#I am still very fond of betty tho
sergeantpixie · 10 months
So you know that I need to ask you about Riverdale ships---did you/do you ship Barchie, Bughead, Varchie, Jeronica, Beronica, all or none of the above...?! :)
So I didn't watch enough of the show to get really invested so everything I ship is based off of a) reading the comics as a kid and b) the dynamics that intrigued me in the 7 or so episodes that I watched.
Which is basically Barchie and Cheryl/Betty. I didn't really mind most of the other ships - I will say I was almost comatose levels of bored anytime Veronica and Archie were interacting - but I can't say I was super invested, either, sorry! Maybe things would've changed if I kept watching but as I always say, I was only watching because I thought Cheryl had murdered her brother and I Wanted to See That, but alas, I lost interest once I realized it was probably one of her parents (I never actually looked that up, but I was leaning more towards her dad).
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libidomechanica · 4 years
“how many a token”
Stay while I kissd how many a token  oershading grown, and as 
her minds is oer, then she loves, her  feelings all have moment at this 
their lee— another magazines of art  or slack the tenor; these 
last of those holy sisterhood.  Forefinger moves, and security 
will ye not a page of  sterilized children still be there 
was an old world was  not a thought by pachas, some 
irregularity of my ninetieth  year, I feel my father, if 
only I could divine its so trim and  his forehead, and of 
this was not much, is not  your hero quietly 
her Johnny! It is snowing a  much more than neither 
flower loves the green den the  sense to critic and 
tower on the bright, the  morning; but to chance; others, 
because he fell, and  of some strange how some folks hair 
is the blue and sooner was  grown with each 
other did if a football tears,  green den the old mans life— 
I recommend younger than these, the  requisition, and seven 
years ago (long ere I dreamed that the  down, alone all the 
wings mortal things he wanted  your eyes moved that several 
pair of love even, all my beloved  and their eyes. Because 
to quake;  the only meant to 
run through the lonely lie round which  trembled almost ten, they help me unravel, 
they hired him, fair,) till what  is the small sympathy, 
forsooth, scarcely has a wider choice  of no great good watches 
till held Juans breath, when a  persons of dryness find the 
door was fastend, but spare the  most ready to 
retort; I have spent betimes— my heart;          nor  altar heapd with porringer 
and oer his voice itself to  an unworthy of the 
best intentions; sir Humphry  Davys lantern, by which chiefly 
may, and eagerly frequent doctor  from the eyes 
of their utmost for divorced old  basin, but whether glory, 
the pair. Ah, take the heaunly  face of god look deep into 
treasure is glitters but grows  colder heart serenely 
living with case; but what  Loue decrees I, forcd, agreed, yet with 
strange design, and were none  to lovers, moralities; 
but just such love as I am?  Shall I seek (for speedy ease) 
all the wood. Stella thine, my Highland  lassie, O. Were transport 
me farthest from the Tower of  Darkness cries, “fools! To believed 
in starling;” why the sea  entombd the Victor is, 
and new, doth sport, can it be  a hell, her swears, and 
now determined the English  always signs or footmarks, 
but found no Key: there is the prompters  copy; for her Ill 
blythely bear it, meek as a  lamb the poets lay, and 
worse, and meal, robert Burns: “fie on silly  coward:– you think to fly 
the castle gate, and let the  Rose that grace, as being 
fond of fire. Amazd, she took the  reason; when proud 
of him thy husbands life, climbing up  into them, at 
least appeard in mail of his spurs  in the half-serious 
saying I will never mind was  not made through the moon thats 
lovely is but a tremor breath, the  Moorish maid, from Female 
love should hear the waters sweep;’‘t is  so very sorry, very much 
ashamed, and howling, leapd oer again,  if we should be so,—but—
it cannot fry. Of its  hares, and so clear March night hours; 
thy voice, and hell alone. And have  sent home some blunder, which arose 
next decided; you deliberately  take you drink your 
wakend hate;’ since which Julia ‘Fire!  And sigh, or glances, sweeter 
still, and slow, and anger, ever true —  I love himself about, in sport— 
of air which I love all the  line & her people quite them to 
the muse of Moor or  Hebrew tongue to save that 
content, and haggard with  inward envy groan, finding river, 
are loves it and day’ like a  stone her pain if she must 
come, for the youth shy, their labyrinth  of friend being drawn and 
fairest now; a love the cold  Lip I kiss thy garments steps: Although 
her can compare, She says in  five hundred 
thought beyond all the  watches. great wish these words he 
took the Dark? whaever has met wi  the queen o the fairy 
art like for ever rose on  Scotland all date, even disdaind to 
gaze upon a like other would  pass— so that hidden in the 
stars were stirs a quiet on  the stroke of Hell; theres 
not so spread like to see even  into the 
little crow-quill, slight at her: the  lisp of children still, and, forced 
to bits—and then flew over the  second lifeless as 
amber store she must steep our  head toward daybreak we wind 
walks oer his brain about his love-knot  into rhyme, good 
this delights to lose itself, without  the ear become 
of this calm and quietly  to cock. To bring 
you until we cease to resume  to assert 
this warning for a divorce,  beneath the Garden wears, and 
sae in love, old Susan said cried Betty  Foy! But sold by the pity, 
with which derived a  double even their tongue than for 
this young heart, Im a modern  we are thrust into 
hers, and I together lives  become to me; Im fond of 
troublesome confounded and love thee!  She who found at anchor under great 
came too long. For Donna Julias tongue  was not sound she just- 
save change: Ive stood on the arts, at  least before, and in 
a fit condition: ’‘t is all a  Chequer-board of such heartfelt 
reluctantly, still steadfast, still at her  father, and leeze me on my 
spinnin’ wheel, and far into  the dead, and treating 
to rain. Oh could not known, and  Jamshýds Sevn Thousand pity 
joined us. If she could urge a  few brief dream and defy all other 
time, when the morning  blushes, combs, complete, where 
they first, as the little snakes of  silver fleur-de-lis; because, 
for, for  mischief; they who calld the 
policemen who killd for being  to its chosen a 
country swain, tho shelterd since, exceedingly  well-bred, and all the vow?”
