#I am looking with impure thoughts and lust in my heart
homoeroticgrappling · 4 months
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Danhausen posting this randomly with the caption Vintagehausen
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m3lodyxo · 3 months
Salvation for the damned
Priest!Sanji x fem!Reader smut
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Minors, do not interact!!!
Author's note: This is my first smut, go easy on me. I'm not used to actually posting what I write. Ever since I saw @hunnismokah 's fanart of Sanji as a priest I haven't had a WINK of sleep. She has unleashed something feral into the world.
Warning: if you're uncomfortable with themes of religion, I'll advise you to scroll away.
"What is troubling you, my child?"
Sanji fancied himself a man of God. From a young age, he knew his role in life was to serve The All Mighty and help lost souls find the right path again.
He gave an Oath, and swore his body, mind and soul to The Lord, in promise to never stray from the path of light. And Sanji was a man of his word. Hence why he was sure you were sent by the Judge Of All, to test his strength and devotion.
Oh, you were the most angelic being he had ever laid eyes upon. Or at least so he thought, because, in truth, he saw you as a temptation crafted by The Devil specifically to torture him. And as much as he prayed and kneeled before God, begging for expiation, you wouldn't leave. As hard as he cried out to the heavens for a chance to atone, his screams were never heard.
You would always creep into his dreams, where he was most vulnerable, and force him into sin. You were a foul succubus, the daughter of Satan, and you have come to ensure his fall.
"Father, I must atone for these terrible sins I've committed against the Holy One."
He hadn't expected you to turn up so late, looking deeply troubled near the Church's entrance. He let you in without a second thought, and as soon as you reached the altar, you dropped down to your knees, your hands clasped together, looking up at him in desperation.
His face softened and he smiled ever so slightly. He was glad you finally decided to turn yourself over to The Light. Sanji lifted his hand over your head and spoke with firmness in his voice.
"Speak now child, lay yourself bare before The Lord and share your troubles. Pray that He may forgive you."
He felt closest to God during confessions. It was as if The All Mighty spoke through him, accepting the wrongs of those before him into his heart and engulfing them in pure holy light.
"I've been plagued by impure thoughts, Father. The sin of Lust and Desire has claimed me and shackled me in its repulsive hold and I have become its slave."
Through the silence, a shaky breath was all that could be heard. Sanji felt his body shudder and pool in a cold sweat, a chill running down his spine. His knees were so weak he thought he might keel over any moment now, had he not been holding Saint Patrick's Cross so tightly in his other hand.
Taking a deep breath in through his nose, Sanji composed himself. Right now, he had to help this poor woman redeem herself before The Lord.
"Very good, my child. The first step to redemption is seeking out the forgiveness of God. Stand."
You did as you were told immediately, without asking a single question. Good. The expectant look in your eyes could melt the resolve of the most cold-hearted man, had you only wished to do so.
"For your heinous crimes, you shall face punishment, and you shall suffer, and you shall be freed. Now, are you ready to carry out God's task?"
Oh, that spark in your eyes. He could almost feel the devotion radiate off your body into zaps of energy. Almost. "I am ready, Father. I swear that I will do whatever it is The Lord asks of me."
Before you even finished speaking, he had already turned around and instructed you to follow him.
Not before long, you found yourself in his private quarters. Just as you were about to question why, he called out to you, and you answered. Sanji was sat at the edge of his bed, looking up at you with a gentle smile adorning his face.
"Kneel, child."
You sank back to your knees, reaching out with your hands and hesitantly placing them atop his own, all while looking at him. He extended his hand to you and gently cupped your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
Breath caught in your throat, you dared not utter a word, lest all kinds of sinful thoughts escape through, in-between your teeth.
"Do you know what you must do?" You could feel his thumb brush across your plush lips and pull the bottom one down.
"Yes, Father."
Sanji felt your hands drag up his thighs and settle on the zipper of his pants. He held back a groan at the feeling of your hands on him, inhaling sharply once you pulled his cock out and sat up on your knees to press a featherlight kiss to the tip.
You licked your lips and pressed one more kiss to it before wrapping them around the head, sucking lightly. He let out a gasp and shut his eyes, basking in the way your perfect lips wrapped so well around the head of his dick. Sanji felt you pull away and opened his eyes only to see you spit on his cock and wrap a hand around to stroke him. Your palm so soft and gentle, your pace slow and sensual, easing him into the feeling of your skin pressed to his. He was trying so hard not to let out soft moans of pleasure as you touched him, your skin igniting a spark in him that ate away at his soul deliciously so.
He could feel sin seep through his skin and into his heart, pulling him away from all that he deemed right, enticing him to beg for more. But he couldn't allow it, couldn't allow to lose himself to such carnal desires.
His resolve, however, faltered the second you took him into your mouth again. Enveloping his cock in its warmth and continuing to stroke whatever you failed to fit with your hand. Sanji let out a whine, and pressed his palm to the back of your head, keeping you in place. You had long since closed your eyes, basking in the feeling of him filling up your mouth, making you imagine what it would feel like for him to bury himself deep inside you and claim you as his.
Oh, you've dreamed of him for so long. You knew it was wrong to want a man of God, selfish, to wish he'd devote himself to you instead. You'd stay awake at night, desperately pumping your fingers to feel even the slightest relief, but your body knew what it wanted. And it wanted it badly.
Whatever you did, you couldn't satisfy your hunger for the man, and tonight, after hopelessly trying to chaise you high for hours and failing miserably, you decided enough was enough. You had to have him.
Snapping back into the present, you moved your tongue against him, hearing him let out yet another sinful cry, tears threatening to spill over his eyes. You could feel yourself clenching around nothing. Sanji tugged on your hair, and a moan escaped your throat, making him mewl in ecstasy.
He could feel a knot begin to form, like a balloon ready to burst, so he pushed you away, panting.
You looked up at him, confused. Had he not enjoyed himself? Did he perhaps change his mind? Maybe he finally realised how wretched you were.
"Come, sit." You wasted no time in hastily removing your bottoms and straddling his lap. Sanji placed both his hands on your hips, pressing gentle kisses to your neck and collarbone. A sigh left his lips when he felt your fingers swiftly undoing his ponytail and running your fingers through his long, golden locks of hair.
You aligned yourself up with his cock and sank, taking him in inch by delicious inch, filling yourself. Once you finally fit him all inside, a breath of relief left you.
He was still pressed closely to your chest, holding you tightly and squeezing your hips as if you'd disappear should he let go. And his grip became tighter once you started moving. Sanji felt like he'd lose his mind by how tight, wet and warm your walls were, pulsating and squeezing around him and greedily sucking him in.
"Father...please." Your voice was so weak as if the wind was knocked out of you, leaving you gasping and craving for more. He groaned and tried to meet your hips with his, thrusting up into your cunt in chase of the pleasure engulfing him whole.
"Fuck, you feel so good my sweet." He was quickly losing himself in you. Breathing in your scent and feeling it fill up his lungs, it was almost as if his mind was spiralling into insanity.
"Call me by my name...Let me hear you say it." You could barely register what he was asking of you, too drunk on the feeling of the man you've been craving for so long finally giving you what you've been wanting.
"Sanji, please don't stop." A shameless whine interrupted you. You couldn't form coherent thoughts anymore. All you could think about was him and how good he was making you feel.
He just kissed your forehead and began fucking into you harder, hitting that special spot deep inside you every time. He knew you were close by the way you tightened so much around him, it was evident.
"I know darling, 'm close too. Fuck- Been dreaming about this pussy for months. Been dreaming of filling it up to the brim with my cum. Is that what you want love? For me to paint your insides white?"
All you could do was throw your head back and moan like an animal in heat, desperately moving your hips to chase that high.
"Use your words, sweetness. Tell me you want it." He didn't falter in his movements, keeping up the brutal pace and abusing your cunt, set on hearing you.
You locked your eyes with his, barely able to keep them open. "Want your cum Sanji, please give it to me. Want you to fill me up." He groaned, hearing you barely get out the words, too focused on the pleasure he was giving you.
"Since you asked so nicely, you better take it all." You could feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as you tipped over the edge, his words alone making you lose your mind. You moaned out his name again and again, like a prayer and he felt that knot finally snap.
With a final thrust of his hips, Sanji came, spilling deep inside you, painting your walls white. You felt your insides warm up as you milked him of every last drop until he was spent.
With both of you panting, he gripped your face with one hand to make you face him again and asked. "What do you say now?"
"Thank you, Father."
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cassianus · 3 months
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A Lament for Sin
Weep over your sin: it is a spiritual ailment; it is death to your immortal soul; it deserves ceaseless, unending weeping and crying; let all tears flow for it, and sighing come forth without ceasing from the depths of your heart.
In profound humility I weep for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, covert and overt, great and little, committed by word and deed, in thought and intention, day and night, at every hour and minute of my life.
I weep over my pride and my ambition, my self love and my boastfulness; I weep over my fits of anger, irritation, excessive shouting, swearing, quarreling and cursing;
I weep for having criticized, censured, gossiped, slandered, and defamed, for my wrath, enmity, hatred, envy, jealousy, vengeance and rancor;
I weep over my indulgences in lust, impure thoughts and evil inclinations; covetousness, gluttony, drunkenness, and sloth;
I weep for having talked idly, used foul language, blasphemed, derided, joked, ridiculed, mocked, enjoyed empty gaiety, singing, dancing and every pleasure to excess;
I weep over my self indulgence, cupidity, love of money and miserliness, unmercifulness and cruelty;
I weep over my laziness, indolence, negligence, love of comfort, weakness, idleness, absent-mindedness, irresponsibility, inattention, love of sleep, for hours spent in idle pursuits, and for my lack of concentration in prayer and in Church, for not observing fasts and not doing charitable works.
I weep over my lack of faith, my doubting, my perplexity, my coldness, my indifference, my weakness and unfeelingness in what concerns the Holy Orthodox Faith, and over all my foul, cunning and reviling thoughts;
I weep over my exaggerated sorrow and grief, depression and despair, and over sins committed willingly.
I weep, but what tears can I find for a worthy and fitting way to weep for all the actions of my ill fated life; for my immeasurable and profound worthlessness? How can I reveal and expose in all its nakedness each one of my sins, great and small, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, overt and covert, every hour and minute of sin? When and where shall I begin my penitential lament that will bear fitting fruit? Perhaps soon I may have to face the last hour of my life; my soul will be painfully sundered from my sinful and vile body; I shall have to stand before terrible demons and radiant angels, who will reveal and torment me with my sins; and I, in fear and trembling, will be unprepared and unable to give them an answer; the sight and sound of wailing demons, their violent and bold desire to drag me into the bottomless pit of Hell will fill my soul with confusion and terror. And then the angels of God will lead my poor soul to stand before God 's fearful seat of judgment. How will I answer the Immortal King, or how will I dare, sinner that I am, to look upon My Judge? Woe is me! have no good answer to make, for I have spent all my life in indolence and sin, all my hours and minutes in vain thoughts, desires and yearnings!
And how many times have I taken the Name of God in vain!
How often, lightly and freely, at times even boldly, insolently and shamelessly have I slandered others in anger; offended, irritated, mocked them!
How often have I been proud and vainglorious and boasted of good qualities that I do not possess and of deeds that I have not done!
How many times have I lied, deceived, been cunning or flattered, or been insincere and deceptive; how often have I been angry, intolerant and mean!
How many times have I ridiculed the sins of my brother, caused him grief overtly and covertly, mocked or gloated over his misdeeds, his faults or his misfortunes; how many times have I been hostile to him, in anger, hatred or envy!
How often have I laughed stupidly, mocked and derided, spoke without weighing my words, ignorantly and senselessly, and uttered a numberless quantity of cutting, poisonous, insolent, frivolous, vulgar, coarse, brazen words!
How often, affected by beauty, have I fed my mind, my imagination and my heart with voluptuous sensations, and unnaturally satisfied the lusts of the flesh in fantasy! How often has my tongue uttered shameful, vulgar and blasphemous things about the desires of the flesh!
How often have I yearned for power and been gluttonous, satiating myself on delicacies, on tasty, varied and diverse foods and wines; because of intemperance and lack of self-control how often have I been filled past the point of satiety, lacked sobriety and been drunken, intemperate in food and drink, and broken the Holy Fasts!
How often, through selfishness, pride or false modesty, have I refused help and attention to those in need, been uncharitable, miserly, unsympathetic, mercenary and grasped at attention!
How often have I entered the House of God without fear and trembling, stood there in prayer, frivolous and absent-minded, and left it in the same spirit and disposition! And in prayer at home I have been just as cold and indifferent, praying little, lazily, and indolently, inattentively and impiously, and even completely omitting the appointed prayers!
And in general, how slothful I have been, weakened by indolence and inaction; how many hours of each day have I spent in sleep, how often have I enjoyed voluptuous thoughts in bed and defiled my flesh! How many hours have I spent in empty and futile pastimes and pleasures, in frivolous talk and speech, jokes and laughter, games and fun, and how much time have I wasted conclusively in chatter, and gossip, in criticizing others and reproaching them; how many hours have I spent in time-wasting and emptiness! What shall I answer to the Lord God for every hour and every minute of lost time? In truth, I have wasted my entire life in laziness.
How many times have I lost heart and despaired of my salvation and of God's mercy or through stupid habit, insensitivity, ignorance, insolence, shamelessness, and hardness sinned deliberately, willingly, in my right mind, in full awareness, in all goodwill, in both thought and intention, and in deed, and in this fashion trampled the blood of God 's covenant and crucified anew within myself the Son of God and cursed Him!
0 how terrible the punishment that I have drawn upon myself!
How is it that my eyes are not streaming with constant tears?.. If only my tears flowed from the cradle to the grave, at every hour and every minute of my tortured life! Who will now cool my head with water and fill the well of my tears and help me weep over my soul that I have cast into perdition?
My God, my God! Why hast Thou forsaken me? Be it unto me according to Thy will, 0 Lord! If Thou wouldst grant me light, be Thou blessed; if Thou wouldst grant me darkness, be Thou equally blessed. If Thou wouldst destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy righteous judgment; and if Thou wouldst not destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy boundless mercy!
(St. Basil the Great)
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
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Note: just a lil something something I wrote on my phone.
Extra warning: REALLY DARK THEME
The King’s Servant
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Your king was amazing. He was amazing and you will always think he was, even after he raped you.
Warnings: non-con, manipulation, power play, abuse
Your King was amazing and perfect in every way. He took you in when you had no where else to go. He gave your food and a job to earn money. He let you work your way up to be his royal servant at the age of 18. He was your perfect king even if the other servants hated him and said he was creepy. They always said that he was scary and most of the young female servants had stories about him, but you didn’t believe them. You refused to believe them.
He was your king. Your King.
You loved him with all your heart, so much so that everyone thought your relationship with the king was weird and unhealthy. The cook even said that you were groomed into this position. You loved him even if he pinched your butt during boring meetings with other kingdoms. You always thought he was just bored and needed something to play with.
You always wanted to be around him even if he hugged your waist and touch your breasts without your permission. You wanted to be around him even when he said disgusting things about your young body. He even said he wanted to make you his queen and that he loved you.
And that’s how you ended up in this situation.
You were removing your undergarments when he walks in without knocking. You quickly cover up and looks at him.
“Oh! Sir, umm what are you doing in here?” You asked and he just stared at you with an unbearably handsome smirk. You couldn’t lie and not say that this man with long, brown hair wasn’t absolutely gorgeous. His icy blue eyes and beautiful smile with his delicious looking lips. He walks over to your bed and sits down on it.
“Continue, doll.” He says, softly and waits for you to continue stripping out of your clothes.
Even if you loved your king, you were kinda uncomfortable undressing in front of your king. It felt so impure and dirty as his eyes racked over your body with lust burning through them. You look around getting more and more uncomfortable as he starts a hole through your body.
“Doll. Are you going to disobey your King?” He raises his eyebrow at you and crosses his arms, increasing his intimidating gaze on you. You shiver and continue stripping out of your clothes, not wanting to disappoint you king. He licks his lips and looks over you with curious eyes.
“Same with the panties too, doll” he says and looks at your pink panties that you had decided to wear, not thinking that someone would see you in them. You looked at him and shake your head, slightly.
“Sir. I am uncomfortable..” you try to get him to care in the most respectful way possible. You wanted him to realize what he was doing and he just shook his head, standing up. You felt your heart drop down to your stomach when his smirk dropped.
