to the characters that i loved for 4 seasons. and even when i said goodbye i learned a whole ton about them.
it all started with eva reading gio’s letter and it ended with gio reading eva’s letter. gio didn’t even try to move on from her in s2, eva was still jealous in s3, they still had a connection in s4. they brought everyone together, like really together. it ended with a positive message. that you are not alone, that with people around you you can achieve anything.
it’s THE goodbye. i got a conclusion and i am satisfied with how they ended everything. and i have forgotten how rare it was to feel that. so i am not taking it for granted. i love skamit s4.
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lucidpantone · 4 years
I think Druck has the best writing of all remakes but I also think they took the best decision on having a whole new gen and not involving the beloved og characters for any drama, maybe at first it was weird to not have the characters we love but in the other hand you can enjoy the new characters without having that worried feeling of someone getting ruined and at the same time the og gen is kinda involved with Kiki and Carlos and I'm saying this without Druck being my fav remake.
I have seen some theories about having some cameos of the OG gen at some party at some point, you think that could happen? I mean maybe Kirlos get a goodbye party on halloween or something like that? Also David and Noora paint so...hahaha I know we already say goodbye to them but would be cool to have them one last time and finally accept they all are really gone and move on with our new love characters specially since now we know there's a season 6 confirmation at least a mention or a updated specially on Davenzi would be amazing...you think that could be a possibility?
So I have always said that druck has the overall  best writing that has never changed for me the germans are consistent. Can it sometimes be a tad on the slow side? sure... but I dont mind it so much it kinda of goes with contemporary german cinema and that whole melancholy mood. Also I agree I have said so myself that the best decision Druck made was cutting off the OG squad and letting the fandom mourn them but moving on and starting fresh no waiting at every corner to see if we see some OG (aside from kirlos of couse). I actually think skamfr would have worked better if we did a similar approach to Lola I didn't mind her family backstory with Daphne but Eliott and the rest of the squad were unnecessary we should have just closed that squad in s5 and s6 go fully new but I do know skamfr didn't know they were getting an s7 and s8 so they just didn't think that far ahead. I 100% think we will see Hanna or Mia again. David or Matteo am really not sure but omg imagine if we saw them the tag would explode into mania. I miss my babies they were so soft and beautiful. I will say does anyone else get serious DAVENZI vibes off Nora/Josh they got that same tender energy were they feel so safe with one another. Shit is hella cute man. Every time they are on screen I am just like I love these kids they are so damn tender. Anyways anon I agree anon that it seems going full new gen is the way to go even tho I still want a Flippo season in SkamIT. I am a walking contradiction. ha!
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can u believe it’s been a YEAR (a year!!) since we last saw the skamit characters?! has there ever been such a large space between seasons for any other remake? honestly ill probably combust the moment we see all of them in the trailer.. it’s been so long they don’t seem real anymore. NETFLIX KINDLY HURRY UP
i denifinetely cannot believe it, i remember being so sad when Skam Italia got cancelled, cause yes it has his major issues but the Ludos did such a great job with writting and directing it was one of the few remakes i enjoyed watching, when it was announced that the show was rescued by netflix i was LIVID, i spent a whole day listening to Buon Viaggio (hope i didn’t butchered the italian lenguage there) and now i just can’t wait. 
And whats worst, my 3 favorite remakes will be airing the season of my favorite character at the same time. i am literally going to die lmao. 
And yes, if we don’t get a trailer by the end of the month im flying all the way to Netflix Italia headquarters to see where they are hiding it.
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azozzoni · 5 years
Anon: I don‘t think Nico was there in today‘s SkamIt clip. Could you maybe write something about what happened afterwards, how he finds out about Marti and what‘s his reaction?
Anon: marti getting to experience homophobia in some way, and understanding the meaning of filippo's speech in a whole new way, which then leads to him apologizing again for saying what he did.
Anon: Maybe something about Nico and Marti having to face some homophobic comments at school and their and their friends reaction.
I’m coming over.
Nico gets Martino’s text just as he arrives home, standing in the doorway as his parents shrug off their coats and hang them on the rack.
Before Nico can even type out his response, three more messages pop up on the screen, one after another.
Martino’s coming to see you. Try to get him to sit down
Marti wouldn’t get ice. Tell him not to be a dumbass.
Is Marti there yet?
Confused, Nico stares at his phone. None of the messages are making sense, but he can feel the beginning of panic edging at his brain. Something has to be very wrong, very wrong with Martino.
“Aren’t you coming inside?” his mom asks as Nico as he stands in the open doorway.
He doesn’t know exactly where Marti was tonight. He’d mentioned something about a party--there was always a party, but Nico had already had plans with his family. He doesn’t know how far away Martino is, and he’s beginning to worry, based on the messages, that Martino is hurt.
“I have to go find Marti,” he says instead of coming inside, shutting the door.
“Martino?” his mom asks, but Nico doesn’t respond, turning from the house and leaving down the steps.
Outside, it’s dark and cool, and Nico pauses, looking in both directions down the street.
Where are you? he sends Martino, but he doesn’t get a reply.
Pacing, Nico shoves his hands in his pocket, curled around the phone, praying for it to vibrate. He can’t exactly go running off into the night, not if Martino is coming here. So he waits, impatient, increasingly worried as the minutes tick by and Martino doesn’t show up.
What exactly happened tonight? Why is everyone so worried about Martino?
It feels like an eternity, but it’s probably only five minutes, before Nico hears footsteps down the sidewalk and his head snaps up, falling on Martino’s familiar shape. Martino’s shoulders are hunched, though, and Nico doesn’t get a good look at him until he passes under a streetlamp and Nico feels his breath leaving him as he gets a look at Martino’s face, the bruise blossoming across the bridge of his nose, dried blood on his face.
“Marti,” Nico says, barely able to speak as Martino reaches him.
Martino doesn’t say anything for once, wrapping his arms around Nico, like he just wants to feel him there, to anchor himself in Nico.
Nico’s own heart beats faster as he holds onto Martino, tightly, arms around his shoulders, and he feels Martino’s sigh.
“What happened?” he asks when Martino finally shifts, and he realizes they’re standing outside as it gets colder. Taking Martino’s hand, he pulls him towards the apartment, at least beyond the gate, into the relative safety of the building.
“It’s fine,” Martino says, shaking his head, but Nico doesn’t believe him for a second.
“You’ve got blood… It looks like your nose is broken,” he says, lifting his hands to Martino’s face, and Martino flinches away. It’s bad, whatever it was, and Nico thinks he can guess from the way Martino’s eyes are downcast, from the texts from his friends on his phone. When Martino doesn’t respond, Nico links their fingers together gently. “Come on. You need to get ice on that.”
He tugs Martino up the stairs, silence falling around them as they climb, and Nico can feel Martino behind him. His heart hasn’t calmed, a wave of anxiety crashing in his stomach every moment Martino doesn’t speak, like something is truly wrong.
“Aren’t your parents home?” Martino asks as they reach the landing, and Nico pauses, turning back to him.
“Yeah, why?”
“I don’t want them to see…” Martino says, trailing off, taking a short breath, as though afraid of finishing his thought. “I should just go home.”
