#I am not normal about Agata someone help me
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I am very normal about Mattsun working as a fishmonger
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ladynestaarcheron · 3 years
Fears All the Way Down - Chapter Six
ao3 - masterpost
Hey, babes! Here are our canon fixes for the week:
1. When Nesta was six, she met with a man who declared more or less immediately that she would forever be hopeless at playing an instrument or singing, but that she had a good ear for music. Bull.
2. Nesta is apparently so desperate for a friend that she gives the House life, but never really hangs out with the priestesses. Um. Okay? Sounds fake, but okay.
3. Both Gwyn and Emerie have never left their homes in Sangravah and Illyria, respectively, except for when the IC brings them to the library. Not exactly a fix, but something we will start to explore.
Since Nesta's accomplished virtually nothing in her life, she expects her ideas of "new things" to try to be easy to come up with. But after an hour of brainstorming in bed that Thursday evening, she only has two things scribbled in the notebook Thalia gave her: Wear yellow and Learn to play the trumpet.
"Don't suppose you have a trumpet in here?" Nesta says to the House.
The House only pulls the curtains shut in answer.
"Bedtime," she agrees, shutting the notebook and placing it on her bedside table. "I think this one-per-day rule is a bit much, don't you? Especially considering these self-defense lessons. Do you think other girls will come?" Nesta doesn't always wait for an answer when talking to the House. It tends to interject as it pleases, generally by opening doors or magicking a cup of tea in front of her. "I think that Emerie girl would like to. From Illyria, I told you about her...oh, thank you," she adds, for the House has placed the novel Nesta started last night by her pillow. "Shall I read aloud, then?"
She does, until she falls asleep.
The next morning, she draws looks from the hood-less girls and slight double-takes from the veiled priestesses; no doubt courtesy of the bright yellow dress the House had pulled out of her wardrobe this morning. She ignores them, not stopping until she reaches Clotho's office. When she knocks, Thalia's voice calls for her to enter.
"Well!" Thalia says, smiling.
"I'm never wearing this color again. It washes me out." Ruins the detox and more regulated eating she's had this past month.
"I think you look lovely," she insists, and Clotho nods. "But that's certainly your prerogative. Is that the worst consequence?"
"Yes, yes," Nesta says impatiently, waving a hand. "It won't kill me to try new things. Lesson learned."
Thalia looks over at Clotho. Perhaps she can tell what the priestess looks like under her hood, or perhaps she talks to her mind-to-mind like Feyre and Rhysand do, but Nesta almost thinks they exchange a glance of some sort. Amused, perhaps?
"Can either of us help you with anything, Nesta?" Thalia asks pleasantly, and gestures for her to sit down.
"Maybe," Nesta says taking a seat. Her cheeks color slightly as she does; why is she bashful about this all of a sudden? Around Thalia and Clotho? "I...well, I've started some self-defense, you know."
"We know." They both did, had both asked her how it was going. "You're still enjoying it, aren't you?"
"I...I am-it's good for me." Enjoy is a strong word.
"You said it helps keep you focused," Thalia says. "Centered."
"Yes. It...makes me feel good." She doesn't normally struggle with her words so much, does she? Does she sound like an idiot to the two of them, or just to her own ears? No, Clotho and Thalia would never say that about her. Never even think it. It's only her who's like this, trapped in her own wretched mind, slave to something dark and horrible and become just as vile-
But no, that isn't true. It's not just her who feels that way. And that's why she's here.
"It makes me feel more in control," Nesta says finally. "Of my life and my body."
Thalia leans back, satisfied. Clotho doesn't move. Nesta wonders if they know, if they can guess at what just went on in her mind. Either way, they both wait for her to continue.
"And I thought," she says, pausing to draw breath, "that maybe some other girls might be interested. With...Cassian."
At this, Clotho does cock her head.
"We meet in the mornings. Not on Tuesdays and not over the weekend," she adds, just so they aren't sitting in silence.
After a few moments that feel ridiculously long, Thalia says, "I think that's a wonderful idea, Nesta."
For a brief, strange moment, something happens. Nesta breathes in as Thalia finishes her sentence-not in relief or any emotion in particular, just to breathe-and as she does so, something inside of her shifts. Un-constricts.
But it's gone just as soon as it arrives, and before Nesta has time to dwell upon it, one of Clotho's notes appears. For a select group of girls, perhaps.
"Yes, I think we have the same few in mind...Of course, Nesta, you're welcome to share this with all of the students, but just between Clotho and myself, I think we'll privately encourage four or five...yes, thank you for bringing this up to us, Nesta," Thalia says, finishing with another warm smile.
Don't go just yet, Nesta, please, Clotho writes as Thalia takes her leave. I wanted to ask you how you were doing.
"I'm well. Thank you."
I'm glad to hear these self-defense lessons have something to do with that...our own lectures and exercises too, I hope?
Nesta raises her head slightly as her cheeks tinge pink. "I-yes. I think so." Clotho waits, unmoving, until Nesta sighs and says, "I do like the lectures."
Wonderful. Which ones?
Nesta answers honestly, "All of them." It's...it's quite something, to learn things. Things she never knew, never imagined, from females who are so passionate about them. "And...I like the jewelery. I like working with my hands."
I'm so very happy to hear you're finding yourself here, Nesta, Clotho's pen writes out. Have you given any thought to a more permanent assignment?
"I...thought you were supposed to."
With your input, of course. We would never want you to do something you were uncomfortable with.
But Gwyn's not comfortable with Merrill, is she? "I don't know. There's not really anything wrong with any of the priestesses, I suppose." It's only when Clotho begins lightly shaking with amusement that Nesta realizes she probably shouldn't have said that. "That is...I like them." She does. Enough.
Well, I'm happy to hear that, too.
Nesta rises, rather abrupt. "I've got to sort books," she says, and doesn't wait for a proper goodbye before leaving.