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
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Graphic by: Katie ( @betty-cooper )
This week the spotlight is on Sarah ( @onceuponamirror )! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones
SARAH | @onceuponamirror
Name: Sarah  
Age: 25
Location: California
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: alas, nope. 
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: I actually enjoy most of the characters, but I know I would like all of them better if the writing actually was focused on characterization, lol. But obviously I quite like Bughead. And then honestly I like all of the Veronica ships. I also like Choni but i think the writing could’ve been a lot better.
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: Betty repeatedly saying “what’s my name” to Alice was really powerful and one of the moments that sold me on the show early on, especially in the acting from that scene, and then 1x07 was a really wonderful exploration of a broken relationship between father and son that was still fill with a lot of love despite how painful it was. The family/character moments early on were strong. In s2….the acting continued to be pretty good, and the addition of totally campy things like Papa Poutine and his son Small Fry were the wacky kind of delight I seek from riverdale. 
What are your hopes for S3?: consistent characterization, and hopefully some fun weirdo hippie moments. 
Other fandoms you’re into?: I was in the Once Upon a Time fandom for a long time. But that show has ended now. 
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: The Americans, The Good Place, The Office, Parks And Rec, Glow, Orphan Black, The Bold Type, Queer Eye, Jane The Virgin, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Favourite books?: All About Love by Bell Hooks, A Thousand Eyes: Media Technology, Law, and Aesthetics, Kafka On The Shore by Haruki Murakami, and Just Kids by Patti Smith. I need to find more fiction to read, but don’t really know where to start in terms of what I’m really looking for. 
Favourite bands/musicians?: FLEETWOOD MAC!! I think anyone who has visited my blog even once probably knows this lmao. 
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: uh, Harry Potter universe, no contest. I mean, given that I too would be a witch anyway. 
Favourite food?: mm. Probably tomatoes. Love a good tomato. 
Favourite season?: autumn!!!
Favourite plant?: oh this is hard. I do love a big split leaf monstera! 
Favourite scent?: eucalyptus.
Favourite colour?: blue.
Favourite animal?: also hard. Have you ever heard the sounds a porcupine makes tho? 
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: fun combo of a person who likes to stay up late who also naturally wakes up early. But on my good days, I’m an early bird. 
Place you want to visit?: Japan! Or spend more time in Scotland than I’ve had before. 
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: I have a cat. She’s afraid of her own shadow and I love her dearly.
Tell us a little about yourself?: I am a freelancer in a creative field, I’m a big fan of analysis (show or writing or otherwise), and my interests tend to rotate around the arts and plants.
Fun or weird fact about you?: I am a very, very good whistler. Can do all the vibrato stuff. 
Asks for fanfic authors:
How long have you been writing?: since I was like 11-12, honestly. 
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: Heart Rise Above is very dear to me for many reasons, but beyond just the satisfaction of telling the story in way I’m happy with, it also represents a huge number of goals that I met. I’d never written anything multi-chapter, let alone over 100k. It helped me get over a lot of my insecurities. 
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: HRA is prob my favorite fic, my favorite chapter was probably the “water” chapter (17 i think) in HRA, my favorite plot-point is something from A Deed Without A Name so i shouldn’t say yet, and my favorite character….I mean, I’m fully aware that I basically came up with an original character in JB. She appears in most of my fics because I firmly believe that she better rounds out Jughead and my goals for him, but she’s also become a solidified figure in my mind. And I’m fond of her; or at least, my version, lol.
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: Stealing Home has been a continued challenge, just because it’s such a different universe from canon while still needing to maintain consistent and recognizable characterization. But I like challenges!
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: I listen to a lot of music while I write in order to tap into the tonal atmosphere I want to build, but a lot of my ideas start with a vague concept, sometimes launched by a single image I saw (HRA was inspired by a set photo) and then I work backwards to a larger theme and intent. My process depends on the story, but often I make a lot of “beginning, middle, and end” notes to myself for where each character has to go and what has to happen, plot wise, at those stages.
Idea that you always wanted to write?: I’d like to one day tackle a long, multi-chapter story that spans only 24 hours. We’ll see!
Favourite character to write?: Jughead, I think. But i also really like writing Veronica, turns out. 
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: @village-skeptic leaves incredibly detail-oriented reviews, and I eat them up. But then I’ve had some personal messages about the impact some stories have on them and it just — wow. That’s amazing. It means so much to me.
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: It’s incredibly satisfying to escape into someone else’s woes or joys sometimes. Especially when my mental health takes a toll on me, being able to work through some of my own feelings via another character is…cathartic. The worst is that it’s a vulnerable thing, sharing that side! Even if you don’t consciously put those things into your writing, any time you put anything creative out to share with others, it’s nerve wracking. Validation is a tricky thing. 
Do you have any advice to offer?: Ultimately, be passionate about why you want to do something. All other doubts and worries and insecurities will be outweighed if you understand why you’re doing what you’re doing.
This is the seventh instalment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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