#I am so sorry for accidentally ignoring youuuuu
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers 💜
(No because I only just saw this for the first time-)
I like: 1. My bluntness 2. The fact that I'm happy doing what I like 3. My eyes (sometimes blue, sometimes green) 4. How I'm good at listening, for as long as is needed (and longer, when it matters) 5. My followers <3
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kidmetsu-no-yaiba · 3 years
What They Do When You’re Having A ‘Split’ And Become Angry  
This includes: Tsukishima, Kuroo, Bokuto, Kita, Suga, Ennoshita, Ushijima
This is just how I perceive them as what they would do for a best friend/romantic partner that experiences BPD anger in a similar way as I do. Also I'm off my stabilizers haha..ha.
Also none of these are meant to be mean about the characters I literally chose my faves for this.
Uh TW for bpd I guess?
Gender Neutral reader bay bee
Tsukishima (Not the trigger):
Doesn’t even recognize it at first, thinks its just a normal bad day from work
After, like, 30 minutes of you just sitting there and glaring at your phone without talking or even changing your expression he starts to get a clue.
Goes about his normal chores that upset you, but he plays your “Calming” playlist out loud on his phone just loud enough for you to hear
If he’s exhausted every chore and you still haven’t talked, he purposefully looks for funny or interesting news articles about stuff you like and reads the headlines out to you to get you to look at him or talk
Once you start at least looking at him, hopefully talking too, begins trying to coax out what triggered you
Ignores if you make any outright mean or just passive aggressive comments towards him instead of answering but will get aggressive in return
If he manages to get What Happened out of you he immediately calls you an idiot. Regardless of what it is. Is a mean comforter.
“Getting mad over your best friend talking on the phone too long while you’re hanging out isn’t an excuse to be mean”
“You’re stupid if you think it’s your fault that your friends aren’t paying attention to you, not everything is about you.”
It hurts but, it works even if sometimes it feels like he’s going a Bit Too Far
Will watch comforting videos or shows with you if it calms you down but that's about it. Very big on “You’re an adult and I’m not your psychiatrist, figure it out yourself.”
Kuroo (Is the trigger):
Instantly recognizes the Shut Down while teasing you, when you stop responding, your face is blank except for your down turned eyes.
‘Oh I’ve Fucked Up™’ is his immediate thought
“Y/N you know I didn’t mean that right? We were just playing, I’m sorry!” “Don’t you have a proposal to finish.”
Immediate shoulder drop. Is also upset now but decides to wait a little bit before trying to calm you.
After 30min or so of you hiding under your blanket he decides it’s time to try and pull you out of your head.
Cooks your most aromatic favorite food so the smell wafts into your room
Blasts your comfort playlist on a speaker and loudly sings along to it
When you still don’t come out when the food is done, sits outside the door saying “oh FUCK this shit is BUSSIN’” comically loud, overexaggerates your favorite things about it outloud.
When you eventually give in, just to get some food, he corners you with his body
“What about what I said upset you?” As a genuine question, not a mean one
After you explain, he lets you eat and offers a sincere apology when you finish
Offers to draw a bath with your favorite scent if it’ll help you. It does.
Bokuto (Is the trigger):
You came home and Bokuto had the tv up high while watching tiktoks and listening to music. After a moment the tea kettle went off. Before turning it off he realized you had walked in and bounded over to you. There were Too Many Noises.
He tried to talk over the noise but realized your eyes were boring into his and you had The Look
Also a ‘Oh I’ve Fucked Up™’
Rushes to take the kettle off the heat and turn off his phone before checking on you only to see you’ve already gone in and shut the bedroom door. You didn’t even take your shoes off..
Big pouty, sulky fool. Mopes around for a bit after turning off all the noise in the house.
Eventually looks for other things that upset you and finds that the house is, kind of a mess actually. Decides to clean as quietly as possible.
Does all of your least favorite chores first incase you re-emerge from the bedroom too soon
When everything seems to be done he opens your door and finds you tucked into bed and scrolling on your phone, very quiet music playing from it.
It was only 5pm but he took off his street clothes and climbed into bed as well. 
Absolutely gets up behind you and grabs you around your waist and snuggles in without saying anything even though he wants to
When you finally feel comfortable you look over your shoulder to see Bokutos already fallen asleep. Idiot. 