The amount Nesta has improved after only a few short weeks of being in the library floors Cassian. Her weight gain, voluntarily asking him for self-defense lessons, her performance in said lessons, and she still manages to find time to ask if other girls can join. Not even touching upon the fact that she's said she doesn't feel so dependent on alcohol anymore.
It shows incredible strength of character, and it makes Cassian's heart swell so much that he almost doesn't care when he meets an unfamiliar, tipsy young male he realizes must be one of the rebels in Windhaven, glaring at him.
"What are you doing outside of your camp, boy?" Boy, he says, because he is one. He's not yet participated in the Rite.
"Visiting family," the boy slurs. "Sir," he adds, mocking.
"Go home," he orders, trying to imitate Nesta when she's at her coldest.
Perhaps it works, because the boy blanches before sneering and turning away.
He has to tell Rhys they're getting more brazen. Normally Cassian wouldn't care at all what any of them say to him-or at least, say he doesn't care-but if these pricks are bringing Nesta into it, all bets are off. He's going to follow up on whoever that was and make sure he doesn't come back to this camp until this situation is under control. Until the threat on the throne, on Nesta's life, is vanquished.
Shaking himself, he pushes into Emerie's shop. "Good morning."
She looks up. "You're back. Hello," she adds.
He gives her a smile. "Who was that?"
Emerie does not return his expression. "My baby cousin, Bellius," she says, bitter. "But never mind him." Just like that, Emerie phases out of her ire and into a cool, detached expression. Just like Nesta, he thinks. Perhaps that was why they liked each other-if they liked each other. "What can I help you with?"
"Perhaps you can help me," he says. "Nesta-Lady Nesta-you met here a few weeks ago?"
"Yes," she says, careful. "I remember."
"Well," he says, unsure of how to introduce the subject. "She's...started taking some self-defense lessons. For exercise. With me."
Emerie looks unconvinced. "For exercise?"
"And she thought you might be interested in joining. And that you have some friends who might be interested, too."
Emerie's face doesn't betray anything. She studies him, and it's been about ten seconds before she says, "Did she?"
"Yes," he says, feeling only slightly like perhaps the two of them training together might not be good for him.
"Hm," she says. After another minute of her own quiet deliberation, she says, slowly, "I will attend one of these lessons...and then I will...consult with my friends."
"All right," Cassian says, thankful that it's over. "Someone will be along to pick you up Monday morning."
He doesn't dawdle too long in saying goodbye. He has a lot to cover before Monday-figure out the best way to introduce self-defense to very traumatized, potentially, females, and now he'll have Emerie, and Nesta. What kind of dynamic will that create?
But he's been a soldier his whole life. Surely he can handle a few young females.
Nesta has taken to carrying around her notebook wherever she goes, just in case she gets an idea of some new thing she can try. A girl named Deridre approaches her and asks her what self-defense is like, and if it's at all like the meditative yoga they do with the priestess Agata, so she writes that down. She goes to one of Daphne's lectures for the first time and learns about resuscitation and scrawls the name of a method to stop choking that seems simple enough to learn. Gwyn sees her writing and says, "You know, your finger nails are shaped so nicely. How come you never paint them?" so she adds that to her list, too.
She finds, actually, that it's quite nice to carry the book around. It's nice to have an excuse to write with such a fine pen. It's been years since she has.
Her sisters visit her over the weekend at her invitation and they are thrilled by her new things.
"I could teach you to paint," Feyre suggests.
Nesta wants to reply that the idea is to attempt things that do not make her want to pitch herself off the veranda, but instead she says, "You already tried that."
"Right," she says, deflating.
"But," she says, oddly disturbed by this response, and grasping for something to say, "maybe we can...sculpt. Or something. One day."
Feyre brightens at this. "Whenever you have time," she says, happily.
"How's self-defense going, Nesta?" Elain asks, would-be casual.
Nesta rolls her eyes. "You've heard we're inviting other girls?"
"Oh, Nesta, I just think it's such a grand idea-"
"Everyone's really excited about it, honestly, they've been trying for something like this for so long-"
"And with the Illyrian girls, Cassian said-"
"We know it's not exactly a unit, but still so impressive-"
"And we hear you're doing really well!"
"Yes! Really well! Maybe I could join you one day, too," Feyre says, hopeful.
"I'd watch. Or, or maybe even try some!"
Nesta takes a sip of water. She forgets how much noise these two make, honestly. "I don't think it's as exciting as you've imagined," she says. "Sure, you can come one day. Maybe not while the other girls...I'm a bit nervous," she confesses, suddenly. "Clotho and Thalia wouldn't let if they thought it was a bad idea, but I don't know..." She looks out onto the rainy city. The House keeps the interior warm for her, but sometimes she thinks she can still feel the cold in her bones anyway. "I mean, I'm the only one who ever leaves the library, and it could go really wrong. Obviously, no one's going to force herself to do this, and they can just no, but-uh," she finishes on a stammer, as she turns back to look at her sisters.
For there are shining silver tears in Elain's eyes, and Feyre's face looks cracked.
What has she said? What horrible thing has she done?
"No, no," Feyre says hurriedly, reading her expression.
"Sorry, Nesta," Elain says, bringing her hands to wipe her eyes. "It's just...it's just so nice to see you like this...about something."
"Oh," Nesta says, eventually.
Her sisters leave in the evening, but the likeness of their faces in her mind do not. Their expressions, their...love.
Is she really so different now, she wonders all weekend. Is she so much better? She doesn't feel particularly much of anything.
If this is better, then what had she been before?
Monday morning rolls around quickly, and she is decked in the uniform the House has supplied her and finished with a light breakfast, waiting at the arena on the roof before the sun has even fully risen.
"Nervous too?" Cassian says from behind her as he neatly lands in.
"I suppose," she says, not turning around.