“Take. Them. Off” he walks over to you and presses you against the wall with his towering body. You start to shake and look at him with fearful eyes. You take off your panties, fearing what he would do to you.
He smiles again and your heart goes right back up to your chest. “God, you are so beautiful. Flawless skin and sweet, innocent pussy.” He says as his untucks his arm from his chest and reaches it down to your pussy. He rubbed your clit and makes circle 8s with it.
You felt pleasure shoot up through your body, but something felt wrong. You didn’t like that your king was doing this to you. You wanted to push him away, but he says something that makes your people pleasing heart pound hard.
“Do you want to please your King, babygirl?” He spokes with a soft tone in his voice and he moves his fingers down to your hole. You nod immediately and he chuckles. He leaned in and kisses you, pushing his tongue past your lips. He tastes you and explores every inch of your mouth with his tongue.
Your eyes widen and you grab at his fur cape, pulling on it. He slips his two fingers into your pussy and you pull away immediately. “Ow!” You grab his wrist and tried to pull his fingers out. He covers your mouth and pushes his fingers deeper.
“Relax, dear. Relax relax. It’s just gonna hurt for a bit, but I am gonna take care of ya” he pulls his fingers out and wraps his arms around your plushy thighs. He pushes his fingers right back in and you whimper in pain. You squirm, but he held you firmly against the wall as he stretched you out.
The pain was bearable, but uncomfortable. His sweet praises did little to comfort you as you tried to get out of his arms. “Your Highness.. please..” your pussy was aching and you wanted to stop, but didn’t want to disappoint your king.
“Don’t make me mad, sweetness. I don’t want to hurt you..” he scared you when he said that. Your King will hurt you? You stop squirming and go completely stiff. His eyes connect with yours and he smiles.
“Good girl.” He purrs and kisses the corner of your mouth. He finally pulls his fingers out and licks them. He wets them up with saliva and hums in delight at the taste. “So sweet…”
He rubbed his warm, wet fingers on your pussy and spits on your pussy. He rubs the spit in and makes you slick. He drops you and pulls you up by your hair, making your whine in pain. He tosses you on the bed like rag doll.
He walks over to you and undoes his belt. You look at him coming towards you, taking out the most private part of himself.
“You want to be my Queen? I am going to make you my Queen… I love you, dear. I love you so much and I am gonna show you.” He declares his love for you as he gets in between your thighs, making the bed dip down. He pulls out his thick, veiny cock and rubs the engorged tip against your slick pussy.
He collects as much wetness as he could before pushing in. You gasp at the full feeling, shaking. He started to fucking into you, hugging you close to him.
He declares his sick, sick love for you as he bounces you on his cock. You were struggling against him and was screaming for help. It felt like he was stabbing you over and over in the pussy. You didn’t love your King anymore. You didn’t love him. He was hurting you. He was hurting you.
He thrusts up into you, pounding your innocent virgin pussy. Your toes curls and loud banging was heard on the door. The other servants were yelling, begging their king to leave their innocent servant alone. His cock was buried so deep inside of you as they were trying to break down the door.
“HELP HELP HELP! PLEASE IT HURTS SO MUCH!” You started hitting your king chest. He ruined you and made sure you remembered him. You were going to be his Queen, whether you like it or not.
You kick your feet, screaming. “Gonna cum gonna cum gonna cum” he repeats over and over before filling your pussy with thick fluids.
But, he doesn’t stop. He pulls out of you and puts you on your side. He spoons you and starts to pound you from this angle. It let him get much deeper inside of you. You squirmed and tried to get away from him.
“PLEASE SIR!! IT HURTS!!” You clawed at the sheets and blankets. Your face was completely red and he just covered your mouth, finishing his business. He doesn’t love you.
When he was done, he grabs your face and kisses you in a long, disgusting kiss. He just held you to him and said “My Queen”
You couldn’t lie. You still loved your King, even if did just rape you. He could do no wrong.
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scribeforchrist-blog · 2 months
I Am Not Carrying It He Is
+ Psalm 150:6: "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"
+ James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of it.
  Defilement: we dont hear this word or maybe see this world only in the Old Testament, but we don’t hear it in the New Testament a lot, and a lot of people dont know what is it mean , but defilement is this: "To defile oneself means to make oneself spiritually unclean or impure." so its when we make ourselves unclean, and its many ways to do this and the bible gives us verses of what makes us defile
 •Mark 7:21-23 For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a person."
  •Galatians 5: 19-21 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
  So within this verse, we have the basis of what could cause someone to defile themselves or what they could do to do this, and what we noticed is that anything that's of the flesh can do this; it tells us in Mark that out of the heart of a man comes evil thoughts and anything evil anything that's in our mind that is not of God and not of light and love in a decent way is defilement.
  Some people would say it is hard not to be defiled when we are around people every day because being around people, you can have thoughts to harm and thoughts to hate, and this causes defilement. I heard one man say one time that if you are by yourself. There is no one around you all day; that is how you can keep from defiling yourself. Still, the bible says these things are in our hearts, so I don't know if this is true. I spend a lot of time alone; I am single and have no kids. I'm alone a lot, and even texting people can cause me to defile myself because I might get upset, or I might watch TV and something is on there; it's something I don't like that can causes me to be defiled.
   There are tons of things that can cause you or me to defile ourselves; even what we look at can cause us to defile ourselves because what happens is the enemy will present us with something, and it won’t affect us right now. Still, we'll bring it back to our attention later on in our weakest moment so that we can react, so what we must do when we have these moments of defilement is ask God immediately to forgive us and give us the grace to withstand anything and everything that the enemy wants to attack us with.
 Ephesians 5:11  Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
   The word tells us that we shouldn't take on the unfruitful works of darkness; we can't grow in darkness, and we can't grow when we are dabbling in the works of the flesh. We must remember that living in this world. We have a ton of moments where lust, anger, and rage can grip us and pull us in,  but we can’t allow those things to stay. We must have joy, peace, forbearance, and be kind, and be good and, faithful to God, gentle to others who need it, and have self-control over our life; a lot of us avoid anything that could lead to fleshly deeds and some of us allow ourselves to lose control and not look at what God wants us to do which is bare fruit and be in the light.
  When we defile ourselves, we aren't walking in the light. We are thinking about ourselves, and the bible tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things And desperately wicked. Who can know it? Only the Lord knows our heart, which we have needs repair and healing, but we must be willing to put in the work and stay away from things we know will trigger us to sin.
 ***Today, we learned about defilement, what we can do to avoid it, and what causes it; as we grow and Christ, we will learn more about what doesn't feel right within our spirit and what, most importantly, what God honestly doesn't like. To keep from defilement, we must first not allow it around us or let it into our eyegates; every day, we must choose not to live in the realm of the flesh but in the realm of the spirit. The word of God states that when we walk in the spirit, we won't gratify the things of the flesh, and to stay in the spirit; we must do this: we must yield to his control and be led by the Holy Spirit, and fully rely on the spirit.
  The sinful appetite is fed when we submit to it; our sinful appetite can go away if we don't feed it as long as we feed it and allow it to dwell in us; we have to stop and ask God to give us control and a desire to deny the craving to allow what defiles us to stay around us, cleaning our home and phones of things that could defile can help I'm not going to lie the urges will be there for a little while and this doesn’t mean we won’t sin but this is when we must pick up our cross and say God help me carry my cross so I won't defile myself.  ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your grace and mercy. We thank you for loving us and keeping us safe. Lord, protect us with your loving arms. We ask you to help us not to enter into anything that could defile us. We give you our minds, eyes, and ears. Lord, we surrender these body parts and ask you to cleanse them and change us. Lord, our cross is so heavy we ask you to help carry it, and we ask you to help us not to fall into temptation. Give us strength in you, give us strength to say no to what we want; help us to not gratify the flesh but to walk in the spirit; in Jesus Name, Amen
+ Galatians 3:10 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them."
+ Deuteronomy 27:26 Cursed be anyone who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'
+ Romans 8:7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot
Proverbs 13
Roman 6
Leviticus 2
Deuteronomy 20
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templevirgin · 6 days
Daily Reading: Friday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
Matthew 5:27-32
Jesus said to his disciples: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body go into Gehenna. It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce.’ But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.”
Introductory Prayer: Lord Jesus, today I will contemplate your love in action. You continually go out of your way to make your presence felt in my life, and I am very grateful. Thank you, Lord, for another day; it is another opportunity to deepen my love and friendship with you.
Petition: A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit. (Ps 51:12)
1. Guard Your Eyes: Concerning purity of heart, Jesus takes this demand for purity a step further than the Old Testament. He teaches that to even look at a woman with lust in your heart, seeing her as merely an object to satisfy your lustful desires, is seriously sinful. Jesus does not say that it is sinful to simply recognize a woman as beautiful, or by extension, a woman recognizing a man as handsome. It is when we see the other as an object and have impure thoughts about them that we give in to sin. In other words, the temptation itself is not a sin; it is when we accept that temptation into our heart and give it a home by willfully playing with it in our mind that we step over the line. Lord Jesus, it’s so easy to grant myself concessions in this area, but with your aid I will be firm in my resolve to guard my senses, remembering an adage from the computer age: “Garbage in, garbage out!”
2. If It Puts Your Soul in Danger, It’s Got to Go: Christ’s call to holy purity, like every other virtue, is eminently positive. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Mt 22:37). Purity is a consequence of the love that prompts us to commit to Christ our soul and body, our faculties and senses. Jesus uses the images of “right eye” and “right hand” to refer to that which we value most. He is telling us that if that which we value most in life has become a stumbling block in our relationship with the Lord, then, simply put, it’s got to go. It is far better to lose a possession or a position or to break off a relationship than to risk the eternal salvation of our soul. We must be prepared to fight for righteousness with all of our strength, being ready to eliminate whatever could clearly lead us to offend the Lord.
3. And the Two Shall Become One: Jesus re-established the principle of the absolute indissolubility of marriage, a principle that has been unhesitatingly taught by the Church from the very beginning. Pope Pius XI reminded us in Casti Connubii (December 31, 1930) about the immutable and inviolable truth that “matrimony was not instituted or re-established by men, but by God… Consequently, those laws can in no way be subject to human wills or to any contrary pact made even by the contracting parties. This is the teaching of Sacred Scripture; it is the constant and universal Tradition of the Church.” Marriage endures until death though the love may last forever. What God has joined together, let nothing separate. Am I living my marriage as a covenant? Do I treat my spouse with respect and affection? Do I dedicate my heart, time, and energy to cultivating our love, so it will endure and flourish?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I want to live with purity, and I know that this requires a strong will and a constant effort in this world that encourages instant gratification of the senses. Give me the strength in particular to guard my eyes and control my imagination. Help me to be exquisitely faithful to my spouse.
Resolution: I will promote the virtue of purity in my personal life and set a good example for others by incorporating into my lifestyle the time-tested ascetical methods that the Church has proposed to us down through the ages: frequent confession and Communion; devotion to Our Lady; a spirit of prayer and mortification; guarding of the senses; flight from occasions of sin; and striving to avoid idleness by always being engaged in doing useful things.
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thoughtsaladblog · 1 month
Guilty As Sin
Never have I related more to a song (since "she used to be me"), like I currently do with Taylor's brilliantly worded masterpiece: "Guilty As Sin?"
I've been struggling with so many illicit thoughts about him. Thoughts I really cannot- should not- have. But I can't fight it. The feeling overwhelms me. I have even gone so far as to wonder if I'm in love with the idiot. Could I really make such a big blunder? Have I been reckless with my heart?
Sometimes the feeling is similar- like being in love. Or is it just some strong form of lust? Does that make it better?? Either way he and I can never be. And there it is- the gut-wrenching pain. The feeling of wanting to tear my heart out to take away the feeling of craving this thing. The desire to hold him to me.
And you know what's worse?? I can't bloody tell a soul. I mean what can I say?! And the secret is killing me. I want to let it out- take away its power, and usually if I had something this hard to deal with I'd talk to him about it... Guess that's out of the question.
But for a moment let me stray from how wrong this is and tell you what's really in my heart when I think of him. I want to call him mine- maybe not right now, but at some point. I don't even know why. Nothing about him should make me feel this way, and yet I do. I dream of loving him, and him loving me- looking at me with eyes that really see me for who I am, and admire me, not just eyes that look and don't see. I want to feel his hands in my hair- in a moment of affection. I want him to push me up against a wall and kiss me passionately, only for things to escalate from there to a night of steaming passion and writhing bodies. I want him to feel the way I do. I want his heart to hurt at the idea of losing me...
But it doesn't. To him I'm just another friend. He doesn't think of me beyond that. He doesn't think of me at all really. And it hurts. I want to scream and beg. I want to tell him to care. To think of me. To feel something- even if it isn't love. Just concern. I dunno... Something. I want him to think of me. But he won't. I'm no one. Not to him. And somehow he's someone to me- not just someone, but someone I love.
I don't want to though. I can't have waited all these years to fall in love with someone like him. I can't have waited all these years to love a boy I can't have. How do I overcome this? This ugly thing that's unfolding. This isn't a beautiful love story. It's ugly. It's forbidden- impure.
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 6 months
The Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 27a
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*Warning Adult Content*
Little Wolf - Part 1 - Koa
That night... I dream of Des.
How we'd sneak treats from the dining hall then go up to the roof at night to lay on our backs and watch the stars.
How I'd cried in his arms and he comforted me after I was kicked from my family home.
The world had seemed so small back then, it was me and him against our oppressive pack.
Our first kiss had been awkward but exciting, stolen behind the old shack in the woods where we often hid from the other kids.
He told me he loved me just a week after, promising that we'd mate when we were older, even if we weren't fated.
I'd thought it so romantic then, I believed whatever he told me.
Des was my everything and then he was gone.
I was left alone and vulnerable, giving Zacan the opportunity to impregnate me not long after Des's death.
It was the most painful time of my life.
When I wake up with tears streaming down my face, a deep pit in my stomach, I recognize that I'm not over that pain in the slightest.
But what if Cyrus expects me to behave like I'm not?
What if he thinks that now that we've kissed... I'm offering up my heart to him?
Because I can't do that, I can't give my all to someone when the future isn't guaranteed.
Cyrus could die.... he could leave me... he could find out the truth of my past and be disgusted that he was ever attracted to impure omega like me.
He could decide that he doesn't want all my baggage, much less having to care for another Alpha's child.
There is so much that could go wrong and I have to my protect my heart.
Because the loss of Des broke me and if I let Cyrus any farther in and the same thing happens, it won't only break me... it will destroy me.
I know it will and Oliver doesn't deserve a mother like that.
I have to be strong for him, like I always have been.
I cannot let my defenses fall now because of my silly feelings.
So after a full weekend of avoiding Cyrus, Monday rolls around and I have no way to get out of training.
Cyrus would come find me, anyway.
I walk to the training field from the school, already dressed in my leathers to get this over with as quickly as I can.
Fuck, I feel so nervous... one look at him and I know I'll be tempted to kiss him again.
The heat of our moment the other night has not left my mind, much less my body, where it teases my stomach with butterflies at the prospect of seeing my mate.
My wolf is practically salivating, wagging his tail like the lust-starved mutt he is.
I try to calm him down but it's no use.
So when I approach Cyrus who's leaning against the weapons shed, I keep my eyes downcast.
My palms are sweaty as hell and I wring them together, an anxious breath escaping my chest.
How am I going to ignore the elephant in the room?
Which is the fact that I threw myself at him a couple nights ago and we made out not once but twice.
I can't say I regret it but what I do regret is not thinking of the consequences.
Like how I'm going to face him today, acting like nothing happened.
"We're going to be working with weapons today. It's your first time, so please take caution. The daggers are sharpened daily," he starts as soon as I'm near and I look up in confusion.
He's just gonna act like nothing happened?
A part of me I'm reluctant to acknowledge wilts in disappointment but then I remind myself that this is exactly what I want.
I want to go on as usual and to NOT be tempted to kiss those soft, full lips of his again or feel his huge hands grip at my waist, lifting me effortlessly and taking control...
'Koa. Stop. It. Now.'
It's fucking awkward. I mean, I don't know why I didn't foresee this, seeing as he had his tongue down my throat a few days ago, that being the last time we saw each other.
Nothing's been addressed.
Cyrus has tripped over his words and his own two feet more times than I can count, sneaking glances at me when he thinks I'm not looking.
Moon Goddess, he's acting like a sulky pup and I hate that I find it so adorable.