“No,” Nico says, pulling Martino to him, searching his gaze. “You need to come in and sit down and let me clean you up.”
Martino looks like he wants to argue, but Nico doesn’t let him. He’s not going to let Martino go home all alone and deal with this by himself. If Martino doesn’t want to talk about it, they don’t have to, but Nico is going to be there.
Opening the door, he sticks his head inside, listening for his parents’ voices, but the living room is silent.
“Come on,” he tells Martino, opening the door wider and letting Martino in first. He knows he doesn’t have to sneak Martino in, but his parents will ask all sorts of questions if they see him. The bruise looks even worse in the apartment light, and Nico makes sure his parents aren’t in the living room before nodding Martino into his room.
As Martino disappears, he heads for the kitchen, finding his mom pouring a glass of wine.
“Did you find Martino?” she asks as he heads to the freezer, rummaging for anything he can use to bring down the swelling.
“Yeah,” he says, not bothering to lie. “He needs to talk to me about something, so if you don’t mind…”
She shoots him a knowing look, taking a sip. “He can stay, but not too late, okay?”
“Okay.” He nods, waiting until she leaves to grab a pack of frozen vegetables and a washcloth, soaking it in warm water before heading for his room.
Martino sits on the edge of his bed, head bowed, hands in his lap, and Nico pauses as he shuts the door behind him.
“Here,” he says gently, handing Martino the bag and sitting down next to him. Martino turns it over in his hands, and Nico frowns. This isn’t the Martino he’s used to. Even in his down times, Martino can manage a smile, to look on the bright side, but he feels weighed down. Taking Martino’s arm, Nico carefully raises it so Martino has to lay the bag against his nose.
Tilting Martino’s chin up, Nico uses the cloth to wipe away the blood. There’s not a lot of it, so he doesn’t think the punch was too bad. It had to have been a fight, he thinks, as his phone vibrates in his pocket. He watches Martino sigh, a heavy exhale as they sit in silence on Nico’s bed.
“Filippo was right,” Martino says after a long minute, and Nico has no idea what he means by that, setting the cloth aside. “I knew people would hate me just for being me, but I didn’t know it would be like this.”
Scooting closer, Nico doesn’t know what to say. Martino still has his head tilted back, holding the frozen bag to his face, his eyes closed.
“Not everyone,” Nico says finally, curling into Martino. It’s the only comfort he can give as his anxiety turns to fear. It could happen to either one of them at any time, and though Nico tries his best not to think about it most of the time, the worry is still there.
Martino drops his head, taking away the bag, and the bruise seems even deeper now, spreading under his eyes, purple and red and angry.
“When I came out to Filippo, I said some really stupid things,” he says, “because I had no idea. I thought somehow I’d be safe because I don’t wear flowery shirts or have pink hair, that if I didn’t kiss a guy in public, I could somehow avoid all this. But Filo was right. It’s who I am.”
“I like who you are,” Nico assures him, wrapping his arm around Martino’s waist and leaning into his shoulder. They don’t talk about it much, the looks they sometimes get walking down the street, how careful they have to be in public. But he knows they both think about it. Every time Martino ducks away from a kiss, every time their fingers brush against each other when they’re at a cafe. “Some people are just assholes. We can’t change that.”
Martino nods slowly, glancing at Nico finally. “It’s a good thing you didn’t come tonight.”
Guilt gnaws at Nico even as Martino says it, though he knows he wouldn’t have been any help. He would have frozen up again, just like he did last time, heart racing, pulse pounding in his ears.
“I always want to be there for you,” he assures Martino instead, and the corners of Martino’s mouth turn up finally.
“What did you tell your parents?” Martino asks because he knows Nico too well, and Nico edges Martino back, onto the bed so he can curl into him, arms wrapped around Martino’s shoulders and hugging him close.
“We’ve got some time,” he says, pressing his lips to Martino’s forehead. He’s not going to let Martino leave until he feels better, and even though he knows this won’t be the last time it happens, Martino has to know he’s not in this alone. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
Martino nods into his shoulder, and Nico feels him relax, tension flooding out of his shoulders as they lie there, and Nico sighs against Martino’s temple, closing his eyes and blocking out the worries crowding his thoughts, hold Martino tight instead.
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jorgecrespo · 4 years
i am waiting to see if skamit's s4 will make skamfr your least fav remake again, or if skamfr s6 is just gonna do that to themselves ahahhaa kms
It's a race to the finish line!!! Very excited to see how it plays out. Although at this moment I think I know where it's heading (congratulations italia)
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jegsover · 5 years
☠️ least favourite friendship (again be creative and don’t go for boysquad)
ohhh, the boysquad usually grow on me by the end of s3 (not sure about wtfock so far) but I dunno if this is going to be a controversial pick but my least favourite friendship is Mikael and Even. I think the reason this one popped into my head as the least favourite was because it is an underdeveloped story. I dunno, the back story of Mikael rejecting Even for trying to kiss him. And then to meet Mikael and he was an all round cuddly affection guy with the other balloon squad just didn’t make sense to me. They also had very little interaction. 
🌵 favourite crack theory
i have been wracking my brains for og crack theories but I can’t remember any. I do remember this trailer of isak the stalker/serial killer trailer going around and it was great. 
I feel like every theory the skam fandom comes up with is a crack theory because there is no way to predict the show. (even when you watched it 7 times)
🌺 favourite clip aesthetic
I might do one from each remake because I love the way skam is shot in every universe 
skam: hands down Oh! Helga Natt. Cry every single time I watch it. From the R+J cross to the numb cheek rubs. The one line dialogue. Amazing. but in general I love how dedicated to the pov they are. When Eva is texting Jonas across the yard but you can still hear the conversation. Same with isak with the boysquad waiting for even’s text. 
skamfr: ok really is unpopular but I just don’t think the cinematography I think it’s possibly the most flat feeling for me. but the vodka scene when lucas is dancing and has the flashes of elliot at the rave. 
druck:  S3 swimming pool scenes and the use of foley artistry was amazing and how it was the opposite of ohn instead of silence it was loud 
wtfock: ok so kinda like skamfr I am not sure if I vibe with the aesthetics of yet. but the end scene of the pool scene with the shot from below that was amazing. i gasped. 
skamit: everything about skamit. is so aesthetic. the colours are amazing. martino looking out over the lake in braccino..chief’s kisses. but maybe my favourite is Nico pointing at the neon lights and saying marti and nico. 
skamesp: my favourite bit was the squad watching the sunset on cris’s roof waiting for the ramadan to end with amira. i loved how they included in s3 in such a great way. I love the way that cris escaped to that roof when she was overwhelmed but her character dev in that series means she invited her friends up. 
okay these are all s3′s but they are my favourites and the ones  to stick in my head the most. I also don’t know if I answered the questions. also all my answers are things the remakes changed. 
