#I am stuck in this liminal space separate from everyone else
wildgeesedotpdf · 11 months
When the experience is alienating 😂
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blue-opossum · 3 years
Photographs and Gifts From Unfamiliar Pen Pals (telepathic)
        Morning of December 28, 2021. Tuesday.
        Dream #: 20,098-02. Optimized 2 minute read.
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        My dream starts with an envelope arriving in the mail. It is supposedly from pen pals (though I cannot identify them). Two unfamiliar girls (possibly roommates) sent me one letter (from what country is unknown).
        The envelope impossibly has more content each time I look (typical for a dream of this type). At first, it is mostly photographs of various locations in different countries. They appear to feature all the places the girls have been. There are also postcards.
        When somatosensory phasing becomes predominant, I pick up a stack of postcards. However, on the top, there is a miniature plastic serving tray (about the same size as the postcards) wrapped tightly in transparent plastic. It features a narrow extension from the bottom of each end that serves as an angular "foot." (See the image if available.) It has a couple of cat head paintings on the top, near each end. When I hold it for a short time, I vividly feel the right end snap off, though in an irregular line. I first match the sections together but push the broken-off piece into a recess in the tray's edge, making the right side shorter. The details change each time I look.
        I become annoyed as I notice many of the photographs and postcards I have not looked at are stuck together. I try to separate a few, but the surface tears off, removing parts of the image.
        I see a small card (about two-thirds the size of the postcards) that seems to be a thank-you card. I open it upwards, anticipating a short letter written to me, but I do not see my name. There is handwriting in blue ink over the card's text.
        It says "mommy mommy" in lower-case cursive handwriting. I read a short handwritten paragraph about driving safely to save everyone. I am puzzled and ask Zsuzsanna, "What was the address again?" Supposedly, it had my name and address but is "in transition." Maybe it was meant to be forwarded to someone else despite being addressed to me.
        The piece of the tray breaking off establishes the REM atonia marker (physical immobility while sleeping).
        As with thousands of previous dreams, there are telepathic (for lack of a better word) signifiers. This attribute has almost exclusively occurred between Zsuzsanna and me, even long before we knew each other in waking life. It also coincides with the predictable phasing responses, which I find somewhat odd. It never required any effort and is always incidental to the most unlikely features or events she witnesses while (or before) I sleep. Also, I usually only learn about it after writing a dream report.
        For example, Zsuzsanna had talked to her sister, who had gotten a miniature plastic serving tray (I did not even know existed), and a coin purse with a painted cat head on each side. Zsuzsanna had also been peeling apart a surface from a non-stick iron. Dreams mix up enigmatic space (and liminal space) factors like other features and events.
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