You order takeout for when he wakes up because, even though he tried his hardest to be quiet, you could hear him washing the dishes and didn’t want to ruin the work he did for you
Kita (Not the trigger):
Very straightforward the second he realizes you are Not Good
"Y/N if you tell me what's wrong it'll end quicker" 
When you don't even look at him he still continues talking "We both know you hate when you're like this. It'll make you feel better if you just talk to me even if you don't want to."
Is fairly stern when talking to you at the beginning. Not mean but just very much like 'this is going to get done whether or not you cooperate.'
If you don't cooperate then he begins to ignore you until you snap and eventually scream and air out everything that's wrong and what triggered you. 
Goes through everything you said with you and gives you an objective perspective although it basically boils down to "I know you can't help it but your ego is hurting you. Not Everything Is About You."
Once your conversation on that is over he asks if you want him to watch tiktok or listen to music or something with you
 Suga (Is the trigger):
He hadn’t meant to ignore you all day. He’d woken up before you and been so busy at work all day he didn’t get a chance to text. It was the club he advised’s meeting day and it was dragging on longer than usual, he hadn’t texted anyone all day to be fair
When he finally comes home he’s confused as to why you’re tucked in on the couch
“Hey Y/N you tired? Sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk today there was a lot of bureaucratic shit going on and then the club president decided we were all going to stay until the end of the activity. Kids am I right?” He laughs and smiles towards you but you continue to ignore him
After some physical encouragement, poking and whatnot, it dawned on him that you are Probably Going Through It
Jesus Christ
Immediately decides he is not having it and moves your legs off the couch so he can sit next you
“Y/N I looovvveeee youuuuu~~~” He says as he pulls you to him by the shoulders “I love you I love you I love youuu” 
Just babbles honestly, goes on and on about how he didn’t mean to ignore you and how he was honestly busy but he’s here now
And like yeah, he is here now so eventually you level out and let yourself be coddled for a bit longer
Makes pinky promises that he promises to text you when he’s busy or going to be running late
Also runs you a nice bath just in case
Ennoshita (Not the trigger):
Knows what's going on because he’s been watching you stare at the tv for about 20 minutes but, the tv is off. 
Is objective with his words like Kita but with more emotional appeal
“Y/N I know you’re in the middle of something but when you’re ready, I’ll be ready to listen to you,”
If, after a while, you don’t make any effort to talk to him he tries to point you in a better direction than staring at walls and moping around
“You don’t have to talk to me but I found a tiktok I think you’d enjoy” or “You know you haven’t tried that new nail polish you bought a bit ago” 
Is okay with just letting you figure it out on your own so you can apply the stuff you’ve worked on with your psychiatrist but will feel a little guilty if he doesn’t say anything at all
Will do anything that you need to get done but aren’t because of your episode like dishes or tidying your room
Ushijima (Not the trigger):
First of all, calls your episodes “tantrums”
Literally has no clue when you’re in an episode unless you tell him, he is not very bright
If you do tell him that you’re having issues he defaults to trying to use physical affection against whatever it is that you’re feeling
May or may not make you angrier by doing that
Although he wasn’t the original trigger, him being so dense might override it tbh
Like you love him but oh my god oh my god oh my god how have you survived this long 
Eventually decides “I do not know how to deal with this” and just leaves. He goes to the store and gets the shopping done for the next 2 weeks and gets some cool looking snacks. 
Thinks ‘well I’m already out, I might as well get the car washed’ after, turns into ‘Oh Y/N needed to get their new prescription too..’ ‘I think I remember a discussion about their package getting stuck at the post office..’
Literally accidentally does every single errand that needed to be done for the next month because he didn’t want to go home and upset you more
When he finally comes back home with 50lbs worth of shit from errands you’re like ????? because how did he know that you were stressed about all the house stuff that needed to be done????? 