When we get about halfway through training, Cyrus stops in the middle of instructing me, sighing.
"Koa, can we talk about..."
"Talk about what?" I cut him off.
"Oh, talk about how nice the weather is? Yes, it is soo nice. I love when weather is just so nice, you know? Anyway, can you show me how to use this one again? I haven't gotten the hang of it?"
The abrupt change of subject and detraction from his attempt at a conversation does not go unnoticed but Cyrus doesn't push.
I feel stupid, having an outburst like that but I couldn't think of anything else in the moment.
My wolf whines in embarrassment, hiding his face under his paws.
At least he can hide... I can't.
I make it to the end of our session successfully avoiding any conversation that could lead back to our kiss, filling the intermittent silences with nonsensical blabber about Pack gossip Morgan's relayed to me or what new things Oliver's learning at school.
But I can't shake the heat of his gaze off of me.
'How long am I going to be able to avoid this?'
I get my answer when I'm closing up the weapons shed after having put the daggers back in their rightful places.
I'm thinking about how I probably didn't absorb a majority of the strategy he taught me when I feel a towering, warm presence at my back.
"Why did you kiss me?" his voice is low and husky, sending a pleasant shiver up my spine and I suck in a breath before I respond.
"I... I don't... it didn't mean anything, okay?"
No sooner have the words left my mouth is Cyrus flipping me around to face him, hands on my shoulders as he stares icily into my eyes.
"You are lying."
"No, I'm not. Kisses just happen, sometimes. You... you don't have to read so much into it," I insist.
His expression darkens.
"Do you passionately kiss just anyone, then?"
My cheeks burn at the utter obvious nature of my lie and I shake off his grasp, stalking away to the hand-washing basins on the other side of the shed.
When I get there, though, his shadow soon overcomes my own and his arms are wrapping around me, caging me in as he sets both hands on the basins so I can't evade him again without making a fool of myself by ducking beneath his huge, long arms.
"Are we not remembering the same kiss?" his breath tickles my hear.
"Because the way you pressed those pretty lips of yours to mine... the way you moaned into it and pushed up against me... that, I'm afraid, was the definition of passion."
I don't think I can take any more of his sexy voice saying these kinds of things without turning into a pile of mush.
My face is probably so red I'd get a misdiagnosis of heatstroke from Juliet.
He's so close... close enough that I could let it happen again, let him kiss me and have the world around us disappear.
I'm this close to giving him everything... and I just can't.
"Y-You're wrong," I blurt out in one final attempt to deny him, my voice coming out in some kind of squeak and I'm absolutely mortified.
Alright... making a fool out of myself it is.
I duck under his arm and nearly fall flat on my face trying to get away.
'Oh, for fuck's sake.'
I do the only thing I can think of to get out of this now.
I channel my shift, letting my wolf break free with the cracking of bones and growth of fiery fur.
My paws hit the ground with an impactful thump and I wince, halting my fleeing.
I take a chance to check behind me, my heart beat rising when I see that he's shifted as well.
A huge, magnificent black wolf with blazing blue eyes stands only a few meters away, a predatory haunch in his shoulders as he surveys me.
If I feel small to Cyrus in our human forms, I feel miniature in our wolves.
He flexes his back legs and I realize what he's preparing for.
A chase and I've just become his prey.
My stomach tingles in excitement, apprehensive.
My wolf takes the lead, desiring to be chased, caught by our Alpha.
I take off with a run into the woods... it's exhilarating, galloping through the trees, knowing he's not far behind.
Knowing that I can't outrun him and if I'm ahead now, it's only because I got a head start.
I jump over a tall thicket with a small howl, to which my fast approaching mate responds with a deep growl.
It rattles my bones in the most pleasurable way possible and I lose my footing, the momentum of the jump sending me sprawling in the soft patch of grass behind the thicket.
I have no time to register anything before Cyrus's huge wolf is pouncing at me, a dark blur blocking out the sun before he's on me.
I yelp in surprise as we roll playfully on the grass... he lets me resist... allowing me the higher ground as we wrestle.
We're a tangle of limbs, pawing at each other and panting until eventually I'm under him again.
I note that he does not put his full weight on me, probably for fear of crushing me.
He's always so considerate, even when we're rough-housing like this.
Exhausted and panting, I can't help but shift back, my fur too warm for the exhilarated state I'm in right now.
He does the same and I watch as the dark wolf morphs into the man I'm helplessly attracted to in every way.
When his pale face, chiseled jaw and beautiful eyes emerge again, I can't help but swoon.
He's so God-damn handsome... and thoughtful... and sweet... and sexy as hell.
He's breathing hard, staring at me with an intensity that sets my whole body on fire in the best way.
We're both naked now and I don't dare to bring my eyes any lower than his neck.
He keeps his eyes on my face, ever the gentlemen.
"Do not run from me, little wolf," he says in a rasp.
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mylittlesyn · 2 years
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Premise: How do you confess to your priest that you're lusting after him? Little do you know all what's going on on the other side of that confessional booth.
TW: Non-con, voyeuresque?, Virgin reader, sacrilege, corruption kink
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You settled onto the bench of the confessional, smoothing over your white dress that was already devoid of wrinkles. The walnut walls felt so close around you as you heard the panel between you and your priest open. Sliding your panel open, you could see faint light from the otherside that displayed the intricate wood lace-like pattern that separated you from what was supposed to be God himself. It felt hot. You were sweating and fanning yourself with the pamphlet containing the readings and hymns for today. “Relax my child.” That deep voice penetrated your ears in a way that reminded you exactly why you were here in the first place. Your mind drifted to the tattoos that lined his jaw, how it accentuated it so well. “May God, who has enlightened every heart, help you to know your sins and trust in his mercy.”
“Amen.” You spoke quietly while pressing your index finger to your forehead, the middle of your chest, and then to each of your shoulders.  “Forgive me Father, I have sinned. It has been over four months since my last confession.” 
“Why so long my child…? Since before I took over this congregation.” He finished with a murmur, speaking more to himself than to you. 
“I’ve been nervous…” You answered, stopping the biting of your nails. After realizing what you were doing. You balled your hands into fists, trying to push the thoughts of how tight his black button up looked over his muscles from your mind. 
“There’s no need to be nervous my child. I am but a vessel for God’s will. I do not make the judgements, only God may do that.” He spoke, his voice sounding a little closer to the division between you both. “Confess your sins.” He dragged out the last word, his voice smooth and deep, almost like he was dragging your sins out of you.
“I have been having impure thoughts.” You squeaked as you squeezed the white lace of your dress in your hands to try to stop them from shaking. 
“You’re a beautiful young woman.” He spoke, his words feeling almost like a caress. “It is normal to have these impure thoughts my child. Why don’t you tell me more about them?” 
“M-more?” You stuttered, not having had that question asked before. 
“I need to know the severity of these thoughts in order to appropriately assign you your penance.” He explained calmly, though you heard some fabric ruffling. 
“I-I… I don’t kn-now if I-I can…” You hesitated, feeling cold sweats come down your forehead. 
“Relax my child, remember I am but a vessel for God himself.” He whispered with his voice so smooth. 
“They’re… They’re about you.” You confessed, feeling a weight lifted only for a moment, remembering that he still assigns you penance. 
“I see…” Silence fell for a moment, only the sound of something like an odd shuffle filled the space. “I will need you to go into more detail, my child.” 
“De-deta-tail…?” You uttered, your eyes bulging as you stared through the partition. 
“Yes, my child… For the penance.” He clarified as you tried your best to swallow. 
“N-n-n-no…” You shook your head. 
“It is alright…” You could almost hear the smile, the one that made your heart flutter whenever you would see it as he gave his sermons. “You are not the first one to confess that, my child. Please continue with detail.” He demanded in a way that sounded stern, but not enough to discourage you. 
“I-I think a-about your smile…” 
“How well your tattoos line your face…” 
“Must I-” 
“Yes my child.” He sighed. 
“Your muscles…” You squeezed the wooden bench as you hunched forward while squeezing your legs together. “How the black button up looks like it might tear.” You heard him breathe in through gritted teeth. 
“Yes…” He hissed. “Continue.”
“Your forearms, when you wore the short sleeves, how I could see the other tattoos…” You squeezed your eyes shut, remembering how a vein or two would protrude as he shook other peoples hands. His hands… “I imagine your big hand on my cheek… Y-your thumb on my lip.” The heat on your cheeks was unbearable as you mustered up the courage to continue. 
“More my child.” He spoke quickly and heavy breaths, you could also hear the sound of something wet that you couldn’t quite figure out. 
“Ummm…” You clenched your jaw. “You, kissing me, your strong hand on the back of my head. Kissing me passionately with tongue… Another hand squeezing my hip.” You imagined it all in your head as you crossed your legs with the wet sounds getting more prominent. “Is… Is there a leak, Father?” 
“Yes.” He replied rapidly with a bated breath. “Continue.” You furrowed your brows and peeked up at the partition.
“Sometimes… I think about…” You bit your lip, cheeks blushing. “Makinglovetoyou.” You spoke all in one rapid breath to then hear a deep grunt. The sound of what could’ve been a tissue being pulled from a cardboard box made you furrow your brows again as you let go of your lip. 
“You have been quite the sinner my child… For penance I think it’s best we have some classes… Like a Sunday school of sorts.” Your eyes widened at his words. “We may talk after mass my darling.” Your heart skipped a beat at his new name for you, your mind out of sorts as you prayed the act of contrition. Stepping out of the confessional you smoothed over your dress and watched him readjusting his button up, tucking parts of it back in. You were deep in thought, trying to wonder why his shirt would have been loosened as he gripped onto your chin, leaning into your ear. “Wait for me.” 
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Some note about the Catholic Religion to help appreciate just how fucked up Sukuna is.
- Sex before marriage is a sin
- Priests cannot be married (masturbating is a sin too)
In catholicism, technically everything is fine as long as God forgives your sins. Since everyone sins because nobody is perfect, the church invented one of the seven sacred sacraments called 'Reconciliation'. Reconciliation is the act of confessing your sins to 'God' (AKA the priest. The entire reason they do it in the confessional, is to add to the illusion that you're confessing to God and not the Priest themselves. This is why there's talk about him being a 'vessel for God')
- Congregation is the name of everyone who belongs to the church. Typically we call the Priest 'Father' because he's the leader and the one who helps enacts God's will and guides us yadda yadda. Since he is called the Father, and we are all God's children, it is not out of the ordinary for a Priest to call you 'my child'.
-So although if you confess your sins and ask for forgiveness, you can go to heaven... You still have to be punished to discourage you from doing the sin again. Typically the penance is like a few hail marys (standardized prayer) or something like that (idk I've only ever confessed sneaking candy)
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Tag list: @yuujispinkhair @toshibaby @mal-adaptive-daydreamers
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yeouls · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS | having your virgin cunt slutted out on an examination chair by a hot ass doctor is something straight out of a porno—expect it’s way better.
CONTENT | medical kink, corruption, innocence, virginity loss, dubcon, blood kink, degradation, squirting, praise, humiliation, virginity test, unethical as humanly possible.
FEATURING | eren jaeger
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growing up in a religiously conservative household with parents that rebuked the concept of sex meant that one thing was routine; a yearly check up to ensure that you weren't going against their wishes.
this year things were different. you were sent off on your own to a new clinic. although you turned eighteen months ago and could easily say no, you felt the compelling need to obey your parents. after all, you still lived under their roof.
the fact that you were growing older and independent made them more desperate to keep you as ‘pure’ as possible. they were eager to banish the filth of sex and sin that could potentially manifest within you.
a part of you hated it but the other part of you understood because you were their only daughter. their obsession went as far as homeschooling you during your high school years.
unlike all past visits, this time you were greeted by a male doctor—a rather handsome and young one at that. his emerald eyes glistened a certain darkness but his gleaming smile eluded nothing but brightness. you could feel the sweat eagerly itch in your palms when the man first entered the room.
you impatiently pat your damp hands gently onto the patient gown you had changed into minutes ago.  
“no need to be so nervous, i don’t bite,” he lightheartedly chuckles while settling down onto the rolling chair. his smooth words were quick to snap you from your frantic state as he rolls closer to you on his chair. “our female doctor is out on emergency, i hope you don’t mind.”
you didn’t mind but him being an arm length away sent your heart pulsating in your chest. you could smell the faint, musky aroma of his cologne dangling in the air around him. the small whispers of his earthy shampoo filled your nostrils. even the drabbles of his scent rushes a heat of nervousness through your body.
you hadn’t been like this with past doctors. was it because he was young? or attractive? or a man? the only men you grew up around was your father and older brother so interactions with other males were quite limited and overwhelming.
you can’t control the nervousness that roots in your stomach—the tension filling your abdomen with a foreign feeling.
your eyes can’t help but stay glued to the floor as you play with the hem of your gown. the room blankets in a still silence. you can feel your heart rapidly beating in your ears and pounding against your ribs as you anticipate his next words.
“i see that you’re here for a virginity test,” he murmurs while writing on the clipboard that he grips in his hand. you trace your eyes from the floor to his eyes and you’re taken aback by how intensely he is staring at you. you slightly turn your head away from him and nod in confirmation.
“i’m gonna need you to use your words.”
the tone in his sentence was extremely variant from the kind voice he was speaking in seconds ago. his words were now coated in a husky, dark tone that brought a chill to your spine. it was the same looming darkness that made your heart race when you first saw him. it was enticing and enchanting. an unfamiliar sensation swells in your core as you slightly squirm on the chair.
“yes, my parents are a bit…hysteric,” you whisper in an attempt to explain your situation to him. you were afraid he would judge you for being a virgin when kids your age were out indulging in sex.
“there’s no need to explain yourself to me,” he reassures in a smile as he settles the clipboard on the side of the table and rests a hand on your bare thigh. your breath is caught in your lungs by his sudden touch. the touch was filled with anything but innocence. but how could you be aware of his dark intentions? “i’ll take good care of you, hm?”
you softly nibble on your bottom lip before nodding your head. his blazing touch is soon gone as the rushing of water echos through the room. you intently watch as he washes his hands and snaps on a fresh pair of latex gloves. the thumping of your heart increases by each step he takes closer to you.
maybe the leering darkness in his eyes and tone was a mistake on your behalf. he was nice enough to tell you that he’d take good care of you.
“lay back on the chair for me,” he requests as he rolls closer on his seat. your heart feels like exploding out of your chest as you cave into his request. you’re once again meet with the ceiling of the examination room that you were accustomed to for the past two years.
your eyes tightly screw shut as he props your legs up on the leg rests. your feel yourself flinch at the sensation of cool air coating your cunt as your gown rises. a heat burns in your face as you become aware that you were on display to him. you had done this before but something about this time just feels so different.
eren himself couldn’t hold himself back when granted the sight of your wetness. something about an innocent virgin opening her legs to him had his mind running in circles. the persistent urge to corrupt you and drag you into his darkness rushes through his veins. the need to tease you and use you until you begged crying for mercy was slowly overpowering him.
“i see something has excited you,” he leers as a single gloved digit runs up your folds—familiarizing himself with your cunt. he nearly chuckled at how erect your clit had gotten in that short time amount of time. the atmosphere of the room goes heavy—this was anything but a normal examination.
his eyes grow darker as he parts your puffy lips and observes how your virgin holes twitches at the sudden rush of cold air. a small whimper falls from your lips at the cool feeling of his latex gloves. “i doubt you’re a virgin seeing how wet you are.”
it felt different, it didn’t feel like a conversation that should be taking place between a doctor and his patient. but the thing is, you never saw him as a doctor to begin with—you saw him as an attractive male. and he for sure didn’t see you as a patient but more as a little hole to experiment with.
“i’m gonna make you a little more wet so i can slide my fingers in to check, okay?” he hums spreading your folds and enjoying the glistening secretions that coated it. he planned to tease you and arouse you to the point you couldn’t help but beg for him to touch you more.
the lustful whimpers that fall from your lips made his pants grow tighter. he couldn’t wait to stretch out your tight, little cunt. to watch the impure blood drip as he took every last bit of innocence you possessed.
your hips twitch at a foreign yet pleasurable sensation as he leads up your folds—fondling with the small and sensitive flesh. it was a sensation that made you feel like your lungs would give out. the strange feeling made something tighten in your abdomen as your body naturally stiffened. it hadn’t gone like this with other doctors.
eren enjoyed it, watching you confuse over what he was doing to your body. your innocence and neediness only compelling him more. he took pleasure in you trembling under his light touch. he knew by stimulating your clit that he’d make your hornier and in need for more of him.