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moonb-eam · 4 years
hey nat,i just got an idea about what might happen with elu and wanted to have your opinion on how possible you think it is. so,before the spoilers came out, there was this weird photo maxence had shared from filming-it was like a 3 am shoot and he was in a dark spot all lonely. now adding this up tp lucas' insecurities and the spoilers, do you think they could try to pull off what skamit did with nicotino in s4?lucas leaving(temporarily)?bc eliott loves him but takes him for granted as well
hello love!
I have to say I haven’t watched s4 of skam italia yet, so I can’t speak to how they handled the nicotino story in that show - but I do see where you’re coming from!!
I forgot about that bts picture maxence shared 🤔 I think it’s possible it may be from some sort of upcoming urbex scene, but I really don’t know. Do I think it’s possible they’ll break elu up for a while? Yes and no. We know that skam France loves its drama, as any remake does, and we know the writers have set the scene for there to be tension between them - not necessarily grounds for a breakup at this point, but it’s possible they could take it there. And, of course, we still have the [redacted] spoiler to contend with 😑
On the other hand, I don’t know if they’ll go there completely. The thing is, I wouldn’t want them to, because introducing a break-up, then having them reconcile, while keeping in mind that this is Lola’s pov and her story, I’m hesitant to think that they would be able to address it properly. But I am interested to see if skam italia was able to add that story line in a concise way that made sense, while keeping the focus on the main.
I’m sorry anon - I’m not being very helpful asdfjkk because I think it could go either way! We haven’t seen the last of the elu drama yet, we know that, but if it will get to a point of a breakup, that I’m not sure about
From what I’ve seen so far, it doesn’t seem to me like Eliott takes Lucas for granted. I think he loves him a lot, and I think he’s scared of anything changing between them, in any way, which has lead to him holding back, or acting like everything is perfectly fine when it’s not. Something is going to have to give there, but I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see how (aside from the cursed spoilers I mean)
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What did she tweet?
She replied to a tweet that said “two seasons I am waiting for” and had pics of italian Sana and Amira, she retweeted it and said something like “yeah I want to see what they do in italia too 🍵” refering to the fact that the actress that plays Sana in skam italy is not even muslim.
Then she replied to this tweet:
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With: “we’re still a community. Even though you don’t get along with your brothers, they’re still your brothers and you love them just the same, you just want them to get better”
And then she tweeted: “Don’t mess with the beautiful Bea (the actress that plays italian Sana) because her acting is the best. I’m just really curious about if the efforts of knowing islam’s world is going to be the same as when they did the casting (suggesting that they didn’t put on an effort to find a muslim actress). Skam gives a lot to muslim girls, I don’t want italians to go without it. I just want them to make me swallow my words”
Then: “ I’m not the one to talk bad about stuff, because my religion doesn’t let me, but it lets me have an opinion and fight for my stuff. Sorry to #skamit for making you feel cancelled for a sec, it wasn’t my intention, I just wanted to raise awareness about the fact that we hijabi muslims are always cancelled. Kisses.”
Then “I’m going to put my skam’s advocate cloak away and I’m going back to clap even with my lashes and give support. I sometimes think that skam is my son and clearly it isn’t”
And lastly, the most important one!: “I’m really happy about the fact that they addressed me with “so annoying, this spanish people” rather than “la mora de mierda” (sadly this is a really common way in which some disgusting and racist people address muslim people in spain, mora de mierda means something like “shitty muslim”) which is the most common thing, YASSSS🎉🎉🎉”
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alamanyar · 5 years
[this has been sitting in my drafts since saturday. it’s super long lol but writing this all down helped me process the clip] i have to say that i liked the last clip (let’s say as a whole) of ‘This is why I don’t like you.’ and by that i mean the approach and most of its execution. maybe a few rewatches helped, and maybe a bit of distance helped, too. 
the beginning sequence is badass. love the girls acting cool and goofy at the same time. great music choice once again. eva doesn’t mess around, does she. i do hope they will tone down her jealousy. i’m a bit concerned. the way she reacts is realistic and i get her, i do, i just hope she’ll grow soon, cause being jealous 24/7 is draining and i want her to be happy. the dancing sequence is fantastic. there are all adorable goofballs. (i hope luchì gets a line soon. know that i’m waiting). i hope we see more of this in the next weeks. those are only snippets, but they are great, because they show us friends having fun together. edoardo with his friends (the villa boys are slowly growing on me and we don’t see them often. thank you ludos). also for giving chico the screentime he deserves. the myth, the legend, the chaotic energy. i hope we get to see more of him together with edo. and if it’s a snippet of them dancing (?) together. edoardo is loyal to his friends, we all know that i think, but we actually see him having fun with them in a very soft way. you can feel they go way back. you only geek out with your best friends like that, don’t you? while he dances, he keeps glancing at eleonora who is enjoying herself with her friends. she has a lovely smile, i hope we see more of that as well. i feel like we’ve seen her more restrained this season. sure, we get a closer look on her since it is indeed her season. not everyone smiles 24/7 even if said persons is a literal sunshine. but i felt like she let go of the visible tension she’s been feeling on the dance floor for a while. i liked that part. when we see eva already drunk at the bar i already had a bad feeling. then come the two guys. i tensed. it was hard watching her talk to those absolute douche-bags. to those homophobes. they took advantage of her. and i was scared. then ele comes in and tries to get her away from the men, but it’s not working. eva is so caught up in her insecurities and her hurt over giovanni being with sofi that she seeks validation. ele is not giving it to her, and so she asks the men who had just spend a drink on her. she didn’t see nothing wrong in that in the moment. i can’t blame her, she was wasted. i hope she wouldn’t have the need to learn from this, but let’s be relastic, i hope she does. girls/women shouldn’t stop enjoying theirselves on a night out, and yet, they have to be attentive if they don’t want to be exploited. there’s always a possibility that people will do exactly that. and it sucks. it’s a sad and cruel world we [sometimes] live in. that being said, i appreciate how it was handled. even ele going to marti for help. a teenage girl asking her male classmate/friend whom she trusts to help her with dragging away their mutual female friend from men who are prying. it’s realistic, it’s real. it’s tough to watch. it’s not something that was shown in order to be realistic for the sake of realism. this is how it could go down. this is how it went down too many times for too many people. (one time is one time too much). this is how it will go down in the future. so what do the viewers take away from it? they relate. cause it happened to them. it happened to some of us. to a lot of us actually. they’ll talk about how real this scene was and how much it hurt. women, nor any gender, should get treated this way. will there be people who will be shocked with this scene because it felt too real? yes. it makes me sad, it truly does. if there are people who have watched this scene or similar scenes to this and weren’t aware that this is part of the realism we are living in, i hope this scene gave them something to think about. people who behave like the men in this particular scene probably didn’t watch this scene nor equal ones. but if people who think this scene was over the top or unrealistic, i hope they realise now that this scene wasn’t all of that and i hope they will change their view on what is okay to say/to do to a person who is clearly drunk. (look for the friends if they are not close, order a glass