#I am maxis match and mostly only post my legacy gameplay
thesweetsimmer111 · 8 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
Thank you to @rstarsims3 for the tag! 😊 What’s your favorite Sims death? None, I never let my sims die anymore because I get too attached to them 😂
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I prefer Maxis Match, but I don't mind throwing in a bit of Alpha here and there.
Do you cheat your sims weight? I've only ever made one of my female sims less buff, but she proceeded to get very buff again so I just left her.
Do you move objects? Yes, but mainly just decorations and things like that.
Favorite Mod? I don't really play as much anymore, so it's hard for me to tell but I definitely cannot live without NRaas Mods and LD's Smooth Patch that's for sure.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? Probably the first EP that I actually wanted was either Generations or Pets, because my mom already had other ones that I wasn't interested in enough to remember (definitely Late Night though, I do remember one time randomly turning one of my mom's families all into vampires when I was like 7 or 8 😂).
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? My most favorite would be Mari Martinez, who was a gen 3 sim from my old legacy save from a couple years ago that I happened to really like. She went through a few changes though 👀 Left is how she is now and the right is her from the legacy save. The one on the bottom is her and her husband Enzo 🥰
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I do love this family right above as well though, I used to play them a lot before and occasionally now 😄 Have you made a simself? I have, my profile pic is actually supposed to be me and my dalmatian dog Disney (who's passed on now). It doesn't really look like me at all though because my sim making skills are pretty bad and even the hair color is too light but you get the general look 😅 Which is your favorite EA hair color? I've always preferred brown hair, but I like any hair color.
Favorite EA hair? I like a lot of hairs, I don't know which one to choose from.
Favorite life stage? Young adult and toddler stage 😄
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I'm actually more in it for the creation of mods hehe, but I do like to just sit and play sometimes, especially in TS2, and I do love building houses but mostly in TS2 as well because it does get a bit frustrating with TS3 and how laggy it can get with the create-a-style tool.
Are you a CC creator? I've made a few things here and there, so I guess so!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? I have a couple friends, there's definitely a lot of lovely people here as well and if anyone wants to be my friend I'm open to it 😊 Do you have any sims merch? Sadly, no 😔
Do you have a YouTube for sims? I did once upon a time, it was mostly just me sharing my process of creating animations but I kind of just left it. How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? When I first started playing probably over a decade ago I just used to create couples and make them have like 5 kids, then kick the kids out when they reached adults then make the couple have more kids and the cycle pretty much never ended 😂 Then I started to play more legacies and tried challenges, but as always I got too attached to my sims and I couldn't continue them. Then I got into making mods and so here I am, I don't really actually play much anymore. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I love most of the stuff from @xiasimla, @sim-songs, @johziii, @nectar-cellar and a few others.
How long have you had Simblr? I think 2 years now? I just used to lurk around and download CC at first but then I decided I wanted to post my things here too 😄
How do you edit your pictures? Sometimes I don't edit them, but if I do I use Photoshop to enhance the vibrance and add in a bit of depth of field. Though I've finally gotten reshade to work now so I probably won't edit them anymore.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? My favorites are Generations, Pets, Seasons, Island Paradise and Master Suite Stuff. I'm sure most people have already done this but if you haven't then I'll tag you! 😄
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m0n0lithical · 1 year
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Hello everyone, I’m Mono, I’m 33, and I go by she/her but I’m not super fussed about pronouns for myself. Sims 4 was my first Sims game and I have yet to try any others but I plan to (a friend already sent me their 3). This is a Sims 4 blog only for now. I post a little bit of everything here (from building, to CAS, to gameplay, and maybe SOMETIMES stories), but I lean heavier towards CAS creation (making Sims is my passion).
The blog will be VERY occult-heavy (mostly vampires, but plenty of my own made supernatural creatures as well), so if you’re not a big occult person you may not like a good chunk of my posts. There’s also LOTS of fandom sims – primarily Dragon Age & SWTOR, but whatever fandom tickles my fancy may end up in my game (mostly just CAS pics of them or posed pics in-game, very little gameplay of the fandom sims). I try to keep more Maxis-match leaning, but tend to be more Maxis-mix for my fandom sims.
I am WCIF-freindly, but if you’re too paranoid to send an ask (I get it, social anxiety is total ass – I do have anon on tho), I do have a resources page for my main genetics, and while I have too much CC to list all my resources, I have listed the creators who are my favorites that I have most their stuff of. My blog is currently under a bit of re-organization so don’t mind the messy tags or links that lead nowhere – this will be slow progress but I WILL get it done!
On a non-sims note, I will occasionally post about my MMO adventures (GW2 and FFXIV), I tag these as ‘mmo bullshit’ if you don’t wanna see em.
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elixirsandbrews · 1 year
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Hi, everyone! My name is Shannon. If I were a Sim, my main trait would definitely be socially awkward. I’ve been playing the game in all its forms almost my entire life, but I’ve always been too self-conscious to really engage with the community. But I’d like to change that, so here I am.
What should you know about me? Well, I live in a very small town in Michigan where there’s not much to do, so I spend a lot of time reading. The Secret History was my favorite book before dark academia was cool, and I’m always open to giving and receiving recommendations! I have an English degree (unsurprisingly) and currently work as a transcriber. I’m a huge music nerd. My holy trinity is Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, and PJ Harvey, but I also love pop music (Charli XCX owns my soul). Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Alex G, Sudan Archives, and Magdalena Bay. Besides Tumblr, the only social media I believe in is Last.fm. I consider myself a creative writer, but I’m very long-winded (as you can probably tell) and a perfectionist to a fault.