“f..feels weird,” you finally manage to stutter out. your mind feels more distant than usual as you are unable to focus on anything except this new pleasure. a pleasure that you didn’t want to let go of—that you wanted to experience over and over again.
“that’s normal, i’m just prepping you a bit,” he hushes in a voice dripping in lust. his eyes had grown darker and pupils far more dilated than earlier. strands of hair splayed on his face as your pants intensified.
there was just something so concupiscent about having him between your legs. every inch of your body desired and cried for him. you wanted more. it was becoming harder by the second to suppress the embarrassing whines that fell from your lips.
a hidden, dark smirk paints his face the more wetter you grow from his touch. his fingers were gone from your source of pleasure and were now rimming around your entrance. you shiver a bit at the coldness of the glove.
this was the part of the exam you were familiar with. the part where two fingers want up your vagina to observe if any vaginal penetration had taken place. something felt different when he first entered, his fingers were more exploring than observing.
a shameless moan echos through the room when he presses against something inside you that created an equally pleasurable sensation as earlier. “you’re not the good girl i thought you were, are you?”
whatever words came from his mouth didn’t make it past your ears. your hips jolt forward wanting his fingers to press against that same spot again. formulation of words is a lost possibility as you attempt to defend yourself.
“i a…am! i am a good girl,” you finally moan out in defense of yourself. you truly were. you had no idea why your body was reacting like this now when it hadn’t during past exams. “it’s you who’s making me feel weird.”
a simple, sneerful scuff is his response as your hips involuntarily move against his fingers. your trembling under his touch comes to halt when his fingers slide out of your cunt. your mind feels dazed at what just happened. you didn’t know what it was but you needed more. the boiling sensation arising in your stomach building up to something simply vanished.
so blindly driven by pleasure, you find yourself stopping the man in his tracks by gripping onto his coat sleeve. you slightly sit up with eyes dawning thick tears. the look of ruin on your face automatically rushing blood to his nether regions. eren’s face looked the opposite of you; cool, calm, collected but little did you know that the facade was falling apart.
“m…more, please,” you practically beg as your face grows hotter than before. the innocent pleading promptly causes eren to smirk.
“i’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
the frustration of his teasing makes you nibble at your bottom lip. he knew what you wanted and he wanted you to say it—to beg for it. but you, yourself were far to embarrassed to allow the words to dare slip past your quivering lips. you pull his hand closer by the grip on his sleeve and grasp onto his wrist before guiding him to your soaking cunt.
“more of this,” you whimper as you faintly move his hands over your arousal—the touch barely causing you an pleasure. the action to him was far more convincing than words could ever be. he was further satisfied than ever having you under his clutch from just a little teasing.
his white coat falls to the floor as he inches closer to you. the dark tone and alluding smirk were back into play as he snaps his latex gloves off. his callous finger drags up your core as he places a teasing tap on your clit.  “i’m gonna fuck you and turn you into my pretty, little whore.”
you feel your cunt twitch at the words dripping in lust. a gasp falls from your lips as his fingers stuff your cunt again, this time much harsher than earlier. “you’re telling me you weren’t begging me to fuck you when you were sitting here all wet and whiny, hm?”
“n…no, want you to fuck me,” you whisper as his middle and ring finger drive into your sweet spot. the word fuck felt so foreign to your tongue—so vile and dirty. filthy enough for you to forget the entire reason you came in the first place.
you can feel the familiar build up of tension accelerating in your abdomen.
“i..i want it,” you moan, mind blurred by the pleasure of his fingers plunging into your walls. your nails dig into the leather of the seat as you feel a wet sensation licking at you. your breath catches in your lungs as you look down to see the sight of his face buried between your thighs and mercilessly licking at your cunt.
“n…no, it’s dirty,” you stammer as your fingers tangle in his hair. your failed attempt barely hinders his lapping at your clit.
“if only you know how sweet you taste,” he moans into your cunt. the vibrations of his words only amplifying the pleasure. your body tenses as a heat surges through your skin. your mind goes blank and moans grow loud as a warm liquid rushes down your thighs.
tears brink in your eyes at the relentless pounding of his fingers into you even after climaxing. the overstimulation enough to leave your legs trembling.
“fuck,” he grunts at your ruined sight. he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. the tightening in his pants was unbearable at this point. he was more than eager to stretch out your tiny cunt and leave you a whining mess.
“what do you want?” he whispers as he begins to bring your legs down from the rests. your mind was still foggy from your first orgasm. all you knew was that you wanted to feel more of that burning pleasure.
“i want you to make me feel good here,” you pant as you run your fingers up your wetness. the reply flourishes a smile of pride on his face—like he had successfully accomplished something.
“c'mere, i’ll make you feel good.”
with weak knees and a slipping gown you fall into his lap—straddling him. your arms wrap around his neck as you eagerly rut yourself against him. a smirk paints his face as he watches you innocently rub against his bulge looking for some sort of satisfaction.
“you learn fast, don’t you? already a fucking whore,” he chuckles while gripping your cheeks. your face heats in embarrassment at the degrading words. his grip on your hips brings your movements to a complete halt. his hands hook under your thighs as he places you on the examination chair.
“i can’t hold myself back any more.”
his hands lead down to quickly undo the string to his scrubs. your eyes slightly widening at his size. was it even going to fit?
“it’s not gonna fit,” you murmur in concern while chewing on your bottom lip. his hand rests under your chin as your eyes meet his.
“i’ll make it fit.”
the same cunning tone of darkness persistent in his words.
a sharp breath fills your lungs as a burning sensation consumes your lower half. your whimpers of pain are silenced by his lips as his tongue slides into your mouth. his hand drags down to your clit and draw circles in an attempt to relieve you.
“shhhh, you’re doing such a good job,” he whispers against your lips as you feel him pressing against your sweet spot. fake words of comfort for him to just use you to suit his needs. a darkness glistens in his eyes as he takes in the sight of your tight cunt clenching around him dripping in blood.
the gentleness of his thrusts are soon gone and are replaced with something much harder and rougher. the hands that once caressed your cheeks earlier telling you that you were doing good were now wrapped around your throat.
“i told you to shut up, didn’t i? at this point everyones going to hear what a whore you are.”
his harsh words only turn you on more as the sweat of his skin sticks against yours. the feeling of pleasure rained over you as you came around him from overstimulation—your body daring to give out at any second.
your mind feels murky as all you can manage to do is rut your hips against his chasing another high. your body falls limb against the cool leather as the warmth of his seed fills you.
he was proud of the ruined mess he left you in. your cunt dripping the mixture of his cum and your blood. your body coated in sweat. your cheeks stained in tears and your lips puffy from all his bites.
he had completely demolished the image of innocence that bloomed from you when you first walked in. he had marked you with his darkness. he knew you were bound to come back for more. after all—they all do.
“i look forward to our next appointment.”
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
Claws of Carnality | jjk (8)
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Pairing: alpha jungkook x omega reader
Genre: smut, fluff and angst, abo/werewolf!au, soulmate!au, fantasy!au 
Rating: 18+ / nsfw
Word Count: 7.8k  we really can’t ever have a short chapter around here smh
Summary: Alacrity augments you in the aftermath of your alpha’s perfervid performance and in his subsequent summoning of you, neither of you can stave off sin from overwhelming you in the desire for each other that consumingly captures the wolf and his mate. 
Warnings: alpha!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, dom!jungkook, sub! reader, omega!reader, mentions of breeding/ruts/heats, mentions of blood, slick and pre-ejaculatory production, scenting, dirty talk (lbr I love that shit), praising, fingering (just a smidge), grinding, fellatio (cock sucking), cock worship (just a bit), breast/nipple play, nipping, sucking, begging, muscle kink, scratching, cum eating, manhandling, cursing, wet and messy sex (kind of), size kink, hair pulling, impreg kink, dual orgasms 
A/N: So, this chapter took a bit longer to get out due to graduate applications, schoolwork and inclement weather that took out my Wi-Fi, lol. It also went through a series of deletions because I felt self-conscious after the original posting of chapter seven, but eventually, it came along to what I had pictured in my mind despite the rework to the style of this chapter that I hoped to make easier for you guys to read with lessened uses of terminology/vocabulary. Also, I’m not the best at writing this type of smut, so please go easy on me! 
Oh, and the gif that you guys see at the top? That’s Jungkook’s outfit inspiration for what he wears at the end of the chapter. :)
As always, please share with me your thoughts about my work! There is no greater reward to writing than seeing what your readers think of what you spent so much time to create. I am eager to know what you guys make of my story, so please don’t hesitate to let me know what your thoughts are because I love to hear it!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 9
Meekness muddies you in the solid substratum of it that settles over your throat as you try to keep from liquifying under your alpha’s scorching gaze that leaves no part of you unscoured by its high heat.
 It muffles you to a mutter as you struggle to swallow what little spittle has not dried up in your mouth at the parching sight of him as you manage, “Alpha….what are you doing?”
 There had been something else you’d wanted to ask him, but in the roots that tangle thoughts around him, your perception is twisted by your peripheral field that extends only for the half nude man that looks fixedly at you.
 Jungkook smirks before cocking his head to the side in quick movement in a display of avid amusement before he utters, “Is it not obvious to you, pretty? I’m stripping and shedding myself of the clothing I wore to entice you. It has served its purpose,” He turns to pierce you with a dark glare as he leans back on the wooden table behind him, the burled brawn of his arms bearing his weight as he leans back on them while his supple skin shines with the sweat that sluices it as he taunts, “I no longer require them here. Others may look at me, but no one but you, my mate, shall ever be able to touch me.”
 You whine a that, your silver irises interspersed with golden streaks shimmering over him as they sliver down from perfectly plump lips that have spoken such sweet nothings to you and bedecked you in his brand as your hand absentmindedly rises to lay over the purpled petal he’d made ascend amidst the garden of you in his efforts to tend to his terrace.
 You trail your visage over to the Adam’s apple that juts proudly out from the column of his neck, an irrational urge sprouting to life within you in the need to nip it for daring to sweetly stick out like the ripest berry from the sturdiest stem you’ve ever laid your eyes upon.  
 You lick at your dried lips that are not slicked against the tongue that tries to wet them from the arid desert of your mouth that your alpha radiates away from you as your sight slides lower until it settles over the bodacious bough of his chest that branches brashly with muscles along every inch of him, your fingers twitching in remembrance of how strong and sinewy he’d been under your digits as you’d brushed them against him.
 When your sight drops along the thatched thighs that the fabric strains stiffly against in its stretch over them, a picturesque memory of what you’d done atop of one of them paints colorfully itself in your mind.
 Its vibrant vividity has you biting your tongue to keep from releasing another sound as your cheeks turn themselves red like the rose you are to him while your alpha grins at the vivacious view of you, wholly intrigued by the spectacle that is you as you struggle against the slump that soon has you falling back against the door as you whimper in the damning distance between you and your alpha that takes him away from you far too much.
 “Jungkook,” you imploringly plead.
 Your alpha chuckles at that to push off the vanity behind him with no effort at all before he strides over to the chaise lounge made from the leather of aged cattle against the timbered wall. He is slow in the languid lowering of himself over it, his back resting against the arm of the piece of furniture as he husks, “Bring yourself over to me, pretty,” his voice deepens before one hand rises, his fingers curling inward in a come-hither motion that has your heart stuttering in the excitement electrifying it as he orders, “Come and sit on your alpha’s lap, my omega, and tell to me all that you thought of my performance that was devoted solely to you.”
 In the scarlet moonlight crimson as blood that drips like wax from a never burning candle’s wick from the glass window behind him, the color sinfully stains him in a dangerous sheen of a garnet glow that emanates effervescently off him in everything that promises impurity as his eyes glint goadingly at you from around the blackened wisps of his locks that have fallen around them.
 As a creature that has only known chastity’s constraining shackles your whole life in your wait for your mate, you very much want them to be crushed under your alpha’s heel, for he has already caused them to crack amidst the sweet pleasure he’s delivered to you in the forest and in the sanctity of your own chambers.
 As if caught in his unyielding undercurrent, your body moves under his watery sway that sweeps you forth. Perhaps it is the omega in you that is utterly unable to resist temptation taking its form in Jungkook. Maybe it is the inescapably inexorable draw to him that paws at you to be near to him lest you incur its fangs if he is absent and away from you. 
Conceivably, it could be both that have you pad forward without pause as he watches you with interest while you move, his golden irises never drifting from your own as a wave of heat falls over them and, in your undertow he’s surrounded you in, it washes over you, too.
 Once you stand before him, he makes a sound of appreciation as he appraises you attentively.
 One hand sinks under the furs that hide you from him, each finger suggestively sidling up along your waist while the other palm joins it on the other side as you close your eyes while your arms wrap around his muscled shoulders, his calloused and strong digits dipping deliciously over your soft skin as he hums, “Mmm, that’s a good girl. I like it when you’re obedient like this. You’re so receptive to me already, pretty,” His hands sensuously slide downward, his fingers streaming outward like a consumingly surrounding sea that washes you over in his thrilling touch while he splays his legs out before, all in one fluid motion, he pulls you forward until you fall like the tide over his hips as each of your legs pools on either side of him only for him to smirk as he amusedly muses, “So responsive to me, too, my mate. You do not resist me at all. You’re so willing to submit, aren’t you, sweetling?”
 Not prepared for the sudden shift in position, you gasp in surprise, your eyes shooting open to be submerged by his golden irises beginning to seep with the licentious lust that dooms you in their dusky dimness. They beckon you to lose yourself in his deep depths, one hand diving under the thin terrain of your gown only for him to trickle the phalanges of his fingers along the soft skin of your leg. He’s unrushed and unhurried as his digits drip their warmth over you to flow over your ankle through his ascent upward, his digits oozing along aqueously while his fingers spread outward like a tributary that must get its fill as he drags them ceaselessly along.
 Your breath wells up in your lungs in the anticipation that swims there and when his hand torturously trails over your thigh only to brutishly, brutally halt his ministrations, that’s when you whine, your arms tightening around him as you lean forward to lay your forehead against his own as you whisper, “Please, alpha.”
 Your alpha croons, his index finger running in circles along the innermost part of your leg that borders along the sex that has not stopped crying for him since his performance as he says, “I know what you want, pretty. Do you want your alpha to take care of you again like I did in the forest? It would be so easy. I could make you fall apart so quickly with how readily you receive me, my mate,” His digit dribbles impossibly closer to where you want him most, a shaky breath falling from your lips as one of your own hands veers down over his chiseled chest, catching on all the defined muscles that ripple in its wake before it settles over his heart that beats briskly in the same time as your own that instantly stammers when his finger stops once more as you whimper out while your alpha’s eyes narrow, “Much as I wish to give to you what I know you desire, you’re going to answer to me before I do anything else, pretty. You have such a pretty voice. Use it for me, my mate.”
 Your irises slip below to his lips that move so very precariously with how close you are to them and an urge soaks you to feel them, your other hand dowsing him in your touch as you draggle it along the back of his nape and up along his neck until your fingers tentatively trace the outline of them. You etch his rounder and fuller lower lip into your memory as you draw your digit around the upper one, entirely entranced by the cupid’s bow that crowns the middle of his top lip and the way that a long, pink tongue is swift to poke out of the mouth he parts for you in your exploration of him.
 He laves it first along the bottom one to carefully coat it in saliva that gleams against the soft firelight that licks at your alpha from the corner of the chamber and when he dares to lap the muscle along the underside of your finger at the same time the palm on your thigh trails forbiddingly forth to cup your womanhood, you mewl.
 The lewd sight stirs within you a hunger for that which only your alpha can sate.
 It is as if his tongue are hands are the keys that unlocks the cage of words in your mind that he’d been the one to padlock there as you breathe, “I would very much like that, but you’ve been so good to me. You made me feel so wonderful in the forest and even dedicated that stunning performance to me that made me fall impossibly harder for you, my alpha,” you breathily profess while you pigment the column of his neck with the stain of your lips as you lightly graze your teeth along the notch you’d been staring at before to whisper, “You were so mesmerizing up on that stage while you danced for me. I’ve never seen a creature as enchanting as you were,” the hand that you’d left over his heart begins its journey anew as you veer toward the bulge in his pants that he unabashedly displays to you while you offer, “You’ve done so many other things that have exhibited your sentiments for me and I want to give you something in return. Please, let me show to you how special you make me feel, Jungkook.”