of water, make the person sit down). it’s a sensitive topic, but skam is about sensitive topics. this scene wasn’t a wake-up call for me. i know that this stuff happens every day. i, too, have been hit on. both during a night out and walking down a bloody street during broad daylight. i was even sexually assaulted during work when i was only a couple of years older than the characters we follow on screen. i’m glad they choose to tackle this topic. yk one second you’re dancing and having fun with your friends, the next you’re being hit on. it’s a puddle of emotions, yes, but we all know skam is like that. this was very intense, but i’m thinking it only raises awareness and it gets us (back to) talking about this sensitive topic, and hopfeully, to each other. that is what i took away from this scene. other than being scared for eva. moving on. eva shouldn’t have taken the drink, but it’s not her fault. it’s been a while since i’ve went out ending up completely wasted, but i’m not unpruned to react/behave like that even if i have a couple of more years on my sleeve. sometimes you do stuff you regret when you’re drunk. i don’t want to think about the times i was this level of drunk and nothing happened to me, because i was just lucky to be in a room full of normal decent humans. or it was because i just got lucky none of the assholes in this world tried something with me. it can happen to anyone, anytime. i’m happy ele had an eye on eva. this is also so very realistic. those friends who watch you when you’re going out together. you watch each other, sometimes one watches the others more closely and vice versa. those friends that walk you home/want you to text them when you’re home. when you’re safe. okay. ele goes to marti and marti’s face changes in a milisecond. bless his soul. bless his heart. bless martino rametta and everone who is like him. simple as that. he grabs eva and eva follows him instantly. their friendship, boy, i’m glad we get these snippets. but then the atmosphere intensifies. the story with eva beforehand was a good build-up, it really was. all my senses were heightened. marti drags eva away, he knows how serious this situation is. and yet he manages to stay calm. everyone who reacts like him shouldn’t be praised, because it’s decent human behaviour. and yet. alas. the men come on to him and the situations gets scary again or even more scary idk. he gets called a slur. he’s shoked, hurt, scared. all of it. but he won’t give in to these men’s provocations and starts to walk off. they don’t let him though. giovanni appears out of nowhere? no. he was standing beside him when ele came to martino. maybe he followed his action. he’s fierce in his protectiveness. giovanni is one of the kindest and warmest and softest characters in the skamit universe, but he won’t have you insulting his best friend. not on his watch. we’ve known that, yeah, but these seconds of him jumping between martino and the men are an amazing continuation of what we’ve seen in s1 and s2. as sad as it was watching him do that. he shouldn’t have to. but he did, and i am glad. i’m also glad elia came to the rescue. these boys. oh man. i am enjoying eleonora’s season. despite the change in releasing the clips, despite the dragging storyline concerning ele x edo x silvia. i am. and i’m excited to see where the rest of the season goes. i would give anything though to follow martino through his eyes for, well, idk, many many seasons. his season just captivated me. martino captivated me. marti x nico captivated me. fede captivated me. i’m sorry if this is annoying. this short scene with him though- for a second i was back in his head. i was back in season 2. damn. anyway, the way we react to things comes in different ways. this is where nico comes in. i think he didn’t hear what’s been said. i don’t think he acted ooc. maybe he was even asked to take sofi to the side. maybe the boys pushed him away, because they know how vulnerable he is. tends to be. he’s allowed to. and if it was his choice, i still wouldn’t call it ooc. we’ve seen him through marti’s eyes. we know he’s utterly vulnerable. it’s one of his biggest character traits. i think it would have been a bad call to make him jump into the fight, too. it’s not him. he’s like marti. he’d try to leave the situation. yes, the men were the ones who started it. all of it. with words, with aggression. they were ready to throw fists. i’d try to push them away, too, had they attacked my friends. where was nico? it’s all speculation, isn’t it? we see him and sofi for a split second in the background when gio rushes to marti’s side. we don’t know if he heard what it was all about. i’m thinking that the directors made a choice here. especially in the snippets of the aftermatch. why don’t we see his ‘concerned’ face? why is he “just” standing there (calmly even. maybe) with sofi and why doesn’t he rush to marti when the latter one is worrying over gio after edoardo and his friends throw the men out? (coglione. btw bless you, edoardo). it makes me think he didn’t know what was being said at all. i think he either didn’t know what the situation was about or maybe he thought it was about giovanni (and eva) after all. marti dragging away eva because ele wouldn’t ask gio for help in this particular situation, because he’s with sofi now. but then gio goes anyway, because someone tried to hurt eva and he still cares about her. maybe that’s what nico thought. it could be a possibility. another one could be that nico froze because of the fright. i really think there lies a reason behind him standing with sofi. and i think it will be resolved. they have been handling marti x nico with care (we’ve seen them in the bg and they are happily in love. we’ve seen it on the dance floor, too. happy boys happily in love). now, there wasn’t any concern in the snippet we see of him going to marti and the boys. there has to be a reason to it. it was all blurry anyhow and like 0.0001 seconds so what. there was concern at one point though, i’m absolutely certain. we didn’t see it though. and if it was because of him freezing at the situation, then so be it. who are we to judge other people’s reaction? those snippets of him in the bg don’t make me love his character any less. i know he loves marti and i know he’ll shower him with love more than ever and i know he’d never not care about marti. i’m not even mad at the decision to not show his reaction. he’s not the focus. marti has a bit more to it all. he’s a main and the whole harresment/homophobia scene happened with the three mains involved. i’m not mad (yet. lol), because i think there’s something following up to all of this and i’m positive we get the soft epilogues for marti x nico in the bg at one point. my shipper heart wants a lot of scenes with my faves. but this is also skam. a show that’s fast paced- you have to read between the lines sometimes. that being said, i thought this scene was difficult to handle, but i wouldn’t say it took away one thing from the other. eleonora x edoardo’s story is just beginning and like i said, i think we’ll get another look on the homophobia mention. i’m also thinking that this was maybe an intentional creative decision. one main/one ship gets a scare and one gets together. sometimes life is like that. very often so, i believe. people don’t have to like this of course. it didn’t upset me. eva being harrassed scared me. marti being cornered scared me. i could enjoy ele x edo, i just needed a few rewatches to let it really get to me. the conversation they have before she tells him she doesn’t like him was very well done. edoardo is so soft omg, giancarlo, calm down. i adore his approach on his character, i really do. i think he’s a great actor. i think, deep down, edoardo’s even one of the most vulnerable characters. there’s a sensitiveness to him. when his mother is mentioned, when he looks at eleonora and when you see how far he’s gone for her, but still wants her to be alright, even if he doesn’t play a part in her life. it’s acted out subtly but it’s also very visible, you know? he longs for eleonora to like him. he’s been trying really hard. i think for the most part he’s been respective towards her and i really like the growth we’ve seen so far in him. i’m excited to see where this will go. eleonora is scared of admitting her feelings. she doesn’t want to give in, but she also does. she’s seen another side of him by now and she struggles to keep up with idealistic views on men/human beings in general. she’s been soft for him in s1 and s2 already. when he calls her beautiful, she isn’t appalled, because it’s the way he says it. the way he conveys it. it has charmed her. when they talk on the balcony in illegale, she’s even more soft for him. little