It’s not an instant mood changer but you definitely go from seemingly uncontrollable rage to ‘Okay I was being a bit much’ but as you watch him prep veggies before storing them away the way you usually do it, you level out
He is unaware you’ve levelled out so he tries to remember the coping skills you said you talked about with your psychiatrist and you are deeply confused when he asks you to open your palm and places an ice cube in it
When you realize what’s going on you laugh and tell him you’re okay and apologize for how you were being earlier and explain what triggered you
He gives you the cool looking snacks
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georgeinamerc · 2 years
for reals tho bb are you okay im sending you all the hugs. Lmk if you wanna watch smthn today I've got 0 things on my schedule
wuv youuuuu sending you cool blankets on a hot day and soft forehead kisses
I wrote a reply to you 2 times and tumblr glitched in both so now i’m fucking drafting this on my google docs😭 I swear that was my last straw lmaooo
Anyways, i really am not doing good but i seriously can’t thank you enough for the kindness you always bring to my inbox!! It helps me so so much, you are an amazing human being❤️❤️
DUDE that tweet fucking destroyed meeee it’s really alarming how relatable my socials are getting atp… sorry for attacking you w it as well tho 😫 PLEASE you are welcome any time here hahah i could even take you to an island for vacation just sayingg 👁️👄👁️ Ahh i really do need a hug rn tho ngl, it’s been one of the worst periods of my life. We've had so many failed attempts at finding an apartment for me and the day we were supposed to go see one that looks really fitting for me, my brother had his medical exams. It’s been 2 weeks and they haven’t contacted since. Then as you’ve probably seen my therapist lowkey ghosted me jhbgjtbrjg and my dad is just being his usual self… There’s more but i wouldn’t want every thought of mine to be on the open for the whole tumblr to see, yk, i may be the queen of oversharing but even i have boundaries😭
Lmao we really should have a call and just complain about everything and everyone hahah pls feel free to let it all out here if u need to, i would never post any of it obviously but just know you have an ear that will listen<3 I would love it but i have SO much studying for my exams and i shouldn’t procrastinate more :( we’ll find a day for it tho!!
Love you sm and again thank you for everything, i'm so glad tumblr gave me an amazing person like you❤️❤️❤️❤️
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bts-starlight · 7 years
a-z game
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better 
I was tagged by @taev-gucci thank youuuuu I love you lots 
Age: 18 
Birthplace: Northern Ireland
Current time: 21:59
Drink you last had: Tea (with lots of milk don’t judge me)
Easiest person to talk to: Probably my mum because I can’t hide anything from her lol and I haven’t been too lucky in the trustworthy friends department? I’m quite open though so really anyone who I talk to??
Favourite song: Can’t say I have one particular favourite song but one that gives me good memories and brings me back to childhood is Dancing Queen by ABBA
Grossest memory: has to be the time I crashed into the wall on my bike and just blood was everywhere the pain ugh I can still feel it
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor!!
In love: With life? With the world? With people? This question extends to my love of BTS, chocolate chip cookies and the sunrise!
Jealous of people: Not exactly, sometimes I think I am but I realise maybe it’s more anger if something unfair happens to myself or others?? Not jealousy though…
Killed someone: Wouldn’t you like to know…
Love at first sight or should I walk by again: Sorry I’m in my own world most of the time you’re gonna need to walk by another 100 times
Middle name: Antonia
Number of siblings: 0 unfortunately, unless you count people who call me the “sister I never had” or my cousin who basically is my adopted brother when he comes over
One wish: To be the reason people smile
Person you called last: My nana (she doesn’t understand the technology of the hand-held mobile device)
Question you’re always asked: “Are you really *insert current age*? You look younger!” (I’m immortal)
Reason to smile: BTS???? Need I say more????
Song you last sang: More Than You Know by Axwell Ingrosso
Time you woke up: 10:21AM (I sacred myself awake accidentally so I remember very vividly lol)
Underwear colour: Black (like my soul)
Vacation destination: THE WORLD (you think I’m joking, I’m not)
Worst habit: Gosh hold up lemme count… I smile when I lie (this is surprisingly useful when playing cards… I am not in the mafia) I blush like crazy when I’m embarrassed, I rub my nose when I’m nervous and I bite my lips unknowingly???
X-rays: When I nearly fractured my wrist when I was 11, when I had braces, I was 13/14?? I think??
Your favourite food: Pepperoni Pizza hands down but I love food so hand me anything apart from fish, I’m sorry I cannot stand the smell lol apologies to all you fish-lovers
Zodiac sign: Aries!