"How long have you been here?"
"Fifteen minutes."
He chuckles. "Maybe more nervous than I am. Well...shall we begin?"
"No one's here yet."
"So? We can start just the two of us." He shrugs out of his jacket. "Would put us at ease, at least, don't you think?"
Us, he says. Like they are the same. They get nervous by the same things and the same things calm them down and they do it all together.
"Yes," she says, clearly needing it.
The movements come easier than on Thursday. Each time she gets better, and it is, she will admit, a rare sort of feeling. To know that she is improving at something. To feel it in her blood and bones.
Cassian's instructions leave no room for worrying in her mind. When she slips out of his holds, breaks out of his grip, all she can think of are his body and hers, anticipation of his next move and victory when she gets it right, or disgruntlement when she is wrong. They move through the steps in sync, almost like the ballet she used to study, and she is so consumed with it that she does not notice until they are done that they have an audience.
Not a particularly big one. Gwyn, Deirdre, and Azriel has brought Emerie, but an audience nonetheless.
"All right," Cassian says. "So what Nesta and I just did is called the Grunge Hook." He launches through into an explanation of what it means and Nesta blinks as she realizes he must have known they all had arrived. Seen them, heard them.
Her cheeks go cold. She can never notice anything else when he's there. Certainly not as they were; touching, talking...
"So Emerie and Nesta, and, ah, Miss..."
"Gwyn," Gwyn says at the same time Deirdre says, "Deirdre."
"Right," Cassian says. "Well, you two pair up."
Emerie walks over to Nesta and they are ready faster than the other two. Nesta tenses. They have not yet been outside-perhaps this was a mistake-what will Gwyn think of her now? She won't sit next to her for lectures anymore, won't come help her put books away-
But it is only a moment, and then Gwyn turns to Cassian and says, "I guess we should have dressed differently."
"You can wear whatever you're comfortable with," he says. "And you don't have to do anything you don't want to, either."
So Deirdre keeps her hood secured on, but Gwyn shrugs her robe off entirely to reveal simple, like-colored dress. Perhaps she'd like leggings and a skirt like Nesta's, she thinks. If she decides to continue...if other girls decide to join...
Emerie's, surprisingly, not as good at the movements as Nesta is. Surprisingly because Nesta doesn't really think of herself as good at this, just better than before, and because, well, Emerie's Illyrian, and all the Illyrians Nesta knows...
"It's your wings," Azriel says, approaching. "They throw you off balance."
She droops. "So I can't. Because I'm clipped."
Nesta flinches-it's such an ugly word. But what to say?
Azriel answers before she can, his shadows clearing from his face. "Of course not," he says, patient. "Just hold yourself this way," and he shows her how to maneuver her wings.
Emerie seems as though her emotions sway easier than Nesta's, as she appears cheered up by this. "Let's try again," she says to Nesta.
And they do, but it is not like before, with Cassian. It is not as in sync, and she is not as focused. Over on the other side, under Cassian's watch, Gwyn and Deirdre are doing even worse.
When the hour is done, Deirdre hurries back down faster than she has moved throughout the whole lesson, and Gwyn shoots Nesta a small smile, and nods her head once at Azriel, before saying, "Good to see you again," and leaving. Emerie says, "Thanks for thinking of me," and perhaps sounds a bit more genuine, but she turns to ask Azriel to take her back right after, and then she is gone too.
"Brilliant," Nesta says aloud, miserable.
Cassian looks over at her, surprised. "What?"
"Are you kidding me? That was horrible."
Cassian laughs. "Are you kidding me? That was great!"
"Enough," she snaps, skin burning. "I don't need-"
"Woah," he says, raising his hands. "Woah. Seriously, Nesta, what's wrong?"
She clenches her hands into fists. "Stop mocking me."
"I'm not!" he protests, and his stupid eyes are wide and innocent and his stupid voice is confused and concerned when he says, "Come on, why are you upset?" so she has no choice but to answer.
"They hated it and they were bad."
Cassian laughs again. A real laugh this time, with his head tilting back, and the sound echoing in the mountains. Her heart lurches. She ignores it.
"They did not hate it," he says, eyes twinkling. "And they were not bad. They're novices. Not everyone's a born natural like you, with a perfectly paired partner in me," he teases, winking, almost as though good-natured.
"They couldn't get away fast enough." Deirdre didn't even take off her hood. So much for helping other females.
Cassian's grin falters. Shit. Had she said that out loud?
He moves closer to her. "Do you know how many clipped Illyrian females have agreed to come to anything remotely similar to this?"
"You know I don't," she snaps, but he doesn't rise to her bait.
"None," he says, calm. "Emerie is the first. Do you know how long Deirdre's been in here?"
"No," she says. Longer than Gwyn, but not more than that.
"Since before Amarantha took over."
Nesta winces. Over fifty years, at least, then.
"And she came...you convinced her to come."
"I didn't," she says. "Thalia-"
"She told me," he interrupts. "She told me you told her what it was like and she wanted to try it."
Nesta stills at this. "Well...what does it matter if she just tries it once?"
He laughs-again! Why does he laugh so often? "Aren't you doing that? Trying things once? Oh, no, I don't mean it in a bad way, Nes, don't look like that. I'm just saying...okay. So it's not for everyone. Maybe she tries it once and never does it again. But it's still worth a whole fucking lot that she tried. And that's because of you. And how do you know she's not going to try again, anyway? Because she left when the hour was up?"
Nesta reddens slightly.
"Fuck," he says, and this time it doesn't amuse her, his easy swearing. "I-shit. Nesta. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings."
She startles. "I-what?"
"I just mean..." He runs his fingers through his hair. "Look. You did a good thing. Whether or not they continue, you did a good thing. And I think they will, for the record. Emerie might not want to come every day, you know, she might not have time...but I think Gwyn liked it enough."