glances here and there. he challenges her. she likes it. and yh the whole silvia storyline doesn’t want her to go into to it and she tells herself that she can’t betray her friend like that and so on. but what do you do when someone you’re actually not keen on, gets to you in a good way? that’s eleonora struggle, her conflict. short intermission: i’m glad they didn’t make eva x silvia kiss each other’s faces off. if they don’t make one of them a lesbian/bisexual/, what’s the point? exactly. the kiss scene: i like that ele’s speech was cut short. it’s repetitive and edo doesn’t want to hear it. he’s hurt. obviously. it makes sm sense to me that he stops her. it’s been talked about how edoardo has been waiting for her for over a year. what about eleonora? i think she’s been falling for him for a while now, too. that’s why she runs and that’s why they don’t need any more words. it fits. i liked the thunder thingy touch. or whatever you call it heh. i thought it was done very well. maybe the rest is hella dramatic. not that the thunder thingy is not dramatic, you know, but some things are dramatic and some things are dramatic. anyway. i think the blurry take of the scene was a creative decision in the sense of that it was done in order to portray a metaphor which is that we aren’t able to see everything yet, because this is just the start of their relationship. we are looking at them through frosted glass. we don’t have all the details yet, and neither do they. the way it was shot certainly is growing on me. i like their happy faces. their smiles. they matched each other and it was wonderful to see. i like neck kisses so him kissing her jaw(-line) was *whistle noise* kisses in the rain are often cheesy. they are supposed to, i think. sometimes i like them, sometimes i don’t. i didn’t mind the rain in this one, it wasn’t as if it started raining on cue. scenes with rain involved also bear a metaphor and when it’s done right, it takes away the cheesiness of it all, or let’s say some of it, at least for me. rain usually means clearity, right? rain is essential to all living things. if it doesn’t rain, nothing will grow. and when it pours, it means it washes away your troubles, your negativity etc pp the rain in this scene probably wasn’t there just for the aesthetic (some say it took away the aesthetic. i think that’s something you can argue about), it was used, because it washes away eleonora and edoardo’s previous sins. if you want a dramatic appeal to it. it made them clean (again) and now they are standing naked in front of each other, because the rain got rid of their baggage, their dirt. ele had an epiphany on the dance floor that was long called for and she found clearity in the kiss under the rain. edoardo was defeated, he truly believed eleonora did not like him and after one long year of waiting, he gave up, because he can’t and he won’t pursue someone anymore who doesn’t want him. the rain washes away his sins, because eleonora accepts them now. she let down her guard and she sort of came down from her high horse. for edoardo it’s clearity because eleonora coming after him means that he didn’t imagine their connection and their banter. her clearity is his clearity. the rain implies that everything (for now) is settled between them. the coast is clear, so to speak. it means the start of their journey together. i admit that i didn’t care too much about their kiss that much at first, because i was still taken aback by eva and marti being harrassed and not seeing nico react to marti being hurt. and it’s not that we all have to like the same scenes or creative choices anyway. i don’t think the clip was bad because two massive things were happening. i don’t even think it was rushed. maybe that’s just me. with some clips you experience a rollercoaster of emotions. this one clearly was one of those. of course it’s absolutely okay not to like it or any other one. (or aspects of it). there’s still a lot to come this season and time for side storylines to develop. time for clarity and time for resolve. that being said, i know it would have been unrealistic for filippo to come to this party, but boy, did i miss him in that clip.
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Skam Meeting @ Gaystatale - Part 2
In PART 1 I forgot to write that, when Pietro was asked how much of himself there is in Filippo he said that inevitabily, since he is part of LGBT portaying a gay man, there’s a bit of Pietro in Filippo.
Back to the where we left off:
- So basically the question was if Ludo thought Italy was ready for S2, and he said that yes of course, there have been LGBT characters even on Rai (Italy’s national broadcaster) 
- So Izzy (the girl interviewing Ludo and Pietro) praised how down to earth and real the language feels in Skam Italy. Ludovico was glowing as said it was the best praise he could get, because making his characters sound 17 and from Rome when he 35 and from Milan... Then he admitted that he got there, to deliver that ‘realism’ thanks to a long process that he and his crew have been taught by the Norwegian team, through interviews and meetings. Still, the realness has also been brought by the actors themselves who had room to improvise (and Bessegato downright refuses to write “ao’ “ and “daje” on his scripts) and showcased their talent (ALL of them). 
- For the Pride speech, since he is a straight man, he felt that the best solution was to simply translate from the Norwegian and then let Pietro act it out as he saw fit. 
- The only one for whom it is a bit different is Beatrice, because Sana is very far from who she is as a person, so she needs a bit more guidance and to stick to the script.
- A lot of the moments and quotes that we love the most are improvised, a part from “zozzoni” who came from Bessegato himself. 
- He concluded by saying “c’è tanto dei miei ragazzi in quello che sentite” awwwwww.... (”there a lot from/of my kids* in what you are hearing”)
*kids as in a gender neutral version of ‘guys & girls” *
- Then the clip with the Gay Test was shown, and he repeated what he had already said in Rome: he got a 2, so he had to take the test a couple of times to get a 0 and direct Fede to do the same.
- The clip was used to introduce a question about stereotypes and how much Bessegato felt the need to go against them and if he felt like he succeded.
He said that he felt like he did and it’s one of the aspects he is most careful about in Skam Italia (avoiding stereotypes) especially because all S3 by Julie Andem was about breaking the stereotypes concering two guys falling in love and how a gay guy is supposed to be.
That led him to the choice of having the coming out while the boys where playing FIFA, because it felt like the symbol of “a hetosexual friendship between two guys”... But he is aware that now and then “qualche cazzata l’avremo pure detta” (we probably ended up saying some bullshit). 
The stereotypes can be true, after all, but it’s important to show some other aspects of reality as well.
And of course Filippo (and Pietro) listen to Britney Spears ;D
- And that’s where Pietro added his bit about not fighting the stereotypes by marginalizing/hurting/insulting those who fit them. If the message you are trying to deliver is meaningful, you need to handle the way you communicate with great care or it will get lost.
A gay guy who is a effeminate or a lesbian who is a butch, for example, should be admired because they feel comfortable in their own skin and by the way who are we to judge others without knowing about their journey towards acceptance.
And what’s wrong by the way, about challenging some heteronormative macho behaviour (he used manspreading as an example: if one wants to be a decent human being and sit properly, he should, without worrying about not looking straight enough or something). No man really fits into the ‘alpha male’ stereotype, but straight men probably feel less bound to challenge it. And whilst his straight friend only cries when no one can see, in his own room, he feels free to do it in front of everyone, after spending two years crying his eyes out towards self-acceptance
- Bessegato knows how important it is for the audience to feel that the characters are relatable (then why doesn’t he get the need for rep? who knows) so, unless it’s a reality that he knows well by himself, he always speaks to people belonging to that community so that he can give a realistic picture. He referred to Sana again (which made us start wondering if he’s currently writing her season, huh ;) ?), saying how he is consulting with a Muslim friend of his.
- Pride clip, and Pietro underlined again how making it resonate so much as has been a team effort from everyone (writers, director, Federico, etc.)