I’ll tag: @saltyassuga @jiminnie-jams @dustandrubies @taengerinee @kthspjm @luminarypjm @cloudycypher @solafideflower @bangbangbangtanx @jungkooksknee @skeletonhobi lmao you can ignore me, I just love you all and all your blogs make my day xoxoxox
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geekalogian · 7 years
The Perfect Sting, Chapter 10
Multi-Chapter Mystery Diners AU :D
On AO3 Here :D
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9
A/N: Oh my gosh you guys.  Two updates inside of a week.  I know, I’m surprised too. I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS CHAPTER.  I hope you love it as much as I do <3 SO MUCH STORY LEFT!!!! 
Emma inhaled deeply, letting the salt air and the sound of crashing waves and chattering pedestrians wash over her once again.  That welcoming sensation almost made her forget the reason she had arrived that afternoon.  At least Walsh had picked a place that put her at ease.
He was supposed to arrive any minute.  She leaned against a worn wooden post, part of the makeshift barrier that separated the parking lot from the beachfront, and scanned the cars for any sign of his beat-up green Buick.  Her vision drifted just past the parking lot, to the winding path that led to the Pier where she had been just a couple short weeks ago with Killian, but Emma shook her head and redirected her attention back to the cars in front of her.
This was about getting closure with Walsh, one way or the other.  That was it.  No need to bring work into this.
But was Killian really just a part of work anymore?
A buzz from Emma’s phone kept her from wandering down that trail of thought.  She glanced down to see a text from Walsh.
So Sorry. Customer would not shut up about our Chaise Lounge options, got out of the store a bit late.  Will be there ASAP, meet me by the beachfront entrance.  Love you xx
“Great,” she muttered.  Late again.  He’d probably only be five more minutes or so—his furniture store wasn’t that far from the beach—but Emma was still tempted to jog down to the Lemon Ice stand and get something to munch before he got there, just to drive the point home.  He had been the one who wanted to sort things out like this, couldn’t he at least be—
“Emma?  Emma Swan?  Why, isn’t this the loveliest of surprises!”
The familiar voice made Emma’s blood run cold.
No.  Not here.  Not now.  Not today.
Emma slipped into an easy grin and turned around.  “Zelena?”  Sure enough, the baker was standing right beside her, adorned in a green sundress and floppy hat.
Zelena let out a little squeal and flung her arms around Emma in an enthusiastic hug. “Oh, how lovely to see you again!  You know, we’ve been hard at work designing your cake and I really think you’re going to love it!”   Emma gasped and wriggled free of the woman’s embrace, and did her best to quell the rising panic in her gut.
“Oh, wow, that’s. . . that’s amazing!  I can’t wait until we get to come and see it.  What, uh. . . what are you doing here?”
“Well, you know what they say about all work and no play, Emma,”  Zelena winked.  “My dear old friend wanted to meet up for a picnic lunch and introduce me to someone special.”  She leaned in conspiratorially. “About time, if you ask me!  What about you?  Where’s Killian?”
“OH!  Well, you know. . . .”  Emma laughed.  “I was starting to wonder the same thing!  Would you mind? I should probably give him a call.”  She scanned the parking lot one last time.  Good.  No sign of the green buick yet.  She frantically dialed Killian up with one hand, shoving her left hand into her purse to grasp around for the ring.
“Swan?”  Killian’s voice was groggy.
“Hey, sweetheart!”  Emma tried her best to sound bright and upbeat, even though she had moved several paces away from Zelena.  “You’ll never guess who I ran into at the beach!”
“Bloody hell,” There were rustling sounds as Killian seemed to wake up very abruptly.  “Zelena? Today?  At the—hang on.  I can be there in two minutes.”
“Glad to hear it!  Love youuuuu,” Emma hung up just as she finally found the ring box in her purse.  Glancing back over her shoulder, she slid the ring on her finger while Zelena was still looking out across the cars.  Emma allowed herself a moment of pure, unadulterated panic.  What if Walsh got here while Zelena was waiting for her friend? What if he tried to kiss Emma?  What if he got there and Killian was kissing Emma?  Why did she think that reconciling with Walsh in the middle of this stupid fake engagement situation would be anything even close to simple?  Her mind raced as she tried to come up with a way to keep Walsh away from the sting, and the sting away from him—but nothing was coming to her.  What was she going to tell Isaac?