Nesta feels something inside of her flutter. "She did?"
Cassian nods. "Definitely." He looks at her for another moment, then shakes his head.
"What?" she asks, dreading the answer.
"Nothing," he says. "I just don't understand how you can't possibly be so proud of yourself. Especially today." He shrugs slightly, completely oblivious to what is happening inside of her. That feeling from Clotho's office. What is that?
But it is gone as soon as it arrives, just like last time. He says, "See you tomorrow, Nesta," and leaves. And then she does too.
Cassian, Nesta learns over the course of the next few weeks, is right.
Not about her, obviously. But about the females still being interested.
Gwyn's excited about it. "I didn't realize you were so good," she gushes.
Nesta huffs in amusement. "Hardly."
"Well, better than the rest of us!"
"Just a bit more practice," she says. And there is something about the lessons with Cassian...though they don't do as much together, though, anymore. Not with the others there now. She almost wishes that she had not invited everyone for each of the lessons...maybe one morning with him just to herself.
But that's-that's just absurd. He's hardly hers.
Deirdre finds her that Monday, too, and thanks her for convincing her to go. Nesta privately wonders what on earth it was she had said that worked, because the conversation barely stands out in her mind, but she tells Deirdre she's glad to hear she enjoyed it, anyway.
"I think Roslin and Ananke would like it too," she says. "Thalia told them it would be good for them, but they were too nervous. I'll try and convince them...I didn't realize how much fun it would be," she adds with a gentle laugh.
"Oh," Nesta says. "Oh...well, good. I mean, good to hear. I hope they...join too."
And Cassian is right about Emerie as well. She does not come on Tuesday, but she does on Wednesday, and tells Nesta she thinks she can keep coming twice a week.
"And your friends?" she asks.
"They're interested," she tells her. "But I think I have to work a little harder at convincing them."
Nesta nods, not wanting to ask what they might have stopping them from coming. Whatever happened to Emerie's wings-whoever had clipped her-perhaps those females have someone like that in their lives.
It is on the second Wednesday that Emerie arrives that Nesta asks her if she'd like to stay a while longer. She'd already asked Azriel the day before if he could possibly take her back after lunch, and he'd agreed.
There was something odd about talking to Azriel, she noticed. Something about those shadows. Something about the way they-looked?-at her. Something...
But Emerie agrees, if a bit shyly, and she asks Gwyn if she'd like to take lunch with the two of them instead of in the priestesses' dining hall, and Nesta has her new thing for the day: hosting people for a meal.
They ogle everything openly, jaws dropping as the House pulls out chairs for them and food appears as Nesta requests it.
"Thank you," she says.
"You're...talking to the House?" Gwyn asks.
"Oh. Thank you," she adds.
"Thank you," Emerie says quickly.
The House likes them too. Nesta can tell. There's a bit more effort being made here today, she thinks, as she notes a fancy bouquet in the middle of the table and finer china than she normally uses. Nesta smiles to herself.
Nesta searches for something she can say, a safe topic that has nothing to do with self-defense, but Gwyn beats her to it. "So, how do you two know each other?" she asks.
"Nesta came to Illyria to scare some rebels who are trying to kill her," Emerie answers casually.
Gwyn jerks her head towards Nesta. "Really?"
"Not quite how I would have phrased it," Nesta says. "But true enough, I suppose."
"Why are they trying to kill you?" Gwyn says, eyes wide.
Wonderful. What a fantastic luncheon this is.
"They don't like me very much."
"They're scared of her," Emerie says. "And they want to overthrow the High Lord and High Lady." She turns to Nesta. "What do you think of that?"
Nesta raises an eyebrow as she cuts into her food. "Of killing my sister and Rhysand? Well, I've certainly thought of it myself, at times."
They both laugh. Nesta blinks. Then she smiles slightly.
"I have to assume I'm against them," she says. "But to be honest, I don't really understand any of the politics here. I'm...not very well-informed."
"Oh, neither am I," Gwyn says, shaking her head. "It's terrible. I mean, I've lived in this court all my life, and I'm so pitifully ignorant. It's ridiculous. I don't know the first thing about Illyria, like. Or even Velaris, really. And I have no excuse. I live in a library, for gods' sakes."
"I don't know of any books I'd recommend for you to learn about Illyria," Emerie says, thoughtful. "Not unless you read Illyrian, that is."
"See, I didn't even know there was an Illyrian until you just said that. Pathetic."
"Can you recommend other books?" Nesta says, latching on the chance to steer the conversation away from the history of the Night Court and into perhaps the only topic she might be able to contribute to.
"Oh, of course," Emerie says, pausing to swallow. "What do you like?"
"Romance," Nesta says, as Gwyn says, "Adventure."
"Ooh, The Knight Society. That's both. You can read that together."
Gwyn grins at Nesta. "Book club," she says. "What's it about?"
Emerie launches into a description of the book-the series, actually-and eventually, Nesta finds herself not looking for things to say, but rather just...talking. Not forced. Not desperate. Just a part of the conversation. Easy, flowing...fun, almost.
Funny, at least. Emerie is clutching her sides laughing as she describes the worst romance novel she ever read and Gwyn giggles, her hands covering her mouth, but Nesta says thoughtfully, "That's not such a horrible idea, though."
"You think-"
"No, no, the premise is atrocious, yes," she says. "But that exact scene...that has potential."
"Potential, right," Emerie says, laughing still.
"No, I mean it," she says, but she lets it go, lets the conversation drift naturally.
She is disappointed when Azriel comes to take Emerie back, but picked up by the fact that they all are. Emerie promises to make time to stay for lunch again, either Monday or Wednesday of next week.
"This was so lovely," Gwyn says to her, wistful, as they walk down to the library together. "So much nicer than in the dining hall.
"Really?" Nesta says before she can stop herself. "Well...I eat lunch every day. You can join...if you'd like."