 Your hand has barely even lain itself over his member that hardens at your very words before there’s a growl, your alpha’s hand extricating itself from between your legs to encircle around your dainty wrist as he roughly pulls it up and between the two of you before he warns, “Do not toy with me, my omega. Once you start, you’re going to finish, yeah? I can only control myself so much with you looking so goddamn beautiful for me while you’re on my lap like this.”
 You lick your lips to whisper, “I have no intentions of playing with you, Jungkook. I only wish to please my alpha if he will allow me to indulge in him like I’ve wanted to for so very long,”  you fully seat yourself on him, your clothed sex rubbing against him as you grind atop him while the hand on your waist bunches the fabric around it to draw it up and away from you to ease your access as your head dips down so that you can imbibe yourself of his taste after being denied it in the woodland, “I’m so parched, alpha…please, help me. You’re the only one that can.”
 The moment your mouth ghosts over the sternocleidomastoid muscle along his neck and your breath warmly whisks itself over him, he releases you only for his hand to tangle in your hair as he rasps, “That’s right, my mate. No one but me can quench you like I can. You want to satisfy me, pretty?” His hips impetuously impulse upward against your own as he hisses, “Do it, then. I’ve been waiting long enough.”
 Needing no further coaxing, you press your lips against him in a chaste, short osculation that earns a rumble from his throat in a sound that has you smiling against him as you string a line of wet kisses over him, your hips rolling atop the tented bulge that hardens inconceivably more under you as you moan at the delicious friction that cascades through you with every eddy of your hips along his member that is all too fast to try to escape his trousers.
 Raptness for you floods his irises and it swells around you until you take one of his hands to delve under the furs that conceal you from him, his head falling back when you swirl your sex over him while you slide his fingers over the exposed sliver of skin between your breasts, his digits diving under the thin material of your bodice to palm at your tit as you sigh in satisfaction at the way his long, slender fingers sinfully swathe you in their hold.
 Your alpha husks, “Gods, these tits were fucking made for this. They were made for me.”
 “Yes, alpha…all for you,” you breathe as he kneads at your tit while you continue your expedition along the mountainous terrain of his chest and when he brings his lip between his teeth at the sight of your hooded gaze as you stare hungrily back at him, he watches the way that your irises flick toward the peaked summit of the same nipple that had taunted you from under the enclosure of the sheer shirt he’d worn to agonizingly afflict you earlier.
 When you glance back at his eyes for permission, they flash dangerously at you and with a swivel of your hips that has him momentarily shutting his eyes, you seize your opportunity and enclose your mouth around the dark nipple to suckle at him only to earn a guttural groan from him as his back bows inward while his fingers dig into your hip at the same time that the digits in your hair curl inward to pull tightly as he utters, “Fuck, pretty. That feels amazing. Keep going, my omega. You’re making your alpha feel so good.”
 Your wolf preens at the praise, your tongue daubing his tender areola in kittenish licks as you suction the sensitive skin between your lips, your other hand pawing at his pectoral while his thumb flitters over your own nipple only to have you quicken your pace as he strums you like an instrument atop of him.
 You soon shift your attention to the other neglected bud, your lips enveloping him as he grunts with the way that you scuff your nails down his swollen peak while you twirl your tongue along the abandoned areola.
 Distracted by your ministrations to his chest, your alpha does notice the way your hand seeps down his chest until it bears down over the fully hardened member to have him buck from underneath you. The movement jostles you atop him and, accidently, you nip at him only for him to pinch your own nipple between his fingers in punishment as you whimper.
 Through it all, your hips do not cease their undulations over him as they continue to rotate rapturously around him, the pleasure too sweetly succulent as it glazes over you the longer that you lather yourself on him.
 You are steadfast in your venturous voyage to discover more of your alpha as you frisk your tongue along the underside of his pec before continuing your descent toward the steep sierra that rises tall between his legs.
 You hadn’t realized you’d been staring at his now engorged, edematous buds, but the fingers in your hair constrict around you to condense your vision only to golden irises that flare fiercely at you when he rumbles out, “Up here, pretty. I want to see your eyes while you use your mouth on me.”  
 “Yes, alpha,” you obediently reply as you press a hot, open-mouthed kiss over each of the eight abdominal muscles that comprise an impressive slew of sinew over the skin of his belly.
 With the choker clasped around your neck, you can only go so far before it unforgivingly cuts into you and with one last sweep of your tongue along the ridges between his abs, you rise to plant your hands on his chest as he rolls your nipple expertly between two fingers, a moan tumbling from your lips as you grind with fervor over him.
 Wanting him to feel just as pleasured as you are, you lay your palm flat over him, your fingers furling around him to give him a small squeeze that earns a groan him that is drawn out when you lean forward to drag your lips along the underside of his jaw that he presents to you under the light, soft brush of your mouth over him.
 One of his hands finds itself under your chin, two fingers grasping your jaw as he pulls your chin up while he husks, “You really do want to please me, don’t you, pretty? If you want me that bad,” he sits up with you still sat on his lap, his eyes scintillating lethally as the pad of his thumb slides up to nudge along your lip, your saliva dripping and coating the digit that he uses to penetrate the warmth of your mouth that you close around him as he growls, “Get on your knees and take this cock into your mouth. Drink from me until you’re so full of me that you won’t wish for anything else to feed that thirsting desire within you.”
 Under his command that sidles swelteringly through golden irises from under his locks, you shakily exhale when he extracts his finger from your mouth, each of you watching the way your spittle clasps itself to him before breaking off and falling between you.
 You whine at the loss of him, but you know that you won’t leave you empty for long and the thought energetically bounds through you like a sylph springing through the air.
 He easily lifts you from his lap and sets you on the carpeted floor, your limbs far too weak to support your weight without him as he helps you to fold your legs under you so that you sit on your heels like he’d ordered you to do.
 A lagoon of fabric from your skirts profoundly puddles and spills outward around you as you stare at the bloated bulge in his trousers, your salivary glands secreting spit as your mouth waters at the prospect of what you’re about to do.
 Your fingers fiddle with the linen lining the end of your alpha’s trousers, however, as diffidence coils around your ribs.
 You have never pleasured a man with your mouth before, for it is a rule that such intimate practices are not to be engaged in unless a wolf has presented as either an alpha, omega or beta.
 At your hesitance that is made palpable in the way that you chew at your lip, your alpha softens if only for a moment as he hunches over you, both hands laying along the sides of your jaw as his tone lightens when he asks, “What is it, pretty? Are you having second thoughts? It’s alright if you are. I would never have you do anything you didn’t want to do.”
 His support only makes you want him more, for there is care that he’s imbued innately in each word that flowers within you under his reaching radiance.
 His irises search your own beseechingly and you place your own palm atop of his as your cheeks redden with embarrassment that shyly quiets you to a whisper as you tentatively confess, “It’s just…it’s just that I’ve, well…I’ve never done this before. I want to satisfy you, alpha, but I just don’t know if I’ll be good at it or if I’ll even make you feel half as fulfilled as you did for me in the forest.”
 Your alpha only smirks at that, his expression darkening damningly as understanding shadows him while he utters, “All the better for me, my omega,” He turns his hand to capture your fingers between his own as your digits intertwine with his own as he drifts your joined hands toward his weeping member, “The only cock you will learn to fuck with that little mouth of yours will be mine. You shall only know my knot on your tongue. I alone will gladly teach and instruct you on how to pleasure your mate, pretty.”
 Familiar fire ignites in you as his promises plunder your being with anticipation. He strews your hand just above where his tip leaks through the linen before, with a scalding glance, one of his palms is crossed over the other and without pause, he trails them seductively slow up his thigh in a path that will drive him right where he needs it.
 You watch, entirely engrossed, as fingers are rubbed against his member, a heaved breath forcing itself through ajar lips that follow with a clenched jaw as he rasps, “The first thing you would want to do is get me hard like this, pretty. I don’t have to be for you to take me in your mouth, but it’s better if you, ah-“ you spare no time in replacing his hands with one of your own, your fingers stroking him through the fabric as he groans, “-Yes, pretty, just like that. Shit. Take my cock out now. The pleasure is increased tenfold when there are no barriers that bar you from me.”
 You obey, your breath hitching at his considerably large size once again as your alpha makes quick work of his soiled trousers.
 Your ardent awaitment of him is not long when he sheds the last piece of clothing he’d had only for your eyes to widen as large as stars at the sight that greets you.
Your eyes widen in wonderment as you quietly gasp, “Alpha, it’s… it’s enormous. You’re magnificent, but,” you gulp as you stare, “do you think that will fit?”
Your alpha caresses your jaw as he coos, “It will fit if I wish it to. You were designed and created for me by the moon above,  pretty. I know you can take me.” 
 Nestled between thick thighs, his sizeable shaft arcs upward like a crescent moon with constellated veins spanning through the sky of his skin, the bulbous head framing it all where it hovers over his abdominals like a planet that you’d very much like to explore yet have never seen before.
 “Still, how are you even larger than before, Jungkook?” You blurt, your fingers dipping down to gingerly pad over him in your fascination of his behemoth dimensions as he bites down on his tongue to keep from bucking underneath you, for he does not want to startle you.
 Between his legs, you stare at him with the eyes of a doe rather than a wolf from your inexperience that tucks your tail between your legs and he is intent on ensuring that nothing will deter you from venturing out into the field where he waits anxiously for you.
 “This is what you do to me, pretty. You make me like this, for it is my need for you that makes me so much bigger to you than before. I have been denied of you for far too long, my omega,” his fingers enclose around your wrist as fervid fervor fills his irises before he orders, “Put your little hands around me, pretty. You can be as gentle, or as rough, as you wish.”
 You do as he says, instantly wrapping your hands around him and then blinking innocently at him as you tilt your head to the side in question.
 The moment your touch titillates him, his brows pull together in concentration, for your fingers are far smaller and more delicate than his own in their timidity that holds them back.
 Despite it all, you are a sight that is far too beautiful to behold as he encourages, “That’s it, my omega. Now, open wide and take me.”
 Tentatively, you part your lips as each of your hands bring his member down to your gaping maw. The closer it gets to your mouth, the more colossal it towers over you. All it takes for you to gulp and push down the lump of apprehension in your throat is one glance up at your alpha, whose irises simmer over your own with the heat of the sun as he draws his lip between his teeth while he devours the vivid visage of you between his legs.
 There’s so much you want to say to him, but right now, there’s only one thing that can possibly show to him what you feel for him.
 When he finally breaches you and his heavy girth falls over your tongue, it is warm like the rest of him and engorged with the blood that rushes to it as you try to nestle him between your lips the best that you can.
 He tastes of a musky tanginess that is mixed with a salty, briny tint. You find that it is not an unpleasant flavor.
 Your walls contract around nothing when you watch his face contort to one born of pleasure in an accidental brush of your tongue along the underside of his shaft in your attempts to gorge yourself of more of him. Like this, his base is still grasped by each hand as he sinks his fingers into your tresses to urge you forward impossibly more.
 Like this, he’s resplendently ravishing as he succumbs to the damned delirium that you are solely and wholly the bringer of.
 You’re not sure if the human body was created for this purpose, but you do know that your alpha’s pleasure is the only thing that matters to you now. There’s a feral rawness in him that has slept in him and you want to be the one to awaken it. You’ve always been a stubborn creature and you aren’t about to let unseeded unsurety stop you now when you can see the glimpses of the satisfaction you could grant him like he has for you.
 There’s something so gratifying in knowing that you could be the source of his pleasure and so, you experimentally swirl your tongue around his tip that sobs with precum as you allow him to plunge himself even deeper inside your mouth.
 Your alpha’s head is thrown back at that as he groans, “Yeah, fuck, pretty. Gods, I knew you could do this. So fucking perfect me, my omega… my mate.”
 Inch by impossible inch, your alpha penetrates you inconceivably as you lick at him like a cat starved of its water for days. The hand in your hair starts to push and pull you to and fro and you watch, captured by captivation, as your alpha’s breaths begin to become uneven and heave into pants as he stares heatedly at you.
 “Use your hands, pretty. Touch me.” Your alpha husks and you obey, each of your hands constringing around what you can’t fit inside your mouth as you stroke him up and down, your fingers catching along the veins that you take care to caress as you squeeze in a vice-like grip his member that throbs under you.
 Your alpha gives a grunt of approval, his back arching as his eyes screw shut under your ministrations as his lips part in pleasure.
 Your confidence grows the longer that you lave at him, unsure of what you are doing but nonetheless spurred into action as your alpha clutches your hair between his fingers to secure you to him as you fleetingly flick your wet muscle against his sensitive glans while your alpha laments.
 As you stare up at him, he is carnality’s manifestation in the way that the scarlet light erotically colors him in passion’s dangerous hue, his sculpted brows scrunched together under wild curls that curve voluptuously along his angular face.
 Lost in him, you make the mistake of scraping your teeth against him only to earn a sharp hiss from him as his fingers tighten in your locks.
 Breathless, your alpha’s eyes open while he grimaces, “Loosen your jaw, pretty girl. That hurts, yeah? Try not to graze me with those teeth of yours. I know you can do that, can’t you, sweetling?”
 You pull off him with an apology already on your lips, “I’m sorry, alpha. I didn’t mean to harm you. I’ll be better for you, I promise.”
 Your alpha coos, “You already are the best for me, pretty,” he brushes his knuckles under your mandible, “There is no one I would do this with beyond you. You’re mine and you will learn, my mate. I do not expect you to be perfect when this is your first time. You’ve been doing so well already, my omega. All you need to do is relax for me.”
 Your wolf bays at his praise, affection for him blooming inside you as his words water you.
 You heed your alpha’s command, your maw slackening as you guide him back between your lips. This time, you swallow him as far back as you can possibly guzzle him, your mouth flooded of all that is him as you whirl your tongue lasciviously around him.
 Your fingers compress around his base while one hand, with renewed spirit, seeps over his balls as you fondle them, your alpha’s eyes rolling to the back of his head as you claw away at the last of his control to cause him to buck into your mouth, his cock driving itself even deeper down your throat until it buries itself so far back that it blocks your airway, hot tears quick to burn at the edges of your eyes as he hits your pharynx and blocks your airway.
 “Fuck, don’t stop. Suck me, my mate.” Your alpha drawls out, the efforts of speaking laboriously difficult in the breaths that strain to dislodge themselves and leave him.
 It is a sensation you have never felt before to have your mouth so thoroughly filled and though it is not the most comfortable, the pleasure lies not in you, but rather within your mate and in what you are swiftly reducing him to. You would do this a thousand times if it meant wracking your alpha to this.
 Ever the dutiful omega, you follow his decree. You hollow your cheeks as you bob your head along his length while you suckle him enthusiastically, inhaling through your nose in spite of the breath that eludes you throat.
 “Gods, yeah, pretty. Right there, right there. Fuck me, you’re going to drive me crazy, ” Your alpha rasps as you unsuccessfully try to silence the gag that erupts in the back of your mouth while his fingers knead into your hair to tug at the roots as he thrusts into your mouth to plummet lecherously lower.
 Spit pools in every crevice of your mouth until you’re overflowing with it and, as he rams himself into you, all you can do is bear it as your slobber falls like a fountain from your lips in his jostling movements that shake your vision. His eyes have become hazed with craving craze for you and you relish in the way he struggles for breath just as you are in your damning decimation of him.
 Transfixed by the way your eyelids flutter as his dick disappears into the wet warmth of your mouth that he could spend forever in, he husks, “You’re so hot like this with my cock between your lips, pretty. You like this, don’t you? You like sucking your alpha’s dick?” He asks while he watches in interest the way that your saliva escapes the cushion of your lips that pillow him inside you, his thumb brushing it away and back over your lips.
 You moan to let him know that yes, you really do enjoy seeing the way you’re wrecking him through your own devices. Right now, this is about him and seeing his pleasure is far more satisfying than anything you could have imagined. Knowing that you are the one that is affecting him in this way is inexorably exhilarating. It makes you feel powerful. Now, it is you that holds the key to his raptured raptness.