- S2 has been written AFTER the 4th of March 2018, when we had the elections that would lead to the Salvini-Di Maio government. Izzy asked why they left Italian politics out of the show, he basically said it’s more important to show people something about worlds/realities they didn’t know about before, making them deep and meaniful so that people can empathize. He got loads of messages from people saying that thanks to Skam they had the courage to come out to their friends and family, that’s the kind of response he wishes for.
That’s what bringing politics into a series like Skam means to him: affect the society around you by showing and encouraging virtous behaviours (one of the reasons he decided not to change the coming out scene, though he was tempted too). Showing good people, instead of wasting time critizing the bad. 
“I want to inspire, not to destroy” . And by the way, having a character insulting Lega (Salvini’s party) doesn’t do any good: who was already against him will say ‘yeah, I think so too’ and who supports him will go like ‘oh great, now they’re insulting me’ and it will only serve to radicalize the latter.
Again he talked about Sana and how to show a true friendship between her and the girls can come to be is more important than giving a judgement about our current political situation (giving how islamophobic Italian society can be, I do agree with him that Sana’s season is going to be quite important for our country)
- Pietro stressed that in our society, the coming out IS a political act. Trans’ bodies are a political act. Our identities, our lives... Just telling our stories is  a revolutionary political act. Every day we do politics just by being true to ourselves, not choosing a way that would be more comfortable and reassuring. Which doesn’t mean you are an asshole for not coming out of the closet, though.
- I don’t really know why he digressed by complaining about how we insult him and the cast when the clips don’t come out or things were better in the og and such, but he did.
- By the way they had Filippo saying “fascisti di merda” because Rome has a big problem with neo-nazis from Casapound beating people up in Gay Street, it wasn’t a jab to the government itself.
- Effettivamente: it was really important and meaningful clip for him. He was tempted to give it a dramatic turn, with Giovanni not accepting Martino straight away. He said ‘you generally use this trick: I’m not mad about the matter itself, but about you not telling me: it’s Fiction 101.’ and that it’s the kind of conflict that would be resolved pretty soon.
(Personally: I said that when Yann went to Lucas and said “tell us what’s wrong or solve whatever it’s going on and then come back to us”  he gave me the vibe of someone who would make a coming out about themselves, not necessarily in a bad way, but more like ‘why haven’t you told me before, am I such a bad friend???’ and I could tell without watching the show, but just that one clip... because it’s the way storytelling works)
- He praised David for changing the scene. He personally hasn’t seen Skam France - all directors basically mind their own business and take care of their own remake - but he gets that after SkamOG and SkamIT it was wise to have changes and that if it worked for Yann as a character then why not? The fact that we were still talking about it on Monday afternoon meant David’s change wasn’t that bad after all, huh?
He couldn’t go through with his idea because it would have been OOC for Giovanni to react that way, given how Ludovico Tersigni fleshed him out through S1 and S2 up to this clip.
Moreover, he felt like ending ep 6 on a sad note after all that happened to Martino at the end of ep 5 and up to Effettivamente would be too much.
Like Nicholas in the bloopers he said “He saw Rocco kissing his girlfriend”, instead of ‘Niccolò’, which made us all laugh ;D
- He said that he wants every remake of S3 to be loved and appreciated, given how important it is, that we shouldn’t make it into a challenge. The Norwegian team gave them Skam so that the message of love and acceptance could reach as many people as possible and that’s what all the directors care about (they sometimes give each other advice). So he personally will never take part in any feud against and back up who disses other remakes.
- Pietro: “there isn’t a ‘right’ formula. Personally, I cried while watching this clip. I wasn’t there when they shoot it so I saw it when it came out, just like you. Because its message is about the importance of communicating: Martino gets into a fight when he doesn’t know how to express his emotions, or he can’t, but then he bravely takes that little step that opens new scenarios to him... So, do we want to tell people that they are allowed to come out to their best friend and that the worst it can happen it’s telling them to fuck off? That sometimes people, even those you would never expect to, when they see that there’s something deep there, there’s a history behind it and a feeling and when you can get those emotions across to the ones you’re speaking to, then maybe it won’t result in being beaten up?
- Then every reaction, even a negative one, is still meaningful: it gives me more info about the person I came out to. Communicating opens the door to emphathy, which is also the reason why Filippo doesn’t take it to heart when Martino says those things during the Pride clip, because he knows Martino is in the middle of his journey and sees the potential in it. It’s about showing the shades of emotions that can happen while interacting. 
- Ludovico said that we should be forgiving with Martino’s dad, since his reaction wasn’t that negative from an estranged father who doesn’t really communicate with his son. He said we shouldn’t stigmatize reactions that are not immediately 100% supportive and ideal.
Thanks Ludo, but no thanks. He might not be homophobic, but he still feel like an asshole to me.
- To him the crucial message of Skam is: people need people. Talk to them, you’ll find them more ready to listen than you’d expect. People are the solution, not the problem.
- Yes/No question to Pietro about Emma’s words to Martino in the last clip of episode 5... He said no, of course. People still care if you are gay in 2018/2019.
- How do they choose the music for Skam Italia? Well, it a lenghty and expensive (in terms of royalties) process and sometimes the songs we hear are not even their first choice but the 4th or 5th. Some of the proceedings became urban legends, like going to LA to get Britney’s approval to use one of her songs... Some are chosen by the music consultants, some are suggestions from Bessegato himself or the cast.
- Question about MI: he approached it with care, as Julie did in the original. He got some pointers from a psychiastrist on what he should modify to tell his story... He still ended up receiving a letter, recently, from an association of doctors who deal with these MI (he said ‘doctors’ not psychiatrists) telling him that he mixed elements from BPD and the bipolar disorder (and pointing out the inaccuracies of the OG as well, before someone uses this to diss on SkamiT) but that the end of the letter they thanked Skam because, apart from the inaccuracies it is good that someone talks about MIs a bit more in depth and that it doesn’t label people with MIs as ‘crazy’, people that you don’t wanna hang out with because they aren’t right in their heads but it’s rather a situation that can be dealt with, that can be managed and that have different levels of severity...
I also walked up to him later on to personally thank him about changing Nico’s MI, because after we discussed it and complained about the inaccuracies - he smiled when I said that - it led us all to get some more info and a deeper knowledge of BPD.
Okay, now that’s all X°D
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jon-astronaut · 4 years
Oh my god GIOVANNI AND EVA REUNITED🥳 quickly telling you I absolutely love your version of their reunion, the way you write ia so beautiful ❤ idk if you would want to write a short fic again but this is my prompt: so after the s*x at the bridge and Eva falling asleep and Gio reading the letter, what happens? How does Gio wake her up? To which house they go? Do they have a conversation?
First of all, I am still not over the fact that we got that endgame! and the way it ended with the two of them, as the ones bringing the group together - just beautiful. The letter made me cry so much... And thank youuu! I do think Skamit’s version of course was more beautiful (minus the s*x on the bridge maybe ahahah)
I would definitely want to write this prompt, actually I have been thinking about it so thanks for the request!! Hope you’ll like it!!!! I am so happy to be now writing for them now that they are cannocially back!
Eva woke up before the sun was about to come up. She started shifting in Gio’s arms and Gio looked down at her with a sweet smile. How much he missed this, how Eva rubbed her eyes with a big yawn as she was waking up.