Zelena was chattering incessantly about the friend she was supposed to meet with—an old pal from high school, apparently, though Emma picked up little else in her haze of anxiety—when Emma saw Walsh’s green Buick pull into the lot.  Her chest tightened, and for a moment Emma thought she was going to avoid this entire situation by passing out right there on the asphalt, inches away from the sand.
That was when two arms swept up underneath her, and she felt a scruffy chin resting against her forehead.
“There you are, love,” Killian announced his presence a touch louder than necessary, and Zelena swirled to look at them—instantly, a beaming smile spread across her face.  “Sorry, I thought you were meeting me at the Pier—I was busy getting everything ready.”
“Oh, no trouble,” Emma turned around in his arms to face him, mouthing a “thank you” right before kissing him on the cheek.  She pulled away and looked over at Zelena again, and tried to ignore the messy head of brown hair that was rising out of the Buick, headed quickly towards them.  “I was just talking to Zelena about our cake—she says it’s coming along.”
“That’s wonderful news,” Killian broke into a grin.  “I trust our unorthodox requests haven’t been too much trouble?” “Oh, don’t worry your little heads about that,” Zelena waved her hand.  “You two lovebirds just focus on the rest of the planning for your special day!  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m actually looking for someone . . .”
Emma squeezed Killian’s shoulder, just about ready to dismiss him to wherever he had materialized from so that she could figure out a way to explain this to Walsh, when she heard Zelena’s voice again.
“Oh look, there he is!  Walsh, darling, you simply must meet my favorite customers!”
Emma froze.  She glanced back up at Killian, whose brow was furrowed.  She then heard Walsh’s voice, halted and unsteady, reply, “Zelena!  Hey. . . I thought I told you to meet us farther down, by the restaurant?”
From that point, it took Emma roughly half a second to figure out what was happening.  It took her less than that to figure out how to respond.
Guiding Killian’s hand around her waist, Emma sauntered over to where Walsh and Zelena were standing.  “Wow, Walsh,” Emma piped up.  “When you said you wanted to meet my fiancé, I didn’t realize you were bringing a plus one!  And the baker for our wedding cake, too—what a coincidence.”
Zelena looked to Emma, then to Walsh—whose face was turning an appropriate shade of seafoam green—back to Emma.  “I’m sorry. . . Walsh said he was going to introduce me to a ‘very special someone,’ and I thought—“
“Oh, Walsh is always like that, so secretive and dramatic.” Emma cut her off, but kept her gaze fixed unwaveringly on Walsh.  “He loves surprises.  But he was right, in a way—Killian is a very special someone, and I’m so happy I finally get to introduce him to someone like Walsh.”
Killian took the lead here, stepping forward and extending his hand.  “Walsh, I presume.  Killian Jones, at your service—or, more appropriately, at her service.”  His smile was just a touch icy as Walsh took his hand.  “Always. At her service.”
There was a faint series of pops as Walsh and Killian shook hands.  Walsh winced.
“Firm handshake you got there, pal.”
“I save it for special occasions, friend.”
“Now, now, boys, there will be plenty of time for male bonding over lunch.”  Emma smiled, looping her arm into Killian’s.  “Shall we? It’s still a bit of a walk, and we’ll need to pick up the pace if we’re going to get a beachside table!”
“Um. . . of course,” Zelena nodded, scanning Walsh’s visibly shaken form one last time.  “I hate to be the one to mention the elephant in the room, but I’m feeling like I’m missing out on some subtext here.  Is everything alright?  It just feels rather awkward.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Emma looked back, regarding Walsh with another hard stare.  “I guess this might be a little awkward, though.  See, a while ago, Walsh and I used to date.”
With that, Zelena seemed satisfied, and the four of them walked towards their lunch destination.  Walsh trailed several paces behind the others.
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“Swan—“ “No I might actually do it.  Like physically murder him.  Do you know any cops? Bail bondspeople? Lawyers? You might want to give them a call because I am going to kill him.”
The lunch had passed awkwardly but uneventfully, and now Emma was below deck in the Jolly Roger, nursing a drink of rum, glancing out the window and occasionally punching the bean bag chair in which she sat.  Killian stood calmly beside the wet bar, his own drink in hand.