  When your alpha drags his digit along your lower lip, you hum in agreement and the vibrations shoot straight into his member as he arches his back, his head falling even farther as you work him in your mouth while he utters, “Shit, of course you do. You really are perfect for me,” one hand grabs your own to pull you down to the neglected testicles that ache for you, your fingers closing around one delicately to give him a gentle squeeze as he bites at his lip while he growls, “I’m not going to last much longer, pretty. Gods, use that tongue of yours like you did out there when you told those bastards that you’re mine. Show me you meant it, my mate. Let me see how badly you want to please me.”
 His words send a wave of blazing heat through you, tenacious tenacity sweltering within you at the realization that he’d been watching from the shadows and had seen and heard everything that had occurred between you and the two wolves that so stupidly believed they would win you from your soulmate.
 You swallow fatally around him, your muscle swishing and swiveling around him as you unhinge your jaw to completely take him in his entirety when he tugs you down on him. His facial expression detorts to one of unadulterated, unbridled bliss as his own tongue lolls to either side of his parted lips, his eyes closing yet again while the sounds of slurping drip from your lips with the spittle that dribbles below them.
 Your alpha hums, “Mmm, fuck, you’re so good with that little mouth. You fuck my cock with it better than any bitch in this pack ever could.”
 Your cheeks running red at that, you fondle his balls with one hand, your other running your nails down his chest to leave reddened marks of your own over his skin all while you greedily ingurgitate him while he stuffs himself inside you with another dangerous undulation of his hips.
 When your fingers roll his balls like dice between them, that has him keening as he pants, “I’m close, pretty. I’m going to fucking fill you up so much that the taste of me will fucking linger in that hungry mouth of yours for days. You want that, yeah?”
 You nod instantly, your stomach grumbling your salivary glands producing more of their offspring at just the thought of it as you suction him with eager earnestness betwixt your lips.
By now, he’s swelling and throbbing between your lips, his end near by the way his testicles palpitate as you titillate him.
 Your alpha grunts before he rumbles out, “Gods, you are such a ravenous little girl for me. I bet that cunt of yours is just as starved to receive me, isn’t it, little one? Fuck, I could knot you, my mate. I could breed you so well. Do you want my pups, pretty? Do you want me to stuff you to the brim with my fucking seed so you have no choice but to get pregnant and bear my children?”
 You moan at the thought of it, the ostentatious oscillations strafing over his dick as your head bounces back and forth while you quaff him to have him grunt.
 There’s an urge to bask in his simmering gaze as you give him over to his end and, with another sinful swill of him within your mouth as you grope his gonads, you splutter amidst the very large cock currently nestled between your lips, “I want it a-all, Jungkook, but p-please…I w-wish,” you slabber him with your saliva as your tongue twists itself around him, “I wish for y-you to look upon me when you finish in my m-mouth.”
 Each word trickles from you under the labored breaths you inhale through your nose and you hope that they are not burned by the fire that blazes in the corner of the chamber before they can reach him.
 Your voice submerges and dives after him through the sea of exaltation that you have deluged him into and, in your final act to bring him back up for the air of his ecstasy, his eyelids flicker up to reveal golden irises that singe you in their voracious torridity.
 You whine at the way the smoke of desire has smoldered him, his long tongue poking against his cheek as his head tilts back while he consumes you in his sights that leave you squirming along the floor as he husks, “You want me to see who has made me feel so fucking good, yeah? Very well, pretty. Watch me cum just for you.”
 If the dangerous twirl of your tongue along his slit while your hand that had been attached to his testicles slides sinfully down to rub along his perineum isn’t enough to have him come undone, it’s the way that your eyes now gleam with the glazing of the yen of yearning that every blood vessel burns of yours is coated for him with as you fervently fix him inside your mouth.
 You’re the picture of innocence in the white of your dress that curtains you in its angelic wing, but the cock between your lips that you ardently take between them damns you in sin’s tendrils that Jungkook captures you with.
 It is his utter undoing when your cheeks fatally concave in their incurvation as you suck him with tightly compressed pressure inside your wet warmth while you run your tongue along his base at the same time he draws you forward so that your nose brushes the thicket of pubic hairs as you blink with innocent doe-eyes up at him as he howls, “Ah, fuck, I’m there, pretty. I’m cumming because of what you did to me.”
 Euphoria pours itself through him like a cascading waterfall that does douse every part of him that it washes over as his knot swells inside you, his irises never abandoning you through his climax as his seed bursts out of him and spurts across every corner of your mouth.
 You flatten your tongue to catch every bit of him as he feeds you his nectarous ambrosia. His thickened essence spreads and spills over your hot muscle and down your throat deliciously viscous as he makes good on his promise and nourishes your parched body with his sinful sustenance.
 He spouts and streams his taint into you as endlessly as a river and when you think you might just overflow with it, that’s when he extricates himself from you, one hand rising so that his thumb caresses your swollen and abused lips as he coos, “Such a good girl for me. You did so well for your first time, sweetling,” his digit swipes at the stray bead of cum that leaks from you only to sweep his finger over your tongue and you close your mouth around him, moaning out at his tasteful tinge as his eyes flash darkly at you, “That’s it, pretty. Drink every last drop. We wouldn’t want you to thirst for me again while you watch me fight the other alphas for you, now would we?”
 He pulls his digit from you with a ‘pop’ as you lick your lips as you breathe, “No, alpha. That would be a travesty, truly.”
 Your alpha chuckles at that as he gathers you from the floor and when your scent wafts wantonly under his nostrils, he smirks wolfishly, “My, my, my… you really can’t get enough of me, can you?”
 It takes you a second to realize, but when he settles you on his lap once more and your thighs skim each other in the movement, your eyes widen as you draw in a short, small breath.
 Your alpha only arches a sculpted brow, amusement coloring his tone as he teases, “What? Surprised that you got off by humping my leg like the animal that you are while you sucked my cock, pretty?”
 So focused on delivering your alpha over to his end, you’d hardly paid attention to the way your legs had clamped around one of his own as you rutted against him with fervor. You really couldn’t help it with the sight of sin that had commanded your capture under it.
 You whine, your irises dipping low as you trace circles along his bare chest as embarrassment tints your cheeks red, “Jungkook, I didn’t mean to. You just… you did this. It’s your fault.”
 Your alpha laughs at that, one hand settling along your jaw to coax your visage back up at him while your wolf hounds at you to obey as he rumbles, “I shall gladly take the blame then, beautiful. You know, the fact that you came from giving to me the best head that I’ve ever had,” the fingers of his other palm snake under the folds of your dress to drag through the deposit of wetness that now drapes your legs as he brings the digits to his mouth, his tongue darting out to lick his finger clean of you as he groans at the flavor of you while his irises dilate, “That’s hot as fuck.”
 Your blush is as red as a ruby as you whimper at that and your alpha grins as his stray hand lands on your hip to trail up and down your back in soothing circular motions to reassure you. His mouth opens to say something else, but before he can, there’s a loud series of knocks against the wooden door interrupts the two of you amidst your illicit indecencies.
 “This is the last call for all alphas that might remain here. The Offering is about to begin,” says the muffled voice of an elder that likely had been sent to collect any lingering wolves that were still in the den.
 You whine loudly as your arms intertwine around your alpha’s neck, your baser being demanding you keep close to your alpha as he softens, the fingers on your cheek splaying out so that his digits caress you as utters, “Come, pretty. I must ready myself for what is to come and I require my mate’s aid to assist me in dressing, for you’ve temporarily robbed me of my faculties after what you’ve just done to me.”
 Your wolf preens at that as your hand lifts as you lay your palm over his own while you implore, “Must we go so soon? I do not wish to leave your side.”
 Your alpha stands and he’s careful to lift you up and off of him even while your arms tighten around his neck as he rumbles, “After this is all over, you will be free to be with me whenever, wherever and however you desire, my mate. You know the rules,” he moves back and you follow him in your embrace until his thighs hit the back of the vanity where his clothes sit on the abandoned chair, “I must duel anyone that tries to contest me for you, sweetling. It simply is the way of things and I will not hesitate to engage in battle with any wolf that attempts to take what is rightfully mine. You are everything to me and I will make certain that everyone knows it. Do you understand, pretty?”
  You nod as you nuzzle the sensitive gland along his neck as a purr trembles from your throat while you scent him, “I understand, Jungkook. I only fear the bloody destruction you’ll leave in your wake for any fools that think they can tear you away from me.”
 “That shall be their mistake, pretty,” he sighs in satisfaction as he tilts his head back to grant access as you paint him with the stroke of your lips over the tender skin along his clavicle, “I will not lose you.”
 Tenet blazes in his eyes and conviction radiates his words that emit with the sun’s might their fierceness as they fall over you to set your own affection alight within you as you lace your lips along his jaw in a stripe of kisses that you thread there as you manage between them, “There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that you will be the champion amongst them all. However it may be, you have already won me, alpha.”
 With that, you embellish him with the cloth he will wear in his battles for you. You help him delicately pull the garment over his head that shades him in the color of soot. It is akin to a sheet of thin charcoal that dyes him in its film of darkness that, like his earlier shirt, is grainy and dusts him lightly in its hue, his sun soaked skin shining brilliantly from beneath it. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of it as you tuck it into cotton trousers that are black as night and your alpha smirks when the smell of your arousal drips down to collect itself amidst the pool of your taint yet again as he watches with interest the way that you chew at your lip while you tug the white blazer across bulging arms that catch at the heavier material as you drag it over him.
 He makes certain to playfully provoke you by wrapping an arm around your waist only to schlep you forward, your hands planting themselves against his broad, strong chest as he asks, “Are you ready to watch me show everyone that I and I alone am the only wolf that is deserving of you as his mate?”
 You nudge at the edge of his collarbone to catchily collect as much of his riveting redolence as you can before you sow another row of kisses along his skin only to pull away and admit, “Always.”
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Byakuya x inexperienced!reader pt.2(NSFW)
request; hi !! so to whoever wrote the Byakuya x inexperienced! reader um i-i ilysm TOT would it be alright to ask for a part 2 of it, maybe reader has more experience and is ready for whatever 'mAstEr' Byakuya has in store?? (and maybe m a y b e Byakuya loses control of himself bc his innocent reader has finally been corrupted— OKAY THANK YOU BYE
warnings; so muCH CORRUPTION KINK!!!, pet play, master kink, dom!Byakuya, begging, Byakuya neglects reader a tad, s&m, reader is kind of a brat(just a littttleeee bit), sex toys/vibrators, bondage(handcuffs), overstim, forced orgasm?, unedited, slight dumbification, reader has female parts and uses female pronouns and names, slight praise kink, manhandling, humiliation, begging, dacryphillia, light dark themes(lmfao) there’s like, no fluff at all.
note; phew! okay this one, im kinda kinda proud of- i even put together a small byakuya playlist to get into the mood hehehe, it surprisingly helped a lot! i got into the byakuya mind space zone :0 anyway, thank you sm for requesting and i hope you enjoy!
(also p.s. this is a second part to this so you don’t have to read that first, but it’d help? kinda? idk your choice broskis ;0)
word count; 1.4k 
Byakuya’s shoulders tensed, fingers almost tearing the pages of his book as he heard your voice, seductive behind him. His eyebrow quirked up at the tone of your voice, a small barely noticeable smirk adorning his face. He could hear the neediness, seductiveness, submission from just the title you uttered out. Instead of moving his head behind him, he decided not to let his eagerness to look at your show. So instead, he pretended to keep reading his book, faking disinterest. Even though he heard the way you spoke, heard the way you spoke so needy for him, wasn’t enough for his insatiable hunger. 
So he decided he would tease you until you were sobbing for him, begging for him. You weren’t going to get what you want until Byakuya does first. Ah, the look of desperation on your face he still had engraved in his mind, he could feel his pants tighten slightly.
Pouting at his unresponsiveness, you swiftly made your way to the back of his chair, caressing your hand lightly against his shoulder. “Master, look at me.” You persisted, bending down to lean your chin on his shoulder, face next to his as you folding your abdomen over the shirt you were wearing. To clarify, his shirt, and just his shirt. He could recognize the white cotton material, and as much as he wanted a peek, his need to see you on your knees for him was much bigger. 
Instead of letting you see his eyes, his eyes full of lust and want, he focused them onto the page, glazing over the words, yet not quite registering them in his mind as you preoccupied it. “M-master why aren’t you…” You trailed off, gulping as the realization of what he wanted—or at least thought he wanted— dawned on you. Slowly getting on your knees, you sat on your heels in front of him, head bowed down to look at his shoes. “Is this what you wanted?” You peaked up to try and take a quick look at his face, a low whine rumbling in your throat as you saw Byakuya flip another page. 
“I-I’ll act like a dog for you..! R-ruff ruff! I-is this enough? P-please..! I don’t like it when y-you ignore me…” You huffed quietly underneath your breath, feeling little shame for the act you had just performed in front of your heir. Though you were upset Byakuya hadn’t even spared a glance to you, you would be lying if you said you didn’t love the humiliation; your panties had been soaked the moment Byakuya decided not to talk nor pay attention to you.
 “Master please, I n-need you.” he didn’t even need to say anything, and yet here you are, sitting on your knees and barking for him; convinced that this is what he wanted, not what you secretly needed. He wanted to laugh, he made you like this. He made you so corrupted, and he felt disgustingly proud of that fact. “Hm.” Deciding to throw you a bone, he closed his book and fixed his eyes on you, “You’re a good pup for me, no?” 
He reached down to tap your chin. Getting a bit eager, you rose up, straightening your thighs so they were vertical. Grabbing eagerly onto his thighs, you leaned your head into his touch, looking at him with an adoration that seemed impure. “Y-yes! Yes, I’m a good puppy. I’m such a good pup for you, only you!” Your doe eyes stared up at him loyally, making him growl underneath his breath. 
“Look at you, you weren’t even able to take it last time, and yet you’re still coming back to me for more? Will you even be able to handle what I’ll give you?” You opened your mouth to say you could in protest, yet Byakuya cruelly interrupted, “After last time? You could barely handle it.” There was a snarl painted across his cold face, and yet it only seemed to make you wetter. 
Even if he seemed like he was mocking you, you could still hear the softness in his voice as he trailed off. You detected his worry, and so you did your best to show him you could handle it. Your voice wavered, but you stood your ground, clutching whatever was left of your confidence tightly, “I’m not the same as before, master.” Not only did you Byakuya with your newfound confidence, but you surprised yourself as well. 
You didn’t even recognize your voice, but you didn’t care, it seemed to be working. Leaning and hovering over Byakuya’s slightly stunned figure, you challenged, “I’d be more worried if you could handle me.” Your hands gripped Byakuya’s knees as you used them to support your body that had been arched against him. Byakuya’s stunned expression only lasted so long as his face twisted into a snarl, before kissing you roughly, teeth clashing against his.
As he kissed you, he could feel your hands slipping slowly down the valley of his thighs, and so, he pulled away suddenly and leaned down, perching your stomach on his shoulder. Confused, you let out a “Mast-?”, before he stood up, your body being hurled up along with him as he walked with ease. 
Dropping your body on the mattress, Byakuya quickly searched his table for the handcuffs, sighing satisfied as he found them. Smiling widely, you held your wrists out for him, slightly startling but pleasing Byakuya. In a rare moment, he snorted, “Good girl. ...Though, you’ll soon regret that.“ Standing up from the bed after he tied you to the headboard, he searched his drawers once again, bringing out something pink this time.
Glancing side ways to see your terrified face, “Remember this?” Your eyes widened at the familiar toy he fiddled within his hand, your heart beating erratically fast. “You still think you can take it?” He hunched over your body, one hand supporting his body, and one hand holding the toy scarily close to your glistening cunt.
Waiting patiently, he watched your expression, searching for any type of hesitation, yet finding.. none?
Snarling at your persistent face, he tried teasing you, to scare you to say no, “We never got to see what this did, did we now?” He said through gritted teeth, testing you by pressing it against your hole, making your legs widen slightly from contact. He looked at you in disbelief, “You’re not even- Wow, you… you really are my little slut, aren’t you?” His smile, villain-like. Beaming up at him, you inhaled sharply in relief as he finally understood, “Uhuh! Ye-ssss!” Your jaw dropped, eyes rolling back in your head as you arched your back into the vibrations that Byakuya had turned on suddenly. 
“M-master, it feels really good..!” You felt like your brain was scattered, fuzzy as you lost yourself. What was your name again? Pet? It didn’t matter anyway, as your legs shook from your first orgasm. Feeling Byakuya press the toy harder against your clit, you arched your back on instinct, wailing out pleas. “Gonna cream, s-second timeee!” You whined, breathing sounding more like wheezing as your chest heaved from the overstimulation. Your drool trailing down your open mouth, and getting on his once clean dress shirt you wore.