Gwyn brightens. "I would!"
So after two weeks of lessons with other girls (Roslin and Ananke have joined, and Lorelei and Ilana, too, though the later doesn't participate so much as watch), and more random assignments from Clotho, and new things for Thalia, Nesta finally finds herself with a few hours of quiet after Friday evening's lecture has been canceled.
"Shall we read?" she says to the House.
Lights flicker in answer. Too many for the usual yes or no. This means Nesta has to follow.
"All right," she says, standing. "To the veranda?" she asks. But it's too cold out, so she hopes not.
Instead, the House leads her to a room she hasn't been in since her first stay, upon first exploration. She has had no need.
"Oh," she says at the door, softly.
The knob turns slightly, not fully opening. The House giving her the final decision.
But she doesn't want to hurt its feelings, so she opens the door.
The music room-a conservatory, it can be called-just by the sheer size of it-is grander than she remembers. She had opened the door and not even stepped inside, that first time. Just stood there, frozen, before snapping the door shut and hurrying away.
She takes a slow step in, but almost as though she is being walked by some other being, she takes another, and then another, and before she knows it, she is seated at the piano.
Ballroom grand. Enormous. Sleek and glossy and it would sound just perfect, she knows.
Lights flicker from behind. She turns and lets out a little laugh.
"Thanks," she says, shaking her head at the spotlight, "but I don't think I'm going to be learning the trumpet this evening."
The lights stop, as if the House is acquiescing.
The lights above her now flicker briefly. So will you play the piano, then?
Nesta inhales and exhales deeply. Slowly. Again. And again. The same way Cassian has her do after lessons.
There's really...there's really nothing stopping her. There's no reason not to. If she were to pick up her notebook and write down the reasons why she can't play right now, there wouldn't be any.
So why can't she do it?
She doesn't have an answer. So with another deep breath, Nesta closes her eyes and gently presses her thumb to middle C.
The sound is soft, and then that feeling, from with Thalia and Clotho, and Cassian, hits her again. But as she hits the second note, it does not fade away. It stays this time. So she plays.
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solartranslations · 3 years
AF2 Common 12/28: A Long Night
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Even if they’re somewhere new, what doesn’t change is the time they spend at the bar. …It’s the start of a long night
~*Scene: Nordia Bar*~
Pace: So gooood! I’m so glad Nordia has lasagna too
Debito: Ahh, that hits the sport…Nordia has the best drinks
Luca: I can’t believe you two…a client is coming to meet us soon. Be professional
Debito: What for. I thought this was a friend, not a client
Pace: *eating*…Debito’s right! Wouldn’t she actually get mad if we acted that way?
Luca: Maybe, but…
Felicita: Who is it? A friend of yours, Luca?
Luca: Yes. You met her the other day. It’s Agata
Felicita: Agata is…
Debito: Don’t worry, Bambina. She is strict, but she won’t do anything while over a meal
Pace: Huh? She’s scolded me while I was eating before. Agata’s whip sure is painful
Agata: That was because your behavior required discipline. I don’t raise my hand to others without reason
Pace: Uwah!? Agata, when did you get here? Don’t scare us like that
Debito: Our guest of honor is finally here. You’re late
Luca: Sorry for calling you out here when you’re so busy
Agata: I don’t mind. I wanted to talk with you all too
Agata: It’s been so long since we were all together. Debito, Pace, Luca, have you all been well?
Pace: Of course! You still got your whip, Agata?
Luca: Pace, don’t be rude! That’s no way to greet someone
Debito: You could show us if you wanted. It’s been a while after all
Luca: Debito! I said not to be rude!
Agata: Haha, you really haven’t changed. They sure must be a handful for you, Luca
Luca: Yes, dealing with these two certainly is
Pace: Really? I thought Luca was the handful. Right, Ojou?
Felicita: Um…
Debito: Yeah, Bambina’s definitely had it the hardest. You tell her how much of an airhead your attendant is
Luca: Are you trying to say that my head is filled with nothing but air?
Luca: It’s not true. I think a lot about Ojou-sama, but not air…
Pace: Same thing, isn’t it?
Debito: Yeah, it is
Luca: It’s not!
Felicita: You all need to settle down…
Agata: You all are causing trouble for your lady. Pay more attention to those around you
Debito: Wow~, nice one, Agata. You haven’t lost your touch at all
Pace: Your whip sure is quick, Agata. …It’s scary though
Felicita: Um…thank you, Madam Governor
Agata: Agata is fine. No need for titles. I regret that we couldn’t talk more the other day
Agata: So I was excited at the chance to talk to you now. There’s no need to be humble, just act as usual
Felicita: Thank you, Agata
~*Scene: Nordia Bar VIP Room*~
Felicita: [There was a room for special guests in the back of the bar]
Felicita: [We were able to talk freely there]
Agata: So tell me, why did you call me here?
Debito: Well we had to say hi to you since we came out to Nordia after all this time. It’s a courtesy, right?
Agata: You’ve got guts to talk about courtesy. There’s more to it, right?
Luca: Ah, it’s nothing too important…we just wanted to see you, that’s all
Agata: —Let me put it this way then. Are you curious about the contract with Vir that I mentioned the other day?—
Pace: Why are you bringing that up? Didn’t you say you couldn’t talk about it?
Agata: I just thought it’d be a dull and pointless topic to end things on
Agata: Anyway, I have things I wanted to ask you too
Agata: If that girl with Vir really did hurt Sumire, then I can’t stay quiet about it either
Agata: It won’t sit right with me until I hear the whole story
Luca: Agata… you don’t need to worry about Mama
Luca: Though she did suffer some shock and will need to recover with rest
Felicita: We don’t know why Mama got hurt. But…I don’t think Neve is the kind of person who would do that
Agata: Right, Neve. I know of her too
Agata: Sumire is like a little sister to me. I understand why you’d blame Vir, and I have no intention of sticking up for him
Agata: But for Nordia, Vir is—
Agata: Someone we need. The basis of our contract is that Vir lends us his power
Agata: So we can’t lose him, no matter what…
Agata: I’ll say it again. I won’t get in your way. But I can’t help you either
Agata: I’m under that contract. It’s to protect Nordia—
Felicita: If it’s to protect Nordia…. Can we help with that in any way?