“Make no mistake, you’ll have no argument from me,” Killian shrugged.  “I would just like to understand what the devil just happened.  Walsh was. . . the leak? He told Zelena about us?”
“Sort of,” Emma grumbled, downing the rest of her drink all at once.  “He’s smart enough to know that I’d see that coming a mile away.  There’s all kinds of legal crap I could have Isaac sic on him if he straight-up told anyone about a sting.”
“So then. . .”  Killian raised his eyebrows, gesturing with his hand for Emma to go on.
“I guess it’s just dumb, stupid, awful luck that he knew Zelena in high school,” Emma shrugged.  “But once he figured that part out, which must not have taken very long, he thought he’d be able to end this whole thing by getting her to accidentally stumble on the sting.”  She crossed over to where Killian was standing to refill her glass.  “He told her about Ogre Mountain because it’s where I go to blow off steam.  Hoped I wouldn’t make the connection until after she got to know me.  Then I’d have to request someone else take the job with you.”
“And this little charade?  What on earth could he hope to gain?”
“Expose me as his girlfriend while seeming like an innocent coincidence,” Emma took another gulp from her glass.  “Did you hear him? He wanted her to wait by the restaurant.  By that point, we’d have been walking together. . . he probably would have tried to have things smoothed over by then so we’d be holding hands or some crap.”  She shook her head.  “Then she’d see us together, he’d explain that he knew her and wanted us to meet and he had been trying really hard not to interfere but whoops, looky there, she ambushed him.”
“Until she saw you, decided to strike up a conversation, and his careful ruse was exposed,” Killian nodded.  “Even so, it requires that this Walsh character consider you incredibly dull.  Would he really assume that you couldn’t put two and two together?  Or that you wouldn’t find a way to talk around that scenario with Zelena?”
“When Walsh is jealous,” Emma began, taking another swig and near-collapsing back in the chair, “that’s all that matters to him.  Plus, after all, I’m a glorified waitress anyway, right? It’s not like the work I do matters, not like selling a freaking loveseat to a middle-aged couple for their summer home. . .”
Killian approached the chair, reaching out to gingerly lift the glass out of Emma’s hand, but her grip was iron.  “Well, I suppose your encounter with Walsh was somewhat of a success after all, then?”
Emma laughed.  “Yeah, I mean, can’t ask for better closure than finding out he’s a lying, traitorous ape.  Plus it sold our cover even better to Zelena.  Time to celebrate!”  Her voice took a dark, angry edge.  “My love life is crap, but our fake engagement is stronger than ever!”  She finished her glass again, and this time bumped against Killian, blocking her way back to the rum.
“Perhaps we ought to get you something to eat before the next round,” He murmured, brows knit together in concern.
“I’m fine,” she grumbled, losing her balance slightly and steadying herself with hands against Killian’s shoulders.  He raised an eyebrow, and she leaned closer to inspect his face.  That genuine worry.  That sincerity.  It was so. . . different.
“Let me stay,” she whispered.
Killian blinked, blue eyes widening in shock.  “Pardon?"
“Look, we don’t know if Zelena’s gone, she and Walsh were gonna catch up.  I’m clearly not driving any time soon, so we might as well. . . make it convincing.  I can text Elsa, tell her not to wait up, and leave in the morning.  You could probably sneak off later if you and Will have plans or something. . .”
“I’ll stay with you,” Killian cut her off.  “You’re in no condition to be aboard a vessel alone.  Besides, I could be just as easily identified as you.  And I was planning on spending the weekend here anyway.”
“Well then. . .I guess we have the night to ourselves,” Emma smiled.
Killian smiled back, nervously—Emma hazily wondered if she had ever really seen him nervous before.  He hovered, lips inches from hers, for just a second.  Then he gripped her shoulders and guided her back to her seat.
“You should call Elsa,” He scratched behind his ear.  “I’ll. . . I’ll prepare us some sustenance.  No Granny’s, certainly, but still a perfectly serviceable meal.”
Emma fumbled with her phone, cursing herself silently.  She was an idiot—angry, tipsy, maybe even a little bit heartbroken—but an idiot all the same.  How was she going to be able to get back to “friends” after this?
She was too dazed to notice the way Killian’s fingers reverently traced his own lips as he slid out of sight.
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