“Good morning.” Gio said softly stroking her hair.
She straightened up with a tiny smile on her face, looking around as if she was trying to figure out where they were. A part of her truly was because she couldn’t actually believe what had happened.
“What time is it?” Eva asked now sitting up, facing Giovanni.
Gio took out his phone with a big smile, remembering the letter he read on it.
“Almost five.” Gio replied looking at Eva again.
She had been sleeping for some hours now. Great, Eva thought and even out on a bridge and in Gio’s arms - okay, that was the good part and the part she missed so much. It always felt so right to wake up in his arms.
“I read your letter.” Gio said with a tiny smile carefully looking at Eva’s eyes, trying to catch her reaction.
“And?” Eva asked with a little shy, a little proud smile.
“You definitely write better than me.” Gio admitted with a little laugh.
He was always so realistic and all his points birthed counter arguments. When he read Eva’s full-of-hope letter he just couldn’t find a thing to say. It somehow summarized everything they have been through in the past five years. And he was a changed man, you know, he left his little rude, unfair comments in the past.
“42.721 hours.” Gio continued with raised eyebrows.
“Add a few more to that now.” Eva replied chuckling.
Gio took in a deep breath through his smile. He reached and started stroking a piece of Eva’s hair again - something he had been waiting to do again for the past two years.
“I thought the same thing at Silvia’s birthday.” Gio said softly, with his eyes shining. “You know, my plan about the hide and seek.” He continued with a smug smile. “I looked over and you were sitting with Sana. I remembered how Marti and Nicco met at the Osvaldo meeting, the one Marti went to because Sana made him. Marti and Sana wouldn’t know each other if it wasn’t for us. And maybe Marti and Nicco would have met somewhere else…” Gio trailed off with a shrug. 
“But maybe they wouldn't.” Eva completed with a smile, her head tilted.
It was nice to know that they made the same connection in their minds. That they started the foundation for everyone around them, the girls and the boys, and Marti and Nicco, and Silvia and Luca. It made it easier for her to embrace her past mistakes.  
“Butterfly effect or ripple effect.” Gio said smiling. “At least something good came out of our mess, my mistakes.”
“Yeah.” Eva said looking down pulling her head a little away, her hair out of reach from Gio’s hands now.
She did think about the same thing. Still, after what she had been wanting for the past three months (and maybe even longer than that) happened she didn’t like to be reminded of their old bad times.
“Eva.” Gio said in that tone that only forced her to look up. “Let’s break that fucking roof.” Gio said his lips curling into a cheesy smile.
Eva’s letter made him relive everything. Their whole journey, everything good and bad and in between, their friends’ journeys, everything they went through. And from the other side all of them came out in one piece (Marti’s nose got a few blows but yeah). Gio might have been logical in his advices but he was always a little cynical about life. Things were worth a try though, especially if he was going to have Eva by his side.
This time it was Eva’s turn to gave out a relaxed breath through her smile. She leaned in, going for a kiss. It was a small, sloppy one. They already kinda did enough of kissing and everything else to make up for at least the past one year and they had a lot more time to make up for the rest.
“Maybe we should go somewhere else.” Eva suggested with a laugh.
Gio kinda went with the excitement and the anxiousness of that first kiss and both of them, following each other, lost count of the fact that they were on the middle of the bridge when they did the other stuff.
He got up and dusted of his pants. Then, reached his hands for Eva to hold and pulled her up. In a second she was up too, still the biggest smile on her face.
“Yours or mine?” Eva asked with big eyes like the million other times she asked this. She already knew the answer.
“My dad would kill me for getting home at five in the morning.” Gio said with a teethy grin and Eva smiled. “It’s always more fun to sneak into yours.”
Sneaking in to Eva’s was truly fun for both of them but Gio having to climb down wasn’t the most fun for him but sometimes it was a price he had to pay.
Because it was the middle of the night/early morning and because Gio was the perfect gentleman now (whatever it was, it was true that his relationship with Sofia taught him a lot), he pulled off his jacket and dropped it over Eva’s shoulder.
Eva laughed shaking her head and looked up at Gio.
“I am not that cold but now you are definitely going to get cold.” Eva said rolling her eyes slightly.
Not that Gio wouldn’t do this before but Eva spent a lot of time watching Sofia walk out of parties wearing his jacket, wishing she was in her place. So, she held on tight to Gio’s jacket now.
“Whatever, I am going to get my sweatshirt back anyway.” Gio said with a small shrug, his smile reaching to his eyes.
“Don’t be so sure. I might choose to hold onto it.” Eva said looking up to him once again, smirking.
Gio just laughed a little, looked down and back at Eva again. Their eyes met for a second and Gio just nodded, like a couple hours ago when she told him she kept wanting to write to him. The look and the nod said ‘hold onto it’ but it was about more than just a sweatshirt.
He grabbed Eva’s hand, they locked their fingers and they just kept walking through the mostly silent streets. Gio had a lot of new sweatshirts at home waiting to be worn by Eva.
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smileykeijser · 5 years
Why r ppl sleepin on skam nl? Last time i checked it has only like 20k views. The tea is that noah is out here ending hypermasculine bs and liv is comin for our wigs too hard and ppl cant handle. Isa is the cutest bean and if ppl dont support the show we will be Deprived i tell u. damn it all if the snakey snake of netherlands doesnt get his season bc of the show's shit marketing team then i will riot. Ok im done yelling lol what do u personally most want out of seasons 2 and 3 of this remake?
Before I answer your questions, it is highly underrated, and part of it is due to the marketing team for last season, but they are putting more money into promotion this season, I’ve seen Instagram and Youtube ads that they’ve used to promote within the Netherlands, which is a step up and hopefully will help our views steadily increase.
As for what I want out of seasons 2 and 3, here we go.
Season 2: I’ve talked a lot about things that I want to see during this season so I won’t go that deeply into this. First and foremost, I want the toxic elements of season 2 of the og to not appear in NL, which we’ve already seen start to happen, if only in minor ways with the text he sent Liv. I want the date to come about naturally, even if that means having to wait a little longer, because I cannot see Noah using blackmail to get Liv to go out with him, and it would really turn me off if he did. In broader ways, I really want to see Liv and Noah being tender with each other, because while they are at each other’s throats, I believe when they get together, they’ll be able to have tender, quiet moments together, whether it’s painting each others nails or both creating art, or reading together. I’d also like lots of tender touches, both sexual and not.This feels all over the place because there’s too much to say here, but the last and final thing I really want, is for Noah not to fucking run off to London. There’s no reason for him too. What I would like to see, since the season is going to be ending in June, I’d be so happy for the two of them to go travelling together around Europe during the summer. We obviously won’t get any content from it, but I’d like it to be mentioned somehow, or referenced when we get Lucas’ season (because we will get Lucas’ season.)