Pace: Yeah. If it’s something Vir can do, we might be able to help you instead
Agata: No, it’s…
Luca: You can’t talk about the details of your contract then
Debito: Any more talk is pointless. I have an idea. How about we play a game?
Agata: A game? What kind?
Debito: Chess. We used to play it a lot, right?
Agata: Hmph. Looks like you’re all quite desperate to get information out of me
Debito: As you know, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t do anything without a good reason. And I’d still only do the minimum
Agata: Huh, interesting
Agata: The masquerade is soon. We should have a match for the tournament on its last day
Debito: Then let’s make a deal. The loser will have to do one thing that the winner wants
Pace: Huh!? Should you really promise that? Every time we played against Agata before…
Agata: I’m surprised you’d bet with such high stakes against me…
Agata: Hm… did you forget our games in the past, or are you that confident you’ve improved?
Luca: Debito…are you sure? Do you have a plan?
Debito: No I don’t. It’s just the only way I can think of to get any information
Agata: Having the loser listen to the winner’s request is too obvious. You just want information on Vir, right?
Agata: How about this. The loser will tell the truth about what they’ve been hiding. You’ll be witness, Felicita…
Agata: We’ll use “The Lovers”
Felicita: You want me to use “The Lovers” to see if you’re telling the truth…
Luca: I see. Even if it was a lie, Ojou-sama’s powers will see through it
(*smirk) Debito: I’m fine with that. Let’s get started
—And then—
~*Scene: Nordia Bar VIP Room*~
Pace: Yay! Haha, I won!
Felicita: Amazing, Pace! Even Debito and I couldn’t win…
Luca: It must have been his animal instincts
Agata: I truly didn’t think I would lose. I underestimated you
Debito: Since we won, we’ll be asking the questions then. Pace, what have you got?
Pace: I’ve been curious about something ever since we started playing
Felicita: Curious…?
Pace: Yeah. We never told you about Ojou’s powers, right Agata? So how did you know that she can use “The Lovers”?
Felicita: Right
Luca: Can you tell us, Agata?
Agata: That’s simple. I heard about them from Vir. That’s all
Luca: It was from him? But we never told Vir about her powers
Felicita: Yeah, I don’t remember saying anything
Agata: You didn’t have to. He knows everything about the Tarocco…
Pace: Huh? Is Vir really that smart?
Debito: That’s not what you should be impressed about
Agata: He knows about the Tarocco you all host too
Luca: …Just how much does he know?
Felicita: Who exactly is Vir?
Agata: Vir has formed a contract with “Agata” to protect Nordia for generations
Debito: Protect it from what?
Agata: A great storm that occurs once every 100 years, “Acqua Tempesta”— (TN: storm water)
Agata: It causes much greater disasters than when a normal acqua alta raises water levels (TN: when high tides cause flooding in Venice etc.)
Agata: And Vir protects Nordia from that threat…as is our contract
Pace: But that doesn’t make sense. Vir still looks so young…
Debito: Don’t be dumb, Pace. She said it was for generations
Debito: She just means he inherited the name “Vir” like she did with “Agata”
Luca: He’s right. Even if we don’t know how old he is, a person can’t live for hundreds of years
Luca: Probably, I think…
Agata: …Yes. You’re right
Debito: So the contract you made with Vir was that he’d protect the city from the Acqua Tempesta…now it all makes sense
Felicita: So that’s why Agata says she can’t help us
Agata: I had no choice but to keep it a secret. But it’s just as you say
Agata: The next Acqua Tempesta is in January…when the New Year comes, the whole town will be washed away. We can’t stop it on our own
Agata: I will protect Nordia no matter what. It’s my reason for being “Agata”—
Felicita: Your reason for being “Agata”…?
Agata: If we survive this Acqua Tempesta, the next one will be in a hundred years
Agata: In that amount of time, I can persuade my people to move elsewhere to safety
Agata: And if technology advances enough so that we don’t have to, all the better
Agata: Time brings change and progress. But, time makes people forget as well
Agata: I wasn’t able to get my people to believe me in time
Agata: The burden I carry from my ancestors is heavy—
Felicita: Agata…
Agata: People are like pawns in God’s game
Agata: And right now, I’m a failure at carrying out my duty as a pawn
Debito: Saying that’s not like you
Pace: Yeah, it’s like you’ve gotten old, Agata
Agata: Idiot, just say I’ve matured. I’m only old enough to be your sister
Luca: You’re older than Mama though
Agata: …I thought you were a genius when you were younger, but now I know you’re just normal. Well, maybe not. I see you have a one-track mind with your Ojou-sama
Luca: Um, why am I the only one you’re saying that to?
Pace: Why don’t you like hearing that? Being obsessed with Ojou is something to be proud of!
Felicita: Pace, I don’t think she means it in a good way…
Luca: It definitely isn’t praise!
Felicita: [Agata shoulders the responsibility of Nordia and its people. No matter how hard it is, she doesn’t give up and tries to find a way]
Felicita: [Agata is strong…that’s clear to me. I want to protect Regalo too, so I send my thoughts out to its people…]
Agata: Isn’t there anyone besides Pace who can challenge me?
Luca: You’re just too strong, Agata. Strategy games like this are your forte
Agata: You’re not wrong. I couldn’t be governor if I wasn’t
Felicita: Agata…I want to play another round with you
Agata: We’ve already seen the outcome, so no. Maybe another time
Felicita: …Please?