Your eyes scrambled back up to look at your master, wanting to see his eyes you adored so much. Gasping and frantically looking around as you didn’t see him, “M-ma-!” You squirmed against the toy, panting for air as you felt it rub against your clit slightly. “Right here, baby.” 
Your face whipped towards the sound of his voice, eyes focused on him, though your vision was slightly blurred from the tears of pleasure and possibly desperation. Your gaze was intense, unblinking, yet the rest of your face was a fucked out mess, your body twitching and writhing without control as you still kept your eyes on him.
“Hhnng!” You didn’t want to take your eyes off him, but you couldn’t help it as your third orgasm came up, forcing you to scream into his pillows. “M-m-!” You sobbed out, unable to speak his name as moans and cries overlapped it. He could see your body twitch from the toy, squirming away from it as the oversensitivity eventually got to you.  
He swiftly got to action, yanking your twitching legs wide apart, pushing the toy deep inside your pussy instead of your clit. He sighed shakily as he saw how easy the toy slipped in, your screams sounding like music to his ears. He could feel you squirming against his iron-tight grip on your ankles.  “You said you could take anything. Am I wrong? So take it.” The sound of his voice scared you in all honesty, but you couldn’t seem to even focus your attention onto how dangerous he sounded, as you fell into yet another orgasm. 
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Sunday Sinday
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader [Priest AU]
Warnings: priest!Bucky, explicit language, smut, very desecrating and blasphemous thoughts and actions, masturbation, corruption kink, sex in a public place, hair pulling. Both parties are consenting adults. 
Summary: Father James preaches at Mass, and you think there’s no better time to sin than Sundays. 
A/N: Yesterday (9/9) was my 21st birthday and I’m posting filth to celebrate it. @whateveriwant​ and I share one horny braincell and we had the same idea, so here it is bb. 
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Wide shoulders straining his black cassock, long chestnut hair pulled back, errant strands framing his chiselled face, thick rimmed glasses perched on top of his nose, Father James should be the depiction of all that’s holy, image and likeness of God himself, and instead he’s temptation in the flesh, and all you can think about as you do the sign of the cross and sit in the back pew is how much you want to do wrong with him.
“I confess to Almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do.”
His soft voice fills the room, subtle blush on his cheeks, the memory of all your shared sins in the fleeting looks he sends your way. His impure fantasies of you on your knees, your pretty lips around his cock, you taking his virginity of the altar, fucking under the cross, in the confessional, the filthy whispers in your ears, words he never imagined would come out of his mouth, the taste of you lingering on his tongue. He never stood a chance against temptation, not if you’re the one luring him straight to Hell.   
You tune out of his sermon, merely standing, sitting, and kneeling as you see the others do: there’s the column he stood against as you sucked him off, the bench he bent you over and spanked you for the first time, the backdoor where the cleaning lady almost caught you.
“We listen to a reading from the New Testament.” he announces, clears his throat, adjusts his glasses, and opens the Holy Bible, fingers scanning over the verses he knows by heart.
There’s guilt in preaching what he doesn’t practice, but there’s also that exhilarating feeling of omnipotence that comes with being in love, that rush of adrenaline of loving in secret and doing the impossible to not get caught whilst wishing you would be.
The devoted churchgoers sitting in the front rows are too absorbed to notice you, hanging onto every word he recites, and the rest of the benches are empty, the saints and cherubs on the walls and Jesus on the cross your only witnesses as you quickly slip out of your panties and spread your legs, waiting for him to notice you, a teasing smile finding its way on your lips. 
“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we-”
He looks up from the pages, and his eyes meet you, or more likely what’s between your legs. He stutters, John or Matthew’s verses escaping his mind, “If we- we, uh, confess, we confess, yes, our sins- uh.” 
Silence. Awkward, tense silence.
The white collar around his neck is suddenly too stiff and suffocating. Father James is like a deer caught in the headlights, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as his eyes flit around the room. The blush on his cheeks betrays his sinful thoughts, and he can only hope, as he gapes in front of his audience, that they won’t notice the tent in his cassock, the sweat on his forehead, his heaving chest and the light fog forming in his glasses.
Whispers arise, ‘is Father James alright?’, the good, righteous churchgoers ask among themselves, concerned about their beloved priest. 
“As I was saying.” he clears his throat after a strangled apology, his fingertips finding the verse he was reading again, “If we say we have not sinned-”
His voice is a low buzz as he resumes his sermon, tension clear in his taut muscles and dry mouth; memories of all the times he’s taken you on these wooden benches invade your minds. All the times you’ve choked him with the cross around his neck, all those he’s spent on his knees, worshipping you like a goddess.
His pure soul you’ve tarnished with yours, the filthy words that sound so right on his holy mouth, his heady taste on your tongue when you swallow him whole, your wish to ruin him.
Your walls throb, arousal pooling at your entrance and rubbing on the fabric of your skirt as you grind your core on the bench, desperate for some sort of release.
He raises the chalice. “...It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.” 
You were never one for good decisions, especially not when your brain is as fogged as his glasses. And there’s no better day to sin than Sunday, afterall.
You slip a finger inside your glistening folds, looking at him through lidded eyes, wishing he would be fucking you against the altar instead. Father James’ eyes go wide as saucers when he catches sight of you playing with your dripping pussy under your skirt, and he chokes on his wine, sputtering and coughing. 
You close your legs and bite your lips when someone walks up to him and pats his back to help him through his fit. He glares at you, and you stifle a laugh, the scene too comical to keep quiet.
“Forgive me.” he stutters to the small crowd, worry evident in their eyes, “It went down the wrong way.” he tries to ease the tension , “We can begin the communion rite now, if I don’t choke before.” and earns himself a collective chuckle.
The walk from the back to the front of the church seems endless. Thighs rubbing together and against your folds, a light breeze from an open door blows up your skirt just slightly, but enough that if someone were to pay attention, they’d see you’re not wearing any panties. 
You’re the last of the line, and by the time you get to him, the rest of the people are kneeling, their head bowed, oblivious to the tension between their good priest and the new girl in town.
“The Body of Christ.”
It’s a whisper, soft and intimate, meant for you and only you, the blue of his eyes swallowed by darkness when you part you lips wide open and stick your tongue out, a sight he’s seen countless times before, when you’re on your knees begging him to fuck your mouth. Air stills when your tongue brushes against his trembling fingertips, a shiver running down his spine, a groan almost escaping him because of what that damn tongue is capable of. Eyes locked together as you slowly chew, his gaze following the lump of your throat as you swallow.
It’s lust, it’s sin, it’s wrong but it sure feels right. 
He watches your hips sway as you walk back to your seat, knowing your pussy is bare and wet for him beneath your skirt, and he can’t wait for mass to be over soon.
Incense is thick in the air, and a shiver runs down your spine when you feel his presence. A hand pulls your shirt and shoves you behind one of the columns to the sides where you usually wait for your sweet boy after mass. The marble is cold against your back, his hold like a vice on your flesh, and it stirs up something inside you. He’s never touched you like this, not your shy, doe eyed James, with his tentative kisses and trembling hands.
“What the hell were you thinking?” he whispers harshly, lips hovering over yours.
A gasp, you feign surprise. “Since when do you use that language? You kiss the cross with those lips?” 
“You're a bad influence.” he chuckles, “Anyone could have seen.”
“But no one did.” you retort “And that’s the fun part, baby boy.”
His fingers will leave bruises behind, you muse, as you take in the fire in his eyes and his body towering over yours. Your recklessness, your attitude, your pretty face, his lack of restraint, the way he can never resist you, his body that acts on its own, the animal instinct that snaps inside him when his hips thrust against yours and his hard cock presses on your stomach.
“You wanted to get caught, didn’t you?” 
Your tongue finds its way from his neck to the shell of his ears, leaving goosebumps behind, “Can you imagine the scandal?”
“You’re such a brat.” is his strangled response as his hips roll against you, pinning you to the wall. His breathing is ragged, his jaw clenched.
“I am a brat Father, do you think you can forgive me for that?” you purr, a hand sneaking between you and palming his aching cock through his cassock.
“I don’t know, angel.” he mumbles in your hair, a thick thigh coming between yours. “You need to repent, and then atone.”
“How can I do that, Father? I want it so, so bad.” 
Your skin is scorching hot, your head dizzy as his smell clings to you and intoxicates you. 
In a blur you find yourself spun around, the marble digging painfully in your cheeks, his hand groping your ass and kneading the flesh to the point that it hurts. A whimper escapes your mouth when he slowly grazes your things up to your aching core, and he cups your pussy with a possessive hold.
“You’re so wet, all for me?”
It’s a soft whisper, a stupid question maybe. 
“Only for you.”
He peppers your neck with small kisses, nipping your delicate skin. Your walls flutter around nothing, you’re desperate to feel him inside you, his thick cock filling you like no else’s can.
Father James is not a patient man.
His fingers swirl around your swollen clit, and you’re pretty sure there’s slick running down your thighs. The pressure in your cunt is almost painful as you wait for him to lift his cassock and free himself.
“Tell me you’re mine.” 
It’s a low vibration grunted in your ear as he strokes his length and lines himself with your entrance, his tip smearing your arousal around.
“I’m yours.”
He slams his cock inside you, and you mewl when he fully sheathes himself. He sets a low pace, taking his time to slide in and out of your, revelling in the way your walls grip him so tight. 
You’re not begging, you swear. You’re merely requesting. A command, really.
“You must say your penance first, sweetheart.” he taunts you, his wicked self coming out the more time he spends between your legs, and you find out you’re not so different after all. “An Act of Contrition, princess.”
You feel your pussy clench down on his cock, the coil getting tighter with each gentle stroke. Your mind is swirling, and you desperately cling onto the last rationality you’ve got left to remember your prayer. 
“My God.” you snarl when his hand pulls your hair, and you arch your back, this new position allowing his tip to reach the sweet spot inside you, “My God, I’m sorry for my- my sins” you moan, “with all my heart.”
He fastens his pace, the depravity of this all edging him closer to his release with each sweet sound you make. “Are you really?”
“Yes, yes, oh my God. I’m sorry, in choosing to do wrong and failing to do good,” you pant, tears streaming down your face, your breaths ragged, “I have sinned against you, whom I should-.” You’re sobbing, your hands clutching his shoulders for dear life, the sound of his balls slapping against your pussy so lewd as it resonates in the empty walls.
“Just like that, don’t stop, please.” you mewl, feeling the knot in your core about to unravel, your vision getting spotty around the edges.
You pull on his collar and tug him down, biting his lips, your tongue tasting his, his plush lips against yours, his hand around your neck. A harsh snap of his hips, one last look at the crying angel above you, and you come on his cock, your pussy so tight around him that he follows shortly after, his cock swelling inside you and filling you to the brim with his cum. Your limbs jerk uncontrollably, your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
His hot breath fans over your neck, strong arms holding you flush against his chest. A soft kiss on your forehead, a gentle smile on his lips, your heartbeat frantic, and not because of the orgasm that just wrecked you.
“Am I forgiven, Father?”
The rumble in his chest as he snickers warms your heart more than it should.
“You didn’t finish your prayers, princess. Looks like we’re gonna have to do this all over again.”
God, you love Sundays.
If you’re interested in more Father James, check this out. This one shot is part of Innocent! priest Bucky x Reader. I hope you all enjoyed it, and if you did, please leave some feedback, I love reading your comments. 
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cassianus · 2 years
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Weep over your sin: it is a spiritual ailment; it is death to your immortal soul; it deserves ceaseless, unending weeping and crying; let all tears flow for it, and sighing come forth without ceasing from the depths of your heart.
In profound humility I weep for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, covert and overt, great and little, committed by word and deed, in thought and intention, day and night, at every hour and minute of my life.
I weep over my pride and my ambition, my self love and my boastfulness; I weep over my fits of anger, irritation, excessive shouting, swearing, quarreling and cursing;
I weep for having criticized, censured, gossiped, slandered, and defamed, for my wrath, enmity, hatred, envy, jealousy, vengeance and rancor;
I weep over my indulgences in lust, impure thoughts and evil inclinations; covetousness, gluttony, drunkenness, and sloth;
I weep for having talked idly, used foul language, blasphemed, derided, joked, ridiculed, mocked, enjoyed empty gaiety, singing, dancing and every pleasure to excess;
I weep over my self indulgence, cupidity, love of money and miserliness, unmercifulness and cruelty;
I weep over my laziness, indolence, negligence, love of comfort, weakness, idleness, absent-mindedness, irresponsibility, inattention, love of sleep, for hours spent in idle pursuits, and for my lack of concentration in prayer and in Church, for not observing fasts and not doing charitable works.
I weep over my lack of faith, my doubting, my perplexity, my coldness, my indifference, my weakness and unfeelingness in what concerns the Holy Orthodox Faith, and over all my foul, cunning and reviling thoughts;
I weep over my exaggerated sorrow and grief, depression and despair, and over sins committed willingly.
I weep, but what tears can I find for a worthy and fitting way to weep for all the actions of my ill fated life; for my immeasurable and profound worthlessness? How can I reveal and expose in all its nakedness each one of my sins, great and small, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, overt and covert, every hour and minute of sin? When and where shall I begin my penitential lament that will bear fitting fruit? Perhaps soon I may have to face the last hour of my life; my soul will be painfully sundered from my sinful and vile body; I shall have to stand before terrible demons and radiant angels, who will reveal and torment me with my sins; and I, in fear and trembling, will be unprepared and unable to give them an answer; the sight and sound of wailing demons, their violent and bold desire to drag me into the bottomless pit of Hell will fill my soul with confusion and terror. And then the angels of God will lead my poor soul to stand before God 's fearful seat of judgment. How will I answer the Immortal King, or how will I dare, sinner that I am, to look upon My Judge? Woe is me! have no good answer to make, for I have spent all my life in indolence and sin, all my hours and minutes in vain thoughts, desires and yearnings!
And how many times have I taken the Name of God in vain!
How often, lightly and freely, at times even boldly, insolently and shamelessly have I slandered others in anger; offended, irritated, mocked them!
How often have I been proud and vainglorious and boasted of good qualities that I do not possess and of deeds that I have not done!
How many times have I lied, deceived, been cunning or flattered, or been insincere and deceptive; how often have I been angry, intolerant and mean!
How many times have I ridiculed the sins of my brother, caused him grief overtly and covertly, mocked or gloated over his misdeeds, his faults or his misfortunes; how many times have I been hostile to him, in anger, hatred or envy!
How often have I laughed stupidly, mocked and derided, spoke without weighing my words, ignorantly and senselessly, and uttered a numberless quantity of cutting, poisonous, insolent, frivolous, vulgar, coarse, brazen words!
How often, affected by beauty, have I fed my mind, my imagination and my heart with voluptuous sensations, and unnaturally satisfied the lusts of the flesh in fantasy! How often has my tongue uttered shameful, vulgar and blasphemous things about the desires of the flesh!
How often have I yearned for power and been gluttonous, satiating myself on delicacies, on tasty, varied and diverse foods and wines; because of intemperance and lack of self-control how often have I been filled past the point of satiety, lacked sobriety and been drunken, intemperate in food and drink, and broken the Holy Fasts!
How often, through selfishness, pride or false modesty, have I refused help and attention to those in need, been uncharitable, miserly, unsympathetic, mercenary and grasped at attention!
How often have I entered the House of God without fear and trembling, stood there in prayer, frivolous and absent-minded, and left it in the same spirit and disposition! And in prayer at home I have been just as cold and indifferent, praying little, lazily, and indolently, inattentively and impiously, and even completely omitting the appointed prayers!
And in general, how slothful I have been, weakened by indolence and inaction; how many hours of each day have I spent in sleep, how often have I enjoyed voluptuous thoughts in bed and defiled my flesh! How many hours have I spent in empty and futile pastimes and pleasures, in frivolous talk and speech, jokes and laughter, games and fun, and how much time have I wasted conclusively in chatter, and gossip, in criticizing others and reproaching them; how many hours have I spent in time-wasting and emptiness! What shall I answer to the Lord God for every hour and every minute of lost time? In truth, I have wasted my entire life in laziness.
How many times have I lost heart and despaired of my salvation and of God's mercy or through stupid habit, insensitivity, ignorance, insolence, shamelessness, and hardness sinned deliberately, willingly, in my right mind, in full awareness, in all goodwill, in both thought and intention, and in deed, and in this fashion trampled the blood of God 's covenant and crucified anew within myself the Son of God and cursed Him!