Season 3: I haven’t delved too deep into what I want out of season 3 yet, because I’m afraid that we won’t get it and I’ll be more invested than I already am, but I do have a few things. We will get an Even of colour, I can’t see Skam NL going any other way, but I would love to have a dark skinned Even, I think that would be a great way to go (and would keep the awful fans away). One big thing I want out of season 3 is for the Lucas and Isa relationship to not disappear. They showed in season 1 that they are crazy close, and even after their problems, they were extremely good friends and I would hate to see that relationship neglected in season 3. In addition to that, I’d really love a coming out moment between Lucas and Isa, alongside the one with Kes. I know that Isa already knows, but can you imagine them going out for cake and him telling her he’s gay, and Isa just stands up and hugs him tightly and we see Lucas’ eyes tear up a little? Sign me up. In general for season 3 I’d like them to continue on with their theme of changing the plot slightly, but creating a different mood for his season. If they could change up the metaphors and symbols like skamit and skam france did that would be wonderful. Lastly, if they could channel Jongens that would be amazing. Obviously if their first kiss is going to be in the fall they won’t be able to recreate the Jongens kiss, but I would love it if they could.
(this got super long and still I didn’t get out all that I wanted to say, I have too many thoughts!)
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nicolinocolino · 5 years
hey sarah!
so far i’m pretty meh about skamit s3 but i don’t think it’s their fault, per say. i’m just pretty meh about the storyline in general. even druck (who did a fantastic job with their mia/alex storyline) i could only get into half-heartedly at best. objectively, though, the cinematography and directing are fantastic.
one major qualm i have is the difference i feel between ele and edo currently? look at the expressions she made at him in s1:
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and even in their brief interaction in s2:
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nothing can stop this sass master! look at her failing to hide a smile! she drags him! they are so playful. i was really digging their dynamic, the build-up had been great.
But now, to me, she just looks... afraid? annoyed? every time he is mentioned or they are together?
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he’s dragged one smile out of her so far and that’s when he told her she was right. when before i feel like they were always smiling? idk, maybe i’m reading too far into it. i just feel like there has been a change in dynamic from the first two seasons (granted we didn’t get a lot of incantava content but still) and i was excited for them — where now i’m apathetic at best.
like you, i’m pretty much just waiting for background boy squad and nicotino atm.
i want to like them. i wish they were writing things differently. i’m still giving it a shot, i’d love to be pleasantly surprised. but bessegato wrote the season and i can trust that man about as far as i can throw him, so.
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onecoloraway · 5 years
Doing these feels like pissing against the wind atm what with skam france and the skamit actors killing the fandom on ig, but here I go anyways. Welcome to part 5 of "But did you see that?" where I closely look at a random! clip of all 51 in S2 of Skam Italia in these trying times while we wait for S3. Today's clip is 2.3. Niccolò aka the vacuum cleaner clip. This one, as most of them, has been overanalysed on multiple occasions and I find myself struggling with spotting anything we haven't already mentioned. It's also a fairly short clip, but take a look at these screencaps anyways.
I'll start with this one because I have several questions about it.
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1. Is it allowed to smoke out in the courtyard in every highschool in Italy? I once attempted smoking back in school but be sure I was bitchslapped instantly and taken to the principal's office. If you watch closely as Sana is talking, in the background there are some people who also seem to be smoking. Interesting.
2. Is that t-shirt Nico is wearing the one Marti gets when he sleeps over? if so, omg.
3. Is this the same friend Nico was talking to outside school in ep 1 when Marti saw him for the first time? Where is he? Was he nice to Nico after rumors spread? Do they still talk in breaks? Let us see him again.
Another sweet thing worth mentioning is Marti's brief but oh so beautiful smile. Just look at the sottone.
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When Sana interrupts the stare fest and Marti turns back to her he licks his lips twice!!, which is such a smart move from Federico, because it perfectly shows how flustered Marti is and also that Niccolò is all he sees and Arctic Monkeys is all he hears now.
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I find it so sweet that Marti needs two seconds before he dares to look in Nico's direction again after Sana leaves, bc same.
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And finally, the theory that Nico just ran out of there because he couldn't handle how shook he was after seeing Marti like that must be true, because look at the guy he was talking to, it seems like he's looking in the direction he ran haha? No I'm just kidding. Or am I? Nico, where did you go?
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Which was your favourite moment of the clip? Were you listening to I wanna be yours and cried on loop for days? me too.
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azozzoni · 5 years
I just read through,, all your fics on tumblr and sfvgvvb I’m in l o v e they give me life anyways do you have any fic recs for skamit or skamfr (lucas/elliot or martino/niccolo) ? sorry to bother you if you don’t and have a nice day ♥️
I have to admit I don’t read that many fics these days, just whatever pops up in the tag, but I can point you to a few that I’ve enjoyed enough to save:
This one by @sonhoedesrazao which is kind of AU now that Italia S2 is done but I really liked it. A short version of Marti coming out to his mama, whom we love.
And I’m following along this fic by @crazybee which is an adorable AU (I am a sucker for AUs. I pretty much only write AUs, or did, until I got sucked into this fandom) about Marti taking yoga classes and hating himself for it but loving his gorgeous instructor. It’s chaptered, which I usually don’t read because I’m too impatient to wait for things, but it’s good anyway.
That’s about it. I haven’t seen many France fics yet, and I should tell you I am super picky about what I like, so there are plenty of other good ones out there that I haven’t mentioned.
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purgatorybfs · 5 years
here’s the deal. I can’t really explain why, but tonight’s clips made my heart so full and I just rewatched couple of episodes from skamit season two.
I love this shown with my entire soul, other than the raven cycle, this is the one thing that always makes me feel at home. Skam and its remakes give me so much EMOTIONS, just pure sensations in my heart.  When I started watching it in 2016, I had just broken up with my long term boyfriend who I loved so so so much, and skam was there with isak’s story to make me feel less alone and show me that down the line love will come to us, and I needed it (for all the wrong reasons) and I felt part of something bigger.
In the three years that have passed since, I have grown so much as a person and my relationship with the characters has changed. But the feelings that it gives me have not. Watching the og brings me back to those hard but necessary times of pure heartbreak, and it reminds me of the utter joy that came with seeing isak and even fall in love, and sana be the amazing person that she is, and eva and noora grow so much.
Skam Italia is for me something so complicated. I love it cause it tastes like home the way that I want to remember it, full of beautiful and loving people, not the hating, racist, sexist and homophobic country that I fear we will become. It reminds me of my own teenage years, leaves a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Watching Martino’s friend being so happy for him makes me hopeful that one day maybe I too will be able to feel free to be bi and proud even when I am back home. The characters show what I love about good Italian people, the lightness but the love that they share. They are home for so many reasons, and no one will take that away from me.
I only recently have started watching druck but it already holds my heart, the way that it has portrayed these characters so far (love u hannah and jonas) and the way that is giving us this beautiful and young romance that I cannot wait to see unravel. 
I don’t watch any other remakes (I will watch skam es bc wlw representation is so important to me and I wish I could have seen it when I was 16) but no part of me doubts that all of them are important to so many people for so many reasons, which go beyond the superficial layer.
One of the most beautiful things skam has done is creating an amazing community of people (for the most part) and create a LOVE and RESPECT for each other’s cultures that I find reassuring in this day and age.
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