Agata: *sigh*… Children are so tiring. If you were my son, I’d have brought out my whip
Pace: You did that to us too before
Debito: Yeah. No mercy at all
Luca: Then, how about you play against me next? Is that alright?
Agata: Yes, let’s give it a go
~*Scene: Nordia Bar VIP Room*~
Luca: It’s been so long since I’ve played chess with you, Agata
Agata: Yes, it has. And just like before, only Pace would be able to win out of the three of you
Luca: I think I’ll be joining him this time. I will win
Agata: I can’t believe you can say that while looking at the board now. Your king and queen are cornered
Luca: This is where I turn things around
Agata: Haha, very interesting
Felicita: Luca’s good at chess?
Pace: Hmm, he could get pretty far but…
Debito: Yeah, but he could never finish it. Neither of us have ever won against Agata
Luca: If I take this pawn next…
Agata: That won’t work, unfortunately
Luca: Wha?
Agata: Checkmate
Debito: Oh well. Luca lost
Luca: Another loss… You certainly are strong
Agata: Those who think too hard about their actions won’t win against me. But people who act on instinct are harder to read
Agata: I’ve won this time…but you were the ones to ask questions during the last round
Agata: I know. I’ll give you an opportunity
Pace: What opportunity?
Agata: You can do it when I’m not around, but answer one of Debito’s questions
Luca: We’ll answer Debito’s questions…?
Debito: Huh? What’s that about? I didn’t ask for you to give me your prize
Agata: Luca, you are a very stubborn man. You try to maintain balance even while fooling yourself. It’ll be easier if you break that just once
Luca: ……
Pace/Debito: ……
Agata: I will take my leave then. You all can do as you wish
Felicita: I should probably go too…
Debito: …Yeah, let’s go. I’ve got nothing to ask anyway
~*Scene: Nordia Street*~
Pace: Wow, it’s totally dark out. All the shops are closed too
Debito: It’s not that late. And isn’t this when grown-ups really start having fun?
Luca: Only for you. And if that causes you to stay in bed until noon, I think you need to reevaluate your priorities
Debito: It’s not your problem
Luca: It is. The Coins are always…
Felicita: !?
Luca: That person getting off the gondola is…
Pace: It’s definitely Vir
Debito: Perfect. We’ve got business with him after all
~*Scene: Nordia Waterway*~
Vir: Hm?
Luca: Haaah!
Vir: *laugh*…
Luca: He knocked away my attack!?
Vir: It looks like alchemy hasn’t advanced one bit
Vir: It’s the same as it was 400 years ago. No, it’s actually gotten weaker
Luca: …!
Debito: I guess Agata meant what she said literally
Pace: You mean when she said she’s known him for 400 years?
Vir: You really thought such a small flame could capture me?
(*click) Debito: Nope. These are the real goods
Vir: That’s quite the greeting. Hm? Your right eye…
>Debito Route
>Pace/Luca Routes
Vir: What a nice gem. It should last you the rest of your life. Perhaps I should sell some in my store
Vir: But, that amethyst won’t last much longer. Do you have a replacement ready?
Luca: Why would you know…we don’t need your concern. I have a replacement
Debito: Tch, you really do know everything…
Vir: That gem was made with alchemy. Is it your creation?
Luca: …
Vir: You’re even better than your teacher. You couldn’t have made that if you hadn’t watched him for so long
Vir: I’d love a gifted student too. Will you join me?
Luca: I humbly decline
(Luca: Because I have Ojou-sama) (This line is Luca route only)
Vir: Unfortunate. But, it seems those two do need you too. Now then
(*shing) Felicita: You aren’t getting away
Debito: We came all the way from Regalo to capture you
Pace: Yeah. Finding you here makes things a lot faster
Vir: Didn’t Agata tell you? You can’t touch me yet. This is Agata’s city. You aren’t the law here
Vir: And I’m not someone you can catch that easily
Vir: Haaa!
(+10 Amore)
(-20 Amore)
(*dodge) Felicita: Hah!
Felicita: Ah…
Luca: Ojou-sama! Watch out!
Luca: … L’Armonia della Luce!
Vir: Haha, you can run if you like. I’m not in the mood to fight you today
Felicita: Well I am!
Vir: Stubborn aren’t you…fine then
Debito: You’re fighting me too. So don’t turn your back!
Felicita: Debito! I’ll cover you!
(*whish) Felicita: Yah!
(No Amore)
(-20 Amore)
Vir: Guh…
Vir: That’s all you’ve got?
Vir: You have to mean it if you’re going to attack me. And you won’t catch me anyway
Pace: If you’re just going to run away, doesn’t that mean you’re actually weak?
Vir: I’m running for your sake. If you hit me with your powers, punishment will befall you
Felicita: Punishment…
Debito: You’re not going to trick us with a joke like that
Vir: Is it really a joke?
Pace: If you won’t attack, then I will!
Pace: Hyaaah!
Vir: Hah, that won’t hit me…
Debito: Didn’t I tell you already? You’re not just fighting one of us!
Debito: Hahaha!
Vir: Those bullets won’t work on me. I’ll just erase them
Felicita: No you won’t!
(*whish) Felicita: Haaah!
(+10 Amore)
(-20 Amore)
Vir: Guh…Right. You’re here too
Vir: Where are you aiming?
Vir: …So tiring. This is all the time I have for you today
Vir: Haaah!
Luca: All of you, get away from Vir!
Luca: I’ll block his attack, so get behind me!
Felicita: Right…!
Luca: Guh…
Vir: See you tomorrow then
Felicita: Luca! Are you alright?
Luca: *panting*…Yes. I’m sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve fought that hard…
Debito: I am interested in one thing he said
Luca: ……
Debito: He said “You couldn’t have made that if you hadn’t watched him for so long”
Felicita: …
Debito: If this hadn’t happened, I never would have asked…
Debito: Back then…who’s side were you on?