What should you know about my Sims style? Aesthetically, I stick pretty close to Maxis match. I mainly do legacy gameplay, though I don’t follow any particular rules. I just get stupidly attached to my Sims and can’t let go. For a long time, I was ride or die for TS2, but TS4 tempted me to the dark side with its shiny, shiny graphics and, despite its shortcomings, I’m pretty much all in now. I actually have a traditional blog where I’ve been documenting my gameplay to an audience of mostly myself. Recently, I’ve gotten into more plot-centered storytelling. Whenever possible, I prefer actual gameplay to staging, but I’d also like to use this blog to experiment more with poses and editing to become a better visual storyteller.
It also feels necessary to mention that I am very slow. So I’m probably always going to be a few steps behind what everyone else is doing, but I like to discover things in my own time! Anyway, I should wrap this up now. My plan is to make a few posts highlighting the most memorable parts of my legacy, since I’m already eight generations deep. Then I’ll dive more specifically into the story of the current heir, Rowan (pictured above). But if you want, you can find the first few parts of it (which, for some reason, I’ve decided to write like a first-person YA novel) here.
If you’ve hung on this long, thank you! I promise I will be posting more pictures and less words very soon. If you follow me here, I will almost definitely follow you back! My main blog is @monasterymonochrome if you want to check out my non-Sims interests. Okay, bye for now!
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sulanibean · 3 years
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Looking for Active Simblrs! 
My blog will turn 1 year old in January (┬┬﹏┬┬) I am actually really impressed that I am still around after a THIS year. However my dashboard is kinda dead because most of my mutuals are inactive now :( So please like or reply even reblog if you want this post so I can go check your simblr! :D 
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mmoutfitters · 5 years
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Want to make some new sim obsessed friends? Need a new story to follow to get you through the day? Check out some of the newest members of the community below!
Give them a follow and welcome them to the community :) Please reblog this post to spread some extra love!
@citrette -  I'm going to be posting legacy gameplay, sim edits and possibly some builds and collabs inbetween. I'm really excited to be a part of the simblr community!
@eternalfantasims -  I’m Lucki, I’m 38 years old, and I’m a spoonie from the UK. The main game that consumes my life is Final Fantasy XIV, but when I’m not well enough to play that, but still well enough to play something, I tend to play The Sims 4. My simblr follows the daily lives and adventures of characters inspired by those in FFXIV. Some are my own OCs, the rest are those of in-game friends. I also dabble in CC, so there'll be a sprinkling of that around too.
@lystopianne -  Anne-Sophie here! I’m a 24 year-old french canadian & new on simblr since september-ish 2019. On here, I’ll be sharing my little stories and probably future things like lookbooks as I get inspired. I’m into maxis match cc but love my game with a small touch of alpha as well! Can’t wait to meet more of you, simmers!
@nauseoussims -  Hi!! I’m a new simblr (if you couldn’t tell) I made this account to hopefully make some new friends and to share some screenshots of my sims :). BTW I always follow back so follow me if you’d like!!
@shiroganexi -  Hello! I am Bivar, I have 28yo and I'm from Brazil. I play The Sims since the first one and it's the only game that I always come back - okay, the sims and ragnarok lol Anyway, not new to tumblr or simblr in general but since this account its fairly new, I appreciate the boost. I'm going to post gameplay in the future but right now I'm doing a townie makeover so basically its gonna be this and lookbooks until I'm satisfied with my sims style.
@simsfordais -  heyo!! i'm daisy, 27, and i'm probably johnny zest's number one fan. i'm far from new to the sims and have been silently lurking around the simblr community for a while now, and i've finally decided it's a good time to put myself out there. i'll mostly be focusing on a story/some gameplay for now, but who knows what the future holds!
@strawberrypeanutbuttersim -  Hi, I’m Amy! For my blog I’m very interested in doing sim requests 😊 as I absolutely LOVE to create new unique sims!! I plan to post more gameplay in the future also!
Need a boost? DM me to be included in the next post :)
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
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Simblr Shoutout for:
"Hi! I'm Denn, I'm 23 and I mostly play with queer Sims and only post Sims 4 content. I will post stories and just random stuff from my game. Come say hi and chill!"  
Hi! I've been playing Sims since the very first game and just started my first Simblr a few weeks ago. I'll mostly be doing gameplay posts, some CC reblogs of things I personally love, and interaction/community posts. My first generation Sims (Sam Argentum and Sebastian Caelum, in my avatar) are named for Final Fantasy XV and Stardew Valley characters, if that tells you anything about me and my interests. :)
Hello! I do CAS challenges, legacy challenges, and Sims stories! I am currently doing the 25 Day Lookbook Challenge! Thank you so much for promoing us smaller Simblrs 💕
Hii! My name is Jayde but online I go by Fluffycorns! I've tried to make Simblrs in the past but they haven't worked out, mainly because I had no idea what I was doing but I have a pretty good idea now! On my Simblr @fluffycornsccfinds I'll be reblogging mainly Maxis Match with some Alpha slipping in occasionally, I also plan on posting my own CC in the future which will most likely be Tattoos since that's pretty much all I know how to make so far lol. Thanks for the shoutout ♡
Heyo! Been around for a little while but still pretty new to the whole simblr thing! I play maxis match (slightly mix), post edits, cc finds, and am looking to either get a story or challenge going soon. Thank you for all of the shoutouts you do! (:
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