0 how terrible the punishment that I have drawn upon myself!
How is it that my eyes are not streaming with constant tears?.. If only my tears flowed from the cradle to the grave, at every hour and every minute of my tortured life! Who will now cool my head with water and fill the well of my tears and help me weep over my soul that I have cast into perdition?
My God, my God! Why hast Thou forsaken me? Be it unto me according to Thy will, 0 Lord! If Thou wouldst grant me light, be Thou blessed; if Thou wouldst grant me darkness, be Thou equally blessed. If Thou wouldst destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy righteous judgment; and if Thou wouldst not destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy boundless mercy!
St. Basil the Great
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scribeforchrist-blog · 6 months
No Compromising In Our Heart
+ Psalm 63:6 When I remember You on my bed, I think of You through the watches of the night
+ Matthew 5:28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
 So lust is one of things I haven’t really talked about in the devotional for many reason but one reason is I tell everyone I don’t write anything unless the Lord tells me too, I don’t write the devotionals all theses are from the Holy Spirit I couldn’t do any of this writing on my own and its him who leads and guides me through and to do anything , but lately he has placed in my heart to talk about lust , and I try even on the podcast to keep everything rated G , because we must do things in decent and in order and in the truth of God , but this devotional here is about lust , its about wanting and desiring in a lustful way.
It’s so much on TV and even in books that can cause us to have our eyes filled with lust if we allow it , this can cause the spirit of perversion to come right in , but we must everyday ask God to renew our mind , renew our heart because alot of times we dont realize that lust can sit dormant in our hearts and minds until the right time to come up and when it do it can be strong if we arent allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us and on us every day !
   The verse today tells us that when we look at anyone in a lustful way, we have already committed adultery in our hearts without even approaching this person. He used the word adultery because when we are in a committed relationship with Jesus , and we decide to take our eyes and wonder and ponder about other things in a lustful way. We have already committed adultery; when someone commits adultery, it can happen through text, physical touch,  etc., but when we look, and we stare, and we create all these moments in our head with this person we have sinned, and what we must do is avoid having a moment where we let our mind race, or when we allow our mind to wonder what IF . I know someone is going to say well, I should just go ahead and do this particular sin; no, that's not a good idea either because when we even do those acts, they are just as bad. The anointing that we carry becomes weaker because we decided to allow our bodies to do stuff outside of the marriage bed.
  Job 31:1 I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin?"
  Job states here that he made a covenant not to lust and look upon anyone, and he wanted to clarify why he did this , and he wanted to show he took the stance against LUST , the choice not to lust; he felt this was a line he didn't want to cross and this is how we must be we must understand the littlest thing we give attention to will cause us to lust because we are made of the flesh each time we catch our body doing things it shouldn't do we must say “father forgive me my eyes lusted or father forgive me my mind had thoughts.
We have to stop giving a foot hold to the devil because when we do, we are enabling him to control our body, and someone will say lust is stronger or harder for men than women. I dont know. I'm not a man; I'm a woman, but what I can tell you is that if we all handle lust in the same way and place it before God, we won't leave room for error. 
  "Colossians 3:5 Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."
  It tells us here to put death to sexual immorality and anything impure and of passion because if we allow these things to linger, watching pornography and such, we will cause ourselves to fall unto the spirit of perversion, we have to gain control and rebuke this spirit perversion that is sweeping this country and this generation.
When we turn on the TV ,when we listen to music, it is everywhere. If we allow ourselves to let things be okay, we will soon be okay with the spirit of perversion filling us, but we must only allow the HOLY SPIRIT to fill us; this Spirit is looked on as being okay because so many people like to exercise their right to look and play around with things of the flesh, but we as believers of God must say no to the flesh, we must say no to perversion we must say no to filling our eyes. Yes, this might be hard, but we must do it to live righteously and to live pure.
  " Ephesians 5:4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving."
  It even said here foolish talk , coarse joking cant be tolerated, yes we all like to laugh and joke, but we can't allow even our speech to be out of order we are a representation of God ,we are his children we must keep everything pure and decent, allowing our selves to let go and fall prey to the simplest  foolish acts is no way okay because we are then giving ourselves over to the enemy, we can't do that friends we must say no right now and renounce anything that is sexual and anything similar to the spirit of perversion 
*** Today we talked about lust and how to allow ourselves not to let the enemy in through this door , this devotional is something ALOT of people won’t like nor care to read but we as people of God must remain HOLY in this world , we see alot of believers are compromising and they THINK this is okay and it isn’t okay to be like the world the Bible says this DO NOT BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD , but be ye transformed we must be different and represent ourselves in a different way. Lust is a spirit that can come in and create yolks and bondage we must stay clear of this spirit at all cost if your struggling with this spirit don’t be shamed go to God the more we are shamed the more we are tied to this spirit.
©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father thank you for your word, thank you for changing us and creating in us a new spirit father today if we are dealing with this spirit we surrender to you now. God mold us and help us to be different, help us to not be like this and be entice by the things we see , lord we want this yolk broken right now! We ask you to cleanse our eyes and ears , lord we rebuke the spirit of lust and perversion, we send it back to where it came from right now we ask that you take over our life , and we believe that we are free from this , we take every moment you give us to escape any situation we are in that could bring on lustful behavior , we claim victory in Jesus Mighty name Amen
+ Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
+ Colossians 3:5 Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
+2 Timothy 2:22 - So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
Proverbs 6
Acts 12
Leviticus 4
Matthew 15
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 13~
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Warning! Sexual content below!
Chapter 12
---------Part 1---------
Kurama: “I must have been mistaken in thinking you were in any way interesting.”
(Even though he didn’t use Kotodama.)
(I can’t move.)
No matter how close I feel to him, I’m sure I’ll never get used to the intimidation that Kurama gives off.
I knew it in my bones.
Kurama: “Understanding is an emotion that does not contribute strength. Will you still be able to think like that when you’re overtaken?”
Yoshino: "Wait..."
He's still intimidating, but he also smells dangerous, like an aphrodisiac.
With his voice and his eyes dominating the air, Kurama casually exposes my breasts.
Kurama: "Are you scared now?"
Kurama sneers while watching me tear up in fear and shame.
Yoshino: "....not...scared...."
Kurama: "Really."
My voice was trembling, and I'm sure he can see through me.
As if to prove the point, the red of Kurama's eyes darkened like a beast's ready to catch its prey.
Yoshino: "Mmmm....ahhh....."
A moment later, his lips pressed against my bare breast.
He then pulls away, leaving behind a faint pain and an even sweeter aftertaste.
Yoshino: "Ahh...Haa..."
My eyes watered with shame as I let out a lustful moan.
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Kurama: "Reward and punishment are the same to you, isn't it?"
Yoshino: "....This is terrible."
I felt like crawled up the cliff to get as close to Kurama, but then he in turn pushed me back down.
Kurama: "Don't forget this humiliation. I've given you the freedom to speak your mind and listened to your wishes, but you aren’t allowed to enter my heart."
I wriggled as he traced the skin where he had kissed me earlier.
I saw a red mark glowing right where he sucked and I bit my lips in embarrassment.
Kurama: "This face suits you much better."
1. Don't say any more....(+4/+4)
2. Don't do this to me again...
3. I'll shout next time...
Yoshino: "Don't say any more...."
Kurama: "It would be easier if you'd accept the facts, but if that happens, I won't be rewarding myself with this lovely face of you."
Finally, after stroking my hair, Kurama steps back.
Yoshino: "...! Wait!"
He walks out of my room, without looking back.
(What should I do now?)
Kurama: "Benkei, give that sake."
Benkei: "Huh? That makes it the third bottle."
Benkei, who was apparently cooking dinner, looked at Kurama with a scowl as he barged in.
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Benkei: "All sake that Sueharu bought for us is now in your stomach."
---------Part 2--------
Benkei: "All sake that Sueharu bought for us is now in your stomach."
Kurama: "I want more. Don't you have any spares? Hurry up. Also makes snacks for me."
Benkei: "Make your own snacks. I’m not your maid. Also, these are Yoshitsune-sama's midnight snacks. Don't steal from these."
Kurama: "Whatever belongs to Yoshitsune, belongs to me too."
Benkei: "Does that logic applies to every single thing? ....Fine, I'll take it with a grain of salt."
Even as he says this, Benkei big hands were moving quickly, sorting out Kurama's portion and also simultaneously making dinner at the same time.
Kurama leaned against the wall, looking sideways at him.
Benkei: ".......? Kurama, what happened?"
Kurama: "What do you mean 'what'? Don't ask vague questions?"
Benkei: "You're not acting like yourself. You look like you're on the edge. Hmmm....perhaps the negotiations with the silversmith didn't go well?"
Kurama: "No, that went well."
Benkei: "Really? That's good. ..................Is it about Yoshino?"
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Kurama: "Why does that woman's name keep coming up?"
Benkei: "As expected."
Kurama stares at Benkei, who was chopping the vegetables.
Kurama: "..................Now I get it."
Benkei: "Huh? What?"
Benkei, who was slicing the radishes into chunks, stopped and looked back at Kurama.
Kurama: "That woman is my-----"
Benkei: "......"
Kurama: "My natural enemy."
Benkei: "Are you seriously that clueless!?!?"
Benkei slammed the knife against the chopping board as if he has given up.
(It's been few days since that night and things have gotten kind of awkward with Kurama.)
While I was watching the small pond in the garden under the sunset...
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Yoshino: "Kurama no longer comes to my room or calls me...."
I was hurt and angry that day because I was humiliated.
(But it would be very uncomfortable for me to go to him myself.)
(But if I think calmly, I am a prisoner of the Rebels and it makes sense that I should be keeping my distance.)
Just when my thoughts were going in circles-----
Yoshino: "!!!"
Suddenly black thing comes down from the sky and lands right in front of me.
Kurama: "----Found you!"
----------Part 3--------
Kurama: "----Found you!"
Yoshino: "Kurama!? What's wrong?"
There is a smoldering impatience behind those always cold eyes.
I knew intuitively that something was wrong, and my heart beats fast.
(----What happened?)
Kurama: "Come with me."
Yoshino: "Huh?"
Kurama pulls my hand without giving me an answer and I fell into his chest.
Kurama: "I need you."
(I was also forced to carry my medicine box.)
Yoshino: "Umm...why are we in front of Heikichiro-san's house....?"
Kurama: "Go inside."
When he pushed me, I entered the small hut and-----
Yoshino: "....! Heikichiro-san!?"
Heikichiro: "Nnn....."
I ran up to the slender old man, who was slumped on the floor.
Yoshino: "Please stay strong! Can you hear me?"
Heikichiro: "It's you...."
(His pulse is there. He's a bit dazed, but still responding to my calls....)
Kurama: "When I visited, this man was already lying on the floor."
His expression remained almost unchanged, but an unseen frustration burned in Kurama's eyes.
Kurama: "----You're a pharmacist, right?"
Yoshino: "I-I am."
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Kurama: "This man has yet to complete my order. Make sure he lives long enough. If you can't make him, I'll put out the fire off your life."
(......! Under such heavy pressure I have to treat this man?)
The murderous glint in his eyes made me gulp.
(But then again...)
Yoshino: "....First of all, you have to know something."
I replied back, while I untied Heikichiro-san's obi.
Kurama: "What?"
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Yoshino: "I can't guarantee a person's life. But I promise I'll do my best. Also Kurama, please help me. Let's work on this together."
Kurama: ".....!"
Suddenly the air around Kurama became lighter and the tension that had stung my skin was released.
Kurama: "Say what do you want me to do."
Yoshino: "Now, can you build a fire and make some lukewarm water? Also, can you find me a clean towel?
Kurama: "All right."
--------Part 4-------
Yoshino: "Can you find me a clean towel?
Kurama: "All right."
Immediately after nodding, Kurama takes the tub and heads out to the well.
Heikichiro: *Coughs*
Yoshino: “If you feel nauseous, don’t hold back, just throw up....”
I changed his posture and rubbed his back.
Yoshino: “I’ll make the hot water right away, and then we’ll examine your symptoms.”
As I took care of him, I checked for the numbness in his limbs, blurred vision and nausea.
Heikichiro-san’s consciousness slowly becomes clearer.
Yoshino: “Thank god! Looks like now you’re feeling better.”
Kurama: “Did you cure him?”
Kurama, who had finished helping and was watching the treatment intently beside me, leaned forward.
Yoshino: “What happened was that  Heikichiro-san’s pre-existing condition got worse due to overwork. It’s not that easy, we have to let him rest over a period of days for him to fully recover.”
Kurama: “.......What a fragile creature.”
Heikichiro: “Wait...you have...”
Heikichiro-san blinked few times and then stared at Kurama.
Heikichiro: “....you have wings....”
(Damn!! I was completely absorbed in treating the old man that I forgot Kurama didn’t hide his wings...)
Heikichiro: “Are you a demon? Are here to take my soul?”
Kurama: “Who wants a soul of a shriveled old man like you?”
Yoshino: “Kurama, No!”
I tried to stop him, while Kurama replied with an annoyed expression. But----
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Kurama(glares): “And how dare you overworked? Don’t you fragile creatures know your place?”
Kurama started scolding Heikichiro-san if he couldn’t contain his frustration.
Heikichiro: “I...got strangely overpowered when you said you were looking forward for my work.”
Kurama: “......?”
Heikichiro: “He comes by everyday to see the progress of my work and observe what I do.”
(That’s why  Heikichiro-san overworked!?)
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Heikichiro: “I am an eccentric craftsman. But the fact that you, in all your arrogance, are so eagerly awaiting my work...makes me irresistible happy. I was happy seeing his red eyes sparkling when he looked at my fingertips.”
(I think I understand what Heikichiro-san is trying to say.)
(Kurama’s words and attitude have nothing impure in them, and that’s why it strikes people’s hearts.)
(Even if you instinctively perceive them to be frightening.)
Heikichiro: “God or demon, it doesn’t matter. For me it’s all about the pride and joy of being a craftsman.”
Kurama: “...........Crazy old man.”
Kurama raises an eyebrows at Heikichiro-san, who breaks off into a few tired words.
Kurama: “If you die, I’ll kill you.”
--------Part 5--------
Kurama: “If you die, I’ll kill you.”
(I’ve never seen Kurama looks so confused before.)
Heikichiro: “Haha,,I can’t die that soon. I have to build up quickly. Also, Yoshino-san. Thank you for saving this old man’s life.”
Yoshino: “Thanks to Kurama for bringing me here.”
Kurama(clueless): “............”
Heikichiro-san and I smiled at each other, while Kurama looked at us with a complicated expression.
(It’s already night.)
Kurama: “I think it’s easier to fly back home.”
Yoshino: “It’s not like I’m in a hurry. Also I feel fine walking. I also think it would be a problem if someone notice us.”
Kurama: “How annoying.”
(Maybe it’s Kurama’s way of conceding that he’s still walking.)
Yoshino: “I’m really glad that Heikichiro-san is okay. Thank you for bringing me here, Kurama.”
Kurama: “..........”
(What’s wrong?)
Yoshino: “Anyways, I’m also thinking of asking Yoshitsune-sama if I can continue to make house calls for Heikichiro-san. If he refuses, I’ll tell another pharmacist to check on his condition. So...”
Kurama: “----I see.”
Yoshino: “Is there anything else you want me to do?”
Kurama: “No, it’s enough. It’s just...the reason why that man fell, is still a mystery to me.”
Kurama who spit out the words quietly stares at me.
I gasped at the burning heat in his eyes.
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Kurama: “I don’t understand....humans at all.”
Yoshino: “What? But Kurama always visits him, right? You were worried about him and that’s the reason, why you brought me here, right?”
(Kurama placed more value on  Heikichiro-san’s life than the unfinshed product. That’s why he brought me here, right?)
Kurama: “I can’t understand warm feelings such as worrying. However, that man’s hand are the hands that create brilliance. It would be a shame to lose them......and today, your hands saved that man.”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
The line of sight that didn’t show contempt or ridicule shoots right through my heart.
Kurama: “Yoshino. I’m reassessing your value. Apparently, you have a strength that I don’t know about.”
Kurama’s warm fingertips, touches my cheeks, and I slowly slide my face into his palm.
Kurama: “....I’m proud of you.”
Chapter 14
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