Pace: Debito…
Luca: I…
Debito: Honestly, I don’t care what the truth is though
Pace: It feels late bringing this up now, but I’ve been hiding things too
~*Flashback: Back Alley*~
Pace: Um, because of a special trait of my Tarocco, I––
Pace: I can only live until age 30
~*End Flashback*~
Pace: I guess Debito’s been the most honest out of us
Debito: Shut up, Pace
Pace: I guess the best thing is for Luca-chan to come clean and for us to give him one good hit for hiding it?
>Luca, I want to know too…
>I think you should tell Debito and Pace
Luca: Ojou-sama…
Luca: Right. I never was good at keeping secrets
Luca: And I didn’t plan on hiding it this long either
Luca: It might make things easier if I just told the truth…
Luca: I don’t know if hearing this will help them
Luca: But I think it will be better for me
Luca: It hurts to keep this a secret. …I just want to tell you
Luca: This is the opportunity that Agata gave us
Luca: I’ll tell you…about the secret I’ve been keeping
Luca: Back then, I had a lot of feelings that I had a hard time putting into words
~*Flashback: Bedroom*~
Debito: Uw, ahhhhh!
Pace: Debito!? Where are you?
Luca: I can’t see him…but I can hear him. Are these Debito’s Arcana powers…?
Debito: *panting*…
Pace: Ah! There’s blood near the bed… Debito, are you there?
Debito: Uaa, Pace…
Luca: If I could see you, I could neutralize your powers with mine, but I can’t touch you like this
Pace: Ah! I see him! Debito, can you hear me? Debito?
Debito: ……
Luca: He’s not conscious. And his right eye is bleeding…he hit himself on that pillar…
Luca: Hurry, Pace! At this rate, Debito will…
Pace: But where should we…
Luca: We’ll take him to Jolly
~*Flashback: Alchemy Room*~
Pace: Jolly! You have to help Debito!
Debito: Guh…ahh…
Jolly: …What happened
Luca: Debito’s powers are out of control. He struck his eye against a pillar…
Luca: He settled down after losing consciousness, but he hasn’t woken up yet
Jolly: His powers…
Pace: Jolly, what’s going to happen to Debito?
Jolly: He’ll die if we don’t do anything. He must not have the emotional strength to handle his powers
Luca: …No way
Pace: I don’t want Debito to die! Since you experiment all the time, can’t you save him!
Jolly: …I have an idea. But I can’t guarantee that it will work
Jolly: Do you still want to save Debito?
Pace: Of course we do!
Luca: Yes…
Jolly: Good. I’ll get started
Jolly: We’ll put this gem in Debito’s right eye. It will amplify his emotional strength to make up for what he lacks
Luca: An amethyst…
Pace: You’ll stick that in him!?
Jolly: He won’t be able to use his eye anymore either way. This is better than dying
Debito: Ahhhhhh….!!!
Jolly: This should last for a while
Pace: Thank you, Jolly
Luca: Thank you
Luca: Jolly…
Jolly: Pace already left. Was there something else, Luca?
Luca: I know you saved Debito…but will he really be alright like this…
Jolly: Hmph, I don’t plan on leaving this be. You’ll be paying me back for saving him
Jolly: …How about this. From now on, you’ll have no contact with Debito or Pace
Luca: Wha…
Jolly: Or you’ll help me with my experiments again. It’s an equivalent exchange. You’ll pay me back one of those two ways. The choice is up to you
Luca: …I…
~*Flashback: Bedroom*~
Pace: Don’t worry us like that, Debito. I told you not to push yourself
Debito: Yeah, but I had to. I’m not good at staying put
Luca: Calm down, you two. Debito’s awake, and that’s all that matters
Luca: I’ll be going now. I’m doing a little favor for someone
~*Flashback: Alchemy Room*~
(*knock knock)
Luca: It’s me
Jolly: Come in…
~*End Flashback*~
Luca: My…heart was always with you two, but I was acting on Jolly’s orders
Luca: I stayed to protect you. But, it’s true that I was still observing you as directed by Jolly too
Luca: I wanted to protect you, but still felt guilty. I thought protecting you was my duty
Luca: And it’s why I feel so conflicted into inaction now
Luca: And then, Ojou-sama’s powers went out of control
Felicita: …!
Luca: I was ordered to live with Ojou-sama, and went to that small house with her and Sumire-sama
Luca: I had a peaceful life there. And that’s when I realized that I was making up for what I did to you two…
Luca: It’s because of Ojou-sama that I found the strength to accept myself
Luca: It’s thanks to Ojou-sama…that I realized what I should protect
Luca: I’m the weakest one out of us. I just couldn’t live on if I lost even a single one of you
Felicita: Luca…
Luca: ……Is that all you wanted to know?
Felicita: Luca…!
Luca: Wah! O-Ojou-sama…
Tumblr media
Debito: You shouldn’t be crying at your age
Pace: Yeah. You’ve hit a milestone so you really should grow up
Felicita: Luca, how could you keep smiling before now?
Luca: Because…you all…were with me
Debito: Oh get a grip! Pace, let’s throw Luca in the canal!
Pace: Okay! Heave-ho!
Luca: *bubble bubble*…
Felicita: Luca, are you okay!?
(*splash) Luca: *cough*…
Debito: Yeah, he wouldn’t drown
Pace: Yup. That’s his punishment from us instead of getting hit
Debito: Yeah I figured
Luca: You weren’t going to let me get washed away, right!?
Debito: Okay, let’s head back
Pace: Oh wow Luca, you look just like Dante. Let’s go, Ojou
Felicita: O-okay…
Luca: Can you at least pull me out of here!!!
~*End of Scene*~
(Continue to Common Route December 31 (Pace Route)) Coming Soon!
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